Rare Ectopic Pregnancy Deaths Rise Abruptly in Florida
Rare Ectopic Pregnancy Deaths Rise Abruptly in Florida |
- Rare Ectopic Pregnancy Deaths Rise Abruptly in Florida
- How Failure Can Be A Form Of Spiritual Self Help
- I'm doing the "work of Our Lord." Surprise to me.
- Different types of meditation
- Buddhism Gains Public Interest
- Letâs go for the Footsteps of sBuddha Tour
- Arsenic Found in Organic Baby Formula, Cereal Bars
- The Best Yoga Techniques - Is Not To Contemplate But Concentrate
- Too much dust in their eyes
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Rare Ectopic Pregnancy Deaths Rise Abruptly in Florida Posted: 16 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST
The rate of ectopic pregnancy deaths rose abruptly in Florida in 2009 and 2010, according to a new government report. Ectopic pregnancy is a rare condition where a fertilized egg implants in a woman's body in a place other than the uterus, such as in an oviduct. There were 11 ectopic pregnancy deaths in Florida in 2009 and 2010; there were 13 deaths during the 10-year period between 1999 and 2008 in the state, according to the report. That means Florida's mortality rate from ectopic pregnancy in 2009 and 2010 reached 2.5 deaths per 100,000 live births, climbing from 0.6 deaths per 100,000 live births for the years between 1999 and 2008, which was in line with the national mortality rate for the condition at the time. The increase appears to be linked with illicit drug use and delays in seeking health care, the researchers concluded, after studying information surrounding the deaths. Of the 11 women who died in 2009 and 2010, eight had collapsed prior to their deaths. Women with an ectopic pregnancy may collapse when an oviduct (also called a fallopian tube) bursts, leading to hemorrhaging, according to the report. Collapsing generally happens only when a woman has not received health care for earlier signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Autopsies of six of the women who collapsed detected illicit drugs in their systems. Ectopic pregnancies are treatable with drugs or with surgery to remove the embryo, which cannot develop outside of the uterus, according to the Mayo Clinic. The women who collapsed were from disadvantaged groups, who might have experienced difficulties accessing health care or did not have insurance, according to the report. In the early 1980s, the national mortality rate from ectopic pregnancy was 1.15 deaths per 100,000 live births; by 2007, it had fallen to 0.5 deaths per 100,000 live births, according to the report. The decline depended heavily on women having access to health care early in their pregnancies. In Florida, among women without health insurance, the mortality rate rose from 1.8 deaths per 100,000 live births in the period between 1999 to 2008, but rose to 17.6 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2009 and 2010, according to the report. Florida's rising mortality rate could be combated by ensuring early access to health care, promoting awareness about early pregnancy testing and ectopic pregnancy risk and raising public awareness about substance abuse health risks, according to the report. The report was compiled by researchers at Florida's Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was limited in that the total number of deaths was small, and complete medical histories were not obtainable for every woman who died. Pass it on: The ectopic pregnancy death rate has risen abruptly in Florida. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. Daimoku ((題目) - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - 南無妙法蓮華經This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How Failure Can Be A Form Of Spiritual Self Help Posted: 16 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Dr Russell Razzaque Everyone knows that failure is a part of life. Yet, sometimes we can get so absorbed in the stress of failure that each failure can feel like it is the first time it has ever happened. Yet has there ever existed a person on this planet - past or present - who has not experienced some failure in their life? Have any of us experienced even a single week in our lives when we have not failed at something in some way? Undoubtedly failure leads to inevitable pain and sadness. This comes from the fact that a particular goal we had set ourselves has not been reached. But what we learn, when the sadness becomes particularly deep, is that we had somehow entangled this goal with our own sense of self worth. If we ever find ourselves becoming too low as a result of a particular set back, what we are being presented with is an opportunity for true spiritual self growth. Sometime not reaching a goal in some way feels like it means that we are now less of a person. Spotting this within can help transform the failure into a very positive experience because it can be the first step to unpacking the mysteries contained inside us. Just sitting and allowing ourselves to feel and be with the pain that this failure has generated can be a transformative act in itself, for what we will be feeling then is not just the pain of this particular failure, but we will also be experiencing the pain of troubles and traumas past that have somehow wound up entangled into this particular goal. We may not know what it is - although, by being genuinely patient with our pain, the true nature of the echo may often bubble up to the surface - but the more we are able to stay in touch with the pain, the more we will be growing inside. As a result, over time, the self defeating aspects of our inner world will start to align with our goals The reason we often fail is that an unconscious part of us is sabotaging our conscious goals. By using every opportunity we are presented with to access this unconscious pain! , we wil l emerge more whole each time we experience a setback and so more able in future to meet what ever goals we seek. Over time goals will become less self defining and so we will lower the risk of falling over ourselves to achieve it (or tripping ourselves up). So next time you find you've reached a set back - see it as a self help moment. This is an opportunity for you to connect more deeply with yourself. Listen to your pain and find out what it is telling you about your self esteem and your love for yourself. If any failure can affect that then you know there's more connecting to do with your inner child. And that's always true for all of us About the AuthorDr Russell Razzaque earned his medical degree from the University of London and is a member of the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists.. If you liked this article you may benefit from his online self help program, Sileotherapy; a form of spiritual self help. Spirit Science 9 - Astral ProjectionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
I'm doing the "work of Our Lord." Surprise to me. Posted: 16 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Who knew? Certainly not me. Just got this email from Rev. Shawn Malloy, my "brother in Jesus." Dear Brother Brian My brother in Christ I want to say I love the sight [site?] and I pray that your Facebook launch will be success. You are doing the work of Our Lord so my prayers are with you. Sincerely, Your Brother in Christ Jesus ________________________________ Reverend Dr. Shawn M. Malloy DD Excellent news. If I learn after I die that I'm wrong, and Jesus truly is the Son of God who died for our sins, I can whip out this email at the Pearly Gates and demand admission. Except...I just looked at Rev. Malloy's Facebook comment and Twitter tweet about this blog. I suspect that my "work of Our Lord" is providing Malloy Ministries with a way to get links to its web site spread around the Internet. Is this virtuous enough Lordly work to save my soul (assuming I have one)? Don't know. Am pretty sure the Bible doesn't say anything about cyberspace holiness. Meditation. AMAZING Nature sounds. BlissCoded sound. Bliss of Nature demo.This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 16 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Kmiec Clearing and Shielding with Archangel MichaelThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Buddhism Gains Public Interest Posted: 16 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai Academic and practical Buddhism making great strides abreast The scholastic character of the early period had much effect on the progress of Buddhism in the subsequent period up to the present. The wealth of Buddhist literature in Western languages makes Buddhism accessible to Western people and facilitates Buddhist study. At the same time Buddhists in Asian countries have begun to take up missionary activity again. From time to time, Buddhist missions have come to Western countries to acquaint these civilized people with the teachings of the Buddha. Above all, social and life conditions have now greatly changed. Amidst material and economic progress in this age of technology, more and more Western people, especially students in colleges and universities, find their religious system unsatisfying intellectually and spiritually. Buddhism, with its doctrine not overshadowed by modern thought and its meditation attractive to modern mind, has a strong appeal for these Western men and women who are in search of the meaning of life and a meaningful way of life. And, since the turn of the century, Buddhism has taken a new turn. The interest in Buddhism and Buddhist studies has grown more and more widely beyond the confines of scholars into the public. Knowledge of Buddhism is sought more from a practical standpoint. Meditation becomes the most appealing aspect of Buddhism and attracts many Western young people to Asian Buddhist countries, where many of them can be found today ordained as Buddhist monks and practising Buddhist meditation under the guidance of local meditation-teachers. There has been an increasing tendency for books on Buddhism to be the work of professed or practising Buddhists. Another tendency is for Asian Buddhists to take wider and more active part in the spread of Buddhist knowledge in the West, especially through their writings. Among contemporary Western Buddhists devoted to Buddhist studies, a distinguished name is the Venerable Nanฺamoli, an English monk who was ordained in Ce! ylon and lived at the Island Hermitage until his death in 2503/1960. In the words of Miss I.B. Horner, the late President of the Pali Text Society, the Venerable Nanฺamoli was an unusually brilliant scholar and his published translations of some of the most difficult Pali texts1 have a healthy vitality "to inaugurate a new and valuable phase in the study and understanding of the contents of Buddhist literature."1 The Venerable Nyanaponika, his well-known Brother-in-Order at the Island Hermitage, speaks of his translations as "remarkable achievements in quantity as well as in quality,"2 and as showing the highest standard of careful and critical scholarship and a keen and subtle mind, philosophically trained."2 Other names of no less importance are, for example: the Venerable Nyanaponika, already mentioned above; the Bhikkhu Sangharakshita, a Buddhist writer and poet, now the seniormost Buddhist monk of English origin; Francis Story, a British Buddhist through whom the Buddha's teaching has been presented convincingly as being of vital significance in this modern age; Christmas Humphreys, the late president of the Buddhist Society of London and a life-long interpreter of Buddhist thought to the West; and Edward Conze, a voluminous writer and leading authority in the field of Buddhist studies. The number of authoritative writers on Buddhism is increasing both in Europe and in North America and some of the names are coming into prominence. Worthy of mention are A.K. Warder and Trevor Ling, whose authoritative works treat Buddhism not merely as a religion but as an ethical social programme and a civilization. About the AuthorLuxury house plans Free rental advertising Gain muscle mass fast Bob Thurman: Becoming Buddha -- on the WebThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Letâs go for the Footsteps of sBuddha Tour Posted: 16 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Harry Carlin Most of the Buddhist admires are willing to go for footsteps of Buddha tour in India. On this journey, visitors can discover the best known Buddhist allures such as caves, monuments, stupas, footprints, shrines and lots more. Moreover, you can easily explore all these Buddhist lures in renowned destinations of India. Buddha tour in India has special worth for all followers of Lord Buddha. On this trip, you can easily find the footsteps of Buddha in various states or cities of India. Some of the major Buddhist destinations in India are Patna, Kushinagar, Sarnath, Lumbini, Bodhgaya and so on. All these sites are related with the life of Lord Buddha. Besides it, Buddhist places in India have their own enigma and history of origin as well. Thus, one can go for the any tour in India and discover the well known Buddhist footprints with ease. Apart from that, tourists can also search out the renowned Buddhist monasteries in India. There are so many Buddhist monasteries available in India for example Tabo Monastery, Bir monastery, Ganden monastery, Hemis Gompa, Tashijong monastery and lots more. You can easily discover these monasteries in different states of India like Patana, Leh, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Dharamshala and so on. All these monasteries are beneficial for the scholars or students as well. Furthermore, Buddhist Monasteries Tour is also important journey for all the scholars who are keen to known about the popular Buddhist schools or institutions available in across the India.On the other side, Buddhism is also renowned in crosswise the globe. Travelers can simply find out the superb Buddhist attractions in diverse countries such as Sikkim, Nepal, Tibbet, India, Thailand and many more. All these countries are blessed with varied Buddhist monasteries, shrines, caves, stupas, footprints and so on. Among all these countries, the India and Nepal are very renowned for the Buddhism as well. For instance, the India Nepal Buddhist Tour has exceptional significance for the Buddhist fol! lowers. On this trip, you can explore the prominent Buddhist allures out there. Some of the major Buddhist attractions of both countries are wonderful Buddhist monuments, pilgrimage, monasteries, caves, heritages, schools and lots more. All these Buddhist allures have their own worth and history of origin. Moreover, both the countries disclose the real enigma of Lord Buddha's life as well. Hence, this tour is an incredible trip for all the Buddhist enthusiasts. In nut shell, Buddhist footprints tour is an ultimate journey for all tourists. About the AuthorHarry Carlin is a professional writer of web content. For more information on Buddhist train and Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour. Mind and Life XXIII - Session 1 - Ecology, Ethics and InterdependenceceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Arsenic Found in Organic Baby Formula, Cereal Bars Posted: 16 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST
You may think you're being extra-healthy when you chose foods labeled "organic," but some of these products contain arsenic, a compound that may increase the risk of cancer, a new study says. The study points to organic brown rice syrup, an ingredient often used as a healthy alternative to high fructose corn syrup, as a potential source of arsenic in food. The results show cereals bars, energy shots and even infant formulas made with organic brown rice syrup contain particularly high levels of arsenic, compared with products without this syrup. Some cereal bars have concentrations of arsenic that are 12 times the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) safe drinking water limit of 10 parts per billion (ppb), the researchers said. There are two main types of arsenic: organic and inorganic. These terms refer to the chemistry of the arsenic compound; they have nothing to do with pesticide use, as when the term "organic" is applied to foods. The majority of arsenic the researchers found was inorganic, which is generally thought to be more harmful than organic arsenic. Chronic exposure to low levels of inorganic arsenic has been linked to increased risks of bladder, lung and skin cancer, as well as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to the EPA. Recent studies have shown that rice can be a major source of arsenic in our diet. The new study highlights the fact that products we don't normally think of as containing rice may still harbor significant levels of arsenic, the researchers said. It's not yet clear whether the arsenic in rice, rice-based products or other foods is harmful to people. But the levels found in infant formulas are concerning, because of infants' small body size, said study researcher Brian Jackson, of the department of Earth sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. There are currently no rules in the United States governing how much arsenic is allowed in foods, and the guidelines for water are not a fair comparison, because people may consume more water than arsenic-containing foods. Still, given that some foods may be a significant source of arsenic, "there is an urgent need to regulate arsenic in food," the researchers wrote in their study. Arsenic in food Jackson and colleagues measured the amount of arsenic in 17 infant formulas, 29 cereal bars and 3 energy shots purchased from stores in New Hampshire. Two of the infant formulas contained organic brown rice syrup as their primary ingredient. These products had arsenic levels 20 to 30 times that of the other infant formulas. Twenty-two of the cereal bars contained at least one rice product (organic brown rice syrup, rice flour, rice grain or rice flakes) listed as one of the first five ingredients. These bars had levels of arsenic that ranged from 23 to 128 parts per billion (ppb). Cereal bars that did not contain rice had much lower arsenic levels, ranging from 8 to 27 ppb. The energy "shots", or gel-like blocks, contained between 84 and 171 ppb arsenic. All the products had organic brown rice syrup as one of the ingredients. An individual who consumed four of these energy shots would consume more than 10 micrograms of arsenic — an amount equal to drinking 1 liter of water with arsenic concentration at the current EPA limit. Babies at risk Of all the study findings, "the data on the infant formulas is most concerning," said Christopher States, a toxicologist at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. The amount of arsenic consumed by an infant could be significant depending on which formula they drank, States said. In addition, the arsenic concentrations in the study were calculated assuming the infant formula powders were prepared for babies to drink with arsenic-free water. Infants who consumed formulas with high arsenic levels that were mixed with arsenic-containing water would be at the greatest risk for potential health effects, States said. Recent research suggests arsenic exposure early in life may increase the risk for health problems later on. Formula may be a baby's sole food over a critical period of development, and their small size means they may consume more arsenic per kilogram of body weight than an adult eating foods with similar arsenic levels, the researchers said. It's hard to say what effect arsenic in foods may have on adults, Jackson said. If guidelines are set for acceptable levels of arsenic in food, they may be higher than most of the levels found in this study, around 200 ppb, Jackson said. "I don't think eating the occasional cereal bar has any real risk to it," Jackson said. For those concerned about arsenic exposure, Jackson recommends making sure meals are not rice-based. For parents, Jackson said to avoid infant formulas that contain rice syrup. The article is published today (Feb. 16) in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. Pass it on: Products that contain organic brown rice syrup may be a significant source of dietary arsenic. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. Sinhala song for Soma Thero By Wikrama..This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The Best Yoga Techniques - Is Not To Contemplate But Concentrate Posted: 16 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Kacy Carr The best technique for any person contemplating to take up yoga is not to contemplate but to concentrate - on how yoga and its techniques is escalating into a world wide epidemic where yoga exercises are helping ailing patients and others who seek peace of mind. Understanding yoga is a lot less complicated than you could imagine but if you are thinking of taking up the practice then there are some yoga techniques you need to be aware of and apply through out the exerciseYoga is with out a doubt one of the most effective exercises performed to today in helping people to stay in shape and to keep fit and healthy. You will be surprised how yoga fits into your daily way of life due to the fact that is can be practiced almost anywhere and any time People are genuinely taking more and more interest in keeping their fitness levels at a point where they are gaining a healthier lifestyle and this is all thanks to yoga. Yoga techniques are beneficial in servicing your body organs. Muscles, joints, glands, tissues are also maintained by some techniques of yoga. There are 5 yoga techniques which you may enjoy including into your workout these are meditation, relaxation, deep breathing, posture and movement of the joints. Every one of these yoga functions has it own technique. Better known as the (sandhichalana) is where the movement of joints come into play. This is performed and solely directed by yoga followers towards easing the joints. Joints are freed from stiffness by undergoing and practicing full movements which consist of hand neck and lower limb movements. A yoga technique behind the relaxation exercise is to be able to deepen your concentration pattern which aims to help deter any interference that attracts your attention easily. The Hong-Sau is another technique used which assists you further in focusing on the concealed powers of concentration. This is great yoga routine that can help you battle any meddling disturbances while at the same time providing you with a ! relaxed and calm feeling on the inside. Each to their own on what exercise to exercise but one of the most popular is the Aum technique which stretches awareness far beyond any limitations that your body and mind creates. By maintaining an uninterrupted meditation mode you gain contentment. Many of the techniques mentioned will not be advisable for the beginner so therefore guidance from a yoga master would be your best approach. Be sure to ask questions on different types of yoga and the techniques, this will help you decide which one to take up. Check it out for yourself, go along to a local class in your area and watch just how many people are leaving you behind in claiming better body awareness and a content positive approach to life. About the Author 100% fit in mind body and soul is what healthy living is all about. With yoga you claim what is rightfully yours control. http://www.want2yoga.com Take steps now to move on with your life http://www.allaboutonlineeducation.com | |||
Posted: 16 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST In the Ayacana Sutta (S. i. 136) we learn that the Buddha "saw beings with little dust in their eyes and those with much dust." I gather this is the dust of worldly attachment which makes the Buddha's teaching impossible to realize until there is much less dust obscuring the spiritual eye. On the other hand, pop Buddhists—I am guessing—would argue that the Buddha was more like Superman. He was able to rid the masses of their heavy dust and thereby save the world! Well, this wasn't the case. In a large crowd the Buddha would be lucky to find even one individual who had little dust in their eyes. One such example was the leper Suppabuddha (wide awake) (Udana V, iii). In a crowd listening to the Buddha preach the Dharma (P., dhamma), Suppabudda the leper gained dhamma-sight (dhammacakkhu) who was then dustless and stainless (virajam vîtamalam) effectively entering the path of stream entry (sotâpatti). This brings up the problem modern Buddhists face: How much dust has occluded their spiritual or Dharma eye so the Buddha's true teaching and light can't be received? My own guess is that many modern day practitioners have way too much dust in their eyes who believe, for example, that by doing zazen they are becoming Buddhas. The first task for modern day Buddhists is to remove the dust, at least as much as Suppabuddha otherwise they will never really understand the Buddha's teaching.
Pilgrimage Through Kham: A Medical Mission in TibetThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 16 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai On the whole, Japanese Buddhism still maintains its strength in the intelligentsia and the rural population. Zen is associated with the culture preserved among the highly cultured people, is the spiritual strength of the nation, and has a strong appeal to the intellectuals and the modern Western mind. For the rural people, the popular sects of Amida and the Lotus offer stronger appeal, especially the Shin sect which has the greatest number of adherents. Superstitious beliefs and practices are also widely accepted. As a characteristic of Japanese modernity, the many new religions have emerged to meet the modern religious needs of the middle class. Movements have grown among the Buddhists tdwards cooperation and unification, and lay Buddhists have taken a more active part in religious activities. This has resulted in the organization of the Japan Chapter of the World Federation of Buddhists, the All Japan Young Buddhist Federation, and the Japan Buddhist Women's Association. Representatives have been sent by the different sects to observe conditions, practices and activities in other Buddhist countries. There are many universities, colleges and schools operated or supported by Buddhist sects. Research activities have been conducted actively in universities and research institutions such as the Nippon Buddhist Research Association and the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, by scholars using modern methods, on the whole field of Buddhist literature in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese. Studies in the Indian Buddhist sources and international contacts have also inspired a strong urge to return to original Buddhism. Statistically, with a Buddhist population of approximately 75 million, or about 85 percent of the whole population, and with about 80,000 Buddhist temples attended by 200,000 priests, Japan is rightly called a Buddhist country. Through the variety of Buddhist movements and efforts toward a revival, Japan of the postwar period has thus experienced B! uddhist vitality in various ways. There has grown a deepened religious concern through works of Buddhist scholars devoted to the reinterpretation of Buddhist ideas. There have been increased Buddhist social and political roles through lay people taking a more active part in Buddhist organizations. With the coming of the new-born sects, there has been a reawakening to the Buddhist social ideal to make up for the faded social ethics of the old traditional sects, and a starting on a new course of the development of political power. So far, the energies of the Japanese Buddhists have been directed "not so much to the revival of the Buddhist culture as to the attempt to preserve and consolidate it amidst the essentially alien and hostile environment of modern life." Internationally, Japan's great contribution to the progress of Buddhism cannot be underestimated. Through the works both of the Japanese and of the Western scholars, the message of the Buddha has been carried to the West. There, in the light of modern studies, the interest has been ever increasing, both in the doctrine and in the practice, especially in Zen psychology and meditation. If a special form of the religion called Western Buddhism is ever developing in the West, it is Japanese Buddhism that has made a great contribution to the process of the development. And it is this contribution that, as a repayment, has helped to keep for Japan a dignified and respected place in the realm of international relations. About the AuthorSiam city bangkok Bangkok hotel discount Koh samui travel Thai Buddhist Paritta Chanting 泰国象妙舍利子佛行This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Llandudno named 'happiest' town Posted: 16 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST 16 February 2012 Last updated at 05:59 ET
A survey has named Llandudno as the happiest place to live in Wales, and the sixth happiest in the UK. Estate agents Rightmove surveyed 25,000 homeowners for their Happy at Home index. It took into account people's feelings of safety and neighbourliness as well as the quality of their own home. Hotelier David Williams, chairman of the Llandudno Hospitality Association, said: "To be the best place in Wales is a real gift." "So many people come to live here and work in the big stores from other parts of Wales, England and Scotland, and refuse promotion and stay here and retire here," he told BBC Radio Wales. 'Caring' town"Many of our guests tell us it's very safe - they feel they can walk out at night without any problem unlike perhaps where they live," he added. "It's the wonderful scenery we've got of Snowdonia, and obviously being by the sea ... there's plenty to do, it's a really caring town." Despite the town's reputation as a place to go to retire there are also happy younger people living there. Stacy Owen, 23, grew up in the town and she says it's the size of the place which makes it friendly. "Here you always know someone who knows someone else," she said. It is a good place to live, with job opportunities as long as no-one wanted to work in a factory. She has no intention of leaving any time soon, she added. "I can understand why people voted it a happy place," she said. Carol Alden, the head chef at the town's Forte's Cafe said she was not surprised at the results of the survey either. "I think it's (happy) because of the fresh air, the clean streets... it's a lovely place to be," she said. "I've lived in this area for around 20 years and worked at Forte's for 12 years and at the conference centre for 12 years before that. "I'm really pleased it's come out so well in the survey," she added. The Happy at Home index uses 12 measures to assess how people feel about where they live, from the size and decorative condition of their property to the feeling of neighbourliness and levels of safety within their local community. Rightmove director Miles Shipside said: "Traditional property market measures, such as price trends and transaction volumes, are both valuable and fascinating, but both fall short of treating property as a home. "This extensive study of over 25,000 people across the UK gives an insight into how happy at home we are as a nation and which factors provide us with the most contentment." The top five locations were all in the north of England, with Carlisle in first place, while nine of the bottom 10 were districts of London or in south east England. Rage Against The Machine - Bullet In The HeadThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Tapping Into The Subconscious Mind In 5 Simple Steps Posted: 16 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Michael Lee Tapping into the subconscious mind can give anyone a wide range of possibilities - from empowering themselves to inspiring others. But while some people claim that they can unleash the power of their subconscious, they might not be doing it correctly. Here are 5 simple steps to help you do it properly. Step 1: Find A Good Place. Meditation is a powerful way to unlock your unconscious mind's potentials. However, it all starts with finding a good environment. Find a place without any distractions; just a simple, quiet room where you can relax. Tapping into the subconscious mind requires concentration, so I don't think that having children around or leaving the television on will help you. Step 2: Make Yourself Comfortable. Find a natural position that you feel comfortable with, since relaxing is very important in meditation. Try not to lie down because you might just fall asleep. Once you are meditating, try your best to clear your mind and avoid anything that might disrupt your concentration. Step 3: Try Hypnosis. If you need help tapping into the subconscious mind, you can make an appointment with a hypnotherapist. These professionals have the power to get inside your subconscious if you can't seem to slip into it yourself. Step 4: Believe In Yourself. You must have no doubts. If you're going to do affirmations, believe in them with all your heart. I know it may sound difficult to actually believe in things that are still yet to happen; but constantly repeating your affirmations can work wonders in instilling more faith in them. If you doubt your command even once, your subconscious mind would react and your affirmations would not work properly, even if you didn't do it on purpose. Remember that the key is in strengthening your belief. Step 5: Trust Your Subconscious. You must trust that your unconscious mind will make your affirmations come true even faster. Tapping into the subc! onscious mind isn't just as simple as opening it and wishing for things. You have to trust that it will help you reach your goals. If you don't trust it, it would be the same as doubting your subconscious. However, that doesn't mean that you can forget about doing your part; you also have to help yourself in fulfilling what you want. That's it! I hope these tips for tapping into the subconscious mind have been helpful. Just remember that while these may unlock new power and possibilities, you also have a job of your own. Fulfill your own job and your desires will come fast. About the AuthorTo help you achieve your dreams fast, I'd like to give you instant access to more than 100 of the best free self-help ebooks that could greatly change your life! Download them free at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm Relaxing Sounds - Zen - Chinese Bamboo Flute with Nature SoundsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Aging as a Spiritual Practice, by Lewis Richmond Posted: 16 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST
Now let's move from horizontal time to vertical time. As you breathe in, imagine your breath moves up in a column from your cushion or chair. Breathing out, imagine the breath sinking down into the same place. "This vertical movement doesn't go anywhere in space," writes Richmond. "It doesn't move from a certain past to an uncertain future. It just rests continually in the same spot." His book is full of interesting practices and ideas like this one. When I read the title of the book, with its sub-title "A contemplative guide to growing older and wiser" I feared the worst. Would this book be drenched in denial and in piousness? No piousness, I am glad to say, and no denial of reality. Lewis Richmond writes with honesty, clarity and humanity and his book contains much to interest readers of all ages. Actually he sounds like a guy you could sit back and have a beer with though as he's a Zen Stress Reduction priest I assume he'll be having the green tea. He notes that we age one breath at a time. "When you observe your breath, you are not just passing through time; time is also passing through you." No denial there but his concept of ageing one breath at a time adds a new dimension to mindfulness of breathing and to acceptance of what comes to us. He is full of interesting perspectives like this. Consider non-judgemental attention. "… most people in the second half of life are paying close attention to the body in term of stamina, vigor, skin care, diet, weight loss, and attractiveness. But how many of us pay attention to our bodies without judgement? How many of us actually experience our bodies just as they are?" That's a fascinating question to bring to our mindfulness practice – and not just for those in the second half of life. I was particularly taken by his "pebbles of life" practice. This comes from a fellow Zen priest who keeps a bowl of pebbles on a shelf beside a statute of Buddha. Each pebble represents a week of the rest (as he estimates it) of his life. Every Monday morning he removes a pebble from the bowl and returns it to the driveway he took it from. This strikes me as an excellent way to cultivate an appreciation of the passing weeks but of course it involves turning towards the passing of time with death at the end of the journey. When I described this practice to a mindfulness class, all agreed it sounded like a very good idea. Then they began to change it around: how about using the practice to mark the passing of the year with a pebble for every month? Or how about putting a pebble in the bowl for every good experience we have? I was fascinated to see how quickly the need to escape from the contemplation of the ultimate ending of life asserted itself – and I have to admit that I haven't yet gathered up the thousand pebbles I would allow myself for my own bowl. Throughout his book Lewis Richmond tells stories of his own health and ageing experiences, of the experiences of others and explains aspects of Buddhism with admirable and enviable clarity. In our era in the West, ageing has been described as a financial time bomb waiting to explode. People who grew up as the culture began to worship youth, now find themselves growing old. Those of us who are in the second half (or fourth quarter) of life must find a way to navigate our way through time bombs, the demands of the culture and our own health issues. Anyone who wants to navigate with clarity,humour and mindfulness will enjoy this book. His previous books are Work as a Spiritual Practice, Healing Lazarus, and A Whole Life's Work. Read More @ Source | |||
Following Your Flow: The Power Of A Mind-Body Fitness Practice Posted: 16 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Scott Coates "Your body needs to do more thinking, and your mind needs to dance more." - Chungliang Al Huang Have you ever done any thinking with your body? How about dancing with your mind? These questions might seem silly at first - straight out of Alice in Wonderland - but they are actually very significant. One of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself is a daily fitness practice that incorporates both mind and body. What is a Mind ~ Body fitness practice? A Mind ~ Body fitness practice is the best of both worlds. Whether we choose yoga, martial arts, dance, tai chi or running, the common thread is that mind and body are working together in harmony. We learn that they are not separate entities, but they are deeply connected and part of the same whole. The mind moves the body and vice versa. Think about a time when you performed an activity at your absolute best. Some call this following your flow or being in the zone. You probably noticed that every action was completely focused yet totally effortless. When you enter this flowing space or zone state, mind and body are one. They are no longer fighting against each other. That's why the activity is so effortless and so easy. It's as though you were a child playing in the sandbox again. What are the benefits of Mind ~ Body fitness? 1. Quieting The Mind Think about how many thoughts run through the mind every second. How do we slow this avalanche of thoughts, particularly when they are negative and counter productive to our health and happiness? The quickest way to still the mind is to move the body. A daily fitness practice helps to restore the balance between mind and body. Instead of being so centered in our heads and worrying about the past or future, we become more rooted and grounded in the here and now. 2. Self Discipline When you're involved in a daily fitness practice, there are no days off, and there are no excuses. If you're sick or your kids are acting out, it doesn't matter - you make t! he time because it's that important. When you commit to your practice, you build up this self-discipline muscle a little every day. 3. The Inner Game While the physical side of fitness gets most of the attention, it should be remembered that the postures, techniques and body movements are a mirror of the inner work being done. Sure it's cool to stand on your head in yoga. Or bound through the air in dance. Or even smash a wooden board in karate. That outer stuff certainly has its place, but most important are the inner rewards that you reap from your practice. You will see the proof in how you grow and develop as a whole person, and others will see it as well. 4. Process Over Results Many people become obsessed with the tangible results of their fitness practice. What was my time, how many points did I get, what was the score etc. When we do this, we get caught up in judging ourselves. But in a true Mind ~ Body fitness practice, it's more important that we focus on process. Process is all about flow! We allow ourselves to engage fully in the activity without judging it or worrying about results. Paradoxically, when we let go of the need for measurable results, we usually perform at our best! So give yourself one of the greatest gifts possible - a daily Mind and Body fitness practice. And then enjoy the fruits of your flow: a healthier, happier and more whole You! About the AuthorThe Great Lesson movie is an inspiring new film about the power of mind and body. Martial art masters, tai chi and dance visionaries, a cell biologist, executive business coach, holistic psychotherapist, sports psychologist, Harvard professor and inspiring self-healer join forces in one film to explain the great lesson! Transform Your Health Now! Mindfulness and addictionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Spirituality Inspiration - 2/16/2012 Posted: 16 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST ![]() "There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Spiritual Meditation and New Age - a Strategy to Explain its Advantages Posted: 16 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST | |||
âChange Your Mind. Change Your Lifeâ Posted: 16 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Chris Gray If you're ready to get into shape and really change your life, the first place to start is within your own mind. Leading a healthy, active lifestyle often calls for taking a mind-over-matter approach. Working out, eating right and making good choices calls for positive thinking to reinforce the actions you know you need to take. When you explore your own thought processes and your "mind chatter," you will likely find that the key to unlock the positive lifestyle you've been dreaming of leading has always been there.The truth is that success is often born from a positive and healthy outlook to everything in life. When you examine your thoughts and the chatter that you "speak" to yourself on a daily basis, you are likely to find you are your own worst enemy. Open your eyes and your mind to your daily thoughts, and really hear what you tell yourself. You must learn to eliminate self-sabotaging "head trash" and negative chatter. Stop telling yourself you can't and start saying you can. When you do, some amazing things are going to happen.While this sounds all well and good, you're probably wondering how to get from Point A to Point B. Here are a few tricks and tips that can help you change your mind and your life. ⢠Spend a few days truly listening to yourself - Grab a notebook and a pen. Jot down the negative thoughts you have. Listen to what you say to yourself in your mind. Explore what you are saying and consider what triggers your own negative responses.⢠Learn to speak kinder to yourself - Positive affirmations aren't just New Age mumbo jumbo. They can actually work. Learn to program your mind to believe in yourself, self-confidence can unlock your true potential. Set realistic goals and keep telling yourself you can attain them. Take that same notebook you used to record your thoughts and write down the positives about yourself. Focus on these positives that you know to be true and use them to build up your life in other aspects. ⢠Enlist help - When you're trying to change your! mind so you can change your life, positive influences can go a very long way. Find others who are like minded and have similar goals and form a support group, if nothing else just to hold each other accountable! Ask family and friends to assist, having support from your immediate family can be the difference between success and failure. Let them know your goals, how important they are to you, what you are doing to reach them, and how they can lend a hand by offering moral support. Having a cheering section rooting for you can build your self-esteem and it can give you the motivation you need to keep going even when the road ahead is tough.⢠Go To The Movies - No, I don't mean your local movie theater to catch the latest flick. I'm referring to the theater of the mind, visualization techniques have long been used by the world's most successful people and can without a doubt help you achieve the life you've always wanted. Take 15-30 minutes daily, find a quiet room and go to your theater. Close your eyes and imagine the life you want to live playing out on a movie screen, what would you see? Visualize in great detail everything you ever wanted in life and how it feels, don't leave anything out! Do this every day or even a few times per week and great things will begin to happen, but just like anything worth having in life it takes commitment! Sound like a bunch of hocus pocus...? It's not, the nervous system doesn't know the difference between something that's happening in your mind or something happening in reality. Here is a must read story giving you real life proof right here at Punch Kettlebell Gym Dover that if you change your mind, you can change your life! "I have been a recreational runner/jogger since high school and started doing marathons and running local races just after college. I also started weight lifting during my freshman year in college to supplement my cardio. Ever since I lost my "freshman 15" from college, I have maintained a healthy weight of about 140lbs for the last 10-15 years. I! never t hought of myself as heavy but just like any girl, I always wanted to lose 5-10 pounds, or wished my legs or butt were just a little smaller. I have belonged to a gym in one form or another for almost 20 years and I can truly say that they are all about the same...some have fancier equipment than others but they all depend on the motivation of the members to use the fancy equipment. The reality is that some days you're motivated, some days you're not. But if you chose to stay on the couch, I guarantee that the guy working the front desk won't call and ask you where you are. I heard about Punch Kettlebell gym from a friend. He said that they do crazy things like flip tires, lift stones and use ropes during their workouts. Being the competitive person that I am, naturally I was intrigued. So I called the number and left a message. I remember playing a bit of phone tag with Chris initially but he was very persistent (Chris? No way!!) and never gave up trying to make contact with me. A few days later, I had a consultation appointment with him. During the interview I remember telling him how I was generally self-conscious about my body and how my main goals were not necessarily to lose weight but to convert fat to muscle and see if I could push myself to the next level of fitness. I was skeptical that this could ever happen based on a long track record of running and working out with the same results. But I decided to sign up anyway and give it a tryâ¦why not? I didn't realize at that time that my decision to join the Punch family would change my life. During my initial measurements in early March 2010, my weight was 143lbs and body fat at 18.5%. I committed to working out at Punch 4 days per week...3 of those days being at 5:00am...while maintaining 6 days/week of cardio (running or cross training). I already had a relatively good diet but I cleaned it up even further by eliminating all refined sugars, choosing mostly low GI foods paired with high quality/lean protein sources and only e! ating sm all amounts of healthy fats. I also started incorporating Sunrider tea and Fortune Delight into my daily routine. By January 2011, I had dropped 9 pounds and 7% body fat and lost inches from every spot on my body. Fast forward to September 2011⦠by continuing to maintain my workout schedule of 4 (sometimes 5) days per week at Punch plus 6 days per week of cardio and having a very clean, healthy diet, I have dropped another 7 pounds (16 total since March 2010) and 3% body fat (10% total since March 2010). All of these changes have resulted in more energy, motivation and even faster running times! I frequently race in small local 5K and 10K charity runs, and win in my age group (sometimes come in first place for all females!). And the last marathon I ran in December was my fastest time in over 5 years! I am almost 36 years old and feel stronger, leaner and healthier than I have ever felt before in my life. And I am 100% certain that Punch Gym and its wonderful staff have EVERYTHING to do with it!" Teresa Hutsell-McKinney Dover, Delaware When it's time to effect positive changes in your life, the place to start is within. Look into your mind and learn to reinforce the positives and throw out the negatives. Once your belief system is in the right place, there are no limits to what you can accomplish. About the AuthorChris Gray has been in the fitness industry for over a decade now where he has made his mark as one of Delaware's top trainers and club owners. Along with his many certifications Gray is also a best selling fitness author and is considered an expert in his field.Gray's latest co-authored book "3 Steps To Your Best Body In Record Time" hit the Best Seller's list in 5 categories which resulted in his induction into the Academy Of Best Selling Authors.Gray is also a regular contributor to multiple publications, most recently featured in USA Today Magazine, but it's his experience that truly sets him apart from most making him the true expert in his field. Chris started playing football at age 8 and continued competitively through college and into the semi-pro leagues for 4 years. Gray also an established bodybuilder and strength competitor, he has truly has made his mark in the sports. He has also competed nationally with an elite team of professionals in the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge competing in 3 World Championships on featured on ESPN.His very unique kettlebell training center located in Dover Delaware, is literally changing lives using techniques and equipment never before seen by most.After years of witnessing people struggle every day to lose weight and get in shape Gray realized that most gyms and fitness programs set people up to fail right from the start by not providing them with all of the key elements needed to achieve success. It's the failure to provide these tools that results in most people's failure to accomplish their fitness and health goals.Gray and his team have made it their mission to provide life changing results with their highly sought after training methods as seen in the Delaware State News, Dover Post, Wilmington News Journal, USA Today Magazine, and ESPN.At Punch Kettlebell Gym Dover, Chris Gray and his team use integrity as the backbone of their life changing program, ensuring to provide all the essential tools that most programs miss and offer guarantee! d result s or your money back!http://www.punchgymdover.com http://www.doverpersonaltrainer.comhttp://www.facebook.com/punchgymdover Keynote address by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Phd (excerpt)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 16 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Nerak Ami Our experiences have taught us to accept what is our reality based on the interpretation of information from our five senses which most of us, end up living as the fullness of our existence. There are those of us who at some point throughout our lives, do question our purpose on this earth but manage however, to engage ourselves with a continuous barrage of external stimuli therefore, do not summon the courage or determination to explore the inner reality of our intangible existence. Believe it or not, most of us go through our lives on automation, like robots really reacting to situations in predictable ways as a result of, information we have accepted in our subconscious minds as the truth about who we are. John 4:24, Jesus said; "God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth" Then there are those, who would literally shrivel up and die without knowing what is fuelling our insatiable desire to understand a higher rationale behind our day to day experiences. We are the ones incapable of relinquishing that recurring feeling deep down, that compels us to believe that indeed, there is more to who we are and what our presence on this earth means. The same feeling that will not allow us to accept that we are forever imprisoned to the repetitive cycles of bad feelings and painful experiences. The spiritual journey for me is the process of undoing all those false mental conditionings, thoughts and behavior that do not bring me joy. It is the on-going process of delving into my own mind (conscious and subconscious), my psyche, my belief system to make sense of the principles I am so convinced of that are representing my truths and fundamentally creating my reality and then decide, what I choose to release because they perpetuate a vicious cycle of self negating situations in my life. Spirituality is the journey of Self-realization. It is the inner yearning of our soul to be free from its earthly bondage. It is learning to maintain an open mind for t! he revel ation of things unseen and Divine mysteries not yet understood. It is the art of transforming ones self - in every dimension possible. Spirituality is coming face to face with our self-created egos and diligently going through the process of re-connecting with our innate Divinity. It involves building a deep seeded trust in a realm unfamiliar to our conceptual minds but nonetheless, very real by inexplicable internal feelings of connection to something greater. Above all, it is allowing ourselves to be guided not by our constant mental intellectualizing, but by our hearts leaading us to the very essence of love. Most people spend their lives seeking God, which is fine. I spend this lifetime, trying to reconnect the fragmented pieces of myself. The way I figure it, if I can discern some notion of who I am, then invariably I will also understand some sense of the Divine, after all, "I am - In His/Her Image."I therefore leave you with this question, "How much longer before you hear your inner voice?" About the Author Get a FREE copy of soulful and inspirational poems honesty portraying our inner journey to break free from negative mental conditioning. http://www.Thejourney-inbookstore.com/spiritualpoetry The story of one woman's journey from darkness to light http://www.Thejourney-in.com | |||
The Matrix Mind Personal Development Program Helps People Maximize Potential, Achieve Life Goals Posted: 16 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Donald Hood (1888PressRelease) The mind is a powerful thing, often left untapped and unexplored. The Matrix Mind online training is a unique personal development course that helps people realize their goals and their full potential through a unique combination of modern science, ancient techniques and practical application. In "The Matrix" movie, Keanu Reeves was able to shift reality with his mind, to use more than just his strength, more than just his intelligence and more than just his intuition to succeed. Likewise, The Matrix Mind personal development program developed by fitness and personal development guru John Spencer Ellis offers online coaching to help people achieve their life goals with less effort and less time. The online coaching program includes lessons in memory development; intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual intelligence; the conscious and unconscious mind; sleep science and dreaming; nutrition; optimal learning environments; mindfulness; personal excellence; brainstorming and note-taking; neuro-linguistic programming or NLP; hypnotherapy; meditation; mind-mapping; affirmations; relationships and more. The Matrix Mind was designed to help people who are struggling to get ahead, seeking more love, having memory problems or looking to move in the right direction."We know that highly successful people have one advantage over everyone else - they have learned to master the six inches of real estate between their ears!" said Ellis, founder of John Spencer Ellis Enterprises, a leading national fitness and personal development solutions company. "Just like a computer that requires the best software, speed and memory, the human brain must be optimized for people to achieve their goals and accomplish more in less time. That's what the Matrix Mind is all about." Leading experts in the field generally agree that no one type of personal development course or training is the key to success, which is why Ellis pulls together science, ancient wisdom and practical application! into th e Matrix Mind. The online coaching program is available at http://www.thematrixmind.com/ About the Matrix Mind and John Spencer Ellis EnterprisesFrom the age of 12 when he received his first health club membership as a birthday gift from his father, John Spencer Ellis knew fitness and personal development would be his calling. His unique business success story started in a 400-square-foot studio apartment, and what started as a personal training business has grown into a multimillion dollar group of corporations providing a wide variety of personal development products and services to every continent and more than 55 countries. In 1992, his passion for fitness education led him to found the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA), which educates and provides business solutions for fitness professionals. Now with more than 55,000 members in 55 countries, it is one of the largest fitness associations in the world, and the fastest growing association of its kind in the United States. He created the Matrix Mind as a means of integrating various personal development disciplines into one effective program. For more information, please visit http://www.thematrixmind.com/ Source:http://www.1888pressrelease.com/the-matrix-mind-personal-development-program-helps-people-ma-pr-342345.html About the Authorhttp://www.thematrixmind.com/ | |||
The Expert From The Light Of Spiritual Wisdom Posted: 16 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by GS Virk God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and light of spiritual wisdom to make a difference. In the light of spiritual wisdom is not an object or a thing that must be taken from anyone. It is already in you to your conscience pure latent. The light of spiritual wisdom is not subject to common sense and communication. If someone can do for you is to guide you to invoke the light of spiritual wisdom of consciousness. Many people try to directly reach the light of spiritual wisdom through meditation, fasting, prayer, etc. While many have tried, many also say they have succeeded to the illumination of spiritual wisdom. The depth of spiritual wisdom is endless, so there is no single definition of the light of spiritual wisdom, To give you an idea of those who claim to have or can give the light of spiritual wisdom, following are the symptoms of the Charter of the true expert in the light of spiritual wisdom, others are simply put perception of light of spiritual wisdom. The expert from the light of spiritual wisdom is always free of its surroundings, as the undergrowth in the life of the lotus in water alone. He absorbs the pain, like the solar system that absorbs everything. The expert from the light of spiritual wisdom is still spreading eternal patience. The character of the light of spiritual wisdom of the law is like the personality of the heat of the wildfire. The expert from the light of spiritual wisdom is purified purity impurities do not penetrate the purity of water. The expert from the light of spiritual wisdom, is illuminating the sky is lit on the sphere of the planet. The expert from the light of spiritual wisdom equates friend and enemy and not arrogance. The expert from the light of spiritual wisdom is satisfied with everything, remains impartial and nectar of purity. The wisdom of experts from the light of spiritual wisdom is free from any technical requirement. He is always right and always alert. He likes! the pro ximity of the echo serenity. Knowing the true light of spiritual wisdom of any law still prevails in his state of mind. I am always looking for experts in the light of spiritual wisdom to greet him with respect. About the AuthorGS Virk Author http://twitter.com/GS_Virk has published books on Yoga, Meditation, spirituality, are fully accessible online free at http://www.heavenlygardens.org Site http://www.human-rights-online.org/ searches to comply with human rights. | |||
Meditation for Beginners: Top Tip To Meditate Like A Monk in Minutes Posted: 15 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Suzanne Glover Meditation for beginners can be done easily with one simple trick. Once you have discovered it, you'll quickly be able to get into a mindful meditation to relieve stress as well as have found an excellent meditation for anxiety relief. The best part about this one "trick" is that you don't even have to do anything to quiet your mind down because your mind quiets down automatically. So, what is this "magic bullet" for meditation for beginners? Brainwave meditation! WHAT IS BRAINWAVE MEDITATION? Simply put, brainwave meditations have become very popular because they are: 1. Safe2. Effective3. Easy4. Instant5. An excellent meditation for beginners And they come in different "flavors" depending on your goal. For example, if you want to attain a light meditative state while staying alert but relaxed, an alpha brainwave audio is the choice for you. An alpha brainwave audio is also a great meditation for anxiety relief, increasing creativity and better comprehension while learning. If you want deeper relaxation or want to improve your memory and focus, then you would want to use a Theta brainwave audio. A theta brainwave audio is also the best choice for creating a lasting sense of well-being or is a great way to replace sleep if you find the appropriately engineered meditation audio. The Delta brainwave would be the right "flavor" for strengthening your immune system and releasing anti-aging hormones and other beneficial chemicals that make you feel good. The Delta audio is also a great treatment for insomnia. WHY IS USING BRAINWAVE TECHNOLOGY A GOOD MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS? When you use a brainwave meditation audio, you are relying on one of today's coolest technologies to gently shift your mind into mindful meditation to relieve stress or anxiety. The reason it is such a good meditation for beginners is simply because you don't have to do anything except listen to soothing music or tones and drift off into a mindful meditati! on where you can focus on relaxing rather than trying to remember how to keep yourself involved in the meditative state. HOW TO USE BRAINWAVE TECHNOLOGY: Using brainwave meditations is very simple. STEP ONE: Find a good collection of brainwave meditation audios that are simply just brainwave technology without any affirmations. STEP TWO: Listen to the brainwave meditation audio using stereo headphones. This is important because this technology depends on transmitting different frequencies into each ear so the brain synchronizes to the appropriate Alpha, Theta or Delta frequency. [There's also a lot of new information about Gamma, but any of the three basic frequencies - Alpha, Theta or Delta - are a great choice for meditation for beginners.] STEP THREE:: Give yourself around 20-30 minutes to enjoy the meditation. While your brain is usually put into the appropriate frequency quickly, listening to the brainwave meditation for 20-30 minutes gives you lasting results. SUMMARY: Using today's technology of brainwave meditations makes meditation for beginners a snap. Instead of spending time learning to meditate, you can spend time finding just the right meditation pillow, meditation cushion or other meditation accessory to make your meditation time comfortable and cozy! About the AuthorSuzanne Glover shares more information on brainwave meditations as well as offers a collection of customized brainwave meditation mp3s, including a sleep replacement mp3, on her electronic mind control page at effective-positive-thinking.com. Releasing karma with forgiveness and gratitude - Phone Meditation 1.23.2012This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How to Cope With Stress in the Operating Room Posted: 15 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Brent Lives are being saved in the operating room. Each of the members of the surgical team needs to be alert and precise as they perform their own tasks while the operation is taking place. Some procedures only take around thirty minutes. However, there are others which go on up to 18 hours. Some veteran surgeons has gotten used to it. However, this remains a challenge to new surgeons. They will have to maintain their composure until the operation is completely carried out. Recent study shows that the US physician stress level is very high. Most American doctors are over fatigued. It is important to understand stress so that you can deal with it effectively. Stress goes through three stages namely alarm, resistance and exhaustion. The initial stage is when the stressor or that which causes the stress is identified. This is when the person may either think of fighting against or disregarding the stressor. When the stressor continuous to affect the person, the body tries its best adapt to the environment. This doesn't go on for a long time however. When the body cannot deal with the situation any longer, it starts to function differently. This is when people experience sweating, increased heart beat and being tense. Doctors in the operating room aren't new to this situation. But the thing is, their patient's life is put to danger when they start to perform below standards. Common reasons for stress among doctors include the feeling of responsibility over the patients, exhaustion due to a long shift, edgy family or colleague relations, contact with deeply distressed or aggressive patients and equipment malfunctions. Just thinking of these negative thoughts can certainly put a surgeon's mind away from what he is presently working on. He is more likely to be emotional while doing the operation. He may also forget simple things to accomplish and overlook minor details which are equally important. So what should doctors do to cope with stress? Acknowledging the source of stress has alway! s been a n effective method to deal with it. Because once it was acknowledged, he can then decide to simply ignore it. This makes him less affected. It will enable him to think more logically. When these doctors think they can't handle the stress any longer, they can always consult psychologists. They may be given helpful tips regarding stress management. There is also one surprising stress reduction activity that happens in some surgery rooms. There are surgeons who want music in the background as they perform the medical procedure. This music isn't the ordinary ones heard everyday. There is a therapeutic music, after all! This music enables some doctors think with more focus. It is believed that it isn't solely beneficial to the surgeon but to the patient as well. Stress is just around the corner to most of us, especially to doctors. We have to somehow find our own stress reliever. If doctors are able to deal with stress properly, a patient's life is better well taken cared of. About the AuthorIf you're looking for urbane scrubs such as landau scrub pants just follow the links! Relaxation - Hypnosis SampleThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 15 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Robert Vitelli Robert Vitelli has something to offer to everyone out there who experiences the fate of stress that looms within their mind, their body, and their life. He is a guru of well-being in which he designed a program for every person of any stressful circumstances to help you release or eliminate the source of your stress. He believes that the primary core of your stress is fear; fear of being rejected, fear for a certain thing or event, fear to other people, and any other fear which stresses your mind and body, and eventually your decisions in life. He proposed the whole body harmonics on the mistakes a busy woman make that keep them stressed out: misunderstanding stress, treating symptoms of stress and not its cause, and not seeking whole life harmony.Robert Vitelli mentioned that in order to understand what stress is, you must look on the root cause of it, and that is fear. All the undesirable things that you are currently facing, the symptoms of sadness, overwhelm, over work, sleeplessness, weight gain, and a lot more, came from the fear that you are unconsciously unaware of. When you understand and take on this definition of stress, you will stop treating its symptoms and start on a miraculous way to uncover the fear that causes you to behave in ways that keep you unhappy, unhealthy, overworked, and overwhelmed. He implied that exercise, journal writing, diet, massage, and other cleansing activities are valiant pursuits and necessary in contributing to a healthier life but most of those stress reduction methods are going after the symptom and not the root cause. The relief you feel after engaging in any of these will be temporary and will not eliminate your long term stress. According to him, life harmony is when all elements of your life are working in a way that allows you to consistently feel joy, ease, pleasure, and happiness, and when the things you desire flow effortlessly to you. About the AuthorRobert Vitelli, author of this article is also interested in stress reduction and recommends you to please check out whole body harmonics if you liked reading this information. | |||
Posted: 15 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Arjanyai To turn back to South Vietnam, Premier Ky was reported to have said that he believed the Buddhists were finished as a political force in South Vietnam. In saying this, Ky would have referred only to the militant Buddhists who had failed to overthrow him. The period of Buddhist militancy was over, but the political power of the Buddhists still continued. The power of the temple remained strong and the monks still held an important place in the community. The role of the moderate Buddhists remained a key factor in Vietnamese politics. But their force changed from mobs to ideas. The most important source of their influence would be positive efforts such as those activities initiated in early 1964 and the unifying power of the faith that united people of different regions. It is these positive efforts and power that had been the Buddhists' lasting contribution to the nation-building of Vietnam. Their impending failure would lie in that they might have returned to the right direction when it was too late. After 2510/1967, South Vietnam still fared in the period of political instability and the war continued between the South Vietnamese government backed by U.S. forces and the Viet Cong assisted by North Vietnamese troops. In 2512/1969, U.S. public reaction to the endless war forced a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops till the complete withdrawal was effected in 2516/1973. In 2518/1975, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces stepped up their offensive in the South. With unbelievable swiftness, they swept the coastal cities and took Saigon almost unopposed. The long war ended as the South Vietnamese government surrendered to the Viet Cong on April 30, 1975. Then, on July 2, 1975, Vietnam became officially reunified under Communist government. Saigon was changed to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi became the capital of the reunified Vietnam. With the end of the long war, followed long years of the outflow of hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Vietnam, especially the Vietnamese of Chinese orig! in. Acco rding to U.S. officials, 100,000 Vietnamese 'boat people' might have died in the sea. While among these refugees who struggled desperately for life outside their country many suffered death, others survived only to further experience hard lives, and still others enjoyed better lives in some foreign countries, in their own country life is not better for most of their fellow country-people. The two decades of war left, in addition to the thousands of lost, maimed and dislocated Vietnamese people, "a legacy of bomb craters, street defoliated forest,"1 rendering the land almost uncultivatable. Moreover, while the country is facing serious food shortage and a general economic distress, hundreds of thousands of her people are inducted into armed forces as the Hanoi government is preoccupied with a continuing war in Cambodia. As regards the fate of Buddhism in today Vietnam we know too little. Though Buddhism cannot be wiped out, it seems to have faded into obscurity. All in all, the story of Vietnamese Buddhism can teach her Buddhist friends many valuable lessons. At least, one of these lessons should be that this story should not be repeated. A Glimpse of Buddhist Developments in China and KoreaA SHORT-LIVED BUDDHIST REFORM IN CHINAIn China, Tibet and Nepal, political events have also come into prominence and the progress of Buddhism has been checked or obscured. China which was for long centuries a stronghold of Buddhism and the main source of the Buddhist tradition of the Northern School came into the period of decline with the end of the 13th Christian century. There were some short intervals of revival but long days of exploitation, suppression and destruction. Throughout this period, the ruling school was Chan, but it was the Chan whose practice had fallen into habit and which placed a low value on intellectual pursuits. It was just in the early part of the present century that a remarkable reform was undertaken by the modernist monk Tai-Hsu (2432-2490/1889-1947).The destruction of monasteries and ! scriptur es by the rebels who professed Christianity during the Tai-ping rebellion (2393-2407/1850-1864) stimulated both monks and laymen to begin a revival. But it was after the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China in 1911 that an active reform started. In response to the challenge of a new intellectual climate in which traditional and conservative ideas and institutions were rejected and Marxist ideas were introduced, the monk Tai-Hsu led his followers in a movement to defend the religion, propagate the faith, reform the order and promote education. Schools with Western-style classroom instruction were set up. Welfare and economic development work was taken up. TheChinese Buddhist Society was organized in 2472/1929. New contacts with Buddhists of other Asian countries were opened up. Institutes for the training of Buddhist leaders were founded in various parts of China. The study of Buddhist texts was revived and reformed. Numbers of Buddhist periodicals were increased. And there was a great revival of interest in Buddhism of the Pure Land school. It is said that in 2473/1930 there were 738,000 monks and nuns and 267,000 Buddhist temples in China and about 60 or 70 percent of China's lay Buddhists belonged to Pure Land groups. In the meantime, Chan abbots took to traditional lines for the revival of their institutions. The Communists took over China's mainland in 2492/1949 and then Buddhist activities fell into obscurity. It is said that a Chinese Buddhist Association was organized in 2496/1953 to bring the large Buddhist community under government control. Many monks fled to Hong Kong and Taiwan to continue their free activities. The Chinese government took measures to preserve famous and beautiful old temples, Buddhist sacred places and art works. Under the Great Cultural Revolution, however, an unrevealed number of Buddhist buildings and monuments were destroyed by the Red Guards. In 2521/1978, as an attempt to render more precisely the sounds of Mandari! n Chines e, China adopted a new system for spelling most Chinese names in the Roman alphabet, called the Pinyin system. According to this new spelling, Mao Tse-tung becomes Mao Zedong, Chou En-lai becomes Zhou Enlai, Chu Teh becomes Zhu De and Peking becomes Beijing. Although the constitution of the People's Republic of China provides for religious freedom, religious practice is not encouraged. Under Mao, many restrictions were placed on traditional rituals and religious observances. After the death of Mao Zedong in 2519/1976 and under Deng Xiaoping's modernization programme, many restrictions have been removed and the people have been much more free to observe custom and tradition. However, though many famous old temples have been restored, foreign visitors meet with very few Chinese monks. Buddhist activities of real significance have been unheard of. To many, Buddhism in Communist China has been a kind of 'Showcase Buddhism'. About the AuthorBangkok hotel discount Koh samui travel Cruise deals Canada 2 of 5. 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Why Prescription Drug Addiction Is Growing Among Teens Posted: 15 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST
By the time Jessica McDonald was 13, she had already started drinking, smoking marijuana and using Adderall — a stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — to get high. Physically abused by her father and feeling aimless, the Corona, Calif., girl quickly became an addict, racking up five DUI convictions while high on Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug. "I had a lot of anger inside, and I was trying to numb those feelings, trying to get away from what happened," said McDonald, now 24 and the veteran of 19 stays in drug rehab facilities. "I felt like a loner and I didn't fit in at school. I wanted to have friends, and the ones I used [drugs] with were the ones who took me in. They were my friends." In many ways, McDonald's story is timeless. But her drugs of choice — prescription pills — highlight an increasingly pervasive problem among U.S. teenagers, who are abusing such medications in record numbers. Nearly 8 percent of youths ages 12 to 17 reported using prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons in 2010, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The number of adolescents and young adults coming to rehab today addicted to prescription drugs is much larger than even five years ago, said Tim Chapman, who runs several treatment facilities in Orange, Calif. About 40 percent of those entering rehab now are addicted to prescription drugs, he said. Kids start using prescription drugs for the same reasons McDonald did – to deaden difficult feelings, to fit in with their peers – but also because they believe prescription drugs must be safer because they're dispensed by doctors, Chapman said, noting that many parents leave easily accessible leftover drugs in their homes after they no longer need them. Too easy to get, too addictive The most commonly abused prescription drugs include painkillers (such as the opioids OxyContin and Vicodin), sedatives or depressants (such as Xanax or Valium) or stimulants (Adderall or Concerta), according to NIDA. Part of the problem is that they're so easy to find: Enough prescription painkillers were prescribed in 2010 to medicate every American adult around-the-clock for a month, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "The availability of prescription pain medication and its accessibility to young people is one of the biggest problems, because they may have a sports injury . . . and before very long, they get hooked," said Dr. Bruce Goldman, director of Substance Abuse Services at Zucker Hillside Hospital of the North Shore-LIJ Health System in Glen Oaks, N.Y. "They develop a tolerance and before they know what hits them, they have a very serious drug problem. I don't think they really appreciate the addictive potential." McDonald's mother took her to a therapist after her father's physical abuse, but that didn't stop her from continuing to abuse drugs, including OxyContin, or to hide her habit from her mother, who "didn't want to believe that I could abuse," McDonald said. Despite her downward spiral, McDonald wasn't caught until her mother noticed she was becoming emaciated, and learned she was forging checks. But it shouldn't take that long to realize that a teenager is abusing prescription drugs, Chapman said. Unlike alcohol or marijuana, which teens may be able to function fairly normally while using, prescription abuse "is so much more obvious" because of the users' odd behaviors, ranging from mania to extreme fatigue. Other tip-offs are changes in school performance, friends and extracurricular activities. "You're more likely to get caught within the first year of using prescription medications," Chapman said. "When you're nodding out in class because you're on an opiate, it's a different ballgame." What parents can do Still, by the time abuse is caught, parents have few options, including outpatient therapy (whether individual or group), or an in-patient treatment program that takes the teen out of their environment for weeks or months, experts said. "If you're suspicious, I think it's better to err on the side of acting on it and getting a professional opinion," Goldman said. "You have to weigh the pros and cons, but the downside of not acting is losing your child . . . it doesn't seem to be much of a difficult choice." Chapman agreed: "It's like cancer — if you find out your kid has cancer, you're going to do what you need to do at that moment," he said. With drug abuse, "You're going to have to have your kid hate you for awhile." Can parents prevent the problem from developing in the first place? While no plan is fail-proof, the experts offered these tips:
McDonald, now in her second month of sobriety, wishes her mother would have cracked down harder on her instead of trying to be her friend. "I honestly wish my mother would have disciplined me more, but she wanted to be more my friend than parent, because of what my dad did to me," she said. "I put such a pause on my life because of everything I was doing. I could have been in college and done all of these things by now, rather than be on parole and in and out of treatment." Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche "NEVER say bad things about MADONNA!!!"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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