Hooponopono is a Simple Yet Powerful Tool For Spiritual Growth
Hooponopono is a Simple Yet Powerful Tool For Spiritual Growth |
- Hooponopono is a Simple Yet Powerful Tool For Spiritual Growth
- Thai Buddhism - Thailand Buddhism in Present Day Part 2
- It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Habits
- Buddhism In The Modern World
- Is Power Of Subconscious Mind An Easy Thing To Learn?
- How to Turn Your Ideas into Life Changing Actions
- Wat Buddhawararam
- Ayurveda and yoga, two sources of getting holistic health
- How to Make 2010 a Wonderful Adventure in Consciousness
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Hooponopono is a Simple Yet Powerful Tool For Spiritual Growth Posted: 21 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Laurie Kristensen The Hawaiian spiritual practice called "Ho'oponopono" is very simple, yet extremely powerful. The main purpose of Ho oponopono is to help you "clean" (eliminate, erase, heal) the unconscious and subconscious beliefs you hold within that sabotage your efforts to succeed in all areas of your life, such as: -- Having happy and harmonious relationships with loved one, friends, and acquaintances. -- Enjoying an abundant financial situation that provides you with not only your material needs and security, but also with your wants, and enables you to fulfill your dreams. -- Being completely healthy and free in your body, mind, and spirit! I first heard about Ho oponopono from an email written by Joe Vitale a few years ago. He described meeting the man who would become his own Ho oponopono teacher, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (Dr. Len for short). What Joe heard about Dr. Len was that he was a therapist in Hawaii who had cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients, using Ho'oponopono -- without ever seeing any of them in a personal, one-on-one treatment situation. As I read Joe's email, that story also sparked MY complete attention, and I began my own journey to learn about and apply Hooponopono in my own life. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that operates whether we are aware of it or not, just as the Law of Gravity. The way the Law of Attraction operates is that, whether wanted or unwanted, we attract more of whatever vibration we offer in every moment. Read that again, and understand -- it does not operate based ONLY on what we THINK about. It operates according to our "VIBRATION" in every moment! Our vibration depends on our true, underlying FEELINGS, which are affected by our true (although possibly negative) beliefs that may be totally hidden from our conscious awareness and understanding. Those beliefs came into being based on experiences that happened during our entire lifetime, even while in the womb. Those beliefs also come ! from our ancestral memories, our racial memories, and even our past lives! That's A LOT of negative emotional "gunk" that needs to be cleared so that the Law of Attraction can really work effortlessly in our favor! We can THINK positive thoughts until we 'turn blue' -- but if we have unconscious or subconscious beliefs that are opposite to them, they cancel out our positive affirmations and thoughts. The overall make-up of our "vibration" is composed not only of what we THINK about, but what we FEEL. In fact, I've come to understand that the underlying FEELINGS we have on an ongoing basis are not that easy to change with mere "positive thinking." When we understand that we are the creators of our own reality, and accept that responsibility, that point is just the beginning of changing our lives for the better. While we begin to do our best to apply the Law of Attraction in positive ways, we also must "clean" (heal, eliminate, neutralize, erase) all the limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs that are ALWAYS operating within us, in order to be able to achieve our true potential! In my own spiritual growth quest, I have tried many ways to accomplish the "cleaning" of my negative subconscious beliefs, such as meditation, energy healing practices, prayer, counseling, and more. Then I found Ho oponopono through Joe Vitale, and now Hooponopono is pretty much the only spiritual growth method I use to work on healing my own subconscious and unconscious negative beliefs. I love Ho oponopono because it's just so easy to work it into my daily life! I don't have to stop and sit still to meditate (I was never good at consistency on that) or do much more than remember to NOTICE when I'm experiencing a negative feeling about something and then repeat the simple mantra that is the most basic Hooponopono "cleaning tool" - I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." I've even programmed that Hooponopono cleaning phrase, along with others, into a subliminal messaging software progra! m on my computer so that I am "cleaning" non-stop all the hours per day I am working on my computer! Of course, there is more to understanding why that simple mantra is so powerful, and I invite you to visit my site to learn more about how Ho oponopono can help you with your personal and spiritual growth and in achieving the success you desire in all areas of your life! About the AuthorYou Can Enjoy Many FREE Audios, Videos, Articles (and More) about Ho oponopono, Ho oponopono Cleaning Tools, and Learn How to Get Ho oponopono Training at http://www.squidoo.com/Zero-Limits-Hooponopono | |||
Thai Buddhism - Thailand Buddhism in Present Day Part 2 Posted: 21 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Arjanyai The influences of Buddhism can be seen in all aspects of the Thai life and culture. In the home, people keep for worship the Buddha images of various sizes on small altar-tables. While travelling, they wear small Buddha images around their necks as objects of veneration and recollection or as amulets for adornment and protection. When passing sacred places like the Royal Chapel of the Emerald Buddha, devout Buddhists never fail to pay respect to them. Many times during the year they hold and attend festivals at a monastery. Occasionally they go on a pilgrimage to some favourite shrines located in a remote place. Monastery buildings such as the Uposatha hall and the repository of Buddha images are usually the most beautiful and ornate buildings in the village. The Buddha's teachings and Buddhist literature such as the Jataka tales have inspired Thai literature and most of the Thai art forms, especially mural paintings which cover the interior walls of most temples. Pali and Sanskrit are recognized as classical languages. A large number of Thai words, especially those used in royal language and writ-ten language are derived from Pali and Sanskrit. Scholars writing textbooks usually turn to Pali and Sanskrit roots for modern technical vocabulary. BUDDHISM AS LIVED AND CHERISHEDBY THE THAI PEOPLEIn former days, when Thai men were young, they served as temple boys in the monasteries and were given instruction in reading, writing and simple arithmetic as well as in religion and morals. Through traditional ordination which is still observed today, they are bound to the Order by ties of experience or close relationship with the monks who are their former sons, relatives or friends. At least they live in the Buddhist environment in which they are linked with the religion by ties of custom, by attending religious rites, ceremonies and temple festivals, or by benefiting, either directly or indirectly, from some activities and spiritual influence of religious institutions. Buddhism is their national he! ritage, the glory of their country which they feel bound to preserve. Even those who are Buddhists merely by name benefit from, and are influenced by, Buddhism in some or other ways. Their cycle of life turns around activities directly or indirectly connected with Buddhism. Devout Buddhists may give food offerings regularly in the morning, send money contributions to their neighbourhood monasteries, or contribute to some meritorious causes such as building an Uposatha hall elsewhere. Thai calendars usually show a special day of every week which is known as Wan Phra, or the Buddhist holy day, when the pious are often especially active in their merit-making. They may take food offerings to the monasteries or go to hear special sermons and observe additional precepts there, There are also Buddhist discussions or sermons on the radio which they can listen to, and Buddhist programs on television to watch on such days. Some larger monasteries hold special programs on Saturday and Sunday, the official holidays of the week, so that working people may be able to benefit from their service. Many boys and girls go to attend classes at Buddhist Sunday schools which are conducted in monasteries both in Bangkok and in the provinces. The first of the Buddhist Sunday schools was founded at Mahachula Buddhist University in B.E. 2501 (1958 C.E.). The number of Buddhist Sunday schools increased rapidly during the last two decades, and 297 have been founded up to the present time. About the AuthorMake your own slideshow, Image hosting Submit link Promote your story or website | |||
It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Habits Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Post written by Leo Babauta.A (slightly) older reader wrote to me recently, wanting to know how to change her bad habits ingrained after so many many years of doing them. She wanted to know, "Is it too late to change?" And I can understand the feeling. Doing bad habits for years makes them deeply entrenched, and getting out of that trench might seem impossible, hopeless. I once was stuck, and felt the weight of built up bad habits crushing, smothering, burying me. I felt helpless, like I had no control over myself, and was too discouraged to even try to change. This discouragement is what does it. It's not that changing bad habits is impossible. But if we are so discouraged we don't try, we will never change them. To try and to fail is of little consequence, but to never start at all is fatal to the habit change. And I'm here to tell you, that changing bad habits is not impossible. No matter how long you've done them, no matter how many decades. It can be done. By you. By taking a single step. Here's how. Know as you start that you aren't changing a mountain. You don't have to change years of bad actions. Those actions are gone — they've evaporated into the ether, and you can forget them. Forgive yourself for them, then forget them. You don't need to run a marathon to change a habit. You just need to take a step. And you can take a step. Consider for a moment your bad habit. You might have a dozen, but choose an easy one. Not the one you're most afraid of — the one you think you can lick. Take a step back and think about this habit. When do you do it? What things trigger the habit — stress, food, drinking, socializing, boredom, sadness, waking, being criticized? What need does the habit fulfill for you? Know that it does fulfill a real need, and that's why you keep doing it. Realize something — stop here to drive home for yourself a crucial, crucial point: you must realize that you don't need this habit to fulfill this need. You don't need the habit. You can deal with stress in healthier ways. You can beat boredom. You can cope. You do not need the habit, and you will learn better ones with practice. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point, but you've done the hardest part. Now you just need to take one more little step. Commit to yourself to make a small tiny insignificant but powerful step each day. Commit fully, not half-assed. Commit by writing it down, and putting it up on your wall. Commit by telling a friend about it, and asking for help. Commit by putting it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, your blog, a forum you frequent. Be all in. Find a replacement habit. One that is healthier. One that fulfills the need. One that is easy. One that you can do after your trigger, instead of your bad habit. One that you enjoy and will look forward to. If you need to relieve stress, for example, consider walking, or pushups, or deep breathing, or self-massage. You're now ready to climb out of your trench. Remember, just a tiny tiny step. Notice your urge to do the habit. Pause. Don't do the bad habit. Let the urge pass, then do your new replacement habit. Repeat, noticing the urge, letting the urge pass, not doing the bad habit, doing the good habit instead. You might mess up, but that's OK. You'll get better with practice. Practice as often as you can, every day. You'll get really good at it. Don't worry about how long it takes. Keep doing it, one urge at a time. Know, Consider, Realize, Commit, Find, Notice, Repeat, Practice. These are easy steps that don't take a lot of work. You can do them as you sit here, reading this post. It's never too late. There is no habit that can't be broken by the pressure of a single footprint. Make that footprint by taking a single step, today. Read More @ Source | |||
Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai The work of explorers and archaeologists was followed by literary activities of Western scholars from 2369/1826 onwards. Translations and transliterations of the Pali canonical literature, treatises, commentaries, chronicles and grammar, essays and treatises on Pali and Buddhism, and Pali dictionaries were made by scholars of different nationalities: English, French, German, Danish, Dutch, American, and others.* The founding of the Pali Text Society in London by Prof. T.W. Rhys Davids in 2424/1881 was a great step forward in Pali studies. The Society has published to date nearly the whole of the Pali Canon and all the important works of the Pali non-canonical literature together with their translations (a larger number than scriptural publications in Thailand). Special mention should be made of lexicography. The well-known 'Dictionary of the Pali Language' by R.C. Childers published in London in 2418/1875 is regarded as the first advance in this field. When this work was found inadequate, the Pali Text Society published the 'Pali-English Dictionary', edited by T.W. Rhys Davids and William Stede (2464-68/1921-25), which is still the main reference for all students of Pali. This was followed by 'A Critical Pali Dictionary' by Dines Anderson and Helmer Smith, the first part of which was published in Copenhagen in 2470/1927. However, only two volumes of it in twenty-one parts (a - uparima, in 1085 pages) have been published so far. In London, Pali scholars have also been preparing for the Pali Text Society 'Pali Tipitฺakam Concordance', about 1340 pages (a - pura) of which have been published since 1952. Great advances have also been made in the study of Sanskrit Buddhist literature both in the original and in later versions, especially in Tibetan and Chinese. In England, Buddhist publications and researches have followed to the present an unbroken line and contributed greatly to the steady progress of Buddhist studies. France and Germany have also made considerable contributions. It is, however, t! he Unite d States that is stepping forward to take the lead in Buddhist publications and research works. Rapid progress was made during recent years. The labours of Western scholars brought about an awakening among the scholars of India. The Buddhist Text Society was founded in Calcutta in 2435/1892 and the pioneer work in the field of Buddhist studies was done in Bengal. In the course of time Santiniketan, Patna and Nalanda in eastern India and Bombay, Poona and Baroda in western India became active centres of Buddhist studies.1 Alongside literary activities, Buddhist revival in India began as an organized movement with the founding of the Maha Bodhi Society in 2434/1891. CEYLONESE AND INDIAN CONTRIBUTIONSThe founder of the Maha Bodhi Society was Anagarika Dharmapala, a young Buddhist of Ceylon. Dharmapala was born in 2407/18642 in a wealthy and influential Buddhist family in Colombo. His personal name was Don David Hewavitharne. He was educated in a Christian missionary school. As he could not love his wine-drinking and pleasure-loving missionary teachers, he developed an attachment towards Buddhist monks who were meek and abstemious. Under the influence of Colonel Olcott and Madame Blavatsky he took an interest in Theosophy and then adopted a life of religious dedication as an Ana-garika. In 2428/1885, Sir Edwin Arnold, the author of The Light of Asia (a long poem about the Buddha, which made many converts and stimulated scholarly study of Buddhism), visited Bodh Gaya1 which was in the hands of the Mahants, Hindu Saivites, and was shamefully neglected. He pointed out this fact in a series of articles in the London Telegraph. Inspired by Sir Edwin Arnold's articles, Dharmapala visited Bodh Gaya and was so shocked at what he saw that he made a vow to dedicate his life both to the task of restoring the Holy Place to Buddhist hands as a worthy place of pilgrimage, and to the revival of the Noble Dharma in the land of its birth. About the AuthorPhoto dia Promote website Love | |||
Is Power Of Subconscious Mind An Easy Thing To Learn? Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Amelia Traverne The most powerful force in our world is undoubtedly our minds. It is the origin of all our thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviour. Simply put, whatever originates in it gets manifested on the conscious realm. One can understand this by a simple example. When you are watching TV and you want to change the channel, what do you do? Think about this, the thought comes to your mind first and then you pick up the remote and change the channel, isn't it? Though some may say that they just changed the channel without thinking, it simply means that the thoughts occurred in the subconscious part of his mind. What might have happened was perhaps a commercial for a product you don't like appeared on the screen and that subconsciously caused a resultant reaction to change the channel. Hence, you can now see what enormous impact the subconscious mind can have on our outward actions. This is precisely why one should train his subconscious mind. Undoubtedly it is the best way to develop one's quality of life and take it to a level never thought possible previously. Discovering and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind leads to the resultant discovery of one's true potential. Though there will be many who will warn you against the dangers and evils that lurk behind the veils of the subconscious, but focusing only on the dark side of human psychology will give you nothing except more unfortunate results. Hence, one should always look at the positive elements of the subconscious mind and go ahead to harness its abundant powers as a mode to self improvement. If you are thinking this to be an extremely difficult and complicated process, you would be relieved to know that it is just the opposite. A few simple steps can help us guide our subconscious mind and harness the unlimited powers of it to develop out hidden potentials. The following are some of the process to do the same. Affirmation can be termed as the simplest way to guide one's subconscious mind. Th! e term a ffirmation refers to the ability of an individual to constantly repeat or remind his mind about something positive in order to achieve that in life. For example, if someone needed to complete a daunting task they were not truly inclined to become involved with, they might feel a deep tired feeling come over them. This is a simple stress response which works when you perceive the work to be boring. Affirmations help to overcome such states very effectively. Firstly, you could repeatedly remind yourself about the many benefits that will follow the completion of the job. Secondly, you could also stand in front of the mirror and affirm to yourself that you are the person best suited for this job and nobody can do it any better! Affirmations are best suited for inducing behavioral changes on self. Thus, you can resort to this if you are trying to stop a bad habit like that of smoking, drinking or maybe over-eating. According to scientific studies undertaken, affirmations via written repetitions or spoken reminders facilitate tapping the power of the subconscious mind and thereafter changing one's behaviour. Secondly, Post Hypnotic Suggestion is also another common method which is used to develop the power of one's subconscious. This needs an expert, a qualified hypnotherapist to properly induce the process; otherwise self hypnosis is also possible by the many self hypnosis audios now available in the market. Brainwave synchronization through binaural beats is the third technique for subconscious mind power development. In this method, one is made to hear two different sound wave frequencies through each of his ears so that they go onto the brain and synchronize the two hemispheres thereof. This results in inducing a trance like mental condition which is a prerequisite for effective communication between the conscious and subconscious part of one's brain. There is evidence that this can actually be taken much further. Buddhist monks for example are able to use the powe! r of the ir subconscious mind so successfully that they can exhibit what some would call 'supernatural' powers such as levitation and invisibility. The scope of what we can do with a trained subconscious mind is limitless. We can influence matters on a subatomic level and even go on to influence events of our lives. As shown in various books and countless movies like 'The Secret', all this is possible with the Law of Attraction. Hence, not only is this a theoretical topic, but a physical law which makes it possible for you to manifest anything and everything that you ever wanted in life just by mere communication with your own subconscious. Though it seems something amazing, but recent advances in the field of quantum physics tell us that what our ancient religions told us thousand years ago are infact real. In short, the lives we lead are a product of our own minds. Moreover, all that we term psychic or supernatural have also been explained by the subject as well. It can be concluded that the power of the subconscious is much vast then most people realize. If an individual can manipulate it, then not only can he change his behaviour but it can be a gateway to a whole new adventurous life! About the AuthorWhy not look at the amazing world of using your mind power from the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com site. Find information on how to improve mind power for yourself and get a FREE mind consciousness DVD Package when you visit here. Selective Perception - Using Affirmations for ChangeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How to Turn Your Ideas into Life Changing Actions Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST ![]() If you're like me (and most people on the planet), you have plenty of ideas that could potentially change your life dramatically. Perhaps you're thinking about losing weight, or starting your own business, or writing a novel: you might even have several great ideas jostling around in your head. The problem comes, though, in the gap between idea and action. It's easy to get excited by a great idea or an audacious goal – it's a lot harder to put in the work that gets you from A to Z. Here's how to take those ideas and make them real:
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Posted: 21 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai Wat Buddhawararam of Denver is the only existing exception to the long process of development of Thai Buddhist temples in the United States. It came into existence almost overnight as a temple with monks in residence. Some intermediate steps, especially the organization into a Buddhist association or a Buddhist center, were passed over. This might have been mainly because this temple was established at a time when visits of monks from Thailand and the availability of Thai monks residing in some parts of the United'States were no longer of extreme rarity, and when the organizers could learn much from the experience of other existing temples. It happened that in the middle of 2518/1975, while a senior monk from Bangkok, accompanied by three other monks, was visiting Thai temples and Thai communities in different parts of the United States, a follower of his who resided in Denver, invited him and the accompanying monks to make a stop at Denver. During their short stay in Denver, there was a large gathering of Thai people who, being overjoyed at the news of an arrival of a group of Thai monks, came to pay respects to the monks and participate in a merit-making ceremony. Being impressed by the faith of the people and their enthusiasm to participate in such a Buddhist religious and cultural activity, the venerable senior monk suggested the founding of a Thai Buddhist temple in Denver. The idea was warmly welcomed and the assembled people assured him of their earnest intention and cooperation. He also assured them that he would supply monks and necessary religious articles. Shortly after the 2519/1976 New Year's Day celebration, a meeting of Thai people in Colorado was convened to consider the proposal for the founding of a Thai Buddhist temple in Denver and the purchase of a Salvation Army church as the site for the temple. Positive resolutions were passed and a committee was formed to implement the project. On March 25, 1976, the establishment of a Thai Buddhist temple with an official nam! e of 'Wa t Buddhawararam of Denver, Inc.' was legalized by a Certificate of Incorporation granted under the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act. On March 31, 1976, a promissory note was signed for the one-year-plan purchase of the Salvation Army Church on a three tenths of an acre plot of land at Julian Street in Denver at the price of ,000. On April 13, 1976, the same day as the celebration of the Thai traditional Songkran or water-festival, Thai monks took residence at the Temple, formerly the church building, marking the beginning of the Denver Temple activities. However, the number of the people in Denver and nearby areas is comparatively very small, around 500 or 600. The payment of ,000 for the purchase price of the building under a one-year-contract seemed to be too heavy a burden for such a small community. Therefore, a large part of the amount had to be sought from contributions by devoted people elsewhere, especially those in Thailand and large U.S. cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. After strenuous efforts had been made to raise the necessary funds to make the payment on schedule, it turned out that contributions made by devotees in Thailand exceeded by one third the total amount of payment. In the Vassa of 2520/1977, the total number of monks in residence at Wat Buddhawararam of Denver was six.Wat Buddhawararam is usually quiet due to the small local Thai community. There are relatively few participants in day-to-day merit-making ceremonies, and at ceremonial gatherings at the Temple. Its beautiful suburban setting with a lake and a park in the foreground and the Rocky Mountains crowned with silvery snow seen from afar in the background adds to its peaceful atmosphere favorable to meditation. The only complaint may be a noisy highway just in front of the Temple. Given this background of peaceful atmosphere and the infrequent involvement of Thai people in day-to-day activities, its monk-executives have a policy to concentrate on conducting Buddhist activities of the Temple with t! he empha sis on offering meditation training and the propagation of the Buddha's doctrine to native Americans or English-speaking people. Accordingly, a class in Insight Meditation was opened on the first day of the first Vassa period of the Temple and, except for the celebration of some traditional holy days and holidays, was the first Buddhist activity to be held at Wat Buddhawararam. The periodical of the Temple, 'Journal of Wat Buddhawararam' cites among its objectives the encouragement of Insight Meditation Practice. Besides meditation, the Temple runs Buddhist Sunday school classes for children and Thai language classes for adults. Every three months since July 1977, having been invited by the Ogden Air Force Base in Utah, the Temple has been sending two monks there to conduct Buddhist services for some 300 or 400 Thai women who are married to US military personnel. Buddhist holy days and some Thai traditional festivals are also observed and celebrated both for religious and for cultural purposes. About the AuthorPlease visit our guide Link diamond Tag Heuer formula 1 Beach hotel phuket | |||
Ayurveda and yoga, two sources of getting holistic health Posted: 21 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams Ayurveda and yoga are the ultimate source of consuming natural energy. They both emphasize on prevention of various diseases and thus preserve holistic health of an individual. The good old techniques of Ayurveda are very fruitful for us for living a healthy life. It focuses more on extracting natural resources from the interior of the earth and thus provides us lots of natural herbal remedies and treatments. If we talk about Yoga, it is the union of mind and body. It put us on the way to reach the complete peace of mind, body and soul. In other words it's nothing but a mode to reach the almighty. Imagine yourself attaining the self-relaxation postures also known as Samadhi. This experience is quite unique and reduces the level of stress and anxiety. The best way to remain healthy and fit to face the pace of today's fast life is to practice the unique postures of Yoga and utilize the good old techniques of Ayurveda. According to Patanjali, the father of Indian Yoga, Yoga is nothing but the ability to control the modifications of the mind with one's will power. One would really find himself/herself, cut from the outer world by exceeding the inner strength through Ayurveda and yoga. They both are getting acceptance of people in India as well as abroad. The online ease has made the task of getting expertise in yoga easier. There are a number of health related websites, which through their video demonstration have helped people to learn various postures of yoga. These websites are proving a great platform for people to receive great encyclopedia on Ayurveda and yoga. People who usually lack time to perform yoga can utilize the benefits of online yoga. This is best way to remain healthy by mind, body and soul. Divine Wellness is a leading health portal offering Ayurveda and Yoga treatments. It is also providing holistic health online service. Utilize the good old benefits of Ayurveda and Yoga. Visit our website for more information on Ayurveda treatment India and Ayu! rveda an d yoga. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. YOGA Routine For Lower Back Pain. With Esther EkhartThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How to Make 2010 a Wonderful Adventure in Consciousness Posted: 21 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Melissa Zollo Think of it! Your blinders have been removed. You have the ability to see clearly and allow your dreams to unfold into the physical world of form. Seize this moment. Take a full deep breath. Now release it. Keep breathing deeply. Now shift your awareness from appearances into the workshop of your imagination. Take notice of your dream-seeds of happiness, wealth, harmonious relationships, and success. Look at how smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly they are flowing out into the world of experience in the same energy you fertilized them with in your mind. Isn't it wonderful? You are such a master choice-maker of incredible, unlimited human experiences! Isn't it thrilling! Thank you for continuing to express all the wonderful gifts that you, the dreamer of your experiences, have chosen for yourself and those you love. As you continue to move away from violence, ignorance, rejection, and despair, and concentrate on fulfillment, satisfaction and success, become aware of how your experiences are increasingly more fulfilling, satisfying and successful. As you move up into higher and higher states of consciousness, pay attention to how these changes are reflecting greater rewards of acceptance, joy, light, peace, hope and love into your personal world. Concentrate on clarity. The fullness of your health, wealth, career and relationship dreams are waiting for you to see and accept them as true. Only you can see, acknowledge, believe and feel your dreams to be true, here and now. 1. Feel the joy of having received abundance and recognition. 2. Surrender to the happiness of being surrounded by harmonious relationships.3. See your desires unfolding easily and effortlessly before your eyes day in and day out. 4. Let go and become completely absorbed in feelings of gratefulness and satisfaction. 5. Notice how your level of connection to the Infinite Healing Presence within has increased and strengthened. 6. Be aware of how this connection has led to deeper levels of! inner c onviction concerning the Art of Manifestation. You now know how to create your own reality and receive, receive, receive! Isn't this glorious! The start of 2010 signals a point in your journey whereby you can estimate what is to be expected of a situation in terms of the states of consciousness you have decided to activate, enter, express and bring to life. Life is a do-it-yourself proposition! * Do you still have a number of desires, objectives and goals you wish you achieve? * Are they still only dream-seeds, pictures and ideas in your mind? * Would you like to get better at the Art of Manifestation? * Do you want to increase the number of immediate projections of your dream-seeds onto the screen of space and time? The Idea is the Cure! Can you confidently claim these ideas to be true? "I now greenlight, approve and give my permission to allow my remaining, wonderful dream-seeds, images and ideas in my mind to come forth into my experiences fully, freely and happily. I commit to enjoying the creative process as I live truthfully moment to moment on the road to the fulfillment of my goals." "Knowing that all things are possible to Spirit and the Spirit of Life dwells in me as my own human imagination, I know that my dreams are possible to manifest if I will let the Universal Laws of Life work on my behalf." "My potential and mental ability to increase the number of immediate manifestations during 2010 has increased significantly. I am now experiencing wonderful, creative and satisfying outcomes instantly and my confidence and self esteem is soaring." "My feelings of gratefulness have deepened and my self-respect has grown as I watch myself persist to trust in these immutable laws that govern my life." You are the dreamer and the dream-maker of your life. How many "instant manifestations of your dream-seeds" can you expect to receive each and every day of 2010? One, five, fifty or more? How many manifestati! ons will it take for you to become confident and believe in yourself and the application of Spiritual Laws? Remember: You are the animating power of the universe. You have the power to conquer limiting beliefs. If 2009 wasn't the best year of your life, the good news is that you get to sit down and activate your imagination if you want to experience something different in 2010! The New Year is here. Do you choose to make it a wonderful adventure in consciousness?Never close a door on a dream - your dreams are calling you. About the Authorhttps://www.presentmemory.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=2 Shabdabrahman: The Divine Vibration (A Documentary On Ancient Vedic Science For A New Age)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Who Will Lose Weight? MDs Predictions Often Wrong Posted: 21 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST
If you want to know whether you'll lose weight or not, don't ask a doctor. In a new study, physicians predicted about 55 percent of patients would be "likely" or "very likely" to follow their recommendations for losing weight, eating healthier or getting more exercise. But three months later, only 28 percent of patients had lost at least two pounds, 34 percent were eating less fat and more fiber, and 6 percent were getting in one more hour of brisk walking each week. It was surprising, researchers said, that in slightly more than half of cases, doctors said they believed their patients would follow their recommendations, because other work has not shown that physicians have that level of optimism about their patients' behaviors. Why the optimism? While physicians generally think patients are unlikely to follow recommendations, after talking with any given patient, doctors become optimistic that the patient will change, the study researchers say. The findings were published Feb. 7 in the journal Family Practice. Recordings of doctor's appointments More than 60 percent of Americans are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the study, the researchers made audio recordings of conversations between 40 doctors and 461 of their overweight or obese patients. The doctors and patients knew their conversations were being recorded, but were told only that the study they were participating in would look at how doctors "addressed disease prevention" with their patients — not that weight loss goals would be looked at, specifically. After each visit, physicians were asked questions such as: How likely will the patient follow your weight loss recommendations? When considering the patients who the doctors said would likely improve, most of the time, the docs got it wrong. Only 16 percent of those predicted to lose weight actually lost weight over the next three months. Of those that the doctors predicted would follow their healthy eating recommendations, only 19 percent actually improved their eating habits. Four percent of those predicted to get more exercise actually started doing so. The physicians were more often accurate in their guesses about who not improve. While previous studies had surveyed physicians about their expectations for their patients in general, none had asked doctors what they thought about specific patients immediately after an office visit, according to the study. Is optimism good? Doctors' expectations about their patients ability to change is important, because a doctor with low expectations "can lead to patients being less likely to improve their behaviors," the researchers said. When patients don't improve behaviors, doctors' expectations only sink even lower, and a vicious cycle ensues. But physician optimism might have some benefits. "Patients might feel more confident that they can lose weight when they feel their physician believes they will change," the researchers wrote. However, this optimism might mean that the doctors are overestimating the effect their recommendations will actually have on patients, and could make doctors less receptive to learning effecting techniques for counseling patients, according to the study. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. TOP 50 - Epic Soundtracks Part 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Da Yanta) Xian, China Posted: 21 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Mei Liu OverviewThe Big Wild Goose Pagoda is an ancient building that was built during the Tang Dynasty Period in Chang'an, which is presently known as Xi'an. This pagoda is well-preserved and is considered a holy place for Buddhists. There are millions of visitors to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Xian each year, both Buddhists and tourists alike. This structure is rated as a National Cultural Relic Preserve and also as an AAAA Tourist Attraction. Those who are tourists to this area should make sure that they visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda as well as the other two structures that are associated, which are the Da Ci'en Temple and the North Square of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. HistoryThe Big Wild Goose Pagoda was built in the year of 652 A.D. during the rule of the Chinese Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times, this structure functioned to collect Buddhist materials taken from India by hierarch Xuanzang. When the Big Wild Goose Pagoda was originally constructed, it was sixty meters tall and included five stores. The modern pagoda is now nearly five meters taller than it once was with an additional two stories. From the outside, this building looks squarish and cone-like, a structure type that is simple, but amazing all the same. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda can be considered a masterpiece of Buddhist construction style. The pagoda was built with brick, which can help to explain why it is one of the most well preserved ancient buildings in the world. Once inside this pagoda, you will find a staircase that will lead to an overlook in which you can see much of Xi'an city. Statues of Buddha are finely engraved on the walls throughout this structure. These engravings were done by the famous artist Yan Liben, who was part of the Tang Dynasty. LegendThe name of this pagoda also comes from ancient times, of course. Stories of Buddhists tell that there is a legend behind the name 'Big Wild Goose Pagoda'. At one point, there were two branches of Buddhists and in one branch, eating m! eat was not a concern. A time came when the Buddhists who did not find it taboo to eat meat could not find any meat for consumption. After searching for meat for their dinners and having no luck, these Buddhists saw a group of big wild geese flying by them. As the Buddhists were watching the geese fly over, one had silently prayed to the Bodhisattva to be merciful and allow them to have meat for their dinner. At the moment this prayer was finished, the leading goose of the flock broke his wings and fell to the ground. The Buddhists who were witness to this saw it as a sign from the Bodhisattva to be more pious. These Buddhists then built the Big Wild Goose Pagoda at the site of the fallen goose. The history behind this landmark structure is one of great interest to Buddhists and others as well. If you find yourself visiting the great city of Xi'an, you should not miss the opportunity to view this ancient structure. You will find that is nothing less than breathtaking, even in its simplicity. Xian Travel Service http://www.xiantravelinfo.com offer daily private tours to the Pagoda at very reasonable prices Tips 1. There is a daily music fountain show at the North Square of the Big Pagoda which is the largest in Asia. In generally runs every 2 hours from 12.00pm though times do vary according to season. Its free 2. Entrance to the Pagoda itself is from the Southern Square 3. There is a plethora of quality restaurants at both the South and West squares. 4. The Pagoda is part of the new Qujiang Culture district and is nearby the both the Shaanxi History Museum and Tang Paradise 5. It is located south of Xian City and will cost around 15-20rmb in a taxi depending on traffic About the AuthorHi I am Chinese girl from Xian. My husband is from New Zealand. Together we run Hq Guesthouse and Xian Travel Service http://www.xiantravelinfo.com/ http://www.xianapartmentshq.com/ | |||
How The Happiest People In The World Spend Their Money Posted: 21 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST This blog is written by a member of our expert blogging community and expresses that expert's views alone. People can feel trapped by their careers--whether it's because they're earning too little, are waiting for a big payout, or have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Laura Vanderkam's new book, All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Getting and Spending, offers a new approach to finances for a modern, more flexible reality.
Their unique journeys not only challenge the traditional wisdom about the path we "should" follow with our work and careers, but they also challenge the standard rules about money. And yet, they raise plenty of practical concerns: How is the entrepreneur who spends his 20s scraping by supposed to buy a house and two cars his 30s? How is the fortysomething father supposed to send all of his children to private, four-year colleges and fully retire at 60 years old? How is the single mother going to afford weddings for each of her three daughters? Work, life, and money are intertwined intimately, and yet they're rarely addressed together. As the traditional boundaries that used to define "work" and "life" disappear, the conventional beliefs related to money must also evolve. This is the message of Laura Vanderkam's new book, All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Getting and Spending (Portfolio, 2012). By taking on outdated money beliefs, Vanderkam offers a new approach to finances for a modern, more flexible reality. Some of the changes she advocates include: Be more mindful about what your money could buy. Make purchases that improve your happiness. For many, that means spending on experiences, not things. Using the example of the money we have traditionally paid for expensive engagement rings and weddings, Vanderkam calculates how many trips, periodic bouquets of flowers, date nights, babysitters, and hours of housecleaning that money could buy over the years. These are services and experiences that, in the long run, could bring more enjoyment to a couple than a big ring and wedding. The single mother who started the not-for-profit may not be able to pay for a lavish wedding for her daughters, but they will see their mother doing work she loves. This will not only set an example of happiness that will hopefully inspire the professional choices of her daughters, but help them prioritize how they want to spend their money. Challenge the big house, big yard, two car "American dream." Vanderkam points out that these purchases often come with a longer commute by car, more responsibilities for lawn care, and housekeeping. Studies show that none of these activities increase happiness. Maybe the twentysomething entrepreneur won't buy a sprawling house with a big yard and a three-car garage. Instead he'll choose to buy only one car because he bought a smaller house closer to public transportation. But he'll be free to invest in and grow his business while having money left over for activities and experiences that have greater meaning to him like travel or eating out with friends. Don't just scrimp and save. Find ways to increase your earnings. Yes, the increased flexibility in work and careers can be scary and unsettling, but it also provides new, exciting opportunities to make more money. Vanderkam calls it the "1099 mindset." Even if you have a more traditional job, think about work the way freelancers or contract workers--people who get 1099s--do. If you are a teacher, tutor. If you're interested in a topic, start a blog that you monetize. Be creative. The fortysomething father who walked away from his lucrative legal career was approached by his firm to consult on projects. He's now thinking of other similar channels that will allow him to make money but give him the flexibility he wants to spend time with his children and enjoy the parts of his life he had no time for previously. Also, his formerly stay-at-home wife is exploring a number of different opportunities to bring in additional income. Rethink retirement. In other words, don't expect to ever retire. Instead, embrace a second or "encore" career. This is what the single mother of three is doing with her not-for-profit. She sees herself leading this effort well past traditional retirement age. Yes, work and life have transformed over the past two decades. With All the Money in the World, Laura Vanderkam is showing us that we have to update and evolve that way we think about money as well. In addition to the book, you can connect with Vanderkam on her blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook. What do you think? How have you found yourself rethinking the way to approach and manage money as your work and career have become less traditional and more flexible? Cali Williams Yost is the CEO and Founder of the Flex+Strategy Group / Work+Life Fit, Inc., flexible work and life strategy advisors to clients including BDO, LLP, Pearson, Inc., EMC, the U.S. Navy, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Novo Nordisk. Yost is the author of "Work+Life: Finding the Fit That's Right for You" (Riverhead/Penguin Group, 2005). Connect with Cali at the award-winning Work+Life Fit blog and on Twitter @caliyost. [Image: Flickr user Pink Sherbert Photography] | |||
The PC Wars of 2010 and Beyond - Spiritual wickedness in high places Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Rev Michael Bresciani For almost an entire generation we have thrust a two pronged socialistic pitch fork at the minds of our youth. One prong is marked 'disdain of nationalism' or national pride from which patriotism is fed but not born. The other prong is marked rejection of all orthodox religion but mostly the Judeo Christian heritage, from which America's patriotism was indeed born; altered textbooks notwithstanding. One of the latest skirmishes in the PC Wars has been the removal of the Focus on the Family ad from the online pages of the NCAA. The ad starts with the caption "Celebrate Family - Celebrate Life," is simple and beautiful and explains the desire of a father to see his son choose a right path in life. The ad says, "All I want for my son is for him to grow up knowing how to do the right thing." Jemu Green, the president of Women's Media Center told Fox's Bill O'Reilly that it wasn't a bad ad but it served to lure people to the Focus on the Family site which she described as "intolerant, divisive, and homophobic, anti choice and anti women." A visit to the Focus on the Family site will quickly dispel all the heightened rhetoric of Ms. Green, but even that is not the point. The real question is whether the 14th amendment is enough for the homosexuals and whether the first amendment is still enough for people of faith. You remember, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Worthy of note was Dennis Miller's response to Jemu's agitated response to the questions O'Reilly posed. Miller said who could have guessed that "Big Brother would appear in the guise of the selectively righteous sistah." Ms. Green said that Focus was afraid that "gay people will destroy America." This is the place where proper definition and perhaps finding another word to deal with things might, come in real handy. PC rigidity can get out of hand quickly as in the recent fire bombings of Christian churches in Malaysia by Muslims who resented! the Chr istians for using or even saying the word "Allah". Add to this footnote the fact that in Malaysia homosexuality is illegal and heavily punished. Oddly, neither Focus on the Family or Women's Media Center would be welcome at all in Malaysia and a half dozen other counties worldwide. But let's get back to America and her PC wars; first by taking a hard look at a word that is inappropriate, poorly defined, and overused but has gained a lot of mileage of late and thereby has hurt many people. The word is the noun homophobia and its divisive little cousin the adjective, homophobic. The most basic definition of homophobia is that it is an irrational fear of homosexuals and homosexuality. In over forty years of discussion with Christians about homosexuals I have never met one single person who said they were afraid of homosexuals. It is that fact that drove me to search for the root cause of the entire debate between the gays and the church. Christians exercising their first amendment right to their religion are not succeeding or failing based on the exercise of that right. They are driven by their surrender to their God and Savior. It goes without saying that most of them are not visionaries who've been blessed with extra biblical apparitions. Most are those who have put their trust in the things God has said and shown to them in the revelation of his Son Jesus Christ. It is there in God's word that they find many warnings that when individuals or nations begin to allow unbridled licentious behavior that God will intervene with appropriate responses. The rest of the world looks at the same thing but only as a problem (issue, in modern vernacular) not as a promise. They look on the daily reports of abused children, sexual indulgence, profanity, serial murders, rape and crime in general but somehow miss the connection between their own allowances and their present troubles. They not only could care less for the warnings but many would argue to the death that they were never warned at all. If fear is rising it is among the homosexuals not the Christians and that is evidenced by the common use of the term homophobic and the rare use of terms like Christophobic or Bibliophobic. God's word does not call anyone to fear but rather to re-consciousness. It is what calls out to us when we are skirting the outer fringes; it is the clarion call to return to the flock where the Shepherd keeps watch. It is about love; not fear. In fact the call to "fear not" is used 62 times in the Bible. We trust the God who cannot lie, not to change his mind and give us a whole new set of rules just because the times they are a changing. In fact it is God's promise that he will not change his edicts, statutes, restrictions or commands that assure us, even though the world is in a great storm; God is always an immovable rock. Men change with the times but God orders the times and lays down his guide in every moment of time so no one will stumble. Proof of this is found in the following verse. "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Nu 23:19) The Apostle Paul said Christ was the same yesterday, today and forever. (Heb 13:8) The Prophet Malachi speaking in God's stead said "I change not." (Mal 3:6) James the Apostle said that in God there is no "variableness of turning." (James 1:17) When the Christian asks himself about Old Testament passages that decry men lying with men or women with women or when they read that such practices are labeled as abominations by God as in the first chapter of Romans they don't suddenly get fearful. They first realize that these are parameters set by the only one who has authority to set them in the first place. What follows is obedience; if telling others about it is called for, then obedience is what follows yet again. No mystery here, no fear and no axe to grind with anyone in particular, only a love for everyone in general. Obe! ying God 's word isn't an attitude it is a predisposition based on surrender, for all Bible believers, anything less is hypocritical and foolhardy. For years those who could not find anything truly wrong with the practicing church have hidden behind the spineless adage "the Church is full of hypocrites." Doesn't it seem a bit ironic that when the true church is found obedient and true they are then labeled as haters? I have both studied and directly encountered witch crafters, cult leaders and atheists in my time. I have addressed the rants of the most notable atheists and agnostics and publicly debated with Madelyn O'Hare on radio, yet I never saw such groups or people as the most serious threat to a nation or the church. The real dangers are to be found in alignment with pop culture norms and sexual revolution tripe and of course the new purveyors and practitioners of modernity's PC. There are far fewer witches and warlocks than people who are willing to swallow everything that the PC pushers have to offer at the moment. Some forty years ago I could not have known the full meaning of this passage of scripture as I do today. "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (2 Co: 4: 3-4) No Christian who is Biblically grounded thinks of themselves as in a fearful battle against gays or any other modern day emergent group. What we battle against is blindness in total. It is about our obedience to God and our love for the souls of men and women throughout this world. Paul said it this way. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12) About the Authorhttp://www.americanprophet.org has since 2005 featured the articles of Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Spirit Science 11 - EvolutionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Pain relief: meditation better than drugs, study finds Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST
"Most of us have a habitual reaction to pain – an aversion that we react against," Subhana, who is now a meditation teacher at North Sydney's Bluegum Sangha, explains. "Meditation teaches us to observe rather than get caught up in the strong sensations we are experiencing. We learn to stop labeling and therefore stop reacting. In this way, instead of tightening up against it and resisting, which causes further tension, we start to soften into it. As we do this … Read the original article » Read More @ Source | |||
Thought Transference And Learning Power Of Subconscious Mind Posted: 21 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Beth Huliz If you ask me what is the most powerful creation on earth, my answer would be simply one - the human mind. Our minds are where all our thoughts and actions originate and hence should never be underestimated. It is the source point of whatever we say or do and in most cases, the actions of the mind are what gets manifested in the conscious level. For example, if you wish to change the channel on the TV, you think about it and then you do so. But, have you ever noticed you picked up the remote and quickly changed a channel without ever once thinking about why you did what you did? If so, have you ever stopped to think about your actions? More than likely, you did not because the action was a subconscious one. What might have happened is that something which you didn't particularly like, appeared on the TV screen subconsciously triggering the thought and in turn the action of changing the channel. Can you now imagine what impact our subconscious has on our outward actions? Thus, it is precisely at this point where the importance of training the power of one's subconscious mind lies. Training to utilize this power leads to a wholesome improvement in the quality of the lives we lead. If you want to realize your true potential then you have to develop the power of your subconscious. While many warn about the evils and dangers involved in this and it is good to know about the dark aspects of human psychology but focusing on such negativity only brings forth similar unfortunate consequences. A good idea thus, would be to focus on the positive side of human psychology and think about developing the subconscious part of one's mind as a path towards wholesome self development. Many reading this might fear this to be an excessively daunting task, but it is safe to say that in reality it isn't so difficult. Subconscious mind control is not as difficult as commonly believed. Through some simple processes an individual should be able to do it successfully. Some of these! process es are discussed below. Affirmation can be said to be the most basic and simple technique to harness the power of the subconscious. Herein what you need to do is to continuously tell yourself or remind yourself about some positive thing in order to achieve that desired result. Let's assume you have a task to finish which you particularly do not want to. You perceive the job to be boorish and thus feel a sense of deep tiredness come over you when you are about to do the said job. This sense of tiredness is essentially a stress response from thinking the job to be boorish and this stops the energy flow which is vital for him to finish the job. Using mental affirmations during such times is the best way to come back on track in order to complete the task successfully. A good strategy would be to constantly affirm oneself that you are the best person to do this job and when you finish it, it will be a complete work of art. You can also constantly remind yourself about the many benefits you'll get after you have finished it. According to many scientific studies, affirmations can be used successfully to tap into the powers of one's subconscious which in turn can change an individual's behaviour. Thus, one can use affirmations in order to successfully rid himself of habits such as smoking, drinking or overeating. A second technique to discover the power of the subconscious mind is via the route of post hypnotic suggestion. This method generally involves using the professional expertise of a hypnotherapist, but one can also induce the state himself with the help of hypnotic audio CDs. Binaural Beats can be said to be the third technique for subconscious power development which involves the hearing of two slightly different sound waves through each ear of an individual so as to make them synchronize in the brain. This results in the corresponding synchronization of the left and the right hemispheres of the brain leading to the attainment of an immediate deep meditative tr! ance. Th us, the subconscious mind is then able to communicate with that of the conscious part of the individual. If you look for evidence, you will be able to see many cases where subconscious mind development has been seriously taken much forward. Taking the Buddhist monks as an example, it is seen that they can perform levitation and invisibility just by sheer control on their subconscious, something which most people on this planet would call as being supernatural. Ability to control and manipulate matter and events in the subatomic level only comes when one is able to guide one's own subconscious mind power. Countless books and movies such as 'The Secret' talk about the Law of Attraction and this particular aspect wherein an individual can manipulate all events around him. Not only is it a theoretical law but the Law of attraction is essentially an universal one which enables you to manifest whatever it is that you want in life. In short it lets you create your own destiny by communicating with your subconscious mind successfully. In recent times, quantum physics has been speaking the same language as our age old religions of the world. Starting from explanation of terms such as psychic, esp, supernatural, etc, this subject now expounds the belief that the ancient religions held - That the reality we live in are essentially the product of our own minds. As a conclusion it can be safely said that the power of the subconscious mind is beyond the scope of anybody's imagination and hence the development and control of the same should never be underestimated. Apart from behavioral changes, it also has the capability to make an amazing new life for you! About the Author Why not look at the amazing world of using your mind power from the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com site. Find information on using mind power and find out secrets of your subconscious power. Get a FREE DVD Package when you visit here. Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 2This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/21/2012 Posted: 21 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST ![]() "What we think, we become." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Posted: 21 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Ruthan Brodsky Chronic stress increases your risk of a heart attack and stroke. Your relationships at home and for your career also suffer when you are so frequently in a stressed mode. We have all had our mindlessness moments when there is a loss of awareness and we forget something, run through a red light, almost separate from ourselves and feel like we are living mechanically and time rushes past. Restoring a balanced sense of health and well being does require mindfulness because we need to be aware of all aspects of our body and our mind, as well as our hearts. Once you make a commitment to be aware of your responses to situations you will find that being mindful is habit forming. It does not take much time. The most difficult part for many is to remember to do it and keep doing it. Taking a few minute to contemplate your world at the beginning and end of your day will prepare you to respond without getting stressed. Every toga teacher leaves time in her classes for peaceful meditation. Classes in yoga, meditation, and popular psychology are usually available at your local libraries and community centers. You will learn the concept of the yoga breath which is an important basic of mindfulness stress reduction. In the meantime try these 4 techniques to reducing stress: 1. Power Off. Set healthy boundaries for yourself to help alleviate stress which means setting technology boundaries. Some say we have an addiction today with people on their cell phones and e-mails. Making yourself available 24 hours a day through a mobile device will only add to your stress. 2. Learn to quiet your mind. This is easier said than done because we are on overload when it comes to information. This may require making some quiet time throughout your day. 3.Turn off the TV and your video games. Both of these are great sources for entertainment but they can become an opiate. You can be a big fan of PBS or programming for children, but too much of something is too much and zaps our time and! energy. 4. Practice compassion. Taking the time to care about another person is always an action that reduces stress. Volunteering to help others who are less fortunate than you will help to reduce your stress because you will be focused on others, not yourself. Spending time with family and friends who love and accept you for who you are makes your life more simple thus reducing stress. It may be time to acknowledged your relationship with some of your friends instead of staying isolated on the computer. These tips to reducing stress do not guarantee instant success. About the AuthorStress and anger are part of life. However, the way your body reacts to uncontrolled stress and anger is a risk factor for heart disease. In fact research has shown that anger can be just as much of a risk factor for hear disease as smoking, obesity and lack of exercise.Find out more about protecting your own healthy by managing your stress at: http://reducestresswithoutdrugs.com Yoga BabyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 21 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST A Spiritual Consciousness Spirituality materialist clings to a weird kind of logic: If he doesn't see X, X doesn't exist. More specifically, his logic runs this way: Since I don't see the self, Buddha-nature, Suchness (tathata), and so on, these things must be unreal. Our materialist is only aware of what the body's senses receive. If there is a self for such a materialist, it is his body or sensory consciousness that is the self; moreover, it ceases when the body dies. If there is Buddha-nature for this materialist, it is all the things the materialist's senses perceive including the here and now. From the Pali Nikayas (D. ii. 328, 330) we learn that the materialist is like a man born blind (jaccandho puriso). He is only aware of this own limited world. He can't see colors, the sun or the moon. He is quite adamant that these things don't exist because he hasn't seen them! He thinks to himself, "If I am not aware of this thing, therefore, it does not exist." Like the man born blind, it hasn't dawned on the materialist that the transcendent cannot be seen with the eye of flesh (P., mamsacakkhu). Our Spiritual Consciousness Spirituality materialist hasn't as yet cultivated spiritual eyes such as the Dharma eye or the Buddha eye.
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Spiritual Articles for Publishers Posted: 21 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Life can be Different Visionary Art by Gilbert WilliamsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How To Utilize Power Of Mind To Communicate Posted: 21 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Ben Thydig The power of the human mind is undisputed; it goes back to the teachings of Aristotle, and is one of the fundamental images of humanity - the person with the plan solving the problem, getting play in myths from Theseus to Batman. In reality wasting the power of the mind should not be patronized in any way. It is actually invaluable and in reality we can use this immense power source to improve our lives in a big way. We can put this to good use and achieve whatever we need or desire in life. By now, we have heard of The Secret. Whether you are one of the millions that bought the book and watched the movie or not, you have to know that it all dealt with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction, which everyone by now knows that the basis is you will attract what it is you think about. The goal behind it is to help you understand that we can all manipulate our minds into creating reality by using the power of mind. In fact, some people have even blamed their subconscious mind on negative actions hoping it would lighten their sentences in a court room. In scientific studies, this is sometimes called the observer effect, or the Placebo Effect. More plausibly, it's that keeping a good mental attitude and a solid set of goals in mind keeps you mentally prepared to take advantage of opportunities you'd've overlooked before. Opportunism is one of the great defining characteristics of successful people. When the case study is researched, they test the minds ability to overcome ailments even if they aren't actually taking any medication. On the flipside, they also observe whether or not a person can make themselves sick just by believing they're already suffering. Some individuals would simply call this a coincidence. Now you must have experienced this yourself when you got up in the morning and convinced yourself it was going to be a bad day. Any what happened? It really was a bad day; just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong! Welcome to the Law o! f Attrac tion on a personal scale. It's your own mind and your own expectations sabotaging you. Quantum mechanics talks about the 'observer effect' and how information in the system alters the outcomes. While the link between quantum mechanics and The Secret is tenuous, the same guiding principle applies to the Law of Attraction. Your ability to observe the universe alters it. Many scientists now believe that many things which we think of as supernatural are in fact explainable through hard science, although we're only beginning to understand just how it is that telepathy, ESP and other mental phenomena work. This doesn't negate the world as we know it; the world isn't made up of our thoughts - but how we interact with the world comes from how we think about it. Although you may not even have considered it before; learning how to use the power of your mind is vitally important to having a great life! Obviously it is better to have your assets working for you instead of working against you. So where does it all start? How about figuring out where you want to go. The Law of Attraction is all about goal visualization. You need to define a concrete, clear goal. Don't wish for a lot of money - set a goal aside for a certain amount of money, and set reachable, achievable daily goals. Next, try to direct every mental action you take towards achieving that goal. Learning to focus is the key here; most of the time, you may have dozens of different thoughts going on at once. You must however be consistent and keep going. Many people already know about the power of the mind and use it every day to make their goals a reality. They are able to decide on a specific goal and put all of their mind power towards this objective - and this is exactly how some of the world's most successful people have managed to become who they are today. It's not difficult to do, though learning to focus your mind on your goal does take a little metal training. Just think if you could influence! your mi nd to quit smoking, lose weight, make more money, or buy that dream home. They are all great things to think about right? Sure, but don't let it stop with self-improvement. Obviously you're going to have to organize your life a little, but with constant affirmation it will keep you motivated throughout the entire process. Just think if you walked outside today and said, 'I'm going to buy my dream home within a few months.' It sounds good, it probably felt good to say it, but can you visualize yourself doing the work that it takes to get that dream house? This is a common mistake that most people overlook, but if you can picture yourself doing it, then it will be so. Everything you do has to do with getting that house. It could be improving your performance at work, clocking the commute from that new house to your job, looking at paint at the local Home Depot, reading up on how to get a good mortgage. You might even start buying a few small things for that new house. Amazingly, your dream home then comes on the market. Again as if by a miracle events change so that you can afford to get the mortgage. All of the energy you directed to getting it has finally paid off! It's up to you to make your life. You can either sit passively by and let life happen to you, or you can grab it and direct it using the power of your mind. Work on small goals and build up to larger ones the same way small rocks can lead to a sturdy platform to see the world from. Don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of the power of your mind with the Law of Attraction. About the Author Discover your mind power from the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com site. Find details of developing the power of the subconscious powers with the power of the subconscious mind FREE DVD Package when you visit here. | |||
Yes, Stress Is Part Of The Christian Life! Posted: 21 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Linda M Premier Hormone Balance - Dr. Michael Borkin on Salivary TestingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Use The Power Of Subconscious Mind - Are You Ready To Try? Posted: 21 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Ben Thydig Whatever an individual says or does, the origin of all his behaviour is in his mind. Thus, human mind is undoubtedly the most power tool ever created in this world. The actions in the mind are what manifests on the conscious realm. Taking a daily activity such as TV watching, what actually happens when you want to change the channel? The thought comes to your mind first and then you pick up the remote and change it. Sometimes when you just do the action without thinking it essentially means that the thought originated subconsciously without you being aware of it. What might have happened was perhaps a commercial for a product you don't like appeared on the screen and that subconsciously caused a resultant reaction to change the channel. Hence, you can now see what enormous impact the subconscious mind can have on our outward actions. It can also be concluded that this is precisely why the power of the subconscious mind should be trained for proper utilization. Once an individual can do this, he can vastly improve the quality of his life in a wholesome manner, beyond the levels he had ever imagined. If an individual can properly tap into and develop the powers of his subconscious mind, he can unearth all the potentials he has hidden within. Most people make it a point to warn us about the dangers that lurk underneath the layers of our subconscious. Though it is good thing to be aware of the dark side to human psychology but focusing only on the negative side brings with a lot of unfortunate consequences. Thus, one should look at this in a positive light and think about ways to develop the subconscious mind as a path towards self improvement. Though most of us think this to be extremely difficult a task, but in reality it is not so. A few simple steps can help us guide our subconscious mind and harness the unlimited powers of it to develop out hidden potentials. The following are some of the process to do the same. One of the simplest ways in which yo! u could guide your subconscious is with the technique of affirmation. By affirmation, we mean the ability to constantly remind your mind about a particular positive aspect of life in order to achieve that result. If you have a job at hand which you find boring and uninteresting, you will naturally feel a sense of deep tiredness come over you keeping you from doing the job. This is a stress response and affirmation works best in such cases. One way this can be achieved is through constantly reminding oneself about how many benefits can be derived from performing the task. You could also look in the mirror and affirm that you are the absolute best person for the job. In fact, you are so good at the job the end result will be a complete work of art! One can use the technique of affirmation to stop his bad habits. If you want to stop your habit of smoking, drinking, over-eating, etc, resorting to this technique is your best bet. Studies show that affirming oneself via repeated reminders either in spoken or written form works wonders in tapping your subconscious min power and thereby changing your behaviour. The second method used for developing the power of the subconscious mind is the Post Hypnotic Suggestion. A common method of guiding the subconscious, it usually needs an expert hypnotherapist to do it. However, an individual can also undergo hypnosis by himself with the help of various hypnosis audios that are available. Brainwave synchronization through binaural beats is another method for developing the power of the subconscious mind. Here, an individual is made to hear two different sound waves having slightly different frequencies through each ear. These sound waves thereafter goes into the brain and synchronize the two hemispheres creating a deep meditative mental state of mind which facilitates communication between the subconscious part and the conscious part. Such powers can be taken to greater heights by people and evidence of the same are countless in our world! . Buddhi st monks, for example, have developed such great control on their subconscious mind that they can exhibit abilities such as levitation and invisibility which are otherwise thought to be supernatural. The power of one's subconscious is such that it can also influence matter on a subatomic level. Not only matter but also events in your life as is shown in countless books and movies like 'The Secret' which explains the Law of Attraction. Therefore, this is not only a theoretical subject but a physical law which makes it possible for any individual to communicate with his subconscious in order to manifest his object of desire in reality. Though this might seem unbelievable, but recent studies in quantum physics explain what age old religions have believed and preached thousand years ago - the fact that our lives are the product of our minds. All commonly termed supernatural or psychic powers have been explained by quantum physics. The conclusion therefore is that the power of the subconscious mind can do wonders for you and your life. One should never underestimate it at all because apart from the usual required behavioral changes, it possesses the scope to forever change your life to something which you have only dreamt of in your most wonderful dreams. About the Author Explore the phenomena of using your mind power by visiting the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Find out how to develop subconscious mind powers yourself and understand the mind power system when you visit here and get your FREE video and audio DVD Package. Vipassana - Thinking Process Meditation (30')This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Does religious familiarity breed contempt? Posted: 21 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST I'm amused when other people try to understand why I did something -- like diassociate myself from the religious organization, Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), that I was an active member of for over thirty years. Heck, I don't even know why I do stuff much of the time. None of us does. Neuroscience tells us that most of the brain/mind's activity occurs outside of conscious awareness. A desire, thought, inclination, motivation, or whatever pops up and we act on it. But where it came from or what made it rise into awareness is a mystery. To ourselves. To other people. Regardless, we humans erroneously believe that the workings of the amazingly complex Homo sapiens consciousness can be reduced to platitudes. Today I got an email from someone who described a conversation he had with a senior RSSB "sevadar" (volunteer, basically) after he wondered how a disciple like me, after decades of devotional practice, would leave the guru-centered organization. The response: "familiarity breeds contempt." Also, that I wanted to publish books outside of RSSB control, and this wasn't permitted. Both assertions lack validity. I may not know everything about myself, but I certainly know more than someone who isn't me. Regarding the book, Return to the One, about the teachings of a Greek philosopher (Plotinus) that I began writing under the auspices of RSSB, I've previously described how I wasn't willing to compromise truthfulness for the organization's "party line." See here and here. Other authors who tried to cram Christianity and Buddhism into the Radha Soami Satsang Beas belief box have done this, but I wasn't willing to. After studying Plotinus for several years, I came to have a deep respect for his philosophy. When RSSB wanted me to edit my book in ways I didn't feel were honest, I said "goodbye" and published the book myself. Successfully (it's gotten good reviews). What about "familiarity breeds contempt"? I'm not sure what this means. Why would I be contemptuous of something or somebody I know a lot about? Wouldn't I be as likely to feel better about that thing or person after my familiarity is strengthened, as to feel worse? This is the perspective of a Psychology Today article on the subject. In relationships, the problem is not with familiarity, but more about that to which we're acclimating. For example, disrespectful, dishonoring, and negative energy all too often become familiar territory in relationships. These are the elements that cause contempt. Perhaps we'd be better off saying mediocrity or unhappiness breed contempt. I've been married for twenty-two years. All of that familiarity with my wife hasn't brought contempt. It's brought a deeper love. We know each other much better now than when we first met. Our relationship has become stronger, not weaker. My wife and I have grown together, changed together, adapted together. With a religious organization like Radha Soami Satsang Beas, though, it's natural for someone like me to become disenchanted. Many people have a superficial relationship with their faith. They go to church, or the equivalent, on the weekend. They pay lip service to vows, commandments, rituals, and the like. So they never really become intimately familiar with their religion. Hence, the relationship remains shallow, a passing acquaintance rather than an intimate getting-to-know-you. By contrast, I threw myself into meditation, volunteer service, and other devotional aspects of RSSB. Yes, I became deeply familiar with the organization and its teachings. I got to know high-ranking disciples quite well, along with the guru, Gurinder Singh. It wasn't familiarity, though, that led me to leave RSSB. As noted in the quotation above, if someone has a pleasing and satisfying relationship, familiarity breeds even more pleasure and satisfaction. In my case, the more I learned about Radha Soami Satsang Beas, the more I realized that what I desired -- truth, honesty, friendship, intimacy, caring, growth -- wasn't what RSSB was desirous, or capable, of. The problem with rigid religions is that they aren't able to change along with their members. By contrast, Taoism, and to some extent, Buddhism, have a "there's no single right way" attitude. A good marriage, ditto. Give and take; flexibility; compromise; humility; willingness to change -- this is how two people are able to happily get along for decades, or a lifetime. With religions, though, often the hierarchy and dogmas are set in stone. "It's my way or the highway" says the religion to devotees who find themselves changing in a direction that isn't acceptable to the powers-that-be. Which is weird, when you think about it. What I mean is, all religions, and particularly those of the Eastern variety like Radha Soami Satsang Beas, are about personal transformation. Yet rigid religions demand that their members change only in certain ways. For example, I spent thirty years meditating several hours a day, investigating subtleties of consciousness. The result: insights, understandings, realizations. However, since those weren't what the so-called RSSB "science of the soul" deemed to be valid, I was asked to not express them. So I was faced with a choice between what I had come to know as experientially true for myself, and the dogmas RSSB wanted me to believe in. I chose truth. Not just because I'd become intimately familiar with the RSSB organization and teachings; but because that familiarity led me to realize that what RSSB offered wasn't what I wanted. Life is short. None of us should spend our earthly time span living untruthfully, failing to follow what beckons us from the depths of our being. | |||
Yoga DVD & Videos - Helpful for beginners Posted: 21 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by James William Today Yoga teachings are being spread through various schools and centres, but people who are busy with their hectic schedule are being taught by means of yoga DVDs and yoga videos. These DVDs are easily available at music stores and can also be ordered online. Yoga videos help a lot in case of beginners as they are meant for the same. They indicate minor things to be kept in mind while performing yoga. Yoga is a traditional art meant to establish union of one's soul (atma) with the supreme power (parmatma). It believes that one's mind should be healthy and calm so that wisdom can be achieved. A metaphysical and meditative art - practiced for centuries for the wellbeing of humanity - yoga means "to control" and "to unite". Yoga being a tradition has been passed on from generations by teachers to students (guru-shishya parampara). Yoga is performed by means of various asana or postures or poses. The asanas makes it possible for one to focus on spiritual being. Each asana has a different meaning and benefits. Many celebrities have been showcased in the videos of yoga teachings; one example is of Shilpa Shetty; this brings more attention and interest of people towards the art. These yoga DVD have thus made their presence and created enthusiasm amongst the followers. These DVDs and videos are of utmost importance for beginners as yoga has to be performed under guidance and supervision. Wrong practice may have harmful or degenerative effects on the human body. Therefore, if there is no personal supervision, these videos can come in handy. These videos and DVDs contain most of the asanas and practices that are more helpful and essential for beginners. Each practice is performed and information is given with it indicating the Do's and Don'ts about the same. People find it safe and interesting following the instructions. It is the benefits and calmness that a human acquires by practicing yoga which is the main reason why this art has procured a global fame.People with health problems or tho! se who w ant to live a healthy life should follow yoga and will surely feel an remarkable change in their lives. About the AuthorJames William is an expert author who mainly writes articles on yoga teacher training. He is providing useful information on yoga videos. | |||
Posted: 20 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Evette Gardner Do you want to become more spiritually enlightened; feel more connected to the people and things around you; or even relieve yourself of mental and physical stress? One of the top recommendations for all of the above aspirations is meditate. But what does this mean exactly? What is meditation? Images of some tranquil faced person, donned in relaxed attire, sitting in the lotus position is a commonly conjured impression when thinking of the idea of meditation. And while such an image may indeed be apt, it unfortunately does very little to actually convey an understanding about what meditation really is. Pictures may only hint at meditative techniques (or rather strategies which might make your mind more conducive towards meditation). And while a lot can be said for the benefits of any number of different meditative techniques, meditation is strictly an internal activity. Which means pictures have very little to offer as far as offering an explanation as to what takes place in meditation. Never confuse technique with intent; for though there may be numerous methods of meditation, the intent of meditation is always the same. Be present. Of all the many definitions of meditation (and yes there are plenty of them), the intent that underscores them all is actually one. Be present. For example, let's look at the following definitions of meditation: Meditation means "consciously directing your attention to alter your state of consciousness." Question: What is this state of consciousness to be realized?Answer: To be present."Meditation is a discipline in which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, 'thinking' mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness."Question: What is this deeper state of relaxation and / or awareness?Answer: Being present.Meditation means "continuous thought and reflection" or "intent observance."Question: Continuous thought and reflection or intent observance to what end?Answer: To being present.Be present. Be present Be present. That truly is all there really is to m! editatio n. Simply be present. But how does one go about being present? Now this I cannot really explain to you. I'm actually of the opinion that trying to teach someone how to meditate by telling them what to do is like trying to teach someone how to swallow or inhale by employing the same approach. Words are inadequate to the task. Being present is just one of those somethings that you will only understand by getting a natural feel for it. What's more, it is only by recognizing the experience of what being present is that you grow in your ability to induce the meditative state at will. And even though words may be inadequate to the task of explaining how to be present, words are extremely valuable in describing what it is to be present.Being present is just as natural a tendency as swallowing or inhaling. You fall into and out of this state of consciousness all the time while washing the dishes, drifting off to sleep, walking in the park, riding a roller coaster, using the bathroom... You do not need to be taught how to be present. You merely need to learn to recognize what being present is in order to become a proficient meditator. And to that end, consider this...Think of a time in your experience when you felt wholly engrossed in the moment. When you felt completely engaged in whatever event was before you for no other motive than you loved just being. You didn't care about how things were going, you weren't trying to make anything happen, you had no agenda, you were worried about nothing, expecting nothing, regretting nothing, you weren't dwelling wistfully over times gone by or trying to distract yourself from the experience of an unpleasant feeling. You were quite simply and unconditionally enraptured with the moment; emotionally engaged in what was going on before you yet mentally impartial about the outcome. You were just content to be. Can you recall such a moment in your experience? True these moments may be fleeting, they often whisk by us unappreciated, but I assure you we do all experience these fl! ashes. T hey occur everyday. The thing is to get in the habit of noticing of them, acknowledging them. These are the moments which show us what it is to be present. Meditation is about deliberately producing these moments. How do you do this? The answer may seem vague, but it's the one that's most proper. You just do it.When you meditate you are making a conscious commitment to think in terms which will evoke the experience of being present. Again, I cannot tell you how to do this, but I can assure you that in your learning to recognize these moments as they involuntarily occur, you will instinctually become aware of what you need to do to voluntarily make these experiences occur. There is definitely no shortage of ideas on meditative techniques "out there." I say go ahead and experiment with them to your heart's content. If you need to feel grounded in a process of focusing on your breath or on chanting or whatever have you, that's quite okay. Ritual is a good way to get yourself in the mood for meditation. Ritual is good practice for meditation because practice is a precursor to actually living out a desired experience. But in all your experimentation with these different meditative techniques, might I suggest that you always remain mindful of the underlying intent of what meditation is. Always be mindful that the objective is to be present. Also, as you are going about your day, from this moment forward might I also suggest that you resolve to be diligent about consciously acknowledging those moments in your experience where you have unconsciously slipped into a period of being present. These acknowledgements will go a long way towards teaching you the secret to meditation. They will do more to this end than any amount of words could ever do. That's what makes it such a good secret. About the AuthorEvette Gardner is an author of 21 Days to a Changed Life and other spirituality topic eBooks. She currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts. You can read more of her articles on her web site and blog. Solfeggio Harmonics - 741 HZ - Consciousness ExpansionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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