Corporate Vessels for Relaxing Sydney Harbour Cruises

Corporate Vessels for Relaxing Sydney Harbour Cruises

Corporate Vessels for Relaxing Sydney Harbour Cruises

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Madeline Dunbar

But for any employee to work well, it is very essential to relax as well. One of the best ways to relax can be a Quayside corporate vessels cruise!Organising a corporate cruise can be quite a cumbersome task and it is very essential to select a reputed

Quayside corporate vessels cruise operator. It will also save a lot of trouble as a well known cruise operator is likely to offer better and customised services. At the same time, it will also ensure that your cruising experience will be great and your employees will have a great time on the corporate cruise.

Any good corporate Quayside corporate vessels cruise organiser can offer various services and packages to corporate and can cater to their diverse needs. It can range from a small group to a large one and it can offer a wide range of services packages and deals. But before organising any corporate Quayside Sydney harbour cruises there are certain things that need to be kept in mind. The most important things are discussed below.

• Quality of service: The most important thing is service as it can be the real difference between average Quayside Sydney harbour cruises and great Quayside Sydney harbour cruises experience. It will also ensure that the guests will have a great time on board and there will never be a dull moment.

• Facilities: Another essential thing to look for is the type of facilities that are offered by a Quayside corporate vessels cruise operator. The more the facilities offered the better it is as it will lead to a better satisfaction level among the corporate guests on board the Quayside Sydney harbour cruises.

• Experience: It is also very important to select an experienced Quayside corporate vessels cruise operator. The reason for this is that an experienced Quayside corporate vessels cruise operator will be in a much better position to take care of various aspects that need to be kept in mind before organising a successful Quayside Sydney harbour cruises event. An experienced Quayside corp! orate ve ssels cruise operator can also take care of any urgent demand and situation as they are experienced in dealing with diverse situations and clients.

• Price: A good Quayside corporate vessels cruise can appear even better if it can be organised at a great price. Even though it is not easy to get a good bargain, if you search diligently there are more chances that a great deal can be found. It is also significantly easier to find a great cruise deal online as many Quayside Sydney harbour cruises' operators will be eager to organise a corporate cruise event. The best way to land a great deal is to bargain hard and not give in easily. Another thing to keep in mind in order to get a great deal is to plan well in advance for a Quayside Sydney harbour cruises corporate event.

A corporate house will look to have more than just fun on a corporate cruise. It cannot be complete without great food and ambiance, entertainment and various other options like indoor and outdoor games as well as a wide range of relaxation services that are available on corporate vessels for Sydney harbour cruises corporate vessels for Melbourne cruises and corporate vessels for Brisbane cruises. At the same time, even though they are far off from their offices, they will need to stay in touch and it is very essential that a Quayside Sydney harbour cruises ship boasts of abundant options to stay in touch. It can range from Internet, conferencing facilities, projectors, AV equipment and other office equipment that is essential for any corporate to function smoothly.

Though managing a successful corporate cruise is not an easy task, if you keep in mind all the things mentioned above it will certainly ensure that the cruise is indeed a successful and memorable one!

About the Author

This article has been provided courtesy of the Quayside Sydney Harbour Cruises. For more information on Corporate cruises Sydney, contact a cruise specialist at Quayside Sydney on 1300 721 543 or book at

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The Relaxation Lounge Tunes

01. GENE - Morning Vibration (8:38) 02. Rudi Arapahoe - Lunar Semaphore & Pleroma (7:46) 03. Philippe Bestion & Karin Nobbs - My Endless Love (8:06) 04. Masan & Miyabi - The Sensual View (5:20) 05. Bmax - Nikita (Original Mix) (8:50) 06. Blank & Jones - Leaves (5:23) 07. Djivan Gasparyan - 7th December 1988 (4:02) 08. Harold Budd - The White Arcades (4:45) 09. Matthew Compton - Wings Of Moonlight (7:01) 10. Antonymes - The Siren, Hopelessly Lost (6:27) 11. Vico Mcdonald - Connor (4:37) 12. Kelsinki - A Friendly Dream (5:41) 13. Lynn Wright - Be Gentle (10:57) 14. Photo in Lounge - Have a Good Time (4:36) 15. Mirage Of Deep - Song For The Kingdom Of Inside (6:43) 16. Zen-Men - Tribal Mind Walk (6:48) 17. The Man Behind C - Hope With U (Timeless mix) (6:45) 18. Philippe Bestion & Karin Nobbs - Sunshine Mood (8:09) 19. Tunguska Electronic Music Society - Max Loginov (5:10) 20. Chaveneez - Elder's Honor Song (4:15) 21. Sanave - Serea (6:24) 22. Tiger Tanaka - Aki (4:42) 23. Skysurfer - Here Comes The Sun (5:24) 24. Lynn Wright - Lonesome (9:15) 25. Ringo Orenje - Mikan (4:45) 26. David Helpling - Divine Whisper (3:56) 27. Chaveneez - Song For Sean (4:27) 28. Dakini Mandarava - Spring Awakening (2:43) 29. Lynn Wright - To Be With You (8:46) 30. Stephen Rhodes - Protected Byangels (Track 1) (5:39) 31. Dala Widad - Distant Skies (3:15) 32. Yoshi-San - Sanu (4:39) 33. Robert De Frenses - Return Of The Longships (6:38) 34. Jonas Kroon - Her Er Eg (Xerxes Remix) (5:13) 35. Omar ...

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Online Mindfulness Therapy Through Skype For Agoraphobia

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Peter Strong, PhD

Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety are characterized by intense emotional reactions and panic attacks related to change of physical location. Online Mindfulness Therapy using Skype is an exciting new approach to help people imprisoned by this debilitating form of anxiety. Online Skype Therapy allows people to work on their anxiety in the comfort of their homes and gradually develop the tools that will allow them to venture out and become more confident in themselves so that they can participate and get more enjoyment from life.

One of my online clients, a woman in her late 30s seldom moved out of the safety zone of her home because she was convinced that something terrible would happen and there would be no one there to help her. This sense of intense isolation and fear of being alone is an ironic side to a behavioral disorder that produces just that - isolation and loneliness. Many sufferers from social anxiety have very low self-confidence and even lower self-esteem. They are imprisoned by negative beliefs about themselves in which they are unable to cope with change. Not only change of location, but change of routine or anything, which can be described as the familiar rhythm to their lives.

In terms of the emotional reactivity, those with social anxiety disorders experience what can best be described as an inner contraction of emotional energy. The anxiety contracts and concentrates into a tight focal point, usually centered on a thought or a belief. This of course is the driving emotional energy that can lead to a panic attack, which can be described as an explosion of anxiety, leading to very erratic behavior. This is what many sufferers are most afraid of - this runaway and uncontrollable behavior.

Over the years, I have been studying this contraction process and have found that mindfulness to be extremely effective as an antidote. Mindfulness, by its very nature is an expansion of consciousness and so admirably counteracts the contraction of consciousness associated with emoti! onal rea ctivity. There are many ways that mindfulness can help with anxiety disorders. The first and most basic skill is simply learning to awaken to the inner reactive thinking as it arises. This simple process of recognition can and does make all the difference. In my book, The Path of Mindfulness Meditation, I describe this as one of the 3 R• s of mindfulness practice: Recognition, Relationship, Resolution. If a person can learn to recognize his habitual reactive thoughts as they arise, then a moment of choice opens up. If he remains blind, then nothing can change.

When the lady mentioned above took on mindfulness training with me, she soon learned to catch these reactive thoughts. Actually, after awhile, it became a game for her and for once in a very long time she felt that she had some control. This is one of the immediate benefits of mindfulness therapy - clients quickly shift out of being the victim to being empowered. For an agoraphobic, this is a revolution.Instead if being dominated by negative thoughts, she began to see them as nothing more than • objects,• and in fact she imagined them as pebbles on a beach. She could see them as discreet entities and could simply walk around them, pick them up and look at them, but she no longer was compelled to become them. She began to find her true Self again - a Self that was not defined by rock hard thoughts, but was that inquisitive child that could look at these • things• and not be afraid. This is the beginning of the Resolution phase of mindfulness - a release of that contracted energy, a flowering of her true essence as the • knowing• of the contents of her mind - the • known• and the habitual reactivity and resistance to her emotions - • the knower.• Mindfulness allows us to let go of the known and the knower and awaken as the knowing - the pure consciousness of the free mind and heart.

About the Author

Peter Strong, PhD is a Mindfulness Psychotherapist, spiritual teacher and author, based in Boulder, Colorado, who specializes in the study of mindfulness and its application in Mindfulness Psychotherapy for healing the root causes of anxiety, depression and traumatic stress.Besides face-to-face therapy sessions, Dr Strong offers Online Mindfulness Meditation Therapy through Skype.Visit Email inquiries are most welcome. Request a Skype session today and begin a course of Mindfulness Therapy.

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New Advice Natural Relief From Heartburn - Try These Easy Changes For Fast Acid Reflux Reduction

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by margaritowallingford

acid and reflux is a rough experience that causes anger and disappointment. In many cases the symptoms of acid and reflux can be taken care of with antacids like the ones you see on commercials all the time or acid and reflux can even be maintained with the help of doctor prescribed medications.According to some group of holistic health care providers if you want to have a constipation cure the diet should contain the right amounts of fats! Too little fats make the stool hard and also too much may irritate the intestines and are difficult to digest. For this one should vary between the natural fatty sources such as fat fish almond olive oil colza oil canola oil and flaxseed oil.

Are there overnight miracle cures for acne? Read to find out the truth.

If you've had heartburn very often in your life you might think you know all about it. However too many heartburn sufferers don't know some of the most important facts about the problem. Here are some things you may not have known you didn't know.

STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters...

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

If you suffer from an acid and reflux defect you should consider trying to find an acid and reflux natural remedy. There are many different short term solutions that are available for people however most of them end up being temporary fixes and don't have any long term success. There are many different medicines that are available for people with bad reflux; the key is to find what works for you.

Most digestive disorders such as GERD acid and ! reflux a nd gastritis can be treated and cured. Your doctor may prescribe you with traditional medication as a way to cure your GERD or any other disease or you yourself may opt to look for natural methods as a remedy to your condition.

Scientists have studied the connection between stress and acid and reflux. The results that they found may not be what you expected.

When you have heartburn the only thing that you can think about is how to get rid of it. There are several things that you can do to help without using expensive and sometimes dangerous drugs.

About the Author

STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters...

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

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Ajanta & Ellora Caves

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Nitin Kumar

Acclaimed as UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ajanta and Ellora Caves are the ancient repositories of antique Indian architectural heritage. Hewn out of solid rocks, these caves bring forth the most astute of expertise achieved by use of chisel and hands. Both the cave complexes are the breathtaking masterpieces of Buddhist religious art, which exhibit nobility, grace and serenity. For better glimpse in this heritage, let's talk about them individually.

Ajanta CavesLocated near Jalgaon in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India, Ajanta Caves are total of thirty cave temples, that are divided into two major groups. Forged out into the heart of the rock, these primordial caves mostly consists of chaitya-grihas and monasteries. The first group of caves was built around 2th century BCE, while the second group was constructed around 600 CE. The caves adorn elaborate wall paintings that are done skilfully on the ground of mud-plaster in tempera technique. The subject of these paintings revolve around Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Some of the paintings also depict incidents from life of Buddha, while others speak about Jataka tales. These engravings are quite didactic, devotional and inspiring; they could lead you towards the path of enlightenment, just through visual medium. You will get mystified by seeing astounding architectural details as you look upon the frescoes, murals, porches, ceilings, doorways and aisles. The motifs engraved on the pillars in most of the caves exhibit a high level of mastery in sculpting and a skillful command of hammer over chisel.

Ellora CavesEllora is a world heritage site that is located 3okms in north-west of Aurangabad. The site has total 34 caves, which are in-actual rock-cut temples, excavated out of the vertical face of the Charanandri hills. Apart from temples, there are also viharas and mathas, that were built between the 5th century and 10th century. Ellora cave complex is quite multicultural and caves in this site exhibit the religious element of Buddhi! sm, Hind uism and Jainsim. If categorically defined, there are 12 Buddhist (caves 1-12), 17 Hindu (caves 13-29) and 5 Jain (caves 30-34) caves; all of which manifest themes belonging to different eons. Buddhist caves are the earliest structures that were created between 5th and 8th century. These structures comprise viharas, monasteries, chaitya halls, cathedral-like stupa halls and immense pillared verandahs. The characteristic feature of Buddhist caves is that the craftsmen through adroit skill of sculpting have given the stone the look of wood.

The Hindu caves were constructed between the middle of sixth century to the end of the eighth century. There are 17 cave-temples which are the embodiment of Hindu religiosity; all of them exhibit a creative artistic skill and ingenious execution of this artistic expression. Characteristic features of this group of temples include splendid columned galleries, immense sculpted panels and expansive alcoves containing enormous sculptures of a variety of deities.The five Jain caves in Ellora cave complex belong to ninth and tenth centuries. These caves express a sense of austere asceticism and speak about specific dimensions of Jain philosophy and tradition. Cryptic carvings, eloquent paintings, etched shrines, ornate ceilings etc are some of the unique attributes of Jain caves.

Conclusion:Elaborately carved ceilings, unmatchable designs, narrative sculptures, etched pillars, inscribed murals and overall a primeval ingredient running through Ajanta and Ellora castles are sure to rivet you. The caves display a rare excellence in craftsmanship and brilliant conception of religious themes.

About the Author

Ajanta Ellora caves tour package from trusted India tour operator & Indian travel agent Gets Holidays. Visit India & get great discounts on Delhi Agra Jaipur Tour.

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I want you to be my guru!

a guru and potential disciple meet and discuss how to get prayers and teachings

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The Wisdom of Allowing Things to Happen

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

The Master allows things to happen.
She shapes events as they come.
She steps out of the way
and lets the Tao speak for itself.
~The Daodejing

Post written by Leo Babauta.

This has been what I've been learning over the past couple of years. Allowing things to happen.

It goes counter to our usual instincts in Western society — we are doers, creators of our destiny, we make things happen … we don't wait for it to happen! That's what I was taught from an early age, in school and by every motivational sports movie I ever watched. So allowing things to happen is not my normal way.

I have never been one to be passive, to let things happen instead of making them happen, to let go of control of things.

But here's what I've been learning:

  1. This control we think we have over our lives and our destinies … it's an illusion. As the guy who had his life turned upside down by a heart attack, the woman who lost her father to death and had to drop everything, the family who lost their home to a hurricane, the entrepreneur that was doing well until the economy collapsed and no one was spending, the hard-working employee who was laid off when the economy tanked, the cyclist who was hit by a car, the car that skid because someone ran onto the road who had been obscured, the mom whose son has autism despite her doing everything right during pregnancy … it happens every day, where we think we're in control but we're really not. Do we control all the people around us who affect our lives so intimately? Do we control the overwhelming power of nature? There's so much out of our control that what we think is control is really an illusion.
  2. To control your cow, give it a bigger pasture. This is a great quote from Zen Master Suzuki Roshi, talking about controlling your mind. I see the cow and her pasture as a form of allowing things to happen — instead of tightly controlling something, you're opening up, giving it more room, a bigger pasture. The cow will be happier, will roam around, will do as she pleases, and yet your needs will also be met. The same is true of anything else — stepping back and allowing things to happen means things will take care of themselves, and your needs will also be met. And you've done no work.
  3. You have less stress, less to worry about. Imagine allowing things to happen naturally, and things work out, and all you did was smile and watch. You don't have to worry about shaping things, about controlling something that doesn't want to be controlled. You don't have to push, and fix leaks, and put out fires. You just let things work on their own. They happen.
  4. Things will surprise you. Let's say you're allowing something to happen. You might want it to go a certain way, to a certain outcome. That's your goal. But what if you let go of this idea? What if you say, "I don't know what will happen." (Btw, you really don't.) What if you say, "Let's see what happens." Then things will happen, but not the way you planned. The outcome might be completely different than what you'd hoped for. But it can still be great, just different. It might even be wonderful, and surprising. Surprises are good, if we accept that things always change and that change is good.
  5. You learn how things work. Instead of trying to make things work the way you want them to work, just watch them work. You'll learn much more about human nature, about the nature of the world, as you see things work without you controlling it. It might change you.

That's all very good, Leo, you're thinking. But that won't put the food on my table.

Maybe you're right. And so, don't let me stop you from what you need to do. Carry on. I'll just sit back and watch.

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Simple to Understand Fat Reduction Strategies

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by John Ratzki

Achieving weight reduction isn't that simple. It necessitates a good strategy, planning and motivation to shed pounds. Some of the weight loss techniques, which can be followed comfortably, are detailed here to stay healthy as well as to stay fit with a flawless body shape.

Eating the right way assists in achieving fat reduction goals. Taking meals in less quantities, frequently assists in being energetic all of the day and prevents from consuming more.

Eating out is frequently associated with overweight as when eating outside, many of the individuals don't check what they eat. Therefore, to achieve fat loss, it is better to prevent eating outside.

Breakfast should not be missed as it's been found out that, people who don't skip their break fast are really prosperous in losing fat. If break fast is missed the bodily metabolism slows down and when food is taken during lunch, it leads to increased blood insulin levels and subsequently weight gain.

It's good to step away from beverages rich in fat and glucose as they will increase the blood insulin levels in the blood, while caffeine content can result in dehydration.

Diet strategy could be planned in such a method that, with no need to cut the loved foods, they could be eaten in smaller portions along with healthy fresh vegetables or fruits to get a filled up sensation. By this method, the dietary value of the food consumed is boosted and fat rich foods are reduced.

Elevated intake of protein helps in burning the calories and eliminates the storing of weight in the body. Protein supplements also help in developing and preserving slender muscles.

Water plays a critical role in fat loss as water hydrates the organs and the body. It inhibits hunger pangs, and can be used in more amounts to get a filled up feeling.

Plan how you want your diet to be, follow it strictly and it is recommended to maintain a log for noting down what you consume and the amounts you consume with the weight measurement weekly to a! nalyze i f you are progressing or not. Stay motivated while heading through fat loss measures to attain success.

If fat is lost the healthy method, it rewards the individual with a lower blood pressure, becoming capable to be energetic regardless of controlled intake, healthy heart and organs, better body shape, less strain made on the bones, joints and muscle groups, and the most significant of all stress free.

About the Author

A good weight loss program could put you on the right track to losing the weight you would like. Think about taking up one of the multiple weight loss programs available.

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4 Experts Answer: Is Milk Really Healthy for You?

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

CREDIT: Zsuzsanna Kilian | Stock Xchng

Each week, MyHealthNewsDaily asks the experts to answer questions about your health.

This week, we asked nutrition experts: Is milk good or bad for you? Their answers have been edited and condensed for space.

Vandana Sheth, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

You want about three servings or of dairy a day, or three servings of soy milk. One serving of milk is one cup, and one cup of whole milk has 150 calories and almost eight grams of fat. That's quite a bit of fat – out of that, 5 grams are saturated fat which is not good for you.

But you can get around the saturated fat by drinking low-fat or non-fat milk. That way, you're cutting down fat and calories while still getting all of the nutrients in milk. For example if you drink eight ounces of skim milk, that's 90 calories. The fat will be minimal, and it's low in saturated fat.

Cow's milk is naturally an excellent source of calcium. It has vitamin D and it has potassium and it's a complete protein source as well. With other forms of dairy – cheese, yogurt and other sources – you are getting some, but not all, of the nutrients from milk. For example, in yogurt the water in milk is taken away so you get possibly more protein per serving. But you may also get more fat and salt. Yogurt would be a good option to replace cow's milk if you'd like, especially a non-fat greek yogurt which is lower in carbs and higher in protein.

Keith Ayoob, associate clinical professor, department of pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine:

People seem to want to criticize cow's milk, and it is honestly stellar. There's been the issue of RBST, or bovine somatotropin, which is a hormone that is given to cows that don't produce a lot of milk. And a lot of people are worried about it, but it doesn't work on people!

Although it's not as present in the marketplace now I feel bad for the small dairy farmers. If they have more efficient cows they can stay in business.

Also, most people don't know it, but milk is actually a local food for many people. Even in New York City, we're within an hour and a half's drive of dairy farms. And milk is cheap. Even at $ 4 a gallon, that's 25 cents a cup, and at that rate it's still cheaper than a can of soda. Milk has nine essential nutrients, and kids like it. This one isn't broken, we don't need to fix it.

Dr. Amanda Powell, of the medicine endocrinology, diabetes and nutrition department of the Boston Medical Center:

In terms of health, cow's milk is a complete protein source. It has eight grams of protein and 12 grams of carbohydrates per cup. Cow's milk on it's own — without fortification — has 300 milligrams of calcium, which is 30 percent of the recommended daily allowance for most adults. And, one cup of milk has half of the recommended daily allowance of B12.

We also fortify cow's milk with essential nutrients. Cow's milk is typically fortified with vitamin D, and you need vitamin D to absorb calcium.

However, there's no fiber in cow's milk. And the amount of fat is variable, including saturated fat. So keep in mind there's less fat in lower-fat versions milk, such as 1 percent, skim or 2 percent milk. It also has lactose, so it can cause gastrointestinal or digestive problems for people who have a deficiency of the lactase enzyme.

Meagan Mohammadione, clinical dietitian for the Emory Bariatric Center in Atlanta

Milk is a natural product, andthe less messed-with your food is, the better it is for your body.

Cow's milk has about double the amount of protein as soy milk. They're both a good source of calcium (if it's added in soy milk), potassium, phosphorous, vitamin D and other nutrients.

Soy and cow's milk have different types of protein. The protein in cow's milk is called casein. Often, our bodies can process and use the nutrients from animals sources better than plant sources. That's not to say you can't be a vegetarian, or that soy milk is a bad option for people.

Soy milk is the best substitute out there when it comes to milk substitutes: Almond milk, rice milk, or hemp milk — I wouldn't even call them cow milk replacers. They are very low in protein.

Milk has sugar, and some people get freaked out about that. But the milk sugar lactose does not have that much of an effect on blood sugar as table sugar has.

There is also a difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy. An actual allergy to milk is very rare, and that's when people are allergic to casein in milk. If you're allergic to it, you know it. If you're lactose intolerant you also know; your stomach hurts and you feel gassy. If someone likes milk and doesn't tolerate lactose, I'd say do lactose-free milk.

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Spiritual Journey in India

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Neeraj Chandra

Spirituality is the soul of India. This country is known all over the world for its spiritual richness. People are too familiar with the spiritual and religious. As in the past few days, many saints and scholars of different faiths have visited this country in search of spirituality. This is a country where religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism originated. In addition to other religions such as Islam, Christianity, etc., are equally respected in India.

India is an incredibly beautiful religious sites are located in different parts of the country. From the majestic peaks of the Himalayan Holy Ganga Ghats host of other sacred places, can not go to a memorable spiritual journey through this majestic country. These intellectual properties are always teemed with visitors. People other religion can visit these places and learn from them.serenity and aura surrounded by these spiritual items sure touch the inner soul. Visitors will be able to perform, depending on the spiritual journey up the kind of faith they follow. A spiritual journey to India to finally end the search for salvation, and it can help you connect to your soul.

Important Spiritual targetIndia offers a number of spiritual destinations for visitors. Every country in the region is blessed with some incredibly beautiful spiritual destinations. Some of these spiritual sites are located in breathtaking locations. Some of the major Hindu spiritual destinations are Haridwar, Varanasi, Kedarnath, Yamunotri, Jammu, Amarnath, Rameshwaram, Tirupati, etc. Varanasi is perhaps most popular destination for Hindus. The majestic Ghats in Varanasi for a long time has attracted many tourists from around the world.sacred temples along the Ghats, these are always full of visitors. Hindus believe that taking bath in the water in the holy river Ganga Ghats at Varanasi would absolve them from all their past sins. Chardham comprises Kedarnath, Badrinath, Yamunotri Gangotri and spiritual are very important destinations Hindu.

! India is an important spiritual destination of Buddhist pilgrims. It is this that comes from Buddhism and later spread to other parts of the world. Every year, thousands of Buddhist followers all over the world visit India in search of spirituality. An important Buddhist religious sites are in Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Vaishali, Nalanda, Dharamshala, Sikkim, Tawang, etc. in places like Bodhgaya, Vaishali and Nalanda is part of the story of the growth of Buddhism in the country. Dharamshala which is the headquarters of the Tibetan government in exile hometown, and their spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, has become a principle, a Buddhist spiritual destination in recent decades. For the Sikh Golden Temple of Amritsar, and Hemkund Sahib two most revered religious sites.

Two of the most popular spiritual destination of Islam, Haji Ali Dargah in Mumbai and Ajmer Dargah Shariff and. These two sites are very popular through out the world. Also, people from other religion to visit these two popular spiritual destinations. For Christians, spiritual tour to Goa and Kerala can be a good choice. These two states of old houses and churches of the holy.

Types JourneyEvery year, thousands of devotees from all over the world undertake a number of spiritual journey to India. These spiritual journeys have existed since the old days. Whatever may be the type of tour you undertake every one of them will teach you the love and compassion. The best thing about embarking on a spiritual journey to India is that you do not have to be a follower of any particular religion to visit these destinations. In one of spirituality, visitors get a rare opportunity to know the origin of some of the history of religion.

Some of the popular spiritual tour in India are carried out in Amarnath Yatra, Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, Chardham Yatra, etc. In addition to these popular tour, people can take a spiritual journey through India at any given point of time. One can choose a long or short duration depending on the spiritual journey up the int! erests o f individuals. Southern India also has some amazing spiritual destinations.

About the Author

The author is an expert in Tour and travel, India. Here he gave some information of his website. For more info,visit -

Spiritual Tour in Uttarakhand

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Body weight Reduction Retreat - How It Can Assistance You Get rid of Bodyweight

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Earl Hall

Senior Fitness Retreat Teaching RecommendationsAgility and Balance Training - Traveling drills operating both equally proper and left in front and sidestepping designs. Squat Operate- Sitting and standing from chair degree progressing from assisted to arms-100 % free motion. Be confident to feature split-stance foot placements to mimic useful perform, as clearly as, lifting and carrying motions.Abdominal Strength - Seated side reaches, seated lean backs, and lying on back again with small-collection reaching movements at diverse angles will assemble core shape power. Progress your movements from the floor with various levels of support from furnishings in advance of going arms-no charge. Take advantage of inflated balls for seated to recline progression.Balance Symmetry - Prepare equally sides of the system by way of non-dominant motion designs.Assurance and Power of Will - Practice mental disciplines for favorable self discuss in overcoming fears. Realize to realize self-defeating fears and cancel them previous to they induce falls and sabotage ordinary equilibrium.The most standard all-intent physical exercise at a Senior Fitness Retreat will be wooden chops considering the fact that dynamic stability, strength, collection of motion, and core handle are obtained. Take into consideration attending a Senior Fitness Retreat where by you can practice for the energetic lifestyle you dream of.Shedding body weight at dwelling can be tremendously complex for a lot of most people. Not only do you have the typical demands this kind of as perform and loved ones, but regularly at your home we fall into routines that make it really tough to break the previous consuming and training habits we had been implemented to. For some, going on a fat reduction retreat can be a extremely valuable go through to guidance with getting to know new ways to try to eat and dwell much healthier.A lot of many people confuse the expression body weight damage retreat with destructive phrases these kinds of as "unwanted fat farm" ! or "extr a fat camp". Nevertheless, in most conditions it undeniably is a excellent go through that will guidance not only your physique but your thoughts and soul as clearly.Here are some points you might possibly appreciate a fat reduction retreat:1. Meet Many people: It's convenient to truly feel annoyed and by yourself in the battle to lose pounds. Meeting individuals who have the equivalent troubles and same exact hopes can be a excellent way to get the support and knowledge you want.two. Realize New Points: Finding out tactics to guidance you activity and eating habits without the need of going nuts can be particularly valuable in aiding you alter your way of life for superior. A lot of retreats will enable you realize procedures to really utilize the tasks you be taught in actual existence.3. Get Away From it All: Emotional stress is a tremendously giant issue in excess weight obtain or the inability to eliminate excess weight. By escaping the typical strain triggers, you could possibly really be in a position to focus ample on taking treatment of on your own to see final results significantly more without delay.4. Be Pampered: Various retreats offer you spa procedure, connoisseur meals, and other deluxe accommodations. To be pampered even though on your diet holiday can be an great motivator to stay on track.

About the Author

I'm a pilates educator then work at expensive hotels becoming fitness professional plus i fondness our own retreat, weight loss retreat, detox retreat

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Pain is not wrong

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Many years ago when I was pregnant with my son, I decided to have a home birth without drugs, assisted by a midwife. My hope was to be as wakeful and present as possible during the birth, and while I knew the pain would be intense, I trusted that my meditation and yoga practices would help me to "go with the flow."

When labor began I was rested and ready. Knowing that resisting the pain of contractions only made them worse, I relaxed with them, breathing, making sounds without inhibition, letting go as my body's intelligence took over. Like any animal, I was unthinkingly immersed, instinctively responding to the drama unfolding through me, riding the pain as a natural part of the process.

Then, suddenly, something shifted. When my son's head started crowning, the pain level shot up. It was no longer something I could breathe into and let surge through me. This much pain has got to mean something is going wrong, I thought. My whole body tightened, and my deep slow breaths turned into the shallow, quick breathing of panic.

Like every aspect of our evolutionary design, the unpleasant sensations we call pain are an intelligent part of our survival equipment: Pain is our body's call to pay attention, to take care of ourselves. Yet, intense pain, even when it's part of a seemingly healthy process like birthing, is alarming. When I reacted with fear, I added onto the unpleasant sensations the feeling and belief that something was wrong. Rather than Radical Acceptance, the reaction of my body and mind was to resist and fight the pain.

Check out Emotional Healing and other titles by Tara Brach.

While fear of pain is a natural human reaction, it is particularly dominant in our culture where we consider pain as bad, or wrong. Mistrusting our bodies, we use "pain killers," assuming that whatever removes pain is the right thing to do. In our society's cultural trance, rather than a natural phenomenon, pain is regarded as the enemy. Pain is the messenger we try to kill, not something we allow and embrace.

At that point of intensity in childbirth, I was fully at war, pitted against the pain. My midwife, used to seeing fear and resistance in response to pain, immediately assured me. "Nothing's wrong, honey… it's all completely natural, it's just painful." She had to say this several times before I could let it begin to sink in and, in the midst of the burning pain, the explosive pressure, the tearing and exhaustion, remember again to breathe deeply and relax. It was just pain, not wrong, and I could open up and accept it.

Whenever we react to pain with fear and view it as "wrong," we set in motion a waterfall of reactivity. Fear, itself made up of unpleasant sensations, only compounds the pain—now we not only want to get away from the original pain, but also from the pain of fear. In fact, the fear of pain is often the most unpleasant part of a painful experience. When we assess physical sensations as something to be feared, pain is not just pain. It is something wrong and bad that we must get away from.

Often, this fear of pain proliferates into a web of stories. Yet, when we are habitually immersed in our stories about pain, we prevent ourselves from experiencing it as the changing stream of sensations that it is. Instead, as our muscles contract around it and our stories identify it as the enemy, the pain solidifies into a self-perpetuating, immovable mass. Our resistance can end up creating new layers of symptoms and suffering, since when we abandon our body for our fear-driven stories about pain, we actually trap the pain in our body.

When, instead of Radical Acceptance, our initial response to physical pain is fear and resistance, the ensuing chain of reactivity can be consuming. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat our pain. This same process unfolds when our pain is emotional—we resist the unpleasant sensations of loneliness, sorrow, anger. Whether physical or emotional, when we react to pain with fear, we pull away from an embodied presence and go into the suffering of trance.

Yet, we need to realize that being alive includes feeling pain, sometimes intense pain. And, as the Buddha taught, we suffer only when we cling to or resist experience; when we want life different than it is. As the saying goes: "Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional."

When painful sensations arise and we can simply meet them with clarity and presence, we can see that pain is just pain. We can listen to pain's message and respond appropriately—taking good care. If we are mindful of pain rather than reactive, we do not contract into the experience of a victimized, suffering self. We can meet whatever presents itself with Radical Acceptance, allowing the changing stream of sensations to simply flow through us without making any of it wrong.

From Radical Acceptance (2003)

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Relaxing Travel with Bus Charter VA

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Kilianstevens

Virginia is a popular draw for people all over the country. There are a host of delightful attractions that will satisfy a range of different interests. Traveling to Virginia can be an exciting experience for anyone. However, getting to Virginia may not be easy for every traveler. Bus charter VA is available to try to accommodate all sorts of passengers who wish to travel to the beautiful state.

Groups who want to travel to Virginia can take advantage of all the benefits that renting a private coach of bus charter VA has to offer. For one thing, traveling on a bus can be physically easier. Seats on buses are often larger and more relaxing than seats in other types of vehicles. Buses often offer more room in the seats and often offer more leg room than other modes of transportation.

Furthermore, buses often offer entertaining distractions for travelers like DVD movies. These help pass the time and make the trip more enjoyable. Groups traveling with youngsters may especially appreciate these diversions.

Bus charter VA is frequently more reasonable as to expense as compared to air travel. The cost of air travel has gotten so high that a lot of potential travelers simply cannot work paying for a ticket into their vacation budget. Not only are ticket costs high, but passengers are often hit with a number of extraneous fees that make costs go even higher. This is not the case with bus travel. Bus charter VA companies can give travelers accurate quotes for how much the trip they have in mind will cost. That way there are no surprises. When travelers distribute these costs across their group, it is even more obvious how much more affordable bus travel is than air travel.

However, bus travel is not just a good way to travel to a destination. Once travelers have arrived in Virginia, bus travel is also an efficient way to travel within the state. If a group travels to a city, it can be incredibly difficult to keep the group together as they travel through the city. Working out a plan! to get a large group to different attractions on public transport can terribly hard. This adds stress to everyone on the trip. Organizers have to worry about keeping the group together and on schedule. Travelers have to worry about being left behind and navigating their way through frightfully crowded terminals. Bus charter VA buses can help groups avoid all of this fuss. The bus can take them to all of the places they want to visit in a city.

However, group travel within an entire state can pose a whole host of additional problems. Public transportation from city to city across a state may not be an option. Therefore, bus rental may even become a necessity for groups who want to travel to different points throughout the state. Bus travel lets the group stay together and make a pleasant, worry-free trip to all of their destinations.

About the Author

Hire a bus charter VA company that can take you to various destinations throughout the state and destinations in states adjacent to Virginia. For more information, visit

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Free From The Ego

Visit us at Anthony Paul Moo-Young, known as Mooji, was born on 29 January 1954 in Port Antonio, Jamaica. In 1969, he moved to the UK and he is presently living in Brixton, London. Mooji is a direct disciple of Sri Harilal Poonja, the renowned advaita master, or Papaji, as his followers call him. In 1987, a chance meeting with a Christian mystic was to be a life-changing encounter for Mooji. It brought him, through prayer, into the direct experience of the Divine within. Within a short period, he experienced a radical shift in consciousness so profound that outwardly, he seemed, to many who knew him, to be an entirely different person. As his spiritual consciousness awakened, a deep inner transformation began which unfolded in the form of many miraculous experiences and mystical insights.

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 6/29/2012

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Posted: 29 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Joe Aponte

I believe that one of the problems the Church of Christ have today is that there is no unity as a body. One of the challenges is that they all have a different version of the religion, i.e., baptism vs. no baptism, and the like. Revelation clearly identifies this when it mentioned the many different churches and their short comings. Yet still today it continues to go on. We say we worship the Son and the Father but we do everything within our power to keep the body apart. There are many parts of the church that are beautiful but yet fragmented. Additionally, there is one thing that all denominations don't really talk about and that is; if there is a difference between Jesus is and the father. Is Jesus the Father or is Jesus the Son of the Father, or what is the story? The quandary here is that no one denomination can truly, without a shadow of a doubt in their spirit, says one or another answer is accurate. If so, they are lying out of passion for their beliefs. Some may refer to one theory from another to be heresy. However, scriptures alone cannot give you this answer unless you are walking spiritually conscious of the Father. Let us not confuse spiritual consciousness from Physical consciousness of which we know very well. Physical consciousness comes from the soul but spiritual consciousness can only come from the Father. Ladies and gentlemen, we have failed miserably in this arena. Since this subject could be a very long one, I will leave it here for now. However, I will continue to touch up on it and invite each and every reader to speak their mind. God bless you and may He lift the veils from your eyes. The church needs to be united in a way like never before, and I will be obedient and try to start the flame.

About the Author

I am the Author of 2 sides - "What God Wants You To Know"I am a realtorI am an owner of a medical billing support and accounts receivable business

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Working With Light, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Part 1 of 11

From the event "Mysticism & Global Transformation" with Adyashanti. November 19 and 20, 2005, Marin Jewish Community Center, San Rafael, California. Within the heart is the spark of oneness, our deep connection to the divine and to all of life. How can we awaken this connection that belongs to our soul and the soul of the world? How can our primal knowing of oneness come alive within ourself and within the world? Mysticism awakens us to our real power and potential, so that we can contribute fully at this time of global transition. It connects us with what is real: the Oneness of Life.

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Stress Management

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Suz

You may notice that you reach for the potato chips when a television program becomes particularly frightening. Or you grab the crackers at work when you learn that you'll have to handle a new project. You may also nibble on candy bars when you're having difficulty controlling your children. These eating patterns are all a reaction to stress. Stress plays an important part in our daily diet. In fact, a great deal of overeating has been attributed to stress. However, it is also true that your diet can have an impact on stress. There are certain foods that tend to worsen our stress levels. A number of these foods fall into the category of stimulants. Of course, the best-known stimulant is caffeine. You'll find it not only in coffee, but in soft drinks, tea, and chocolate. Your heart beat races, as does your mind, when you are served a significant amount of caffeine. Caffeine consumption may even be connected to high blood pressure. However, you might not want to cut out caffeine entirely all at once. A gradual reduction will help lessen your withdrawal symptoms. Consuming alcohol can also increase your stress level. It leads to the production of adrenaline, which can cause you to have difficulty sleeping. You might also experience a feeling of tension as a result of your alcohol intake. In addition, alcohol makes it more difficult for the body to get rid of toxins. Smoking is also quite dangerous, increasing hypertension and leading to heart disease. Chances are you will experience a great deal of stress after eating sugar. This is because this sweet substance can exhaust the adrenal glands, leading to depression and irritability. While some people tend to reach for sugar cookies when they are feeling stressed, the irony is that sugar-filled snacks can actually make you feel even more stressed out. Salt and fat are two substances that can increase your stress level. Salt, for instance, raises the blood pressure, causing an individual to feel as if his or her emotions are out of control. As a re! sult, yo u should not eat high-salt foods such as ham or sausage. Meanwhile, consuming fat can put strain on the cardiovascular system, leading to more stress. In general, you should avoid highly processed food, which tends to be sparse in nutritional value and supplement your diet with premier products sold through stores like Verseo (verseo review). If you want to get your stress level under control, consider a diet that is rich in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. These are natural stress-busters, filled with nutrients that will help you to feel good over the long run. Also, these foods are far less likely to result in weight gain--another significant cause of stress. Some dieticians recommend eating a diet that is 65 to 70 percent raw in order to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of nutrients--nutrients which could be otherwise lost during the cooking process. How do you know if your diet is stressing you out? Pay close attention to the warning signs. For instance, do you get headaches right after eating? Are you experiencing neck or back pain? Do you feel irritable after dinner? Do you feel anxious for no reason? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you could be dealing with food-induced stress. As you attempt to combat that stress, you should also make sure that you get at least seven hours of sleep each night in order to ensure that you are well-rested. Being tired can contribute significantly to your stress level. There is no question that eating right can reduce your stress. Indulging in caffeine-filled drinks or fatty foods can simply make you hyper, unable to relax or to concentrate. However, if you eat meals that are rich in vitamins and minerals, you could find your stress level significantly reduced. Plan your meals ahead of time to ensure that you receive the maximum nutrition. Be sure to eat slowly and deliberately--feeling rushed at mealtime can contribute to your stress level. The good news is diet is a stressor you can easily control. By following a few common sense t! echnique s, you can ensure that you are eating a diet which will greatly reduce your stress.

About the Author

Suz is a business consultant.

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Kicking The Crap Out Of Hip Pain In Three Days Or Less Using An AcuPuncher

Combating and Solving Hip Problems Naturally Using The AcuPuncher & AcuPressure. The AcuPuncher induces many responses in the body including but Not limited to: 1: The Relaxation Response: When the body is in a relaxed state, many physiological changes take place in the body which are beneficial to good health. Stress reduction is what Reflexology does best. 2: Endorphin Release: These chemicals are the body's natural pain killers. When one receives Reflexology, these "feel good" substances are released into the bloodstream and relief from pain can be obtained. 3: Increased Circulation: Direct pressure on the feet and hands increases venous return or better blood flow. This tends to warm the extremities, helps nutrients get to the cells and takes away waste products. It also moves more oxygen into the cells where it is needed. 4: Direct Nerve Stimulation: Direct stimulation on the feet or hands puts pressure on the many thousands of nerve endings that reside there.

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Tapping Into The Power Of The Tantra Goddess

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Acharya Subhojit Dasgupta

Ancient tantra techniques can be used to integrate all aspects of our life into a blissful, unified whole. This is no exaggeration - this ancient science, apart from offering a means to holistic spiritual evolution, is also the art of Abundant Life in all its aspects.

There are many disciplines that a tantra master teaches his students, including various tantra yoga modules, pranayama (breathing), mudras, rituals and chants, kundalini tantra, energy-visualization of deities, alchemy and healing. In the process of learning tantra, a disciple's entire physical and spiritual being is awakened and raised to its highest power.

The secrets of ancient tantra, when unfolded under the expert guidance of a qualified tantra teacher, can change and empower you in hitherto unimagined ways. This ancient art and way of life is available to you today, captured from the closely guarded secrets of Hindu Tantra and the rejuvenating mysteries of tantra yoga.

You will come face to face with the potent tantra deities that have the power to cleanse, energize and revitalize you. As you behold them, you eventually learn to see your partner as a tantra goddess or god - and discover true sensuality. A life lived in a state of aware, alive tantra spirituality is a life lived to the optimum.

It is lived at the peak in all respects - sexually, emotionally and spiritually - a life completely attuned and adapted to the ebbs and tides of the cosmic energy all around us that most never discern or learn to harness.

One of the most basic, and yet most powerful, tantra techniques is the evoking of tantra deities through mantra chanting, thereby focusing inward inwards and listening to the surging divine power there.

Under expert tutelage of a tantra master, this practice causes a welling-up of spiritual consciousness within the individual. The result is increased conscious awareness of universal cosmic vibration - the very essence of the tantra goddess or god whose power one is evoking.

The s! cripture 'Yoni Devi Sutra' recounts a cryptic conversation between Shiva and the acknowledged tantra goddess Shakti. It is considered a precursor to the famed 'Kamasutra' written by Vatsyayana, and it offers a glimpse of the laws of Hindu tantra regarding sexual behaviour. A short verse from this scripture states:

"Dying... you fall in love, up close and yet so far

Let divine love descend upon our souls

And makes us divine spiritual beings of love..."

This profound spiritual concept is the fundamental nature of tantra.

About the Author

Learn tantra for women and other tantra lessons, kriyas and mudras from this young tantra master.

Acharya Subhojit Dasgupta is a tantra teacher with an in-depth knowledge of traditional Indian sciences and Sanskrit literature.

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15. Solving the Bipolar Disorder Puzzle (Spiritual, Spirituality) Here, I put together all of the main points I have made in all of my theory videos regarding Bipolar Disorder, and then I provide links to each video, to make it easier for you to learn more!

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5 Different Ways To Meditate

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Trevor Johnson

There are many different ways to meditate. Each one is a different method with broadly the same end result. Check out these different meditation methods to see which suits you best.

Walking meditation

This is one of the easiest ways to meditate, although obviously it isn't as separate from the rest of the world as you need to be aware of your surroundings. With a walking meditation you pay attention to your feelings and your surroundings. Allow yourself 20 minutes or so and if possible choose a place where you're away from traffic. A local park is good. Then go for a gentle walk and take in the area. Notice the smells and sounds and pay attention to what you see.

Breathing meditation

At its simplest, you find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and start to take deeper breaths than you'd normally take. Breathe in a long, slow, deep breath. If possible hold it for a second or two before releasing it, again slowly. Repeat this over again, at least 5 times and ideally more. You'll find that this is a quick way to bring about a more relaxed state in your body.

Binaural beats meditation

This is the "modern" way to meditate and is the method I personally use regularly. You can purchase this kind of meditation and then play it on your CD or MP3 player. You need to find a place where you won't be disturbed for the length of the track, which is typically 30 to 60 minutes. The track will play a background noise - usually rainfall or music - as well as binaural beats. These beats play two slightly different tones, one into each ear. Your brain then tries to resolve the small difference between the tones and it is this which brings out a meditative state with next to no effort on your part. This kind of meditation is very powerful - don't get taken in by its simplicity!

Cosmic meditation

Quite similar to the binaural beats meditation, this is usually linked to Cosmic Ordering which is a structured form of Napoleon Hill's ideas from Think and Grow Rich. A ! cosmic m editation usually takes the form of a guided meditation which will get you relaxed and then allow you to send your current wish or goals liston to the cosmos.

Guided meditation

There are many of these available on the internet. They usually last between 20 and 60 minutes. Typically a guided meditation will start with a relaxation procedure so that you're relaxed and receptive for the main part of the meditation. It will then move on to the actual aim of the meditation, whether this is deep relaxation, healing your body, contacting your higher self or any other goal you have chosen. You can choose a single guided meditation or they are often sold in bundles of several guided meditations.

Whichever way of meditation you decide to use, you'll find that it helps to relax you and relieve the stresses and strains that seem to accompany our modern lifestyle.

About the Author

Discover more ways to meditate and decide which is the best meditation method for you.

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Pure Relaxation - The Most Beautiful Mountains 1/2 (Wonderful Chill Out Music) World s Most Beautiful Mountains is easily one of the most visually impressive offerings in the Living Landscapes series. ... Some of the most awesome footage in Mountains comes from the Mountain Temples of the Himalayas....incredibly beautiful imagery, frequently utilizing reflections of various peaks caught in the tranquil and mirror-like waters of mountain lakes...New Zealand s Queensland offers a full day of various sights and sounds, including some incredible turquoise colored water Yosemite... in winter, for some lovely shots of snow covered cliffs and beautiful rivers rushing through frozen environments... the lovely vision of Crater Lake...the Tyrol in springtime, with unbelievably lush valleys full to the brim with multicolored wildflowers. The full Playlist for Living Landscapes:

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The Story Of Christ In Tantric Scriptures

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Acharya Subhojit Dasgupta

The world has known many saints and prophets and as the central figure of Christianity. Jesus Christ is one of the most popular personalities. Who doesn't know the story of his birth, persecution, death and subsequent resurrection? However, there is a relationship to ancient Tantra to his story, as well. Do you wonder at this? Read on...

From the age of 13 to 29 years, Jesus' life is mostly unaccounted for by Christian history. There are, in fact, elements of a resurrection or 'rebirth' even to this part of his life. Allow a Tantra teacher to explain the message of this obscure fact to you.

The scriptures of Tantra list Jesus as one of the 84000 avatars of the Almighty. An avatar, in Sanskrit, means a divine being sent down to pursue a certain spiritual mission.

Jesus Christ, in fact, belonged to this hierarchy of saints and prophets, sent down by the Almighty to chalk out a specific path of spirituality for the people of the pre-Biblical period ruled by King Herod. He had to chalk this path out from the vast eternal knowledge, also known as the 'Sanatana Dharma' in the Tantric Scriptures.

The three wise kings of Bethlehem, or the Magi, knew of his coming, and followed the bright star to the stable where the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus. The scriptures of Tantra, however, have a different take on their journey; they tell us that it was the full moon that led the three wise kings to their destination.

According to Tantra, a divine being or a messenger of God always chooses to 'descend' on earth at the time of a full moon - an auspicious time for all divine beginnings. Thus the full moon is always a signal to those who know how to read the signs, like the Magi.

Jesus Christ's spiritual awakening began during his childhood, when his purpose on earth dawned on him. He had visions of a land awaiting him... a land that held the promise of vast eternal knowledge or 'sanatana dharma' for him. These led him on a long and arduous journey that ended in the land of 'san! atana dh arma' or India - the birthplace and stronghold of ancient Tantra.

For sixteen years, he lived and studied in India under the tutelage of various teachers who were ready and waiting for him, just as his visions had foretold. It was from them that he learnt all the streams of philosophy and wisdom that would be required for the success of his earthly mission.

Of everything that he learnt, there were a few things that are particularly noteworthy. He learnt a sacred Tantra kriya that enabled him to project his life-force or 'prana' onto an inanimate object, an ancient tantra skill that he utilized at his crucifixion to eliminate all consciousness of bodily pain even as his soul lived on. This Tantra kriya is called 'Kaya Pravesham' or Projection of Life-Energy onto an Object.

After crucifixion, when his body was left in a cave and found to have disappeared on the third day, even his persecutors had to admit that he was no ordinary being. His resurrection, in fact, is further proof that he had mastered this tantra kriya completely.

The Vedas talk about him as Ishu which became, by popular spelling, Jishu and subsequently Jesus to the world. 'Ish' means the Almighty; add 'u' to that and the word immediately signifies one who is a part of Him.

It is a known fact among Tantra masters that Jesus Christ spent a large portion of his life in India -at a divine place called Jagannatha Dhama, meaning The House of God. It is God Almighty's abode on Earth, according to the Vedic scriptures. Jesus, too, believed it to be the earthly abode of his Father in Heaven. This was the very place that taught him the intricacies of Hinduism and all the allied branches of religious and spiritual wisdom.

Interestingly, during this period, he also visited another divine place called Banaras (Varanasi) for advanced learning of some aspects of philosophy and spiritual logic. During that period not a soul - not his father nor his mother - knew where he was... a prerequisite for all saints-in-the-ma! king so that spiritual missions are not disrupted.

Tantra scriptures give an account of Christ's journey to India and his studies there. Jesus Christ came to India and was instructed to preach Christianity derived from the Eternal Truth or 'Sanatana Dharma' from which all religions evolve.

Christianity is what the people of that time period needed, for they belonged to a certain category of spiritual consciousness. They needed something to give them respite from King Herod's dictatorial reign. Christian spirituality restored their faith in the Divine and helped them fight the repressive and destructive forces of King Herod.

Yet, all that we know of Christ has come to us from the Church. This particular phase of his life (from the age of 13 to 29 years) may be unaccounted for by Christian institutions, but the scriptures of Tantra provide us with richly detailed accounts of it. The earthly lives of the Messengers of God hold many a wondrous secret and a treasure trove of wisdom, but to understand them one must go to the right people.

One must refrain from relying on a few authors who may never have had access to the original Tantra scriptures; most have isolated their personal research from the base source. One must go to the few who have made good use of their access to the original scriptures.

In recounting this, my only aim as a Tantra teacher has been to clear the state of confusion that surrounds a portion of Christ's life in the present generation, and to preserve it for those to come...

About the Author

Acharya Subhojit Dasgupta is a Tantra Teacher with an in-depth knowledge of traditional Indian sciences and Sanskrit literature. Visit his tantra online guide for Tantra Lessons, kriyas and mudras from this young Tantra Master.

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Meditation- a way to contemplation

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Dev Sri

Meditation an ancient practice is rooted in Vedic Hinduism. It is a state in which the mind dissolves and is free of thoughts.

Full fledged in Western culture, meditation is a common practice known to everyone. It includes a wide variety of spiritual practices that masters on the mental activity of a person. Most of them approach Meditation for achieving peace of mind.

Types of Meditation: is on the basis of different religions-• Bahai faith• Buddhism• Christianity• Gnostic • Jainism• Hinduism• Islam• Judaism • Sikhism• Taoism• New AgeJust thinking on one topic is Christian type of meditation. In this, mystics reach a state of achieving complete silence of mind known as contemplation. In Hinduism, meditation by the repetition of mantras is introduced that induces a positive energy. In Buddhism, meditation masters on breathing.

Repetition of Mantras help one to be free from thoughts and helps to reach a sound feeling peacefulness on mind. Different postures are followed for meditation. A comfortable position should be attained before practicing meditation that helps to relax oneself from the meddling matters of the daily life.Meditation helps one to find a positive attitude towards mind and enriches personal growth. Prayers: meditational prayers are related to one religious background. It is one of the contemplative prayers that connects one to the cosmic powers.

Declaration and visualization: makes one to deepen the relationship with the devotional powers. The positive visualization that one wishes to reach should be done along with the meditative prayers should be done.

Transformation through meditation: positive will of the person together with the meditation makes one to achieve developmental transformation in oneself.

Different techniques:

Many simple techniques are there that can be practiced. A place with little distraction preferably a prayer room with icons, incense or something is the finest place for meditation.• Hearin! g the si lence- with less distraction.• A comfortable posture should be attained for better meditation.• It is advised to meditate twice a day for better results.Common postures:1. Cross legged posture2. Seated posture3. Kneeling posture4. Lying down posture

The three stages of meditations:1. Dharana- complete concentration of mind 2. Dhyana- contemplation or worship3. Samadhi- complete merging into a spiritual freedom

Benefits of Meditation:• Controls stress- the person finds to manage the root causes of the stress in his life.• Pain Management- the proper practice of meditation helps one to manage chronic pain that persists on and other psychic disorders connected to it.• Physical healing- heals cancer, high blood pressure, infertility, respiratory problems, premenstrual Syndrome etc• Gain repressed memories • Handle pain attacks

About the Author

Dev Sri provides Kerala tour and travel information through The Kerala Tourism website. Check out the website to find cool places, genuine Ayurvedic centers and Kerala travel packages.

Website built, hosted and promoted by Aienet Communications.Website:

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Fitness Show - Yoga to Relieve Backache

Utthita Trikonasana - This aasana will help you relieve stress, Improve digestion and relieve backache, especially through second trimester of pregnancy. Learn this ancient practice of yoga for a healthier mind and body.

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Yoga of Sri Chinmoy

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Richard Pettinger

As a young child Sri Chinmoy was brought up in a Hindu family. The family was of Brahmin caste but they did not adhere to the rigid caste rules and often helped those of other castes. At the age of 12 Sri Chinmoy left his village in Chittagong, East Bengal and travelled with his 3 sisters and 2 brother to join his eldest brother Hriday Ghose in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo was a pioneer of "Integral Yoga"

This was a modern form of yoga that did not renounce the world but sought to bring the divine into all aspects of life. For over 20 years Sri Chinmoy lived in the ashram spending many hours in meditation, achieving elevated states of spiritual consciousness. These states of self realization led to some of Sri Chinmoy's most profound poetry. In poems such as Immortality and The Absolute we get a glimpse of the deathless state beyond mind and form.

"My eternal days are found in speeding time;I play upon His Flute of rhapsody.Impossible deeds no more impossible seem;In birth chains now shines Immortality."

- From Immortality by Sri Chinmoy

In 1964 Sri Chinmoy travelled to America to offer the ancient spiritual traditions of India in a modern and dynamic form to aspiring seekers in the West. He has lived in New York since 1964 and has been offering meditations at the United Nations for over 30 years. Sri Chinmoy has lectured on spirituality, yoga and meditation at many universities in both America, Europe and other parts of the World. He teaches that all religions lead to the same goal and fundamentally share common values.

Sri Chinmoy's path encompasses all 4 of the principle types of Yoga;

Bhakti Yoga - yoga of devotionJnani Yoga - yoga of WisdomRaja Yoga - Yoga of PhilosophyKarma Yoga - Yoga of Divine Action.

Sri Chinmoy teaches that love is the most direct way to approach God. Sri Chinmoy often says that his path is in essence the path of the heart. If we cry from the depths of our heart the Supreme will respond. If on the other ! hand, we try to meditate using the mind, we will achieve only very limited peace. An important element of Bhakti yoga is the use of devotional music. Soulful singing is a powerful way for a seeker to approach the divine. Great Bhakti yogi's such as Sri Chaitanya and Mirabai spent many hours singing Bhajans (devotional songs), through this singing they were able to enter into the Divine Consciousness. Sri Chinmoy is one of the most prolific composers of devotional music. Since coming to the West he has composed over 12,000 songs in his native Bengali and over 5,000 in English. Most of these songs are devotional in nature; appealing to different aspects of the Supreme or identifying with different stages of a seekers spiritual journey.

Sri Chinmoy writes on Bhakti Yoga

"Ask a man to speak about God and he will speak endlessly. Ask a Bhakta to speak about God and he will say only two things: God is all Affection, God is all Sweetness. The Bhakta even goes one step further. He says, "I can try to live without bread, but never can I live without my Lord's Grace.A Bhakta's prayer is very simple: "O my Lord God, do enter into my life with Thine Eye of Protection and with Thy Heart of Compassion." This prayer is the quickest way to knock at God's Door and also the easiest way to see God open the Door."

As well as composing many songs Sri Chinmoy is also noted as a prolific writer and poet. He has published over 1,400 books which nearly all relate to some aspect of the spiritual life. Some books take the form of Question and Answer sessions. Sri Chinmoy is able to offer advice from the deepest spiritual perspective. Often these writings expound on common themes essential to genuine spirituality. These include disciplining the mind so that the seeker does not become beholden to negative ideas the mind can become attached to. This is a short extract from a talk entitled.

"What is Yoga"

"What is Yoga? Yoga is the language of God. If we wish to speak to God, we have to learn His language. What i! s Yoga? Yoga is that which discloses God's secret. If we wish to know God's secret, we have to launch into the path of Yoga. What is Yoga? Yoga is the Breath of God. If we wish to see through God's Eye and feel through His Heart, if we wish to live in God's Dream and know God's Reality, if we wish to possess the Breath of God, and finally if we wish to become God Himself, Yoga will beckon us."

From: Yoga and the Spiritual Life by Sri Chinmoy

Karma Yoga

Sri Chinmoy leads an active life showing that an inner life of prayer and meditation can offer inspiration and help to increase our own capacities. Sri Chinmoy says that spirituality does not involve retreating from the world. Instead he advocates acceptance of the world and the inner fruits of meditation he says can be used to guide and illumine outer activities. At the age of 74 Sri Chinmoy is still very active demonstrating that age is not a barrier to continuing achievements. Sri Chinmoy is a noted weightlifter and continues to lift heavy weights saying that he does so to offer inspiration to others. Sri Chinmoy also travels extensively offering concerts of meditative music in different locations.

About the Author

Richard is a cyclist and economics Teacher. He is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Oxford UK

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Gateway Voyage Revealed The Monroe Institute is the embarkation point for the Gateway Voyage. I am more than my physical body. Human consciousness is evolving, awakening to the discovery of Self. All of us are participants in the evolution of consciousness, the next great leap for humanity. I am connected to the universe through nonphysical dimensions and a holographic matrix of timeless information. Life itself is not something physical and death something spiritual. My life's experiences have taken on a new significance. I marvel at the wonder of an emerging perception of reality that has been here waiting for me to realize all along.

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Find Special 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver at Divine Light

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by India Internets

Are you yearning for a balanced life and striving for ultimate happiness, come and join Divine Light 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver. We are trying to spread the knowledge of yoga around the world through our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program, where one will get the spiritual development within himself. The goal of this 200 hour yoga teacher training course  is to practice yoga and stablise their body, mind and help our students to experience the true essence of yoga in their lives.

Here, at Divine Light one can learn the yoga techniques which are being taught since ages through our wonderful 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program in Canada. One can follow those yoga techniques in order to lead to their Divine Purpose of life. During the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, one will start from the basics of yoga asanas and then lead to the various other yoga asanas thus achieve a satisfying self practice. We at, Divine Light offer you the different kind of teaching methodology which will develop a deep understanding of yoga and discover within you the true menaning of yoga.

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training course gives you a good learning experience which will transform your inner self and bring in you a great potential.We, at Divine Light with our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program help all our students to find peace and make positive change, thus changing their attitude towards life. We help all of you to get away from the daily hazardous life to a place of serenity, where one will get the opportunity to explore within yourself. We offer 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification to our students and encouraging them to follow a yogic lifestyle.

Since ages people are practicing yoga as for their benefits in terms of healthy and peaceful life. Our main aim is to enlighten the inner- self of people who are being trained at divine light, for a balanced life. We have many kinds of yoga classes under our Yoga Teacher Training, where you will be trained to deal with the! differe nt issues and help you to overcome those problems. One will experience the true feeing of yoga within himself and will grow personally as well as professional.

Its very easy to implement the yoga practice in one's life which ultimately brings in a new approach towards life. One can easily explore many aspects of yoga practice through our divine light Training program in Canada. Its a place where one can acquire the yoga practices to better shape your pathway for a healtier and peacful life. Our 200 Hour Training helps to bring in the grace within oneself how to tackle with problems and lead a life which you have never thought off throughout your life.

Enrol for the lifetime experience of our Training Program and see a drastic change within oneself. We, at Divine Light provide you with all kinds of yoga practices and techniques such as asanas (Physical postures), Pranayama (Breathing practices) and Dhyan (Meditation). We help you to clear all the basic fundamentals of learning yoga thorugh this 200 Hour Training in Vancouver. We, at Divine Light try to inculcate the wisdom of yoga in our students as we inherit the true approach of yoga.

At Divine Light during our Training Program,for our students the day starts with the basic yoga practices and later on as the classes moves on, the level of doing and understanding those practices also increases with other postures and breathing techniques to discover the essence of yoga within themselves. Our approach towards teaching yoga is totally different which not only hepls our students to learn the yoga tecniques but actully help them to implement those in their daily lifestyle.

Our yoga practice is a great inspiration for our students to start all together a new life. We, at Divine Light follow such yoga practices which will be beneficial for all our sudents on a long term basis. Our motto is to bring back the practice of doing yoga from old ages to the young ones.For more information please visit our website:! oga-teac hers-training-200-hours.html

About the Author

Divin elight offers Special "200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training", 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification. For more detail about Yoga please visit" YogaTeacher Training Vancouver".

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"Peace Offering" Yoga

Yogis gather together in NYC with the collective intention of creating more peace and happiness in the world. May it inspire everyone to try yoga. Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu. Choreography and creative vision by Molly Lehman. Revery Media New York City Special Thanks to our Cast: Erin Fogel, Meg Carlough, Beth Hazan, Dave Hazan, Anna Surbatovich, Jessica Chazen, Chelsea Kazepis, Jonathan Poplack, Monica Baik, Monika Sharma, Sarah Freund, Brooke Murphy, Denise Brown, Kasey Ryan, Zarah Kravitz, Jessica Gilo, Dawn Olsen, Julia Hess, Christine Ferrara, Craig Sulzburgh, Andrew Tanner, Stephanie Miller, Krissy Shields, Jenn Burke, Abigail Burke, Charlotte Burke, Bunny Grossinger, Nicholas Woodridge, Kim West and Chequers Shea-Abrams! Song: Trevor Hall "Where's the Love"

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Matt Thornton, mixed martial artist, kicks religion's butt

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

I love how the World Wide Web leads in so many interesting unexpected directions. Like, from a brief Sam Harris twitter tweet to the blog of a guy who is both physically and intellectually capable of twisting religious believers into knots.

I started off listening to an interview Bobby Nelson, "The Paranormal Skeptic," conducted with Matt Thornton, a mixed martial artist and coach from Portland, Oregon -- just a short ways up I-5 from Salem, the much less cool city where I live.

You can listen to it here. Great stuff.

I've been involved with martial arts for almost twenty years, and enjoy the no-nonsense attitude of most practitioners. Meaning, they're pleasingly open, honest, and blunt. Thornton certainly is, along with being well-spoken and well-informed. 

Matt Thornton 2
At the beginning of the interview he talked about how religious skepticism ties in well with the mixed martial arts scene. Traditional disciplines like Shotokan Karate (which I trained in for nine years) bear quite a bit of resemblance to fundamentalist religions -- in that what counts is the techniques and approaches taught by the founder(s) of some martial art.

Whether these really work... not nearly as important. By contrast, Thornton said that the mixed martial arts movement is dedicated to learning what happens when two guys go at each other with minimal rules/restrictions and a maximum desire to put some hurt on the other person.

Likewise, he's heartily in favor of testing the dogmatic claims of religions. "Show me what you've got" is his basic attitude, which he expresses in the interview forcefully.

Can't remember how I was led to Thornton's Guerilla Blog, where his philosophical, skeptical, anti-religion musings are posted. Maybe it was a mention during the Nelson interview. Check it out. The most recent post at the moment talks about the MMA-Skepticism Connection.

The parallels between the promotion of reason within the martial arts and the promotion of reason as it relates to religion or other faith based topics, are nearly endless. One clear example, is the nature of the criticism that tends to get thrown at you. Anytime you tell the truth in plain spoken, non obfuscated language, about anything, martial arts or otherwise, you will end up offending some people. It's just part of the process.

But what is important to realize is that these people are not offended because they think what we are saying is factually untruethey are offended because we are saying something that is factually true, which they don't think we should say. And that is a very different matter all together.

I enjoyed browsing some other posts. Such as The Faith Hope shell game.

Here is the sneaky part, when non-believers use the word 'hope', believers want to be able to perform a slight of hand shell game and pretend that this too is a knowledge claim. As we can see from the examples above however, this simply isn't true. If I state, "I hope there is life after death" I am not pretending to know something I do not know, I am simply stating my own desire for how I wish reality to be.

However, if, like a preacher I claim, "The soul survives death", then I am positing an affirmative rather than just a hope, I am pretending to know something I do not know, I am lying; and it is in these situations, when pressed for evidence for these outrageous assertions, that believers are forced to play the 'faith' card

Also, "Faith" based reasoning, A thought experiment on, identity, and The Enlightenment Delusion. Here's some tough truth-telling from the last post.

One last point, there is an absolute distinction between those that temporarily find themselves searching, seeking, and running through the empty houses of mysticism, religion, astrology, mediums, spiritualism, psychics, bible codes, angel cards, chakras, past lives, karma, crystal healings, self help pop psychology, new age gurus, tarot readings, life coaches, philosophical yoga, and all forms of superstitious rubbish; and con men like Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, John Edwards, David Hawkins, Sylvia Browne, PZ Knight, L Ron Hubbard, Sai Baba, bhagwan shree Rajneesh aka: 'Osho', A. C. Bhaktivedanta, Rev Jim Jones and their 'kind' (to name but a handful), who, with various degrees of malevolence, profit on selling this poison to the credulous. And we must not forget that, just as we must be able to discern between the two when communicating.

People like the above mentioned 'spiritual' gurus are to human well being, what methamphetamine is to small towns. And the distinction I am drawing above is much the same as that between a dealer and a user. Users will self medicate in an attempt to ease suffering. Dealers, people like Chopra and Robbins, profit from exploiting the obvious weaknesses in their target market. They may be in the same pond, but they are not the same fish.

In the case of those stumbling through the empty landscape of woo-woo, I am pointing to a way out. For those selling it, I am offering nothing short of ridicule, and the strict isolation that sociopathic behavior requires. 

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Dolpo Shey (Dragon Year) Festival 2012

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Choodamani

DOLPO SHEY (DRAGON YEAR) FESTIVAL 2012Shey Festival (Shey Ribo Druk Dra) takes places in every 12 years. This festival falls in every dragon year of Tibetan lunar calendar. It was initiated 790 years back by Lama Duptop Singye Hisye in Dragon year. Because of this, in every dragon year all the Dolpo-pa gathers and circumambulators the Shey Ribo Drukda. In the Buddhist term "Shey" means Crystal and "Ribo Druk Dra" means Mountain of Thunder Dragon. For the Buddhists, Crystal Mountain is the heavenly abode of Gods and during summer many people go there for pilgrimage.Shey Crystal Mountain has legendary connection in Buddhist religion. It is one of precious holy-land of the Himalaya. A thousand years ago and so on a Buddhist acetic Duptop Singe Hisye came to Shey Crystal Mountain, during the Dragon year and he saw lots of devils giving trouble to human beings and he had flew with snow lion and destroyed all the devils power on Crystal Mountain. Since that after 12 years cycle of Tibetan calendar in Buddhism the celebration held during every dragon year. 2012 August 31st is the great holiness ceremony of Dragon year.Your treks begin from airstrip Juphal and passing through the phoksundo national park with dense meadow forests then magnificent view of Suligad waterfalls. Following the next day walking edges of deep blue Phoksundo lake then crossing the 5310m Nangdola pas and reach to Shey gonpa for the festival, making of a religious walk around the Crystal Mountain. Then your treks continue to exploring of enchanting Himalayan glories.

OUTLINE ITINERARY1 in Kathmandu transfer to Hotel2 Kathmandu sightseeing3 Kathmandu - Nepalgunj(Aug 20th)4 Nepalgunj - Juphal (two and half hour walk) -Dunai(Aug 21st)5 Dunai-Chhepka(Aug 22nd)6 Chhepka-Jharana Hotel (Amchi hospital)(Aug 23rd)7 Jharana hotel - Phoksundo(Aug 24th)8 Phoksundo - Rest day(Aug 25th)9 Phoksundo - sallaghari(Aug 26th)10 Sallaghari - Nangdola B.C(Aug 27th)11 Namgdola B.C -5310m Kangla pass -Shey-Gompa(Aug 28th)12 Shey Gompa -Rest day(Aug 2! 9th), 13 Shey Gompa (half Kora) half Kora is a kind of religeous jogging(Aug 30th), 14 Shey Gompa (Full Kora)(Aug 31st),15 Shey Gompa - Namgang Gompa,16 Namgang Gompa - Yangjer Gompa,17 Yanjer Gompa - Komash Villege,18 Komash Villege - Tinje villege,19 Tinje Villege - Yak Kharka,20 Yak Kharka - Chhoila Bhanjyang pass - Tokyau,21 Tokyau - Dho Tarap,22 Dho Tarap - Nawarpani,23 Nawarpani - Laini,24 Laini - Tarakot,25 Tarakot - Dunai,26 Dunai - Juphal,27 Juphal - Nepalgunj-Kathmandu,28 Departure from Kathmandu


28th August: Arrival at shey gompa (Gathering Day of people).29th august: Opening ceremony of shey festival.30th august: Food festivall and local handicraft exhibition with demonstration31st august: Shey ribo drugta circumambulating1st September: Natural mask dance in the morning & dolpo cultural show in the evening2nd September: Horse, yak and goat race. Exhibition of traditional Amchi Treatment and practices3rd September: Final day gathering of every high lamas long life Blessing by his holiness (H.H hechen rabjam rimporche)

Mobile No: +977-9851133894 (Jag Budha)Mobile No: +977-9851105875 (Jitendra Jhakri)Email:

About the Author

Author is an expert in SEO, SMO and Internet Marketing from Nepal

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Miss Universe In Memory of Eva Ekvall 1983-2011 (Part 5)

Eva Mónica Anna Ekvall Johnson (15 March 1983 -- 17 December 2011) was a Venezuelan TV news anchor, author, breast cancer advocate, fashion model, and a former Miss Venezuela. Eva Ekvall was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She was raised in both the United States and Venezuela and was fluent in English and Spanish from childhood. Ekvall attended the Academia Washington of Caracas. Her father, Eric Ekvall, is an American of Swedish and Hungarian descent,who has lived in Venezuela since the early 1980s and worked as a political analyst. Her mother, Dawn Johnson, was born in Jamaica, and once ran a small modelling agency in Alaska, where she met Eva's father. Eva grew up with an older brother, Alec, who is a musician. Aged 17, Ekvall was crowned Miss Venezuela of 2000, and the next year was third runner-up in the Miss Universe Pageant. As a Buddhist,she was the first non-Christian to have won the title of Miss Venezuela. Ekvall married radio producer John Fabio Bermúdez in September 2007.The couple have one daughter, Miranda, born in July 2009. In February 2010, just months after giving birth to her only child, Ekvall was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, and underwent eight months of treatment that included chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a double radical mastectomy.She chronicled this experience in a book of photographs, Fuera de Foco(Out of Focus), released on December 2010. She went on to become an advocate for SenosAyuda, a cancer awareness group. When told to have had ...

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The Five Things You Need to Know about the Subconscious Mind

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Nelson Berry

Introduction to SHINZEN YOUNG's "See/Hear/Feel" ~ STEPHANIE NASH

Before guiding her popular "Tour thru SEE/HEAR/FEEL", Stephanie Nash explains important points about the 3 sensory modalities (visual, auditory, somatic) of our moment-by-moment experience and sense of "self". This was during one of her "Sunday Sessions" in Santa Monica, CA in April 2011. For more info: WWW.MINDFULNESSARTS.ORG - a non-profit organization that gratefully accepts TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS so that we can continue to provide videos, mp3's, live & phone retreats, and workshops to help support the larger community in mindfulness practice to promote more ease, happiness & creativity in our lives.

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Dead Porpoise Carried Potentially Harmful Bacteria

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT


A dead harbor porpoise that washed up in Maine in January turned out to be carrying a disease-causing bacteria that could have sickened the people who handled the animal, according to a report today (June 28) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The case serves as a reminder of the potential for infection when rescuing or handling marine mammals, and the importance of using proper protection to avoid exposure to diseases, the researchers said in their report.

The bacteria found in the porpoise, called Brucella, causes flu-like symptoms in people, including fever, sweats, headache, back pain and weakness, which can persist for years, according to the CDC. Sometimes, the bacteria cause severe infections of the brain, bone, heart, liver or spleen, the CDC says.

After the carcass of the porpoise was recovered on Jan. 29, a university faculty member, two students and a community volunteer performed an autopsy on the animal. Although the team members wore gloves, they did not wear any protection over their noses and mouths to prevent themselves from breathing in the bacteria. (Brucella can become airborne during an autopsy.)

Subsequent lab testing on samples from the porpoise revealed it was infected with Brucella.

Because the four people who performed the autopsy did not wear respiratory protection, they were considered at high risk for Brucella infection, and were required to take antibiotics for three weeks, check themselves daily for fevers, and undergo weekly blood tests performed by CDC personnel.

After 24 weeks, none of the individuals had become ill (signs of the disease can show up months after a person becomes infected).

"Persons who handle marine mammals should be educated on the potential for infection associated with their activities and the precautions necessary to avoid being exposed to infectious agents," the CDC researchers wrote. "Failure to use primary protection to avoid exposure necessitates using more costly and time-consuming secondary strategies."

Facilities that allow students and volunteers to participate in the rescue and handling of marine mammals should provide the same level of training and protection for this population as they do for their employees, the CDC said.

Brucella is not common in the United States, but is endemic in many parts of the world, according to the CDC. It is found in animals, including cattle, swine, goats and sheep. Between 2000 and 2009, an average of 113 cases of brucellosisa year, the disease caused by Brucella, were reported to the CDC.

The new report will be published tomorrow (June 29) in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Week's Report.

Pass it on:  Marine mammals can harbor infectious diseases, and people who rescue or handle them should use proper protection.

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Stylish Yoga Tops A Beauty and Fitness Wear For Women

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Jason Stacey

The demand for yoga clothes is growing rapidly as this Yoga becomes popular by the day. It's all about finding comfort with style in good comfortable and organic fabrics.

Everyone loves nice yoga wear and one in which you can traipse out of the studio feeling just as stylish. This is where leisure and exercise wear merge into one and reflect a lifestyle choice. All popular yoga forms such as Iyengar, Ashtanga and of course Bikram are now common yoga practices in the West. This has led to the demand for yoga accessories, yoga clothes and specialised yoga wear. More women and looking to find the perfect yoga pants and tops, and yoga clothes are now fashionable and almost statement wear.Yoga tops for women consist of yoga vests, halters and easy sling on tees. The most common thing about all yoga wear is that it's easy to put on and off. . Yoga clothing has become a stylish range of clothing that actually can be worn outside the studio as well and is represents a lifestyle choice. Yoga tees comes in standard sizes, but always opt for a roomy and larger tee than a tight fitted one which may restrain your movement.

A bamboo yoga vest with harem pants is incredibly comfortable at the same time looks pretty fashionable too. Yoga tank tops or cropped bra tops are prefect for Bikram Yoga when the temperatures rise and you need the skin to breathe. There is also the fantastic seamless Yoga tank with corset styling, this is ideal for Yoga and Pilates. Close fitting yet flattering these super light vest style yoga tops are super soft and the perfect essential to go with your yoga pants. There are also the more modest yoga tops for mature women that offer soft drape and relaxed body-skimming fit and mid hip length. These Yoga tees provide excellent cover yet comfort for yoga, fitness and leisure. Then there is the legendary Iyengar halter neck that provides excellent cover for the chest especially for those downward to upward dog postures, at the same time looking stylishly on trend in any studio. ! These Yo ga halters allow your upper back and shoulders enjoy total freedom to breathe, move and enjoy the natural air. Halters are great to wear on beach too and perfect to take away on a yoga holiday.

You can move in ease and enjoy your postures in comfort at the same time looking stylish enough to walk out of the studio in the same pair of pants. Yoga clothing has become just that much more versatile. All you need are a couple of yoga tops and yoga bottoms in light neutral easy on the eye colours that you can switch over. Popular yoga top colours are light beiges, tea rose, browns and anything from the earth palette.A lot of yoga wear is made from cotton or Bamboo which is completely natural and also one of the more sustainable plants on earth. With its soft drape and soft feel it is the chosen fabric for yoga wear. As most yoga enthusiasts prefer something earthy, natural and sustainable, organic bamboo and cotton fit the bill very well for yoga wear. The feel and touch of bamboo cotton is incredibly soft, it is also a very light fabric and super comfy that once you have it on it becomes almost like second skin.

Good yoga clothes brands will make sure the fabric is sustainably sourced, the clothes are made either in Europe or with fair trade suppliers abroad. A good brand will also promise durability, will offer an organic bamboo and cotton range and will not cost the earth. Although not very cheap, prices should reflect good value too.

About the Author

Life is a gift of God and we need to nourish and enjoy it and Yoga exercises is the way to enrich this lovely gift. Yoga products like Manduka yoga mats and yoga tops of various kind help in today's world to full fill your healthy lifestyle dreams.

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