Knee and Back Pain with the Help of Yoga Part 3

Knee and Back Pain with the Help of Yoga Part 3

Knee and Back Pain with the Help of Yoga Part 3

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

by wovox

Article by Glen wood - The Yoga Teacher

Knee And Back Pain with the Help of Yoga Part 3

Jean started practicing yoga in 1990, in part, to relieve back pain that she had since the age of 11. Yoga gave temporary relief, but the pain always returned. She also tried massage, chiropractic and physical therapy, with no lasting results. In 2002, she walked, into the Balance Centre for the first time and experienced immediate relief from her chronic low back pain. Jean was hooked and stayed on to take classes, eventually completing the 2 years Teachers' Training program. She now teaches Foundations, yoga, privates and is the CEO for the Balance Centre.

Sarno proposes that TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome) is the major cause of pain in the back, neck, shoulders, buttocks, and limbs, and that it is caused not by structural abnormalities but by the mind's effort to repress emotions. Not that the pain is all in your head, but rather that your mind is generating a real physical disorder that may affect muscles, nerves, tendons, or ligaments. An injury may trigger the disorder, but isn't the true cause of the the resulting pain. The mind refocuses its repressed emotion into the body generating pain in your muscles, nerves, tendons, or ligaments.

In these pages you will find all the information you need to reduce lower back pain with special yoga exercises for back problems. Perhaps even heal your lower back completely.

Not sure if your posture is on point? Check it out by standing in front of a full-length mirror, and assume your usual stance. Don't be surprised if your shoulders round and fall forward as your pelvis rotates back. If you pull your shoulders back and tuck your pelvis forward, you will immediately add one inch to your height. Turn sideways and repeat. Ideally, there should be a straight line from the ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. You can also obtain a high-tech posture analysis at a physical therapy and spine centre for about 0.

Remember most important rule in practicing yoga posture is that any slight! est pain is indication from you body that something is wrong and come out of it. If starting yoga practice, it is strongly recommended that you begin in presence of qualified yoga teacher and do listen to your doctor's advice. Some health care professionals are really open to yoga, some are not, so keep an open mind.

Treatments for Scoliosis include the use of braces or sometimes, surgery. Others try electrical muscle stimulation, chiropractic manipulation and exercise. Though exercise cannot stop Scoliosis alone but it can help in promoting overall health and well-being.


About the Author

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

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Can Yoga Help My Back Pain? Part 5

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Glen Wood - the Yoga Teacher

Yoga For Shoulder Pain Caused By Arthritis

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher

It is not only the overuse of muscles which causes shoulder pain, arthritis is another culprit. The cartilage which protects the joints of the shoulder bones wears down, which could be because of aging and repetitive use. The cartilage could be repaired and the shoulder pain could go away. But it could more than a year before a new cartilage could develop.

Shoulder pain could cause a lot of disruption, it can cause problems with sleeping at night and could interfere with daily activities. To deal with the pain, a cold or hot pack could be placed on the shoulder for 15 minutes. It could also be used for back and other body pains. Hot moist pack is recommended during the start of the pain, before going to bed and even in the middle of night when the ache strikes.

There are even drugs injected (cortisone injections) to reduce inflammation. Some would take pain relievers and relaxing and gentle exercises. Pool exercise monitored by a physical therapist is a kind of gentle exercise.

Yoga, on the other hand, is one of the complementary and alternative medicine and therapy that most doctors recommend. Orthopedic surgeons would also recommend yoga exercises and positions to heal the body. For more that 5,000 years, yoga has been known to restore physical, mental and emotional health.

Yoga therapy is fitted to cater each person's needs. Yoga therapy addresses not the symptoms but the causes of the imbalances. There are series of exercises and postures which are very appropriate for those who have shoulder, neck and back pains.

These yoga postures could provide strength to the joints and reduce risk of stiffness. Since yoga addresses the causes of the pain, it could also lead to a healthier lifestyle. This could help your body build resistance against arthritis and other sickness. However, shoulder pain could also be sign of a more serious problem. It is important to assess the kind of pain and its history.

Simple asanas and yoga postures could go a long way. It is ! just a m atter of being prepared and decided to do it to help you and your body.

Free Video Reveals No 1 Secret to Losing Your Back Pain with Yoga. Click here for more information.

About the Author

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, shows you how to lose your back, neck and shoulder pain with yoga.

Free Video Reveals No 1 Secret to Losing Your Back Pain with Yoga. Click here for more information.

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Sage Yoga Debbi Murphy

Debbi Murphy teaches Vinyasa Yoga on Thursdays at 9:30am at Sage Yoga and Wellness, 242 N. 8th, Ste 200 in downtown Boise. Sage Yoga has classes 7 days a week. You'll find appropriate classes for all ages and abilities in our class schedule online or give us a call at (208) 338-5430

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Yoga For Your Dosha

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

by ejmc

Article by Yoga Freak

Ayurveda talks about the three subtle energies, called doshas, which play an important role in human health. These energies are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each dosha is a combination of two natural elements: Vata dosha is made of space and air, Pitta dosha is made of fire and water, and Kapha dosha is made of water and earth. These doshas play an important role in defining an individual's natural constitution or prakriti.

According to Ayurveda, these doshas should be in a balanced state for physical and psychological well being. Any imbalance in tridoshas (the three doshas) causes a state of unhealthiness and disease. Yoga can help us to keep tridoshas in a balanced state.

But before practicing yoga one should always remember that every one has their own natural constitution according to their doshas. So always choose a yoga program that best suits you according to your doshas.

Yoga for Vata: Vata dosha governs all the movements in the body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breath, and the movement of thoughts across the mind. Vata is considered as the leader of the three doshas in the body. It is very important to keep Vata in a balanced state. Following yoga practices can help you to keep Vata in a balanced state:

Palm Tree Pose, Cobra Pose, Crocodile Pose, Bow Pose, Camel Pose, Arrow Pose, Cat Stretch Pose, Roaring Lion Pose, Lord Shiva's Pose, Stretched Leg Pose, Raised Arms Pose, Leg Lock Pose, Plough Pose, Chest Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing, and The Psychic Breath.

Yoga for Pitta: Pitta governs all metabolism, transformation and heat of the body. The yoga practices to keep Pitta in a balanced state are:

Tiger Pose, Hare Pose, Striking Cobra Pose, Equestrian Pose, Waist Rotating Pose, Swaying Waist Rotating Pose, Triangle Pose, Fish Pose, Locust Pose, Psychic Network Purification, Humming Bee Breath, Hissing Breath, and Cooling Breath.

Yoga for Kapha: Kapha dosha is mainly responsible for the growth and protection of the body. The ! yoga pra ctices to keep Kapha in a balanced state are:

Pawanmuktasana Part 1 (Anti Rheumatic Group), Pawanmuktaasana Part 2 (Digestive Group), Cobra Pose, Bow Pose, Dynamic Energy Pose, Double Angle Pose, Sun Salutation, Back Stretching Pose, Legs Spread Back Stretch Pose, Head To Knee Pose, Half Spinal Twist, Inverted Pose, Shoulder Stand Pose, Universal Spinal Twist, Eagle Pose, Natrajasana, Psychic Network Purification, Humming Bee Breath, Frontal Brain Cleansing, and Bellows Breath.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a Yoga enthusiast who loves to spread the goodness of the divine knowledge. In order to promote her passion, she has partnered with Divine Wellness to write blogs on the subject of Yoga poses and how it leads to good health and peace of mind.

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Meditation Techniques Spin

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Rachel Medina

Ellen Degeneres-TheBeginning-Part 3

Once again more Ellen stand-up. Le third part ^_^ There's lots... Well... Enjoy

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Zen meditators tap in to subliminal messages

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Anil Ananthaswamy, New Scientist: Meditation increases our ability to tap into the hidden recesses of our brain that are usually outside the reach of our conscious awareness.

That's according to Madelijn Strick of Utrecht University in the Netherlands and colleagues, who tested whether meditation has an effect on our ability to pick up subliminal messages.

The brain registers subliminal messages, but we are often unable to recall them consciously. To investigate, the team recruited 34 experienced practitioners of Zen meditation and randomly assigned them to either a meditation group or a control group. The meditation group was asked to meditate for 20 minutes in a …

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 6/7/2012

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger."
~The Buddha

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Theta meditation is the new meditation technique on the block

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

Punakha Dromchoe and Tsechu festivals

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Rio Andino

Unless the Trongsa festival falls into January, Punakha festivals are ordinarily the first due monastic events of the year. Though Punakha is but a small hamlet, its dzong, the administrative and religious heart of a region, belongs among the most exceptional structures in all of Bhutan. It is within just the giant courtyard of the dzong where the Phunakha festivals happen. The importance of the Punakha dzong stems from the fact that Punakha was actually once the medieval capitol of Bhutan.

For any tourist to Bhutan the trip to Punakha will begin in Paro. After taking in the sights Paro and Thimphu drive to Punakha departs western Bhutan and crosses into the interior of the country upon reaching the peak of the Dochula Pass. This pass is distinguished for the 108 Druk Wangyel stupas. With hundreds of fluttering prayer flags overhead, the views from the pass in the direction of the snow peaks of the Himalayas to the north are among the very best in western Bhutan. From the pass comes next an extended descend until getting to a junction where the Punakha road branches away from the main highway that continues toward Wangdi.

The Punakha road winds around through a pleasant countryside and woods until the dzong appears at a confluence of two rivers, a strategic spot for a fortress. The dzong is reached by a long suspension bridge. As at any gate to a Bhutanese dzong the visitors are inspected before entering. Local Bhutanese must stick to to stringent dress code before getting into a dzong. Tourists are not needing to follow same guidelines but conservative dress, men in slacks rather than jeans and women with long skirts rather than pants or revealing dresses are a mast.

Punakha festival is comprised of two festivals, staged back to back, with the Dromchoe, or Drubchen, being the first and is succeeded by the Tshechu. The Dromchoe is devoted to Mahakala, the goddess of death and defender of Buddhist goembas, Bhutanese expression for monasteries. As in Bhutan, Mahakala appears is wal! l fresco es and religious scroll paintings throughout the Buddhist world of Nepal, Ladakh, Sikkim and Tibet. Whilst most festivals of Bhutan may not be quick to follow for the inexperienced viewer, the multi-colored dress and masks of the performers and the typical festive atmosphere of the plain folk from the countryside holds you engaged. Dromchoe has an appealing story to tell as it relates a tale from some three hundred years ago when Bhutan was invaded by Tibetan army and the Bhutanese effectively defended themselves. In the Dromchoe / Drubchen festival story the festival climax shows the energy of the Bhutanese soldiers who smitten with war enthusiasm ride out symbolically into combat from the festival stage of the dzong to overcome the invading Tibetan soldiers. Brandishing swords, the ancient Bhutanese troops in red apparel rush out of the dzong, and with the noisy blasts of firecrackers, the soldiers proceed into battle.

The second festival is the Punakha Tshechu. As all Tshechu festivals, the festival is staged in the honor of Padma Sambhawa, commonly known as Guru Rimpoche, the Indian Buddhist saint who is acknowledged with having unveiled Tantric Buddhism throughout the greater Himalayas. The festival's masked dances are carried out by monks clothed in colorful brocade clothes and permeated by chants and reading of Buddhist prayers. The tail end of festival comprises the unfolding of a large cloth thanka, a holy scroll, showing Padma Smabhawa and images from Buddhist pantheon.

From the perspective of relative close proximity to Paro and Thimphu, scenic location at the backdrop of the Himalayas and staged in architecturally one of Bhutan's most impressive buildings, Punakha festivals should not be overlooked!

About the Author

Visiting Punaka festival is a rewarding choice to much visited festivals by tourists of Paro and Thimphu. Next Punakha Dromchoe takes place February 27 - March 2, 2012 and Punakha Tshechu March 3 - 5, 2012.

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The great disease of western culture

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

A watershed moment took place around the early 1960s that did serious damage to the pollyanna picture that propagandists had painted of the United States.  During this time several very important books were published that had a huge impact on popular culture.  There was Paul Goodman's book, Growing Up Absurd (1960), Oscar Lewis's book, Children of Sanchez (1961), and Michael Harrington's book, The Other America (1962) which was about the hidden poverty in America which argued that 25 percent of the nation was living in poverty.

These books and others before them such as John Kenneth Galbraith's book, The Affluent Society (1958), served to educate many Americans that the United States portrayed as a happy, affluent, suburban, middle-class society was a sham.  This happiness only existed in the media in such television series as Leave It to Beaver or before that, Father Knows Best, which had its beginning in radio back in the 1940s.  

The pollyanna image of America was carefully crafted by media savvy propagandists who then spoon fed it to the bewildered masses via their televisions.  By the way, let's not forget what propaganda means.  It is an important term.  According to Edward L. Bernays, in his book entitled Propaganda (1928), "Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government."  In particular, propaganda is, "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses."

With this painful analysis that revealed America's seamy side, not too much attention was, however, being paid to the great disease of Western culture, itself.  It was the wave of nihilism that had been spreading over Europe and America since the middle of the 19th century which a devitalized Christianity was trying to smooth over, if not hide with the rise of fundamentalism.  This problem seemed to be set in the historical fact that Western materialism and science had almost destroyed the older notion of religious faith thus leaving mankind with nothing in its place.  

Facing the rise of nihilism, Western materialism and science soon found itself to be incapable of successfully dealing with the first person sense of a growing spiritual voidness even with its new forms of psychology.  The need to fill this spiritual vacuum fell naturally upon philosophy, for example, existentialism, and religion from which grew the popularity of Buddhism and more specifically Zen.  Importantly, too, came the birth of a Western Hinduism, with Yoga and Vedanta.

Growing up in a culture that unconsciously encourages nihilism to flourish, obviously,  has a number of unintended consequences that constantly beset it. Paradoxically, in dealing with these unintended consequences, such a culture tries even more to crush mankind's inner sense of anxiety which is the direct result of spirit's absence or, the same, its suppression.  Naturally, this gives rise to an escalating kind of psychological rebelliousness if not a general discontent or boredom with everything from which the individual's will is unconsciously trying to escape. 

Despite what appears to be, also, a growing sense of hopelessness, the West's limited embrace of Buddhism has given it what it needs to overcome its nihilism together with the spiritual emptiness it is continually aware of at a first person level.  This is because Buddhism directly links man's suffering with his attachment to and his obsession with materiality as if the substance of the material world is only material.  Thus, it is not recognized that both the world and the body that man is thrown into are a phenomenalization (pratityasamutpada) of spirit or suchness.

This lack of recognition is the bane of the West insofar as it unconsciously assumes that the substance of phenomena must always be determinate and material when it is apparent for the living person that a true substance is always living and vital.

Those who wage war against spirit do so for undisclosed and often concealed reasons.  The rise of Western materialism and science doesn't come with any psychological insight into why some people object to reincarnation, Near Death Experiences (NDE), the presence of ghosts, or life after death, all of which concern the survival of spirit.  Even Western Buddhists have to fight an uphill battle with so-called Western "secular Buddhists" who deny that the Buddha taught the direct recognition and survivability of spirit which is eternal.  In this sense they are crypto-nihilists.  

There will always be watershed moments in America and, of course, Europe which expose the seamy side of so-called Western civilization which has lost its spiritual core to such a degree that it is almost a taboo to discuss this loss.  Likewise, the depth of nihilism will continue to reveal itself in what Nicholas F. Grier has called "technological Titanism" which amounts to extreme secular humanism insofar as man believes himself to be the 'measure of all things' (Protagoras) which leads to relative truths and thus to no truth adding fuel to the fire of nihilism.  


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Spa Going Asia Plays a Leading Role for Relaxation and Sense of Well Being

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Swati Kapoor

Asia is playing a major role in shaping up the spa industry globally. Many Asian systems and therapies such as yoga, ayurvedic medicine, and Thai massage are becoming the norm in the spa industry around the world. Furthermore, Asia has contributed immensely to the global spa scenario because of stronger profits and an established wellness and healing culture. Many of the global spa and wellness brands has their roots in this part of the world. As such, Asia, with its population of more than 4 billion people, has a lot to contribute to the emerging spa business globally.

The current success story in the spa industry is being scripted by Asian economies such as India, China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and others. All eyes are on this part of the world as the next spa destination containing leisure facilities respect to relaxation and sense of well-being. This is because of the presence of a significant number of 'Asian baby boomers' here. This is in direct contrast to the scenario faced in the west where many spas will be catering to an ageing population.

Currently, nearly 65% of the Indian population is under 35 and roughly about 70% of the Chinese population is under 44. The spa-going population is all set to increase in Asia due to the runaway economic development in many Asian countries such as China and India. This can be demonstrated by the fact that China GDP has grown 72 times since the last 30 years while India's GDP is set to multiply at least four times since 2020. Further, these two countries are expected to become tourism hot spots in a few years. Tourists to China rocketed to 500% in the last five years while tourists to India doubled simultaneously. Middle class Asians are rapidly filling up the upper class echelons and are winging their way abroad. Their definition of a luxurious lifestyle includes spa-going too and they don't mind doing it the western way. Therefore, many spa owners are trying to balance between Asian ambiences and spa treatments with customers' pref! erences for western style spa-going. At the same time, western spa goers would like to have an Asian touch to their spa-going experience, which can be experienced at various opulent retreats at a fraction of a price in the west.

To conclude, Asia is leading the world in a revolution that will surely galvanize the spa and wellness industry globally.

About the Author

Internet Expert offers comprehensive guide for spa business, spa products, spa jobs, spa marketing, spa advertising, spa plan, spa events services.

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Gratitude - with Deepak Chopra Deepak Chopra guided meditation. How can biofeedback help me achieve a longer, healthier, happier life? http The word meditation comes from the Latin meditatio, which originally indicated every type of physical or intellectual exercise, then later evolved into the more specific meaning "contemplation." Eastern spiritual teachings, including meditation, have been adapted and increasingly practiced in Western culture. - Stress is medically proven to have negative effects on the body and takes its toll on our physical and mental well-being on a cellular level. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 80 percent of the doctor visits in the USA are triggered by a stress-related illness. Healing Rhythms unique biofeedback program is designed to help you uncover your body's own natural ability to counter the wear and tear that everyday stress has on your health. http healing - Healing Rhythms uses biofeedback to access your innate healing abilities to restore your physical, mental and spiritual health." You hold in your hands your healthy life balance neurofeedback biofeedback spirituality stress relief headache mental power mind power energy flow aura - a resource of greatest mind body soul spirutal brain and mental power tools explanations psychology mentaphysics quantum physics hypnosis nlp resource recommendation on best spiritual books mind books self-help programs to open your mind ...

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Yoga Class Review - Enliven Yourself

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Yala Yoga

Given my good experience with My Yoga Online, I decided to go for the monthly membership and get my fill of classes (.95 / month gives you unlimited access to view all of their classes. If I really end up using it regularly I'll go for the annual .95). I recommend going for the membership initially rather than buying individual classes since it's fun to explore and they have some cool stuff - I started watching a video taught by a nutritionist about Chinese Medicine and cleansing (I'll review this when / if I complete the video). Then if you have some favorites and don't end up viewing a lot of videos you can just purchase a few classes for download instead of paying a monthly or annual membership.

I did the Enliven Yourself class which is a 15 minute class taught by Kia Miller that is listed as being appropriate for All Levels. This is not a typical yoga class (there are no downward dogs or sun salutations) - it is a class to rebalance or 'reboot your system'. No props are required (not even a yoga mat) and you can really do this in the office (or a bathroom stall!) because it's all standing 'poses'. So why does this qualify as a yoga class you may ask? My answer: the use of the breath and self-reflection linked to the movement = a yoga class.

This is actually a great detox, re-energizing class. I agree that this class is good for all levels (fine for beginners) - no yoga experience at all is required. However, this is probably not great for someone with any injuries or conditions because there are some brisk repetitive movements (if you have an injury / condition and take it slow, you will be fine). These brisk movements annoyed me initially (I was feeling a little groggy) but then really did the trick in terms of re-energizing me. Kia's voice is pleasant and her instruction is really great, both in terms of getting you to use the breath and to focus and reflect throughout the class. I highly recommend this class as a warm-up before a yoga class or any activity - especially if you ar! e feelin g a little tired / un-motivated. I would also recommend this as a nice short routine to do when you feel the need for a yoga practice but are short on time.

Name of Class: Enliven YourselfType of Class: Re-energizeTeacher: Kia Miller Duration: 15 minutes Level: All LevelsSilliness Factor: 0 / 3 My Rating: 3 / 3

Click to go to My Yoga Online:

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Yoga for Back Pain Part 4

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher

Yoga, which has its roots in India, uses exercises (asanas) to relax and tone the muscles and to massage the organs, breathing techniques (pranayama) to regulate the body's energy levels, meditations to calm the mind, and relaxation postures to reduce and eliminate stress and anxiety.

Aggressively working to improve strength or flexibility at this stage can backfire, causing even more pain, inflammation, and injury. Try breathing exercises and a gentle asana practice as soon as the first day of pain, then balance with strengthening with stretching. While the actual practice of yoga is extremely extensive and detailed, in its essence yoga focuses on three concrete components: Body position/posture breathing meditation/state of mind in general, yoga is a very safe form of exercise for most people.


Pregnancy back pain is a common complaint of most pregnant women and can be cured with a little effort. If you have a weak body constitution and you avoid exercising your body as well, you may experience back muscle pain during pregnancy.

Back pain is a very common phenomenon, with most pregnant women reporting some form of pregnancy back pain to their doctors at one time or the other during pregnancy. Besides yoga, you should also take a nutritious diet to aid muscle development and avoid excess fat around your waist to keep the muscle pain at arm's length during pregnancy.

A woman in the advanced stages of pregnancy might have increased curvature in her lower back and her hips pushed forward. For many women pregnancy is their first introduction to yoga and often becomes an integral part of their lives. It is ideal to do yoga during pregnancy as the practice will help the mother to have a healthy pregnancy and will also help to prepare the body for birth. Importance of Yoga in pregnancy, you will realize the importance of Yoga in pregnancy, when you come to realize how much you will have to go through.


Movements inspired by the sun salutati! on poses and a warrior pose series transition into core strengthening exercises and deep stretching. Without complete and full movement of the hips, the muscles tend to stiffen and weaken, further inhibiting your ability to move.

Together, the pelvis, hips and low spine offer manoeuvrability that is capable of initiating and supporting movement for the whole body. There are muscles around the hip joint that power movement of the leg and pelvis. The rotary movement provided by the hip joint (called a ball and socket type joint) is what allows you to make leg circles, to turn your leg in and out, and to move them forward, back, to the side and to places in between.

The basic movement of the cobra is to arch the spine backward. The slow movement and focus encouraged me to push past a lot of the things I was scared to do, and into positions I was guarding against and I realized that there is no longer any pain in those positions. I could literally feel the yoga movements opening up tight areas, getting muscles in balance again, and helping me relax and connect with my body. Many factors can contribute, including tight or weak muscles, poor posture, obesity, emotional stress, and limited range of movement in the peripheral joints (shoulders and hips).

About the Author

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. He is dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

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Supta Konasana, The Reclining Angle yoga pose

Supta Konasana, Learn and practice Supta Konasana and more at ... Benefits of this Asana; tones legs, makes abdominal organs healthy, increases blood supply to the brain, spine becomes flexible, cervical region of the spine becomes stronger, shoulders get strengthened. Anatomical focus: shoulders, spine, back of the legs, hip joints. Therapeutic applications: asthma.

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Meditation Techniques For Beginners:Deep Techniques For Real Guided Meditation Seekers

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT

by anna_t

Article by Steve Bickley

The concept of meditation has reached a stage of widespread popularity. Most people around the world know about its benefits, but only vaguely. Even as there are many CDs, books and magazines to provide ample information on the subject, the compatibility of different meditation techniques always varies from individual to individual and can be practiced only when the thing is tested by a professional.

The object of this article is never to turn your views against meditation. It would be foolish to try to do so, since meditation and its effects and the positives it can offer have been proven beyond any doubt. But the opportunity is taken here to let you know how wrong the choice of a meditation technique can be for you unless it really suits you. Possibilities are that without the help and guidance of an appropriate teacher, you might only be able to derive minimal advantages from it. Indeed, the objective instead should be to optimize meditation, to find out what suits you best and get the maximum advantages out of the same.

It might appear contradictory but... Avoid Technique While Meditating.

Focusing on this one moment - with guided meditation you are brought more fully into this one moment, allowing you to arrive fully in the NOW, with less pull to the past or the future. Healing happens in the present.

Minimizing external distractions - since you seek a quiet place to listen to your guided meditation, you tend to minimize external distractions which supports you to focus within.

Be very specific and objective about your meditation goals. For this, you first need to know what you really want from the process.

Guided meditation is within you- look at yourself; you are guiding yourself... accept it. Read articles; consult a book find a teacher- there are many. Teacher will merely indicate, will show you the way-- now ball is in your court.

Speak with the teachers of guided meditation and find out a suitable program for yourself.

Simply stated, when ! it comes to practicing a guided meditation on a daily basis what you will discover is that the benefits go well beyond the 3 benefits that you have heard about in this article. So what are you waiting for go ahead and begin your practice of meditation sooner rather than later.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

Please realize that this is a course offered to you by professionals so that you can improve your lifestyle, your living habits and your management skills. If, in any way, you are not satisfied with your progress, be bold enough to let your teacher know so that your money paid can be refunded back. It is never really just an ordinary set of exercise for you-even after you will have completed the course, the effects must guide you towards further, continuous practice and an improved state of living. So the phrases like "Nobody can teach you to meditate," and "It's all up to you," are simply not to be paid heed to.

Attracted to get more knowledge guided meditation information? Go here now to more christian meditation valued help.

About the Author

Guided meditation provides a fast, simple and effective way of uniting with your inner source of wisdom and well-being. Your mind and body are wise and capable of getting exactly what you need at any given time.

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ahtnakalin - In Deep Meditation

ahtnakalin - In Deep Meditation

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Beginner Meditation Techniques for Effective Results

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

In recent times, every individual has some or the other personal and professional tension. This, in turn, leads them to suffer from various kinds of deadly diseases. The most common of all diseases is heart stroke or attacks. This leads to the conclusion that removing tension from the minds is the only way to a healthy surrounding. Beginner meditation has been found to be the most effective way of getting rid of all kinds of worries. There are many techniques that have been introduced to help the common people relax and breathe in a peaceful environment. In doing so meditation CDs are a great help.

Many people are influenced to see the effectiveness of the process of meditation in dealing with different kinds of health hazards, while some are disappointed to see its failure. You might hear from some of the people that the meditation techniques are not really fruitful. If you ever think of believing them, you might get trapped in a trouble. Thus, in spite of believing these comments, you must take care of the techniques that you are practicing for beginner meditation. Beginner meditation helps you know the effective and most importantly the proper ways of practicing meditation in order to get effective results.

Being swayed away by the critical comments of others is not a solution. In most of the cases, meditation technique is found ineffective just because of the fact that they are not practiced in a proper way. Going through the beginner meditation guide will help you know the proper ways of practicing the process. There are several types of meditation that can be practiced by the people in later stages, but the process might be a bit difficult. Thus, to be completely compatible with those advanced-stage techniques, you must be well-versed with all the beginner meditation tips and proper techniques.

Most of the people before starting the process find it quite complex, which it actually is not. The requirements are very easy to fulfill. Just a clean and quiet room will do. A peac! eful env ironment is the best for beginner meditation. The next thing is a correct posture. This is where most of the practitioners fail. Taking a proper posture is important and in fact, very important. Consulting the beginner meditation guide can surely prove to be an effective thing to teach you the minute, but important aspects of meditation. A proper technique is the key to effective meditation, which a yogi needs to remember.

Music is considered to be something that distracts people from concentrating on anything. Meditation is completely concerned with concentration or focusing on an object. So music and meditation can never be seen together. But this logic is totally untrue. A soft background music played in a room where someone meditates provides the ambiance a real essence of relaxation, which in turn helps the practitioner to relax. In doing so, however, meditation CDs is there which are separately sold.

About the Author

Jonson Mak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on beginner meditation & meditation CDs. For more information he always recommends to visit

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Sheryl Crow's Brain Tumor and Breast Cancer: Are They Related?

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

CREDIT: Singer Sheryl Crow via Shutterstock

The singer Sheryl Crow's recent diagnosis of a brain tumor is not likely related to her previous battle with breast cancer, experts say.

Yesterday, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported the singer was diagnosed with a begin brain tumor in November after experiencing symptoms of memory loss. The type of tumor is called a meningioma, according to CNN.

Meningiomas are typically not linked to breast cancer — either the disease or the treatment for it — said Dr. Rick Madhok, a neurosurgeon at the Cushing Neuroscience Institute in Manhasset, N.Y. However, both conditions are thought to be influenced by female hormones, Madhok said.

As with breast cancer, advances in technology are making the detection of meningiomas more common.

"We're starting to pick both up more and more frequently," Madhok said. Meningiomas are detected with an MRI or CT scan.

Currently, about 10,000 people a year are diagnosed with meningiomas in the United States, and they account for about a third of all brain tumors, Madhok said. Not everyone experiences symptoms, and autopsies show about 2 percent of people have lived and died with these tumors without knowing they were there, Madhok said.

Although they're called "brain tumors," meningiomas actually form in the lining of the brain, not the brain itself. About 90 percent are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, or likely to spread to other sites within the body, Madhok said.

Symptoms of meningiomas include headaches, memory loss, hearing loss, seizures, changes in vision and weakness in the arms or legs, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Crow said that she experienced memory problems, including forgetting some of the lyrics to her hit "Soak up the Sun" while performing on stage, the Las Vegas newspaper reported.

The types of symptoms that people experience depend on where the tumor is in the brain, Madhok said. He noted that he hasn't examined Crow, and can't say whether her tumor is the source of her memory problems.

Risk factors for meningiomas include receiving radiation to the head and certain genetic conditions, but most arise in people without any particular risk factors, Madhok said. A recent study found people who receive frequent dental x-rays are at increased risk for the condition.

Patients with the condition have three options for treatment: keep an eye on the tumor to see if it grows, remove the tumor with surgery, or use a highly focused form of radiation known as radiosurgery, Madhok said.

The particular treatment chosen depends on the size and location of the tumor, and if it is causing symptoms. Ultimately, it's up to the doctor and the patient to decide what's best, Madhok said.

Typically, if a patient has symptoms and the tumor is easily accessible, it is removed with surgery, Madhok said.

Crow says she doesn't need surgery, but will have the tumor monitored, according to CNN.

Pass it on:  Sheryl Crow has been diagnosed with a meningioma, a type of brain tumor that is becoming more common due to better methods of detection.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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5 Efficient ways to Relax

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Rebecca Taylor

I appreciate it can be difficult to find free time which explains why I've attemptedto pick out five great ways to loosen up that are each successful and time successful. Utilizing almost all, and even just a couple, of the methods regularly will help you remain stress-free throughout the day.


It could seem to be a bit ???new-agey??? for you but deep breathing is without a doubt among the best ways of leisure. There are lots of excellent free of charge articles as well as video clips on the web already describing how to meditate you could study from therefore i won't proceed as well greatly in to the strategies however i will advise you the basics.

Firstly you have to have a space where you will be undisturbed with regard to quarter-hour or so. The most common posture with regard to deep breathing is the lotus position you can definitely you find yourself unable to do that you can sit back with your legs outside in front individuals together with your again directly.

The purpose of deep breathing is always to apparent your mind of most psychological chit chat. The easiest method to do this an advanced novice is to emphasis positioned on your breathing. Breathe deeply using your nasal area and out using your mouth. Focus on how the atmosphere can feel as it runs through your nostril to your bronchi after which out again.

A person don't have to reflect for too long to feel the immense advantages. Just a couple moments associated with meditation will have the deep impact on how relaxed you feel. The important thing though is always to reflect regularly, at least one time per day.


Aromatherapy will be the easiest way to relax there is. It is possible to proceed the complete pig as well as splash from sufficient incense and wax lights to fill up your house but just as excellent is always to possess a couple of dishes associated with jasmine scented potpourri dispersed around where ever you spend most of your period. Scientific tests have! got not ed lavender's relaxing effects as well as its ability to help with sleeplessness as well as depression.


Just experiencing the term workout may have crammed your thinking along with pictures of super-fit people plowing their particular courage out there in the club however physical exercise really doesn't must be like this. A straightforward wander around the neighborhood are certain to get your heartrate going and discharge hormones that will make you're feeling more comfortable and more relaxed. Additionally you could actually shed extra pounds. What's never to like about this?


Research has revealed how the type of songs you tune in to features a primary effect on your feeling. That's exactly why it's smart to pay attention to traditional songs particularly when you're on your journey to, or even back again, through perform. As a possible added reward time-honored music has additionally been shown to improve your Intelligence quotient. So not only can it make your day way less nerve-racking however it could possibly enable you to earn a promotion too!

Self Hypnosis

Similar to yoga, hypnotherapy helps to apparent your head associated with emotional chatter. At the same time if you also can use self-hypnosis to be able to reprogram your subconscious to attain powerful interior changes. Whether or not you employ this particular to get a more optimistic perspective or increase your confidence can be a person.

Self-hypnosis is really increasingly simple to perform today. Because of the interest in the internet several hypnotists market MP3 variations of these classes from low prices that you could merely take on your Mp3 music player and listen to before going to bed.

If you include 5 rest tips previously mentioned into your life-style you'll start to have the rewards within within times. Rest is the present you provide oneself, so why wouldn't you commence nowadays?

About the Author

Should you integrate 5 leisure tips previously mentioned into yourDr Dre Beats way of life you'll learn to have the rewards inside in just nights. Leisure will be the gift you allow oneself, filter systemsDr.Dre Outlet commence these days?

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Dream Messenger - "Dream Messenger" Soundtrack "My Silent Knowing" from Liquid Mind VI: Spirit by Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild). Video Art: Montreal-born acrobat and choreographer Alain Gauthier (Cirque du Soleil, Paramount, Superbowl XXXI, Cavalia) & Bill Scott (Brainpaint) Abstract Visualization of Liquid Mind's "My Silent Knowing" in stunning kaleidoscope style.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

5 Tips for Avoiding the Restaurant Portion-Control Trap

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

A fast food burger piled high with toppings sits beside a large pile of french fries.
CREDIT: Fast food meal photo via Shutterstock
nutrition tips, deborah enos, certified nutritionist,

I'm on the road a lot for work, so I eat at restaurants more often than I'd like to admit. I used to think that the most challenging part of relying on restaurant food was finding healthy options. These days, that doesn't seem to be a major problem —if there's nothing healthy on the menu, I I can always ask for something to be prepared differently (e.g., steamed instead of fried).

But one thing I still struggle with, though, is portion control. Have you ever noticed that restaurants almost always give you more food than you should really eat at any given meal?          

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, a main entrée should contain no more than 667 calories, with less than 35 percent of those calories from fat, and fewer than 767 milligrams of sodium. But, a study published in May in the journal Public Health Nutrition study found that a startling 96 percent of main dishes sold at the top chain restaurants in the U.S. exceed those limits – especially in sodium content.

The portions are large and the plates are larger, so it's hard to tell when you should really stop eating. You want to stick to your diet, but you feel like you've been trapped. What do you do?

Here are some tips for controlling portions when you dine out at a restaurant:

  1. Avoid appetizers at all costs.  Not only does the additional dish make it harder to keep track of how much you're eating, but appetizers often have more calories, fat and sodium than entrées.
  2. Keep a careful watch at family-oriented restaurants. According to the Public Health Nutrition study, these fared worse than the budget-conscious, fast food restaurants. This doesn't mean you should eat more fast food, though. Just find healthy options at the family eateries, and keep a close eye on how much you're eating.
  3. Ask for a smaller second plate. Before you eat anything, separate out a portion that you estimate to be a healthy size. Immediately ask for the rest to be wrapped up; this will get it off the table while you eat your meal.
  4. As you're building your healthy portions, follow these simple guidelines:
  5. Protein = the size of your open palm
  6. Veggies = 1 ½ cupped hands
  7. Grains = the size of your cupped hand
  8. Fight the urge to eat dessert, or opt for a fruit cup instead. Just remember that portions are still important. Compare your fruit cup to the size of your closed fist. If it's larger, you'll need to add some of it to your doggie bag, so you can eat it at your next meal.

Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight loss expert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a Hurry!

More Healthy Bites:

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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 76 )

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Vish Writer / Swami Vivekananda

But, if you come to details, the matter will not be seen to be quite so simple. For instance, environment often makes the details different as I have already mentioned. The same action under one set of circumstances may be unselfish, and under another set quite selfish. So we can give only a general definition, and leave the details to be worked out by taking into consideration the differences in time, place, and circumstances. In one country one kind of conduct is considered moral, and in another the very same is immoral, because the circumstances differ. The goal of all nature is freedom, and freedom is to be attained only by perfect unselfishness; every thought, word, or deed that is unselfish takes us towards the goal, and, as such, is called moral.

That definition, you will find, holds good in every religion and every system of ethics. In some systems of thought morality is derived from a Superior Being -- God. If you ask why a man ought to do this and not that, their answer is : "Because such is the command of God." But whatever be the source from which it is derived, their code of ethics also has the same central idea -- not to think of self but to give up self. And yet some persons, in spite of this high ethical idea, are frightened at the thought of having to give up their little personalities.

We may ask the man who clings to the idea of little personalities to consider the case of a person who has become perfectly unselfish,who has no thought for himself, who does no deed for himself, who speaks no word for himself, and then say where his "himself" is. That "himself" is known to him only so long as he thinks, acts, or speaks for himself. If he is only conscious of others, of the universe,and of the all, where is his "himself"? It is gone forever.

To get more information visit :

About the Author

Lecturer, entrepreneur and Fortune 500 business consultant, Vish Writer is the author of the Amazon No 1 bestseller, "The Joy of Becoming God". Visit him at Spiritual SimplicityThe Real Secret

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What are The Akashic Records? Amazing New Information Part 1 About Akashic Records.

In this episode of Ask Teal, the topic is: The Akashic Records. Teal explains that the Akashic records is the human way of understanding that every thought that has ever been thought, exists. Therefore, one aspect of collective consciousness is a vibrational "record" of every soul and its journey throughout all universes that ever have been before now and all future potentials originating from now. She describes the Akasha as being like a library, where the levels (or floors) of that library in the universe are dimensions. The information in each dimension corresponds to the frequency of that specific dimension. So to access specific information in the Akashic Records, one must first become the same vibration as the dimension which contains that specific information. Teal then explains a bit about what information is contained in each dimension. animation by Jordan Duchnycz music: Diamond by Cora Flora

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Introvale Oral Contraceptive Recalled

Posted: 07 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

oral contraception, birth control recall

June 5, 2012 - Sandoz is conducting a voluntary recall of 10 lots of its generic oral contraceptive Introvale® in the US, following a recent report of a packaging flaw.

The probability of this packaging flaw causing serious adverse health consequences is remote and Sandoz is not aware of any reports of related adverse events. This recall is being undertaken as a precautionary measure to minimize any potential of patients being impacted. The recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the Food and Drug Administration.

The lot numbers involved in the recall are as follows: LF00478C, LF00479C, LF00551C, LF00552C, LF00687C, LF00688C, LF00763C, LF00764C, LF00765C and LF01261C. These lots were distributed only in the US between January 2011 and May 2012.

The recall was decided after a consumer reported that the white placebo tablets were mistakenly in the ninth row (labeled "Week 9") of the 13-row blister card, rather than in the correct position in the 13th and final row (labeled "Week 13"). Each three-month blister card contains 84 peach-colored active tablets and seven white placebo tablets in 13 rows, each representing one week (see figure below). While the white placebo tablets can be clearly distinguished from the peach-colored active tablets, the risk of an unintended pregnancy for a patient taking the wrong tablet over several days cannot be excluded.

In the unlikely event that a patient finds a white placebo tablet in any position other than the 13th and final row (Week 13), they should immediately begin using a non-hormonal form of contraception. They should also immediately contact their healthcare professional as well as Sandoz to report the finding via the Sandoz Drug Information Direct Line at 800-525-2492, 24 hours/day, seven days a week, or via email at

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Learn Meditation Techniques for Beginners to Stay Cool & Happy

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Jonsonmak

Truly "living in the moment" would be horrible

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Live in the moment. Oft-heard advice. Seems to make sense. Why worry about the past or obsess about the future? Be here now. Anyway, what choice do we have? Isn't everything happening to us now?

Yes, that's pretty much what neuroscientist Sam Harris says in an interesting You Tube'd talk, "Death and the Present Moment." (Watch from the 20 minute mark to the 30-35 minute mark, if you don't have time to see it all.)


But no normal person truly lives in the present moment. Meaning, our experience of the present is conditioned by experiences of the past. Memories, both conscious and unconscious, have a large influence on how the present appears to us.

This is as it should be. In his book, "The Self Illusion," psychologist Bruce Hood describes the condition of a man, Clive, who got herpes simplex encephalitis, which caused damage to his brain and left him with severe amnesia.

In her 2005 memoir, Forever Today, Deborah Wearing describes her husband Clive's tormented existence:

It was as if every waking moment was the first waking moment. Clive was under the constant impression that he had just emerged from unconsciousness because he had no evidence in his own mind of ever being awake before... "I haven't heard anything, seen anything, touched anything, smelled anything," he would say. "It's like being dead."

Perhaps the most harrowing aspect of Clive's condition is that he still remembers fragments of his previous life and knows exactly who Deborah is -- each time he sees her, he runs tearfully into her arms as if it is the reunion of longlost lovers when in reality she may have only left the room minutes earlier.

Without the ability to store new memories, Clive is permanently trapped in the here and now... WIthout the ability to form new memories, everything that is out of sight is out of mind for Clive Wearing.

Sounds horrible. So when we advise ourselves to live in the present moment, we're fortunate that this is impossible for anyone with a normal brain. Hood writes:

One of the greatest discoveries in psychology is that human memories are reconstructed and malleable. We do not have a recording of our own personal experiences in our head like some video archive. There are no microfilms in our memory banks.

Memories are constantly active -- like a story being retold over and over again. Moreover, when we encounter related new experiences, we interpret them in terms of our existing memories, which in turn are transformed by the new experiences. We are constantly integrating the here and now into our past.

This neuroscientific truth is what led me to grab my highlighter and pen a big "?" in the margin next to this sentence in another book that I'm reading (and liking): Tim Freke's "The Mystery Experience."

In the state of beginner's mind I see what-is with fresh eyes, uncontaminated by my previous experience.

No, Tim, you can't.

You may believe that in this present moment you are experiencing it as if for the first time. But unless you have a damaged brain like Clive Wearing's, unconscious processes in your brain are constantly viewing the present in light of your past.

In his book, Bruce Hood includes a quotation by Elizabeth Loftus, "the world's greatest authority on false memories." What she says applies to many areas of life, not just memories.

The most horrifying idea is that what we believe with all our hearts is not necessarily the truth.

Now, to be fair to Freke, he isn't advocating living entirely in the moment (even though he seems to feel that this is possible, episodically). So in this regard he's on the same wavelength as Bruce Hood. Freke says:

There is a current fad in spirituality for "being in the now" instead of thinking about time. I meet a lot of people whose mantra has become 'just be in the present moment.' But we can't just be in the present moment. 

If we actually stopped thinking about time we wouldn't know who we are and what happened yesterday. We'd become amnesiac. And that's not a sign of spiritual awakening. It's a challenging medical condition we'd all like to avoid.

For sure. Just ask Clive Wearing and his wife.

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Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 10:01 PM PDT

Tonight Rev. Doshim Halaw shared this video with me and as I have followed all of these scientists it occurred to me that what they were all saying was that there is an interdependence of all nature in the cosmos. The Huáyán Sect of Buddhism has followed this for more than one thousand years. I hope you enjoy.

"We Are All Connected" was made from sampling Carl Sagan's Cosmos, The History Channel's Universe series, Richard Feynman's 1983 interviews, Neil deGrasse Tyson's cosmic sermon, and Bill Nye's Eyes of Nye Series, plus added visuals from The Elegant Universe (NOVA), Stephen Hawking's Universe, Cosmos, the Powers of 10, and more. It is a tribute to great minds of science, intended to spread scientific knowledge and philosophy through the medium of music.

The Avataṃsaka Sutra is a compilation of sutras of various length. The earliest of these texts, the Daśabhūmika Sūtra, maybe dates from the first century CE. The Daśabhūmika Sūtra describes the ten stages on the Bodhisattva-path. The various sutras were probably joined together shortly before its translation into Chinese, at the beginning of the 5th century CE.
The Avataṃsaka ("garland", string of flowers) sutra integrates the teachings on Śūnyatā and vijnaptimatra (mind-only).

The basic idea of the Avataṃsaka Sutra is the un! ity of t he absolute and the relative:
All in One, One in All. The All melts into a single whole. There are no divisions in the totality of reality [...] [I]t views the cosmos as holy, as "one bright pearl," the universal reality of the Buddha. The universal Buddhahood of all reality is the religious message of the Avataṃsaka-sutra.

Each part of the world reflects the totality of the cosmos:
In each dust-mote of these worlds
Are countless worlds and Buddhas...
From the tip of each hair of Buddha's body
Are revealed the indescribable Pure Lands...
The indescribable infinite Lands
All ensemble in a hair's tip [of Buddha].

All levels of reality are related and interpenetrated. This is depicted in the image of Indra's net. This "unity in totality allows every individual entity of the phenomenal world its uniqueness without attributing an inherent nature to anything".

The Need for Meditation

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Otto Yang

With the busy routine and demands of contemporary daily life, several people look to sense stressed and about-labored. These make us sense like there is just not sufficient time in the day to get every little thing performed. Our pressure and tiredness from do the job and relationships can make us unsatisfied, impatient and frustrated. This could bring about detrimental consequences to our well being. We are generally so chaotic we feel there is no time to halt and meditate. But meditation truly offers you far more time by producing your brain calmer and much more centered. Did you know that a straightforward ten or twenty minute breathing meditation can support you to triumph over your pressure and locate some inner peace and stability? It is accurate. It has been clinically demonstrated to boost one's well being and very well-getting. Meditation arrives from a Latin term, meditatum which suggests to ponder. Meditation has several positive aspects. Meditation can assist us to comprehend our individual brain. We can learn how to rework our mind from detrimental to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unsatisfied to happy. Overcoming damaging minds and cultivating constructive ideas is the function of the transforming meditations observed in the Buddhist custom. This is a profound spiritual practice you can get pleasure from all the way through the day, not just while seated in meditation. Anyone can benefit from the meditations, Buddhist or not. The goal of meditation is to make our brain relaxed and peaceful. With a peaceful mind, we will be free from concerns and psychological discomfort. This may make us experience genuine joy. But if our thoughts is not peaceful, we will locate it extremely complicated to be satisfied even if we are dwelling in the quite ideal situations. If we teach in meditation, our brain will gradually turn into far more peaceful and we will practical experience a purer kind of joy. Sooner or later, we will be able to remain pleased all the time, even in the most cha! llenging situations of our daily life.If we train in meditation, we will gradually be ready to eradicate from our brain the delusions that are the causes of all our complications and struggling. In this way, we will arrive to expertise a permanent inner peace, identified as "liberation" or "nirvana". Then, day and night in existence after existence, we will practical experience only peace and happiness. To know additional about meditation and its remarkable positive aspects, or if you want to learn how to meditate - you can take a look at Need for Meditation, The Need for Meditation, The Need for Meditation

About the Author

The writer is a health care specialist that offers scientific studies on the matter of alternate medicine.

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Introduction to Vipassana (SN Goenka) Part 1 of 2

Introduction to Vipassana by SN Goenka. For more information on Vipassana meditation, visit For more videos, visit http

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Tonight Rev. Doshim Halaw shared this video with me and as I have followed all of these scientists it occurred to me that what they were all saying was that there is an interdependence of all nature in the cosmos. The Huáyán Sect of Buddhism has followed this for more than one thousand years. I hope you enjoy.

"We Are All Connected" was made from sampling Carl Sagan's Cosmos, The History Channel's Universe series, Richard Feynman's 1983 interviews, Neil deGrasse Tyson's cosmic sermon, and Bill Nye's Eyes of Nye Series, plus added visuals from The Elegant Universe (NOVA), Stephen Hawking's Universe, Cosmos, the Powers of 10, and more. It is a tribute to great minds of science, intended to spread scientific knowledge and philosophy through the medium of music.

The Avataṃsaka Sutra is a compilation of sutras of various length. The earliest of these texts, the Daśabhūmika Sūtra, maybe dates from the first century CE. The Daśabhūmika Sūtra describes the ten stages on the Bodhisattva-path. The various sutras were probably joined together shortly before its translation into Chinese, at the beginning of the 5th century CE.
The Avataṃsaka ("garland", string of flowers) sutra integrates the teachings on Śūnyatā and vijnaptimatra (mind-only).

The basic idea of the Avataṃsaka Sutra is the un! ity of t he absolute and the relative:
All in One, One in All. The All melts into a single whole. There are no divisions in the totality of reality [...] [I]t views the cosmos as holy, as "one bright pearl," the universal reality of the Buddha. The universal Buddhahood of all reality is the religious message of the Avataṃsaka-sutra.

Each part of the world reflects the totality of the cosmos:
In each dust-mote of these worlds
Are countless worlds and Buddhas...
From the tip of each hair of Buddha's body
Are revealed the indescribable Pure Lands...
The indescribable infinite Lands
All ensemble in a hair's tip [of Buddha].

All levels of reality are related and interpenetrated. This is depicted in the image of Indra's net. This "unity in totality allows every individual entity of the phenomenal world its uniqueness without attributing an inherent nature to anything".

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