Celebrating Buddhism - Asalaha Bucha Day

Celebrating Buddhism - Asalaha Bucha Day

Celebrating Buddhism - Asalaha Bucha Day

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Naveen Marasinghe

Asala Bucha Day is one of the most sacred days in Buddhism. It is evidenced as the day when the Triple Gem: the Lord Buddha, His Teachings and His Disciples came into being. Asala Bucha Day comes on the fifteenth day of the waxing moon of the eighth lunar month i.e. July. On this day Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon to his first five disciples. This sermon was delivered 2500 years ago, at the Deer Park which is situated at Varanasi, in India. These five ascetics were known as "Pancavaggi" and their abode was the "Issipatanamarukatayawan", which is presently known as the Deer Park.

The First Sermon is called as "Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta" or the Discourse on Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion and concerns the "Four Noble Truths". "Kodanna" who was the leader of the five ascetics was given the "The Eye of Dhamma" and became the first ever Buddhist monk.

The sermon told that: * Every suffering comes from the cycle of life, disease, old age and death. * Desire or inability to obtain something is the foundation of suffering.* Only when you stop desiring, you will become free from any suffering.* There is a "middle way" that leads you to a path between extremes of asceticism and indulgence leading you to the eliminating of desire.

Thai people celebrate this day in various ways:

* Tum Boon: This day, Thai people offer their prayers in the temple and give donations to the monks. They listen to the preaching of Buddhism and perform other holy activities throughout the day.* Rub Sil: The Thai people observe abstinence from all the unethical deeds of life like consuming alcohol. * Tuk Bard: In this the monks are given food and they are worshipped. The local Buddhists wash the feet of monks and offer them alms.* Practice of Renunciation: This entails the observation of eight precepts whereby the Buddhists put on white robes and live in temples. Meditating for mental discipline is also observed. The eight-fold path included possession of correct views, resolve, speech, con! duct, li velihood, effort, mindfulness and meditation. * Vien Tien: During the evening of the Vesak full moon day, the Buddhists carry a procession with candles in their hands, near the Uposatha Hall.

This day is marked as the Birth of Buddhism. The Buddhist order named as 'Sangha' was created this day. Therefore this day is also known as the 'Sangha Day'.

While in Bangkok, you'll find many such religious ceremonies, traditional festivals and cultural events. Your time spent in Bangkok will be a wonderful one if you take the time to explore the city thoroughly. You can check out the Bangkok serviced apartments for affordable short-term accommodation

About the Author

Naveen Marasinghe is an Online Marketing Executive at eMarketingEye which is a search engine marketing agency that offers integrated Internet marketing solutions and specializes in serving the online travel and hospitality industry. (http://www.emarketingeye.com/ )

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Cultivate Loving Kindness for all beings. Practice and experience the true happiness from within.

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Do You Know The History Of Buddhism?

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Mike Selvon

The story about Buddhism and how it came to be all started long ago with a king named Suddhodana. It was his son, Siddhartha, who would later in life become the Buddha. Yes, some of the stories you find on the internet and in books are often fantastical in its nature.

It is a unique blend of fairytale and fact in the Buddhist teachings that can be found today. There is quite a lot more to Buddhism than just having a big Buddha statue sitting on your desk as a decoration. It is a great piece of history and millions of believers follow the teachings of Buddhism.

A prediction was made by a holy man regarding Siddhartha. The holy man prophesized that the young prince would either grow up to become a great ruler or he would become a wise holy man. The king was obviously dismayed that his son might abdicate his princely life and so tried to shelter the young man from the outside world.

Unfortunately for Suddhodana, this did not stop the outside world from coming into contact with his son. At the age of 29, Siddhartha came into contact with what is now known as the "Four Sights." He came across an elderly man, a corpse, a diseased man and a holy man. This gave him a glimpse into the sufferings of mankind and Siddhartha was so moved that he abandoned his princely throne to become a holy man himself.

The true path, when learning about Buddhism, is what Siddhartha found. The path to enlightenment, or Bodhi, can be found through the use of meditation. His previous attempts included fasting and enduring pain.

It is a good thing for Buddhists everywhere that they do not have to use these methods in order to find enlightenment. The Buddhist teachings are ones of gentleness and concentration upon meditation.

Siddhartha's meditation retreat came in the form of meditating beneath a tree outside of a village for forty-nine days. It was during these forty-nine days that he attained enlightenment and could begin teaching his findings to the rest of the world.

From this p! oint on, Siddhartha became known as Buddha. Buddhist studies teach followers that the true path to ending human suffering in this world is to follow a strict path set forth by the Buddha. It involves ritualized chants and meditations to alleviate the conflicts that plague humanity.

If you are interested in learning more about Buddhism and the principles that make up this religion and philosophy, then there are many websites and centers that you can turn to for information. Perhaps the Buddhist practice will become one that you wish to follow in your pursuit of higher endeavors. You can visit "Buddhism About" for more information.

About the Author

Learn more about buddhism at Mike Selvon portal. While you are there leave us a comment at our teachings of buddhism blog, and receive your FREE gift.

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Ask A Monk: Experience of Reality

ask.sirimangalo.org Please submit questions to: ask.sirimangalo.org Subscribe for updates here: www.youtube.com and don't forget to click the "like" button to help promote these videos! Thanks everyone for your questions, comments and support for what I do. May all beings be happy. --------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Buzz: www.google.com Weblog: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Schedule: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Audio Talks: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Book on How To Meditate: yuttadhammo.sirimangalo.org Sirimangalo International (Our non-profit organization): www.sirimangalo.org Supporting This Work: www.sirimangalo.org

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Effective Steps in Reduction of Bladder Mesh Sling Complications

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by J. McAdams

Bladder Sling complications occur when stress urinary incontinence surgeries are not performed correctly or when the synthetic mesh use for the surgery have defects. These synthetic meshes are manufactured by medical producing companies. There have been a number of cases of product recall for these synthetic mesh products at certain times when there are increased Bladder Sling complications. Although these recalls do not normally cover all the different products. Therefore these recalls are not effective in reducing the defective synthetic mesh in the market and don't effectively reduce Bladder Sling injuries.

One of the major ways in which Bladder Sling mesh complications can be reduced is by recall of all defective synthetic mesh once a problem has been noticed. This can be done by making companies accountable for their products. The medical producing companies that manufacture these synthetic meshes should compensate the patients who have Bladder mesh Sling complications. This will ensure that they do their best to manufacture quality products.

Lawsuits should be filed against medical products companies that refuse to compensate patients who suffer from surgery mesh Sling complications. A lawsuit can be filed by a disgruntled patient with the help of a qualified attorney and they can sue for damages in form of medical bills, pain and suffering caused by the Bladder Sling complications.

Before filing lawsuits, the attorneys or the lawyers involved should do a background check on all the factors involved in the surgeries. They should find out whether the surgeries were performed by qualified surgeons. They should also find out the manufacturing company that produced the mesh. It is also helpful to know the brand of the mesh used in the surgery and if possible the batch number too. This will give a strong background and history for your lawsuit. It will also be helpful in finding out whether there are other complications caused by the particular brand of mesh.

Another way! to redu ce Bladder mesh Sling complications is to ensure that you go through all the other treatment options. These involves going through other options that do not involve surgery. Patients also have to be carefully informed on the pros and cons of these Bladder Sling injuries. They have to be informed of the complications that arise from stress urinary incontinence surgery and the risk of Bladder Sling complications. In addition they should be aware of extra surgeries that may have to be performed in case of complications on the first one and the pain associated with the process. After these considerations, the patient should be left to decide whether they still prefer the surgery as compared to other treatment options.

It is important to inform the surgeon of any prior surgeries a patient may have undergone. This is done by providing a detailed patient history that includes previous procedures, medications and any complications from previous surgeries. This information is useful in helping the surgeon choose the right course of action that may eventually lead to reduction of Bladder mesh Sling complications after surgery.

About the Author

John McAdams is the author of this article on Bladder Sling Lawsuits.Find more information on Bladder Sling Recall here.

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Montel Williams TV Show Fun with Hypnosis Starring Tom Silver TV's Favorite Hypnotist

www.tomsilver.com The full hour show of Hypnosis and Street Reality Hypnosis with Tom Silver on Montel Williams TV Show broadcasts in August 1998. Tom Silver was the first true reality Street Hypnotist and Clinical Hypnotherapist to ever have his own CBS Television special and has appeared on many national Television shows throughout the United States and in Asia. Ricki Lake, The Sally Show, Fox TV Special Powers of The Paranormal, The Other Half with Dick Clark, Ultimate Revenge with Ryan Seacrest, Beyond with James Van Praagh, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as well as many other shows. Tom Silver teaches hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis. He was best friends with Ormond McGill The Dean of American Hypnotists. Ormond and Tom Authored two books including the How To Book of Hypnotism. Tom Silver received a Gold Plate of Honor from Taiwan's Department of Defense in July 1997. Tom Silver can be reached for shows, Live Trainings, Consultation, and more at 1805 384-1040. Tom Silver is an expert in Fear removal, Addiction removal, OCD removal, Habit control, Stopping smoking, Motivation, Sports Success, Stress reduction, Pain control and many other therapy methods including his own ERT Emotion Replacement Therapy. Visit Tom Silver's other websites including; www.entertainmenthypnosis.com www.tomsilvertraining.com www.tomsilver.com

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How to move forward by being here now

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

We all come to meditation with some kind of wish for self-improvement. Less anxiety, more peace of mind, better focus – these are among the more common goals I hear. But somewhere along the way, most of us get stuck in a trap. When mindfulness helps us see ourselves more clearly, our goal can start looking very far indeed. We're STILL too distracted. We STILL can't seem to stop beating ourselves up. We STILL do and say things we regret.

Hence disappointment and self-criticism arise. A poverty mentally sets in. Clearly where I am now isn't good enough, and I look instead to a far horizon when things will be better. Some day…

That's the trap. Haven't we just put ourselves into the exact opposite of the peaceful, content mindset we had aspired to in the first place?

Ironically, I think the best way to move forward toward goals like these is to be present, here and now. One way to do this is to reframe our concept of what "working toward goals" looks like. Rather than striving toward something off in the future, how about right now, in this moment, BEING more the kind of person that you aspire to be?

We can practice whatever skills or behaviors we understand of it now. And I mean literally right now. It means we make a choice in this moment to act in a different way then we habitually have in the past. Not succumbing to an anxious, poverty-stricken mindset might be one place to start. Even if it's only 1% different than before, that's a step in a forward direction. Put together a hundred steps like that, and over time we will have made great strides.

It also helps to hold our goals and aspirations more lightly. It's like going on a hike up a scenic mountain. Sure, the goal is to reach the summit, but if we're hyperfocused on that goal, we could miss the whole point of hiking, which is to enjoy the climb itself. So instead, we keep pointing ourselves mindfully in the direction of the summit, but also stay fully present and open to whatever surprises might arise on the way. There are always unexpected scenic vistas or dangerous crossings to watch for. We might even decide part way up that a side road looks more interesting, and change plans. If we make that choice explicitly, what's wrong with that?

With personal development goals, we often can't know in advance what the summit looks like. And chances are we don't have a clear sense of how to get there either. All we can do is show up, right now, and take one step from here. Isn't that the only realistic option?

So next time you hear yourself bemoaning how you STILL get distracted in meditation, or STILL whatever, stop and ask yourself – am I falling into the poverty mentality trap here? Is it helping me to see things this way? What is something more positive I can do – even if it's simply to forgive myself for my mistakes? That's a perfectly good step in a forward direction. In fact, sometimes that's best and only thing we can think of to do.

Take what small steps you can, and don't forget to celebrate your small victories, too.

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Choose meditation techniques for mind and body relaxation

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Rockeysheen01

Meditation techniques and yoga have gained immense popularity all across the globe as people have gained enormously from them. Life has become a race and there are no chances of stopping and relaxing. This is causing immense stress and tension in life and hampering many normal processes. It is becoming difficult for people to take out time for themselves from the busy schedule that they are following. The only way to get rid of this stressful situation is through the various meditation techniques that can be practiced by all. These help in relaxing the mind and the body in a great way and prepare you for a better life. It is really not impossible to find out 30 minutes in the whole day and practice meditation and yoga. People have confessed themselves that on following meditation techniques on regular basis, they have been able to handle stress and tension in a better manner and have sought easy solutions to many problems. Meditation techniques are quite difficult for beginners. Many people might think as what is so difficult in meditation, but once you sit for meditation you will find that it is not a very easy thing to do. It is quite difficult to bring your mind to a single point of focus and keep on concentrating at that for long. It is quite natural for the mind to wander in various directions. The basic mantra of all meditation techniques is to bring the mind on a single point and concentrate on that. It is quite obvious that it cannot be done all of a sudden and needs quite a bit of practice. The most important thing for good meditation techniques is the place and the posture of meditation. Without these, no meditation process can be successful. As a part of proper meditation techniques, it is important that you choose a right place. Choose a place that is open and well ventilated and away from noise and chaos. The terrace of your house or a nearby park can be great options regarding this. Meditation can be practiced at any time of the day, but early morning meditation has special effects o! n the mi nd and the body. Another important part in meditation techniques is regarding the pose. You need to sit in correct posture with a straight back. However, so not over stress yourself with the posture. It is important that you relax while meditating.

About the Author

This Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/

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Beautiful! Relaxing Sitar Music with Ocean Waves

Beautiful Relaxing Sitar Music with Ocean Waves Christian Tatonetti was born in Montreal. itunes.apple.com Helived for ten year son Salt Spring Island, and now resides in Victoria. This innovative musician plays sitar, piano and is currently studying classical singing at the Victoria Conservatory of Music with the illustrious soprano Nancy Argenta. He won first prize for best original song at "Le Gala Provincial de laChanson" in British-Columbia in 2002. He was awarded "Best Singer Interpreter" at the same Provincial competition in 2004. Christian also joined Théâtre Inconnu for their production of ''Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris'' in Victoria. Christian is currently a chorus member of Pacific Opera Victoria. Last spring, Christian sang in Mozart's ''Cosi FanTutte'' and will sing once again with the company in Puccini's "LaBohème" in February 2011. In addition, he hosts a morning show called ''Bon Matin'' at a local French radio station in Victoria. (107.9 FM CILS) Christian also performs at music festivals and at Victoria's waterfront playing his sitar. Other activities include photography, making music videos and teaching French. itunes.apple.com CD: ''The Art of Flying'' Sitar Voice and Piano by Christian Tatonetti Video filmed on May 25, 2009 in Victoria, British Columbia Canada

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The Importance of Getting Some Relax Time Just before You go to Sleep

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Calvert Baker

There are so many people around the country suffering from poor sleep that it has become somewhat accepted that sound sleep is a rare occurrence. Natural Sleep Aids and supplements can only go so far in assisting with a good night's sleep, and although they might assist with the problem, you might need to take other measures to ensure the problem is resolved.

A good night's rest helps you to feel fresh, and energized and a lack of sleep affects you physically, emotionally and mentally. Lack of sleep or sleeping poorly can negatively affect every facet of your life but there are things you can do to get a better night's rest that can be used along with Natural Sleep Remedies to help you get a good night's sleep.

Slowing down your Brain Waves

During the day, when you are brain is wide awake and problem-solving, it is producing beta waves at about 13 to 38 hertz. During the night, when you are sound asleep, your brain should be producing about 4 hertz. When you are not sleeping well, it means that your brain waves are too active, and so you never get the rest you need to wake up feeling rested and relaxed, even if you are not taking a Natural Sleep Aid.

Before you go to bed, it is important to take some time to allow your brain waves to start slowing down. Now, it might seem impossible to slow your own brain waves down, but it is actually a lot easier than you think. Alpha waves, which are produced at around 8 to 13 hertz, are associated with a calm and relaxed state, and if you allow your mind and body the time to achieve this state before bed, you are well on your way to a calm, restful sleep.

Revolve the Bedroom around Sleeping

Your brain can be conditioned to associate certain places with emotions and states of being, and this is why sleep therapists recommend keeping the television, radios and other entertainment devices out of the bedroom. You should associate the bedroom with a calm, peaceful state of being so that your brain immediately tells your body th! at it is time for sleep when you enter this room. If you watch a lot of television in your room, it simply becomes another entertainment venue, and you will have a problem calming yourself down to the point of sleep.

Calming yourself Before Bedtime

A few hours before bedtime, make sure you disconnect from all of the stresses of the day so that your body and mind has the time to start relaxing, and you can do this in conjunction with Natural Sleeping Remedies to ensure you are getting a great night's sleep.

About the Author

For more information about Natural Sleep Remedies please visit http://www.blueeros.com/

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Dream Control Help? ۞ Hypnotize Yourself to Relax Soon ۞۞۞

FULL EXERCISE TEXT BELOW (CLICK HERE) ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ richardstep.com I was going through some of my old junk and I ran across the November 1989 Volume of OMNI magazine (which is now a defunct publication but once was a rather entertaining Science/Techn...

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Energize Your Mind, Body and Soul with Ayurvedic Treatments

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Ayurveda Gram

If we look the fact in the best light, Ayurvedic method of treatment has the entire life style of millions of people across the global demographic locations. The major focus of ayurvedic treatments is to offer masses a way so that they could restore and maintain the harmony by providing balance for the total person. The Ayurvedic treatment is offered in the strict accordance with the individual health requirements of the people. These treatment plans include therapies for stress management, detoxification, nutritional counseling and massage etc.

If experts are to be believed, the whole focus of Ayurveda is to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit. The treatments in Ayurveda is strictly based on herbs, plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables and all vegetation available in the nature. The system of treatment follows the native system Indian conditions to create good health to the human being. The primary inclination of Ayurveda revolves around food, exercise, routine, and work etc. A standard Ayurvedic treatment plan accommodates a number of treatment strategies highly beneficial for the people. The article is a brief illustration about the prominent treatments available in the Ayurveda.

Panchkarma is the primary treatment that Ayurveda does offer to the individuals. Panchkarma believes that a cleansed body offer vitality in healthy individuals. The therapy fights the accumulation of toxins that result impurities and weakness in body tissue. Panchakarma prevents and stimulates the body's release of toxins and in this manner supports the immune system to heal various disease.

Abhyanga, known a full body massage is another important and effective treatment executes with medicated herbal oils in a very synchronized manner and under the strict observation of the Ayurveda experts. This therapy heals whole body, mind and spirit and balances the doshas or the individual's energy patterns in very effective manner. The rhythmic motion that experts involves helps to release joints an! d relax muscles. The therapy also stimulates and improves blood circulation and encourages the elimination of metabolic wastes from the body.

Shorodhara method is another kind of Ayurvedic treatment that's basically offered only after a full- fledged massage. This highly appreciated remedy soothes away mental stress from the people and offers profound sense of relaxation and inner peace as well. When it comes to the treatment of insomnia, depression, anxiety, headaches, hypertension, whiplash, this therapy is quite helpful in all the aspects. Beyond above mentioned therapies, Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation are topmost Ayurvedic treatment therapies available in the Ayurveda.

About the Author

Ayurvedagram.com is an ideal ayurvedic health spa resort in India, provides authentic Ayurvedic Treatments, Yoga retreats, spa gateway at various Ayurvedic resorts. Find the best Ayurveda Treatment and therapies for various diseases and health conditions.

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Yoga For Beginners: Exactly Where To Obtain Information Regarding It

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Amelhyn Edrosolano

Yoga is often a particular option treatments that will aid you address a number of ailments. It's a blend of breathing work outs and unique postures that help you establish the ailment and also cure. Yoga is widely practised throughout the entire world as the many benefits of yoga are plenty. Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit term, which signifies unification from the nature, entire body and head. The unique postures that you simply consider through the course of yoga are known as asana. You'll discover in a literal sense many centres which could aid you start your Yoga training lessons.Yoga for beginners could be actually a work. 1st crucial matter that you would certainly need to decide as being a novice is the thing that different type of yoga you favor. Exactly like distinctive asana, you'll discover different yoga positions that concentrate on the certain system portion. Also, there are distinctive designs exactly like energy yoga, moksha, kripalu, anusara, jivamukti, hatha, many even more that completely focus on the particular body parts. You need to ascertain what wants attention far more. Yoga for beginners need not be at a yoga center only. You can start off from home, fitness center or also studio which provides yoga courses.Yoga for beginners may be a touch complex initially, yet as you get used to it, it will get less complicated. You'll need to keep in mind that while practising yoga you'll need to be comfortable in each and every meaning. You should order comfortable attire that allows you to chill out whilst practicing yoga and a yoga mat. This is quite a lot the prerequisite of yoga. The next factor to keep at heart is you'll need to practise yoga within a quite atmosphere. This means that at the very least for 1 hour make certain that you simply really don't have ones phone near you, nor any person you realize beside you. There's no level in practicing yoga if you cannot calm down and meditate.Let your teacher realize you will be a fresh new student so you'll be able to process yog! a for be ginners. Yoga for beginners involves lots of concentration; peace of your system and brain is compulsory so you'll be able to meditate. Your system attributes develop and you could notice a lot of tweaks just like you continue on practising yoga. It refreshes your whole body and ones head. Yoga for beginners can be actually unique, if you fully understand what form of yoga you want to commence with. Allow your whole body loose, and delve deep directly into the numerous areas of yoga, the spot where you get to rest fully. Will not be self applied conscious, mainly because it can hinder ones procedure of yoga, allow your self cost-free to do what is to always be necessary. Ensure it is a regular. Most rookies surrender whenever they are not able to maintain a little challenging asanas, however process makes you far better, and with efforts and persistence you should get there.You will find a lot of advantages of creating yoga a part of your daily usual. Ones bodyweight would probably be in examine, therefore you don't need to preserve on counting ones calories with each bite you have got. The several elements of your body are exercised to the extent that it makes it quite a bit easier for the procedure of digestion and keeps ones bodyweight steady. Even, you should feel that yoga is often a form of anti-aging augment, which could freshen up ones encounter and offer you it by using a terrific glow. You would seem a lot younger and far healthier whenever you procedure yoga. It also boosts ones immunity and can make you agile, keeping you aloof from general ailments and illnesses. It furthermore gives you with total leisure with the head, providing you peace and tranquillity.Yoga for beginners doesn't entail any straining work out plans, and so you do not worry about your muscle groups. Yoga for beginners can be a sluggish heading practice where your swap the asanas in according to ones convenience. You do not need to have speedy movements, basically mild and sluggish movements. When you are thinking of grabb! ing resi dence trainings, then you possibly can find a lot of books and videos on-line that give you classes of Yoga for beginners. These guides and video lessons give details relating to yoga for beginners, and can also take you throughout the yoga training quite gradually.Yoga is validated for being an age outdated favorable sort of physical exercise that gives superb rest to the body plus the mind. Make sure that you simply enrol your self within a yoga class to take pleasure from complete benefits of Yoga. Permit the energy of yoga serene you system and thought process, and produce you pressure totally free, and furthermore provide you with a lengthier life.Shed some pounds with yoga for weight loss and learn the basics of yoga for beginners at The Amazing Day Spa.

About the Author

I'm a skilled Author, Entrepreneur, Blogger, EBook Creator, Writer and Publisher. I love working online with my niche, affiliate, article, & ebay Marketing businesses.

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Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 6/25/2012

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

"When we are young and again when we are old, we depend heavily on the affection of others. Between these stages we usually feel that we can do everything without help from others and that other people´s affection is simply not important. But at this stage I think it is very important to keep deep human affection."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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The most fundamental thing you have in common with any other being

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:01 AM PDT

There's a verse in an ancient Stress Reduction text that says something to the effect that we all want to be happy, and yet we destroy happiness as if it was an enemy, and we all want to avoid suffering, yet run towards it as if it were a dear friend.

This really resonates with my experience, and recently I've been incorporating a reflection based on this into my lovingkindness practice.

I start with myself. I recollect that I do in fact want to be happy and acknowledge how difficult it can be at times to experience joy and wellbeing. And then I ask whether some part of me is prepared to root for my own happiness and wellbeing. The answer is always "yes."

The phrase "some part of me" is important here, because if you just ask yourself "am I prepared to root for my own happiness," you might get an ambiguous or negative response. We're complex beings, and on the surface we may not detect much self-metta (lovingkindness) but one some level there's always some part of us that's looking after our interests, protecting us from harm, and keeping us going. Even when you're depressed, you take care not to walk under a bus while crossing the road.

It's this self-care, which is intrinsic to our being, that's the basis of lovingkindness toward others. The Buddha put it like this:

Searching all directions
with one's awareness,
one finds no one dearer
than oneself.

In the same way, others
are dear, each to themselves.
So one should not hurt others
if one loves oneself.

He also expressed a similar reflection in the Dhammapada:

Life is dear to all. Comparing others with oneself, one should neither strike nor cause to strike.

So I then apply the same reflection to others, starting with the friend: "Do I want to support this person in the struggle they are engaged in to find happiness and to avoid suffering? Is there some part of me that's willing to root for them?" Again, the answer my heart gives is always "yes."

Then the neutral person — the person we don't really know as a person but perhaps as a role, such as a post-office worker, checkout clerk, or colleague. Although I don't know this person, I'm considering something very fundamental about them. In fact it's probably the most fundamental thing you could know about any being: they want to be happy, and find it hard to achieve that. They don't want to suffer, but keep stumbling into suffering. And again, a sense of being prepared to root for this person tends to come quite easily and naturally.

And then the difficult person. Same thing. They are driven to find happiness, but find happiness elusive; impelled to avoid suffering, and yet they keep experiencing suffering. They're just like me. Is there some part of me that can support them, root for them? And this is where the "some part of me" comes in handy again.

You don't have to like the person you have conflict with. You don't have to love them. You don't have to think they're a nice person. You don't have to forget bad things they've done for you. It may actually cause you pain to call this person to mind (accept that pain!). But you can acknowledge that they want to be happy and find happiness hard to attain, and want not to suffer but cause themselves a lot of pain. And it's not hard, recognizing that they're just like us in this regard, to find that some part of us wants to support them.

I find this the most powerful way to connect with metta as something inherent. Although metta is something that needs to be developed, it's not conjured from thin air. It needs first to be uncovered. This reflection helps reveal the lovingkindness that's already within us. At our core we don't want others to suffer, and want them to be happy, because in our hearts we know that what is true for them is true for us as well.

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Yoga For Beginners: Exactly Where To Acquire Info Concerning It

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Amelhyn Edrosolano

Yoga is really a form of option treatments which will assist you to manage a couple of conditions. It's actually a mixture of breathing exercise routines and distinctive postures which you distinguish the ailment as well as remedy. Yoga is widely practiced around the world because the many advantages of yoga are plenty. Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word, which means unification from the spirit, system and head. The distinctive postures that you choose throughout the operation of yoga are referred to as asana. There are literally dozens of centers that may allow you to commence your Yoga coaching.Yoga for beginners could be pretty a process. First vital affair that you might demand to make a decision as a newbie is exactly what kind of yoga you prefer. Exactly like different asana, you will discover distinctive yoga positions that completely focus on the certain human body component. There's also unique styles like energy yoga, moksha, kripalu, anusara, jivamukti, hatha, and a lot of way more that completely focus about the particular human body components. You'll need to build what needs attention much more. Yoga for beginners demand not be at a yoga center only. You'll be able to start out at your home, fitness center and / or also studio that gives yoga lessons.Yoga for beginners may be a little bit of tough originally, but as you get used to it, it will get more straightforward. You will need to maintain in mind that while practicing yoga you need to be comfy in each impression. You might want to order comfy attire that permits you to calm down whilst practicing yoga and a yoga mat. This can be very a lot the prerequisite of yoga. The subsequent matter to keep in mind is always that you'll need to practice yoga within a quite situation. It means that at least for sixty minutes make sure that you usually do not have your phone close to you, nor all people you know beside you. There's no stage in practicing yoga if you can not relax and meditate.Permit ones instructor know you happen to be a c! ompletel y new pupil so you can practice yoga for beginners. Yoga for beginners entails numerous concentration; peace of your system and thought process is compulsory so that you'll be able to meditate. Yourself services create and you may notice plenty of adjustments as you go forward practicing yoga. It refreshes your whole body and ones thoughts. Yoga for beginners can be somewhat interesting, in the event you comprehend what particular yoga you want to begin with. Permit one's body loose, and delve deep into the many facets of yoga, the spot where you get to loosen up absolutely. Do not be own aware, as it can hinder your procedure of yoga, permit yourself cost-free to carry out what is usually to be required. Ensure it is a regime. Most beginners give up if they are unable to maintain a little bit tricky asanas, but process helps make you better, and with efforts and persistence you should get there.There are actually a lot of advantages of creating yoga a component of ones each day regular. Ones body weight would definitely be in test, which means you don't need to keep on counting your caloric intake with every bite you have. The different parts of our bodies are exercised in such a way that it makes it easy for the method of digestion and keeps ones weight constant. As well, you should feel that yoga can be a sort of anti-aging supplement, which might freshen up your face and produce it using a wonderful glow. You would feel significantly more youthful and healthier when you practice yoga. It additionally boosts ones immunity and helps make you agile, trying to keep you aloof from general ailments and illnesses. It likewise gives with total leisure of the thought process, giving you peace and tranquility.Yoga for beginners does not involve any straining work out plans, which means you tend not to do ones muscular areas. Yoga for beginners is a sluggish going whole process exactly where your swap the asanas in according to ones comfort. You do not have to have fast movements, basically mild and slow moveme! nts. In the event you are considering grabbing residence lessons, then you can locate an array of textbooks and video clips on the net that give courses of Yoga for beginners. These guides and video tutorials present details about yoga for beginners, and can also get you through the yoga lessons quite little by little.Yoga have been proven as an age aged effective sort of physical exercise that provides terrific rest to one's body and the brain. Make certain that you simply enroll one's self within a yoga class to enjoy total benefits of Yoga. Let the power of yoga serene you entire body and thought process, and produce you tension free of charge, and moreover give you a lengthier existence.Shed some pounds with yoga for weight loss and learn the basics of yoga for beginners at The Amazing Day Spa.

About the Author

I'm a skilled Author, Entrepreneur, Blogger, EBook Creator, Writer and Publisher. I love working online with my niche, affiliate, article, & ebay Marketing businesses.

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Menlo Pilates & Yoga (Health and Fitness) - Menlo Park, CA 94025 Jippidy.com

www.menlopilates.com www.jippidy.com 1011 El Camino Real Menlo Park, CA 94025 (408) 480-8977 Menlo Pilates & Yoga is dedicated to human movement. We offer a range of services and provide only the finest instruction with friendly attentive service in the studio. Our goal is to provide a refreshingly positive experience and change the way people view health and fitness. Our clients enjoy an atmosphere of relaxation and cleanliness in our modern studio, while being treated with respect. We seek to provide expert knowledge to help clients focus on their needs and meet their goals. We want to make this website informative and educational for you. Please call or e-mail us with any questions you have regarding Menlo Pilates & Yoga, our services or any aspect of our studio. How to Contact the Studio We invite you to come and visit the studio located at 1011 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA and consider enrolling in one of our outstanding programs such as, Pilates, Yoga, Zumba and Gyrokenisis. You can also call Fran on the phone at: 408-480.8977.

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How to Find Meditation Methods That Work?

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Warren Marion

The first question that a person asks when told about a new meditation method is, 'Does it work?' We ask this question knowing very well that what works for others, need not work for us.

The easiest thing about meditation is that you are free to come up with your own method of meditation. It may be whacky, crazy and downright impossible to follow. However, if it helps gain self awareness, why should others complain?

Most of us prefer to opt for tried and tested meditation methods which have worked for others. The last thing we want is to choose a method that takes us nowhere on the path of meditation.

There are many sources from where you can find meditation methods that work. Some of them are listed below:

1. Internet

This source is the best source for good meditation methods today. Using this source offers many advantages that are not present in other sources. Some positive points are listed below:

a.You can find meditation methods and techniques right from the comfort of your home. You need not even step out of your house to the nearest guidance center or bookstore.

b.You can get all the information you need for absolutely free. Most websites on the web offer detailed information about meditation at no cost.

c.You can easily check and counter check the information provided on the web with other sources.

d.There are many groups and associations available online which can be used by persons interested in meditation to interact with other enthusiasts.

2. Books

Until the internet came along, this source was the most reliable source of information for meditation methods that work. Books authored by experts in yoga and meditation were used by others to meditate.Even today, this source remains the most authentic source of information. There are very few reputed websites on the web that provide detailed information about meditation. Finding such websites is not an easy task.

On the other hand, finding which book is reputed to provi! de accur ate information about meditation is not very difficult. All one needs to do is visit the nearest library to obtain the information required.This mode too enables us to obtain information for free. A library subscription is all that is required to access good books on meditation methods that work.

Further, books often contain detailed instructions including pictorial and visual examples to help newcomers understand the various techniques of meditation.

3. Meditation centers

Many experts in meditation have set up centers that provide information, assistance, guidance and coaching on meditation techniques. You can contact reputed centers for detailed information.

However, the centers may not necessarily provide information for free. You may have to join the courses offered by these centers before gaining access to information.

The biggest advantage offered by such centers is that you get direct help from the experts in improving your meditation techniques. Nothing boosts our enthusiasm than to see a person who has achieved inner peace and tranquility.

About the Author

Here's an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation today. The Deep Zen audio program is easy for anyone wanting to learn how to meditate - offering a free demo, and helps advanced meditators achieve deeper levels of meditation too. Try another free demo here: Totally Tranquil

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Experience Peace

Waterfall Meditation Experience www.bkwsu.org

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Simple Mind Power Secrets to Boost Productivity and Mental Clarity

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by RhodriJones

When I look back at my early days playing professional rugby, I realize how unproductive that time really was.

OK, I trained hard and prepared the best I could for each and every game, but besides that I wasted endless hours doing absolutely nothing. When I say nothing, I mean nothing productive.

Hours and hours were spent watching TV, playing some golf, playing the play-station, meeting for coffee.

Don't get me wrong. There are times to do this. Having a chance to relax and switch off is important, but like everything in life it should be in moderation.

It wasn't until later in my career did I start making some changes and made conscious effort to use my time more effectively.

I decided to enroll myself a Masters course.

Instead of watching TV I decided to read more, whether it was an autobiography or success and self-improvement books.

I wrote out daily to-do lists.

Doing all this started to have a marked effect on my life. I slowly begun feeling so much more invigorated and motivated, which ultimately made me more focused, goal orientated and a lot, lot more productive

Since them early days I'm now of the thinking that an unproductive day gone by is a day of income and self fulfillment gone forever.

How do you avoid it from happening? Increase your productivity levels through mind power secrets, that's how.


Flush Out the Unnecessary- You won't be able to focus on the important stuff if you keep thinking of all the other less important stuff while you're at it.

One way to flush out the unnecessary thoughts-especially ones that aren't actually in the 'surface' of your thought pool but are still taking up mind power in the background-is to write them all down.

Take ten to fifteen minutes (or however long it takes) to write down everything you're thinking about on a piece of paper.

Don't even stop to think about what to write down. Write down what you think. If you ! think th e paper's dirty, write that down.

Soon you'll get to the thoughts that clutter your head. Commit them to paper, and it'll help immensely in keeping them from cluttering your head.

Eat Healthy and Exercise the Rest of Your Body- The mind can only function at its best if the rest of the body is well. Eating healthy and exercising regularly makes that happen.

Besides, the many physiological benefits of healthy eating and consistent exercise help bodily organs secrete hormones and fluids that help sharpen the brain.

This is one of those mind power secrets hiding in plain sight because most people dissociate the mind from the body when that shouldn't be the case. The mind and the rest of your organs are in one body. A problem with one part of the body affects the whole.


Brainstorm, or Better Yet, Group Brainstorm If Possible- Brainstorming solutions to problems or even how best to go about schoolwork or office work increases mental clarity, above anything else.

The very essence of brainstorming is all about being clear and focusing on possible resolutions to a given situation. If you can brainstorm with a group of involved people, that's better. But even alone, you can make the most out of your mind power through brainstorming.

Relax and Get Sufficient Levels of Deep Sleep- Hectic schedules and dynamic and fast paced environs sometimes won't let you relax. That's why you need to go out of your way just to relax. A simple long and deep breath in the middle of hard work already increases mental clarity. In the same vein, deep sleep is most certainly needed. Deep sleep is the state of sleeping that relaxes the mind the most and thus increases mental clarity the most. So REM away.

Some of these tips most people take for granted. Well it's about time you show them what's what and show them just how much mental power can be generated from these simple tips. Follow these easy tips and make a habit of them and soon enou! gh you'l l be sharing your very own mind power secrets.

About the Author

Becoming more productive and clear with what you want in life are vital if you are to realize any kind of success and fulfillment. Success is never easy. If it was then everyone in the world would be successful. You can however, experience incredible and unlimited success when discover the powerful and proven mind power secrets.

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Working In A Garden Is Very Relaxing

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Gut Costner

Gardening is a practice that is as old as human civilization, and one you can still enjoy the benefits of today. Some people choose to garden at different times of the year, and therefore may plant herbs or flowers, even certain vegetables, all year long. Gardening has many benefits, many of which we will discuss in this article right now.

Probably the best reason to garden is that you can de-stress and fully relax by doing it. Getting busy in your garden is a wonderful way to forget about any problems you have, as the modern world is certainly stressful. Whilst all of your troubles in life will not magically vanish, there is certainly something about being around nature and the earth that'll make you feel a lot more centered. We tend to focus on frustrating problems and situations when we're under stress because we are usually in our heads too much. Gardening is a very practical and physical activity, and it gives us a positive way to focus our energy. Being in your garden can certainly be a refuge from the stresses of life, even if you can only be in it a few hours per week. While you can buy produce, herbs and flowers in local stores, you can't always get your favorite items. You can figure out what you want to plant when you decided to grow a garden. Even if these items are sold in your area, it's likely they'll look and taste better when they're fresh from your garden. Flexibility, especially in regard to the local climate where you grow your vegetables, is a necessary component to this hobby. The success that you have in your garden has a lot to do with the climate that you grow it in. Although you have to be somewhat flexible with the climate that you live in, you can grow a great garden that has strong potential. If you're creative, you can grow just about anything no matter where you live, although you have to work a little harder if the plant or flower isn't native to your region. Vegetable gardens can keep you eating your favorite veggies your round, especially if you know how to ! plant th is particular kind of garden.

It can be hard to spend time in nature today, especially if you have a busy schedule. A garden is one of the simplest ways you can spend more time outdoors and interact directly with the earth. To visit a forest or meadow might take a long drive, unless you live in a rural area. Yet with even a small garden, you'll immediately become part of nature in an intimate way, as you'll be helping plants or flowers to grow. If you are not feeling well, your health and state of mind can be improved by doing nothing more than spending some time outside in the natural environment. Starting a garden to make you feel better is the best reason.

To summarize it all, there are a number of benefits to be had from gardening, and most people will sum it up by saying that having a garden is a fun and rewarding experience. Even if you've never gardened before, and perhaps have limited space, there's no reason why you can't start out with a small garden. You can even use your porch or kitchen if that is the only space available to you.

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Hair Play Head Massage

This is a video of me playing with one of my best friend's hair. I do start with a short shoulder/back massage for about 5 minutes, but I then move into using my hands and a hair brush on her hair. I do some loose braiding and twirling in this video, but I keep it light so I can focus on providing a relaxing experience. I got a bit lost in my task while doing this video (thus it's length) and had no idea that so much time had passed. My client didn't seem to mind though. :) It's amazing how relaxing this can be for both people... especially when doing something as simple as playing with hair. And now for my normal line: I am NOT a professional! I just like to give people those wonderful tingly feelings that comes with ultimate relaxation. So, without further ado... please let the tingling commence! :)

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted: 25 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.

The Workings within the Subconscious Mind

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Jon Eckart

A subconscious mind works out on several degrees. First and foremost it does not take part of our minds we are not consciously alert to. It deals along with imagination and instinct. Our subconscious mind stores memories, sets up and processes goes through. The subconscious mind state is also regarded the state we begin for any psychic activity just underneath our conscious awareness we may experience. Our subconscious minds is that element of ourselves that is touching our feelings and desires as well.

During the course of a normal day it's our conscious opinions that guides usa through our day's activities. It is this conscious mind that is suffering from what it considers and hears during the course of a day but it does not take subconscious that holds by means of those things that individuals truly want and desire whether or not they manifest on your conscious level and not. It is normally our subconscious mind that propels a conscious action people take. The conscious mind communicates together with the subconscious through your feelings and emotions there is when we are in our conscious condition. So in retrospect it's the subconscious mind that will guides us nevertheless conscious mind that executes the thoughts driven from the subconscious mind in the first place.

The subconscious mind is usually considered the original mind. Through the creativity of things such as dreams we can manifest those options into action once we are conscious. It is also our inner approach. A strong unconscious voice guides us with the experiences it talks to you to us about. So as a result; what we rss feed our subconscious feeds our conscious and visa versa. The ideas everyone feed our subconscious if they are positive or negative are people ideas we carry out when we can be conscious. An example may be we tend to repeat the exact same patterns of behavior consistantly because we give our subconscious those ideas where they in turn permit those actions whenever we are conscious. To illustrate this ! concept look at all those those that pick the same type of partners subconsciously regularly. The will end up in bad relationships repeatedly because of that. This is as they are feeding their subconsciousness while using wrong things regularly. When our unconscious is given the exact same thoughts time upon time we execute them together with the same action of repeated behavior. So in words of relationships your faces may change nonetheless underlying characteristics remain the exact same because we keep planting the same ideas in our subconscious about relationships at all. Since this is the way the subconscious works it's great for us to implant good changes and ideas there so we will consciously get results.

About the Author

Brainwashing is often a powerful technique used commonly in mind control attempts. Do you recognise that mind control activities are typically widespread use? Discover you could defend yourself at http://understandingmindcontrol.com.

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How to move between horizontal and vertical time

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Memories are strange. I've forgotten so much about the past, yet some memories have stuck with me in a surprising fashion.

Fairly early in my meditating years (I've meditated daily since 1970), I'd attend talks by Gordon Limbrick, a Canadian. He habitually offered three pieces of advice: "Keep your back straight; smile inwardly; visualize a trap door opening in the ceiling of your mind."

I liked all three tips back then. I still think of them now. With some variations.

Such as visualizing myself opening a trap door on the ground floor of my body also. This reflects my Tai Chi practice. Often our instructor says, "RIse up from below; sink down from above." In Tai Chi you want to be rooted in both earth and sky.

Recently I came across a meditation practice in Lewis Richmond's Aging as a Spiritual Practice (I'm an expert!) that fit in nicely with my usual follow-the-breath approach. It focuses on the difference between horizontal and vertical time.

Here's how Richmond describes the two ways of experiencing time:

To age means to feel the passage of time. It is a little like driving down a long desert highway. Each day or month is a passing road sign. We remember where we were, imagine where we might be going, and have the distinct sense that the car keeps moving faster and faster. I call this kind of time "horizontal time."

Horizontal time begins in childhood -- or rather the childhood we remember -- and continues through adolescence, young adulthood, full maturity, and beyond. The story doesn't end today; it continues around the bend toward various imagined futures.

...There is another kind of time I call "vertical time," which means this present moment: this room, this book, this body, this breath. While horizontal time is largely mental, vertical time is more physical and is expressed in the body and breath.

Unlike horizontal time, vertical time has no before and after. It is always just here. It doesn't have room for memories or imagined futures. Memories and futures are like beads on a string; they roll into view one after another. Vertical time is more like the string itself.

As such, vertical time is much less religious than horizontal time.

Religions emphasize the past and future. The teachings of revelations, prophets, sages, gurus, and holy books point to back then. Promises of heaven, enlightenment, god-realization, and knowledge of ultimate reality point to sometime later.

Richmond is a Zen Buddhist priest, so his religiosity is minimal. Mostly in his book he focuses on how to live happily now, not being overly concerned with where we've come from or where we're going. 

A WildMind blog post has a nice summary of the vertical time meditation practice.

Here is a mindfulness practice from Lewis Richmond's book, Aging as a Spiritual Practice:

Think of your life and its major events as a horizontal line. Your past stretches to the left of wherever you are on that line; your future stretches to the right. The events that stretch into the past are clear and unchangeable; the future is blurred: you don't really know what events will eventually occupy that line or how long the line will eventually be. Think of this as horizontal time.

Now let's move from horizontal time to vertical time. As you breathe in, imagine your breath moves up in a column from your cushion or chair. Breathing out, imagine the breath sinking down into the same place. "This vertical movement doesn't go anywhere in space," writes Richmond. "It doesn't move from a certain past to an uncertain future. It just rests continually in the same spot."

I've been doing this for a few days during my morning meditation. I like it. 

As mentioned above, I prefer to visualize my breath rising out of a trap door at the top of my head and soaring up into the sky, then sinking through a trap door at the bottom of my spine (or feet) and descending down into the earth.

Richmond also says:

In contrast to a vehicle on the highway of horizontal time, vertical time is like a house resting on a foundation. It is solid.

Even in vertical time, regret and worry do not disappear. But they are no longer the only possibilities. When we include vertical time -- the timeless conviction of the present moment -- we can find relief from the signposts on horizontal time's highway.

Notice too that vertical and horizontal are not separate. They meet in the center of the body. At every moment, we exist simultaneously in horizontal and vertical time.

Yes. But often I'm imbalanced. Horizontal time is too much with me. I'm only semi-present with whatever I'm doing and wherever I am. 

Today, while lifting weights at an exercise club, I noticed how becoming mindful of my breathing seemed to bring me into the here and now more powerfully than usual, probably because of the several meditation sessions where I associated my breath with vertical time.

In this four minute You Tube video (past the two minute mark), RIchmond talks about the column of breath and vertical time -- summarizing the meditation practice in his book.


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Effective Methods for Cellulite Reduction

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Greyson Hamilton

For modern figure-conscious women, cellulite is one of the most difficult problems to beat. Cellulite is a topographic skin change that occurs mainly in women on the lower limbs, pelvic region, and abdomen. It is caused by the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue. Cellulite generally leads to a padded or orange peel-like appearance, and it mostly occurs with postpubertal females. Therefore, women want to avoid it at all costs. Cellulite also affects people with genetic, hormonal, vascular, and digestive disorders, people suffering from systemic diseases, people with sedentary lifestyle, due to pregnancy, wrong posture, damaged veins, unhealthy diet, too much fat food, smoking and stress. Cellulite also depends upon how thick your skin is and what your age is.For cellulite reduction, there are many options available. These include non-medical treatments such as diet control, regular workout, massage therapy and natural treatment creams, and surgical treatments such as liposuction. You should consider opting for non-surgical procedures for best results, since the surgical treatments are costly. Before adopting any treatment for cellulite, you are recommended to go for expert advice.

Increasing your physical activity is the first step for effective cellulite reduction. Cardiovascular activities have plenty of health benefits so go for jogging, running, cycling and swimming as these improve your blood circulation and make your skin firmer. You must control your diet and consume lesser saturated fats. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water. Make sure to drink plenty of water every day. Highly processed foods have toxins that are harmful for the body and contribute to cellulite; therefore, you should avoid such types of food.

For cellulite reduction, there are a number of other treatments available. You may use massage therapy for cellulite reduction but it does not remove cellulite completely. To improve the blood circulation use massage thera! py on an d around the affected region. This therapy is also useful against water retention, which is one of the causes of cellulite.

Another offbeat way of treating cellulite is usage of patches. These patches are applied on the affected skin region and they work just as nicotine patches. If you like, you can wear the patch to work. For eight hours or so, the patch should stay on your body. Very few people are using these patches as they are relatively a new way treatment. However, most people denounce this procedure as they believe that the patches are just wastage of time.

However, anti-cellulite cream with TripollarTM technology is the best treatment available at the moment. This cream is very effective, and it helps repair the damage caused by cellulite. In order to replenish the damaged skin, the cream provides useful nutrients that get into its very roots, and rejuvenate the ailing skin.

About the Author

Greyson Hamilton is a skin care and health care expert who also writes on different type of skin and health care products that are helpful in cellulite reduction, wrinkle reduction, weight loss, and anti aging treatments. In this article, he writes about cellulite reduction.

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Relaxation Techniques, Instant Techniques to Calm Your Mind

VISIT: howtogetbacktomyex.com .. Trying to keep up with your hectic schedule can be very stressful. Whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation, you've probably noticed how your mind is not calm and tends to be hyperactive. Have you ever asked yourself the following question? How can I get a hold of myself, find clarity, and be more creative when my mind is so overly distracted? If you have asked yourself this sort of question you're definitely not alone. There are a lot of other people out there experiencing the same dilemma. Thankfully, there are a number of different mind and body exercises that can help calm your mind almost instantaneously. You can choose and perform from methods such as deep breathing, listening to music, working out, a body massage or doing hypnotism techniques. Deep Breathing Exercises Our mind often tends to become tired during a rough day at work. Whenever a stressful situation arises, your mind can't think creatively and intelligently. You're anxious and your mind keeps on scouting for other danger stimuli that can further aggravate your situation. Doing deep breathing exercises is an instant anxiety and stress reliever. Doing deep breathing allows oxygen to enter into our bloodstream. It then promotes oxygen and blood circulation to the brain which enhances its power to think creatively. This is an instant fix to calm your body and mind in times of a very stressful situation. You may need to use some mental creativity to help steer ...

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Buddhist perverse view

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

When some Western Zen Buddhisms encounter discourses (Suttas/Sutras) which contain the via negativa, their unconscious predisposition towards nihilism takes over.  They even refuse to admit that certain Zen Buddhism discourses are sun-lit with the via negativa in which one sheds the conditioned to reach the unconditioned, i.e., nirvana.  Instead, for them there is only the conditioned not-self (i.e., the Five Aggregates); nothing beyond it; no other shore beyond the dismal ocean of samsara. 

So laden with nihilism are some Western Zen Buddhisms that they are unable to grasp anything the Buddha said, especially with regard to the self.  The only self such a person accepts is a provisional, temporal self which arises with the conditioned psychophysical body; then with its dissolution is no more.  This person regards his psychophysical body, which is impermanent, suffering and without a self to be all that there is.  This is really where many Western Zen Buddhisms are.

Turning to nirvana which in the canon is described as being eternal (accutam), the immortal (amata), transphenomenal (appapañca), beyond thought (acinteyya), etc. , Western Zen Buddhisms with a predisposition towards nihilism believe that nirvana is not experienceable insofar as it it a non-ens; moreover, an absence.  Such Zen Buddhisms are not completely rejecting nirvana, just that it is not experienceable in which transcendence becomes a reality and fully realized.  

It almost goes without saying, but nihilism is the psychological condition of materialism—and many modern Zen Buddhisms subscribe to materialism.  People who are materialists only believe in their senses—nothing beyond them.  It follows that they deny karma, the fruits of karma, cyclic existence and rebirth.  In Buddhism, according to Asanga in his Abhidharmasamuccya, this is called "perverse view."


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A Philosophical Dissertation on Consciousness

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Punkerslut

A Philosophical Dissertation on Consciousness

By Punkerslut


The question of what our consciousness is, or how or where it is produced, has been the subject of much philosophical inquiry over the past centuries. Some have relied upon spiritual conclusions, claiming that consciousness is one's soul (though today, the term "soul" often means one's emotional individuality). There are different claims across ancient civilization, offering the idea that the soul exists in a physical part of the body, be it the head, the heart, or the genitals. However, with the rise of science, there is a new approach to the question of consciousness. The importance given to consciousness varies sometimes from individual to individual, from school of thought to school of thought. Some philosophers simply marvel at the complexity of the thing, sometimes almost reflectively. Just as some philosophers regard it as a spectular thing that requires explanation, some philosophers regard the question of consciousness as an important underyling factor in their entire philosophy.

For example, as a Vegetarian, I do not actively engage in any activity which causes suffering or unwanted death to a conscious being. Naturally, since I have this philosophical concept of rights, I want to understand this scientific concept of consciousness. Sometimes I am asked whether I would regard the rights of a plant, bacteria, or an insect. To these three organisms, I have no difficulty answering. A plant and bacteria do not contain a consciousness, whereas evidence suggest that insects have a sort of consciousness. But whether or not I am right or wrong in such a response, I will always say, "I regard the rights of conscious beings. None others." If they inquire into which organsms are conscious and if I do not know, I respond that the question of consciousness is one of science, not one of philosophy. As far as how consciousness works, I do not know. I only hope to provide questions that I have thought of e! ndlessly , with no conclusion. To quote Scientific American about a story of Neuroscientists...

"Koch, 44, directs the computation and neural systems program at Caltech. He arrived here in 1986, a time when consciousness research was still considered career suicide even for established brain researchers. But high-profile attention to the subject by Nobelists Gerald M. Edelman and Francis Crick, coupled with advances in functional brain imaging, has elevated the field--and its investigators--to respectability.

"Neurobiologists have since given up the notion that Koch may be dangerously offbeat, despite his having tattooed his arm last summer with the Apple Computer logo to demonstrate his love of the Macintosh (a zeal not even matched by Steve Jobs). The neuroscientist leads about 20 researchers and calls their mission to explain consciousness 'one of the major unsolved problems of modern science.'" [Scientific American, July, 2001.]

Consciousness According to Science...


"All thoughts, emotions, sensations, movements, and desires have their origins in brain processes. Without a functioning brain, the human being is reduced to a vegetative state, unable to perform any actions or pessos any feelings, and left without he ability even to alter bodily function in rseponse to change. While this article will consider the human brain, which is more complex and highly developed than that of any other animal, the brains of all mammels, and indeed most vertebrates, are remarkably similar.

"The central nervous system is composed of the brain and the spinal cord. The nerves that supply the rest of the body are attached to the brain and sinal cord and include the motor nerves, which activate muscels, and the sensory nerves, which bring information into the central nervous system. In addition, the nerves that supply the internal organs are found outside the brain and spinal cord." [Collier's Encyclopedia, under "Brain."]


"Many animals, however, certainly sympat! hise wit h each other's distress or danger. This is the case even with birds. Captain Stansbury found on a salt lake in Utah an old and completely blind pelican, which was very fat, and must have been well fed for a long time by his companions. Mr. Blyth, as he informs me, saw Indian crows feeding two or three of their companions which were blind; and I have heard of an analogous case with the domestic cock. We may, if we choose, call these actions instinctive; but such cases are much too rare for the development of any special instinct. I have myself seen a dog, who never passed a cat who lay sick in a basket, and was a great friend of his, without giving her a few licks with his tongue, the surest sign of kind feeling in a dog." [The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin, chapter 4, part I.]

Pain and Suffering...

"When animals suffer from an agony of pain, they generally writhe about with frightful contortions; and those which habitually use their voices utter piercing cries or groans. Almost every muscle of the body is brought into strong action. With man the mouth may be closely compressed, or more commonly the lips are retracted, with the teeth clenched or ground together. There is said to be "gnashing of teeth" in hell; and I have plainly heard the grinding of the molar teeth of a cow which was suffering acutely from inflammation of the bowels. The female hippopotamus in the Zoological Gardens, when she produced her young, suffered greatly; she incessantly walked about, or rolled on her sides, opening and closing her jaws, and clattering her teeth together. With man the eyes stare wildly as in horrified astonishment, or the brows are heavily contracted. Perspiration bathes the body, and drops trickle down the face. The circulation and respiration are much affected. Hence the nostrils are generally dilated and often quiver; or the breath may be held until the blood stagnates in the purple face. If the agony be severe and prolonged, these signs all change; utter prostration follows, with fainting or c! onvulsio ns." [The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, by Charles Darwin, chapter 3.]

Consciousness: What I Do Not Know...

As far as various philosophical thoughts go, I have often been hesitant to publish thoughts without first finding a conclusion (one, of course, based on evidence and Reason). However, as much as I thought on the topic of consciousness, the more I think the more I become convinced that only science, demonstration, and observation, could discover the answers to my questions. The following is an inquiry concerning consciousness...

Our brains, like all other physical things, is composed of matter. In this sense, it is composed of different atoms, such as Carbon and Nitrogen, interlocking to form structures. The structures of the brain give it the capability of consciousness. The question I am presenting is not how consciousness can arrise from basic elements, but how reliant upon the molecules consciousness is. The Atomic Theory can be defined as follows: the theory that all matter is composed of atoms, and that all atoms are composed of simple structures, including protons. All protons are incredibly similar in structure, and an atom's individual is defined by the number of protons it has. A Hydrogen atom, for example, has 1 proton. A Helium atom differs from a Hydrogen atom in that it has 2 protons. Carbon has 4 protons. Iron has 77 protons. Gold has 79 protons. Silver has 47 protons. Uranium has 92 protons. The difference between these elements differs in protons, and a proton changes other factors. For each proton, there is a neutron. For each proton, there is an attraction to another electron. One gold atom, though, will react the same as any other gold atom, as long as conditions are the same.

Describing the Atomic Theroy is only a preliminary to the question of consciousness. Since one Carbon atom reacts the same as any other Carbon atom, what would happen if a Carbon atom in someone's brain was quickly replaced with a different Carbon atom? Since all ! Carbon a toms react the same, the consciousness of the person would not be altered. This would mean that their thoughts, their ideas, their emotions, their memories, and their personality would not change. Talking to them would not be like talking to an entirely different person. No change would be noticeable. But, what did change? It was only one solitary atom. Still, the organ which produces conscious has one part different.

It is important to understand the different consciousnesses when examining this. I do not mean the many different consciousnesses within a single person, but with many people. For example, if one person's brain was entirely reconstructed to be identical, both people would be different entities. The first person thinks for themself, just like the second person. But, importantly, they are different beings. The first is the first and the second is the second. If one were to have a thought, it would not give that thought to the other. By claiming that each brain is its own entity, I mean that each is composed of its own matter and produces its own consciousness. When we alter one Carbon atom, by switching it with another, we are changing the matter of the brain, though the design remains changeless. The one atom changed. Would that mean a different consciousness is produced? When I speak of a difference, I speak of entity. Would the consciousness change from the state it had before the new Carbon atom to the state after it had the new Carbon atom, this change being the same difference between the entity of consciousness existing between two different persons? WHatwould happen if we replaced every atom in the brain with a new identical one? It would be a new existing consciousness, just acting the same, believeng the same, doing the same. The consciousness acts the same, but it differes as an entity. You can have two identical shoes, for example, but they are difefrent in that they are not made out of the same exact matter. The same question exists with the brain and consci! ousness. The brain, an organ made of matter, produces the consciousness, but if the brain is altered by one identical atom, is consciousness different in entity?


I have tried my best to offer a simple, understandable simplification of my ideas on this subject. Perhaps, though, my thinking of the question of consciousness is diluted by the idea that it is special, or perhaps it is impossible to make such thoughts accurately given what little we know of it, given the poor knowledge obtained by science. Whatever the case may be, consciousness is consciousness, and I have offered my questions and thoughts on it.


For Life,Punkerslut

About the Author

Punkerslut (or Andy Carloff) has been writing essays and poetry on social issues which have caught his attention for several years. His website http://www.punkerslut.com provides a complete list of all of these writings. His life experience includes homelessness, squating in New Orleans and LA, dropping out of high school, getting expelled from college for "subversive activities," and a myriad of other revolutionary actions.

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Tips To Keep In Mind While Choosing Bedroom Furniture

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Schweinert Bevacqua

Experts believe that almost 1/3rd of our lives are spent inside our bedrooms. It's a natural process and most of us aren't even aware of the fact that we spend such a lot of time in our bedrooms.Its place we go to bed at night, and the place we wake up in. We prefer it over all other rooms and try to relax in our bedrooms. This essentially means that we need to make our bedrooms as comfortable as possible and this can only be done by using the right kind of furniture.

Moreover, the furniture should also be such that it increases the visual appeal of the bedroom by escalating the beautifying effect of its decor. Here are a few tips that will help you select the best of furniture for your bedroom:

QualityNever compromise on quality. It's not worth it. The quality of a product is one of the most essential parameters, when you want to purchase it. This is also true, while you select your bedroom furniture.It must come good on certain standards of quality and must be both sturdy and reliable. Don't choose bedroom furniture that looks and feels weak. It must stand the test of time, as you are not going to replace it any time soon.

Should suit your personalityYour bedroom furniture must be a reflection of your personality. The design, size, and shape of the furniture must confirm to your needs and wants, and also be what you desire. By all means, ask for suggestions, but make sure that your furniture has been given a personalized touch.

Durability over attractivenessIt??Ts easy to get swayed by exquisite bedroom furniture pieces. Most people buy only those furniture pieces that look very attractive. However, this is not the best way to go about things.If given a choice, you must always select the durability factor over the beauty factor. That is not to say that you must buy durable furniture even it it??Ts ugly. It definitely should look good, but that must not be the primary factor, that should help you decide.After all, you are not going to buy bedroom furniture, on a regular ba! sis. A g ood looking piece might just turn out to be of poor quality and in a short while, you will be able to hear it creaking and squeaking.To avoid such heartbreak, select furniture that is a mixture of durability as well as elegance and visual appeal.

CraftsmanshipGive exquisite craftsmanship its due. It??Ts important that you put stress on the craftsmanship of the furniture. This is not only about a great looking design, but it is also about making a well-finished product that also has superior quality.

ComfortAs aforementioned, you are going to spend a lot of time in your bedroom, and hence are also going to use the bedroom furniture, a great deal. This means that, one of the most important parameters on which you have to make your choice is comfort.The bedroom furniture must be comfortable for your body. It is not necessary that it should be luxurious, but should be good enough to offer your body some well-deserved rest.Bedroom is a place of rest, peace and relaxation. Only comfy bedroom furniture will help make that possible.

ColorThe color of the furniture or the polish of the furniture must match the d??cor of your bedroom furniture. The bedroom furniture that you select must not look out of place. It must gel together with all the existing pieces of furniture that might be a part of the bedroom.

SizeBedroom furniture is available in all kinds of sizes. It??Ts up to you to decide which size fits the requirements of your room size. If your room has a normal size then it would be a good idea to buy furniture that is not too big, but is just of the right size to fit into the room.A large room not only requires more bedroom furniture than the smaller rooms, but the furniture should also be big in size. This is not a rule, but a generally accepted norm.

StyleThe market is replete with bedroom furniture catering to a host of style requirements. The choice in terms of style will make your mind boggle.In the end, style is a matter of individual perception. There are people who pref! er an ol d school sense of style, and select furniture that has curves and standard polish, while there are others who like the ultra-modern style of bedroom furniture.This has stark linear lines and many a times is made of materials other than wood like steel, aluminum etc.At the end of a hard day, you want to sink into the comfort of your bedroom and forget about the worries of that day. Bedroom furniture will make your bedroom the perfect sanctuary that it aims to be.So choose it with care, and at the end of the day, your bedroom furniture will only be as good as you wanted it to be.

About the Author

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Turn Your Home Office Into A Productivity Zone

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Home Office

Sure, having an office at home sounds practical on the surface. If you can telecommute, that's less time in the car, more time to devote to your work and more time with your family. Plus, you can ditch the tie or pantsuit and set your own hours.

So why does your home office drive you crazy? Neck and back pain, headaches, clutter, frustration, and jealousy toward those who commute an hour to sit in the corporate office all day are all symptoms of a poorly designed workspace. Poor design creates strain and fatigue, but a well designed office can actually help you work more efficiently and frustration-free.

Read on to redesign!
  • Step #1: Assess Your Situation
    Working at a desk is a physical activity. Every time you turn in your chair, crook your neck to use the phone, or focus on the screen, you're using a certain set of muscles. Those muscles, like a runner's legs or a weightlifter's bicep, are subject to fatigue.

    Okay, you're not a triathlete in the office, but if you're behind the desk a lot, a poor office design will leave you feeling tense and fatigued at the end of the day.

    Spend a couple hours working and take note of every time you twist awkwardly in your chair, reach for a heavy object that's too far away, get up to fetch something, or rub your sore eyes.

  • Step #2: Plan for Comfort
    Now that you know where the strain is in your workday, try to eliminate it. But before you start shifting around the furniture and knocking holes in the walls, create some guidelines.

    A professional designer can help you draw up a complete plan, but you can start by just drawing a bird's eye sketch of the empty room. Then add your ideal office configur! ation. I t should take into account these basic office design principles:

    • Placement. Everything you use regularly should be within arms' reach. Other items you need to work should be accessible from your rolling chair.
    • Ergonomics. Your feet should rest flat on the floor, your wrists should be level with your elbows while typing or mousing, and your chair should support your lower back. Your computer monitor should be positioned so that your neck is tilted just slightly forward.
    • Organization. Maintaining a clear workspace is key to working efficiently. Stash files under the desktop and away from your feet. Be sure you have shelves and cabinets for books and other objects.
    • Lighting. Use ambient lighting to remove dark corners in your office and focused lighting under cabinets/shelves to illuminate your work surface. Be sure to avoid creating hot spots with bright light bulbs.

  • Step #3: Customize
    Your body is not exactly like any other of the 7 billion other bodies on this planet. Thankfully, height-adjustable desks, custom desk layouts, and adjustable chairs can help. Every room is also designed a bit differently, so be creative in maximizing your space. Consider wall cabinets, a corner desk, and a separate workspace for small meetings. If your room has a window, face it with your desk and computer monitor. The backlight of the window and the fact that you will glance out of it every so often will also alleviate eye strain. If you don't have a window, add a visually interesting element to the room, like a work of art, a fish tank, or a bulletin board of favorite images.
With a little planning and effort, you can transform your home office into a productive workspace, minimize stress on your body, and emerge feeling good at the end of the day.

Written on 5/24/2012 by Roger Hockett. Roger is the owner of Workspaces, Inc., a custom office design firm based in Newcastle, WA. He has been helping people redesign their home offices since 1995.Photo Credit: Sean MacEntee

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Spiritual Prosperity

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Saleem Rana

You will become as great as your dominant aspiration...If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realize it.~James Allen, As You Think

True wealth is spiritual wealth.

While it is fine to pursue material wealth to create positive living conditions for self and others, we should not neglect the true meaning of life: spiritual ascension.

We come into the world with a certain spiritual calibration, and our task from birth to death is to raise our vibration to more subtle levels.

Thus, we are here to gather a different currency other than money. Money, in fact, is a separate energy that is neutral and whose value depends on how it is used.

We come into the world based on our spiritual consent.

We come back because we have a karmic opportunity where consciousness can range from 40 to a 1000. Chances for growth here are optimal.

For example, a savage person is at 40 and Christ is at 1000. Most average people are at around 200. Exceptional people are at 400 or more. And people considered saintly are at 500 or more. At about 540, we step into unconditional love for all beings.

So on this logarithmic scale, our task is to rise in our vibration.

We do this by working on our character.

We accumulate spiritual currency by increasing our love, our compassion, our gratitude, our generosity, our kindness, our connection to our soul, God, and the angelic kingdom, and so on.

When we die, we then go to an astral plane that corresponds with our level of calibration.

Thus, if we are cruel and vicious, we will go to the lower astral realms, which equate with what religions call hell.

If we are kind and loving, we will go to the higher astral realms, which equate with what religions call heaven.

And if we are between these polarities, then we travel to those astral realms that correspond with our level of consciousness. Religions have called this zone, purgatory.

We rise in consciousness by meditating, contemp! lating, praying, and acting in a way to benefit others, always striving to find the beauty and sacredness of others.

When we become truly compassionate, our life becomes a blessing to all, including ourselves.

About the Author

Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life. Free information.http://theempoweredsoul.com/enter.html

Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass thisarticle on to your friends, or use it in your ezine ornewsletter. It's a shareware article.

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Foot Detoxification: Secure a Healthy Body With Relaxed Mind

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Shaily Brown

In the ancient times, many monks and saints used to travel miles without any transportation barefooted. In order to rejuvenate and relax their feet, they would practise foot detox procedure. They used to take hot water and dip their feet into it for a significant amount of time. It would energise them and boost their wellness after some time. As a result, pain and swelling used to heal and subside. The Romans and the Greeks used to practice public baths for detoxification of the body. Adding certain herbs in the hot water can add to the health benefits associated with detoxification. Today, with the advancement in the healthcare industry, the process of detoxification can be done with the help of effective and efficient procedures for energy and relaxation.

Foot spa: A new age detox procedure

The electrolysis is considered as one of the best procedures used for detoxification. The ions produced in this process can help in eliminating harmful chemicals and toxins by attaching to them and drawing them out of the body. Detox foot spa is a portable machine used for cleansing the body. It contains a tub for filling hot water and is provided with electrolyte solution to add. It is a known fact that our body is exposed to lots of pollutants, toxins, chemicals, and impurities on a daily basis. These particles tend to interfere with the normal working of our body's systems. They can enter our body through the drinks we take, the air we breathe, and the food that we eat. Our skin can be one of the best entries for these chemicals get into our body through the pores. The feet can have a lot of nerve endings and pores through which these toxins and harmful chemicals can enter the body.

The awareness towards the benefits and importance of detoxification has encouraged more and more people to opt for regular sessions at foot spa and salons. Experts suggest that lack of regularity in cleansing the body can build up the levels of toxins and impurities. It can lead to health problems such as hea! rt probl ems, vascular clogging, atherosclerosis, pain, and other illnesses. The immune system of our body is the one that is most affected due to these impurities, which ultimately can make us susceptible to various viral and bacterial infections. So, detoxifying your body twice or thrice a year can ensure a good health and well being.

Detoxification for a healthy life

With the help of foot spa, it will only take about half an hour to one hour for a complete body cleansing. You just need to put your feet in the tub filled with hot water and add the electrolyte powder. The rest is done by the ions that can attach to the oppositely charged toxins and draw them out of the body through pores of the skin. As a result, the colour of the water changes to dark yellow as impurities react with the ions. This foot detox treatment ensures a stress-free life for you with a light and relaxed feeling after the session.

You can feel stress-free, light, and relaxed after the detox session.

About the Author

Shaily writes articles on health related issue and medication. Among her many written articles one is on foot spa. Know more about detox foot spa to detoxify your body.

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Managing Stress Ideas

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Williams Tehoy

The impact that stress has on a person is substantial, but how that person survives that stress and what they have gone through before can decide how they will cope. To manage stress easily, try not to ignore stress as it usually cannot be resolved in that fashion. You have to develop some resilience to stress by managing it the right way, meaning that you must learn to cope with special tools that will strengthen your abilities when really hard or severe stress events evolve and you will no doubt do this easily as a result. Now, that you are prepared to take the big steps to survive stress and get a handle of your normality, let us look at some strategies for coping with stress that you might start applying to you and your world.

The tools that you utilize for coping with stress is only the entrance way into a world where you process stress as you deal with it. You could try a support group, putting some reduction time into your stressful symptoms, or you could take up something fun to do, escaping into a fantasy world to take a break from stress for a while. In fact, by choosing healthier lifestyle options, you will come out of stressful times with a better level of concentration and lots of energy to spare. By handling stressful events and moments, you are benefiting yourself. As you reinforce your stamina and strengthen yourself overall, you will eventually develop the means of fighting off even the worst stresses as you get more practice.

Your work location is vital to your health and as such it should be best for you. If you have stressful people and places that exist within your life, get rid of them and find people and locations that relax you because it is irrelevant what others thing, say or do when it comes to your tolerance levels as each person is different. You cannot afford to burnout because you did nothing about your stress.

Learning about relaxation is good to learn. When you get home from your long day at work, immediately have a nice hot b! ath and avoid anyone you live with until your brain has had time to unwind, clearing it of stresses and negative thoughts. After that you can intermingle and laugh and play, enjoying the situation a lot more. It may appear silly to have mentioned all this, but these concepts really do work and will help reduce your stress.

When you use stress management, you must do exercises. You need to stop fretting, stop moping and start living because your body cannot fight stress alone. If you take a walk or go for a bike ride; that might be all you need to help your mind and body find the path to healing. However, there is plenty more you have to do before your life is back to normal. You need to be proactive in dealing with anxiety , so now is the best time to start creating more managing stress ideas of your own.

About the Author

William Tehoy, an expert in physical symptoms of stress , Stress Effects and coping with stress , for more than 30 years, developed how to reduce stress program for home use.

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