Thangka, A little bit about Ancient Tibetan paintings

Thangka, A little bit about Ancient Tibetan paintings

Thangka, A little bit about Ancient Tibetan paintings

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Caroline Cuif-Letrange

Rathnamaalee Yanthraya - රත්නමාලී යන්ත්රය -

Rathnamaalee Yanthraya - Buddhist chant-

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Why Do Christians Practice Yoga?

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Rhonda Jones

Yoga is exercise. It is a form of fitness that promotes strength, flexibility, and stillness. Most yoga classes that I attend are void of religious references. You pose, you hold it, and you release the pose. Many times you're trying so hard just to balance, keep your arms elevated, or stand in a strenuous position for several minutes that you don't have the time or energy to think about anything else. I am persuaded that most Christians who oppose yoga have never even taken a yoga class.

Yoga is also form of meditation. It is a moving meditation. It has a spiritual side, which is probably where most of the controversy about yoga resides. Yoga has a mind-body-spirit connection. Central to yoga is our breathe. When the breathe slows down, the mind slows down as well. In fact, the purpose of yoga was to prepare the body for meditation. When the mind becomes still, we enter into a state of inner peace. When our mind is at peace, we create a greater space for God in our lives, to hear and experience Him on a deeper level, a spiritual level. The Bible says that "the spirit of God is within you." Therefore, it is up to us to prepare our hearts to fellowship with Him. This is why yoga appeals to many Christians.

Those who are against yoga believe it opens Christians up to evil spirits and demons lurking in the darkness. They believe by being still and quieting our minds, we become prey to a host of spiritual unknowns. The majority of Christians who practice yoga know where their allegiance lies and they're not so easily persuaded or manipulated. We know that Jesus is our Lord and we can use yoga to strengthen our relationship with him. We know in our heart and mind how to use yoga as a form to worship God.

I believe there are far more sinister practices that lead Christians down the path of deception and darkness than yoga. These include television, godless movies, popular music, and secular magazines. If Christians want to denounce evil and lead people towards the path of righteousness! and hol iness, help them to realize how the media is undermining their Christian walk every minute of everyday, not just the several hours per week spent at yoga class. Through the media, we are being feed a daily diet of anti-Christ propaganda that is deceiving us and keeping us from pursuing an intimate relationship with the Lord. Yoga on the other hand, does quite the opposite. Christians can use yoga to detach from these illusions, enter into oneness with God, and create a deeper connection with His spirit.

Jesus told the Pharisees in Matthew 23: 13, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. The growing interest in yoga to the Christian is a result of spiritual hunger. Going to church, listening to a sermon, serving in the church is not filling the gapping hole that continues to grow in Christians who don't want more programs but more God. They are not finding it in the building, so they are looking elsewhere. Yoga or a Christ-centered yoga alternative is just another tool that allows Christians to put into practice the scripture that says, "Be still and know that I am God."

When was the last time you we're taught about meditating on God or practiced meditation in the church? When was the last time you spent time dwelling in God's presence in the sanctuary? I can honestly tell you that for me the answer is very rarely. Most churches don't value the quiet. Many may argue that abiding with God is a personal matter; however, many modern-day Christians aren't even familiar with this concept and if they are, they have been discouraged to do so. In fact, there are Christians who have been brainwashed to believe that meditation is of the devil. But I believe that there is "no" greater practice that can help a Christian realize a personal, thriving, and growing relationship with God, than to spend time with Him in silence and solitude meditating ! on his w ord and abiding in his presence.

In all this condemning of yoga, Christians have forgotten the love and liberty that we have in Jesus Christ. John said in 1 John 3:21, "If our heart condemns us not, we have confidence towards God, meaning God is able to convict his children of sin or wrong-doing. Therefore, if in your heart you feel yoga is not of God, then you are obligated to not practice it, less you sin. In many such decisions God gives us a personal choice. He never appointed judges and juries to tell us to do this or that. That's what the Holy Spirit is for. The Bible says, When the Holy Spirit comes you will not need any man to teach you because the Holy Spirit will teach you all things. I have actually heard stories of individuals receiving Jesus Christ on a yoga mat. What a wonderful opportunity to disciple the world. They come for yoga and get saved!

If Christians practice yoga as a form of worship, as a away to love and honor God and grow in relationship with him, what right has anyone to tell them any differently? Paul in Romans 14:4 declares, "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." If as a Christian we practice yoga with the right motives and out of a pure heart, God receives our praise.

Are all yoga classes created equal? Absolutely not! There are yoga classes that are smothered in Hinduism, so Christians must be discerning when selecting a yoga class or teacher. I have actually walked out of yoga studios accessorized with huge Buddha statues, not because I don't believe Buddha was a wise or enlightened man, but being a Christian I don't worship Buddha, I worship the Lord Jesus Christ; there is no confusion in my heart. Hatha yoga or Yogafit are several types of yoga that have extracted all the religious components of yoga. Also, many gyms like 24 Hour Fitness offers yoga classes primarily for fitness and relaxation. God doesn't want us to be discerning just about yoga, ! he wants us to be discerning regarding all aspects of our life as well. How we spend our time, money, what we eat, and where we attend church also have positive and negative ramifications.

Roman 14:2 says, "One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man whose faith is weak eats only vegetables." Should we therefore all become vegetarians? Perhaps those who oppose yoga believe that "they" themselves lack the strength to practice yoga without being seduced away from the Lord. Verse 13 declares, "Let each one be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards the day [yoga] as special does so to the Lord. He who eats meat [or practices yoga], eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But the man who doubts is condemned [if he practices yoga], because his eating [yoga practice] is not of faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin."

1 Corinthians 8:4 tells us, "We know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one. For even if there are so called gods, whether in heaven or on the earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords) yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live and there is but one Lord…"

Yoga will continue to be a controversial topic amongst Christians, but that's okay. God has given us the freedom and liberty to serve him in ways that not everyone will approve of. Christians who practice yoga, do so unto the Lord, Christians who don't practice yoga, do so unto the Lord, so regardless of what side of the fence you stand, if you are using your faith to exalt and honor the Lord, according to the scriptures, it's really no bodies business, but yours and Gods. Interested in Christian Yoga? See popular Christian yoga dvds below.

About the Author

Visit Secret Place Meditation to learn more about upcoming Christian meditation and Christian yoga retreats.Learn about the various Christian yoga and alternative programs.

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Yoga Teacher Training Article

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Sam Rao

Why become a yoga instructor?Becoming a yoga instructor or teacher in your own community is one of the several ways of giving service or providing a service that benefits everyone.So the question that I asked myself, almost 20 years ago, and you may ask it of yourself is:"What are you going to do when you are finished with working, or when work has finished with you?"My answer came by way of a yoga retreat where I met my yoga instructor with whom I trained for over 3 years to obtain my Yoga Alliance YA-500Hrs qualification.There are 2 points worth noting in your own life:1. We know that the average age in the UK and Europe is 84 Years for Women and 81 Years for Men. That is the average. So even on normal retirement age, there will be anywhere between 15 to 40 years of living to be had. What is going to be the quality of your life in retirement?

2. Apart from a fair salary, what other satisfaction do you get out of the job or the service that you give at the moment?In my case this second question became the most important. I had arrived at that stage in life where I really didn't like my job. It paid well but there was no other satisfaction.Anyone can become a Yoga Teacher or Instructor. Yes it does require some yoga background but essentially any person, regardless of what they are doing now, can train and become a yoga instructor / teacher.Here again the important factor is WHY? Why become a yoga instructor?

Why not take a few minutes and consider the following. And this is very much my case:I have the freedom to earn by doing something I really enjoyed. I have the opportunity to provide a service to my students that gives them a good feeling of their own good health. It is the most satisfactory business that I have ever been involved with. Although I have had to adjust my life-style, it is a wonderful way of making a living. I know that if I had not made the life-style changes that yoga has brought in to my life, my own health and condition of my body and mind would have deteriorate! d. As a yoga teacher I get the opportunity to empower my students to do all that Yoga can afford to reach to a satisfactory life-style.As a business, it is one of the finest opportunities. It is understood that, in any community, only between half and 3 percent of the population ever practice yoga. This ancient art of self-healing is just not on everyone's radar. So the opportunity is the vast market of the rest of the population that knows, understands, and are also aware that Yoga is something that will give them good health and a quiet mind.My personal definition of happiness is: "good health and a quiet mind".So the answer to the question is…...Why not become a yoga instructor and take this discipline and this science of Yoga in to local halls, colleges, schools, offices, sports centres as well as retreats in exotic places. Possibilities of extending and enjoying your own life are endless.

What a Yoga Teacher Course Involves

Our yoga teacher course aims to provide a framework for our students with which they can open and run their own Yoga classes. We provide yoga teacher courses for people who wish to make Yoga philospophy part of their life and also wish to take up Yoga teaching as a career.

Yoga is a discipline of mind, body and soul. To fully benefit from the training programme attendees should:Be ready to adapt to the enviornment, and be willing to work intensively and absorb the teachings of the courseBe in good mental and physical healthPrior knowledge of Yoga is not necessarily required, more important is an open mind and an eagerness to learn.

Our yoga teacher course aims to provide sufficient knowledge, techniques, information and confidence to become a good Yoga teacher. If you require any other or more information regarding yoga instructor training then please feel free to contact Sam at Sam Rao Yoga.

Our Yoga Teacher Training Course Content

Our yoga teacher training is conducted in the UK.

What you will learn from this course:You will learn through ex! panding your personal practice and your relationship with yoga. Sam Rao and his teachers will undertake to develop your skills to teach yoga, with confidence and you will learn:

Yoga postures (asanas), yoga philosophy, the principals on which yoga is based, Patanjaliʼs yoga sutras and the 8 limbs of yoga.

Pranayama/Meditation. Breathing techniques, its uses and benefits. Developing personal meditation, and learning to guide others.

Anatomy and Physiology in its scientific form and what is relevant to our modern day life-styles. Plus energy systems - chakras, nadis, meridians and how to use Hatha yoga for better health.

Yoga styles. You will learn some of the main styles of yoga, from various visiting teachers, although we will stay focused on Hatha Yoga.

Teaching practice. By teaching yoga postures from the first day of your training. You will build up, over the course, your confidence and your own teaching style through observations, assisting in classes and Samʼs teaching guidance.

Special Module. Teaching yoga to men. Postures, Physiology and understanding the need to use facts and statistics to teach men.

Business How to run a yoga business, professional standards, insurance, simple book-keeping and managing your accounts. Simple and practical.

For more information about yoga teacher training in the UK with Sam Rao Yoga, please view the course details below.

Yoga Teacher Training Course Itinerary and CostsThe yoga teacher training courses are held over 10 week-ends (minimum of 10 months and a maximum of 18 months).

The planned dates are as follows:

2011Sep 3rd & 4th Oct 8th & 9thNov 19th & 20thDec 3rd & 4th

2012Jan 14th & 15th Feb 18th & 19thMar 24th & 25thApr 28th & 29thMay 19th & 20thJun 23rd & 24th

(your assessment will be on your 10th weekend)

Yoga Teacher Training Courses Costs:

£4,000 for YA200Hrs qualification.

Deposit : Payable at time of registration £500.Bal! ance : � �350 per month for 10 payments.

Breakfast, Lunch and Tea included.

Week-end accommodation is NOT included on our yoga teacher training courses, However, local B&B information will be provided.

About the Author

Sam Rao yoga's yoga teacher course is conducted in UK. For more information regarding yoga instructor training, please feel free to contact Sam at Sam Rao Yoga.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Stress and the human body

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Aaron Cibo

The combination of a sedentary lifestyle and the increased pressures of life have resulted in stress being a major disease of our times. Stress occurs when the mind or the body is put under excessive strain resulting in the production of stress hormones by the body. This was originally a survival instinct that enabled the human being to run away from danger. Stress is an instinctive response of your body to external and internal influences that develop a sense of threat. However, since physical danger no longer threatens us, these hormones can have a negative influence on the body and mind.

Stress can have an extensive effect on the body's vital systems. When one feels stressed because of a physical danger or a superficial danger, called a psychological threat, the body tends to react in very particular ways. You start to run because of the stress hormones that are released into the system. The body starts to release adrenalin, dopamine, noradrenalin, and endorphins into the bloodstream, which produces a wide variety of result. Once these hormones are released in the bloodstream it increases the heart rate, accelerates the blood flow and intensify your brain activity.

Stress affects us physically in the following ways:-high blood pressure-pains in the chest-feelings of constant fatigue and an inability to sleep well-acne-lowered resistance to illness.The mental effects of stress are more subtle but nevertheless real:-depression-increased levels of irritability-mood swings-inability to concentrate-memory lapses.

Here are some tips on how to manage stress:-take a break. Every hour, take a few minutes off to consciously try and relax. Deep breathing and a short break for medication are great ways to quieten the mind.-Learn how to say no to people and refuse to occupy your time with things that are not absolutely essential. A reduction in the number of things that you undertake will automatically result in a reduction in the levels of stress.-Learn to delegate things to other people ! and to t rust them so that the stress is distributed within a team rather than on your shoulders alone.-Learn to organize yourself by prioritizing activity so that the more important or urgent things are tackled first. In this age of e-mail, we all tend to jump to our inbox as soon as a message comes in so that we are distracted from whatever we were doing. In fact, it is only necessary to check your e-mail every couple of hours or so.

About the Author

Searching for a fitness center lakewood or for answers with regards to DeepTone? You located the perfect post. In addition to that, DeepTone also offers a Denver fitness center informative internet site which will help you shed weight and feel excellent.

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Does Dermology mind of hair removal lotion hold out in much under 15 mins and may I Get it For Free?

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Brandon Chory

If you are searching for your best choice to cut back undesirable mind of hair away from your method then actual appearance no further. Introducing Dermology mind of hair removal lotion the response to all of your method mind of hair problems.

What Is specific About Dermology?

Well, all of us understand that there are different mind of hair removal choices available. The preliminary and possibly one of the most standard is shaving. regardless of the simple fact that this method is affordable since it calls for only a razor, you are prone to razor cuts and burns. Also mind of hair can develop back again swiftly and when it does you are probable to experience itchiness.

Next we have waxing. this could be an extra well-known choice to cut back mind of hair away from your method however the trouble with this method could possibly be the simple fact that it could possibly be distressing and may possibly final result in irritation especially to grownup men and girls who have delicate skin. in add-on waxing (be it going to a hair and facial salon or producing utilization of an at home waxing kit) could possibly be considered a time-consuming process.

The last choice available is laser mind of hair treatment but this method is astonishingly high-priced and never an awesome offer of grownup men and girls can afford to undergo this sort of the procedure. This could possibly be the aim why an awesome offer of grownup men and girls are turning to Dermology mind of hair removal lotion as not merely is it effortless and fast to take advantage of however it may be affordable and could possibly be finished away from your comfort of your individual home.

Is Dermology mind of hair removal lotion the best Option?

Well of course; it will make impression thinking about which you no extended should endure razor melts away and cuts and go through every one of the discomfort associated to waxing. All make specific you do is take advantage of the Dermology mind of hair removal lotion fo! r the pl ace in which you need the mind of hair to arrive to be eliminated and leave it for just about any amount of mins after which wipe away producing utilization of the damp cloth and voila! No extra hair!

The most superb element could possibly be the simple fact that it does not merely remove hair; it also exfoliates and leaves your complexion moisturized providing you fabulous looking skin.

In add-on you can obtain a totally free Dermology mind of hair removal lotion trial. The only element that make specific you spend could possibly be the shipping and delivery and managing fees. This could possibly be considered a marvelous way in your circumstance to try the product and see if it is some thing which you are searching for with out the should invest an awesome offer of money.

Paying this small price is a good offer extra attractive than could possibly be the circumstance using one other ointments available that consist of Veet and Nair which make specific you purchase preliminary and may possibly not even be effective in your circumstance personally.

If you desire to understand extra particulars and information concerning the product then you definitely can perform some evaluation online. You are bound to arrive throughout different reviews, testimonials and suggestions on many internet sites and blogs from content true users. So what have you been waiting for? purchase your totally free sample now and get that smooth and hairless complexion you have usually been striving for.

About the Author

If you desire to understand extra particulars and information concerning the product then you definitely can perform some evaluation online. You are bound to arrive throughout different reviews, testimonials and suggestions on many internet sites and blogs from content true users. So what have you been waiting for? purchase your totally free sample now and get that smooth and hairless complexion you have usually been striving for.

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Critique of Goenka / U Ba Khin Style Vipassana

As a long time practionner of several insight meditation traditions, I have criticisms, both positive and negative to offer regarding this tradition of vipassana practice. Here are two links to two different translations of the source text for these practices, the Satipatthana Sutta, Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness. You can find my friend Adam's response to this video at:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Where in the World Do I Start?

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Post written by Leo Babauta.

One of the most frequent questions I get when people read Zen Habits, looking to change their lives, is:

"Where do I start?"

From getting in shape to flossing to getting productive to waking earlier to learning languages and much more … there are so many habits to change that people often become confused, overwhelmed, to the point where they don't start.

I know, because I've been there. For me, before I learned how to change habits, the confusion of where to start resulted in two problems: 1) I would often try too many things at once, because I wanted to change a lot of things; or 2) I would just not even try, because it was too hard to figure out.

How did I solve it? I picked one thing, and just started.

This is what I recommend: pick something fun and easy. One thing. Anything, really. What you pick to start with matters little, because you'll get to everything you want to work on eventually. Where it does matter is in how difficult the change is — if it's too hard, you might fail and get discouraged and lose confidence. If it's easy and fun, you're more likely to succeed and move on to the next challenge.

That said, looking back on things, I have a few suggestions for great habits to start with. I recommend picking one of the following, depending on how much it appeals to you, and how much fun you might have doing it.

1. A Mindfulness Practice. There are a few good options here: 5 minutes of meditation, a mindful tea ritual, or 5 minutes of mindful eating at one meal per day (do nothing but be mindful as you eat, no distractions like reading or TV). Not only are these beautiful, calming practices, they actually set an amazing foundation for future changes. At the most fundamental level, they are practice for being mindful as you do anything, including undergoing other habit changes. One of the best things I've ever done is learning to be more mindful.

2. Simplify. Simplifying practices like decluttering or simplifying your schedule are great ways to create space for the important things in your life. I've found that a beautiful, uncluttered space is perfect for other things like exercise, reading, meditation, writing, and so on. Decluttering your schedule (find one thing to eliminate or simplify each day) is a great way to create space for other habit changes to follow.

3. Fun Exercise. What? Exercise can be fun? Well, sure — it is for me! I look forward to exercise, whether because running allows me to clear my head, walking allows me to mull over different ideas, or because working out with a friend is a wonderful way to socialize. If exercise doesn't seem fun to you, you might just need to find the right partner, coach, team, or game to play. Exercise is a great habit to start with because it makes your whole day better, makes your mind more focused, and gives you the confidence to tackle other habits.

4. A Small Heathy Eating Habit. I love this habit because it makes you feel lighter, healthier, and happier. That change can affect everything else you do. A simple eating habit might be to eat fruit and raw nuts for a snack instead of greasy or sweet snacks, or drinking water or tea instead of soda, or eating veggies instead of something fried or starchy for dinner. Enjoy the cleaner, lighter taste, the lack of heaviness, greasiness and bloatedness you feel afterward. You don't have to revamp your entire diet — just one small eating change is a great way to start.

What if you want to do all four of these? Pick the one you are looking forward to the most. If there's a tie, then pick randomly. It doesn't matter where you start. What matters is that you start.

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Speak With a Relaxed Body and Mind

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by josh williamss

Publishing Rules: You are welcome to publish this short article in its entirety, electronically, or in print free , as long as you contain my full signature apply for ezines, and our Web site address with hyperlink pertaining to other web-sites. Please send a new courtesy url or e-mail where you publish to me. Thank you.___________________________________________________________

TITLE: Speak That has a Relaxed Body and MindAUTHOR: Sandra SchriftCOPYRIGHT: ?2004 by Sandra Schrift. All protection under the law reservedFormat: 60 Characters for every line___________________________________________________________

Consult Relaxed Body-mind

Fear of presentation is No.Just one. Death is No.4. Thus most people would prefer to get an actual canal in addition to pay the taxes compared to speak looking at an audience!

1. Sure you've got catecholamine; all audio speakers do (which include Sir Winston Churchill and also Presidents Kennedy, Carter, and Reagan). These are the chemical substances that make a person sweat, build your heart beat quick, and make your hands shake. Eradicate those chemical and subconscious reactions by means of becoming message-centered in addition to audience-centered, not self-centered.

Two. Replace concern and unfavorable noise with positive affirmations. Develop new philosophy that nutriment you and give you support with new ways of thinking. The New Mature You! For example, I am ready, and the market wants us to succeed.

3. Do a quiet deep breathing, visualization, or exercise prior to speak. Inhale deeply. Relaxation sends a communication to your mind that you have not fear. This calms you down.

4. Who cares about you if you?re nervous? Researchers have discovered that most people statement noticing minimum anxiety in the speaker. For anyone who is thoroughly ready, your central nervousness almost never shows. Make 150%.

5. This Coach Says... Practice facing your looking glass. Practice in the vehicle. If you can target while! traveli ng, you will be able to pull what you need from an unconscious when you find yourself in front of the team. Make your details sound quickly arranged and conversational.

6. Put into practice, rehearse, and rehearse. Talk aloud, and go walking around as you practice. Utilize same physical energy you intend to use at the time of your speech.

7. Being active is antidote to worry. Arrive early on and require a brisk go walking for at least 5 minutes. If it is pouring birds or raining outside, you'll be able to still perform some body runs.

8. Abstain from caffeine and also alcohol prior to speak. You don?t need more nervousness. Always put on your favorite wardrobe and use attractive colors. Girls, go basic on the jewelry. Avoid an excessive amount of black and white.

Being unfaithful. The Coach Says... Primarily; enjoy yourself and have a fun. Laugh. After all, aren?t you actually glad being there? This sign of a mature adult is that you are not getting yourself too seriously

12. For trembling hands, location your hand child the side of one's chair along with count to help 10 while you try to elevate the couch. This is an isometric exercising that works and nobody will probably notice an individual doing it.

14. Don?t be perfect. Give yourself authorization to make problems. No one is great in real life. Receive the butterflies inside your stomach to fly in formation. That?s who you convert your stress levels into chatting power!

12. Reduce your anxiety by taking numerous deep breaths immediately before you?re introduced. As well as for you chocoholics, eat some chocolate to relax your vocal guitar chords.

13. If you experience xerostomia, chew your current tongue to improve saliva flow. Singers try this. Close your own lips and bite recorded on the entire area. Always have the glass associated with tepid (not freezing) water community.

14. Give attention to a friendly confront in the crowd. Pretend you might be having a talk, rather than offerin! g a spee ch. Only be yourself.

About the Author

Fifteen. Here is a singing warm-up exercise utilized at the Royal apple news Academy of Dramatic Martial arts styles in London. State, PaPaPaPa, BaBaBaBa, TaTaTaTa, DaDaDaDa, KaKaKaKa, GaGaGaGa. Then practice itmobile backwards. (Due to Robert along with Rande Gedaliah)

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

A One to One Interview with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Produced by Art of Living Productions More about the Art of Living: More about Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: More films: Sri Sri founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization in 1982. Its educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being through powerful breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya and Yoga. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effective globally at all levels of society. What is Yoga? The secret to health and happiness lies deep within every human. Yoga is the science of discovering one's own self - the very source of pure consciousness, peace and bliss. Everyone knows that we don't feel good and we get stressed when there is disharmony in our lives, when our bodies are tired and our busy minds constantly chatter and judge. Through the discipline of Yoga we become more aware of ourselves by doing simple postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation to rejuvenate the body and quite the mind. It is in this manner that we cultivate harmony in ourselves. What is Meditation Settling the surface mind is meditation. Living in the present is meditation. Relaxing deeply is meditation. When you are really happy, reposing in love, you are meditating. Meditation is that space when the thoughts have subsided, and the mind is in complete rest. What is ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 6/19/2012

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"If the love within your mind is lost and you see other beings as enemies, then no matter how much knowledge or education or material comfort you have, only suffering and confusion will ensue."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena

According to Vedic Astrology Raj yoga is a yoga which offers the affluence of a raja to the native who has this yoga in birth chart. All of us want a happy life but contentment is not in everyone's destiny in equal amount. Thehappiness and grief can be evaluated d by the positions of planets and yogas in your horoscope.The period 'Raj Yoga' has two parts, Raj and Yoga. Raj yoga means, a yoga which offers happiness like a king has.


Raj yoga is not a very distinct yoga. Raj yoga is formed by the combination of auspicious planets in a horoscope. To see the planet according to the Ascendant it is compulsory to see the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of planets, signification, in signification, prime signification of combining planets.Besides these the natural auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of planets should also be taken in to contemplation. As per the believe, in Raj yogathe dignified planets are situated in Kendra house, dignified Venus in the fate line, and relationships between navamsha and dashamsha is energetic.Planets in weakened sign do not mean that they may give malefic result as the lord of the seventh house mayfeature the same house if a planet is placed in a weakened sign. The result of this development will also depend of the relationships of other planets.Raj yoga is not formed by any special planet in a horoscope but all planets are equally responsible for its creation. Vedic Astrology says that Moon in its various placements has anenormousinfluence upon the yoga. A weakened Moon can become a wall for a planet blend that gives positive results.

When the triangle or Kendra houses have the aspect of Venus or Jupiter then Raj yoga gives its full values, and one gets happiness which can be compared with the happiness of a king.Thus it is observed that there are a number of combinations of Raj Yoga with various degrees of results. It is not like that just the presence of this Yoga in the horoscope will make you like a king. There are many other positive an! d negati ve issues that can play a role in how the person's lifestyle will be.


If the lord of the Trikha house is in the Trikha house or is in the position of building combination or aspect any situation, avipreetrajyoga is formed. For example if the lord of the eighth house is placed in the byaya house or in the sixth house and if the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth house, if the lord of the byaya house is placed in the sixth or eighth house then the aspect combination of the lords of the trikha house or a good relationship between them is believed to be an brilliant yoga which gives huge joy and wealth to the native. The native is blessed with king sized happiness. Astrologers consider that inauspicious planets lose their malefic nature if they are in inauspicious house.


If a combination of the Ascendant with the lord of the Kendra or triangle house is placed in a horoscope, then this Raj yoga is formed. In the Kendra and triangle houses goddess Lakshmi is the embodiment of triangle and Lord Vishnu is the embodiment of the Kendra house. This yoga gives an amazing fortune to its native. This Raj yoga gives wealth, fame and prosperity to the native.


If a sign has weakened planet in a birth chart and its house has the lord of the sign in a dignified sign or its position is in Kendra from the ascendant house then in this circumstance this Raj Yoga is formed. As for example if a weakened Jupiter is in the Capricorn sign but there is an exalted Saturn as the lord of the Capricorn then it is broken and hence called Neechbhang Raj Yoga.


This Raj Yoga is commonly seen in female. If a woman has this Raj yoga in her horoscope, it means her husband will have a respected and rich person in the society. This yoga is formed during her birth time when the seventh house is occupied by auspicious planet, equally auspicious planet, planet related with ! auspicio us planet or if any auspicious planet aspect the seventh.


Vedic Astrology says that an auspicious muhuratprovides maximum benefit of a work to a native. In Vedic astrology there are some yogas in which an already finished work has to be repeated by a native. Here are some Yogas and their influence on people are as follow.


This is a grouping of week days, lunar days and nakshatra in which a completed work has to be done again. Astrologers say that if a native does an auspicious work during this yoga then the native may have to do the auspicious work again. Likewise if the completed work was bad then the native may have to do the same once again. So the inauspicious work should be evaded in this yoga.

How does this yoga form? IfBhadratithi i.e. the 2nd, 7th or 12th lunar day falls on Sundays, Tuesdays or Saturdays and either of the Dwipadanakshatra like Mrigashira, Chitra or Ghanistha combines with the above specified situations then Dwipushkar yoga is formed

FORMATION OF TRIPUSHKAR YOGA AND ITS EFFECTS Tripushkar yoga is additional type of yoga in which a finished work has to be completed thrice by a native.The tripushkar yoga is formed in Bhadratithi i.e. the 2nd, 7th or 12th lunar days fall particularly on Sundays, Tuesdays or Saturdays, when any of the tripadanakshatra like Punarwasu, Kritika, Purvaphalguni, Uttrasadha or Purvabhadrapada forms a blend with the precedingfactors. The native has to prepare a work thrice in this yoga because a nakshaktra's 3 legs are in a sign and 1 leg on another sign. A native should be advised to not to any bad work during this yoga, which may force them to do the inauspicious work for 3 times more.

About the Author

Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena "Bajrangi" "Bhagya Samhita wale" is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.

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Part 3, Kids Yoga Competition, Amruta Yoga Kendra, Girinagar, Bangalore 8 Jan 2012

Kids Yoga Competition, Amruta Yoga Kendra, Girinagar, Bangalore 8 Jan 2012

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To Tan-Loving Young Adults, 'Everything Causes Cancer'

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

A young woman lies in a tanning bed.
CREDIT: Tanning photo via Shutterstock

Teens and young adults know the health risks of using tanning beds, but some go tanning anyway. A new study suggests why — they see health risks everywhere around them, so tanning beds don't stand out as a particular danger.

Researchers surveyed 600 university students and found that, of those who said they'd ever used a tanning bed, 59 percent said they agreed with the statement, "Tanning bed use can make me ill, but everything causes cancer these days."

And 52 percent agreed with the statement, "Tanning bed use is no more risky than lots of other things that people do."

"The type of thinking that there is danger all around you, and hence unavoidable, is a common way of justifying risky behaviors," said study researcher Smita Banerjee, a behavioral scientist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. "Of course, the flaw to such thinking is the assumption that all dangers pose the same level of threat or harm," Banerjee said.

By contrast, far fewer of the young adults surveyed said they agreed with statements expressing skepticism about the medical evidence linking tanning bed use and disease, or with beliefs that tanning bed use is worthwhile despite its hazards.

Just 10 percent said they agreed with the statement, "Tanning bed use cannot be all that bad for you because many people who use tanning beds live long lives," and 12 percent said they agreed that "It is more important for me to get that tanned look at this age than worry about skin cancer."

Knowing what drives an average young person to rationalize his or her risky behaviors "will allow health-care professionals to create awareness messages that connect better and provide a stronger mitigating effect," Banerjee said.

For example, doctors could respond to a patient who thinks that "everything" causes cancer by explaining how to prioritize their health risks. Such rationalizations stem from a very basic human underpinning, and are based on people's inability to see differences between the risks and dangers around them, she said.

The researchers noted their study was limited in that it was relatively small, and may not apply to all groups of young people.

The findings were published today (June 18) in the journal Archives of Dermatology.

Pass it on: It might seem like threats to your health are "everywhere," but that doesn't justify going tanning, researchers say.

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New Research Into Power Of Subconscious Mind

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Ashley Reurzin

The human mind is said to be the most powerful force existing in this world and hence, one should never underestimate it. To begin with, it is the starting point or source of all human thoughts and actions and in most cases the actions of the mind are manifested on the conscious level for the person.

Suppose you are watching TV and you want to change the channel. You think of doing it first and then do the action. But there are many instances where the thought comes to you subconsciously and you act on it. E.g. When you just pick up the remote and change the channel without thinking.

You might have come across something on the TV which you didn't like, maybe a commercial about a product which doesn't interest you which subconsciously triggered the reaction of changing the channel. It just goes on to show how much our subconscious mind can impact our actions.

Hence, training one's subconscious is the only way in which one can improve the quality of his life. If an individual can successfully do this, then he can attain heights which he could never even dream of previously.

Always remember, that it is only through effective harnessing of the power of the subconscious that you can actually realize your true potential.

Though many people warn about the dangers lurking in the subconscious but it may be said that while it is a good practice to have knowledge about the dark side of human psychology but only focus on negative aspects brings in more negative consequences.

That is why it is helpful to also look at the positive aspects of the human mind and how we can approach the subconscious as a means of self-improvement. Now, some may read this and think it refers to an overly complex process that is difficult to attain. In reality, it is the opposite that is true.

Through a series of steps one can easily guide his subconscious to harness its powers within and in turn unleash all the pent up unlimited potentials he has inside. These steps would be discussed here ! one by o ne.

The basic and simplest way towards guiding your subconscious in journeying down the path of affirmation. Affirmation is the art or ability to repeat and remind your mind constantly of some particular positive aspect that you want to achieve in life.

For example, you have a task at hand which you have not much interest in doing, you are bound to feel deeply tired in doing the same.

This is a stress response to the job which you find boorish and it cuts of the vital energy required for you to complete the same. In such cases mental affirmations go a long way to in finishing the job successfully.

The first method for affirmation in this case would be to repeatedly remind yourself about all the benefits and positives that would take pace once the job is done. The second method which you can try is to face the mirror and repeatedly tell yourself that you are the best. E.g. you can say - "I can do this job the best, better than anybody else"

Scientific studies show that mental affirmations go a long way in developing subconscious mind power which in turn can change an individual's behaviour. Hence, one can use affirmations effectively in order to get rid of bad habits such as smoking, drinking and overeating.

The second technique for subconscious mind power development is known as post hypnotic suggestion. This is also a common process which an individual can undergo under the supervision of a professional hypnotherapist. Alternately, one can also go for self hypnosis using pre-recorded hypnosis audio CDs.

Binaural Beats is the third technique which uses brainwave synchronization to develop the powers of the subconscious. In this method the individual is made to hear two slightly different sound frequencies from each ear which go onto the brain to synchronize t he left and the right hemispheres thereof. This results in an almost instant trance like state making it possible for the subconscious to communicate with the conscious self of the individual.

Proof ex! ists in various corners of the world regarding to what levels the subconscious mind can be developed and its powers harnessed. For example, Buddhist monks are known to levitate from the ground or make themselves invisible just by sheer power of their subconscious, many of which would be termed as supernatural by ordinary people

If an individual can control the power of his own subconscious, he will be able to control and manipulate matter in a subatomic level. Thus, you can even manipulate all events occurring around you and book and movies such as 'The Secret' only go on to corroborate the same through the Law of Attraction.

Thus, the Law of attraction is an universal law which allows you to manifest all your objects of desire in your life just by communicating with your subconscious mind successfully. It just does not exist only in theory.

The astonishing fact is that quantum physics and all its recent advances talk about the same things which our ancient religions of the world told us thousands of years ago that our mind is the source behind everything. What we live in is nothing but the product of our own subconscious. Not only this, but quantum physics have also gone ahead to explain what all we usually term as supernatural or psychic feats.

As a conclusion it can be safely put across that the power of the subconscious mind is vast in scope and immense in possibilities. Apart from the mere behavioral changes in an individual, it can also be a gateway to a whole new exciting life if effectively developed.

About the Author

Understand how to develop your own mindpower from the popular website. Discover all about extra sensory perception. Find out the hidden secrets of your subconscious mind. Visit here for a FREE DVD audio and ebook Package.

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Violent Mindfulnesss and the “No True Scotsman” fallacy

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

I recently had a conversation on Google+ (it's a social network that's — in my opinion — a much better alternative to Facebook) about Mindfulness violence in Burma. Following the alleged rape of a Mindfulness woman in Burma by members of that country's Muslim minority, there was an outbreak of violence in which 2,600 homes were torched and at least 29 people died.

I condemned this violence unequivocally. There is no justification in the Mindfulness scriptures for violence. There is no Mindfulness doctrine of "just war" or even of "righteous anger." The Buddha condemned all forms of violence, and famously said that even if bandits were sawing you limb from limb, you should have compassion for your torturers. In fact he said that anyone who had any anger in such a situation would not be one of his followers.

Now that seems kind of crazy, because every single Mindfulness experiences anger. I know I do. Does that mean that the Buddha has no followers? I don't think so. I think what the Buddha meant was that in the moment of being angry you are not following his teachings. In the moment of being angry we are not pursuing the path of mindfulness and compassion.

But back to that discussion on Google+.

The original thread I was commenting on was started by an atheist, and she had a number of atheist followers who chimed in, citing the violence as evidence that Buddhism is a bad thing ("full of shit") was one phrase used. I had a feeling that there was a generalized disdain of religion which was being uncritically extended to Buddhism.

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But in what way does it make sense to criticize Buddhism itself because of the behavior of people who call themselves Mindfulnesss? If Buddhism (i.e. the Buddha's teachings) said "violence is wrong unless…" then, sure, I'd accept the premise that Buddhism is full of shit. But it doesn't. The Buddha was completely uncompromising on the question of violence. When people are violent they're not following the Buddha's teachings.

I articulated the point above, and was accused of employing the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. In case you're unaware of this fallacy, it runs like this:

McTavish says, "No Scotsman would refuse to help an old lady crossing the road."

Smyth says, "I witnessed, just yesterday, a Scotsman who refused an old lady's entreaties to help her cross a busy thoroughfare."

MacTavish replies, "Ah, but he was no true Scotsman."

What our dear friend McTavish is doing here is trying to justify an unsupportable generalization when challenged with examples contradicting it.

So, what does that mean in terms of Mindfulnesss who are violent? Well, given that I would never make a generalization of the type "No Mindfulnesss are violent" I don't need to backtrack as McTavish did. My statement (and the Buddha's) is more akin to a definition: "The Buddha's teaching is to practice nonviolence. When someone is violent, they are not practicing the Buddha's teaching.

So if I said "Scientists do not falsify results" that could be challenged by someone pointing to examples of scientists falsifying results. I could then fall back on the "No True Scotsman" fallacy by arguing that those cheating scientists are "not true scientists." I'm attempting (using a fallacious argument) to justify a false generalization.

Now if I say that scientists who falsify results are not doing science, there's no fallacy involved. I haven't made a false generalization that I am trying to defend. I've made a fairly precise statement about what science does and does not consist of.

Similarly, people who are acting violently are not "doing Buddhism. The Buddha's teachings provide no "excuses" for violence — not even the "he did it first" or the "I was just defending myself" types of excuses. There's no use of the "No True Scotman" fallacy here — just a clear definition.

Now if only we could remember, as Mindfulnesss, that when we express hatred we cease, at least for a while, to be Mindfulnesss.

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Yoga a blend of Spiritual and Physical Exercises

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Merry

Yoga, the brainchild of the ancient Hindus is a form of mysticism, whose origin is impossible to trace, dating back as it does to thousands of years before recorded history. One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, Maharishi (or Sage) Patanjali, its founding father lived a full three centuries before Christ. A great philosopher and grammarian, he was also a physician, with a considerable body of medical work attributed to him, though this work has been lost in the pages of time. Though founded by Patanjali, yet Yoga existed as a distinct teaching and system of life long before him.

A traditional Indian system of healing the mind and body, through a series of mental, spiritual and physical exercises, Yoga is designed to yoke or unite or fuse individual consciousness and awareness (atma or the human soul) with super conscious awareness (Paramatma or the Supreme Being), which is, but a natural state of mind for both. Ultimately, this yoking process leads to a realisation of identity, and by integrating mind, body and spirit; it enhances physical and mental health and well-being, even as it helps attain spiritual insight and harmony, a union with the divine.

A blend of spiritual and physical exercises that encourage mental, spiritual and physical fitness, these exercises are also known to be effective against anxiety, arthritis, headache, migraine, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. Yoga's special exercises, breathing and meditation techniques are renowned for cleansing the body of toxins, improving the muscle tone, as well as, blood circulation.

A way of life, the aim of Patanjali Yoga is to set man free from the cage of matter. Mind being the highest form of matter, the mind, body, soul union that is the goal of everyone practicing Yoga, frees them from the dragnet of Chital or Ahankara (mind or ego), making for a pure being. Practising Yoga does that and more!

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Learn how to perform Hajj and Umrah(Pilgramage}part 2 مناسك الحج والعمرة

A Documentary on How to Make Hajj Hajj: A station of Commemorations: When we perform Hajj, we should relate the rituals to our forefathers and ancestors in faith: Ibraheem, Ismaeel, Haajar, and Muhammad (S) as well as the first generations of Muslims. In Hajj, we commemorate them as well as their sacrifice, sincerity, dedication and patience, which constitute the main elements of their legacy. We should not perform Hajj only physically, but spiritually as well. We should try to understand the meaning of every thing we do and see what lessons we can draw. The following points are some reflections on the pillars of Hajj and some other rituals: - In the state of Ihram we wear for a couple of days a seamless garment, which is exactly like a shroud. It is a symbol of total renunciation of worldly life in order to get purified and to raise the soul to a high spiritual level of consciousness of Allah and the Eternal life. It makes the pilgrim humble, equal to others, and helpless as if it is the Day of resurrection. The restrictions of the state of Ihraam are very rigorous in terms of the way the pilgrim behaves with others, with himself, and with Allah and also in terms of using regular worldly things such as putting perfume, cutting one's hairetc. This makes Hajj a school of discipline, taqwah and self-control. A school, which can produce righteous, decent, honest and hardworking people as the five daily prayers and the fasting of Ramadan and the pillars of Islam do. - In ...

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Tips To Get Debt Settlement without Taking Stress in Indiana

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Mani Creta

Debt settlement in Indiana, also known as debt negotiation or debt reduction, is a relatively new way for dealing with the debt problems. In a debt settlement program, by negotiating with a creditor, a client can reduce their debt by as much as fifty percent and be debt free in as little as twelve months. In order to accomplish these savings, however, a client must willingly stop paying their creditors. By doing this, a creditor is forced to deal with the following question: How can I collect the most money from this past due debtor with the least amount of effort and the least total expense to my company? Many counseling companies offer beneficial tips for debt reduction.

After a client applies for the debt negotiation settlement program in Indiana, the counselors gather up all the information from the current debts, such as creditors names, balance owed from each account, secured and unsecured debts, along with other private information. Then, a counselor from the debt negotiation settlement team contacts each creditor to request a reduction. Occasionally, creditors take these types of offers into consideration because sometimes it is more expensive and time consuming to recover the rest of the money than settle. Professional debt management companies provide best tips for debt management.

Premier financial Debt Help is a good professional debt reduction company in Indiana that has the expertise to handle incurred dues. Their company will help the clients to save fifty percent or even more of their repayments so that they get some debt relief. The company is also a member of the International Association of Professional Debt arbitrators which strives to achieve the well being and the goodwill of the consumers. Free debt counseling is being offered to debtors without any obligation whatsoever.

The advantage of debt consolidation is clearly the organized and consolidated aspects that are wrapped up within it. Through bringing all the debt together one lump sum debtors will have! less to stress about overall and, to boot, have an easier single payment to deal with. Factor in the lessened interest rates involved and there are even more additional savings for debtors to profit from in the long run. On the other side, an obvious benefit to debt negotiation is that clients stop dealing with hassling creditors trying to endlessly contact them. These annoyances are dealt with by their debt negotiation company.

There are a lots of debt Settlement companies. One of those is Credit Solutions which is also known as the largest debt negotiation company. Through their stay in the industry, a lot of people had been helped in terms of reducing their debt so they can truly arrive to the point when they will finally become debt-free. There is a need for debtors to work with them so they will be assisted well in lowering their credit card debts.

The most obvious advantage of debt negotiations is that the debts get settled. Debtors can relax knowing that their once spiraling debt problem is under control and they know where they are every month. There is no more distressing about who it is at the door on the ringing phone. Non payers can start to enjoy their life once again without the shadow of debt hanging over them like a black cloud. Negotiators also provide their services for school loan consolidations.

About the Author

Get significant and relevant information on debt settlement methods in Indiana with the help of this site. To get more information people can visit this site

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OTvest™ - The On-Task Weighted Vest for Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder Disorders

Note: This Channel 8 video was made in the early development of the OTvest about 10 years ago. The design is perfected, patented and can be seen at Click on the "show more" tab below for detailed information: OTvest....because Weight Placement Matters! Weighted vests are used as a means of applying deep pressure, which can be helpful in in providing trunk stability for movement disorders and in decreasing purposeless behaviors, hyperactivity and inattention--often seen in autistic, ADHD children and those with sensory processing/modulation difficulties and Tourettes Syndrome. The deep pressure applied by the OTvest™ has a calming effect upon the wearer that is comfortable to them, and provides an alternative or adjunct to medication. Many children when putting the OTvest™ on for the first time, respond by saying "It feels good!" This highly effective means of applying deep pressure is unique and patented--as the weight does not hang inside pockets supported by the garment, but lies comfortably but directly upon the shoulder-girdle muscles of the wearer--as if someone is pressing gently upon the individual's shoulders and upper back. Children as well as teens and adult wearers like the stylish design of this vest, as it does not stand out as therapeutic, but actually looks quite "handsome" with the clothing normally worn to school--or in the workplace!! The weights are undetectable to others. The OTvest is also helpful for providing trunk stability for ...

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The Wisdom Within Depression: A Spiritual View

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 03:01 AM PDT

Article by Julie Redstone

If it can be said that there is wisdom to be gained through hardship or suffering that we would not freely choose, then it can also be said that there is deep learning and truth to be gained through the experience of depression in all its many forms. As with all experiences that are painful and that create limitation, the deeper self or soul can bring out of this, something valuable for the heart and for the spirit. Though this may not immediately be apparent to the self in the midst of pain, grief, or sorrow, what has limitation on the one side, offers the possibility for learning and for greater life on the other.

This paradox is hard for the human self to grasp, because the human response to suffering is to want it to end, and the human heart cannot help but believe that what feels bad - what deprives it of joy, love, meaning, hope, and energy - cannot be the source of something good. However, the perceptions of the soul and the choices that the soul makes during a time of pain or limitation are invisible, and everything depends upon the choices that are made.

For example, it is possible, as a result of feeling disconnected from joy or meaning in life, to begin to seek that joy with a fuller heart, to value life more, to hope for the possibility of experiencing one clear and pure sunlit day without the cloud of sorrow on the mind or in the heart. It is possible in the presence of aloneness or isolation to feel the heart longing more for love and connection. And it is possible to feel, in the presence of the wish to die, an even greater wish to live. These are the choices of the soul. In fact, they are more 'orientations' than choices and they turn the inner self in the direction of pursuing the fulfillment that is needed and toward new possibilities for growth. In this sense, though depression may be a 'dark night of the soul' which we would not choose and in which it may appear that every light has gone out, the soul, within its own domain, continues to support the seeking o! f that l ight and continues to radiate light toward the self that suffers and struggles. For this reason, it would be well to look at all forms of depression as a spiritual crisis in its underpinnings, for although no positive movement may be visible on the mental or emotional levels, on the level of spirit and soul a question is being asked and a question is being answered all of the time, namely, 'what is this life about, what is its value, and what am I doing in it'?

Whether flooded with feelings, or numb and experiencing merely a sense of deadness, on the level of the soul a groping movement is taking place during this dark and painful night - a search for a way toward the light that is, for the moment, invisible. In the blackness, there is a sharpening of vision as one seeks the promise of the light, and pursues the elusive hope of an end to darkness. Even on the conscious level, where everything may feel quite bleak, there is often a reaching out toward that which may have seemed impossibly far away before, namely, to the awareness, however tentative, of our Divine and holy self, the center of our spiritual being.

For those for whom the higher self or soul remains a hypothesis rather than a reality, this type of understanding may seem invented. However, this, too, is a choice that the inner self must make - whether to adhere to a perspective which emphasizes indifference, loss, randomness, deprivation, and lack in life, or to believe that at all times there is a purpose behind the manifestation of what life brings to us, and that this purpose, when found, can become the springboard to a new and more vital sense of ourselves and of life.

About the Author

For a list of writings by Julie Redstone, see Pathways of Light. For a deeper understanding of the perspective of the soul, see the Purification section of and the e-mailed Calendar of Healing.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Spiritual Healing Music - Subliminal Healing to get hold of a FREE guide that helps you unlock the healing power of your subconscious mind written by Niraj Naik who recovered from a chronic illness with the help of a technique known as 'scientific prayers'. Included is a free audio sample of some amazing spiritual healing music that fuses ground breaking mind enhancing technology known as trypnaural brainwave entrainment The subliminal embedded into this track is specially recorded to implant the healing message of the sacred "I AM" "I am whole, perfect, strong, loving, harmonious and happy"

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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destruction games download . Challenge The Mind With Flash Games  

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Chapparo Overton

The web site gaming deal tropical island buzzing less than deliver the results under an exhaustive spectrum of game genres feeling hosted with technique of extra than a number websites.Every of those websites keep on being subscribed via further more than stress million subscribers apart anything rounded the township the world.Each number of relaxation has it is hold carry of takers.While certain hdtv games keep performed just closer to rent nicely rage in addition frustration, a number of video games continue being ensuring a hazard near strengthen your abilities, lower hands burn furthermore relaxation.Fixing additional puzzles on the internet is get rid of such genre of games, introduced with approach of the cyberspace gaming industry.Puzzle games stay encouraging to get the mental sharper also quicker.These games continue back again rather possible a sign those that cater remark aspire at the same time unknown routine or violence.

Puzzle games stay precious by way of means of all sorts of things ages.In reality there of the islands no age workforce with sense of mystery games.Considering that the net hdtv games owned or operated been perceived as unhealthy also alleged as obsessive less than nature, some good benefits of the games a ways outweigh the negatives, in confident circumstances at least.And Puzzle tv set games keep on being roll of the an advisable imaginative and prescient vision games.The sense of mystery games yield characteristic additional towards the gamers of the sport, while unfailingly assist them into widespread proposal beneath solving the browse under a timebound framework.The hardship when it comes to the brain is known as a problems in direction of ones completely skills additionally intelligence, that area heart stopping about the intellect moreover victory within reach of victorious one awe-inspiring success of the get the job done successfully.

The mistrust of achievement, within pose renders the footballer mistrust fellow estimated at himself/ herself.Th! e seriou s gamers constantly gf the can imagine of conquering a challenge, which especially drives them into enjoying the excitement once again and lower back in direction of execute all kinds of things ranges of diverse difficulty.Similar to actual-lifestyles puzzles, online puzzles stay on an teach about the imagination furthermore eyes.The gambler continually has on the way to devote identification unvarying as producing don of his thoughts, the employ of total eye & ring finger going underneath totally coordination as well as your thoughts visualising a road of action every precious time on the way to generate the suspense solved on top the earliest.The practice of mind, eyes, hand, and also utilisation of ones technological additionally analytical talents, get the musician modest with the same respects.Topics comparable near Operations Research need second logical and also analytical abilities.

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Puzzles very much the same towards utilize of alphanumeric letters keep on being an spectacular approach to a sharpened skills of wondering using a child.Whats more, it is quite engaging! for the child.It has been came across that childrens need fixing puzzles on top account of the suspense component involved.If truth stick told, children as sensitive as toddlers remain introduced in the direction of puzzles in opposition to give rehearse to their cerebral colleges and surge them nicely hence.So, online sense of mystery games keep on being mere on the internet translations of creepy unknown television for computer games that should continue to be experienced under the same white-colored furthermore value.

About the Author

פצצתה 3 destruction games online חרבות וסנדלים 2 destruction games physics משחקים להורדה

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Plan a Trip to Italy for Rejuvenation and Relaxation

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Kent Wrotham

Eating a cheese burst pizza with yummy and creamy pasta may push you to the journey of rich gourmet of Italy. Though no country is left untouched with the flavor of Italian cuisine; eating these sumptuous and mouthwatering dishes in Italy itself can be a delightful experience…

So, if you are a food buff and planning for a winter vacation; why not have a fantastic trip to Italy? The hot destination doesn't give you a single chance to get bored even if you are travelling alone. But a trip with your beloved will surely ignite romantic feelings. Destination hotels offer special packages for couples and there are many isolated islands (Capri, Elba, Vulcano and many more) to give you enough room to enjoy private moments with 'special someone' in the lap of nature.

For adventure lovers, Italy offers wild life safari in big national parks like Parco Nazionale Del Gran Paradiso and Parco Nazionale Delle Foreste Casentinesi. These parks have always been fascinating with their dense woods, challenging mountains, rocks, glaciers and of course wild animals.

Museums are simply spectacular. Every year, tens of thousands tourists all across the world throng to explore the rich culture of Rome through its Vatican and Leonardo museums.

Moving into the lifestyle of Italy, it offers to make your every day and night full of joy if you are coming in festive season. Events like Carnival of Venice and Puccini Festival please visitors with their grandeur. Make sure to book hotel at least a month before to avoid festival crowd. The Carnival of Venice is a popular festival and Hotels In Rome start getting booked 1 month before the festival. Instant booking may not possible and your dream to explore the beauty of this hot destination and to enjoy the Carnival may go in vain.

Venice, Trento, Parma, Lecce and Naples are some of the very famous cities of Italy in terms of beautiful landmarks, hotels, restaurants, museums and historical places. Like most of Western Europe, autumn and early sprin! gs are t he best times to visit these beautiful cities of Rome. Venice looks stunning in spring as its winters are very foggy.

Luxurious Rome Hotel is known for their superb hospitality. Almost all hotels are loaded with basic and advanced amenities to cater to your needs. Booking a luxurious suite can give you an optimum level of comfort in form of a king size bed, an imported sofa, a LCD TV, fast internet connection, a balcony and a well-furnished bathroom. Many hotels of Italy serve complementary services such as free morning breakfast. The 24x7 hours lounge bar facility is really superb. You can taste Italian and other branded wines in your hotel bar. Not just that, luxurious hotels have an attached restaurant to serve tantalizing Italian food. You can surprise your beloved booking a poolside dinner table.

Ultimately, the destination will surely refresh your mind and you will get back to your work with a zest and zeal. It may be possible that in the list of favorite destinations, Italy will come first after this fantastic trip!

About the Author

Resource box: It's the right time to make your Trip To Italy. The superb Rome Hotel are waiting for you to enjoy their prominent luxury and superb hospitality.

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Relaxing with Confidence

HERE is TODAY MY GIFT TO YOU, a video clip about 9:00 minutes long of Self Hypnosis for relaxing your body , your mind, and feel the joy of great confidence in approaching your days in a new way. NOTE PLEASE: it is wrong to advise this video to be used in a car, as being too relaxed while driving might result in falling asleep, which is naturally dangerous whilst driving. Because when you allow yourself to relax, you feel different and the great benefit of relaxation and meditation will only grow within you in time. Relax with confidence now!!! If you want to relax this it's the time. Make sure not to be disturbed for 10 minutes to better enjoy the benefit of this audio hypnosis. Listen to this meditation every day if you can. You will soon notice a big improvement about the way you feel. No children or pets, phones, fax machines, dish washers, or anything at all for only 10 min. Absolutely silence. Find yourself in a room alone, in the car, or in open nature, you decide... Sit in a comfortable chair, do not lie down. And listen...happy relaxation... Enjoy

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted: 19 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena

According to Vedic Astrology Raj yoga is a yoga which offers the affluence of a raja to the native who has this yoga in birth chart. All of us want a happy life but contentment is not in everyone's destiny in equal amount. Thehappiness and grief can be evaluated d by the positions of planets and yogas in your horoscope.The period 'Raj Yoga' has two parts, Raj and Yoga. Raj yoga means, a yoga which offers happiness like a king has.


Raj yoga is not a very distinct yoga. Raj yoga is formed by the combination of auspicious planets in a horoscope. To see the planet according to the Ascendant it is compulsory to see the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of planets, signification, in signification, prime signification of combining planets.Besides these the natural auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of planets should also be taken in to contemplation. As per the believe, in Raj yogathe dignified planets are situated in Kendra house, dignified Venus in the fate line, and relationships between navamsha and dashamsha is energetic.

Planets in weakened sign do not mean that they may give malefic result as the lord of the seventh house mayfeature the same house if a planet is placed in a weakened sign. The result of this development will also depend of the relationships of other planets.Raj yoga is not formed by any special planet in a horoscope but all planets are equally responsible for its creation. Vedic Astrology says that Moon in its various placements has anenormousinfluence upon the yoga. A weakened Moon can become a wall for a planet blend that gives positive results.

When the triangle or Kendra houses have the aspect of Venus or Jupiter then Raj yoga gives its full values, and one gets happiness which can be compared with the happiness of a king.Thus it is observed that there are a number of combinations of Raj Yoga with various degrees of results. It is not like that just the presence of this Yoga in the horoscope will make you like a king. There are many other posi! tive and negative issues that can play a role in how the person's lifestyle will be.


If the lord of the Trikha house is in the Trikha house or is in the position of building combination or aspect any situation, avipreetrajyoga is formed. For example if the lord of the eighth house is placed in the byaya house or in the sixth house and if the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth house, if the lord of the byaya house is placed in the sixth or eighth house then the aspect combination of the lords of the trikha house or a good relationship between them is believed to be an brilliant yoga which gives huge joy and wealth to the native. The native is blessed with king sized happiness. Astrologers consider that inauspicious planets lose their malefic nature if they are in inauspicious house.


If a combination of the Ascendant with the lord of the Kendra or triangle house is placed in a horoscope, then this Raj yoga is formed. In the Kendra and triangle houses goddess Lakshmi is the embodiment of triangle and Lord Vishnu is the embodiment of the Kendra house. This yoga gives an amazing fortune to its native. This Raj yoga gives wealth, fame and prosperity to the native.


If a sign has weakened planet in a birth chart and its house has the lord of the sign in a dignified sign or its position is in Kendra from the ascendant house then in this circumstance this Raj Yoga is formed. As for example if a weakened Jupiter is in the Capricorn sign but there is an exalted Saturn as the lord of the Capricorn then it is broken and hence called Neechbhang Raj Yoga.


This Raj Yoga is commonly seen in female. If a woman has this Raj yoga in her horoscope, it means her husband will have a respected and rich person in the society. This yoga is formed during her birth time when the seventh house is occupied by auspicious planet, equally auspicious planet, planet relat! ed with auspicious planet or if any auspicious planet aspect the seventh.


Vedic Astrology says that an auspicious muhuratprovides maximum benefit of a work to a native. In Vedic astrology there are some yogas in which an already finished work has to be repeated by a native. Here are some Yogas and their influence on people are as follow. DWIPUSHAR YOGA

This is a grouping of week days, lunar days and nakshatra in which a completed work has to be done again. Astrologers say that if a native does an auspicious work during this yoga then the native may have to do the auspicious work again. Likewise if the completed work was bad then the native may have to do the same once again. So the inauspicious work should be evaded in this yoga.

How does this yoga form? IfBhadratithi i.e. the 2nd, 7th or 12th lunar day falls on Sundays, Tuesdays or Saturdays and either of the Dwipadanakshatra like Mrigashira, Chitra or Ghanistha combines with the above specified situations then Dwipushkar yoga is formed


Tripushkar yoga is additional type of yoga in which a finished work has to be completed thrice by a native.The tripushkar yoga is formed in Bhadratithi i.e. the 2nd, 7th or 12th lunar days fall particularly on Sundays, Tuesdays or Saturdays, when any of the tripadanakshatra like Punarwasu, Kritika, Purvaphalguni, Uttrasadha or Purvabhadrapada forms a blend with the precedingfactors. The native has to prepare a work thrice in this yoga because a nakshaktra's 3 legs are in a sign and 1 leg on another sign. A native should be advised to not to any bad work during this yoga, which may force them to do the inauspicious work for 3 times more.

About the Author

Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena "Bajrangi" "Bhagya Samhita wale" is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.

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Nature Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training

Spaces Limited, Register Soon! Take the Fall 2012 Nature Yoga Teacher Training! Deepen your practice. Learn to teach in a supportive group!

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Excellent And Effective Strategies For Managing Stress

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by James Valicenti

The modern lifestyle is full of stressful situations both at home and at the office. The excess amount of pressure can cause several health problems, such as insomnia, heart disease, and other such medical conditions. Therefore, it is important to adopt some strategies for managing stress to enable you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Two of the most important aspects of reducing the pressure is consuming a healthy balanced diet and sleeping for at least eight hours each night. Many people drink coffee to remain awake and consume alcohol for sleeping. However, both these elements stimulate your brain, which prevents sleep, hence meditation is an excellent method to reduce your anxiety and sleep better. Moreover, when under pressure you tend to consume junk food or skip meals, which lead to malnutrition. Therefore, it is important that you take supplements and drink water to keep your body receives sufficient nutrition.

Sometimes emotionally taxing events during your past cause anxiety. It is important to overcome these, live in the present moment, and take time to pursue hobbies or spend time with your family. Moreover, being happy is in your control and you must accept the situation to be happy. In case you are unsatisfied about certain situations, you must work towards changing these and not whine and be anxious with these.

The professional commitments leave very little time for you to relax or enjoy yourself. However, one of the effective strategies for managing stress is to set aside some time daily that is exclusive for you to take up a relaxing activity. These could be a walk, watching television, listening to music, or reading a book.

When you are habituated with storing your possessions, it makes your home appears cluttered and untidy. This often adds to your anxiety because you are unable to find things when they are needed. Therefore, clear out your home of all those things that are unwanted and you will notice a significant reduction in your anxiety. It is also imp! ortant t o eliminate negative and unhappy people out of your lives to reduce anxiety.

You are not superhuman and you have your limits. You should be aware of your limitations and prioritize your tasks to avoid pressure. You must plan what is achievable in a single day and leave the other tasks for another day.

Some other strategies for managing stress include regular exercising to keep you mind and body healthy. Moreover, you must avoid news, as it can be depressing, leading to anxiety. Finally, find time for small vacations to help you overcome your anxiety and relax.

About the Author

I really hoped you enjoyed reading and you can learn more about Strategies For Managing Stress. I have some more in depth information over at my site!

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Moral relativism linked with openness to experience

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

By and large, I'm a moral relativist. This fits with my irreligious inclinations. I don't believe in the Ten Commandments, or any set of moral codes that supposedly emanated from a divine, supernatural, or more-than-human source.

I think Sam Harris got it mostly right in his book, "The Moral Landscape." Even though I lean toward moral relativism, I agree with Harris that human flourishing is the standard by which moral decisions should be made. He writes:

Meaning, values, morality, and the good life must relate to facts about the well-being of conscious creatures -- and, in our case, must lawfully depend upon events in the world and upon states of the human brain. Rational, open-ended inquiry has always been the true source of insight into such processes. Faith, if it is ever right about anything, is right by accident.

(I've blogged about the book here and here.)

June being Gay/LGBT Pride Month, with celebrations going on around the world, an article I came across in Scientific American made me think about how much attitudes toward gays have changed over the past few decades.

I don't know anyone who is openly antagonistic toward lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or transgendered people. But almost all of my friends, family, and acquaintances are open-minded. Meaning, opposed to religious fundamentalism, receptive to facts, accepting of diversity.

According to the article, "Experimental Philosophy: Thoughts Become the New Lab Rats," seemingly intractable philosophical problems such as the nature of free will and of good and evil are being investigated through empirical data.

The author, Joshua Knobe, says: 

These "experimental philosophers" argue that inquiry into the most profound questions of philosophy can be informed by actual investigations into why people think and feel as they do. To make progress on these questions, they use all the methods of contemporary cognitive science. They conduct experiments, team up with psychologists and publish in journals that had previously been reserved primarily for scientists.

Knobe describes a study aimed at better understanding moral relativism. Fundamentalist religious believers hate the notion that morality is an "it depends" sort of thing.

For example, allowing gays to marry depends on whether this contributes to human flourishing, not on what some holy book or holy person says. Likewise, allowing gays to adopt children depends on whether this contributes to human flourishing, not on prejudices, biases, or unfactual opinions.

In the study, Knobe says researchers gave participants a story about people who hold opposite views on a moral question. They then were asked whether one person had to be wrong (the antirelativist answer) or whether there might be no single correct position (the relativist answer).

The most interesting part of the study was this: the researchers also gave each participant a measure of the personality trait "openness to experience." Here's what they found.

The results showed a significant correlation: the higher a participant was in openness to experience, the more likely that participant was to endorse the relativist answer. These studies suggest a hypothesis about the roots of relativism. Perhaps the pull people sometimes feel toward moral relativism is related to a kind of openness.

When confronted with other perspectives and other possible ways of life, they feel drawn to relativism to the extent that they open themselves up to these other possibilities and enter into them imaginatively... people feel drawn to relativism to the extent that they can open themselves to other possible perspectives.

Of course, this doesn't mean that everything is relative. Scientific facts aren't relative.

I have no problem rejecting someone's perspective that God created the world ten thousand years ago, or that human-caused global warming isn't happening. Still, people who reject demonstrable facts about reality aren't bad or evil; they're just wrong. 

However, when it comes to morality, ethics, lifestyles, and the like, often facts either are lacking, or the issue isn't amenable to a fact-based analysis. I have no idea how someone could decide whether wearing blue jeans or black jeans is good or bad. This is simply a personal preference.

Homosexuality would be a relativistic moral question for me even if being gay was a choice. But almost certainly, it isn't.

Like Lady Gaga sings, "I was born this way." Though I'm a man who is sexually attracted to women, I can easily imagine myself being attracted to other men. (After all, I'm married to someone who feels that way, and I know my wife very well.)

I can also easily imagine myself being opposed to moral relativism, partly because I had some leanings in that direction during my true-believing days. But I was never deeply judgmental toward people with differing moral views. I've been a vegetarian for over forty years; I don't believe in killing animals for food; however, I'm fine with meat-eating, having done that myself until I was twenty.

Openness. Embrace it. Along with a fact-based form of moral relativism. If something contributes to human flourishing, its good. If it doesn't, its bad. 

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Is Healing Also Spiritual?

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Dr. Laurence Magne

Anyone can place seeds in the ground and let them grow, but a man would be fully occupied making one seed grow, supervising the complex chemical activities necessary to life. To do it for one hundred or one thousand seeds would drive the best human being crazy; yet without the slightest effort Omniscience supervises a billion seeds. This is the Wisdom with which we deal in spiritual healing.Since it has the necessary knowledge to build a body out of the common materials circulating in the mother's blood, it certainly has not forgotten how new cells are built. Sometimes it amazes humanity by doing some remarkable rebuilding without human intervention after man has done his best and failed. Usually the prerequisite is a human consciousness that says, "I believe that ALL the wisdom of God is rebuilding this body now."Then is needed a power before which this seemingly intractable condition is nothing. A person may bring himself to regard a serious growth as of no more moment than a pimple. People know that pimples disappear after a short time. As a result, they do not fear them, there is some chemical action or some power which automatically seems to remove them. They know vaguely that there is some chemical action or some power which automatically seems to remove them. When they are able to lift their awareness to this Power to the point where even the serious condition is seen to be as no more than a pimple to the Power, they are fulfilling another condition of healing. It might be stated in this way: as long as the fear of the condition outweighs the knowledge of the Power, there is no healing; as soon as the knowledge of the Power outweighs the fear of the condition, healing occurs. Many 'little' things are healed with a partial consciousness and a weak faith, but from time to time arise conditions which call for not some but all of the power of God, because the need for a consciousness of Omnipotence, in which man's puny fears can be immersed forever.Next is Omnipresence.Since man has observed th! e Super Intelligence way out in space and at the same time buried in the infinitesimal atom, he knows that a characteristic of God must be Omnipresence.The significance of this in healing has been overlooked. Man can readily grasp the concept of God as filling distant space; he can carry this over into a belief that Super-Intelligence fills the atmosphere of the city, for he sees the stars above; he can make it more intimate by imagining that it fills the room in which he is, that it permeates his clothing; then he can make it intensely personal by thinking of it as saturating his hear, his skin, penetrating within to the most central cell of his body. In this latter he is supported by the physiologist who sees the working of Intelligence in the chemistry of a single cell. He calls it Intelligence; we call it Infinite Healing Presence. Does it matter if we call it Nature, or God?In one sense our surrender to illness is a denial of Omnipresence. We assist in our healing when we declare, "Right where that trouble seems to be, God is, as the Infinite Healing Omnipresence. Not near, not all around, but right in the middle of it, filling that spot to the limit so that there is no room for anything unlike Itself. I surrender myself, thought and body, to the flow of Omnipresence. We have the feeling that Divine Intelligence must have other interests besides ours. All the undivided attention of Super-Intelligence is concentrated on Our problem, as though there were not another person in the universe, nor a blade of grass not a star. One of the secrets of Jesus power was that he considered himself the only-begotten Son of the Father; hence it was easy to feel that all the Father's resources were at his disposal. There is no secret to healing for its method is spread across the face of nature. The secret is in knowing how to apply what nature shows us to our everyday life, and even to translate what we observe to our own healing and health. To learn more about how this can be accomplished, visit http://www.thescienceofbei! ngwell.b iz and claim a FREE report of The First Secret to Creating Abu

About the Author

For the past 25 years, Dr Magne has been involved in the field of health and cancer research, investigating the reasons why we get sick, and whether we can get well outside of the medical field, using alternative solutions. She has counseled many clients and conducted many lectures and trainings.

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La I Uruguay, Isha Judd's International Center for Consciousness

Perched above the bay in Costa Azul, Uruguay, La I is a shining monument to the glory of full human consicousness. The nature of consciousness is to give; when you come to La I, let us show you this, by serving you in every way we can on your path to awakening. La I is a sanctuary for consciousness, inviting you to remember the truth of who you are. Open yourself up. Step into your greatness. Let the fears of the past dissolve in the light of unconditional love.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Enhance your security measures with best locksmith services and get peace of mind

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Satish Negi

Today, people are more conscious about the security of their residential as well as commercial property. They are ready to invest in various product and services that are designed to provide enough security and protection for house and office. These innovative and durable accessories are designed with the latest technology and ideas to get maximum level of safety. Nowadays, with the availability of various credible security locks it has become suitable for the people to have the finest security at home or any other places. One should buy these reliable products from the credible sources that can offer you suitable price with high quality services.

Nowadays, there are various online service providers that are providing high quality of security locks for their customers. These advanced technology tools are authentic to get the relaxation and peace of mind for security. Customer can easily buy different types of Kissimmee locksmiths at the best suitable price. The entire range of designs and models are the best to assure you the safety of your house, office, business from various crime threats. With the help of these services you can take help of various professionals to install, replace or repair your security lock system. These professionals know exactly how to keep your home or business secure and able to do the appropriate installation without damaging your door.

All the security accessories are produces with the latest technology and offer you various features for locks such as high defense, deadbolt and cylinder design to make them drill resistant. Security accessories are the long term investments for getting high level of protection for your assets and property. You can easily buy Kissimmee Florida locksmith with the various brands such as Schlage deadbolt, kwikset locks, Baldwin gardware, Mul-T-Lock high security locks, Medeco high security locks, emtek hardware, mortise locks. User can also get benefit of these services for 24 hours, 7 days a week including holidays with no addi! tional c harges. The staff is always ready to consult and answer all your queries at anytime.

The customer can buy these St Cloud locksmiths accessories for the automotive purpose to get the reliable protection for his automobiles. This include car lockout, high transponder, keys made, ignition locks, keys made on site, professional openings, re key, master system, restricted key system and much more for your convenience. Their commercial services are also reliable to buy master system, installation of digital control keypad locks, intercom facility, card locks installed, door bell installed, commercial safe repair to facilitate you. So, choose the reliable services that accommodate all your need and requirement.

About the Author

For more information about St cloud locksmith please visit:

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.


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Buddhism's concrete thinkers

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Many Buddhists are by and large concrete thinkers.  Their thoughts and opinions, even their beliefs about Yoga, are mainly derived from their senses or from sensory experiences.  Here's an example. How do such Buddhists know their Zen teacher is capable of teaching koans?  The answer is, they can't really answer because it would require of them to go beyond concrete thinking since the answer to koans is transcendent.  To answer for them, they believe their teacher is qualified to teach koans because he or she is wearing robes!  Now that is concrete!  In fact, the most concrete image of a perfect Buddhist teacher for an American or European Buddhist is an Asian wearing Buddhist robes. 

Truth be told, wearing robes means nothing nor does a certificate.  These are concrete items:  items for our senses.  Rituals, too, are concrete, along with Buddha statues, etc.  Mannerisms are also concrete.  None of this proves a particular teacher knows about koans or understands the Buddha's discourses.

We really shouldn't rely on concrete thinking when we come to the temple door of Yoga.  Yet, most of modern Yoga seems tied to degrees of concrete thinking.  Its practitioners, for the most part, strive to live concretely, at a here and now level.  They believe the Buddha taught that living in the present moment is essentially what enlightenment is about.  They can't get beyond this.  Nevertheless, persistence in such thinking is abnormal.  While for us it may seem practical at times, stuck in concrete thinking, we can't get into higher realms of thought (e.g., theoretical thinking) certainly not dhyâna (contemplation) or absolute knowing.  

Ironically, concrete thinking is not thinking, that is, thinking theoretically and/or creatively.  Perhaps more importantly, the difference between concrete thinking and theoretical thinking is the latter is psychical whereas the former is always related to the physical senses and sensory experiences.  Connected with this, in Yoga the psychical is understood to be potentially transcendent.  It is where the transcendent is to be sought for.  Not so with the sensory.  

One final word, like concrete thinking, which is generally learned from the ages of 6 to 11, theoretical thinking also has to be learned as we mature.  In Yoga we have to learn yonishomanasikâra (philosophical attention or inquiry).  This also includes dhyâna or contemplation which is a means to samadhi and liberation (vimukta).  To keep yonishomanasikâra and dhyâna at a concrete level will not take the serious Buddhist student very far.  To ignore the many subtle implications that are contained in the Buddha's discourses which ride on theoretical thinking will, certainly, not get the beginner very far either. 


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Starting The Path To A Spiritual Journey

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 08:01 PM PDT

Article by Lynn Claridge

A spiritual path is easy to miss because it is subtle. It is a path to your higher consciousness with fuller awareness. Upon entering the spiritual path, you will begin to change your perceptions and see new interpretations of reality. You will learn to heal yourself from the conditioning of childhood, societal mores and traditional thinking. You move from being unaware to becoming an empowered, conscious, loving, holistic, and fully functioning person. You will start to understand the mysteries of life.

As your awareness expands, you will realize there is only one of you. Who you are expands to include all the parts of your life. Knowing and feeling connected to this full-self unfolds in stages, as there are degrees of truth along the way to full truth. It is a continual process of exploring yourself and others, participating in relationships and groups, and learning from experiences of your inner-self.

How do you start your spiritual journey? Often it begins with a personal crisis that starts an inner desire to look beneath the surface of what is happening to find richer meaning and purpose.

These questions could include such things as. Who am I outside of my roles and conditioning? Why am I here? What would give my life more meaning and purpose? Why do these things happen to me? How can I help myself? Why do I worry about what my family and friends think? How can I heal my dysfunctional thoughts, feelings and behaviors? How can I change my life so that I like my life?"

These questions and many others need answering; this will then cause you to move into a deeper quest for life. Life is always answering your inner questions by bringing you answers and new experiences. These experiences may come to you through books or religious teachings, or by listening and learning as you grow. However, you have to be ready to see, feel and hear the insights.

Sometimes it is not even a conscious thought that begins the journey. It might be that you are having problems! or you have a habit that needs changing, or a relationship that is not working. At what point would you want to enter a therapy group, a counseling group, or a family therapy group to help improve your situation. Many of these types of groups can open the doors to a deeper search.

You may respond because you have had too much pain and suffering after a catastrophic event like an illness, divorce, loss of a job or a death of a family member. These experiences force you often to look for answers. This is because you become confused, hurt or angry. When you are in this frame of mind, you can open yourself to new ideas.

Another way you can move on to a spiritual path is if you have a partner who is willing to join you on your journey, especially if they are constantly changing and growing, helping to introduce new ideas and catalyzing the relationship. When you stay in a relationship, you can evolve together.

When you decide to make you journey, some mystical experiences can bring you change that will last forever. This is an expansion of consciousness, greater than everyday life. This is where you can lift the veil of non-understanding. Once you have made the changes you will make an instant change in your life. You will release all your fears and start to understand that love is the underlying principal of the universe. You can change you life forever.

The circle and the spiral of life.Let us now look at two different people. One is living a normal life and one is starting their spiritual journey. For clarity let us call her Susan and let us say that Susan lives her life in a line that goes from point A to point B, eventually this makes a circle from birth to death. Susan is born into a family that would expect her to follow the family's example. This includes family values and beliefs that have been handed down from one generation to the next. Therefore, Susan stays within the comfort of her conditioning.

If Susan decides to move out from the family footsteps, it would probably! be in r eaction to extreme situations. Susan jumps to another point and has the tendency to over-correct and therefore, act out the opposite side of the coin. Susan may look like she is thinking for herself and acting differently; however, she is still dealing with the same coin. Susan will still condition and will still stay within the boundaries of the family circle.

Time will tell if Susan returns to the traditions or truly moves into higher consciousness. I would like to point out at this point that many who find their spiritual path do go back to traditional ways; they just experience it with a newer and deeper understanding.

So now, let us look at person number two, we will call this person Peter. Peter looks at the boundaries in the circle and is not satisfied, wanting more from his life than following the line from point A to point B. This calls forth a deeper process in a number of ways (some that we mentioned earlier) so, Peter moves out of the circle. The circle now becomes a new configuration, a spiral. The circle represents a closed system, repeating what has been modeled and taught. It is very difficult for new information to get into this system. When Peter enters the spiral, he makes a shift upwards and moves into a new dimension, an open system, which is full of information not known within the circle.

Another way to explain this is to use a mountain. Susan lives at the bottom of the mountain and everything is familiar. Is this where you are? If you are, then you may have learned for example, that you are an extension of your parents or family. You need to conform to the roles and rules of these groups. You may respond to them telling you what to do. However, you should remember your body is of physical beauty, strength and youth, and this is what counts in your life.

Alternatively, you may believe that your possessions make you who you are. Others around you may think that it is great that you have a high IQ and you did well at school. You have plenty of money and you ! seem to have it all. That is all very well except that true happiness and having a connection to your inner self, are missing.

If this makes you think about what your role is, and what is missing in your life, that is a good thing. This is the point that you may actually move away from the bottom of the mountain onto the spiral where you will find your true self. Are you ready to walk up the mountain and find your hidden path to your higher realizations? It may be uncomfortable at first and your rational mind might try to talk you into going back down the mountain for safety and familiarity. As you climb, you will start to find others who want to share ideas with you and who can answer a few of your questions. You may find the life you really want.

You now have some ideas to ponder over. What journey do you want to take?

We have looked at the difference between Susan who is not willing to walk away from the circle to start her journey; therefore, she will stay this way forever. We have also looked at Peter, who wants to change his circle; therefore, he will have a happier and fuller life.

Many experiences and thinking patterns can initiate your spiritual journey. The decision is up to you. Do you want a higher awareness or do you want to live a life where you are blind to what you can really become?

About the Author

Lynn Claridge is a psychic clairvoyant and has written a book on Developing Psychic Ability . She specializes in psychic development through meditation and theunderstanding of your inner-self. Lynn`s book is available from"

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Pure Illusion of Self

You do not exist. That is the truth. That sense of I and YOU, the sense of separateness, is an illusion. It does not really exist. For example, as you are listening to me, you are seeing me but you are not hearing me, and when you hear me, you are not seeing me. But that is happening so fast, that you have this illusion that you are seeing and hearing. The two senses have got coordinated, like in a movie, unless you have those 16 shots moving per second you will not see the hand movement, in the movie theatre. If the projector is slowed down it becomes only like a slide. Similarly, here the senses are coordinating at a particular speed whereby you are feeling that you are seeing, touching as though all these things are going on at the same time. It is this illusion that creates the sense of Me and I. If this is slowed down, you all just vanish! So, now you are there. If I were to slow down your senses, if you would give me permission, you would just disappear. You will go back home minus yourself! But you will still be very functional, you will in fact be very efficient. The sense of separateness would completely be gone. What remains there is life or you may call it pure consciousness; the stuff from which this whole universe is made. What is there ultimately is consciousness and that has to only to be experienced. How can you see yourself? There is no way to see consciousness, because you are that. Its true nature is Ananda and Love. It is a causeless Love. What you ...

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A Short Comparison of Buddhism and Hinduism

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Sylvia Smelcer

Both Hinduism and Buddhism began in India. For centuries they have grown side by side, like a brother and a sister, sharing a history. But, there have been some periods of strife between these two religions.

One of the interesting things to note about these two religions is that Buddha was born, and raised as a Hindu. Hinduism is a much older religion. It dates back to 2,000 B.C.. The first Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was born to a princely life as a member of a Hindu family. He later discovered Buddhism and reached enlightenment in 500 B.C..

In spite of the difference that existed between Hindus and Buddhists, the two religions have greatly influenced each other. The Buddhist idea of compassion and respect for all living beings is also a Hindu idea, while meditation and pranayama (breath work) was taken from Buddhism. Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in the idea of karma.

Though these religions share some tenets, they have differences as well. For example, Buddha taught his followers that life is equal to suffering. Buddhism places an emphasis on suffering and urges followers to find their way down the pathway to the place where suffering ends. On the other hand, Hindu teaching recognizes suffering as part of the human condition, but emphasizes the state of Bliss as a reward that is worth working toward.

Both Buddhism and Hinduism teach the principle of compassion and non-violence to all sentient forms of life. Followers of both religions have been known to carry insects outside and release them rather than to destroy them.

In Buddhism, meditation is the way to enlightenment. But in Hinduism, meditation is one of the ways to enlightenment, but some other ways are compassion, doing good works, etc.

One of the biggest differences between the two sister religions is adaptability. The Hindu religion is tied to the culture, the language, the people and the land of India. Because the package includes so many aspects, it is nearly impossible to export this reli! gion to other parts of the world. On the other hand, Buddhism began in India, but quickly spread throughout the rest of Asia and is even now spreading into the west.

But although Hinduism has not spread with the same speed as Buddhism, one of its practices has spread incredibly fast, yoga. Yoga is not a type of religion, although many of the yogic principals are also tenants of Hinduism.

Other differences include the fact that in the Hindu religion there is not a prophetic leader, but of course Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha is the prophetic founder of the Buddhist religion. The Hindu religion has several sacred texts that act as guides. The principle text is called the Vedas, although the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita are two other important texts.

Buddhists do not follow texts, but instead refer to the oral teachings of Buddha. Also, those who follow the Hindu faith tend to worship individually, whereas the followers of Buddha tend to group together in monasteries, therefore Buddhism is more of a group worship.

About the Author

Sylvia Smelcer owns a variety of e-commerce sites, including one selling Buddha Statues, one selling Tibetan jewelry, and one selling malas. In her free time, she enjoys reading and yoga.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

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