Brainwave Technology - Perfect For Your Subconscious Mind

Brainwave Technology - Perfect For Your Subconscious Mind

Brainwave Technology - Perfect For Your Subconscious Mind

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Greg Frost

Most people fall into addiction at certain points of their lives and getting rid of such addictions is not an easy task. If you are thinking that addiction is confined to just smoking, alcohol and drugs, then you could not be any more wrong. Addiction can consist of anything that brings side effects to our mental and physical health. It may be addiction towards food, video games, watching illegal websites... the list goes on. If you don't already know, the main cause of all these problems is due to the subconscious mind.

People focus on the conscious part of the brain, but it gives no result. They try different types of self-healing methods to recover, but it never works. Today, brainwave technology presents an outstanding solution to boost the strength of the subconscious mind. Brainwave electromagnetic frequencies charge both the brain hemisphere and bring positive energy. Mind you, these frequencies cannot be heard, but is deciphered by the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind exists in various states, and in order to access these various states, certain frequencies are used. By understanding the multi-states of the mind, you can thus "program" your brain into the appropriate states for whatever purpose you wish to achieve. These frequencies range from delta to theta, and all the way up to gamma.

With the help of these frequencies, you can eliminate any type of addiction that you might be suffering from. What takes place is that certain brain cells and synapses that control specific cognitive functions are being fired up by the manipulation of brainwaves and electromagnetic pulses.

Brainwave technology helps to reprogram your subconscious mind and unlocks within you unlimited potential in the form of positive energy and motivation. With this revolutionary technology you can feel much better and be rid of any bad habits in absolutely no time at all.

In fact, brainwave technology has been scientifically proven by the medical community to be so effective, that it ! is curre ntly being used by various medical facilities in the world to treat specific conditions that involve both the mind and body.

Brainwave entrainment therapy is available both as outpatient and in-patient treatments. In outpatient therapy, precise frequencies and sounds are given to the brain. These frequencies have secret messages that increase the level of subconscious mind. In-patient therapy is done in the clinic and waves are stimulated in the subconscious mind while the patient is monitored by medical staff.

These two forms of therapy are very effective and can heal your mind, body and spirit. However, if you are interested in such therapies in order to change your life, you will be pleased to know that you don't have to check into a medical facility for outpatient or in-patient treatment. With the advent of the Internet, you can have your very own therapy session in the comfort of your own home!

The one thing that is absolutely fascinating about brainwave technology is that you can access them with a simple download from the Internet. There are hundreds of providers out there that give you access to such life-changing downloads at affordable prices. Such downloads have revolutionized the self improvement industry.

So why wait? Take advantage of the miracle that is brainwave technology today.

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Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

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Meditation is Nothing But an Adult Version of Childlike Play and Enjoyment

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by praveenben

Your mind is a center of continuous conflicts. Different parts of body, mind, emotions and energies conflicts with one other. Lack of harmony within you causes friction which results in negative emotions of anger, hurt, frustration, disappointment etc.

Meditation is a process through which you can resolve conflicts within in your mind and you can achieve calm, poise, and rest. Your brain becomes more efficient and creative. Meditation is a best pill which solves all the problems of modern life.

Meditation is a process through which we attain a state of being good. There is a saying "a human is born crying, live complaining, suffering and dies disappointed." However a meditative mind stops complaining, suffering, starts appreciating, enjoying the life and he remains deathless with his consciousness.

The primary urge of everyone is to know "Who am I". This urge continues to linger and remain unresolved. We remain doubtful as to the purpose of our life and its continuity. Meditation drives away all such doubts and brings about awareness and transformation of fearless life and delightful living.

In your prayer you communicate with the higher self (God). You talk to him and send messages. However in meditation you experience, feel the higher self within you and therefore there is no need send to messages elsewhere. Meditation is therefore a highest form of prayer with much more benefits.

When you are child your body, mind and emotions work with unity. This is the original nature of human beings. If you wish to play, you play. If you wish to dance, you dance. You smile and cry as a response to your emotions but you don't remember or recollect your suffering and feel bad again and again over and over.

In nutshell you live in present and the parts of you i.e., mind, body, emotions, work harmoniously. This means you are playful always. As we grew up we give up this original nature and playing is replaced by suffering. While yo! ur mind moves in one direction, your body moves in another direction, your emotions move in one other way. It is like four wheels of car running in four different directions. Meditation brings about uniformity and brings about your original nature. It is like going to your old school to play once again.

Modern life demands us multiple responsibilities and multiple tasks and therefore our mind is restless ceaselessly. Meditation or meditative life is essential to neutralize the effects of modern life.

Meditation is nothing but living in present, absorbing in the activity which we are pursuing. It is conscious living. In simple terms you are absorbed in the activity of whatever you are doing. Eat consciously, drink consciously, take bath consciously, and work consciously list is endless....... When your actions are conscious you are no longer worry about the future. You are deeply absorbed in the activity. You are neither guilty of the past events nor worried about the future. When you are eating a sweet, you are enjoying sweetness of it. This is nothing but childlike play.

The person who practices meditation becomes true humanitarian. He loves others through the realization of oneness of universe. He is so compassionate, feel through other hearts, and think through other minds. He adorns the qualities of humility and unselfishness. Meditative mind is conflict free, fear free, and ego free. It is manifestation of godliness within us.

I must tell you meditation is something we cannot understand fully. Though you understand with your intelligence, it is of no use for you unless you practice and experience it. Any quantity of explanation of sweetness of sweet does not give you satisfaction to you unless you put a piece of sweet into your mouth and experience the sweetness of it directly. Meditation is thus experiential. It is not conceptual.

Our life is meant for joyful experience. Modern life made it miserable. Hence practice Meditation regularly. Become ! childlik e. Become lively.

About the Author

Hi, I am Praveenben. I write articles on Personal Development including Meditation, and href="">Leadership Development. My Articles and Videos are Unique Walk the Talk Narrative Model.href=""> Click here to Read Articles on Health and Wellness and enjoy the enthralling experience.

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A Clockwork Orange - Alex's Apartment

Alex heads home for some meditation, as we all do.

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Wu Wei Wu Review

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Mutu

Life is a spiral,the conditioned mind is linear.There is nothing wrong with the mind; it is a wonderful tool for us to use,to enjoy,just like a car.Would you let your car drive you?

Life becomes rigid and limited when we try to fit its spiral nature into a linear view.What we believe is real is artificial,created by conditioning.Ecstasy and silence,both aspects of real life,cannot survive in a linear world.

To have a taste of the spiral nature of life,of existence,the layers and layers of conditioning need to peel off; desires,fears,hopes,shoulds,unworthiness,cynicism,shame,competition,rage,doubts,...Even though this may sound overwhelming,the delight of self-discovery cannot be explained with words.Because there is no time outside of the linear mind,self-discovery may or may not take much time.It is a different process for everyone.

One thing that helps a lot is trusting the process.This doesn't mean not to have any doubts; real trust includes doubting,it is vaster than doubt.

Something else that is of great help is to know how to open your heart and keep it open.Spiritual poetry,heart-opening songs,sitting with a tree,walking in nature,are some ways to open the heart.What keeps the heart open is trusting ourselves; not necessarily even trusting our behaviors and thoughts,but trusting who we are.

When a lot of the conditioned responses to life have peeled off,one thing remains:longing.Not a longing for something or someone,simply a deep longing.Painful,yet beautiful at the same time...And as we relax into it,our true nature and the spiral nature of life are revealed.

I say,My eyes.You say.Look for Him.I say,My gut.You say.Tear it open.

I say,My heart.You ask,What's inside?I say,My longing.You say,That's all you need.

Craniosacral TherapyWe offer a combination of Visionary Craniosacral Work? and the Fluid Tide model.Visionary Craniosacral Work? not only addresses the conditions affecting the central axis of the body,sacrum,spine,and head,it also work! s extens ively with the central energy vessel,or chakra system.Here we find the deeper reasons for imbalance and help bring them to the light of consciousness to be resolved through touch,perception,and guided imagery.The Fluid Tide model explores the layers of the Breath of Life.We track potency,stillness,and movement patterns of the tissues,fluids,and the tides,tuning into and supporting the health of the system

Polarity TherapyPolarity Therapy works with the natural flow of energy in the body and with the understanding that disease is based in imbalances of this flow.Besides the muscles,glands and nerves,the human body has a magnetic field that directs these systems and maintains energy balance.The practitioner accesses the magnetic current and its movement patterns to release energy blocks.Polarity Therapy uses Polarity Bodywork,Polarity Yoga,diet and awareness of emotions and set patterns to assist clients to return to health.

Therapeutic MassageMassage improves circulation,releases muscle spasm,relieves tension,calms the mind,improves muscle tone,may have a sedative or stimulating effect on the nervous system,aids digestion and elimination,promotes emotional balance,helps the body heal itself,it's nurturing and fun!

ReikiReiki,originating from the words raku-kei,is the art and science to spiritual self improvement.Reiki originated in ancient Tibet thousands of years ago.The Reiki calligraphy,in Sanskrit,was used in meditation in Tibetan monasteries.Reiki symbols were painted upon large wall hangings in the monasteries and acted as the center focus in the practices toward enlightenment by Tibetan holy men.

A Tibetan Lama would sit on a four legged wooden stool in the center of an oval earthenware container (to represent the etheric egg) filled with three inches of water.The stool was made of wood with pure silver inlay going up a channel in each of the stoolâEUR(TM)s legs,connecting with a silver plate inlay upon the stoolâEUR(TM)s seat.On the silver plate,inlayed in amethyst and r! ubies,wa s the master frequency symbol.In front of the stool was a mirror of polished copper.Behind the stool hung a tapestry containing the LamaâEUR(TM)s prayer and the Reiki symbols.The symbols were reflected in the copper wall,and meditated upon by the Lama as he sat on the stool.The Tibetan Lama concentrated on the Reiki symbols to implant them deep in his subconscious,thereby purifying the body/mind,raising consciousness,and increasing awareness.

What is now called Reiki was re-discovered in the 1870âEUR(TM)s by Dr.Mikao Usui.As the story goes,Dr.Usui,the president of a small Christian University in Japan,was asked by his students âEURoeHow did Christ heal?âEUR

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Mind Control Programming - A Boon To The Humankind

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Greg Frost

In the ancient age, people always looked for a device by which they can control someone's mind and to put codes to work accordingly. Well, all these notions went vain because at that time the technology was too slow and was really tough to make such a program.

Today, due to the advancement of technology mind control programming has come-up and it is giving outstanding results. One of the best mind control programming is the brainwave entrainment. In brainwave entrainment different audio frequency waves are being thrown to both the ears by using a headphone. In this technology the sub-conscious mind is changed to conscious state. People those are affected with mental disorders and addiction are given mind control programming.

This programming can heal all types of stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and memory loss. Mind control programming gives outstanding results to people those are having phobias or having some inner fears. Most people feel that this programming is totally based on hypnosis or something magical. Well, this is just a bad guess, as there is no such illusion state or chanting words are being used in mind control programming. Getting little technical, sensation where these beats are made originates in superior olivary nucleus that is deep in your brain stem. Also, this is based on natural fact, which the brain has an ability to locate these sources of sound, which at times pass way beyond normal human variety of hearing and, binaural beats are actually subsonic in the nature.

These days, Brainwave entrainment is widely used in medical world and it is absolutely a proven technology. With the help of binaural beats, people are getting healed from different types of mental shocks and traumas. The brain is only recognizes the frequency that comes out from this device. This mind control programming relaxes the mind, body and soul and provides a new way of life.

You can get different types of mind control programming, but before using any such devices you need ! to take guidance from psychiatrist. Presently, mind control programming is being used in the world of paranormal science to about past lives. The most important thing about this programming is that it is a boon to the humankind. Some other applications of this particular technology is detecting whether there are any of the tumours' in brain or not (which can affect how neurons act in your brain) and obviously, there are some other applications, which allow an end user detect whether the patient is in the stroke, coma or encephalopathy. Reason this is to be discussed at a forefront of this article is that the mind programming in this age forms the basis from the electromagnetic activity in your brain. One of most common and famous types of the technology, which is based on the electromagnetic waves that are produced in your brain is the brainwave entrainment technology & binaural beats, generally sold in the CD's and even come in a form of CD's. After that, we will talk about the binaural beats that is the basic technology of the brainwave entrainment.

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Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

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Donna Quesada. Buddhism: Emptiness. (Thich Nhat Hanh) 3/5

Professor Donna Quesada from Santa Monica College - lecture on Emptiness & No-Self in Buddhism. April 19th, 2011. . Donna Quesada's book: BUDDHA in the CLASSROOM; ZEN WISDOM to INSPIRE TEACHERS now on sale! Link to buy:

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 7/21/2012

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

"It is only when we begin to relax with ourselves that meditation becomes a transformative process. Only when we relate with ourselves without moralizing, without harshness, without deception, can we let go of harmful patterns. Without maitri (metta), renunciation of old habits becomes abusive. This is an important point."
~Pema Chödrön

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Yoga Styles for Sports Persons - Importance of Breathing and Poses

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Raphael Wettenstein

Yoga Styles for Sports Persons - Importance of Breathing and PosesYoga is a great home fitness workout that benefits everyone. It works for people of all ages. The latest addition to the Yoga world is the sports community.

Yes, now a large number of sportsmen are practicing Yoga as it benefits them through many ways. Yoga has become their ultimate choice to mend their body variations and boost their performance in the ground.

Yoga benefits every sportsmen belonging to sports like baseball, football, tennis, basketball or any other sport.

The Yoga fitness workout is known for creating a great balance between the mind and body and this great feature helps the sportsmen improve their performance heavily. The balancing poses like the standing, stretching and twisting poses helps resolve the bodily imbalance problem. The integration of body and mind with the breathing techniques works effectively for building strength and endurance in the athletes. Yoga brings sharpens the intuition of the sportsmen that helps them with their sport. There is a great importance of Yoga for sportsmen.

It is said that proper respiration is very important for any person engaged in sports, but not every sportsperson is aware of this fact. Yoga improves the respiration system and thus improves their overall performance.

Yoga is much easy workout program compared to the weight training and complicated aerobic workouts. Yoga benefits a sportsperson with balance, more strength and flexibility. Yoga gives them a clear focus with high alertness that helps them in the competitive world of sports.There are different types of yoga exercises and breathing techniques that correct the imbalance problems of the sportsmen and help them with correct breathing.

The Yoga styles for sports persons work as a resistance training for the sportsmen. Yoga is a relaxed and easy workout that does not require any kind of fitness equipment. More and more athletes are now turning to the Yoga fitness workout as they ! know ver y well about the benefit of yoga styles for sportsman.

Yoga improves the swing movements for the sports like tennis and golf. It increases the flexibility in the muscles and joints. The importance of Yoga for sportsmen is really very high as it takes care of all the aspects of their mental and physical health.

Yoga works as a catalyst in the sports and gives a sportsman that extra edge that they always wanted to compete against their competitor.

The Yoga styles for sports persons coordinate the breath and the movements of a person. It helps for stretching and strengthening the muscles and makes them stronger and prevents strains. This is a great benefit of yoga styles for sportsman.

Yoga is the only one exercise regimen that can give you the benefits of all the different types of workouts that you currently do like - jogging, cycling, running, and swimming etc-etc. It works for your whole body and tones and strengthens the muscles of all body areas like back, neck, shoulders, hips, hands, legs and even ankles and elbows.

The deep breathing techniques of Yoga supplies fresh oxygen to the cells in the body and release energy. The increased flexibility and strength in the muscle groups makes the sportsmen or athletes less prone to injuries. This is another benefit of yoga styles for sportsman.

Golf is a sport in which the player is highly prone to the uneven muscle development in the body because they swing in a direction with the same muscle groups again and again. Yoga cures this problem effectively. The different Yoga postures stretch the muscles and eases out the tension build in them. The standing poses in Yoga are very useful for improving the balance and flexibility in a Golfer.

Cycling is a sport that involves constant back pain. Stiffness in the back is a common thing among cyclists when they bend over the cycle handle for long period of time. The Yoga stretching poses work efficiently for relieving the pain in back and it also works for the stiffness in th! e should ers and the legs.

There are many great benefits of the Yoga styles for sports persons. With Yoga a sportsman gets a balance, focus, attention, mobility, flexibility with high energy and stamina that is highly required to defeat their opponents.

It really does not matter which sport you are into, Yoga works for all sports. It improves your performance and makes you an achiever.So, do not forget to incorporate the Yoga fitness workout into your sports training. You will definitely benefit with the Yoga styles for sports persons.

About the Author

The author is a long itme researcher and a promoter in the fields of health and wellness.

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[image: Bookmark and Share] *Technorati Tags:* *Buddha*

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

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Bikram Hot Yoga

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Tom Edwards

There are many types of yoga practices that you can venture into or try. Most are relatively simple to begin and enjoy the benefits of. On the other hand there are also many asanas which require expertise and cannot be handled by novice. Bikram hot yoga is one of those styles. So you need to understand the Bikram yoga dangers to avoid serious injury.

Founding of Bikram Hot Yoga

Bikram Choudhury is a renowned name in Olympics. He won a gold medal for in the field of weight lifting in the 1960's Olympics. He adapted traditional yoga techniques and incorporated the naturally hot and humid environment of India. He designed Bikram yoga as a form of yoga which increases muscular strength, endurance and weight loss.

Choudhury has gone to great lengths to keep his form of yoga intact and guarded from misinterpretation. He has limited the access of his yoga only to those who have learnt yoga from his Yoga College of India situated in California and if anyone wishes to edify the same to others then they should be literally licensed by Choudhury himself. While there may be similar sounding yoga classes throughout the country, in order to legally be considered a real Bikram hot yoga class, these criteria must be met.

What Makes Sizzling Bikram Yoga Different From Others Conventional Forms of Yoga?

Bikram hot yoga is done in a room heated to 105 degrees. The humidity levels in the room are typically from 40% to 60%. Sizzling Bikram yoga requires heat as an integral part of the yoga session and cannot do without it. The heat factor involved makes this yoga form a relative calisthenics session and not a respite. An extreme amount of perspiration is expelled; cleansing the body of toxins. It is advised to have an excess intake of water before even starting the session to shun any dehydration problems. The heat gets the cardiovascular system pumping for an ultimate workout and allows the body to stretch further and hold poses longer, which increase endurance and strength.

The se! ssion in volves a total of 26 postures, or asanas. These are done in a specific order and repeated again. Each asana lasts for a period of 10 to 60 seconds. And the total session is 90 minutes long. The first twelve poses are standing poses. And the rest are done either in sitting positions or by lying down on the floor.

The Poses of Bikram Hot Yoga:1. Asana involving intense inhalation and done while standing2. A posture wherein a half moon pose has to be done by allowing the hands to touch the feet3. Awkward pose4. An asana posing as an eagle5. Standing head to knee pose6. An asana wherein you are required to position in a bow stretching fashion7. Balancing stick pose8. An asana wherein you are required to stretch your feet9. Triangle pose10. Standing separate leg head to knee pose11. Tree pose12. Toe stand pose13. An asana where you are lying down calmly14. Wind removing pose15. Sit up16. An asana wherein you have to pose like a snake and ravel around17. Locust pose18. Full locust pose19. Bow pose20. Fixed firm pose21. An asana wherein you pose like a half tortoise and dwell22. An asana wherein you have to position like a camel23. Rabbit pose24. Head to knee pose25. An asana which shows as if you are turning your spine around26. An asana which shows as if you are blowing air firmly

Aside from the obvious benefits of Bikram yoga, there are many advantages of doing this sizzling Bikram yoga. Bikram Choudhury and other dedicated clique of this form of yoga proclaim it to heal many forms of illnesses if practiced no less than ten times during a month. Those who have signs showing up as auto immune illnesses and sclerosis can for sure find great difference on practicing this form of yoga. Because of the intense cleansing of toxins and opening of pores, some have found their skin is healthier, brighter and free from issues such as eczema.

The argument is intense on the aspect of involving conventional yoga along with tough workout, while the critics blame it as a rebellion yoga form which spoils th! e tranqu ility and serenity of typical yoga.

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How to do yoga

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Control of Mind Over Body - Grasp the Brainwave Entertainment Technology

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Gregory Frost

From centuries past till today, human beings have always looked for ways to control the mind. The power of mind is one of the most influential aspects in life. Feelings that are evoked from the mind are accountable for anything that occurs in life.

This gives life to actions and reactions, which sometimes are good and sometimes detrimental to one's self. The way you live your life is reflected by how your mind works. Therefore, control of mind over body really is undoubtedly important.

It is essential for you to be careful in your thoughts, as it will have influence whether positive or negative in your life. Control of mind over body can only be done by throwing out the old tea and taking fresh tea in your cup. This will definitely give you a 'u-turn' and a new goal in your life. Today, you can easily get different types of devices to control mind and most of these devices can give you good results. It will definitely strengthen your thoughts and also your brain.

One of the best mind-controlling devices is the brainwave entertainment technology. Meditation helped many determinations within context of the person's lifestyle. Brainwave entrainment meditation up to wholly unusual population and helps many functions. However, beyond this, it is allowing individuals from all walk of life admission to extraordinary experiences.

Presently, brainwave is becoming the best way to control of mind over body. With this method you can improve, change and can develop your habits to higher levels. People are also trying other simple methods like yoga, meditation, and others. But to get success in these methods, you need to constant practice and this may take a very long time. Most people those have tried these methods, left it on the halfway and they simply moved to gasp brainwave entertainment technology.

Brainwave technology will never get your bored and just by giving few minutes, you can get outstanding results. You can relax your mind and knock back anxiety and depression. Well,! to cont rol of mind over body, you need to first control your thoughts. Always bring positive thoughts in your mind and eliminate the negative one.

There are a number of unusual mind & awareness that we may recruit, and all these are stimulated through employment of the unusual brainwave frequencies. It appears quite self-explanatory interrogation, to ask why a few entrainment jobs don't have the larger variety of the outputs. Still, great deal survey is to be finished in this area, lots of it pressing technology onward in the leaps and bounds.

Consider potential gains to unlock greatness of the awareness. Thus, why to sit on these sidelines by dealing that this might all be not meaningful? The brainwave entertainment may earlier long make the path in the larger, and more mainstream market, as now jobs are also looking how you can mix this technology in the product lines. Think the future where the house devices are mastered through consumption of an individualized thought!

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit and claim your Free Cd today!

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Zara speaks to Dr Russ Harris...

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Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan, Debt Reduction, Financial Stability

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Alberto Martinez

What would you say if I told you that an unsecured debt consolidation loan could save your marriage? What about your life? If debt levels become unmanageable, financial stability is affected and financial stress can affect every area of your life: relationships, marriage, health and even your ability to perform your job well at work. People whose financial lives are out of control can get so stressed they have nervous breakdowns, health crises and in extreme circumstances have been known to commit suicide. Even if things don't get that bad, statistics tell us that many marriages fail under the pressure of debt.

Not only is your financial stability affected by the high cost of servicing debt, but the mental and emotional stability of every family member can be affected. Debt is stressful! If you are paying multiple credit card payments each month, you are spending more on debt than you have to. You can free up a significant chunk of this money by consolidating your credit card balances into one unsecured debt consolidation loan.

Debt consolidation will give you extra money every month to pay for normal living expenses or for any necessary expenses. Even if things aren't that tight, the savings you will make by taking out an unsecured debt consolidation loan will allow you to get out of debt faster, save or even take a much needed vacation. After all, why give the lenders more of your hard earned money than you have to?

If you choose the option of an unsecured debt consolidation loan to pay off multiple credit cards and other debt, it is important to cancel your credit cards after they are paid out. Otherwise, there is the potential to borrow against them again in the future. If you do that you'll be even worse off. It is also important to carefully budget your income and stick to the plan. Part of your financial program should include savings and investment for your future. When you opt for an unsecured debt consolidation loan, the fact that it is over a definite term guarantees ! that you will be debt free at the end of the term. So you do not need to include debt payment in your plans unless you want to be debt free even faster. The amount of income at your disposal will guide your decisions.

Before you agree to accept an unsecured debt consolidation loan, read the contract carefully. Make sure that the lender cannot increase the interest rate after a honeymoon period. Also find out what the penalties are, if any, for late payments. Once you have found the best unsecured debt consolidation loan to meet your needs, you will quickly be out of trouble. It's up to you to stay that way.

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Reiki benefits cancer patient

Testimonials from two cancer patients about Reiki treatment. How Reiki helps them during the recovering process.

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Lahiri counts on meditation in British Open

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Indian Sports News Network: Lytham St Annes: Anirban Lahiri will be counting on his meditation practice to lead him to a successful debut at The Open Championship which begins on Thursday.

The 25-year-old two-time Asian Tour winner is excited at the prospects of tackling the world's oldest Major which is star-laden at Royal Lytham and St Annes but knows he must maintain an even keel to ensure a rewarding week.

"I'll stick to my meditation and stay in the moment and not get carried away and focus on what I need to do. It'll play a critical role. Times of great highs and low, the mind gets muddled and unclear. I have to rely on meditation as it'll only do me good," said Lahiri.

Lahiri has been meditating for the past few years, saying the longest he has done was three hours while he spends about 20 minutes each day while he is at a tournament. The key benefit of the practice is simply staying in the present, he said.

"The benefit that I have derived from my meditation is that I'm able to stay in the present. That's what everyone talks about, hit one shot at a time and we all wonder how to do it. The meditation has taught me to block out the scoreboard, what the group in front is doing or how far back or ahead I am. All those things kind of get sidetracked and the focus comes back to what I need to do. That's what meditation helps me to do," he explained.

"It's like a process, like an exercise. You can be in that state during the round depending on how strong your practices are. If you can put yourself in that state, you can go through 18 holes in your own world without being affected by what's around you. That's what really helps."

Lahiri arrived in the English coastal town on Saturday and has put in three practice rounds at the famous links. While others may have cringed when the rain and winds swept in earlier in the week, the Indian relished the tough conditions which are synonymous with The Open.

"I'm enjoying the weather so far. A lot of people here whom I've met are not comfortable in this condition but I'm feeling at home. I expected the course as tough as it's been set up. Leading into the event, I'm feeling good," said Lahiri, who is one of two Indians in the field aside from newly crowned Scottish Open champion Jeev Milkha Singh.

"I'm hitting it good. I'm happy with my equipment set up, I'm feeling very comfortable."

In late May, the amiable India made a visit to Royal Lytham and St Annes and played for several practice rounds. However, he said being here during The Open week was simply magical.

"The atmosphere is beautiful, the people come out here despite the rain and cold and you see families out with their kids in strollers. It's a pleasure to be here and be part of a beautiful event. I'm hoping I can put in a good performance to make it better," he said.

Lahiri is happy his father has accompanied him for his maiden Major. "Dad's always been the guy behind the scenes. He's the one to give me some insight into how I'm playing. He'll provide the perspective of a third party. If he notices something, he will share with me and ask me to think about it. Sometimes that's what it takes to save a shot or two or to get your attitude right.

"I'm glad he's here. I know he's having a great time and it makes me happy as well. He's taking good care of me. He's always full of wise words."

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Reaching Your Goals via Mind Control Techniques

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Karen Winton

People should never underestimate the power of the mind. If you want to more often than not win matches or become triumphant over arguments, improve your career, etc., there are many mind control techniques that can assist you.

Mind control methods really work. You just have to spend some time learning them. However, it is important for you to utilize them properly, and refrain from abusing them. Here are a few mind control techniques that can change your life:

1. The Power of Favors

A good example of hypnosis how to is for you to utilize favor. Using favors is among the most effective mind control techniques and is also one of the most subtle. You can just imagine having a 'bank' full of the favors you have done for other people. Just think: if you do somebody a favor, no matter how small, he is surely more likely to remember it. Now, when the time comes wherein you need a request from that person, he'll have no choice but to return the favor you did for him in the past.

If people ask your help on something, help as much as you can. It's like saving money --- in terms of mind control techniques, however, what you save are favors that you can use to convince other people to do something for you in the near future.

2. Know when to Hold Back.

One of the mind control methods that many people tend to forget is keeping some cards to themselves. It is a must for you to know when to hold back information. As soon as you show someone all your cards, your aces will be lost -- which can be likened to losing your control over the situation.

A good example of the said hypnosis how to is this: if you really like the dress you saw at a bazaar stall, never rave on how beautiful that dress is in front of the stall owner. This is because that stall owner will most likely sell you the dress at the highest price. Why would she give you a discount when she knows for a fact that you view that dress as something that is to die for?

Never forget the power of the mind. If ! you want to buy that dress and still want to save a few dollars, conceal what you are really feeling. Do not show your true emotions to the stall owner, and you'll see how much discount you can get.

There are a lot of mind control techniques and mind control methods that can give people the advantage over others. Once you know the power of the mind, you'll enjoy various benefits. You have to remember, however, that it is a no-no to abuse what you've learned and that you should not utilize those techniques unethically.

About the Author

Karen Winton is a writer who has taken interest in ethical mind control. To better understand mind control techniques: Mind Control Techniques. For genuine hypnosis tips, try: How To Hypnotize Course.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Fat reduction Tips- Health - Information on Herbs Tricks to Allow us to With his Weight-loss

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Amorette Kiimbel

This self improvement article was printed in a reaction to questions which were asked on reducing weight and lasting losing weight and also address common challenges men and women have with this particular subject. I hope you locate this information of value.

Can Herbs Help Us Combat Obesity?

Obesity is just about the major health conditions that plague America today. Approximately two-thirds of yankee adults are thought overweight; while one in three are seriously overweight or obese.

Obesity is described as getting an abnormal amount of extra fat; being 20 to 30 percent on the ideal weight for age, sex and height.

As well as to be a major cosmetic concern, obesity is a good risk factor for serious health conditions just like high blood pressure levels, diabetes, kidney troubles, prostate enlargement, female infertility, uterine fibroids, pregnancy disorders, gallstones, cardiovascular diseases, stroke and cancer. Excessive weight also puts great stress on joints improving the odds of arthritis.

Everyone's metabolism (the rate where your body burns calories) differs and it is relying on many factors, including genetics. Regularly eating just a few more calories than your entire body needs can bring about excess weight. By consuming only 100 extra calories daily, for example, you'll obtain a pound in approximately per month (a pound of unwanted fat equals 3,500 calories).

Some experts think an exercise-free lifestyle influences excess weight a lot more than eating too many calories. Exercise burns calories and builds muscle. And the more muscles you have, the greater number of calories your system burns sleeping.

When it comes to the topic of personal development, I know (through my very own experiences) that it is lot easier in theory. However, you're here, right this moment, since you employ a desire to boost your self or you are in least interested in this subject. Maybe you are reading this to help you a buddy or colleague - great. If this type of a! rticle a ssists you to or perhaps you help someone, paying it forward is what lif'e exactly about and then we all win.

In addition to aggressive exercising and dieting, some herbal products may aid in raising metabolism or suppressing the appetite.

But as well, its also wise to be skeptical of these uncomfortable side effects. Make sure with all your doctor first.

- Natural aloe-vera, improves digestion and cleans the digestive tract

- Astralgus, increases energy and improves nutrient absorption

- Bee pollen, stimulates metabolism and quickly satisfy craving for sweets

- Bladderwrack, contains iodine which helps enhance thyroid function

- Brewer's yeast, reduces various cravings for drink and food

- Cayenne, reduces hunger after meals and increases calorie burning with the body

- Chitosan, slows the absorption of fat in the intestine

- Chromium, helps the body use fat for energy and builds muscles

- Dandelion, flushes out kidneys, boosts metabolism, and off-sets cravings for sweets

- Fennel, suppresses appetite and removes mucus and fat in the digestive tract

- Garcinia cambogia, quells the urge to eat

- Green tea extract, increases energy expenditure and improves the ability on the body to lose fat

- Guaran?, contains caffeine which curbs appetite, increases metabolic rates and has a gentle diuretic effect

- Guggul, lowers cholesterol and promotes weight control

- Kelp, boosts metabolism

- Licorice, sustains regulated blood sugar levels level and reduces cravings for sweets

- Malabar tamarind, helps prevents the production of fat and suppresses appetite

- Siberian ginseng, stabilizes blood glucose levels and reduces cravings for sweets

- Yohimbine, raises metabolic rates, reduces appetite and increases fat loss

These herbs aren't recommended to replace regular diet.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital.

It is now time!

Ok you have look at article. The next ! step is for doing things. Without action, the next few paragraphs adds no value whatsoever for your personal development. But don't forget, without action, you can't blame this self improvement article or any article as an example. So, act NOW.

Although merely one word of advice, one item of information, one tip is important, then the whole article may be worth every penny for all those. The next step is!

About the Author

Information in this way is supposed to supply you with a rough idea about diet foods and weight loss. But if you want to learn more regarding how to lose fat the effective and healthful way, follow us and useful Weight loss Easy Plan.

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HUG Video Previews.wmv

Previewing shortened, selected scenes from eight HUG Video Productions "Ambient Scenic-Relaxation" programs offered for relaxation and stress reduction for use in hospitals, medical and dental offices, elder care facilities, health treatment facilities (radiation, chemo, dialysis, etc), and private homes. Beautiful photography and soft music only. Visit

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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The Benefits of Reiki From a Reiki Master

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Jensen Parker

Suffering from various illnesses or even just when feeling a little sad, these things have been attributed to some form of negative or bad energy. And many have tried to get better and felt better after having some form of spiritual therapy. One of these methods is Reiki. Reiki originates from Japan in the 1900s. The term Reiki means Universal Life Force energy. The person who developed on Reiki is a Japanese Monk, Dr. Mikao Usui. Dr. Mikao Usui developed Reiki after studying the Tibetan Lotus Sutras.

In Reiki, it is believed that life force flows in the body through the different pathways: nadis, chakras, and meridians. The life force also flows outside of the body. It is manifested through the aura, a field of energy that radiates around the body. It is this life force that keeps us alive. And any disruption in this life force may cause physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual disabilities.

Reiki can heal by allowing the energy to flow through the affected parts. Reiki energy clears the pathways, as well as strengthens and heals these paths to allow the life force to flow continually and naturally. Taking Rieki classes will truly be beneficial as you can practice it on yourself or on others.

Rieki classes, which cost around 0, are mainly composed of two modules, Reiki I and Reiki II. In these two modules, the Reiki hand positions are taught, as well as the various Japanese Reiki techniques of Dr. Mikao Usui. These techniques include the Gassho meditation, the Reiji-ho (developing ones intuition), the Byosen Scanning (detecting where Reiki must be applied), the Gyoshi ho (sending Reiki energy through the eyes), the Koki ho (sending Reiki through breath), the Kenyoku (dry bathing or clearing up ones energy field), and the Jacki -kiri Joka-ho (clearing up negative energy from objects). Reiki students are also taught how to use Reiki for specific conditions and healing unwanted habits. The Hayashi Healing Guide and Reiki II symbols are also taught.

People taking Rieki class! es are n ot only taught how to use Rieki on themselves but also on other people. Reiki can also be used to heal people in a distance. It may be across the city or country or even from different continents.

Rieki classes are a combination of lecture, discussion, and practice. During practice time, students get to feel how it is to give and receive Reiki treatments using the different hand positions and the different techniques and methods of Reiki. It is also expected that students will practice outside of the class.

Advanced Rieki classes are also offered, costing 5. This advanced training is a one-day intensive including The Usui Master Attunement (increasing the strength of one's Reiki energy), The Usui Master Symbol (increasing the effectiveness of Reiki II symbols), Reiki meditation (strengthening the mind and expanding the consciousness), the use of crystals and stones, and Reiki psychic surgery. Under the advanced training, students will learn advanced techniques for using Reiki. Students also learn how to make Reiki grids for continuously sending Reiki to oneself and others after charging it. A guided meditation introduces the student to one's Reiki guides for healing and information. At the end of the training course, an exercise is given to those who intend to take Reiki III and become Reiki Masters.

About the Author

Donna Bonino is a Reiki Master Practitioner with almost 20 years of experience providing reiki Downers Grove. She currently provides Reiki services in Lisle, Naperville, and Downers Grove. She also does wonderful Feng Shui floral arrangements. Call her today for all of your local feng shui Lisle needs.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Recreate Your Body: A Guided Meditation for Self Healing and Gratitude (Shavasana)

In this video, I explain the importance of self love and proper body gratitude, share a personal story of physical healing through yogic intention, then lead you through a beautiful meditation that will allow you to literally change your bio-memory into one of vibrant health, while you convert your feelings towards it into those of total appreciation. Be ready with a yoga mat or carpeted floor and comfortable clothing. Enjoy! Our bodies are not cages for our consciousness, nor are they the barriers between our spirits and the great beyond. They are our helpers, on loan from Existence, for the duration of our chosen lives on Earth. All too often, we neglect our bodies; we fail to appreciate them. Even more sadly, we sometimes resent them, and blame them for the feelings of lethargy and apathy we carry towards life in the world around us. What the enlightened mystics know about the body, though- what the great yogis and masters understand- is that the body is not a barrier that holds down our consciousness, but a format through which we express it. Your body is here to serve you for as long as you need it. Without your body, you wouldn't be able to sit, turn on your computer, and click on this video. You wouldn't be able to walk down the street to meet a friend.You wouldn't be able to stand with your head turned skyward to gaze at the stars. Your body serves you, even if you insult it's weight. It serves you even if you awaken from a beautiful dream, and curse it's ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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10 Yoga Blogs to Watch

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Ayaz Khan

Lately it seems like everyone has a blog, whether for hydroponic tomato growers, lovers of all things Pomeranian, or aficionados of tango. The yoga world is no exception, and this practice that spent so long in remote mountain caves is now online and accessible for everyone with an internet hook up and a love of all things asana.

Blogs can be a beautiful thing. They can give you a sense of community and connection and a valuable source of information at no cost and with very little investment of time. The challenge becomes in separating the gems from, let's face it, the glass. You hardly have time to squeeze in your practice of yoga, let alone time to search and read and screen the best of the best blogs.

No worries! Spirit Voyage has trolled the web, repeated the sun salutations, chanted the "om" and found you ten yoga blogs to follow. You're certain to find the right style, speed and format that will best support you and your practice from our list.

1) Spirit Voyage

If we may so ourselves (and we don't mind if we do), the Spirit Voyage blog is a wonderful resource for all things yoga, chant and Kundalini. Articles range from interviews with sacred chant artists like Snatam Kaur to entries on Kundalini yoga kriyas to balance the chakras to mantras for prosperity. Quality is high, the photos are informative, and there are helpful links to products and websites that might be of interest to the yogic community.

2) Yoga Mint

This wonderful blog offers bit sized pieces of advice to freshen your day like a little mint. It covers yoga and all things related to the yogic lifestyle. Recent articles include advice on how to wash your hair the yogic way and how food can help your neck!

3) Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal is always a wonderful resource for any yogi and the blogs online are from members of the yoga world who are sharing yoga with seniors in libraries, their young sons in the! ir livin g rooms, and themselves in the dark where no one can see them. You'll learn how very not alone you are if you are still trying to master downward dog and find a friend you've never met working on Peacock pose.

4) Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal is hardly a journal. It's more like an online world that pulls together yoga and yogic living into an elephant sized resource. They aren't afraid to tackle issues like the environment and even controversial topics like marijuana use for PSTD.

5) I am Woman

This blog is devoted to Kundalini yoga for women as taught by Yogi Bhajan. In addition to its discussions of Yogi Bhajan's teachings and Kundalini, it also addresses topics of interest to women around the world, such as genital mutilation in Africa and the passage of the health care bill in the US stipulating that insurance companies cannot raise premiums for women simply for being women.

6) Yoga Like Salt

Small town yoga at its best. This well-written and insightful blog is from a small town northern California yoga teacher who taps into the pulse of yoga outside of the big cities and away from famous yoga studios. A recent post eloquently examined whether your backbends could be making you angry.

7) The Everything Yoga Blog

This blog is about, you guessed it, everything yoga. The writer of this blog enjoys just about every style of yoga and blogs about all of them. Good for book reviews and diet tips as well.

8) Yoga Abode

A wonderful resource for yogis, especially European yogis. Featured poses, interviews with yoga teachers, and much more.

9) Metal Yoga's Blog

This blog reminds us of what we like about the yoga world. This is the word craft of a metal rocker with long hair, tattoos and great form. Well-written, well-thought an! d frankl y, stereotype shattering. Heavy on yoga theory, this is a wonderful place to read about one man's journey into the yamas and niyamas of yoga.

10) Peace Love Yoga

A niche blog for the lovers of Ashtanga yoga, this blog has beautiful demonstration videos and lovely photos of travel around Iceland. It reminds us to get up off the mat and take our yoga out into the world.

Did we miss anything? Tell us about your favorite yoga blogs!

*Editor's note: Ramdesh failed to mention her own blog No Ordinary Light which is one of the best yogic lifestyle blogs out there

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes and other yoga accessories.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

How to Control Your Mind - Some Methods For You

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Gregory Frost

It has been found that many people face different problems in life, bringing them mentally down. The main reason is due to lack of focus and self-management. If you can control your mind and make it discipline, then you can sure get good results. Everyone must have entered school and get educated, but we were never taught how to control your mind.

If you are still thinking how to control your mind, then try all these above steps and it's sure that it will work magic. Our mind is our best asset and in a way our mind actually works will lead us to the self-destruction, and cause unhappiness to ourselves and others or it will work miracles for all of us & keep us happy. Thus it is important to control our wandering & wanting mind for keeping lots of problems in our life far away from us. Also, there are different web sites on the yoga and the breathing exercises that is consulted to have the calm, disciplined as well as positive mind. Here are some methods that you can follow to control your mind:

Crystal Clear Goals - If you are thinking to achieve specific goals, then make a note of those or you can write it in your personal diary. This will make your more systematic and your uncreative activities will get blocked.

Try to say No - Most people have the habit to say 'Yes', even when they can't handle things to certain level. This is really a bad idea, as it can hurt someone more. Therefore, it is always better to go with the word 'No'. This word will never hurt someone; he or she can understand that you are true to your words.

Release frustrations - If you are dealing on things that are far from your reach or it is just impossible, then let it go. You need to release your frustration and focus to be positive.Take A Deep Breath - One of the best ways to knockoff tension is by taking deep breath. This can really give you good results and you can get relaxed.

Try Brainwave Entertainment - If you really want to bring more positive energy, try Brainwave entertainment ! technolo gy. This is one of the best and latest technologies to increase your mind power. You can make your sub-conscious mind sharper and relaxed. Brainwave entertainment technology will help to relieve all your stress and depression.

We need to discipline ourselves & practice these techniques that are mentioned above we then can discipline our mind & control it. When we are able to slowly control our mind, we can see difference in our self. Also, we need to be very patient to begin realizing all its benefits. Calm, disciplined as well as positive mind is a base for the happy and the healthy life. Happy you will be able to make others happy.

Brainwave Entrainment can help you in making you happy by literally transforming your mind and gear it towards a more positive outlook.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit and claim your Free Cd today!

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In the Room with Sylvia Boorstein

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Breast Reduction: An Overview of the Benefits

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Ace Abbey

Meditation and mandala healing for mental health

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT

by kahala

Article by Cat Williams

Mandala healing is not one of the most well known forms of alternative healing. However, the integration of a mandala image into a meditation session can certainly boost the effectiveness of the process. That is why the concept of mandala healing deserves a closer look.

Meditation has long since been used as a means of promoting proper restorative mental health benefits. When a person meditates, it becomes possible to calm and relax the mind. This can put an end to much of the psychic noise that is present within the deep recesses of the mind. Now, this is not to say that meditation alone will cure all mental and emotional ills one may possess. Yet, it can definitely help in many regards towards calming the mind and allowing the healing process to take place.

Some may have certain preconceived notions as to how meditation is performed. They will often look at meditation from the traditional perspective of performance in the Zazen position. While this is most definitely a helpful means in which to perform meditation, there are various other ways meditation can be performed effectively. For example, walking and moving meditation is quite popular and so are two-person meditative drills as well. Then, there is also the lesser known process of integrating mandala healing into the process of meditation.

In traditional Zen meditation practices, koans are used to enhance the meditation process. Koans are parables without clear meanings that are meant to be pondered. With mandala healing, a painting or other artistic image or symbol is what is to be pondered upon.

What exactly is a mandala and how is it possible to integrate its symbolism with mandala healing? It is a circular diagram that originated in Hinduism and has found its way into Zen Buddhism. In time, the mandala was heavily integrated into tantra meditation practices. In the most simplistic terms this involves looking into the imagery and outside of the natural world. In essence, you will look beyond yourself and into the! mandala to fully maximize your meditative experience.

So, where can you acquire a mandala? This is the fun part: you can make one yourself. No, that does not mean you need to be the most talented artist in the world or even possess a modicum of artistic skills. You simply need to have the basic ability to craft a decent mandala based on words and symbols that are meaningful to you.

When you meditate upon mandala imagery that you have created, you will be doing so in a highly personal manner. That will allow the mandala healing process to achieve its highest level of perfection since it has been deliberately tailored to your specific needs and goals. This will greatly enhance the entire meditation process and make it far more effective.

Try out Mandala healing by creating a simple circle and filling it with a word or basic symbol that has meaning to you. Color it in with your favorite colors, taking time to enjoy this creative process. Then when its done, tape it the the wall, sit comfortably and meditate on your new mandala for 15 minutes. You will find yourself feeling refreshed and calm and thats what mandala healing is all about.

About the Author

Cat Williams is a freelance writer and advocate of mandala healing. To find more info on the benefits of mandalas, go to her website at Internet Marketing For Newbies

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Self Hypnosis Anxiety Reduction

A FREE Self-Hypnosis Resource designed to promote learning and confidence whilst helping you to reduce anxiety and stress. If you like this resource, please "like" it and leave me your comments as I really appreciate hearing from you all. Please use this resource responsibly. I am a Certified Psychotherapist specializing in individual psychotherapy, couples therapy and hypnosis in Vaughan Ontario. I practice out of a family wellness clinic in Woodbridge, the Toronto Healing Arts Centre downtown Toronto and also see clients Online for therapy and hypnosis work via Skype. I practice an intersubjective form of relational therapy which is particularly useful when working with couples or facilitating communication between family members, friends or co-workers.A certified meditation instructor, I have trained extensively in the clinical applications of Hypnosis, achieving the level of Master Hypnotist in addition to being recognized by the world's leading authority on stress as a certified stress counsellor. If you, or someone you care about is suffering under stress or burdened by trauma or a hard habit to break, please forward them a link to my website ( or simply pass on this YouTube channel link, since nobody should have to deal with their challenges alone. I hope you enjoy my free resources, please subscribe, comment and check back soon for more online help as it becomes available. Have a great day!! For more self-hypnosis and meditation anxiety ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Why have faith in a God who fucks things up?

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Today a gunman killed at least 12 people and wounded 59 in a Colorado movie theatre. My wife watched news coverage of the disaster this evening. She told me that a man was interviewed who praised God for saving his life.

Maybe it was this guy, Zach Golditch, a football player in an adjoining theatre who was shot when a bullet went through a wall.

And then at 8:57 a.m., he tweeted, "Thank you God for the gift of life! i promise it will not go to waste."

Don't take this too personally, Zach, but I think you're an idiot. It's understandable that you're happy to be alive. Thanking God for keeping you alive when the Holy Fuck-Up in Heaven just caused a dozen people to die is absurd, though. 

You can't have it both ways, Zach (or any religious believer).

If God is omnipotent, omniscient, and all that shit, this means he/she/it is in complete control of everything that happens in the cosmos. Mass murder? God is responsible. 

But if God is a detached CEO who doesn't get involved in minor details of creation, like 12 people being killed in a movie theatre, then God is worse than useless. What's the point of a divine being who looks down from on high and allows all sorts of fuck-ups to happen?

When tragedies like the Colorado shooting happen, the ridiculousness of believing in a personal God becomes even more apparent. Invariably God is praised for saving the lives of some people. God never is cursed for killing those who perished.

Yet if God saves, God also kills.

This is the God of the Bible's Old Testament. It's a nasty, vengeful, all-too-human God. But at least the Old Testament God makes some sense. Like all of us, sometimes he gets destructively angry; and sometimes he gets all lovey-dovey.

The God of confused modern day Christian theologians, though, is unbelievable. When people do bad things, it's due to the free will God gave to us. However, when good things happen, God is responsible. 

Such is the attitude of an Olympics distance runner who thinks God is his coach. Somehow he manages to believe that God is the reason for his successes, yet blameless for his failures.

Ryan Hall is the fastest American distance runner competing in the London Olympics and he says he owes it all to his omnipresent coach who has been there with him every step of the way.

"I'll just be straight forward, my coach is God," the 29-year-old Hall told CNN.

...For Hall, running is more about the experience of peace and joy he gets from training. At times he says he does feel down and in said in the past he blamed God  for not doing his best in a race, but now he said that has changed.

"I don't think God causes me to fail in races," he said.

Why not, Ryan?

Why do you limit God's ability to fuck you up, as well as pick you up? If you're going to believe in God, believe in a goddamn macho GOD who does whatever the hell he wants, bad, good, or indifferent, not a wimpy divinity who only involves himself in human affairs when things are all orderly and nice.

George Zimmerman says it was "God's plan" that he shot and killed Trayvon Martin.

That's ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as believing that God only is reponsible for the good stuff that happens in life. At least Zimmerman has a consistent Old Testament view of God: someone who murders, rapes, and pillages, then flips into a loving, caring, nurturing father-figure.

I'd rather leave God out of the "why stuff happens" equation entirely.

Having faith in a God who fucks things up so often makes no sense to me. Us humans are perfectly capable of screwing things up on our own, no God required. And also... making things better.






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Yoga for A Healthy Mind and Body

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

by wovox

Article by Ayaz Khan

Yoga is known as "the art of living". Since antiquity, human beings have been reaping benefits of this boon to mankind. Yoga with its various forms of physical exercises and meditative disciplines, are guiding human beings in the right path of attaining health and wellness. This health and wellness encompasses both physical and mental spheres. When a person is completely fit physically, then his/her mental state will also be just fine. Regular practicing of yoga ensures a healthy state of body free from any illness and diseases. For ages, various kinds of yoga like Kundalini yoga, Bikram Yoga, Raja yoga etc. have been practiced to unite mind, body and soul by creating a balance between these three most important elements of a human being. While the meditative disciplines or meditation heals the mind from all negativities and purifies the soul, the physical exercises make the body fit and strong and help it to fight off all disturbing diseases and ailments.

Yoga offers myriad benefits. It nourishes and uplifts the physical, mental as well as spiritual state of a human being. It improves the body's immune system, level of blood circulation in allover the body, lower the cholesterol level, helps the body to relax and rejuvenate and countless other benefits. Practicing yoga means practicing various physical exercises which are known as poses or 'asanas'. Each of the yoga forms like Kundalini yoga, Hatha yoga, Karma yoga etc. have their own poses and postures. These asanas can be simple as well as complex at times. These asanas have a therapeutic effect on allover the body. By stretching and moving different body parts and body muscles, it increases the flexibility of the body which in turn provides strength to the muscles. Yoga also boosts the human respiratory system, lymph system, increases red blood cell counts and strengthens the body joints. Furthermore, yoga is also beneficial for cardiovascular system. It can cure many a diseases like asthma, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, pi! les and the list goes on.

When the body is liberated from any troubling ailments, the mind automatically becomes serene as it is said that healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Yoga, by increasing the mental clarity, awakens the inner senses by activating our inner powers. Yoga also helps to improve the mind's sensitivity towards body sensations. This increases the ability of relaxing or sensing consciously when you are feeling exhausted or stressed out. A sense of calmness prevails when an individual has the ability to control his/her own mind. Besides, yoga also ensures control of mind over body. This ancient Vedic art also increases the level of concentration, helps to develop a positive outlook towards life, removes all negative thoughts and fills the mind with a tranquil sense of calmness.

Stay healthy by practicing yoga daily and soulfully. Wear clothes which are loose fit and comfortable. Try out the yoga clothes available with Spirit Voyage. The yoga clothes available with Spirit Voyage are designed to offer you fullest comfort. Moisture control fabrics enable the practitioner to perform all the poses with utmost ease. Spirit Voyage offers various accessories such as yoga rugs, yoga mats, cushions, malas and jeweleries and many more. Yoga mats and yoga rugs provide proper cushioning and resilience to the practitioner.

Extensive and admirable collection of meditation and yoga music form Spirit Voyage shall make a yoga session blissful. Artistes such as Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal, Gurmukh, Donna De Lory, have enriched this divine music collection by lending their melodious voices in these music CDs and DVDs.

One can also take help of the various yoga DVDs available at the site. Check out the latest yoga DVD collection which has Gurmukh Complete DVD Collection, Shiva Rea Complete Music and DVD Collection, Advanced Yoga and many more. Choose a suitable yoga or meditation music CD and lead yourself to an ethereal journey to experience the eternal bliss.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is an online yoga music store offering different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Meditation Methods and Techniques

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by calismith

The stressful lives we run at present take their toll on our physical condition. Mental stress and substantial fatigue drain us of our positive energy leaving us washed-out physically, mentally and emotionally. Once considered to be alternative medicine, meditation is definately improving popularity amongst regular medical practitioners. Meditation, which is understood to hold a certain effect along with the allopathic medicines prescribed for quite a few medical conditions.

Meditation is not exactly a challenge, if you put your mind to it. Sometimes, we just have to be aware of how it is done and the benefits it could do to us. We don't have to be engaged in intense meditation to achieve its effects, all we have to do is have some time for ourselves and focus our mind on something positive. Being positive and repeating affirmations in our life could also help.

Both physical and mental benefits can result from meditation. This can include increased heart health through relaxation, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, and a more youthful feeling. Mental benefits can be an increased sense of well-being, decreased anxiety and depression, and emotional stability. Meditation should not be used as a cure for physical or mental ailments, however, but it can be a powerful supplement.

Yoga and meditation are practices that help your body to renew itself naturally. The yoga helps to do so physically while the meditation helps to do so mentally. The satisfaction that one gets after doing a session of yoga and meditation is unparalleled. Hence people are getting slowly and slowly gravitated towards these forms of natural healing.

The methods used by the Vissuddimargga meditation work by trying to subdue the mind. Sahaja Yoga says that instead of trying to subdue or control the mind, which is almost impossible anyway, why not ignore it and simply go beyond it. The Sahaja Yoga meditation is described as thoughtless awareness. Normally it is virtually impossible to do this but in Saha! ja Yoga your kundalini simply takes you straight into thoughtless awareness.

Meditation has been established as having beneficial effects to patients with cardiovascular disease. Patients with high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure have been tested with various meditative methods, and results were promising. Even in the field of respiratory medicine, meditation has aided patients with asthma. All the more has meditation helped in the realm of psychology and behavior.

Meditation techniques are of many types, but they have a common goal. The main objective is to clear the conscious mind, so that we can gain access to the depths of the subconscious mind and be free of all conditionings.

Meditation is an actual healing process that can not hurt you, but it can have a wide range of beneficial results, in exchange. As opposed to medications and other treatments, meditation does not come along with a package of side effects. So, basically, none of the free meditation techniques can do you any wrong. The only thing they can do is to be more or less efficient.

Read about peptic ulcer symptoms, and also read about macrocytic anemia and tyrosine amino acid

About the Author

The stressful lives we run at present take their toll on our physical condition. Mental stress and substantial fatigue drain us of our positive energy leaving us washed-out physically, mentally and emotionally.

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Binaural beat Anxiety

"I have made the 30 min version of the file available via file transfer at an offer price of £2.50 due to the amazing support from the Youtube community. you can follow the link ( put it into your browser) and obtain the full version today. link " Sample of the binaural beat sound wave file, use stereo headphones to listen to the beat . This will produce a "Phantom" Theta brain wave for meditation / hypnosis. To get a full copy of the 30 min Binaural Beat Audio or Stress and anxiety file including clinical suggestions as used in my clinical hypnotherapy practice please email David

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Poor Sleepers More Likely to End Up in Nursing Homes

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT


Sleeping poorly may increase a person's risk of being placed in a nursing home later in life, a new study suggests.

In the study, older women whose sleep was the most fragmented had about three times the odds of being placed in a nursing home five years later, compared with women whose sleep was the least fragmented.

Previous studies have linked disturbed sleep with disabilities in older adults, and impairment in activities of daily living and mobility, the researchers said.

The study found an association, and not a cause-effect link. But if the findings are confirmed, it's possible that treating sleep disturbances in older adults could improve their ability to function and reduce their risk of institutionalization, the researchers said.

Adam Spira, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and colleagues analyzed information from more than 1,600 women whose average age was 83, who did not live in a nursing home at the study's start.

Participants wore wrist devices called actigraphs, which measure movements and can be used to tell if someone is asleep or awake, for at least three days. On an average night, participants spent close to seven hours in bed. After they had initially fallen asleep, they spent a total of about one hour of the night awake.

Five years later, researchers tracked the participants to see if they had moved to a nursing home or an assisted-living facility.

People who spent the most time awake during the night (about two hours) were more likely to be living in a nursing home five years later than those who spent the least time awake (about a half hour).

There are several ways to explain the link. It's possible that an underlying disease, such as Alzheimer's disease, could cause both the fragmented sleep and the need to live in a nursing home, the researchers said. It's also possible those who care for an older adult experience increased stress when the older adult does not sleep, which results in placement of the older adult in a nursing home.

Finally, poor sleep quality may increase inflammation in the body, which has been linked with lower levels of physical function, the researchers said.

More work is needed to understand exactly how sleep disturbance is related to an increased risk of institutionalization in older adults, the researchers said.

The study is published in the July issue of theJournal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Pass it on:  Fragmented sleep may increase the risk of placement in a nursing home.

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Payday Loan Credit card debt Could very well be Highly Stressful!

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Rose Michael

Repeated extensions on paycheck loans can maximize your payday loan credit card debt to these an great total in so minor time, that it could come to be entirely not possible to suit your needs to have rid of it entirely! Payday cash-advances expand at an exponential fee. A mere 1500-dollar volume, borrowed in opposition to your paycheck, if not repaid promptly, could mature as much as additional than double by itself in only six weeks!

If you're one among these, who, because of what ever causes, haven't been ready to obvious off your money in opposition to payday loans promptly, then you definitely would possibly have the ability to gain from a payday loan credit card debt consolidation support provided these days by lots of non-profit agencies.

The right way to Hunt for An effective Credit card debt Management Prepare?

The online world tends to make this incredibly uncomplicated in your case genuinely. You possibly can do a brief look for the top financial debt consolidation suppliers internet. The moment you receive a listing in front of you, you recognize where by to begin from. You just really have to review their terms and companies made available, and examine up previous user-testimonials about them. This action is particularly very important, for the reason that not all providers providing to consolidate your payday loan credit card debt are real! One can find scammers available as well, who could basically get you inside of an even worse form if you're not cautious!

Get Some Zero cost Via the internet Quotes

Every one of the greatest debt-management firms deliver zero cost quotes online for consolidating your financial debt from payday loan innovations. In case you make contact with them together with the facts of your respective present credit score scenario, they'll easily do a tough evaluation of what amount they could be capable to assist you to conserve and the way quickly they might help you to come to be debt-free. With this particular facility, it is e! asy to e ffortlessly get on the net quotes from 5-6 completely different businesses and examine them to obtain one of the best offer.

Particular Self-discipline Is Most significant!

Constantly try to remember that no credit score management firm can assist you get rid of your payday loan burden provided that you continue being unwilling to help you all by yourself! Charity starts in your own home! Credit-counseling and financial debt management companies do allow you to get reductions around the interest-rates and penalties. Additionally they negotiate together with your loan companies in order that you may make smaller sized payments just about every month, that are extra inexpensive in the latest revenue.

Nonetheless, ultimately, the ultimate obligation lies exclusively on you! Should you carry on taking additional credit score in opposition to your income, even whilst your current credit card debt continues to be not cleared, then no one can assist you! Or should you commence defaulting around the month to month installments from the consolidated mortgage as well, then your no credit check loans financial debt will maintain increasing and you'll stay caught with it permanently!

About the Author

GotCashAdvance.comNo Credit Check Loans

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Experience a divine presence practicing Kundalini Yoga

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Ishika Gill

Since the past 5,000 years, Yoga has been phenomenal in reviving the lives of the people who have always wanted to emancipate themselves. Yoga helps us to discover ourselves and it helps to nurture our positive aspects. Yoga helps us to emerge as better human-beings and arms us to deal with the challenges of day-to-day life. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning "union". It enables a person to take control over his/her mind, body and soul. Yoga teaches us to be better human-beings who would contribute to the society. Tremendous physical benefits are the immediate by-products of Yoga. But the long-term benefits are even better. A person becomes mindful and aware of his surroundings and thus can lead a better life.An important part of Yoga is meditation. Yoga deals with the physiological aspects and the psychological aspects, and leads a practitioner to a higher level of consciousness. Meditation makes one calm and composed. In today's world, we are increasingly becoming entangled in the troubles of day-to-day life. There is too much mind chatter that has engulfed every individual. In such situations, meditation provides an easy escape route to help find one's self and achieve a state of consciousness. Meditation when practiced with meditation music helps him connect with the inner self. A person suddenly finds a better way to deal with problems and miseries. Meditation music CDs offered by Spirit Voyage are guaranteed to help an individual find that elusive peace. Illumination by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa is a meditation music that can be easily sung along and listened to. Then, there is Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa and the Deva Premal complete music collection, featuring the soulful voice of Deva Premal that will surely make the listener feel joyful. Meditation for Transformation can also help an individual discover himself. This CD contains two 31-minute versions of this special meditation. Within the packaging is a detailed description of the mudra to use in practicing ! the medi tation accompanied by details of the benefits of doing the meditations.Kundalini Yoga has gained a huge popularity amongst the people worldwide. For thousands of years, the yogic technology of kundalini was veiled in secrecy and passed only from master to chosen disciple. Today, the sacred practice of Kundalini yoga, known for its ability to promote health, creativity, and spiritual awareness, is alive and flourishing in yoga studios nationwide. Kundalini Yoga is not just a simple set of exercises. It is a dynamic and powerful way to increase one's awareness. It is not only beneficial to one's glandular system, but also gives an immense boost to the nervous system, thereby increasing the coordination between the brain and the rest of the body. Meditation consists of an important aspect of Kundalini Yoga. After the Kriyas or the actions, a person is required to meditate to calm his/her body and mind. Yoga is a fun filled and joyous experience when it done under proper guidance and under proper wear. Choosing right kind of Yoga clothes are immensely important for practicing yoga. The Yoga clothes from Spirit Voyage are all stitched in natural and moisture control fabrics. The stylish cuts and full elasticity of these yoga wears shall help a practitioner to move his/her body parts freely, while performing different asanas.We, at Spirit Voyage have a host of Yoga music CDs and DVDs which can assist a person in experiencing divinity through Kundalini Yoga. There is Kundalini Yoga to Detox by Maya Fiennes, Kundalini Yoga: a complete course for beginners compiled by Nirvair Singh Khalsa and finally An introduction to Kundalini Yoga and Chanting by Mantra Girl. Kundalni Yoga for balanced chakras by GuruTej Kaur lets one take good control of the energy circles throughout the body. The practices will intiate powerful Kundalini energy flow from the base of the spine, through the energy circles(chakras), to the entire bio-magnetic field. Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation composed by Nirvair Singh Khalsa is a beautiful Y! oga DVD that provides deep insights and fun-filled exercises which can put the person into a perfect physical and mental condition. Select a Kundalini Yoga DVD to transform your innerself and experience an eternal bliss. With Spirit Voyage Yoga Music collection, delve deep into the world of serenity and tranquility. You can also browse through the different accessories that Spirit Voyage offers. There are yoga and meditation cushions, yoga rugs and yoga mats on offer. These Yoga Mats shall offer proper cushioning against the hard wood floors, hence allowing the practitioner to practice the asanas, all the more perfectly.

Relax your mind and create a transcending experience as you listen to the yoga and meditation music from Spirit Voyage. Let the serene Kundalini Sadhana Music and the Sanskrit Mantras, the Healing and Massage Therapy Music or the Downtempo and Chill Music lead your senses to a mystic high and evoke a spiritual mood within.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Don't Have Any Worry With Cellulite Reduction Syracuse!

Posted: 20 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Jackrobin Joseph

It's Just Like a Massage!In numerous ways, the therapy you can expect can be like an in-depth tissue massage. The method we use for cellulite reduction syracuse is known as Photomology®. This method basically warms the skin with light and lasers set to particular levels that are known to assist the cellulite have a diminished appearance. We'll discuss how this process works a little bit later. Part of the method that a massage works is that it warms your tissues so that the fluid can move within them after which come back to your the lymphatic system to become removed. The massage causes heat much like this therapy of cellulite reduction syracuse, which helps to excite your parasympathetic nerves and allow you to really feel relaxed rather than stressed. By stimulating your parasympathetic central nervous system, your defense mechanisms can also be boosted as your body is feeling relaxed. Who'd have thought that searching for cellulite reduction syracuse treatments you'll even be protecting your wellbeing! This allows you to go through a series of treatments, depending on your individual situation, so your cellulite lessens visible. Items to Keep in MindJust like after having a massage, it is important to drink a lot of water following a therapy. Your lymphatic system deals with a lot of the toxicity inside you, but unlike your vascular system, it does not get propelled via the motion of the heart. Instead, it gets propelled through exercise and gravity. If you do a head stand, your lymph will exercise than if you are sitting yourself down all day. As this cellulite reduction syracuse treatment is moving the cells for your lymph, it is usually good to drink plenty of water!As you can see, there is certainly little to become scared of with cellulite reduction therapy at A & E and NYS Surgery Center. We'll take note of your requirements and speak to you about your options. Photomology® is nothing being fearful of and can make you feel relaxed and satisfied with the selection of cellulite redu! ction sy racuse treatments! When you are searching for cellulite reduction syracuse, you'll not be disappointed with what you find at A & E and NYS Surgery Center. We make use of a new technology called Photomology® to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Reducing the appearance of cellulite can help you feel much more comfortable within your body and help you lead living you always wanted. Here we will look at how Photomology® works and speak about a few of the concerns you might have. What Photomology® DoesCellulite Reduction Syracuse uses Photomology® since it can be so beneficial rather than in any way invasive. Since cellulite is actually brought on by enlarged fat cells in an inflexible network of fibrous areas of your skin, botox cosmetic injections at cellulite reduction syracuse can be used to stimulate the metabolic processes that restore flexibility compared to that tissue. Body fat cells are no longer stagnant and visible; rather, they become liquefied and go back to the lymphatic system of the body. So how exactly does it Do this?It could sound complicated, however, it isn't. Cellulite Reduction Syracuse utilizes a specialized device that produces all those things that lessen the appearance of cellulite happen in a easy and soothing way. You can find lasers and light energy utilized to make the cell membranes more permeable. This is partially carried out by heat. You may already know, heat opens your pores. By relaxing the tissue, there is certainly room for the rest of the procedure to take place.

About the Author

Cellulite is a concern that affects lots of women to cause them to feel negatively about their own health when their skin is more visible. To be able to feel better about yourself, consider cellulite reduction syracuse and ask us all of your most important questions. You will be happy you did!Visit us at -

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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