Sit Back And Relax With Stress-Free Travel Ideas
Sit Back And Relax With Stress-Free Travel Ideas |
- Sit Back And Relax With Stress-Free Travel Ideas
- Yoga for Drivers Neck and Shoulder Pain Part 5
- About Ashtanga Yoga
- How can one Select A Yoga Mat Bag
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Sit Back And Relax With Stress-Free Travel Ideas Posted: 05 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Munson Joans You may want to treating oneself, loved a single, or family member to a bit of recreational travel. That is a great concept! A well planned trip can offer an opportunity for any little relaxation plus a chance to broaden your cultural experiences. Or, maybe you are preparing for that next business venture journey and wouldn't mind an idea to make it go smoother. This post will provide you with a few ways to guide make your next trip a good results. Be sure to appear over the small print concerning journey cancellations. You are sure to benefit from realizing what you will probably be covered for. In case you get ill or perhaps a loved one particular passes away and you must cancel your trip, you will likely be covered but see the whole agreement before signing. Check your alarm clock if you arrive at your hotel. If you are searching for a relaxing trip, the ideal way to get began is by checking the alarm clock as part of your space, and turning it off. Several vacations are off to unexpected early morning starts when loud music starts booming at the time set through the old occupant. In case you have an unpleasant knowledge when traveling, whether by using a hotel, rental automobile agency, or airline, don't be shy about inquiring for compensation in some way. Obviously, you will insist the problem be corrected inside a reasonable quantity of time, but you also can assert your rights being compensated to your time and trouble. When you are kind and calm, and open to compensation other than monetary, you will generally get oneself in upgraded accommodations, primary class seats, or with absolutely free restaurant vouchers. When traveling with kids, make sure you pack every single child their very own bag of snacks and quiet toys. The toys and snacks will have them occupied and pleased, whether during the backseat of the car or on an airplane. Pleased youngsters indicate a lot less stress for mom and dad, which means a far better trip for everyone. No individual wants r! ain on t heir getaway, but it is often inevitable. Be prepared by packing a modest retractable umbrella that can be easily carried if the day starts off gloomy. Having your own personal umbrella will save you time in searching shops for one and could save you funds as well. Drink a lot of water. Many doctors say that the primary reason individuals get sick on long flights is dehydration. Cabin air is rather dry and in an enclosed space, germs travel great easier. Safeguard your self by staying hydrated by drinking many water and juice and you could stave away from the cold that the woman, 3 rows back is sporting. Yes travel is quite a subject in the it really is has several methods it may be planned. No two men and women will strategy their trips the actual same way. What one finds useful one other might not. This is also centered upon one's budget. The ideas below should have given you some assistance regarding how to begin planning your journey. About the AuthorIf you would like extra data with respect to tanzania tours, swing by Caccy S Wozolianz's website soon. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Yoga for Drivers Neck and Shoulder Pain Part 5 Posted: 05 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher Yoga for Drivers Neck and Shoulder Pain Part 5 A 1938 yoga instruction video, was the first of its kind. If yoga is a worldwide cultural phenomenon today, it is thanks to one man -- the grandmaster of yoga, BKS Iyengar. From a previously complex discipline only passed down from master to student, Iyengar -- or Guru ji, as he is respectfully called -- took yoga to the masses. As a result there are now many 'spin offs' from what he started. Yoga is not about simply getting into a posture, it's about working the posture once its attained and using that level of concentration to draw the awareness to the here and now. In the 1970s she studied extensively with India's leading yogi, the indomitable B.K.S. Iyengar, who relieved her chronic back problems and revealed the healing power of yoga. In a style which tempers discipline with understanding, Ruth's perception of the strengths and weaknesses of a group is an impressive feat to behold and she effortlessly juggles three levels of students, keeping every individual working to their maximum. By tuning into what people are experiencing, drawing them out of their heads and into their bodies Ruth suggests a certain shift of balance and perspective that makes the postures (asanas) more steady, more exact and more grounded. Note: If you experience knee or back pain, do not stay in the pose. Seek the guidance of an experienced teacher to help you. Practitioners usually feel a good stretch in the front of the thighs and hips. However, you may use more elevation under your back if this is too intense. Be patient and do not force your body beyond its capabilities. With quiet, regular and determined practice, the body gains pliability and your mind will learn to be still and determined. Anyone wanting to begin a yoga practice with little or no experience and trying to find what would be best for them. Yoga is extremely varied in styles and techniques and trying to find the one that best suites you can be a daunting. Why not get a li! ttle bit of guidance? Join a yoga class for and invigorating yet relaxing class. Prananyama, asana, meditation and savasana will leave you feeling full of possiblity and ready to face your Infinity. Brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan in 1969, Kundalini is a dynamic practice that is accessible to all, regardless of experience. You will feel the difference after your first session. Strengthen your immune system, cardiovascular capacity, intuition, nervous system and increase flexiblity with Kundalini Yoga About the AuthorGlen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Shoulder and Neck Pain. To help you further with your shoulder/back pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.kungfu team....retheesh.......This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 05 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Centered Yoga Introduction When typically heard used in a discussion today, or on a schedule of a yoga studio, it is most likely referring to the approach of yoga known as "Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga". Although only recently popular the system is very ancient. Its current form has been taught since the 1920s and its origin goes back thousands of years. This "Ashtanga", as practiced today, is an arrangement of the yoga poses (asanas), incorporating the breath, inner power and the focusing of the mind. It is a dynamic approach that is initially physical but as the practitioner continues to practice it moves to the subtle, deeper within. When hearing of Ashtanga often the name Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is mentioned. His dedication, study and practice over the past 75 years have ensured that it is available for the masses to practice today. He is the current main teacher of this approach, followed by his grandson, Sharath. He was taught by his teacher (guru), Sri. T. Krishnamacharya, who was a major force in the teaching and spreading of yoga in the past century. He and his main students - P. Jois, Iyengar and Desikachar - can be thanked for revolutionizing the teaching of yoga, in particular asana. Krishnamacharya had spent years with his guru in the Himalayas studying and practicing. Asana, the postures, was a main part of this. He was taught by his master to do them in a flowing connected way, using the breath, known as vinyasa. This approach is very old but has only recently become "available" to more than just the very sincere Indian adept searching for a valid path and teacher to learn from. This ancient source is its authenticity, for it comes straight out of this vast history and lineage of yogic teachings. Times do change. How it is disseminated will vary as the times change. Thus we see how the work of Krishnamacharya and Jois brought it forward so that anyone around the world could discover and practice it, devoid of cultural and national conditions. And this is what has happened. It may be hard to fin! d a coun try today where it is not practiced.Historical source Yoga is both a path and the end goal. Its purpose is to raise the inner awareness of each individual till complete calm of the mind is reached. It brings complete mind control. With this the systems of the body function harmoniously. Ultimately, the integration of the physical, mental and spiritual is complete. Thus we find things a human can do to move towards this state of oneness, typically called practices. Our effort is extremely important. This effort raises us up so the hand of grace can come and touch us. Just as all roads lead to Rome, so all true paths lead to the One. Ashtanga is a complete path, one of practice, that ultimately results in this state. The term Ashtanga cannot be dated but its earliest written reference currently available is from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. This is a string of statements completely detailing the practice and result of yoga. Its emphasis is practice and if followed, under guidance of a teacher who has had the experiences, the results are definite. Patanjali explains the state of the mind, the troubles and blockages we all have, states our true nature and what happens at the different stages of reaching this state. The key he offers to us all is the approach to practice. This is where the term Ashtanga is first mentioned as he offers it as the blueprint for practice.Definition When translated from the Sanskrit in to English, Ashtanga means "Eight Limbs". Hence, we find it composed of eight elements. These are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. When analysed we find the key to harmonious living encased within. Explaining these in a nutshell they are - how I treat others; how I treat myself; how I hold my body (posture); how I breathe and control over it; how to control the senses, not being their slave; how I direct my attention, that is concentration; my expanded consciousness so concentrated that a state called meditation occurs; and finally the state beyond phy! sical de scripition, beyond the mind, a sense of our true nature, ultimately merged with the One, known as samadhi. Patanjali is very openminded about its practice. He offers no doctrine and no rigidity. His concern is with the state of the mind. What he has given us is the analysis and breakdown of the path. Some approach it from a devotional standpoint, some from a discriminative one and others through action and work. All these approaches when looked at include the eight elements. His approach is to offer a direct path to the sincere practitioner. Ultimately it weaves in knowledge, devotion and work. Thus, when Krishnamacharya and Jois looked upon this practice it was clear it included all elements offered by Patanjali. Hence its name became "Ashtanga".Asana - the starting point The initial focus of Ashtanga under P. Jois is on asana. The misunderstanding mind thinks that's all it is. But just as 90% of the iceberg is hidden deep below so too is the depth of this practice. And this can only be discovered through one's personal experience in practicing it. To get to our true nature there are many layers to peel away. As we function in an extremely physical and external world the point of entry is naturally physical. So one begins with a set of asanas (postures). While doing them focus on the breath is encouraged. Control over the breath and the respiratory system itself is subsequently developed. One layer deeper. Encouragement to focus the eyes on a set point (drishti), to limit distraction and aid in mental control, is then advised. This gets deeper when one begins to be able to apply the inner forces at our core (bandhas). From this base comes a great strength which has a large effect on the operation of the mind. Thus, as the practitioner advances they go through levels of physical development, they gain control over the breathing function, this in turn aids in mental control, the growth of inner forces builds concentration. One is then moving closer to be able to be still and reap the rewards i! n medita tion.Practice is the building block The glue to all of this, however, lies in yama and niyama - how I treat others and myself. These are patterns of behavior, a reflection of the psyche and its healthiness. Beginning with the physical practice and going deeper one finds the elements of yama and niyama become stronger in their life. Yama states we should never harm anyone or thing, in thought, word or action; be truthful; do not take what does not belong to us (non-stealing); conserve our vital energies, don't waste them frivolously; and only having or receiving what is needed, non-hoarding. Niyama emphasizes personal physical and mental cleanliness; cultivating a level of contentment; accepting all that comes and seeing it and direct practices as modes of purification; study of ourselves and scriptural texts; and finally a level of devotion or surrender to the higher or creative force. If these are not strong within us the achievement of higher states is impossible. In other words, Ashtanga emphasizes certain practices but the heart must become clear and open so finally grace can come and salvage us. Daily we practice the asana, breath and more. We become aware of how yama and niyama guides us to live. Keeping these qualities in mind they start to grow and become us but it is continual practice that changes and opens things within us that allows these qualities to ripen. Thus through practice of these limbs a complete transformation within occurs. And this is the real way to assess it for yourself. How have I changed? Not superficial changes like a better body, etc. but my approach to life, others, myself, my level of peace, calm and contentment, the clarity and awareness I possess within, my strength and concentration of mind. Patanjali is the first to say be this scientist, experimenter, experience it yourself and know the truth. Thus one must practice.Practice - from the gross to the subtle There is an infinite number of asanas. Ashtanga has arranged key ones very intelligently into differ! ent seri es. Six in total, primary, intermediate and advanced A,B,C,D. As explained, they systematically work on breaking down old destructive patterns and peel away the layers. Initially, the primary series, works on the gross level. The body needs to be opened and strengthened. This achievement will be obvious in how one feels. Going deeper, the intermediate series of asanas sets about working on the strength and cleanliness of the nerves. A more subtle level. This takes longer but will also be noticed within. Moving on from there the work in the advanced series, of which there are four, is on subtle depths and inner strength to help raise the vital force. Common to all this is the link known as "vinyasa". Each pose has a certain number of movements with a breath tied to each movement. Ultimately it results in a harmonious functioning of body, breath and mind. This in itself could be termed meditation. The breath is done in a particular way so that it is even, strengthening and purifying. This is known as "ujjayi" breathing. To progress the student must be involved in the process. This means watch the breath, concentrate on what you're doing, focus the mind. While in the asana, breathing, there is a gaze point, known as "drishti". A wandering attention is usually coupled by wandering eyes. Direct the attention through the eyes, breathe and focus. Not rigidly. Eventually concentration builds and more mind control comes. As the mind strengthens one begins to see fewer blockages and problems in the body. The key to it all though is the work done at the core or base. Known as the "bandhas"they are locks, preserving vital energy, which then operate as a gateway, directing this energy so the effect is achieved. Tremendous inner strength and a strong mind is the result. Their cultivation is essential to progress in the different limbs. Mula bandha, the root itself, when strong and operational, is immediate concentration and mind control. A strong force is felt within.How to practice One should lea! rn from a competent teacher, who has gone through the practice themselves and understands its effect and challenges that arise. This is logical as on any journey one wants a responsible and experienced guide. Thus the teacher has invested much time in learning and practice. And it requires time. Initially one will be led through the first set of poses of the primary series. However, the student is required to then learn this sequence. This builds more strength through less dependence. At the same time the teacher will direct the student in the correct breathing method, where to focus the gaze and how to work the power center at the base. After a certain period of time it all starts to fuse together harmoniously. When the vinyasa is done correctly then the appropriate breath is done for a move in or out of the asana, breathing is strong, the mind is focused and change can then begin. Best results are found when one learns and progresses one asana at a time. Again the quality of patience comes in. Though an asana may appear easy there is an adaptation and learning time. When done competently the teacher will add on the next asana for the student, guiding them in the correct manner. Both strength and flexibility are developed. Hence, balance. When the student has a lot of difficulty in the asana the teacher will adjust them to help them get it. In essence, they are helping the body learn it. New neural messages to the brain have begun. This is the point in the series the student practices up to. One could always go on but you will find that asana will never be properly learnt. So working to here the student overcomes this obstacle, creating the needed change within, and justifiably moves on. As previously stated, the asanas are arranged in a scientific manner, so progression through the series builds the student on all levels. Of course, you can analyse and reason it as much as you want but you'll find it a waste of your time. The only answer is experience through practice. And this shows as the mind becomes cleare! r and st ronger.The benefits One can experience the positive results straight away. Yet at the same time there will be many new experiences, some of them being "pain" in the body. These are actually a positive sign that changes are in process. Patience and perseverance are required. Initially one finds a more open and strong body. In fact, the physical shape itself gets transformed. The body operates more efficiently and throws off any unnecessary waste. This will be in the form of fat, toxins, etc. Not just the outer appearance but more importantly the inner health and vitality is improved. All the asanas work deep on the inner organs. A balance of both strength and flexibility develops. Through the power of the vinyasa the respiratory and circulatory systems are developed. If there is stiffness or disease in the body it will be accompanied by a lack or block of the circulation. The movement between asanas really maximizes circulation, flushing out old blood and toxins and allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to pour in. Within time greater health is achieved. From this base one is equipped to go deeper within. As circulation increases with the breath, the nervous system strengthens. This means it can carry a greater current. Similar to upgrading your electrical lines at home to handle greater voltage or moving from a dial-up internet connection to high-speed cable. Lightness and space is felt within. As these systems function better so does the activity of the brain. The ability to concentrate and get tasks done increases. This leads to less of a mental load and greater clarity. It then leaves you with a greater sense of peace and calm of mind. To be able to switch from activity to stillness. But these are benefits that take many years of devoted practice. Fortunately the practice engenders a love within and the desire to practice increases along with the regularity of doing it. There will be dirt along the way, the stuff within us that has to come out. But it is worth it yet hard. Ashtanga yoga is a co! mprehens ive approach to practice. Many do asana and think that is all ashtanga is. This is only the beginning of the journey. As one practices, all the elements are cultivated so one goes deeper and starts to understand what Patanjali is talking about. It is a system to work with. It is true and has definite positive results. The problems that come up for us are a reflection of our inner state. To blame the practice is a weak way out. We must learn to look within us and see what is not functioning right. This is then yama and niyama in action. As these clear up and strengthen all the limbs start to come together.To conclude In conclusion, ashtanga vinyasa gives the practitioner a practical key or tool to work with daily to allow the changes to occur within. The initial start point is physical. It is up to the individual how deep it will go. Patanjali states one must practice for a long time, continually, no stop-start, and with complete sincerity for the practices to bear fruit. The level of intensity is also up to us. If you plant a seed and really care for it, it will grow. And eventually it blossoms and bears fruit. As Pattabhi Jois says, "practice and all is coming". Couldn't be more true. Experience it for yourself. Practice!! About the AuthorPaul is a senior teacher of Pranayama, Asana and the meditative art and science of Yoga. He has been a dedicated student for over a decade of both Sri O.P.Tiwari, one of the few remaining classical yogis and masters of Pranayama, and the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in ashtanga vinyasa. In this article he gives in indepth overview on Ashtanga Yoga Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
How can one Select A Yoga Mat Bag Posted: 05 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by yoga guru123 A Yoga Mat Bag is a reasonably vital accent with regards to yoga practice. For those who practice recurrently, ultimately you'll be consider buying your own yoga mat. This is inevitable for anybody who is critical about their practice. Once you spend money on your mat, you'll begin carrying it to class, and understand that it isn't very easy. Your mat will are inclined to unroll, curl up and do different inconvenient stuff. Time for a bag, you will say yourself. That is when you should remember this article. Just like with mats, yoga luggage are available every kind of colors, sizes, fabric types etc. You may be faced with a myriad of related accessories by 1,000,000 different brands. The right way to make the proper choice? Listed below are the best tricks to take into account, when choosing the right yoga mat bag. Dimension Have in mind, that almost all yoga mat bags are designed to suit a regular skinny PVC mat (the sort you discover at your native price range yoga studio). If are this far within the purchase cycle, chances are you have already got a premium mat, thicker and wider than customary size. Well, guess what? Most mat baggage will NOT suit your mat. If you have a thick and broad mat - you want a big bag, such because the Manduka Mat Sak. Material Most premium or even intermediate mats are made out of natural rubber. Handled or not, it nonetheless has sufficient pores to reap bacterial growth. In case your yoga bag is produced from non-breathable materials, your mat will get pungent very fast. The extra "natural" and "eco-friendly" your yoga mat is, the more severe it effectively odor if the yoga mat bag will not let it breathe. Choose your material properly, make sure there are air holes that may allow air circulation. Measurement agan It's possible you'll not give it some thought at first, but you should use your yoga mat bag as a gym bag. You'll be able to carry your small belongings in the identical bag. This migh! t make i t really convenient, you won't need any additional bags. Before you buy your bag, guarantee there will likely be enough room in your stuff. In any other case, be sure that your bag is produced from fantastic material, as it will harness your mat for a very long time, hopefully. Get pleasure from your observe, and do not forget to breathe! About the Authoryoga bagsyoga books Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Rhythms Yoga-This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 05 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. Now I'd like to share with you my favorite form of meditation, called "breath meditation." I believe it is one of the most powerful, yet one of the easiest, meditations to learn. Before we begin, let's talk a bit about the mind. The mind is made up of wave patterns. When we think, it causes wave patterns to occur in the brain. There are four main types of brain waves. The pattern we are normally in when awake and thinking is called "beta wave" or "beta state." When we are dropping off to sleep and the mind begins to quiet, that is "alpha state." When we are asleep or quietly meditating, that is "theta state." The deepest state of sleep or of meditation (where there is no body awareness) is called "delta state." The goal in meditation is to get you to the theta/delta stage. I have found that the breath meditation technique is one of the most effective ways to get to the deeper levels of meditation and still the mind. Most people who are new to meditation and are trying a variety of ways to meditate will vacillate between the beta and alpha states in their initial practice. These stages of meditation are relaxing and a wonderful experience, but as with all things in life, the more you practice, the better you will get. Eventually you will desire to quiet the mind at the theta/delta levels and will go to the deeper realms of meditation to achieve this stage. Now let's talk about this effective and helpful way to quiet the mind, called "breath meditation." It can also be the most challenging way, because although it's simplistic, it is not always easy to do. It is easy to learn but sometimes difficult to practice. In this form of meditation, you simply "follow your breath." Just observe your breathing with no mantra, no prayer word, just simple and quiet noticing of the breath. How it works is that you sit up straight in a quiet, comfortable place with your feet on the floor or legs crossed. As you sit there, watch or take notice of your breath. Breathe in, breathe out, br! eathe in , and breathe out. You can breathe in through your mouth or your nose, it doesn't' matter. The only thing that matters is paying attention to your breath. If something distracts you, simply come back to your breathing. When strenuous or uncomfortable thoughts arise (come to the surface), don't try to ignore them or push them away but instead acknowledge them and go back to observing your breathing. Allow your attention to focus on that. Acknowledge any distractions, without being annoyed by them, and simply direct your awareness back to your breath. Eventually, thoughts will diminish, your mind will get quiet, and your brain patterns will begin to be at those deeper levels. You will find a deep peace that you may have never experienced before. Stresses will dissolve, and a sense of well-being will envelop you. I encourage you to try the breath meditation and to practice it often. I also strongly suggest you meditate twice a day, once first thing in the morning and again just before bed at night. I find these times to be the easiest to make into a habit. We can meditate any time of the day or night, but it's best to make a point of doing it twice daily and to establish a routine of morning and evening meditation. A sense of peace will develop in your life with regular practice. In my experience, breath meditation is one of the most powerful meditations in the universe. About the AuthorDr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a meditation expert, international speaker and has a blog at He is the creator of the weekly Meditation For Health Podcast, available at He has a weekly podcast that explores the world of Happiness at He also creates a weekly podcast that explores the world of Enlightenment available at If you would like to contact Dr. Puff, his e-mail address is Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Self Motivation With Your Other-Than-Conscious Mind Posted: 05 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Kenrick Cleveland "It is as if evolution has built a safety device in our nervous system that allows us to experience full happiness only when we are living at 100% - when we are fully using the physical and mental equipment we have been given." ~Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, persuasively... are you functioning at 100% of your capacity? We're born to learn, thrive, live and search for happiness, meaning and fulfillment, and yet many find these things to be out of reach. Why is it that some people struggle with their finances, their love relationships, their weight, and a general lack of motivation, while others seem to live up to their full potential with ease? We're living in accelerated times with technology advancing faster than we can keep up with it. As a result of all the external stimulation, I believe we have a disconnect with our other-than-conscious selves. Once we repair that disconnection, amazing, miraculous things can happen. If we consider our subconscious mind a friend, and communicate with it directly, succinctly and, in a way, strictly, we can move mountains. The gentle giant is a power capable of being harnessed to aid us in our pursuit of fulfillment. They've been with us since the minute we were born and since then, they've been learning by observing what it is we hear and do. Everything that goes on around us is being filtered into this other-than-conscious. As children we were conditioned whether that be through rewards, punishments, through school and experiences. Our other-than-conscious learned too--it learned to expect certain ways of being, creating metaphorical maps of what we could expect out of life based on this early conditioning. Of its many roles, the subconscious is a powerful persuader--self-persuader--and when you understand this, you are naturally able to engage its help. The main function of the other-than-conscious is to keep us alive. Another is to keep us doing exactly what we've alwa! ys been doing. This is, at times, problematic, especially when you're trying to make big changes in your life. It's possible that your other-than-conscious has been sabotaged by negative conditioning. It runs on a 'I can't do that' program. This part of the brain is responsible for turning something into a habit by helping you know something on 'auto pilot' instead of having to 'remember' it. This works both positively and negatively for us. As we reframe the power of our other-than-conscious as a partner instead of something we hardly ever consider or communicate with, it can really make an enormous difference in our lives. So the big question is: how do we befriend this gentle giant? Well... how do you make any other friend? You gain rapport with them. It's that easy. I thought this was silly at first too. I thought, 'Why do I have to make friends with a part of myself?' Take that leap of faith and you're going to find a huge difference in your life. And this is how to do it: Give yourself a little pep talk. Ask for what you need help with. 'Dear Gentle Giant... I'd love to double our income. I think we're absolutely worth it.' Or maybe, 'Hi. I know we've had some rocky relationships and there has been a bad pattern created and now, I'd like to end that and have a great connection. What do you think? Let's do it together.' You could also ask for help with things you're learning, as in, 'Gentle giant, I would absolutely love to have my persuasion skills increase exponentially. You are really the one I can count on for help.' Everything that you are, everything that you do, and everything that you have began with your intention to have it in one way or another is controlled by your other-than-conscious mind. All you have to do is tap into your persuasive power and your persuasion skills will naturally develop. About the AuthorKenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn the business of affluent clients using persuasion. He runs public and private seminars and offers home study courses and coaching programs in persuasion techniques. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.お金について 豊かになるために バシャール To be Rich, about Money, BasharThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
12 Steps to Living a Conscious and Authentic Life Posted: 05 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Kensium solutions These twelve steps sum up in essence what it means to live the life of a brilliant coach, empowering others in manifesting their heart's desires. To live the process is a bit like being the "Fool" card in the tarot deck. You listen, trust and do what your higher self indicates. You are willing to listen to your own drummer and go where the messages, lessons, and guidance take you. When you live the process you don't necessarily fit into the world of convention, but rather connect with your own purpose and align yourself with your value system and principles. When you live the process you are committed to fulfillment rather than the trappings of success. You are dedicated to authenticity rather than position, prestige, or perks. You are devoted to the truth and honoring your ultimate purpose in life rather than momentary appetite gratification. It is because you have this unswerving allegiance to meaning and the deeper values in life that you have the ability to support your clients, colleagues and friends in being loyal to their higher selves. When you live the process, you encourage, empower, and en kindle joy in others aligning them with their true essence and values. Read over the Twelve Steps to Living the Process and ask yourself if you are willing to live life from this perspective. If you are then you can truly live the life of a "Brilliant" coach. 1. To enjoy every day of your life; and have fun, doing whatever you are doing. Enjoyment means to find the joy in whatever you are engaged in. Joy is not so much found in any particular action as it is created within the person who is performing the act. When you find the joy within you, you bring it with you wherever you go, to whatever activity you do. It is part of you and dwells within you. When you are joyful, it is part of your essence and no one can take it from you. 2. To feel, experience and honor your feelings. Feelings are the outward expression of your innermost reality. Feelings enable you to connect with your authentic self. Feelin! gs are a barometer of your overall well-being. Your feelings indicate how you are in relationship to yourself and others. When you allow your feelings you show that you respect your reality. When you honor your feelings you place your personal experience above saving face or pleasing others. 3. To tell the truth, your truth to the best of your ability. Telling the truth means that you are connected to your own perception of reality. It means that you look deeper than the surface explanation of your circumstances. Telling the truth means that you go beyond appropriateness and decorum and reveal what is sometimes unspeakable. Telling the truth is about being your authentic self and letting others experience it, regardless of their reaction. 4. To look within yourself for your messages, guidance, and direction. Looking within means that you are devoted to the spiritual side of your nature. It means that you will reflect on your options and choices before you act, checking in with your essence. Messages, guidance and direction are always there if you are willing to take the time to listen and notice what they are indicating. 5. To focus on solutions rather than on problems. Your orientation to reality is either to dwell on the problem or on the solution. It is always your choice, however, the problem gives headaches and heartaches and the solution provides a wonderful lightness of being. When you are committed to the solution, it means that you will not allow the problem to bog you down, drag you down, or dampen your spirit. It means that you always know that there is a solution to every problem and you strive to create win-win outcomes. 6. To believe in yourself, to believe in others, and to believe in the impossible. Believing in yourself means that you hold yourself in high esteem. It means that you validate your accomplishments and celebrate your successes. It also means that you would do nothing to hurt, demean, or sabotage yourself or others. You take time for your needs and wants and you care for and about yo! urself. In addition, it means that you are willing to go for the "seemingly impossible" that which appears unreasonable. 7. To be committed to moving in your life; to reach out for help and/or to have a coaching session when you get off track or "stuck." It doesn't mean that you must be perfect, but rather that you are realizing your dreams and making strides towards the others. The possibility of getting "stuck" is there for anyone who is too proud to reach out to others. Living the process means that you are never too proud to reach out to other coaches to obtain support, encouragement, and validation. In other words, you practice what you preach and you do what you teach. 8. To love yourself unconditionally; all the parts of you; and to treasure who you are. Conditional love means that you accept yourself only when you live up to the expectations you have stipulated. When your body looks the way it should, when you produce the results that you have outlined, when you have your relationship in great shape, and when your life is the perfect picture of success. When you love yourself unconditionally, you love and accept yourself when areas of your life are imperfect. When you are sick in bed you love yourself. When a big deal has fallen through, you love and accept yourself. When you have a dispute with your best friend, you love and accept yourself. When you let someone down, break an agreement, or unknowingly hurt someone, you still love and accept yourself. This may sound like narcissism, but in actuality it is about treasuring who you are and honoring your relationship with yourself. You also reflect to discover your lessons. 9. To pursue your dreams, your inspiration, to follow your "higher self," and your messages. Going for your dreams may not always be convenient. Life presents us with tests and lessons that beg the question, "How much do you want it?" When you go after your dreams, inspiration and messages you realize that you will be asked to stretch into larger shoes than you previously filled. If you! are goi ng to be an example to others, you need to show the way. Showing the way means leading others to their inspiration. When you can't seem to book the flight, find the time, or breakthrough the considerations, you use your own coach to support you through the challenges and make it happen. 10. To reach out to others and/or to God when you need support believing in the perfection of all and seeing your circumstances in the right perspective. Reaching out is critical. If you expect others to reach out to you, you must be willing to take personal inventory, notice when you are stuck, tell the truth, and do whatever you need to do to become unstuck. The reaching out to others does not exclude, a higher power, your angels, your spirit guides, or dear loved ones who have crossed over. Reaching out means that you acknowledge where you are and you ask for help, guidance or direction. 11. To be responsible for your behavior and for your own actions, and to take charge of all situations which you are able to bring to a positive resolution. Being responsible doesn't mean that you are to blame. Being responsible means that you acknowledge that you are cause in your circumstances. It means that you are willing to learn a lesson from everything that happens to you. It means that you are willing to take a leadership role in all areas that can possibly be resolved. 12. To regard everything in your life as a mirror, to learn a lesson, to grow, to search for the perfection in the grand scheme of things and to self-correct lovingly. Your commitment to growth supercedes any need to be perfect or to diminish yourself. Pride doesn't block you from seeing, discovering, and growing in every facet of your life. Seeing the perfection is not always easy. To see the perfection, you must have some perspective and an elevated viewpoint. When you see the perfection, you examine the situation from the point of view of being necessary to teach you a lesson that otherwise you might not learn. Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott is a Negaholic Specialis! t whose expertise in overcoming negativity overlaps with techniques to overcome stress. To contact Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, Negaholic Specialist, for tips, advice, or counseling, please send your name, email address, phone number and question or comment to This program is a small portion of the Interactive Overcoming Negativity Online Training we provide. If you're interested in outstanding Overcoming Negativity Program, Contact Us Now; you can also subscribe to and access our Online Virtual Training Program by visiting About the AuthorDr. Cherie Carter-Scott is an International Author, Motivational Speaker, Management Consultant and Original Coach Trainer since 1974. She is the Founder and Chair of The Motivation Management Service Institute Inc.You can access her Online Virtual Training programs by visiting Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.イルミナティ バシャール Illuminati, How we should deal with, BasharThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Happy Holidays from You Do Yoga Cincinnati Yoga School Posted: 05 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Matt Eshleman of You Do Yoga LLC Seasons Greeting Yogis and Yoginis! This will be short and sweet and packed full of important holiday-related news from You Do Yoga in Downtown Cincinnati. Most importantly, we want to let you know about changes to the class schedule over the next two weeks. Classes continue as usual through December 22nd, and then we will be taking a bit of a break. Classes are cancelled December 23rd through the end of the year - with one exception: Alison will teach her usual Saturday class on December 26th at 11:30am. Classes resume on January 2nd, and we invite you see the updated schedule on our website - We also want to remind anyone looking for a great last-minute healthy happy holiday gift to give the kind of gift that keeps on giving: a You Do Yoga Gift Certificate good towards any of the services we offer, from group yoga classes to private yoga lessons, even Thai Yoga Massage and Reiki. For your comfort and convenience, you need not even leave the warm glow of your computer screen - just follow this link to make your secure online purchase using any major credit card: Looking forward to 2010, we have several exciting events already in the works. Watch our website for information about our upcoming "New Year's Revolution" workshops, designed to help people considering taking up yoga make the leap from thinking about it to doing it! Our "Don't Worry, Be Happy-Hour" featuring laughter yoga with Patrick-murphy Welage will now be happening on the final Friday of every month at 5:30pm, beginning January 29th. We are also planning a great family-friendly event for Valentines day - A combination of Partner Yoga and Couples' Thai Massage - a great treat for you and your loved ones. That's just a sneak preview of the upcoming events from You Do Yoga, Cincinnati's most innovative and eclectic yoga studio. Be sure to bookmark our webpage and keep an eye out for more! Finally we want to say thanks to everyone who! helped make this a great year for You Do Yoga in Cincinnati! We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you in 2010! Happy Holidays, Namaste, Peace! About the AuthorMatt Eshleman, B.A., ERYT500, has many years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Matt 500 hour certification through his studies of Anatomy, Taoist Yoga and Meditation. Matt is a trained Thai Yoga Massage therapist, Reiki level 2 practitioner, a student of Martial Arts, and is an adjunct professor at Cincinnati State, where he helps lead the yoga teacher training program. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga Shakti - Cure AnemiaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Sit Back And Relax With Stress-Free of charge Travel Ideas Posted: 05 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Munson Joans Traveling is fun and exciting especially if you know in which you are going. Some people make the mistake of assuming that they can talk to the locals and obtain directions. You possibly can use the ideas which are offered below in order to avoid getting misplaced in a spot which is new to you. Before traveling to an additional region, it really is essential to familiarize yourself as much as feasible together with the foreign laws and customs. You may discover these on the web, and also from your library, travel agent, and tourist bureaus within the nation you will go to. Always inquire precise thoughts about stuff which may get men and women from the country in trouble. No make a difference where you're going, buying insurance when you fly is really a wise decision. Insurance will let you cancel your travel plans last minute by using a complete (or partial, depending around the insurance) refund. Last minute emergencies happen and you don't like to be out several hundred dollars for missing your flight. Keep cool, calm and collected in the airport. We all understand that having with the airport these days requires lots of time, but quite a few people seem to forget this when they get there. To be able to make it through the unique stages as fairly quickly and simply as achievable, try to stay calm, don't get irritated with individuals, and realize that everyone is during the same boat when you. It won't help you or anybody all over you if you get unduly annoyed. Remember, when traveling abroad it really is far better to steer clear of drinking the nearby tap water. Most visitors will be unaccustomed towards the community water, and can get quite ill. It's a lot easier to visit the nearby supermarket or grocery store, and get bottled water instead. It cuts down your chance of sickness, as bottled water is commonly produced on the highest of standards. It may be difficult to eat healhty when traveling. Skip the roadside restaurants, but instead bring your own food ite! ms. Pack your cooler with fruits and vegetables, crackers, yogurt, granola bars and cheese. These things are simple to pack, and easy to eat whilst on the road. Don't forget the water, it will help you stay hydrated while you drive. Drink a lot of water. Several doctors claim that the primary cause individuals get sick on long flights is dehydration. Cabin air is extremely dry and in an enclosed space, germs travel much easier. Safeguard yourself by staying hydrated by drinking lots of water and juice and you might stave away from the cold that the woman, 3 rows back is sporting. No make a difference where you will be going or how you arrange to get there, the information in this write-up will provide a fresh perspective to think about as you make your travel plans. Keep these guidelines in mind when you arrange your next recreational trip, and you are sure to uncover something new. About the AuthorIf you would like supplementary knowledge regarding tanzania travel, stop by Caccy S Wozolianz's Site without hesitation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Early Morning Buddhist Spirituality Inspiration - 6/5/2012 Posted: 05 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT ![]() "Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity." ~The Buddha | ||
Locate some of the better open mind articles over here Posted: 05 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Damien Pope At least option problem with precisely what many call a powerful open mind. For example, you may get heard someone called open minded considering he believes around visitors from area, bending spoons with mind power, in addition to "remote viewing. " But isn't this more a symptom of a easily fooled mind? Let's check out a healthier characterization. Open Mind - A GOOD DefinitionWe all always like to think that efficient open minded. Here's what that means based on a couple completely different dictionaries: 1. Receptive to new and various ideas or the opinions of others; 2. Not narrow or conservative with thought, expression, and / or conduct. That appears to be reasonable, and we might choose to fit those meanings. The problem comes when we finally take this to mean we must harbor any idea regardless of merit, or that believing in unlikely things is actually a sign of open-mindedness. Then we set out to give too a good deal credit to poor ideas and unsupportable beliefs with the name of possessing an open thought process. For example, I watched a course on crop circles recently. These are circles along with other geometric shapes involving flattened crops that can be found in fields throughout the world. For years several speculated that spaceships by other planets, "energy vortexes" along with outrageous things triggered them. "Experts" claimed how they could not were caused by humans. Much of the populace bought into this hype in the name of acquiring an open spirit. Of course when ever several individuals plus groups finally claimed responsibility, and even showed how they made your designs, they ended up ignored by a number of. Some people didn't receive an open mind in the end -at least not there for the most probably scenario. They wanted an important answer (space aliens) or perhaps wanted the mystery to remain maintained. To today the tricksters create their designs merely to have paranormal "experts" tromp into the fields the using day and proclaim that no human might have done it! . Note t hat being curious about the mystery, and speculating pertaining to possible causes is just not the problem. Being "receptive to new and various ideas" is a great thing. Adopting beliefs with no supporting evidence is probably not, however. Being receptive into the idea that before unknown forces could cause things to come to pass is open minded, but it will also be highly closed-minded to exclude the possibility that there are much more normal explanations - especially when the majority of the evidence points to this very. So what will it really mean a great open mind? That should be receptive to new ideas and also to avoid narrowness with thought, certainly. But being start minded doesn't mean we accept ideas which will make no sense, or adopt beliefs with virtually no evidence or justification. And it needs to mean at least which we are open to the chance that the explanations we wish or which are usually interesting may end up wrong. You possess a brain that can certainly analyze various practical explanations for things. An open imagination may assure you that you consider all many possibilities, but it shouldn't prevent you from removing those explanations without evidence for those with information. In other thoughts, it should never be justification to believe anything in your absence of beneficial thinking. About the AuthorMy whole name is Damien Pope. I understand that understanding keep an open mindis extremely vital.To discover how to keep an open mind click my links<a href=" Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Sit in Peace with Thich Nhat Hanh in London - Trafalgar Square 31 March 2012This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
A Tour Of The Himalayan Region Posted: 05 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Sanyukta Jain Ladakh is an amazingly beautiful landscape located in the northernmost Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir and is one of the most extraordinary places on earth. Sandwiched between two mighty mountain ranges - the Himalayas and the Karakoram, Ladakh has been a much sought after tourist destination of India. Life is very challenging and tough there due to its climatic and geographical conditions. With all these issues, travelling in Leh and Ladakh has always been exciting and has attracted tourists from all over the globe. Ladakh is famous for its remote mountain beauty and the tranquil environment, and exceptional natural beauty makes the visitors spellbound as it offers lots of attractions to the visitors coming from different parts of the world. The prime tourist attractions in Leh and Ladakh include the untouched natural beauty of the places, several magnificent Buddhist monasteries and monuments, opportunity for indulging in adventure activities and sports like trekking, river rafting, mountain climbing, camel ride, yak safaris, jeep safari etc. Leh is the place from where your adventure in Ladakh starts. The Ancient monasteries, colourful markets and amazing views of the Himalayas make Leh a perfect location. Really you will feel leading the world on the Leh Ladakh trekking tour which is really a paradise for trekkers with a lot of possibilities to match all adventurers. You can take a trekking tour by strolling, cycling, rafting, riding and touring, discovering the nearby daily life types and culture. You will discover several alternatives having a combination of culture and activities in during the journey. The significant Buddhist monasteries also famous as Gompas are situated in this region. The Buddhist monks reside here to gain knowledge and practice their faith. The Buddhist architecture can be seen here in these monasteries. Buddhism is the major religion of area and these monasteries are the place for worship, meditation and religious teaching. Some of the famous monas! teries i n Ladakh are Thiksey Monastery, Alchi Gompa, Spituk Monastery, Phugtal Monastery, Sankar Gompa etc. Generally all the famous monasteries are located at remote places, far away from crowded areas which provide more tranquillity to them. Ladakh is famous not only for the picturesque views of the valley with the snow-capped peaks forming the backdrop, but also the culture of Ladakhi people and their will to live cheerfully even in one of the most inhospitable terrains in the world. Several fairs and festivals are celebrated in the region which depict the life-style, tradition and beauty of the region. Ladakh has everything to offer for an exciting tour of the Himalayan region, be it for a wildlife lover or adventure enthusiast or culturally inclined or an admirer of natural beauty. Tour of Leh and Ladakh provides its visitors an opportunity to witness the culture of the Himalayan region, a chance to participate in the festivals, indulge in adventure activities, view Himalayan wildlife, visit Buddhist monasteries and more. Leh Ladakh tour is surely going to capture hearts of all the tourists coming to visit the place and provide them unforgettable mesmerizing memories of the trip. About the AuthorVisit website to book Himalaya tour packages including tour packages for Ladakh and Char Dham Yatra Packages Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Mind and Life XIV -- Day 1 am - with the Dalai LamaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Black & Decker Coffeemakers Recalled by Applica Consumer Products Posted: 05 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Applica Consumer Products Inc. of Miramar, Fla., announced a voluntary recall of about 159,000 Black & Decker Spacemaker 12-Cup Programmable Under-the-Cabinet Coffeemakers. Hazard: The coffee pot handle can break, causing cuts and burns to the consumer. Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received 1,276 reports of handles breaking, including 68 reports of burns and/or cuts. Description: This recall involves Black & Decker® brand 12-cup coffeemakers designed to mount under a cabinet. Available in either white or black models, the words "BLACK & DECKER® SPACEMAKER™" are printed in the top right-hand corner. The coffeemakers have a digital time display in the top left corner and five round buttons above the water reservoir. The 12-cup coffee pots are glass with a molded handle the same color as the machine and a silver metallic bracket running around the glass near the bottom. The recall includes model numbers SDC740, SDC740B, SDC740BR, SDC740C, SDC740DIS, SDC740R, SDC750, SDC750C and SDC750DIS. The model number is printed on the underside of the coffeemaker, directly below the water reservoir. Sold at: Major retailers nationwide from July 2008 through May 2012 for about $ 50-80. Manufactured in: China Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the coffeemakers and contact Applica to exchange their coffee pot for a free replacement. Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Applica Consumer Products toll-free at (866) 708-7846 between 8:30 a.m. through 5 p.m. ET, or visit the firm's website at | ||
Ayurvedic Remedies: Clarimind for Subconscious Mind Power + Agile Mind Posted: 05 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Boyd McCoy Clarimind with ayurvedic remedies optimizes your memory, countering stress and rejuvenating concentration for subconscious mind power and agile mind. The brain is the centre of the nervous system. It is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. In a typical human the cerebral cortex (the largest part) is estimated to contain 15-33 billion neurons. Each of them connected by synapses to several thousand other neurons. The function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to make change in the environment through subconscious mind power and agile mind. From a philosophical point of view, what makes the brain special in comparison to other organs? And that is- it forms the physical structure that generates the mind. In which mechanisms brain activity gives rise to consciousness and thought have been very challenging to understand: despite rapid scientific progress, much about how the brain works remains a mystery. The most promising approaches (subconscious mind power and agile mind) treat the brain as a biological computer, very different in mechanism from electronic computers, but similar in the sense that it acquires information from the surrounding world, stores it, and processes it in a variety of ways. Our brain is composed of 7 sections. Four of these influence memory and concentration: Temporal Lobe, Frontal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, and Hippocampus. Rejuvenation of brain chemistry with the help of ayurvedic remedies as Clarimind in a very natural way for subconscious mind power or agile mind. Memory and Concentration: Memory is the brain function that allows to store and retrieve information. Two types are here - sensory memories and conceptually based memories. All of these individual memory modes combine to form complex and varied remembrances. During the moments in which a memory was created, b! rain mea ns agile mind was processing thousands of pieces of information to decide which data was important enough to store for later retrieval. One might remember in agile mind the emotions of fear and excitement, the tactile sensation of wind on arms, and procedural information and episodic information like the time of day, age, and general surroundings. Memory problems are attributed to a variety of factors: depression, stress, aging, hormonal imbalance, head injury, toxins, chemical deficiency, dehydration, side-effects, and infection. The key to performing well with agile mind in all facets of life is a calm, relaxed, and focused mind. Any task that demands a certain degree of mental effort naturally requires concentration. As one's interest becomes fully engaged, enters a trance-like state and achieve higher levels of concentration. The level is proportional to mental effort in our agile mind. Concentration problems arise from a multitude of factors: brain chemistry, sleep deprivation, stress, insufficient nutrition, and emotional strain. Subconscious Mind Power + Agile Mind; Memory & Concentration Disorders: 1. ADHD (Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) is also known as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder (ADD). It is a common condition that afflicts both children and adults.2. Alzheimer's disease mainly afflicts the elderly. Factors that may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease include genetics, age, hormonal imbalance, menopause, environmental toxins, autoimmune disorder, and chemical deficiencies.3. Amnesia is generally caused by physical brain injury or exposure to toxic substances.4. Dementia is not a disease but a group of symptoms marked by gradual degradation of brain function and the ability to think, reason, and remember.5. Stroke commonly leads to temporary memory impairment in agile mind for a period of 3 to 6 months. Western medicine relies on aggressive and costly prescription drugs to deal with problems related to memory a! nd conce ntration. There is the oldest and most holistic and comprehensive medical system available in Ayurveda, the science of life, prevention, and longevity. Ayurvedic remedies offering greater potency of active constituents for agile mind.ClariMind contains natural supplements to enhance subconscious mind power, agile mind and impeding neural deterioration through ayurvedic remedies. What is ClariMind? ClariMind contains herbal concentrates for brain rejuvenating. Its 268 natural phytonutrients exert 493 synergistic activities on body to enhance memory and concentration, engender tranquillity, and counter negative impacts of stress. Its a booster for agile mind. How does ClariMind work? ClariMind optimizes the flow of oxygen and nutrients to brain. ClariMind supports memory formation by elevating nocturnal melatonin production and regulating cyclical growth hormone surges to ensure healthy restorative sleep. To get lasting and meaningful results take one capsule of ClariMind two times per day. Related articles to Ayurvedic Remedies - Clarimind for Subconscious Mind Power + Agile Mind: Good Blood Pressure Herbal Remedies About the AuthorClarimind with ayurvedic remedies optimizes your memory, countering stress and rejuvenating concentration for subconscious mind power and agile mind. The brain is the centre of the nervous system. It is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. In a typical human the cerebral cortex (the largest part) is estimated to contain 15-33 billion neurons. Each of them connected by synapses to several thousand other neurons. The function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to make change in the environment through subconscious mind power and agile mind. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation- The way to Deep RelaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Quotes ( Part 3 ) Posted: 05 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Vish Writer / Swami Vivekananda The ideal of faith in ourselves is of the greatest help to us. If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished. Throughout the history of mankind, if any motive power has been more potent than another in the lives of all great men and women, it is that of faith in themselves. Born with the consciousness that they wee to be great, they become great. Let a man go down as low as possible; there must come a time, when out of sheer desperation he will take an upward curve and will learn to have faith in himself. But it is better for us that we should know it from the very first. Why,should we have all these bitter experience in order to gain faith ourselves? We can see that all the difference between man and man is owing to the existence and non-existence of faith in himself. Faith in ourselves will do everything. I have experienced it in my own life, and am still doing so; and as I grow older, that faith is becoming stronger and stronger. Do you know how much energy, how many powers, how many forces, are still lurking behind that frame of yours? What scientist has known all that is in man? Millions of years have passed since man first came here, and yet but one infinitesimal part of his powers has been manifested. Therefore, you must not say that you are weak. How do you know what possibilities lie behind that degradation on the surface? You know but little of that which is within you. For behind you is the ocean of infinite power and blessedness. If matter is powerful,thoughts is omnipotent.Bring this thought to bear upon your life,fill yourselves with the thoughts of your almightiness, your majesty and your glory. Would to God we had not been surrounded from our birth by all these superstitious influences and paralyzing ideas of our weakness and vileness. To read more inspirational quotes visit : About the AuthorLecturer, entrepreneur and Fortune 500 business consultant, Vish Writer is the author of the Amazon No 1 bestseller, "The Joy of Becoming God". Visit him at Spiritual SimplicityThe Real Secret Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.1/12 Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Mars Colony and 2012This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Things to keep in mind when choosing Luxury Villas for Rent Posted: 05 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Griffin Thailand is known for its warm local climate, affluent tradition, and ideal getaway destinations. Featuring its diversified traditions and geography, it provides a wide range of things to do best for your long-awaited getaway. You'll want to have a longer vacation if you need to encounter all of these. You may stay close to the famous tourist spots and leisure areas by renting Thailand villas. They are suitable options if you need to have the most from your Thailand holiday. Listed here are some helpful pointers when preparing your vacation and looking for Thailand villas. Of course, you ought to decide on the date before you make a reservation. You need to know that months are a great aspect in the accessibility of rooms and lodgings. Summer months are typically the peak period. Looking for available luxury villas for rent can often be difficult as many travelers are on vacation mode too. The Songkran, or the Thai New Year, can be another busy season. Hence, it is going to be hard finding good hotels for your trip. The best way to avoid this challenge is to book your villa during off-peak season. This is the period when you are able find many choices and even more importantly, you are likely to have a more private vacation. You don't need to bother about the cost as the villas come in many cheap packages and rates. The rental charges normally rely upon the conveniences. As an illustration, an accommodation with four rooms, four bathrooms, including a private pool is more pricey than a villa for newly-weds on their honeymoon and partners. The rates also depend on the area. A beach front villa in a secluded part of an island has a higher rate compared to those in locations away from ocean views. Luxury villas for rent have facilities much like five-star hotel accommodations; however, they are normally less costly when compared with hotels. Additionally, they feature Wi-Fi access and cleaning services. Some villas even have their very own private chefs. Privacy is yet! another benefit especially for honeymooners and couples. You possibly can relax while dipping your feet in the warm waters of the private pool and sipping fresh fruit drinks. If you're travelling in a large group, hilltop and beachfront villas are perfect options. They provide housekeepers, chefs, as well as live-in staff to serve you. These services usually come from warm and friendly local people who can speak English. These kinds of options can be quite pricey but as you're in a group, the individual expenditure can be lesser. You may also opt for a villa close to the nightlife spots, restaurants, and shopping centres. If you're travelling together with your kids, you'll be able to select one near fun-based attractions like elephant sanctuaries and recreational areas. Searching online for Thailand villas is easy as you are only a few clicks away from a wide range of options. By doing this, you have the chance to browse through customer reviews and testimonials that will help you choose. More importantly, you have the chance to compare the rates. Booking for your chosen villa can also be easy once you do it online. About the AuthorAnna Griffin is a travel magazine editor looking for thailand villas and is particularly searching for luxury villas for rent. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Relaxing Nature Scenes - Sunset over a lake with the relaxing sounds of frogsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 04 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT
One might also go backpacking into the mountains for a few days which are a few hours drive away (for example Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite). There is no need to spend thousands of dollars for travel expenses. On the hike, besides the normal provisions, some inspiring books and Sutras might be included also with some Buddhist art. The Buddhist hiker could make a temporary retreat in order to meditate, read, and hopefully experience more than a hungry bear nosing around for food. But wait a minute. This would mean really being alone! For anyone who has done this, especially when they are in the flower of their youth, being alone is much more difficult than gadding about Nepal. What, in fact, we are facing by being alone in the mountains for the first time is our all-too-human monkey mind that is almost impossible to control. But for anyone who wishes to make it through a 'Buddhism for dummies course', this mind has to be controlled if we are to make it to Buddha Mind. What a person in this condition doesn't see or understand is that their mind is widened out in a totally unconcentrative mode of being. It other words, the mind is literally outwardized. However, for the mind to realize its own intrinsic power it must be able to inwardize itself. Also, it has to be able to become point-like and steady. The sense of this is like steadying a glass lens on a piece of dry wood trying to kindle it. Only by using our mind this way will we be able eventually to intuit mind's pure animative nature, i.e., Buddha Mind. But when the mind is outwardized and diffused, this is not possible. Especially in Zen, the elementary part of training consists in learning how to control the monkey mind which involves centralizing it on the immediate actions, at hand, not allowing the mind to wander and to widen out in the example of day dreaming or staring off into space. By training this way we are gradually magnifying the power of mind. Backpacking and staying alone in the mountains is a nice way to begin to learn the practice of Zen, especially, learning to keep one's attention on all of their physical actions. Every step on the trail must call upon mind to concentrate on the body. Everything the hiker does must make the mind focus on the task at hand. The more this practice is repeated, the better the mind is able to control and be controlled which eventually leads to the higher Buddha Mind.
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The New Planetary Consciousness Posted: 04 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Mashubi Rochell The momentum towards a new planetary consciousness has clearly begun in 2007. The many events that have transpired both for individuals, and for humanity as a whole this year, have left a mark of truth imprinted upon the collective consciousness. It is now clear to all who have eyes to see, that our individual actions as well as our collective actions are needed in order to avert the current planetary crises. Humanity's consciousness is beginning to transform, and you may be experiencing shifts in your own awareness as well. These individual and planetary movements forward are happening at an accelerated rate, and you may find yourself at times feeling overwhelmed by the new sensations, experiences and changes that are occurring. At the same time, you may also be feeling an upsurge of old emotional, physical or mental patterns from the past that may have appeared seemingly out of nowhere, causing great distress and discomfort. These difficulties are the result of greater spiritual light which has been infusing the Earth and accelerating her development. The light acts in two distinct ways, opening and revealing the presence of God's love and illuminating our innate divine connection with Spirit... and also by bringing to the surface our inner pain and illuminating the parts of us that have become separated from God's love. This action of God's light creates healing, but in the process of this healing, there can be much pain and suffering that is brought to the surface of consciousness. We are seeing this on a planetary scale as well as an individual one. The many ways that humanity has become separated from love and goodness are being revealed, in sometimes shocking and traumatic ways. Throughout this process, God's love continues to be present, and is beginning to awaken individuals to their divine spiritual purpose. Many individuals now are moving in the direction of finding solutions to the many crises the Earth faces. "How can I make a difference" you may ask. I! t might seem that you as one individual can have little effect on the larger course of humanity's evolution, but this is not true. Each single soul that awakens to a larger understanding of the sacredness of life, and who understands the effect that their consciousness, thoughts and actions have on the environment, creates a center of God's light within themselves. This divine center of light begins to infuse your physical body, your living space, the Earth that you live upon, and your neighbors and those in your community. The light also has an impact on those that you love who are not nearby, but that you hold in your consciousness and communicate with from a distance. The light acts to bless, heal and support others. Like ripples in a pond, the light radiates out and interacts with others whose centers of light begin to expand from the contact with light. As more and more ripples flow outward from the centers of light, they become intertwined, interconnected, and begin to resonate at a more conscious frequency. Soon even those who are not conscious of the light begin to be affected by it, and their lives begin to transform. The Earth herself benefits greatly from this expansion of consciousness, which helps her own divine spiritual evolution. And so dearest ones, what appears to be a small, humble choice on your part to follow a spiritual life, to seek harmony, peace and goodness, and to help in whatever way you can to make the world a better place... this choice has a massive impact on you, your loved ones, your community and your world. Each soul is created with a divine spiritual blueprint. and unique gifts which are given both to further the expansion of the soul and to bless other. Seek this divine blueprint within your own being, and follow your hearts call which will lead you to the fulfillment of your highest purpose. This sacred process is not simply for your own healing, but for the healing of all. Your consciousness is one with the larger collective consciousness o! f the Ea rth and all embodied beings. Seek to follow your own inner guidance and in doing so, you will bless all of life. About the AuthorMashubi Rochell is a spiritual counselor and the founder of World Blessings, and online spiritual gathering place for people of all faiths. To share your own story and experience of helping to change the world please visit our site at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The 2012 Enigma by David WilcockThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Life is a mystery... and the stories we tell about it Posted: 04 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT I'm glad that I ignored my qualms about buying TIm Freke's "The Mystery Experience." Ninety pages in, I'm liking the book a lot. Not surprising. What's not to like about mystery? And Freke has a pleasing way of talking about what we don't know about life, existence, the cosmos, and other Big Questions. The mystery of life is so enormous it takes my breath away and leaves me speechless. It's not some riddle I will one day unravel, but real magic to be marvelled at. It's not a darkness my intellect can illuminate, but a dazzling radiance so splendid that my most brilliant ideas seem dull. I may go about my daily life as if I know what's going on, but the truth is I really don't know what life is. Nobody does. What? Nobody? Nobody knows. Not even the guys in white coats? Nope. What about the pope? Are you kidding? Or my enlightened guru? You obviously haven't spent enough time with him. Or some really smart philosopher like Socrates? He was famous precisely for knowing he didn't know! Well Jesus then? He didn't really exist... haven't you read my bestseller about Christianity? There's got to be some special person somewhere who's got the whole thing sorted out? Look. I'm not saying nobody knows just because I don't know and I can't imagine anyone smarter than TIm. I'm saying it because I've come to realize that it's impossible to know what life is. What do you mean? Could we ever really explain the mystery of life with words? Would it take a sentence? Or a paragraph? Or a book? Or a whole library of books? Could any amount of words explain away the mystery? I guess not. Human beings have created a mountain of words to explain the nature of reality, but under all the words the mystery of life remains as magnificent as ever. So we can never say what life is with words. Exactly. And that's why, as the great mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, "The person who thinks he has found the ultimate truth is wrong." So it isn't just me. Nobody knows what's really going on. In the ancient Hindu Rig Veda it says 'Who knows the truth? Only the God who sees in the highest heaven. He only knows. Or perhaps not even he knows?' Now, the main question mark I'm encountering so far with Freke's approach to mystery is this: I heartily agree that life (even more, existence) is a mystery, and I also agree that nobody knows how to solve the mystery -- or even how to approach it. Yet Freke has written 332 pages about the mystery that nobody knows anything about, and has a thriving seminar/book business based on his approach to not-knowing what can't be known. This was my original qualm, which arose after I took a look at Freke's web site. It seemed too slick and commercial for my tastes, with all the talk about "a revolutionary approach to awakening." How the heck does someone awake to a mystery? Usually we think of a mystery as something we awake from, in the sense of suddenly saying "Ah, now I see what's going on." But Freke says, "I started my spiritual journey because life was a mystery that I wanted to solve. But I've discovered that the question is the answer. Life is a mystery. That's what life is." I used Amazon's Look Inside the Book feature to do just that. Then I bought "The Mystery Experience," having been reassured that Freke wasn't another New Agey nondual wordsmith who proffered smooth sounding platitudes with no substance. Also, I realized that if I was attracted to the book, what difference did it make if Freke had a slick website and a thriving seminar business? Good for him. He wasn't putting himself forth as a guru who knew the truth about ultimate reality; he was trying to get people to understand that nobody knows what life and existence are all about. However, we do need our stories. Stories come in words. Words, as Freke said above, can't explain away the mystery of life. My feeling is, nothing can. Including mystical intuitive aha! wordlessness -- a position that Freke seems to hold also. So, are stories about the mystery of life useless? Not at all. We just need to understand that they are our stories, subjective, personal, idiosyncratic. They don't explain what life is all about. They aren't guides to an objective reality beyond everyday human experience, as religions would have us believe. Here's how Freke talks about the mystery and the story. Life is a mystery about which we tell stories. We all have a personal story about what life is, which we use to help us navigate our lives. A story that helps us understand what's going on... that gives us a sense of who we are... that gives life meaning. Our stories are wonderful. I love listening to people's stories. I'd love to hear your story. We need a story to help us understand life, because if we didn't have a life-narrative we'd be lost. The problem is that we can easily mistake the story for reality. We can invest so heavily in our beliefs about life that we forget that we really don't know what life is. We can become so caught up in our opinions that we miss the breath-taking mystery. And when this happens, life becomes mundane and empty of wonder. When I become embroiled with my story I find myself living in a kind of trance. I'm certain I know what's going on, even though I really don't. I exist in a state of numbness that I call 'normality' and I feel only half alive. But when I wake up I can see that my story is just a story. If I look deeper I discover that hidden behind my story is the pristine, virgin, untouchable mystery. And that's when the mystery experience spontaneously arises. | ||
Stress Headaches: How to Identify and Treat Stress Headaches and Stress Migraines Posted: 04 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Helen Stone Stress headaches usually manifest themselves as stress induced migraines and are one of the most common forms of migraine as well as one of the most dangerous. Modern day life is stressful, it is a fact, but while it is impossible to avoid stress it is not impossible to handle it and the ability to handle it will reduce the incidence of stress induced migraines. Regular migraines from stress can lead to other health complications and have a terribly draining effect on your body. That is why it is crucial to learn how to deal with them effectively. We all know that life can be stressful enough without adding the fear of a crippling migraine into the mix. Migraine sufferers are usually more emotional than others and this is reflected in their ability to deal with stressful situations. When stressful situations arise chemicals are released into the brain to help the body deal with it and when this happens it causes blood vessels in the head to dilate and then expand and contract, thus leading to pulsating stress migraines. Having the ability to control emotions during a stressful situation is therefore crucial reducing the chances of a migraine attack. There are a few simple stress relief techniques and treatments which can help reduce the pain of a stress induced migraine. A chiropractic adjustment is a great way to relieve stress as stress is physically manifested in muscle tension and with a reduction in that tension comes a reduction in stress induced migraines. If it is possible a hot bath is a very effective way to relax the body and reduce stress. During a migraine attack it can be equally useful as it reduces stress levels which are often the cause of the migraine attack. At the same time as the hot bath relaxes the tension in the body's muscles, place a cold flannel over your head and wrap one around your neck to reduce the pain of the migraine headache. Niacin, also known as Vitamin B-3, has been shown to be useful in preventing the symptoms of migraines. It is a! natural relaxant which can be used as a sleep aid, to treat depression and reduce stress and anxiety. There are of course a great many stress relief techniques, many more of which can be found at The-Migraine-Cure and each one can help reduce the incidence of stress induced migraines. About the AuthorHelen Stone is an author, artist, interior designer and homeopathic practitioner with a keen in interest in theatre and skiing. Having suffered from headaches and migraines for much of her adult life she decided to spend the last few years travelling worldwide in order to research migraines, what causes migraines and how best to relieve the pain through natural treatments. She believes in living life to the full and experiencing and understanding the world as best she can, learning more with each day. For more migraine tips, treatments and remedies go to Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 04 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher Here's a simple exercise that will not take much of your time: Stand while facing a wall with your feet apart by a hip width. Your toes should be partly turned in and around 2 feet out from the wall. Raise your hands apart by shoulder width while keeping your fingers splayed. Inhale and exhale. While you breathe out, pull your knee caps and turn your legs in without moving your feet. Then lock your arms and begin to push your chest to the wall. To intensify this exercise, roll your shoulders back and down and then try taking your throat to the wall. Use your breath to make the exercise easier. Even if you do not do yoga exercises, it pays to have a yoga mat at home. Most therapy exercises for chronic lower back pain are performed on the floor, and yoga mats are necessary to provide a stable and non-slippery surface for the exercises. Yoga is recommended to prevent and cure back pain. It is helpful because it involves various types of postures to strengthen and stretch all the major muscle groups in the body. Thus, yoga is a savior for many people suffering from back pain. Yoga keeps the muscles moving freely and balanced as well as extends and decompresses limited regions of tightness. By doing so, yoga helps prevent back pain. Sitting for long hours can lead to contraction and compression of the spine. Especially for those who work in offices, the back bend poses in yoga can counter the hunching position over the computer all day. Among the causes of back pain are weak back and abdominal muscles as well as poor posture. The postures used in yoga can make the muscles stronger and stretch the tight muscles, thus preventing back pain. However, if you have pre-existing back pain and find it hard to move a lot, most yoga postures may be too hard for you to do. So it is important to consult a yoga therapist to ask for therapeutic exercises that can help you. A lot of yoga videos and books contain instructions on gentle exercises that are tailored for people sufferi! ng from chronic back pain. About the AuthorFree Video Reveals No 1 Secret to Losing Your Back Pain with Yoga. Go here for more information. has the tips and guides you need to be successful in losing your Back Pain today tomorrow and whenever you have the need. Our guides are methods that work and are in use by many former Back Pain Sufferers. Join us at for your FREE video. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Sage Yoga & Wellness Family Yoga Candice BrewerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
How Initiation Into Spirituality Creates Magical Changes In Your Personal Growth... Posted: 04 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Jonathan Martin Clark As a teacher of esoteric studies, I have the honor of conducting Initiations once or twice every year. This is an obscure and greatly misunderstood concept for most people. Plus modernization has gradually killed off many traditional rites of passage. Some everyday Initiations you may already be familiar with: Christening. Baptism. Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Induction into any institution. Your first day of school. University Matriculation Day. Graduation Day. The rigorous training of the armed forces. The first day of a new job. Joining the local Golf or Rugby Club. The Freemasons. American Fraternity Houses. The Mile High Club. In a new job, the Initiation may be simply learning the ropes, being taught procedures, where to put your coffee mug and what time the "in crowd" work till. You usually get a special "tome" full of arcane laws and guidelines that no one really ever reads. There may even be a joining fee. History shows that medicine, physics, chemistry, reading, mathematics, writing, astronomy and anatomy were all at one time "occult" secret arts. In the modern world, you were probably initiated into most of those before you were 16 years old. Definition from The Oxford Dictionary: Initiation [v] - to begin and admit a person with introductory rites into secrets, mysteries or science. Latin root "initium" means "to begin". So it's a rite of passage ceremony, which signifies the transformation of an individual into a higher, more desired level of identity. Initiate [n] - the person who has been initiated Imagine you want to join an exclusive members-only social club. You can walk up to the building, but the people on the door will usher you away unless you're a member. However, if you have a friend who is already a member, you will walk up the steps together and will be given a warm reception. Now you have access to higher powers [in this case the social, economic and prestige benefits of club membership] as well as the physical, emotional, mental an! d spirit ual changes initiation brings about. Now if you don't have a friend who's already a member, the alternative is to keep going over to the club, getting your face known, trying to schmooze the doorman and occasionally peeking through the window to see what's going on inside. The way people do that is by reading books and trying things out haphazardly. Unfortunately enlightenment doesn't come from books - it is experience alone that brings realization. Initiation gives you membership, companionship with like-minded individuals and access to deeper and broader levels of insight and power. In many systems, it is believed that many of your new contacts will be previous Initiates who are no longer with us. Initiation gives you nothing in tangible terms. Instead, it allows you to begin a particular system or practice. Practical training involves: * Training the physical body - a regimen of toughening, strengthening and purifying. This is usually achieved through exercises, breathing, and postures. * Learning how to control your emotions. Feel the full range of positive and negative. Be able to accept and release the painful, and bask in the pleasant. Never be at the beck and call of involuntary emotion. * Training the mind to focus on what you want and to eliminate the "noise". Train up the laser-like focus. Develop discipline and single mindedness on your outcome. This is one purpose for ritual and ceremony. You'll soon learn if you have the discipline to practice every single day. Learn how to and consistently practice meditation - stillness of the mind. * Conscious knowledge of logic and philosophy giving you the full range of thinking on all logical levels, as recommended by Aristotle. * Develop and utilize the imagination. What the mind can conceive it can achieve. All physical manifestation first requires the spark of creativity. Science starts with reference experience data then searches for principles to explain it. Experiment leads to knowledge! . "I'll believe it when I see it". Proof is required to prove something is real. Esoteric study begins with the guiding principles, then watches for reference experiences to back them up. Knowledge leads to experiments. "I'll see it when I believe it". Faith is required to know something is real. A spiritual initiation is therefore the process through which a student is given access to deeper layers of knowledge and practice [often called secrets] by their teacher or mentor. In the worlds of mysticism and esoteric study, this is purported to cause a fundamental shift within the person being initiated. The initiator, bearing a certain power or state, transfers this to the person being initiated. Symbolically this is a simultaneous death and rebirth, because not only is it a beginning, its also an ending of sorts as the student ascends to a new level. Very often you would be given a new name, a magical name. One of the many reasons for that was to reinforce the change in your identity. Fully initiated means devotion to the mystic, occult wisdom and contact with natural forces. It also brings with it the Fraternity and comradeship with the group or "family" you are initiated into. Because you don't start off born with mystic, magic or psychic abilities - you have to learn and practice them. The training and guidance is there if you're willing to do the work. Unfortunately more people read about esoteric study than practice. The real measure of a spiritual initiate is how they demonstrate it in real life, not their intellectual knowledge. It's what you do that counts. This was repeatedly stressed by Dion Fortune who lived from 1891 - 1946 [real name Violet Firth] - a member of The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn [a magic organization formed in the 1880's], prolific author, psychologist, Christian and psychic. She recommended an Initiate should be living a normal life and not be closed off in a secret order. Remember where Obi Wan Kenobi lived? You don't want to become the ! eccentri c weirdo in the woods! You also don't want to be a "fair weather" devotee. You know, the type who practices religiously on Sundays, but lets charity, forgiveness and moral fortitude slip a little from Monday to Saturday! An initiate's mindset should be centered around the approach that he or she has been initiated into. So no matter where you are, who you're with or what you're doing, you always have the method's philosophy in the back of your mind. There are three Initiators in your path - the first great initiation begins with your birth, the second is from your teacher, the third and most important are the lessons you learn through your life experience and learning's from Higher Self. The real question is the issue of authority - who is in charge, and what their intentions are. This is often abused and therein lie all the horror stories you might have thought this article was about. And "as within so without". Be wary of the Initiate who has no money, dysfunctional relationships and emotional baggage. The outer signs of the effects are usually the symptoms of the inner causes. If a person is lacking in the everyday world, they probably lack in the esoteric world too. Finally, know that many believe it takes three lifetimes to become an initiate. So the sooner you start the better! About the AuthorJonathan Clark is a teacher and Initiator in Hawaiian Huna - for a free e-course full of history and practice in this ancient art of healing, magic and spirituality, please visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
The Cause Of Allergies - A Spiritual Perspective Posted: 04 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Julie Redstone There are an increasing number of people, today, who find themselves allergic to various forms of environmental stimuli - dust, pollen, animal dander, specific chemicals, etc. - this in addition to widespread food allergies. The list is an ever increasing one of difficulties experienced with things that are widely present in today's world. No one knows, for certain what the reason might be for the expansion of allergic responses on a worldwide level, and particularly in technologically advanced countries. Some have attributed it to environmental changes; others to the presence of new imbalances within the body that may relate to diet or to cultural factors that are altering man's relationship with nature. In the end, the answer cannot be sought in the physical realm, but as with all bodily symptoms and functions, must be pursued on the level of consciousness. The problem of response to allergens is intimately connected with the problem of man's relationship to nature. In the most basic and universal sense, the relationship of the human body to the earth was meant to be self-sustaining, that is, the earth contained within itself all that was needed to support health and life for the human organism. This situation made for healthier bodies in the distant past, at a time when man's consciousness did not perceive itself as fundamentally separate from its environment. As civilization progressed, however, and separation of one thing from another and man from nature took place, a new factor was introduced into bodily responses which made them more sensitive to minute quantities of certain substances that they previously had been able to assimilate without difficulty. This is less a matter of individual lack than it is a matter of collective consciousness in its present imbalance in relationship to nature, in its present disregard for the inherent intelligence of the human organism, and in its present lack of awareness of the relationship of the body to higher consciousness. Within! today's world, the nervous system has a primary role in affecting almost all other functions of the body and a significant role in affecting allergic responses as well. When the nervous system becomes overstimulated, it creates difficulties for the natural healing capacities of the cellular, glandular, and cortical functions so that they can no longer do the jobs they were meant to do. This means that they cannot filter out extraneous material or toxic substances in the same way that they could if the nervous system were functioning properly. Such functioning depends upon the consciousness that regulates the nervous system - one that is fundamentally energy based and is attuned to the natural world. This energetic attunement has been progressively decreasing in recent centuries, which is why allergic responses have been on the rise. In order to heal this situation and to return the body to a state in which it is not responsive to things that are presently irritants, it is necessary for a change in awareness to take place so that man's relationship with the earth and with nature is one of participation rather than separation. Increasingly, this will be the case as the new energies of light permeate the body and consciousness, but for now, the predicament for those who suffer from allergies, some quite severely, can only be addressed in a more limited way on a case by case basis. For some, the purification of the body through incorporating more pure fluids, through purifying the diet, and through ridding the body of toxic substances provides a key to the regulation of allergic reactions. For others, purification and even severe restriction of diet may only have a limited effect. Sometimes what is needed is to re-route the energy pattern within the body so that the body is more grounded in terms of its relationship to the earth. When this is the case, the body is able to receive more energy from the earth, and to distribute its own energy into the earth in a more direct way. There are various spiritual! practic e which address this need and can be tried on an experimental basis. For still others, the need to endure the allergic condition is part of an overall issue of vulnerability, in which the psyche, based on the soul's directives, has created a condition of vulnerability and an insufficient barrier to certain stimuli so that a person would learn to deal more effectively with this aspect of their emotional life. In this sense, the allergic response serves as a physical manifestation or metaphor for the need to allow oneself to become more vulnerable, with fewer barriers or hard surfaces between oneself and others. Remedies for the suffering brought about by allergic responses must be researched on an individual basis, for no two human bodies have the same physical or karmic history, and therefore no two people will respond in the same way to life or dietary changes, or other efforts at healing. However, in the end, the need for humanity to find a way to change its relationship with the world around itself will be the most significant factor in eliminating allergies on an individual and collective level. These will disappear when the flow of energy between man's consciousness and the environment returns to a more natural and balanced state. At that time, the problem of allergies will become a thing of the past. About the AuthorJulie Redstone is a teacher, writer, and founder of Light Omega, a center for spiritual teaching and healing whose purpose is to create an understanding of the sacred transition into light that the earth is presently going through. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Too Much Exercise Can Be Bad for the Heart Posted: 04 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT
Exercise is generally great for health, but extreme forms of it may be bad for the heart in some cases, experts say. Recent evidence suggests training for and participating in extreme endurance exercises, such as marathons and triathlons, may cause heart problems in some, researchers say. There's very little to gain from doing more than about an hour of exercise a day, said Dr. James O'Keefe, at cardiologist at Saint Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. "A lot of people do not understand that the lion's share of health benefits accrue at a relatively modest level," O'Keefe said in a statement. "Extreme exercise is not really conducive to great cardiovascular health," he said. However, experts emphasize that exercise is very important for health, and the proportion of endurance athletes at risk for exercise-related heart problems is quite small: The rate of sudden cardiac death among marathon participants is one in 100,000. "I would never say don't do it," said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, referring to participation in extreme endurance sports. Instead, Steinbaum said she recommends that athletes undergo an examination from a heart doctor before participating in such activities. While tests cannot predict for sure whether an athlete will experience heart problems down the road, they can provide clues to how big a person's risk may be, Steinbaum said. Exercise and the heart Studies suggest extreme endurance training can cause temporary changes to the heart's structure, such as stretching of tissue, and increases in certain biomarkers known to be associated with heart injury, O'Keefe said. These factors have been shown to return to normal after one week, but over time, repeated bouts of extreme exercise may lead to more permanent damage, such as heart scaring, in some people. In one study of about 100 apparently healthy marathon runners, 12 percent showed evidence of heart scaring — a rate three times higher than that of non-marathon runners. Heart scaring can increase the susceptibility to heart rhythm problems, the researchers said. Extreme exercise has also been associated with an increased risk of calcium build up in artery walls, leading to a narrowing of the arteries, the researchers said. And studies of marathon runners show that up to 50 percent of them have increased levels of troponin, a marker of heart injury, and B-type natriuretic peptide, a marker of pressure on the heart, during and after a marathon, the researchers said. How much is too much? To exercise for health, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. A recent study found exercise beyond this amount doesn't translate to extra health benefits. In the study, people who ran moderate distances at moderate speeds, and exercised a few times a week lived longer than those that ran longer distances at faster speeds (7.5 to 8 miles per hour) more than four times per week, O'Keefe said. "When it comes to running, it helps to be a little less intense about it," O'Keefe said. Athletes interested in extreme endurance sports should have certain biomarkers checked, such as troponin levels, Steinbaum said. "If they're elevated, maybe it's not the right thing for you," she said. Pass it on: In a small percentage of endurance athletes, extreme exercise can lead to the development of heart problems. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. | ||
Staph Bacteria in Household Boosts Infection Risk Posted: 04 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT
Family members of children who have staph infections are more likely than other people to carry drug-resistant versions of the bacteria, even though they may not have any symptoms of infection, a new study suggests. The researchers looked at 609 family members of 183 children infected with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria, and found that 53 percent — all who lived with the infected child — also carried staph bacteria. Between 25 and 30 percent of people in the general population carry staph bacteria, typically in the nose, without symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Results also showed that 19 percent of family members carried MRSA, a strain of staph bacteria that is particularly difficult to treat due to its resistance to antibiotics, 32 percent hosted methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA), a strain that responds to antibiotics, and 2 percent carried both MRSA and MSSA. Around 1 percent of the general population carries MRSA, according to the CDC. "Failure to identify all colonized household members may result in persistent colonization or recurrent infections," said study researcher Dr. Stephanie Fritz, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The children in the study were being treated for staph infections of the skin or soft tissues — around the nose, armpits or groin, for example, with the groin being the most common point of infection. Sixty-one percent of the children were infected with MRSA, 30 percent with MSSA and 9 percent with both. Staph infections spread via close contact and the sharing of certain items, such as towels or razors, which are potential reservoirs of staph bacteria, Fritz said. People can spread the bacteria even if they don't experience any symptoms. Symptoms of staph infections include minor sores or a rash on the skin, and fever. If the bacteria reach the heart or brain, they can cause severe health problems. The children in the study ranged in age from 6 months to 20 years old. Family members were included in the study if they said they spent more than half their time living in the same house as the infected child. The researchers also found that parents were slightly more likely to host a MRSA staph infection than siblings. In order to reduce the spread of staph infections, the researchers suggested practicing good hygiene, limiting the sharing of intimate objects such as bath towels, cleaning wounds properly and wiping down surfaces that are often touched with bare skin. The researchers said they will next study more specifically how the germs are spread within a household, in hopes of understanding how to limit infection. The research was published today (June 4) in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. Pass it on: Family members of children carrying staph infections are more likely than the general population to carry the infection without suffering its symptoms, which may contribute to perpetuated infection. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. |
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