Delicate Phone C91 Special for Buddhists
Delicate Phone C91 Special for Buddhists |
- Delicate Phone C91 Special for Buddhists
- Frozen with Fear? How the Love Hormone Gets You Moving
- Spirituality at Work Because You Cant Leave Home Without You
- Improve Your Mind, Improve Your Life
- BSH Home Appliances Recalls Tassimo Single-Cup Coffee Makers
- Real Stress Relief Solution: Anti-Stress Nutritional Guidelines
- Midwives Make Home Births Safer for Babies
- Tips for Overcoming Chronic Stress
- Explore the Buddhist Roots of the Vihara Lalitavistara
- Kraft Foods Recalls Tassimo T Discs
- The Wonderful Ayurveda Stress Management Solution for Rejuvenated Life
- Amidst chaos, 15 minutes of quiet time helps focus students
- You Are Naturally Conscious - The Little Prince Series
- Have You Found Your Calling in Life?
- Stress Can Help Make You Fat
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/10/2012
- Fashionable Spiritual Jewelry
- Improve Your Mind, Improve Your Life
- Stress - The Silent Killer... Part 2
- Avoid Stress To Secure Energy And Vitality
- How to Meditate Properly
- Naturally Increase Breast Size With The Help Of A Buddhist Monk
- Why Stress Is The Silent Killer
- Meditations: Defining the Purpose of Your Meditation Session
- Magnetize Riches Using Mind Power
Delicate Phone C91 Special for Buddhists Posted: 10 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by UglyBetty The Monsters of Lumphini Park, Bangkok; ThailandThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frozen with Fear? How the Love Hormone Gets You Moving Posted: 10 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST
In frightening situations, people tend to freeze, but not recent moms, who charge ahead. Now a new study shows how the brain speedily delivers the hormone oxytocin — which new mothers have in elevated levels, starting with childbirth — to where it's needed, freeing them to protect their young. The study, done in rats, revealed that oxytocin rushes to the brain region governing fear, called the amygdala, courtesy of special cells that act like a neurological expressway. Further, when the researchers provoked these cells into sending oxytocin to the amygdala, it diminished the rats' fearful responses to being startled. The findings "could have implications for autism, anxiety and fear disorders," said study researcher Ron Stoop,a psychiatric neuroscientist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. The work may also spur scientists to look more closely at the brain's activity at moments when oxytocin levels are high, such as during childbirth and lactation, Stoop said. The study is published in the February issue of the journal Neuron. A hole in the wall Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus, a marble-size region at the bottom of the brain, and released into blood. But the hormone also somehow makes its way into the rest of the brain, including the amygdala — a fact that has long-puzzled scientists, because the blood-brain barrier blocks oxytocin in the blood from moving into the brain. From a previous experiment, Stoop's team knew that oxytocin in the amygdala causes rats to remain in motion when they are scared, instead of freezing as they normally would. "The main question was, 'How does it get from hypothalamus to the amygdala?'" Stoop said. One idea was that oxytocin slowly diffused through the intervening brain tissue. But oxytocin affects the amygdala in "like, two seconds," Stoop said — far quicker than the time it would take for diffusion. Oxytocin had to be reaching its destination another way, and there was one clue. "There had been some indications that there might be some fibers" connecting the two brain regions, Stoop said. To investigate, his team infected rat hypothalamus cells with a virus that caused the cells to produce a glowing green protein whenever they produced oxytocin. Afterward, when they dissected the rat brains, they saw "this beautiful network of green fluorescent protein," Stoop said, which included fibers that reached all the way from the hypothalamus to the amygdala. They had found the oxytocin's hole in the wall. The next step was to see this speedy delivery system in action. The researchers induced the newly discovered fibers to produce oxytocin in the amygdala, and the moment they did, the rats moved freely, Stoop said. "When we stop… they stop moving." It was a living demonstration of how oxytocin gets to where it needs to go to control fear. Oxytocin's dampening effect on fear is especially relevant for lactating mothers, who have high oxytocin levels, and can best defend their offspring from a threat when not frozen in terror. Similarly, during childbirth, another instance when blood oxytocin levels are elevated, oxytocin delivery to the amygdala "may be important in reducing anxiety and fear levels," Stoop said. Fear and the brain The experiment was an "incredibly elegant approach to neurobiology," said C. Sue Carter, a behavioral neurobiologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who was not involved with the study. Rats "are useful for looking at simpler and evolutionarily older components of behavior" such as fear, she said. The existence of a designated oxytocin-delivery system suggests that its role in the brain "is very important," she added, "but also that it's faster than we recognized." The findings also raise more questions, such as whether this system varies among individuals, Stoop said. It's possible that people have different numbers of oxytocin receptors in the amygdala, which could explain why some people are more anxious than others, he said, though more studies are needed to show that. Certainly, some mental illnesses have their roots in fear, Carter said. "The literature suggests that individuals that have disorders — like autism, and certain forms of schizophrenia and a number of anxiety disorders — are all experiencing a sense of fear or threat, even when there's nothing there." The oxytocin-delivery system, or a failure of this system to perform as it should, may be involved in these illnesses, Carter said. Pass it on: Oxytocin, the molecule that promotes bonding between mother and child, is also essential to the brain's ability to control fear. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spirituality at Work Because You Cant Leave Home Without You Posted: 10 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Nancy Stern Several years ago after I presented a workshop entitled "Spirituality at Work: Because You Can't Leave Home Without You?" I got a phone call from someone who saw the program booklet. She was very interested in the topic and wanted to know how to "get it" at her company. She went on to ask, "How can I implement spirituality in our organization?" My response was simple. "You can't. Spirituality isn't something you implement; it's something you are." From that point on I became an ardent observer of this new "hot topic" and it's evolution in the corporate world. Let's be clear. Spirituality is not religion. Spirituality is an inner search for deeper meaning-a personal private journey. Or as Peter Block says in Servant Leadership "The process of living out a set of deeply held personal values, of honoring forces or a presence greater than ourselves. It expresses our desire to find meaning in, and to treat as an offering, what we do." If you want to bring spirituality into your company, just be spiritual. Given that you can't leave home without you, your work can then become a place for your spiritual practice. Plus, some of the great spiritual teachers like Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, HH The Dalai Lama, and Confucius, have much to teach us which can be directly applied to how we interact and live while at work. For example, if you want to reduce stress and also become a better communicator, meditate and practice mindfulness. HH The Dalai Lama says, "Everyday I experience the benefits of peace of mind. It's very good for the body. As you might imagine, I am a rather busy man. I take many responsibilities upon myself, activities, speeches, trips. All that no doubt is a very heavy burden, and still I have the blood pressure of a baby. What's good for me is good for other people. I have no doubt on that score. Good food, a struggle against every excessive desire, daily meditation, all that can lead to peace of mind. And, peace of mind is good for the body." Not only is peace of mind good ! for the body, it is also good for the mind. Conscious, mindful communication reduces misunderstanding and increases productivity. Here's a simple exercise you can do anywhere, anytime to help you develop your present moment power. Sit quietly by yourself. Follow your breath...sense the feeling of it as it comes in and goes out of your body. That's all there is to it. Just feel your breath and know you are breathing. Don't think about your breath, just be aware that you are breathing...normal breathing pace and depth. Simply note your breath...out breath...breathing in...breathing out...don't worry about getting anywhere...just stay with one full in-breath on its way in and one full out-breath on its way out. Keep your mind empty to just this moment. When thoughts appear, return your attention to your breath. Practice this ten minutes a day and you'll see an increase in your ability to be present moment focused-the key to better communication and deeper understanding. If you want to read more about this, pick up Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Wherever You Go, There You Are. In Buddhist traditions, the Nobel Truths have much to teach us about how we interact and how we deal with change. The first says pain is inevitable and suffering is optional. Therefore, if you suffer, you choose to suffer. The second goes on to say that clinging causes suffering. So, if something isn't going the way you would like it to and you continue to dislike the situation, you are clinging to it and will most likely suffer. The solution is in the third Nobel Truth. Liberation happens when you let go. By letting go of those things you cannot control, you can be liberated. Now, let's see how this plays out at work. Changes happen regularly and we often resist them. What you resist will persist. So, if you are clinging to negativity and resisting the change, suffering happens and you probably will be miserable at work. On the other hand, if you make a conscious choice to let go of what you cannot control (the specifi! c implem ented change) and accept it, you'll be liberated. Acceptance is not approval, consent, permission, agreement, compliance, support or even liking what is. Instead, acceptance is saying, "It just is." Another "spiritual practice" with work-related benefits can be found in the martial art of Aikido. If you translate it literally translated, it means the way of blending energy. In his book The Magic of Conflict, Tom Crum refers to Aikido and says, "all of life, including a physical attack, is energy with which to dance. Attacks are considered just another of the endless gifts of energy to be used creatively and harmoniously. It is important to accept and embrace the attack rather than try to get rid of it. Direct the flow of energy instead of being pushed around by it." For example, an employee comes storming into your office upset about a decision you recently made. He's really angry and is clearly attacking you. Your first thought is to defend your position and so you do. This leads to a bigger argument, more defending and ultimately no one wins. What if you were to take an Aikido approach and via your self-talk, embrace the attack and direct the flow of energy through your words and body language, in other words, C.A.L.M. yourself? Let the employee rant and attack.. All the while you are Controlling your response, Assessing the situation, Listening carefully and Moving toward understanding. Once the attack is complete, respond with empathy i.e., "It's clear you're unhappy about this; let's explore what can be done." Maybe nothing can be done; at least you're showing that you care. (Be sure you really do care, however, because if you don't it will come through in your voice and body language and you will have defeated the whole interaction.) By not becoming defensive you have maintained your power, helped defuse the employee's anger and set the stage for an interaction where the probability for understanding has increased. Once you jump on the spiritual path, it's hard to jump off. Those of u! s on the journey can choose to look at work as the ultimate spiritual classroom. Gandhi said, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Let's simply be spiritual and spirituality will be at work. About the Author For more FREE articles on this subject, visit: About the author of this article: Through her workshops, seminars and consulting projects, Nancy Stern MA, helps people keep connected through conscious communication because how you say what you say matters?. 2012 Event Horizon: (2) Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, by David WilcockThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Improve Your Mind, Improve Your Life Posted: 10 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Tola Ajayi Improve Your Mind, Improve Your Life An empowered mind is more powerful than any marketing strategy, or coaching that you may receive from anyone. An empowered mind can deliver the circumstances, and the opportunities to create wealth and well-being on a scale never before thought possible. Maximizing the minds ability to perform brings such clarity of thought and an intuition as sharp as a knife. Self-trust is heightened and focus becomes crystal clear enabling you to act upon your intuition immediately, which is known as 'speed of implementation'. Almost every successful entrepreneur credits their success to the fact that they very often acted immediately upon their intuition. Improving your mind also means increased concentration, greater awareness, enhanced memory and an improved sense of self. Additionally, increased overall well-being is achieved with an improved mindset, because scientifically speaking the body follows the mind. Those of us who see the importance of improving the mind as it relates to success in every area of our lives, can tap into immense power by starting with a few exercises for sharpening the mind. Calm the Mind Meditation is an excellent way to stop the mind chatter that we all experience. A calm mind is the starting point for an empowered mind. Many people find meditation to be mysterious or difficult, but investing in a meditation program like Centerpointe Research Holosync that allows you to meditate effortlessly is one of the best things you can do for yourself when it comes to improving your mind. Crack Open A Book If you go long periods of time without reading a book, especially a book that can enhance your knowledge base or engage critical thinking then it is equivalent to going long periods of time without exercising your body. Both are detrimental! This partial list of excellent books can get you started in the right direction: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life - Wayne Dyer Think and Grow Rich ! - Napole on Hill Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Tease Yourself Regularly indulge in brain teasers, crosswords, concentration card games and puzzles. This type of activity stimulates the brain function and actually creates new neural pathways which expand the brain capacity. It's good news to know that doing fun things can actually contribute to maximizing the mind! Have fun, relax and don't take yourself so seriously. Life is supposed to be FUN! Our quest for success is for one thing and one thing only…. happiness! We think that we will be HAPPY if we have more money, more freedom, a bigger house, a fancier car, luxurious vacations, fame, or whatever it is that you desire to have….. …..we all want one thing… to be happy. So, BE HAPPY! It's a choice. You'll understand this as you improve your mind, and watch as your life improves. Read more About the Authortola ajayi is a writer by trade and he enjoys writing on a wide range of topics Jon Kabat-Zinn: Coming to Our SensesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BSH Home Appliances Recalls Tassimo Single-Cup Coffee Makers Posted: 10 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with BSH Home Appliances Corp., of Irvine, Calif., announced a voluntary recall about 835,000 Tassimo Single-Cup Brewers in the United States, and an additional 900,000 in Canada. Hazard: The plastic disc, or T Disc, that holds the coffee or tea can burst and spray hot liquid and coffee grounds or tea leaves onto consumers using the brewer and onto bystanders, posing a burn hazard. Incidents/Injuries: There have been 140 reports of incidents with the brewers spraying hot liquid, coffee grounds or tea leaves onto consumers, including 37 reports of second-degree burn injuries. One incident involved a 10-year-old girl from Minnesota who received second-degree burns to her face and neck and had to be hospitalized. Tassimo T-Discs for single-cup coffee makers. CREDIT: CPSC. Description: This recall involves Tassimo brewers with the Bosch brand name and Tassimo Professional brewers. The brewers use plastic T Discs that are filled with coffee or tea to brew hot drinks. "BOSCH" and "TASSIMO" are printed on the front of the brewers. "TASSIMO PROFESSIONAL" is printed on the front of the professional model. The Bosch-brand brewers were sold in black, white, anthracite, gray, silver, red, titanium and white/gray colors. The Tassimo Professional brewers were only sold in black. The following model numbers and date codes are included in this recall. The model number and date code are located on the bottom of the brewer. No other Tassimo brewer is included in this recall.
Sold at: Department, mass merchandise and home improvement stores nationwide and on various websites, including, from June 2008 through February 2012 for between $ 100 and $ 250. The Tassimo Professional model was sold directly to hotels and food service providers and they are being contacted directly. Red, silver and white Tassimo models. CREDIT: CPSC. Manufactured in: Slovenia and China Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Tassimo brewers and contact the firm to order a free replacement T Disc holder for the brewing mechanism. Consumer Contact: For additional information, visit to order a free replacement T Disc holder or contact the firm toll-free at (866) 918-8763 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET Saturday. Note: Health Canada's press release is available at | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Real Stress Relief Solution: Anti-Stress Nutritional Guidelines Posted: 10 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Angela Bussio <pLooking for stress relief? Don't underestimate the power of proper nutrition in managing your stress! In this article, we will be giving you some basic guidelines and roadmaps for an anti stress diet!Here are the basic guidelines:1. Take a targeted micronutrient supplement everyday like 2. Don't let Supplements substitute for FOOD3. Always eat Breakfast or your moods will swing all day4. Eat 3 good meals a day plus snacks to create a foundation. Don't skip Meals! This destroys your foundation5. Eat Organic /Grass Fed whenever possible! WHAT TO EATThe foods that you should be eating are included here in PRIORITY order. Food #1- Protein Without protein, you cannot feel optimistic, enthusiastic, calm or comforted! The neurotransmitters that send out all these positive feelings are made only by using certain of the 22 types of amino acids. The more protein you eat, the better you will feel! Eat Organic/Grass Fed/Free Range/Hormone Free whenever possible!Why? Because beef who eat grain have their marbled fat content changed to a Omega 6 fat-not good for your brain or mood! You also don't want to have any of the pesticides, hormones and other toxic additives found in chicken, eggs and dairy products that can really mess with your brain /body chemistry and put extra stress on your body! Eat chicken with the skin on, whole eggs, whole fat butter and dairy products. I know this seems crazy- but if you follow these guidelines and cut out the toxic sugars you have been eating it won't hurt you! iI will help defend you against stress! It will also curb your appetite- and help you finally lose that belly fat! How much: 20-30 Grams (size of your palm) 3 times a day! These foods provide the highest concentrations of protein:Fish, Poultry, chicken turkey, Cornish game hens, eggs, lamb, beef, pork venison buffalo, dairy products from cows, goats and sheep, shellfish Food #2- Low Carbohydrate VegetablesLow Carbohydrate vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and oth! er nutri ents that make good moods possible. When you partner them with proteins and the right fats, they are indispensible in helping you manage your stress. These low carb Veggies are also guaranteed to not cause your blood sugar to soar. Consuming them can cut your risk of stroke by 50%!!Zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, all leafy green vegetables; lettuce, spinach, chard, green beans, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, peppers, artichokes, snow peas, eggplant, mushrooms, summer squash
Food #3- FatsWe need fat! In 2001, even the fat-phobic American Heart Association raised our fat allowance from 30-40 percent! Happier and healthier cultures all over the world eat more fat and have lower heart disease. Our body is supposed to be full of fat-18% if you're a man and 28% if you are a woman. Your brain must be at least 60% fatty substance--but it must be the right fat. You need to supply your brain and body with only the best fatty foods, and they are essential to your being able to feel good and control your stress! Here are the right fats:Supplements: Omega 3 Fats from Fish Oil - 900MG 2 x a day (take a Vit K supplement if taking more than more than 1800 mg a day)Cooking: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, ghee (Clarified Butter)butterHow Much? There is no Quota hereFood #4 LiquidsEight or more 8-ounce portions from filtered watered, herb tea, or vegetable juices (not carrot alone). Food #5 High-Carbohydrate FoodsYou really need to be careful as you add these foods and these need to be eaten in the SMALLEST quantities and least frequency. If you feel bad after eating them or very tired, eliminate them.1. Fruit: 2-4 servings a day2. High carb veggies: carrots, squash, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes3. Legumes: beans, split peas, lentils4. Whole Grains: tortillas, bread, rice, pasta STRESS REDUCTION SAMPLE MENUBreakfast: Three egg spinach omelet with ¼ cup potatoes cooked in butter; 1 Cup full-fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit. Lunch: Ceasar/Cobb Salad with c! hicken, shrimp or steak strips; or a turkey or tuna and cheese sandwich with a saladDinner: Steak/chicken/salmon and baked potato with steamed broccoli/spinach and a nice big salad Snacks: Fresh Fruit, 2-3 oz nuts, yogurt smoothie, cheese So there you have it-- some stress relief guidelines and menus for helping you get into the anti-stress zone! For more innovative 21st century stress management solutions go to About the Author Angela W. Bussio is a best selling author, coach, and founder of Real Stress, and inbox magazine. Real Stress Solutions provides state-of-the-art stress reduction and management techniques to help people find the balance they need. She is also the innovator of upcoming online program,"Turn Stress to Success" featuring the "5 minute Stress Solution" phone APP. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Midwives Make Home Births Safer for Babies Posted: 10 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST
Babies born at home are at increased risk for health problems immediately after birth compared with babies born in hospitals, according to a new study. However, a certified midwife may make a difference in the health of babies born at home, the study found. In the study, babies born at home were more likely to have a neonatal seizure and low Apgar scores at five minutes after birth. Apgar scores assess the health of newborns based on the baby's breathing, heart rate, muscle tone, reflexes and skin color, with low scores indicating the baby needs medical attention. But when a certified midwife was present, it seems babies born at home may fare as well as those born in hospitals, said study researcher Dr. Yvonne Cheng, an obstetrician and gynecologist at the University of California, San Francisco. "It's not just about where you deliver, but perhaps who you deliver with," Cheng said. Home births are known to be associated with fewer obstetric interventions — that is, women in labor at home receive fewer epidurals and less pain medication. Women must weigh the benefits of home births against the risks to make an informed decision about where to give birth, Cheng said. "It's a trade-off," Cheng said. "I think that women should be aware that there may be some risks associated with home birth," Cheng told MyHealthNewsDaily. The findings are based on an analysis of more than 2 million births in the United States in 2008. Of these, 12,433 (or 0.54 percent) were home births. Babies born at home may be at increased risk for health problems because monitoring may not be as rigorous, compared with at a hospital, and any problems the baby has may not receive medical attention as quickly, Cheng said. Women planning to give birth at home should know what kind of training and experience the person who is going to deliver the baby has, and should have a back-up plan — a way to quickly get to the hospital if they need to, Cheng said. The findings were presented today (Feb. 10) at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine's annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. Pass it on: Home births are associated with an increased risk of neonatal seizures and lower scores on tests of health immediately after birth. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. Documentary About Buddha Boy (4 of 5) Ram Bahadur Bamjan - Prahlad JaniThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tips for Overcoming Chronic Stress Posted: 10 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Steinharter Bierly People may experience chronic stress for any number of reasons, and sometimes there isn't even an obvious reason. You have to be careful not to disregard stress when you notice it, because it can easily get out of control and become a serious issue. For this reason, if you're experiencing chronic stress, it's important to do something about it right away. There are many ways to manage chronic stress, and in this article we'll be discussing some of the most effective approaches. Perspective should be used. There are those that habitually turn everything into a problem which means they have an outlook where everything is an issue when in all honesty, it isn't. This has been done likely enough, by all of us time and time again. Provided you had thoughts that you were getting ready to be fired because your supervisor gave you a strange expression or the earth would implode due to not being on time for an engagement, you have been guilty of the exact same thing. What you need to do is take a step back and ask yourself how important the event that is causing you so much stress will be next month or even tomorrow. Do you think your supervisor will even keep in mind the look you gave? I highly doubt it. By placing everything into the right frame of mind you will see that your life is less anxiety ridden as well as easier. Give yourself some down time. An enormous originator of apprehension is the chaotic habits that numerous individuals have. Every day they run around from point A to B to Z, working themselves to the bone to put food on the table, rushing to pick the kids up from school and take them to soccer practice, running home to put dinner on the table and so on. We forget to grab time for ourselves therefore, and aren't grateful for the truth that we are among the living. So, set an appointment with yourself at least once a week when you will simply sit back and appreciate your life. Take a bubble bath. Read a book. Talk a walk in the park and enjoy the beauty of nature. Just take a ! time out from your hectic schedule, even if it's for five minutes, and really look around you. Remember that life is beautiful and you will find that your stress simply melts away. One effective method for reducing stress is meditation. There are a wide range of meditation techniques that have been proven to be effective in relieving stress. Meditation is taught at yoga centers, various spiritual and religious centers, and in many books, classes and websites as well. Many people find that meditation allows them to feel relaxed and refreshed, which is a great way to release stress. Depending on the type of meditation you're doing, you may be told to close your eyes and let go of all thoughts, or to repeat a simple phrase or mantra; in any case, the objective is to relax and attain tranquility. When you meditate, you get a break from your usual train of thought, and you can emerge from this state with a fresh perspective, and this can help you deal with stress in a much better way. There can be many reasons for chronic stress, and it's all too common a problem today. However, as with any form of ailment, it can be treated. We've covered some effective stress reduction techniques in this article. If you find that your life is being severely affected and nothing seems to work, though, you should seriously consider seeing a professional therapist. About the AuthorThere is more content available about pumpkin cookies there is loads of information not detailed in this post, find those details on Author's web blog to locate added information. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Explore the Buddhist Roots of the Vihara Lalitavistara Posted: 10 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe The vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur is packed with numerous theme parks that are sure to thrill and excite visitors of all ages. Whether you are interested in hair raising thrill rides, adventurous water rides or looking to just relax with your family and friends, Kuala Lumpur offers it all! Many of the theme parks in the city have their own set of unique rides, thus making your visit to each park a completely new and mind-blowing experience. Get ready for endless hours of fun and action when holidaying in Kuala Lumpur! The Sunway Lagoon Theme Park is one of Kuala Lumpur's most popular theme parks that offer plenty of fun and entertainment for the whole family. The Park features 3 exciting zones, namely the Wild Wild West, the World of Adventure and the Waters of Africa. Experience adrenaline surging rides, explore the wonders of Africa or relax in the Park's massive wave pool when visiting this top theme park. The Genting Theme Park situated amid the mountainous landscape of Genting Highlands features over 40 outdoor and indoor rides. The Mines Wonderland Theme Park provides visitors the opportunity to engage in boat and watersport rides along with the traditional theme park rides. The Cosmos World Theme Park is Kuala Lumpur's largest indoor park featuring several hair-raising thrill rides. If you love splashing in the water, then Kuala Lumpur has some exciting water parks that are sure to make your day. The lush site of The Lost World of Tambun is a must visit with its meandering Adventure River ride and Tubed Raiders ride. The 'A' Famosa Water World is also extremely popular as it features numerous waterslides, a lazy river and a wave pool among other offerings. The Bukit Merah Laketown is equally popular with its gain wave pool, water tubes, raft tube slides and a fascinating area known as the water playground. The Wet World Shah Alam is another popular water park featuring highlights such as the Cascading Waterfalls, the Big Splash and the Tunnel Waterslide. Book an apartment! at the luxurious Ascott Kuala Lumpur and indulge in class and sophistication at this chic holiday accommodation Kuala Lumpur. This elegant residence offers centrally located Kuala Lumpur serviced apartments that are sure to make your stay in the city an unforgettable one. Each apartment at this residence is designed to meet the needs of discerning business and leisure travelers. About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. I am proud to be a Buddhist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kraft Foods Recalls Tassimo T Discs Posted: 10 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with Kraft Foods Global Inc., of Northfield, Ill., announced a voluntary recall of about 2.1 million packages of Tassimo espresso T Discs in the United States and an additional 1.9 million in Canada. Hazard: The recalled espresso T Discs can become clogged and spray hot liquid and coffee grounds onto consumers and bystanders during or after brewing, posing a burn hazard. Incidents/Injuries: There have been 21 reports of incidents of hot liquid and/or coffee grounds spraying onto consumers and bystanders, including four reports of second-degree burn injuries. One injury involved 2-year-old girl from Canada who received second-degree burns to her face. Description: This recall involves Gevalia, Maxwell House and Nabob brand espresso T Discs. The T Discs are plastic discs filled with coffee that are inserted into Tassimo coffee makers to brew single cups of hot espresso drinks. They were sold in packages of eight or 16 espresso T Discs. T Discs with codes ending with 11213 through 12020 are included in this recall. The code is printed on the T Disc's foil lid and on the side of the package. No other T Discs are included in this recall.
Sold by: Department, mass merchandise, home improvement and other stores nationwide and on various websites, including, from August 2011 through February 2012 for between $ 8 and $ 11 per package. Manufactured in: United States Remedy: Consumers should stop using the recalled espresso T Discs immediately and contact the firm for a full refund. Consumer Contact: For additional information, visit or call the firm toll-free at (866) 918-8763 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET Saturday. Note: Health Canada's press release is available at Spirit Of Buddha - Kelly SoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Wonderful Ayurveda Stress Management Solution for Rejuvenated Life Posted: 10 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Stress is a major problem in today's life and almost everyone is stressed to some extent. Although there are several methods that deal in stress management, the search for the right one that gives maximum benefits ends at Ayurveda for it is the only solution that has time-tested solution. Stress busting is essential for soul and body so that rejuvenated feeling enthuses and a person enjoy the life to the fullest; it can be done well with Ayurveda system at place. Stress management solution providers do not understand the requirement to provide a solution based on individual requirement and that is where they fail; however, thanks to Ayurveda services providers, customized and individualized has become a reality. Apart from the therapies available for stress management, there are medications that are helping a lot to individuals reduce stress to significant level; however, it is quite crucial to consider certain factors before taking them. Certain solutions such as a yoga class, meditation, and implementing laughter therapy, etc. have become popular a lot these days. The best method to do stress management is, make it part of regular activities, in that way you will be able to do them regular and that would not bother you. When a stress management becomes part of life, lots of problems are cured on their own. The plus point about Ayurveda is that it is quite easy and can be made a part of regular activities; thus, the practitioners can avoid certain discomforts that may be bugging otherwise. Regular Ayurveda whether done under the guidance or on DIY manner, all are going to provide tremendous range of benefits to the practitioners. Benefits apart, it is essential for rejuvenated life and has to be done in urgent manner. Various scientific evidence are here to endorse that there are great benefits from stress management done using Ayurveda methods. Such methods are even offered at Ayurveda health centers and meditation centers providing Ayurvedic treatments for stress reduction th! at may i nter alia include Rejuvenation Therapy or Body Purification Therapy, Program, Beauty Care Program, Slimming Program, Ayurveda Anti-Aging Program, and many others. Ayurveda can be learned on own, and this can be highly beneficial if done in scientific manner. Moreover, when it is quite clear that stress causes several grave changes in body and mind, it is pertinent to reduce it. Stress busting is essential for soul and body so that rejuvenated feeling enthuses and a person enjoy the life to the fullest; it can be done well with Ayurveda system at place. About the AuthorAyurveda Stress Management solutions and Ayurvedic treatments at, is an ideal ayurvedic health spa resort in India. Visit the nearest Ayurveda Stress Management centers in Kerala for rejuvenating your body, mind and soul. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amidst chaos, 15 minutes of quiet time helps focus students Posted: 10 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST
Then, Dierke struck a bell and said, "Okay, it's quiet time." And just like that, a hush fell over the auditorium. Students straightened their backs and closed their eyes. Some bowed their heads. Others rested them on the backs of … Read the original article » Read More @ Source | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You Are Naturally Conscious - The Little Prince Series Posted: 10 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Have You Found Your Calling in Life? Posted: 10 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST ![]() One of the questions I tend to get asked frequently by people who start reading my blog is "How do I find my passion?" or some variation of that question. It's a tough question to answer because there's no real formula for it. It's not "if you do A, you'll find B." It's a question that requires you to look within and usually it's the start of a lengthy, but very fulfilling journey. While I haven't quite figured out if there really is a formula for finding your passion, I am starting to get a sense for how you know you've found it.
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Posted: 10 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Jim O'Connor Do you know by not using proper stress managementtechniques or stress relief strategies you could be contributing to fat gain? There is a condition called stressinduced obesity which promotes a stress producing hormonecalled cortisol. Let's take a closer look at how stress, cortisol,and fat promotion can make your waist, hips, and buttocks larger. Stress is a word you hear often these days.Due to the extremely fast paced world we live in,greater demands are placed upon us, leading to greaterstress levels which are higher than ever seen before. People desperately attempt to juggle professional careers, family,and free time, all while fighting traffic jams, social obligations,financial pressures, and even natural disasters. All of this results in being "stressed out." Demands are consistently being placed upon us from different directions, sometimes occurring at the exact same time. I constantly hear the words "if there were more hours in the day." Sound familiar? Stress is defined as any event in which environmental demands,internal demands, or both tax or exceed the adaptive resourcesof an individual, social system, or tissue system. How many times have you heard the controversial ads forCortislim or Relacore? Both are suggested to block cortisol,a stress hormone that gets your body ready to respond to a threat, and has been associated with fat promotion. Dependingupon the level of threat, the brain regulates the amount of cortisol excreted from the adrenal gland. If the risk is huge, like a bear chasing you, a large amount of cortisol is released into the blood stream. However, if you are late for a very important appointment, and rushing vigorously, a smaller amount of cortisol is released. The state of readiness, the "fight or flight" response, which promote the hormone cortisol, has been associated with increasing fat storage, and cardiovascular effects such as faster heartbeat, higher blood pressure, constricted blood vessels, and a release of blood sug! ar. < p>Energy regulation and mobilization are also two crucial functions of cortisol.Personality type, which includes the way you interpret stressors, canplay a key roll in cortisol release, according to research studies. Suppose you are considered a personality type D, which exhibitsnegative emotions, pessimistic behavior, and don't share emotions. In addition to your interpretation of stressful situations, you also lose your job. You would now be considered having the cortisol throttle wide open, stuck in the "on" position. Over the long haul, along with the heart effects mentioned about, fat gain can be promoted by the aggressive circulation of cortisol in the blood stream. According to research, tissue cortisol concentrations are controlled by a specific enzyme, cortisone, that converts inactive cortisone to active cortisol. Studies show that the gene for this enzyme shows up more in obese conditions. It is shown that deep fat, surrounding the stomach and intestines have more of these enzymes compared to fat just underneath the skin. Thus, the high enzyme levels in the deep fat tissue surrounding the abdomen may leadto obesity due to greater levels of cortisol being produced at the tissue level. It is also noted that deep abdominal fat has greater blood flow and four times more cortisol receptors compared to subcutaneous, or surface fat. This, in effect, may increase cortisol's fat accumulation and fat cell size enlarging effect. Another potential link between stress, and cortisol involves the appetite. Animal and human studies have shown an increased appetite, cravings for sugar, and weight gain when cortisol injections were administered. Individuals with high circulating levels of cortisol tend to consumemore foods high in sugar, and fat. This may occur because cortisol directly effects food consumption by binding to receptors in the brain. This can stimulate an appetite craving sugar, and fat. Due to all the negative influences mentioned above, resultingfrom con! tinual h igh stress levels effecting circulating cortisol, it is a good idea to manage your stress level well. Please be aware that Cortislim, and Relacore do not appear to be the answer. The federal government hascracked down on products like these for stating falseand unsubstantiated product claims. More research needsto be done on these products before being considered a viable solution. A much more effective solution is watching your caloric intake, whileparticipating in a consistent exercise program. You should also include stress reduction methods such as meditation, biofeedback, visualization, and/or yoga. Work hard at exercising, keep a positive mental attitude, andincorporate as many stress reducing techniques as you possiblycan. It will benefit your waistline, as well as overall health. ________________________________________________ For more information on the techniques mentioned above, visit Wellness Word Newsletter to qualify for your FREE onlinemultimedia subscription. America's Health and Fitness Watchdog **The Final WORD On Health, Fitness and Nutrition in America Today!________________________________________________ *** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way. Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967 http://www.WellnessWord.com About the AuthorJim O'Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other week | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/10/2012 Posted: 10 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST ![]() "Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 10 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Alex Taylor Something unique always attracts the people whether it's related to style, fashion, clothing or anything. Now, Spiritual Jewelry is in-fashion and liked by everyone. You can easily catch any celebrity wearing their faith in the form of any accessory like bangles, bracelets, armlets, rings, wrist bands etc. Spiritual Jewelry not only focuses on your religious faiths but also have some divine & shooting effect on your life and your behavior. The spiritual Jewelry is getting more popular even on International level. Jewelry designers come with more creative & unique spiritual designs like Cross, Jesus, Om, Swastika etc. Indian God & Goddesses, religious symbols & text are commonly wearable fashion accessories. "Khanda" from Sikha religion, Allaha or a Moon sign from Muslim religion, Om, Swastika, Lord Ganesha from Hindu religion and many more use to wear by everyone. Spiritual Jewelry is most impressive & expressive way to wear your faith in an aesthetic manner. You belong to any religion these spiritual jewelry have positive and divine effect and certainly bring changes in your life. This kind of Jewellery could be made up of valuable stones, gems, beads or crystals which reduces the negative energy from our life and with the combination of any religious symbol or faith doubled their effect. If you are fond of having Silver or Gold jewelry than also you will be able to wear such jewelry in your faviorte metal with perfect finishing. Some people tattoo their faith permanently on their body, even number of celebrities sport with spiritual & religious tatooes & Jewelry.Rudraksha & Om are the most popular wearable spiritual stone & jewelry designs in India. Although, ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Nepalese, Tibetan & Buddist religious symbols & signs are the new craze among the youth & all fashion conscious people. Recently, in a fashion show Indian fashion designer Rohit Bal, Entrepreneur Priya Sachdev chatwal are found wearing a "Khanda". Hollyward actress ! Barbara Mori tattooed her oneness symbol & Bollywood actress Esha Deol, stricked the fashion circuit with Om & other spiritual Jewelry. This shows the importance of their faith and new emerging fashion interest of people. Spiritual Jewellery denotes you as a unique personality and improves your life in a very positive sense. offers you rich and affordable online spiritual options to choose from. About the AuthorAlex Taylor is a well known author and has written articles on Digital Camera, pearl jewellery, Gifts store, Jewellery, Camera Batteries, gold jewellery, Watches for Men, online shop and many other subjects. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Improve Your Mind, Improve Your Life Posted: 10 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Tola Ajayi Improve Your Mind, Improve Your Life An empowered mind is more powerful than any marketing strategy, or coaching that you may receive from anyone. An empowered mind can deliver the circumstances, and the opportunities to create wealth and well-being on a scale never before thought possible. Maximizing the minds ability to perform brings such clarity of thought and an intuition as sharp as a knife. Self-trust is heightened and focus becomes crystal clear enabling you to act upon your intuition immediately, which is known as 'speed of implementation'. Almost every successful entrepreneur credits their success to the fact that they very often acted immediately upon their intuition. Improving your mind also means increased concentration, greater awareness, enhanced memory and an improved sense of self. Additionally, increased overall well-being is achieved with an improved mindset, because scientifically speaking the body follows the mind. Those of us who see the importance of improving the mind as it relates to success in every area of our lives, can tap into immense power by starting with a few exercises for sharpening the mind. Calm the Mind Meditation is an excellent way to stop the mind chatter that we all experience. A calm mind is the starting point for an empowered mind. Many people find meditation to be mysterious or difficult, but investing in a meditation program like Centerpointe Research Holosync that allows you to meditate effortlessly is one of the best things you can do for yourself when it comes to improving your mind. Crack Open A Book If you go long periods of time without reading a book, especially a book that can enhance your knowledge base or engage critical thinking then it is equivalent to going long periods of time without exercising your body. Both are detrimental! This partial list of excellent books can get you started in the right direction: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life - Wayne Dyer Think and Grow Rich ! - Napole on Hill Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Tease Yourself Regularly indulge in brain teasers, crosswords, concentration card games and puzzles. This type of activity stimulates the brain function and actually creates new neural pathways which expand the brain capacity. It's good news to know that doing fun things can actually contribute to maximizing the mind! Have fun, relax and don't take yourself so seriously. Life is supposed to be FUN! Our quest for success is for one thing and one thing only…. happiness! We think that we will be HAPPY if we have more money, more freedom, a bigger house, a fancier car, luxurious vacations, fame, or whatever it is that you desire to have….. …..we all want one thing… to be happy. So, BE HAPPY! It's a choice. You'll understand this as you improve your mind, and watch as your life improves. Read more About the Authortola ajayi is a writer by trade and he enjoys writing on a wide range of topics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stress - The Silent Killer... Part 2 Posted: 10 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Ron Goodwsen - Imagine Me Media The 10 point plan for Stress ReductionOk... So we've recognized the signs and it's official, we're stressed! Stress affects the whole person - body, mind, feelings, and behavior, and just as symptoms can take many forms, so there are many simple actions that you can take to relieve these symptoms. Learn to Relax Imagine... having relief on tap - something you could experience whenever you need it, something that would remove all the stress from your body and return the sparkle to your mind. How would you feel if you could wake up tomorrow, feeling in control?Well, Happily, you are blessed with a really powerful tool that can remove stress instantly - your body's relaxation response.You can use hypnosis to trigger this wonderful natural effect, which will release hormones and neurotransmitters that flood your body and mind with pure, cleansing relaxation. You owe it to yourself to feel the relief you can have instantly, so learn this technique. Seek out a hypnotherapy DVD or find a hypnotherapist to help you refocus on relaxation and stress relief. Take Action on stress Procrastination is itself a cause of stress, simply making a conscious decision to act upon your situation will bring to you, such a sense of relief that this unpleasant situation is going to change, that you will immediately start to feel some benefit. Eliminate procrastination from your life. Don't put things off until tomorrow, do them today. Create a "DO IT NOW" mentality.Speak to someone A problem shared is a problem halved, it's good to talk. Talking it over with a friend or someone who is willing to listen, who wont judge or offer advice, can often help to de-clutter the mind and clarify your perspective and help you to take appropriate action to relieve stress. If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone at first, then write a letter to yourself or to someone else, without posting it, but find a means of getting your true thoughts and feelings down on paper. You can then destroy it if yo! u wish, it's a form of release, which you can then follow up with a plan to resolve your issues. Change the Dynamic of your situation Don't be afraid to say NO. If you can learn how to be more assertive, you are more likely to have choices and this will enable you to say what you think and act how you want to. Imagine how much less stressed this will make you feel. Give yourself choices, change the stress factors that you can and strengthen your ability to cope with ones that you cannot change. Be creative, find compromises, Reframe problems and look for solutions that create win-win outcomes.Time Management Time management allows you to plan and organize your life to give yourself more space and opportunity. It involves planning, delegating, setting goals and not wasting any time doing unnecessary things or worrying about things over which you have no control. Be Organized. Prepare for the coming day, the night before. Don't rely on your memory (it's the first thing to go when you're stressed). Write down appointments, to-do lists, directions and shopping lists. Create order out of chaos. Plan your day to give you time to eat and relax afterwards, it will aid your digestion (peptic ulcers aren't fun). Give yourself more time to do things so that you are not pressured. Get up a little earlier, leave a little earlier for appointments. Do one thing at a time and do it well, focus on the job at hand and forget everything else you have to do. Finally, allow yourself some personal time, everyday, a private moment for peace, quiet and contemplation.Life Management Have an optimistic view of the world. Life only comes once, it's quite short and you have to appreciate what's good in it. See things from a relaxed viewpoint. Learn to live one day at a time and take each day as you find it. Enjoy the moments. Remember that most people are doing the best that they can. Find it within yourself to be tolerant and understanding. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect ! world. Exercise Exercise combats many of the physical and emotional symptoms of stress and can make you feel better about yourself. Exercise can bring about improvements in self-esteem and self-image and increase confidence. When our confidence and esteem are lifted our perception of ourselves changes completely and becomes much more positive. Exercise also releases hormones that affect your mood, creating a more relaxed and positive frame of mind and releasing physical stress from the body. Don't ignore the mental and emotional aspect of exercise. Giving yourself time out to do something fun simply makes you feel good, so if you're feeling stressed and unsure about whether to exercise or not, simply remind yourself of how you are going to feel afterwards.Mind and Spirit The following practices may help you to relax and unwind. Explore them and find out what works for you. Relaxation should be part of your daily routine. - Guided relaxation and visualization techniques: obtain a CD or DVD - Meditation: Brings an abundance of calm into your life - Deep breathing techniques: Re-energizes and invigorates - Progressive Muscle Relaxation: deeply, physically relaxing - Massage/ Aromatherapy: Go on, pamper yourself - Yoga; a mixture of meditation and gentle movement and stretching - Shiatsu; Energy balancing and deeply relaxing Other methods and therapies include; Floatation tanks, Reiki, Indian head massage, Thai Chi and Reflexology. Do your research and try a few things and find the treatment most suitable for you. Get Healthy Food is a celebration of life, it's not just fuel. Take time to enjoy your meals and look after your health by eating a sensible balanced diet. If you need to, create new good eating habits. Ensure that your lifestyle changes to suit your real needs. Eat breakfast to kick-start your day, lay off the coffee and tea (the caffeine doesn't help you to relax) and if you're smoking more to help you calm down, th! ey're ba d for you, cut them out. You'll feel better, believe me. Take a hot bath in the evening to relieve the tension in your body before going to bed and ensure that you get enough sleep. This is essential. You'll wake up feeling refreshed with more energy and able to function better throughout the day. Remember to Enjoy Life Every day, take time to do something that you enjoy. Find something that makes you smile or laugh out loud. Laughter is the answer to stress, because it's hard to be stressed and anxious when you're having fun! About the AuthorRon Goodswen, partner at Imagine Me Media - the Hypnotherapy DVD Company.Roderick Piggott - Hypnotherapist with over 20 years of clinical experience. Imagine Me... The Hypnotherapy DVD Company. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avoid Stress To Secure Energy And Vitality Posted: 10 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by William Teleo After a long day's work, it is natural to feel drained and tired. Working on any task for about five hours or more can really lessen a person's energy and vitality. Stress is the most common factor for loss of energy and vitality especially among people who work everyday. Stress is also the most known factor contributing to a person's risk of getting sick. Stress is inevitable, and it's even omnipresent. In clinical language, it is any physical or psychological stimulus resulting in the production of mental tension or physiological reactions. If understood and handled well, stress can lead a person to regaining his/her energy and vitality and to living a healthier life. But if not, illnesses and even fatal diseases can arise. Deadlines, finances, relationship or marital problems, work or profession, school, existing ailment, and other emotional or psychological disturbances are the most common causes of mental or emotional stress. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, and very tiring activities are on the other hand leading roots of physical stress. Doctors, however, claim that mental stress reduces a person's energy and vitality more than the physical stressors do. When the body detects stress, it naturally responds to it. When the mind is stressed, the brain releases chemicals that cause headache, prompting us to do something about it. The same happens when your leg or arm muscles are already tired and weary. But these bodily responses do not automatically result to regaining energy and vitality. The way we respond to these natural body responses are the determinants of stress reduction. Different individuals respond to stress in many varying ways. Most resort to smoking cigarettes because of its calming effect, others drink alcohol, some go to the gym and work out, others rest and meditate. These responses are responsible to successful and unsuccessful regaining of lost energy and vitality. The primary step to avoid or mitigate the effects of stress ! is to kn ow where it is coming from. Once the source is identified, you can then think of a way on how to deal with it. But don't just deal with it, but deal with it properly. Overdoing your response to stress can yield to more damaging results. Excessive alcohol intake and even exercise can result to further negative implications. Your response should be something sustainable (can be regularly done and in right frequency) and basically safe and beneficial. Evaluating your lifestyle (eating habits, physical activities, etc.), having a positive outlook in life, excellent time management, and balancing your priorities are what most doctors would say some of the best ways to avoid stress and prevent surmountable loss of energy and vitality. Having enough energy and vitality is crucial for our survival throughout our life. The amount of energy and vitality we acquire, lose, and regain will determine our body's longevity in this stress-filled world. There's no way we can get rid of stress, it's as constant as change. But we can do ways to avoid or lessen its effects. Stress is embedded in our nature and just like everything that is, it exists for a purpose. It's up to us to know how to optimize the possible good effects it can give by knowing how to properly deal with it. About the AuthorFor more valuable information on Energy and Vitality, please visit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 10 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Lachelleparsons Nowadays, yoga and meditation are extremely popular. Certainly, meditation is a great method to improve body performance, stability and overall health. From celebrities to athletes and doctors, many have already experienced the amazing benefits of meditation. Learning how to meditate for beginners can lead a person to success, happiness and enjoying inner peace. Through the years, physicians and researchers have been studying the possible benefits of meditation. By regularly practicing meditation, you can reduce blood pressure and improve the immune system. It also allows more oxygen to reach the blood which leads to more energy. And the best part is, practicing meditation may improve your concentration and focus. Your ability to concentrate is improved and strengthened most especially if you practice it on a regular basis. After a few weeks of learning how to meditate for beginners, you will observe an improvement in your concentration on work and other tasks.Definitely, learning how to meditate properly and committing to it have many advantages that can affect your health and your career. Steps on How to Meditate for Beginners Generally, meditation is to focus on something without distraction. The key to be successful in learning how to meditate is to be able to learn how to concentrate. Unite with the sound of silence. After mastering this, you can easily learn how to keep still. First thing that you should do on meditating is to find a quiet place. Find the best location where you think you can focus. Ideally, you should have a room that you can use solely to meditate. If you have a small space, this may not be possible. If you have space constraints, consider using an area in your room to meditate, preferably a corner that is free from clutter. Then, try to relax. Turn off your brain. You do not need to do anything special to relax. Just don't think about anything for the next few minutes. Then, slowly relax your muscles and drain all the tensions away fr! om your muscles. As you relax, let go of all your thoughts and just be aware of the present. Always think that this is easier said than done. So if you want to succeed in this step on how to meditate properly, pick a time that is convenient to you and you know you will not be bothered by anyone in your household. Next step is to get in the right posture. Posture is an essential aspect of meditating. The best posture for meditating is to sit cross-legged with a straight back. Lying down may make you feel sleepy as you meditate.To silence the mind is the most difficult part of meditating. The mind is used to constantly receiving and processing information. It is only when your mind is completely silent can you begin to delve deep into your soul and discover your true self. Reminders on How to Meditate for Beginners Meditation is beneficial when it is properly done. But bear in mind that it is not easy to learn how to meditate properly. Overcoming your difficulties is one of the lessons you will learn on how to meditate properly. Do not get disheartened and pursue it. Do not eat a heavy meal before meditation. Eating full meals can make you lethargic and causes you to feel sleepy. If you must eat, a light snack of some fruit is enough. You may also shower before meditating. Always wear comfortable clothes. The more comfortable you are, the easier it is for you to learn how to meditate for beginners. About the AuthorHow to meditate properly is very easy to learn. For beginners, it is better to enroll in a professionally supervised class to learn how to meditate for beginners. What Is Meditation? (No dogma, funny ending!)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Naturally Increase Breast Size With The Help Of A Buddhist Monk Posted: 10 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Nell Mccormack Female libido enhancers are basically products made out of various herbs with aphrodisiac effects. These herbs have been used even in ancient times but the topic of female sexual enhancement has been a taboo up until recently. Now this is a completely normal thing and girls are allowed to speak about it freely. Contrary to popular belief men are not the only victims of sexual dysfunction. Women are also at risk of losing their sexual appetite. In the United States alone about 38 million women suffered from sexual dysfunction in 2003. Moreover about 43 percent of women in the age range of 18 to 59 suffer from loss of orgasm and low sexual desire. Libido is the term being used for the sexual desires of a human being. Both males and females have sexual desires but their intensities vary with age. The natural way to have your sexual desires fulfilled is to have sex with your partner. Want Sex Again... And Actually Enjoy It! Imagine not just wanting sex again... but actually enjoying it. Increase your sex drive >> Tongkat Ali (Pasak Bumi) has testosterone enhancing properties that directly cause enlargement of the penis and testicles. Due to its powerful ability to increase penis and testicular mass plus boost libido Pasak Bumi has been used in Indonesia for hundreds of years as a supplement for general well-being and has an ancient reputation as a potent aphrodisiac with the ability to cure erectile dysfunction. It is the ultimate natural herbal aphrodisiac. Female low libido causes distress to countless millions of women but the good news is you can cure it quickly and naturally with some herbs which will simply give you the nutrients you don't get in your everyday diet. Let's look at the causes of low libido and how to cure it quickly and naturally. You have been checking out for information on the Internet to find all that you can about the causes of low libido. This is a factor that has worried you a lot even though you are highly independe! nt and c areer oriented. The stress work pressures and other emotional factors may have made it difficult for you to actually enjoy sex. There has been a wide range of information on the topic so you aren't sure about what to believe and what not to believe. There are many myths that sex after pregnancy is non existent. The problem often lies with the husband or boyfriend misinterpreting the fact that there partner is ignoring them. There is a solution! About the AuthorThese days every ad on television seems to be about male enhancements and numerous other products specifically aimed at men. But what about women? Women also find themselves dealing with a low sex d... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why Stress Is The Silent Killer Posted: 09 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Terence Young There's no doubt that twenty-first century living is filled with stress. Our jobs are demanding, our roads are crowded, and even our entertainment is fast paced. Stress comes in many packages, but the overall effect on our lives is easy to spot. There are so many physical and emotional symptoms associated with stress that it has been called the silent killer. What is it about stress that would make it a silent killer, and what can we do to counteract it? Stress comes in several different types. There are exciting, good things that happen to us, such as getting married or getting a new job. While these things make us happy, they are also changes in our lives. In addition, we have sudden, bad types of stressors, such as a fight with our kids or losing our job. And then there are the day-in, day-out types of stressors, such as money problems, an unhappy marriage, or chronic illness. When we talk about the stress in our lives, we usually are referring to the sum total of the effect on us of all these types of stress. People are wired to respond to emergency stress with a rush of adrenalin. For instance, if you had a vicious dog lunge at you, your heart would beat fast and you'd immediately either grab something to fight it off with or turn and run. This is called the "fight or flight" response. During this physiological response, your mind is probably not thinking very logically, but your body is ready to respond quickly. While this flight or fight response is certainly appropriate and useful in some situations, it really doesn't have much value in helping us deal with the kind of stress we experience in the twenty-first century. It tends to leave us with digestive upsets, tense muscles, overwhelmed brains, and taxed cardiovascular systems. In short, stress might be killing you! You might not be aware of it, though, so stress is a silent, sneaky sort of killer. Reducing stress, even in today's world, is a real possibility. In fact, it is a virtual necessity. Smart people take ! care of themselves physically and mentally. Adding stress management to your daily goals is a good idea if you are under a lot of pressure from various aspects of your life. And these days, who isn't? Stress management consists of getting enough rest, eating a nutritious diet, and getting moderate gentle exercise. Specific nutrients that can nourish the nervous system from the ravages of stress include the B-complex of vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. Some herbs that can help are skullcap, St. John's Wort, and chamomile. If getting to sleep is a problem, you might try melatonin or valerian. Sleep is absolutely essential to good health and stress reduction, although not every person needs the recommended seven to eight hours. Most do, however. Over-the-counter sleep aids made from the drug, diphenhydramine, will help you get to sleep, but the sleep will probably not be as restful as natural sleep. Use it as a last resort. About the AuthorFor more personal growth articles visit: Facial MassageThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meditations: Defining the Purpose of Your Meditation Session Posted: 09 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Chris Le Roy The concept of meditating for many people is that of hippies sitting out in the bush, high on weed, all chanting together or of Buddhist Monks in the high mountains of Tibet chanting their sacred text. Meditation can be all of that and more. Meditation is for everyone, not just a select group. When choosing to meditate, you must clearly define the purpose of the meditation session. Meditation in the western world is most commonly related to stress relief and to help ease the strains of everyday life but it does not have to be. What is meditation? Most people miss understand the purpose of meditation and what you can achieve with it. The purpose of meditation is to remove the demands the world places on your mind. It is about clearing your mind so that you can prepare for the next on-slaught the world decides to throw at you. If you are stressed then meditation will help you to clear your mind of the stress so that you can better focus on the issues that are causing the stress. The cool part is that during a meditation session you can teach yourself or direct yourself to do anything you want. In a book I have become a great believer in, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, the writer in his third secret of what millionaires know to become obscenely rich and successful, he talks about Autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is about programming your mind to become successful and achieve what you want. Meditation is a great tool in helping you to achieve this objective. In fact meditation is the best way to help reprogram your mind to achieve anything. Buddhist monks for millenniums have been using meditation to help in their path to enlightenment and in becoming a better person. During their meditations they reflect on where they are in their life and based on the sacred texts provided by Lord Buddha they use these during their meditations to reflect on what they have done and use the teachings to become a better person and achieve enlightenment. They use the sacred texts to ! help the ir reflections in changing who they are to what they want to be. This leads me to an important statement, do not meditate for the sake of it, have a clear purpose for your meditation session. If you are stressed then your meditation session should be focused on helping you to overcome the stress and get back to a point of calm. Once you have got to the point of calm then your next step is to meditate on the issue that is causing you the stress. For example, if someone in your office is causing you stress through bullying or being rude to you then you should be using your meditation sessions to retrain your mind on how to deal with these bullies. The retraining meditation session could be achieved through using lessons or repeating text from people who are experts in this area and then reflecting on the lessons during the meditation session. Alternatively, you can reflect on the actual situation where you had a run in with the person who is causing you issues and then during your meditation reconstruct the situation and work out ways you could have made the situation better. Essentially you can use the meditation session to role play and work out a strategy to ensure you maintain control over the situation the next time someone is causing your pain and suffering. Using meditation in this way will help you in dealing with situations more effectively. The reason we do the reflections during meditation is because that is when our mind is without clutter or impacted by the stresses of day-to-day life. Before doing the reflection you should always deal with the stress before beginning the reflection or you will not achieve your outcomes. Look, what I wanted for you to get out of this article was that, before you start your meditation, you should always have a clear outcome that you want to achieve with the meditation. If you do not meditate with a purpose, then your meditation will not be effective. About the AuthorIf you would like to read the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill it is available at our website. To help you during your meditation sessions we have Meditation Music also available. 'The Magic Flute', Guided Meditation - with Natalie Dekel, Reiki Master/TeacherThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magnetize Riches Using Mind Power Posted: 09 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Carol Strong Money undeniably is one of the most important things in our lives and we all crave for those beautiful green bills that bring happiness and joy into our lives. However, unfortunately, not everybody is rich and poverty seems to be on the rise with recent recessions and economic downturn seen. Hence, having money today requires a lot of hard work and as some may term it you need a lot of 'LUCK'. If you are also looking for some green bucks to fill into your account, we can guarantee you the same, provided you let your mind power do the same for you. Surprised? Well, if you thought that earning money was all about having a good job or getting some luck, we say that this is not so. Every person is capable of accumulating as much riches as he wants, but cannot do so just because he does not use his mental capabilities to bring him riches. The subconscious mind is a very powerful part of the human brain and can be quite helpful when it comes to giving you constructive solutions on how to make money. Many a times, we convince ourselves and our brain that we are not capable of gaining riches, and blame this situation to various excuses like - age, color, sex, financial status, obligations and more. Once you convince your mind that you are not capable of bringing home riches, you are making your mind absolutely idle and feeding it with negative thoughts. On the other hand, if you convince your mind and believe that you are capable of attracting money, you will be surprised that your mind will automatically switch to giving you solutions on how to bring home riches and make successful money. If You Don't Know How To Use Your Mental Capability, Here Are Some Simple Tips On How To Do It: Realization: If you're a person who does not keep his money neatly arranged or is careless about keeping your money, we suggest you to stop right now. Realizing the value of money is something that does not come easy, and will not come to those who carelessly handle it. Always ass! ociate m oney with something very precious to your life irrespective of how much you have. Keeping your money carefully means looking at it all the time and being conscious about it. This will automatically train your brain to get attracted to the same, which indirectly leads to helping you get solutions on how to increase your stagnant income. Visualization: Always keep on visualizing your dream income. Although, you might hear many people advising you not to build castles in the air, this is a very wrong thought and we tell you to get more into dreaming. Visualizing yourself reaching your goal is informing your subconscious mind that you're capable of earning money. Once the subconscious mind gets the idea of your goal and is clear to it, it indirectly gives you ideas on how to reach it. Positive Attitude: It is extremely important that you maintain a positive attitude towards your financial status. NEVER, tell anyone that you are broke. Telling people that you do not have money and that you are facing a financial problem makes you less motivated to earn money, and this makes you less enthusiastic in earning riches. Positive thinking always brings positive thoughts which ultimately lead you to motivational ideas on how to get rich. Your mind plays an extremely important role when it comes to attracting money into your bank account. Most people are incapable of earning money just because they do not know how to control their subconscious mind. Now you already understand the importance of mind education and how to control your subconscious mind through absolute focus. Mind Power education is one of the best ways in getting what you want in life with no trouble at all. To reach new heights and achieve greater success, mind power education is an indispensible accessory. About the Author This is Carol Strong who has always had a keen interest in self development. Using mind power, you can not only gain rich but also achieving success in every other ways. Log on to my informative website to find out more mind power secrets. |
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