A Rich and Strong Heritage of Buddhism

A Rich and Strong Heritage of Buddhism

A Rich and Strong Heritage of Buddhism

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Naveen Marasinghe

Theta Meditation – Secrets of Getting Peace of Mind

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

Tension and stress make the human body vulnerable. As a result, the immune system gets damaged, and the individual starts suffering from various diseases. Under such circumstances, meditation can prove to be of great help. Theta meditation is a technique through which an individual can control his stress and anxiety. Many people under the practice of this special type of meditation have also experienced an improvement in their learning abilities. In case you cannot attend the meditation center, buy a meditation CD for releasing all the negative energy in your body.

Theta meditation has proved beneficial for attaining peace of mind. However, you are required to follow certain rules for making the meditation technique effective. First of all, you need a calm place for practicing the technique. A peaceful ambience helps you to concentrate deeply on the process. Therefore, noisy atmosphere should be avoided for realizing the true effect of meditation techniques. The second most important factor in this type of meditation is the selection of a comfortable sitting posture. This is because if you do not feel comfortable, you would not be able to concentrate for a long stretch of time. A good number of people choose to sit with their legs crossed at the time of meditation. This is a great posture, but just might not go well with the beginners. Therefore, it would be wise to sit on a position that comes naturally to you, and you are absolutely comfortable with it.

Breathing peacefully and deeply is the next most important step in this type of meditation. Just remember to inhale as much air as possible, hold it for a few seconds before exhaling slowly. If you practice this simple process for a prolonged period, your mind would become filled with peace, and your body would become free of nervous energy. It would also not be a bad idea to play a soft musical tune in the background while practicing this breathing process. The musical note will help your body to relax and calm your mind at the same ! time.The theta meditation is all about positivity. So, it is important that you keep your mind in a positive frame before practicing it. We should understand that our mind is a complex structure and behaves on the basis of our thoughts. Therefore, we should only feed positive thoughts to the mind for making it work properly. Meditation techniques help to keep our mind clutter free. The positive vibration of meditation eliminates all accumulated fear, anxiety, and doubts from our mind. Repeated practice of this ancient art brings a significant transformation within our mind, body, and soul. In a nutshell, our mind, body, and soul, gets transformed from a wild state to a serene state.The psychologists would define this state of transformation as "Clear". And it is quite true; meditation facilitates in cleansing the dirt from our system. In other words, it purifies and rejuvenates our body, mind, and soul; for ensuring a peaceful existence.

About the Author

jonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on theta meditation & Meditation techniques. For more information he always recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/

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Symbolism of the Dharmachakra

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Janis Mclellan

The Buddha was the first person who "turned the wheel of dharma" and when he did the wheel then became it's own symbol called the Dharmachakra or the "wheel of law". The Tibetans use the term "the wheel of transformation" The wheel is a representation of the cycle of samsara, or rebirth. The cycle can only be broken by following the Buddha's teachings, and is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols.

Buddhists see the wheel as having three basic parts or "three trainings". The first section is the hub, it symbolizes moral discipline, which is able to stabilize the mind. There are eight spokes that represent wisdom that can be applied to defeat ignorance. Each of the eight spokes symbolize the Noble Eightfold Path set out by the Buddha in his teachings. The rim is a representation of concentration, which holds everything else together.

The wheel's motion is seen as a metaphor for the rapid spiritual change that happens when someone follows the teachings of the Buddha. The first discourse at Deer Park in Sarnath is known as the "first turning of the wheel of dharma." And subsequent discourses at Rajgir and Shravasti are known as the "second and third turnings of the wheel of dharma."

The wheel has been a common symbol in Buddhist art long before the introduction of images. In those days, the Dharmachakra symbolized not only the Buddha's teachings but the Buddha himself. Emperor Ashoka (272-32 BC) built pillars on top of which he placed four carved lions and four wheels, Each one faces the one of four directions to proclaim the Buddhist Dharma throughout India.

Today, the Dharmachakra appears in the art of every Buddhist culture. On images of the Buddha, the wheel appears on the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. It is often seen in Tibet, flanked by two deer, the whole image is a representation of the Buddha's first sermon in the Deer Park. The wheel is usually central to mandalas, geometric representations of the Buddhist universe. It also appears in the Dharm! achakra Mudra, in which the Buddha forms a wheel with the position of his hands.

About the Author

Janis resides in western Canada, she studies the Buddhist religion and practices reiki healing. Janis loves making Buddhist t-shirts, gifts and apparel to spread the knowledge of enlightenment. All of the images used on the products are hand drawn with high quality graphics and historical accuracy a priority. Visit her website at http://buddhistbackground.blogspot.com

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Meditations and Its Benefits

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by A. Majid

Research after research has shown that meditation is good for the body and soul. A recent study done in China found that only after five days of meditation, the experimental group showed better tolerance to stress compared with the control group. The experimental group also showed less anger, anxiety, fatigue and depression.

Many other researches have shown that meditation helps to keep blood pressure normal, decreases the risk of heart disease, increases pain tolerance and aids weight loss. Recently meditation is also being used to aid cancer patients as means of therapy.Meditation also promotes youthful appearance and vitality.

So what is meditation?

The man on the street usually thinks meditation as a form of worship or prayer. It isn't. Meditation is awareness. It involves the overcoming of distractions and dissipated energies into a blissful awareness. Meditation involves becoming more aware and more sensitive to what is within us. The word meditation originates from two Latin words : meditari(to think, to dwell upon, to exercise the mind) and mederi (to heal). Its Sanskrit derivation 'medha' means wisdom.

The three basic concepts of meditation are:

1. Withdrawing from the distractions of the senses and bringing the mind to a place of concentration. Focus is directed onto one element like the repetition of breathing, the repetition of a word, the connection with a bodily sensation, or an image or single thought.

2. Meditation is done without judgment and conclusions are not drawn from irrelevant thoughts. Wandering thoughts are placed in the background without struggle. Meditation does not mean to suppress outside thoughts, but rather to keep these thoughts from taking you away from the present.

3. During meditation, you remain aware of sensations, distractions, surroundings, and irrelevant thoughts, but discovering that they do not agitate or bring on stress. You meditate to develop the ability to exist in the moment with contentment and acceptance.

To start meditation is very easy. Just take 5 or 10 minutes. Go somewhere quiet.Start by focusing on your breathing and let your thoughts drift away, if thoughts come pay no attention to them. Next try to feel yourself going deep within your mind. Then for 10 minutes try to hold this awareness with one pointed concentration. If external noises come do not let them distract you, they will always be there. Just concentrate on your breathing. Even if this first experience is not fruitful keep persevering for with every try you will gradually learn the art of meditation.

Alternatively you can also use brainwave meditation CDs such as The Brain Evolution System or BrainEv. BrainEv employs pioneering technology in the field of brainwave entrainment and offers the benefits of meditation. By listening to the specially-created sounds using headphones, our brainwaves are altered, taking it to a lower frequency just like those achieved after years of practice. This process is known as brainwave entrainment and provides a proven easier path enjoy the benefits of meditation without spending years learning how to meditate. Just by listening 30 minutes everyday for 6 times a week, users can experience sharper senses, increased level of energy, better memory, a sense of peace and calmness and a feeling of wholesomeness.

About the Author

To learn more about The Brainwave Evolution System, visit this website.

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Fitness Show - Yoga for Back Flexibility -- Dwikonasana

Dwikonasana -- This aasana will help you achieve a flexible back. It will also strengthen your shoulder blade and abdomen.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Meditation Techniques: Types and Benefits

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by kilian

Meditation is no longer confined to the Himalayas. An increasing number of international celebrities, sports persons and business professionals are benefiting from various meditation techniques. These techniques should be practiced depending upon your personality type. Some meditation techniques involve in-depth concentration, while some others aim at inner peace through the free flow of thoughts.

Meditation Techniques: Main TypesMeditation or dhyaan is an art practiced to gain inner peace amidst worldly turmoil. Effective meditation can be achieved through the following techniques:

Mantra Meditation: Mantra refers to the repeated recitation of certain sounds to achieve a meditative state. The vibrations created through mantra meditation attract divine forces by influencing the 'chakras.' Mantra need not be specific to a religion. This means that you can choose your own mantra that appeals to your mind. While you can do mantra meditation on your own, it is ideal to practice it under the guidance of a guru, since this has proved to yield better results.

Trataka: Very useful in increasing concentration and visualization abilities, trataka involves the steady gaze at an object. This is an effective yoga cleansing technique and builds the power of intuition.

Chakra Meditation: The human body has seven chakras (wheels) that serve as connections between the spinal cord and other major organs. One has to discover the chakras through Chakra Anusandhana to gently awaken them. People whose lifestyles do not include a great deal of physical activity should not practice chakra meditation without proper guidance.

Meditation Techniques: BenefitsHere are some benefits of meditation:

Health Benefits: The state of mind influences our physical health in many ways. Also, inner discord often occurs due to physical ailments. Meditation reduces stress levels, which in turn prevents the likelihood of heart disease. Meditation also has the power to relieve you of p! ain. It calms your mind by healing stress related ailments, sexual problems and improves the nervous and digestive systems.

Spiritual Benefits: As you meditate on a regular basis, your journey to connect with your inner self begins. Meditation leads you to the path of inner awakening and raises your consciousness to universal truths.

Psychological Benefits: Meditation is particularly helpful in decreasing anxiety and irritability. It also improves the memory and learning ability. Meditation increases harmony of the brainwaves, resulting in higher IQ, moral reasoning and creativity.

A vital factor for beginners to reap the benefits of meditation is learning the techniques from a professional guru. Himalayan Yogi Bharat Thakur teaches meditation techniques and artistic yoga in cities across India and aboard. For more information, log on to http://www.artisticyoga.com

About the Author

Yoga Meditation Centre - Developed by Himalayan Yogi and spiritual master Bharat Thakur, Artistic Yoga is an innovative, dynamic and powerful system of Yoga that affects the body like no other form of exercise.

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Concentration Alpha Super Focus Binaural Beat + Waterfall Music 30m

FULL 30 MINUTE TRACKS FREE www.Joy-Meditation.com Concentration Alpha Super Focus Binaural Beat + Waterfall Music 30m Deep concentration focus alpha wave binaural beats track + waterfall music Use while concentrating / focussing on work. Use with headphones.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Early Morning Spiritual Consciousness Inspiration - 6/23/2012

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

"Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquillity and happiness we all seek."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Strategies of Mind Control

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Jon Eckart

Before we discover the tactics used in mind control let's look at what it actually is briefly. Mind control may be a systematic approach to strip someone of their thoughts and behavior generally against their complimentary will. This is finished both consciously and even unconsciously. The idea is the fact that the agent who certainly is the manipulator will impart his or her own agenda on the prospective who then becomes a victim. Mind controls intention is the platform for an agent compete in one's mind and do it for the intentions of implementing all the agent's own agenda.

In order to have an agent to put into play mind control to brainwash someone they first should want to do what is generally known as softening up of the person first. With this phase the agent tries to operate on the victim's unconscious. Tactics to do that can range via subliminal to visual using pictures, audio via sound, virtually anything that can trigger an emotional response can be utilized. The point throughout softening up might be that whatever is commonly employed is used repetitiously to serve as a trigger for this victim. When this victim sees, hears or even just feels what this agent uses as the repetitive trigger it all warrants a reaction that the agent wants. Ultimately the target is certainly bombarded until it again starts to de secure them enough to your agent to get involved and reprogram their own minds.

Ideally the agent wants to acquire the victim to the stage where they are psychologically and psychologically disorientated. Other tactics found in the softening in place phase include ways to cause sleep along with nutritional deprecation as well. Like all discord, when a recipient of war is definitely exhausted and undernourished they are easier to restrain. Case in point all the prisoners that have many people in concentration camps also have this done directly to them. It breaks these folks down both sentimentally and physically. They are given little to consume and very little sleep to b! e able t o dominate them safely and effectively.

Another tactic that is used when planning to control someone's mind is to make them remote. Social isolation is usually encouraged. When the owner is alone and allows no friends or family compliment their mind abuse it's quicker to maintain control individuals. This includes maintaining the communication these receive from others on top of that. Also if that victim does acquire any information via other sources how the agent, the representative will filter the idea and discredit the idea. An example was obviously a phone tap where if your conversation doesn't swimsuit the agents agenda it's always interrupted dropped or possibly calls are clogged.

A favorite tactic spent on agents of mind control should be to discredit the mental status of this victim to other folks. This alienates the owner from those he may go to for help and makes someone feel like an item "is" indeed wrong along with them. Of course it's done to discredit any sort of claims of mind manipulation that your victim may inform others about.

A representative of mind control's lone purpose is his or her agenda. They will do whatever it takes to succeed. They care nothing about the victim and less than putting a knife for their back and permitting them to bleed to loss of life any tactic turns into fair game. Most are ruthless people just who only serve their unique agenda. It can be described as criminal violation towards humanity and 100 % free will.

About the Author

Brainwashing can be a powerful technique utilized commonly in mind control tries. Do you are aware that mind control activities are typically widespread use? Acquire you could defend yourself at http://understandingmindcontrol.com.

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Mixed Martial Aikido - Jasen 6th Kyu - Part 2 (Self Defense-Ground Defense) 12.17.11

Our first ever 6th Kyu test in Mixed Martial Aikido. Jasen has been training for just under the requisite 25 training sessions. This video features the Self Defense and Ground Defense portion of the ranking. Please see parts 1 and 3 for the Clinch and Standup Striking Defense! Mixed Martial Aikido is an evolutionary exploration building alive sparring into Aikido. It integrates the Traditional form and harmonious spirit of Aikido with the aliveness and functionality of Modern Mixed Martial Arts training. Integral Martial Arts is a "Third Way" approach to martial arts training that combines the mindfulness and inner development of Traditional martial arts with the aliveness and functionality of Modern combat sports. The result: Physical Game + Mental Game! www.integralmartialarts.org Nathanael Chawkin, head instructor for Integral Martial Arts in Addison, TX, began training Aikido in 1994. He is a 2nd degree blackbelt in Iwama Aikido and served for two years as sempai uchideshi (senior live-in student). He began training in Mixed Martial Arts with Alan and Lily Pagle at Modern Combatives in Berkeley, CA (an SBGI gym) in 2006 and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Sergio Silva in Oakland, CA the same year. He earned his Purple belt from Phil Cardella of Gracie Austin in 2009. He works as an executive coach to midmarket CEOs for Stagen, a management consulting firm and Integral Leadership institute in Dallas, TX.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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What is the Mature and Conscious Approach to Goal Setting?

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Nathan F. Shaw

Goal setting is often seen as the most important as well as most difficult aspect of life success, time management, and personal development.

Whether we consciously set them or not, we always have goals which rise from our deepest convictions, hang-ups, beliefs, and perspectives.

An automatic guidance system navigates us through our life.

But conscious goal setting is better.

However, by focusing only on 'goal setting' without taking a whole life approach to organizing our life and understanding our deepest values, we may follow the same old automatic and less than desirable goal setting systems as we have in the past.

Do you relate?

I realized that what is required for long lasting genuine goal setting is a deeper control of desired reality.

Good goal setting necessarily involves all areas of a persons life, including intellectual, emotional, spiritual (their values), and physical.

Good goal setting also involves what a person would like to do, what they would like to have, and who they would like to become.

And good goal setting also does these things throughout time. I.e. Things wanted in the present, things wanted short term, medium term, and long term into the future.

Good Goal Setting then requires that these identifications are controlled and organized.

This is the bit that most people find too difficult.

The simplest technique is to stick your goal setting notes onto a wall some place in your home so you can review it and stay mindful of it.

From that point you will make short term commitments in line with the bigger picture, and then schedule those milestone goals.

Is this all obvious? If so, are you 100% satisfied with your application of the obvious?

If not, would you closely consider the possibility that you have not fully identified or become emotionally involved strongly enough, with all of the elements that your goal setting includes?

It is the emotional motivation that will keep us! on trac k to goal setting properly as explained above, and to maintaining the discipline to act on our short term commitments.

Goal Setting should be a thorough and efficient part of our life. Just a little bit of effort to get the above technique of goal setting done properly can make your experience of goal setting stimulating and enjoyable, instead of disheartening as it is for many people.

Take control of a mature approach to goal setting.

My breakthrough revelation for Goal Setting is represented in only 2 simple steps that anyone can apply.

The 2 Steps of Goal Setting

First, write it all out - 'Don't just think it, ink it!' (write down your current projects or desired activities and desired future)

Second, think about it often.(maintain satisfactory awareness on what you write down)

This is the very core of Goal Setting that we must discipline our minds to do as habit before any of the more fancy techniques can make much difference.

About the Author

Currently touring Thailand whilst writing and coaching, Nathan Shaw has a 12 page http://www.success-matrix.com/missingprinciples/">Life's Missing Principles Handbook available free.

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When we don’t make anything “wrong”

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Sometimes when I talk about Radical Acceptance, I like to tell the story about Jacob, a man who at almost seventy and in the mid-stages of Alzheimer's disease attended a 10-day retreat I was leading.

A clinical psychologist by profession and a meditator for more than twenty years, Jacob was well aware that his faculties were deteriorating. On occasion his mind would go totally blank; he would have no access to words for several minutes and become completely disoriented. He often forgot what he was doing and usually needed assistance with basic tasks—cutting his food, putting on clothes, bathing, getting from place to place.

A couple of days into the retreat, Jacob had his first interview with me. These meetings, which students have regularly with a teacher while on retreat, are an opportunity to check in and receive personal guidance in the practice. During our time together Jacob and I talked about how things were going both on retreat and at home. His attitude towards his disease was interested, sad, grateful, even good-humored.

Intrigued by his resilience, I asked him what allowed him to be so accepting. He responded, "It doesn't feel like anything is wrong. I feel grief and some fear about it all going, but it feels like real life." Then he told me about an experience he'd had in an earlier stage of the disease.

Jacob had occasionally given talks about Buddhism to local groups and had accepted an invitation to address a gathering of over a hundred meditation students. He arrived at the event feeling alert and eager to share the teachings he loved. Taking his seat in front of the hall, Jacob looked out at the sea of expectant faces in front of him … and suddenly he didn't know what he was supposed to say or do. He didn't know where he was or why he was there. All he knew was that his heart was pounding furiously and his mind was spinning in confusion.

Putting his palms together at his heart, Jacob started naming out loud what was happening: "Afraid, embarrassed, confused, feeling like I'm failing, powerless, shaking, sense of dying, sinking, lost." For several more minutes he sat, head slightly bowed, continuing to name his experience. As his body began to relax and his mind grew calmer, he also noted that aloud. At last Jacob lifted his head, looked slowly around at those gathered, and apologized.

Many of the students were in tears. As one put it, "No one has ever offered us teachings like this. Your presence has been the deepest dharma teaching."

Rather than pushing away his experience and deepening his agitation, Jacob had the courage and training simply to name what he was aware of, and, most significantly, to bow to his experience. In some fundamental way he didn't create an adversary out of feelings of fear and confusion. He didn't make anything wrong.

We practice Radical Acceptance by pausing and then meeting whatever is happening inside us with this kind of unconditional friendliness. Instead of turning our jealous thoughts or angry feelings into the enemy, we pay attention in a way that enables us to recognize and touch any experience with care. Nothing is wrong—whatever is happening is just "real life." Such unconditional friendliness is the spirit of Radical Acceptance.

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Posted: 23 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Gregory Tucker

From The Recovery Process www.therecoveryprocess.com

If Consciousness is all of one 'thing,' which isn't a thing, then it is the indivisible context for 'everything' that manifests in this dream we refer to as "reality." There is no duality, only Consciousness which includes the fiction duality exists. If this is true, then Consciousness is the warehouse for the manifestation called "Science," and its imaginary counterpart called "Spirituality." In the name of resistance, one is treated as fact, or something that exists outside of Consciousness, and the other is treated as fiction, the annoying rebuttal to the fiction called "Science." Would the real set of facts please step forward. If Consciousness is the context for 'everything,' then Science and metaphysics are two ways to look at truth. They are not disparate, unrelated entities, each vying for center-stage recognition. They are not antithetical, oppositional, antagonistic polarities.

When you move in on the interior of truth, what comes into focus is that the dream features both as content in the dream, and that they both share that same reality. The question of which came first Science or Metaphysics, in the absence of duality, is absurd.

What came first is Mind, the ultimate subject of 'everything,' that spawns dreamers who know Mind is what 'everything' is, and 'Science' that spawns dreamers who work hard to defend 'The Master Lie, " that 'this' is real and not content in a dream. Mind is the author of the hoax called "duality," including the cast of characters who represent this fiction. In keeping with the dualistic parody, metaphysics is closer to the truth Mind is all there is, and manifests as its own opposition called "Science."

Poor Science is saddled with the impossible task of trying to defend "The Master Lie," as if nothing is Mind-generated. Quantum takes us one step closer to the truth nothing is what it appears to be because nothing is what it appears to be. If "reality" is what Mind is dreami! ng, then the 'Scientists' have a date with the fact they are 'Metaphysicians' posing as people, and sometimes, very high-minded people at that. What's on the line, as usual, is the truth there is no duality, which, unfortunately, threatens to reveal that Mind is the context for everything, including the fiction called "Science."

The Recovery Process - provides reminders to expand consciousness. This process assists you to shift from who you aren't, often someone who suffers, to who you are; a spiritual being ---free at last to enjoy the agenda- free life.

Article Service by DET-Online

About the Author

Greg Tucker is a Clinical Psychologist who gave it all up to switch to a very different way of working with clients. He calls what he does "The Recovery Process." He got his Masters Degree in Child Psychology and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Case-Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

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8 Lies You’ve Been Told About Following Your Passion

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Secrets and LiesAre you doing what you truly want to do? Are you following your passion to the best of your ability?

If you're reading this post, the answer is most likely no.

Time and time again, I see people who can follow their passion, but they don't, because they hold themselves back. I know how hard it can be, because I've been in the same situation. There are many lies we've been told about following our passion.

And the worst thing of all is we repeat these lies to ourselves and it keeps us from living the life we truly want and deserve.

Here are eight of the most common lies I've come across:
  1. It's Going to Be Obvious
    Just because you know what you're passionate about does not mean that you'll instantly know what to do.

    In fact, often the opposite is true.

    You'll become afraid, because now you have to take action. Now you have to face your fears and move forward.      Following your passion is not obvious, but that's okay. That's life. Embrace it, and move forward anyway.

  2. It Has to Make Sense
    Have you ever looked back at your life and wondered how on earth you managed to overcome some of the problems you've encountered?  You're not alone.  Sometimes it seems like I'm not the one living life, but life is living me.

    Most of the things in life don't make sense until after you've lived through them. If you try to resist, you'll suffer, but go with the flow, and you'll enjoy the ride.

    The more I follow my heart, the happier I seem to be.

  3. You Can't Just Follow Your Heart
     If you're like me, you've been told that you can't just do what ! you want . Things have to make sense. You have to follow logic, because otherwise you'll end up homeless pushing a shopping cart.

    But this line of thinking has brought you nothing but misery, and you know it.  It's time to follow your heart. Follow your excitement. And listen to that voice inside you that beckons you to do what truly matters.

    Your heart will lead the way, if you let it.

  4. You Won't Need Help
     For a long time, I tried to follow my passion alone.  Luckily, I eventually realized that I needed help. I needed a coach and a mentor to help me move forward and avoid mistakes.  And it was the best decision I made.

    I see so many people resist help, because somehow they think it's a sign of weakness, but to me, it's a sign of strength.  It's a sign that you are truly ready to follow your passion, because you're ready to do whatever it takes.

  5. You Have to Quit Your Job
     When you're ready to do whatever it takes, you'll realize that you don't have to quit your job to follow your passion.  You don't have to make radical changes in your life.  You only have to take things one step at a time.

    Thinking you have to do or be something before you can do what you love is just another excuse for not taking action right away.

    Let it go, and you'll be much happier.

  6. You Have to Be Rich
    This is another big one.  Again, you don't have to be anything or have anything other than what you have or are right now.  Yes, sometimes you need money to follow your passion.  But you don't need money to do what you can do. Don't let yourself be held back by what you think your passion should be.  
    Instead focus on taking small steps. Do what you can do right nowSo what if you can't follow your dream exactly as it is in your imagination? Do what you can do. Start somewhere. Start today.

    You have to focus on starting, instead of coming up with reasons why you can't do this, because you never know where you'll end up when you begin your journey.

  7. Small Steps Don't Matter
     Small steps are the only thing that matter.  Forget trying to come up with one idea that will catapult you to success overnight.  Instead focus on the mundane. Ask yourself what small step you can take today to follow your passion. Sometimes it means reading a book, taking a walk, or even deciding to write an article. It all depends on what your passion is.

    Think baby steps.

  8. It's Too Risky
     Is it really?  What about wasting your life doing something you don't want to do?  Isn't it more risky to not follow your passion?

    This is your life. You have to decide how you want to live it. I can't tell you what to do. No one can.  But what I can tell you is that the day I decided to truly follow my passion was the day my life transformed.  The journey hasn't been easy, but it has been worth it.

    Are you ready to take action?
Written on 6/23/2012 by Henri Junttila. Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where he shares his personal tips on how you can live the life you know you deserve. When you feel ready to take action, get his free course: How to Find Your Passion (And Build a Business Around It).Photo Credit: Search Engine People
Follo! w Dumb L ittle Man on Facebook already!

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Benefits of meditation and its Techniques

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by harryjackson9

Many people find that prayer and meditation brings them closer to God, especially when practiced on a daily basis. The problem is that many people can't find the time to develop prayer and meditation into a daily habit. And then once people do find the time it can be difficult to know what to study and meditate on.

Imagine for a moment that you have an important meeting coming up, perhaps you have to give a speech to your directors. For most people this situation could be a bit stressful. Assuming that you haven't done any healing meditations to release the stress - how do you think you'll cope with the situation? If you're aware, you'll notice that you may develop a headache or stiff neck or high blood pressure.

1. Use a metronome. Set it at a slow beat. Then sit down, close your eyes, and focus on the space between the beats. This trains your mind to focus on empty space. This activity will put you in the optimum theta brainwave state for meditation.

2. Sit up instead of lying down. When meditating you do not want to put yourself in a position that will help you fall asleep. You want to be in a state of alertness. The best posture is to sit in a chair without leaning back, with your arms on your lap or to your sides, keeping your legs uncrossed.

3. Use guided meditation CDs or mp3s. There is nothing wrong with a little help. Some of these are very good. There are ones that actually emit sounds that can instantly put you in a meditative state.

4. Focus on your breathing. This can be used anytime. While walking, working, playing, etc... If you can master focusing on your breathe you will be in a constant state of meditation. This is an extraordinary way of living.

5. Take up yoga. Yoga is a good moving meditation. The movements can put you totally in the moment, which is actually what core aim meditation is. Plus, it is good exercise and will keep you healthy. There are no drawbacks.

6. Listen to the gaps calming music. When you listen to music, focus on t! he gaps in sound. When you focus on the space between notes, your mind will clear and get you to where you need to be. There something magical about empty spaces, it is basically the essence of things. Take a cup for example. What makes it valuable? Would it still be a cup if there was no empty space in it?

7. Try to meditate at the same time and place every day. Humans are creatures of habit. When you are able to reach a meditative state easily overtime, your subconscious will be accustomed to achieving it in that particular environment.


Basic meditation- Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to make your mind quiet. Keep all the stresses, problems, schedules, programs, aims and ambitions aside. Spend some time thinking about nothing.

Focused meditation- In this technique, you have to focus on some object like a statue, picture, building, and so forth. You can also focus on your own body parts and activities like your breathing.

Spiritual meditation- As stated earlier, meditation is also used to gain spiritual experience. With regards to this technique, you put forth a question and try to find a feasible answer for it.

Activity-oriented meditation- In this case, you have to engage yourself in a repetitive, monotonous activity like gardening, creating a handicraft, writing a book, and so on.

There are hundreds of different types of yoga and meditation. Yoga comes along with many different positions, and each represents a certain force or energy that will be brought into your life. Find the types of yoga and meditation that work for you and don't feel afraid or shy to try different types!

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Read about Premature Ejaculation Treatment and also read about Erectile Dysfunction Cure and Premature Ejaculation Cure

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Sacred earth - Jai ma

Some lovely yoga, meditation, relax or whatever you name it, music. Hope you like it.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Former Child Star Raven Symone's Awesome Weight Reduction Transformation

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Stress Reduction
by OmarC

Article by Gisella Bundchav

We all know and remember Raven Symone as being this lovable little precocious youngster from the Cosby show. Raven has been in show business from the time that she has been 3 years old and gained notoriety by her role on the show as Denise's step child Olivia. Well, Olivia is all matured today! Raven Symone currently is 20 years old and yes, she actually is still in show business. Throughout the years she's genuinely evolved into a wonderful young girl. She has continued to act and even received her own show on the Walt disney station (That's So Raven) which did adequately and ran for a few years. Raven is among the few child celebrities who have managed to remain on the right track and remain out of problems. Something that we will probably never hear about is Raven venturing out, causing a fuss, abusing medication, or anything similar to that. She's a sensible young woman and actually has an excellent head on her shoulder. When Raven Symone is in the news it's rarely for anything bad. Only recently she made head lines right after a remarkable weight loss.

In the past several months Raven has made news headlines for her impressive weight loss. She's recently gone from chubby to slender in a brief amount of time. Now it is no secret that Raven was previously a large gal. It's something that she's always been vocal candidly about. She's always stated that she's confident with her weight and will not fall pressure to Hollywood along with their desire for ladies to be stick thin. While he undeniable fact that she was at ease with herself was fantastic, there is absolutely no denying that she was at an unhealthy weight. She hasn't said for certain why she's chosen to shed the pounds but happily she has. Though being assured with your body is a fantastic thing, being overweight can result in severe health difficulties sooner or later.

Raven has purportedly dropped around 45 pounds. It might not appear to be a massive number but the variation shows. She seems like an absolutely different gi! rl. When asked about the reason she gained the extra weight initially, Raven revealed that stress was the most significant contributor to her excess weight. Lots of people don't comprehend this but stress can in fact cause individuals to gain pounds. At the miniscule age of 15 when almost all teenagers are happy-go-lucky with nothing to worry about, she had the world on her shoulders. She was the star of a hit show and a great deal was riding on her each day. Just about every decision that she made may potentially have an effect on many people. If she fell ill and wasn't capable to show up for reasons unknown, this might imply that countless men and women wouldn't get compensated. That sort of stress would certainly cause any individual to stress out.

The good thing is, Raven has gotten her weight under control and she looks totally breathtaking. She was attractive prior to the weightloss and is just as attractive after.

About the Author

For more info about raven symone weight visit us right this moment.

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Meditation Tips To Rove The Outer Space With Inner Peace

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Tom Fazio

If you are staring out on meditation, first off is a word of congratulations. You have finally found the greatest path to true happiness and enriching inner peace. This article will now give you some vital meditation tips to make the practice an ultimately rewarding experience. Remember that mediation is not a ritual that needs you to be a monk or a devout Buddhist. This is simply an attempt to build on your inner consciousness so that you have an enhanced awareness of both your valid existence and your rightful relationship to the infinite cosmos.

At the outset, you must know several things. These mediation tips will help you establish a meditative lifestyle without any religious inclination.

1. Set aside a convenient time each day to meditate. The time should be regular and frequent in a week.

2. Determine the best person to guide you as you learn how to meditate. Whether online or in a class, the teacher you choose impacts on your attainment

3. Continually teach yourself to relax the body. The relaxation skill is the beginning of success in meditation.

4. Remember that meditation is not a task but a getaway from tasks. Be gentle on your self, patient and loving as you learn how to meditate. Do not overly exert yourself.5. Treat both yourself and others with respect so that you have inner piece even before you start meditating. Peace is the fulcrum of meditation success.

6. Avoid distractions during meditation sessions. Get away from the phones, TV's, radios, etc. Ensure that no one will come in through the door to distract you for the session's duration.

7. Start by joining a meditation group not only to expose yourself to learning experiences, but also to spice up the meditation with collective fun.

8. Whatever you do, do not forget that meditation is a process of letting go. So stop holding back and reasoning out things, just let go and you will find yourself.

From there on, the next set of meditation tips should introduce you to medit! ation pr actices perse.

a) Value of breathingMediation success is anchored on breathing and you should endeavour to learn various breathing techniques that help can you to build concentration and focus. The idea is to maximize and regulate your breathing pattern in such a way that you can easily control your thoughts.

b) Shutting off the thoughtsOnce in a meditative session, you must learn to shut of reasoning and distractions. Keep of any new thought besides what your concentration is focused on. Ensure that no new thought enters your mind uninvited. Mediation involves emptying the mind of thought and then replacing limited logic with a divine peace where everything is tranquil.

c) Consistent patternsYou must maintain your meditation routine consistently and regularly, for it to bear results. When you fall into the pattern of meditation without faltering, nothing will be impossible let alone hard to achieve.

d) Mantras

This might be the best of all meditation tips in this article. Mantras are very helpful in building concentration and gaining focus on the ideal line of visualisations. Repeating a set of sacred words and phrases many times eases the meditative journey. You are easily carried off by the chant of whichever language you use. Learn to use such conventional meditation mantras like "I am at Peace" and "all is well". You can also use Sanskrit language mantras such as "Tat Tuan Asmi" meaning 'I am that I am' or "Shanti, Shanti, Shanti" meaning 'peace, peace, peace'.

About the Author

Tom Fazio is a personal fitness trainer and martial arts instructor. He writes on relaxation meditation and discusses the benefits of using a meditation chair.

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Pema Chödrön - Why I Became a Buddhist

Free Weekly Wisdom. Visit www.soundstrue.com From Good Medicine: www.soundstrue.com Pema Chödrön reveals the time-tested Buddhist antidote to suffering—and shows how to apply it in your own life. The simple and elegant meditation practice known as tonglen, she teaches, is the perfect medicine for "ordinary people like ourselves." Through tonglen, we can use life's difficulties as a way to befriend ourselves, accept the past we have rejected, and widen our circle of compassion.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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God-man useless compared to Human-man

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Came across this great comic in a Daily Kos post. Reminded me of some ridiculous "God is in control of everything" stuff a Christian was quoted as saying in my previous post.

If God-man is so powerful, why does Human-man fail to find him helping out?

God man comic

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Tara is the Star who Saves

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Janis Mclellan

There is a very special deity known throughout Buddhism named Sgrol-ma, which means "she who saves". This savior goddess is most popular in the regions of Tibet, Mongolia and Nepal. She is known simply as Tara or "star" in the Sanskrit language.

Tara is the goddess of universal compassion, she is the representation of all virtuous, enlightened action. Her love for all living things is stronger than the love of a mother for her child. Tara protects us during our earthly travels, giving us longevity and stands guards us as we fumble our way through the spiritual journey to enlightenment.

Before the sixth century CE Tara was not known to Buddhists but she was very well known in Hinduism by another name, the goddess Parvati. When Buddhists discovered Tara they say she was born out of Avalokiteshvara, through her tears of compassion. As the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara wept for the world and its beings who endure suffering, her tears formed a lake. Inside this lake of tears grew a lotus and when the lotus opened the goddess Tara was inside! In another legend Tara was born from a blue light beam coming from one of Avalokiteshvara's eyes.

The body of Tara is envisioned in different colours, each colour symbolizes separate things. In some traditions it is said that White Tara, with her lotus in full bloom, symbolizes the day, and was born from the tears of Avalokiteshvara's left eye. Green Tara with her half-open lotus, represents the night, and came from the tears of Avalokiteshvara's right eye. Green Tara is the embodiment of virtuous activity, White Tara symbolizes the immense compassion of the goddess who labors day and night to relieve suffering.

In Tibet,Every pious woman was believed to be an incarnation of Tara. She was associated with two wives of the first Buddhist king of Tibet, Srong-brtsan-sgam-po. The Buddhist kings wife from imperial China was known an incarnation of the White Tara, while the king's wife from Nepalese was an incarnation of the Green Tara. It is p! ossible that the strong need to see both these pious women as incarnations of Tara was the reason Buddhists came up with the concept of green and white forms of this goddess.

About the Author

Janis resides in western Canada, she studies the Buddhist religion and practices reiki healing. Janis loves making Buddhist t-shirts, gifts and apparel to spread the knowledge of enlightenment. All of the images used on the products are hand drawn with high quality graphics and historical accuracy a priority. Visit her website at http://buddhistbackground.blogspot.com

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Instead of Attachment

Ajahn Brahm talks about enjoying our possessions like family, relationships and identity without being attached to them. Attachment comes from fear and enjoyment comes from letting go of fear.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Healthy Choice Recalls Liquid Gold Carrot Juice

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

recall, Healthy Choice Island Blends

Healthy Choice Island Blends, Inc. of Los Angeles, CA, in cooperation with the FDA, is recalling all sizes of LIQUID GOLD CARROT JUICE including 128oz, 64oz, 32oz, and 16 oz, because it has the potential to be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, which can cause botulism, a serious and potentially fatal foodborne illness.

Foodborne botulism is a severe type of food poisoning caused by the ingestion of foods containing the potent neurotoxin formed during growth of the organism. Foodborne botulism can cause the following symptoms: general weakness, dizziness, double-vision and trouble with speaking, breathing and swallowing. Weakness of other muscles, abdominal distension and constipation may also be common symptoms.

People experiencing these problems should seek immediate medical attention. Consumers are warned not to use the product even if it does not look or smell spoiled.

Liquid Gold Carrot Juice was distributed in California and sold wholesale to produce companies.

Product was sold in plastic see-through containers in gallon, half-gallon, and quart sizes. Product has a white label branded Liquid Gold with picture of carrots and a glass of carrot juice, with UPC Code 7 63213 00130.

No illnesses have been reported to date.

Consumers who have purchased Liquid Gold Carrot Juice should not consume the product and are urged to return it to the place of purchase or discard the product. Consumers with questions may contact the company at (213)749-7999, Mondays through Fridays 6am-3pm PST.

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Why purchase mind of hair Clippers For At home Use?

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Carnellia Roupe

Of course, the original haircut you do may properly not be most ideal barber store quality. But after you receive the hang of it (and most people choose up quickly, especially on uncomplicated styles), can truly final result in an astonishingly appreciably better looking mind of mind of hair overall. How is that? Well, at any time you need to devote additional time and cash to go obtain a qualified haircut, you often founded it off, reserving it for after it's necessary. slicing mind of hair at home with mind of hair clippers lets you do it a amazing offer more often without any additional cost. This suggests keeping a cleaner, a amazing offer more steady haircut by means of frequent maintenance. instead of people noticing when your child goes from shaggy to properly trimmed, he'll continually glance fresh new reduce and like he arrived straight away from your barber's chair!Of course, the original haircut you do may properly not be most ideal barber store quality. But after you receive the hang of it (and most people choose up quickly, especially on uncomplicated styles), can truly final result in an astonishingly appreciably better looking mind of mind of hair overall. How is that? Well, at any time you need to devote additional time and cash to go obtain a qualified haircut, you often founded it off, reserving it for after it's necessary. slicing mind of hair at home with mind of hair clippers lets you do it a amazing offer more often without any additional cost. This suggests keeping a cleaner, a amazing offer more steady haircut by means of frequent maintenance. instead of people noticing when your child goes from shaggy to properly trimmed, he'll continually glance fresh new reduce and like he arrived straight away from your barber's chair!Of course, the original haircut you do may properly not be most ideal barber store quality. But after you receive the hang of it (and most people choose up quickly, especially on uncomplicated styles), can truly final result in an astonishingly appreciably! better looking mind of mind of hair overall. How is that? Well, at any time you need to devote additional time and cash to go obtain a qualified haircut, you often founded it off, reserving it for after it's necessary. slicing mind of hair at home with mind of hair clippers lets you do it a amazing offer more often without any additional cost. This suggests keeping a cleaner, a amazing offer more steady haircut by means of frequent maintenance. instead of people noticing when your child goes from shaggy to properly trimmed, he'll continually glance fresh new reduce and like he arrived straight away from your barber's chair!

About the Author

Of course, the original haircut you do may properly not be most ideal barber store quality. But after you receive the hang of it (and most people choose up quickly, especially on uncomplicated styles), can truly final result in an astonishingly appreciably better looking mind of mind of hair overall. How is that? Well, at any time you need to devote additional time and cash to go obtain a qualified haircut, you often founded it off, reserving it for after it's necessary. slicing mind of hair at home with mind of hair clippers lets you do it a amazing offer more often without any additional cost. This suggests keeping a cleaner, a amazing offer more steady haircut by means of frequent maintenance. instead of people noticing when your child goes from shaggy to properly trimmed, he'll continually glance fresh new reduce and like he arrived straight away from your barber's chair!

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College of Zen Buddhist Studies

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

College Of Zen Buddhist Studies

The Third Quarter for the College of Zen Buddhist Studies begins on July 2, 2012. We are currently accepting applications for new students here. Returning students can sign up for their new classes now. 

Find a distance community that bridges the boundries of location and distance. 

Students who enroll in the College of Zen Buddhist Studies are eligible to take five precepts once they enroll. Once a student has finished their first nine classes they are eligible to take ten precepts and become a Novice Priest in the Five Mountain Zen Order. Another benefit that students in the program can take advantage of is to be authorized to enter into kōan study with a qualified Zen Teacher. These interviews are offered over video conference, usually Skype.

Under the direction of the Five Mountain Order (founded in 2008 as the Monastery Without Walls), the College of Zen Buddhist Studies is one of the few Buddhist institutions in the world to make full use of online distance-education opportunities, providing our students with a convenient, affordable, and unique Zen training experience.

The next quarter begins at the College of Zen Buddhist Stu! dies on April 9, 2012 and will be offering a variety of courses on line.

Our application fee is $ 25 and each course is offered for the nominal fee of $ 50 tuition/class. These classes are multimedia, and feature interaction with the instructors online, as well as private counseling and or course meeting using on line video technology. Once you have submitted your application you will be given a signon so that you can sign up for the classes of your choice.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: How many classes should I take?

A: Full time students take 3 classes each quarter and can graduate in two years. Of course you can take as many classes as your schedule will allow you to engage.

Q: I have looked into other distance learning programs, but I am hesitant that I won't be involved with the community.

A: All students have access to their professors via email, phone and on line video. Also, each student is assigned to a Zen Teacher who will engage you in personal practice counseling as well as koan study if you wish it. These meetings take place regularly once a week and will enhance your Zen experience.

LIT101 - Chanting Practicum One

This is an entry level class for new students engaging in their first quarter at the College. There are some resource requirements to order so sign up as soon as possib! le so th at you can recieve your textbooks, etc in time for the start of the quarter.

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LIT102 - Chanting Practicum Two

This is a second quarter class for returning students engaging who wish to engage their chanting practice at a more advanced level. There are some resource requirements to order so sign up as soon as possible so that you can recieve your textbooks, etc in time for the start of the quarter.
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LIT111 - Meditation Practicum One

This is an entry level class for new students engaging in their first quarter at the College. This class will help you to engage in a daily practice and get to know our community.

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LIT112 - Meditation Practicum Two

This is a second quarter class for returning students. Engaging meditation practice is a lifelong commitment and this class will help to establish that commitment within the students who enroll. 
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BHP121 – The Life of the Buddha

This is an entry level class for new students engaging in their first quarter at the College. This class will help you to engage in a daily practice and get to know our community.
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BPH122 - Foundational Buddhism

This is an entry level class for new students engaging in their first quarter at the College. This class will help you to engage in a daily practice and get to know our community.
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BHP123 – Buddhism Beyond Religion

This is a second quarter class for returning students. Agnostic Buddhism explores the interesting topic of finding the heart of Buddhism outside of the religiosity that seems to permeate many sects of Buddhist study. 
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BPH311 - Mirror of Zen

This is an advanced class for returning students. In this course we will study this great book. The class will consist of reading assignments, video lectures, forum activities, quizzes and of course, a professor will be available. The ultimate goals of this class are first introducing us to this great book and ultimately togeth! er we wi ll learn from a great Zen Master of the past.
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SUT321 - Platform Sūtra

The Sutra of Hui-neng, also known as the Platform Sutra, contains the autobiography of a pivotal figure in Zen history and some of the most profound passages of Zen literature. Hui-neng (638–713) was the sixth patriarch of Zen in China, but is often regarded as the true father of the Zen tradition. He was a poor, illiterate woodcutter who is said to have attained enlightenment upon hearing a recitation of the Diamond Sutra. Together, these two scriptures present the central teaching of the Zen Buddhist tradition and are essential reading for all students of Buddhism.
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BPH401 - Introduction to Zen Buddhism

This course explores the way of Zen and its inner truth. Each week includes a meditation practice. The text is a little known gem in a sea of literature referring to Zen Buddhism. A book i find myself referring back to more often than any other i own. The first time i read it i gained more insight into the history of zen, where it was coming from, and the people it arrived through. Most importantly at the end of every chapter is a method of practicing zen. This, along with the stress on practicing zen principles in daily life is why i would highly recommend this book to the beginning zen practitioner.
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HZM416 - Chán Master Mǎzŭ

A translation of the primary materials on the life and teachings of Ma-Tsu (709-788), the successor to the great sixth patriarch and the greatest Ch'an master in history, Hui-Neng (638-713). The book should be invaluable to all who wish to study the development of the Zen thought and philosophy over the course of history.
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SUT421 - Perfect Enlightenment Sūtra

The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment, used in monastic education for more than a millennium (probably composed in the eighth century), is a concise guide to the key paradigms of the practice systems of the East Asian meditation schools (Ch'an, Son, and Zen). It has been most popular in the Chinese and Korean schools. As Zen students, there is value to studying this Mahayana teaching as it employs many different ways to try to get people of different aptitudes to wake up. We will also see how it also helps the reader to understand the process of Sutra development.
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Why Is Spiritual Truth So Elusive?

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Shen Gerald

Why is spiritual truth so elusive? Why is it that matters of spiritual significance are so hard to verify and validate?

I have been pondering hard on this subject for quite sometime. And these are my conclusions.

Spiritual truth is so elusive possibly because of several factors. They are as listed below:

1. Many seekers are using the wrong modes of seeking. What do I mean by this? Firstly we try to relate and uncover spiritual truth and reality with our own thinking faculty. This will lead us to nowhere because spiritual reality is what is encapsulating our limited thinking faculty. Spiritual reality is in a way 'beyond' the normal thinking mode assigned by a personality/self. No offence, but most people are doing this precisely. As such believers can ONLY believe and NOT experience divine spiritual reality.

My first experiences of Divine Consciousness were during meditation sessions. Very significantly, during these meditations, thoughts and thinking were much reduced. In a state of no thought (Yes and I mean not a single thought!), we will experience ourselves clearly as an all-pervading Presence. It is during these moments that one discover that the world and ourselves is not what it appears to be. And we suddenly understand what the ancients Sages from various traditions were talking about.

2. Being conditioned by societies' beliefs. Our upbringing very much demarcated what should be real and what's not. And this is supported by a very convincing structure based on scientific proving and visual/experiential validation.

Let me illustrate this point further... Since childhood, education and adults have been telling us what is correct and what is not. We all have been brainwashed to think like one another. As such our sense of identity has been influenced by our fed information and beliefs. Do you know that prior to any acquired learning, a child relates to the world very differently? Much of how we perceive the world is learnt... and is fundamentally differen! t from o ur natural way of referencing. However, learnt ways are certainly not negative; it is just that modern societal influences tend to suppress and discourage certain in-born cognitive abilities such as intuitive clairvoyance. And intuitiveness is a necessary ingredient for efficient spiritual navigation.

3. We think we know it all. When we think we know it all. The thought of 'I know it all' will block us from knowing anything deeply. Why this that so? Because a 'know-it-all' will not seek to know deeply and therefore will not go deep enough...

Well, in a nutshell, these are my findings.

Thanks for reading.

About the Author

The author is a guy living in the Far East. He runs a self-growthresource site at http://www.dreamdatum.com

This site offers a free dream interpretation software athttp://www.dreamdatum.com/dda20-free.html

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What is real Intuition? To be really intuitive?

siddhayatan.org Acharya Shree Yogeesh brings clarity to the true meaning of intuition ASHRAM EMAIL UPDATES siddhayatan.org (free spiritual email updates and training) GOOGLE + Acharya Shree Yogeesh: plus.google.com Sadhvi Siddhali Shree: plus.google.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com facebook.com...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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HCG As A Brand New And Valuable Way Of Weight Reduction

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Gerrith Trathehorne

Recent scientific studies are showing that more and more people are getting to be overweight than in the past. The exact obesity levels have actually risen persistently during the last few years, and the greater area of it is often attributed to bad dietary habits and absence of exercise. There were actually a lot of diet programs developed through the years with HCG as the most popular and even most established of all.

The particular growing outbreak has triggered many individuals questioning clinical professionals along with other experts to obtain advice concerning their very own fat burning attempts. Weight problems has become primarily thought of as as a result of over eating but a majority of medical professionals nowadays are starting to comprehend the other elements related.

As a result of `, many medical professionals are actually providing their particular customers effective fat loss strategies that may include a variety of alternatives. All these can incorporate exercising and calorie restriction in addition to supplements in addition to other breakthroughs on fat reduction science. An example among these developments certainly is the usage of a particular naturally developing hormone generally known as HCG.

This product was made to increase the metabolic rate which then improves anybody's ability to get rid of excessive fat at greater pace. It is additionally noted for breaking down unwanted body fat, which may induce accelerated weight loss. In the process, it is going to defend the muscles that the entire body needs for the purpose of keeping vibrant. This may additionally prevent possessing just about any wobbly skin as a result of too much slimming.

While this product has already rendered awesome results for affected individuals, it still will need a minimal calorie diet to notice reliable improvements. In the past, consumers will persistently use hunger suppressants, yet for many people, this triggered medical problems together with other troubles. This ex! cellent has inspired many patients to get a system which is not merely risk-free but also beneficial regarding their pursuit to shed body fat.

The principle in regards to this unique solution would be that the human body needs to be using body fat as a basic energy source. Numerous diet plans could simply be successful once individuals are adhering to the routine, and normally, individuals will likely lose fat when in the process of going on a diet. Then again, after they stop, all of the pounds will begin to return quickly in several instances. This specific product helps your system in making use of the very body fat as the major energy source.

Though this is showing as a rather effective and fast strategy to get rid of body fats, there might be some complications in certain individuals. This might cause head pain, upset stomach, stress or possibly emotional state shifts. Earlier than buying this supplement, be sure to advise your doctor relating to all medicines you were consuming in order to avoid whatever probable medical issues along with side effects.

Most people should come to an agreement that this surely is not a process which gets results alone. Attaining perfect successes will demand staying on a practical weight management method, plus some light-weight exercise too. Interestingly, once employed in addition to these, you will get significant effects efficiently and securely. The main factor is to try to continue to be committed and never give up unless you already achieved your primary intended mass. Lots of people tend to be burning off body fat every single day with this particular supplement and therefore can you.

About the Author

Contemplating trying hcg to shed pounds? Glance at the pros and cons of the weight loss program, and think of your decision wisely.

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Trinity College women's squash team uses Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation TM.org and Squash at Trinity College Trinity Coach The women's squash team at Trinity College is representative of ten different countries. Zimbabwe, Scotland, Canada, USA, Mexico, Germany, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Egypt. So it's an incredibly international group. Each brought their own culture, their own beliefs, their own religion and their own attitude. Given the fact that I was already doing a lot of focusing work with them, stress reduction kind of work. It occurred to me that Transcendental Meditation given what I'd seen in some of the research might be a perfect mesh precisely the kind of work I was doing. Trinity Squash Student - Tehani : Transcendental Meditation, actually I'm glad we started that this season. It helped me to calm down with my anger. I used to get really angry on court and after doing Transcendental Meditation the anger went away. Trinity Squash Student - Emily: This year especially we go into a really good routine and schedule. It helped doing Transcendental Meditation everyone has always said that as soon as we finish Transcendental Meditation we're all so much more relieved and have so much more energy to do our studies afterwards.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Resolving The Paradox Between Psychology And Spirituality

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Saleem Rana

It seems that there is a contradiction between the psychology of transcendence and the spiritual idea of transcendence.

Psychologists believe that through the proper application of intelligence and self-cognition one can have a full and enjoyable life, with wealth, health, and a great relationship, as well as a sense of communal belonging and contribution.

Those in spiritual groups, in particular of an eastern orientation, believe that one has to get rid of the lustful ego that craves only fleeting things and to unify with divine consciousness.

The most popular compromise to resolve this seeming paradox is that you have to build up the self and let it go. In Vedic philosophy this is expressed as becoming a householder in the first stages of life then retiring to pursue transcendence.

Yet most believe, because of cognitive dissonance, that they should choose one view or the other.

Thus, there are those who believe that they should be worldly and experience the world as it appears to be.

Then there are those who believe that they should reject the world and dedicate themselves to getting out of the misery of the cycle of birth and death.

Here is another way of understanding this paradox.

The self is a transcendent consciousness. It is not limited to a particular body or a particular lifetime. Because it is not anything in particular, the "I" is not an "it." This is why Buddhists say there is "no-self."

Similarly, the world itself is entirely illusory. I don't mean this metaphorically or even psychologically. At the subatomic level, again there is no substance. There are just probability patterns that literally flit in and out of existence! For example, an electron can appear under an observing instrument then disappear, then reappear again. There literally is no stuff! This is why the Vedantists say that the world is Maya, or illusory.

Yet to all purposes, on the macroscopic level, both an intelligent being and an intelligible world app! ear to e xist.

On this level, personal growth and advancement is necessary, not because it means anything on a cosmic scale, but because there is literally nothing else to do with this adventure of life. You can either resist evolution and suffer all kinds of lack or you can embrace evolution and the refining of mind and enjoy fulfillment of resources and experiences.

Thus, when you look at things from the view of levels of perception, all contradictions disappear, just as the contradiction of day and night disappears when you understand that the sun and earth are in a cosmic dance.

It is possible to be engaged in the world and to actually enjoy it and at the same time to enjoy meditation and contemplation to experience the inner sky of blissful freedom. It is by no means an easy path, but after a while, they will support each other. Material success and harmonious relationships will give you the opportunity to retreat to your inner work. Similarly your inner work will contribute to your increase of abundance and maintaining a loving relationship with others.

About the Author

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas His book Never Ever Give Up tells you how. It is offered at no cost as a way to help YOU succeed. The Empowered Soul

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A guide To mind Shaving For Men

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Haku Carter

The track record at the rear of mind Shaving

From extremely earlier records, it is feasible to decide proof of mind shaving among historic Mediterranean settlers from Greece, Egypt and Rome. Religious factors of mind shaving also can be observed in countless movements with, perhaps, Buddhism getting one of the most widespread, especially noticeable using the Hare Krishna movement. Devotees have their heads shaved in preparation for entry in priesthood, even although it is not limited using the Hare Krishna movement. Indeed, Hindu monks also shave their heads and Muslim grownup males are advised to shave their heads best suited after the pilgrimage of Hajjas it is stated for getting three occasions much more satisfying than clipping their curly hair short.

More modern good examples of mind shaving consist of the military, precisely where shaving is observed like a rite of passage into their commissioned posts. As of 2006, a shaved mind are on the way to be the common haircut inside the united states Army, the united states Marine Corp as well as the united states Coast Guard. Sportsmen in some disciplines also shave their head, swimmers to cut back drag, and boxers and cage fighters as an make an effort to intimidate their opponents. HeadBlade, between the major makers of mind shaving hardware, have extended been sponsors of fighters inside the Mixed Martial Arts series, such as best athletes that consist of Shane Carwin. possibly one of the most widespread intent for somebody to shave their mind is that, very simply, it is truly a extremely liberating come upon and extremely fashionable.

There are also celebrities all much more compared to world are sporting the "bald is best" glimpse with stars that consist of Bruce Willis, Andre Agassi, and Billy Corgan inside the Smashing Pumpkins to name but numerous who have ventured cutting this path. So what are on the way to be the simplest method to shave your head? stick to these straightforward actions jointly with a smooth mind could ! possibly be yours.

Step one choose your Shaving Hardware

Many individuals shave their mind producing utilization of the common razor and blade combination. Just like shaving your face, the much more "tech" the blades for example, Gillette Fusion or even the brand new Hydro range from Wilkinson Sword, the smoother the shave appears to be. There are professional makers that consist of HeadBlade which receives awesome reviews. The huge benefit of HeadBlade are on the way to be the reality that there is much much more than one point in make contact with jointly with your scalp whatsoever occasions so it is much less difficult to keep away from "nicks".

Step two 1st time Headshavers

You should trim as appreciably of your curly hair as possible. to hold out this, a common build of electrical "hair clippers" could possibly be utilized using the shield used off. countless significant path stores have these plus they are uncomplicated to use. jointly with your curly hair dry, buzz the fuzz but please hold care! It is typically much less difficult to acquire a buddy or companion to hold out your 1st trim.

Step three almost ready

You should truly "wet" cutting your hair. curly hair usually requires about three to 4 mins to properly "wet down" so getting a shower is definitely an perfect method of producing your shave as comfy as possible. for individuals who can't hold a shower, attempting producing utilization of the flannel which is becoming wet with great cozy water. It appears to hold out the trick but be good the consuming water isn't as well hot; you don't desire to area a boiling warm flannel in your previously delicate scalp!!

Step 4 Lather up

Use an ideal best quality shaving gel or essential oil (foams usually dried out your pores and skin out). a specific favourite of countless mind shavers is King of Shaves AlphaGel, or HeadBlade HeadSlick. stroke it properly into your scalp after which put together to shave!

Step 5 Shave

If you are producing utilizati! on of th e HeadBlade, use your favored hand, area your index finger through the loop and adjust it for comfort. using the blade leading, lightly smooth the HeadBlade much more than your scalp, producing utilization of your fingers and bottom of your hand like a guide. Do not press cutting inside the HeadBlade, just allow it glide. Shaving "with the grain" is advisable right up until your pores and skin gets accustomed to getting shaved. It doesn't shave as near as in opposition to the grain but is most undoubtedly kinder in your skin. Flip the HeadBlade near to if you appear to hold out the back again of your mind to make certain that you simply will once again be shaving using the blade leading.

Step 6 rinse and Protect

Once your scalp feels great and smooth, rinse away any surplus gel with cozy consuming water and lightly pat cutting your scalp. To finish off off, use an ideal best quality moisturiser to preserve your scalp in idea best condition. for individuals who reside within of a sunny climate, don't overlook to slap some sunlight safety onto your scalp, sunburn could possibly be extremely unpleasant.

About the Author

From extremely earlier records, it is feasible to decide proof of mind shaving among historic Mediterranean settlers from Greece, Egypt and Rome. Religious factors of mind shaving also can be observed in countless movements with, perhaps, Buddhism getting one of the most widespread, especially noticeable using the Hare Krishna movement. Devotees have their heads shaved in preparation for entry in priesthood, even although it is not limited using the Hare Krishna movement. Indeed, Hindu monks also shave their heads and Muslim grownup males are advised to shave their heads best suited after the pilgrimage of Hajjas it is stated for getting three occasions much more satisfying than clipping their curly hair short.

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This is the COMPLETE "See/Hear/Feel" meditation (includes parts 1, 2, & 3) - for those who would like a longer sit. (The visual quality has been reduced to fit the whole meditation on here - but we figured you'd have your eyes closed anyway.) Enjoy the Tour. For more info: www.MINDFULNESSARTS.org - a non-profit organization that gratefully accepts TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS so that we can continue to provide videos, mp3's, live & phone retreats, and workshops to help support the larger community in mindfulness practice to promote more ease, happiness & creativity in our lives.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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For a gentle and relaxing massage Partridge Creek Tricho Salon and Spa

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Dave Smith

Like thousands of men and women all across the United States, many of the locals look forward to a weekly massage in Partridge Creek salon and spa of Tricho, and like generations before them, massage has been and is still one of the premier therapies associated with assisting healing from injury, releasing tension in muscles and clearing the body of toxins.Massage is a relatively new concept in the United States, although the US is quite a modern concept in itself; massage was introduced by two New York physicians based on Per Henrik Ling's techniques developed in Sweden, and started to become popular in the middle of the nineteenth century. It remained in the psyche but by the time of the 1940's it had declined somewhat in popularity, primarily due to the rapid rise and increase in medical advancement. It was to be a further thirty years or so before the popularity of massage and its benefits began to rise up again, thanks in no small way to nurses using it as an alternative therapy to ease pain and help bring about more restful sleep to their patients.Evidence of massage has been found in archeological excavations both in drawings and writings, including but not limited to the great civilizations of Rome, Greece, India, Japan, China, Egypt and Mesopotamia to mention just a few. Indeed, massage in its many guises has been an essential element of medicine and treatment of the human condition for several thousand years. Indeed, as a therapy it has probably been practiced for far longer than written or recorder history is aware.Massage therapy in all its forms and guises is basically manipulation of the soft tissue, the superficial and deeper layers of muscle and sinew and has been developed over centuries. Its primary function as a healing art is to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being in the person receiving the treatment.In modern times massage therapy involves manipulating the body with pressure - structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving - an! d altern ating increase and decrease of tension, motion or flexing either by manual hand manipulation or by mechanical means. Indeed, in modern times massage therapy is practiced from health and well being spas and resorts, from specialist health and alternative therapy clinics and organizations either as an element of post trauma or illness therapy or merely as part of a regular health regime.If you are looking for massage Partridge Creek try the Tricho Salon and Spa where you will find a welcome for new and old clients for relaxing therapies of the mind, body and beauty therapies for face, hair and all over body. Log on today for more detailed information and contact details, the web address is http://www.trichosalonandspa.com.

About the Author

massage Partridge Creek

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Binaural Beats - Theta Realms - Deep meditation - Promo 5 - Outer Rim

This video is created to be an audio promo for www.thetarealms.net. stores.thetarealms.net ABOUT THE COLLECTION Journey through THETA REALMS with five unforgettable sixty minute Brainwave Sound Journeys that go beyond the normal and into the deep theta awareness mind states that will leave you wanting more. The deep meditation soundtrack series is a powerful tool for theta brainwave induction, brainwave synchronization, deep meditation, powerful relaxation, lucid dreaming, out of body perception, stress release and the unknown sound healing properties that result from brainwave sound journeys created with care and a powerful intention to create a mass effect of consciousness development, awareness and self actualization of dreams and creative thought forms through the use of brainwave sound journeys. Built from ground up with brainwave entrainment applications the deep meditation series is powered by a morphing and out of this world atmosphere with overlapping melodic tones and melodies. All deep meditation soundtracks feature percussion elements to compliment the flowing atmospheric musical creation. Experience deep meditative states with ease and enjoyment and the wonderful feeling of relaxation that comes from experiencing these brainwave sound journeys no matter how many times you listen to them. The 60 Minute BRAINWAVE SOUND JOURNEYS are created with their own unique theta frequency settings that guide you deeper into this deep state of meditation. Float through time ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Concentration VS Insomnia

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by chai

Concentration and resolve painful insomniaI narrative about meditation, you know. Because the last I have a stomachache forte Pain is the next several days and then gradually disappeared. I want to tell me how to get tummy ache you have symptoms like that I know. I was a pain local resident. Have it all the time sleeping or sitting and standing posture all the time eating or not eating. I feel this all the time-tummy ache. Feel more pain every time. It is more pain. And I make are to be no concentration on the more painful. With not concentration in the positive!He made one remember you taught me in school time matriculate. You teach me meditation. It can help us. In body or mind and calm your pain is common practice teaching. We think that the automatic to imagine. In fact, not caused by a weak or sick body of thought but it does not comfort us. I know you are teaching to the concentration but not limited to sitting posture alone. Tatar, many can sit sleep standing the meaning of it is with one mind. Set out to breath. Tempos make it empty. Is it set it self. Then we'll see why. I try to do you teach me. I 'have compo, in my own meditation time. I' have seen it a problem that occurs to me at this time. Pain is the body. Insomnia I know that reality is indeed what I found it form the heart I own. I thought of. That it is. Why it occurs. I do not mind is still on.Typically I'm not sitting meditation as art? Because have not much time. Plus the work I do now. I rarely make time. This is the main Buddhist. The sitting meditation is very important to Buddhist sheer but we often overlook. As a long we have not found the problem. The many benefits of meditation are that we never know before. It makes our lives changed in a good many. Liked mentioned above. It is associated with disease. After concentration me better body. Local pain is gradually lost in insomnia symptoms and it lost much better sleeping and more. I had the nightmare almost every night. I have to return a good dream almost every night. I! told th e self-know if this to do this is long. We are all Buddhist quite good but overlooked since a modern Buddhist.Concentration is not only Buddhist. But do all people for all national religion it makes you see the many wonders about the change in your life. You will find that what I said about the concentration what you? You are not just diseases. But that means that life is changing in a good way. You'll find happiness really do try to view I believe you can.One have a good to choose : Yoga

About the Author

Healthy to know: http://healthy-good-food.com/concentration-vs-insomnia

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The essence of Buddhism - Sogyal Rinpoche

The entire teaching of the Buddha can be summed up in just three lines. Find out more - www.rigpa.org

Video Rating: 0 / 5

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