Waking up to the truth

Waking up to the truth

Waking up to the truth

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

A new monthly blog first Monday of the month by Vimalasara Aka Valerie Mason-John

My Ego

When I came to Buddhism 22 years ago, I would never have admitted to being an addict. After all I was doing what everybody else was doing in my work and social life. No one I knew  was in a 12 step program, or thinking about sobriety. We were in our 20s, happy go lucky and indulging in our hedonistic lives.

In fact when I first mentioned I was going to stop drinking, my friends were horrified. "What? Not even champagne?" How could I refuse such an offer? "Okay champagne only." That's how I became the champagne Queen. People knew not to offer me anything else but the fizz.

By the time I was 28 I got to a place in my life where I knew I had burnt copious holes in my brain. Something intuitively told me meditation was the answer, despite the fact I had never formally meditated before. However, I knew the brain was capable of developing new brain cells, and therefore it needed something like meditation, learning a new language or simply doing headstands to revitalize it. Meditation I thought was the easiest option.

Thankfully, visiting a Buddhist Temple was much more hip among my friends. After all, we all needed something to balance our lives in the fast lane.  It was safer than therapy, and not considered navel gazing. The fact I could go to meditation class, and go out clubbing all night after, was acceptable.

I drank Aqualibra and so nobody noticed I wasn't drinking.  I could meditate for half an hour, get up from my cushions and feel high. I could go on a week retreat, and feel like I was tripping. My addict had found something else to obsess with. I hadn't bargained for the Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha, or for reciting the five lay precepts, one of which was 'abstaining from taking intoxicants.'

There came a point that I had to admit listening to dharma talks was having an impact on my life. Alcohol and stimulants began to fall away. Even some friends too, but most were inspired by the fact that I had found a natural way to be high. I got addicted to guarana,  a native American plant, and kola nut, an African caffeine bean. I had gone from being the champagne queen, to the Duracell battery, as I had more energy than anyone who had popped or snorted something.

I began to realize that champagne, stimulants and natural highs were all about my external ego. How sad was that? As soon as I realized this I began to let go. However, my root dis-ease, root addiction, was food. From the age of 16 I struggled with anorexia, and then became a chronic bulimic. I could not walk past a food shop, or a table of food without eating. I could not refuse food, and would steal and lie to get my choice of drug. I could not eat food without throwing it all up. And so I was on the pendulum of craving and aversion.

Amidst this whirl wind of partying, and natural highs, meditation had cultivated a gap. It was this gap, that led me to recovery. In the gap, I had to discover my own truth. That I was an addict, and I needed to change. Not just an addict to food, but I was addicted to life. I didn't want to age, get sick or die. The irony was that I was living a life that could accelerate all of these things. I didn't want to see the ascetic, the fourth sight of the Buddha. To witness the man begging, was too much of a harsh metaphor. It would mean having to let go of how I made my money, how I lived my life. I would have to question my ethics.

The four noble truths came to my rescue. Next month, some of the things that shaped me before I was graced with the Buddhist core teachings; The Four Noble Truths.

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Secretly Enter The Minds Of Your Online Business Readers With Effect

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Jenle Gross

All of us appreciate a great story, a reality that has been accurate practically because the dawn of time. Oral means of storytelling was how individuals would share their histories and teach individuals exactly where they came from. Believe about television: all day and each day channels filled with nothing but stories about every feasible topic and the news is little much more than stories concerning the globe. So, what you want to do is simply borrow that for your blog, and you can command the attention of one's readers simpler than you believe.

What you should do first is scout the news or set up a couple of Google Alerts for a few of the key phrases that are most popular inside your niche. When you know that your readers are very passionate about a specific topic or concept, it is great to locate news about that subject that is current. For the content material or your articles, you should select opposing points of view on that topic after which write about them. All you are going to need to do is set up the scene and clarify the issue and then take some turns writing about what every source you have considered has stated about it. You can put your own opinions, comments, and so on in there and then do what you are able to to further the debate. It is simple to make use of opposing points of view and it can be a truly great way to assist maintain the discussion going. If you've ever read a newspaper or an internet news website you will have noticed those op-ed pieces. Op-ed articles and columns are insanely popular as news sources and content material for probably the most essential news web sites. This really is fairly simple when you wish to do it on your personal web site and you can do it for any niche or market or subject that you want. So you comprehend what you need to now is set up an additional category or even an extra page for your website which you can name Op-Ed. All that's left following that's writing articles and posts concerning the topics which are the most timely and! relevan t and fit it to the op-ed format. You want them to appear unique so you should only do this as soon as a week or even as soon as every other week.

In the event you do writing simply because its essential, but dislike it, then you are probably fighting yourself. It could all become much more stressful and difficult anytime you provide internal resistance. It will be easier to relax if you do adequate preparation for any piece of content writing you need to do. You can establish a foundation by doing analysis and preparing a fast outline. Once you get that established, permit your self to relax and write from the function you've already ready. Once you stop fighting the process and relax, writing will become easier and your item will improve. We have shown you three extremely powerful ways to incorporate stories on your weblog, and the impact will probably be dramatic if all else is correctly done. Even when your blog centers within the globe of company, you will find all sorts of stories that you can use to make your blog much more engaging. All you have to do is go find them and use them on your blog.

About the Author

For more info please visit: se nuke

Relaxation and Massage Music w/guitar and ocean sounds- Caribbean Breeze Video.WMV

www.ReverbNation.com/KirkGairDC. Do You ever have problems getting to sleep? Does your sleep not seem to refresh you? Do you feel stressed, pressured, or hurried? Or do you just want to unwind, or give or receive a massage with music that seems to also massage your soul? Or do you have a child who has trouble calming down and getting to sleep? If so then you are the kind of person I had in mind when I wrote this music! I have made special music to help you relax, fall asleep easier, or enjoy a massage. Please check out my site where you can stream all my songs for free, or purchase downloadable enhanced, higher quality versions of my songs. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, as I will be posting up more videos very soon. The videos will be in HD and will feature the California coast.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Getting Your Yoga Teaching Certification

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by James Wilson

Training for your yoga certification to be a teacher is a frequently considered process for people with at least a year of yoga lessons. There are lots of ways to get your certification, but the fastest is to see if the yoga studio you already attend offers a teacher training course. A good teacher training class that justifies the amount of money and time you may spend on lessons must be approved by a national certifying agency, such as Yoga Alliance in the US. Being registered with a larger organization of yoga teachers shows future students, if you do pursue a career, that your training is of standard quality with the majority of yoga instructors in your practice. An added feature of being a member of a large organization is that you will have a means of communicating and learning from other yoga instructors. You will also stay informed about local yoga-related activities which may be relevant to you.Before you make the decision to get certified, you should make sure that you are informed about the different practices of yoga, and the level of dedication that might be required for your chosen style. There are many different styles of yoga developed by different yogis: while some types of yoga, like Bikram or "Hot Yoga" rely on only certain postures as a method to increase your health, other schools like Iyengar yoga call for the use of many pieces of equipment such as blocks and straps to achieve physical positions. You should be informed that some types of yoga ask the trainee to study Buddhist or Hindu spiritualism, which may be a hurdle for people with other faiths.Before committing to any style of yoga to train for certification in, it is important to read up on at least a couple separate yoga teachings and to be aware of the different chances for training in your area. And, you should figure out the length of time you are willing and able to commit for your classes, as some training programs take only a couple weeks or months, while others can potentially take years to complete. Even afte! r you co mplete the initial teaching program, it's necessary to continue your practice on a frequent basis, attending workshops and retreats to deepen your understanding of yoga. Yoga is really a lifelong learning process, and your practice will adapt to suit your situation: a teacher training program is one of the ways you can make use of the benefits of maintaining a yoga practice.

About the Author

James Wilson writes regularly about fitness related topics. I hope you enjoy this article. For more information about yoga practice and training, please visit Yoga Information Online.

Shilpa Yoga - Kapalbhati

In The First Of The Cat Poses When The Spine Is Curved Downward Inhale And Raise The Right Leg. Keeping Yourself As Stable As Possible Bend The Right Leg Back Creating As Much Of As Arch As Possible. The Sole Of Your Right Foot Should Be Pointing Towards And Parallel To The Neck Which Is Tilted Up. Hold. Exhale And Slowly Bring The Leg Back In To Position.Vyaghrasana Means The Tiger Pose. It Takes Its Name From The Stretches Performed By Cats When They Wake Up. Its Excellent For Both The Abdominal Muscles And The Spinal Nerves. It Is Also Very Good For Relieving Sciatica. And Apart From Imparting Great Muscle Tone This Along With The Cat Pose Is Very Beneficial For Pregnant Women And New Mothers. These Two Asanas Are The Easiest To Perform When One Is Pregnant Or Has Just Delivered A Child. Please Do Ensure That You Check With Your Doctor Before Attempting Them Though. Both The Tiger Pose And The Cat Poses Help Ease Stretch And Tone The Vaginal Passage After Delivery.www.shemaroo.com

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Spanking Linked to More Aggression in Kids

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

child, mom, parenting, discipline, lecturing
CREDIT: Discipline photo via Shutterstock

Spanking or slapping your child has long-term, harmful effects on their development, according to a new review of 20 years of research.

Over the past two decades, research has increasingly found links between such "everyday" types of physical punishment and higher levels of child aggression, according to the review. In fact, no studies have found this type of child discipline to predict a positive long-term effect.

"I think it's important for parents to understand that although physical punishment might get a child to do something in the immediate situation, there are many side effects that can develop over the long term," said co-author Joan Durrant, a child clinical psychologist at Family Social Sciences at the University of Manitoba in Canada.  

"For example, the more often a child sees a parent respond to conflict or frustration with slapping or spanking, the more likely that child will do the same when confronting their own conflicts," Durrant said.

The review is published today (Feb. 6) in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Some parents still use spanking for discipline

One recent poll found that 22 percent of parents reported being "very likely" to spank their children, but most said they disciplined their kids in other ways, by taking away privileges or putting them in "time out."

In one U.S. study, researchers looked at 2,400 mothers who spanked their 3-year-olds twice the previous month, and found that children had an increased risk for higher levels of aggression when they were 5 years old.

"In the U.S., physical punishment is such an entrenched part of the culture that virtually no one has experienced growing up without it," Durrant said. "This situation makes it difficult for parents to visualize raising a child without it."

Durrant also pointed out that a major factor could be that some parents have little knowledge or understanding of why children behave like they do.

"They are more likely to believe that their child is being defiant or intentionally bad, but in most cases, children are simply doing what is normal for their development," she said. 

Start early with positive discipline

Based on years of research, however, more and more doctors are encouraging parents to discipline their children with positive, nonviolent approaches.

"Parents should start out really young — as early as 12 months old," said Kimberly Sirl, a clinical psychologist at St. Louis Children's Hospital, who was not involved with the research.

"Kids have to learn how to cope with frustration, how to share and how to be patient," Sirl said. "Parents teach them how to do that."

For example, Sirl said that toddlers say no to everything, so the best thing to do when they're acting out is either ignore them briefly (for roughly 10 seconds) or redirect their negative behavior.

"If you want to encourage good behavior, provide them with reward or praise," she said.

Instead of saying, "do this [be]cause I told you so," Sirl said, it's best to explain to kids why there are rules.

"We should let them know that grownups have to follow rules too," she said. "Essentially, time out for grownups is called jail."

Pass it on: Physically disciplining children is linked with higher levels of child aggression.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook.

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Tibetan Buddhist Tingshas

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Sylvia Smelcer

Tibetan Buddhists often use tingshas during their meditation practices. A tingsha is a pair of small cymbals connected by a strap. Tingshas are used in prayer and rituals, and produce a clear, high-pitched tone when struck. A tingsha is a relatively small instrument, usually measuring between two and four inches in diameter (each). Tingshas are often embossed with a mantra, such as the popular "Om Mani Padme Hum", which is said to invoke the nature of Chenrezig, the great Buddha of compassion. Many others are embossed with "Om Ah Hung", which represents the attainment of Enlightenment. In addition to mantras, tingshas can be embellished with other religious symbols or icons, giving the instrument a deeper spiritual quality than plain tingshas. Tingshas are used for a wide variety of purposes, but mostly to clear the mind for meditative purposes. They can also be used in Feng Shui to clear the energy in a certain space, much like an auditory smudge stick.

Tingshas are produced by expert craftsman who mold melted metal made of an amalgam of up to 12 metals into the shape of this musical instrument and meditation tool. The primary substance used is bell bronze, which is an alloy of approximately 80% copper and 20% tin. Additional metals that may be added include: aluminum, iron, gold, silver, zinc, tin, nickel and manganese. In addition to these ores, craftsman may also include other rare metals to produce a superior sound quality. Tingshas are produced from many areas of southern Asia, including Nepal and India. Most are crafted, of course, by Tibetan refugees. Each cymbal is one of a kind, and tuned by hand to specific musical notes. The two cymbals are purposefully tuned to a slightly different pitch, in order to produce a poignant and evocative ring that will embellish the practice for which it is used.The process of crafting a pair of tingshas is a complex one, involving many critical steps. The vast majority of finished tingshas do not pass inspection. Specially trained artisans first de! sign the tingsha, then build a mold according to their specifications. After the mold is complete, the alloy mixture is heated to approximately 2,000 degrees. The melted metal is gathered into a ladle. Small amounts of copper are added to the viscous metal in the ladle before it is poured into the mold, which serves to purify the alloy. The copper causes the impurities to float to the surface, where they are simply skimmed off. From the ladle the metal is poured into the mold through a filtered cone, which serves to gently guide the metal and filter out additional impurities. If there is any metal left over after the molds are filled, it is put aside to harden, and will to be re-melted at a future time.

At this point the tingshas will be left to dry and harden. When the tingsha is ready, it is thoroughly inspected for any defects such as warps or cracks. If the tingsha doesn't pass muster, it is re-melted and recast. If it passes inspection, the blackish tingsha is polished or sand blasted to make it sparkling and shiny. The tingsha is also tested to see if it meets tonal specifications. If it does not meet the craftman's standards, it is melted down and cast into a new mold, or its alloy mixture is modified in order to achieve a more superior product. At this point the tingsha is tuned. The technician alters the structure of the tingsha by hammering, shaving, grinding, or trimming it. After this is complete, it is time for the tingsha to find its companion. The two are then joined by a leather or cotton strap, and the process is complete.

In a similar manner to Tibetan singing bowls, tingshas are graded for quality according to several categories. The bowls are considered of superior quality if they are made from an extensive variety of metals, as opposed to being crafted by merely three or four different alloys. Naturally, higher quality metals such as silver will also raise the level of quality for a pair of tingshas. Quality casting will improve its quality, particularly if it features intricate ! and attr active characters or symbols. The quality of the tingsha's ring is one of the most important factors. A poor sounding tingsha is simply not desirable. Just like Tibetan singing bowls, a tingsha is considered of increasingly higher value the longer the tingshas ring when struck. Finally, the quality of the artisan's tuning will greatly affect the worth of any pair of tingshas.

About the Author

Tibetan Buddhist tingshas, singing bowls and other Tibetan instruments are of interest to Sylvia Smelcer, who is the owner of e-commerce websites.

Happy is the people's traditions Buddhist งานบวชนาค Thailand

งานบวชนาค วันที่ 15 ตุลาคม 2554 Happy is the people's traditions. Buddhist. Because of the strong Buddhist. We aim to provide their children a religious family. Renew his life to Buddhism. Another is. To teach their children to learn the religion. To the conduct of his life in the house. Son who will be ordained to the age of twenty one years of age. When a monk and ordained to be voluntary. Parents bring their children to the abbot's house. The temple of the temple is a Taiika Taik. To surrender your life to. To enable it to offer flowers, incense, candles in hand with Preceptor should ask their parents. Or priests who request it. Date of birth. And qualifications of those who are ordained. If you have a complete feature. Do not be banned in order to allow the ordination of ordination. You will get into the priesthood. Application for ordination by the ordination. And then give you a certificate to fill in as evidence. Prior to ordination, ordination is not less than 15 days from the appointment to the priesthood is called. The snake or serpent. The practice drills with his life. And the date of the ordination ordination. When you surrender your life to prepare the eight monks in Bali, as follows. Contact robe important mosques for years, they grow and Wasi's registers and point of Allah Bath simple context canals girl I Music News We Send state application Baden on the canals in terms of them cloudy technology including Atrhiwr bowl and Place the knife (razor) and ...

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The Thousand Cuts Fitness Program

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Post written by Leo Babauta.

I've trained for marathons, triathlons, 10Ks, a 13.5-hour challenge, Ubanathlons, and more. But my favorite fitness program isn't one where you train for a major event.

It's where you get fit by a thousand little actions.

When the actions are tiny, they are easy. You have no excuse. You can do them anywhere, all day long.

I fold fitness into my life, like blueberries into batter, and it becomes a part of the recipe, not just a topping.

If you haven't found a way to get fit, try the Thousand Cuts Fitness Program. There is nothing better for those who don't have the time.

Here's how it works:

1. Right now, do something that only takes 1 minute. It might be a few pushups, bodyweight squats, an attempt at a pullup, a few lunges. You have time to do 1 minute.

2. In an hour or so, go for a walk if you can. If you're in decent shape, make it a fast walk. Add some hills for challenges. If you're not in good shape, just walk. Later, add some spurts of fast walking.

3. Later in the day, do a few more 1 minute activities.

4. Gradually build the 1 minute activities into 2 or 3 minutes. Then 4 or 5. Add more of them throughout your day.

5. As much as you can, turn the activities into play. Throw your kids around. Run through a park and climb trees and benches. Race people. Play a sport.

6. Get a pullup bar for your home. Every time you walk by it, try to pull yourself up. If you can do pullups, do a few, or 10, every time you pass the bar.

7. Get some kettlebells. Swing them a few times a day.

8. Run places. Walk places quickly.

Always be active. It's not hard, if you do it in tiny bits. You can't say no to 1 minute, or even just a few seconds. And if you do a thousand of them, you'll be fit.

Fitness is a part of my life now, but it wasn't when I started. I did it in little bits, without designating a certain time as "workout time". My whole life is workout time.

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Buddha Boy Uncovered: Secret Techniques

Rare film of Ram Bahadur Bamjan ("Buddha Boy") who has been meditating for 3 years without food & water. Ram Bahadur Bamjan is known by many as a reincarnation of Buddha.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Waking up to the truth

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 09:02 AM PST

A new monthly blog first Monday of the month by Vimalasara Aka Valerie Mason-John

My Ego

When I came to Buddhism 22 years ago, I would never have admitted to being an addict. After all I was doing what everybody else was doing in my work and social life. No one I knew  was in a 12 step program, or thinking about sobriety. We were in our 20s, happy go lucky and indulging in our hedonistic lives.

In fact when I first mentioned I was going to stop drinking, my friends were horrified. "What? Not even champagne?" How could I refuse such an offer? "Okay champagne only." That's how I became the champagne Queen. People knew not to offer me anything else but the fizz.

By the time I was 28 I got to a place in my life where I knew I had burnt copious holes in my brain. Something intuitively told me meditation was the answer, despite the fact I had never formally meditated before. However, I knew the brain was capable of developing new brain cells, and therefore it needed something like meditation, learning a new language or simply doing headstands to revitalize it. Meditation I thought was the easiest option.

Thankfully, visiting a Buddhist Temple was much more hip among my friends. After all, we all needed something to balance our lives in the fast lane.  It was safer than therapy, and not considered navel gazing. The fact I could go to meditation class, and go out clubbing all night after, was acceptable.

I drank Aqualibra and so nobody noticed I wasn't drinking.  I could meditate for half an hour, get up from my cushions and feel high. I could go on a week retreat, and feel like I was tripping. My addict had found something else to obsess with. I hadn't bargained for the Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha, or for reciting the five lay precepts, one of which was 'abstaining from taking intoxicants.'

There came a point that I had to admit listening to dharma talks was having an impact on my life. Alcohol and stimulants began to fall away. Even some friends too, but most were inspired by the fact that I had found a natural way to be high. I got addicted to guarana,  a native American plant, and kola nut, an African caffeine bean. I had gone from being the champagne queen, to the Duracell battery, as I had more energy than anyone who had popped or snorted something.

I began to realize that champagne, stimulants and natural highs were all about my external ego. How sad was that? As soon as I realized this I began to let go. However, my root dis-ease, root addiction, was food. From the age of 16 I struggled with anorexia, and then became a chronic bulimic. I could not walk past a food shop, or a table of food without eating. I could not refuse food, and would steal and lie to get my choice of drug. I could not eat food without throwing it all up. And so I was on the pendulum of craving and aversion.

Amidst this whirl wind of partying, and natural highs, meditation had cultivated a gap. It was this gap, that led me to recovery. In the gap, I had to discover my own truth. That I was an addict, and I needed to change. Not just an addict to food, but I was addicted to life. I didn't want to age, get sick or die. The irony was that I was living a life that could accelerate all of these things. I didn't want to see the ascetic, the fourth sight of the Buddha. To witness the man begging, was too much of a harsh metaphor. It would mean having to let go of how I made my money, how I lived my life. I would have to question my ethics.

The four noble truths came to my rescue. Next month, some of the things that shaped me before I was graced with the Buddhist core teachings; The Four Noble Truths.

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11 Most Popular and Effective Meditation Techniques around the World Today

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Chun Jia

People meditate for a reason. Aside from finding the innermost of yourself, meditation gives you the ability and chance to achieve a greater and more sophisticated awareness of the environment around you. Not only this, it also allows you to claim harmony, peace, and tranquility - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Meditation can be done using different types of techniques. While some are related and originated from cultures, religions, and civilizations around the world, others are primarily basic techniques mastered and polished by various persons. But one thing binds them all - that is the ability to put you on a state of relaxation and deep meditation.

1. Basic Meditation - this is the simplest of all meditation techniques. It does not require any special preparations nor does it need prayers or that sort of thing. What you do in basic meditation is simply be alone, sit still, be quite, and focus on yourself and nothing else. Although thoughts come and go inside your mind, never allow them to distract you. Thus, you have to have total control.

2. Focused Meditating - Focused meditating is different to that of basic meditation in a way that it requires you to focus on something specific. While basic does not want to give attention to any outside force, focused works the other way around. Its main objective is to train yourself to control your consciousness.

3. Mantra - this is a very unique type of meditation technique where sound plays a big part. A single or a series of sound patterns are played spontaneously as you concentrate on it. The person using this technique will experience extreme mental processing and psychic awareness.

4. Breathing Meditation - this type of meditation focuses on comfort. It does not really involve focus on a certain thing or thought. What you have to do in order to meditate is to breathe slowly and then absorb and process the way you breather in your mind. Feel the air passing through your nasal passages and the lungs. You ca! n keep r epeating it - breathe in, breathe out until your mind starts to relax and then wander.

5. Steady Gaze - steady gaze meditation is kind of similar to focused meditating. However, it is exclusively about gazing steadily at a certain outside object. The person meditating will now focus on it for a long period of time. The main benefit of this technique is developing the person's optic function and intuition.

6. Chakra Meditation - this meditation technique is one of the most difficult. It is also the one that can take a person into the deepest levels of consciousness. It primarily deals with the expression and realization of mind control and inner energy production.

7. Music Meditation - what's unique about meditating while turning the music on is that you're actually not putting yourself in a deep meditative state but still you achieve the goal of meditation and relaxation with the help of soothing and calming tunes.

8. Clear Mind - Clear mind meditation is like the basic type. But what makes it different is that you have to clear your mind of anything that tries to go through. While basic meditation allows the passing of thoughts but not allowing it to distract you, clear mind meditation is all about emptying your mind. Liberate from any thoughts and distractions.

9. Mindful Meditation - the purpose of this technique is to meditate in order to become completely aware of the entire environment that surrounds you. You have to stay in an ideal place where you get a good view in your mind about what's happening around you. What you need to do then is give a complete focus and fill in every detail of what you're reading in your mind.

10. Walking Meditation - unlike majority of the meditation techniques we've encountered so far, this one involves physical movement. You don't sit and relax in one place. Instead, you go for a walk but make sure you find a place where no one else is around. In this technique, you focus on your movement and breathing and then connect to your envi! ronment.

11. Binaural Meditation - this one is like music meditating but the difference is that it uses a different kind of tune. With the help of binaural beats, you can put yourself in meditative and relaxation mode. You will be amazed how powerful binaural beats are in quickly transitioning you to a calming state.

About the Author

There are so many ways of putting oneself to relaxation, but meditation is without a doubt the most popular. For added information, click here.

Lilium's Chakra Meditation

Hey everybody ^^ FINALLY I'm being a bit productive and here is the video loooooong under progress. This is for ALL OF YOU who are so supportive and sweet to me. THANK YOU SO MUUUUCH! First we will start with the root chakra, then moving on to the solar plexus chakra then to the throat chakra and finally meditation the third eye :) I hope you all enjoy it :D Love ***Lilium

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Mammogram Readers Could Take a Cue from Film-Making

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Dreamstime

The accuracy of a person reading a mammogram is improved when their gaze is subtly shifted toward suspicious areas, and nudged around to ensure that they look at every part of the scan, according to new research.

Such "gaze manipulation" is often used in the making of movies, but could be of real value in helping to catch breast cancers, the study found.

"Using this subtle gaze direction, we can draw someone's eye around an image without distracting their viewing," said study researcher Cindy Grimm, a computer engineer at Washington University in St. Louis.

The same methods, she said, could also be applied to other tasks where someone needs to look over an image — airport security personnel looking at images from scanned luggage, for instance.

Learning from the movies

Artists and movie directors have been using the technique of gaze manipulation for decades, to make sure we see some part of the action we might otherwise miss. People tend to direct their gaze at the parts of an image that are brighter, or that have higher contrast between the darkest and lightest areas, than the rest.

Grimm, who had focused her computer graphics research on how people perceive images, said she realized that the tricks of directing someone's eye to a particular part of a picture may have uses in medicine as well.

To study how gaze manipulation could be used to help those reading mammograms, Grimm and her colleagues used 65 mammogram images with known abnormalities. The team hired an expert radiologist,  and tracked his eyes while he read the mammograms. The researchers also recruited 20 mammogram-reading novices, who typically make more mistakes, or don't spot abnormalities.

The novices were divided into four groups: some read the scans as they normally would, some had their gazes subtly manipulated so they followed a gaze path similar to the expert's, some were directed with subtle clues to look only at regions suspected of being cancerous, and some had their gaze paths guided randomly across each scan.

The group that read mammograms as they normally did were accurate in reading 52 percent of the scans, and those who were guided randomly were correct 54 percent of time, whereas the group that was directed, through subtle visual clues, to follow the eye path of the expert was 65 percent accurate. The group whose eyes were drawn to abnormalities was 69 percent accurate. 

"To guide their eye paths we picked spots we wanted them to look at, and made it a little bit brighter," Grimm said. "But by the time they actually pick up on that cue and look in that direction, the brightness fades and the image looks normal." Most participants, she said, didn't pick up on anything unusual about the images, or notice that their gaze was being manipulated.

Even experts vary their gaze

While the new study is proof-of-concept that gaze manipulation could improve the accuracy of those reading the scans, there are still questions about what makes one expert more accurate than another.

Anthony Maeder, of the University of Western Sydney in Australia, studies how people interpret mammograms, and said it's not as simple as gaze. "The major challenge is understanding how all the different psycho-visual factors some into play," he said.

Maeder's research has revealed that even "expert" mammogram readers don't follow the same eye gaze pattern when they read the same scan on two different occasions.

"This can be attributed to fatigue, distraction, covert attention and peripheral visual effects, visual memory of similar images, or just random human body system variations," Maeder said.

But while systems relying solely on humans, or solely on computers, both have their drawbacks, subtle gaze manipulation could be a way to link the two, Grimm said.

Computers could pick out suspicious areas of a scan and then subtle gaze manipulation could be used to make sure radiologists look at those spots — as well as the rest of the scan — when they are reading the mammogram.

"This isn't going to be a substitute for training," Grimm said. "But it could be used to keep people on task, or improve their techniques."

Pass it on:  Using subtle visual cues to direct the gazes of radiologists reading mammograms could make the technique more accurate.

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Powerful Stress Relief!

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Stephen D. Rogers, MS, AP

Not too long ago, humans were under much different external threats than today, such as falling victim to wild beasts. Thankfully, today those stressors are almost non-existent. Yet, our bodies still respond to stress in the same way. The reaction is termed as "fight or flight." To help us safeguard our survival, the body responds by releasing hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and others into our blood stream. These hormones create a boost of super-human strength. Though the instant power is useful in crises, those hormones expedite aging and decay!

Rarely do we find ourselves in such extreme situations now. Yet, we react to daily stressors as if they were the equivalent of escaping predators. Consequently, most of us, unknowingly, are under a low-grade stress response all day long and even while we sleep. That is why medicine regards stress as a chronic condition.

Achieving a completely stress-free life may not be realistic, but we can reduce its negative effects significantly! Here's how.

Taking adaptogenic herbs, or adaptogens for short, heal stress naturally!

What are adaptogens? The key word is "adapt." In fact, adaptogens were popularized by Russian scientists when they discovered the amazing effects they had on their Olympians. These substances greatly reduced the recovery time during training, therefore, helping the athletes better "adapt" to the extraordinary amount of stress imposed on their bodies. They borrowed this technology from ancient Chinese Physicians who've uses adaptogens for thousands of years in wound healing, stress reduction, mental clarity, alleviating depression, longevity and energy rejuvenation.

To be more specific, adaptogens have the amazing ability to restore the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are the body's primary mechanism for coping with stress. Sometimes referred to as the body's batteries, our adrenals supply the pep for our step. When under chronic stress, the adrenals glands work until exhausted. When they are weak,! we are weak, and we feel it.

But, nature has provided a solution. The answer is to recharge the adrenal glands with adaptogenic herbs, thereby producing a natural boost of energy. Yes, adaptogens recharge the adrenal glands, thereby giving us more abundant energy!

The miraculous ability to help us "adapt" to stress comes from their unique dual-directive function. Meaning adaptogens neither over-stimulate nor inhibit the body - they help restore homeostasis. Simply put, adaptogens enable the body to better cope, resist, and adapt to stress (be it mental, emotional, physical, or environmental). When supplementing with these herbs, the body still responds to stress appropriately, but the negative effects are minimized. Essentially, these herbs relax the roller coaster highs and lows we experience from the stress response. Such balance translates into deeper relaxation, optimum function, and better health! Though stress itself is not an illness, it has been linked to a myriad of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. In fact, studies have shown that stress is the #1 cause of all disease. The American Academy of Family Physicians estimates that around two-thirds of all trips to the doctor are for stress-related complaints. Stress seriously threatens our health and compromises our immune function.

Here is a little known fact: adaptogens were given to over a half a million people after the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl in 1986 to help offset the negative effects of radiation poisoning and strengthen their immune systems. These herbs have serious healing power to be used in that situation.

As stress levels increase and remain, our acidity rises to dangerous levels too. Stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, contribute to this. In the medical field, some say that these hormones coursing in the blood stream for long periods act like battery acid slowly eating away at our health. High acidity levels increase the risk of diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and! a host of other fatal diseases.

In fact, one study has shown the one common characteristic in all types of cancers is a high acidic pH level. The study summarized that no type of cancer can survive in a body with a balanced pH. In humans, the alkaline and acid level is in balance between 7.35 and 7.55. Due to their balancing effect, adaptogens help to normalize the body's pH level -- a biomarker of sound health!

A short list of adaptogenic herbs are: Eleuthero Root (Siberian ginseng), American Ginseng, Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Shitake Mushroom, Miatake Mushroom, Polygonatum Multiflorum, Atractylodes, Cordyceps, and Schisandra Root.

When supplementing with them, it's best to get a variety so the body can absorb the most benefit. Though herbs come in pills, extracts or powders, ideally the choice is powder or extract. Moreover, I feel it the best results come when the herbs are delivered in a macro-nutrient base. Paring the herbs with foods works well, since the body better metabolizes herbs and other micro-nutrients from a food (balance protein-fat-carbohydrate) delivery system. Thus, a powder form is ideal. Unlike extracts, which are usually held in alcohol, powder adaptogenic formulas mix well with food powders. Most pill forms of herbs tend to be denatured through the manufacturing process, therefore pill form adaptogens, in my opinion, are not ideal.

Make sure that the sources of ingredients are all-natural! Organic is great, but there are numerous sources that are not "certified" organic, yet are equally healthful when all natural. "All natural" is a standard that typically eliminates the harmful chemicals and preservatives, plus the extra cost of producing organic products for farmers and consumers.

Lastly, ensure the product was developed by a qualified herbalist who understands internal medicine, not simply a nutritionist who studied herbs or worse a businessperson looking to make a buck.

I believe we are just scratching the surface in regards to the health benefits! of adap togens. As the Chinese have practiced for thousands of years, adaptogens (tonic herbs) should be part of our daily diet. We here in the west will soon get with the trend as we come to recognize the powerful stress relieving benefits of adaptogens.

If you are interested in more information on adaptogens visit http://www.shentrition.com. Otherwise, call 866-497-SHEN (7436) or email questions to: Stephen@Shen-Life.com.

About the Author

Professionally educated as an Acupuncture Physician, Stephen D. Rogers specializes in preventive health and spiritual development. Visit Shen Life at http://www.shen-life.com and ShenTrition at http://www.shentrition.com or call 1-866-497-7436.

Hypnosis for Sleep Series 22 part 2... meditation relaxation induction

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Meditate for a date

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

Gabrielle Bernstein, Metro: Let's face it: Though romantic relationships can be wonderful, sometimes they are totally nightmarish. While there are a lot of reasons romance can be tough, most of the time the chaos begins within.

The first step toward clearing a fear of romance is to accept relationships as opportunities for awesome spiritual growth. Rather than get all heady about what went wrong in the past, let's focus on what you can change today. Outlined below are key principles that will help guide you to release fear in romance and cultivate more love in your life:

No one is sent to anyone …

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Documentary About Buddha Boy (1 of 5) Ram Bahadur Bamjan

Part 1 of 5 of a documentary about Ram Bahadur Bamjan ("Buddha Boy") who has been meditating for 3 years without food or water. Ram Bahadur Bamjan is known by many as a reincarnation of Buddha.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Get Relaxation Methods To Completely Drop Tension In The Wilderness

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Mccollins Spano

When attempting to get yourself into rest mode, when I discover stress form within both my body or mind I notice that my sensory awareness also closes down. It is like stress is the same as closing a tap around the consciousness of the present moment in time.

That is why it is important to continually scan through the body and thoughts and discover any quantities of tension and allow them to merely drop towards the earth. This relaxation method can be utilized at any time during the day to carry you back to within your natural consciousness.

The idea is to scan up and down the body and become conscious of any stress within your muscles. Whenever you notice some stress inside your muscles, just become aware of the stress. Discover how powerful the stress is. Discover if the stress is scorching or cold. Discover the degree of the stress within your muscle tissues.

When you are fully conscious of the stress, the next stage is to simply allow it go. To complete this, just imagine that you are holding a stone in one of your hands. Then just envision that you let go of the stone. This is the exact way you can get rid of stress and feel the feeling of rest inside your body.

All you need to do is simply let go of your stress inside your body just like letting go of a stone. Permit the tension within your body to drop to the ground. This is most likely the best way to let go of stress inside your body and turn out to be relaxed.

In the event you also scan through your thoughts you will also see that you have tension inside your head. This tension might appear like a slight headache. Similarly with letting go of stress inside the body, just scan your mind for any stress.

Whenever you are prepared then just let the tension inside your thoughts drop to the earth. This letting go of tension inside your mind is simply like letting go of a stone and allowing it to fall to the earth. As you let go of the tension inside your mind you will generally feel a sense of relaxation in! side you r mind.

It's this straightforward relaxation exercise that may almost instantly allow all the stress to drop out of both your mind and your body. This physical exercise may be done nearly anywhere and whenever that you want to really feel a sense of deep relaxation.

About the Author

When you totally drop tension in the wilderness then you definitely will drop right into a deeper perception of rest. Discover how to naturally drop right into a perception of relaxation at any time on this web site.

Relaxation music

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Hilton HHonors Reveals Top 10 Happiest Winter Travel Destinations in the U.S.

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST


Despite this year's mild weather, many are still eager to escape winter; and with good reason. According to Happiness Expert Dr. Aymee Coget, traveling during the winter months can provide more than just a suntan; it can also increase personal happiness during the most depressing time of the year. To help beat the winter blues, Hilton HHonors, the loyalty program for Hilton Worldwide's 10 distinct brands, commissioned a study to identify the happiest U.S. cities to travel to during the winter months. In addition, HHonors is offering its More Points promotion, rewarding members who travel through March 31 with extra Bonus Points.

"Research shows that the anticipation and savoring that comes from an upcoming vacation often increases a person's level of happiness," said Dr. Aymee Coget, happiness expert and CEO of the American Happiness Association. "In fact, spending money on other people and experiences, versus material objects, boosts personal contentment – and travel is a great time to do that."

The destinations, selected by Sperling's BestPlaces, were judged by their ranking in a number of categories, including relaxation, nature, culture, climate, uniqueness, accessibility and urban appeal. Furthermore, each of the cities was rated on its annual number of sunny days; average winter temperatures; number of restaurants; number of cultural institutions; number of bars, lounges and nightclubs; and number of ice cream shops.

Hilton HHonors Happiest Winter Travel Destinations in the U.S.

Rank   City   Highlight       Where to Stay*
    With 286 annual sunny days, 39 golf courses and above   --   Hilton El Conquistador Golf
1 Tucson, Arizona average temperatures, Tucson stands out as the top & Tennis Resort
        U.S. winter destination.  


  Hampton Inn Tucson – North
St. Petersburg, Fort De Soto Park, home of "America's Top Beach" for -- Hilton St. Petersburg
2 Florida its seven miles of waterfront, is just a short drive away Bayfront
        from this winter hotspot.  


  Hampton Inn St. Petersburg
Charleston, Its blend of history, southern charm, and mid-sixties -- DoubleTree by Hilton –
3 South Carolina winter temperatures makes Charleston an ideal place to Historic District
        get your hospitality fix.  


  Embassy Suites Charleston
Napa-Sonoma, As the off-season for Napa and Sonoma, travelers can -- Hilton Sonoma Wine Country
4 California still enjoy the 452 wineries, blooming mustard fields and -- Embassy Suites Napa Valley
        temperate weather in both of these cities.        
Forget the rain. Seattle provides the highest -- Hilton Seattle
5 Seattle, concentration of coffee shops in the U.S. (612), 26 major -- Hilton Garden Inn Seattle
Washington museums, and offers some of the best music and food in
        the country. Just remember an umbrella.        
With its warm, sunny weather (284 days a year), there's -- Hilton Checkers Los Angeles
6 Los Angeles, a reason this cultural empire includes nearly 200 ice -- DoubleTree by Hilton Los
California cream shops for vacationers to cool down. Possible Angeles
        celebrity sightings doesn't hurt either.        
Palm Springs, Hollywood's former playground has plenty of luxurious -- Hilton Palm Springs Resort
7 California desert architecture tours to keep vacationers active -- Hilton Garden Inn Palm
        when they aren't relaxing at the spa.       Springs


Fewer crowds visit America's capital in the winter, -- Capital Hilton


giving vacationers little waiting time between the 23 national


Hilton Garden Inn


monuments and dozens of restaurant stops.


Washington DC Downtown

The winner for most sunny days (294), Las Vegas' -- Hilton Garden Inn Las Vegas
9 Las Vegas, weather is more comfortable in the winter and the city's -- Hilton Grand Vacations - Las
Nevada 120+ casinos and countless shows keep visitors both Vegas
        entertained and happy.        
For a southwestern destination with good drinks and -- Hilton Americas –Houston
10 Houston, Texas good eats, look to Houston and it's more than 2,100 -- Hampton Inn Houston –
bars, 5,123 restaurants – and for an added "kick" – 12 Northwest
        custom boot makers.        

* For additional hotels in these locations, please visit www.hiltonworldwide.com.

Providing travelers extra incentive to book a trip now, the More Points promotion offers Hilton HHonors members a chance to earn 1,000 Bonus Points per night plus an additional 5,000 Bonus Points for every two-night weekend stay at participating properties within the Hilton Worldwide portfolio. From now through March 31, 2012, members can register at HHonors.com/MorePoints.

"Every day, our employees come to work at our more than 3,800 hotels in 88 countries with the number one goal of making our guests happy," said Jeff Diskin, senior vice president, global customer marketing, Hilton Worldwide. "During these dreary winter months, we hope to ensure happiness comes even easier with our More Points promotion, allowing travelers to earn more HHonors points with each stay."

For additional information or to register for the More Points promotion, visit HHonors.com/MorePoints. A weekend stay entails any night Thursday through Sunday, with a minimum of a two-night stay. Bonus Points earned are in addition to the standard points received per night for the length of the stay. To become a Hilton HHonors member, visit HHonors.com.

About Hilton HHonors

Hilton HHonors, the award-winning guest-loyalty program for Hilton Worldwide's 10 distinct hotel brands, offers its 30 million members more ways to earn and redeem points than any other guest-loyalty program, enabling them to create experiences worth sharing at more than 3,800 hotels in 88 countries. HHonors members can now redeem points for any room, anywhere, anytime, including the most luxurious suites, using any of four room rewards: Premium Room Rewards, Room Upgrade Rewards, Points & Money Rewards and Standard Room Rewards. In addition, HHonors members can use points to purchase unique experience rewards, merchandise and vacation packages, make charitable contributions and more. HHonors is also the only guest-loyalty program to offer 'No Blackout Dates' and 'Points & Miles' for the same stay at its properties worldwide, including participating Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts, Conrad Hotels& Resorts, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, DoubleTree by Hilton, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Hotels, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2Suites by Hilton and Hilton Grand Vacations. Membership in HHonors is free, and travelers may enroll online by visiting www.HiltonHHonors.com or connect with Hilton HHonors at news.hiltonhhonors.com.

About Hilton Worldwide

Hilton Worldwide is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For 93 years, Hilton Worldwide has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value. The company is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands. Its brands are comprised of more than 3,800 hotels and timeshare properties, with 630,000 rooms in 88 countries and include Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts, Conrad Hotels & Resorts, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, DoubleTree by Hilton, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Hotels, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton and Hilton Grand Vacations. The company also manages the world-class guest reward program Hilton HHonors®. Visit www.hiltonworldwide.com for more information and connect with Hilton Worldwide at www.facebook.com/hiltonworldwide, www.twitter.com/hiltonworldwide, www.youtube.com/hiltonworldwide, www.flickr.com/hiltonworldwide and www.linkedin.com/company/hilton-worldwide.

About Sperling's BestPlaces

For over 20 years, Bert Sperling has been helping people find their own "Best Place" to live. His firm, Sperling's BestPlaces, puts facts about cities and quality of life in the hands of the public, so they can make better decisions about best places to live, work, retire, play, or relocate. Sperling's has authored two best-sellers, "Cities Ranked and Rated" and "Best Places to Raise your Family," published by John Wiley. More information about Bert Sperling and Sperling's BestPlaces is available at www.bestplaces.net.

About Dr. Aymee Coget

Dr. Aymee Coget, a widely-known happiness expert, has more than 15 years of experience in positive psychology. Her Happiness Makeover™ program teaches people how to achieve inner enduring happiness and handle life's challenges. She also serves as CEO and is the co-founder of a science backed nonprofit, the American Happiness Association, designed to educate individuals and organizations about how to be happier, and was nominated for CNN Hero of the Year in 2011.

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Effective Stress Relaxation Techniques

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by melinamenny

Schedules, meetings, career, family, kids, parent meets â€" stress! By the end of the day, you are ready to pull your hair out unless you can do something to relax. But, in a scenario where there is not a moment to spare, it is difficult to find time-effective ways to unwind. Then, how can you overcome stress?

According to Dr. Trevor Powell, stress is a positive force that can enable a human being to survive. Considering the connotations that the word has in our life today, it is hard to believe that stress can have any positive effect on us. Each one of us experiences some amount of stress. Up to a certain limit, stress can stimulate us to perform better. This is because stress can evoke certain body reactions that make us feel energized, alert and focused.

But too much stress is counter-productive. It impairs performance and brings out dangerous knee-jerk reactions. Too much stress or negative stress can lead the body to produce stress chemicals that linger in the blood and prevent us from relaxing. High levels of stress over long periods of time can lead to anxiety, fear, frustration, panic, emotional withdrawal and depression. In its worst form, stress can lead to health problems like ulcers and diabetes. It is obvious that we have to develop certain effective stress relaxation techniques to cope with negative stress.

Massage: Massaging tense muscles and kneading soft tissues relieve stress. A good body massage can help you feel relaxed and integrated. However, you would need to find a professional massage therapist in order to get full benefit from this technique.

Visualization: Visualize a beautiful place in your mind. It could be the beach, the park or even your back garden. Feel the sights and the sound of the place you love. This will help you relax.

Music: Stress reducing music has been used even in the ancient past. Emperors and kings used music and dancing to unwind after a hard day of toil. Listening to specially designed relaxation music is one of th! e most e ffective stress relaxation techniques known to man. Stress reducing music has been used by clinical psychologists and hypnotists to induce a deep state of relaxation in their patients. These specially designed pieces of music have voices, rhythm and tempo that will help an individual relax. Their specially designed musical notes guide the brain to generate a deeply relaxed state of mind. There are special CDs and DVDs available for both stress reduction as well as inducing a deeply relaxed sleep.

To be of any use, effective stress relaxation techniques must be cost and time-effective. Plugging on to stress reducing music and listening to it through your ipod or mobile phone while you drive yourself to work or sit in a bus or train is one of the easiest ways to cope with stress.

About the Author

Stress Relaxation Techniques - Enhanced Healing is committed to providing our visitors the finest quality in relaxation music & relaxation videos, holistic vitamins and aromatherapy products. We are also dedicated to delivering holistic lifestyle information through our Health & Wellness articles.

Buddhism in a nutshell

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

If someone asks me what Buddhism is about in a nutshell, I usually tell them it is about awakening to that which animates this carnal body of ours which one day is going to crap out.  I then go on to say that what animates the body is immortal—not the bag of flesh we carry around which is never without problems.

My words usually startle some people.  For others, it is like I didn't say anything. 

The answer I give is about as simple as Buddhism gets.  With it I can point out the problems of being totally bound up with the bag of flesh we carry around (the Buddha calls it the "burden").  Several times a month this bag will want sex, or eat too much food, or drink too much beer.  Consider, too, that it needs a steady job to earn money because it is expensive to take care of often requiring a mode of transportation and shelter.

To be sure, our human body is very demanding.  But that which animates it, which is also the substance or tathata from which this illusory world is composed, is not demanding.  It is not subject to death and certainly could not care less about the trials of flesh except that it does have some compassion for its suffering.

So why don't more people seek the animative side of themselves?  Well, to give a quick answer, not all human beings care about that side of themselves.  There is as much difference between people as there is between a dog and a chicken.  Even among Buddhists, many are not interested in turning to that which makes their thoughts arise or says "Mu" like Zen master Joshu.


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Documentary About Buddha Boy (2 of 5) Ram Bahadur Bamjan

Part 2 of 5 of a documentary about Ram Bahadur Bamjan ("Buddha Boy") who has been meditating for 3 years without food or water. Ram Bahadur Bamjan is known by many as a reincarnation of Buddha.

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Read Yoga Books For Wellness

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Victor Epand

Books have been considered as one of the best sources of knowledge in every possible field. Books can be a man's best friend, when there are no mentors or teachers showing the right path. There are different types of books available in the market on topics like cookery, fashion, general knowledge and even yoga. Yoga, a scientifically proven method for controlling the heart, mind, and body, has become very popular. It is like a practical science, which not only treats various ailments in the human body, but also prepares it for leading a healthy life. Since it is difficult to have a trained yoga teacher's supervision all the time, yoga books can be of great help due to their value and content.

Whether you do the simple pranayam practice or raja and hath yoga, authors of yoga books try to provide as much practical and relevant information as possible. Yoga being a practical science, it requires a lot of research before the constituents are compiled into a book. One feature that is very essential in any yoga book is relevance. The author's ability for conveying the essence of yoga in the book is also one of the main pre-requisites.

Aasans, different body postures having different impact on general health, are the most important part of yoga. Every book must cover this part and this is the reason why you will find a lot of diagrams, illustrations and pictures along with simple interpretations. Pranayam, distinct breathing exercises are also essential in yoga. Also, make sure that the author of the yoga book has put the impact and significance of respiratory exercises in detail.

You must be aware of the fact that yoga is an ancient medical practical science and this is why the important chronicles were written in the Sanskrit language. This is a complicated and tough language to understand and in today's yoga books you will find few concepts and theories mentioned in Sanskrit. A good yoga book author will elaborate every concept in detail, so that the readers benefit from it. You can! determi ne the success of a book on the basis of communicability of the content. Even the practicability of the theories is very important.

Yoga books basically consist of content that an interested person would like to know. From different body postures to ways of treating particular ailments, yoga books can teach you a lot. They also describe how a particular posture can help you solve a problem and tone up your body. Yoga has been considered an effective method for achieving nirvana too. It is like a cord between cosmic consciousness and individuals.

About the Author

Victor Epand is an expert consultant about books. When shopping for books, we recommend you shop only at the best bookstores for used yoga books, autographed books, and vedic books.

Shilpa Yoga - Bharamamudra

Brahma is a Hindu God . Mudra means ' symbol'. In this practise, you turn the face in different directions which resembles like the face of Brahma. This practise improves the blood circulation throat, face and brain.

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 2/6/2012

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

"I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done."

~The Buddha

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[xith1] Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring {part 1/7}

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (UK: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... and Spring) is a 2003 South Korean film about a Buddhist monastery which floats on a lake in a pristine forest. The story is about the life of a Buddhist monk as he passes through the seasons of his life, from childhood to old age. Subtitles: English, Polish ----------------------------------------- Wiosna, lato, jesień, zima... i wiosna (oryg. Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom) - film koreański z 2003 roku opowiadający o buddyjskim klasztorze znajdującym się na pewnym jeziorze w dziewiczym lesie. Film opowiada historię życia jednego z mnichów od dzieciństwa po starość. Napisy: Angielski, Polski

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What is enlightenment and how you can achieve it effectively through creative meditation ?

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by TKS Datuk Seri Paduka Dr. Azam Zulkifli Al-Qadiri

I do not have explain further about what is meditation as it already grown popular around the world nowadays. People who practice meditation will notice that there are something unique about meditation. There are a lot of e-books on "how to meditation" and "meditation how to" that can easily be found in the search engines. You will learn step by step how to meditate and be able to meditate on your own.

To some people it may take years to achieve enlightenment through meditation. To be able to do this your chakra or energy gateway must be fully activated in order for you to gain benefits while you meditate. There are two type of meditation know to the world today, it is Silence Meditation (SM) and Creative Meditation (CM) when combined together will brings full result.

When you learn how to meditate you may be introduced to silence meditation. This method involve sitting down, stilling your mind, and focusing on breathing technique while you meditate. Silence meditation is the meditations method that only suitable for certain people who because some people whom are not use to this method may lost their interest while doing this ritual. To avoid this some people may play calming music for meditation to increase meditation transcendental. The relationship between meditation and yoga are closely related. Silence meditation also practiced in Buddhist meditation among Buddhist monks. In developed countries such as the United States meditation class and meditation course can easily be found.

In contrary, creative meditation offers a lot more freedom to their practitioner. Creative meditation is a from of meditation that involves body movement similar to movement in Xi Gong. If you looking for effective enlightenment and improving extra sensory perception (ESP) abilities and more then this is the most suitable method for you. Nobody can explain to you what is enlightenment nor describe how the enlightenment was. The enlightenment ideas that you might find in books are just a theory un! til you have experienced it for yourself.

Extra sensory perception such as psychic powers or psychic abilities are more likely to develop effectively by creative meditation because this method focuses on sensing the spiritual vibration generated by your inner soul.

In creative meditation your energy gateway will be open by experienced master compared to silence meditation, you have to wait years before your energy gateway are fully activated. This will slowing down your enlightenment process. You can test clairvoyance abilities whether it has improved or otherwise the soonest after your energy gateway were activated permanently. You will also notice that creative meditation is indeed the proper method to develop psychic intuition.

It does not matter what religion you follow, you have the opportunity to be connected with god. Spiritual journey usually started when somebody ask themselves what is god and where is god and if your determination are strong enough you will no longer have to ask "god, where are you ?". The truth is all living being are connected with god whether they realize it or not. With creative meditation as a medium you can feel stronger connection to god. God channel His blessing in a form of energy through your soul based to your physical body. You can fully channel the energy according to your intention such as for healing purposes, creative protective energy shield against negative energy or as a weapon to disarm you enemy. There huge benefits of creative meditation for you to explore.

About the Author

TKS Datuk Seri Paduka Dr. Azam Zulkifli Al-Qadiri Supreme Grand Master of "The Secret of Ancient Malay Meditation" & Persatuan Seni Silat Gayong Ma'arifat Malaysia. Also CEO for Panji Alam Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur. Have more than 30 years of experience in Alternative Medicine & Spiritual Healing.For more info visit : http://www.secretofmalaymeditation.com

Make Love, Not Stress

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Simon Evans

Copyright (c) 2008 BrainFit For Life

The role of stress reduction is important to almost any health plan. Keeping your brain fit is no different. Constant stress, which plagues many in today's society, causes an elevation of hormones, including cortisol, that can be bad for your health.

Now, let's get something straight before we go any further. Cortisol is not some evil hormone that's sole job is to make you fat and sick, as many late night infomercials would have you believe. It is a necessary part of your physiology and you would be dead without it. It is part of the flight, fight or fright response which helps you deal with immediate stressors and life-threatening situations. Even when you're not stressed it plays important roles in vigilance and attention. Controlling cortisol levels with drugs is requires much caution.

Problems with cortisol occur when you stay stressed for long periods of time. The cortisol system is designed to turn on to help deal with stress and then turn off again when the stressor is passed. This can be psychological stress, like work, or physical stress, like a tiger attack. If you are constantly stressed and don't turn it off, this can lead to problems with your immune system, weight regulation and, yes, brain function. Too much cortisol for too long can impair learning and memory.

OK, so cortisol is good if kept in check, but bad if it gets out of control.

So let's get back to the title of this article. There is a lot of research in the psychology world showing that unhappy couples in negative relationships activate their stress systems much more frequently, which can eventually lead to poor health. This is probably fairly obvious. Arguments are stressful and we usually dwell on them for too long. Perhaps less obvious is that people in negative relationships are more prone to get stressed in other environment. Laboratory test show that people in negative relationships have an increased stress response to a social conflicts with anyone,! not jus t their ball and chain.

The flipside of this was addressed in a new study published in October 2008 in Psychosomatic Medicine. Researchers looked at cortisol levels in middle age couples with young families to see if the quality of their intimate relationships affected their stress responses throughout the day. Previous studies show that good romantic relationships associate with longevity. Happy married couples, on average, live longer than unhappy couple or singles. In the new study, researchers wanted to know whether or not people in intimate relationships have lower cortisol and are less responsive to stressors from work.

Researchers equipped 51 couples with pocket computers that prompted them to answer some questions about what they had been doing to assess their exposure to stress and measure their levels of intimacy. They were also prompted to take saliva samples every three hours (except when sleeping) to test the level of cortisol, a measure of the level of activity of their stress system. This went on for six days in a row to ensure a good sampling. This is important because it's the first study to get good measurements in everyday life, outside of the laboratory setting.

In the end, couples with higher levels of intimacy had lower cortisol throughout the day and decreased cortisol responses to stressful situations when they arose. In other words, people in positive relationships dealt much better with stress at the office (as measured by their hormonal response to stress) than those that had lower levels of intimacy in their home relationships. This provides another good reason to focus on balance in life. If you want to perform best at work, well, you know what you need to do at home...

Reference: Psychosomatic Medicine (2008) 70:883-889.

About the Author

Learn to control stress, improve your metabolism and boost your cognition with the four cornerstones of Brain Fitness. Visit http://www.BrainFitForLife.com for FREE Brain Fitness resources.

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Buddhist nun's mulberry leaf pricing is U.S. dollar less 32,780 r

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Alvaro Castio

The mulberry leaf of Buddhist nun of all electricity will depend on tax commission by less 32,780 r U.S. dollar start. The qualified buyer can gain a federal amount and reduce or remit yuan and suitable for buying a vehicle in environment protecting mode, so the Nissan says a leaf can cost 25,280 dollars at least effectively. Some countries offer the additional tax to reward: There is commission of 5000 dollars in California, offers the amount of tax to be paid of 5000 dollars to reduce or remit in Georgia, and Oregon state will offer the amount of tax to be paid of 1500 dollars to reduce or remit.

The Nissan will be offered a lease of 349 dollars of each month for 36 months too, after deposit of 1650 dollars and acquisition fee of 595 dollars. We estimate the all-inclusive cost of 14,460 dollars in the time in 3. The lease offers thinking the Nissan offered one 7500 to reward yuan and replace federal amount to reduce or remit.

We know now the leaf will be pruned in two and offered: As SV of standard and SL of extra 940 dollars. SV put in order include, control steadily, 6 gasbag, sail, the intersection of Bluetooth and person who connect, the intersection of satellite and radio and 3 year wayside help. SL puts in order and increases a rearview camera, the solar panel brings up the spoiler, confuses light and automatic headlight.

The Nissan will begin to take up booking for the leaf on April 20. The buyer of interest must pay the reservation fee of 99 dollars of a refund begun on April 20. In August, the Nissan will begin to buy and order actually, will begin from users whoe into a team and keep a point. On some markets, there are national rolls that will be made and can be offered outside by 2011 in leaf December of this year.

Above the purchase price, the Nissan estimates that it costs average 2200 dollars charging the system to install a family of 220 volts, though federal tax commission can repay up to half one, that is spent. The result totally charges the! leaf is only used the electricity valued at 3 dollars by the report.

About the Author

Learn more about Alvaro Castio and other Gift Ideas over at enterprise rental car locations

Hilton HHonors Reveals Top 10 Happiest Winter Travel Destinations in Europe

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST


With more than 2 million Brits1 expected to book holidays this month, it's clear that many are eager to escape the dreary winter days ahead; and with good reason. According to Happiness Expert Alexandra Watson, traveling during the winter months can provide more than just a suntan; it can also increase personal happiness during the most depressing time of the year. To help beat the winter blues, Hilton HHonors, the loyalty program for Hilton Worldwide's 10 distinct hotel brands, commissioned a study to identify Europe's top 10 happiest cities to travel to during the winter months. In addition, HHonors is offering its More Points promotion, rewarding members who travel through March 31 with extra Bonus Points.

"With one in six Brits working more than 60 hours a week2, it's no wonder our happiness levels are low," said Alexandra Watson, happiest expert and author of The Happiness System for Women, "There is a direct correlation between traveling and happiness levels, so booking your next trip could be the best way to boost your mood - especially if you visit one of the 'happy' destinations."

The destinations, selected by Sperling's BestPlaces, were judged by their ranking in a number of categories, including relaxation, nature, culture, climate, uniqueness, accessibility and urban appeal. Moreover, each of the cities was scored based on the following: its annual number of sunny days and average high and low temperatures in January. Cyprus topped the poll due to its warm climate, relaxing atmosphere and cultural offerings.

Hilton HHonors Happiest Winter Travel Destinations in Europe

1   Nicosia, Cyprus  

Weather: Winter temperatures get as high



  Hilton Cyprus

as 18oC, Cyprus is said to be the warmest


Hilton Park Nicosia

place in the European Union

2 Palma, Majorca

Culture: Alcudia Old Town a 14th century


Hilton Sa Torre Mallorca

walled section of the city is full of shopping


and good food

3 Sardinia, Italy

Nature: "Trenino Verde," the Little Green


DoubleTree by Hilton

Train is a great way to explore the scenery

Hotel Olbia - Sardinia

of the island

4 Vilamoura, Portugal

Relax: Enjoy the great outdoors by playing a


Hilton Vilamoura As

round of golf or going horseback riding

Cascatas Golf Resort &


  Conrad Algarve
5 Sorrento, Italy

Nature: Renowned for the most beautiful


Hilton Sorrento Palace

scenery in Italy

6 Barcelona, Spain

Culture: Stroll down Las Ramblas to


Hilton Barcelona Hotel

experience the hustle and bustle of the city


Hilton Diagonal Mar

to its fullest

7 Istanbul, Turkey

Culture: Dip in the Turkish bath or wander


Conrad Istanbul

round the colourful Grand Bazaar full of


Hilton Garden Inn Istanbul


Turkish ceramics, carpets and jewelry


Golden Horn Turkey

8 Prague, Czech

Culture: Choco-Story Praha or chocolate


Hilton Prague Hotel

museum will help to boost your happiness


Hilton Prague Old Town


9 Munich, Germany

Culinary excellence: Sarcletti the famous


Hilton Munich Park Hotel

ice cream parlour, offers more than 40


Hilton Munich City


10 Varna, Bulgaria

Relax: Take a walk around the Stone


DoubleTree by Hilton

Forest, a strange natural phenomenon of

Hotel Varna - Golden

natural stone pillars which may have once


been at the bottom of the sea


*For additional hotels in these locations, please visit www.hiltonworldwide.com.

"One of the easiest ways to improve happiness levels is by spending more quality time with friends and family. For many of us the best way to do this is whilst on holiday or a mini break," said Watson. "The process of planning and booking a holiday or mini break provides us with certainty, meaning that we have assurance of an event and something to look forward to."

Providing travelers extra incentive to book a trip now, the Hilton HHonors More Points promotion offers members a chance to earn 1,000 Bonus Points per night plus an additional 5,000 Bonus Points for every two-night weekend stay at participating properties within the Hilton Worldwide portfolio. From now through March 31, 2012, members can register at HHonors.com/MorePoints.

"Every day, our employees come to work at our more than 3,800 hotels in 88 countries with the number one goal of making our guests happy," said Jeff Diskin, senior vice president, global customer marketing, Hilton Worldwide. "During these dreary winter months, we hope to ensure happiness comes even easier with our More Points promotion, allowing travelers to earn more HHonors points with each stay."

For additional information or to register for the More Points promotion, visit HHonors.com/MorePoints. A weekend stay entails any night Thursday through Sunday, with a minimum of a two-night stay. Bonus Points earned are in addition to the standard points received per night for the length of the stay. To become a Hilton HHonors member, visit HHonors.com.

About Hilton HHonors

Hilton HHonors, the award-winning guest-loyalty program for Hilton Worldwide's 10 distinct hotel brands, offers its 30 million members more ways to earn and redeem points than any other guest-loyalty program, enabling them to create experiences worth sharing at more than 3,800 hotels in 88 countries. HHonors members can now redeem points for any room, anywhere, anytime, including the most luxurious suites, using any of four room rewards: Premium Room Rewards, Room Upgrade Rewards, Points & Money Rewards and Standard Room Rewards. In addition, HHonors members can use points to purchase unique experience rewards, merchandise and vacation packages, make charitable contributions and more. HHonors is also the only guest-loyalty program to offer 'No Blackout Dates' and 'Points & Miles' for the same stay at its properties worldwide, including participating Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts, Conrad Hotels& Resorts, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, DoubleTree by Hilton, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Hotels, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2Suites by Hilton and Hilton Grand Vacations. Membership in HHonors is free, and travelers may enroll online by visiting www.HiltonHHonors.com or connect with Hilton HHonors at news.hiltonhhonors.com.

About Hilton Worldwide

Hilton Worldwide is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels. For 93 years, Hilton Worldwide has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value. The company is dedicated to continuing its tradition of providing exceptional guest experiences across its global brands. Its brands are comprised of more than 3,800 hotels and timeshare properties, with 630,000 rooms in 88 countries and include Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts, Conrad Hotels & Resorts, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, DoubleTree by Hilton, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Hotels, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton and Hilton Grand Vacations. The company also manages the world-class guest reward program Hilton HHonors®. Visit www.hiltonworldwide.com for more information and connect with Hilton Worldwide at www.facebook.com/hiltonworldwide, www.twitter.com/hiltonworldwide, www.youtube.com/hiltonworldwide, www.flickr.com/hiltonworldwide and www.linkedin.com/company/hilton-worldwide.

Sperling's BestPlaces

For over 20 years, Bert Sperling has been helping people find their own "Best Place" to live. His firm, Sperling's BestPlaces, puts facts about cities and quality of life in the hands of the public, so they can make better decisions about best places to live, work, retire, play, or relocate. Sperling's has authored two best-sellers, "Cities Ranked and Rated" and "Best Places to Raise your Family," published by John Wiley. More information about Bert Sperling and Sperling's BestPlaces is available at www.bestplaces.net.

1 ABTA 2012 Travel trends

2 Office of National Statistics

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SN Goenka- speech to the United Nations

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Meditation and Its Benefits on Health and Mind

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Dave Brown

Self-help meditation books are quite in demand these as days as the urbanites are getting increasingly entwined with their work life with no single moment to relax their body and mind. Meditation in the recent decades has emerged as the most acceptable alternative to energize body and spirit which is necessary to balance work and life-after-work. But due to lack of time, it becomes impossible to head for Haridwar or for Rishikesh for a month-long retreat. Books on meditation allow this busy generation to strike this balance in life and rejuvenate their body. In fact, meditation is not only regarded as an ancient practice that unwinds body, mind and spirit. People also meditate today to overcome serious health issues and meditation books can really help the practitioners in a great way.

Though meditation in India is closely related to spirituality since the pre-Christian time, in the past few decades, there has been extensive study on how meditation can be put to use for medical treatment. Today there are scores of meditation books that discuse not only the benefits of this practice first propagated by Patanjali some 2200 years ago but also detail on the respective of postures of different forms of meditation practiced in India. At the bottom, deep meditation de-stresses mind, removes negative energy and inspires thought that are more constructive. One becomes more focused and attains an enhanced consciousness. But there are specific medical issues that can be overcome by observing the correct body posture and books on meditation offer immense insight into these benefits.

Stress: Stress has become the most unwanted gift of modern life and meditation books are there that can give you a fair idea of how meditation and concentration help one to reduce the level of cortisol--the key stress hormone in human beings. Research has shown that during meditation, the production of this hormone is very low and this state continues for hours after the meditation. In fact there are books on medita! tion tha t describes how our body attains a state of calmness through meditation which boosts alpha waves in the brain and make our minds more receptive and quiet. An Electroencephalograph (EEG) is also enough to prove that during meditations, the intensity of alpha waves is greater than when we are asleep. Today, meditation is a well-researched discipline and books on meditations provide vital information about the physical and mental benefits of this practice. If you are looking for a reliable meditation destination, you can approach Z Meditation in India.

Heart issues: Cardio benefits of meditation have been published in several renowned journals including Psychosomatic Medicine and a journal called Stroke from American Heart Association. And meditation books often refer to these journals to support claims about the benefits of meditation. According to these books on meditation, yoga and concentration check the level of lipid peroxide, a substance that thickens the walls of artery. These meditation books also claim that blood pressure of those who meditate is significantly lower than those who don't. Insomnia: Meditation is widely considered an effective insomnia treatment. Muscle tension and disturbing thought interfere with sleep but when you quieten your mind and relax your body, you shake off them and you can take up meditation as a part of your daily chores. Authoritative meditation books provide extensive information about correct posture and meditation technique for good results. Some books on meditation also do propose, though debated, that meditation improves immunity by facilitating increased production of antibody. Research also shows that meditation brings positive emotion by working on some areas of brain. Though some of the claims made in such meditation books are debated, it is really the benefits on health and mind that account for such wide-ranging popularity of this originally Indian tradition.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for iPhone at Apps First - Game site of Ipad Games, Trivia Games, Best Iphone Apps for Kids and Bible Trivia.

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Superb power of the mind

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by The Silva Method

Success can be really hard to achieve if you are not too sure that which way you have to go. There are various aspects which are involved in getting nearer to the success. One of the most important of them is your mind. If your mind is working in a perfect way then there will be no complications for you to get to the success though if it is not working 100 percent fine then it would be really hard for you to get to the desired results. You really have to be very précised with your approach and you have to be tactful as well in getting everything in your life according to your perceptions. You have to realize the power of the mind in order to get the job done with brilliance and excellence. There are numbers of people all around the world who are not too sure that why things usually go wrong and what are the actual reasons behind it. This is just because they are not very well aware of the power of the mind. One should have proper knowledge about his mind in order to get the job done without any sorts of complications. One must never forget the human brain is extremely powerful though utilization of power at the right time and at the right spot is required. Success can also be attained with ease if you have a very strong mind indeed which is working with brilliance and excellence. There will be just no issues for you when it comes to the program your mind according to your requirements. This is not a very hard task and it can be done with ease if you have proper guidance and support. You have to think in an analytical way and you have to be very much précised with your approach as well. You need to strive for your goals and objectives in life and nothing can be done with excellence if your mind is not performing according to the requirements. Programming of the mind is very important when you want everything in the perfect way. Programming of the mind will surely allow you to get the job done with brilliance and you can surely succeed in your life with excellence with the power of the mind. In o! rder to enhance the power of your mind you have to ensure that you are going to improvise reliable methods and strategies. Reprogramming your mind to get back on the right track is importance and it should be done with superb excellence. There are many people working all around who can surely help you to get it done with ease and you can get their assistance and guidance to improve your mind power. Once you are able to get proper and superb control on power of the mind then there will be no complications and issues for you to get desires results.

About the Author

Know various aspects of the http://www.silvaintuitionsystem.com/articles/mind-power/mind-power/"> power of the mind and get your success, goals and objectives with ease.

Breathing in, Breathing out.

A classic from Plum Village. A celebration of the benefits of mindfulness. Singer: Lauren Kinnersley Location: New Barn Field Centre, Dorset, UK June 2011

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Yoga for Beginners, Types of Yoga Asana for Beginners

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Peter Hutch

Anaahat Yoga - Sukhasana

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Sukhasana Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By www.youtube.com

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Yonghe Palace Lama Temple - An Epitome of Buddhist and Chinese Imperial History

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe

Beijing one of the world's most inspiring citadels, where tradition and modern day influences blend and dance together to create a kaleidoscope of colour. Century old temples where religion practices have remained unchanged are still here today.

The Yonghe Palace Lama Temple is an impressive historic temple that lies in the northeastern section of the city of Beijing. Home to the world's largest wooden Buddha image, the temple is steeped in more than three centuries of Buddhist and Chinese imperial history. The Temple features 5 courtyards and numerous pavilions, halls and buildings that together form a magnificent architectural structure that is sure to amaze visitors with its intricately carved murals and vibrant decor. Streams of locals and tourists visit the Temple to glimpse the culture and heritage of the city of Beijing.

The Yonghe Palace Lama Temple was built during the period of the Qing dynasty and was initially used as a residence for official court eunuchs. In 1693, the site became the official court of Prince Yongzheng under the rule of Emperor Kangxi. In 1725, under the rule of Yongzheng, the building was designated as an imperial palace. The palace was then converted into a Lama Temple under the reign of Emperor Qianlong in 1744. Today, the temple still continues to exude a majestic aura reminiscent of its imperial history.

The Hall of Boundless Happiness is the largest structure in the Yonghe Palace Lama Temple. In here stands the reputed 26 meter tall Buddha statue that is made out of a large piece of sandalwood. This statue is renowned to be the largest wooden Buddha image in the world.

The rich culture and heritage of Beijing can be enjoyed in all its fullness when staying the luxurious Ascott Beijing. Located in the heart of the city's central business district, this residence offers spacious and elegant Beijing serviced apartments that are ideal for your weekend getaway, extended stay or business trip. This stylish residence is sure to satisfy lifes! tyle gue sts seeking a private and spacious Beijing service apartment in a central spot.

About the Author

Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.

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