A Dharma Speech
A Dharma Speech |
- A Dharma Speech
- Quick Info On Stress Management
- Americans Still Eat Too Much Salt, CDC Finds
- Stress Busters that Really Work
- 5 Ways Spiritual Overload Syndrome Sabotages Your Productivity
- A sincere undertaking
- Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Basic Roots of Organics
- What Is White Coat Syndrome?
- Meditation Videos - Meditation Techniques
- Diet Soda Linked to Heart Disease Risk
- Spiritual Quantum Physics and "Organics" - Words Are Dangerous
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/7/2012
- Meditation for Pain Relief: How to Meditate Your Pain Away
- Brilliant Yoga Ebook
- Yoga in improving Personal Life
- Pandav Leni Caves - An ancient site of Buddhist Worship
- Keeping a Journal: Soothe Your Mind and Body
- Stress and Acne - How is Stress Related to Acne?
- Discovering Yoga Retreats
- Experience the Tranquility, Charm and the Stunning Architecture of Bangkok's Buddhist Temples!
- Details of Kundalini Yoga
- The Best Weight Loss Secret- Yoga
- Nothing Is More Powerful Than your Own Mind
- Benefits of Meditation Techniques
- 15 Tips To Manage Stress; and They Won't Cost You a Penny!
Posted: 07 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Hold up Zen stick…………hit One Thousand four hundred years ago, Chán Master Juzhi was asked, "What is Buddha?" to which he only held up his finger. Hold up Zen stick…………hit Fifty years ago, Soen Master Seung Sahn was asked, "What is the teaching of Soen?" to which he only held up his Soen Stick. Hold up Zen stick…………hit I aspire to ensure that the teaching continues, so allowing the diversity, as was done in Ancient China for a thousand years seems like a prudent step forward. The Línjì Lu in China had no real central doctrine or hierarchy; it was just a Lineage of Teachers who shared a common root. The Japanese created central organizations like Soto-shu and Rinzai-shu, which I believe the Koreans may have copied during the occupation by the Japanese. In Korea, Bojo Jinul consolidated the Nine Mountain schools to a common form, which was loosely related and contains many different forms to this day; including the last remaining true Huáyán School (Under the Jögye Order). My point is that I believe large organizations like Soto, Rinzai, Jögye, Táego, Kwan Um, San Francisco Zen, Mountain and Rivers Order, and the Zen Studies Society, may by their structures, become a hindrance to the continuing evolution of Zen in the West. The current model of the White Plum Asangha and the Diamond Sangha, along with their off-shoot organizations, which are not centrally controlled or governed, seems more tenable and suited for resurgence, and these types of experimental groups will allow the growth of Zen into the 21st Century and beyond. We all have such divergent backgrounds, in education, pro! fession, martial arts, philosophy, as well as exposure to other forms of Religion and Sects of Buddhism that it would be a shame not to encourage each teacher to seek their own path and find their own voice. We live in a multi-culture and have free access to teaching from Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Mystical Christianity, Sufism, Kabbalah , Advaita Vedānta, Psychology, Quantum Physics and so forth. By limiting the scope of our efforts, we would restrict Zen's possible evolution into a force that can truly help transform the future of humanity. Therefore, for each of us, the Ordination of a Priest/Monk/Layperson might look completely different; however, we are doing it under the auspices of the Five Mountain Zen Order. Perhaps the Five Mountain Zen Order becomes just that, kind of amorphous and not narrowly defined. In addition, in the spirit of the College of Zen Zen Buddhism Studies both Organizations would continue to be eclectic in approach, with the Seminary under the Guidance of the Teachers and the Five Mountain Zen Order being the DNA from which we all spring forth. Shunryu Suzuki Roshi once said, "The best way to control someone is put them out in a large spacious meadow and just watch them. If you try to pen them in they will resist and possibly will rebel because of this control." (I am paraphrasing obviously but you get the point.) More freedom and less control, more action and less checking, more encouragement and less dominance is what I would aspire towards in the future. This allows us all the freedom to move in divergent directions without the baggage of a large and weighty organization, we will change as the local conditions arise and some may want to build larger Sanghas which evolve out of Five Mountain; whereas, other Teachers might want to only teach a select number of students. I hope this helps. One thousand five hundred years ago someone asked Chán Master Mǎzŭ, "What is Buddha?" to which he responded, "Mind is Buddha, Buddha is mind." ! Hold up Zen stick…………hit Thirty years ago someone asked Zen Master Subong, "How is it when the nose is no longer vertical and the eyes are no longer horizontal?" to which he responded by twisting the questioners nose hard to the right. Hold up Zen stick…………hit Today I hold up this Zen stick, are these actions the same or are they different? Katz! Today is the fourth anniversary of my fathers passing, and we are in a beautiful meditation room of smiling faces. Peace, peace, and peace be upon you | |||
Quick Info On Stress Management Posted: 07 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Adam Hefner Stress, unfortunately, has become an omnipresent part of life today in modern America. Whether it comes out of interpersonal relationships or arises on the job, stress works itself into all of our existences. No one is immune, not even the calmest and happiest among us. Everyone can use info on stress management. Why must we effectively manage our stress? The litany of adverse health effects triggered by stress have been well documented. The culprit behind stress is the chemical adrenaline. Along with other stress related hormones, adrenaline serves to fasten your pulse and blood pressure with obvious undesirable consequences. Why does the body do this? Adrenaline is secreted by the body in its attempt to prepare you for perceived danger. Faster heartbeat facilitates blood flow thus allowing you to run faster. Dilated pupils allow you to see better. Your body is trying to prime itself for use in an emergency. However, when present on a chronic basis, stress can have devastating effects. There are many techniques which have proved effective for people attempting to manage their level of stress. This first is relatively simple but unthinkable to many. Give up your morning cup of coffee. Caffeine is drug which serves to intensify and prolong existing stress. Cutting out that daily coffee, tea or caffinated soft drink may be difficult, but it represents an excellent first step in combating your stress level. Nicotine is also a drug with similar effects. Many foods have also been tied to increased levels of stress. Those with acute stress problems are strongly urged to avoid these triggers. Another beneficial weapon against stress is daily exercise. Everyone is aware of the positive effects of a good exercise regimen. However, few are aware that it has a significant stress reduction properties. Whether it be running or a round with the punching bag, exercise allows for the release of energy and a healthy channel to release one's frustrations. Many have found relief! from st ress employing methods initially devised in the Far East. Activities such as yoga and meditation have been quantified to have substantial impact upon stress levels. Even if at first blush it does not seem like an activity you'd ordinarily do, those suffering from high stress levels owe it to themselves to explore these type techniques. Many other common sense steps can be taken to combat stress. Getting a full night's sleep is one such suggestion. In today's hectic world this isn't always possible, but sleep deprivation can be a major contributing factor to stress. Other obvious solutions include spending less time at the office and more time at home. The list of steps you can take is long as much there is much info on stress management. About the AuthorTo find out more info on stress management, check out http://PanicAttacks.Superior-Products101.com. Start the change today. Workforce Release massage video.This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Americans Still Eat Too Much Salt, CDC Finds Posted: 07 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST
Despite public health messages telling Americans to lower the amount of salt in their diets, most of us still eat too much of the stuff, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nine out of 10 people ages 2 and older in the United States consume more than the recommended amount of sodium each day, the report says. The average American takes in about 3,300 milligrams of sodium per day — and that's not counting the salt you might shake onto your food before you eat it. The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend people limit the salt in their diet to 2,300 milligrams per day. And for 6 out of every 10 adults, the recommended limit is substantially lower: those who are 51 years or older, African-American, have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney diseases are advised to limit their sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams per day. About 99 percent of people in this latter group eat too much salt, the report says. "Too much sodium raises blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke," Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, said in a statement. "These diseases kill more than 800,000 Americans each year, and contribute an estimated $ 273 billion in health care costs," he said. A 2010 report from the CDC, based on surveys from 2005 to 2006, also found that 9 in 10 Americans consume too much salt. However, the average daily sodium intake reported back then was slighly higher, about 3,500 milligrams. Top sources of sodium The report identified the top 10 sources of sodium in our diets, which include a lot of food we find tasty. These are, in order: breads and rolls, luncheon meats, pizza, poultry, soups, cheeseburgers and other sandwiches, cheese, pasta dishes, meat dishes such as meat loaf, and snack foods like potato chips and pretzels. These foods account for 44 percent of all the sodium we eat in a day. Bread is not particularly high in sodium, but because we eat a lot of it, the food is a significant source of sodium, the report says. About 65 percent of our total daily sodium comes from foods we buy at the store. But within some of the food categories, such as pizza, about 50 percent comes from foods we buy at restaurants and fast food outlets. For children ages 2 to 19, only about 8 percent of sodium comes from foods obtained from school cafeterias and day care centers, the report says. The findings are based on surveys of 7,227 Americans conducted between 2007 and 2008. Cutting back on salt Cutting back on salt isn't easy, the report acknowledged. Some foods that may seem healthy, such as turkey lunchmeat that is low in calories and fat, may have high levels of sodium, the report said. In addition, a lot of the salt we eat comes from processed foods. The CDC recommended Americans check food labels to purchase foods with lower sodium content. People should also try to consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and limit the amount of processed foods with high sodium content, the CDC says. Frieden said that some food manufacturers and restaurants are making efforts to lower the amount of salt added to their foods. "We're encouraged that some food manufacturers are already taking steps to reduce sodium," Frieden said. "Kraft Foods has committed to an average 10 percent reduction of sodium in their products over a two-year period, and dozens of companies have joined a national initiative to reduce sodium. The leading supplier of cheese for pizza, Leprino Foods, is actively working on providing customers and consumers with healthier options," Frieden said. Lowering the average American's salt intake by 400 milligrams could prevent up to 28,000 deaths, and save $ 7 billion in health-care costs, each year, according to projections in the report. However, not all studies have been able to find benefits of a reduced salt diet. A review study published last year that included information from 6,500 people found that moderate reductions in salt in the diet lowered blood pressure, but did not reduce participants' risk of having heart disease or dying. Still, those researchers said that perhaps even greater reductions in salt were needed to see a benefit. Pass it on: Americans should limit their sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams per day. One way to do this is to cut back on processed foods with high sodium content. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. Spiritual FriendshipThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Stress Busters that Really Work Posted: 07 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by http://www.stresshelp01.info Stress Busters that Really Work Stress, as the body's natural reaction to certain events or stimuli in our lives, brings about positive as well as negative effects. The so called "stress response" is very vital in preparing our body for the perceived challenges or threats it is about to face. This is especially true in cases when you need a certain level of agitation or an extra dose of adrenaline to do something. Examples are when someone is about to throw in that winning shot in a ball game, or when you are about to present your proposal to your ever critical boss, or when you feel that your life is being threatened by some immediate threat. Normally, when the pressing sense of danger has passed, all body functions return to normal. This is what is known as the "relaxation response". The problem is when stress persists for prolonged durations of time, or when the relaxation response failed to initiate. In that case, the body remains high strung and the chemicals responsible for the so called "fight or flight" response continue to be secreted into our system. This condition often results to that burned out feeling associated with long-term stress. Furthermore, long-term stress can cause several ailments, which can be seriously detrimental to our health. Some of these are heart problems, decreased immune levels, sexual and reproductive dysfunctions, gastrointestinal problems and much more. However, you need not worry too much about these things since there are steps that can be undertaken to counter the problem. Healthy living coupled with several stress reduction methods can bring about the needed respite from the everyday stress of modern living. A healthy diet and regular exercise generally strengthen the body's natural defenses against stress. Be sure to eat a variety of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and to avoid excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine. Remember to steer away from tobacco! Exercise has numerous beneficial effects. It provides ! us with the necessary distraction from stressful events and helps maintain the optimum level of performance of our bodily systems, making it hard for stress to negatively affect our bodies. In starting a routine, be sure to consult first with your family physician so that you can be sure that you are fit to do strenuous activities and at what levels. Start slowly. Don't force yourself in performing reps beyond your capacity. After some time, you can then gradually increase your reps. Be sure to have a varied exercise regime. Find activities that are exciting, challenging and satisfying. This will keep you on your routine permanently and not drop out after several months or so! Brisk walking, swimming, aerobics and yoga or tai-chi can all be very good for this purpose. Other proven stress busters include humor, relaxation techniques, massage therapy and cognitive-behavioral techniques. Having a good sense of humor helps you to cope with stress. Laughter helps release pent-up feelings and negative energies and has an actual physical effect in reducing the stress hormone. Relaxation techniques reinforce the function of the relaxation technique. Since we cannot eliminate stress from our everyday life, it is necessary to strengthen our relaxation responses. Among the more popular relaxation techniques include deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and meditation. Massage therapy is also a proven technique in producing relaxing effects on the body. Swedish massage, shiatsu and reflexology are all recommended for this purpose. Cognitive behavioral technique is by far one of the most effective stress busters. This technique involves identifying the underlying cause or causes of the stress, restructuring your priorities, changing your response to stress and finding the appropriate methods for managing and reducing stress. The process starts with keeping a diary or an account of your daily activities and noting which experiences cause strain or negative responses alongside the thin! gs that produced the opposite effect. Restructuring your priorities in life comprises the second step. You have already identified what stresses you. Try now to shift the balance from stress-producing activities to stress-reducing activities. For example, the source of stress centers in your home. Then plan to take out-of-town weekends or make time for outdoor recreational activities. "Let your feelings out". I do not mean vent out your anger or frustrations to somebody else. Therapists strongly advise talking to a trusted individual in a positive way to explain and assert your needs. Writing down your feelings may also help tremendously. Lastly, focus on the positive side of life! This helps relieve tension and help you achieve your goals. Read more at - http://www.stresshelp01.info About the Authorhttp://www.stresshelp01.info Shirley Maclaine's Inner Workout Part 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
5 Ways Spiritual Overload Syndrome Sabotages Your Productivity Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Carolyn Ellis It's a busy, busy, busy world out there. So many people I know, friends and clients alike, are feeling truly overwhelmed these days. The internet and our various battalion of electronic gadgets most of us use nowadays can bring an entire world of data, information and ideas to your fingertips within minutes. Parents run their households and try to find their footing in a crazy mosaic of children's schedules, community commitments, working their jobs and, oh yes, trying to make time for a personal life. Entrepreneurs who left the corporate world hoping greater flexibility and balance in life would be theirs are working harder than ever. Will there ever come a time when we can just chill out, put our feet up and relax? We are hitting a point where our ability to keep our focus and stay productive is being seriously challenged. I call this challenge "Spiritual Overload Syndrome" or "SOS" for short. SOS is what happens when you've tapped into the flow of your brilliance and creativity, yet you struggle to be productive and focused in actually manifesting your Brilliant Idea in the real world. Imagine running 240 amp service through old knob and tube wiring - chances are something is going to burn out until we upgrade the circuitry of our productivity and work habits.... In the first of a two-part series, I want to share with you some of the common symptoms of this form of "dis-ease" that seems to afflict particularly those of us who have felt our intuition awaken and want to take action on our soul's desires. See how many you can relate to: Symptom #1 - You Have Creative Ideas But No Traction Your Brilliant Ideas seem to always pile up on your "to do" list. You feel really, really busy, but not necessarily productive or making the best use of your time and energy. In order to have any chance of winning the race, you need to cross the finish line. Yet a lot of your Brilliant Ideas seem to end up collecting dust or get forgotten. You find it hard to see through an idea fro! m the be ginning right through to the implementation and completion stage. Symptom #2 - Your Ego Has Become Your Taskmaster You find yourself working longer and harder than you ever have. In fact, the thought of leaving the blackberry or laptop turned off for even a day makes your palms sweaty. Although you may love what you do, you're starting to become a workaholic. Somewhere along the line, your ego has slipped in and become your taskmaster, leaving you feeling burned out and starting to resent the very activities you love the most. Symptom #3 - You Have Indigestion Like someone who's visited an all-you-can-eat buffet, you've loaded up your plate with more information, seminars, books and workshops than you can really handle. You eat too much, too fast, and you end up with indigestion. You find yourself so busy learning or distracted by the next bright shiny object, you forget to allow time and space for you to fully digest and apply all the wisdom you already do have. Symptom #4 - You Indulge in Magical Thinking Sometimes people get very caught up in positive thinking and about principles like the Law of Attraction. They overlook the need to actually DO something in order to make it manifest. It can be tempting to get lost in pie in the sky thinking. This is particularly true when it comes to the kind of relationship we have with money (which in turn impacts how we price our products and services). Symptom #5 - It's Hard to Make a Decision Your consciousness is waking up and you feel like you're living from a place of abundance, not scarcity any more. Like a kid in a candy store, you are excited by all the possibilities you see. In fact, you see so darn many possibilities it's a challenge to say "No!" or "Not now, later." It's challenging to discern where to put your time and energy. As a result, you've become somewhat indecisive because you hate to cut off your options. So, how did you do? Have you been afflicted by Spiritual Overload Syndrome? About the Author Success Strategist, coach and best-selling author, Carolyn B. Ellis, is the founder of ThrivePrinciples.com, empowering you to thrive no matter what your outside circumstances are. To get free tips on turning adversity into opportunity in order to improve your relationships, increase your self-confidence and reach your highest potential, visit http://www.ThrivePrinciples.com. A Sound Healing for World Peace. Vibrational Healing With Tibetan Healing Bowls.This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST To be sincere in undertaking the study of Buddhism one has to be careful that it is not done for some worldly purpose because, at the ultimate level, Buddhism is not worldly. It is transcendent. To give a more down to earth example, if I decide to become a physicist, I am doing so out of love of the subject, itself, not because I want to learn how to relax and have a much less stressful life. In Buddhism, it is the same thing. I should not be studying Buddhism to learn how to feel less anxious about a job, or to reduce the stress in my personal life, or to help my marriage. In needs to be kept in mind that Buddhism is about waking up, seeing the true essence of reality from which external and subjective phenomena are composed. This cannot happen if we are obsessed with the worldly life, unconsciously using Buddhism as a tool by which to improve our chances of getting what we want. It doesn't work that way.
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Spiritual Quantum Physics and the Basic Roots of Organics Posted: 07 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Elis Peterson SPIRITUAL QUANTUM PHYSICS AND THE ROOT BASICS OF "ORGANICS" We are in the Age of Aquarius with a new paradigm called the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics. We shall be in this Age for 2000 years. There will be many great changes. New ways for mankind to function and pursue his destiny of raising his consciousness. Many new spiritual teachers and teachings will appear. Several pioneering teachers have already made their appearance. One of those pioneers, I.F. was my spiritual teacher for 35 years (and still is even though he 'blinked back into" the Quantum Ocean.") He has left us with a new spiritual teaching called "Organics, the Law of the Breathing Spiral." This teaching will act as a lamp, a light, a road map out of the darkness of the Age of Pisces into the light of the Age of Aquarius. We now know that all is energy, that there is no separation and that thoughts and feelings attract our physical reality to us. As we are entering on the path of this new Energy Age we must learn how to create steady, insistent, persistent and calm training for everyday function, to manifest on a gradient scale mental clarity (watching our thoughts); emotional stability (control of our emotions); and physical coordination and relaxation at all times. We must learn how to work with and respond to bare emotional attention. This way we won't attract unwanted energies into our aura and then into our physical bodies. We must learn to practice and apply attention without tension (see without any mental/emotional attachments to what we are looking at); focused relaxation like a cat (relaxed but ready to act); visualization without fixation (not allowing your mental pictures capture you.) From the Tantras: "Learn to eliminate, on a gradient scale all your hopes and fears; likes and dislikes and imaginary sufferings (they are energies attached to your Piscean past.)" These are all old energy patterns and you cannot put new wine (Aquarian energy) into old! flasks (Piscean energy.) By keeping these old energies within your aura you are putting sand in your gas tank. Break Down! About the AuthorRagnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites: http://www.quantum-physics-spirituality.com/ http://www.olevikingshop.com/ Swami Kriyananda - Stories of Yogananda -" Integrity on the Spiritual Path"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST
Question: What is white coat syndrome? Answer: If you suffer from white coat syndrome, your blood pressure jumps as soon as a doctor or nurse approaches you. If your doctor knows this, he or she may recommend a home blood-pressure monitor or ambulatory monitor that is worn around the clock and takes your pressure every half hour. Blood pressure tends to spike when you are excited by an emotion such as anger or fear. But high blood pressure — known as hypertension — is very sneaky. It's called the silent killer, because it usually has no symptoms. Doctors say you have high blood pressure if you have a reading of 140/90 or higher. A blood pressure reading of 120/80 or lower is considered normal. Prehypertension is blood pressure between 120 and 139 for the top number, or between 80 and 89 for the bottom number. The first number represents your systolic pressure when the heart beats. The second number represents the diastolic pressure when the heart rests. If only one number is elevated, you still have high blood pressure with all of its dangers. When you go to your doctor to have your blood pressure taken, there are a few things you can do to get an accurate reading. First, don't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes for a half hour before your pressure is taken. (What are you doing smoking anyway?). Empty your bladder, because a full tank can affect the reading. Sit quietly for five minutes before the test. If you would like to read more columns, you can order a copy of "How to be a Healthy Geezer" at http://www.healthygeezer.com/. All rights reserved © 2012 by Fred Cicetti More from the Healthy Geezer: What Happens After You Die?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Meditation Videos - Meditation Techniques Posted: 07 Feb 2012 08:02 AM PST | |||
Diet Soda Linked to Heart Disease Risk Posted: 07 Feb 2012 08:02 AM PST
Diet soda may seem to be a healthier alternative to calorie-laden regular soda, but a new study shows that people who regularly drink diet soft drinks may be putting their hearts at risk. Those who drank diet soda on a daily basis were at an increased risk of experiencing stroke, heart attack and death due to these conditions, according to the study. "Our results suggest a potential association between daily diet soft drink consumption and vascular outcomes," study researcher Hannah Gardener, an epidemiologist at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine, said in a statement.[5 Experts Answer: Is Diet Soda Bad for You?] To analyze the relationship between both diet and regular soft drink consumption and heart disease, researchers studied the data of 2,564 participants in the Northern Manhattan Study, which was designed to determine stroke incidence, risk factors and prognosis in a multiethnic urban population. Working in collaboration with researchers at the Columbia University Medical Center, Gardener and her colleagues looked at how often each participant drank soft drinks, whether the beverages were diet or regular, and the number of strokes, heart attacks and heart-disease related deaths that occurred among the participants over a 10-year period. After taking into account pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, the researchers found that people who drank diet soft drinks daily were 43 percent more likely to have had a stroke or heart attack, or died of heart disease, than those who did not drink diet soda. The study also showed that those who drank less diet soda (who drank it between once a month and six times a week), as well as people who drank regular soft drinks, were not more likely to suffer vascular events. Previous research has also linked diet soda with a higher risk of stroke and heart attack. The researchers noted that it remains unclear how soft drinks may affect a person's risk of heart disease. "There is a need for further research before any conclusions can be drawn regarding the potential health consequences of diet soft drink consumption," Gardener said. The study was published Jan. 26 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Pass it on: People who drink diet soft drinks on a daily basis may be putting themselves at an increased risk of suffering vascular events such as stroke, heart attack and vascular death. Follow Remy Melina on Twitter @remymelina, and follow MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. Like us on Facebook. 大悲咒-修行版--Great Compassion MantraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Spiritual Quantum Physics and "Organics" - Words Are Dangerous Posted: 07 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Ellis Peterson WORDS ARE DANGEROUS The Age of Aquarius with the new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that all is energy. We are energy, the physical reality we have created with our minds is energy, the universe is energy, and God is energy. All this energy exists in the infinite ocean of intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Mind of God. Words are energy that exists as small packets of quanta in this vast ocean. Each word with its corresponding meaning when spoken manifests onto the physical plane and into the aura and physical reality of the one who spoke it. Watch your spoken words like a hawk! We who have grown up (?) should learn to understand and feel the meaning of words so that we do not throw terror-gripping words at ourselves and others, especially our children. For instance, take the words: "Ghastly". "Ruined", "Terrible", "Horrible", "Fearsome", "Frightful", etc. Plus all the thousands of other harmful words being spoken in the avalanche of horror movies, TV, and in the horror books. Have you ever felt the meaning of these words when you say them? We learn to condition ourselves with the spoken word. We listen to the spoken word and what heartaches and pain they cause. We think with words. We define our problems with words. We praise with words and curse with words. Wrong words and poor definitions not only destroy our outer life but decay our consciousness. They can open our auras to obsessions and possession. Save your children. TURN OFF THE TV's! The New Age of Aqurius is opening new areas of thought for us. The new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us all is energy and that we can create with our own thought and words. Therefore it is extremely important that we watch ou speach. About the AuthorRagnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites: http://www.quantum-physics-spirituality.com/ http://www.olevikingshop.com/ Astral Projection An Energy Probe Into Your Dimensional ConsciousnessThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/7/2012 Posted: 07 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST ![]() "In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Meditation for Pain Relief: How to Meditate Your Pain Away Posted: 07 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Suzanne Glover Mindful meditation for pain relief has been proven to decrease the mind's response to pain by 40-57% according to a discovery published in The Journal of Neuroscience. But how do you get these benefits when you're in so much pain you can't think? This article offers you easy meditation techniques to use for meditation for anxiety and pain relief. But let's briefly discuss the research behind this great discovery. THE RESEARCH: According Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., in The Journal of Neuroscience, "Mindfulness meditation... significantly reduced pain unpleasantness by 57% and pain intensity ratings by 40%... Together, these data indicate that meditation engages multiple brain mechanisms that alter the construction of the subjectively available experience..." So, what is Dr. Zeidan really saying? Not only is the brain "too busy meditating" to experience pain, but that meditation in and of itself significantly changes the structure of the brain to reduce pain. This research gives great significance to using meditation for pain relief. BENEFITS OF MEDITATION: While this research shows one of the best benefits of meditation, i.e., pain relief, there are a few other physical benefits well worth noting: Meditation lowers stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline, both of which increase pain, anxiety and depression.Meditation increases good chemicals such as endorphins that help the body stay healthier overall, which in turn lessens pain, anxiety and depression.Meditation also boosts whole brain power which answers the question that many people are asking, "How can I increase my brain power?"Meditation is one of the best relaxation techniques because of long-term and cumulative effects.MINDFUL MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS: When learning how to meditate, it is important to find easy meditation techniques. Why? Because learning mindful meditation can take years of study and practice, and unless you are completely devoted, the task may seem to be "too much work.! " In particular, when you want to use meditation for pain relief, to put forth the effort to learn mindful meditation while feeling such pain can seem a bit daunting. BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT: When you enter into a state of mindful meditation, your brain "shifts gears" to different electrical frequencies. Just like when you change stations on a radio, so your brain "changes stations" to vibrate at a different frequency. Brainwave entrainment is a way to electronically induce meditation and is one of the best types of meditation for beginners who want to use meditation for pain relief because it electronically "shifts your mind's gears" into the various states of alpha, theta or delta. Alpha brainwaves: This is a light meditative state where you feel calm and relaxed. If you are doing meditation for anxiety or meditation to relieve stress, this light meditative state is fine. Theta brainwaves: This brain state is a deeper state of meditation and is used for increased memory, focus and overall well-being. Delta brainwaves: Now this is "where it's at" when you want pain relief. When your mind is in the delta frequency, you have increased immune function as well as put out chemicals that have a deep renewing benefit to your body. But the delta brainwave state of mind is only achieved when we are in deep, restful sleep. So, if you have pain, which leads to insomnia, which leads to decreased sleep, which leads to less "delta time" for the brain, you are in a downward spiral. HOW TO GET STARTED: It is easy to get started with brainwave entrainment: Find a good brainwave entrainment audio that puts your brain down into at least 2.5 Hz for 20-30 minutes.Set aside 30-45 minutes a day to listen to a brainwave meditation audio that puts you into the delta frequency. The best time to listen to it would be as you go to sleep at night.Give yourself time to reap the benefits of this pain management technique. Your body has its own rhythm for healing, so give yourself time! to deve lop your body's reserves to renew itself and feel good again.SUMMARY: Meditation for pain relief has been scientifically proven to work. Using a brainwave entrainment meditation to put your brain into the appropriate brain frequency to achieve these results gives you one of the best types of meditation to use to get started right away and to keep going because you can meditate your pain away while you sleep! About the AuthorSuzanne Glover offers a delta brainwave meditation for pain relief that puts you down into the 2.5 Hz state as well as offers more relaxation techniques at effective-positive-thinking.com. Nature's Lullaby - Faces in the Fireworks - Relaxation & Meditation - Video ArtThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Mike If you want to be healthy and develop your overall flexibility, then you should check out the Brilliant Yoga Ebook. Jam-packed with advanced and all-natural techniques, it has been proven to have helped thousands of people around the world in easing back problems, aching joints, poor balance, stress, and fatigue. Enthusiasts have testified that yoga has delivered results which have gone way beyond their expectations. In fact, many of them will even say that they feel 20 years younger! After going through the exercises, they were able to do the things they never thought they'd still be able to do. They noticed that their energy level is at an all-time high and they've never felt more alive. Brilliant Yoga has helped boost their self-confidence and they were able to reclaim their toned body from years back. Now, they feel more attractive and can wear the clothes that they want. The Brilliant Yoga Ebook is truly an all-in-one solution. The whole package comes with free materials that will make it easier for you to achieve your goal in terms of being healthy. For just , you can get the whole package that contains the Brilliant Yoga Ebook and bonus materials such as "How to Stop Back Pain", "The Essential Guide to Pilates" and "Stretching & Calisthenics Made Easy". All of these amazing reads are designed for those who want immediate, life-changing results. Yoga is one of India's best kept secrets and this revolutionary package is based on an ancient practice done thousands of years ago. Over time, it has been proven to naturally enhance your health without the toxic side effects of modern medicine. With the help of the Brilliant Yoga Ebook, you'll immediately feel and see the difference. Imagine having a smaller tummy, a great posture, a lower amount of daily stress and a general sense of inner peace. You really couldn't ask for more! Unlike other yoga books out there, the Brilliant Yoga was developed by a team of experts and yoga teachers. That's wh! y you ca n be sure to get the most accurate and up-to-date information. Each Brilliant Yoga purchase is risk-free. It comes with an 8-week money back guarantee and you're free to ask for a refund, no questions asked. One of the most amazing things about Brilliant Yoga is their exceptional after sales support. Their customer service team is composed of very efficient and highly reliable personnel who are ready to help you out. Brilliant Yoga guarantees your satisfaction with every purchase. Truly, there is nothing quite like it and you should really see it for yourself. Best Exercise to Lose WeightWe have different reasons to get in shape. And with lots of different exercises around, it's hard to figure out which is the best exercise to lose weight. Of course, the general rule would be to choose the best exercise that will fit your need to ensure that you get the results that you desire. There are many options available, but the best exercise to lose weight is none other than yoga. Yoga is a series of physical postures called asanas. It is a holistic science that believes that everything in our body is connected. It doesn't only focus on the physical aspect of the body; it also aims to achieve stillness of the mind. It links and synchronizes the power of both the mind and the body to create a sense of balance and stability. Originally, yoga was created to prepare the body for meditation, which is probably one of the hardest things to do - especially in today's very busy and demanding world. In meditation, you are expected to channel your senses within, without distraction. Doing this will give you stamina and no longer make you feel that your body is separate from your mind. It makes you a 'whole' being, bound by a single energy from the mind, body and soul. This balance among the aspects of yourself (mind, body, and soul) is what gives you the discipline to concentrate only on the things that are crucial and important.Click Here to see website!! 3; About the AuthorBrilliant Yoga Ebook: http://blogenterpretner.blogspot.com Downward Facing Dog Pose - Yoga for Stress ReliefThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Yoga in improving Personal Life Posted: 07 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Matt Kuren Yoga is a way to escape from everything and go into your own little world it will help you to forget all the things that are stressing you for a short while. Yoga will help make a positive change in your life. There are many things that yoga can help you with like depression, many medical problems etc. Yoga is an on going treatment you have to stay with it to get anything out of it. You cannot do it today and accelerate to get the full benefits out of it. What are some of the things yoga will help me with?Yoga can and will help you with many things. You have to get with it and do it in order to get the full benefits out of yoga however. Yoga can help with breathing, so if your not breathing right, yoga will teach you how to get in control of your breathing. Yoga will help you learn how to control your mind as well as your breathing, of you have asthma it can help, carpal tunnel, depression, lower back pain, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis of the knees, memory problems, heat disease, high blood pressure, will help you lose weight, will also help the elderly or someone that has balance trouble keep balance. So see it will help in many ways. This will make you feel a lot better inside and outside. How would I learn how to do yoga? You can go to your family doctor they should be able to tell you how you can be enrolled in a program. If they cant do nothing then you might want to try to go to your local library they may have some information on how to get enrolled as well, or you may want to go on line and see what you can find out. They have classes all over so you should be able to be enrolled but there are films and books to teach yourself as well. Can yoga hurt me? Yoga can hurt you if you don't know what your doing or you do too much of it at once that is why you need to talk to your family doctor before you start anything new that is stressful to your body. You have to take these kinds of things slow it's just like exercising you have to build yourself up. You c! an't run right into it and expect full benefits from it. It does not work that way. It takes time and obligation before you will see any changes in your body or mind. When learning to do yoga just take your time and be conscious to it learn all you can learn cause it will help you deal with many health issues. You may have just don't try to do it all at once and make sure you call your family doctor to make sure it ok to do it. Then try to find a good group. Groups are always easier for some one that way you have some support to turn to if you have any problems. If you can't afford gym payments, then try asking family and friends to join you. You can start your own home gym at home. At local dollar stores, you will find videos for one buck. Use the videos to gain skills in exercise and yoga. Yoga is an interesting exercise, since it helps you to build muscles and reduce stress. Yoga will help you loose weight; feel better, and so on. Yoga gives you many options in improving your overall personal life. About the AuthorMatt Kuren writes articles about Self Improvement. Read more articles on How to Improve personal life and how to improve your sex life. Shilpa Yoga - Arm StretchThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Pandav Leni Caves - An ancient site of Buddhist Worship Posted: 07 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe A highly venerated holy site, the 1200 year old series of 20 caves was constructed by Buddhist Kings as a home for saints. Situated 8km to the south of Nashik, all travellers passing through the city should take the opportunity to visit this holy site. The caves are found on the side of Mt. Pandav after which the caves were also named. Exceptionally carved doorways combined with the many intricately created effigies make this a destination one to be remembered. The many caves that can be found here were carved out to house the figures of idols that were worshipped by the various Kings that ruled during the period of its construction. These idols include figures such as the Buddha and Bodhisattva (the Buddha prior to attaining Enlightenment), Veer Manibhadraji, Ambikadevi and Jain Teerthankara Vrishabhdeo. However not all of the caves were used to house the effigies but were instead utilized as places of congregation. This was possible in the larger caves which served as a Vihara or monasteries where monks would gather and prayers were chanted. Some of the caves are interconnected via stone ladders allowing visitors to seamlessly move between them. Hiking to the peak of Mt. Pandav is also possible through a well carved out stone path and will take approximately 20 minutes. From the base of the mountain visitors will find stone carved steps that will lead them straight to the entrance. An efficient water management system is also housed here and showcases the engineering might of an ancient culture. These carefully carved water tanks still stand as a proud testament to its builder's prowess in construction in addition to displaying their talents of ingenuity. Guests wanting to visit this destination can best do so after booking their stay at Nashik hotel due to the city's proximity to Mt. Pandav. The Gateway Hotel Ambad Nashik presents visitors with an affordable accommodation option that also presents a variety of amenities to ensure comfort during your stay. ! 3; About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. (Buddhist/Taoist) vegetarian festival in Phuket, ThailandThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Keeping a Journal: Soothe Your Mind and Body Posted: 07 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Ashley Aikers As we progress into a healthier way of being, the process of allowing our minds to release all of the day's stress and strife becomes a key element in both mind and body serenity. Even while most folks choose meditation, the mind is completely filled with thought, creating a difficulty in the meditation process. To help soothe your mind and body, journal writing is a key component. The journal writing done daily provides a canvas to allow thoughts to flow. Dumping thoughts and your daily 'to do list' out in a journal develops a cleaner, clearer mind. Even while the human body needs a certain number of hours to rest at night, the mind can take over with thoughts of things that need to be done and things that may not have been done during the daylight hours. Releasing the mind into complete freedom plays a vital role in the total serenity of mind and body. Our lifestyles are filled with anxiety. Everything today is on a rush basis, to complete as much as we can in one day's time. The human body is set for comfort, laughing, fun and relaxation. To have a venue in which we can dump some of our anxiety is unsurpassed in relaxing techniques. Proper relaxation of the mind will afford the body a chance to rest and sleep comes quicker at night. Journals can be purchased at most any store. They can be decorated or a simple notebook in which we write our daily thoughts. The spiral notebooks provide ample space to write on a day to day basis. There are computer programs for daily journal keeping and sites for journal keeping are available as well. Whatever the choice, make it a place that is safe and private, to be able to tell your deepest secrets, without hesitation or insecurity. During journal writing, secrets from the past may enter into the consciousness as well as the daily thoughts. Allow these secrets or thoughts to pass from your mind onto the journal canvas. Getting deep secrets or occurrences from the past out onto paper is a great therapeutic way of dealing with t! roubleso me events that you may or may not be aware of. In your mind, travel back to childhood memories and into your teenage years. Let any thought you may have enter the world of the journal, giving you a sense of freedom you need to experience for yourself. Any thought that enters your mind, allow it to flow from you onto paper or screen. Don't be concerned about spelling, punctuation or grammar. This is a journal that only you or people with permission will read. Nothing is too sacred to go into a journal writing. Your journal can become a best friend or therapist to allow you to free your mind. About the AuthorAshley Aikers is a writer who enjoys writing on a number of different verticals. For more on keeping a journal, Create Write Now offers readers information on journaling to improve your physical health. | |||
Stress and Acne - How is Stress Related to Acne? Posted: 07 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Bertil Hjert Stress triggering acne has been a debatable topic for a long time now. However, many studies in the past as well as recent times have suggested that stress causes acne. Most of these studies have observed and concluded that bad diet patterns during the period of excessive stress result in acne. Stress may worsen acne in two different ways: a) Stimulating adrenal glands in order to produce more amounts of hormones b) Slowing down the process of healing Adrenal glands located just above the kidneys tend to secrete epinephrine and norephinephrine under periods of stress and when adrenal cortex secretes male hormones. These male hormones work towards producing hormones in amounts more than that is required and stimulates sebaceous gland in order to secrete more sebum. This ultimately forms acne. It has also been proved that any type of psychological stress has the tendency to reduce the capacity of wound healing of immune systems by up to 40%. This is also true in the cases of acne. Stress is known to aggravate acne and even worsen the overall skin condition. It tends to make adrenal glands over produce asteroid known as cortisol that in turn, makes sebaceous glands produce more amount of oil and make the skin oily. This is the main reason that people feel inflammation of acne during stressful periods. Under stress one may also experience pus-filled papules. It is a known fact that stress can damage the overall health of the body and one's general well being. However, what one does not realize is that how dangerous stress can be to one's skin. Stress can result in dull, pale and lifeless skin. Stress has a tendency to produce hormones that further stimulate sebaceous glands and thereafter make them produce more oil. The extra oil produced by sebaceous glands tends to clog pores and result in production of bacteria and inflammation. The end result is white heads, pimples and black heads. According to a recent study, it ha! s been p roved that severity of acne is increased due to extra levels of stress. The study conducted by the Department of Dermatology at the Stanford University's school of medicine has proved that stress experienced by students result in acne and even worsens its effects on the skin. Emotional stress experienced by an individual also results in acne formation. Stress reduction can easily reduce the effects of acne on the body. In order to avoid problems related to acne, one needs to keep oneself miles away from stress. Here are some effective ways to do so. a) Exercise daily b) Meditate c) Take up a hobby d) Take out some time for yourself from the busy schedule e) Gang up with friends occasionally f) Maintain hygiene g) Seek professional help h) Take medication on time i) Adopt natural remedies If you want an acne free skin, it is very important to keep stress at bay. Follow all the directions mentioned above and fall in love with acne free skin. About the AuthorFor more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about ACNE please visit ACNE EXPERT and ACNE ZONE Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Music RelaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 07 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Michelle Bery With more and more people practicing the ancient art of yoga, there exists a large community of people who share a passion for its benefits. The consistent practice of yoga has been shown to decrease stress, improve physical health, and increase mental and emotional well being. And for those who have experienced its benefits, they are often eager to share the experience with others. Yoga retreats offer those who are committed to yoga a place of relaxed community and focused learning where they can practice yoga within a social setting. Yoga retreats can last any length of time; the only requirement is to have a passion for yoga. In addition to practicing yoga throughout your time on a yoga retreat, you will have the opportunity to intermingle with other enthusiasts from all walks of life. The result can be lifetime friendships formed through the shared dedication to this ancient form of exercise. In keeping with the spirit of yoga, yoga retreats often take place in beautiful and peaceful environs offering participants an even greater level of relaxation and focus. Experienced yoga instructors - or gurus - will lead the yoga retreat, giving special guidance to beginners who need additional support. The food and accommodations are included during a yoga retreat; you'll find it to be a comprehensive experience that pays attention to the whole person. You'll often find dietary considerations that are in line with a healthier lifestyle and a staff that's committed to providing a natural setting and attentive service. Because of the goals of yoga retreats - to foster relaxation and achieve mind/body balance - you will likely not find a television or phone in your room. This can be an amazing opportunity to unplug from the craziness of life so try to embrace the serenity. To find yoga retreats that are available for booking go online for a comprehensive list. Most yoga retreats are offered as package deals for one price. You can find the location that appeals most to ! you and then find a convenient time to travel. Some websites offer reviews written by guests; be sure to read these reviews as they can give you the clearest picture of what to expect at particular yoga retreats. Whatever yoga retreats you choose to explore, you are sure to find a peaceful experience awaiting you where you will be able to focus on yourself for a few days. What will result are increased health and a rejuvenated spirit. About the AuthorFor easy to understand, in depth information about yoga visit our ezGuide 2 Yoga. Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga - Anulom VilomThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Experience the Tranquility, Charm and the Stunning Architecture of Bangkok's Buddhist Temples! Posted: 06 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe The capital and the main city of Thailand, Bangkok is one of the world's most popular travel destinations. It is the country's financial, economic and entertainment hub which has been at the centre of Thailand's rise as a significant player in world economics. The city has an abundant array of attractions that will keep the even the most discerning of travellers entertained. From the historic wats and temples that will enchant and cleanse the spirits of visitors to the notorious nightlife venues that are an ideal foil for the hedonist, the city of Bangkok has it all. Then of course there's the legendary Bangkok shopping experience which is an attraction in itself. Since Thailand is a country with a strong Buddhist heritage, it's not a wonder that the city of Bangkok is dotted with a plethora of temples (wats), shrines and other place of religious significance. The serene ambience, the stunning architecture and the sheer magnetism of these awesome structures attracts thousands of visitors every day. The Wat Phra Kaew is considered to be the most significant temple in the whole of Thailand and is also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Other popular and significant temples in Bangkok include the Wat Arun or the Temple of Dawn, Wat Pho which is also known as the Temple of Reclining Buddha, the Wat Traimit which hosts the largest seated golden statue of the Lord Buddha and the Wat Mahathat the main place of the country's biggest monastic order. A visit to at least two of the above is an absolute must for any visitor to Bangkok. The spacious and comfortable units at the Ascott Sathorn Bangkok will ensure that anyone looking for a Bangkok serviced apartment will not be disappointed. The prime location of these Sathorn apartments puts guests within close proximity to many of Bangkok's most happening financial, business and entertainment districts. About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. Buddhist Meditation (13) Daily meditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 06 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Prabakar S Kundalini Yoga is a physical and meditative discipline that seeks to awaken us as humans to our full physical, mental and spiritual potential. Kundalini energy, often depicted as the serpent coiled at the base of the spine, can be accessed and activated by this very effective science called Kundalini Yoga. Yoga sets, called Kriyas, open the Chakras (the body energy centers) bringing about many wonderful benefits such as greater health and vitality, improved circulation and memory, mood stabilization, spinal flexibility, regulation of digestion and elimination, creating a sense of well being and spiritual connectedness. Kundalini Yoga blends physical postures called Asanas, rhythmic breathing, the chanting of Mantras, Relaxation, and Meditation. Through the International Association of Black Yoga Teachers, we support the Yoga for Youth program with a mission to serve our youths longing to live joyous and fulfilling lives by providing them a solid physical, mental, and emotional base through the practice of yoga. To introduce them to the elevating experience of their own personal greatness by sharing age old techniques, to foster compassion, forgiveness, courage and respect for themselves and others. The YOGA program provides fun and challenging exercises for the participants. They learn practical applications of Yogic technology in an energizing and enjoyable way. If you would like Yoga for Youth to come to you, please contact us. Kundalini Yoga is an active style of yoga that has many movements that unique to its practice. Kundalini Yoga may also be considered a "New Age" type of yoga, by some. An open mind is needed to take Kundalini Yoga, as its methods are very different than traditional western thought processes. The movements that comprise Kundalini Yoga are sequenced into kriyas, practiced to release Kundalini energy. The Kundalini energy is generated by the focus on the body's chakras. By focusing on the chakras in the body, spiritual power, or Kundalini energy is g! enerated . in the body in order to generate a spiritual power. The result of a regular Kundalini yoga practice is a higher awareness, consciousness, and overall well-being. For more details visit www.soundbodytrainer.com About the Author Representing Details of Kundalini Yoga in the website www.soundbodytrainer.com Shilpa Yoga - UstrasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The Best Weight Loss Secret- Yoga Posted: 06 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Jack!e Reid When yoga was first introduced to the Western world it was seen as a spiritual practice but as the world began to notice the therapeutic benefits of yoga it became popular as a weight loss regiment. Yoga is the best exercise for people who want to lose weight but are just getting started. Let us look at the great benefits that yoga will have on your weight loss success. Increase Body Flexibility Yoga increases the body's flexibility just from the practice of the many positions. When practicing yoga the first joints that need to be exercised are the ones that have not been exercised in the past. The exercises will work your tendons and ligaments and even though they might feel tired and stiff in the beginning, not to worry the benefits of practicing yoga will soon be noticed. The postures that you will have difficulties with on the onset of doing yoga will after some time appear to be incredibly natural to assume. And you will be able to practice these strenuous postures without the assistance of a practitioner. Yoga is so easy to start you need no prior knowledge to start practicing. Benefits To Your Organs Another great benefit of yoga is that it will improve the health of your organs. The reason for the improved health to your organs is that the muscles are getting to massage all the glands and the internal organs thoroughly. Unlike other exercises, yoga does not separated body parts in that you do not isolate one muscle group and work another. The whole body is improved by doing yoga, not just the physical body but also the spiritual side, yoga addresses the holistic person. Whenever the energetic meridians are free to flow and the functions of the organs are well stimulated then this put the body in a state that it is able to fight and prevent the attachment of disease. Thus, improving the body's immune system and allowing it to perform at its peak. Less Time Spent Exercising It should be noted that you do not have to join a gym ! or any k ind of class to take advantage of doing yoga. Yoga can be practiced right from the comfort of your home. There are many DVD that are readily available to take the very beginner all the way through to more advance postures. Check with your local video store and you should even be able to rent some and try them out before you make a purchase. Practicing yoga will certainly save you long hours in the gym. And just by doing all the yoga poses your body's posture will improve and this will keep your muscles in the best conditions. Not only will you get the benefits of a lean, slender body but yoga will eliminate any fat deposit that may actually be under your skin. This new found exercise for weight loss also helps stimulate the blood flow for a good circulatory system. Now your body will be able to proper elimination of toxins in your body. For a limited time, Get a FREE copy of my new E-Book Weight Loss Secrets. Get your copy now while supplies lastVisit http://www.FatLossSecretsReveal.com About the AuthorJack!e Reid is a weight loss advisor who teaches people how to use diet and exercise to create their ideal body weight.For a limited time get a copy of my amazing Weight Loss Secrets free.Get your copy at: http://www.FatLossSecretsReveal.com YOGA FOR RUNNERS !This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Nothing Is More Powerful Than your Own Mind Posted: 06 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Nic Red A vehicle with a V8 engine is said to have power and many men love the sight and sound of powerful cars. Other individuals enjoy the influence they acquire because of a position that they hold in business, politics or even in the home. Dictators so enjoy the power that they have over their people that they cling to power for as long as they possibly can. The strange thing is that when we speak of power, we seldom refer to the mind. It is quite possible that many folk live their entire lives without being conscious of the power of the mind. Perhaps it is a tribute to the mind that it can exercise control even when not directed to do so. Very often, a person only becomes aware of the power of his mind when he has to overcome great adversity. One man explained that the brakes of his van failed and he found himself trapped in the cab at the bottom of a river, unable to open the door. His instinct was to hammer at the doors and windows with all his physical might, but his mind took control of his body, forcing him to sit still and save his breathe as the water rose to the roof of the cab and there was equilibrium of force against the window, at which point he was able to escape. That day he discovered that his power lies in his mind. The strength of our faculties is a gift to us for our own use. It is not intended for individuals to take control of other people and their situations, or to control someone's mind and cause them do things that we want them to do. This is not to say that we cannot persuade someone to follow our suggestions, but it is not the same phenomenon. There are those individuals who demonstrate the force of their minds by bending or raising everyday items simply by looking at them. There are groups of people who display the control of their faculties by walking barefoot across red-hot coals, without even a burn mark on their feet. These are exceptional cases, but we can all develop our mental faculties; we simply must take the time to develop them. Whe! n we can focus our minds and visualise what it is that we want to achieve, we can tap into the depths of our sub-consciousness and reinforce our will or our ability to reach a particular goal or ambition. It may be a minor achievement such as winning at a sport or it may be gaining that position in business or life on which we have set our sights. Those who have explored the power of their own minds have developed techniques and tools to help others to do so. This is now proving to be a good source of income. Every major league team in every sport now has a sports psychologist or other person on the payroll to teach team members how to strengthen their minds and how to use their minds as well as their bodies to succeed in the game. The young man who looks up to the goal posts visualises his ball passing through the uprights and then allows his mind to guide his feet as he kicks the ball. In previous centuries, the power of the mind led to much trickery and many gimmicks,but it has now been established that your mind and your subconscious mind are extremely powerful in determining your path in life and the success that you achieve. About the AuthorIf you want positive change in your life and you aren't sure where to look, just go here ---> The Morry Method!www.MindHealthMoney.com Living in the Present Moment w Thich Nhat HanhThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Benefits of Meditation Techniques Posted: 06 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Jonsonmak Today people are really busy. They do not have time for anything due to increased work load. This increased workload further increases tension and stress. Meditation is the only way to release stress and tension of the people from all walks of life. Meditation Techniques became popular in the west during late 1960s and early 1970s but unfortunately advocates introduced different ways to meditate and spread a lot of wrong information about meditation. There is a lot of misconception about Meditation Techniques as to what is it, how to meditate, how it works and also how to know when you are doing it in a right way. As a result many people are uncertain whether they are performing meditation in the right way or not, what results they want and when does the results appear. Due to this uncertainty many people quit meditation with little or no result. Meditation is really simple and if done properly you can master this art but it will take time. Now the question is what is meditation? In meditation you have to pay attention to a point of focus which can be anything like a mantra, a prayer, a holy word, a breadth or any other thing and whenever you feel that you are distracted, try to refocus. Meditation Techniques are so beneficial that even respected institutions and clinics prescribe meditation programs for their patients. It helps the patients to recover faster and gain the lost confidence. You can also practice meditation through meditation CD as it helps you to do it simply. Meditation can be referred to a process in which an individual tries to train his mind to get some benefit. Actually, meditation is really beneficial for the health of the people if done in a right way. For doing meditation in a right way it is important to know the right method to begin it. If you are really interested in it then here are few ways of Meditation for Beginners. There are many good books on meditation available in the market. It is important for you to make sure that you choose the best book of Medi! tation f or Beginners available in the stores. Besides books there are many CDs and DVDs on meditation available which can be of great help. You can get good results if you perform meditation after Yoga as it prepares the body for meditation. Meditation for beginners is really difficult but the most important thing is if you work hard you can definitely achieve what you want to. Initially while meditating your concentration may break due to some disturbances, do not give up and try to refocus again. Beginners must accept the fact that it will take time to learn meditation. Nobody can learn meditation and get benefited by it in a short period of time. Therefore, patience is the only mantra by which you can learn how to meditate. meditation techniques have really helped people to become physically stronger, mentally clearer and emotionally calmer. Therefore, people who wish to start can get the benefits from various Meditation for Beginners books and CDs. About the Authorjonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on Meditation for beginners & meditation techniques. For more information he always recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/ Shiva Meditation in the Himalayan CavesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
15 Tips To Manage Stress; and They Won't Cost You a Penny! Posted: 06 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by Jeff Behar 15 Tips To Manage Stress; and They Won't Cost You a Penny! Written by Jeff Behar 15 Tips to Help Manage Stress Get enough sleep. Lack of rest can aggravate stress. Eat well. Avoid sugars, processed foods, too much caffeine. Exercise Regularly. Exercise is one of the best physical stress-reduction techniques available. Exercise not only improves your health and reduces stress caused by unfitness, it also relaxes tense muscles and helps you to sleep. Exercise has a number of other positive benefits you may not be aware of: (1) It improves blood flow to your brain, bringing additional sugars and oxygen that may be needed when you are thinking intensely. (2) By exercising, you speed the flow of blood through your brain, removing bio waste products caused by our body's internal actions faster.(3) Exercise can cause release of chemicals called endorphins into your blood stream. These give you a feeling of happiness and positively affect your overall sense of well-being. (4) There is also good evidence that physically fit people have less extreme physiological responses when under pressure than those who are not. This means that fit people are more able to handle the long- term effects of stress, without suffering ill health or burnout. Don't sweat the small stuff. Try to prioritize a few truly important things and let the rest slide Learn how to best relax yourself. Determine if the issue is worth stressing about? is it something that you have no control over to change? Try positive thinking. Positive thinking does help bring about positive change. Negative thoughts can affect the brains thinking and result on physio-chemical changes within your body...and thought process. Negative thinking also damages your performance by undermining your self-confidence. It also occupies "attentional capacity" at times when you need to focus your entire mind on what you are doing. Try not to personalize things. Maybe the other person or situation you are dealing with is really abou! t them a nd their poor coping techniques and not about you. In many cases, situations do not cause all of the stress that we experience. Keep things in perspective. Sometimes, our reaction to circumstances (and what we say to ourselves about them) contributes to the stress we experience. Sometimes we are right in what we say to ourselves. Often, however, we are overly harsh and unjust in a way that we would never be with friends or co-workers. This, along with other negative thinking, can cause intense stress and unhappiness and can severely damage your self-confidence. Prioritize. In today's fast paced world, whether it be at home or at work, workload issues lie behind much of the stress we experience. Not only can a heavy workload be tiring in its own right, it often drives us to work much longer hours than we would really like. This means that we spend time working that we'd prefer to use for the things that give life value. It also means that we're working when we should really be resting. Worse than this, a heavy routine workload leaves us little time to deal with the emergencies that come up from time-to-time. This adds to the feeling of being "out of control" that is so much part of stress. Successful workload management is therefore vitally important for your job satisfaction.If you feel overwhelmed with a "to do list" reduce the number of events going on in your life and you may reduce the circuit overload. Set a realistic list of items to do and start prioritizing. Be mindful. You can selectively change the way you react, by first identifying stress in its early stages. Listen to your body and feel the early signs of stress (maybe you can feel tightness in your chest, or your response starts quickening). Take these early signs as an opportunity to implement relaxation techniques like counting to ten and deep breathing, and/or use it as an opportunity to remove yourself from the stressful situation before it gets worse. Bottom line: learn to recognize stress for what it is. Increase ! your bod y's feedback and make stress self-regulating. Meditate. Meditation is a good way of relaxing during, and at the end of, a stressful day. It is something you can learn to do yourself, or may be something you prefer to learn in classes. Meditation and breathing exercises have been proven to be very effective in controlling stress. Note: Some of the key research on meditation was carrier out by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University. His book on this, "The Relaxation Response", was published in 1968. In a series of experiments into various popular meditation techniques, Dr. Benson established that these techniques had a very real effect on reducing stress and controlling the fight-or-flight response. Direct effects included slowed heartbeat and breathing, reduced oxygen consumption and increased skin resistance. Reduce brain clutter. Practice clearing your mind of disturbing thoughts.A good technique is to write down what is bothering you, then file it away, and out of your mind. Take 5 for yourself. Give yourself a break if only for a few moments daily. Avoid extreme reactions. Why hate when a little dislike will do? Why generate anxiety when you can be nervous? Why rage when anger will do the job? Overreacting can escalate stress. Walk Away. Remove yourself from the stressful situation. Many people bring stress upon themselves by not walking away. Avoid self-medication or escape. This includes alcohol and drugs, as well as dietary extremes such as excess sugar and caffeine. Remember, the management of stress depends mainly on the willingness of a person to make the changes necessary for a healthy lifestyle. For many more articles in the areas of: health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, bodybuilding, men's health, weight loss, vitamins and supplements, and anti-aging you can visit musclemagfitness.com - Your Source for the latest health, fitness, nutrition, and anti-agin information and late breaking news. About the AuthorJeff Behar is a senior writer for musclemagfitness.com and Mybesthealthportal.com where he regularly writes about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, bodybuilding, men's health, weight loss, vitamins and supplements, and anti-aging Effectively Treat IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Naturopathic Medicine - Dr. Trebilcock, NDThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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