Take Online Yoga Classes to Enjoy Privacy of Your Place While Practicing Yoga
Take Online Yoga Classes to Enjoy Privacy of Your Place While Practicing Yoga |
- Take Online Yoga Classes to Enjoy Privacy of Your Place While Practicing Yoga
- Got to share some poetic hate-mail insults
- Ten Tips for Producing a successful Yoga or Fitness Video
- Mom's Mental Health Affects Baby's Language Development
- Nationalistic and International Buddhism
- Join an ongoing group exploring the principles of Buddhist practice
- Do Animals Use Power Of Subconscious Mind?
- Wat Dhammaram
- Two Ways to Decrease Stress that are Better than Sex
- Wat Thai of Washington D.C.
- Exercise and Stress
- Take Back Pain to the Mat -Yoga for a Healthy Back
- How to Open the Mind for New Information
- Feel Relaxed with Cotton T Shirts Women
- The Spiritual Success at Meditation Retreats
- Vaccine Against Common Stomach Bug Could Arrive in 4 Years
- The Politicization of Vietnamese Buddhism and a New Crisis
- Yoga for Spiritual Development
- Ease Away Stress with Desk Yoga
- Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 2/18/2012
- Meditation Theory and Practice through Meditation Books
- Meditation for an Alpha Mind State
- Ten Tips To Reduce Stress And Lose Belly Fat
- Spiritual Ascension And Better Living
Take Online Yoga Classes to Enjoy Privacy of Your Place While Practicing Yoga Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Patresia Adams Stress has been considered a pandemic disorder that affects several many people in the world. Due to this increasing number, many had craved of ways, therapies and techniques that could relief you from stress. The introduction of stress relievers like breathing, aromatherapy, guide imagery had been broadly acknowledged and also a major part of stress management practices. But before these therapies were introduced, one proven therapy which had already existed and been practiced to relief various illnesses and disorder is yoga. Yoga is considered as a part of meditation practice of people in the world. Basically, when we say yoga, it means union which is believed to give relief from body, mind and spirit. People usually practice mainly for self development, as it undoubtedly provides relief from many diseases and disorder. Yoga has many benefits like gives stability of mental thinking, improves the circulation of the blood, and enables us to sleep properly and peacefully. While practicing yoga, we are able to gain calmness for our mind, which eliminates all stress and tension we have. From this we achieve stability of our mind that makes us think properly and order that helps us in taking proper decisions. As yoga becomes an essential part of our daily routine, various companies are now realizing the need of yoga. Companies are now offering online yoga classes the helps us to practice yoga without leaving the comfort and privacy of our homes. Nowadays, in busy life of everyone, these yoga classes online prove to be a great source for practicing yoga. With a nominal amount of fees, they will provide you live yoga classes that suit your packet as well as time schedule. Divine Wellness, a leading online resource offers live yoga classes online as per your time schedule. If you want privacy and comfort of your place while practicing yoga, Divine Wellness is the way to go! About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. | |||
Got to share some poetic hate-mail insults Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST I've got to give credit where credit is due: one of my most avid non-fans does come up with some marvelously creative (and alliterative) insulting comments. Often these go into a Typepad spam filter, where I just discovered some heretofore unnoticed gems. Usually I ignore hate mail, but these communications struck me as possessing an admirable "Howl" style (Allen Ginsberg's classic poem) and deserved to be shared with a wider audience. why you such a two bit second grade hypocritical coward you miserable little runt eyed prat, what you so goddamn chicken about you pitiful little two faced rat? You a typical two faced insincere coward who is too cowardly to face any facts.. Lemme tell you how its gonna cut you cowardly little pitiful prat... reality gonna dawn on you so hard you gonna bust apart and cry big tears like the little chicken arsed two faced unscrupulous insincere back biting coward you are. about time this pseudo psycho asshole derelict dimwit dumb ass Hines got down from his self made defunct cocoon of ignorant denial driven disillusionment and opened up his defunct derailed brain and let a little bit of open minded light into his dark cavernous debauched brainwashed bullshit baffled bewilderment. you churchless chump morons think you clever, the entire gamut bang shoot of you churchless anti RSSB champing clowns are decidedly and absolutely stupid... and it shows... The author of these messages, of course, considers that he/she is not decidedly and absolutely stupid. I'll leave it to the reader to determine where the balance of stupidity falls most heavily. Bill Moyers: On Faith & Reason - Pema Chödrön | PBSThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Ten Tips for Producing a successful Yoga or Fitness Video Posted: 18 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by David Collier I just finished my third yoga DVD and I feel completely re-energized. As a director and cameraman, I have always enjoyed shooting fitness videos since the process inspires my own athletic practice and yoga studies. With each shoot, I learn something new, so I thought it would be valuable to share my insights with fitness and yoga instructors who are considering producing their own videos. I've culled together some tips and considerations to help people avoid pitfalls and ways in which they can elevate their fitness video productions. Spending the money to produce a yoga video is a gamble for sure, but you can hedge your bet by doing your homework to ensure that your yoga DVD has a good shot at recouping your investment and (hopefully) making a good profit. The cost to produce a professional fitness DVD can range from to K so you want to be sure you've considered all the elements before firing up the cameras. Of course there are many variables that can alter the budget, and a lot of videos cost well over K, but that's a good starting point. There is another intangible reason to producing a professional yoga DVD - to promote yourself. Instructional videos allow you to market your name in such a way that word-of-mouth alone cannot accomplish. It will ultimately help strengthen your business and is an effective portfolio of your teaching practices. 1) Make sure your yoga DVD has a unique marketable approach - For those who don't have a household name, best-selling yoga book or star power, you need to play on your strengths. You don't need to be a Rodney Yee to sell a lot of yoga DVDs, but remember, there are dozens of yoga videos all competing for the same dollars. It's important that your video stands out and has a unique niche market, for example, some successful videos include: pre-nadal yoga, yoga for cyclists, cross training in winter or hula-hooping fitness for everyone. There is a fine line between making sure there is a broad enough appeal and finding a good niche audience! . 2) Choose the right location - Shooting in a beautiful setting can make a world of difference and will elevate the production value of the overall video. 3) Move that camera! - A moving camera can boost production value in a big way. Using a jib arm can not only keep the shot interesting for 30 seconds at a time but can also be helpful to show different angles as the camera floats around the body. 4) Multiple cameras with matching time code - To do a professional yoga or fitness video you need to shoot with at least two cameras, if not more, and those cameras should be synced with time code. I like to have one camera on a jib arm that is getting the wide shots while the second camera is shooting close ups. Adding a third camera is valuable if you have more than five people on screen at once. 5) Deciding how many people to have in the shot - This is a key factor in deciding how to set up your shoot and it is important to consider your reasons for using more or fewer practitioners to demonstrate. It's always good to have at least one man and one woman unless your video is marketed for men or women only. 6) Voiceover? Or Direct to Camera? - You will need to consider if you want the host to address the audience or to use a VO before developing the script.The advantage of doing the exercise routine in Voice Over (also called VO), is that it allows you considerable flexibility once you're in the edit room and it is easier to alter the script if and when needed. Personally, I like to switch it up. Have the yoga instructor start out on camera for the opening. If you do the entire practice on camera make sure to have a wireless headset microphone that moves with the instructor so you can consistently record clean audio. 7) Create more than one routine on a disc - While you don't want to give away three DVDs worth of yoga on one disc, it's nice to be able to offer a menu with a few options to choose from. I suggest a basic hour-long workout, a condensed half hour, and an adva! nced wor kout or practice. I would err on the side of making the disc feel substantial. Two different lengths of a similar routine is good because sometimes the viewer only has a half hour to spend with your DVD. 8) Chapter your DVD - There are certain sections on the DVD that your viewer will want to watch many times over as they do their routine. There are other sections that the viewer will only want to see once. Make sure each routine has its own chapter for the viewer's convenience. 9) Know your market - This is key in establishing your audience and increases your possibilities of generating a profit. Do your research! Speak to your students and let them know you are considering creating an instructional video - chances are they'll be happy to share with you their thoughts and/or interest. Is this something they would want to buy? 10) Create a beautiful DVD Cover and DVD Menu - They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but the truth of the matter is we all do. DVD packaging is important especially when it comes to appealing to your audience. Something to consider is featuring your photo on the cover. You may be your DVD's biggest selling point, so be ready for your close up. About the AuthorDavid Collier is film director and videographer. Straight out of college, Collier directed and produced the feature-length documentary For Better or For Worse, which earned him several awards, including an Academy Award nomination. In 1992 Collier founded Studio B Films http://www.studiobfilms.com and has since worked on various non-fiction programs for PBS, BBC, Discovery, MTV and Animal Planet. Seated Wide Angled Forward Bend Pose Yoga During PregnancyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Mom's Mental Health Affects Baby's Language Development Posted: 18 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST
VANCOUVER — Both having depression and taking antidepressants during pregnancy may affect an infant's language development, new research suggests. Study results reveal that a crucial language development period, during which infants learn to tune in to the sounds of their native language, is sped up when women take antidepressants, and prolonged when a woman has depression. However, the researchers are not sure whether such speeding up or slowing down is beneficial or harmful in the long run, and it may not have any effect on a baby's ultimate ability to acquire language, said Janet Werker, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia. Werker discussed her findings here at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting. Babies are born with the ability to learn any language, and can distinguish between sounds of a variety of different tongues. However, by the age of 6 to 10 months, they begin to take more notice of the sounds of their native language, and are less able to discriminate between sounds of other languages. In the new study, Werker and colleagues tested the ability of babies born to mothers with and without depression to discriminate between consonant sounds in a non-native language. Babies of mothers without depression showed the normal pattern of development — they could discriminate between the consonant sounds at 6 months old, but by 10 months old, they had lost this ability. In contrast, babies of mothers with depression could still discriminate between the sounds by age 10 months. Interestingly, babies of mothers with depression who took serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SRIs (a type of antidepressant) could not discriminate between the consonant sounds at either 6 or 10 months old. The researchers wondered if this period of development had been shifted to even earlier in life. To find out, they studied the heart rates of fetuses during the 36th week of pregnancy (babies are considered full term starting at 37 weeks). A decrease in heart rate in response to a stimulus is indicative of discrimination, Werker said. Sure enough, babies of mothers who took SRIs could discriminate between the consonant sounds in utero, just before they were born. Future studies are needed to learn how this shift ultimately affects speech and language development, Werker said. Because of the effects of poor mental health on both mothers and their babies, woman should be screened for depression before and during pregnancy so it can be effectively managed, said Dr. Tim Oberlander, a professor of developmental pediatrics at University of British Columbia. Regardless of whether a woman takes SRIs, "non-treatment is never an option," Oberlander said. The decision for depressed women take medication during pregnancy is a personal one to be made between a woman and her doctor, Oberlander said. "To say one size fits all is not fair or reasonable," he said. Pass it on: Both depression and antidepressants during pregnancy can shift an infants' ability to tune to their native language, but it's not clear whether this change is good, bad or doesn't matter. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Findus on Facebook. Happy Tree Friends - Books of FuryThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Nationalistic and International Buddhism Posted: 18 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai After Independence in 1948, the identification between Buddhism and nationalism continued and even led to the politicization of the Ceylonese Sangha. Several factors were accountable for this. Firstly, other religions, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, were imported to the island by occupying powers during various colonial periods. Secondly, the fact that, by the British constitution, the Queen of England is the head of the Anglican Church and Defender of the Faith, caused in the Buddhists opposition to Ceylon's constitution of 1946-47. They would ask, "How can the Queen of England be defender both of the Christian and of the Buddhist religions?" Thirdly, religious conflicts during the British colonial period increased in the Ceylonese love of their native culture, stimulated a desire to turn back to a golden past when Ceylon was under Buddhist kings, and thus led to the demand for the reestablishment of Buddhism as the state religion and the planning of educational and cultural policies under the guidance of Buddhist principles. Moreover, the fact that in Ceylon temple lands and monasteries are the private property of the monks who have interests in them may also have some connec-tion with the matter. As a result of the politicization of the Sangha, every politician tries to win the support of the monks and the winners are those who attract the greater number of monks to their cause. Today, monks may be seen actively campaigning for a political party candidate or politicians making speeches with monks at their sides. This politicization has, however, caused reactions, especially since the assassination of Ceylonese Prime Minister Bandaranaike in 1956. There has been a public demand for the purifying and reforming of the Sangha. Thus, there are trends to put an end to the politicization and secu-larization of the Ceylonese Sangha, and to restore it to the purely spiritual character of monasticism. Another trend worthy of interest is the involvement of monks in community development pr! ojects a nd programmes for rural uplift. Organi-zations and movements have been formed for the participation of monks in various kinds of work for the spiritual and material welfare of the people and for the improvement of the living conditions of the villagers, such as the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement (organized in 2501/1958) and the Ceylon Farmers' Association (founded in 2509/1966). This trend can also be seen in other Southeast Asian countries, especially Thailand. In 2515/1972, Ceylon adopted a new constitution under which the country became a republic and its name was changed to Sri Lanka. At present, there are three main sects of the Sri Lankan Sangha : the largest and oldest, Siam Nikaya, which is divided into two principal chapters, Malwatta and Asgiriya; the Amarapura Nikaya, founded in the 19th century with about 20 percent of monk population; and the Ramanna Nikaya, founded by reformist members of the Siam sect. While the former Siam sect derived its ordination from Thailand, the latter two are the recipients of ordination from Burma. There are no fundamental or doctrinal differences between these sects. Of the population of 15,000,000 (est. 2524/1981), Buddhists make up 67 percent, while, of the rest, 18 percent are Hindu, 8 percent Christians, and 7 percent Muslims. There are almost 6,000 monasteries with about 17,000 monks and 14,000 novices in residence. Among the Theravada Buddhist countries, Sri Lanka has been the most advanced in modern Buddhist studies. Besides the two monastic parivenas of Vidyodaya1 and Vidyalankara2 which have been elevated to university status, admitting lay students as well as monks, the older secular University of Sri Lanka offers courses in Pali and Buddhist studies both for the lower and for the advanced degrees to all students, Sri Lankan and foreign, including monks. Sri Lanka has made great contributions to the progress of interna-tional Buddhism. Besides the above-described Maha Bodhi Society, Sri Lanka gave birth to another great int! ernation al Buddhist organization, that is, the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB.) in 2493/1950. Professor Malalasekera who initiated the idea was elected the first president of the organization. Now the organization has its permanent headquarters in Thailand. In addition, until 2518/1975 Sri Lanka had sent abroad a far greater number of Dhammadutas than any other Buddhist country, except Japan. Sri Lankan monks can be found residing in their viharas or residences in London, Washington, West Berlin and other Western cities, as well as in India. The Buddhist Publication Society of Kandy, established in 2501/1958, has regularly published two useful serial publications called 'The Wheel' and 'Bodhi Leaves', which have enjoyed a world-wide readership. Sri Lanka's monthly journals such as World Buddhism, meet with increasing numbers of readers in the English-speaking world. So far, as Trevor Ling says in his A History of Religion : East and West, "Ceylon has also played a larger part than any other Buddhist country in making known to some of the non-Buddhist areas of the world the principles and practice of Buddhism". About the AuthorSlide show Free album love | |||
Join an ongoing group exploring the principles of Buddhist practice Posted: 18 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST
Bodhipaksa has been meeting regularly for a year now with a small, friendly, and very dedicated group of Buddhists. Every Tuesday night we meet, do a brief meditation together, and then explore Buddhist teachings and how they apply to our lives. This is a very welcoming and informal group, and places are very limited. Who is this for?You don't have to regard yourself as a Buddhist to join, although you should be familiar with meditation and have an interest in putting the Buddha's teachings into practice in your life. Date and timeStarts Tues, Feb 28, 8:30 PM EST. 7:30 PM Central (To find the times in others part of the world, click here and convert from "USA – New Hampshire – Concord" to your local time zone.) CostParticipation on the course is by donation. Further detailsFor more details, click here. Read More @ SourceKickass Miracles - Tiger PettingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Do Animals Use Power Of Subconscious Mind? Posted: 18 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Charles Mentreut Human Mind - the most powerful and forceful creation in the world. Yes, this is true and one should never doubt this fact since the origin of all human thoughts and action lie in that very place. Whatever you say or do, remember, that the source point of it all is in your mind. It is the action of your mind that gets manifested in the conscious level. Suppose you are watching TV and you want to change the channel. You think of doing it first and then do the action. But there are many instances where the thought comes to you subconsciously and you act on it. E.g. When you just pick up the remote and change the channel without thinking. A probable explanation for your action would be viewing a commercial of a product which you do not particularly like. Something like this must have subconsciously triggered your thought and subsequently your action of changing the channel. Can you now understand why training the subconscious mind power is so important? Once this power is tapped into and utilized, there would be no stopping you from improving your life quality to the levels which you never thought possible before. If an individual can properly tap into and develop the powers of his subconscious mind, he can unearth all the potentials he has hidden within. Many claim that it is dangerous to unearth what exists in the subconscious. However, though it is a good thing to know about certain dark aspects of human psychology, but clinging on to the same only unfortunately results in more of such negativity in life. Therefore, one should only focus on the positive side to human psychology and think about how to develop his own subconscious mind power as a self improvement exercise. Chances are that you are thinking this to be an extremely complicated process but in fact it is just the opposite. One can utilize the power of his subconscious mind in tapping into and developing all the hidden potentials that lies dormant within him. Moreover, doing this is not as diffic! ult as i t is made out to be. Through some simple processes given below, you should be able to do this successfully. Affirmation can be said to be the most basic and simple technique to harness the power of the subconscious. Herein what you need to do is to continuously tell yourself or remind yourself about some positive thing in order to achieve that desired result. For example, if someone needed to complete a daunting task they were not truly inclined to become involved with, they might feel a deep tired feeling come over them. This is essentially a stress response that gets generated when you think of the task to be boorish and this cuts off the energy required o get the job done. Using the technique of mental affirmation is the best way to combat this in order to complete the task successfully. One way to do this is to repeatedly remind yourself of all the various benefits that would arise only after the task is complete. One cam also try and affirm by standing in front of the mirror and telling himself that he is the best suited for the task. Affirmations also help you to change a habit such as stopping smoking or stopping yourself from overeating or drinking. Scientific studies have shown that the constant repetition of affirmations, either spoken or written down, taps into the power of your subconscious mind and changes your behaviour. Another path towards subconscious mind power development is through post hypnotic suggestion. While the help of a qualified hypnotherapist is usually required in this, but self hypnosis is also possible by using pre-recorded hypnosis audio. A relatively new concept known as binaural beats is also becoming popular as a method to develop one's subconscious mind power. A technique based on brainwave synchronization, this involves hearing sound waves of slightly different frequencies through each ear of an individual. This goes to the brain synchronizing the two hemispheres thereof, resulting in a deep meditative state of mind where com! municati on between the conscious and the subconscious is possible. There are innumerable evidence in this world to show what one can do if he can successfully develop the powers of his subconscious. If you take the example of the Buddhist monks, you can see that just by mere control on their subconscious they can become invisible or levitate off the ground and perform many other such feats which are termed supernatural by other ordinary people. The power of one's subconscious is such that it can also influence matter on a subatomic level. Not only matter but also events in your life as is shown in countless books and movies like 'The Secret' which explains the Law of Attraction. It can be thus seen that the law of Attraction is not just theoretical discussion but a physical law that lets you manifest anything and everything you ever wanted in your life just by effective communication with one's own subconscious. The astonishing fact is that quantum physics and all its recent advances talk about the same things which our ancient religions of the world told us thousands of years ago that our mind is the source behind everything. What we live in is nothing but the product of our own subconscious. Not only this, but quantum physics have also gone ahead to explain what all we usually term as supernatural or psychic feats. To conclude, it can be said that the power of the subconscious mind is vaster in scope and possibilities than can be imagined and hence manipulating the same should never be underestimated. Not only can it change your behaviour but also take you to a new life altogether. About the Author Look at the exciting world of using your mind power with the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Discover for yourself the amazing secrets of the subconscious. Find out the real mind power secret with a FREE audio and ebook Package. How An Apple Can Help Kids Understand What's Happening NowThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 18 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai Wat Dhammaram 'The Thai Buddhist Temple' is the legal English name as it appears in the Certificate of Incorporation granted by the Department of State of Illinois to the Thai Buddhist temple in Chicago. The name came into legal effect on May 17, 2519/1976, which is the date of the official establishment of the Temple. Later, the Temple was granted by His Holiness the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand an honorary Thai name of 'Wat Dhammaram' which the Temple usually uses as its popular name in publicizing its activities and circulating its publications in the Thai language. The Thai Buddhist Temple in Chicago may serve as an example of the gradual development of a Thai Buddhist organization in the United States. Like New York City, Chicago is a big city where-a large number of Thai people, approximately the same number as in New York City, live, work and study. In 2512/1969, 'The Thai Association of Greater Chicago' was founded to encourage and to coordinate the activities of Thai people and to maintain their unity. In the middle of 2515/1972, some groups of Thai Buddhist monks, on the way to visit places of interest and Thai communities in the United States, arrived at short intervals in Chicago. It was the "Thai Association of Greater Chicago" that took the responsibility for the reception of these first monk visitors. Merit-making ceremonies, sermons and talks were held at a Japanese temple where a surprisingly large number of people came to attend. Following this, Thai people in Chicago invited a monk from the Thai Temple in Los Angeles to officiate on occasions of religious observances, ceremonies and celebrations. Lacking a place for ceremonial assembly of their own, the ceremonies and celebrations had to be held at the Japanese temple which a number of Thai relied on for religious and spiritual purposes even before the coming of Thai Buddhist monks. At that time, Thai people in Los Angeles began to collect funds for the founding of a Thai temple in Los Angeles. To contribute to this meri! torious effort, some Thai Buddhists in Chicago helped in collecting donations from devotees in Chicago and sent the donations to Los Angeles. All These events and activities led to more and more frequent meetings of devoted Buddhists until at last they decided that a Buddhist organization should be formed to take charge of providing arrangements, funds and other facilities for all Buddhist activities in Chicago. A period somewhat over one year from the middle of 2516/1973 to the later part of 2517/1974 saw the development of this organization from the conception of the idea through an informal organization into a legally full-fledged corporation. It was on September 13, 2517/1974 that the aforesaid group of Thai devoted lay Buddhists in Chicago had the organization filed under the General Not for Profit Corporation Act of the State of Illinois under the name of 'The Thai Buddhist Center'. Then, the Center further developed the idea of setting up a monks' residence, a so-called temple, in Chicago. Besides providing arrangements for Buddhist activities, the Center encouraged Thai people in Chicago and nearby areas to create such an establishment and collected funds, mainly through contributions, for this purpose. After a period of about two years, in spite of the effort and a large amount of collected funds, the dream of having a Thai monks' residence remained far from reality. Then, early in 2518/1975, the Center invited two Thai monks who at that time were staying at Vajiradhammapadip Temple in New York to come to conduct Buddhist activities and lead the people in the effort to found a Thai temple in Chicago. About the AuthorPlease visit Pillows for bedding Cotton sheet set Phuket accommodation The Dalai Lama and Quantum Physics 1/6This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Two Ways to Decrease Stress that are Better than Sex Posted: 18 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Jonathan Steele, RN Stress is something we all face. Whether it is the time for finals or the final hours of married life, we all face times that give new meaning to the term stress test. There are numerous ways to deal with stress. Some can be dealt with mentally and others with diet and exercise. I started researching the subject as a result of a study I read in the New Scientist. It reported that sex "cuts public speaking stress." The study by Stuart Brody, a University of Pailsey psychologist, actually has implications for many stressors we face. The real world application poses a major problem. As far as finals go, more and more young people are maintaining their celibacy until marriage. If you are monogamous or facing the stress of a divorce, there are obvious reasons that alternatives are necessary. As a Nurse I have witnessed the side effects associated with sex outside of marriage. The results are both life threatening and life complicating. So what else can you do? A better way to deal with anxiety associated with public speaking or any life challenge is through mental, physical, and dietary preparation. Consider two examples. Take a look at EMI. Eye Movement Integration (EMI) is perhaps one of the most effective methods of stress reduction and performance improvement available to our minds. Simply face your head straight in front of you and don't move. Now look at and track your eyes as though they were following the lines of an imaginary Z that extends to all four quadrants of your visual field. Then trace a box around the Z. Repeat this eight times slowly and consistently. Many will comment they notice a sensation upon doing it the first time. That sensation was, in simplest terms, the left and right brain connecting with each other. It does not hurt. It just feels like a sensation. Stress causes a loop of thoughts that re-play over and over like a broken record or a CD with a scratch that prevents the mind to d! o what i t needs to do. EMI stops the skip allowing the brain to progress into problem solving mode automatically. Negative Emotions vs. Positive Emotions This one fact needs to be remembered. If applied in your life, it can change the way you feel about things. It is the most important aspect of practicing safe stress. Negative emotions are preceded by negative thoughts. This is important to know because negative emotions like anger, fear, and anxiety can decrease your ability to solve problems, make decisions, and reason on things. The first step, eliminate or replace the negative thoughts. You can help your roommate and friends do likewise. If you find yourself or someone near you using emotion draining words around you, stop them and say, "It's not like you to..." then identify the action or attitude. It may take some creative thinking to be able to frame it as a truthful statement. Do the same with your own mind. Frame everything you face as a positive experience and reap the positive emotions. One person's failure is another's learning experience. One person's loss is another's training. It is up to you. How you choose to frame anything that happens to you, even if out of your control, can determine how you will feel. How you feel will determine how you deal with stress. These exercises are better than sex in that you can do them any time of day or night by your self. They produce something within us that helps us to grow. Where ever we are and with what ever stress we face they are readily available. May all your stress be good stress. If you're taking a final or speaking in front of a crowd, how ever you fare, may you fare well. About the AuthorJonathan Steele, RN is a nursing consultant and free lance speaker. He is host of http://www.speechmastery.com/ a site to help speakers master the art of public speaking. He is also an artist. His paintings, sculptures, photography and prints have sold around the world. You can view some of his previous creations at http://www.jonathansteeleworks.com/ Meditation-Budham Saranam Gachami.wmvThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 18 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Ronaldo The Teacher Buddhist musing is one of the immensely complex and discrete forms of meditation on the den. practiced by millions of people, this discover of reflection is discrete by the supply-teach that teaches tangible. Seeing each illustrate has a clashing depiction of teaching, the specific forms of Buddhist thinking is usually special to that cram. However, competent are many principles of Buddhist meditation that is carried considering between the distinctive schools. The customary use of Buddhist musing is to carry forward tranquility further aha to carry through counsel besides Nirvana. Typically, this is done through the Samatha meditations and the Vipassana meditations. Samatha is a reference towards tranquility, trick Vipassana is a reference towards sagaciousness. Each of these types hold incommensurable methods, and these mismated methods are whole enchilada used to pop up designful aspects of yourself. In Buddhist meditation, the Samatha meditations are chrgeable thanks to developing concentration, loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy further equanimity. Some schools leave further develop further aspects of the self, but these five aspects partly always nurture to act as pursued. In Buddhist meditation, the Vipassana mediation tends to spring inner calm again freedom, clarity of self, for quite thanks to aspects of wisdom and compassion. Correct to the belief cut of the Buddhist, some forms of Samatha overlap Vipassana, which is good now achieving word again Nirvana is whereas the clot of both Vipassan again Samatha. If you execute not affirm ascendancy the Buddhist religion, you power harmonious make use of the needful methods of meditation, although extremely of the spirituality and form behind the meditations is disappeared. Non-Buddhists nurture to strive towards health and mental clarity, owing to entirely owing to other non-Buddhist goals. This changes the polestar of the meditations, although reposing permits non-Buddhists to furt! herance from the form. Buddhist meditation is a category of thought and alive techniques. These two pushover techniques juxtapose across outright of the schools. However, the cover of steps used to master the techniques of reflection are painfully divergent. For example, the Theravada tradition has a no bother over ninety ways to check in the position also concentration. The Tibetan tradition, on the otherwise hand, has thousands of visualization meditations. Most teachers of Buddhist pondering will only annotate from the coach they were originally tender from. know onions are unique a few teachers that will undertaking to span the unsimilar schools and tag the practices of these different schools. Buddhist contemplation is typically guided until the consciousness of musing conceive been agreeable to the youth. About the AuthorRonaldo the Teacher is a Meditation motivador that tries to spread the art of Meditating in order to help develop the fulfilling Life of others.Take a look Take a look here.Check the Benefits of Meditation here! key words/ tags: benefits of meditation, how to meditate with soun, the power of meditation, meditation techniques, meditation, benefits, budha, dalai lama, happiness, how to meditate, how to benefit | |||
Posted: 18 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai Wat Thai of Washington, D.C. is viewed as having been founded, informally, when two monks who were invited from Thailand arrived and took residence on July 5, 2517/1974, at a suburban house at 705 Wayne Avenue in Silver Spring. This house was rented by the Buddhist Association in Washington, D.C. for monks' residence and for use as a seat of Buddhist activities of the Association. The Buddhist Association in Washington, D.C., the owner of the house, is in turn the outgrowth of a Buddhist group which was formed in the middle of 2514/1971 to conduct Buddhist activities and to advance the cause of Buddhism. The Buddhist Association was granted a Certificate of Incorporation on November 20, 2517/1974, turning it into a legal entity under the District of Columbia Non-profit Corporation Act, thus marking its official establishment. At that time, the efforts of the Association were focused on the collection of funds for the founding of a Thai Buddhist temple or, to be precise, a residence for monks who would participate in Buddhist ceremonies and services on various religious and cultural occasions and conduct other Buddhist activities. Until the coming of the two monks in July 2517/1974, Thai Buddhists in Washington D.C. and nearby areas often resorted to the Washington Buddhist Vihara at 5017-16th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. and its incumbent Ceylonese monks for Buddhist observances, celebrations and religious services. The arrival of monks from Thailand made possible the performance of Buddhist activities fully in accordance with Thai cultural traditions. Due to the shortage of funds, however, the house, which was the first site of the so-called temple on a 8,618 square-foot plot of land, had to be rented for a long period of time. In June 2519/1976, the Buddhist Association signed an agreement for the purchase of the house at the price of ,500 and made a 10% deposit, turning it into the property of the Association. On July 7, 2519/1976, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Buddhi! st Assoc iation was held and a resolution was passed to the effect that the name of the Temple be changed to 'Wat Buddhamonkol'. The name has not yet come into public usage. In 2523/1980, a larger house on a 31,000 square-foot plot of land at Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring was purchased at the price of 0,000 and the temple was moved to the new site on the seventh of December of the same year. During the Vassa period of 2520/1977, there were two monks in residence at Wat Thai of Washington, D.C.As the capital of the country, Washington, D.C. is the home of diplomatic officials. There are comparatively few Thai of other professions and occupations. Besides Thai diplomatic officials, those who frequent the Temple are mostly students, who, in comparison with those in other big cities, are not numerous. The Temple is quiet most of the day and on most days of the week. Its activities concentrate mainly on the observance and celebration of annual Buddhist holy days and Thai traditional holidays. The Temple also welcomes inquiries put, from time to time, by devoted lay persons and interested occasional visitors. It provides them with answers and explanations on different points of the Buddha's teaching and on meditation both in theory and in practice. The monthly magazine of the Temple, called 'Saeng Dhamma', contains a variety of articles on the Dharma, most of which are in Thai, and news and information about the activities of the Temple. In September 2519/1976, monks from Wat Thai were invited to participate in a program for oriental wives of military personnel at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. The program was set up by the chaplain there. According to him, "There are many oriental women here, mostly Thais who are married to military personnel". Since that time, once a month, two monks from Wat Thai Washington, D.C. conduct worship services, teach and counsel at the Dover chapel. Some 50 families participate. At Homestead Air Force base in Florida, a similar program has been established for Thai ! wives of military personnel there and other local Thai people. However, due to the distance, the monks from Wat Thai go there more infrequently. About the AuthorPlease visit Jeans directory Kids jeans Skinny kids jeans Boot cut jeans Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 18 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Nitin Chhoda It is no secret that people who exercise regularly feel better, more energetic, and less stressed.. There is plenty of evidence to show that exercise provides stress-relieving benefits. Essentially, there are four ways exercise controls stress. Exercise can help you relax. Although the actual exercise bout might be strenuous and difficult to execute, actual benefits such as stress reduction, body toning etc. actually occur after the session is over. The immediate post-exercise period helps flush out carbon dioxide and waste products from the various systems. Following a session of exercise, clinicians have measured a decrease in electrical activity of tensed muscles. People feel less jittery and hyperactive after an exercise session. Exercise can help raise your mood. A good and well-supervised exercise session helps you relax for the next 90 to 120 minutes. This is called post-exercise euphoria or endorphin response, and these 'feel good' chemicals improve your mood and leave you relaxed. Exercise can make you feel better about yourself. Think about those times when you were physically active. Did you not better about yourself? That feeling of self-worth contributes to stress relief. Physical fitness is a buffer against stress and fit subjects experience less stress than unfit subjects. Exercise can make you eat better. People who exercise regularly tend to eat more nutritious food and stick to healthy eating habits; this helps your body manage stress better. To help you get started, here are three types of activities you can choose from. A combination of all 3 is ideal for best results. 1. Aerobic activity. All it takes is 20 minutes' worth, six to seven days a week. Twenty minutes won't carve a big chunk out of your day, but it will improve your ability to control stress significantly. These are good aerobic studios in almost every town. Look for information in local newspapers for spring specials and other discounts. 2. Yoga. In yoga or yoga-type acti! vities, your mind relaxes progressively as your body increases its amount of muscular work. Recent studies have shown that when large muscle groups repeatedly contract and relax, the brain receives a signal to release specific neurotransmitters, which in turn make you feel relaxed and more alert. 3. Recreational sports. Play cricket, football tennis, or badminton on weekends. Cycling and swimming also work well. These games require the kind of vigorous activity that rids your body of stress-causing adrenaline and other hormones. In addition to the above 'long term solutions', you can also try several techniques to 'calm down' when you feel overly stressed. The following 'short cut stress busters' should be very helpful. If you are sitting in one position for a prolonged period of time, stand up from the desk and stretch your arms and legs at regular intervals. Shut your eyes and take 20 slow deep breaths. Listen to soothing music. Squeeze and release a towel or a rubber ball a few times. Visualize yourself petting your children, sitting by the balcony watching the sunset, spending the weekend relaxing with family, walking on grass etc About the AuthorFor more information and to register for free and get full-color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit http://www.best-weight-loss-programs.net/, for exercises for women, visit http://www.toningforwomen.com/ and to train with Nitin, visit http://www.phonefitnesstrainer.com/ Coconut WaterThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Take Back Pain to the Mat -Yoga for a Healthy Back Posted: 18 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Aman Sharma One of the most common medical problems across the globe is that of low back pain. Back pain can affect anyone, at any age, regardless of the eating habits, lifestyle or weight. Although most cases of low back pains are easy to resolve, it's one of the most frustrating problems for both patients and doctors. The start of a solution to any health related issue is to understand the cause and effect equation behind it. But unlike other problems, in back pain nothing is permanently damaged and there's usually no underlying condition causing back pain, therefore nothing shows up in tests. Therefore, both general physician and patients can not figure out the solution at once. As they say, there's no 'magic bullet' to cure back pain. In the past, general physicians would send patients to a surgeon to alleviate back pain. Increasingly, however, now doctors are beginning to recognise the benefits of Yoga. Yoga not only helps reduce back pain, but also gives patients the strength to deal with it in a better way. So, if you've got back pain - try taking it to the Yoga mat (after consultation with your doctor). Yoga cultivates a balance between the flexibility and strength of the muscles of the body, often the real culprit in back pain. Yoga can help you strengthen your abdominals (weak abs contribute to swayback and back pain). Pranayama (breath control) is the breathing technique of yoga that works wonders in increasing physical and psychological performance, hence reducing stress (which causes you to tighten and tense, tending to increase pain). It's also imperative that all the tissues in our bodies should move regularly to function properly. Yoga boosts circulation in the disks of the spine (to push out stale and bring in new disk fluid and blood, bringing in vital nutrients). There are many benefits to be found from a disciplined practice of Yoga, many stemming from improvements in the overall circulatory function. There are even some particular Yoga exercises called Inversions which are es! pecially developed to improve stamina and the strength of the upper body. Wrong posture (sitting, standing or sleeping) is considered as one of the most common causes of back pain problem. Regular practice of Yoga makes a person aware of his/her posture (so that one can use the alignment seen in yoga poses to the everyday, work-a-day world and lessen strain on the back). Our bodies mostly develop problems like back pain, to signal the need of a getaway from the chaos and stress of our everyday lives. India, the world capital of Yoga offers many options of such getaways. The numerous Yoga centers across India offer Yoga vacations India to suit every travel budget. And the whole experience is further enriched by coupling it with a tour which allows one to feel the warmth, culture and diversity of India. About the AuthorTravel Spiritual India is a Travel company based in India which custom designs Yoga tours India for discerning travellers from across the globe. To explore the tours, visit http://www.travelspiritualindia.com/ ANAHATA & AJNA 2 complex YOGA LIVEThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How to Open the Mind for New Information Posted: 18 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Sean Adams You have to clear space in your mind for new information to enter. This can only be done by taking the time to remove old information from your mind to make space for the new information to enter. Empty some unneeded information from the vessel of the mind to let the new flow in easily to change your life and create greater abundance. Be aware what is there In order to begin removing information from your mind you must first know what is floating around in your mind. I can guarantee there is stuff in your mind you will want to get rid of, but first you must be aware of what is in there. This will require you taking the time to do some internal reflection and listening to your mind. This may very well be a new experience to many of you, but if you take the time and do this it will make a very big difference in your life. This is going to be a challenge but it will help you to be successful. Take time every day, and I mean every day, to sit quietly for one minute every hour and note what your thoughts are. Set a simple little alarm on your watch, your phone or your computer to go off every hour. As soon as you hear that alarm grab a notebook and write down the thoughts that are occurring in your mind. Do not judge them right now, just write them down. Do this for 2 to 3 weeks and use the same notebook so you have one long list of thoughts that exists in your mind. Focus on the thoughts that serve you Once you have a clear list of the thoughts that are occurring in your mind you can begin to decide which ones you like and which ones you do not like. Think about which thoughts in your list are serving you well, helping you to move towards your goals and your dreams. Put these into a new list and read these every day. The more you introduce these positive and supportive thoughts into you mind the more prevalent they will be and the more often you will default to these positive and supportive concepts. You want your mind filled with positive and supportive ideas and you ca! n do thi s by reading this list of your own thoughts regularly. Rewrite your thoughts Now take the original list of thoughts that you had and look at how you can reword these thoughts so that become a supportive thought instead of negative and detrimental. You do not want to just throw these thoughts away, because they still exist within you and you need to acknowledge and honor that fact. Our minds don't have an eraser. It does have an edit function though which can prove to be very beneficial. Look at this list of negative thoughts and take each one and rewrite it. Take your time in doing this to ensure that you are converting whatever the negative message is into something that is positive and supportive and helpful for your grow and advancement. The thought exists because it is in some way connected to you and where you are going. Honor this by wanting to keep the connection, just converting it into something positive. This is the most important part of opening your mind to new information. Fill in the space After you have reinforced all of the positive and supportive thoughts, and rewrite the negative to become supportive and positive, you will find that there is no w lot of overlap between the two. This means there is now extra space in your mind to fill it with new thoughts. Make sure you are very intentional and careful about which thoughts you are now bringing into your life. Remember that you are filling in precious space so you must decide to always ensure all new information is only supportive and positive. Look carefully at where you want to get to and make sure that the new thoughts work towards your getting there. About the Author Sean is an internet entrepreneur who specializes in helping people to identify their passion and find a way to turn that passion into a monetized website that makes sustainable passive income. To learn more about how to learn the basics check out http://www.WhatIsFinancialFreedom.com | |||
Feel Relaxed with Cotton T Shirts Women Posted: 18 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Rayford Clark T shirts have always been making a style statement. T shirts have never faded out of style. Over a pair of jeans, there is nothing more convenient and comfortable to wear and they are offered with so many distinctive colors and designs. T-shirts can disclose a lot about someone's personality. It can reveal the causes one supports, their role models, where they come from and what music they listen to etc. For both men and women, T-shirts have become popular. Men and cotton t shirts women are one of the most loved casual apparel. About women cotton tees, the following are some of the stylish tips and trends. When shopping for women's clothing, keeping these tips in mind will help you make better choices. In cotton t shirts women, the v neck is one of the popular styles. V neck t-shirts can be worn for both casual and professional occasions and it can make you look slim. Than a fresh white v neck t-shirt, there is nothing classier. This style of women cotton tees is appealing for both men and women. You can choose a deep or shallow v neck, according to your personal taste. For those with heavier bust lines, shallow v neck t-shirts are perfect types of Women's clothing. For women, the baby doll cotton t shirts women are form fitting kind of women's clothing. To show off your waistline and a round neck, it is generally characterized by stretchable tighter fabric and smaller sleeves. With younger women, this type of women's clothing is extremely popular. These women cotton tees come in an assortment of prints and colors and they are worn only as casual wear. In the winter or summer, baby doll t-shirts can be worn. Most women, if they are wearing this type of women's clothing during the cooler seasons, prefer wearing a fitted long sleeve white or black shirt inside. As sports uniform, a ringer cotton t shirts women is the type of women's clothing is mostly used. In a different color around the collar and sleeves, it is fashioned with ribbed borders. In men's clothing as well, this fash! ion tren d can be found. You can wear this t-shirt as everyday casual wear. To the baby doll t-shirt, a crew neck t-shirt is very alike except it is a lot looser form of women's clothing. Women cotton tees have now become a suitable form of outer wear, although they were originally created for wearing inside your clothing. These are perfect women's clothing and it can be worn on an each day basis. It can be casual or formal wear, depending on the fit and the material. This type of t-shirt is generally made of cotton and has a round neck. You will find women's shopping a breeze, now that we have gone through the various styles of cotton t shirts women. To look for the exact style and characteristics of women cotton tees, you can browse through magazines and the internet. To see which style you find the most charming, it will give you a clearer picture. You will find it a whole lot easier to discover the clothes that are attractive and fitting for your body, if you explore a little on the internet before shopping for women's clothing. About the AuthorRayford Clark is an author who writes useful articles on organic clothing, cotton t shirts, women cotton tees, yoga clothing and other related topics on fashion products. For more information on organic clothing and cotton t shirts women, please visit http://www.douspeakgreen.in. 36 Time for me, Feel good relaxation music by Paul CollierThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The Spiritual Success at Meditation Retreats Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Lily Candice If you desire a sincere change for the better in a life filled with stress and discomfort, meditation retreats are an option for you. Meditation retreats are organized and carried out by meditation centers which are run by established and experienced meditation teachers. These meditation teachers have developed systems and procedures over many years which are employed at meditation retreats where student seekers may learn to disabuse their minds of years of conditioning and wrong notions and achieve a state of bliss, characterized by peace, love and happiness. Meditation is a systematic process which seeks to control activities of the speech, mind and body. The practice of meditation, which can be learnt at meditation retreats, will enable the individual to have overall control of all her senses and will consequently not be buffeted by the day to day exigencies of living. It has been also shown that control of the mind through meditation has tremendous health benefits as those who meditate on a regular basis are less prone to illness and disease.The practice of meditation was born out of ancient religious practices, most especially the Buddhist religion, with most religions the world over having a form of meditation or the other integrated into their practice. However, meditation retreats are mostly non-religious, having no religious affiliation whatsoever. The Z Meditation center offers meditation retreats to sincere student seekers of holistic peace at their meditation center in Dharamsala, a small town in the popular Himalayas of India. At these meditation retreats, students are taken through a course of study which will gradually wean them of the conditionings gathered over the years, which has created a cluttering of their minds, not allowing for proper action and reaction to the daily challenges of life.It is important that any aspiring student of meditation be sincere in her approach and disciplined enough to follow through the systematic process of DeConditioning, the primary tool employe! d by Z M editation at their meditation retreats. Such a focused mindset will allow the student to quickly grasp the principles being taught; and it has been observed that some seekers display remarkable change within only a few days of taking up the course at meditation retreats. By the end of a typical course at good meditation retreats, the student should be well poised to deal effectively with any situation with which he may be faced. The success at meditation retreats does not mean the subsequent absence of problems and other issues. It only means that the individual is much better equipped to deal with just about anything.Meditation retreats are relatively cost efficient, costing merely a fraction of what you might expect to spend at a sea side resort, for example. And while you may achieve some level of peace and relaxation at a sea side resort, this peace is not lasting as you will most probably return to the status quo on your return home. The knowledge and ensuing peaceful state of well-being you will achieve at meditation retreats will last a lifetime, so long as you continue to observe the practice of daily meditation and living by the principles taught at meditation retreats. Everyone's focus will be different as we all come from different backgrounds with different conditionings. The object of meditation retreats is not to produce a following of brainwashed robots, but for each and every individual to be able to face his or her life with a calm clarity of mind. About the AuthorLily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India Meditation Sounds Deep RelaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Vaccine Against Common Stomach Bug Could Arrive in 4 Years Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST
VANCOUVER — Scientists are getting closer to producing a vaccine against norovirus — the number one cause of foodborne illness in the United States. Researchers have now tested norovirus vaccines in a limited number of human trials, said Charles Arntzen, co-director of the Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology at Arizona State University. But more studies need to be done in people to garner how effective it is, Arntzen said. If all goes well, a norovirus vaccine could come to market in the next four to five years, Arntzen said, speaking to reporters here today at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Norovirus causes about 5.5 million cases of foodborne illness in the United States each year, or 58 percent of all foodborne illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Salmonella, on the other hand, causes just 11 percent of cases, the CDC says. The virus can also spread from person to person, and through water. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramping. Although the virus is perhaps best known for causing illnesses that spread on cruise ships, most cases, around 60 percent, occur in long-term care facilities, such as homes for the elderly, said Jan Vinjé, of the CDC. The vaccine will likely be delivered as a nasal spray, which studies have shown induces a much stronger immune reaction against norovirus than an oral vaccine, Arntzen said. It would contain virus-like particles that resemble the two main strains of norovirus, but do not cause disease. Arntzen is collaborating with several companies to develop a vaccine, and receives funding from the company BioVaxx, Inc. The company Ligocyte Pharmaceuticals is in the lead with testing their vaccine in people, Arntzen said. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in December, researchers from Ligocyte showed a vaccine administered a few weeks before exposure to norovirus was about 60 percent effective in preventing illness (37 percent of participants who received the vaccine became ill, compared with 69 percent of participants who received a placebo). Before a vaccine can come to market, it needs to be about 80 to 90 percent effective, Arntzen said. Because norovirus evolves rapidly, it may need to be administered every year, like the flu vaccine, Arntzen said. At first, it would likely be targeted toward at-risk populations, including the young, the elderly, kids in daycare and travelers, Arntzen said. Currently, the best way to prevent norovirus infection is to wash your hands with soap and water before eating or preparing food, according to the CDC. Hand sanitizers can also be used if soap and water are not available, but these may not be as affective as hand washing at preventing infection, said Natalie Prystajecky, of the University of British Columbia. Those who fall ill should not prepare food for at least three days until after they recover from their illness, the CDC says. Pass it on: Researchers have made progress towards a norovirus vaccine, but more human studies are needed. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. TARA - GREEN TARAThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The Politicization of Vietnamese Buddhism and a New Crisis Posted: 18 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai The monks wanted for the monkhood and Buddhism the power that they saw the Catholic Church and the Catholics have under Ngo Dinh Diem. They wanted to place their chosen Buddhist political laymen in the government, to be advisers to the government, and to gain more state patronage for Buddhism. Then they took more direct political action. With their social and political activities increasing through Buddhist organizations, they became more powerful and directed influence toward the government. They also developed tensions and even clashed with the Catholics who were afraid of being treated with the kind of religious discrimination that the Buddhists said they had suffered under the regime of Diem. When Nguyen Cao Ky established his military regime in June 2508/1965, there had taken place four more changes of South Vietnamese governments and the Buddhists were said to have been directly or indirectly responsible for the downfall of these governments. In the early period of the Ky regime, the monks' overt political activities decreased due to unfavourable military and political conditions. Moreover, the split widened between the militant and the moderate monks. Under the urging of the lay Buddhists for political moderation and the building of internal strength, main efforts were directed towards more positive activities, especially Buddhist education, social welfare and youth programmes. Three weekly newspapers, three monthly magazines and twenty-five periodicals were published to achieve propagative aims. Then, in March 2509/1966, the Buddhists came again into conflict with the government. The Unified Buddhist Church wanted to establish a position of power in the new government and brought political pressure on Premier Nguyen Cao Ky. They issued a communique on March 14, calling for (1) an immediate convention to draw up a constitution, (2) national elections, and (3) the return to his post of General Thi, a military leader popular among his men and the Buddhists, who had been dismissed! from hi s position in Hue. This led to the Buddhist crisis which lasted until September 1966. In the process, the Buddhist movement was seriously divided between the moderates who sought to compromise and the militants who even turned their demands into a campaign to overthrow the Ky regime. In their internal struggle, it was the militants who defeated the moderates and dominated the actions of the Unified Buddhist Church. The militant Buddhist students and thousands of soldiers in Hue and Danang followed the militant monks and brought the two cities to a point on the verge of rebellion. Violent protests were also held in Saigon. The government used force to put down the uprisings. As in the crisis of 1963, the Buddhists used demonstrations, hunger strikes and self-immolation as their weapons. But, this time, even their ultimate weapon of burning themselves to death did not excite the people and win popular acceptance so much as in the former crisis. The monks did not have a just cause. It was not a religious struggle to save the Buddhist Church, but a false cry without clarity of purpose. This time, it was not Ky but the militant Buddhists who were defeated. Hue and Danang were brought under government control and Ky had no need to resign. However, though the Buddhists failed to remove Ky from power, lost the effectiveness and credibility of their leadership, and became weakened through their internal dissension, their efforts were notaltogether futile. Following pressure from them, the government was forced to hold elections for a national constituent assembly in September 2509/1966. About the AuthorPlease visit my site Australia sydney apartments Koh samui travel Bahamas cruise deals Buddhist Sangha Youth Thailand DhammaTalks-12-3.flvThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Yoga for Spiritual Development Posted: 17 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Denis In principle, we are with you and so spiritually perfect, just now, are temporarily under the influence of material energy. As a result, we identify ourselves with the material body and mind, and try to find happiness with them, so our spiritual memory and the power lost in the moment. When the futile attempts to find happiness in the world of matter bored soul, it can with the help of Bhatia yoga to restore its lost spiritual consciousness and its relationship with Bahaman that is God. At the initial stage of Bhatia yoga acts as a sedan, that is, practice, and at the final stage of practice achieved a transcendental state of mind and heart - Bhatia. "Bhatia" is translated as "love" and "yoga" - "link that is Bhatia yoga - yoga is a system that restores the soul eternal love relationship with the Supreme soul and gives a taste of spiritual bliss, that is, Amanda. Bhatia Yoga includes nine processes, which are described in the Vedas, such as savanna, that is hearing Katrina; it is a repetition, marina that is mindfulness, and others. Also, Bhatia Yoga includes mantra yoga, karma yoga and Buddha yoga. Additionally, to maintain a normal state of body and energy can still use the system of hath yoga and panorama. In principle, such an approach to self-improvement can be called holistic, which practiced together different systems of yoga allows us to achieve certain results, for which they were created. In other words, practicing all the above systems of yoga together and at the same time, individually, without mixing them together and not distorting, we reach the ultimate goal of each system. That's how I see the integrity of yoga, and thus its practice. Maybe someone sees yoga differently, but it was thanks to his teachers and diligence and study, I see the integrity and diversity. Now we need to go on to consider how spirituality influenced by the modes of material nature is transformed into something that is called religion. There are, for example, even in the Vedas is such a ! thing as religion, but there it is understood differently, namely as Santana-dharma, it is the eternal spiritual destiny of the soul with love to serve God. In most cases, religion in the material world can see otherwise. All these things we'll talk, because spirituality and religion overlap and therefore we need to thoroughly investigate the matter. About the AuthorStart doing yoga right now, buy a yoga mat bags. Gaiam Tree of Life Bag Yoga Shakti - Yoga Exercises - Bhujangasana - Coronary DiseasesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Ease Away Stress with Desk Yoga Posted: 17 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Janna Chin Yoga asanas, simply defined, are physical asanas- positions or stretches, combined with breathing exercises to support maximum flexibility, relaxation, and clarity for the body. Yoga asanas are physically, emotionally, and mentally good for your health. Yoga asanas are a non-competitive exercise that can be practiced by all ages and all fitness levels, anytime, anywhere… even at your desk at work! 1 Ease Away Stress with Desk Yoga On a physical level, yoga asanas bring about balance in the body, internally as well as externally, correcting disparities in our systems, over time: ♥ Forward bending yoga asanas stimulate digestion and elimination ♥ Twisting asanas and backbends benefit the whole nervous system by stimulating the spine ♥ Inverted poses increase circulation and breathing exercises bringing oxygen to our blood ♥ Some asanas regulate the glands and the production of hormones Yoga asanas also helps relieve stress, anxiety, and depression as the deep breathing exercises carries oxygen to the brain and brings the body and mind to a calm relaxed state.4 Easy Yoga Exercises You Can Do at Work 2 Ease Away Stress with Desk YogaYoga Deep Breathing 1. As you breathe in, push your stomach forward and start filling up the lower part of your lungs with air. 2. As your lungs fill up, push your ribs aside. Your stomach should expand automatically. 3. Fill the top part of your lungs. Your chest will go in slightly. 4. Exhale through your mouth, emptying your lungs completely. 5. Compress your stomach inwards slightly to expel any remaining air in your lungs. Repeat. Movements should be nice and smooth, not jerky. 3chair Ease Away Stress with Desk YogaChair Twist This spinal twist stimulates the nerves along the spine, making this asana very beneficial for the nervous system. 1. Sit on the edge of your chair sideways with your left side facing the chair back. 2. Keep your fee! t and kn ees together and even throughout the pose. 3. Place your hands on the chair as shown. 4. Inhale deeply (using Yoga deep breathing technique) while straightening your spine. As you exhale, twist toward the back of the chair, twisting from the very bottom of your spine- pushing with your left hand and pulling with your right hand. 5. Repeat the inhalation/straighten, exhalation/twist series several times. 6. Release and switch sides. 9 Ease Away Stress with Desk YogaShoulder Rolls This exercise relieves tension in the shoulders and upper back. 1. Sitting upright, inhale as you lift your right shoulder to your ear. Exhale as you slowly roll your shoulder around and back, rolling it away from your ear. Continue these shoulder rolls a few more times, alternating right and left. 2. Inhale as you lift both shoulders up to the ears. Exhale as you release them. Repeat a few more times and then relax your shoulders. 6 Ease Away Stress with Desk YogaNeck Stretches 1. Sit upright without letting your back touch the back of the chair. Align your head directly over your spine. You may want to hold on to the side of your chair seat with your left hand. Breathe in deeply, and on the exhalation drop your right ear toward your right shoulder without lifting your right shoulder or turning your head. Take several breaths in and out. You should feel the stretch on the left side of your neck. 2. To create a deeper stretch, reach over your head and place your right hand on the left side of your head to gently pull your neck away from your shoulders. You can hold firmly onto the chair with your left hand to draw your left shoulder away from your neck. 3. Visualize your neck lengthening and the muscles along your vertebrae relaxing. Hold the pose for a few more breaths, then release your left hand from the chair and gently rub your neck and shoulders with your left hand. Slowly lift the head and switch sides to repeat the exercise. Remember to listen t! o your b ody. If you feel strained or dizzy in a pose, come out of it right away. At the end of your yoga asana session, you should feel calm and relaxed. Enjoy the rest of your day feeling more energized and productive! About the AuthorJanna Chin, M.A. is a holistic coach helping smart women get out of overwhelm, achieve balance, and get to the next level.You can get out of overwhelm, find balance, and finally feel good enough!Download your FREE Holistic guide and workbook, "5 Steps to Get Out of Overwhelm Have It All Without Doing It All" instantly! Plus receive the audio MP3, "Get Control of Your Out of Control To Do List" at http://fillyourcupup.com/ and get better, bigger, faster! Yoga Shakti - Yoga Exercises - Suryabhedan Pranayam - Coronary Diseases - ArthritisThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 2/18/2012 Posted: 17 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST ![]() "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Meditation Theory and Practice through Meditation Books Posted: 17 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Lily Candice For anyone willing to learn about a subject that is new to him or her, books have always been an effective and affordable avenue of learning. Meditation books have been made available by the established and experienced teachers from several meditation centers, putting years of personal experiences in the practice of meditation and the countless feedback received from their students into easily digestible forms. The Z Meditation center, led by Ajay Kapoor, a meditation teacher and leader with two decades of teaching experience, has made available to the discerning public, two meditation books which seek to teach the sincere individual the path to complete freedom of the mind through the practice of meditation. Every one of us has the potential to be unconditionally happy and peaceful, but what we see is that most of us are living in a state which is somewhat far away from this possibility of awareness and peace. Learning about meditation and its theory and practice through meditation books is an ideal and cost effective method of releasing yourself from such bondages, which are mostly self inflicted.Meditation is a practice which has been with us for centuries, most forms of which were developed from religious practices. Over the years and decades, the practice of meditation has been refined up to the level which makes it very contemporary, but with the theory remaining essentially the same. Meditation as it is practiced today, in most cases, has no religious leanings whatsoever, and may be embraced from individuals from whatever religious or cultural background. Z Meditation is a non religious meditation center which bases its practice on systems which have been developed over many years. The Z Meditation center offers spiritual and meditation retreats several times a year, but for those who are unable to attend these, the essence of their teachings have been crystallized into two meditation books known as the "The Art of Deconditioning", and "If Freedom is Your Only Option". These medita! tion boo ks will take you carefully through the theory and practice of Z Meditation's approach to the art of meditation, allowing you to quickly develop the skills to thrive in an increasingly difficult social and economic environment.If you examine it carefully, your mind is actually the only possession you own that cannot be taken from you. It would then be wise to seek to balance the functioning of your mind so that other issues will be much easier dealt with. In a state of unconditioned love, peace and freedom, achievable by reading and understanding the material within meditation books, you will find that, though there will still be problems to solve, solving them will be done with equanimity. This allows for better decision making and ultimately, a more comfortable state of living.The cost of the meditation books from the Z Meditation center are very reasonable and are readily available from online bookstores such as Amazon. You would be doing yourself a great favor by acquiring meditation books, availing yourself of the opportunity to develop skills which make life and living a joyful experience. About the AuthorLily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India Meditations to feed the soulThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Meditation for an Alpha Mind State Posted: 17 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Rachel Saxon Meditation for an Alpha Mind StateAlpha mind state comes in relation to meditation. Many alpha mind state materials on sale on the internet assist in beginning this form of meditation. The truth about the materials is that they put an individual in the alpha mind state where the subconscious takes over and helps the person meditate easily. This is a state of consciousness whereby an individual is both fully awake and aware of their surroundings, but yet fully asleep. One achieves this state of mind in a natural way when they fall asleep.Using different mediation skills and techniques very easily gets people into this state of mind as well as tranquility. What people mean when they talk about alpha meditation is that they have reached the alpha mind state via meditation. Different forms of meditation are used to acquire this state of mind, with some using binaural bangs and yet others meditating without any special recordings.How to reach the alpha mind stateGetting into the alpha mind state requires some practice. Going to sleep does not guarantee automatic trance, this requires practice and meditation, which makes the mind, relax more easily. The more one meditates the more they are prone to get into this state of mind relaxation. The brain operates in four frequencies, which people experience regularly. These are the measures in which the brains electrical output. Alpha brain waves occur where the brain is relaxed naturally, as one goes to sleep. The beta wave is what people experience on a day-to-day basis. Delta waves are experiences when people sleep deeply and without any kind of dreams, this is the comma state. While the theta brain waves are the ones that enhance imagination and creativity. We all experience these brain waves on a daily basis and we do not realize it.People easily reach the alpha mind state in meditation state during the day while they are performing different tasks like driving and one will suddenly realize that they have reached where they were going unawares. On the ot! her hand one might have a gut feeling that they are about to have an accident because they have not been concentrating on the road, nonetheless they always remain safe. What could have happened is that the subconscious mind understands the road very well out of frequent use, and in spite of a little wandering of the mind you are still able to get where you are going safely, in this case you are the autopilot of your own car.Other occurrences are when one is very busy cleaning or cooking or performing other household chores that require them to think. They realize that they have finished what they were doing without realizing it, while they were doing the tasks they were in the alpha mind state. About the Author Rachel Saxon writes for the psychic arena & recommends these professional spiritual websites psychics psychic reading online psychics psychic reading psychics online psychics great Irish psychic reading brand psychic reading great uk psychic reading brand psychic reading Also recommended Psychics psychic readings site psychics psychics psychics psychic readings psychic readings psychic readings psychic reading UK psychic readings sitePsychic reading UK psychic readings sitePsychic reading Australian callers click here psychic phone readingPsychic ReadingPsychic reading Psychic readingpsychic readings psychic reading psychic reading psychics psychic reading psychic readingPsychic Reading psychics psychic reading psychic reading great uk psychic reading brandpsychics Psychic Reading online psychics great uk psychic reading brandpsychic reading Psychic ReadingsPsychics popular uk medium readings company mediums psychic readings site psychic readings popular uk medium readings company mediums Australian callers click here psychic phone reading Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Uriel June 27 2011This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Ten Tips To Reduce Stress And Lose Belly Fat Posted: 17 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Ryan Cote No matter what your age or circumstances, stress is an inevitable part of everyone's life and ongoing stress actually contributes to gaining weight. Elissa Epel, PhD and assistant professor in the psychiatry department at the University of California, states, "While the immediate...response to acute stress can be a temporary loss of appetite, more and more we are coming to recognize that for some people, chronic stress can be tied to an increase in appetite - and stress-induced weight gain." Short term stressful situations, such as anxiety, excitement or fear, cause an adrenaline rush that temporarily burns fat. However, long term stress increases the level of the hormone cortisol in our bodies, causing the body to store excess fat. Most of this extra fat is stored in your belly and hips - exactly where you don't want it. Although several products claim to reduce cortisol, there is no medical evidence to substantiate those claims. A proven way to minimize cortisol levels in your body and eliminate excess fat is by reducing your stress. There are many additional benefits of stress reduction, such as lowered blood pressure and increased mental health. Here are several simple ways to de-stress for maximum physical and emotional fitness: 1. Eat at least 4-6 small, well-balanced meals each day to properly maintain the sugar levels in your body and ensure you are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals you need. 2. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day to flush the toxins out of your system. 3. Exercise for twenty to thirty minutes three to five times each week. Choose a physical activity you enjoy, such as biking, weight lifting or walking, because getting pleasure from your exercise routine will also help minimize stress. 4. Avoid foods with sugar and caffeine that offer a false sense of energy. 5. Avoid alcohol, which has an impact on the sugar levels in your body. 6. Get plenty of sleep every night because when you are t! ired, yo u tend to feel more hungry. 7. Engage in activities designed to help you relax, such as yoga or meditation. 8. Watch less television - statistics show that up to ninety percent of people who watch television an hour or more each day fail at their weight loss goals. 9. Avoid crash diets which could increase your stress level and actually cause the production of additional cortisol, alleviating any potential weight loss you may have been able to experience. 10. When you feel really hungry, choose whole-grain, high-fiber foods, like oatmeal and fruit, which keep insulin levels even to control blood sugar and your hunger. By reducing the stress in your life, you can get rid of excess fat and emotional baggage at the same time! About the AuthorRyan Cote is the owner of WeightLoss-Programs-Reviewed.com, a website that reviews the top 4 best weight loss programs & plans. Free health tips & articles also available. | |||
Spiritual Ascension And Better Living Posted: 17 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by Sharyce Arciaga We are about to enter the age of the 5th dimension of awakening and the process to get us to that place is called spiritual ascension. If we embrace it we will find that spiritual ascension brings with it better living. We are beginning to question our place on the planet and are becoming aware of our increasing spiritual awareness and transformation. When you begin feeling that there has to be more to life; and when you begin to question your life's purpose you are in the process of becoming. Often this includes being more spiritually attuned to earth (Gaia). So many of us are questioning the role that we play in our earth's environment and well being and are more conscious of the things we can do to avoid polluting her. This is wonderful news that the indigenous people have been trying to convey to mankind for eons. Due to ascension many of us are beginning to realize that there is more than the material world. That there is a world beyond the material world in which we can tap into here on earth. We recognize that we don't have to wait until we get to heaven to experience love, happiness, joy, peace and abundance. We understand that it is our birthright to have them right now, here on earth! The world is ready to embrace universals laws, philosophies and new concepts that will help to better our lives. You can find a lot of what you need in the Bible. However, the Bible was written from ancient Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew texts. Therefore, your study should not be limited to the Bible as you seek spiritual ascension because so many of the ancient texts have been omitted from the New Testament. Make sure you become more in tune with nature. The sun not only gives off energy but illumination and joy as well. So make it a point to halt the daily hustle and bustle and stop to smell the roses literally! It will be of great benefit to you. Start taking your lunch to the park instead of eating indoors at work. Sit and listen to the sweet sound of birds chirping.! Pay spe cial attention to the colors in nature, the shapes and the sounds. Feel, and most importantly, be aware of the subtle things like the wind gently blowing across your face and through your hair. Know that the wind is God speaking to you gently. Pay attention to feelings, coincidences and synchronicities. They alert you that you are in tune with the universe. Learn not to ignore your intuition, your hunches and your emotions. Be mindful of them. When you are spiritually attuned this awareness releases blockages that allow abundance to flow towards you quickly. This heightened vibration results in quicker and more beneficial manifestations that are received by you. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of your thoughts because you may just get what you ask for whether you really want it or not. About the AuthorSharyce Arciaga is a spiritual writer and counselor. Learn to use spiritual concepts and philosophies to enhance your life today at her Spiritual Oneness Website. Click here for Spiritual Ascension And Better Living concepts and techniques. Osho and BeyondThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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