Considering A New Yoga Teacher Or Yoga Class
Considering A New Yoga Teacher Or Yoga Class |
- Considering A New Yoga Teacher Or Yoga Class
- Bird Flu Pandemic: How Likely Is a Deadly Outbreak?
- Yoga Retreat, Yoga Holiday, A Yoga Vacation, Somethng Different.
- Deep Zen - Where Can You Turn For More Resources?
- Apple Peel Compound May Help Ward Off Obesity
- How Does Cigarette Smoking Electronic Cigarettes Reduce Stress?
- Eating Disorders More Common than Thought in Women Over 50
- Knoxville Yoga
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Considering A New Yoga Teacher Or Yoga Class Posted: 21 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Margaret (Saraswati)Kruszewska Try the Class YourselfRecommendations for a yoga teacher from a friend may be good but you must check the class out for yourself. What works perfectly for a friend may not be a good fit for you. Even if you know what school or style of yoga you prefer, classes vary according to the individual yoga teachers and their own educational and training backgrounds. Yoga Teachers Aren't Just the Best Yoga StudentsYou will be trying many yoga postures that may feel daring and so you will need to feel secure in the yoga instrutor's know-how. Yoga teachers are also always practitioners although they may not necessarily be the most limber or strongest in a hatha yoga class. Just because someone is able to do advanced yoga postures does not make them a good yoga teacher. A different set of skills are needed to teach yoga. A yoga teacher should possess the wisdom of a scholar, the compassion of a beloved, the intuition of a fierce mother and an attitude of love and devotion for teaching. How to Choose the Best Yoga Teacher for YouWhen you take your first yoga class with a new teacher or even just talk to them before class, note their attitude toward you and other yoga students. Does the teacher try to get to know your physical needs? Does she ask you about any health concerns or restrictions? Does he notice any struggles you may be experiencing? Experienced yoga teachers become very good at being able to "read" tensions in the physical body. Usually they can suggest a variation more suitable for the student. Does the yoga teacher really see and hear you? Inexperienced yoga teachers frequently resort to "performing" poses for students or exclude students who are not at their level. A yoga class forms a group energy so that every person's presence is felt and acknowledged as being important to that day's session. A highly skilled teacher is capable of keeping an eye out on you even in very large classes. This is how yoga teachers keep their classes fr! esh and alter their sequences or instructions according to each class. Does the teacher adjust the level of class according to the size, experience, and mood of the class? Each yoga class should have the feeling that it has been personalized and meaningful. Even if they are teaching the same basic sequence every session, as many schools do, they are able to bring new awareness to the poses each time. Is the teacher respectful of your physical, emotional and spiritual boundaries? A yoga session is a safe, sacred space. Any "hands-on" adjustments should be done with consent and, more importantly, with loving kindness in their hands and hearts. You are receiving the energy of the teacher so be aware how you feel under their guidance. Trust is developed over a period of time but frequently you will know after one session that the teacher's approach will not support your work. This may become apparent through a tone of voice the teacher uses or how they treat others in class or their lack of concentration during class. Of course yoga teachers do have bad days too - so always allow for the human factor! Is the instructor allowing for your own process to occur? Unfortunately, some yoga teachers view their classes as platforms to voice their opinions on everything. Sometimes this occurs because they are nervous and want to keep the energy of the class going but if you notice after the second or third class that they are still "preaching" chances are they'll continue this way. Sometimes this is entertaining but it also crowds out your own inner voice and observations. Yoga Teachers or Yoga BuddiesIt is unrealistic for a student to assume that their yoga teacher will become their new best friend. Although it's not uncommon for friendships to form, keep in mind that the yoga teacher may be working with hundreds of bodies and souls in the course of their work. You'll be blessed if you've found one whom you consider to be your friend but don't assume that it will be reciprocated and don't! look fo r a new friend when considering a new yoga teacher. Yoga Teachers' TrainingFinally, a word on the credentials and accreditation of yoga teachers. No standard review board or licensing organization exists for yoga teachers. Each yoga organization or school does have its own requirements varying from complete immersion in yoga community life to designating a certain number of hours assisting a senior yoga teacher in hatha yoga classes. The Yoga Alliance has attempted for many years to establish standards for certifying yoga teachers but it remains a controversial subject within the community. A main issue is who (or what school) will determine what forms a proper teachers' training program. Most of the key yoga teachers in the last century have come from India, where yoga is not necessarily the physical hatha form that has become most popular in North America. Testing a teacher's knowledge of anatomy and physiology is easier than proving a mastery of yogic techniques and wisdom. Furthermore, the teacher-student arrangement in India, one of the main ways of transmitting knowledge of yoga, can be very different from Western approaches to learning. How Yoga ContinuesThe spirit of yoga has survived because it remains highly adaptable and becomes relevant to a specific community. Usually, the longer a teacher has taught and practiced yoga the more developed are her teaching skills. Notice how devoted the teacher may be to their responsibilities to the students. This is an often a better indicator of their teaching abilities than how many teachers they've studied under or where they have studied their techniques of yoga. Ask questions. Listen to your insights and impressions. Know your intentions. And have fun looking for your yoga teacher! About the AuthorMARGARET "Saraswati" KRUSZEWSKA is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher since 1990. Her knowledge of yoga philosophies, mythology, and integrative health practices will help you begin and maintain a meaningful yoga practice, visit her site now. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Anaahat Yoga in English - Anulom Vilom PranayamThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Bird Flu Pandemic: How Likely Is a Deadly Outbreak? Posted: 21 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT
Controversial new research shows that with just a handful of mutations, the deadly bird flu virus could spread in an airborne fashion between mammals. Just five changes in the genes of the H5N1 virus could give it the ability to spread via airborne particles — a change that brings the potential for a pandemic — and two of those changes can already be found in circulating strains of the virus, according to findings to be published tomorrow (June 22) in the journal Science. But how likely is it that these changes would actually happen in nature and unleash a global outbreak? "We know that it's possible for these remaining mutations to evolve within an infected host," said lead author Colin Russell, a zoologist at the University of Cambridge, speaking at a news conference in advance the papers' release. In other words, it is possible that within the body of one infected mammal, the virus could mutate to a point where it can spread directly to other mammals – a barrier that thus far has kept bird flu spreading from person to person. But while the new research gives scientists a picture of what such an airborne virus looks like, and how close existing strains have come to resembling that virus, further research needs to be done to determine how likely it is that those further changes will occur. Avian influenza was first linked to human infections in Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, a few hundred cases have been reported, with 60 percent of infected people dying from the virus. In future research, investigators should increase their surveillance of the virus in parts of the world where animals that contract the virus live in groups, and where some of the mutations have been seen, as those are the places the pandemic form of the virus is likely to arise, the researchers said. As to why the mutations have not already occurred, Russell said, "It could be a situation where we've just been lucky so far, or it could be a situation where it's actually something that's challenging to do." It's difficult to determine how long it might take before a strain that could spread through the air between humans evolves, said Derek Smith, a professor of infectious disease informatics at Cambridge and the paper's senior author. The risk of the five mutations occurring in a single host could be one in a thousand, or one in 100 million, Smith said. The risk of the mutations actually taking place is related to how helpful they are for the virus to spread, he explained. The two mutations that have already been found with some frequency in bird flu viruses in the wild are likely helpful or neutral for the virus's spread, while the other three probably do not help it spread in birds, and would occur only when in an infected host. The new research on the mutations was conducted in ferrets, which have similar sensitivity to the virus as humans, but are not a perfect model of human flu. While the chance of mutations occurring in nature remains small, another possibility is that people trying to develop bioweapons would alter the virus to make it more virulent. This is one of the reasons why publication of the research has been hotly debated. Even trying to build an influenza weapon might be a poor choice. Given the difficulty in controlling the virus' spread, would-be terrorists could easily find it afflicting them, Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, told MyHealthNewsDaily. The larger risk of a pandemic, Schaffner said, comes from the possibility of an infection coming out of labs researching the virus. Measures must be taken to make sure that doesn't happen, he said. While risky, Schaffner said, there are benefits of research on the virus: a greater chance of catching outbreaks early, better information for vaccine manufacturers and the potential ability to produce antiviral drugs for infected people. Pass it on: Five mutations are needed for the bird flu virus to become airborne, but researchers still aren't sure how likely that is to happen. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Yoga Retreat, Yoga Holiday, A Yoga Vacation, Somethng Different. Posted: 21 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Carmel Baird My prenatal yoga lifeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Deep Zen - Where Can You Turn For More Resources? Posted: 21 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Warren Marion Trekking in Nepal - Annapurna Circuit TrekThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Apple Peel Compound May Help Ward Off Obesity Posted: 21 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT
A compound found in apple peels called ursolic acid may protect against obesity, a new study in mice suggests. In the study, mice that ate a high-fat diet over several weeks that included ursolic acid developed more muscle mass, and more calorie-burning brown fat, than mice eating the same diet without the chemical. "Since muscle is very good at burning calories, the increased muscle in ursolic acid-treated mice may be sufficient to explain how ursolic acid reduces obesity," said study researcher Dr. Christopher Adams, an associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Iowa. However, the increase in brown fat — an unexpected finding — may also help protect against obesity, Adams said, noting that researchers don't know how the compound might exert this effect on brown fat. Previous studies by these researchers showed that ursolic acid increased muscle mass and strength in healthy mice. In the new study, they tested the compound in mice likely to develop obesity and metabolic syndrome. In people, having metabolic syndrome means having at least three major risk factors for heart disease, such as too much abdominal fat, high triglycerides and high blood pressure. The researchers found that the mice that consumed ursolic acid gained less weight and were less likely to develop conditions similar to pre-diabetes and fatty liver disease, despite the fact that they ate more food than the mice that did not consume the compound. There was no difference in physical activity between the groups, the researchers said. The researchers have not tested the compound in people, and research in rodents often doesn't produce the same results in humans. "We don't know if ursolic acid will benefit people," Adams said. Still, he said, it's possible that the compound could someday be used as treatment for muscle wasting, which occurs in healthy people during aging, and also in some conditions such as cancer. Some studies have linked increased levels of brown fat with lower levels of obesity, and healthier levels of blood sugar and fats, according to the researchers. The researchers measured the mice's energy expenditure, and found that those fed ursolic acid burned more calories than mice that didn't consume the chemical. Some evidence suggests brown fat may be helpful in preventing obesity and diabetes. "Brown fat is beneficial and people are trying to figure out ways to increase it," Adams said. "Our next step is to determine if ursolic acid can help patients." The study was published yesterday (June 20) in the journal PLoS ONE, and was funded by the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center at the University of Iowa, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the University of Iowa Research Foundation. Pass it on: A compound in apple peels might increase muscle mass and brown fat. FollowMyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
How Does Cigarette Smoking Electronic Cigarettes Reduce Stress? Posted: 21 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by john ford And smokers also get numerous other benefits from smoking including increased concentration, an additional vitality 'boost' mental 'strength' to deal with tough situations, curing boredom and relaxation. These aspects might be condensed into two main valuable areas of cigarette smoking. Firstly that, cigarette smoking is calming and relaxing, and secondly, it helps smokers concentrate and think clearly.So on the Calming and Relaxing facet - cigarettes consider the stress from life (relaxation) and assist relive tension and stress. The benefits of smoking are to help smokers calm down and reduce anxiety and stress. When you visualise or think of relaxing what comes in your mind? It's typically a slumping with the shoulders effect, that aaaaaahhhhhhhhh... slip into your arm chair and letting go feeling - you happen to be relaxing.About the Strength and Improve aspect - smoking cigarettes is uplifting, helps with concentration, keeps smokers on their toes and gives them mental strength. The other benefit of smoking cigarettes is that it lifts smokers up a level - their senses are awakened. Whenever you visualise or think of yourself concentrating and becoming uplifted what will come to mind? Generally it is a head up, on our feet, eyes open, chest out, shoulders back and an alert state of mind and effect - it gives you that I'm ready, let us do it and let's go feeling.So cigarettes can have two results - at times cigarettes can make you feel additional relaxed and calmer - a general feeling of tranquillity or peacefulness. AND cigarettes can make you feel much more confident, more capable, better equipped to deal with tough situations and they are able to give you increased concentration - a general energetic and empowered feeling.But how is it that this identical item or substance can do both of these things? Two unique things which are complete opposites?Smokers have been advised, and believe that cigarettes not only assist to lower stress levels but additionally they help to keep you on your toes ! - two to tally various outcomes. Relaxation can be a suppressing feeling though concentration is definitely an uplifting feeling.How can the same substance or product make the body feel up and raring to go and also make it relaxed and improve inner tranquillity?The truth is that cigarettes can't make or support smokers do both, or either - it is impossible. You've also been advised that cigarettes can cure boredom, support you enjoy your espresso and tea and meals and also sex far more.But again, how can cigarettes do all of these things? Yes nicotine does possess a stimulating effect, (as it releases dopamine, the body's natural pleasure drug, into the brain) but how the hell does it make you feel up, down and everything in in between?Fundamentally we have been informed that cigarettes can pretty much do whatever you want them to, depending to the circumstances surrounding you whilst you smoke. So if you will need some mental power or strength - possess a cigarette and should you need to relax and forget about your problems then you should really have a cigarette also! How can the identical cigarette make you feel how you choose to feel, depending on your picking out?The truth is that despite nicotine releasing dopamine into the brain, all the other substances in a cigarette really put an enormous strain on your brain and body - they make you feel much more tense, more anxious, extra stressed and much more on edge. No matter how significantly you argue versus this it's the cold hard truth!Evaluate the undeniable stressful effects of cigarette smoking on you and your body beneath.It all comes back to what you think. Because you tell yourself that cigarettes calm you, you think they do. Mainly because you tell yourself that they help you concentrate, you think they do (despite the fact that you might be putting a huge strain on your process - your heart beats an excess 35,000 times per day because of towards the reduction in vein size making your blood pressure higher).So despite the fact that cigarettes and nicot! ine are obtaining a harmful and weakening effect on your body, which you have always known, you believe that they make you stronger and additional capable of dealing with life. It can be a clever trick the tobacco providers have played on you!They've shown you on films, on TV and in commercials that cigarettes help you concentrate, relive stress, beat problems, enjoy sex extra and that they make males far more manly and ladies much more sexy.You should give them credit for the reason that it has worked and it's still functioning! But once you get a step back and take a look at the overall picture, you can see that marketing and your beliefs have led you to believe that you need cigarettes and nicotine, and that they bring you a lot of benefits. When in reality that is all in your head!But it can't just be the placebo effect (believing that something will happen, makes it happen) that makes you concentrate and relax can it? The truth is no, but only to an extent.So yes whenever you smoke you could feel slightly relaxed - this is down towards the way you breathe once you smoke. Have you noticed any difference inside the way you breathe whenever you smoke? Get a minute and put your fingers to your lips and pretend that you are smoking, or better yet - light up a cigarette!Have you noticed something distinct in comparison to your regular breathing patterns? You really should have noticed the two following patterns.Firstly, your in-breath was a lot stronger when cigarette smoking. Try it again, inhale as for those who were smoking a cigarette. This deeper in-breath sucks in a great deal much more air than typical breathing for the reason that that you are sucking air in through the bottom of your stomach (your diaphragm). With this extra air also comes far more oxygen - your brain and body's fuel, up to 20% additional oxygen in reality than when you breathe normally.The second thing you should have noticed is the way you exhale. Your out-breath was also much stronger and deeper, when smoking. Try it again, breathe ou! t deeply with no cigarette smoke, do it quite a few times.How do you feel? You feel relaxed and calm don't you! Exhaling feels good, especially when it is done strongly. Have you noticed that once you laugh and any time you sigh you exhale and breathe out strongly? Breathing out has a calming and positive effect in the body. So even though the smoke puts a strain on your system, when you breathe out strongly you feel good.So fundamentally once you smoke that you are just practicing deep breathing exercises. The deep breaths present your body and organs with far more oxygen, which helps you to relax and release stress to a degree. I say to a degree because that excess oxygen is not enough to compensate for the strain that the chemicals in a cigarette put on your body.So smoking cigarettes itself doesn't really reduce stress, or assist you concentrate in any way - it's the way you breathe that does that for you. Have you ever wondered why persons tell you to get deep breaths once you feel a craving or withdrawal symptoms? It is mainly because the deep breathing mimics the way you breathe whenever you smoke.Every single time you have a cigarette you put your body under stress. Then your body tries to clean out the chemicals, which again makes you feel uncomfortable, and puts you under stress. And you do this every single day going round and round in circles, no wonder you a re so stressed!Then when your body realises it has incredibly low blood sugar (no nicotine to block insulin which releases your sugar stores) you get pangs and cravings because your body needs sugar - it becomes stressed. You then have a cigarette to relieve that stress. Then after forty 5 minutes or so the process starts all over again! You're just going around in 1 massive destructive and pointless circle.Men and women say smoking cigarettes reduces stress, when in reality - the stress is caused by the final cigarette - when nicotine and the chemicals enter your body you put it under a huge strain. Then when the nicotine leaves your body it be! comes st ressed - simply because there is no nicotine to release sugar into the blood.Tobacco increases stress and then relieves it (artificially by playing with your blood sugar ranges) if you smoke. So smoking cigarettes is basically like hitting yourself over the head having a hammer since it feels definitely good once you stop!A major reason why men and women say they can't or will not stop smoking is - they feel they could well be giving up a really successful stress management technique. But once you stop cigarette smoking for a short period of time, you'll grow to be calmer, even under stress, than when you were a smoker.Another smoking cigarettes myths is that it 'cures boredom.' This argument is so pointless that it hardly merits much interest. Yes some individuals believe that it cures boredom, but so does banging your head versus a wall and stabbing yourself with a fork. That doesn't mean it's either good for you, efficient, productive or an adequate way to deal while using scenario. About the Author Again for those who rely on cigarettes to cure boredom, all you happen to be doing is telling yourself - I am not good enough to deal with this circumstance on my own. My cigarettes will consider care of it. In case you smoke as a result of boredom, you require to spend an electronic cigarettes particular consideration to changing your habits so that you have adequate new strategies to keep yourself entertained. Cigarette smoking as a stress relief mechanism is just and excuse. Many smokers know this but continue to lie to themselves mini electroniccigarette for the reason that it prevents them from admitting that they cannot stop smoking cigarettes. Finding new ways to deal with stress is essential should you are going to make your stop cigarette smoking attempt a success. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Eating Disorders More Common than Thought in Women Over 50 Posted: 21 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT
Eating disorders affect women older than 50 just as much as they affect younger women, a new study found, despite the common perception that eating disorders are only prevalent among youth, according to new research. The researchers conducted an online survey of 1,849 women whose average age was 59, and found that 62 percent said their weight and shape negatively affected their life. In the survey, 3.5 percent reported binge eating in the last month, 8 percent reported purging in the last five years, and 70 percent said they were trying to lose weight. "Eating disorders and weight and shape concerns don't discriminate on the basis of age," said lead researcher Cynthia Bulik, director of the University of North Carolina Eating Disorders Program. "Healthcare providers should remain alert for eating disorder symptoms and weight and shape concerns that may adversely influence women's physical and psychological wellbeing as they mature." Of the respondents, 36 percent said they had dieted for at least half of the past five years, while 41 percent checked their weight daily. Fewer than half of the women (42 percent)were normal weight, while 27 percent were obese and 29 percent were overweight. Two percent were underweight. Most women were unhappy with their shape (73 percent) or stomach (84 percent), and 66 percent were unhappy with their appearance overall. Weight or shape negatively affected the lives of 62 percent of women, with 64 percent thinking about it daily. In trying to modify their body weights, 7.5 percent reported using diet pills, 7 percent had exercised excessively, 2.5 percent used diuretics, 2 percent laxatives and 1 percent vomiting. "An unfortunate assumption is that they 'grow out of' body dissatisfaction and eating disorders," Bulik said. Unhealthy eating behaviors like binging and purging were more common in women in their 50s than in older women surveyed, but also occurred in women over 75. Unhealthy habits were also more common in women with higher body mass indexes. Of the participants, 92 percent were white, the researchers noted. The study was published today (June 21) in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. Pass it on: Women over 50 suffer from eating disorders, too. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook and Google+. | ||
Posted: 21 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by David E. Morgan Knoxville, Tennessee is home to a growing community of yoga enthusiasts, including many excellent yoga teachers. This is great news whether you're an advanced practitioner interested in trying out different yoga styles or you're a beginning yoga student shopping for your very first yoga class. Whether your interest in yoga is for physical fitness, for the health benefits yoga offers any number of conditions and illnesses, or purely spiritual, you will surely find a yoga style and teacher you like with a little shopping. The number of yoga styles and traditions can be daunting, so here is a list of what yoga you can find in Knoxville, TN and where you will find it: Ashtanga Yoga: Ashtanga is one of the more athletic forms of yoga still rooted in tradition, emphasizing movement through a prescribed series of postures. SideCrow Yoga: (865) 584-3864Hatha yoga: Hatha literally means 'forceful,' though it is often attributed to gentle yoga in the West. Any form of yoga incorporating body postures and breath control could be said to be hatha yoga, including the yoga teachers below (and all the other types of yoga listed in this article). Yoga with Shanti: (865) 584-1086 Yoga for Life: (865) 591-3281 Five-Element School of Yoga and Meditation: (865) 300-8125Iyengar yoga: Iyengar yoga emphasizes precise alignment of the body while holding postures. Knoxville Yoga Center: (865) 694-0101Kripalu Yoga: Kripalu Yoga integrates yoga postures and breathing with meditation, making it as much an inward experience as it is an outward exercise. Classes range from gentle to vigorous. Yoga with Santosh: (865) 368-8773Kundalini Yoga: Kundalini Yoga is an intense combination of purifying, energetic movements with breathing and chanting to awaken energy centers called chakras. Yoga with Ajeet: (865) 851-7830Prenatal and Momma-Baby yoga: Yoga can enhance a healthy birth and keep mom in shape afterwards. Lindsay Rogers: ! (865) 70 5-YOGAVinyasa yoga: Vinyasa, flow, and power yoga is the movement from one posture to the next connected by the breath. Usually the flow is based on the sun salutation and the pace of movement between poses is fairly fast, but that is not always the case. The classroom is sometimes heated for increased flexibility and body purification. SideCrow Yoga: (865) 584-3864 Knoxville Yoga Center: (865) 694-0101 Yoga with Santosh (slow, meditative flow): (865) 368-8773Yin Yoga: Yin Yoga targets the connective tissue -- tendons, ligaments, and cartilage -- for increased flexibility. Postures tend to be held for longer periods as a restorative technique. SideCrow Yoga: (865) 584-3864Best wishes in finding the right yoga class for your particular needs, and welcome to the Knoxville yoga community! About the AuthorDavid E. Morgan teaches Knoxville yoga classes. See his Knoxville yoga class schedule and sign up for his mailing list at Yoga with Santosh. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga for Firm and Shapely Arms and ShouldersThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
What Is This Thing Called Yoga? Posted: 21 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by jeremy David Stevens asked: Yoga is a system of physical and mental practices that originates in India more than 5000 years ago. What is the purpose of yoga? The purpose of yoga is to help yourself and other people to achieve your highest potential and to experience a healthy and happy life. By using the practice of yoga you can extends your healthy and happy life for far beyond the accepted known. And more importantly improve the quality of your life. There are different kinds yoga. The main focus of yoga is to benefit your physical and mental health. Yoga is a practice that will focus on the harmony between mind and body. Even though the philosophy of yoga comes from India, now it is practiced all the over the world. The actual word yoga is a Sanskrit word. That means union or merger and the ultimate goal of the practice of yoga is to strike a balance between the mind and body. In order to achieve this balance between the mind and the body the practice of yoga will use movement, breath, posture, relaxation and meditation in order to establish this balance. This in order to live a healthy, lively and balanced life. There are many types of yoga, one of the most popular forms of yoga is called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga deals mainly with physical postures and breathing exercises. Another form of yoga is Karma Yoga which emphasizes the spiritual practices to help you unify your body mind and daily life through certain practices. The other form of yoga is called Bhakthi Yoga. Bhakti Yoga is a devotional form of yoga and generally includes chanting, reading scriptures and doing worship. Most people have heard of the word yoga as yoga is a very popular practice that is practiced all over the world. The ancient yogis had the believe that in order for somebody to be in harmony with themselves and his environment he have to find a balance between the mind that the body and the spirit with in. Yoga was used to find a balance between those three. The yogis formulated the way to achieve th! is balan ce. And this is done through breathing techniques and meditation. Lets look at the 5 different kinds of yoga. Hatha yoga Hatha yoga is a yoga of postures. Probably when you think of yoga you will be thinking of Hatha yoga. Hatha Yoga is the most popular form of yoga in the west. Hatha yoga uses physical postures or Asana and different breathing techniques and meditation. All of this is combined to achieve a better health as well as in understanding of spirituality. Bhakthi Yoga Bhakthi yoga is the yoga of devotion. It is yoga for the heart and devotion of the people. The practice over Bhakthi Yoga teaches a person to have devotion for his spiritual being or God and to develop this love and acceptance for all living things. Raja Yoga Raja Yoga is the yoga of self control. The word Raja actually means Royal. By using the practice of Raja Yoga one sees oneself as central. It means to respect oneself. To achieve this kind of self respect one has to gain control over oneself and the senses. Jnana Yoga. Jnana Yoga is the yoga of the mind. Jana yoga is a kind of yoga that will deal with the mind. It will focus on the persons wisdom and intellect with the aim to unify these two to surpasses limitations in life. Karma Yoga Karma yoga is the yoga of service. Karma yoga mainly uses the Law of Karma meaning that the present situation is based on your past actions. So by doing selfless service now you are choosing a future that is free from negativity. vist for more articles About the Authorvist for more articles Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - DandasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Achieve Younger Looking Skin with Wrinkle Reduction Treatments Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Greyson Hamilton Wrinkles are the natural reaction to an ageing skin. Wrinkles appear on the face, hands, and other body parts as the body stops producing new collagen and regeneration of new skin cells. Some of the key reasons of occurrence of wrinkles are the genetic factors associated with ageing, sun damage, diet and mental health. A person's cellular system gets slower with age. When the skin cells lose its elasticity, it becomes slack thus forming deeper wrinkles. The skin loses its firmness thus resulting in formation of wrinkles in different parts of the body. Before understanding the process of wrinkle reduction, it is advisable to understand the reasons for their occurrence. Some of the major factors are sunlight (this includes the UVA and UVB rays of the sun), free radicals, hormones and gravity. Sometimes wrinkles also appear due to mental stress hence Wrinkle reduction has become one of the key topics associated with youthful skin and anti ageing.Understanding some of the different wrinkle reduction procedures can help you to decide which ones you should pursue. Face peel, also known as chemical peel is one of the prime methods used for wrinkle reduction. A type of acid solution is applied to the skin under this procedure. It is left long enough for the top layers to become crusted and then peeled off. As a result, the layers of skin underneath are now on the top. They look fresh, smooth, and signs of fine lines will be significantly reduced. However, face peels can be very painful and it does take time to recover from them. There are also chances that your skin will experience some pigment changes in the applied areas. Micro Dermabrasion is another wrinkle reduction procedure. This process is often pursued by those who have got scars, and want to get rid of them. This process is similar to a chemical peel. However, under this procedure, the face is sanded down. The top layers of skin are sanded off to reveal healthier layers underneath. The procedure can also be painful and scarring! is poss ible along with pigment changes. Laser resurfacing is fairly a new wrinkle reduction technique. This is often used to remove both wrinkles and scars. It is very effective but it can also be extremely painful and pigment changes have been noted. If the person performing the procedure isn't experienced enough, then you can suffer from burns, scars, or even an infection. All of these wrinkle reduction procedures are quite costly. Anti aging skin creams and hand held devices with TripollarTM technology are more affordable 'at-home' option for wrinkle reduction, that doesn't cause any pain and doesn't require downtime. It significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and improves skin texture. Furthermore, it also delivers long-lasting anti-aging results. About the AuthorGreyson Hamilton is an expert author who writes useful articles on skin and health care products that are useful in wrinkle reduction, wrinkle removal, anti aging treatment. This article provides some insight on wrinkle reduction. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.MindSpa Review: Brainwave EntrainmentThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 6/21/2012 Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." ~His Holiness the Dalai Lama ![]() | ||
CARL JUNG -- Of Dreams, Spirituality and the I Ching Posted: 21 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Kathleen Falken Jung began with Dream Interpretation and the study of Mythology and went beyond those with studies of Spirituality that are only now being seen for their profound insight and importance to all of us. "The further we delve into the origins of a Collective Image (or, to express it in ecclesiastical language, of a dogma), the more we uncover a seeming unending web of archetypal patterns that, before modern times, were never the object of conscious reflection. Thus, paradoxically enough, we know more about mythological symbolism than did any generation before our own. The fact is that in former times men did not reflect upon their symbols; they LIVED them and were unconsciously animated by their meaning." -Carl G Jung It was Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961) who intensified the modern understanding of Eternal Symbols. Jung knew that the greatest study was of the PSYCHE ("Psyche" means "spirit" and "soul" and "mind" and it is this sense that, to us, Dream Study is central to the discovery of all three: Spirit, Soul and Mind). Jung taught about the importance of dreams. Out of his exploration came the revelation that each of us has his or her own Personal Mythology -- both a part of and separate from the Collective Mythology. Jung uncovered the characters and story-lines that make up our dreams. He told us of Heroes and hero makers, the archetypes of Initiation and Transcendence, the Shadow within each of us, the Anima (the Feminine) and Animus (the Masculine) -- and the Wise Old One. Jung admitted that it was always in him to grow up to play the Wise Old Man. There are worse role one can play. Although best known for his influence on psychotherapy and dream study, Jung also studied Spirituality and brought to it his gift of profound insight. In "Transformation in the Mass." Jung concluded: "The Mass thus contains, as its essential core, the mystery and miracle of God's transformation taking place in the human sphere, his becoming Man, and his return to his absolut! e existe nce in and for himself. Man, too, by his devotion and self-sacrifice as a ministering instrument, is included in the mysterious process. God's offering of himself is a volentary act of Love, but the actual sacrifice was an agonizing and bloody death brought about by men... The terrors of death on the Cross are an indispensable condition for transformation. This is in the first place a bringing to life of substances which are in themselves lifeless, and, in the second, a substantial alteration of them, a Spiritualization, in accordance with the ancient conception of PNEUMA as a subtle material entity... This idea is expressed in the concrete participation in the body and blood of Christ in the Communion." In his Forward to the "I CHING, or Book of Changes" Jung said: "The ancient Chinese mind contemplates the cosmos in a way comparable to that of the modern physicist, who cannot deny that his model of the world is a decidedly psychophysical structure. The microphysical even includes the observer just as much as the reality underlying the I CHING comprises subjective, i.e. psychic, conditions in the totality of the momentary situation... The I CHING does not offer itself with proofs and results; it does not vaunt itself, nor is it easy to approach. Like a part of nature, it waits until it is discovered. It offers neither facts nor power, but for lovers of self-knowledge, of Wisdom -- if there be such -- it seems to be the right book. To one person its spirit appears as clear as day; to another, as shadowy as twilight; to a third, dark as night. He who is not pleased by it, and he who is against it is not obliged to find it true. Let it go forth into the world for the benifit of those who can discern its meaning." In his Commentary on the "BARDO THODAL: the Tibetan Book of the Dead," Jung said: "The Soul is assuredly not small, but the radiant Godhead itself. The West finds this statement either very dangerous, if not downright blasphemous, or else accepts it unthinkingly and then su! ffers fr om a theosophical inflation. Somehow we always have a wrong attitude to these things. But if we can master ourselves far enough to refrain from our chief error of always wanting to DO something with things and put them to practical use, we may perhaps succeed in learning an important lesson from these teachings, or at least in appreciating the greatness of the BARDO THODOL, which vouchsafes to the dead man the ultimate and highest truth, that even the gods are the radiance and reflection of our own souls. No sun is therefore eclipsed for the Oriental as it would be for the Christian, who would feel robbed of his God; on the contrary, his soul is the light of the Godhead, and the Godhead is the soul. The East can sustain this paradox better..." Jung's exploration of the emerging New Spirituality was intensified with a dream... At age 69, Jung suffered a heart attack. While unconscious, he had a vivid dream: "Far below I saw the globe of the Earth, bathed in a gloriously blue light. Far below my feet lay Ceylon... I knew that I was on the point of departing from the Earth. The sight of the Earth from this height was the most glorious thing I have ever seen. I had the feeling that everything was being sloughed away. Everything I aimed at or wished for or thought, the whole phantasmagoria of earthly existence fell away or was stripped from me -- an extemely painful process..." But it was then in his dream that he saw his personal physician who told Jung that he had been sent from those of Earth "to tell me there was a protest against my going away. Profoundly disappointed -- now I must return to the 'Box System' again." Jung came to and continued to contribute to his fascinating studies for another 17 years. It was Jung's major contributions in the studies of Myth, Dreams and Spirituality that helped us see that we don't have to live in the Box System. That by exploring and embracing the New Spirituality, by learning first from our own dreams, then by seeing the wisdom in the dreams o! f our fe llows, that our lives on Earth can go outside the Box. For more articles on psychology, dream-study, sexuality and marriage therapy, see The GoArticles of Kathlene Falken About the Author Kathleen Falken has been a marriage counselor and sex therapist for over 25 years. To read more about modern marriage therapy, see SAVE MY MARRIAGE TODAY! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.#4-7 Robert Monroe InstituteThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
How Can I Lose 10 Pounds? A Healthy Mind Is a Healthy Body Posted: 21 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Veronica Lynch Can I choose to wake up?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Thotlakonda: A Home for the Monks Posted: 21 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe Located about 16 kilometres away from the city of Visakhapatnam is the famous Buddhist Complex, Thotlakonda. It lies on the city's beach road that connects Bheemli, the historic town. Positioned on a hilltop at an elevation of 128 metres, this complex was first discovered by the Indian Navy at a village called Mangamaripeta. It is believed that Thotlakonda was in full operation during 200 BC and 200 AD. The name of this ancient Buddhist compound means 'Hill with Stone wells'. It was named so because of its stone wells that stored water for Buddhist monks. Even today there is a tub containing water at the top of the hill that never runs dry. The architectural style of the complex is simple yet elegant with meditation halls mainly designed to offer peace and silence for monks. The stupas are positioned right in the heart of the complex while the hall is looked after by two guards standing by the entrance. Thotlakonda is also home to many stupas and viharas. The cooking area as well as the resting place used by monks creates a clear picture of how simple their lives used to be. Monks visiting Thotlakonda from far off countries such as Burma, China and other Asian nations usually arrived at the site through sea. These monks used to stay for many long month and years before they completed their studying at this monastery. Recognised as Hinayana Buddhist complex, AP tourism together with the assistance of Viskhapatnam Urban Development Authority has taken steps to put Thotlakonda in to the tourism map of Andhra Pradesh. As a result many refurbishment measures have been taken by the local government body to develop the site. This peaceful and outstanding monastery located on a hill top provides the perfect place for worship and even sightseeing. Exploring Thotlakonda and its rich Buddhist heritage will be easier by choosing to stay at The Gateway Hotel Beach Road Visakhapatnam which is located close by. The Gateway Hotel is well known for offering refined personal service which is ideal for a cosy! , conven ient and pleasant stay. About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.How To Deal With Homophobic Religious ExtremistsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Scott Ingram There are no doubts about the fact that yoga will help to relax your mind, body and spirit and it even goes beyond being a ritual practiced only by Hindus since it has found widespread acceptance among peoples in all parts of the world. In fact, yoga goes beyond even meditation and it is in fact a regimen of exercises that benefits you immensely and that is why you need to have the proper equipment with which to practice your yoga exercises. Most Important Equipment The yoga mat is probably the most important yoga equipment that everybody practicing yoga will need to use in order to get maximum benefits. There are of course several different types of yoga mats, though one that is well suited for almost everybody is the natural yoga mat. To be sure, a natural yoga mat is often made from hemp and its main benefit is that it makes you feel closer to nature than say the plastic yoga mat. Today, everything that you touch seems to have a lot of unethical materials and so, if you wish to make a change, choosing an organic yoga mat will help you stand out from the other yoga practitioners. Not only will you get something pure and natural, but these types of yoga mats are also very commodious and thus will help you practice yoga in a more effective manner. Though a natural yoga mat that is made from hemp is a good idea, you still need to be careful when using it because it can cause you to develop allergies, and so you need to makes sure that you check that this won't happen to you. Other than that, in order to enjoy your natural yoga mat, you also need to place it in an appropriate spot and to also ensure that it has enough friction to ensure that you don't slip while doing strenuous exercises. One of the better options as far as a good natural yoga mat is concerned is the one made by Hugger Mugger, which is often even available at discounted prices and so, besides enjoying the natural feel of the mat you can also save some of your hard earned dollars in the bargain. No! matter that you are regular practitioner of yoga or a newbie; a natural yoga mat can help prevent accidents while also ensuring a better balance between your physical as well as spiritual health. Some of the options with regard to different natural yoga mats include mats such as the ones known as Sattya jute, or those that are cotton yoga mats and even the excellent Earth Elements yoga mat that is made out of eco-friendly as well as biodegradable material that is known as TPE are worth checking out. In addition, these are available in several different thicknesses and they are also strong and durable and also provide excellent cushioning as well to help you grow in your pursuit of yoga. There are no doubts about the fact that yoga will help to relax your mind, body and spirit and it even goes beyond being a ritual practiced only by Hindus since it has found widespread acceptance among peoples in all parts of the world. In fact, yoga goes beyond even meditation and it is in fact a regimen of exercises that benefits you immensely and that is why you need to have the proper equipment with which to practice your yoga exercises. Most Important Equipment The yoga mat is probably the most important yoga equipment that everybody practicing yoga will need to use in order to get maximum benefits. There are of course several different types of yoga mats, though one that is well suited for almost everybody is the natural yoga mat. To be sure, a natural yoga mat is often made from hemp and its main benefit is that it makes you feel closer to nature than say the plastic yoga mat. Today, everything that you touch seems to have a lot of unethical materials and so, if you wish to make a change, choosing an organic yoga mat will help you stand out from the other yoga practitioners. Not only will you get something pure and natural, but these types of yoga mats are also very commodious and thus will help you practice yoga in a more effective manner. Though a natural yoga mat that is made from he! mp is a good idea, you still need to be careful when using it because it can cause you to develop allergies, and so you need to makes sure that you check that this won't happen to you. Other than that, in order to enjoy your natural yoga mat, you also need to place it in an appropriate spot and to also ensure that it has enough friction to ensure that you don't slip while doing strenuous exercises. One of the better options as far as a good natural yoga mat is concerned is the one made by Hugger Mugger, which is often even available at discounted prices and so, besides enjoying the natural feel of the mat you can also save some of your hard earned dollars in the bargain. No matter that you are regular practitioner of yoga or a newbie; a natural yoga mat can help prevent accidents while also ensuring a better balance between your physical as well as spiritual health. Some of the options with regard to different natural yoga mats include mats such as the ones known as Sattya jute, or those that are cotton yoga mats and even the excellent Earth Elements yoga mat that is made out of eco-friendly as well as biodegradable material that is known as TPE are worth checking out. In addition, these are available in several different thicknesses and they are also strong and durable and also provide excellent cushioning as well to help you grow in your pursuit of yoga. About the AuthorScott has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. Come visit his latest website over at href=""> which helps people find the best href="">windows registry cleanup and information. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Meditation in Tibetan Buddhism Posted: 21 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Sylvia Smelcer The study of Buddhism leads us from darkness and suffering into happiness and light. Meditation is an important aspect of Buddhism. Using meditation during the study of Buddhism allows us to control our thoughts and focus the mind in order to progress on this path. All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. This is a quote from Buddha. The final destination in the study of Buddhism is Nirvana. The path to Nirvana is one step at a time. With each step, the Buddhist practitioner comes one step closer to enlightenment. Buddhists believe that it takes many lifetimes to achieve this goal, and in the meantime, we are reincarnated. But, although reaching this final destination is the goal, the path is also important. In life, the practitioner should improve their ability to meditate and study. In the meantime, the practitioner can achieve higher awareness, find inner peace, and learn to live in the present. Buddhism is currently becoming a popular religion in the west. This is partly due to a greater awareness of religions outside of western religions, and also because of studies that show the health benefits of meditation. These discoveries have brought meditation into the mainstream, and there are those who meditate outside of Buddhism and Hinduism, with no religious convictions in mind. But with the benefits of meditation, people begin to form an interest in the religions behind meditation, both Buddhism and Hinduism. The types of meditation taught in Buddhism are widely varied, and there are different types of meditations that can be done for different problems or obstacles in life. There are also many different Buddhist schools of thought. Each of these schools of thought has a different way of approaching meditation. But the ultimate goal, that of achieving enlightenment is the same throughout th! e differ ent types of Buddhism. There are different levels of meditation in Buddhism. The first level is tranquility. Tranquility allows the mind to become still, and it helps the practitioner concentrate. Mindfulness of breathing, called pranayama in yogic practices, is the first step of meditation. By focusing on the breath, the practitioner can reach a calm and tranquil state. Even psychologists teach their patients this type of basic meditation. The second level of meditation is insight. The goal here is different than in the first type of meditation. During the insight level of meditation, the practitioner is trying to look for insights into themselves. Insight meditation helps us learn more about ourselves, and it allows us to make changes to ourselves, and how we cope with life. Meditation teaches us to harness the mind and direct our thoughts to lead to happiness and contentment. It is not necessary to practice Buddhism to enjoy the benefits of meditation. But understand the Buddhist philosophy can enhance meditation and it will also increase the benefits received through regular meditation. About the Author Tibetan Buddhism and meditation tools like prayer wheels (aka mani wheels) are of particular importance to Sylvia Smelcer, as the owner of e-commerce websites. She also enjoys reading in her spare time. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Way to Heaven - Reiki MusicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Everyday spiritual practice with Fredericka Fairchild Posted: 21 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Boyd Martin Delightfully astute, beautifully gracious, and very tuned in, Fredericka Fairchild has consequently developed an adoring international clientele of truth seekers. Her abilities to mirror a person's truth back to them in a loving way, and her therapeutic use of gemstone elixirs have combined to create a long track record of successes, even for the most difficult and complex of psychologies. "There are healthy ways to fully experience the entire spectrum of emotion from anger, fear, and grief to hopelessness," says Fredericka. "It depends on recognizing that all emotions belong to you and are not caused by, or due to the behavior of others. When we let go of self-justification, blame and or victim consciousness we are free to fully experience what is in our hearts." Fredericka began her public metaphysical odyssey in 1976, in New York City, when an astrology client with a TV studio set her down in front of cameras, and produced a local weekly show, "The Astrologer's Way." Every week a mover and shaker in some New York industry would consent to coming on the show and having their astrological chart read by Fredericka. She would also tune the audience in to the astrological energies of the week. The show was a great success, and launched Fredericka's private practice internationally, thanks to the global crossroads of New York City. "I was just doing the show for fun," says Fredericka. "I was too young to understand all the concepts around promotion and production, but it allowed me to walk the talk, and was a tremendous educational opportunity." Persistently dedicated to her pursuit of knowledge, she completed degrees in Philosophy, Cognitive Developmental Psychology, and Clinical Psychology. Then, she went much deeper into esoteric metaphysical studies, apprenticing under famed New York intuitive and metaphysician, Rev. Phyllis Woodbury. Woodbury represented a Western mysticism lineage that included Alice Bailey, Dion Fortune, and H.P. Blavatsky--as Fredericka says, "I did t! he tradi tional, old-fashioned. esoteric mystical training." As much of Western mysticism had its roots in Tibet, Fredricka sought out apprenticeships with Tibetan Buddhist Lamas (including H.H. The Dalai Lama), completing initiations in these ancient studies. With her wide-ranging knowledge of these esoteric traditions, she has been able to integrate it into her clinical psychology practice, and has been the "go-to" therapist for difficult cases sent to her by her peers. "People will be sitting with me and say, 'Where is this all coming from? It's so amazing.' It's coming from having practiced and studied on the intangible field of knowledge. So yes, I went to grad school, yes, I'm well-read, yes, I studied esoteric texts, but truthfully what rounded it off was this extra- dimensional instruction." The "extra-dimensional" instruction Fredericka refers to is the Western and Eastern esoteric meditation practice of sitting with a symbol, a color, or a gemstone, and remaining mentally and emotionally clear and open to the teachings available to those who can hear them. Much of Fredericka's practice deals with finding a person's "essential self," the part of them that is the experiencer and director of the life. This Essential Self is the essence of the expression of a person, and is what comes out when the person is self-realized. Experiencing this can have profound psychological effects. "Half of our misery--if not more--is that our essential self is trapped and doesn't have any expression," declares Fredericka. "I've sat with people who burst into tears in the moment of the recognition when we have that talk. That they've waited their whole life to somehow know and recognize what I'm speaking about. It was so primordial, so non-verbal, that they couldn't land on it. The miraculous is the discovery of something that you don't know you know." As Fredericka delved deeply into Tibetan metaphysics, she inevitably came upon the tenets of Tibetan Medicine. It is a very pure, clear and concise syst! em based on the Five Elements (air, fire, water, earth and space), and within this context, Fredericka deeply studied the properties and therapeutic effects of gemstone and flower elixirs. Around 1980, Fredericka discovered Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing, by Gurudas. She poured through the dense study offered by the book, and became deeply inspired to create her own elixir laboratory. "I had a dream I'd have my own laboratory, and it came true!" enthuses Fredericka. "I highly recommend the Gurudas book to anyone interested in understanding essences in general. If you're really serious, it's the bible of the industry." Fredericka created her own line of gemstone and flower essence elixirs available at Creating a Spiritual Household...Fredericka lives with her teenaged daughter on Shelter Island off the New York coast, where she creates her elixirs, counsels her clients by telephone and in person, and experiences being a mom. "I feel like I live my life in a mandala--a sacred circle. In the center of that sacred circle is the commitment to and joy from the spiritual practices--to be connected in the presence of Awareness; to be as much in the moment as possible." Raising a teenager, running a home office and laboratory, makes for a long day, and the potential for chaos and the stress from that is ever looming. "The house can get very messy with projects and be cleaned up within 30 minutes, because beneath it all, there's no clutter. If I have two of anything, and it's extraneous, I give it away as a gift. Every season, four times a year, I go through everything we own and either recycle or give away, and this is what allows energy to flow. So for me, a spiritual household is to allow for chaos to enter, and then to be flexible enough to drop everything and just deal with it." The key is not to devalue the teaching value or revelations possible within chaos. "Let it be as important as what you enjoy," says Fredericka. "Let it be as meaningful as a good ! session with a client, or preparing a delicious dinner, or arranging a nice floral planting--whatever it is--let those challenges and crises be just as meaningful. To do that you need to be able to give up what you think you should be doing each moment." Fredericka has chosen dinner as the time to reconnect with her daughter, and to re-center. "I use the dinner as an opportunity to celebrate. For me, dinner is a celebration. It's a way of letting go of everything and having a good time--setting the table really nice, making a really good green tea, delicious food. Honestly, I do that five if not six nights a week. That's how we come together." As a single mom, Fredericka has deftly applied her esoteric knowledge to the practicalities of raising her child. "My daughter shows me that we choose our parents, so my philosophy from infancy forward was, This is what I do, learn to live with it," says Fredericka. "When she was five years old I took her on the road to Buddhist retreats. I let her run around. If she wanted to come into the shrine room and get the transmission she could, but she could do what she wanted. By the time she was nine years old, in her first parent-teacher meeting I was told she was a laser beam: she just sits there and stares and listens. So it has rubbed off on her. But she's a rock star, a horseback rider; she's fresh, and she's rude, and she's got a great foundation--something to fall back on. That also comes out of a spiritual household." The practices of Feng Shui also play a big part in Fredericka's householding. The trick was being able to get the concepts across effectively to the teenager... "My daughter lives in the financial prosperity quadrant of the house. Like any American teenager, she has to have everything under the sun, and she has to have it now. And, everything under the sun exists in a pile in the middle of that room. I went through a process where instead of going in there and cleaning it up, I let it go for about six months this past year. I even k! ept the door closed to it. Soon, things started to happen where my expenses started to out pace my income, and then my daughter had all these things she wanted to do with horse events that required quite a bit of money. And I said, 'Honey, I don't have the money. You know, this broke down, that broke down. Money doesn't grow on trees. We're just going to have to wait on your having those things.' She was devastated. So, as a mother I knew this was my moment. I said, 'Now, you know, I've explained to you for years that you're in the prosperity room. Did you ever stop to think that this holy mess has something to do with things breaking down? Since I gave that talk to her five weeks ago, the room is spotless. It's beautiful. That was my moment of glory!" Connecting with Fredericka...Fredericka uses her website,, as her secretary, so to schedule a session with her in person or over the phone, visit the website, and fill out the intake form posted there. If you are interested in her elixirs or guided visualizations, visit HTML VERSION About the AuthorBoyd joined Subtle Energy Solutions in 1998 as a product distributor, and came on as a staff member in 2002. He designed the website and sees to its daily maintenance, including the Vibrant Living Newsletter, where he is a writer. Boyd is a well-known musician (drummer) in the Portland, Oregon, area, and is an avid, daily Bikram Yoga student. Use and distribution of thisarticle is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
"We each belong to the energy of the moment" -- Jack Haas Posted: 21 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT Jack Haas wrote one of my favorite books about the meaning of life, and the lack thereof: "The Way of Wonder." Like I said in a blog post stimulated by the book: It's been a steady substitution. The less I've filled myself with organized religion, the more I've felt a ever-increasing sense of wonder. I guess I needed to empty myself of theological beliefs, faith-based concepts, and imaginary anticipations of a promised divinity around the corner in order to become much more aware of the Wow! that is right here, right now. Existence. Life. Consciousness. The amazing fact that we are, that the cosmos is. After several years of reading and re-reading "The Way of Wonder," I belatedly noticed a mention in it about Haas' other books. Recently Amazon sent me his "In, and Of" -- an autobiographical book that reveals how Haas came to the conclusions about reality that he writes about in "The Way of Wonder." He writes with a lot of power. Here's some passages from "In, and Of" that appealed to my sense of spiritual independence. We were born to be naked, and dancing, and kissing each other. We were born to be changeless and changing, mortal and immortal, formed and yet free. We were born to be the stillness inside the fabulous change. The self is a perpetual baptism, wherein one moves, and moves, and never stops moving; it is the relentless, uncatchable, spectacular, dynamic of the soul that demands to be free. We each belong to the energy of the moment. In the wildness beyond anarchy, where the individual, rampant from the mean, will accept no compromise, no help, no advice, no method, no limit -- that is the point where the spirit breaks free of its mold, flies beyond itself, and dwells in the infinite expanse of the unimaginable, untethered new. To soar where no archetype can follow, that is to be new, and to be true. Anyone who breaks free of the imposed structure, who lives life for life itself, with no worry or expectation of reward or praise, develops their own individual force, unknown to the greater part of mankind. We all have it, but most of us give it away to convention, or cowardice. We were not born to follow others, to learn what they say we should learn, to go where others wander, nor to deny the smallest part of our own force for comfort or acceptance. We are not alive to toil, to lie, to impress people, or to suffer. We are alive to be life -- to be the great mystery endlessly awakening to itself. We are all God becoming infinitely godlike. And each of us must live it alone. Alone. God sits in a different seat in each person's auditorium. If we rely on anyone but ourselves, we are doomed; every time we deny the reality that we alone can come upon, we deny reality. And so it is the harsh but essential cosmic law that one who has no acceptance of their own vision... shall see nothing. Ah, to be sure, before you can blend into the One, you must stand out conspicuously, as that precarious, uncamouflaged happening so visibly bent, blotched, or broken. For in order to be chosen, you must first become a choice. And so, within the suffocating alienship of society, we must begin the long and forgotten route through strangeness towards home; we are our own gates, our own judges, our own redeemers, and redeemed. Indeed each of us is alone to hack out our own cramped, ponderous tunnel, towards or away from God knows what, for no imaginable reason. The way piles up in fragments behind us, and as endless walls ahead, while we flail and flail and perhaps find nothing but the hollow ring of movement through the moldless form of unknowable truth. So be it. The bearings may be on the outside, but the compass lies within. A spiritual anarchy of biblical proportions is now thoroughly under way. Each person must sedulously mine their own dark, mysterious life. ...Oh, it is a wild and crazy untraveled road we're on. You find your way, you lose your way, you find another, and lose that one, and then another, and they keep coming and going and you keep stumbling along imagining you're going someplace, though the Self never goes anywhere, but only the form and identity find and lose themselves in the flux and flare of the ephemeral. ...Through all the reading I had done regarding the many differing philosophies, spiritual accomplishments, and unique realities other have experienced, all of which inspired me to tear down the walls confining me and pursue greater truths, in the end I was thrown back upon myself and had to abandon all I had learned and heard about from others. I see now that this is an essential step -- to understand and accept that no matter what anyone else has experienced, or perceives as reality, that we are each born unto this earth to discover our own beliefs, our own truths, and to live out our own lives. And that these truths and realities may differ immensely from one person to another is a hard piece of news for the mind to accept, but I had to accept it in order to believe in my own vision. I had to become an individual. To be an individual means to exist without pride nor shame, nor yardstick between yourself and all others, but instead to live out your own life, without a thought that it might be different, or wrong, or right, because that is who you are, and there is no option, decision, nor guise. In this way does a person arrive at eternity, having been born out from under the great sea of undifferentiated souls. ...I found that to be a part of the whole I had to also, paradoxically, be apart from the whole. For there is no symphony without separate instruments, no harmony without distinct notes, and no whole without separate parts. And this, my friend, is what is called... the way of sin. To sin, to be single, to dare to believe in your own vision, and to give God the greatest gift imaginable -- something new, something unique, something called... you. ...To do this, not just outwardly, but at the absolute inner essence of all that you are, is to turn yourself upside-down, let your pockets empty themselves of all you have ever been or wanted to be, and then stand back up and walk on without a clue of who you are or where you're going. And that takes a type of courage which no one applauds, and no movie actor portrays, and no women sing songs of praise and worship about. But it is the only type of courage which will invigorate and grow the mercurial aspect of the soul; it is the only type of courage which will serve the light-body within; it is the only type of courage which matters in the end when all human roads lead to dead ends. ...And so our greatest service may be the act of spiritual violence, of disobedient novelty, which rends the fabric and sets us apart from the rest of humanity for a while, until the whole has shifted -- as it must -- and reassimilated our new reality into its necessarily new position. Thus we have helped evolve the universe. This is why the word 'eccentric' means: to come close to the center. ...I ask not that you sanction what I have said. I'm not asking you to agree. I'm not expecting you to understand. I have only my own life, and my own answers. A man must stand up for the vision inside of him, especially if he is the only one who has seen it. What is real for me must be real for me alone, or what am I calling me? I have no reason, no need, no desire to embrace another person's reality, for mine is much more real for me than any other's ever could be. The fact that no one else corroborates my reality guarantees that it is true. Each man, his own messiah. | ||
Posted: 20 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Karan Khalsa Yoga is the way to relax the body, mind and soul. It helps to relieve the stress and soothe the mind with its healing power. Yoga enhances the restraint power in human mind and body with which one can easily combat all the tensions and worries of the modern life style. Here music plays a very important role as adding some music into yoga practices can do the magical trick. Yoga music with its calm and serene sounds fills up the air with pristine tranquility ensuring better result. Play the favorite Meditation music while doing Yoga or meditation and experience the difference. It can be spiritual music, instrumental tunes or holy chants that build the different forms of Yoga music. Spirit, offers you the list of top 10 Yoga DVDs of all time. 1. Yoga Shakti by Shiva Rea-A great gift from the internationally praised Yoga instructor Shiva Rea for the Yoga practitioners. It is an instructional yoga video exploring Movement Meditation, Prana Yoga, Kriyas & Namaskars, Cooling Down and Closing Meditation. Filmed on the serene lands of India and Maldives, it is the most favorite DVD for its awesome soundtrack of traditional Indian music and contemporary tunes. 2. Kundalini Yoga by Gurmukh-This DVD delivers superb instruction on Kundalini Yoga, the ancient practice of awakening the spiritual sense lying within, by the renowned Yoga instructor Gurmukh. This DVD has energizing series of exercises for awakening the spirit or breath in the beginning and meditative relaxation exercises at the end. Aerobics exercises are also included to compliment Yoga. 3. Ashtanga Yoga the practice 2nd & 3rd Series by David Swenson-It is for those who are already skilled in the First series by David Swenson, the renowned Yoga teacher. But without taking proper guidance from a Yoga instructor, this DVD should not be used as the self-help tool of learning. These 2 series have a complete finishing sequence following the First one and the way of pure meditative deep relaxation. 4.! Ashtang a Yoga Beginners Practice by Nicki Doane-This DVD is truly made for the Ashtanga Yoga beginners. This introductory series offers admirable presentation of standing postures by famous Yoga instructor Nicki Doane. The vigorous postures of Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar, clear instructions on breathing techniques and yoga poses make it one of the most favorite Yoga DVDs of all time. 5. Fluid Power Vinyasa Yoga by Shiva Rea-Another superb Yoga DVD from the inspiring Yoga instructor Shiva Rea. This is a brilliant introduction to Vinyasa Yoga or Flow yoga, one of the most helpful and appreciated form of yoga. Her original style of 'Yoga Matrix' will be helpful for customized yoga practicing. This high definition DVD has been filmed at White Sands National Park. 6. AM PM Yoga with Rodney Yee-A simple and concise introduction to gentle and energizing workout by internationally acclaimed Yoga teacher Rodney Yee for the beginners. From sunrise to sunset combat daily stresses of life with this Yoga DVD. 7. Kundalini Yoga for Balanced Chakras by Guru Tej-Stimulate the crucial chakras of your body's energy centers by practicing Kundalini Yoga with this DVD. It is a vigorous and dynamic class to learn sixteen asanas with famous instructor, Gurutej Kaur. The pure spiritual chants and moving exercises will help you to energize the Kundalini power flowing evenly in the whole body. 8. Ashtanga Yoga the Primary Series with Richard Freeman-Richard Freeman, the eminent yoga instructor, will teach you the primary poses of Ashtanga Yoga in this series suitable for practitioners of all levels. The Ashatanga styles and postures harmonized with breathing techniques is demonstrated by this famous teacher. This DVD can be termed as the foundation for Ashtanga practice. 9. Awakening Intuition for Women with Kundalini Yoga by Guru Tej-Guru Tej Kaur teaches all women the Kundalini yoga techniques to redefine the power of intuitive living by yogi bhajans. You can acquire the knowledge and strength by pr! acticing the yoga poses demonstrated in this DVD. 10. An Introduction to Kundalini Yoga and Chanting with Mantra Girl-Filmed in the serene lands of Malibu and California, this comprehensive Kundalini yoga class video by Mantra Girl is the best option for all beginners. It helps to increase the strength and flexibility of your body. The meditation music from her own album will help to stay relaxed and more focussed. The undeniable magical combination of yoga and music is once again established by Spirit Voyage by its huge collection of yoga music CDs and DVDs. Music and songs by famous singers like Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal, Wah!, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh purify the soul with divine peace. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Benefits Of Healing Meditation Posted: 20 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Willie Greg The type of healing meditation can provide comes from within. Meditation can reap a number of benefits for people who practice it as a daily routine. Here are just some of the many benefits that meditation can have in your life. One of the most important benefits that meditation can have on a person's life is inner peace. A lot of people today, in this stressful world that we live in, would like to experience more inner peace in their lives. Inner peace can, at times, seem elusive because life in these modern times has become so hectic. It is through meditation that we can be taught how to switch off the noise of the mind brought about by this busy and stressful world. Through meditation, we are taught not to focus on all the various passing thoughts which clog our mind. Meditation can teach individuals how to gain a clear state of mind. And through this, the secret of feeling real inner peace can be achieved. Meditation can also provide some health benefits. Numerous studies have shown some links between meditation and improved health. One of the health benefits that meditation provides is that it is a practical solution to combat stress. It is through stress that a lot of health problems may come from. By relieving stress though meditation people may be able to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart related diseases. Through meditation, people may also be able to discover a real sense of who they are. Intelligence may be able to seek and discover the answer to many questions in the world. But the one question that asks who we really are always remains unanswered. In order to discover our real self, depending solely on the intellect may not be enough. We need to be aware of our own soul and we may need to go beyond the mind. Through meditation, people can become more aware of a spiritual essence in life. Discovering this would help us feel a new purpose in life. Meditation can help make our lives simpler. Life today consists of a lot of clutter and unwan! ted bagg age that we can actually live without but do not realize it. A troubled life can contain nothing but teeming problems and worries. By learning how to meditate, people can develop appreciation for the simplicity of life. Meditation may also help a person know happiness. Learning how to meditate can help people feel real happiness because it allows people to become more in tune with their inner self. When we become more aware of our own heart and mind, we can experience a sense of unity with others and the things all around us. This will bring about a sense of happiness that is not caused by mere external events. Healing meditation can also help foster better relationships with other people. People can easily create minor conflicts with other people by bringing to light the minor faults of the other person. Fault-finding becomes a common source of unhappiness and division among people. Through meditation, people can develop the sense of giving minor thoughts lesser importance. Meditation can also help develop a sense of unity with other people by naturally looking to their good qualities. By doing this, minor faults of other people become less important. About the AuthorWillie Greg is an expert in Internet marketing. He writes articles about internet business and other related topics.For the listing of corporate events visits current events and trade shows calendar. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Win Massive with Herbalife Shapeworks Weight-reduction plan Products Posted: 20 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Hugh Jackson The Shapeworks food regimen program, has been developed by Herbalife weight loss systems. Shapeworks is an all-natural, herbal weight loss help that has assisted 1000's of individuals achieve their weight loss goals. There are a number of totally different programs and weight-reduction plan aids to the shapeworks weight loss program program which assures that there is a correct plan for everyone. Shapeworks works in steps. It took a while to put the load on; and you are going to need assistance taking and preserving it off. The Shapeworks supplements give your physique nutrition on the mobile level and that helps to keep you wholesome all yr round. The meal substitute shakes provide you with all of the nutritional vitamins and minerals that your physique needs if you end up dieting. This is key to any dieting success and this is additionally the realm wherein most of the other diets out there lack. They are additionally wealthy in protein, an necessary factor in dropping weight. Protein is what controls your starvation in spite of everything and when you are not ravenous you aren't eating. With the Shapeworks weight loss plan there are plenty of meals which can be pleasing to the eye, as well as the palette. That's the reason this weight-reduction plan is taking off at such an incredible speed. Increasingly more individuals, both women and men, are discovering that they'll lose weight whereas still taking enjoyment within the food that they eat when they are doing the Shapeworks weight loss program. There are protein powders that when added to the shakes, give your body what it must get by the day, and at the same time, give you a sense of being full. That is what keeps you from overeating as you could have been doing within the past. Bad dietary habits and stress may cause fatigue and decrease the immune system making you vulnerable to illness. Shapeworks has a cell activator capsule that's made with nutrients that are essential in maintaining your physique sturdy an! d health y. After we need a drink, most individuals attain for a soda. It's thirst quenching and it is available everywhere. Shapeworks has a thermogenic beverage that's just as thirst quenching as soda, however it's made with green tea and herbs that not solely style great, but additionally give you the energy boost it's worthwhile to get things finished in the course of the day. This great tasting Shapeworks beverage is so versatile; it can be served scorching or cold! Fluid retention is a danger that every dieter takes. Shapeworks has that coated also. Cell-U-Loss capsules had been made to help do away with excess fluid. This not solely makes you are feeling less bloated, but in addition gives the skin a better look and smoother feel. Another challenge is the truth that everybody loves to snack. Since early childhood, we've all the time had snacks. It is a laborious behavior to break. For many dieters it can be almost impossible. Shapeworks has developed a snack defense. It's an unbelievable pill that works all day to naturally stop the snack craving that creeps up between meals. Shapeworks is an incredible diet plan. Herbalife researchers and developers have thought of all the pieces when this diet plan was made. There is actually a Shapeworks dietary plan for everyone who chooses to use this weight loss program. Each plan is tailored to the specific needs of each dieter, and each query that they have is answered personally, and in detail. When you visit the website for Herbalife, it is full of testimonials from satisfied clients who have met their weight loss targets and have saved he weight off. Herbalife Shapeworks has the status of being one of many leaders within the weight loss industry. They've maintained a normal of excellence that surpasses all of the rest. About the AuthorIf you need additional facts about lower cholesterol diet, swing by Daniel L. Fondaw's internet site without hesitation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.GHF Video# 16: How to do a Castor Oil PackThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 20 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT A young whippersnapper Zennist at twenty, I would have liked to meet and old dude like myself. Meeting him would have saved me years of hearing so much Zen bullshit. I could have gotten on with the real business of Zen much faster: realizing my true nature. I really feel sorry for modern Zennists, especially when they are fed stuff by Zen masters like Thich Nhat Hanh who said, "The basic practice recommended by the Buddha is to go home to the present moment." Sorry, but the Buddha never said anything like this. Listen up—Buddhism is all about realizing the pure or luminous Mind. It comes by many different names, such as unborn Mind, Buddha Mind, One Mind, suchness, the Buddha-nature to mention just a few names. When you realize this Mind there is nothing subjective about it. If your friends happen to be hanging around you during the manifestation of the Mind that is bodhi (S., bodhicittotpada) they will be so blissed out they can't even stand up. It is far greater than what the Christian Paul realized on the road to Damascus. Yet, the essence of this realization is quite simple: one turned to that which animates their psychophysical body. Of course, it is not easy to connect with that which animates us. Even Einstein probably couldn't do it. But it can be done. The payoff is to see, for the first time, what all things are really made of. Yes, pure Mind. This is also where the Buddha is really coming from. The rest is bullshit.
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How Can I Tell If My Husband Is Going To Change His Mind About The Divorce? Posted: 20 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Leslie Cane ?I recently heard from a wife whose husband had told her that he wanted a divorce about six weeks before. The husband had not yet filed for divorce. He told the wife that he wanted to wait until the summer when the kids were out of school. He didn't want for the divorce to upset the children and affect their grades. However, in the weeks since he had told the wife that he intended to divorce her, the two of them had actually begun to get a long better. The wife had started to harbor a tiny little bit of hope that the husband might be changing his mind, but she didn't dare ask him. She didn't want to push too hard when things were still so fragile between them. She said, in part: "is there any way for me to tell if my husband is going to change his mind about the divorce without directly asking him? Are there any signs to look for? Is there a certain way that he will act if he's wavering on the divorce? How can I tell if his mind is changing? Should I just ask him?" Many of these questions are quite tricky. Because it's not uncommon for a couple to actually get a long a lot better when they've decided to divorce. Since a decision has actually been made and the elephant in the room has been addressed, a lot of the tension has disappeared, and there's no longer any indecision. And often, both people will be on their best behavior because they are trying to make the process as easy as possible for every one involved. With that said, sometimes during this process, one or both of the spouses find that they are actually changing their mind (or shifting their perceptions) about the divorce. They begin to look at each other with new eyes. And, as they realize that they actually can get a long again, they begin to wonder if the divorce is actually the right decision or if perhaps they are moving too swiftly. But, how do you tell the difference between this situation and the situation where the husband still wants to get a divorce but is just trying to get along for the sake of the family? ! Well, th e signs that you will see will depend upon the person. However, below are some behaviors that you may see if your husband is changing his mind about the divorce. Some Behaviors You Might See If Your Husband Is Reconsidering The Divorce: Of course, the first tip off is usually that you're getting along much better. But as I said, often people actually do improve their interactions when a divorce is on the table. So often, you'll need to see a little more than just not fighting as much. You might also notice him bringing up happy or pleasurable memories. You may notice him making an extra effort to spend more quality time with you discussing or experiencing things other than the divorce. He may talk about a future that includes the both of you still together rather than the two of you being single. He may also actually begin showing you the physical affection and attention that you have long missed. He may even start to question you or attempt to understand (or potentially work through) some of the issues that caused talk of the divorce. He might even mention counseling or ask you if you're willing to compromise or further discuss some of the topics that have divided you. I've even had wives tell me that their husbands have told them that he was sorry for some of the mistakes that he made in the marriage or regretted some things that happened. Sometimes, he may even elude to making these things right. In the instance that I discussed above, the wife wasn't noticing all of these behaviors. She couldn't deny that she and her husband were being much more kind to one another, but she wasn't seeing any affectionate behaviors and they certainly weren't having any discussions about their marriage. She wondered if this meant that he wasn't changing his mind. I wasn't sure that this was the case. As I said, men show their emotions and their thought process in a variety of different ways. I suggested that she very slowly and very carefully try to build upon the improvements that she was seei! ng. < p>Should You Ask Your Husband If He's Changing His Mind About The Divorce?: The wife was very tempted to just come out and ask the husband what he was currently thinking about the divorce. She hated having to guess and, she felt that if she was able to determine that he wasn't going to change her mind, at least she wouldn't waste her time getting her hopes up. I've had a few women tell me that this strategy worked for them, but I find that more women report that it actually made things worse because the husband felt pressured. I would suggest saving this strategy for when you aren't having to guess about his thoughts. (This is what I did when I was trying to save my marriage and it eventually worked.Sometimes, it's pretty obvious that he has changed his mind because he's actually pursuing you, being incredibly loving, and has completely changed his attitude. If this is the case, it might be safe to ask the question (assuming that you already know the answer.) But if you aren't sure, I would suggest waiting either until you have more information or until he himself brings it up. This actually will shift the power your way, as I learned the hard way. How To Increase The Chances That Your Husband Will Change His Mind About Getting Divorced: Since I suggested that the wife in this example hold off on directly asking her husband about the divorce, I wanted for her to balance this by taking full advantage of the changes that she was seeing. I felt that she should absolutely continue to try to improve her interactions with her husband. The two of them really were connecting in a new way so instead of worrying about what next week was going to bring, I felt that she should continue on with what she was doing so that things would hopefully continue to get better and better. Sometimes, it really does help to focus on those positive things that you can control. If you constantly worry about what's going to happen in the future, then you lose track of today. And toda! y can be very important. Today, you can reconnect. Today, you can show your husband the loving, upbeat, presence that you used to be to him. Today you can have some fun with your husband. Yes, this can be difficult when you know that he has brought up divorce. But it's better than the alternative - which is to allow the threat of divorce to continue to deteriorate the relationship until it's obvious that divorce is inevitable. And this wife wasn't yet in that situation. She had some hope. So to me, it was better to continue to focus on the hope rather than to thwart her progress by demanding answers that the husband might not yet have. As I alluded to, my own husband wanted a divorce. There were times when we were making some progress and I suspected that he might be changing his mind, but I forced myself to not bring it up prematurely. Ultimately, this was the right call because at the end of the process, my husband was very open about how he changed his mind and we were able to save the marriage. If it helps, you can read that very personal story on my blog at About the Author Leslie Cane is the webmaster of "I Saved My Marriage" at You can read more of her articles at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Points to be kept in mind while selecting Oak Furniture Posted: 20 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Somayra Everyone wants to keep only stylish and appealing looking furniture in their home so that their home looks unique. Oak furniture is very well known for this purpose as it s a furniture on which one can easily feel relaxed and comfortable. Oak is considered as one of the most traditional and old material to manufacture good looking furniture. Oak trees grown in abundance in Europe, that's why this furniture is mostly used in overall world since olden times. Pine and oak furniture are renowned for its durability, solidness, beautiful appearance, and many more qualities. It gives completely modern and elegant look to the place where we keep it. When you purchase it you should keep in mind about its construction. Construction in the sense, it should be constructed with no apertures and unusual gaps between sections of drawers or anything else. It should be well furnished to give good and smooth look. It should not have any stains on it. Different types of colors are available in this furniture so to choose it according to the interior of your home is very necessary. If you are thinking of keeping it outside then it needs to be moisture resistant so that it don't get effected with weather conditions. Two types of wood are available in oak which is white and red oak and both are moisture resistant, so it is also best furniture for outside purpose. If we talk about the quality of pine wood then it is soft and light in comparison with oak wood, oak is hard and heavy. It is impossible to break furniture made from oak. When you will visit any shop to purchase pine or oak furniture then you will get several varieties of it to choose from. All will be in different hues to match with your home décor. And everyone claims that their products are of very high quality. But Simplypinefurniture have several years of experience in manufacturing both types of furniture. That is the only reason why they have thousands of satisfied customers. Now you can easily understand that if you will purchase ! furnitur e from them then you will definitely get satisfied. And if you will come to know about their prices then you will automatically come to know that you have made a very good investment. So contact them as early as possible by visiting their site Here in the below article we will take a look at the benefits of keeping oak and pine furniture in our room. Also we will see what should be considering before going purchasing it. About the is the leading supplier of high quality Oak Furniture in the UK. They offer most reliable and also cheapest Pine Furniture in the whole UK. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.MEDWYN GOODALL - Full Moon Magic (Music for Relaxation & Meditation)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Heart Attacks More Likely Where Traffic Is Louder Posted: 20 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT
The louder the traffic near people's homes, the greater their risk of heart attack, a new study from Denmark says. The researchers tracked more than 50,000 study participants for nearly 10 years and found that for every 10 decibels of added roadway traffic noise, the risk of heart attack increased 12 percent. "We think traffic noise during the night is especially dangerous, because it disturbs sleep," said lead researcher Mette Sorenson of the Danish Cancer Society. But anytime you've been exposed to high levels of noise, "you have increased concentrations of stress hormones in your body," which could explain the increased heart attack risk, Sorenson said. Sorenson and her fellow researchers found that the link between heart attacks and roadways held even after accounting for the heightened levels of air pollution near roadways. They estimated that 4 percent of all heart attacks in Denmark are related to traffic noise. Sorenson suggested choosing a room with a low exposure to traffic noise for sleeping in, or insulating one's house against noise. It is also possible for officials to pave highways with low-noise asphalt, she said. The real danger with noise pollution is that most people don't realize they are experiencing it, Sorenson said. "You might wake up thinking that you had a quiet night, but when you look at it in a lab, you see that your sleep stages have been disturbed," she said. For the study, the researchers asked participants to report where they lived and whether they had ever had a heart attack, along with other information, including their diets and physical activity habits. The participants' addresses were used to assess the noise they experienced. The researchers also accounted for factors that could affect participants' risk of heart attack, including gender, smoking, fruit and vegetable intake, and body mass index. Noise pollution is not generally recognized as a health hazard, said Sally Lusk of the University of Michigan, adding that Europeans are generally more concerned about noise levels than U.S. residents are. Lusk's own research has shown that exposure to high noise levels raises blood pressure; she said the new study's results did not surprise her. "Almost everyone is listening to something that is louder than it should be," she said,. Noise pollution tends to be higher in cities, but Sorenson emphasized that it is possible to "live very quietly in a city but very noisily in a rural area," particularly depending on proximity to highways. While the link between noise pollution and heart attack risk has been shown before, the new study is one of the first to demonstrate an incremental correlation between increasing noise and increasing risk. Previous studies have shown that risk increased at noise levels above 60 decibels; this study showed that risk increased between 40 and 80 decibels. Ten decibels of noise is enough to interrupt a conversation, while 85 decibels is the minimum level at which hearing protection is required in a workplace, Lusk said. The study was published today (June 20) in the journal PLoS ONE. Pass it on: Noise pollution increases heart attack risk — and the louder it gets, the higher the risk. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook and Google+. |
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