Starting on the Journey to Spirituality

Starting on the Journey to Spirituality

Starting on the Journey to Spirituality

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Elizabeth Dabrowski

I believe it is worth mentioning that this article is not based on any academic studies. It's the essence of my own and other people's I have met continuing journey towards better understanding of our existence, improving and taking control of our lives. My main intention is to reach those who can benefit by reading its content, who can identify their own struggles with mine and take some comfort from my experiences.I am planning to keep writing on this subject, again sharing thoughts and conclusions based on my own observations and my own life.

The Introduction to spirituality happens in many ways and usually enters our lives when we become very dissatisfied with answers our belief system provides. Without even realizing on conscious level we start searching for something new and different by asking questions and not receiving satisfying solutions. Depending on your background you may embrace the new and startling ideas and dive into unlimited ocean of new theories or you may struggle from the very beginning trying to free yourself from rules and beliefs rooted very deeply in your upbringing.

Example: I was brought up as a Catholic, not very strict though. Through my primary school I was attending religion classes which gave me very basic knowledge of what was expected of me as far as faith in God was concerned. I could never comprehend the idea of an omnipotent God who usually took from the ones who had little and gave more to those who already had plenty anyway and was called loving and just at the same time; God who knew everything about me, every single thought and intention ( not always the noblest ones) which produced enormous fear of him as he supposed to reward and punish accordingly, but the biggest challenge was to love him with all my heart! That was too much even for my 10 years old brain to accept and I usually despised and blamed him for everything what went wrong in my life. Of course, this is very simplified but even so can set you for life!

So the unconscious s! earch be gins because you start questioning and new ideas arrive 'knocking' on your mind. It can happen in so many ways; through a book, movie, internet, someone says a word which will ignite your interest or may be through a significant event. However it will happen it leads us further and we will be seeking more and more consciously, with a growing hope of finding The Truth. We grasp the first bit of information and we feel like rediscovering the world again! Finally we found the answers, we're going to share them with every one we know and soon we all be happy for ever after! Will we? Not quite, not that simple.

Example: In my case it happened through a book. Looking back now, I can recognize that I was obviously 'ready' and well prepared by life by that time. The book was titled "Being Happy" by Andrew Matthews, quite funny and very easy to read but at the same time it opened my eyes and changed me and my life. I was married for ten years and was working persistently on my husband to change, with different results depending where we were in our marriage. I used to use phrases like "you have to", "you can't", "how could you?", etc. And suddenly I'm reading that the only person I can change is me! And that he doesn't have to, and he can and if I don't like the way he is and what he does I may choose not to be with him! The good news was that usually when we change the people around us will 'change' as well, eg. they will start treating us and behaving around us differently. Eureka! now, I thought, I will tell everyone to read it and we all will be happy!

People, even the closest to us, won't react the way we would like them to, for many many reasons, and everyone needs their own reason. None of the ways is better than the other, they just different like each of us is. I believe the important thing is to remember that it is your own journey and even your closest friend or soul mate doesn't have to share it with you. What works for you doesn't have to work for them, which is absolutely o.k. and there! 's nothi ng wrong with any of you. You are unique, and so is the other person so, please, do yourself a favour and accept the fact that a spiritual journey is a very personal experience and different for each of us and as such could be lonely some times. Of course, we'll be exchanging and sharing stories and experiences with like minded people, giving assurance to the ones struggling with what we already know and listening to the ones who already experienced what we are actually going through. Some of us will succeed quicker in some areas than others.

The main point is though not to compare as each of us, even each of two siblings (the same parents, the same upbringing rules), have different subconscious programming and limitations, eg. your one year older brother may have problems with forming good relationships where you may find yourself impossible to be financially successful.

It's very tempting at this stage, when we gain some understanding but not enough to comprehend a bigger picture, to fall into believing that any solution will be the right one for us. As I said earlier we're all different and so different things and ideas will work not only for different people but also at different times in our lives. Often we're simply not ready yet for some solutions.

The beautiful part of it is when something does work you become almost as an observer to what is happening to you, it feels as it meant to be, the results are astonishing, the change easy and simple, the truth obvious and when you look back you cannot believe what and why was so hard in the first place.

Nobody can really tell you how much you have to learn and experience, how long it will take and when will you reach the 'finishing line'. As a matter of fact there's no such thing as with every bit of new understanding another level of spiritual inadequacy will be uncovered and you will never finish the learning because the journey is a goal in itself.

Elizabeth J Dabrowski writes on the subjects of Spirituality, from many! differe nt perspectives. To find out more, visit her website

About the Author

I write about what I have experienced myself, either personally or as an observer. Even though many people have influenced and shaped my theories, they are mainly based on my own development and as such reflect my very personal point of view. To find out more, visit my website

Buddhism the easy way

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

It is much easier to know what the Buddha did not teach than what he taught.  For example, any materialistic interpretation of Buddhism can be rejected.  It simply lacks credibility since it can't deal with nirvana which is transcendent and deathless according to the Stress Reduction canon.  Only beginners get hooked on a materialistic interpretation of Buddhism because they have not read what the Buddha actually taught.  

On this same score, it is fairly easy  to show that the Buddha did not deny the self which in Pali is natthattâ (this can been seen in the Ananda Sutta at S. iv. 400).  To deny the self is nihilism. Nihilism is antithetical to Buddhism.  There is no dispute.  It is also fairly easy to show that the Buddha did not teach the self to be any of the Five Aggregates or a phenomenon. 

It is also easy to show that the Buddha did not spend much time showering his wisdom on the non-stream entered who are called puthujjana.  The Buddha was certainly not into self-help psychology either; not the way Stress Reductions are today.  Nor was he running a clinic for the mentally afflicted or handing out blankets to the homeless.  The Buddha was no Mother Teresa.

It is easy to show that the Buddha did not believe in a creator god (demiurge) like the god of Abraham and Moses.  For the Buddha all created things are impermanent, suffering, and not our self.

When we look at modern Zen, much of it has nothing to do with the Buddha's teachings.  The Buddha did not demand of his disciples that they do zazen or just sit (J., shikantaza)!  Nor did he teach that we are already fully awakened Buddhas and all that we see is also Buddha-nature.  Also, using the older canon and the Mahayana, Avatamsaka Sutra, it is easy to show that the Buddha never taught a lineage beginning with Mahakashyapa.

Often people imagine that the Buddha taught such and such.  But more than likely the evidence is not there.  When the evidence is not there, many times revisionism rears its ugly head.  I am never surprised to see how much of it goes on in modern Buddhism.


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How to Have An Instantaneous Spiritual Awakening

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Kip Mazuy

It is possible to have an instantaneous spiritual awakening. And the process is quite simple.

If you do the following exercise with your complete attention, you can have an instantaneous spiritual awakening that can move you beyond the experience of body and mind identification to the experience of the Self. You will experience yourself as formless, conscious energy.

The first thing to understand is that you cannot realize the Self through the senses.You cannot taste the Self, see the Self, hear the Self, smell the Self and you cannot touch the Self.Consider this:

You have your eyes open.

You see and then label what you see.You think 'This is my body. This is my computer. I am using my hands to type on the computer.'

And so your mind immediately labels everything you see and you automatically assume that these labels are true. You see your hands; you call them your hands. And they appear very physical, very solid and separate from the keyboard that you are typing on.But close your eyes and be still.

From this point of stillness tell me about your hands. Without moving them or looking at them. If you can't see them, then where and what are they?You can say that you feel your hands resting on your mouse or keyboard. But what is that feeling? What is the sensation that you are calling your hands?

In order to have an instantaneous spiritual awakening, you have to forget the defining that they are your hands and actually experience what is here beyond the words. Experience what is here beyond the thinking. Beyond the five senses.With your eyes closed, forget the defining of your body and experience what you refer to as your body.Not a part of your body but the whole thing.With your eyes closed, there is the sensation that you are here, but instead of defining it as a body, as a name, simply feel it. Feel the sensation of what is here.Feeling without touching. Feeling without using words. Do this now.Here you experience something that you cannot define, you ca! nnot acc urately describe.Because what is here does not have boundaries and cannot be described by the senses.But there is an experience of existing.

There is the awareness of existing.Here, existing and awareness are one and the same. You cannot separate these three things. You are here, you are aware that you are here.This is not something that you can learn or understand. You have to close your eyes, let go of thinking and experience it right now.

Close your eyes and notice your experience of existing in this moment. You will instantaneously experience that what you are is not solid. What you are does not have boundaries. In fact, it feels like formless energy.

Here, you have moved beyond the mind and body. You have had an instantaneous spiritual awakening.

And you will see this spiritual awakening is not a state that comes and goes.This experience of existing beyond the mind and body is what is always here.

Now it is just a matter of keeping your focus here. Keeping you focus on this experience of yourself beyond the body and mind. The experience of formless energy.

If you followed this exercise, then you easily had an instantaneous spiritual awakening. And every time you practice this simple exercise, this feeling of the Self beyond mind and body will become more apparent, more clear and more blissful. It will lead to even greater spiritual awakenings.Blessings,Kip"

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Highly Recommended: Learn How to Awaken YourselfTo Your Natural State of Unconditional PeaceVisit

The Most Overlooked Secret to Dealing with Life’s Problems

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

How often have you been living life, happy and content, and then suddenly life slaps you in the face with something unexpected? We all have problems, and the truth of the matter is that problems will never go away. They will just change form.

One time you may be struggling with health, the next with money, and still the next with relationships. That is both the curse and blessing of life.

However, you don't have to suffer because everything isn't perfect in your life.

Behind the Scenes of Problems

Nothing becomes a problem until you label it so. You've probably noticed that different people have different opinions of what problems are, and how much attention should be given to any one thing. This means that problems exist in our heads, and that we create them, define them, and fear them.

I, for example, am great at worrying about problems that do not even exist, and I'm sure you're no different. But that doesn't change the fact that problems are made-up.

The Most Overlooked Secret
The secret to dealing with life's problems is to realize that they are illusions of our imagination. Sure, they feel very real. I'm not denying that.

Let's say you're driving your car merrily down the highway, until someone cuts you off. You might fly off the handle, or you might not. It will depend on how you perceive the situation. It's an excellent example of how some people create something to complain about where others are completely fine.

Life will always have "problems" and the way to deal with them is to let them be. You don't have to try to analyze, fantasize, or figure out your problems. Let them figure t! hemselve s out. The more you try, the more you fuel the problem, and the more miserable you become.

This doesn't mean you stop solving problems. It means you stop the compulsive worrying and fear-mongering inside your head.

How to Stop the Compulsive Worrying
You can stop the madness by simply staying present, and letting whatever happens be. This can be extremely hard if you bump into a problem that is important to you, but it is through those big problems that the biggest changes occur.

For example, I tend to freak out whenever something threatens my health. I can even go into a cold sweat, which I did a few weeks ago about a possible dental issue. But I remained present. I observed the freak out within my own body and mind without fueling it by thinking and trying to figure it out.

I was the observer of my thoughts, and you know what happened? The thoughts lost momentum and disappeared. The freak out ended within 30 minutes. Some people are so good at freaking out that it goes on for years, or even worse, their whole life.

Why is Life so Hard?

Life can seem tough from time to time, but it is through those tough times that you grow as a human being. It's uncomfortable, yup, but that's life.

It's a rollercoaster with both highs and lows, which we all have to live through, so you might as well learn how to deal with the lows. The more comfortable you become with life's problems, the more you'll enjoy life's gifts.

Life is what it is, and most of life's problems are created by us. The problems are events in our life, no one is denying that, but the extrapolation that we do freaks us out, and then we wonder why we feel so bad.

It's a life-long habit most of us have cultivated, which means we can change it. But change s! tarts wi th awareness.

So, today all I want you to do is be aware of how you worry and freak yourself out, then simply watch your thoughts. You will be pulled back into the drama of your mind, but gently pull your attention back to just watching what goes on.

Be kind to yourself, and enjoy both the highs and the lows.

Written on 2/26/2012 by Henri Junttila. Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where he shares his personal tips on how you can live the life you know you deserve. When you feel ready to take action, get his free course: How to Find Your Passion (And Build a Business Around It).Photo Credit: D'Arcy Norman

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How To Read Minds

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Greg Frost

Many people find the act of reading minds quite daunting; most of these individual give different sentiments when asked what they think about individuals who possess such talents. Any individual can gain the ability of how to read minds this is not an act for special people or for people who may have access to the spiritual world as many may explain the phenomenon. Reading minds is influenced by laws of attractions which are ever present with us; laws of attraction determine who we are, what we are and even the future we expect to have. The subject on universal laws of attraction a thorny issue among people today; however individual who take sides to downplay effects of laws of attraction ignore the fact that this force influences each and every individual be it a child or an adult. Every individual's personality and lifestyle is determined by issues they've had to go through in different stages of their lives. People reason and act from emotions and feelings locked inside their subconscious mind. Anyone interested in learning how to read minds should first and foremost understand basic concepts of how the mind operates to take effect its functions.

There are quite a number of books which have been written about the functions of the mind and how one can develop their minds to perform desired acts. Emphasis on possibilities in anything an individual sets their minds to do is the primary influence of affecting any self development act. Reading books and other motivational articles are basis for which the mind creates belief systems towards what an individual desires. It is important to read books and articles which are written by good reputable writers. Anyone interested in affecting any self development act should be aware of the fact that reaching a desired target does not happen overnight and that they'll need to be consistent in anything they set their minds to do.

Universal laws of attraction aid in influencing personal development acts; the subject on effects of universal laws of ! attracti on create lots of buzz among individual today, however research has it that these forces work whether an individual is aware or not. People seek to get information about laws of attraction turn favor on their side in that they learn and affect natural forces to work for their advantage.

Universal laws of attraction set basis under which certain mind talents are influenced, for instance, reading mind connotes the synchronization of body mind and soul in order to seek to learn what someone else may be thinking about; people who've reached advanced stages of reading minds can tell sentiments exuded by a group of people in a given setting. Individuals who are interested in learning how to read minds should first and foremost do research about the subject before affecting any kind of self development act to this effect. Mind reading is a vital acquired skill and be of great help to anyone who may be interested in success in different areas of their lives.

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Noah Levine "Meditation"

Noah Levine at Omega Institute Access more free related digital content: Noah Levine holds a master of arts degree in counseling psychology and is the author of Dharma Punx and Against the Stream. He has studied with many prominent teachers in the Theravadan and Mahayanan Buddhist traditions, and was trained to teach meditation by Jack Kornfield of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. Levine teaches nationwide and leads groups in juvenile halls and prisons. He lives in Los Angeles.

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/26/2012

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

"If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace."

~Thich Nhat Hanh

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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What reduces your stress

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Ellen Miller

Yoga of Light --Trailer

In this elegant and enlightening presentation, award winning author, educator and performing artist Sharron Rose introduces the feminine based Yoga of Light, an ancient science and spiritual practice of physical and spiritual revitalization. Rooted in her extensive research and first-hand experience in womens mysteries and the mystic arts of Tantra and Alchemy, Ms. Rose introduces a system of yogic training based upon the unique dynamics of the female energy field. This consists of meditations for relaxation and stress reduction, visualizations for cleansing, restoring and protecting the physical body and luminous energy field that surrounds it, mudras (sacred gestures) designed to depict the flow of subtle energy through the luminous field, and exercises to enhance visionary capacity and align women with the most powerful and profound feminine role model the Great Goddess. Segments include; Yoga of Light, Cleansing the Luminous Body, Igniting the Inner Fire, Awakening the Serpent Power, Opening the Heart and Healing the Luminous Body.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Why It Is Important To Understand The Science Of Mind Before Affecting Any Self Development Act

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

Understanding the functions of the brain is quite important to any individual who may be interested in achieving any success in life. Understanding how the mind and brain works aids an individual influence issues that are beneficial to the mind to help it think in a rationale way. It is very important for individuals who may be interested in attaining any kind of success to seek information on science of mind. Such information is readily available in a number of sources in the internet, however it is always recommended for individuals to get such information from good reputable sites which are known to display good unbiased information on how individual can influence their minds in attaining success they desire in their lives.

There are quite a number of individual who've made teaching individuals how to attain success through affecting mind power their life goals. Any successful individual in any field confides the effects of mind power as the main drive force to the kind of success they enjoy in their lives. There is no limit to what you can achieve when you engage your mind to enforce positive thoughts towards something you totally wish to achieve in life. Many people find it hard to achieve goals because of wrong mental setups in their minds, wrong mental attitude and negative thoughts before engaging any activity results to unpleasant results at the end of the day.

Anyone interested in affecting self development acts to change any mental thought setups should first and foremost have a detailed plan on how they wish such to be effected. Failing in any self development act can be quite disheartening and can kill an individual's drive in attaining desired result. It is very important for individuals interested in affecting self development act to have a detailed plan and course of action on how they wish to deliver the kind of results they wish to achieve. It is also very important to understand the effects of universal laws of attraction in any self development act; people who've l! earnt an d have means to manipulate effects of laws of attraction find the perfect means of achieving desired success.

Most people have reserved sentiments about effects of laws of attraction; however research has it that an individual's ability is curved around his ability to think positive and attract relevant universal laws effects. Understanding the science of the mind helps individuals influence relevant thoughts which are beneficial to that individual's ability in performing successful acts. It is very important for any individual who may be interested in attaining successful acts through affecting the power of the mind to understand that results do not happen overnight and that one has to be consistent and also resilient if they are to achieve the desired self development act.

There is no limit to what the mind can achieve; in fact most people have accredited their minds in performing unbelievable acts such as mind reading, telepathy and even self healing activities. For anyone interested in achieving any self development act through affecting science of the mind then they should first and foremost work towards developing a strong belief system to what they wish to achieve.

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My 4 Vipassana Retreats Experience

My Vipassana Meditation Silent Retreat experiences. Do you want to know how to meditate? Meditation is the key to mindfulness and relaxation. Many people use different meditations as a method of expanding their spirituality. Many meditations promote relaxation, such as pranayama and various yoga poses but if you want to achieve an advanced spirituality and mindfulness one needs to develop their understanding of dhamma. Dhamma is the key to mindfulness and so I recommend that you participate in a goenka 10 day retreat. These retreats will teach you how to meditate for spiritual mindfulness through the understanding of dhamma.

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Beginner Meditation Made Easy with Simple Techniques

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

by miheco

Article by Jonsonmak

It is pretty difficult for the meditation beginners to find the most suitable meditation technique for them. The beginner meditation technique must be chosen according to one's personal goals, time schedule and life style. It is a common belief that certain postures of sitting, difficult hand movements and chanting are a must while meditating. But the best result can be ensured without following these much touted methods as depicted in popular media.I am not saying that meditating in a Buddhist temple or practicing restrained breathing with the monks or chanting "Om" is not good for the beginners. You may listen to long droning of a long-bearded person with rapt attention. Sea of wisdom may enrich your knowledge. But will this pedantry cater to your practical needs? That is why it is very important to chose the right beginner meditation technique that easily fits your daily routine.Often the beginners are suggested to buy CDs or Books that guide them how to meditate. But these books or CDs for beginner meditation often contain unnecessary details that will be of no use to the beginners. Moreover, the meditation CDs and books are often filled with complicated instructions and difficult postures that are hard to follow by those who are new in this field. One point is common to all these books and CDs and that is they advise the beginners to think nothing in order to transpose them to the meditative stages.In reality, it is very hard for the novices to let the roaming thoughts pass away. The more they try to tame their nagging worries, the more unsettled they become. Mediation is all about ensuring mental comfort and calmness. But being too much focused on techniques, the beginners fail to fulfill these objectives. So, beginner meditation must be easy so that they can imbibe the technique with effortless ease. Training the beginners as to how to meditate is not easy. Complicated words must be avoided and instructions must be provided in layman's language. Moreover, books or CDs on"How to medita! te for b eginners" must contain the easy-to-perform postures.Whatever technique of beginner meditation you follow, make sure to meditate in a serene place. Selection of place is of paramount importance. Meditation is a way to get relief from hustle-bustle, toil-moil of everyday life and for that, meditating in a tranquil ambience is a must for the beginners. The beginners tend to succumb to the invading thoughts while meditating. It will take time for you to sweep out the troubles, control your mind and experience peace. But with regular practice of beginner meditation, you can expect to get amazing result within a very short timeframe.Do not follow the conventional rule of sitting in a lotus position with folded legs if you feel uneasy. Meditation is all about relaxing both your body and mind. Make it a point to meditate in a comfortable place and posture. The basic concept of an effective technique for beginner meditation is to help the beginners learn the art of harmonizing the brain functions and mental thoughts as quickly as possible.

About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on How to meditate for beginners & beginner meditation. For more information he always recommends to visit

Effective Methods Used To Reprogram The Subconscious Mind

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

Subconscious mind is an integral part of the complete human being, the subconscious control almost 90 percent of an individual personality. What you think or envision is a general factor of the subconscious mind. For most people this may not be as positive as it should, this because due to some events in the individual's life negative thought patterns might have developed. The subconscious mind learns and adapts to external happenings around an individual life's setting. However, means and ways to induct positive messages into the subconscious mind are available through certain brain communication techniques. The main aim this technique uses is to induce prearranged messages into the subconscious mind causing it to initiate a learning process which is effective in affecting a desired lifestyle. Some of the ways used to reprogram the mind utilizes messages that are important in forming desired thought patterns. Below is a list of top methods used by these techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind.

Positive Affirmation

Positive affirmation are phrases stated in an inner conversation within an individual, this done to affirm or tell the subconscious mind something is true or rather rubber stamp a specific fact. These affirmations are stated daily through specific subconscious message induction sounds or images. Sooner or later the mind picks the messages as reality, helping an individual achieve whatever the affirmation states.


A decree is form of affirmation phrase spoken out loud to establish a desired mental thought pattern. Decrees are best done in private rooms or secluded parks.


Visualization is where you envision your mind for a desired success already achieved, this acts in the same way affirmation works but it's quite stronger in some instances.

Visual reminders

Visual reminders couples both visualization and decrees, this is much more powerful since an individual writes down ideas often resulting to focus towards a d! esired g oal.

Different Tone

This connotes singing through affirmations in form of songs or music, this is a very strong way of reprogramming the mind. Works the same way as when you find a specific tune singing in your mind all day long.

The Mirror

Look at the image of yourself in the mirror and you speak positive affirmations.

Mentioned above are some of the most used techniques an individual may use to achieve reprogramming of the subconscious mind. However should you be interested in the most fast and effective subconscious reprogramming technique then you may get interested in purchasing subliminal products. Subliminal technology is quite effective in inducting desired subliminal messages into the subconscious mind, the technique requires no efforts, all you need to do is get some subliminal album and play subliminal sounds. There are different kinds of subliminal products all effective in giving desired results, for instance if you need to loose weight, weight loss subliminal products can be a great way to overcome the problem at hand. Subliminal products are available in subliminal websites on the internet, you need to do some simple web search to get good subliminal website merchants, reprogramming the subconscious mind can be quite easy when done on subliminal therapy.

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How to Meditate by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

The practice of mindfulness/awareness meditation is common to all Buddhist traditions. Beyond that, it is common to, inherent in, all human beings. In meditation we are continuously discovering who and what we are. That could be quite frightening or quite boring, but after a while, all that slips away. We get into some kind of natural rhythm and begin to discover our basic mind and heart. Often we think about meditation as some kind of unusual, holy or spiritual activity. As we practice that is one of the basic beliefs we try to overcome. The point is that meditation is completely normal: it is the mindful quality present in everything we do. The main thing the Buddha discovered was that he could be himself--one hundred percent, completely. He did not invent meditation; there was nothing particularly to invent. The Buddha, "the awakened one," woke up and realized that he did not have to try to be something other than what he was. So the complete teaching of Buddhism is how to re-discover who we are. That is a straightforward principle, but we are continuously distracted from coming to our natural state, our natural being. Throughout our day everything pulls us away from natural mindfulness, from being on the spot. We're either too scared or too embarrassed or too proud, or just too crazy, to be who we are. This is what we call the journey or the path: continuously trying to recognize that we can actually relax and be who we are. So practicing meditation begins by ...

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Forget Managing Stress: Reduce and Eliminate It

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Amanda Goldsmith

For your enjoyment, we offer the following assortment of Stress Reduction Techniques:

* Breaks: Take a break. step away from whatever it is you're doing. All it takes is just a few moments away from a stressful situation for you to regenerate and replenish yourself. A brief time-out will help dissipate heated emotions, clear your mind, calm your body, and prepare you to handle whatever you're about to go back into with all your resources mustered.

* Physical Activity - A wide assortment of activities exist that effectively reduce and eliminate stress: meditation, massage, hypnosis, prayer, walking and hiking, Yoga, Tai-Chi, weightlifting, running and jogging, playing sports, reading.

* Humor - Laughter truly is the best medicine. Even a little smile takes a load off. Watch a funny movie or TV show. Tell a joke. Recall something funny that happened to you or someone you know once.

* Treats - Needs some pampering, some love? Give it to yourself, don't wait for it to come from outside of you. Experiencing fun and enjoyment, and receiving pleasure alleviate stress. You don't have to break the bank to do it either; a warm bath, a cup of tea, a home-cooked meal will do it.

* Organization - Oftentime we think of stress as something that "piles up". Usually its tasks, obligations, expectations, and responsibilities that pile up. Stress doesn't pile up; it builds. To eliminate this affect, prioritize those tasks you have before you. Make a plan, a schedule, for realistically accomplishing those tasks one step at a time, with the most immediate, pressing, or requisite one(s) first. Having a well-organized and thought-out plan of action frees you from the overwhelming vastness of the bigger picture and allows you to focus on what's before you now: that easy and achieveable next step.

* Learn to Say No - Your world's not going to fall apart if you don't do everything asked or demanded of you. Learn to choose which tasks merit your attention and which don't. Learn to kn! ow when you've neared your limits and take responsibility for keeping yourself from extending them too far. Your responsibility is to yourself, first and foremost. If you're not taking care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else. So say "Yes" to what takes care of you first. Then, if it won't cause you stress (and only then), consider saying "Yes" to helping satisfy the needs of another.

* Learn to Ask for Help - If learning to say 'No' is about releasing guilt, then learning to ask for help is about releasing pride; and releasing both guilt and pride include releasing shame. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it takes great courage to face your weaknesses and make yourself vulnerable to the potential judgment of another. But if you don't judge yourself; it's difficult for another to judge you, or if they do, for their judgment to adversely affect you. Extending yourself outward openly to receive the support, guidance, and assistance of another is a powerful act: one that creates an opportunity for another human being to give the greatest gift of all - service to another. Learn to enjoy asking for help, for it enriches everyone involved.

* Sleep - Nothing can replace adequate rest. If you find yourself oversleeping, then recognize and act upon the problem. But if you're losing sleep, denying yoursef sleep, or simply not sleeping soundly, allowing yourself to take time out to try and get some restful sleep is not only okay, it's imperative.

* Loved Ones - Spending time around people you love who love you is a nurturing and nourishing act that benefits you all.

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Yoga DVDs 101 - Spirituality While Your Getting Fit

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Joshua Killingsworth

The sheer availability of yoga DVDs says something to the popularity of the practice. Because yoga is part of a larger Hindu tradition whose goal is spiritual enlightenment through use of the body and the breath, the original yogis never had firming their things, building muscles, or getting six-pack abdomens in mind when they developed the practice. Yet because the industry of fitness videos often gears itself toward a weight- and muscle- conscious demographic, we see yoga DVDs advertised accordingly. Thankfully, most instructors in the DVDs do get at the spiritual components of the practice, even though the yoga media market does not reflect the full breadth of lineages. We see four main kinds of yoga represented in instructional DVDs: Vinyasa Yoga, Power Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Prenatal Yoga.

Vinyasa, Power, Kundalini, and Prenatal Yoga fall under the umbrella of Hatha Yoga, which is represented most basically in the standard Vinyasa DVDs. Hatha yoga begins with a series of progressive asanas, or poses, which form a sequence called a vinyasa. The vinyasas then give way to more held poses, balances, and inversions. The Hatha Yoga practice always ends with a back-bend, and then finally, shavasana, or final resting pose. This sequence just described is always central to Vinyasa DVDs, and largely informs the other DVDs, as well.

Power Yoga, traditionally called Ashtanga, involves a faster, more strenuous form of Yoga similar to Vinyasa Yoga. Often advertised as a fat-burning yoga, Power Yoga is designed to create more heat in the body, make you sweat more, and even to provide a challenging cardiovascular workout. The ultimate goal of Ashtanga Yoga is of course stillness of mind, which the instructors of the DVDs will share. Marketing, however will probably gear these DVDs toward building muscle and burning fat.

Kundalini Yoga, which is said to be the first kind of yoga ever developed, has also become popular in the mainstream DVD market. Although part of the Hatha family of yog! a, it ma y appear quite different. The poses of Kundalini Yoga often flow more whimsically from one position to the next, evoking the notion of play. The goal of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken the Kundalini, or coiled serpent-like energy at the base of the spine.

Prenatal Yoga DVDs are also quite popular, and the practice has emerged as its own form of yoga. First developed for adolescent boys, a traditional Hatha Yoga practice is not compatible with the changing body of a pregnant woman. Although pregnant women can use regular Yoga DVDs, they ought to be aware of the modifications used in prenatal DVDs so that they can experience the benefits of yoga, while being good to the little yogi growing inside.

Using yoga DVDs can give you a taste of the different forms of yoga, and is certainly the less expensive option. For the full experience of yoga, many instructors and practitioners, alike, will maintain that nothing competes with having a teacher guide your practice.

About the Author Is The Home Of Yoga

How To Achieve Power To The Subconscious Mind

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Greg Frost

True success comes from brain through power to the subconscious mind; most people may debate this fact but then the truth still remains the mind plays an integral part in an individual lifestyles. People who dispute this may reason that fate is the only true explanation of success; on the other hand People who believe in the power of the mind and influences of mind therapies believe that one has the power to choose their destiny. Well, each side has strong points to argue about their belief and stance, however more logic and reason falls in favor of the people who believe the power of the subconscious mind. Many people who've ever engaged the power of the mind attest its effects in manifesting desired results. Positive affirmations are the basis of creating a strong subconscious mind.

Anyone new to mind alternating activities should first and foremost seek information which relates to the specific therapy they wish to achieve; for instance an individual interested in curbing procrastination should find prior knowledge about how the therapy they wish to affect cures procrastination tendencies. This information is very important as it creates familiarity grounds which are effective in initiating the therapy as the mind is more likely to accept information on familiarity grounds. New information introduced to the mind goes through lots of scrutiny before it's allowed into the subconscious mind. However, some therapies such as subliminal and brainwave technology create bypasses to the subconscious mind. Anyone affecting subliminal technology affects direct induction of subliminal messages into their minds.

Subliminal technology is quite complicated but yet quite effectual in self development acts; anyone whose ever engage subliminal technology in curbing or developing mind acts has something positive to write home about the technology. Subliminal is a sure way of achieving mind alteration acts and unlike yoga and hypnosis one does not have to go through trances to achieve the desired resu! lt. Subl iminal products come in quite a number of shapes and forms, it is important for an individual to have a clear idea of the specific therapy they wish for intended therapy. For instance, anyone interested in curbing addiction should seek a particular subliminal technology product for the intended therapy. Some of the popular addictions subliminal are smoking subliminal, weight loss addiction etc. For effective therapy one may have to combine two subliminal therapies so as to achieve one common goal.

It is imperative for anyone seeking subliminal therapy to find assistance about the specific subliminal product they need. There are quite a number of avenues one can seek to find such assistance the common one being the auction outlet one intends to purchases subliminal from. Engaging a subliminal expert from the site of purchase is quite beneficial especially if you need some combination of subliminal therapies. Some of these sites stock free subliminal products for sampling purpose, visiting such sites can be quite beneficial when one's making decision of the product to purchase. It is possible to achieve power to the subconscious mind and the only fast and easy way of achieving positive self development therapy in mind alteration acts is by engaging subliminal technology.

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Easy Mantra Meditation

An easy Meditation for Peace of Mind: Repeat a Mantra while observing your breath. Develop a state of relaxed attentiveness. This is a kind of Mindfulness Meditation in combination with a Mantra. It is one of the most effective Meditation techniques, especially for beginners. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation, Tulsi is seen on the Video.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Learn Mind Control To Achieve Great Personal Success

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Greg Frost

The human mind is unique and most diversified form of multiple mechanisms also performs a multitasking ability to control. It takes a lot more abilities to perform all these functions and mind gets hanged with respect to time. Like physical labor, mental labor is also very tiring and tough. A person must learn mind control techniques for the relaxation of mind. Working day and mind perform different operation every part of the hour during the day and night it helps to control the vital activities of the body. Commanding is its essential functions, according to which all the statistics of the mind are controlled. There are many different programming techniques which help in controlling the activities of mind. Psychological experts and doctors advise some very useful brainwave technology techniques which helps in perfect adaptation of the surroundings.

Generating confidence level helps to control the mind in its functions, neglecting short issues and tensions can help to build control. Synchronizing schedules with day to day activities, it also helps in making influential image. Manipulating human tactics support the control of mind as it is a base responsibility of the brain. The silence in behavior also boosts the active mind control process resulting proper orientation in the thinking ability. To actually get influence others, and you need to believe you may do it. Or you can fail. Generally, gaining the self confidence is very essential to succeed in art of the influence.

At same time, it is important to show you are very confident and you need to show that with gestures & actions and with tone of voice. Successful practitioner acts very confidently and without any hesitation. He looks person in eye and he is not intimidated by anybody and he has clam & low voice tone. He speaks very slowly & determinedly and he doesn't reveal true emotions & intensions. Actually, there is not any proof that average therapist has been exposed to level of the knowledge a! bout how brain & mind actually work, and not to mention what will happen while one tries to play with and manipulate mindset. Hypnotherapist is not at all concerned whether mind & body are been synchronized because the goals of the hypnosis is for body being in the state of lethargy so mind and body will get 2 separate entities, and so to speak. The main premise of the brainwave technology is mind & body should be in the state of homeostasis so they are totally balance with one another.

Synchronize yourself with person that you try to influence.

When having and showing some confidence that allows you gain respect of person you would like to manipulate, synchronizing with him and allows you to build the rapport on subconscious level. Many people find that very difficult to manage the synchronization, whenever they learn the mind control, however with practice, brainwave technology is mastered. Best way, where you may synchronize yourself with somebody, is adopting breathing pattern. To do this, then you need to notice pattern.

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Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

Total Happiness - 2 of 5 - Ordinary & Extraordinary ~ Shinzen Young

In part two Shinzen talks about the mind and body experience and how our mindfulness skills relate to ordinary and extraordinary happiness. Perceived suffering equals intensity in the body divided by mindfulness. Fulfillment equals pleasure multiplied by mindfulness. Filmed in May 2009 at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Some Brilliant Meditation Techniques to Remain Cool & Calm

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

Spiritual Healing -- What Eventually Becomes A Physical Condition Stems From Mental And Emotional Problems.

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Hills

Spiritual Healing involves, at the most basic level, a willingness to be healed in the first place. Do you have to accept any concept of a God, or source of creation, or life energy, which is beyond human comprehension? No. Do we need to have a relationship with what some people call God? No, because whether we are conscious of a spiritual relationship or not, we automatically are connected to a higher design. Thus, spiritual healing works for all of us no matter what. Normally, spiritual healing is a process where energy is transmitted to the person who needs it. The treatment does not just work on the soul, but on body, mind and spirit, as all things are holistic, and are considered one unit. For good health this unit must be harmonized. Most health problems are Spiritual in nature. These issues stem from mental and emotional problems, which eventually become physical conditions.So what is spiritual healing?When a practitioner of an energy system, like WhiteLight Self-Empowerment, channels healing energy from its spiritual source to someone who needs it, this is called spiritual healing. The healing does not come from the healer at all, in terms of expending human energy, but through him or her from life force energy, or chi. On the other hand, you don't need a healer to take advantage of spiritual healing. You can learn to be your own healer. Just by changing the way you think can begin the healing process.Normally, body, mind, and spirit are all part of the greater whole and must work together in harmony. When this is the case you will remain healthy. We all have the ability to harness the power of spiritual healing. The best place to learn it, or receive it, is from WhiteLight Self-Empowerment.Heal the spirit, and everything else will follow. Perhaps your time has come?

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You should go here now to learn more about powerful energy healing:energy healing, or go here distance healing.

The Disappearance of Buddhism From India

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Arjanyai

In India, the Pala line was brought to an end in B.E. 1638 (1095 C.E.) by the anti-Buddhist Senas from the south. The Senas were Vaishnฺavite. They revived the orthodox Vaishnฺavism and supported the Tantric universities as institutions of learning and culture. The Sena kingdom of Bengal was short-lived; in B.E. 1742 (1199 C.E.) it was conquered by the Muslim Turks and Afghans. The fanatic invaders destroyed not only their political and military enemies, but all people and institutions of other faiths. Buddhist monks were mistaken as idolaters and cruelly murdered. All the shrines, monasteries, universities and schools were burnt and destroyed. At Nalanda the burning of the library continued for several months. Following are some passages from the book Tavakata recorded by the Muslim historian Minhazad:"In the middle of the city there was a temple larger and firmer than the rest, which can be neither described nor painted. The Sultan thus wrote respecting it : 'If any should wish to construct a building equal to this, he would not be able to do it without expending an hundred thousand red dinars, and it would occupy two hundred years, even though the most experienced and able workmen were employed.' The Sultan gave orders that all the temples should be burnt with naphtha and fire, and levelled with the ground."

"Many of the inhabitants of the place fled and were scattered abroad. Many of them thus effected their escape. and those who did not fly were put to death. Islam or death was the alternative that Mahmud placed before the people.""Most of the inhabitants of the place were brahmans with shaven heads (i.e., Buddhist monks). They were put to death. Large numbers of books were found there, and when the Muhammadans saw them, they called for some persons to explain their contents, but all the men had been killed."

"If they adopt our creed, well and good. If not, we put them to the sword. The Muhammadan forces began to kill and slaughter on the right and on the left unmercifully, t! hroughou t the impure land, for the sake of Islam and blood flowed in torrents. They plundered gold and silver to an extent greater than can be conceived. and an immense number of brilliant precious stones. They took captive a great number of handsome and elegant maidens, amounting to 20,000, and children of both sexes, more than the pen can enumerate."

"He fell upon the insurgents unawares, and captured them all, to the number of twelve thousand - men, women and children - whom he put to the sword. All their valleys and strongholds were overrun and cleared, and great booty captured. Thanks be to God for this victory of Islam."

"After wounding and killing beyond all measure, his hands and those of his friends became cold in counting the value of the plundered property. On the completion of his conquest he returned and promulgated accounts of the victories obtained for Islam, and every one, great and small, concurred in rejoicing over this result and thanking God."So the monks who escaped death fled to Nepal and Tibet. With the destruction of the Sangha, the lay Buddhists were left without guidance. As there was then little distinction left between the theories and practices of the Buddhists and those of the non-Buddhists, the Buddhists were slowly absorbed in the non-Buddhist communities through the pressure of the Hindu caste system and the Muslim forceful conversion. Buddhist shrines which escaped destruction were turned into Hindu temples. Thus it was that Buddhism disappeared from India. Today only a few isolated groups of Buddhists remain in Bengal, Assam, Orissa and parts of South India. Buddhism is almost a foreign religion in the land of its birth.The extinction of Buddhism from India at the time of the Turkish invasion led to a usual conclusion that Muslim persecution was the major cause of the disappearance of Buddhism from its homeland. Many even take it as support to a traditional charge that Islam is a religion of the sword which spread by the sword and was upheld by the sword. To confirm! this, t hey quote from the Koran (Al-Qur'an):

"Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful unto you" (2:212)"O prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is Hell, a hapless journey's end." (9:73)

"O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you twenty steadfast, they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a hundred steadfast, they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a folk without intelligence." (8:65)

"Truly, those who do not believe our verses we shall fry in the fire." (4:56)"Fight them then that there should be no sedition, and that the religion may be wholly God's." (8:40)"O ye who believe! it is only the idolaters who are unclean; they shall not then approach the Sacred Mosque after this year." (9:28)

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Buddhism in India

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Lose Weight Reducing Your Stress Level

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Tia Peterson

Although the rise of over-the-counter stress-relieving supplements are supposed to help you lose weight, none of that has been proven yet.

What DOES work is natural stress reduction, because the following activities are dual-purpose: they naturally relieve stress and work the body at the same time.

Emotional eating and over-eating have both been linked to high stress-levels, so it's crucial that you find ways to keep yourself from being stressed out, especially during this weight loss journey.

When you're losing weight, you should be happy! As your body sheds excess weight, start to feel motivated and relieve some of the outside pressures you're facing (and possibly get that monkey off your back once and for all).

Here are some easy, stress-reducing activities that will help you lose weight, also.

(1) Wake up early and take a walk.

It's summertime! Even if you live in a hot climate like Arizona, if you wake up early enough, you can take advantage of the beautiful sunrises and walk yourself awake. Waking up early adds more time to your day, and you can get more done with more time. Walking will provide your body with some early stimulation. Not only that, if you walk alone or take a pet along with you, you will give yourself some time to reflect on the day, and be present in the moment.

(2) Enroll in a beginner yoga class

If your instructor knows what he or she is doing, beginner yoga will be very effective for you. Yoga classes are supposed to allow students to move at their own pace and respond to their own bodies. You should not feel stressed out or pushed to do anything in a certain way. Learn to listen to your body and to breathe. Breathing has been proven to lower your pulse and relax your body. If you enroll in a class that meets after work, this will be a great way to wind down from the day.

(3) Eat lighter

Notice that I did not say eat less. Rather, the point is to eat lighter. After a heavy meal, your body will not respond as we! ll to ac tivity, which is why sometimes you feel sluggish even just cleaning up the kitchen. Try eating very light foods, such as green salads, airy veggies and flaky fish.

(4) Drink water

You hear this a lot because it's true. Drinking water will keep you hydrated - dehydration has been linked to headaches, nausea and moodiness. Staying hydrated will help your body remember to eat only when you are hungry, also.

(5) Play

Learn to play. If you are a workaholic, your chances of losing weight are slim. I have yet to read any studies of people losing tons of weight by working all of the time. Find an activity you enjoy that requires even a small amount of physical activity, such as walking around the park, playing frisbee or flying a kite. Enjoy this activity at least 3 times per week. Nothing is as important right now as your health, so make this a priority.

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Want more information like this to help you achieve healthy weight loss? Get your FREE guide, The Truth About Weight Loss, and other healthy weight loss information at

Spirit Voyage invites you to take a spiritual journey with Kundalini Yoga

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning "coil". Kundalini is the dormant life force that lies at the base of the spine in the Muladhara chakra. The Chakras in the human body are in shape of multicolored lotus petals or spoke wheels. The chakras whirl at various speeds and thus process the energy within the body. The chakras are connected to each other and throughout the body through the subtle channels called Naadis. When the Kundalini energy is awakened, it moves upward, piercing these chakras. There are seven major chakras in a human body and they are Muladhar Chakra, Swadhishtthan Chakra, Manipur Chakra, Anahat Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Aagya Chakra and Sahastrar Chakra. With the practice of the Kundalini Yoga, the life force (Prana) moves through these subtle channels of the body (Naadis) and reaches the center in the brain in the Sahastrar Chakra or Crown Chakra.

Kundalini Yoga is a path to holistic healing. Practicing Kundalini yoga liberates an aspirant from the veils of illusion (Maya) and enables him to surpass the effects of the earthly possessions. Kundalini yoga awakens the untapped energy in the base of the spine and drives it upwards to reach the Crown Chakra. As the potential energy reaches the Crown Chakra, the practitioner is enlightened with a divine insight and experiences the union with the Omnipotent. There are four stages in Kundalini awakening and they are - Arambha (Awakening stage), Ghata (Cleansing stage), Parichaya (Absorption stage) and Nishpatti (Final stage).

Kundalini Yoga involves practice of certain asanas, in combination with proper breathing techniques known as Pranayama. This proper breathing technique liberates the energy in the lower part of the body and allow it to move in the upward direction. The sequence with which the Kundalini energy moves up the body is known as the Kriyas. Kriyas involve repetitive movements of the body through different yoga postures and breathing in a specific way. Meditation is also a key part of Kundalini Yoga practice. M! editatio n channels the thoughts and awareness of the mind into a positive direction and spiritually transforms the inner state of mind.

Practicing Kundalini yoga not only leads an individual to the healthy life but also gifts enhanced intuition and mental clarity to him. In this regard, music plays an important role. It is an established fact that music has always been the best accelerator, healer and concentrator. Music helps to calm the senses and incites a peaceful feeling within oneself. A soothing music penetrates deep into a wandering mind and binds it to a fixed focus. In the process, music enhances one's ability to concentrate and helps him in meditating. Music connects an individual to higher spheres and open meditative and religious moods in him. Right kind of meditation music invokes powerful and inspiring mood and creates an apt ambiance for meditation.

It is also a recognized fact that music and sound have a profound effect on the feeling and mental states of an individual. There is an inseparable relationship between music and yoga. Since ancient times, in ashramas, various musical instruments were used that supported the yoga training. In contemporary times as well, different kinds of yoga music invoke strong moods and influence the subtle energy fields within the practitioner and direct their consciousness towards higher realms. Today, there are various record label companies offering Yoga DVDs and CDs that helps in your daily yoga sessions. Through the repeated melodies, chants and hymns, the yoga music creates an apt environment for practicing yoga. These CDs also contain verbal instructions about different yoga asanas and thus almost become a devotional text for the practitioner. Spirit Voyage is one such pioneer company which is into offering a diverse range of music CDs and DVDs for yoga and meditation. The company also offers various yoga accessories like yoga apparels for men and women, yoga mats, yoga cushions, yoga rugs and yoga books.

With the different Kundalini Yoga ! DVDs and Kundalini Yoga music, Spirit Voyage paves a spiritual path that leads the listening mind to unite with the divine. Spirit Voyage's Kundalini Music contains Gurmukhi chant, mantras and Kirtan that ideal for yoga and meditation. The meditation music collection of Spirit Voyage includes Kundalini Sadhana Music, music for relaxation, healing and massage therapy music and many more. The artistes of Spirit Voyage like Satkirin Kaur Khalsa, GuruGanesha Singh, Deva Premal, Snatam Kaur, Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa and others have a deep spiritual connection with their music. With the pleasant sound of music these artistes lead the listener's mind to a mystic height.

Kundalini Yoga is an effective technique for connecting yourself to Divine Universal Energy. It opens your spiritual heart, heals you from within and enable you to attain the higher consciousness. Diffuse your mind and soul with the supreme consciousness with the Spirit Voyage Kundalini Yoga DVDs, Kundalini Sadhana Music and Kundalini Yoga books.

About the Author

The author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga for other yoga forms.


Posted: 25 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Marc Platters

Meditation offers a balance between understanding and transforming personal issues and awakening to universal truths. To meditate is to engulf ourselves towards the path of pure awareness. Meditation is also known to be asone of the proven alternative therapies.Hence meditation should be carried on everywhere and anywhere in so that you can live most of your time in a meditation retreat without disturbing your routine.You can incorporate the technique of meditation retreatat any hour of the day while carrying out your day-to-day activities, without restricting yourself to certain hour or place. Meditation being an inner activity can be enjoyed at any circumstance and one can be in a meditative state of mind for long. It is purely another way to grow spiritually and mentally.After the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and overwhelmed. Do you often feel like not just the time during the day to do everything. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can also affect human health. We are often so busy that I do not think that the time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives more time making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minutes meditating on the breath, as the following can help overcome stress and find inner peace and balance.Meditation can also help us understand our own mind. We can learn to transform our mind from negative to positive peace, abnormal and unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of transforming meditation in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy all day, not only while sitting in meditation.On this site you can learn the basics of Buddhist meditation. Some books are listed to help deepen your understanding if you want to explore more. Everyone can benefit from meditation given here, Buddhist or not. We hope you find this site useful and learn to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from med! itation. To meditate while engaged in other activities you need to be trained in meditation and must be a daily practitioner. Meditation initially requires a quiet place inorder to gain the art of practicing it everywhere. Always practice in the space that has already been used for meditation as it has a high energy level . It also helps you to enter the state of meditation easily.Inmeditation retreat it is preferable that you do not draw any undue attention as it may hinder your process. While meditating it is important that you pay attention only to your consciousness and awareness inorder to experience the feeling and sensation of being alive, existing and uplifted. Ignore the thoughts of your mind and learn to be aware of what lies beyond them. Initially it may be difficult but a few moments are even enough.This kind of meditation is independent of the mind and body, which is why it does not interfere with any other activities. It creates a process of self-awareness that keeps you uplifted by accompanying you and becomes an integral part of your conscious hours.

About the Author

Marc Platters is expert in providing information related to Yoga Retreats and would guide in getting professional yoga teacher training.

Yoga and Meditation Wrong?

I discuss a conversation on Facebook and an article about Yoga written from the Christian perspective. Geez, are Christians allowed to do anything? Yoga Exercises and the Christian:

Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Trusting your feelings leads to more accurate predictions of the future

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

A forthcoming article in the Journal of Consumer Research by Professor Michel Tuan Pham and Leonard Lee of Columbia Business School, and Andrew Stephen of the University of Pittsburgh, finds that a higher trust in feelings may result in more accurate predictions about a variety of future events. The research will also be featured in Columbia Business School's Ideas at Work in late February 2012. In the research, the researchers conducted a series of eight studies in which their participants were asked to predict various future outcomes, including the 2008 U.S. Democratic presidential nominee, the box-office success of different movies, the winner of American Idol, movements of the Dow Jones Index, the winner of a college football championship game, and even the weather. Despite the range of events and prediction horizons (in terms of when the future outcome would be determined), the results across all studies consistently revealed that people with higher trust in their feelings were more likely to correctly predict the final outcome than those with lower trust in their feelings. The researchers call this phenomenon the emotional oracle effect.

Across studies, the researchers used two different methods to manipulate or measure how much individuals relied on their feelings to make their predictions. In some studies, the researchers used an increasingly standard trust-in-feelings manipulation originally developed by Tamar Avnet, PhD '04 and Professor Michel Pham based on earlier findings by Norbert Schwarz of the University of Michigan and his colleagues. In other studies, the researchers simply measured how much participants typically relied on their feelings in general when making predictions. Regardless of the method used, participants who trusted their feelings in general or were induced to trust their feelings experimentally were more accurate in their predictions compared to participants with lower trust in their in their feelings and participants in a control group.

In one study involving the Clinton-Obama contest in 2008, high-trust-in-feelings respondents predicted correctly for Obama about 72 percent of the time compared with low-trust respondents, who predicted for Obama about 64 percent of the time – a striking result given that major polls reflected a very tight race between Clinton and Obama at that time. For the winner of American Idol, the difference was 41 percent for high-trust-in-feelings respondents compared to 24 percent for low-trust respondents. In another study participants were even asked to predict future levels of the Dow Jones stock market index. Those who trusted their feelings were 25 percent more accurate than those who trusted their feelings less.

The researchers explain their findings through a "privileged window" hypothesis. Professor Michel Pham elaborates on the hypothesis. "When we rely on our feelings, what feels 'right' or 'wrong' summarizes all the knowledge and information that we have acquired consciously and unconsciously about the world around us. It is this cumulative knowledge, which our feelings summarize for us, that allows us make better predictions. In a sense, our feelings give us access to a privileged window of knowledge and information – a window that a more analytical form of reasoning blocks us from."

In accordance with the privileged window hypothesis, the researchers caution that some amount of relevant knowledge appears to be required to more accurately forecast the future. For example, in one study participants were asked to predict the weather. While participants who trusted their feelings were again better able to predict the weather, they were only able to do so for the weather in their own zip codes, not for the weather in Beijing or Melbourne. Professor Leonard Lee explains this is because "…they don't possess a knowledge base that would help them to make those predictions." As another example, only participants who had some background knowledge about the current football season benefited from trust in feelings in predicting the winner of the national college football BCS game.

Thus, if we have a proper knowledge base, the future need not be totally indecipherable if we simply learn to trust our feelings.

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The Vajra Guru (Padmasambhava) Mantra (108 Reps)

Please watch in High Quality (low EQ is so blurry) Buddhist mantra from Tibet (in Sanskrit) " I invoke you , the Vajra Guru , Padmasambhava, by your blessing may you grant us ordinary and supreme siddhis." "The mantra of Padmasambhava is the mantra of all the Buddhas, masters, and realized beings, and so uniquely powerful for peace, for healing, for transformation and for protection in this violent, chaotic age. "Although we are not able to see Padmasambhava in person, his wisdom mind has manifested in the form of mantra; these twelve syllables are actually the emanation of his wisdom mind, and they are endowed with his entire blessing. The Vajra Guru Mantra is Padmasambhava in the form of sound." "The name of Padmasambhava, literally means "born of the lotus flower." This means to be born fully illuminated. "Boddhisattva Padmasambhava has been a Great Teacher for aeons and aeons of time. Under his direct and indirect tutelage are also Taoist immortals and yogis, the siddhas and mahasiddhas in India, and other great spiritual teachers from other traditions." "OM is the Cosmic Mind, The Mind of the Cosmos, The Mind of the Universe .. AH means to attract the Divine Powers HUM is the manifestation in the physical world on Earth. The Gross, the Visible SIDDHI means accomplishment, achievement, attainment. HUM also represents the wisdom mind of the Buddhas, "The Divine Sound Hum works like a catalyst in the mantra to brings into reality ...

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All About Spiritual Healing

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Amy Twain

There are two questions that this article will try to answer in the most basic of terms. What is spiritual healing and what does a spiritual healer do? There are in fact several concepts or ideas being held on what is spiritual healing all about. Thoughts that try to picture out spiritual healing as falling down and speaking in tongues, laying on of hands or even psychic surgery, just to name a few. Yet spiritual healing is actually much more than the "side show" theater that we are usually used to seeing or hearing. This healing displays or demonstrates itself in the mental, physical, emotional and religious change in the person.

These changes could be very deep and easily noticed by other people or they could also be too subtle and only felt or perceived by the individual making the changes or alterations. This healing is a profound and an elemental change in how we see ourselves, the world and God. It uplifts an individual above themselves in order for them to be able to view all things from a whole new point of view or perspective. Finding inner peace in calming the emotions is another facet or phase of change that is viewed as an individual experiences the whole process of spiritual healing.

Going from physical sickness into a state or condition of being recovered is a part of spiritual awakening. The most dramatic part of the entire process is when the individual is able to see a clearer vision of God and how we can relate to God and to one another. This total feeling of brotherhood and being unified redefines the life of a person and their direction in terms of their interpersonal relationships, their professional life and their religious growth. So, do not be fooled or deceived by the theatrics of "psychic" types, because growth in spirituality is a very quiet and intimate form of pursuit.

A healer has the skill or ability to "see" the individual as a whole greater than the sum of their parts. A spiritual healer is the one facilitating this entire process. The job of ! the heal er is to support and assist in removing the blocks to the growth of a person. It is also his job to retain the growth process for as long as his client wants to practice change in his life. A healer can only see the client once or twice or like any trusted adviser or confidant to play a part in the life of a person for many years.

How the healer does their jobs or perform their roles may vary from one healer to another. Most accomplished spiritual guides have the skill to perceive the blocks which are causing the problems or difficulties in the lives of their clients; the blocks could be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. Through a process of talking to provide the energy and consciousness work the client is brought from a state or condition of dis-ease to one of balance.

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The author of this article,Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching people around the globe for many years. Let Amy help you find Your Inner Beauty. Click href="">HERE to be beautiful inside out.

The Primacy of Consciousness (2 of 7)

For a higher quality and full version of this presentation please go to a beautiful presentation by Peter Russell illustrating that the fundamental nature of reality is consciousness for more please visit

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Thich Nhat Hanh explains why a spiritual revolution is needed to protect nature

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Jo Confino, the Guardian: Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has been practising meditation and mindfulness for 70 years and radiates an extraordinary sense of calm and peace. This is a man who on a fundamental level walks his talk, and whom Meditations revere as a Bodhisattva; seeking the highest level of being in order to help others.

Ever since being caught up in the horrors of the Vietnam war, the 86-year-old monk has committed his life to reconciling conflict and in 1967 Martin Luther King nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize, saying "his ideas for peace, if applied, would build a …

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KIRTAN INTER-FAITH Shalom Tare Ram - JaiMa James My Interfaith Song "Toward The One" which I Composed honoring the Mystical Heart of five major Religions I include a little slide show I just completed-- representing these 5 mystical Traditions.... Meditation Muslim Christian Jewish Hindu shabad kirtan I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR COMMENTS! THANKS I recorded it back in 2001 JaiMa James--Harmoniun & Lead Vocals Talia Marcus-- Violin Carol Ann Hunner-- Guitar & Vocals This song is part of a collection of Music That was used for the Book-Signing tour of a wonderful book "Mystics, Masters, Saints and Sages" Stories of Enlightenment By my Friends Robert Ullman and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman (who have also written extensively in their field of Homeopathy) I've enjoyed listening to many recording artist like Krishna Das Jai Uttal nusrat fateh ali khan Deva Premal Iscon devotees the videos of the Ramayana... Bollywood scores In my Love for sacred art and devotional song I've put together simple slide shows(in my various videos) with a variety of Images of the Major Wisdom Tradions.. and song-chants including Tara Om tare tuttare ture swaha Anandamayi ma Ramana Maharshi Yogananda Amma Ammachi sivananda Jesus Mother Mary Padre Pio Mother Theresa tree of life Rumi sikh maha mantra whirling dervish Lakshmi Devi Sita Ram Rumi Radha Krishna Papaji Kirtans interfaith art Neem karoli Baba Hazrat Inyat Khan Samuel Lewis St.Therese Various other Mystics

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Indian Buddhism in China and Tibet Part 2

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Arjanyai

In the rest of India, however, Hinduism, by this time, had gained ground against Buddhism. There were many causes of the decline of Buddhism. Under the rule of some Hindu kings, Buddhists were persecuted. Some other Hindu rulers supported Buddhist institutions, but as centres of learning and culture. Since the time of King Asoka, the Sangha had become materially prosperous both through royal patronage and through the support of wealthy people. Life in the monasteries was comfortable and easy, and increasingly attracted large numbers of new members who joined the Sangha as a means of gaining a living and some of whom brought with them their old ways of thought and preached their own false theories. As these corrupt persons could not be entirely expelled from the Order, it led to the division of Buddhism, the weakness of the Sangha, and the undesirable developments of the Doctrine.

Moreover, in later days, when the Buddhist universities were prosperous, monks crowded into these centres of learning and isolated themselves from the common people. They became used to lax and easy life and gave up the original ideals of renunciation and sacrifice. When the Mahayana became stronger, the monks were devoted more and more to philosophical speculations and religious celebrations. Hindu ideas and practices crept in. The number of Bodhisattvas, gods and goddesses increased together with various modes of worship and a new literature to explain them. Superstitious beliefs, devotionalism and the use of magical charms and rituals were encouraged while there was a decline in the importance of ethic. This unhealthy development which was called Tantrism took shape in the twelfth Buddhist century and became stronger in later centuries.

Before very long it made Buddhism nearly indistinguishable from Hinduism. In the meantime, Sankara (B.E. 1331-1881 or 788 - 838 C.E.), a great Hindu philosopher, made use of the Madhyamika and Yogacara ideas of Nagarjuna and Asanga to form his own philosophy, and borrowed f! rom the Buddhists the idea of establishing Hindu monasteries (Matฺh or Matฺha) as centres of education, propagation and social programmes as the Buddhists had done. They were at first located near famous shrines to serve also as rest-places for pilgrims. Thus while Buddhism degenerated into a Hinduized form, lost its good name and became weaker and weaker, Hinduism absorbed from it good elements and sprang again to freshness as a reformed religion. Some Buddhist monasteries were even turned into Hindu institutions.

THE RISE AND FALL OF SRIVIJAYA AND CHAMPAThe form of Buddhism which flourished under the Pala kings was also the degenerate Tantric Buddhism. It was studied at the universities of Nalanda, Odantapura and Vikramasila. From there it spread to Tibet, Sumatra, Java and other countries.

The Indians started to migrate into Java and other islands of Indonesia early in the seventh Buddhist century. By the tenth century, a great empire called Srivijaya had risen to power with its centre in Sumatra. The Chinese monk-pilgrim I-Tsing, on his way to India, visited this area in B.E. 1214 (671 C.E.), and recorded that Hinayana Buddhism flourished there. But from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries, the Srivijaya empire was ruled by the Sailendra kings who were great patrons of Mahayana. During this period the great stupa of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist shrine in the world, was erected in central Java.

The Sailendra kings spread their influence to the Malay peninsula, southern India and Ceylon, and established colonies in Borneo, Celebes, the Moluccas and the Philippines. They maintained diplomatic elations with the Pala kings and close connections with the great University of Nalanda. And through these relations, the Tantric form of Buddhism came to Indonesia and flourished before it gradually disappeared in the Hindu form as in India. At the end of the eighteenth century, the Srivijaya kingdom declined and was replaced in B.E. 1837 (1294 C.E.) by the Hindu Javanese kingdom of Madjapa! hit. The new kingdom, however, prospered for only one century before it broke up into divisions. The wars among them made Indonesia easy prey for the Arabs who finally brought the empire to an end in the middle of the 21st century and in turn converted the islands to Islam.

Also around the seventh Buddhist century, other Indians migrated to the eastern coast of Indochina where is now modern South Vietnam. There a kingdom known as Champa (simply called Cham) was established and flourished until it was overrun by the Annamites in the 21st century. In Champa Buddhism followed the line of development similar to that in Indonesia. Under the Annamites, the Chinese form of Mahayana, along with Islam, replaced the old form professed by the Chams.

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HH 16 Karmapa - Black Crown Ceremony ( New Hampshire, USA )

For more amazing pictures and videos please visit : HH 16 Karmapa - Black Crown Ceremony 14/09/1980 Cathedral In The Woods, New Hampshire. USA. The Black Crown is an important symbol of the Karmapa, the Lama that heads the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Legend tells that in a previous eon, in a former life as an accomplished yogi, the Karmapa attained the eighth level or bhumi of the bodhisattvas. At this time, 100000 dakinis (female buddhas) manifested their hair as a crown, and offered it to the Karmapa as a symbol of his accomplishment.

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Buddhism and Science

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

by Pet_r

Article by Arjanyai

Another aspect of long interest to the Buddhists has been the scientific nature of Buddhism. There is a usual claim, and also a pride, among the Buddhists that Buddhism is the most scientific of all religions. An instance of this can be found in the following words of U Chan Htoon, former justice of the Supreme Court of Burma: "In the case of Buddhism.........all the modern scientific concepts have been present from the beginning. There is no principle of science, from biological evolution to the General Theory of Relativity, that runs counter to any teaching of Gotama Buddha."1 "There cannot be any achievement of science, no matter how revolu-tionary, that will ever contradict the teachings of Buddhism."2 Professor von Glasenapp, an eminent German Indologist, specifies the following Buddhist concepts as unchallenged by modern scientific ideas: the principle of universal order (dhamma); a positivistic denial of eternal substances; the contention that soul or self is an artificial abstraction; the recognition of a plurality of worlds; and the affirmation of the essential similarity between man and animal.3 As Dr. Swearer says in his "Buddhism in Transition": "There are at least three principal ways in which the assertion of the scientific nature of Buddhism is presented: Buddhism is more scientific than other religions, especially theism (viz., Christianity); there is a general agreement between the approach or method of Buddhism and science; and, science proves or validates particular Buddhist teachings such as the doctrines of rebirth (samsara) and impermanence (anicca)."4 Here, Buddhist meditation becomes the experimental laboratory where the Truth of one's existence can be proved by intuitive insight, an experience of the individual, each for himself. The concept of impermanence finds its confirmation in Einstein's field theory of modern physics.

THE ESP Also covered in the field of scientific study of Buddhism is the research on parapsychology, especially the ESP (extrasensory perceptio! n), and on the problem of rebirth. The growth of scientific interest in these ancient beliefs was evidenced by the founding of the Society for Psychical Research of London in 2425/1882, the American Society for Psychical Research in 2431/1888, and other similar societies later on in most European countries, especially in the Netherlands, France and Italy where active work has been carried on. Stimulated by the effective work of these societies, a few universities in America and later in Europe have taken up psychical research as a serious subject for study. Parapsychological laboratories or research departments were opened in leading universities such as Harvard, Stanford and Duke Universities in the United States, and the University of Utrecht and Groningen University in the Netherlands. Leading psychologists like William James, William McDougall, C.G. Jung, and Sigmund Freud took an interest in the research. During the period from the 1930s to the 1960s the best-known work was that of Duke University in North Carolina. So far, however, except for hypnotism which is no longer regarded as paranormal, parapsychology has been of comparatively little interest to most professional scientists. But, a few years ago, much excitement was caused among some groups of the Buddhists by the research of psychologists and psychical research institutions working on the problem of remembering past existences. It was Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia and Professor Gillbert Rhine of the Parapsychology Institute in Durham, North Carolina, that did much for the progress of study in this field. In Stevenson's "Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation," a study is made of a number of case histories of people who remembered past lives. Joseph Head and L.S. Cranston, in their compiled and edited work "Reincarnation in World Thought," present an exploration of what great thinkers through the ages have said on the subject, examining the contributions made to the discussion by the World's religions, philosophies and sciences.! Francis Story,1 probably the Buddhist most active in trying to prove the truth of the doctrine of rebirth, wrote a booklet entitled The Case for Rebirth, made an inquiry into the memory of past lives of hundreds of Burmese and Ceylonese citizens, and around the year 2511/1968 made a tour of the United States and Asian countries lecturing on this subject. Finding in the alien-traditioned Western hemisphere their co-believers represented by historic figures such as Pythagoras, Empidocles and Thomas Alva Edison, and their belief supported by scientific study of modern Western scholars, some Buddhists have become convinced that the truth of the doctrine of rebirth has been proved. To the practising Buddhists, however, the ESP is something peripheral. The positive report on it may rouse in some people a stronger belief or a more active interest in Buddhism. But, so far as the essential aspect of Buddhism is concerned, the Buddhists realize that the attainment of the real benefit of Buddhism is dependent on their own efforts and striving, not subject to the scientific verification of the ESP.

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Heart Sutra (Sanskrit)

a musical rendition by Imee Ooi The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra or Heart Sutra or Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya; Chinese: 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經) (the word sutra is not present in known Sanskrit manuscripts[1]) is a well-known Mahāyāna Buddhist sutra that is very popular among Mahayana Buddhists both for its brevity and depth of meaning. Buddhist writer and translator Bill Porter calls the Heart Sutra the best known[2] and most popular of all Buddhist scriptures (wikipedia)

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