Links Of London Bracelets - increase tolerance to love and be loved

Links Of London Bracelets - increase tolerance to love and be loved

Links Of London Bracelets - increase tolerance to love and be loved

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

by Pet_r

Article by Abigail

Jewelry glass bracelets on the wrist of approximately divided into two classes, and bracelets with a large mast to dig in grain, materials and labor, so the quantities are small and prices high, but very nice on especially when it comes to a bit of hot material. But because susceptible to movements when wearing the collision damage, beware! With Buddhism and Taoism as the main religions of China, Dai Shou Zhu habits Buddhist rosary, prayer beads grain also known as Buddha, the accounts of some and so on, is when people pray to Buddha registration tool. The devout Buddhists pray to Buddha, one of the basic methods have their fingers in turn accounts and chanting Buddhist prayers chanting some spells, you can earn, the more benefits through programs is Links London can bring people together in the spirit easy to grow. Even non-Buddhists in China, people have the habit of using accounts of the Buddha, as there are Buddhists believe that the use of a chain of Buddha can be kept out of danger.

Types of balls divided into operating accounts hanging three categories., Also known as Buddha beads, beads of singing, cursing, some accounts. Mentioned herein are used usually in the wrist, which is always in your hands pinch twist Buddhism. The number of accounts, besides the usual stars bring the stars for the number of books, according to some of the popular trends, such as links to the delights of London, there are also depending on the thickness of the wrist and the size of grains. The ledger on the gallows, holding a rosary and the number of stars divided in 1080, said Dharmadhatu 10 with 108 kinds of problems, synthesis of 1080 kinds of problems. 10 Dharmadhatu six circles including fans, that is, hell, hungry ghosts, XX, earth and sky, is the reincarnation of the world.

London cufflinks and rings are all over the body in terms of energy balance. And because the pulse of the wrist and the heart connected, will be long term or Shouzhu wear a bracelet to enhance the development of heart throu! ghout th e year to increase tolerance to love and be loved, can be worn on the right hand to the left, his feelings to decide. It is also a major headache in the game as player that has a special affinity to buy these things. The use of rose quartz and green polo class (green rutilated quartz, green ghost, aventurine, etc.) Shouzhu. Hiring titanium crystal, citrine or amber gold power, but also partly financial strength, can be used with green Moldavite Di child play synergistic forces. No matter what gender or age that is, Links Of London Bracelets with studded stones can create classic appeal that never goes out of contemporary styles.

About the Author

If you want to have a Links Of London, online store, which provides Links London which designs and styles are all from Jewelry, may be your choice. Wait for your order.

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A Short History Of Buddhism

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Owen Jones

Buddhism was begun by the followers of Siddhartha Gautama (circa 563-483 BC). He was born into a Hindu family of the kshatriya caste in what is now called Nepal. At the age of 29, he abandoned his wife and young son and went in search of enlightenment.

He gained enlightenment some time later whilst sitting under a bodhi tree near Patna. After 49 days of rapture and resisting temptations (Mara), He, now known as Buddha, created a group of monks and went forth to preach the word. After 45 years of teaching their philosophy of enlightenment Buddha died and reached Nirvana, the state in which 'ideas and consciousness cease to be'.

One of the most important concepts to Buddhists is the Tipitaka (the 'Three Baskets'), which is a record of the Buddha's teachings as set down by His early followers after his death. The texts in these 'three baskets' tell the story of Buddha's life (Buddha); record his laws (Dharma); and his guidelines for setting up and maintaining a monastic order (Sangha).

Buddhists believe in reincarnation and the wheel of life in a similar manner to Hindus. They also believe that this cycle of life, death and rebirth can be broken by achieving enlightenment. Enlightenment can be attained by adherence to the Four Noble Truths.

Life is transient despite the cycle of life, death and rebirth and can only create suffering (dukka) because of the pursuit of mortal desires. Suffering and desire can just be overcome by attaining Nirvana, which can be gained by following the Eightfold Path, otherwise called the 'Middle Way'.

The Middle Way consists of: right belief, thought, speech, action, livelihood, work, mindfulness and concentration. These make up the nucleus of Buddhist ethics.

A hallmark of Buddhism is the monastic order. Men can become monks for a few years or for life. There is also a female monastic order. In some sects, boys enter a monastery for a period of between a couple of weeks and a few months as part of their passage into adulthood. Boys in! Thailan d are expected to become monks for several weeks before they eventually get married.

Monks live an ascetic life in monasteries or temples. Each village has a temple in much the same manner as western villages have a church, but every temple tries to uphold a population of at least nine monks, which is considered the ideal number for some of their duties like blessing a house or carrying out a wedding ceremony.

Buddhist monks live on charity given by the local villagers. In Thailand the novice monks walk the streets in the early morning collecting donations of food, which has to be consumed before noon, after which they may not eat. Monks are not permitted any contact with women at all. They may not even sit next to them on a bus or pass the fare to a female bus conductress.

Buddhist temples are principally for individual contemplation and meditation. They are open to anyone twenty-four hours a day and individuals use them to obtain respite from the hustle and bustle of every day life. Group prayer meetings are far less common a feature of Buddhism than they are in Judaism, Christianity, Islam or even Hinduism.

About the Author

Owen Jones, the author of this article writes on many subjects but is currently involved with Easter.If you want to read more, please go over to our web site called Celebrating Easter.

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Tibetan Book of The Dead - The Great Liberation - NFB

The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation This has the feel of those Mystic Fire videos, which may bother some of you. It is a companion piece to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, a Way of Life, which I liked better. The short film centers around the too early death of a 40 something young man, returned to his family from a long journey and stricken with an unknown illness. I think this might be an interesting introduction to the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Nice visuals of Ladakh. Was not impressed by the special effects, but the little boy/monk and the mentor monk have a good interaction. Leonard Cohen's voice good, as usual. I may have been generous at seven stars, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Buddhist films. (imdb) Skyline productions

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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A Contraception Emergency? College Students Stumble Finding Info Online

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Teen Online
CREDIT: Library photo via Shutterstock

Despite being known as the "digital generation," today's college students have trouble navigating the Web to get information about how to use and purchase emergency contraception, a new study suggests.

In the study, about 200 college students were asked what they would do if a friend called them late at night and asked how to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. The students were allowed to search the Web for information to answer the question.

Two-thirds were able to conclude that their friend should seek emergency contraception, but fewer than 40 percent gave the ideal answer: to purchase such contraception over-the-counter at a pharmacy.

"These results suggest that despite their highly wired lifestyles, many young adults do not have the necessary skills to navigate the vast amounts of information available online with expertise," said study researcher Eszter Hargittai, an associate professor of communication studies at Northwestern University.

Being aware of emergency contraception before the study made a big difference, the researchers found.

"Students who did not seem to have prior knowledge of emergency contraception often used a variant of the search term 'prevent pregnancy,' and did not do a very good job at locating information about emergency contraception," Hargittai said.

When looking through their search results to judge the credibility of the sites they found, many students relied heavily on domain names ending with ".org," which are not any better than ".com" sites for providing credible information, Hargittai said. 

Some of the answers the students gave to their friend's problem included: "wait it out," "wash genitals," "adoption" and "taking a pregnancy test."

The study began during the fall of 2007, 14 months after the Food and Drug Administration ruled that emergency contraception (such as Plan B) would be available for purchase at pharmacies without a prescription.

The research shows that information about important changes to health-related regulations might not spread quickly among young people, Hargittai said.

"Young adults are much more likely than older adults to turn to the Internet as a resource when seeking health information," she said. "We need to incorporate into college curricula certain aspects of digital media usage, such as efficient searching and also credibility assessment of sources that people consult, to help young adults navigate the Internet with better expertise."

Pass it on:  College students sometimes have problems using the Web to find health information.

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Recharge Your Spiritual Batteries: How to Take a Personal Retreat

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Gyandev Rich McCord, PhD

Everyone occasionally feels a need for inner rejuvenation. Whether you want simply to reclaim your inner peace in the midst of a hectic life, or do some soul searching over your life directions, or go deeper into your spiritual life, going on retreat can be a perfect solution.

A true retreat is much more than a vacation - it can be a time of conscious, spiritual opening, of making an enjoyable effort to rise to an entirely new state of awareness. Here are a few tips for a retreat experience that's both relaxing and spiritually rewarding.

Find the Right Environment

Seek out a place that is harmonious with your goals. The right environment can give you a tremendous boost - while the wrong one can leave you feeling flat, or even work against you. So do your homework and ask some questions, because even similar-seeming places can have quite different emphases.

Do you want a highly structured retreat, or do you want freedom to do what inspires you? Do you think you might need some guidance in customizing your retreat, or do you know exactly what you want to do? Choose a retreat center that offers what you seek.

If it's spiritual depth you're after, choose a place with an established spiritual tradition. Then you'll be like a surfer who chooses a beach with the best waves, rather than trying somehow to create waves yourself.

Look also for a place that uplifts you with its beautiful natural surroundings, and with space to be alone whenever you wish it.

If you're new to retreating, go to a retreat center that offers personal guidance. Optional, guided group activities are also a plus. Even experienced retreatants find that occasionally tapping into the magnetism of group activities can be invaluable for keeping their energy high and focused. For example, The Expanding Light Spiritual Retreat Center in California offers twice-daily sessions of yoga postures and meditation.

Prepare Yourself

Eat right and get rested before you go on retrea! t; other wise, you may need the first day or two of your retreat just to pull yourself together. If you already engage in spiritual practices, get a head start by putting extra energy into them before departing. You'll be glad you did.

As soon as you leave home, put all problems forcefully out of your mind. Preoccupation with problems can suffocate your retreat, while a worry-free retreat can actually help you solve problems more effectively by getting you into "solution consciousness" rather than "problem consciousness."

Plan Variety in Your Retreat

Who wants to go on a retreat that seems like boot camp? Let it be fun, and plan a variety of activities. For example, you might use the mornings for your most interiorized efforts: prayer, meditation, journal writing, or spiritual reading. Then be more expansive in the afternoons: walk in nature, do something creative, or listen to uplifting music or lecture tapes. Reserve your evenings for lighter fare: a spiritual video, a humorous book, or simply relaxed, quality time with like-minded people. And always allow for the inspiration of the moment; don't be locked into anyone's agenda - even your own.

Keep Perspective

Your free time is precious, and it's only natural to be concerned over whether you're doing it "right." But there's no magic formula for a retreat. Just find a flow that works for you, and go with it. Remember, what you do is not nearly as important as whether your inspiration and "joy level" are high. You don't have to pray and meditate all day long; few people can do that constructively, anyway. You don't have to stay in silence or solitude, though many people find these beneficial. And don't "over-retreat": if you're a first-timer, 2-4 days is plenty. Focus on enjoyment, rather than "should's."

Above All, Relax and Enjoy Yourself

Don't put pressure on yourself to see immediate, dramatic results. When you go on retreat, you are planting a spiritual seed. If you water it by your own contin! uing spi ritual efforts, in time it will surely sprout into the flower of peace and joy that you seek.

About the Author

Gyandev Rich McCord is the Educational Director of The Expanding Light, Ananda's Meditation and Yoga Retreat. He is also the Director of The Expanding Light's month-long Ananda Yoga Teacher Training certification program.

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Time of the Sixth Sun - The Message

Three minute trailer for documentary feature currently in production.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 6/16/2012

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

"Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others."
~The Buddha

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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India tour- Heritage Sites, Too Many to Visit

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Aalia

Jayamangala Gatha

The Buddha's Eight Great Victories in art with music from Buddha Gitanjali, Buddhist Relief Mission

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Strollers Recalled by Kolcraft

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

recall, Kolcraft, contours options strollers

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with Kolcraft Enterprises Inc., of Chicago Ill., announced a voluntary recall of about 36,000 in the United States and 270 in Canada Contours Options three- and four-wheeled strollers.

Hazard: A child or consumer's finger can become caught in the opening formed when locking and unlocking the hinge mechanism which is used to adjust the handlebars on the strollers. This presents an amputation and laceration hazard to children and the adults handling the stroller.

Incidents/Injuries: Kolcraft and CPSC have received five reports of injuries involving the hinge mechanism, including reports of three children whose fingertips were amputated and two adults whose fingers were either smashed or lacerated.

Description: This recall involves Kolcraft Contours Options three- and four-wheeled strollers. Strollers included in the recall have model numbers starting with ZL002, ZL005, ZL008, ZL015 and ZL018. On the ZL002 model, the model number and date of manufacture is printed on a sticker above the left wheel. On the ZL005, ZL008, ZL015 and ZL018 models, the model number and date of manufacture is printed on a label sewn into the edge of back of the stroller seat pad. The strollers were manufactured from January 2006 through November 2009 and sold in various color schemes.

Sold at: Juvenile product specialty stores nationwide and online at, and from January 2006 and June 2012 for between $ 150 and $ 160.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the product and contact the company to receive a free repair kit.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, please contact Kolcraft at (800) 453-7673 between 8 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. ET Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. ET Friday, or visit the firm's website at

Note: Health Canada's press release is available at

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Don't Stress! Prioritize Your Worries To Deal With Them Effectively!

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Rizvana F Abdul

When you feel stressed, it can be hard to relax and to think of what to do next. Stress has a way of paralyzing you and making you want to hide under your bed. Luckily, there are many ways to beat stress. Here are some great ways to get you moving so you can leave stress behind.

Breathe deeply from your abdomen. This gets more oxygen to your brain, so that you feel relief from stress quickly. Many adults breathe from their chests, which causes shallow breathing that almost invites stress. Place your hand over your navel and visualize breathing from there and watch how much more relaxed you feel.

Practice preventative health care maintenance and give yourself fewer reasons to stress-out! Not only do questions about your health keep you stressed, but failing to engage in preventative health measures can really harm you in the long run. So, make sure you keep regular check-ups and appointments for screenings to keep you thinking healthy, being healthy and less stressed!

If something is bothering you emotionally, it is important to let it all out, which will serve to free you of the stress that you are carrying. Have a good cry, as you should show the emotions that you are feeling so that you do not keep them on the inside and feel worse.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with all that you need to get done, make sure you speak up to family members or friends who can help you. Many times these people are more than willing to help, they just need to know that you need them. Don't try to be a superhero and do it all on your own.

Just walk away from a stressful event! You will likely have to eventually return to the situation, but a short break can make all the difference in the world as to how you deal with it. Take an extended lunch or just go outside and walk around the building. By removing yourself physically from the stressful situation you can gain a different perspective on how to deal with it.

Prepare for tomorrow in any little way that you can today and you will ! be surpr ised by the immediate reduction of stress when you wake up! Every little thing in a day adds up to a lot of stress, so taking out tomorrows clothes or making tomorrows lunch this evening will put you ahead of the game tomorrow and really add up to stress savings!

If you're in a stressful situation, before you doing anything rash, stop and count to ten. This will give you a moment to relax and cool down. It'll prevent you from doing something you might regret and instead letting your mind calm down enough to make rational choices.

Don't let stress take over your life--once you start feeling stressed out, follow one of these tips. If that tip doesn't work, try the others. The important thing to do is not to dwell on your problems and let stress win. Take charge of your life and send stress packing.

About the Author

For more information on how to de-stress in the workplace visit by clicking here now

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Exploring the Different Types of Yoga

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Exceeds

Yoga is generally understood as a process of unification. This unification is multifaceted. In one dimension, it is a unification of the various systems that exist within the human being including the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual systems. In total there are believed to be five different systems within human life.

There is no right or wrong system of yoga as the each possesses their own distinct characteristics that accommodate the needs of various characteristics and personalities that exist among human beings. Each system is designed to accommodate a different personality type, and yoga has developed into a broad reaching system that can be practiced by nearly anyone who is interested in pursuing a spiritual life. A practice like Jnana yoga is ideal for someone who is philosophically minded whereas the practice of bhakti yoga is good for someone who is emotionally perceptive and inclined towards a sense of devotion. In this article we will be reviewing the more mainstream practices of yoga which are derived from the tradition of yogic spirituality. These traditions of yoga are as young as 500 years and as old as several thousand. While there are many modern practices of yoga which have been defined by various teachers, the systems we will be discussing are traditional systems which have been in existence throughout many generations.

Bhakti Yoga The first system we will discuss it is Bhakti yoga. Bhakti yoga is a practice in which the spiritual practitioner focuses on developing a state of devotion within the mind and the heart. In bhakti yoga a strong sense of faith is needed as one is expected to submit themselves to God through a process of self surrendering. The practices and techniques of bhakti yoga are therefore designed to help surrendered the ego and embrace with love the thought of the creator. The more common practices of bhakti yoga are kirtan (chanting/song), japa (mantra repetition), and meditation on the divine. Usually the practice of bhakti yoga is advi! sed to b e practiced by those who are well connected to their emotions and also receptive of more subtle feelings within themselves and others. Emphatic love defines the practice of bhakti yoga as the practitioner devotes their whole being towards the spiritual divine. A belief in God or a higher being is vital to the practice, and without it, it is near to impossible to practice bhakti yoga.

The practice of Karma yoga directly addresses this primary aspect of life, works to abolish the effects of Karma with disciplined action that formulates a separation between the individual and the effects of Karma. This separation occurs through a process of disassociation in which the individual separates themselves from the benefits or losses from their actions within the world. The practice of Karma yoga is typically based around one's Dharma or duties within the world. Dharma is determined by the actions of the individual in the past, including both the past of the current life as well as the past of previous lives. In some respects, Dharma is the most effective way for an individual to use their time on earth for spiritual progress as it is based upon the realistic capacities and potential of the individual.

One of the main components of Dharma is acting in the world without thought of the benefits or losses of one's actions. The practitioner lives and acts within the world without any expectations or imposed impressions of how the future should unfold. The mind is focused on selfless service and working for the benefit of the greater good as opposed to the independent needs of the individual. In Karma yoga the practice is gradual as the individual slowly relinquishes the bonds of karma and liberates the spirit from the confines of egocentric thought processes.

Although a Karma yogi may practice techniques such as the asanas, breathing practices, and meditations, the primary focus of their spiritual practice is service and actions with the focus of selflessness and humbleness. The first mention of K! arma yog a is within the Bhagavad-Gita in a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna. In this dialogue, Krishna informs Arjuna that he can merge his consciousness with Krishna's when he surrenders his actions to the divine (which in this case is Krishna). Krishna encourages Arjuna to act and follow out his duty without worry or consideration of the benefits or losses of his actions. He informs Arjuna that acting in the name of Krishna (or divine) will provide him with the liberation that he has set forth to achieve.Kundalini Yoga Kundalini yoga is a practice of yoga which originated from the practice of tantra yoga. Historically speaking, tantra yoga is believed to be one of the oldest forms of spirituality which is still in practice today. One of the key components of tantra yoga is the incorporation of kundalini which is considered to be the primordial force existence within each human being. The practice of Kundalini yoga was formed to control and harness the potential of the kundalini energy within the body.

Unlike the other systems of yoga, kundalini yoga can be a highly unstable practice of yoga as the release of kundalini energy can lead to extreme psychological and physical disorders if not controlled in the proper manner.

Therefore, the practice of kundalini yoga is a highly advanced system which is usually only practiced by those who are well advanced in the practices of spirituality. One of the primary prerequisites of kundalini yoga is a strong mind and a healthy body without which the release of kundalini energy can be damaging or even fatal. Even a specific term in psychology known as kundalini syndrome has been developed for those who have gone into dementia because of the improper release of kundalini energy.

In kundalini yoga the techniques presented are designed to help awaken the kundalini energy. Aside from its definition as the primordial energy, kundalini is also known as the serpent energy. Prior to its awakening, the kundalini energy rests at the base of the spine in the for! m of a s piraled coil similar to that of a serpent. When released, the kundalini energy shoots up through the spine, making its way towards the crown of the head. Depending upon the purification of the energy channels along the spinal column known as chakras, the kundalini will either reach its final destination and the head or will be stuck within one of the chakras.

Usually kundalini yoga starts by purifying all the chakras. This purification helps to maintain a balance flow of prana within the body. It is believed that a balance flow of prana within the body leads to a sound state of mind and body. Once the body, mind, and pranic channels are purified, the practitioner of kundalini yoga works to release the kundalini energy. The purification process an essential quality of the practice as it helps to ensure a smooth flow of kundalini energy through the chakra system. For both the purification of the chakras as well as the release of kundalini energy a wide variety of techniques are implemented. These include yoga asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing practices), meditations, and mudra (gestures) specifically designed to help regulate the pranic energy and awaken kundalini.

Unlike some of the other systems of yoga, kundalini yoga should never be practiced through self training. It is vital that one who is interested in practicing kundalini yoga finds an adept practitioner and teacher of this system of yoga to guide them through the process. Without such guidance, it is likely that severe physical and mental disorders will arise as kundalini energy is a highly potent element within the human body that is not meant to be tempered with unless the body, mind, and pranic channels are fully purified. There are countless tales of individuals who released kundalini yoga prematurely and found themselves in a disoriented and neurotic state. There are many books published on kundalini yoga and those who have experienced kundalini energy always advise to have a highly knowledgeable and observant teacher to! guide a practitioner through the system of kundalini yoga.

Hatha Yoga The word hatha has several meanings. Typically it is divided up into two individual words, ha and tha. The meaning of these words can be interpreted as the sun and the moon. It can also be said that these two words are Beeja Mantras or primordial sounds that are responsible for composing matter. At the same time, ha represents the pranic body while tha is that of the mental body. Whichever interpretation one chooses to believe or follow, an essential component of hatha yoga is a balancing of the polarities of energy within the body (ida and pingala) as well as a purification of the mind and the body.

Most people, in a modern context, consider hatha yoga to be a practice of the physical body. While this is not incorrect, hatha yoga includes many more philosophies and techniques that address more subtle aspects of the human system. One of the essential components of hatha yoga is the element of purification. In hatha yoga purification occurs within the many aspects of the human being; there is a purification of the physical, mental, and energetic, and emotional bodies. It is believed that once all of the bodies are purified than spiritual advancement towards self liberation can occur.

Unlike Raja yoga, which we will discuss later, hatha yoga does not outline a prerequisite of moral values before conducting the techniques of yoga. Rather, hatha yoga begins with the yoga postures or asanas and the energetic purification techniques of pranayama. Once a considerable understanding of these two practices isattained, more advanced techniques including Shatkarmas (body cleansing), Pranayamas (nadhi cleansing), Mudras (energy channeling), Bundhas (energy locks), and other techniques which lead towards Samadhi (self-realization) can be practiced.

Similar to most practices of yoga, hatha yoga maintains the belief that techniques such as meditation and concentration should only be practiced after the body and the ! mind hav ing purified. Without such preparation it is useless to practice meditation as no benefit will be received from the practice.

Hatha yoga originated from a number of texts all of which were written between 500-1500 A.D. In comparison to the other forms of yoga we are discussing, hatha yoga is the youngest of them all with its major text the Hatha Yoga Pradipika being finalized in the 16th century. Hatha yoga could be considered to be a preliminary practice to more advanced systems of yoga, however it possesses within itself the capability to lead towards spiritual liberation. A more modest system of yoga, hatha yoga can be practiced by most people and does not require a well established mind and body to begin the practice. Therefore, it is a practice used by many who wish to use yoga as an aid towards spiritual freedom.

Raja Yoga Raja yoga is considered the Royal path and is literally translated as royal union from Sanskrit. The system of Raja yoga is derived from the teachings of Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras which were written between 100 and 300 A.D. Some may also refer to this system of yoga has Ashtanga Yoga, however Raja yoga has been the traditional terminology used for the practice of yoga guided by Ptanjali's Yoga Sutras and some distinctions separate the two from one another. Here, we are primarily concerned with the traditional system of Raja yoga which has been practiced in India since the origins of the Sutras. Raja yoga is a path of intuition and also psychic perception. Therefore these two facilities are needed in order for spiritual growth to occur. Some spiritual masters like Swami Tureyananda believe that Raja yoga is practiced after one has obtained substantial transformation through preliminary practices of yoga.

Even still some other teachers believe that the practice of Raja yoga is commenced after preliminary states of Samadhi are experienced. Therefore, Raja yoga is not a practice for the vast majority of people. In the yoga sutras, Patanjali lightly outlines the! prerequ isites for the more advanced techniques of yoga. The vast majority of the yoga sutras are devoted to understanding and controlling the mind including its four components of Chitta, Buddhi, Manas and Ahamkara. Considerable attention is given to how the mind works and operates as well as the various levels and dimensions that exist within the mind. The remainder of the text discusses the stages through which one experience along the path towards self-realization, and attention is given to all the various pitfalls that can arise along the way. The system of Raja yoga is generally outlined in defined within the "8 limbed path." These limbs include:

Yama- code of conduct and self restraint

Niyama- religious observances, devotion to ones practice, and discipline

Asana- formation of a stable seat for both the mind and the body

Pranayama- regulation of breath which leads to a unification and balance between the body and the mind

Pratyahara- withdrawal of the sensory organs of perception from the external environment including all five senses (six if you include the mind)

Dharana- concentration

Dhyana- meditation

Samadhi- self realization, or a super conscious state of being.

Together these eight limbs form the practice and systematic approach of Raja Yoga. Like kundalini yoga, Raja yoga requires a significant amount of guidance and direction without which many problems and ultimate failure will arise. It is therefore essential that one who is interested in practicing Raja yoga finds a teacher or guru who has perfected the system and has achieved a true state of self-realization.

Jnana Yoga The practice of Jana yoga is easily understood within the two words 'Jana' and 'Yoga' which together mean 'Union through Wisdom.' the practice of Jana yoga is a very practical system for the Western mind which usually approaches things through the intellect and rational deduction. While ultimately these two aspects are abandoned later in the path, Jana yoga begins wi! th intel lectual inquiry and rational observation. While Jana yoga encourages a belief in God or the supreme, it does not necessitate the belief and therefore it can even be used by those who are rational atheists.

The techniques used in Jana yoga are primarily concerned with a process of deduction in which one observes all aspects of life.A process of self inquiry and questioning is undertaken as the practitioner gradually removes the illusions and misperceptions of the mind as they work towards the truth of their most basic nature. The practice of Jana yoga can be understood within the simple Sanskrit phrase "Neti, Neti," which is openly translated as not this, not that. In Jana yoga one removes the various layers of the onion of their mind until they reached the core which is no-thingness or unmanifested.

Learn more on yoga at

About the Author

My name is elisha badu and I work as free lance. I love my job and please visit my blog on

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Yoga Standing Postures Part 2

Yoga Standing Postures Part 2

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Know the Beauty of on line Meditation Courses

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Lily Candice

For those who wish to attain freedom, bliss and awareness, without taking long trips away from there home areas, meditation courses are a viable option. Meditation courses, offered by a few meditation centers including the Z Meditation center, are designed to help the individual go through a systematic process of achieving peace, love and happiness from deep within, detaching themselves from wrongful learning and conditionings which have been learnt and processed by the individual over many years. These conditionings come from different sources like parents, peer groups and the society at large. It has become obvious that a great many of us are walking around with beliefs that are detrimental to our well being, believing that this is really the way life should be. Meditation courses help us to understand why these beliefs are wrong, and how to go about removing them from the mindset. When this is achieved through the techniques outlined in the meditation courses, it would seem to the person as if a veil were removed from their faces, or a weight lifted off their shoulders as they begin to see that living can be indeed a joyful experience.At Z Meditation, the meditation courses follow the technique which they call Deep DeConditioning Inquiry, together with Radiant Mantras. These techniques have been employed by Z Meditation for over 20 years, bringing succor to thousands of seekers from all over the world, with several testimonials available to prove the efficacy of the system. These techniques employ rational, logical and easy to understand principles for any but those with a closed mind. The beauty of this on line meditation courses is that they can be taken from the comfort of your home, in front of your computer terminal, and at a time that is suitable for you. All that is required of you is that you follow the program diligently with all the sincerity of your heart. A number of us desire change, but are not willing to take the steps that are required to achieve this much desired change. Withou! t a real hunger for change, meditation courses will just be another minor distraction from your normal disturbed living.Z Meditation's meditation courses have changed countless lives all over the world. A great many people believe that meditation is only for those who are old and have nothing left to offer the world. How wrong this notion is! It is just an expression of a closed mind. By practicing meditation, which may be learnt from several available online meditation courses, the individual will ultimately free herself from wrong conditionings and programming, creating the enabling mind to achieve on a daily basis those things that can make a change in their environments.The initial requirement needed to be able to partake of meditation courses is a humble heart which is ready to admit some shortcomings and ready to learn from those who have taken the time and effort to acquire knowledge in these matters. The next step will be a sincere approach to the process; which then requires a disciplined follow through on the processes.The road to peace, love and happiness lies just around the corner. Meditation courses are available at a negligible cost to take you out of your misery.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Sting-Shape of My Heart

He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for respect He deals the crads to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden loaw of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart And if i told you that i loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask i wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The All-natural Excess weight Loss Diet regime Ideas - The Four Best Quickest Methods To Fast Weight Reduction Diet plan Approach

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Maddy Anderson

Numerous folks do not understand that there are specific issues they ought to not do in their quest to shedding bodyweight. Right after creating trials on trials, they are likely to give up believing losing bodyweight is harder than what individuals keep telling them. Absolutely nothing can be farther from the reality, may possibly I tell you that there are principles for every thing beneath the sunlight. Even the Earth is governed by its personal rules otherwise issues will not operating well for every person. Even if you have presented up your perception of shedding off people extra fat, maintain on and understand about these 4 methods you can use to drop bodyweight rapidly underneath. A lot of men and women have attempted and gotten amazing outcomes, thus your circumstance is not diverse from theirs. There is a good information on the way for you just get your time to study them and put into action, period of time.

1. Get Rid of The Pressure The amount reason folks obtain weight for each time is because of the anxiety they retain accumulating. Individuals can not eliminate weight if they are stressed. I know this may possibly appear strange totally to you but it the truth. Anxiety leads to the physique to accumulate excess fat and due to the fact you are not relaxing, your entire body will not allow go of the excess fat in it, that is the way it performs.

two. Be Inspired You require to by all means discover inspiration for oneself due to the fact it is what you are inspired and inspired about that your body responds to. Might I inquire you that how will you be in a position to stick to your strategy if you are not inspired? You will absolutely speedily give up if the motivation is not there. In line with this, there are specific points you can do to retain you motivated usually like discovering another determined and inspired man or woman pursuing the very same consequence you are working towards. Now heading to the gym and creating your muscle mass is vital in your excess weight r! eduction plan, if you are not motivated you will simply give up on this, appropriate? If you are not motivated your process will seem to be tough and weight loss approach is not exempted from this.

3. Cease These Junk Food items I see no cause you can not get ready your very own meal by yourself. What junk food items do is to accumulate extra fat into your body and more than time you commence to come to feel weighty and unpleasant. There is nothing in junk meals other than usage of sugar and salt. As a substitute of using meals that you have no management over, why can you not put together one particular your self in your possess property wherever you can keep an eye on the substances you use and with this you can use this medium to operate toward your weight reduction program.

4. Get Far more Of Greens Nothing happens near to utilizing normal approaches to lose fat due to the fact it does not have any side results. Scientific tests have revealed that consuming a lot more of greens helps in dropping bodyweight fastest way than any other strategies. The good information about greens is that they contain all the nutritional vitamins, minerals and nutrients you will ever require in your quest for dropping fat. Have you not seen that every time you get greens you come to feel fuller and you have a tendency to consume significantly less afterward.

About the Author

Take a look at the best Diet Plans and see the amazing Diet Plan

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Relax and Refresh at Titanic Spa, Huddersfield

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by William Green

The Titanic Spa in Hudderfield is a truly special place. Not only is it an amazing place to relax and unwind, it's also the UK's first Eco-Spa. Set canalside, this luxury spa housed in an old textiles mill offers an exceptional pampering experience, as well as a high standard of accommodation for those who wish to stay the night.

Its eco-credentials mean that the spa offers an experience that is not only harmonious for mind and body, but that also works in harmony with the environment.

You could experience the Titanic Spa for much less when you use a deal from a daily deals provider. Wahanda is a daily deals provider which specialises in health, beauty and well being deals, and the Titanic Spa has offered discounts of up to 50 per cent through them previously.

Browse the spa deals at and be amazed by the wide range of fantastic discounts on offer. A spa break no longer needs to be a once a year indulgence; with prices this low you can afford to treat yourself, or a loved one, more often.

As well as spa breaks in the UK, Wahanda also offers European spa breaks, in destinations which have included Pisa and Tuscany. So if you're in the mood for something truly special, browse the overseas spa breaks on offer and enjoy a real getaway to remember.

If you're happy to stay in the UK however, the Titanic Spa has a central location that is easy to reach by train from most areas of the UK. Within easy reach of Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield, it's a brilliant option for Northerners who are fed up of Southerners getting all the best spa action.

From your approach to the huge converted mill, you know that you are in for a special treat, and although Titanic is an eco spa, no corners have been cut when it comes to your comfort and enjoyment.

On check in you are presented with your own gown and towel, and if you are staying the night the reception staff will happily take your bags up to your room for you. At Titanic, they use a lot of towels, but they hav! e develo ped their own eco-friendly laundry system to keep the impact on the environment minimal.

All of Titanic's towels are laundered on site, using the same system as many hospitals, which washes on a low temperature which still disinfecting the towel 100 per cent. Therefore Titanic can offer the highest standards of hygiene, without compromising the environment with unnecessary detergents, high temperature washes and transportation to and from an outsourced laundry service.

Water obviously features heavily in any spa, and Titanic is no exception on that score. The spa boasts a 15m swimming pool with hydrozone, foot baths, saunas, steam rooms, an ice room, plunge pool, experience showers and a bucket shower, all of which continuously use water.

Where Titanic differs from other spas however is that it boasts its very own natural water source. 100m below the spa is the original water source from the textile mill, which now provides much of the water that the spa needs, both to run its facilities, and also for drinking.

The whole point of a spa break is to relax, and in the relaxation lounge at the Titanic Spa it is impossible not to. A cosy haven with roaring fire, beans bags, beds and a reading library, it's the perfect place to kick back and relax - you may even find yourself nodding off for an hour or two of blissful sleep.

Of course, Titanic offers a wide range of spa treatments so that there's something for everyone to enjoy. One of the newest additions to their treatment menu is the fish pedicure. Here you can sit back and chill while the fish nibble away at any dead skin on the feet, leaving them soft and smooth.

The rest of the treatment menu features facials, massages, body scrubs, wraps, manicures, pedicures - basically whatever your weary heart desires. You can even spend time with your spa companion in the private mud chamber, making the most of the skin soothing properties of organic mud.

When you book a Titanic spa break through, you'll save a c! onsidera ble amount on your package - which means you'll have more money left over to indulge in their wonderful treatments.

Check for fantastic value spa breaks from Wahanda and many more daily deals providers, and get ready to enjoy some much needed, and long overdue, relaxation.

About the Author

The Article is written by Roxanne Wells at providing and aggregation of Daily Deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including Wahanda. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit before you shop.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Classical Indian Music for Healing and Relaxation by Music for Deep Meditation

To purchase full CD visit us at Also please join our Facebook Fan Page at This best-selling release from Music for Deep Meditation captures the unspoiled purity of the Veena, one of the most ancient instruments from India.The simple and sweet improvisational melodies were specifically played to bring the listener into a place of stillness and calm. The veena is masterfully played by Gayatri Govindarajan an accomplished musician who poured her whole heart into this recording. Each CD from Music for Deep Meditation is made with the utmost purity and integrity of sound, bringing to life music that is truly inducive for meditation and relaxation. We invite you to explore each one. Produced by Manasi Fragoso, Vidura Barrios and Kapish Joshi for Inner Splendor Media. To buy CD you can also visit

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Kabul Shahi

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by jekky

Lineage of Kabul Shahis Asia in 565 AD showing the Shahi kingdoms and their neighbors History of Afghanistan Timeline Pre Islamic Period Achaemenids 550 330 BC Seleucids 330 150 BC Greco Bactrians 256 125 BC Sakas 145 BC Kushans 30 CE 248 CE Indo Sassanid 248 410 Kidarites 320 465 Hephthalites 410 557 Sassanids 224 579 Kabul Shahi 565 670 Islamic Conquest Umayyads 661 750 Abbasids 750 821 Tahirids 821 873 Saffarids 863 900 Samanids 875 999 Ghaznavids 963 1187 Seljukids 1037 1194 Khwarezmids 1077 1231 Ghurids 1149 1212 Ilkhanate 1258 1353 Timurids 1370 1506 Mughals 1501 1738 Safavids 1510 1709 Hotaki dynasty 1709 1738 Afsharids 1738 1747 Durrani Empire 1747 1823 Emirate 1823 1926 Kingdom 1926 1973 Republic 1973 1978 Democratic Republic 1978 1992 Islamic State 1992 1996 Islamic Emirate 1996 2001 Islamic Republic 2001 Afghan Civil War 19791989 19891992 19921996 19962001 2001resent Afghanistan Portal v d e The affinities of the earlier Shahi rulers of Kapisa Kabul who are believed to have probably ruled from early 5th century till 870 AD are still not clear The confused accounts of 11th century Persian Muslim scholar Alberuni which bear the impress of folklore for the early history of the Kabul Shahi rulers state that Hindu kings residing in Kabul were Turks they were said to be of Tibetan origin first of them was a Barahatakin founder of the dynasty who came from Tibet into the country Kabul entered a cave and after few days started to creep out of it in the presence of people who looked upon him as a new born baby clothed in Turkish dress People honored him as a being of miraculous birth destined to be a king And he brought those countries under his sway and ruled under the title of Shahiya of Kabul the rule remained among his descendants the number of which is said to be about sixty generations till it was supplanted by a Brahmana minister and in this series of his descendant rulers one was Kanik Kanishaka who is said to have built Vihara in Purushapura which is called Kanika Caitya The folklore ac! counts r ecorded by Alberuni connect the earlier Shahis of Kabul Kapisa to Turkish extraction and also claim their descent from Kanik or Kanishaka of Kushana lineage At the same time it is also claimed that their first king Barahatigin Vrahitigin had originally came from Tibet and concealed in a narrow cave in Kabul area and here is given a strange legend which we omit One can easily see the above account of Shahi origin as totally fanciful and fairy like tale These statements taken together are very confusing inconsistent and bear the express marks of a folklore and vulgar tradition hence unworthy of inspiring any confidence in the early history of Shahis The accounts recorded by Alberuni is not confused rather confirmed narration of ancient history as we should have a look into broader perspective of ancient history keeping in mind the diaspora of Kambojas worldwide as Kamakura people of Japan Kamarupa Tibat China Chumo India Cambodia and Canbra people of Australia as well as Comanche of USA Barhatigin is said to be the founder of the dynasty which is said to have ruled for 60 generations until 870 AD This if true would take Barahatigin the founder of the early Shahi dynasty to about 20X60 1200 years i e to about fourth century BCE if we take the average generation of 20 years and to seventh century BCE if average generation is taken as 25 years It is well neigh impossible that a single dynasty could have ruled for 1200 or 1500 years at a stretch Moreover king Kanik if Kanishaka who ruled 78 AD to 101 AD not over Kabul but over Purushapura Gandhara and his descendants could not have ruled for almost 900 years as a single dynasty over Kapisa Kabul especially in a frontier region called the gateway of India Pre Islamic Hindu and Buddhist heritage of Afghanistan is well established in the Shahi coinage from Kabul of this period Based on fragmentary evidence of coins there seems to be one king named Vrahitigin Barhatigin who belonged to Sixth or Seventh century AD rather than pre Christian times as Alberuni s accou! nts woul d tend to establish If Kanik is same as Kanishaka of Kushana race as is often claimed then the second claim that the ancestors of the early Shahis came from Tibet which incidentally is the Kamboja desa of the Nepali Traditions becomes incompatible to known facts of history It is very interesting that Alberuni calls the early Shahi rulers as Turks which however should be interpreted as Turkised rather than Turkic Based on Alberuni s accounts V A Smith speculates that the earlier Shahis were a cadet branch of the Kushanas who ruled both over Kabul and Gandhara until the rise of Saffarids H M Elliot relates the early Kabul Shahis to the Kators and further connects the Kators with the Kushanas Charles Fredrick Oldham also traces the Kabul Shahi lineage to the Katorshom he identifies with the Kathas or Takkhasaga worshipping collective tribal groups of solar Sun worshiping lineage He further speaks of the Urasas Abhisaras Daradas Gandharas and Kambojas etc as allied tribal groups of the Takkhas belonging to the Naga worshipping and Sun worshiping race of the north west frontiers D B Pandey traces the affinities of the early Kabul Shahis to the Hunas E Vesey Westmacott Bishan Singh K S Dardi etc connect the Kabul Shahis to the ancient Ksatriya clans of the Kambojas Gandharas George Scott Robertson writes that the Kators Katirs of Kafiristan belong to the well known Siyaposh tribal group of the Kams Kamoz and Kamtoz tribes But numerous scholars now also agree that the Siyaposh tribes of Hindukush are the modern representatives of the ancient Kambojas According to Olaf Caroe the earlier Kabul Shahis in some sense were the inheritors of the Kushana Hephthalite chancery tradition and had brought in more hinduised form with time There does not yet exist in the upper Kabul valley any documentary evidence or any identifiable coinage which can establish the exact affinities of these early Shahis who ruled there during the first two Islamic centuries The affinities of the early Shahis of Kapisa Kabul are still speculat! ive and the inheritance of the Kushan Hephthalite chancery tradition and political institutions by Kabul Shahis do not necessarily connect them to the preceding dynasty i e the Kushanas or Hephthalites It appears that from start of 5th century till 793 94 AD the capital of the Kabul Shahis was Kapisa In the wake of Muslim invasions of Kabul and Kapisa in second half of seventh century 664 AD the Kapisa Kabul ruler called by Muslim writers as Kabul Shah Shahi of Kabul made an appeal to the Ksatriyas of the Hind who had gathered there in large numbers for his assistance and drove out the Muslim invaders as far as Bost This king of Kapisa Kabul who faced the Muslim invasion was undoubtedly a Ksatriya In subsequent years the Muslim armies returned with large reinforcements and Kabul was swept when the Shahi ruler agreed to pay tribute to the conquerors For strategical reasons the Shahis who continued to offer stubborn resistance to Muslim on slaughts finally moved their capital from Kapisa to Kabul in about 794 AD The fact that Chinese pilgrim Hieun Tsang 644 AD specifically addresses the ruler of Kapisa as Ksatriya and that of Zabul at this time being known as Shahi casts serious doubt about the speculated connections of the first Shahis of Kabul Kapisa to the Kushanas or the Hephthalites Neither the Kushanas nor the Hunas Hephthalites nor the Turks or Turushakas have ever been designated or classified as Ksatriyas in any ancient Indian tradition Therefore the identification of the first line of Shahi kings of Kapisa Kabul with the Kushanas Hunas or Turks obviously seems to be in gross error Once the political clout of the invaders like the Kushanas or the Hephthalites had declined some native chieftain from the original dominant clans of this region seeems to have attained ascendancy in political power and established an independent kingdom on the ruins of the Kushanas and or the Hephthalites empire The powerful evidence from Hiuen Tsang 644 AD attesting that the ruler of Kabul Kapisa was a devout Buddhist and bel! onged to Ksatriya caste would rather connect this ruling dynasty either to the erstwhile Gandharas or more probably to Ashvaka clan of the Kambojas the eminent Ksatriya clan of the Mauryan times from this very region Even as early as 424 AD the prince of Kapisa Ki pin of the Chinese was known as Guna Varman The name ending Varman is used after the name of a Ksahriya only Thus the line of rulers whom Hiuen Tsang refers to in his chronicles appears to be an extension of the Ksatriya dynasty whom this Guna Varman of Ki pin or Kapisa 424 AD belonged Thus this Ksatriya dynasty was already established prior to 424 AD and it was neither a Kushana nor a Hephthalite dynasty by any means Song Yun the Chinese Ambassador to the Huna kingdom of Gandhara in 520 AD writes that the Yethas Hephthalites had invaded Gandhara two generations prior to him and had completely destroyed this country The then Yetha ruler was extremely cruel vindictive and Anti Buddhist and had engaged in a three years border war with the king of Ki pin Cophene or Kapisa disputing the boundaries of that country The Yetha king referred to by Song Yun may have been Mihirakula 515 540 547AD or his governor This evidence also proves that the Kapisa kingdom was well established prior to the Huna Hephthalite invasion of Gandhara 477 AD and that it did not submit to the Yethas but had survived and continued to maintain its independence It is also a known fact of history that from second century BCE onwards much prior to the Huna ascendancy the Tukharas had settled in considerable numbers in the ancient Kamboja land and thus the culture of theKambojas undoubtedly underwent some changes and due to the interaction of two cultures the Kambojas of Kapisa were also substantially influenced by Tukharas who remained quite for a time the ruling power in this region This fact is also verified by Hiuen Tsang who records that the literature customary rules and currency of Bamiyan were same as those of Tukhara the spoken language is little different and in pe! rsonal a ppearance the people closely resembled those of the Tukhara country On the other hand the literature and written language of Kapisa Kamboja was like that of Tukharas but the social customs colloquial ideom rules of behavior and their pesonal resemblance differed somewhat from those of Tukhara country which means that the original and dominant community of Kapisa had imbibed the Tukharan culture and customs but to a limited extent and the penetration of the Tukharas in the Kapisa territory appears to have therefore been also limited The Kambojas and the Tukharas Turks are mentioned as immediate neighbors in north west as late as 8th century AD as Rajatarangini of Kalhana demonstrates Evidence also exists that some medieval age Muslim writers have confused the Kamboja clans of Pamirs Hindukush with the Turks and invested the former with Turkic ethnicity For example 10th century Arab geographer Al Muqaddasi refers to the Kumiji Kamoji Kamboja tribesmen of Buttaman mountains Tajikstan on upper Oxus and calls them of Turkic race According to the confused accounts recorded by Alberuni which are chiefly based on folklore the last king of the first Shahi dynasty Lagaturman Katorman was overthrown and imprisoned by his Brahmin vizier Kallar thus resulting in the change over of dynasty The name Katorman or Lagaturman of the last king of the so called first Shahi line of Kabul Kapisa simply reveals a trace of Tukhara cultural influence in the Kamboja Kapisa region as hinted in above discussion Thus the first ruling dynasty of Kapisa and Kabul designated as Ksatriya dynasty by Hiuen Tsang may indeed have been a Kamboja dynasty It is also very remarkable that Kalhana c 12th century the author of Rajatarangini written in 1147 49 AD also refers to the Shahis and does not maintain any any difference or distinction between the earlier Shahis RT IV 143 and the later Shahis or does not refer to any supplanting of the dynasty at any stage as Alberuni does in his Tarikh al Hind Furthermore Kalhana takes the dynasty of the an! cestors of the Hindu Shahi rulers Lallya Kallar Kamala Toramana Bhimadeva Jaipala Anandapala Trilochanpala Bhimapala etc unbroken to as far as or earlier than 730 AD It is also remarkable that Rajatrangini and all other sources refer to the Shahi rulers of Udabhandapura Waihind as belonging to the Kshatriya lineage in contrast to Alberuni who designates the earlier Shahi rulers as Turks and the later as Brahmins The system of naming the kings of the so called Turki Shahi dynasty and the Hindu Shahi dynasty is also similar for which reason it is very likely that the caste of the two might also have been same i e Ksatriya Thus if we follow Kalhana then the ancestors of Shahi kings Lallya Toramana Kamalu Bhimadeva Jaipala Anandapala Trilochanapala etc may be traced back to the Ksatriya ruler of Kapisa Kabul 644 45 AD mentioned by Hiuen Tsang and also probably to prince Guna Varman 424 AD a princely scion of the Ksatriya rulers ruling at the start of 5th century in Kapisa Ki pin as mentioned in the Chinese Buddhist records In addition one ancient inscription and several ancient Buddhist manuscripts found from Gilgit area between upper Indus and river Kabul shed some light on three kings who ruled in Gilgit region in 6 7th c AD They also wore Shahi titles and their names are mentioned as Patoladeva alias Navasurendradiyta Nandin Srideva alias Surendra Vikrmadiyta Nandin and Patoladeva alias Vajraditya Nandin It is very relevant to mention here that each of the Shahi rulers mentioned in the above list of Gilgit rulers has Nandin as his surname or last name It is more than likely that the surname Nandin refers to their clan name It is also very remarkable that the modern Kamboj tribe of northern Punjab still has Nandan Nandi

About the Author

I am China Bags Wholesale writer, reports some information about inline fuel pump , walbro electric fuel pump.

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Is Wealth Mentality a Spiritual Principle?

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Shauna Arthurs

There seems to be a lot of talk about religion surrounding the Law of Attraction, and it might be nice to put the focus back to where it belongs when working with this principle: on creating good feelings.

The truth is that whether we are talking about LOA or religion, it is of benefit to anyone to be able to feel good about themselves, and create good things in their lives.

If you google the words 'happy' and 'money' together, you may be amazed and saddened by all the search results just in the FIRST page that talk about money and happiness NOT being compatible.

Here is an example of the lack programming that gets fed to us, from none other than Ben Franklin:

"Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of its filling a vacuum, it makes one. If it satisfies one want, it doubles and trebles that want another way. That was a true proverb of the wise man, rely upon it; "Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure, and trouble therewith.""

-- Benjamin Franklin

Is it any wonder we sabotage ourselves unconsciously when it comes to money?

This is the type of thinking that keeps so many people in poverty, and can be dissolived and transformed with new beliefs about financial abundance.

Spirituality can be wonderful, and so too can financial abundance...If nothing else, think of the greater amount of good you could do with more money, if this is where you need to focus to get this point.

Of course money itself is not the goal: money is just paper and metal...dig deeper and really it's just an IDEA that passes around in the ether these days, for the most part (that is a subject for another day!).

There is nothing wrong with wanting MORE, unless it becomes an endless obsession for some vacant promise in the 'someday', which robs you of all joy in your NOW moments.

Passion for creating more abundance; for ex! pressing our gifts and receiving return for them on a massive scale is no more and no less than an expression of our ever-expanding Universe in action.

Abundance and prosperity include money AND happiness. Please see our FAQ's section on Breathing Prosperity for a further explanation of this.

For inspiration on how to expand your 'Prosperity Consciousness' click here...

Enjoy the ride - and direct it!

This is excerpted from the Breathing Prosperity blog.

About the Author

Shauna Arthurs is a writer and founder/owner of a network of niche websites. She writes for her sites and those of her Website Design and SEO clients on a variety of topics, including Vitamin b12 for Migraines.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

The Natural Fat Reduction Diet Strategies - The 4 Top Fastest Approaches To Speedy Bodyweight Loss Diet program Strategy

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Stress Reduction
by qcom

Article by Looser Moore

Several men and women do not understand that there are selected items they must not do in their quest to losing fat. Soon after creating trials upon trials, they tend to give up believing dropping fat is tougher than what people keep telling them. Absolutely nothing can be farther from the reality, could I tell you that there are principles for every thing beneath the sunlight. Even the Earth is ruled by its personal rules otherwise issues will not operating well for every person. Even if you have presented up your perception of shedding off people extra fat, maintain on and understand about these 4 ways you can use to shed excess weight rapidly underneath. A lot of men and women have tried and gotten amazing outcomes, thus your scenario is not diverse from theirs. There is a good information on the way for you just get your time to study them and put into action, period of time.

one. Get Rid of The Anxiety The quantity explanation individuals acquire fat for each time is due to the fact of the anxiety they preserve accumulating. People can not drop fat if they are stressed. I know this may possibly look strange totally to you but it the real truth. Tension leads to the body to accumulate body fat and since you are not relaxing, your physique will not let go of the body fat in it, that is the way it performs.

two. Be Motivated You require to by all signifies discover inspiration for your self since it is what you are inspired and inspired about that your body responds to. May I ask you that how will you be able to stick to your strategy if you are not inspired? You will definitely speedily give up if the enthusiasm is not there. In line with this, there are specific points you can do to retain you motivated always like finding another inspired and inspired particular person pursuing the exact same result you are doing work toward. Now going to the gymnasium and developing your muscle is crucial in your bodyweight reduction strategy, if you are not inspired you will easily give up on th! is, righ t? If you are not inspired your activity will appear hard and excess weight reduction plan is not exempted from this.

three. End People Junk Foods I see no explanation you can not prepare your possess meal yourself. What junk foods do is to accumulate fat into your physique and around time you start to feel weighty and uncomfortable. There is absolutely nothing in junk food items other than intake of sugar and salt. Rather of taking meals that you have no control over, why can you not put together one particular your self in your own property wherever you can keep an eye on the ingredients you utilize and with this you can use this medium to operate towards your excess weight reduction approach.

4. Get More Of Greens Absolutely nothing happens near to utilizing natural approaches to shed weight due to the fact it does not have any side results. Studies have shown that consuming far more of greens assists in dropping bodyweight fastest way than any other strategies. The good information about vegetables is that they include all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you will ever before need in your quest for losing bodyweight. Have you not observed that every time you just take veggies you experience fuller and you are likely to try to eat much less afterward.

About the Author

Take a look at the best Diet Plans and see the amazing Diet Plan

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

ZenfulTV - Episode Six - Shoulder Shrugs, Circles and Diamonds

3 quick and simple shoulder exercises to release tension that you can do while you're sitting at your desk.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Mind is the Greatest Muscle

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Rob Fraser

Trauma Specialist, Babette Rothschild: Description of Dual Awareness for treating PTSD

This clip is from an extended interveiw with psychotherapist and trauma expert, Babette Rothschild, in which she explains the necesity of stabilization prior to "working through of traumatic material"- including the the development of dual awareness; mindfulness and an observing self.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Simple Mind Improvement: Aspects of Your Mentality that Need Supercharging

Posted: 16 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Rhodri Jones

Mind improvement is one of man's quests ever since he started to think above all other animals.

Aristotle thought politics was man's final frontier towards improving his mind, while Einstein leaned more towards the scientific.

In every era, great men find ways to help improve man's mind for the greater good of many, but within each of us there's a thirst of improving by ourselves.

Here's a few tips on how to do just that:


You can never underestimate the power of a positive outlook. You can still be all philosophical and existential if that' just how you are, but at the very least, you should learn to see the side of things that you can laugh at or smile about despite harrowing conditions and situations. You never know when smiling at misfortune can help keep you sane.

Maintaining a positive outlook ranges from simply not succumbing to panic to seeing the glass half full all the time. Of course, this doesn't mean you should ignore the ugly reality of things, but instead you should appreciate the silver lining more than the dark clouds. Of course, you don't become a jerk that laughs at other people's misfortune much less your own, you just know the value of positivism and sharing it with others.


Focus is the main goal of improving your mental clarity and concentration. Most endeavors are lost by losing focus. But it's hard to keep your attention to one thing long enough in such a fast paced and dynamically changing environment like in this modern age isn't it?

So how do you do it?

When you're busy and running on a hectic schedule, go out of your way to stop and take a nice few breaths of pure relaxation. Relaxing immensely helps in focus and overall mind improvement.

Have you ever seen any old wise Oriental hermits on TV or the Web that don't take the time to meditate? Relaxing such that your mind becomes at peace wi! th itsel f has a plethora of benefits aside from improving mental clarity and focus, but for a few breaths you can only expect so much. Still, it really helps and is a good start.


Experience is the best and most effective teacher, and a mind that's not open to new things—even things that might at first be utterly against one's beliefs—won't experience much. A closed mind won't learn much of anything, so open your mind. Be open to new things. Know the danger of doctrine and folly of infallible belief.

This is not to say that you should easily be swayed. On the contrary, if you really have faith in you're belief framework (be it your religion, your psychological outlook, your philosophy in life), being open to things that could even be completely the opposite of what you believe can only serve to enrich them. Only after knowing the opposite of what you put your faith in will you know its true value. And in so doing, you are undergoing great mind improvement.

About the Author

Unleashing the incredible power of your mind will enable you to get so much more out of life. Harness the power of your mind and you can achieve whatever it is you want. Apply some simple but effective mind improvement tips and soon you will be living a happier, successful and more fulfilling life.

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The Race to Grace: Surviving Stress — Longwood Seminar

In today's 24-7 world, it's common to feel anxious, overburdened and stressed periodically. At this Longwood Seminar, doctors explain how the body responds to stressful situations and describe how stress affects psychological and physiological well-being. Faculty members share insight about how stress can be effectively managed.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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6 Ideas to Decided on a Diet Solution Program For weight reduction

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by qamar mushtaq

A good number of overweight people reckon that weight reduction and better health are synonymous concepts. However, this is not true at all. You are able to lose weight quickly and seriously damage your overall health during this process. To get better health when you lose fat, the dietary plan you end up picking needs to satisfy a handful of criteria. There are several Diet Solution Programs already in the market that satisfy all the necessary criteria.

1. Improve Metabolism

Firstly, the intention of your diet program is always to enhance your metabolic process and not ensure it is more sluggish. An appetite suppressant diet may go one way or the other, depending on its quality.

2. Eat Frequently and Reject Drastic Diets

When you proceed quite a drastic calorie cutting diet, the body will begin to prepare itself to handle famine conditions. The speed when it burns energy will slow down, and will start storing fat as an alternative to burning it. As soon as you go back to an average diet, all of the weight you lost can come back. So as to improve your metabolism, you should eat frequently and eat enough to keep your levels. Should you minimize something, it the servings of your meals. Besides, you should replace high calorie junk food with healthier minimizing calorie meals. In addition, these dietary changes needs to be sustainable. So always decided on a diet solution program that gives a real solution.

3. The Healthy Foods

Replace sweets, refined food and oily food with fruits, vegetables, not to mention, whole grain breads, legumes and pulses, fat-free dairy food, hard working liver and eggs. These foodstuff are loaded with either proteins or complex carbohydrates and perhaps healthy fats. They'll assist you to maintain your right balance of nutrients, won't load you with calories, and forestall from overeating to keep you full. As they take longer to digest, your entire body burns more calories in the operation and also your rate of metabolism climbs up. St! resses y ou chose ought to be abundant with all these healthy food choices items. If you're a vegetarian, be sure that it offers a superior tips for vegetarians and vegans.

4. Variety

Whatever diet you ultimately choose, variety is an important feature. Should you overdo certain food items, you can ignore others, so you could be lacking some vital vitamin supplements, crucial forever health. A weight loss program solution program that includes a varied and balanced diet, may also educate you the components of the perfectly balanced diet.

5. Quantity superiority Diet

The exact amount and quality of your recommended weight loss diet depends on various factors, for instance your age, exercise levels, lifestyle, physical stature and gender. A healthy diet solution program takes every one of these factors into mind and recommends different plans many different styles of people.

6. Taste and Simplicity

Another critical factor is that your diet should taste good and also be uncomplicated to prepare. A lot of lose weight programs either torture you using their recipes, or suggest preparations which might be hardly practical to recreate daily. Quite to the contrary, a highly effective diet solution program presents all to easy to prepare, tasteful and versatile recipes and diet plans.

About the Author

Take a look at an excellent web-site about challenge workouts and fat loss workouts for women in losing weight not to mention feel good.

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Sudden Memory Reduction: Techniques to Stop It

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Jay Williams

Men and women of any age could endure sudden memory loss but it is a lot more routinely appearing to these of old age. This could be because of to a great deal of mind neurons and nerves that have already deteriorated creating them a lot less effective source of memory. It could happen to everyone and even though it might appear insignificant, when the frequency commences selecting up, you have to currently do anything about it or it could outcome to more disturbing scenarios.

Sudden memory loss can be because of to a lot of things this kind of as head accidents, previous age, stress or anxiousness and a lot of others. There are also aspects that can't be prevented, especially accidents but the normal taking place kinds like aged age or strain, you can in fact do one thing to avert them or at least decrease the odds of the event. The following are some strategies to avert this situation and if you will just make a behavior of carrying out them, you can be sure that you will not be a single of people who will have this problem.

- Ingesting balanced brain meals - mind food items are people which are deemed to enable enhance mental effectiveness. Amid these are all those which are abundant in omega three fatty acids this kind of as mackerel and salmon, fruits and greens, grains, oats and nuts. Doing your meals composed of a combo of these daily can guarantee that you get the vitamins that your mind wants to perform efficiently.

- Preserve the mind active - when the brain is idle, the neurons turn out to be weak and would ultimately wither. Together with them, the reminiscences they include also disappear. Make your head stay energetic all the time. Clear up puzzles, compose stories or letters attempt remembering issues you have done in the past or develop a vivid photograph of those you want to attain in the upcoming. There are quite a few ways to keep your thoughts active you just want to come across the most exciting for you so that you will have entertaining while doing it.

- Execu te exercises daily - a thirty minute stroll every day can do wonders to your mind and to your total well being. Day-to-day exercising can produce nutritious blood circulation, which can deliver far more oxygen to the brain. This is really important in the production of new brain cells which is essential for the storage and retrieval of information alongside with other mental features.

It does not issue what age you are proper now, no matter whether young or previous, you nevertheless have a battle versus sudden memory loss. Just follow the higher than guidelines and you can certainly sustain a nutritious memory until eventually the conclude.

About the Author

Take a look at the best memory loss and see the fantastic memory the brain and also see memory food

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Going On Meditation Retreats As Your Holiday Option Is an Even Better Idea

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Lily Candice

We often get breaks from our daily practices, from our work of all kinds, and having been busy for a long period of time, sometimes exceeding ten months, we believe we deserve a vacation. Most of us will probably make the decision to go on a holiday retreat, sometimes planned several months in advance. The benefits we expect to derive from these holidays are usually peace, quiet and enjoyment; and these are largely achieved, albeit with no lasting effects. No sooner do you return to your base that the harsh reality of living resurfaces. Meditation retreats may not be an exotic holiday option, but you are ensured of a peaceful period of introspection, a quiet and peaceful environment in which to recharge, and lasting skills and knowledge which will make the rest of your life to be lived in peace, love and happiness, no matter the surroundings, situation or circumstances.Meditation retreats are organized by experienced and established meditation teachers who are deep into the art and practice of meditation. Such a meditation center where relevant meditation retreats are held several times a year is the Z Meditation center, based in the peaceful and picturesque town of Dharamsala in the Himalayas of India. At these meditation retreats, the systematic approach with which meditation is taught to its students is known as Deep Deconditioning Inquiry as well as Radiant Mantras, methods which have proven their efficacy with testimonies from a large number of those who have participated at these meditation retreats.Taking a holiday is a very good idea. Going on meditation retreats as your holiday option is an even better idea, however, a certain level of seriousness, not required for a camping or skiing holiday, is needed for meditation retreats. The meditation teachers demand a minimum standard of commitment to the course and a discipline with which to follow through on the program. The skills which will be imparted onto you at meditation retreats are expected to be skills which you will continue to develo! p on and refine for your entire living days, skills which enable you to deal with the certain issues and vicissitudes of life with equanimity, and as a joyful process of problem solving. As such, while meditation retreats are non discriminatory, meditation retreats are not ideal for those who are not ready to literally take the bull by the horns and free themselves from decades of acting on wrong beliefs and other conditionings – the main thrust of the Deep Deconditioning Inquiry system.The benefits of learning meditation at meditation retreats also include a freedom from the typical ailments that recur with most people, and even from some more serious maladies. This is because when your mind is free from turmoil, the healthiness is projected to every part of your body, and even your soul, so that you are in a state of total holistic health.Meditation retreats are much more affordable than almost any other kind of vacation retreat, and the anticipated problems of unfamiliarity with the geography is solved with organizers usually providing airport pick ups and drop offs for their students. Most of your comfort needs are also well taken care of at meditation retreats, so you will need to pack very minimal luggage.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

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Snatam Kaur ~ Long Time Sun

I am following the call of my heart to create uplifting and transformative videos for humanity. I recently committed 100% to this as my life-path and am trusting that support & abundance will flow towards this path as a result of the leap of faith that I am demonstrating to Father/Mother/God/Universe in honouring the call of my soul. My vision is to create videos that lift the hearts, mind, spirit and soul of billions, to assist in grounding the New Earth and to provide a channel for my own creativity to flow and be enjoyed by all. I am currently focussed on honing my video editing skills, acquiring technology and resources to develop my videos even further and are collaborating with other artists to enable this vision to manifest. If you feel inspired to assist in my process, and would like to help make my vision a reality, I invite you to make a contribution that feels good for you. All amounts are received with much gratitude and aloha, and much Mahalo's to all who have already donated!!!! Thank you. :D Blessings, Appreciation & love from my heart to yours.....namaste ❤ I was in love with the music so much that it inspired me to create this video version of Snatam's Kaurs music as a 'study in sunlight from the many sunset and sunrise images I had come across over the years'...My vision for the video creation was to give the viewer 4.04 minutes of heaven. Within the simplicity of just focussing on the different shades of yellow and gold of the sun ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Back Pain and Yoga Guide Part 4

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher

Looking at the latest articles on the various types of medical treatment, or look for information on health care products which could be useful. Find tips on eating well and how to enhance your own wellbeing. Apart from advice on how to deal with common ailments to resources, this guide also provide tips for healthy living, aging gracefully.

Heat Therapy. Heat therapy is an easy and inexpensive option to provide relief from many forms of lower back pain. It may be used alone or in conjunction with other therapies. Because it is so simple, it is often overlooked and physicians may forget to mention it, but heat therapy used in the right way can be a valuable part of many lower back pain treatment programs and used with yoga exercise.

Learn the importance of muscles in supporting your skeletal structure, understand how muscles all over your body and limbs affect your back and cause back pain. Learn 10 exercises for lower back pain to strengthen and relax muscles in your buttocks, legs, shoulders and neck to relieve back pain.

Diet and Exercise. Pay attention to your diet and exercise for back pain. Water is very important to your body and back. Avoiding meats and animal proteins till the pain is gone is a good idea. These foods contain uric acid that strains your kidneys resulting in back pain. Some opinions also suggest avoiding the consumption of oils, fats, sugars, or processed foods. If you have back pain, you may wish to consider taking these two vitamin supplements including Vitamin B12 and Magnesium.

Sitting cross-legged (or even in corps pose), in long deep breathing one will first fill the abdominal area by inhaling the air down, then pressing the air consciously into the lower areas. By arching somewhat forward with ones palms on the knees, then with arms straight pressing the palms inward towards the lower body against the knees, the chest cavity will open forwards, so that you can not only keep the pressure on the lungs in the lower abdominal area, but also feel! the lun gs filling in and through the chest area and, finally, because of the forward arch of the spine the upper area of the lungs will fill as well, all without the need to either open the rib cage or raise the shoulders. This will also help you with your back pain.

The goal of bringing mind, body and spirit into unity through breathing practices forms the foundation and link between the mind and the body. This provides a valuable tool for releasing tension and reducing stress and attaining peace, calm and a sense of equilibrium.

Breath with meditation and relaxation techniques can help people with health problems - physical and mental - and better manage the physical and emotional sides of their lives. Whether the techniques are used to reduce anxiety or nausea, achieve calm during the challenges of treatment, or cancer, the control that breath meditation and relaxation bestows is great. Alternate nostril breathing (Anuloma-Viloma), breath meditation, and other relaxation techniques have only proven extremely beneficial in improving the quality of life of many people in hundreds of ways.

About the Author

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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Sudden Memory Reduction: Strategies to Avert It

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Rojer Williams

People of any age could undergo sudden memory reduction but it is additional frequently showing to all those of outdated age. This could be due to a ton of brain neurons and nerves that have previously deteriorated doing them much less successful supply of memory. It could take place to anyone and while it may well seem to be insignificant, when the frequency starts finding up, you need to by now do some thing about it or it could consequence to much more disturbing situations.

Sudden memory reduction can be because of to a great deal of issues this sort of as head accidents, outdated age, tension or nervousness and quite a few other people. There are also variables that can not be prevented, particularly accidents but the purely natural occurring ones like old age or stress, you can essentially do a thing to protect against them or at least lessen the possibilities of the occurrence. Here are some ways to protect against this issue and if you will just make a behavior of undertaking them, you can be certain that you will not be a person of those who will have this issue.

- Taking in healthy brain foods - mind foods are all those which are regarded to help improve psychological performance. Between these are those which are loaded in omega three fatty acids this sort of as mackerel and salmon, fruits and greens, grains, oats and nuts. Making your meals composed of a combination of these every day can assure that you get the vitamins and minerals that your brain demands to operate effectively.

- Retain the mind active - when the mind is idle, the neurons grow to be weak and would sooner or later wither. Along with them, the reminiscences they have also vanish. Make your mind continue to be lively all the time. Fix puzzles, publish stories or letters try out remembering items you have carried out in the previous or make a vivid picture of these you want to obtain in the future. There are many methods to preserve your thoughts active you just need to have to find the most appealing ! for you so that you will have exciting whilst performing it.

- Complete workouts every day - a thirty moment stroll each and every day can do wonders to your mind and to your over-all wellness. Everyday training can generate balanced blood circulation, which can carry additional oxygen to the brain. This is quite essential in the manufacturing of new brain cells which is crucial for the storage and retrieval of info together with other mental capabilities.

It does not make any difference what age you are appropriate now, no matter if young or outdated, you even now have a combat from sudden memory loss. Just adhere to the previously mentioned recommendations and you can definitely keep a balanced memory until the conclusion.

About the Author

Check out the best memory loss and see the fantastic food for memory and also see memory foods

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Violence in Virginia and the Time We Are In - A Spiritual Perspective

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Julie Redstone

There is to be a time in the earth's future when all that has been promised shall be revealed. This time is rapidly approaching, and the turbulence and catastrophe in terms of human life that is witnessed on the earth today shall pass into a new day of peace and an end to conflict. This new day cannot come about without the birth pains that are produced by purification and by the releasing of all that stands in the way of advancing light. However, in the presence of this wave of turbulence, it is possible to move through it without despair, without fear, and with the knowing that each individual soul will be given the means to progress forward into higher levels of spiritual development and consciousness as they are able to and as they have chosen. No matter what the outer circumstances of a person's life, no matter how tragic these may appear to the outside observer, they are, each and every one individually, moving forward with their own course of soul development and will find new opportunities for advancement at every step of this progression.

This is not to say that the present time on the earth is not without great sorrow and tragedy, for it is. The heart yearns to better the lot of those who suffer and to remove the causes of pain and devastation that are happening to so many today. And yet the heart's wish and the soul's desire for the improvement of the lot of mankind and an end to the suffering that man inflicts upon man is precisely what this day shall lead to - to a purification of the violent and anti-harmonious tendencies that exist within human consciousness. These shall be replaced by the desire for peace and cooperation, based on the understanding of unity.

Everywhere, there shall be an awareness of being part of a greater whole, and out of this awareness shall come a desire to serve that greater whole, with degrees of participation based on soul-interest and soul-capacity which shall define the purpose of a lifetime. This lifetime, consecrated in service to the Divine! and the sacred within life, shall be the norm rather than the exception, and those who direct their awareness to serve the higher good shall be served themselves in the process and reap the rewards of their dedication.

In the meantime, the face of sorrow lies before us as we witness the tragic loss of life at a school in Virginia, committed at the hands of one who was not able to hold the light of consciousness in the face of an onslaught of the forces of darkness which ultimately prevailed, bringing about actions that cut off the lives of others who were so young. This one who gave his own life as a penance at the same time, shall not be forgotten - not by those who have suffered at his hands, nor by those whose lives have been shattered by their losses, nor by those whose consciousness is filled with the question of whether they could have done more to prevent these acts of cruel destruction. It will also not be forgotten by God, whose Divine sense of justice combined with mercy will require of that one the full measure of redemption so that what has been carried out on the human plane can be healed on the plane of the soul. The awareness of Divine justice as certain and as filled with the love that holds each soul to be valuable beyond the measure of their actions, shall come into play as it does for each and every soul whose life must be weighted according to their actions and motives. For this one as well, his tragic inner life and loss of spiritual footing shall be held before him with the full light of awareness prevailing so that he can become fully responsible for both the attitudes that gave rise to his actions, and for the actions themselves.

Knowing this, it is important to hold sorrow with those who mourn, but also to hold forgiveness for a soul that has manifested darkness out of the darkness within himself, but whose future path shall be one of learning and redemption so that he is brought back to the light through accountability for his own actions. Blessed are those who can forgive ! in this way and yet who suffer with the pain of loss that breaks the heart and that seeks immediate resolution.

About the Author

For other writings by Julie Redstone on planetary purification and the inner side of world events, see the Light Omega Newsletter and the Worldwatch section of the Light Omega website.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Michael H. Cohen - Hare Om Shivaya, from Om Dattatreya: Journey to the West

Hare Om Shivaya is the first song on Mike's debut album, Om Dattatreya: Journey to the West. This album features vocalists Joni Allen and Allie Stringer, and was produced by Grammy Award winner Jeff Ciampa, Video footage was shot in the fall of 2009 and features Pete Cary (bass), Holly Moretti and Abby Dorn (vocals) and Seth Rogers (drums). Om Dattatreya is an inspiring blend of Eastern spirituality and global musical influences such as world beat, electronica, r&b, rock, funk and gospel. Chanting the many names of the Divine calms our minds, opens our hearts and connects us with Divine Energy. Om Dattatreya is an emotionally powerful and spiritually transcendent synthesis of East and West, integrating the spiritual and material worlds, individual and collective approaches and masculine and feminine energies. Om Dattatreya is music for your soul. http

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Kalimpong - Car Body Sticker Manufacturer - China Wall Sticker Clock

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by jekky

Name origin The precise etymology of the name Kalimpong remains unclear The most widely accepted origin of the name Kalimpong is Assembly or Stockade of the King s Ministers in Tibetan derived from kalon King s ministers and pong stockade It may also be derived from the translation ridges where we play from Lepcha as it was known to be the region s traditional tribal gathering for summer sporting events People from the hills also call the area Kalibong the black spurs According to K P Tamsang author of The Untold and Unknown Reality about the Lepchas the term Kalimpong is deduced from the name Kalenpung which in Lepcha means Hillock of Assemblage in time the name was distorted to Kaleebung and later corrupted to Kalimpong Another possible derivation points to Kaulim a fibrous plant found in profusion in the region Cite error Invalid tag refs with no content must have a name Under Sikkimese rule the area was known as Dalingkot In 1706 the king of Bhutan won this territory from the Sikkimese monarch and renamed it Kalimpong Overlooking the Teesta Valley Kalimpong is believed to have once been the forward position of the Bhutanese in the 18th century The area was sparsely populated by the indigenous Lepcha community and migrant Bhutia and Limbu tribes Later in 1780 the Gorkhas invaded and conquered Kalimpong After the Anglo Bhutan War in 1864 the Treaty of Sinchula 1865 was signed in which Bhutanese held territory east of the Teesta River was ceded to the British East India Company At that time Kalimpong was a hamlet with only two or three families known to reside there The first recorded mention of the town was a fleeting reference made that year by Ashley Eden a government official with the Bengal Civil Service Kalimpong was added to district of Darjeeling in 1866 In 18661867 an Anglo Bhutanese commission demarcated the common boundaries between the two thereby giving shape to the Kalimpong subdivision and the Darjeeling district After the war the region became a subdivision of the Western Duars di! strict a nd the following year it was merged with the district of Darjeeling The temperate climate prompted the British to develop the town as an alternative hill station to Darjeeling to escape the scorching summer heat in the plains Kalimpong s proximity to the Nathula and Jelepla passes offshoots of the ancient Silk Road was an added advantage and it soon became an important trading outpost in the trade of furs wools and food grains between India and Tibet The increase in commerce attracted large numbers of migrants from Nepal leading to an increase in population and economic prosperity The arrival of Scottish missionaries saw the construction of schools and welfare centres for the British Rev W Macfarlane in the early 1870s established the first schools in the area The Scottish University Mission Institution was opened in 1886 followed by the Kalimpong Girls High School In 1900 Reverend J A Graham founded the Dr Graham s Homes for destitute Anglo Indian students By 1907 most schools in Kalimpong also started offering education to Indian students By 1911 the population had swelled to 7 880 Following Indian independence in 1947 Kalimpong became part of the state of West Bengal after Bengal was partitioned between India and Pakistan With China s annexation of Tibet in 1959 many Buddhist monks fled Tibet and established monasteries in Kalimpong These monks also brought many rare Buddhist scriptures with them In 1962 the permanent closure of the Jelepla Pass after the Sino Indian War disrupted trade between Tibet and India and led to a slowdown in Kalimpong s economy In 1976 the visiting Dalai Lama consecrated the Zang Dhok Palri Phodang monastery which houses many of the scriptures Most large houses in Kalimpong were built during the British era In the background is Mount Kanchenjunga Between 1986 and 1988 the demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland and Kamtapur based on ethnic lines grew strong Riots between the Gorkha National Liberation Front GNLF and the West Bengal government reached a stand off after a fo! rty day strike The town was virtually under siege and the state government called in the Indian army to maintain law and order This led to the formation of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council a body that was given semi autonomous powers to govern the Darjeeling district except the area under the Siliguri subdivision Since 2007 the demand for a separate Gorkhaland state has been revived by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and its supporters in the Darjeeling hills The Kamtapur People s Party and its supporters movement for a separate Kamtapur state covering North Bengal have also gained momentum Geography A view from the Deolo Resort atop Deolo Hill Kalimpong s highest point The town centre is located on a ridge connecting two hills Deolo Hill and Durpin Hill at an elevation of 1 247 m 4 091 ft Deolo the highest point in Kalimpong has an altitude of 1 704 m 5 591 ft and Durpin Hill is at an elevation of 1 372 m 4 501 ft The River Teesta flows in the valley below and separates Kalimpong from the state of Sikkim The soil in the Kalimpong area is typically reddish in color Occasional dark soils are found due to extensive existence of phyllite and schists The Shiwalik Hills like most of the Himalayan foothills have steep slopes and soft loose topsoil leading to frequent landslides in the monsoon season The hills are nestled within higher peaks and the snow clad Himalayan ranges tower over the town in the distance Mount Kanchenjunga at 8 598 m 28 209 ft the world s third tallest peak is clearly visible from Kalimpong View of the Himalaya range Kalimpong has five distinct seasons spring summer autumn winter and the monsoons The annual temperature ranges from a high of 30 C 86 F to a low of 9 C 48 F Summers are mild with the an average maximum temperature of 30 C 86 F in August Summers are followed by the monsoon rains which lash the town between June and September The monsoons are severe often causing landslides which sequester the town from the rest of India Winter lasts from December to February with the maximum temperature! being a round 15 C 59 F During the monsoon and winter seasons Kalimpong is often enveloped by fog Economy Oranges grown in the hillsides are exported to many parts of India Tourism is the most significant contributor to Kalimpong s economy The summer and spring seasons are the most popular with tourists keeping many of town s residents employed directly and indirectly The townarlier an important trade post between India and Tibetopes to boost its economy after the reopening of the Nathu La pass in April 2006 Though this has resumed Indohina border trades it is expected that Kalimpong will have a better chance of revival as a hub for Indohina trades if the demand of local leaders for reopening of Jelep La pass also is met Kalimpong is a major ginger growing area of India Kalimpong and the state of Sikkim together contribute 15 percent of ginger produced in India The Darjeeling Himalayan hill region is internationally famous for its tea industry However most of the tea gardens are on the western side of Teesta river towards the town of Darjeeling and so tea gardens near Kalimpong contribute only 4 percent of total tea production of the region In Kalimpong division 90 percent of land is cultivable but only 10 percent is used for tea production Kalimpong is well known for its flower export industryspecially for its wide array of indigenous orchids and gladioli A significant contributor to the town s economy is education sector The schools of Kalimpong besides imparting education to the locals also attract a significant number of students from the plains the neighbouring state of Sikkim and also foreign countries such as Bhutan Bangladesh Nepal and Thailand Many establishments cater to the Indian army bases near the town providing it with essential supplies Small contributions to the economy come by the way of the sale of traditional arts and crafts of Sikkim and Tibet Government efforts related to sericulture seismology and fisheries provide a steady source of employment to many of its residents Kalimpong is well re! nowned f or its cheese noodles and lollipops Kalimpong also exports a wide range of traditional handicrafts wood carvings embroidered items bags and purses with tapestry work copper ware scrolls Tibetan jewellery and artifacts Transport NH31A winds along the banks of the river Teesta near Kalimpong Kalimpong is located off the National Highway 31A NH31A which links Sevok to Gangtok The NH31A is an offshoot of the NH 31 which connects Sevok to Siliguri These two National Highways together via Sevok links Kalimpong to the plains Regular bus services and hired vehicles connect Kalimpong with Siliguri and the neighbouring towns of Kurseong Darjeeling and Gangtok Four wheel drives are popular means of transport as they can easily navigate the steep slopes in the region However road communication often get disrupted in the monsoons due to landslides Within the town people usually traverse by walking Residents also use bicycle two wheelers and hired taxis for travelling short distances The nearest airport is in Bagdogra near Siliguri located about 80 kilometres 50 mi from Kalimpong Indian Airlines Jet Airways Air Deccan and Druk Air Bhutan are the three major carriers that connect the airport to Delhi Calcutta Paro Bhutan Guwahati and Bangkok Thailand The closest major railway station is New Jalpaiguri located on the outskirts of Siliguri which is connected with almost all major cities of the country Demographics Population growth Census Pop 1991 38 832 2001 42 980 10 7 Source Census of India As of the 2001 India census Kalimpong had a population of 42 980 Males constitute 52 of the population and females48 Kalimpong has an average literacy rate of 79 higher than the national average of 59 5 male literacy is 84 and female literacy is 73 In Kalimpong 8 of the population is under 6 years of age The Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population for Kalimpong is 5 100 and 5 121 respectively Civic administration Kalimpong is the headquarters of the Kalimpong subdivision of the Darjeeling district The semi a! utonomou s Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council DGHC set up by the West Bengal government in 1988 administers this subdivision as well as the Darjeeling Sadar and Kurseong subdivisions Kalimpong elects eight councillors to the DGHC who manages the departments of Public Health Education Public Works Transport Tourism Market Small scale industries Agriculture Agricultural waterways Forest except reserved forests Water Livestock Vocational Training and Sports and Youth services The district administration of Darjeeling which is the authoritative body for the departments of election panchayat law and order revenue etc also acts as an interface of communication between the Council and the State Government The rural area in the subdivision covers three community development blocks Kalimpong I Kalimpong II and Gorubathan consisting of forty two gram panchayats A Sub Divisional Officer SDO presides over the Kalimpong subdivision Kalimpong has a small police department with a lock up The Kalimpong municipality which was established in 1945 is in charge of the infrastructure of the town such as potable water and roads The municipal area is divided into twenty three wards Kalimpong municipality is constructing additional water storage tanks to meet the requirement of potable water but it also needs an increase of water supply from the Neora Khola Water Supply Scheme for this purpose Often landslides occurring in monsoon season cause havoc to the roads in and around Kalimpong The West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Corporation Limited WBSEDCL that provides electricity here needs to resolve issues like voltage fluctuations unstable electrical supply and faulty electrical meters etc faced by people of Kalimpong Renewable Energy Development Agency of the state has plans to promote usage of solar street lights in Kalimpong and also proposed an energy park here to sell renewable energy gadgets The Public Works Department is responsible for the road connecting the town to the National HighwayH 31A The Kalimpong municipality has a! total o f 10 health care units with a total of 433 bed capacity The Kalimpong assembly constituency which is an assembly segment of the Darjeeling parliamentary constituency elects one member of the Vidhan Sabha of West Bengal People and culture The Zang Dhok Palri Phodang monastery atop Durpin Hill The majority of the populace are ethnic Nepali having migrated to Kalimpong in search of jobs while it was under British rule Indigenous ethnic groups include the Newars Lepchas Bhutia Sherpas Limbus Rais Magars Gurungs Tamangs Yolmos Bhujels Sunuwars Sarkis Damais and the Kamis The other non native communities are the Bengalis Marwaris Anglo Indian Chinese Biharis and Tibetans who escaped to Kalimpong after fleeing the Communist Chinese invasion of Tibet Kalimpong is home to Trinley Thaye Dorjene of the 17th Karmapa incarnations Kalimpong is the closest Indian town to Bhutan s western border and has a small number of Bhutanese nationals residing here Hinduism is the largest religion followed by Buddhism and Christianity Islam has a minuscule presence in this region mostly Tibetan Muslims who fled in 1959 after Chinese invasion of Tibet The Buddhist monastery Zang Dhok Palri Phodang holds a number of rare Tibetan Buddhist scriptures There is a mosque in the bazaar area of Kalimpong Popular festivals include Diwali Christmas Dussera or dasain in the local nepali dialect and the Buddhist festival of Losar Languages spoken in Kalimpong include Nepali which is the predominant language Lepcha Limbu Tamang Kirat Hindi English and Bengali Though there is a growing interest in cricket as a winter sport in Darjeeling Hills football still remains the most popular sport in Kalimpong Every year since 1947 the Independence Shield Footb

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It Takes Two to Tango: The Human Future and the Future of Buddhism

Google Tech Talk November 3, 2010 Presented by The Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi. About the speaker:

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Attending Meditation Centers Will Also Benefit Your Physical Health As Well

Posted: 15 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT

by ElDave

Article by Lily Candice

Meditation centers are an institution of learning where the art and practice of meditation is taught to any willing student. You need to be willing as a student to participate in meditation centers because the life changing experiences that will be imparted on you are only for the disciplined and courageous, those willing to travel the road less traveled, to go where there is no path and make a track of your own. Meditation is a way of life in which the individual seeks to achieve a state of calmness, characterized by feelings of peace, love and happiness, a state in which she will be able to face the challenges of living with equanimity. Meditation should not be associated with religious practice, though meditation has many of its roots in most ancient and modern religious practices, meditation as it is practiced in the meditation centers of today usually have no religious leanings whatsoever.Z Meditation runs meditation centers mostly in Dharamsala, in the Himalayas of India, and also in other locations around the world, depending on student requests. The approach that Z Meditation takes to the art and practice of meditation is known as Deep DeConditioning Inquiry and Radiant Mantras, a systematic approach which has been found to be very efficacious in its application as can be testified to by numerous seekers who have found the way. The Z Meditation way of meditation encourages you to dig deep within to root out the wrong beliefs and conditionings which reside deep within, mostly acquired without any conscious act on your part, but from subliminal societal, parental, and peer group messages. These beliefs and conditionings create certain desires and expectations within you which put you in a constant chase mode. One that is forever chasing cannot, unfortunately, find lasting peace: as one desire is fulfilled, it gives rise to several others – so the person is always chasing after some elusive state of utopia and satisfaction.Meditation centers provide you with the opportunity to learn a usefu! l skill within surroundings which are peaceful and balanced, the traits which you will leave with despite any turmoil that may be going on around you. This state of being is better experienced than thought about and the student who truly takes up the knowledge will have developed a way of coping with challenges, not in the short term, but for as long as he lives. The skills you can develop from attending meditation centers will also benefit your physical health as well. A calm and balanced mind has been discovered to greatly promote a healthy body, while a turbulent mind gives rise to several diseases of both the mind and body.Taking the step to make use of the knowledge which is available at meditation centers may be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The benefits are much more in excess of the cost, and in fact, cannot be really quantified in monetary or other physical terms. It is the difference between try to see to the bottom of churning waters where all the mud at the bottom will be obscuring your vision, and seeing to the bottom of a clear body of water – you will be seeing things with a crystal clear vision, not disturbed by any foreign objects.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Best Music for Studying - Alex Barry - 05 Awaiting Your Arrival

Enjoy some beautiful vocal-free instrumental music that will help you relax, meditate, focus and relieve you of your daily tensions. Warm, reflective piano improvisations by Alex Barry. Now Available on iTunes - Track 05 - Awaiting Your Arrival

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