The Top Obstacles You May Face When Meditating
The Top Obstacles You May Face When Meditating |
- The Top Obstacles You May Face When Meditating
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- Cats and organized religion
- Pilgrimage Tours India: Exploring Holy Facet of Buddhism
- Effective Ways of Handling Stress From Work Due to Special Situations
- Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind: What is it and How to Use it
- Make Tour of Buddha Pilgrimages With Best Tour Packages
- New Weight-Loss Equation: Researchers Determine Key Calorie Cutoff
- 9 Practical Ways to Free Up Your Mind when You Are Mentally Stretched to the Max!
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The Top Obstacles You May Face When Meditating Posted: 20 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Sonia Gallagher The Top Obstacles You May Face When Meditating (published) We all know that meditating has many wonderful benefits for the mind, body and spirit. Indeed, that is why you have embarked on this healthy endeavor. Nevertheless, meditating is a process that takes a great deal of work and time to master. In this, like any endeavor, there are obstacles and challenges that will have to be faced and overcome in order to attain the benefits we seek from meditating. In today's society of instant gratification, one of the more common obstacles we face is motivation, or rather a lack of it. What do you do when you don't want to meditate? The fact of the matter is that the less you are involved in meditating, the less you will meditate. However the opposite is true too. The more you meditate, the more you will meditate. While that sounds redundant, it is nevertheless a general fact. By building up the habit of meditating, it eventually becomes a habit that becomes harder to break. One good way of alleviating the lack of motivation problem is shorten the time you spend meditating. Instead of trying to meditate for an hour (which is long), try 30 minutes or less. The idea is to make it easier for you to do. Meditating with proper focus and concentration over a shorter period; is better than meditating improperly over a longer span of time. Another common challenge of meditating is not being able to sit still long enough to achieve anything. Not being able to sit still is something we usually attribute to kids, but in fact this can be a major challenge for adults as well. If you think about it really, we are always on the go. There are very few times when we are perfectly motionless. We even toss and turn in our sleep. So that act of being still for a prolonged period of time is quite unnatural to most of us. We will find that once we start meditating that our muscles will demand that we move a leg or an arm, or that annoying itch will appear in the middle of our back. This is not a! n easy o bstacle to overcome or one that can be done necessarily overnight. Again, patience is required to accomplish our goal. First, you are going to have to accept this basic premise. The first few times you start meditating, there are going to wiggles, necessary scratches, and the like. Work on minimizing these movements with each succeeding session; eliminating one thing at a time. Next, take a few moments to get comfortable before you begin meditating, and work out the kinks in your body. The better prepared you are beforehand, will go along way to ensuring your success when you begin meditating. In fact, this line of thought points directly to another challenge of meditating - being physically uncomfortable. If you are in pain or otherwise feeling discomfort while meditating, this will be a major distraction for you. It is critical, therefore, that you find a sitting position that allows you to successfully direct your attention toward meditating. Use pads or a properly backed chair or whatever it is you need to attain a comfortable position. You should also consider stretching (remember deep contractions exercises?) before you assume your meditating position. These are just some of the more common challenges we face when we begin meditating. There are of course others. The key thing to remember is that you are not alone in experiencing these obstacles. Most people have had to deal with them. Just remember that meditating takes time to master. So long as you continue to put forth consistent effort, you will overcome these difficulties. Believe me; meditating is well worth the effort that it takes to master. Learn more about the multiple benefits of meditation and if you are new to meditation, make sure to get your Free 5 Day Meditation Program today! About the AuthorSonia Gallagher is a recovering attorney who now publishes information on meditation in an easy to understand, plain English manner. After practicing in one of the most stressful professions in the US, she now shares her experience with everyone looking to find relaxation and tranquility through meditation. Make sure to follow what's growing at My Meditation Garden at and to participate in the Garden! | |||
Posted: 20 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST | |||
Posted: 20 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST A lot of truth in this Far Left Side cartoon.
♫✿ Zen Garden ♫✿This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Pilgrimage Tours India: Exploring Holy Facet of Buddhism Posted: 20 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Harren Lee India has been the birth place of great many saints who all by their teachings and miracles reached the thin fencing between a normal human-being and a God and has been recognized as 'super human beings'. These people attain many followers who walked the path showed by them and with the passing time, their path turned into their religion. India is the only nation where so many different religions prevail at a time. Several religions have grown here in perfect harmony for a long period and continue to captivate the observer. Among them one of the most prominent and preached religion in India is Buddhism. Pilgrimage Tours in India offer tourists and opportunity to embark on a journey to explore a gamut of spiritual destinations in India. Pilgrimage tour India provides a spiritual voyage to many religious sites in India. The destinations covered in this Buddhist pilgrimage tour include Mumbai, Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Sanchi, Bodhgaya and Patna. Starting off with Maharashtra, the Ajanta and Ellora caves situated in the region of Aurangabad are a spectacular location to view the beautiful rock-carved caves exploring various aspects of Buddhist culture and their religion. The famous stories from jataka tales are depicted in the form of wall paintings which narrates the various events of Lord Buddha's life from being Prince Siddhartha to his transformation into the Gautama Buddha after attaining Nirvana, the structure of Chaitya gathering halls, carvings of Buddha, Bodhisattva and saints. The next destination you will reach is Bhopal. The Sanchi district of Bhopal is renowned for the Buddhist pilgrimage especially The Sanchi Stupa. The pillar was build sometime around (273-236 B.C.) was built by Emperor Asoka in Buddha's honor in Sanchi and many other places as well. The Buddha has been shown emblematically in the form of tree or through other inorganic figures. One of the faction of Buddhism opposed portrayal of Lord Buddha by a human figure. The Archaeological museum in Bhopa! l has a tremendous collection of sculptures brought from various parts of the world including Buddhist sculptures too. The next route in the series of Buddhist pilgrimage tour is the Bodhgaya. The Bodhi tree present here is the prominent place where Lord Buddha is said to have achieved supreme enlightenment. The place is a must visit to get a peek into beginning of Buddhism. Bodhgaya has several important attractions which narrate the story of how Buddha attained Nirvana. The Mahabodi temple situated in the east to the Bodhi tree is an architectural treasure. The temple is said to have built by Emperor Asoka after the 250 years of the enlightenment of Lord Buddha. Other sites of Bodhgaya are Chankramana, Ratnagarh, and 80ft statue of Buddha, Chinese and Japanese monastery, Buddhist monastery of Bhutan, Lotus Tank, Buddha Kund, Brahm yoni and Archeological Museum. Another important Buddhist pilgrimage destination in India is the city of Sarnath, the place where Gautam Buddha first came after achieving enlightenment. Here in the deer park, Lord Buddha first taught Dharma. The Last destination in the Buddhist pilgrimage tour is Patna being called Patliputra in ancient times and Pataligama for Buddha. In regard to Buddhist pilgrimage, the Patna museum has an exceptional collection of Buddhist Art especially the beautiful statues of Avalokitesvara and Maitreya in the main arcade. The Buddhist Pilgrimage tours avails you the opportunity to discover the deep aspects of Buddhism and lets you benefit from the holy teachings of Lord Buddha whose remains have been preserved on the walls of these magnificent pilgrimage sites since ages. India is a reservoir of Buddhist pilgrimage sites and it was here that Buddha attained 'nirvana' and went on to preach the sermons of 'dharma'. For those looking to unravel the mystique of Buddhism and its working pilgrimage tours in India offer a perfect opportunity to get into the deeper aspects of religion and spirituality. About the AuthorHarren Lee is an avid traveler and has same passion for writing. His articles offer practical information, review, news and interesting trivia about traveling and holidays in India and luxury trains in India. This article include information about pilgrimage tour packages Prince Siddartha Gautama {Buddha} [PT 01/04]This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Effective Ways of Handling Stress From Work Due to Special Situations Posted: 20 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by jabel radditch After working at a job for a really long time and putting up with stress on a daily basis, it is not hard to become mired by it. Humans are amazingly adaptable creatures, and so we take it as it comes and just shrug it off. When it comes to that maneuver, the only negative thing is that it does not always work so wonderfully. The stress we endure does not go away in our bodies; it lingers there and can be noticed in the background. After a number of years and other stress factors, we often will be setting ourselves up for medical problems later on. This is the reason we need to put our thinking caps on and work on stress reduction actions that are both healthful and helpful. People that choose to find a way to reduce their stress levels at work should be commended for their valor. By first identifying what is bothering you, even if it is the job that you do for the people that you work with, you will finally understand why you feel the way you do. Being stressed is usually born from the idea that certain situations or circumstances that we do not like will never change. By realizing that we can control the way we look at or process these stressful situations, something can actually change for the better. So the solution really is to come to the realization that we need to stop stressing over things beyond our control. Let's discuss perspective further because it may be the least used and underestimated aspect of our brains. You can change your entire outlook on anything you want with perspective. A great deal is left up to specific character because some have difficulty with their mental game. Reflect on your own authority, meaning the aspects of your life that you have weight over. Once you mull it over, you will promptly come to know that our circles of influences are pretty modest. However that would be the one field you may wonder about. So see what you can do with your perspective to change how you look at things. Coworkers are notorious for getting under each other's skin becaus! e of cer tain work conditions. If you have a serious problem with a coworker that happens everyday, negative feelings can build over time. Although this is very difficult, the best way to deal with the situation is to ignore all desire to compete with this person. This means that you should not engage with small talk that can end up becoming bitter. If you stop interacting this person in a negative manner at work, you'll begin to see dramatic changes. By allowing the other person to feel superior during your interactions, the negativity may begin to abate. The next time you find your self in a stressful situation with a coworker, the very best approach is with respectful communications and the spirit of resolving the particular issue. It is all about being calm within, and in doing so, your interactions this person will not reach the same negative crescendo that usually occurs. About the AuthorFor more information please visit Nottingham Trent Videos | |||
Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind: What is it and How to Use it Posted: 20 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Chun Jia The human mind is the most complex and amazing creation in this world. It is by far the most powerful machine ever built. The potential things that our mind can do is virtually unlimited, it's just that we mostly don't have enough knowledge how to utilize it. In reality, the mind can do anything it can think of. The only problem for us is to understand how it should work. For instance, it operates in different levels. The two most common levels are conscious and subconscious. The former is the one we use every day. This means that majority of the functions in our life goes through this level. Between the conscious and unconscious meanwhile is the pre-conscious state of mind. It is here where we grasp our long term memory. It's like seeing things in the past but not being able to analyze it. Finally, the subconscious level is that portion of the mind which we don't fully comprehend - which of course is the reason why it is called as it is. The subconscious mind possesses very deep memories that cannot be revealed in your conscious state. It is the basis of your behavior and personality. For instance, the lessons you learned from past conscious experiences will be compiled in the subconscious level and although you seem to forget those lessons and experiences, you're actually manifesting it in your behavior and personality. Literally speaking, the subconscious is the translator of the conscious mind. Whatever we feel, hear, see, and smell is processed and the subconscious mind keeps a record of it. It does not consider or value any type of input - whether it's good or bad. What it does is simply translate those acts into reality. So what really is the subconscious mind? If you dig deeper on its capacity and capability, it becomes synonymous to universal intelligence. It contains unlimited power of wisdom. It does not filter or choose any particular input. Thus, what happens is that whatever it gets from the conscious mind, it is transformed into an output in life referred to! as beha vior and personality. So how do you get your subconscious mind working to your advantage? Before you answer that, always remember that the entire process cannot be identified or perceived consciously. In order to control it, you have to control your conscious mind. As we said earlier, it does not filter any good or bad input. So if you want to establish a better personality or manifest good behavior, make sure that what you are feeding your subconscious are good and positive things. Always bear in mind that the subconscious level of your mind serves as the mirror of your life. Whatever you experienced in the conscious mind in the past, it will always reflect and manifest in your behavior in the future. And the culprit for that is the subconscious. So whether you like it or not, that same process will always work as long as you live. To reiterate, it is uncontrollable. The subconscious level of the mind never stops working and never rests. About the AuthorGet some useful Relaxation Music, Meditation Music , Binaural beats on your iphone! Download and install this remarkable application for meditation right now! Author Susan Kaiser Greenland offers tips on how to help your kids manage stressThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Make Tour of Buddha Pilgrimages With Best Tour Packages Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Alecia Williams There are numerous religions in the world and each of it associates a special pilgrimage place. These pilgrimage places hold significant place in faith of its followers. This also makes millions of followers of individual religions visit these places for tour as well as for worship. Perhaps one of the most reckoned and discussed religions of the world is Buddhist. The followers of this particular religion worship Lord Buddha who is not only worshiped as a wise king but for also attaining nirvana through the art of meditation and discipline. India holds some of the world famous Buddhist pilgrimages that is frequently visited by its ever increasing number of followers. India is the primary center of Buddhist pilgrimages while the same are scattered throughout the country. These primarily belong in Andra Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Maharashtra. Despite of the fact of the concentration of pilgrimages in India the religion itself today has scattered throughout the world. Also, being constantly preached through its dedicated followers the Buddhist as a religion is today far being accepted and followed by millions every year. Hence, its obvious that the number of visitors to these Buddhist pilgrimages is increasing year after year. Buddhist tour is perhaps one of biggest tour provider and only well known in its kind offering suitable packages for these Buddhist pilgrimages. The tour packages here have been offered under three categories concerning different Buddhist pilgrimage places. These travel packages have been elegantly designed keeping in mind the utmost convenience and preferences of tourists. These three Buddhist pilgrimage packages cover all known as well as famous pilgrimage places while offering enough time to cover every places of interest. The Buddha tour packages is today well known for offering pro efficient tour packages provide maximum satisfactions to the visitors of these pilgrimages. Booking for these packages has been also made easy with online bo! oking pr ocedures. The booking process is absolutely simple and easy that requires tourists mention their places of interest along with the preferred tour package. Once submitting this online booking procedure tourists are provided the required tour package for the date specified by the tourists. Today, in the world technology the preachings of Buddha is spreading at a rapid rate while making millions of its followers everyday. This in turn has increased the number of visitors to the Buddhist pilgrimages in considerable manner. As such, the tour packages provided by Buddhist tour packages provides a special way for visiting these Buddhist pilgrimage places within the desired comfort levels and also at quite affordable charges thereby giving it a special meaning both in terms of experience and worship. About the AuthorBuddhist tour packages online is a reputed organization of tour and travel in India, Nepal and Thailand etc. We provide tour packages like buddhist pilgrimage and buddhist pilgrimages for you and your family. Taking Refuge to the Three JewelsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
New Weight-Loss Equation: Researchers Determine Key Calorie Cutoff Posted: 20 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST
VANCOUVER — Weight loss is not as simple as eating less and exercising more, and for those who struggle to shed the pounds, a new equation may offer some help. Scientists are now using mathematics to better understand the physiology of weight loss, and more accurately predict just how much weight someone will lose on a specific diet and exercise regime, researchers said here today at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting. In the past, physicians assumed that eating 500 fewer calories per day would lead to about a pound of weight loss per week, said Kevin Hall, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. But it turns out, this rule of thumb is wrong, Hall said, because it doesn't take into account that metabolism slows down during dieting. Thus, predictions that used this rule were overly optimistic, Hall said. Hall and colleagues have developed a model that takes into account an individual's age, height, weight and physical activity level to better predict how much weight they might lose on a diet and exercise plan. Currently, the model is intended only for use by physicians and researchers scientists, Hall said. Hall's research has also come up with a more realistic rule of thumb for weight loss. The new rule says you need to cut 10 calories per day from your diet for every pound you want to lose over a three-year period. So cutting 100 calories per day will lead to a 10-pound weight loss over three years, Hall said. Half of this weight loss would occur over the first year. To lose more weight after the three-year period, you'd have to cut more calories, Hall said. The model may help policy makers understand the impact of public health measures on the obesity epidemic. For instance, one estimate of the effect of a 20 percent tax on sugar-sweetened beverages predicted that such a tax would lead to a 50 percent reduction in the number of overweight people in the United States in a five-year period. Hall 's new equation predicts about a 5 percent reduction in the percentage of overweight people in five years, Hall said. Pass it on: New math models may be able to more accurately predict how much weight people will lose if they follow a specific diet and exercise regimen. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Findus on Facebook. Ram Bahadur Bomjan - The Meditating Buddha-Boy from Nepal - Part 1cThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
9 Practical Ways to Free Up Your Mind when You Are Mentally Stretched to the Max! Posted: 20 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Chun Jia All of us get this experience of being mentally stretched to the maximum level. As this happens, our minds become too cluttered and pressured that we begin to mess up all the tasks and responsibilities at hand. Apparently, we all don't want this to happen. As we will learn later on, there are actually lots of ways in order to free up your mind from all the pressure, clutters, and burden of everyday life. While there are also many experts that claim to provide you the best solutions, you first have to look at these practical ways that can work effectively for anyone: 1. Simple breathing - So-called experts give you a specific method of breathing. While they can actually work, they usually require you to pay for their services. But the simplest way is focused breathing. You just let yourself inhale and exhale. Alternate with deep breathing and in no time, you'll be finding a cooler and more relaxed mind. 2. Meditation - Another way of freeing up your mind is through meditation. Remember that meditation is not always about those deep mind techniques. A short ten minute session of focus while alone will do the job of putting your mind into a calmer state. 3. Take it one at a time- Sometimes, the reason why you become so stressed and mentally depressed is because you're worrying too much about anything. The best way to approach problems is to take them one at a time.4. Put everything in writing - Focus on the most urgent and then proceed onto the next. You can best achieve this writing each pending task. Mark the one that's finished and do the same to the rest when you're done. 5. Eliminate the worries - One thing that makes your mind clutter and depressed is when you immediately begin to worry without even encountering the problems ahead. When you're at this point, you're actually building a negative attitude. Avoid this by thinking positive. Get rid of the worries and expect that you can solve any problems that you may face. 6. Keep your focus - The lack of focus is an! other wa y of putting stretching your mind to the max. If you want to free up your mind, maintain focus. It's simple to say but rather difficult to maintain especially when you're confronted with a tough task. 7. Eat something you crave - Eating is a good way of freeing up your mind. There are a number of foods that can contribute to alertness and relaxation of the mind. If you are fond of ice cream or pizza, grab some and eat when you're feeling a considerable amount of pressure. Just make sure you don't consume too much of what you need. 8. Give yourself a break from media and technology - If you are someone constantly facing the computer at work, you perhaps feel like throwing up in front of it. The tons of responsibilities you need to do and the work you need to finish using the computer or any media makes you feel sick. If you want to free up your mind from all of it, take a break. As you go home, turn off the television or computer. Lie in your bed, think of happiness, or perhaps even read a book. Abandon technology even for just a while. 9. Arrange your space - Finally, most of us don't realize it but the area where we mostly spend out days can also cause mental burnout and stress. If you allot minutes of you time in rearranging the space in your office or room to make it feel new and organized, you'll realize that it is relieving for the mind. About the AuthorRelaxation Music, Meditation Music , Binaural Beats on your iphone! Download and install this useful and cool App for Meditation today! Get daily inspirations! | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/20/2012 Posted: 20 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST ![]() "Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma Milarepa Sings In The ForrestThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Meditation: An Introduction To History of Meditation & Types of Meditation Posted: 20 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Amy C. Chakra Balancing for the Ajna Third Eye Chakra Sixth Brow Chakra Healing Meditation 852 hzThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 20 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST What the Meditation term empty/emptiness (shunya/shunyata) means depends a lot on the context in which it is used. For example, in the Lankavatara Sutra there are seven different emptinesses.
In the Pali canon, suñña (shunya) can mean lack, vacant, desolate, barren, lonely, absent, etc. The Buddha tells Ananda that the temporal world (loka) is empty (suññam) of what belongs to the self which denotes a lack. The message is, we should not look for our self in the temporal world—it ain't there. Also in the Pali canon we find supreme or pure ultimate emptiness, viz., parisuddha paramanuttara suññata described in the discourse, Cula-Suññatâ Sutta, of the Majjhima-Nikaya. This is a state which can only be described as mind that become utterly purified, or the same, pure Mind. Mind is able to distinguish its own pristine nature from its most subtle of phenomenalization, namely, animitta-ceto-samadhi ( the samadhi of the mind that is signless). According to this Sutta, animitta-ceto-samadhi is still "effected and thought out" which means it is impermanent and liable to stopping. Often in Mahayana Buddhism we find emptiness (shunyata) equated with suchness or tathata. Suchness, we are to understand, is the instrinsic substance or nature (svabhava) of Mind which is the Mind that is Bodhi (bodhicitta). In this sense emptiness is ontological or reveals the ontological rather than being the negation of all knowledge claims. In Zen there is a difference between nihilistic emptiness and pure Mind which is empty of bewitching defilements. From Zen master Tsung-mi we learn:
Again he says,
We can consider absolute Mind to be completely empty of any and all determinations—which, in itself, is a sheer, marvelous vacuity which is, nevertheless, real and dynamic. Truth be told, the Buddha taught the emptiness or barenness of phenomena; that they have no true nature. He also taught the absolute or tathata to be empty of phenomena and determinations.
mahakala prayerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 20 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Eva Flores When learning how to meditate, various breathing meditation and relaxation techniques for stress and anxiety can be explored and they all provide relief in various ways. Many will ask "How do you meditate?", and it is noteworthy that an individual's experience with meditation may greatly differ from another person's meditation experience. There are many different meditation styles designed for different types of individuals. Daily meditation to reduce stress can repair damage or harm that anxiety and stress have delivered to your body. There are various breathing techniques for meditation to teach you how to meditate. When you explore different styles you will eventually find with some practice and experimentation the style that is best for you and your situation. How your body deals with stressful events will change once you create a pause between a stressful event and how your body reacts to it. A focused breathing exercise for stress reduction is one of the many proven meditation techniques. Focused breathing techniques for meditation can quickly lower stress levels in as little as 5 minutes. Let's explore the various styles of anxiety meditation techniques for stress when learning how to meditate. A few of the many proven breathing and relaxation techniques include: Guided Meditation CD's: These are a common way to learn mediation. It involves listening to music as a guide's voice lead you effortlessly into a meditative state. For the beginner these are a perfect way for someone to learn how to meditate, because it could be tough to quiet your mind. Learning To Meditate: Advances in audio technology have allowed this process to become easier over the years. In the past a beginning meditation practitioner would wonder if they have reached a meditative state. Your mind can now be lead gently into the desired meditative state with these advances without all the guesswork. Meditation software: Now rising in popularity as you simply listen to a c! d-rom pl aced in your computer and through headphones follow the voiceover instructions. On your computer screen you will see instant feedback displayed by the software of your physiological measurements. These measurements are compared with those the desired meditation levels recommended for you specifically. Learning how to meditate should not be stressful but very productive. Meditation software, hypnotherapy, and guided meditations, can all help you achieve meditation. About the AuthorLearn more about how effective these breathing and relaxation techniques are and how they can help you relieve stress and anxiety. Vajrayana Buddhism and Meditation- KatThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Meditation Tips - Learn How To Meditate With These Helpful Meditation Tips Posted: 20 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Sandeep Kumar Meditation is defined as "The act of continued or extended thought reflection, or contemplation". It is employed by millions around the planet to chill the physical body. It's also used to accelerate and amplify spiritual enlightenment and growth. Meditation gives you a method to handle the strains of everyday life, and will also help you both feel and look younger and more wary. There's no way to practice meditation incorrectly, but there are ways to make sure you are meditating at maximum efficacy. In this guide, you'll be given a 10 step list for effective meditation. Are you searching for information related to history of meditation or other information somehow related to healing, or meditation transcendental? If yes, this article will give you helpful insights related to insight meditation and even somehow related to learn to meditate and buddhist meditation that you might not have been aware of. Reading. Reading may assist you in achieving a meditative state. It will help you excite thoughts and will help you think on your own life. Feeling negative feelings is a good sign. When you are feeling unhappiness, anger, or fear during meditation, it suggests you are disclosing layers that you have previously pushed from the advance guard of your mind. Don't ignore these sensations, embrace them, and attempt to understand them. Meditation assists in syncing your wits body and soul and hence helps you in relaxing yourself. It will help you to feel targeted and more targeted in life and also make you more conscious of your body. Meditation is a kind of mental relaxation in which you sit and close your eyes and consciously focus on your respiring, a particular image, or a single repeated word or phrase ( frequently called a mantra, which is a Sanskrit word ) like 'Om'. Meditation will help you relax by withdrawing and focusing your attention inwards. As detailed as this article is, don't forget that you can find more information about short communion meditation or any such inf! ormation from any of the search engines out there such as MSN. Commit yourself to finding specific information therein about vipassana meditation and you will. As it's end goal meditation aims for pure awareness. What Buddhists call 'no-mind'? The experience of simply 'Being'. Being is a condition of pure awareness, without thinking. Some say to meditate you must stop thinking, whereas others say we can't stop thinking and that the way forward is to watch the mind. Definitely its' aim is to still the mind. To allow our thoughts at least to claims down and slow down, so we can experience stillness and a sense of inner peace. There are three types of recordings available - binaural beats, monaural beats and is a chromic tone. All of them work very well, but is chromic tones are usually agreed to be the most effective, as they are particularly efficient at entraining the brain swiftly. Whichever type you choose to try, it is important to use a high quality recording that is's designed for the purpose, such as the 'Meditation' tracks from The unaccountable Store. This is a very credible site that entirely stands behind all its products, and you may also get some free samples to try out first, to determine if you like them. For your information, we found that lots of people that were searching for define meditation also searched online for meditation transcendental, concentration, and even chakra meditation. The most vital side of meditation is perseverance. Why? Because if you stop after one or two days or weeks, all of your past progress will be lost. Even if you practice only once a week, you have stick to that and do it always. Meditation has multiple benefits which will help you in the long run. About the AuthorSo here is chance to get your free tips on buddhist meditation and in addition to that get basic information on saving money visit free guided meditation Om Coaching: Crown Chakra MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Buddhism In The Modern World Part 2 Posted: 20 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai Dharmapala returned to Ceylon in May 2434/1891 and founded the Maha Bodhi Society in Colombo. In the same year, a mission was sent to Bodh Gaya and, then, an international conference of Buddhists was held there. In the following year a journal was launched and headquarters of the new society were set up in Calcutta. Dharmapala visited the United States two times during the 1890's, the first time to attend the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, when he visited Hawaii, Japan, China, Thailand and Malaya on his way back, and the second time to preach Buddhism when he stayed there for one year and made several American converts. Substantial financial help came from wealthy Americans, especially Mrs. Mary E. Foster whom he met in Honolulu and who became his most active supporter. Further branches of the Society were set up and in 2463/1920 a Buddhist vihara was opened at Culcutta. The revival movement was then well founded and continued steadily. Dharmapala entered the monkhood in 2474/1931 and passed away two years later, leaving his unfinished mission to be carried on by his colleagues and followers. India achieved independence on August 15, 2490/1947. When questions arose as to what should be adopted as national symbols of free India, the Constituent Assembly ultimately turned towards the Buddhist heritage. Thus, the Dharma-cakra or the Wheel of the Law came to be represented at the centre of the national flag to remind the nation of the noble doctrine of the Buddha and of the Dharma-vijaya or Conquest by Righteousness of Asoka, while the Lion Capital of Asoka, representing the fearless proclamation of the Dharma to the four quarters of the world, has been adopted as the official seal of the Republic. The Chairman of the Committee which drafted the Constitution was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the leader of the untouchables who became converted to Buddhism and made the Buddhist revival a mass movement. Two other important events increased the interest in Buddhism among the Indian masses, the home! -coming of the sacred relics of the two Chief Disciples of the Buddha in 2492/1949 and the Buddha Jayanti, or 2500th anniversary of the Buddha's Parinirvana, in 1956. The relics were returned to India by the British Government to be enshrined at San-chi, their original resting place, on the request of the Maha Bodhi Society. The enshrinement of the relics was celebrated together with the Maha Bodhi Society's Golden Jubilee and an international Buddhist conference attended by the Prime Ministers of India and Burma and world Buddhist leaders. The Indian Buddha-Jayanti celebrations commenced in May 1956 and lasted for one full year, till May 1957. The programme of the Government of India includes the publication of a Tripitฺaka in Devanagari script and '2500 Years of Buddhism,' a special volume which is an indication of the respect given to Buddhism by the Indian educated class. On october 14 of the year of celebration, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar led half a million followers in a formal declaration of adherence to Buddhism. This event was followed by a fast increase in the Buddhist population in India, particularly through a number of similar conversions among the untouchables seeking social equality. By 2508/1965 there were about 4,000,000 Buddhists in India in contrast to 50,000 in 2434/1891. Numbers of Bhikkhus, viharas, and Buddhist societies and organizations have also considerably increased. The study of Pali was introduced into Calcutta University as far back as the year 2451/1908. This example has been followed by many other Indian universities. The establishment of the Nalanda Pali Institute (Nava Nalanda Mahavihara) in 2494/1951 and the founding of the Magadh University in 2505/1962 are also evidences of an important place modern India has given to Pali and Buddhist studies. In the 1950s, when the Red Chinese overran Tibet, her people, both monks and laymen, fled to north India and found refuge in her hill country. There, a Buddhist community is taking shape and Tibetan Buddhism may make a sign! ificant contribution to the future of Indian Buddhism. A Thai monastery called Wat Thai Buddha-Gaya, which was constructed by the Thai Government on the invitation of the Government of India to celebrate the Buddha-Jayanti, was completed in 2509/1966. It is well known as one of the finest viharas ever constructed in modern India. The Burmese, Japanese, Chinese and Tibetan Buddhists also have monasteries at Buddha Gaya. Just a century ago Buddhism was unheard of in the land of its birth, as nearly every trace of the religion had been effaced from the Indian soil. Today, the seed of the Bodhi tree, deeply planted under the soil, being fed by fertilizer from abroad, has sprouted and has signs of a glorious growth. In some border areas of India such as some parts of Assam and in Bangladesh (East Bengal), Buddhism has never entirely disappeared. There the monastic life still survives and a small Buddhist population has persisted. Notable in this way is Chittagong, which has been closely connected with Burma both historically and geographically; there the monkhood consists of hundreds of monks and novices.1 Through some revival movement, Buddhism in these areas has begun to grow again and may do a good service to the development of modern Buddhism on the Indian Subcontinent. About the AuthorPhoto dia Promote website Love What is a Buddhist parent's best approach to Christmas?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Mind Mapping Software iMindMap Ultimate Posted: 20 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Patricia Ulrich iMindMap Ultimate is certainly a good one-stop mind mapping software program tool. The software allows you produce any creative ideas or even strategies and create a topnotch visual illustration right from it. This is the actual mind map application, loaded with functionality to convert your data, information, thoughts, action plan to end goods and services. You may even construct an operations plan using it. Basically, iMindMap Ultimate is considered the end-result of all earlier mind map creations put in one, added with fantastic functions that creates mind mapping essentially more complete as well as efficient. The program is known as a mind mapping application developed by ThinkBuzan Company. It is built to foster even more development of upcoming version of the same software application. iMindMap Ultimate is definitely the mind mapping application, which can present you with a 3 dimensional glance at your maps. This software enables you to understand the mind maps on its unique angles, while you examine and explore various suggestions and channels your chosen key concept, considerations, initiative or plans to where it probably connects. It can help you come across and enjoy using it in a different way, more stimulating, progressively more interactive, plus more straightforward take a look at, allowing your mind to become more prepared to readily comprehend your mind maps or your notions visually, which is the most important reason of this software, to let your mind undertake critical thinking visually, because your mind performs faster, creatively, and with no restraint while using data it is able to see. iMindMap Ultimate allows every single person to make display slides. You no longer need to produce brand new slides from your maps, because the maps on their own used beautifully as slides to a presentation, advertisement, as well as report. The software enables you to accomplish conference meetings out of it, dishing out subject m! atter su ch as money situation, project focus, budget allocation and many more. This amazing software program tool is compatible to work with your MAC, PC, or Linux. Apple's Open Office as well as Microsoft is built-in features of iMindMap Ultimate, for smooth and great harmony of the program and your computer's Operating system. iMindMap Ultimate shall be for many who want to employ a computer software tools to increase their creative imagination. In fact, this software program also incorporates a kind of playful experience of it as well as offering serious organizing tools to all of its end users. With this computer program installed in your personal computer, planning and organizing will not be the same again. To know more about iMindMap Ultimate please feel FREE to check it out here!!! About the Author Patrici Ulrich is also interested in tools for visual thinking. We Live Love MindfullyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
A Spiritual Being Who You Really Are Posted: 20 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST | |||
Happiness of New Zealanders revealed in survey Posted: 20 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Published: 4:26PM Monday February 20, 2012 Source: ONE News
If you are an elderly, retired woman living on the West Coast, you could be among the happiest people in New Zealand, if a new survey is anything to go by. UMR Research conducted a telephone survey of 750 New Zealanders aged 18 and over for the Happiness of New Zealand report. It found the West Coast/Buller, Northland, Timaru/Oamaru are the happiest regions while Marlborough is the least happy. Females are still happier than males and older people are happiest, the survey found. Retirees and homemakers are the happiest occupations, it found. Widows, widowers and married people are happier than divorced and single New Zealanders, while people living without children are happier than those living with children. Ethnically, Pacific Islanders and Maori were the happiest. Homeowners with no mortgage were happier than those with a mortgage or renting. "There is clear evidence that the Rugby World Cup buoyed the country with several of the highest results this year recorded in September/October," said UMR Research Director Gavin White. The low point, on the other hand, occurred in May.
Copyright © 2012, Television New Zealand Limited. Breaking and Daily News, Sport & Weather | TV ONE, TV2 | Ondemand Thailand - Lost & Found Travel Ep. 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Indians among HAPPIEST people, Europeans unhappiest Posted: 20 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this
In spite of economic woes and conflicts, the world is a happier place now than what it was in 2007 and Indians are among the happiest people on this planet, says a survey. According to a poll conducted by global research company Ipsos, despite woes and conflicts, the world is a happier place than it was in 2007 as 22 per cent (up 2 points) of global citizens say they are "very happy" and the happiest people reside in Indonesia, India and Mexico. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Children march through a street carrying torches to mark the end of Ramadan in Jakarta Photographs: Supri/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this While eight in 10 (77 per cent) citizens in 24 countries surveyed said they are 'happy' in their lives, one quarter (22 per cent) said they are 'very happy' -- a key measure that identifies comparative depth and intensity of happiness among country citizens and the world, the report said. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Dancers dressed in traditional attire sit on a cot during Navratri in Ahmedabad Photographs: Amit Dave/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this On a national level, Indonesia has the highest proportion of happiest people with 51 per cent citizens reporting they are 'very happy', followed by India and Mexico (43 per cent) each. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: A volunteer rolls up a photograph during an open-air exhibition at Rio Bravo, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico Photographs: Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Brazil and Turkey shared the third position, where 30 per cent of citizens expressed their contentment, followed by Australia and the United States each at 28 per cent. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: A child waves a Turkish flag during a ceremony to mark National Sovereignty and Child's Day Photographs: Umit Bektas/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this On the other end, Hungary (6 per cent), South Korea (7 per cent) and Russia (8 per cent) have the lowest number of 'very happy' people, followed by Spain (11 per cent) and Italy (13 per cent). Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Revellers attend a samba parade during pre-carnival festivities in Rio de Janeiro Photographs: Ricardo Moraes/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Regionally, Latin America has the greatest proportion of 'very happy' people (32 per cent), followed by North America (27 per cent). Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Elves walk through Times Square during a parade in New York Photographs: Brendan McDermid/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Asia-Pacific and the Middle East and Africa shared the third place with 24 per cent of 'very happy' people. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Team Canada fans dance and cheer during a hockey game Photographs: Mike Cassese/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Not surprisingly, it is citizens in Europe who drag the global average assessment of happiness downward as only one in six (15 per cent) say they are 'very happy'. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: An Italian student gestures during a protest against various budget cuts the government has implemented in downtown Rome Photographs: Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this The poll of 18,687 adults conducted from November 1 to November 15 last year also demonstrates that those who are married appear to be the happiest when compared to all other groups, especially those who are not married. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: A protester holds a mask during an anti-war rally in Seoul, South Korea Photographs: Jo Yong-Hak/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Besides marriage, age and socio-economic factor also played an important role for determining the level of contentment among people. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: A Hungarian protestor fights with the riot police in front of the parliament in Budapest Photographs: Karoly Arvai/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Those who are under the age of 35 are more likely to say they are 'very happy' than those who are in the age bracket of 35-49 across all countries surveyed. Meanwhile, those with a high education and those with a high household income are among those most likely to be 'very happy'. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Crowds listen to speeches during a protest in the Plaza Arriaga in Bilbao, Spain Photographs: Vincent West/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this The greatest improvements were found in Turkey (up 16 points since 2007) followed by Mexico (up 10 points), Australia (up 7 points), Japan (up 6 points) and India and Canada (each up 5 points). Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: A giant smile lights up Sydney's Harbour Bridge Photographs: Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Of the 24 countries measured, 9 countries experienced increases in happiness intensity compared with 13 that dropped and two countries with no change. Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: A protester gestures from the window of a police bus in front of the court building in Moscow Photographs: Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Those countries experiencing the greatest drop in happiness intensity were Brazil (down 9 points) followed by Indonesia (down 7 points), Russia (down 6 points) and South Africa (down 5 points). Click on NEXT for more... Click here for Rediff Realtime News Image: Angry taxi operators set fire to rubbish bins during a march in Cape Town Photographs: Mike Hutchings/Reuters Last updated on: February 20, 2012 08:08 IST Share Ask Write a Print this Click on MORE to see another set of PHOTO features... Timeless Quotes from The BuddhaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
AVATAR, Passover, & Kabbalah: Intertwining the Spiritual & the Political, Earthiness & Heaven Posted: 20 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Jon Beyer I am writing this before the Academy of Oscars decides on best film or best director of the year. Regardless of what they decide, I celebrate the film AVATAR for its weaving together what we usually call the spiritual and the political. Indeed, whether its director realized it consciously or not, AVATAR echoes two major strands of religious wisdom that began in Jewish thought but have had deep influence on many cultures far beyond the boundaries of Jewish peoplehood. One is the biblical story of the Exodus from slavery under Pharaoh (rooted in the Spirit but noticeably political); the other, the Kabbalistic metaphor of God as the Tree of Life, unfolding through successive emanations from the Infinite to the Incarnate so that its roots are in Heaven and its fruit is our world. This wisdom is noticeably "spiritual" but has as its roots a political vision of sharing food among the whole community, and sharing God's abundance with all living beings.Both these great myths, interestingly, are encoded in Festival Seders - sacred meals that actually embody in earthy ways, through what we eat and drink, the sublime meaning of each festival. The Exodus story and its Passover Seder is the better-known (though Kabbalah began already in the Middle Ages to seep into Christian and Muslim mysticism). Both archetypal tales echo in the Avatar film when all the life-forms of the planet-moon Pandora, including but not only the quasi-human blue-skinned people who call themselves the Na'vi (in Hebrew this word means "Prophet") rise up against the tyrannical power of a rapacious Earthian corporation backed by a hyper-mechanized invading mercenary army made up of ex-Marines. In the Exodus story, it is locusts and frogs, rivers and hailstorms -- what we call the Ten Plagues -- that carry out the word of God and shatter Pharaoh when he refuses to free the shepherd-folk, the Hebrews, whom he has tried first to enslave and then to exterminate. The story climaxes when YHWH, the God Whose name can only be "pronounced" by simp! ly breat hing "YyyyHhhhWwwwHhhh," becomes the Holy Breath/ Wind that splits the Red Sea, drowning Pharaoh's army. In AVATAR, it is forests and stegosauruses and winged banshees who alongside the blue-skinned Na'vi vanquish the invaders. In Exodus, it is Moses, an Egyptian prince with a physical flaw -- a stuttering tongue - who after stammering his doubts and unwillingness becomes a spokesperson for God, a leader of the rebellious slaves, and the invoker of the Plagues.In AVATAR, it is Sully, a crippled Earthian white male ex-Marine, who becomes through 22d-century science an Avatar, a blue-skin who can lead the Na'vi and call upon the Earth-Goddess of Pandora to rouse her web of life to break the Earthian army (Pharaoh's horse-chariot army turned mechanical)and defend the Na'vi and all the life-forms of Her planet.How does Avatar echo the Kabbalistic mythos? The festival through which the Kabbalists 500 years ago left a deep mark of their beliefs is Tu B'Shvat, which comes at the full moon of the midwinter lunar month of Shvat. It was known in Jewish lore as the New Year of the Trees, dividing one tax year of tithing fruit from the next - therefore, a time to ensure that the poor and the landless get enough to eat. The kabbalists turned it into the New Year of "The Tree," God's Own Self, which in the time of cold, the time of invisible seed, begins to grow new life into the world. In a sense, the Na'vi celebrate "Tu B'Shvat" all year long. Their worship especially focuses on great trees that are the most sacred centers of their lives. These great trees embody the Goddess Eywa,- but S/He is more than even these trees, S/He is all life. Spirit incarnate. Notice that "Eywa" can be heard as "Yahweh" (sometimes misdescribed as the Hebrew Name of God) turned inside-out. The film is a profound challenge to the official militarized foreign policy, Big-Business-dominated and oil-addicted economy, and consumer-addled life-style of the United States, and even to the official religious life of American churches, synagogues,! and mos ques. Perhaps the deepest American assumption that is challenged by the film is the one that superior technology always wins, by crushing the weak in their spiritual ineffectuality. And perhaps the film is winning the largest audience in movie history because in America and the rest of the world, there is an uncomfortable suspicion that perhaps the days of the Arrogant Techno-Empire are numbered and that colored Vietnamese, Iraqis, Afghans, Venezuelans, and Chinese - and the many-colored earth itself - are winning.Like any film, AVATAR is meant for seeing. But unlike most films, it explicitly makes the act of seeing into a spiritual discipline. The watchword of the Na'vi is, "I see you." For Pandora's people, these words express what in Hebrew is "yodea," interactive "knowing" that is emotional, intellectual, physical/ sexual, and spiritual all at one. And that is how an aware audience should "see" AVATAR: with serious discussion afterwards, open to all its meanings. What's to discuss? 1) AVATAR teaches that the war against peoples and the war against the earth are the same war, being incited and fought by the same Crusher institutions. If we agree with this, how do we bring together the so-far separate struggles to end the two kinds of war? If we don't agree, how do we see the relationship? Why does the Torah command that even in wartime, we must not destroy the enemy's fruit trees? (The US Army did precisely this to the forests of Vietnam; the Israeli Army has done this to Palestinian olive trees; in AVATAR, the invading Earthians do precisely this to the sacred trees of the Na'vi. Why?) 2) AVATAR teaches that in the struggle to heal our world, birds and animals and trees and grasses can become our active allies if we "see" them as part of ourselves, part of our Beloved Community. Is there a way to make this true for us? Can the Earth, God/dess Incarnate, defend Herself? What role do humans play?3. AVATAR describes how some Earthians turn their backs on the military-corporate attempt to shatter the Na'! vi and i nstead join the Na'vi resistance. They become - let's not mince words - traitors. Or rather, they transform themselves into the Avatars that actually become Na'vi, loyal not to oppressive Crushers but to the web of life. What do we Americans, we Westerners -- who have already done so much to crush the life from many parts of our planet and threaten to destroy the rest by choking its Breath, its Climate -- what do we make of that? What do we owe the indigenes of Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Nigeria, Burma?4. In the climax of the film, it is not only the invading Marines in their Crusher machines who use extreme violence. The Na'vi and Eywa's life-forms use violence too, to defend themselves. There is barely a hint of any attempt to use nonviolent resistance in the mode of King or Gandhi to defend Pandora. Can we imagine an alternative? Why did the film not present one?We can learn a great deal by talking together about these Four Questions, and others. Talking together may help us "see" each other; eating together may help even more. Every Tu B'Shvat, what's to eat? A sacred meal, a Seder with four courses of nuts and fruit and four cups of wine. Foods that require the death of no living being, not even a carrot or a radish that dies when its roots are plucked from the earth. For the Trees of Life give forth their nuts and fruit in such profusion that to eat them kills no being. The sacred meal of the Tree Reborn is itself a meal of life. And the four cups of wine are: all-white; white with a drop of red; red with a drop of white; and all-red: the union of white semen and red blood that the ancients thought were the start of procreation. And the progression from pale winter to the colorful fruitfulness of fall also betokens the growing-forth of life. The theme of Fours embodies the Four Worlds of Kabbalah: Action, Emotion, Intellect, Spirit. So do the Four Questions and the Four Children of the Passover Seder. About the AuthorJon BeyerFurther reading on Avatar and spirituality, "The Sacred Tree":Avatar and The Sacred Tree | |||
KISS (Keep It Spiritually Simple) Posted: 19 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Elizabeth J Dabrowski The idea of spirituality is very simple, and it can be described in just a few sentences. The Intelligent Energy is everywhere and creates everything and does it all of the time. It 'recognizes' vibrations and matches them by manifesting convictions into physical realities. It creates through us what we believe in most. It does not set any limits; It needs to expend its own creation and its own consciousness in an effort to get to know itself. It does not discriminate between good and bad, it is up to us to choose and decide. It is up to us what It will create! How splendid!By now it is obvious that all we have to do is to think only happy thoughts, believe in them strong enough and wait for our cosmic delivery. And it would be so if we did not know doubts, if we did not think too much, analyzed everything, did not have past bad experiences or remembered someone else's not so happy stories. But it is an art.I think to keep anything simple is not simple at all for us humans as we have a very well developed tendency to complicate the simplest things. Not that we are born with this characteristic, but we have been conditioned by our culture and society so that by the time we reach adolescence we are extremely well equipped in guilt, doubts and fears. We cannot believe in good things happening without a good reason, we have our own 'jurisdiction' system (who deserves what and why), and we try justifying everything. Some of us will manage to outgrow the un-serving convictions as we mature and some of us will take them to grave with us, we are so sure of their rightness. But being right does not equal being happy! As a person 'reaching' maturity I am deeply convinced that we are here to enjoy our lives. And I am deeply convinced that the biggest secret to it is the simplicity of the idea of spirituality. When we understand an aspect of it, it is usually sudden and we are in an awe of surprise that it has taken us so long to realize it because i! t is jus t so simple and obvious. I learnt that unquestioned faith does the trick. No analyzing, no arguing pros and cons, no ifs, no buts. Many years ago my young daughters told their dad they wanted a red car with gold wheels as he was on his way to a car auction. Few hours later he arrived in... a red Toyota with golden mag wheels! They received what they asked for because in their minds they were convinced that they would. It was one of the best cars we ever had. I did not know anything about manifesting then, so I considered it a coincidence. Now I think what a simple and perfect way to live and manifest; just state what you want, do not dwell on it but send it off and keep you door open for the delivery! The aspect of the 'open door' is where we get stuck the most. We block it with fear, doubt, questions, reasoning, etc. Before something has even a chance to materialize in our lives we already manage to kill it and instead receive the opposite of our original intention, most likely what we did not want but could not stop think about. I could give you hundreds of real life examples on this one but I am sure you have enough of your own. As I said before, faith is usually what we are missing, the unshakable knowing inside our stomachs that the only possible outcome is to receive what we are waiting for. If you struggle with having enough faith to sustain you in any endeavor, meditate. Meditate everyday and meditate deeply. Say your problems and ask for solutions. Ask for faith. Make meditations a part of your daily routine, like having breakfast or brushing your teeth. Keep it simple and take one think for granted: the process of Creation never stops.Become a conscious and active participant so God may experience good things through you. To find out more visit my website About the AuthorI write about what I have experienced myself, either personally or as an observer. Even though many people have influenced and shaped my theories, they are mainly based on my own development and as such reflect my very personal point of view. To find out more, visit my website | |||
Thai Temples in the United States Posted: 19 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Arjanyai There were in 2521/1978 five Thai Buddhist temples functioning in different parts of the United States. Here is introductory information about them: 1. Wat Thai of Los Angeles War Thai of Los Angeles has been the familiar and better-known name of the Thai Buddhist temple in Los Angeles since it was a center officially called the Theravada Buddhist Center, Inc. The saga of establishing Wat Thai of Los Angeles is a long and complicated one. In 2513/1970, a Thai Buddhist monk was invited to Los Angeles and stayed there for a while, making himself available to a large number of people. He returned to Thailand, but not before enthusiasm to set up a Thai Buddhist temple in Los Angeles had been aroused in a number of devoted Thai Buddhists in that city. In that same year, a Thai-American Buddhist Association was organized and the monk came to Los Angeles again, this time accompanied by two other Thai Buddhist monks invited by a group of devotees for the more specific declared purpose of organizing efforts to found a Thai Buddhist temple. The three monks stayed there throughout the three months of the Vassa-residence, dicussed the idea more fully with the lay community and returned toThailand. The dream came closer to reality when, concurrent with the visit of a senior monk from Bangkok, a Thai student died and the funeral services were held at a Japanese temple. This event made more Thai people determined to establish a temple of their own, and a number of them urged that action be taken to achieve this purpose. In consultation with the monk, a group of Thais held a meeting passing a resolution to the effect that two committees were to be formed, one in Los Angeles and the other in Bangkok, to work towards founding a Thai Buddhist temple in Los Angeles and to collect funds for such a purpose. Shortly afterward, a suburban house at Sepulvada was turned into a monks' residence there on July 6, 2514/1971, the date unofficially regarded as the beginning of the first Thai Buddhist tem! ple in t he United States. However, as the site was considered legally improper to be utilized as the site for a temple, the Government would not grant permission to set up a temple there. Thus the monks' residence at Sepulvada became only a temporary unofficial temple. On December 22, 2514/1971, the so-called temple was filed under the law of the State of California as a nonprofit organization under the name of "The Theravada Buddhist Center, Inc.", the legal and official name of the temple according to the Certificate of Incorporation, marking the official founding of the temple. In 2515/1972, the temple was moved to the present site at Cantara Street, a 2.2-acre plot of land which was purchased with funds donated by a wealthy man in Bangkok, the father of the chairman of the Temple-Founding Committee in Los Angeles. A group of four monks first took residence there on May 16, 1972. Since then efforts and energy have been concentrated, for the most part, on the work of building and construction and on the collection of funds for such purposes. The main reason for this is that it is the plan of the Committee to erect a full-fledged monastery in the Thai traditional way, equipped with monks' living quarters, temple court and separate sacred buildings, especially the main consecrated hall in Thai style. The new location, with two or three attached antiquated buildings, was large enough to accommodate a sufficient number of religious buildings and structures as required. Most of the old buildings have been pulled down and some new buildings have been erected. However, the main hall, a two-storeyed Thai-style building, the foundation stone of which was laid in 2515/1972, remained under construction and continued for years to occupy the focus of the attention and energy of the Temple group because of its unfinished construction work. A proposal was submitted to the Center's Committee to have the name of the organization legally changed to the popular one of "Wat Thai of Los Angeles" and to make other neces! sary cha nges regarding legal regulations to turn the organization into a full-fledged ecclesiastical establishment according to the traditional standards of theBuddhist Order of Thailand. About the AuthorH1n1 flu symptoms Leather sandals shoes Men's red shoes MEDICINE BUDDHA - DECHEN SHAK-DAGSAY - From the CD "JEWEL"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 19 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Leslie Cane I often hear from wives who are trying to gauge the odds of saving their marriages. Sometimes, their husband has already filed for divorce. Other times, he's merely told them of his intent to divorce them. And there are times when he's only in the early stages of the process and is only beginning to speak of a divorce, (although nothing definitive has happened just yet.) Many wives ask me questions about the chances that their husband will change his mind. I recently heard from a wife who asked: "how many husbands end up changing their minds about the divorce? Is the percentage or odds high or very low? My husband keeps telling me that our marriage is over and that divorce is the only way out. He says his mind is made up and that there isn't anything that I can possibly do to change it. How many husbands in this situation do end up eventually changing their minds? What can I do to improve the chances that my husband will be one of the ones who eventually does?" I looked for any scientific statistics that might help me to answer some of these questions and I found none. So, that leaves my own experiences to fall back on, which admittedly aren't very scientific. I do get a lot of comments on my save my marriage blog (referenced below) from both husbands and wives in this situation. Some come back later to tell me what happened in their marriages, but certainly not all of them check back in. And, I have to say that most of the time, the people who visit my blog have at least some interest in saving their marriage. So what I see is probably not representative of a general population. With all of this said, it's not uncommon for me to hear that either party (the husband or the wife) has changed their mind about a divorce. I am not going to tell you that this happens the majority of the time, because it doesn't. But it's not uncommon either. I don't want to guess at the percentage or odds because as I said, this is my own unscientific guess. If often really does depend upon several th! ings lik e: the severity of the problems that are causing the divorce in the first place; what (if anything) happens that might inspire the changing of a mind; and how open both parties are open to admitting (even to themselves) that their perceptions about the state of the marriage (and the people in it) may have been wrong. Is There Anything That I Can Do To Increase The Odds That My Husband Will Change His Mind About The Divorce?: This really is the central question. Because I don't believe that your goal should be to "make" or "get" your husband to change his mind about divorcing you. The better goal is to inspire or convince him to change his mind because he now believes that something, someone, or some set of circumstances have changed. Many wives think that the best way to do this is to try to lay on the dramatics to inspire the same dramatic turn around in their husband. I rarely see this strategy work. It often just makes the husband more anxious to get the divorce out of the way as soon as possible. The better bet is to show him that spending time with you doesn't need to turn out badly or inspire any drama. You want to show him that he was wrong when he thought there was nothing left between you or when he assumed the marriage was too far gone to save. However, in order for him to truly believe this, these realizations need to come gradually and naturally. Other wise, you run the risk of things feeling too forced or sudden. So rather than trying to make him change his feelings and perceptions over night, be happy with small steps, especially at first. A decent first goal is just to interact with one another better and to vow that there will be no negative outcomes when at the end of your interactions. From there, you'll want to strive for positive outcomes where you're both comfortable, laughing, and smiling. Once he's comfortable again and he's initiating more contact, then and only then should you begin to move very slowly toward trying to get him to change his mind! about t he divorce. But, you should never be the one to mention that, if it is at all possible. The best case scenario is for him to change his mind on his own (because you have set up the circumstances that make this favorable) and for him to be the one to bring the divorce up. If he feels as if you're pulling the strings and trying to manipulate him, you actually decrease the odds that he's going to change his mind. That's why it's so important to move at a very deliberate pace and to make him think that his thoughts, feelings, and intentions are his own. I tried for force my own husband to change his mind about the divorce and needless to say, this didn't work. It wasn't until I figured out that I needed to break the process into a series of small and easier steps that I began to gain some ground which eventually lead to my saving my marriage. If it helps, you're welcome to read my story about how I was able to accomplish this. Feel free to check it out my blog at About the AuthorLeslie Cane is the webmaster of "I Saved My Marriage" at You can read more of her articles at Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 19 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Tannu Very Cool!!! Power Vinyasa Yoga Spinal Flow!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 19 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Jessica Brandt yoga for relaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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