How to use Mind Power to get what you Want
How to use Mind Power to get what you Want |
- How to use Mind Power to get what you Want
- Using Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Every Day
- Massage May Enhance Exercise Benefits, Study Finds
- The Secret To Stress Relief: Meditation-With A Difference
- Sleep Apnea Linked with Silent Strokes
- Get Taller with Yoga
- Pfizer Recalls Birth Control Pills
- Buddhistic C91 Dual Card Quad Band Super Mini Cell Phone
- “When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over.” Thich Nhat Hanh
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- “When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over.” Thich Nhat Hanh
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How to use Mind Power to get what you Want Posted: 01 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Jeremy MacDonald Positive people don't live a life of negative experiences, but negative people will live a life of negative experiences. Why? Well I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but...It's completely your fault! You are the reason why you are not rich yet. You are the reason why you have not attracted your sole mate. You are the reason why you are unlucky. You are the reason you're stuck in a dead end job. You are to blame for your lack of positive experiences. I'm sorry I had to break it to you, but it is for your own good. The reason why you and millions of other people are living in a life of negative experience is simple. You dwell so much on what is not a part of your life, so your mind generously offers your reality just that- exactly what you are trying to change. The power of your mind is a powerful tool. It can do much more than you have been taught in school my friend. Attention focused mind power can literally change your reality. I realize if you have never focused you intentions (I'm not talking drifting thoughts), I mean really concentrated on the intention of an outcome, it's hard to comprehend what I'm talking about. Let me explain what I mean. You or your mind rather is constantly firing neurons (that little electric spark in your brain that gives birth to thought, feeling, memory, cognition, etc.) at an astonishing rate of speed per second. Now, let me ask you this. How many of those little neurons or electric bits of information firing in a 24 hour period are flooding your mind and body with fear, worry, anger, hatred, jealousy, frustration, anxiety, stress, and doubt? I'll bet my left arm it's more than you are willing to admit. Instead of contemplating what is not in your life, why not focus your mind's power on experiencing the thoughts, feelings, cognitions on Already Having what you want. I know, it sounds far fetched, but hear me out. You can manifest anything you want in your life by using the healing power of the mind. The p! ower of the human mind is the root source of accumulating what you want. Your subconscious mind or unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality. So it makes sense that bombarding your mind with negativity or what is Not there will manifest only negativity and what is Not there into your reality, doesn't it? Your life is determined by the thoughts, feelings, and cognitions of your focused mind. It is so easy that it is hard to grasp, I know. I changed my mind, and now I love everything about my life. You have the potential to do the same. Your transformed mind, staying clear of the fear, worry, doubt, and self-pity, will produce a whole new you that is generating an abundance of what you want because you are thinking about already having it! Think from the end. Think of already being, doing, or having what you desire. If you use your imagination and intentions to see yourself already successful, or with your dream partner, or healthy, or muscular, you will make it happen with the quantum mind power of focused intention! Quantum mind power is like accumulating everything you ever wanted in life. All you got to do is focus your intentions; I mean really focus in detail and frequently. You have the power to change your life using your mind power. You have the ability to life in positive experiences. This will help you walk the path. It is so easy and your subconscious mind has already known this since you were born. What you'll accumulate from your quantum mind power will far outweigh the live you are living now. Imagination creates experience. Start living your life today. About the AuthorJeremy MacDonald can give more information on this life transforming information upon request. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Using Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Every Day Posted: 01 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Paul DiGiovanni In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Chopra supplies a "practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams". Chopra's Laws of Success are ultra powerful, however using them during everyday activity can be quite a difficult task. As guaranteed by Chopra, he offers some useful guidance on exactly how to put into action the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success in your everyday life. Because there are Seven Laws of Success, he recommends you concentrate on one Law for every day of the week. This can be the regular schedule to adhere to: - Sunday: Pure Potentiality - Monday: Law of Giving - Tuesday: Karma - Wednesday: Least Effort - Thursday: Intention and Desire - Friday: Detachment - Saturday: Dharma This enables you to concentrate on one Law rather than attempting to handle all seven each day . At, we assist you to stick to the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by showcasing one Law every day. You'll find the showcased Law at the top of the right-hand sidebar on every web page (shown above). For every law, we've supplied a brief overview of the law and the three actions steps to activate the law in your everyday life. The secret is to help remind your self each day to activate the Law of the Day into your life. Take a few minutes after you get up, visit and look at the Law we've got showcased for the day. You'll be able to get the Law into your attention and also plan specific actions designed to activate the Law. For instance, each Sunday we observe the Law of Pure Potentiality. The 3 action methods with this Law are the following: 1. Meditate every day.2. Commune with nature.3. Exercise non-judgment. If you take a few minutes each morning, you are able to help remind yourself to put aside some time for meditation, plan a walk or run in a nearby park, making a goal to not judge other people and yourself for the entire day. It is just as easy as putting the Law into your consciousness. By delivering each less! on into your consciousness every day, you provide yourself a opportunity to help make different choices and consider some actions that can produce results. About the AuthorFor further explanations of each law of success, visit Activating the Spiritual Laws of Success! Radical Spirituality Lessons-God is Beyond Morality-3 of 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Massage May Enhance Exercise Benefits, Study Finds Posted: 01 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST While some may enjoy a massage to soothe pain after an intense workout, new research gives some evidence that the effects of a massage go beyond providing a good feeling. People who worked out for 70 minutes and then had a massage showed a marked increase in their muscle cells' energy production, and a decrease in inflammation in the cells, a small study from Canada found. For many years, people have gotten massages "without a huge amount of scientific underpinning," said study researcher Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, head of the division of neuromuscular and neurometabolic disease at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. "Our work raises the very interesting possibility that endurance exercise may be enhanced, or at least the benefits may be enhanced, for those who have a massage following their exercise," Tarnopolsky said. The study is published today (Feb. 1) in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Massaging the muscles In the study, 11 young men exercised to exhaustion, which took about 70 minutes, and then after a brief rest, had one leg massaged while the other was not. Researchers analyzed tissue samples taken from the men's leg muscles shortly after the massage, and again after two and a half hours of rest, and compared them with samples they had taken from the participants after a previous, briefer workout. They found two significant changes in the massaged muscles: a reduction in inflammation, and an increase in the production of mitochondria, which serve as an energy source in the body's cells. "The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, and increases of mitochondria are at the heart of the benefits of endurance exercise," Tarnopolsky said. At the same time, the researchers did not find any evidence of one often-touted benefit of massage. The massage had no effect on reducing lactic acid, which builds up in muscles during exercise. "I think that this contributes to the growing body of thoughtful scientific work suggesting that massage itself, one, does have clear benefits and, two, there are ways that we can begin to discern the biology of why massage has those benefits," said Dr. Mark Hyman Rapaport, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine. "It's remarkable to me they're getting such profound effects with only 10 minutes of massage intervention," said Rapaport, who has studied the effects of massage for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Massages that heal? Rapaport said future research should give a better idea of where massage may be a "biologically active" treatment, and could help with healing and athletic training. The new study suggests "that by getting a massage, the athletes are getting something that is decreasing inflammation and promoting a more positive feeling," he said. One future research direction will be to examine the long-term effect of massage after a workout. While the short-term effects seem positive, Tarnopolsky said, that there are some reasons to think there may be adverse effects from massage down the line. In part, that's because the role of the body's natural inflammation process in healing is not fully understood. "If we suppress inflammation, could we slow down the healing process?" Tarnopolsky said, explaining that some recent research has raised these concerns. "Although [massages] make you feel better, by reducing inflammation, is that actually reducing the body's ability to repair?" Future research, he said, should answer those questions. "That's really the next step," Tarnopolsky said. "If we're slowing down inflammation, might a person be able to recover faster from a marathon or very heavy training session? Would it allow a top-sport athlete to put in a higher volume of training to get ready for a competition?" he said. Pass it on: New research shows massage has biological effects on the body, and it may have a long-term impact after exercise. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. richard gere's buddishmThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Secret To Stress Relief: Meditation-With A Difference Posted: 01 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Victor Davich Monday, 1:45 PM. Your stressful day is about to become a world-class stressful day. Why? Because you're standing behind The Little Old Lady From Hell!!You're at your local pharmacy because you need to pick up a prescription for your daughter who has the flu. You promised you'd be back in the office by two. But that's never going to happen. Not if the three people ahead of you have anything to say about it. One of them is The Little Old Lady from Hell (LOLFH), an elderly woman on a walker, wearing a hearing aid, who, at the moment, is looking at a package of Maalox as if it has just magically materialized in her hand!Next, LOLFH begins to question the pharmacist assistant, who is trying to be helpful. The guy in front of you anxiously turns to see if another register is open. He is drinking a Red Bull and bobbing up and down on his feet. This doesn't make you feel any calmer. The third person ahead of you is on her cell phone, yakking away with her hair stylist--directly in your ear! You nervously glance at your watch. If you're not back in the office in ten minutes, your boss is going to be furious and you'll miss a crucial conference call. Meanwhile, LOLFH keeps nattering away about antacid pills. This makes you feel good and stressed. You feel like you'd like to pour the entire bottle down her throat, snatch the cell phone out of the woman's hand, fling it into the street, and Crazy Glue the bobbing Red Bull guy's feet to the floor. But this isn't Dodge City in 1870. You can't take the law into your own hands. So you're stuck, stuck in the line from Hell, behind three people whose only function in life is to make the Subway tuna salad you bolted down on the way over here start doing a Tango in your tummy.Besides your stomach upset, you feel other things happening in your body. Like your heart racing, tenseness and pain in your shoulders and chest, flushed face, a sudden urge to pee-even blurry vision. But these physical symptoms are nothing compared to the thoughts racing through your mind. ! Thoughts like: "Why do I always get in the wrong line!?""Why doesn't the counter person tell the LOLFH to wait until she takes care of other customers!?""Why the hell can't I take an extra ten minutes at lunch without getting reamed out by my boss!?""What if I can't make it back on time!? Will I be fired?!"Welcome to the world of stress. If this or a similar experience has ever happened to you, then you know firsthand what stress is. And you don't need-or want-a scientific explanation. You just want that stress to be gone! Chances are good that if you're like the rest of us, you encounter stress and anxiety provoking events on a daily, even hourly basis. And we're not even talking about the big stuff. Like getting "pink slipped" at work on Christmas Eve, or missing the plane to a vital client meeting, or finding out that you, your spouse, or child have a life threatening disease with a 50-50 survival rate-and little or no health insurance. And speaking of health, there's so much stress out there that the medical statistics are mind-boggling: Over 75% of all doctor visits in this country are stress-related. You may be a victim of stress and not even realize what it's doing to you, both physically and mentally. That you will feel stress is a guaranteed, never-ending fact of life. And so your only hope is to learn a way to get through life with the best possible and most effective stress reduction strategy you can find.So what's the answer? Can you escape from stress? Is there some secret tool, technique, or method to reduce stress? The answer to the first question is "no": Stress is a constant companion for all of us. But-and here's the good news-- the answer to the second question is definitely "yes!" There is a secret tool to reduce any kind of stress. Something so simple that you may not believe it at first. And it's this: The fastest, most efficient way out of stress is through it. Yes. I'll repeat this again. Make it a screensaver. Put it under a refrigerator magnet: The fastest, most efficient! way out of stress is through it. "How do I do that!?" you say, "My stress is so dense I need a jackhammer to break through it!" Fortunately, the way "through" stress doesn't require a jackhammer; all it requires is your willingness to deal with stress in a new and constructive way. One that is simple, painless, and, as you will find, might change your life forever. This tool is called "meditation." And given the state of the world-and our national economy-there has never been a better time for you to learn how to use it. There are numerous meditation programs out there to check out and chose from. One of them 8 Minute Meditation Stress Relief, specifically targets stress and uses meditation in 8 minute periods-the time between two TV commercials. It's what you might call "an eastern tool that gives you western results-a way out of your stress. By going through it. About the AuthorVictor Davich is the author & creator of "8 Minute Meditation". TIME Magazine calls it "the most American form of meditation yet." Victor's other best-selling books & audios empower over 90,000 readers with unique Eastern Tools for Western results. Anyone can learn to meditate, and anyone can reduce their stress with these simple Stress Management techniques. How to Manage and Reduce Your Stress Naturally with the Quantum Biofeedback System - www.ianbrown.ccThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sleep Apnea Linked with Silent Strokes Posted: 01 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST People who suffer from severe sleep apnea have an increased risk of silent strokes, a small new study suggests. Sleep apnea is a common disorder characterized by shallow breaths or pauses in breathing during sleep. The pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes, and they usually disrupt sleep. In their study, researchers looked at 56 participants who had suffered a stroke and found that 90 percent also had sleep apnea. "We found a surprisingly high frequency of sleep apnea in patients with stroke," said lead researcher Dr. Jessica Kepplinger, at the Dresden University Stroke Center at the University of Technology in Germany. Those with sleep apnea were more likely than the others to have had silent strokes, a vascular failure in the brain that doesn't exhibit noticeable symptoms. The findings suggest early treatment for sleep apnea could help reduce the risk of such strokes, according to the researchers. More than 18 million American adults suffer from sleep apnea, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The disorder is common among men older than 40. Severe sleep apnea has been linked to other health problems, including high blood pressure and cholesterol. "Sleep apnea is widely unrecognized and still neglected," Kepplinger said. Over an 18-month period, participants in the study underwent overnight in-hospital testing for sleep apnea. Brain scans were used to find evidence of silent strokes and "white lesions" in the brain, which are known to appear after someone has experienced a stroke. Kepplinger and colleagues found that more than one-third of people with white lesions had severe sleep apnea, and more than half who had a silent stroke had sleep apnea. They also found that the severity of sleep apnea increased the risk of being disabled after being hospitalized for a stroke. Because study participants were primarily of western European descent, Kepplinger said the study's findings might not represent the general population. The research will be presented this week at the American Stroke Association annual meeting in New Orleans. Pass it on: People with sleep apnea may have an increased risk of silent stroke. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. TEDxBloomington - Shawn Achor - "The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Hayden Carter It may shock you to learn that yoga class isn't just for flexibility and health. In fact, some people even claim to grow taller after using yoga. Yoga is actually one of the most positive things that one can do because of its effects on the body's flexibility, posture, and overall health that will help the body how to get taller. Yoga was borne out of India and concentrates on developing both physical and mental aspects of the body. Yoga has several major branches of discipline and it is important to note that not all not even most types of yoga will help you grow taller. Another fitness discipline, called pilates, has also been at the center of controversy surrounding its possible effects on height. But also like pilates, there is so much misinformation on what yoga can and cannot accomplish that it would be hysterical if it wasn't so downright sad. Yoga can help you get more flexible, more toned, and stronger than you were previously. But in spite of all its benefits, yoga - in and of itself - cannot make you grow taller all by itself. But yoga can help increase your height tremendously by properly aligning the position of your spine. Not only that, but yoga makes your back stronger, which also makes your core stronger and further helps align your entire body to make you stand taller. Yoga's popularity comes with good reason, including its positive effects for the total body but there is no doubt that yoga's positive effects on height make it an essential tool in your height-increasing arsenal. Yoga is also good for: Insomnia is the enemy of natural height increase. Yoga trains the body in a holistic way so that sleep comes naturally, further contributing to height growth. In addition to actual height, your appearance can make a large difference as well. Your confidence from your improved stature will swell along with your height from using yoga. You will stand taller and straighter from the spinal column optimization that yoga helps incur on your body,! leaving you with the impression that you are taller from your improved posture. When growing taller, you should keep in mind that you must become more flexible to take advantage of the grow taller exercises as well. You will feel sore when first starting out, but this is completely normal as long as its not a sharp pain. Yoga can be instrumental in easing your body through this transition due to increasing your body's resilience and natural recuperative properties. Yoga is just one of several disciplines that you should be concentrating on when learning grow taller, you should never discount its beneficial effects that it can have on your height as well as your overall health and fitness. About the AuthorLearn How to Grow Taller in 4 Easy Steps at the only internet resource dedicated to true height science: the Grow Taller Blog. Hotel Yoga WorkoutThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pfizer Recalls Birth Control Pills Posted: 01 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST
Pfizer Inc. announced today (Jan. 31) that it has voluntarily recalled 14 lots of the birth control pills Lo/Ovral-28, and 14 lots of generic pills labeled Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol tablets. The recall came after an investigation by Pfizer found that some packs may contain an inexact count of inert or active ingredient tablets, and that the tablets may be out of sequence. The cause was identified and corrected immediately, according to a statement from the company. As a result of this packaging error, women taking these pills may be without adequate contraception, and at risk for unintended pregnancy, the company said. These packaging defects do not pose any immediate health risks, however, consumers taking pills from the affected lots should begin using a non-hormonal form of contraception immediately. Patients who have the affected product (lot numbers are provided below) should notify their physician and return the product to the pharmacy. These products are oral contraceptives, indicated for the prevention of pregnancy. These tablets were manufactured and packaged by Pfizer and labeled under the Akrimax Pharmaceuticals brand. This products were distributed to warehouses, clinics and retail pharmacies nationwide, according to the company. These products are packaged in blister packs, containing 21 tablets of active ingredients and seven tablets of inert ingredients. Correct dosing of this product is important in avoiding an unplanned pregnancy. Correctly packaged blister packs are pictured here. The company said that any adverse events that may be related to the use of these products should be reported to Akrimax Medical Information at 1-877-509-3935 (8 a.m. to 7p.m. Monday to Friday CST) or to FDA's Med Watch Program either online, by regular mail or by fax. Online: This recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Lot numbers of affected packs of Lo/Ovral®-28 (norgestrel and ethinyl estradiol) Tablets and Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets (generic) follow on the table below:
The Law of KammaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Buddhistic C91 Dual Card Quad Band Super Mini Cell Phone Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Rita Anderson If you are a true lover of luxury with an enduring faith in the latest technology and you are looking for a medium to showcase this to the other, nothing but a luxury phone can only help you. The recent telecommunication world is witnessing path breaking revolution and the most innovative ways to add comfort in the life of users. Using all such parameters the mobile phone market is gaining tremendous growth. So the mobiles phones in a way bring luxury in your life but precisely the luxury phones area source through which you can draw out the attention of the others. For the exact adherent of luxury the Buddhistic C91 Dual Card Quad Band Super Mini Cell Phone is a great option to show their extravagance. This distinctively ahead model accompanies FM and Buddhistic Music Box. It is amongst a small sum of mobiles which are truly blessed with the implausible features.Come with us to have a visit in the amazing features which are really wonderful; Image Quality Unquestionably the model has perfect image quality with 13.0 lacpixel camera that helps in shooting MP4 with sound. It creates the best quality pictures expected from a luxury phone. To make your pictures visible to all or more effervescent you can connect your luxury device to computer and download or upload images and videos. Take pleasure of the high definition PC camera for mind-boggling picture quality. Memory Storage The ROM contains 1GB space and manages up to 4GB expendable memory card for the Document Management function. Bluetooth - High speed wireless technology. High definition PC Cam - The best class pictures obtainable from a phone! It easily gets attached to your PC for easy picture upload and downloading. Contact DetailsThis overwhelming model holds praiseworthy telephone directories with 300 groups of name cards telephone books and making caller groups. You can customize the ringtones or can give an individuality to your caller with the incoming call with photo function. Connectivity Attri! butesThi s visually elegant phone comes with quad band and dual SIM card facilities. The model supports Bluetooth and you can transmit the data using USB data wire that performs as U disk or by bluetooth2.0. Fun FeaturesYou can use E-book, can hear music with the help of added buddistic music box, you can access FM radio and can play music at backdrops. Enjoy movies with 3GP, MP4 formats and play full screen, speed as well as pause features. In a nutshell we can call this little magic a true luxury that you can buy to redefine your status, class and appeal. About the AuthorCheck out different luxury phones fall in love with lavish cell phone Om Mani Peme HungThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST
From a young age, I had a lot of responsibility. I was a parentified child, caring for my older brother who was epileptic and also caring for my parents whose main focus of concentration was on themselves. Growing up I was filled with confusion, dissatisfaction, and suppressed anger. As a child, I did not know other children were busy playing and being cared for. For me it was all about caring for others. I was left alone while my father worked, my mother shopped, and my brother was taken where he needed to be. As a result of these dynamics, I grew up trying to please my distracted parents. I wanted nothing more than to win their approval and affection. Expectations of me from my parents were many and grew in number as I did in age, until, as an adolescent I became rebellious as a response to a domineering father and a controlling mother. My parents tried to enforce who were my friends, the young men I dated, my thoughts and my behavior. As a result, I married a man they disapproved of, who, (un)surprisingly was very much like them – narcissistic, unable to show love and affection and cut off from his feelings. As I went out into the world, worked, married, became a mom, talked with others, read a few books and practiced Buddhism, I realized that my upbringing was filled with dysfunction and there were reasons that I had issues with trust, felt "different", turned myself inside-out to win approval, had anxiety and suffered with depression. And as I worked with all of this in meditation and keeping a dream journal I realized I had lots of anger – even rage. People work with anger in different ways. My way was to repress it. As I worked with my dreams, I realized I felt rage at the man I married and later I realized I also felt rage towards my parents. It was safer, when I was younger, to repress the rage as a way of "holding onto" my husband and my parents. Repressing anger, however, is not such a healthy thing to do – it takes a toll on the body, the mind and the spirit. Marshall Rosenberg, who writes about nonviolent communication, says "You can feel it when it hits you. Your face flushes and your vision narrows. Your heartbeat increases as judgmental thoughts flood your mind. Your anger has been triggered, and you're about to say or do something that will likely make it worse. You have an alternative. The nonviolent communication process teaches that anger serves a specific, life-enriching purpose. It tells you that you're disconnected from what you value…" Rosenberg's quote on anger helped me to realize that anger serves an important purpose. The quote helped me to understand my reactivity. And, understanding my reactivity and that my parents were suffering, allowed me to transform the anger to compassion. I realized that no matter how much I gave to my parents, it would never be enough. No matter how many times I flew across the country to visit, or stayed for weeks to help them recuperate from surgery, or help them move them to an assisted living situation, they would always let me know that it wasn't good enough. This caused me suffering, and they suffered as well. They suffered by being unable to accept the love and care I offered them. They suffered by wanting more than is reasonable to expect. As I started saying "no" to unreasonable parental expectations and abuse I felt a huge sense of loss. Because I understand unconditional love, the love I have for my children, I realized that I never had unconditional love as a child. Finally I realized that the anger I felt was telling me that I valued kindness, fairness, respect, and unconditional love. I finally realized that I value myself as a human being worthy of respect, love, kindness and concern. Along with the loss comes relief, clarity, positivity and strength. Realizing that I no longer need to put myself in situations of abuse has helped the anger subside and compassion arise. I have found Thich Nhat Hanh's quotation "when another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over" to be true and when I keep it in mind I can let go of anger and embrace compassion.
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Rejuvenate Mind, Body and Spirit with Maldives Spa Therapies Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe Whether one's vacationing with loved ones or on a dream honeymoon excursion, the tropical island collective of Maldives offers its guests a holiday experience of a life time with all its multi-faceted attractions and activities. Also renowned for its invigorating spa therapies the Maldives is home to a plethora of resplendent spa resorts that offer visitors rejuvenating therapies with the use of local know how and elements. Ideal for water sports enthusiasts traversing the crystal blue waters of the island archipelago as well as honeymooning couples looking to unwind after an exciting day out shopping and sightseeing, Maldives wellness regimens suit guests with varying needs and requirements. Some of the most popular spa therapies offered by most spa resorts include a comprehensive massage package that relaxes those tense muscles and breathes new life into aching joints. Whether it's Swedish, Thai or Balinese massage techniques, one can find it all under one umbrella at Maldivian spa resorts that also specialize in hot stone massage and pressure point massage techniques. The wide variety of scrubs and wraps also place Maldivian spa experiences at a cut above the rest as the therapies enhance one's beauty and vitality using local ingredients and special natural concoctions designed to cleanse and heal. Virgin coconut oil scrubs that employ coconut shavings and the best Pevonia ingredients are a hot favourite among seasoned spa-goers while the pineapple and papaya salt mouse scrubs, camomile body polish sessions, natural algae wraps and water lily wraps are also hot-pick items on the spa menu.Seaweed facials are all the rage for facial fanatics who enjoy the Propolis infused concoction's effect on their face although Caviar facials and essential oil facials are also preferred by both male and female spa patrons from across the world. Special spa treatments at Maldivian spas include revitalizing auriculotherapy, acupuncture and Ayurvedic therapies that not only leave one with a luxuriant feel! ing but with long lasting health benefits as well. With more than a fair share of luxury spa resorts to its name the island archipelago of Maldives is a spa fanatic's dream come true in the heart of the Orient. This tropical paradise truly takes wellness to a whole new level of indulgence. Travellers in search of a luxury Maldives honeymoon resort with stunning beach villas should look no further than the Baros Maldives. Ideally located within walking distance of a tranquil lagoon this resplendent Maldives spa resort is the discerning choice of visitors from across the globe. About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. Relaxing Nature Scenes - Scenic Video Winter OceanThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST
From a young age, I had a lot of responsibility. I was a parentified child, caring for my older brother who was epileptic and also caring for my parents whose main focus of concentration was on themselves. Growing up I was filled with confusion, dissatisfaction, and suppressed anger. As a child, I did not know other children were busy playing being cared for. For me it was all about caring for others. I was left alone while my father worked, my mother shopped, and my brother was taken where he needed to be. As a result of these dynamics, I grew up trying to please my distracted parents. I wanted nothing more than to win their approval and affection. Expectations were many and grew in number as I did in age, until, as an adolescent I became rebellious as a response to a domineering father and a controlling mother. My parents tried to enforce who were my friends, the young men I dated, my thoughts and my behavior. As a result, I married a man they disapproved of, who, (un)surprisingly was very much like them – narcissistic, unable to show love and affection and cut off from his feelings. As I went out into the world, worked, married, became a mom, talked with others, read a few books and practiced Buddhism, I realized that my upbringing was filled with dysfunction and there were reasons that I had issues with trust, felt "different", turned myself inside-out to win approval, had anxiety and suffered with depression. And as I worked with all of this in meditation and keeping a dream journal I realized I had lots of anger – even rage. People work with anger in different ways. My way was to repress it. As I worked with my dreams, I realized I felt rage at the man I married and later I realized I also felt rage towards my parents. It was safer, when I was younger, to repress the rage as a way of "holding onto" my husband and my parents. Repressing anger, however, is not such a healthy thing to do – it takes a toll on the body, the mind and the spirit. Marshall Rosenberg, who writes about nonviolent communication, says "You can feel it when it hits you. Your face flushes and your vision narrows. Your heartbeat increases as judgmental thoughts flood your mind. Your anger has been triggered, and you're about to say or do something that will likely make it worse. You have an alternative. The nonviolent communication process teaches that anger serves a specific, life-enriching purpose. It tells you that you're disconnected from what you value…" Rosenberg's quote on anger helped me to realize that anger serves an important purpose. The quote helped me to understand my reactivity. And, understanding my reactivity and that my parents were suffering, allowed me to transform the anger to compassion. I realized that no matter how much I gave to my parents, it would never be enough. No matter how many times I flew across the country to visit, or stayed for weeks to help them recuperate from a surgery, or help them move them to an assisted living situation, they would always let me know that it wasn't good enough. This caused me suffering, and they suffered as well. They suffered by being unable to accept the love and care I offered them. They suffered by wanting more than is reasonable to expect. As I started saying "no" to unreasonable parental expectations and abuse I felt a huge sense of loss. Because I understand unconditional love, the love I have for my children, I realized that I never had unconditional love as a child. Finally I realized that the anger I felt was telling me that I valued kindness, fairness, respect, and unconditional love. I finally realized that I value myself as a human being worthy of respect, love, kindness and concern. Along with the loss comes relief, clarity, positivity and strength. Realizing that I no longer need to put myself in situations of abuse has helped the anger subside and compassion arise. I have found Thich Nhat Hanh's quotation "when another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over." to be true and when I keep it in mind I can let go of anger and embrace compassion.
Read More @ Source Mindfulness and the Brain with Jack Kornfield and Dan SiegelThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the Cause of Your Stress Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by John and Davina Williams Stress is known to be one of the most common causes of illness in our society today, therefore you need to learn how to manage your stress. Stress is responsible for the breakdowns in relationships at work, school and at home which then lead to health problems Learn how to minimise, alleviate or eliminate stress in your life. It is now recognised in the business arena that stress-related issues are one of the most common causes of absenteeism in the work place. Major Corporations are now recognizing the need to manage their employees stress and are implementing stress reductions programmes in the work place. Make time to look at all that is happening in your daily life right now. Manage your Stress in everyday life. Take note of the things that occur every day that have a direct impact on your stress levels. Before we can deal with the problems that stress creates in our lives, we need to recognize and understand what is going on, look at what exists and then develop a plan and treat the underlying causes. Learn what the most common causes of stress are and how to manage those issues in order to become more effective and efficient at work, at home, in your relationships; improve your health and your life. All of the things in your life that cause you stress, when they are not managed, have a huge impact on the amount of stress generated on a daily basis that influence your stress levels and can actually cause the levels to skyrocket and quickly become out of control. Manage your Stress and feel the difference. Determining what causes the stress in your life is possible using available resources, of which there are many, and then eliminate that stress if you really mean business. Now it is time to learn how to manage your stress so you can improve your quality of life without further delay. People experience and express their stress in different ways. Some people get angry, act out their stress or take it out on others. For some people it! s intern al they develop eating or substance abuse problems while others who have a chronic illness may find that the symptoms of their illness flare up when they experience an overload of stress. Take the first step now and identify what causes your stress and then you can draft a plan to help you manage and reduce those cause. About the AuthorJohn and Davina Williams write many articles on ways to manage and eliminate stress. Get your copy of the 5 top causes of stress and read our blog here right now. Jon Kabat-Zinn "As Good As It Gets"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Natural Sleeping Supplements- Help You Have a Good Sleep and Feel Relax Posted: 01 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Robert Samuels Insomnia is a well known medical problem of these days. The patient undergoing such medical problem of insomnia finds it difficult to fall or stay asleep. There are numerous reasons of insomnia. Even though it is probable for them to undergo sleep disturbance, it is generally a amalgamation of quite a lot of factors. These several factors might consist of stress, anxiety, depression, herbs, medications, caffeine, hormonal changes, or immense pain. Natural sleeping supplements indeed work well in case of this disease insomnia. <u>Consuming sleeping pills continuously may turn out to be hazardous and result in addiction</u> Research work undertaken on this disease insomnia had actually leaded to lots of progress in this treatment. lots of of these treatments of this disease insomnia severely takes into consideration prescribing of the sleeping tablets to help the patients in falling asleep or have a sound sleep. Continuous consumption of such sleeping pills may sometimes be hazardous as the tablets can turn out to be overused and several times it is found that the individuals may get addicted to those as well. The substitute choice thus to relax the patients suffering from insomnia is to endeavor to normalize the cycle of sleep naturally. Actually natural sleeping supplements are the most excellent choice in this regard. Consuming more of those minerals and vitamins which the body of the individuals suffering from such disease may be deficient can be capable of doing this. <u>Improving the sleep cycle in a natural way may be the best and healthier method</u> Natural sleeping supplements are actually the healthier way to restore the sleep cycle in a natural way for the reason that these are generally non-addictive. Furthermore these may be put to an end as soon as the body has synchronized itself and the sleeping disorder is eradicated. It is actually a much safer way to restore sound sleep. There are numerous minerals and vitamins which can be deficie! nt in th e body of a person and this deficiency may be the primary reason for him to suffer from insomnia. <u>Deficiency of magnesium may cause sleeping disorder</u> The deficiency of magnesium may originate the problem of nervousness. Thorough research undertaken on several individuals several time has made it evident that low levels of presence of magnesium in human body can actually result in lighter sleep. This lack of sound sleep can direct to further awakening at nights. Slow and steadily these all lead to the disease insomnia. Natural sleeping supplements are thus consists of plenty of magnesium needed to acquire a sound sleep. It is always necessary to consume foods enriched with plenty of magnesium along with supplements. These foods may comprise of items like cashews, wheat bran, blackstrap molasses, almonds, and kelp. These all can actually be included in the list of natural sleeping supplements. If individuals are required to consume supplements in order to boost up magnesium in body, they should keep in mind that there are a number of drugs which can keep their body from captivating the element efficiently. The most widespread medicines to do such are diuretics. About the AuthorRobert Samuels who is a freelancer writes articles on Natural sleeping supplements. For more information on it he suggests to visit Relaxation Music, Classical Indian Flute - www.MusicForDeepMeditation.comThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 2/1/2012 Posted: 01 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST ![]() "He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma Full Thai Movie: Mekhong Full Moon Party ( 15 ค่ำ เดืà¸à¸™ 11 ) [ English Subtitle ]This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Turn Power of Mind into Experiences in Reality Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Jeremy MacDonald Albert Einstein was a genius. I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that the greatest creative force in the universe is creative imagination. Imagination is the greatest creative force? Einstein accomplished so much in his life, yet he never graduated high school. A high school drop-out created the theory of relativity. Do you think if he ever used the power of creative imagination? I submit yes, he did harness creative imagination by tapping into quantum mind power. Quantum physics and mind power: An attention focused mind has limitless potential. It dips into the realm of quantum physics. New evidence on quantum physics seems to have uncovered a new set of universal laws once you break matter down to its core of cores. The smallest bit of matter is energy. Energy is a wave function of limitless potential. A thought is an energy wave function. Therefore, a wave function of energy can, in theory, become virtually anything. Scientific studies have concluded that a wave function, when being observed, creates a different outcome than when it is not being observed. Energy wave functions, or thoughts, can change in reality with the simple act of observing those wave functions. I am no quantum physicist, and if you are skeptical of the potential of mind power, then I suggest watching What the Bleep do We Know and What the Bleep do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole to gain a better understanding of the mechanics behind quantum physics. The muscle behind the power of subconscious mind is a tool that, when harnessed correctly, will transform every aspect of your life. Your mind is like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it becomes. An attention focused mind accumulates everything it wants in life. How does quantum mind power work? Quantum mind power works on a level that us humans can not see, touch, taste, hear, or smell, but is very much real. To not be able to experience the power of subconscious mind with any of the five senses makes ! it diffi cult for us to believe it really works. We rely on cause and effect to judge potential outcomes. This is what holds us back. For example, if you want to get out of debt, and you tell yourself, "I want to get out of debt," you will remain in debt for the rest of your life. Why? First, your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is reality and imagination. Second, just thinking about the word debt will create a quantum reaction (wave function) of debt, which your mind determines as what you want to experience (remember your mind can not tell the difference between reality and imagination). Viola! Wanting to get out of debt will create the experience of "wanting to get out of debt," therefore keeping you in debt. Hint: Specifically imagine yourself already out of debt. We know we use our mind as the vehicle for decision making, but we focus on external stimuli (wave functions) to determine our quality of life. "You are to blame for my misfortunes!" "You are the reason why I feel like this!" "You are the source of all my problems in life!" Quantum mind power uses creative imagination to use the power of the subconscious mind to determine our quality of life, to internal stimuli to create the life we have always dreamed. "As a man thinketh, so shall he become." Sound familiar? That is because it is in the Bible. Jesus knew quantum mind power worked even two thousand years ago. The universe will oblige you to experience whatever your imagination can stir up. Do ever wonder why 5% of the population is filthy rich, living the dream, and somehow continues to build enormous mountains of wealth and riches with seemingly little effort?Do you ever wonder why we are all stuck in the 95% that does all the back-breaking work that keeps you just above the poverty line, and living paycheck to paycheck? 5% of the population gets it. Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. They know how to tap into the power of subconscious mind and it begins with cre! ative im agination. Imagination equals experience. Start living your dream life today. More information about quantum mind power is available, if you can imagine the experience. About the AuthorJeremy MacDonald can provide more information about quantum mind power upon request. Zen and Mindfulness #7. How to Eliminate 98% of Your Stress Now...This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST
When it comes to Zen meditation, or zazen, it may seem to the beginner that it is ritual free. But this is not quite true. In ritualized meditation how the body is positioned is extremely important. This includes how the hands are supposed to be positioned. Even how one approaches their sitting cushion bowing to it, for example, is part of the meditation ritual process. Time is also important. When meditation ends is given by a certain signal which we have to obey. What such rituals add to our spiritual character can certainly be debated. How does sitting ramrod straight on a meditation cushion for the time it takes a stick of incense to burn down add spiritual character? Does it make reading the discourses of the Buddha any easier? Abandoning ritualized meditation for sitting on a small rice sack stuffed with cotton by some unnamed waterfall might be a better substitute. Sitting in an abandoned mine, too, might be a better alternative that doing zazen in some Zen center. One wonders, however, why sitting is always connected with meditation. Truth be known, we should not presume that sitting is the royal road to realizing our Buddha-nature. Real meditation is not something you do by assuming a particular physical posture such as sitting in a full or half lotus on your ass. It is all about getting in touch with the Buddha Mind which transcends physical bodies. One has to use non-physical means.
Tibetan Ritual Sounds and DanceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spiritual Quantum Physics Unlocks Hidden Money Fears Posted: 01 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Carpooling Parents Less Vigilant About Booster Seats Posted: 01 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST
While the majority of parents report using booster seats for their 4- to 8-year-old children, booster seat use among children who carpool is inconsistent, a new study suggests. In a national survey, University of Michigan researchers asked 681 parents about their use of booster seats. Of those, 64 percent reported carpooling with children. Of the carpooling parents, "we found that they were using booster seats less often for their own children, and they were also less likely to ask another parent to use a booster seat for their child," said study co-author Dr. Michelle Macy, a lecturer in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Michigan. Parents said they used a booster seat 76 percent of the time when driving their own children in the family car. But of these, only half said their child always uses a booster seat when riding with friends who do not use booster seats. Further, one in five parents doesn't always ask other parents to use a booster seat for their child, the study showed. The study is published online today (Jan. 30) in the journal Pediatrics. States without booster seat laws Most states have laws requiring booster seats for children, but in the three states without those laws — Arizona, Florida and South Dakota — reported use of booster seats was lower, especially as children got older, the researchers found. While 79 percent of parents reported using booster seats for 7- to 8-year olds in states with applicable laws, only 37 percent in states without corresponding laws reported doing so. For carpooling parents, more than 90 percent reported using booster seats in states with child-restraint laws, while fewer than 50 percent reported using the seats in states without the laws. National guidelines suggest using booster seats for children under 4 feet 9 inches tall, the height of an average 11-year-old, Macy said. No states specify height as the basis of their laws, she said. One of the best ways to reduce injuries to children involved in traffic accidents is to make state laws consistent with these national height guidelines, Macy said. "Most of the state laws are set [so parents] use a booster seat until the child is eight," she said. The researchers gathered their data from 12 questions about booster-seat use and carpooling inserted into the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, an ongoing study at the University of Michigan. Booster seat hassle For car poolers, one problem is the hassle involved with moving a booster seat from one car to another. Researchers could work with safety-seat or automobile manufacturers "to see if they can come up with some options that would be more portable for families," Macy said. The study does a good job investigating an important issue, said Dr. Mark Zonfrillo, leader of Child Passenger Safety Research at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "It was interesting to see that, although overall use in the family car was high, the rates for car pooling were lower," Zonfrillosaid. Both Zonfrillo and Macy said a strength of the study was its national sample of parents, but that self-reporting on surveys can sometimes be inaccurate. "We have no real way to verify if the parents do what they say they're doing," Macy said. "They might report … more safety-seat use than they actually do." Healthcare workers need to help parents recognize the importance of booster seats for their children's safety, Macy said. "We've come a long way, and the injuries and deaths have really gone down," Macy said. "[Parents] should really consider the importance of being consistent with the way they're approaching safety with their kids, and not let [booster seats] become a point of conversation or compromise." Pass it on: While many parents are using booster seats for their 4- to 8-year olds, fewer parents use the seats in carpooling situations. Parents should insist that children use the seats in the family car and in other people's vehicles. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. Pema Chodron: Smile at Fear - Living From The HeartThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to Become a Psychic through Meditation Posted: 01 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Thom Sanders Many psychics have a natural gift that allows them to see things the rest of us can't, yet some of their techniques and abilities can be learnt by anyone. Psychometry is a psychic ability that some may not have heard of yet many of us have seen performed either in real life or in the movies. Psychometry is the ability to gain information through touching or holding an object. Many people will be lucky enough to have a naturally affinity for this while others can learn to gain these psychic abilities through some simple techniques. There are a number of different methods people use to develop psychic abilities, one of the most popular and beneficial ways is through meditation. Meditation helps you to clear your mind and allow yourself to reach a higher state on consciousness. While holding an object meditation allows you to clear your mind of all other thoughts and allow the information from the object to come through clearly. While meditating with an object it is important to keep positive, believe in the process and keep your mind open. Think of this psychic ability as merely a hidden sense that you already possess and are simply unearthing, keep faith that you can do this and you can read this object. To start the process, begin using a simple meditation technique to relax the mind and body. Keep your mind clear of all other thoughts. When you feel you are ready hold an object you are not familiar with and continue your meditation. Now anything that pops into your mind should be information coming from the object, try to concentrate on this information. The information from the object may come in many forms such as images, thoughts or even emotions that may bring feelings of joy or feelings of sadness. Go with your first thoughts and gut feelings as the meditation has allowed you to enter a higher state of consciousness. One of the best things about learning this psychic technique is that you can achieve an immediate validation of your findings as long as the own! er of th e object is there. Do not be too disheartened if at first you are not very successful, because like anything, practice makes perfect. About the AuthorThis article was written by Thom Sanders on behalf of Psychic Light who provide Online Tarot Reading and Psychic Telephone Reading Relaxing Nature Scenes - Relaxing Nature Scenes - Relaxing Snow & Ice Storm Relaxation MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How “letting go” helps us get things done Posted: 01 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST
Yes it's true that in meditation, we're told to drop everything and let go. But that doesn't mean becoming passive and ineffectual. There's more to this instruction than meets the eye. There's an image that comes to mind for me to illustrate what letting go is like. Imagine we're kayaking down a river. One way we could do it is to paddle like hell, trying to force our way around, fighting the currents, insisting that the kayak go exactly where I want it to go. And doing it how I want to do it. Or, we could survey the terrain and current before jumping in. Then we ride the current and let it take us most of the way to where we want to go. We steer to make sure we don't get dashed against rocks or end up heading down the wrong side of the river. We could also use a calmer bend in the river to stop and look ahead to plan our next stretch. We can steer our course without using nearly as much effort this way, adjusting our path as we go along. Life can be the same way. We don't have make all the effort ourselves to make things happen from beginning to end. If we expand our view beyond our self-absorbed need to reach our goal, there's a whole universe of structures and currents out there that can help us. At work for example, if we find people who have common goals and interests as we do, our combined energies can often accomplish more than the sum of us individually could. Involving our boss in our plans sometimes results in him clearing a path in front of us, getting us resourses, additional help, budgets, etc. Tagging onto existing workflows and procedures means we don't have to create everything ourselves. Letting go can help us in our inner world, too. Have you noticed how creative ideas often pop up when you're taking a shower or walking the dog? In other words, when you're not really trying? Recent neuroscientific research1 suggests that making less effort is what helps. When we become effortful in problem solving, it generally means we're pushing our way through our old, familiar ways of doing things. And often, those are exactly the ways that haven't worked, but we keep pounding at them anyway. When we keep repeating the same thing over and over, we become blind to other possibilities. So to be "not effortful" means to inhibit the thoughts that don't work in order to leave room for something else to emerge. Not being effortful also means your mind is quieter and more conducive to new ideas. A creative thought is one that brings up a long-forgotten memory or combines some of them in a new way. Neurologically speaking, they involve connections between far fewer neurons than your front-of-mind thoughts. So the signals they emit are much weaker, and generally get drowned out by your much louder, effortful thoughts. To give those quieter thoughts a fighting chance to be noticed, it helps to have a quiet mind. One that has "let go" of jangly discursive thinking. So letting go doesn't mean letting go of everything — just the stuff that gets in our way. In this context, it means letting go of our obsessive focus on results, and our inflexible views of how to get there. It doesn't mean dropping all thoughts about the future, but finding a more open and flexible relationship with them. The larger perspective of the teaching on "letting go" is an acknowledgment that I am a part of a highly interconnected world. Every time I get hyper-focused on my own little view of the world, I am being blind to the way things really are. To think that I can do things exclusively my way is to be foolish and ignorant. And it's bound to get me into trouble, or at least cause me a lot of stress. But at the same time, I'm not a helpless victim either. I am the agent of my own free will, and can use it to steer my path through life. With mindfulness, we can skillfully navigate our way through all these forces to get to a better outcome. And it's not just me that benefits — because everything I do ultimately benefits everyone. 1. See How to have more insights by David Rock, Psychology Today, Sept 5, 2010. Read More @ Source Happy Tree Friends Ka-Pow! - Ka-Pow! BetaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara - A Hallowed Site of Buddhist Pilgrimage Posted: 01 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe Among the cities of Sri Lanka that boasts a proud historical heritage, the city of Kelaniya holds a special place. Todayâ??s Kelaniya is an industrial and commercial centre, with an extensive urban population, due to the cityâ??s proximity to the countryâ??s commercial capital. As such, it is not imbued with the same old-world charm and serenity that suffuses most of Sri Lankaâ??s other, more prominent heritage-scapes. Yet, this is a region that appears in records that well pre-date the first Indian settlements, such as the Ramayana. The cityâ??s main claim to legendary veneration comes from records of the Buddha having made a visit here during his lifetime, at the behest of the then-tribal king. It is also the famous birthplace of Singhalese heroes such as Queen Vihara Maha Devi and King Dutugamunu and has been known throughout Asia as a centre of Buddhist learning until its ultimate destruction at the hands of Dravidian and Portuguese invaders. The foremost cultural and religious jewel that stands testament to the enduring historical repute of the city is the Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara, or the Kelaniya Royal Temple. The majestic white stupa that appears on the west bank of the River Kelani, along the Colombo-Kandy route, 10 kilometres away from Colombo, is one of the largest and most revered Buddhist shrines in Sri Lanka. The temple complex, which encompasses ten acres, is reputed to be built on the very site which the Buddha is believed to have preached the Dharma during His third visit to the isle, according to the local historical chronicles of the Dipavamsa and Chulavamsa. The visit of the Buddha to this hallowed site is said to have taken place on a Vesak (May) full moon day eight years after His Enlightenment, at the invitation of the Naga tribal king, Maniakkhika. The jewelled throne the Buddha sat on during His preaching, His hair and some of His utensils is said to have been enshrined in the stupa by the Naga king. If this assertion is true, the Kelani stupa woul! d well p redate the ones built at the actual advent of Buddhism to Sri Lanka, which took place during the Asokan era in the 3rd century BC. The architectural form of the stupa, which takes the shape of a heap of grain, is said to remain unchanged from the days of its original construction. The Duruthu Maha Perahera is headquartered at and held by the Kelaniya Royal Temple every January to commemorate this historic visit. This is a procession of royal pageantry whose splendour is only second to that of the Dalada Perahera of Kandy, featuring an entourage of fire-dancers, whip-crackers, standard, bearers and gorgeously caparisoned elephants. The temple is said to have flourished during the 15th century as a world-renowned centre of learning, until the Portuguese invaders confiscated much of the temple lands during their occupation of the islandâ??s coast. The subsequent Dutch takeover of these regions and their friendlier relations with the Sri Lankan king saw the temple complex restored to its former glory. It was again rescued from dereliction and restored during the 20th century under the patronage of one Ms Helena Wijewardana. Today, the temple complex comprises the magnificent stupa, old and new shrines and an extensive monastic quarters. It is a showcase of the Sri Lankan low countryâ??s artistic and architectural heritage, with its dragon arches, lion-dragon arches and the graceful sculptures of the reclining Buddha and deities. The statue of Lord Hanuman and the relatively recent erection of the 18 foot Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara are the standout features here, while the murals and frescoes are also much-lauded. The majority of the newer art restoration owes their authentic beauty to the illustrious master of neo-classical artistic tradition, Solis Mendis, especially the vestibule ceiling of the old shrine which depicts a symbolic cosmological diagram of the heavens. This temple is one of the key locations for those who travel to Sri Lanka seeking culture sight-seeing spots. Touri! sts wish ing to learn more information about this and other like cultural monuments of the land are directed to the travel portal Truly Sri Lanka, which provides up-to-date information essential for planning a successful tour Sri Lanka. About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. buddhist overtone chantingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Smile! It's the happiest Monday of the year Posted: 01 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST
Jan. 30 is the happiest Monday of the year, according to researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University in Britain. Senior psychologist Dr. David Holmes said most people are happy because they have made it past a lean January. The first month of the year is generally a financially tight month where people tried to make up for spending at Christmas. Most people also have money in the bank because they have been paid their first and possibly their second paycheck of the year. The final reason -- people are already booking or have booked their summer vacations. With school out in just four months, most are making plants even if the destination is not as exotic as in years; past. Having something to look forward proved to be the biggest factor in the happiest Monday of the year.
MYSTIC TIBET : Lama Zopa Rinopoche - Part 1 Milarepa - posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 Natural Stress Relief Remedies Posted: 01 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Ryan Camana MNLP, MHt, MTT, BA Stress affects all of us. There is the positive stress known as "eustress" which is from exercise and other enjoyable experiences. Of course the stress you want to rid yourself of is the negative stress. The kind that leads to weight gain, heart attacks and even cancer. Definitely you want to get rid of this stress as fast as possible. Here are some techniques you can use to reduce your stress level: 1. Practice yoga, meditation, or tai chi. Any type of ritualistic practice, especially if it involves long flowing movements, helps to alleviate stress. Taking time to focus on yourself, relaxing each individual part of your body can make a huge difference in your outlook and dramatically reduce stress. 2. Have some green tea. Green tea is fantastic at relieving stress because of a chemical known as theanine. Theanine is a naturally occurring relaxation chemical. It calms and focuses the mind leading to relaxation. Theanine can also be taken directly as a supplement to help acute stress. 3. Take Siberian ginseng. Sometimes referred to as Eleuthero this adaptogenic herb is master at helping you deal with daily physical and mental stress. The herb is even used by astronauts to help deal with the high amounts of physical and mental strain experienced with space travel. 4. Keep a journal. Journaling is a fantastic way of "venting" the emotions you're experiencing. Rather than holding everything in, a journal or diary can give you that much needed perspective on a problem you're having. Journaling allows you to "clear" your subconscious mind by effectively taking down spinning plates that you may feel you have to keep balanced. 5. Take a rhodiola supplement. Another fantastic adaptogenic herb which helps your mind and body deal with prolonged tension or stress. Rhodiola also comes from the Siberian area and has been used extensively by Olympic athletes. 6. Drink Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is derived from a white flower with a yellow center. Chamomile has been us! ed for c enturies for all sorts of ailments especially for stress and stomach ailments. Try drinking chamomile before bed to get a better night of sleep. 7. Listen to music. The ideal music to listen to when relaxing is "harmonic" music. Harmonic music like classical music slows the brain waves allowing for a deep relaxation. 8. Exercise. Short burst, intense exercise is extremely effective for stress reduction. Many people enjoy running long distances. Long distance running can stress the body significantly if not done properly. If you are not trained in long distance running, I'd advise against it. 9. Take a bath with epsom salts. A warm bath is a relaxing experience mentally. Add epsom salts and you can increase your magnesium levels. Low levels of magnesium cause muscle tension, cramps and calcium deficiencies. If you find yourself craving chocolate you probably have a magnesium deficiency. 10. Do something good for someone else. Human beings are hardwired to help other people. Studies show that people who serve in charities, churches and other "helping" organizations experience less stress and more happiness. Be sure to practice anti stress activities daily. Stress has a nasty habit of sneaking up on us with no warning. About the AuthorThese techniques are powerful but they are not enough. There are still more stress relief techniques you need to acquire to move from fear to success in your life. For more free tips, sign up for my personal development newsletter at: Get Your Metabolism MovingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finding the Courage to Stay the Course Posted: 01 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST ![]() Anytime you decide on the pursuit of an important goal, you'll be faced with a series of challenges. Peaks, valleys and plateaus are par for the the course. But the thing that separates the people who make it from the ones that don't is the courage to stay the course. At the start of any new endeavor most of us look forward to every single day with a child like excitement. We see infinite possibilities and the future appears bright. It seems as though there is absolutely nothing that can get in our way. We feel almost invincible and the possibility of failure doesn't even occur to us. We blow through every obstacle with a sense that we're invincible. The Wall Then we hit the first real roadblock. Our excitement diminishes and turns into frustration. The pursuit of that goal makes us feel as though we're hitting our heads against a brick wall. We keep on hitting our heads until we realize that it doesn't lead to anything other than a really bad headache, and the possibility of failure emerges. We wonder if maybe we should just quit in order to avoid the misery that failing will bring with it. But you realize deep down inside that anything worth doing requires the courage to fail. So you keep going. The Plateau In next phase of reaching that goal we hit what appears to be a plateau. It seems as though no real progress is being made. We go through the motions and everyday we think about quitting, but there's a little flicker inside that lingers from the fire that burns so deep inside us when we want something so bad. We search for the courage to stay the course, and struggle to find it. The Doubt It seems like all we can really see is how far we still have to go. But if we take a look back, the view suddenly changes. Instead of seeing how far we have to go, we see how far we've come, and hope resurfaces. As a result we find the courage to stay the course and we keep going. Soon, the voices of dream crushers, nay-sayers and self doubt emerge and we become tempted to listen. We start to wonder if maybe they're right and that we are in fact losing this fight. But something inside tells us to drown at that noise and we find the courage to stay the course. The finish line seems as though it's nowhere in site and even the supposed light at the end of a dark tunnel seems to be a far fetched fantasy of wild eyed crazy dreamers. It doesn't seem as though it's too long before you really hit rock bottom. But there's a beauty in rock bottom that gives you an opportunity to play the game as if you've got nothing to lose. So you look deep inside, and find the courage to stay the course. It's in those moments when you really want to give up that the biggest breakthroughs, flashes of insight and moments of brilliance occur. But there's only one way to find out. That's by finding the courage to stay the course.
Follow Dumb Little Man on Facebook already! The Life of Buddha: (BBC): 5/5This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enjoy the outstanding benefits of Yoga Posted: 01 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams The physical activity to bring the body, mind and spirit together is known as Yoga. No one can deny the therapeutic benefits of yoga. Yoga is quite famous for creating awareness among people about their body's alignment, posture, and movement. This good old form of exercise is in use since ages. People are now becoming closer to the activity of gaining flexibility and relaxing mind. It's the best possible thing to remove stress and anxiety. Yoga has been practiced in India from thousands of years and its now getting the acceptance of the western people as well. The health benefits of yoga are truly remarkable. Several yoga postures including breathing, and meditation were proven to be helpful in several categories: psychological, physiological and biochemical. Add on to it, Yoga increases a person's endurance and grip strength and helps in improving sleeping habits. It also enriches the amount of Vitamin C and hemoglobin in the body. More over it improves mood, sharpen memory, and even increase learning efficiency. If we talk about best benefits of yoga, then nothing is more fruitful then it. It boosts up immune system, reduces stress, and helps in detoxification of the body. Yoga has the capability to stimulate the tissues, organs, and the muscles, which is very beneficial in reducing stress. Yoga's healing power and benefits have totally captured the world of health. Even doctors and practitioners suggest practicing Yoga for curing different illnesses. Yoga is a gift to the women, as it decreases the chance of acquiring breast cancer. A research has shown that even a terminal illness, such as cancer, also benefit from the practice of yoga.The weight losing thirst is also satisfied by practicing the good old form of yoga. If you are suffering from emotional crises, then yoga is a good remedy for you. Divine Wellness is an interactive health portal which provides useful encyclopedia on Ayurvedic history and the ultimate benefits of yoga. Here you will get ample of ! informat ion on natural health remedies. Visit our website for more information on Benefits of yoga and Ayurveda history. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga - Ardha PawanmuktasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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