Meditation Tips and Techniques - How to Start Meditating with Ease Today

Meditation Tips and Techniques - How to Start Meditating with Ease Today

Meditation Tips and Techniques - How to Start Meditating with Ease Today

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Melissa Harris

Are you keen to learn how to meditate for beginners tips and guides to help you discover the true benefits and positive aspects of meditation for yourself? Meditation can bring so many wonderful benefits to your life and if you have ever spoken to someone who meditates daily then I am sure you know only too well what it can do for you.

Meditation is not difficult, the problem is people overcomplicate the practice by thinking, yes, thinking can stop you from achieving an ultra deep meditative state. Meditation is about silencing the mind and with today's modern life it can be hard to let all those thoughts melt off you when trying to meditate but that is your mission.

In order to learn how to meditate properly you need to understand some of what you can expect and how you can combat these speed bumps without distracting yourself and failing to enter meditation. One simple technique you should try is called the focused breathing exercise which helps you bring your attention away from your thoughts and stress and allows you to quiet your mind.

Find a spot where you will not be disturbed or interrupted and then take this time as your time and your time alone. It doesn't have to be hours, even a ten to fifteen minutes is a great start. Lay or sit comfortably and closes your eyes. Listen to the sound of the air going in and out of your lungs and focus on this feeling. Chances are that you will have random thoughts pop inside your head from nowhere, if this happens simply bring your attention back to the sound of your breathing.

Repeat this process as your body begins to relax and your mind enters complete silence.

There are some great meditation techniques for beginners you can find online but if you want to easily get into deep meditation faster than normally possible you should look at downloading and getting your hands on binaural beats. Binaural beats are extremely effective and one of the most popular applications for binaural beats is you guess it, meditation.


Binau ral beats work by providing your brain with frequencies that help your mind and body relax a lot easier than trying to do it in silence. It takes no experience to get started with binaural beats and meditation, all you need to do is download the required beat and start listening with a pair of headphones or earphones.

Meditation is well worth any frustration you will probably encounter. The benefits of meditation have been known for thousands of years and now meditation is one of the most popular treatments for many mental and physical conditions such as depression, sleep improvement, improved mood and helping improve your outlook on life fast.

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Discover How to Meditate for Beginners and learn How to Meditate Properly today.

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Reduce Stress With Omega-3

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Walter Chase

Omega-3 has been found to be very beneficial for overall good health. It has been found to improve the health of your heart, lower cholesterol, improve your blood pressure, help prevent some cancers, and help you lose weight, just to name a few. But did you know it could help you reduce the stress that is in your life.

Several studies have validated the issue of Omega-3 reducing stress.


A study by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) on London cabbies showed that Omega-3 was helpful in reducing stress. They measured the cabbies memory and stress levels before and after. For three months they were fed four servings a week of Omega-3 rich fish. After the test, they found that the cabbies were better able to cope with stress and had better memories.

Ohio State University conducted a study on depression and stress. What they found was that a diet is very important to how a person responds to depression and stress. They recommend that we balance our Omega-6 and our Omega-3. Omega-6 provides inflammation hormones for our immune system. But we get way to much Omega-6 since it comes from processed foods. They recommend we reduce our Omega-6 and increase our Omega-3 to reduce depression and stress. Our diet today has a ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 of about 20 to 1. They recommend a ratio of 4 or even 2 to 1.

Research at Lausanne University in Switzerland, found that giving daily doses of fish oil found a significant reduction in stress hormones and blood fat. This study only lasted three weeks.

The British Association of Anger Management found that eating a diet with Omega-3 improved the ability of people to deal with stressful circumstances.

Sources Of Omega-3

The best sources of Omega-3 can be found in cold-water fish. So what is a cold-water fish? These fish are high in fish oils such as salmon, trout, cod, tuna, anchovies, mackerel and sardines. It is recommended that you eat at least three servings a! week of cold-water fish.

If you do not like fish or are concerned about metal contamination in fish, a good source of fish oil is in supplements. If you take these supplements make sure they are quality supplements and contain the fatty acids EPA and DHA.


To reduce your stress levels and have a healthier life style, ensure to include Omega-3 in your diet. You can get these from either cold-water fish or quality supplements.

About the Author

To learn more about the benefits of Omega-3, and receive a free e-book which discuses all the benefits of Omega-3 at Walter Chase's web site Good Fatty Acids.

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Meditation therapy is commonly used to help people coping with stress.Learning to gain control of your thoughts and emotions, helps you to relax and experience peace, when you need to...The ability to relax and experience peace is a way to gain respite from distressing thoughts, worries and the information, especially when you have an unusually stressful day.Meditation therapy helps reduce stress by taking the mind away from focusing on problems and creating negative energy.Meditation, practiced regularly helps release stress and fatigue while resting the body.Meditation can actually help your body heal naturally, because it reduces the unhealthy chemicals that stress produces.The benefits of meditation therapy have a snowball effect starting, with reducing your stress.Meditation brings the body and mind to a state of peace and balance, which will in turn reduce stress, allowing the body to heal, and improve and maintain health.The benefits of meditation on the body and mind are enormous.People meditate simply to relax their body and mind, improve sleep, and rejuvenate their body so that they will be at their optimum performance for the next busy day.As an exercise, spend a short moment and experience this brief video, taking note of how you feel before you watch it, and how you feel when you have finished.Meditation therapy techniques are used to quiet the mind. When your conscious mind is calm and peaceful, without worries or distracting thoughts, you become open to ...

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The shift to self awareness

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Larry Blenn

I have spent the past year studying, reading, watching and learning everything I can about quantum physics, metaphysics, religious teachings, atheism, spirituality, consciousness and anything else I can get my hands on in similar fields. I am not a scientist, preacher or scholar. I do not belong to any groups or organizations which promote any particular viewpoint about the world. I am a regular American citizen just like you. I do not consider myself an enlightened being or possibly even superior to anyone.

Over the past year my concern for the world state of affairs has set me on this path which I am now writing about. I have recently been in the process of studying the work of evolutionist, atheist & writer - Richard Dawkins. I will say first hand that I agree with Richard Dawkins emphatically when it comes to how our world and our species came about. Do not be quick to label me as an atheist however. As I said before, I am not aligned with any group or religion, or lack there of.

I think that to truly understand what science is telling us, we must make the effort to educate ourselves. Now I'm sure to most people studying monkeys or old fossils might seem boring and I would probably agree with you in that regard. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least make the attempt to continue learning and challenging your beliefs and assumptions. Doing so is actually very healthy.

My reasoning for talking about Mr. Dawkins is that I want everyone to understand that the transition from our current concepts about humanity and the world surely must continuously be challenged. However, the manor in which we engage in these discussions will most likely be touchy ground for the foreseeable future.

Many of us in the United States have been taught a base of Christian values from early childhood. Even those of us who do not or have not attended church still come from a Christian base without even knowing it. You can pick up any history book in any United States school and s! ee that we measure history through past conquests which are mostly brought about because of religion. And I'm not just referring to Christianity either. Most religions have plundered history with crusades of one sort or the other. And today all of our children are being taught this stuff.

The turning point we all must face is that it will take individual effort from each one of us if we hope to survive as a race. This is certainly the age of reason. It is time to put down our old ideals about the world and start learning together. The first step in this process is through self awareness. Realizing our inner power to do better and be better as individuals and as a race is the key that will unlock the doors of hate, racism, greed, and other social problems. We do not need a religious icon or false ideal to see that in general people are good and that we can learn to live together without all the close minded constraints that we place on ourselves.

One way that we can start this transition is to be open minded about all theories, scientific research and provable ideas. We can debate without judgment or ridicule and open ourselves up to new ways of thinking. But we must first learn to control our own egos and the only way to achieve this is through self education. This may be an unheard cry to the masses but we have to start somewhere and I suggest we start today.

Quantum Physics tells us that the physical world is made up of endless possibilities and since we come from this Universe, we can also achieve great things if only we have the desire to do so. Your true potential is at your fingertips, all that is required is the desire to do something better for yourself. There are no limits except the ones you place upon your own life. Lack of money, time or experience are only excuses that hold you back from being the person you have always dreamed of being. We all have challenges in life and that should not be a reason to stop yourself from achieving a life of abundance. Only you can decide where you! go tomo rrow but it takes honest effort starting now

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Earth - Mystical Soundscapes album, track 1 - By Michael Mused

Available on itunes, Buy the physical CD here: A photographic arrangement on music by Michael Mused. Earth in all her splendor and abundance of life and wonder.

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Crime on Halloween on Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 6

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Manik

The Criminal Minds season 6 episodes were having it all so far, right from endless drama to intriguing plots. Though the season started on a low note for some, with detective JJ making her final appearance, the momentum soon caught up. What we have now is an action-packed, ground-breaking cult procedural show.

When Halloween combines with a show like Criminal Minds, you surely don't want to miss the action that ensues. If you're wondering when and how that's going to happen, all that you have to do is, wait for when you can watch Criminal Minds season 6 episode 6 online after its airing, or catch the episode live. The episode will be titled 'Devil's Night', and is going to be packed with terror to the brim. If you can't wait for when you'll be able to watch it, read on as I let you know some spoilers.

The episode will watch the BAU team as it sets out to track a killer, who follows a pattern of killing that's related to Halloween. The killer will have been striking Detroit for the past three years, and what's particularly intriguing is that each time, he does it during Halloween. Beware, since with the terrifying plot that weaves into the episode's story arc, you may just begin to dread Halloween. Tune in to Criminal Minds season 6 episode 6 online after its telecast, or catch the episode live, and decide whether or not it manages to scare the wits out of you.

The colossal fan base of Criminal Minds can be well explained by the fact that not only does it have an immensely well-crafted plot in each of its season 6 episodes, but it also enjoys the brilliant portrayal of each character, owing to its magnificent star cast. Each of the Criminal Minds season 6 episodes has kept audiences glued to it, with bated breaths begging for more.

Take for instance the third episode of the season which had kept us on the edge of our seats as we watched Rossi reopening a cold unsolved case after the murder of several women in a similar fashion in Bristol, Virginia. This episode of Crimina! l Minds was one of the most scintillating of the season 6 episodes so far as it took us right, where we want to be when we tune in to the show- in the deepest crevices of the criminal mind.

For yet another captivating plot from the show's kitty, be sure to watch Criminal Minds season 6 online or catch up with its latest episode live. This is one episode that you don't want to miss if you want to witness an eerie glimpse into the mind of a criminal, who doesn't mind waiting for an entire year before he can continue his pattern of murders. Brace up for some blood-splattering and mind-boggling action as you tune in to the episode.

About the Author

To Watch Criminal Minds Online you can follow the link and enjoy all the Criminal Minds Episodes from here

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Applied Ethics in Education - Thich Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh describes Applied Ethics in Education. See more of Thich Nhat Hanh in the new Peace is the Way feature documentary and animated film. Filmed by the Peace is the Way Team.

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Tea remedies for stress have been highly sought after due to faster lifestyle pace

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by

Tea remedies for stress have been increasingly sought after by many individuals as the challenges of daily living in this fast-paced age steadily mount. Each day, people are constantly subjected to a barrage of aggravating circumstances from work and home-related matters. While most are able to successfully cope up with these challenges, some struggle while others totally collapse under the weight of these seemingly insurmountable burdens.

Enter stress. What exactly is stress? And why has this word gradually come into widespread use over the last few decades?

While there is no exact definition for the word, "stress" generally refers to the effects or consequences of people's inability to respond satisfactorily & adjust adequately to physical, emotional or mental challenges.

When people encounter stress, they face a variety of symptoms that ultimately lead to their normal functioning mechanisms becoming impaired. Decision-making suffers, interpersonal relationships are affected, and there are feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety, depression, sadness and even lethargy.

Physical symptoms of stress may include:

- headaches- palpitations- aches and pains, and- indigestion

Many sufferers would tend to seek medical and professional help in treating these symptoms. But more and more individuals now turn to traditional tea remedies for stress, using ingredients readily found at home.

Throughout the ages, some teas and herbal tisanes have been found to be quite effective in treating symptoms related to stress. Most of these have sedative and calming properties that slow down an overly active nervous system and usher people to a more restful and serene state.

Here are some of these tea remedies for stress:

Lavender Tea

A tisane from lavender flowers is said to help introduce a calming and relaxing effect on the body. Its active ingredients include l inalol, eucalyptol, pinene, limonene, cineole, phenol, coumarins and flavonoids. These constit! uents in tandem with one another are believed to help relax and soothe the nervous system, making it one of the more important tea remedies for stress.

Skullcap Tea

This herbal tea is generally believed to act as a tranquilizer for both the body and the mind. It is known to relax the body and soothe the nervous system. Its main ingredients of flavonoids (mainly scutellarin), iridoids, tannins and volatile oils work in concert to sedate the nervous system and help achieve reduced tension, anxiety and stress in sufferers.

Passion Flower Tea

An infusion of this herb has been observed to work on the nervous system by toning the sympathetic nerve, and by improving blood circulation and enhancing the nutrition that the nerves receive. This tea acts as a smooth sedative and lowers the symptoms of over-activity and stress in a person.

The abovementioned factors are widely believed to be the effects of the combined actions of the antioxidant flavonoids, alkaloids and 8-pyrone derivatives on the nervous system. Further studies on these constituents are needed though to conclusively explain this tea's exact healing mechanism.

Catnip Tea

This minty drink's effect in soothing frayed nerves is quite well-known. This has been largely attributed to the effects of nepetalactone in the body. Nepetalactone is a terpene compound that is a major constituent of the catnip herb. It is believed to possess mild sedative properties. By virtue of several studies done on animals, this substance was proven to help contribute to a reduction in overall activity & an increase in sleeping time.

Valerian Tea

A tea made from the root of the valerian plant is widely used as a sedative and tranquilizer to help facilitate calm in people suffering from anxiety, stress and sleeplessness. The therapeutic attributes of the valerian herb in healing disorders of the nervous system are traced to constituents called valepotriates, which incidentally are very similar to the nepetalactone constituent o! f catnip tea. These are believed to have tranquilizing effect on the mind.

These are but 5 of a potentially long list of tea remedies for stress that may have soothing effects on the nervous system.

As new technology and discoveries initiate a seismic shift in the way people live their lives in the modern era, the incidence of stress is definitely one thing that is expected to grow by leaps and bounds.

There has been a consistently noticeable yearning for knowledge on natural and non-artificial methods of treating and healing ailments in the past several decades. As the rigors of a fast-paced lifestyle permeate people's lives more deeply, there is apt to be greater demand for knowledge on tea remedies for stress.

About the Author

Tea Health Benefits are discussed at

Are you interested in a particular type of tea, we'll tell you its healing properties. Do you have an ailment? We'll tell you what tea may be used for its treatment.

Visit the Lavender Tea Health Benefits and Skullcap Tea Health Benefits pages.

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A Journey into American Indian Wisdom. A Journey into Creation and the Photography of the Hubble Telescope and the Art of Mark Russell. The American Indians Believe that there is a "Heartbeat to Mother Earth" They believe that when you reconnect with "Mother Earth" that this Energy is Healing. so Sit back and enjoy the Journey in "Indian Art and Wisdom" by Mark Russell

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Ways To Relax Your Mind - Ways To Relax Your Mind

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Leslie Waler

Seem to get tired and absorb the pressure that's coming in and never goes out? You can say that your mind is getting exhausted and it needs to relax to have it back right where you had it from the start. When you feel that you can seem to get a good momentum to get that work done, here are some ways to relax your mind to have that senses calm and ready to face that next move and good news is you don't have to risk much of your time to do it.Click Here For Easy Way To Relax Instant Access Now!Try a simple breathing yoga to have your mind and vascular system at ease. It won't take much of your time as well as setting that air on the right passage so you can breathe well and ease those air passages to get your energy and stamina back. This method is sure to let you get over the pressure and set your pace on positive energy and a more relaxed mind to be ready for the next move.Music can get those attention and senses to be on the mood for another round. You can have it by your own way to fill your senses whether it may be soft music like classical, R&B, instrumental or having a hard and aggressive type of music such as metal or rock and roll music to get your attention to be motivated for more energy.Getting over these ways to relax your mind is simply getting the time to do it before the exhaustion comes. It will be a better idea to compliment these ways with a most comfortable position and environment, so try to look up for that quiet environment if you can. Remember: nothing beats a complete relaxation with a peace of mind to do more, so try to cope up and seize the time.Finally, where the mind is, the body follows. In this concept, getting your mind at ease to lessen the pressure and lead yourself into a healthy lifestyle. So now try to get that mind at ease and have your relaxation easy with these ways to relax your mind right now.

Click Here For Easy Way To Relax Instant Access Now!

About the Author

This author writes about Guided Meditation Relaxation at Easy Way To Relax

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Healing Your Body & Conquering Stress Meditation from Dr. Miller PART 2 of 2

In these sessions you will learn the essential skills, how to put them to work to produce healing and peak performance, and how to dedicate the time needed to fully develop and maintain them. You will be introduced to the crucial tool of mindfulness -- Selective Awareness -- the ability to intentionally choose the focus of your attention and the intensity of that focus. Selective Awareness is the process that underlies such practices as meditation, prayer, self-hypnosis, and other states that give rise to the power to truly transform your life and your world. WATCH Part 1 (Lecture): Through meditation and deep relaxation, you will learn to focus your awareness, laser-like, to develop a deeply relaxed physical state, and then to clear and balance your "emotional body." This balancing allows the Life force to vibrate through all the cells of your body to initiate the processes of healing and energizing the right habits of eating, resting, and keeping your body fit and your life in balance. For more information & registration visit: Time: 7-9:30pm Location: Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center 180 Cambridge Court Grass Valley, CA Tuition: in Advance at the Door Register: Send us an email or call to register 530-478-1807 Dates: 2/23/12 -- Heal Your Body/Conquer Stress 3/22/12 -- Balance Mind and Emotions 4/19/12 -- Becoming the Change / Change Habits and Behaviors 5/17/12 -- Heal Your Relationships -- The Magic and Power of Harmony 6/14/12 ...

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Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 7/14/2012

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"Whether we are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, whatever our nationality, color, social status, or ideology may be, the purpose of our lives is to be happy."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Be Open to Receive What You Create!

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Fia Crandall

Copyright (c) 2007 Fia Crandall

So you have something you have been working on creating for some time now. Maybe it's your dream career, maybe it's a car, or maybe it's a deeply fulfilling love relationship...

Whatever it is, if you really want to receive something new into your life, you will need to be open to receive it.

In this world of ours, there is so much focus on action, pushing and making things happen. Even those of us who use the Law of Attraction on a regular basis can fall into this trap.

What you will want to know that this is NOT the vibration of receiving.

The vibration of receiving is much softer, it is not a pushing our way kind of energy. It is much more like an allowing energy.

Think of it like this. Imagine your dream was at the top of a mountain. Yes, there is definitely a journey to the top of the mountain, but at some point the journey ends and you reach your dream.

The energy you have as you pursue your dream can tend to be stuck in that action mode, but when you receive your dream, you have to relax and take it in.

You don't want to be so tired from your action journey that you are exhausted when you reach your dream!

And you don't want to be stuck in the action mode, reach your dream and say "okay, I'm here, better get going to the next one..."

And more than that, you don't want to get so stuck in the action mode that the Universe sends you the long way to the top, the way filled with difficulty, stress and frustration.

Learning to receive is a lot like allowing yourself to enjoy your life. It's not all about the actions you take. If you really want to align your energy with what you want, to be open to receive it, you will want to stop along the way and feel the wonderful energy of your dream.

You want to be connected to the feeling of your dream when it will be your life. You will want to relax into that feeling. You want to enjoy that feeling now, so you match what you want and it can come into y! our life easily.

When you are open to receive, your energy matches what you want so much that it feels logical that what you want be your reality. Rather than be something "out there" that you'll get to one day, you want to feel as though it is your reality.

Sounds simple, but it is a huge shift in energy. As a spiritually conscious person, who is likely intuitive, the way of action alone no longer gives us the results we want.

Rest in that softer energy of receiving and enjoying your dream. I will bet it will make your dream come so much faster than if you take the action only route. And it will be so much more enjoyable because you have been living it all along.

Take a few moments along your journey to relax into the wonderful feeling you will have when your dream is here. This will help you be open to receive your dream much more quickly and joyfully than if you were to only focus on action.

About the Author

Fia Crandall is an Intuitive Coach & Healer who helps spiritually conscious women create their heart-felt desires and overcome the internal blocks and challenges faced on their journey. Receive her FREE E-Course: "3 Steps to Creating Your True Desires!" by visiting:

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The Hopi Elders Speak.wmv

The Elders have come forth at this time because they believe that we have passed the point of no return and major changes are imminent. It is their hope to "soften" the effects by appealing to all to return to a simpler, more spiritual way of life. We are the Ones we have been waiting for!! "If you change now, and change your life around, it will help in the alleviation of much of the terrible outcome from the cataclysms. There is a lot in store for all of us. And the intensity of this will be a lot less if we can all settle down and behave, and not be in the actions that we are right now." "Practice your spirituality, whatever it may be, like you have never practiced it before." And realize that your consciousness affects the outcome. Your consciousness effects everything. Realize that your thoughts, words and actions of today contribute to what the world will be like tomorrow Once you accept that change is happening, LET GO OF FEAR. Realize that it is a time of change and not necessarily a time of fear. Fear clouds good judgment and put heavy blocks between the inner intuition, which will be so important during this time, and your conscious mind. The earth changing will not kill you; it changes all the time! But fear, denial, and not being open to your Inner Self and your intuition may. (Simon Hunt The Prophecy Song by Joanne Shenandoah,

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Chinese Stress Balls - How Chinese Balls can reduce stress

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Harry Randhawa

Everyone experiences some form of stress from time to time. Some signs of stress are high enough, orprolonged, it can have a detrimental effect on your well-being. One type of stress that men and Women turned into a stress ball, in particular, Chinese stress balls.Chinese Stress Balls, they are sometimes called Chinese balls in training, the Chinese Health Balls or Baoding balls are one of the legendary treasures of Baoding, China, where they are called "Miracle Balls". They were found in the history of the Ming Dynasty ruled China, and the Handicrafts and other industries flourished under them. They are one of China's most ancient products that claim all kinds of treatment preferences of people around the world.The Chinese Stress Balls is the size of golf balls, but there are many different sizes to fit different hand sizes. So It is recommended that you start with an amount that can be handled easily, and then work your way up to higher dimension. The most common sizes ranging from 1.25 to 2 inches.They diameter is always pairs and are made of colored metal. Mainly traditional Chinese colors. Most of the Chinese Stress Plumes emitted by jingling sound when moved around. These stress-reducing balls are held for palm trees at a time to rotate clockwise and counterclockwise directions alternatively.But only Chinese Balls can reduce your stress? It seems too simple, that these Chinese health balls can help stress. Chinese Stress Balls is an incredible reduction in fundamental ways. When the balls rolled around and processed, it stimulates a number of acupuncture points on the palms of the hands that in turn, passes healing effects on many organs in your body, the acupuncture channels to achieve from the fingers, into the brain. This enhances the smooth flow of energy use the whole body and really quite powerful to use the stress marks appear.Chinese Stress Balls It is believed that helps to reduce fatigue and worry, there are states in order to prevent and reduce high blood pressure and help with ar! thritis, intra-, inter alia hands. When the physical movement of the Chinese Stress Balls and helps release the mental and emotional stress. When you use visualization strategies to facilitate the stress of working in China stress balls. They imagine the stress transferred from their hands into a ball, how they can change them. As they grow more proficient with the exercises, they as well as their better visualization techniques, and stress more effectively.

About the Author

For more information on high quality products like Koozies and for competitive prices and good service visit bluesodapromo.

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When The Mind Runs

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by KimChell Haskell

Several years ago I was having drinks with my best friend Gayle, her husband Tom and a few of our other couple friends. The food was great and the conversation was light, interesting, and there were lots of laughs. Until Jan, another lady in our group, in telling a story of a woman she had known years earlier says to Gayle's husband, "you really should have met her, you two would have hit it off." The table went quiet for a moment and Tom quickly asked what she meant by that to which she simply replied, "nothing, it was a long time ago, I didn't mean anything by it." The conversation returned to normal and what appeared to be an innocent comment was dropped. Or so we thought.

A few days later I received a telephone call from Gayle during which she went into great detail about how upset she was at the comment, why it upset her, and how she was feeling about it.

I couldn't help but think that Gayle appeared to be looking for a reason to be upset.

From outside the box of her life there were many good things going on, her income had just increased, her house had sold, she and Tom were purchasing their dream home, and she was trim and healthy with absolutely adorable children.

Many things that had previously troubled her were no longer present in her life and I deduced that there wasn't a lot remaining to take her away from doing things for her Self.

I imagined her standing in an empty room with this big orange animated hairy monster that represented the character of her Self and not knowing what to do with it.

So the knee-jerk reaction was for her to pull any straw from the basket of life to distract her Self. In this case she directed her focus on a single comment as a means to avoid dealing with the monster in the room.

Immediately I began to question what she was really upset about. So I asked, "are you really upset because of the possibility that:

* Someone else might not like you?

* Someone else might think you should be married to som! eone els e?

* Someone else might think you should be in a different place?

What Happened

All of Gayle's actions created anxiety within her, as well as pain and stress. All of these emotions thus kept her from dealing with her Self. It became an excuse, a reason if you will for not eating better that day, for not going to the gym, for not tackling more on her life's to-do list. After all, who could function with this kind of stress?

For many people their life is but a series of events that center around finding reasons and ways to deflect from dealing with their monsters; and most people do so without much if any conscious thought of what they're doing.

It's been several years now since this incident and I still hear about this comment and it's affects on Gayle. Years I say!

Now here's a thought, if she has been able to distract herself this much with this one comment I have to wonder what else she has allowed to be a reason for not going after her life's to-do list. I imagine her with bundles upon bundles of self created stacks of distractions that keep her big orange hairy monster loaded down enough to not have to deal with it.

First of all notice that no one ever said any of those things and look at how the mind was allowed to run and turn it into so many other things.

Second- look at the emotions that were generated when the mind was allowed to run with this thought. Not a one of these emotions were positive. Every thought was based in fear; fear of not being accepted, fear of not being liked, fear of not being loved, fear of what someone else thought, fear of having made a mistake, etc.

Third- Look at where the blame went here. Gayle without questioning the comment at all, simply gave all her power away when she assigned blame to another for the emotions she felt from the meaning she gave words that were spoken by someone else.

Gayle had created a story of her own and generated within herself negative feelings about the thoughts she produced.

Bel ow are a few suggestions on how to turn a negative thought around and not let the mind run away with assumptions:

Ask before you Assume

You might feel a little silly asking someone "do you think Tom and I shouldn't be married, or do you secretly not like me?" But who cares! We've ALL been there. Its easy to misinterpret something or take away different messages based on our own past experiences. Look for answers to your thoughts... there is no shame in seeking not to blame!


I'm sure that there is a statistic somewhere that states the percentage of misunderstandings as being off the charts. Rather than me seeking that study out, just know that misunderstandings happen... and they happen a lot. So ask the questions you want the answers to before your mind runs away with something.

Do Something... Anything

If you are upset then do whatever you can do to change your thoughts. Get up right now and sing Chubby Checker's "Let's Twist" song while you gyrate around, get yourself out of the house (you can bookmark this article for later), sing a song, call a friend, play with the cat or dog or any pet that you may have. Anything you can do to get your mind moving in another positive direction is a good move to be making.

Be Mindful of the Mind

Your mind is extremely powerful. Be conscious of those slipper little thoughts that creep in there. When you notice a negative one then in that very moment simply turn it around by saying something positive to yourself.

For example:

If you're thinking how much you dislike someone, or something they do or have done, think of yourself as a cheerleader chanting in your mind, "I only give love, I only get love". When you complain to yourself about the extra weight you've put on tell yourself how much you love and appreciate yourself.

It might sound a little corny to some and I'm okay with that. You do not have to take my word for it. Just try it sometime. Try it for yourself and see how you feel whe! n you im mediately respond with a positive action to a negative thought. You're the only thinker in your mind and you don't have to share your thoughts with anyone else.

Give yourself Cheers

Congratulate yourself for noticing your negative thoughts in the first place. Many people don't pay enough attention to their thoughts which is how they get overrun with negativity in the first place. The mind is always thinking, and thoughts can be very slippery little suckers. When you catch a negative one and you turn it around, you are in the midst of your awesomeness... you essentially rock... let yourself know it!

I sincerely hope you have enjoyed this article as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

Most Sincerely,KimChell Haskell

About the Author

KimChell [Kim-Shell] Talk is a simple reference guide designed to inspire you to transform your Self from a reader to a doer. We strive to help you shed your disempowering thoughts, words, and actions with the free content found throughout Life is a journey... not a destination point. We want to help you dance along your course as if no one is watching you, sing as if no one can hear you, and enjoy the many pleasures of life. So we wish you many happy trails.

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euronews Life - Thailand's spiritual soul Buddhism is an essential part of Thai culture which has retained its significance in the modern world. In the second edition of Thai Life we are looking at the fourth largest religion in the world. We'll also get to experience one of the most important dates in the Buddhist calendar: Vishaka Bucha day. The monotonous chanting of the monks sets the spiritual tone of the festival. The whole of Thailand comes together to celebrate the birth, enlightenment and the passing of Buddha. However, this year's festivities are extra special: it's the 2600th anniversary of Buddha's enlightenment and Thailand is getting ready to host visiting Buddhists from all over the world. Kim McSweeney is an Australian Buddhist devotee: "It's beautiful to see everybody in national dress, coming together in a cultural way, it's always in a spiritual way. And it's wonderful to see other traditions, there are other monks here. I have just met some Cambodian monks and there are Chinese ones as well and all the different nationalities are represented because we all come together with our hearts for Buddha." Buddha - the awakened one - is not worshipped as a saint, but as a role model and as the religion has no God, its keystones are personal and spiritual development. Followers are encouraged to learn and apply Buddha's practices to daily life, as Ajahn Jayasaro explains: "Buddhism is a different kind of religion to the ones that we are familiar with in the West. If the religious ...

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Relieve Your Tension Via Binaural Meditation

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by D. Murphy

Binaural meditation is really a form of spiritual practice in which you listen to sounds--musical tones--through headphones to be able to induce a state of meditation. The practice of meditation, within the even that you're not familiar with it, is really a practice in which you attempt to reach state of mind in which you feel like you've transcended yourself. That's, you go beyond your own personal emotions or concerns of the immediate moment and "fall into a zone". Actually, numerous athletes and martial artists who obtain superior performances talk about "the Zone" that they go into mentally. This is really a kind of meditation. Fantastic artists also enter into a state of mind that's akin to deep meditation when they produce their novels, musical compositions, paintings, and so on.

Binaural meditation is induced by two extremely slightly various tones being played at the exact same time. One tone is played in one ear and also the other tone is, obviously, played within the other ear. This is why it's essential to listen to binaural beats, as they're known as, via headphones. Some individuals say that in the event you have an advanced surround-sound program you are able to sit between the speakers and obtain the desired effect, but in truth the use of headphones is the recommended way of listening.

The two slightly various tones induce the state of binaural meditation simply because the brain naturally attempts to reconcile them into a single tone. To do this the brain should mix them together in spite of the reality that physically they are two various tones. The brain's mixing activity generates specific brainwaves, and these in turn send the practitioner into a state of meditation--a mental state of timeless lucidity and extreme clarity, beyond personal emotion and personal discernment.

Binaural meditation could be utilized by anybody, and this is why it has caught fire in recent years. Usually, reaching the deeper states of meditation is feasible only following num! erous ye ars of practice and discipline. The only exception would be the fantastic artist, but how numerous individuals are fantastic artistic talents or have the drive to practice their art at an intense level almost every single day? So, in truth, even the artist and also the athlete are continuously practicing. Yet by utilizing binaural beats, the "common man" can appreciate the advantages of meditation.

The advantages of binaural meditation are numerous. They consist of tension reduction, the speeding up of physical healing, enhanced creativity, improvement of memory, as well as anti-aging energies being stimulated. These are among the leading advantages of all meditation practices, actually; so, benefiting from meditation via listening to binaural beats with out needing to be some "Zen master" is now a highly sought-after expertise and practice.

To engage in binaural meditation, you require: a sound program with headphones; a binaural beats recording; along with a quiet, comfortable place where you are able to sit or lie down in solitude for 20 to 40 minutes with out any disturbance. It's recommended by those with expertise that you simply engage in binaural meditation twice every day, preferably within the early morning and then once more within the evening or just prior to bed.

About the Author

Are you looking for a way to reduce stress and focus? Maybe it's about time you give binaural meditation a try. It's by far the fastest and easiest way to meditate!

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Buddhist Peace Song - Hanshan Bell

From the album The Buddhist Peace Songs

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Fast Stress Busters

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Grisel Blazek

Stress has become a vital element of our lives. Today you won't find anyone who is living without a pinch of stress in their lives. Blame it on the work pressure or the busy life, stress has got inserted in our lives. However, if you know the tricks you can do away with the stress in just five minutes. These are some fast and effective stress busters.

The first and the best stress reliever is respiring exercise. It's the easiest way to fight stress. You simply need to understand the art of deep breathing and you can easily chill yourself in 1 or 2 minutes. There are several benefits of this stress relief technique. You can do it anywhere and at anytime of the day. Furthermore, it doesn't cost you a single penny and yet it is so effective. When you couple this exercise with led imagery and meditation, you'll see a reduction in your stress levels.

If you want to take a trendy route to fight stress, then tanning is the best way to go. Not that many know about the relationship between tanning and stress. Of course, tanning doesn't take 5 minutes but it can often help you get rid of stress for sure. As you soak in the sunshine to get that bronzed complexion, you are certain to feel relaxed. Besides, the bronzed look is bound to lead you to feel good and consequentially relaxed.

Another quick methodology to lose stress is a quick burst of exercise. Yes, exercise works wonder for your body- physically as well as psychologically. It allows you to vent out your pent up feelings and frustration. Additionally, exercise releases endorphins, which are the feel good hormones that help to relieve you from stress. However it is vital to practice a desired level of exercise to get all of these benefits. You can luxuriate in gymnastics, go for a stroll, practice yoga or perform any other physical activity that you adore to do.

You can even try aromatherapy to fight stress without inviting any side-effects. It happens to be one of the most harmless methodologies that deal with stress in a rel! axing wa y. You will be put at ease and your body will feel relaxed. You just need to light up some savoury candles and get into the bath tub. After a little time there you'll feel revived. Aromatic smells can add to the pleasure and lead you to feel relieved from stress. You may also couple aromatherapy with other techniques for more satisfactory results in stress easement.

Having a good hearty laugh is another superb method to battle stress. Often, all you need is a tiny humorous character to get thru the hardest eventualities. Watch an amusing film or read a funny book and experience a good laugh.

Hence when it is all about 5 minutes when it comes down to easing stress, then why remain stressed for long?

About the Author

I am a dog trainer who can tell you best about the importance of dog training and dog grooming.

Here Are A Few More Ways To Know About Tanning And Stress and Gymnastics.

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Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers stress management showreel

See Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers in action. Need a Motivational Speaker for your next Conference or Boardroom Briefing? Carole will deliver the charismatic high-impact keynote presentation, 'Show Stress Who's Boss!' at your next conference. Contact us: Buy Carole's new book "Show Stress Who's Boss" which can be found here http Take a look at our website where you will find proven stress management strategies and solutions:

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Your Computer Can Build Mind Power

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Quantum Publisher

Your Computer Builds Your Mind Power.A new study by UCLA neuroscientist Gary Small has clearly shown that using your computer changes your brain is some very beneficial ways, and can actully build mind power.

In his new book, iBRAIN: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind, Small tells us that the modern dramatic shift in how we gather information and communicate with one another has touched off an era of rapid evolution that may ultimately even change the human brain and build whole new aspects of our mind power.

This should not come as a surprise. Our amazing brain's plasticity - its ability to change in response to different stimuli - is now well known. And the more time you devote to a specific activity (like using your computer), the stronger the neural pathways (mind power) responsible for that activity become.

More Neurons = More Mind PowerProfessional musicians have more gray matter in brain regions responsible for finger movements. And athletes' brains are bulkier in areas that control hand-eye coordination. So, of course, people who process a lot of digital information would have more neurons dedicated to handling that information.

To see how the Internet might be rewiring us, Small and colleagues monitored the brains of 24 adults as they performed an online search, and again as they read a page of online text. The researchers were looking for any evidence that the experience tended to build mind power.

During the online search, those who reported using the Internet regularly in their everyday lives showed TWICE as much activity in brain regions responsible for decision-making and complex reasoning. WOW!

The findings suggest that Internet use enhances the brain's capacity to be stimulated, and that reading on your monitor activates more brain regions than reading printed words. The research adds to previous studies that have shown that tech-savvy people:

1 Possess greater working memory: they can store and retrieve more bits of ! informat ion in the short term,2 Are more adept at perceptual learning: adjusting their perception of the world in response to changing information, and3 Have better motor skills.

Researcher Small says these mind power differences are likely to be even more profound across generations, because younger people are exposed to more technology from an earlier age than older people.

The Mind Power Brain GapSmall refers to this as the brain gap. On one side, what he calls digital natives-those who have never known a world without e-mail and text messaging-use their superior cognitive abilities to make snap decisions and juggle multiple sources of sensory input.

On the other side, digital immigrants-those who witnessed the advent of modern technology long after their brains had been hardwired-are better at reading facial expressions than they are at navigating cyberspace.

Well - maybe, and maybe not. The thing to remember is this: Those of us who were not born with a computer on our playshelf STILL have brain plasticity going for us. So get Grandma and Gramps on the computer to build their mind power and stay sharp..

And as to those who say computer use is isolating youth, this too can be challenged. A 2005 Kaiser study found that young people who spent the most time engaged with high-technology also spent the most time interacting face-to-face with friends and family. Interesting.

ANOTHER WAY TO BUILD MIND POWERWant a higher level of mental performance? There are now some truly amazine online high tech programs especially designed to build your mind power.

Our free ecourse:

About the Author

Quantum Publisher. Tools to help you with motivation, mindpower, success, and lifestyle. Please now go to

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Can You Practice Meditation On Your Own?

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Robert Puff

There seems to be too much mysticism in the minds of some people when they hear the word, "meditation". However, the whole concept of meditation is not confined only to the spiritual or mystical, as many people now practice meditation in order to achieve relaxation and improve their mental focus. Actually, you do not even have to belong to a certain religious sect in order to benefit from the practice of meditation. It can be used to induce a feeling of relaxation anytime and anywhere you please.

Meditation is simply a process of focusing your mind on something that can create a sense of awareness. It can simply mean listening to sounds that create images of calmness in the mind or even listening to the flow of your breathing. It is not really a technique, but a state of mind, where the mind is free from scattered thoughts.

There are several elements necessary in order to succeed in meditating. One is a quiet place, if you are just new in practicing meditation. As you get more used to meditating, you would learn to concentrate even in the midst of distractions. This means you can meditate even during very stressful situations such as a company meeting or a confrontation with a family member.

Learning how to breathe is an essential element of successful meditation. Relaxed breathing is a technique where you breathe deeply using your diaphragm muscles to fill the lungs with air. The slow, rhythmic release of air from the lungs contributes a sense of calm.

A thought, a word, or an image to focus on is also necessary to have a successful meditation experience. In order to focus your attention, you can look at or think of a specific object like a place that you associate with peace. You can also recite a mantra (a phrase or a word that is repeated several times); the act of repeating the mantra over and over forces the mind to focus on the sound.

How To Practice Meditation On Your Own

Yes, it is possible to practic! e medita tion on your own. Choose the time and place where you will not be disturbed and follow these simple steps:

1. Practice deep breathing. Focus on how your breathing flows and try to keep a rhythmic pattern of breathing in and breathing out. Try to listen to the sounds you make while breathing.

2. Try focusing attention on different parts of your body. Be aware of the body's different sensations; if you feel there is a tense muscle anywhere focus your attention on it and imagine slowly lifting the tension away.

3. Take a relaxing walk and combine it with meditation. You can do this anywhere - at the park or inside a mall. Slow down your pace so that you can concentrate on your movements.

4. Take time to focus on gratitude. Expressing gratitude for things that give you joy - family, friends, and sometimes, objects can make you feel relaxed and calm. You can whisper a prayer of thanks for all these things; you can listen to some spiritual music or read inspiring messages.

There is no need to panic whenever your mind drifts during meditation. This is quite common even with people who have been meditating for quite a long time. When this happens, bring your attention back by focusing on an object, a thought or a sensation.

The art of meditation takes some practice before you can perfect it. Once you make it a habit to meditate regularly, you would find a more relaxed state of mind which is able to deal with daily stressful situations.

About the Author

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. has been studying and practicing meditation for over 30 years. He has a free weekly podcast where you can learn everything you need to know about meditation, whether you are looking to start your own personal meditation practice, have been meditating a long time, or are simply exploring the topic. To learn more, go to

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Any Other Name - Thomas Newman - 800% Slower

Complete MP3 track (32min 38sec - 74.3MB): Picture (JPG free use): Perfect meditation.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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How to Get Rid of Sleep Disorder

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Peter Hutch

Snoring can be a lot more than an irritant to bed partners and other listeners. It's often a symptom of progressive sleep apnea syndrome, a disorder that not only stymies the snorer's slumber but also can have serious effects on blood pressure, risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and even mortality.

Sleep insomnia, in some cases, is recognizable by your difficulty falling asleep or your inability to maintain sleep. Other people who suffer from insomnia complain of waking up too early in the morning and not being able to go back to bed.Whatever causes you to complain about sleep insomnia, recognizing the symptoms can help you to seek treatment and eventually manage the condition and get the sleep you need. I know it may seem like a fantasy, but it is possible for you to live a normal life and get the proper amount of sleep, even if you suffer from sleep insomnia. You just need to educate yourself about how to get rid of your insomnia.

Apnea, in most people, is an anatomical issue, not solely a weight issue. As such, there are radical procedures, such as one that you can have done to have your lower jaw broken, shunts added to bring it (and your tongue) forward, and a few other things done all at once. Your appearance will likely be altered, and you may get rid of the apnea. Or you may not. I know a guy who had that procedure done a few years ago. For him it was a matter of life-and-death -- literally. He still has moderate apnea (42 apnea an hour), uses a BiPAP, and the doctors told him -- despite being in terrific physical condition with a low body-fat count -- to just count on using xPAP for the rest of his life.

The short-term effects of a sleeping disorder can include fatigue and a lack of alertness, as well as short-term memory loss. Extreme long-term effects of a lack of rest can include cardio vascular disease and chronic fatigue. Both of these sleep disorders can affect your career and quality of life as well as putting you and your family at risk if you are unable to p! erform s uch tasks as driving without being drowsy.

Avoid foods and beverages that contain caffeine, which is often used for its ability to keep you alert during the day and, if possible, don't eat a large meal before bedtime. After eating your evening meal and/or snacks, try to allow at least 2 ½ to 3 hours o pass before you go to bed. The digestive process can take up to five hours and can interfere with sleep.

When a person suffers from insomnia, the two organs most often out of balance are the Heart and the Liver. Each of these two organs houses a specific aspect of the spirit. If these organs are out of balance, they will not be able to house the spirit properly, and the spirit will wander. (TCM, although a very complex medical system, had its origins in Taoism, and before that in shamanism. Therefore, there is a spiritual consciousness built into TCM theory.)

About the Author

Visit Herbal Treatment for more Information. Read about Natural Treatments and Acne Cure

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Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Balot Siopao

THIS IS HOTTER THAN EVER! Watch CRIMINAL MINDS SEASON 6 EPISODE 8 Online now! People, you only need to snap the link below for you to start watching now!. Watching this kind of show will always bring you to high limits and you will be sure that you get what you want.

With CRIMINAL MINDS SEASON 6 EPISODE 8 somehow gaining millions of viewers from last week, this show get many people excited of its upcoming episode. Just click the link below and see what I am really talking about.


This week's episode of CRIMINAL MINDS SEASON 6 EPISODE 8 features a snap shot of another excitement and surprises. I'm sure you will be excited and surprised as the flow of the story starts to run the rivers of your emotion. You can read the summary below as it will warm up your feelings and give enough view of what is to happen.

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Guest stars include Academy Award nominee Sally Kirkland ("Anna", "JFK") and movie actress in May 1950, and Robert Knepper ("Heroes," "Prison Break") as his devoted son, Rhett.Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 - Reflection of Desire - "Reflection of Desire" - When a kidnapped woman is found murdered in an alley in Georgetown, the BAU team hunts the murderer before they can strike again, Criminal Minds, Wednesday, November 10 (9:00 - 10: 00 PM, ET / PT) on CBS. Guest stars include Oscar nominee Sally Kirkland ("Anna", "JFK") and film actress May 1950, and Robert Knepper ("Heroes," "Prison Break") as his devoted son, Rhett watch Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 8 - Reflection of Desire.

Criminal Minds "Review of desire" Season 6 Episode 8 - When a kidnapped woman is found murdered in an alley in Georgetown, the BAU t! eam hunt s the murderer before they can strike again, Criminal Minds, Wednesday, October November (9:00-10:00 PM, ET / PT) on CBS. The script of this show is very amazing! It just might be the top-quality scripted series on prime time. This show is, without doubt, the best yet. Someway, this show just keeps getting better and better. The writers of this show have outdone them. Watch CRIMINAL MINDS SEASON 6 EPISODE 8 now at the link below.

About the Author


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Thich Nhat Hanh in London March 2012

This is a short story of two days in London where I met, heard and enjoyed Thich Nhat Hanh for the first time. It has been so intense and touching, I hope this short film will give you a bit of the same feelings.

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The Artwork Of Fat Reduction

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Georgette Adanas

How to Get rid of Excess weight and Obtain Muscle - A Finish Nuts and Bolts Guide to Go From Flab to Fab

Want to know how to shed pounds and get muscle? It's been 10 a long time seeing as you saw your buddies from university and your reunion is swift approaching. You seem just the similar... previously mentioned the neck, that is. You know what you will need to do. So you want to know how to get rid of body weight and get muscle? Initial, you require to seem at the form of entire body you have presently. If you are quite obese you will ought to work a tiny differently than a person who just demands to get again in general greater form.

For all of us, the how in how to drop pounds and achieve muscle, begins with the food you decide on to put into your physique. Start out with a significant protein, low unwanted fat weight-reduction plan. The fats that you can consume ought to be these from fish or olive oil, as opposed to fried chicken or burgers.

Jogging to Shed Weight

If you have been hoping to reduce some excess fat for any time period of time with limited or no results then you should certainly try jogging to lose the bodyweight. Exercising is essential if you want to shed a good deal of excess fat and when it is combined with a wonderful weight loss program program and a whole lot of discipline it will give you some extraordinary results. Some consumers will either pick one or the other and then they will wonder why they aren't shedding excess weight. Some most people will just reduce down on the volume of meals that they are consuming and then give up out of stress and go again to their old approaches of consuming. When other individuals will pick up their exercise efforts a minor bit and then come to a decision that it isn't operating with that tiny excess total of working out that they have additional to their lives and cease it entirely. Losing bodyweight is not an overnight quest, you are not going to wake up one day and search into the mirror to see a new you. It ! definite ly took some time to gain the weight so it would make sense that it would take an even though for it to disappear as well.

Jogging to eliminate excess weight is most certainly the a single way that will give you dramatic outcomes. A large number of persons dismiss jogging due to the fact it is really hard to hold at and it requires your physique out of its comfort zone but I personally know numerous individuals that stand by jogging and the success that it brings. Have you at any time seen an obese jogger? Perfectly, positive you have experienced an obese particular person jogging but have you actually recognized somebody that has committed to jogging for a number of weeks and has not lost any body weight? Jogging to eliminate excess fat is a person of the most outstanding exercise applications that you can do to drop a good deal of excess fat fast. I personally know at least ten everyday people that have caught to jogging and are in the top form of their lives.

Top 12 Ways to Get rid of Pounds in 2011

one. Prevent dieting and start out eating. Diets don't do the job and you know it. It's time to launch eating wholesome for existence. No further deprivation. No further starvation. If you don't get this essential fact suitable you will usually fail, merely because you will do not ever master how to manage a good way of consuming.

two. Launch consuming True meals. Quit consuming CRAP (conventional, refined, additives, preservatives), junk and other denatured foods as effectively as sugar. If you haven't completed this nonetheless, now is the time to switch to normal meals the way Nature meant them to be: fresh new, natural, unprocessed and full. Your style buds will thank you. You will be far more pleased, consequently less inclined to cheat. Your waistline will thank you - your body will not have to struggle processing and detoxifying all the chemical substances, hormones, antibiotics and other foreign substances as an alternative of seriously digesting and absorbing the food. You ! will abs orb nutrients greater: the improved nourished your entire body is, the easier time it has burning physique unwanted fat. Your body can not tell you what it's missing in terms of unique nutrients, but it will talk this by asking you to consume considerably more. Foods cravings are most more often than not prompted by nutrient deficiencies or excessive blood sugar fluctuations.

Shed Fat - Handle Your Weight loss plan

Have you at any time eaten plain porridge or a lot of greens the prior evening? If you have then you would observe that when you go to toilet it is a lot way more fluid and feels a good deal nicer.

Eating the best suited meals can have the correct effect on your system. If you don't command your weight loss program then you will finish up consuming as well very much of a person meals or consume the mistaken meals altogether. Around consuming is almost always a poor thing and the extra foods that we eat just ends up as body fat in our bodies or other nasty items that just want to keep in the body.

About the Author

Georgette Adanas has been writing articles on fat burning furnace exercises since 2002.

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Affirmations enhance your subconscious mind power

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Lionel Sanabria

Affirmations are positive statements that describe in positive words a desired situation, event, habit or goal, and which are repeated mentally or aloud. Repetition is the key in the process of influencing your subconscious mind to be able to act.

When you repeat them with faith, earnestness and attention, they change the programming of your subconscious mind, which in consequence transforms the way you think, your habits, attitudes and skills, and helps you create a better life and attract new opportunities.

My friend... you get back what you say and think repeatedly, is that simple. Your inner conversations, words, thoughts and feelings determine the kind of life and reality you experience. If you occupy your mind with negative thoughts and expect difficulties and problems, you will draw them into your life. Instead think and view yourself as a success. Affirmations done correctly will help you change the way you think. It is a powerful system to transform your thinking patterns.

The greatness of the human mind is that it can think and imagine what does not exist right now. It can transform your current situations and any circumstances by envisioning a different perspective.

Affirmation is part of the process to condition the mind.

The subconscious power of your mind is a great super computer and affirmations is a new programming design to make changes in your life the way you want them, it will respond to your commands. What types of outcome to you want? Feed it negative words and thoughts and it will produce just that...negative outcomes, but if you truly want more of the positive results then feed it correctly a dose of positive thoughts and words.

Affirmations make all this possible such as;

I am guided by the Universal power to experience bliss every moment of my life.

Every breath that I take it fills my body and spirit with power.

My every need is immediately and automatically fulfilled.

Every new thought of success are now my fr! iends.

My mind is totally laser focus on my goal, I see it accomplished in the timetable I have design.

I receive in my life all the abundance and prosperity.

A new way besides affirmations which are statements is by using afformations or the way you ask question to yourself that causes a change in your subconscious pattern. This realization made recently was that you create your reality in two ways: by the statements you say to yourself and others, and by the questions you ask yourself and others. Many success teachers and gurus have focused on telling you to change your statements; but no one had fully realized, or shown how to harness, the awesome power of what happens when you change the questions.

One discovery found that the mind has an automatic search function embedded, so when you ask yourself a question, your mind goes and search the why for the answer. This function of the human mind has been referred by Psychologists as the embedded pre-supposition factor, how cool is that? Please to those people who do not know the bible, there are many books written about the sentence "You have not because you ask not" and also the "ask and you shall receive." The point I'm making here is this if you only use affirmations meaning statement without really asking the question you ask to yourself, and then you are missing out on one of the most powerful tools to change your programming and your life.

Use these four easy steps for afformations;

Step 1: Ask yourself what you want.

Step 2: Form a QUESTION that assumes that What You Want is already true.

Step 3: Give yourself to the question.

Step 4: Take new ACTIONS based on your new assumptions about life.

The whole point is to change what your mind is automatically focus on to a different reality. Since you are now going to form positive questions that assume that what you want is already true, your mind has no choice but to find a way to make it so.For more information on how to train your mind and achieve a ! new succ ess mindset, please visit my website at

About the Author

Lionel Sanabria is a Certified Life Coach and Neuro-Linguistic Love-n-Life Coach who helps people overcome stress, habits and fear so you can enjoy all life has to offer.

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Peace of Mind Ambient Evening Meditation Peace of mind is one of the sincerest and most valuable gifts you can give to yourself. Take a few moments for yourself and be mindful of all that you have to be thankful for. Visit us online to sign up for more free video postcards and to share with someone you know.

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Well-being - There is No Stress Leave

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Thaddeus Hopkinsa

OSPF Designated Router and Backup Designated Router electionsOSPF routing algorithm is CPU intensive. Every single and each time the OSPF course of action runs the shortest route 1st algorithm it will have an impression on the router. In a position to level network OSPF occasions are restricted to the periodic Hi there packet (Default 10secs on a PPP, HDLC, 30sec Body Relay NBMA), 30 mins for every single route entry in the Link state database and triggered activities.In a Multi-access broadcast network wherever routers are related to a frequent broadcast section i.e several routers in a person vlan) all routers would need to have to create an adjacency with all other routers in the similar broadcast domain. Also event which causes an LSA to be generated would need the promoting router to generate one LSA to be multicasted to all neighbours. The more routers there are in the broadcast multicast network the much more adjacencies would be expected. Two routers call for the adhering to quantity of adjacencies: two(2-1) / two = 14 routers necessitate the adhering to variety of adjacencies: four(four-1)/two=610 routers call for the adhering to selection of adjacencies: ten(ten-1)/two=45Note: DR's and BDR's are not elected on position-to-position links for the reason that there can be only a person adjacency and the point of electing the DR and BDR is for efficiency. The extra routers you have on a section will enhance the amount of adjacencies eat a lot more bandwidth and use far more processing ability on the routers. We will need to cut down the volume of operate which each router has to do on the future by electing an individual router as a Designated Router which all other routers with sort adjacencies with. When you use a Designated Router in your Multiaccess broadcast network the number of adjacencies is reduced along with the reduction in processing and bandwidth. All routers will type entire adjacencies with the Designated router, when you run the command on a cisco router which is not the DR: ! R1#exhib it ip ospf neighborNeighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Deal with one Complete/DR 00:00:39 192.168.1.three Ethernet0/You will see that your router has shaped a "FULL" neighbour adjacency with the DR and the output also defines which neighbor is the DR. The router ID of the neighbour in the output previously mentioned is 192.168.1.three and that this neighbour is the DRAny activities which happen are marketed to the DR employing the Multicast deal with of 224...sixWhen the DR advertises any events to the Non-DR devices it is done utilizing the handle of 224...fiveDesignated and Backup Designated Router Election:The DR is elected centered on the router with the greatest router priority. The default router priority is one, the selection is to 255. Setting the router priority to means the interface cannot participate in any DR or BDR election. If you set a current DR's r latest BDR's router priority to it will relinquish the purpose promptly. Routers which are not elected both as DR or BDR still form neighbor adjacencies, although they will not exchange any routing data involving each other, only hellos are exchanged and these are sent to multicast address of 224...five

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I'm a younger adventurer who enjoys day fishing.doctors notes

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Vaginal Repair Surgery - Vaginoplasty in Bangkok Hospital In this video, a leading surgeon of vaginal repair surgery or vaginoplasty in Bangkok hospital talks about her education and experience. The surgeon specializes in obstetrics and gynecology and has been practicing it for 22 years. She is also trained in vaginal laser rejuvenation, hymenoplasty, urinary stress incontinence, vaginal tightening and labiaplasty. Gynecologist also talks little bit about the preparation she has been doing to start the new center. Medical tourism industry in Thailand is booming as lot of medical tourists head towards the country every year, to avail excellent healthcare facilities at affordable prices. Please click the link above for more information on vaginal surgery or vaginoplasty in Bangkok hospital, Thailand. Related Searches Obstetrician in Bangkok, Thailand Female Gynecologist in Thailand Gynecology specialist in Bangkok Gynecology doctor in Thailand women obstetrics and gynecology in Thailand tocology in Thailand vagina tightening surgery in Bangkok Thailand vagina plastic surgery in Bangkok Hospital vaginal reconstruction surgery in Bangkok Thailand Anterior Vaginal repair Bangkok Hospital Posterior Vaginal repair Bangkok Hospital Labia Minora Reduction Bangkok

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Why Hypnosis Is Better For Stress Than Meditating

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Beatrice Boyce

Stress Is The Life Killer

Stress is the greatest problem for people in the modern world, and it's much worse than just health problems such as heart attacks that are brought on by too much stress for way too long.

Stress impacts EVERYTHING.

Stress kills our libido, our enjoyment of life; stress causes disturbed emotions of anger, rage, sadness and depression; stress makes us clumsy; stress causes us to make mistakes and worst of all, stress makes us think stupid thoughts (we become "stress stupid") and it cuts off the internal flow to our creative and innate talents and abilities.

It is clear that we ALL need to de-stress, whether we are teenagers who suffer from acne and migraines as a result of stress, men and women in "anger management", authors who suffer from writer's block, business people who burst a blood vessel, or parents at home who aren't enjoying their kids but end up screaming at them instead.

So how do we de-stress, and urgently, and FAST?

Why Stress & Meditation Are At Odds

Many hold that meditating and meditation is the answer to stress.Meditating and meditation is the act of entering into altered states of consciousness, to widen our conscious awareness and to re-connect with the superconsciousness of our energy mind (subconscious mind, subconsciousness).

This does not happen when we are stressed - a person under stress is like a TV that isn't tuning properly. Everything is disturbed, mad, doesn't fit together, there is no clarity.

Trying to meditate when you are stressed is like trying to be romantic with a pick axe embedded in your forehead - try as you might, it's not going to work very well if ever at all.

So we have the classic Catch 22 and another big stressor to add to all of that stress - a stressed person is TOLD to relax and go away and meditate, but they can't meditate because they're way too stressed!

Why Hypnosis Is The Best For Stress

Long before a person who is under a lot of stress can eve! n BEGIN to enjoy harp music to relax them even further, they need to be made to slow down into other states of being, and for that you need HELP.

"A good talking to" by a sympathetic other is the most NATURAL way of getting rid of stress invented by human kind, and it even exceeds physical touch approaches in high stress situations; it precedes them too. We "talk" a potential suicide victim DOWN from the top of a building, not massage them off; we "talk" an angry man with a gun down into lowering it, we don't pat him on the back.

That is exactly where hypnosis comes in to help with stress.

Hypnosis is DESIGNED to assist people to ENTER INTO AN ALTERED STATE of meditation - that is the first purpose of hypnosis, and its speciality.

Often people get confused by the "instructions" or the content of hypnosis - the post hypnotic suggestions for change that take all the attention, but it is the fact that hypnosis brings people into the restful meditative state where they even become RECEPTIVE to suggestions, ideas, visions and new thoughts is where the power of hypnosis to heal the mind actually lies.

From Hypnosis To Meditation - Breaking The Stress Loop

"Going into trance" is something that we learn and we are taught when a hypnotist talks to us, and talks us down from the stress of the thoughts that fly here, there and everywhere, into a relaxed state of clarity, and peace, where your body is at ease and mind healing can finally begin.


It is a learned skill that gets ever better with practice.

So my recommendation to combat stress, and to learn how to relax and EVENTUALLY to be able to meditate successfully, which then leads to being able to control one's own stress levels in the real world and to be able to relax and de-stress even in the middle of a stressful situation, is to DO HYPNOSIS - and LOTS OF IT.

Rather than to hopelessly try and "find inner peace" so necessary for mind healing without g! uidance, do hypnosis inductions. This is as easy as sitting down in a chair, putting on the headphones and letting the hypnotist do their job.

Hypnosis CDs, mp3s and tapes are readily and freely available; there are MANY free downloads and trial downloads available.

Try many, and if you find a hypnotist that YOU GET ON WITH, someone you find relaxing to listen to and who can make you feel safe, relaxed and you can feel your stress begin to drain away as they speak with you, you have struck "Anti-Stress Gold".

Now you have a tool to help you break out of the stress loop.Use this hypnotist to de-stress you regularly and as often as you possibly can.

You will find after a few repetitions that you LEARN TO LEARN TO RELAX and HOW YOU DO THAT.

Now, you are ready to start meditating on your own.

Anti-Stress Meditation In The Moment

When you are out and about in your daily environment and you notice your stress levels rising, remember your hypnotist and what they said, just for a moment. Find out if you can feel your stress beginning to flow away. Even if your stress abates just a little bit, you can know that you are now on your way - you have started to learn to control your states of being, your states of mind.

This is the beginning of a new stress free life.

Life will ALWAYS be stressful.

We need to learn to be able to notice when we're stressed, and to step back from that into the clarity of altered states.

That is what hypnosis teaches you, teaches you easily, and just for the listening, no willpower required at all.

When you have learned the basics of relaxation, THEN and only THEN are you ready to begin to meditate on your own, or to use meditation devices that require these basic skills of knowing how to shift state in the first place.

Hypnosis, Stress & Meditation - In Conclusion

Using hypnosis for stress relief doesn't mean that you should only look at hypnosis programs designed for stress alone. Remember that what you wa! nt to le arn is the skill of altering your states of being, so that you can also then meditate and get all the health benefits from that; but more importantly even still, so that you can de-stress yourself in REAL LIFE.

You can choose ANY good hypnotist, and ANY good hypnosis program that excites you, in a double benefit, because it is not the CONTENT, but the hypnosis skills themselves you need to learn to put an end to being in stress states all the time.

You can choose intelligence enhancing hypnosis programs; mind healing programs; performance programs, health programs - the CONTENT is irrelevant and just the icing on the cake.

Hypnosis is a WONDERFUL and incredibly USEFUL tool for dealing with the human mind, for healing the mind, and for getting our thoughts and conscious mind under control.

Explore. Find a GOOD hypnotist who can teach you the life saving skill of going into trance, and you get control not just of your stress, but of your entire WORLD.

About the Author

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Clearing Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy For Healers Physicians Therapists

A short and sweet exercise with mantra and movement to clear yourself of other persons negative energy. For physicians, healers, therapists and contact with anyone who is carrying negative energy. Preparing yourself for a next client patient or person. Great lymphatic and nervous system cleanser and stimulator. Gaze is tip of nose. Mantra is the numbers 1-2-3-4 or Har Har Har Haree. From Kundalini Yoga teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

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All About Improve Your Power By Yoga

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Shhirley Bleevins

Yoga is really profitable in mending your sex life. Here have been couple of reasons… Improved attraction Yoga helps in mending one's sensitivity. A respirating exercises assistance a chairman strike his highlight as good as knowledge in sex with a uninformed vigor. When a chairman is relieved from tragedy as good as stress, he/she will actively knowledge in passionate activity. Other than this yoga helps in mending improved bargain of self as good as surrounding withdrawal a chairman some-more bargain as good as fatiguing about other's need. Improved orgasms Yoga helps in achieving improved orgasms. Many importantly, it helps in a strengthening one's pelvic building muscles as good as sex organs. Multiform Yoga asana have been additionally profitable in harnessing improved passionate powers. As Yoga additionally helps in relieving stress, it additionally enables to acquit flesh strain, which in spin helps in gaining flexibility. Enhanced appetite spin Yoga is really profitable in accumulating energy. Multiform yoga asana have been intensely profitable for appetite harnessing as good as gaining some-more continuation as good as fortitude. Physique with continuation can keep prolonged in passionate wake up but removing tired. Thus yoga provides a single with some-more appetite to understanding with passionate activities. Improved Fitness Spin Yoga creates a single feel some-more active as good as fit. It additionally creates a single wakeful of his intensity capacity. Apart from giving vitality as good as endurance, it helps in mending viewpoint coordination as good as balance. A muscles have been additionally severely toned during yoga as good as reply some-more really during retort withdrawal a improved knowledge with sex. Meaningful As good as Experimenting Some-more Positions Yoga helps in meaningful about multiform sex positions. However many of them can't be completed with a unbending as good as weak body. Later toned muscles as good as stretchable physique completed by yoga assistance we e! xaminati on with these positions also. Yoga asana profitable for sex Lotus viewpoint Uddiyana Bandha Halasana, Matsyasana Supine Pelvic Posture. Viprita Karani Sarvangasana Sirhasana Passionate Yoga Exercises Whilst many people make use of yoga to get fit both mentally as good as physically, they do not know which yoga can assistance with a muted sex life. There have been passionate yoga exercises which can tremendously urge your sex reason up as these work towards expelling all a factors which have been obliged for shortening your libido. Passionate Yoga Exercises: Here have been a couple of passionate yoga exercises which can work miracles upon your sex life. We will be beholden which we attempted them out once we see your sex reason up resurfacing to a spin which we had earlier. A many usual passionate yoga practice which is used to raise libido as good as passionate benefit is a viewpoint is a single which we can even do whilst sitting in your office. Stipulate as good as recover a muscles of your pubic area as if we wish to stop a upsurge of urine. This practice can additionally be used when we have been flitting urine. It has helped many people as good as it will additionally assistance your passionate life. We will begin carrying absolute orgasms with this exercise. Lie upon a building as good as put your legs opposite a wall. Focus upon respirating properly. Do a low respirating yoga technique where we breathe a air by your nose as good as whisper it out of your mouth. This practice will assistance we feel reenergized as good as we will be equates to to suffer sex but feeling sleepy as good as fatigued. In addition, it will assistance to worsen a sensations. A many elementary yoga practice for enhancing your sex reason up has to be respirating routinely as good as swapping it with cry breathing. This respirating practice helps to strap your passionate appetite as good as allows we to suffer sex. It will relax we as good as put we in a support of thoughts to have as good as suffer sex. Yoga upon all sides ! for impr oved sex- In very old times yogis used avoidance from sex so which all of their appetite could be destined toward yoga as good as devout advancement. Creates we wonder: How could these presumably correct guys have gotten it so wrong? Today yoga lovers have been anticipating which some-more time upon a pad equates to more--and steamier--time outlayed reveling in their newly toned bodies. To take a travel upon yoga's carnal side, supplement these sex moves to your yoga slight for altogether improved sex. Or only do them by themselves to spin up a heat. Flex Time Is Sex Time Carrying some-more stretchable muscles as good as joints really helps in presumption those compromising positions. Opening your hips in sold gives we a wider operation of suit in your nether regions, permitting for some-more approach kick in only a right spots. After all, a single micro-movement in companion is infrequently all it takes to ring a bell. Sex Rx: Bound Angle In a seated position, move a soles of your feet together, put your hands upon your ankles, concede your knees to relax toward a floor, as good as hinge brazen during a hips as distant as is comfortable. Reason for 10 to fifteen finish breaths (inhales as good as exhales). Appetite Up a Pelvis Strengthening a single pass flesh helps we rivet as good as lift a pelvic floor, bringing we some-more prodigy as good as carry out during your sex moves. Sex Rx: Root Lock We might additionally listen to this referred to by a Sanskrit name, Mula Bandha. Seated or standing, stipulate as good as afterwards recover a pubococcygeus flesh located in between a pubic bone as good as a tailbone, as if we longed for to stop a upsurge of urine. We can even do this during your desk, say, 10 times during 3 workday intervals. Sex Goddesses Go a Distance Shake-the-headboard sex moves have been tough work. "The improved figure we have been in, a some-more wish we have as good as a longer we can do it," says Kimberly Fowler, owners of Yoga as good as Spinning Studio in Venice, California. Sex Rx! : Yoga P ushups Begin in a pushup position, arms extended. Rivet your abs as we reduce your physique solemnly toward a floor. Stop when your torso is about 2 to 3 inches away. Keeping elbows in, reason there for 5 breaths, afterwards reduce to a floor. Repeat 3 times during initial as good as set up up to five. Charge Up a Bed Batteries A torpedo day during work can leave we as well kick to boogie. But a couple of mins of nonstrenuous yoga when we get home can meant a single reduction night with Netflix as good as a single some-more amorous dusk entwined with your sweetie. Sex Rx: Legs Up a Wall Change in to a little yoga-friendly clothes.

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Here is the web page, everything you can find about penis extenders niche.

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Gaiam Yoga - Back Care Yoga for Beginners with Rodney Yee

Yoga beginners will develop a stronger back with the poses introduced in Back Care Yoga with Rodney Yee by Gaiam. If you enjoy Back Care Yoga, you may enjoy other Gaiam yoga workouts at

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3 New Rules Make Weight Loss Successful

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

CREDIT: Maska82 | Dreamstime

Three habits are key to weight loss and sustained weight control, a new study finds.

Women in the study who were most successful at losing weight kept track of their food intake in a journal, didn't skip meals and avoided eating out, especially for lunch.

"Our study was unique in that it looked at a large array of weight-loss behaviors to see what worked and what didn't," said study researcher Dr. Anne McTiernan, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. "We were surprised at how much of a difference using food journals and eating at home made," McTiernan said.

Among the women in the study, who were between ages 50 and 75, those who cultivated each of these habits lost five to eight pounds more than women who didn't engage in these practices.

"This study highlights the important strategies for maintaining weight loss over time, including self-monitoring through [food diaries], regular eating patterns and a healthy food environment [by minimizing eating out)," said Dr. Anne N. Thorndike, of Harvard Medical School, who was not involved in the study.

Thorndike said she was not surprised by the three habits that led to the greatest success. "These findings really mirror what I see in clinical practice," she said.

Three simple rules?

McTiernan and colleagues tracked the habits of 123 women who were taking were part in the larger Nutrition and Exercise for Women study. At the study's start, the participants' average age was 58, and their average body mass index (BMI) was 31.3. (People with BMIs of 30 and higher are considered obese.) During the year-long study, the participants lost, on average, 10.7 percent of their body weight. 

The researchers found that women who kept diligent food logs lost about six more pounds than those who did not keep a food diary.

"We found that the better women in our study were at consistently writing down everything they ate and drank, the more weight they were able to lose," McTiernan said.

The study also found that women who consistently ate three meals daily lost almost eight more pounds, compared with those who reported skipping meals. People who skip meals are likely to be hungrier by the next meal, and overeat, the researchers said.

Eating meals in restaurant may result in a lack of control over calorie intake. Women who ate lunch outside their home at least once a week lost five fewer pounds on average, compared with those who ate out less often. The more meals out that women ate, particularly lunches, the less weight the women lost.

And fast food can't be blamed, according to the study, because only 10 percent of participants reported frequenting fast-food restaurants.

"I think the real key is knowing how many calories you're getting, and controlling the amount," McTiernan said. That's very difficult to do in restaurants where you can't always tell how many calories are in your meal, she said.

The approach taken in the study allowed the researchers to identify the behaviors associated with long-term success, said James O. Hill, professor at the University of Colorado, and director of the Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center, who was not involved in the research.

Both Hill and Thorndike said that the results are likely not limited to overweight postmenopausal women, but also apply to the general population.

Are total calories more important than calorie type?

Studies, including this one, consistently show that focusing on restricting the total number of calories consumed yields better weight-loss results than following any diet based on food types, such as low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets.

But a study published in June in the Journal of the American Medical Association

shook up this notion, suggesting a low-carb diet results in more efficient weight loss, compared with a low-fat diet.

McTiernan, however, noted that in that study, participants remained on a certain diet for only one month. She emphasized that most research still points to the golden rule of "calorie reduction is the key."

Thorndike agreed. "Current literature strongly supports reducing total calories as the most important intervention for weight loss."

Ultimately, McTiernan said she believes each person needs to find a system of calorie reduction that works best for him or her.

The experts also said that exercise is an important part of any long-term plan to stave off weight gain.

"I believe the most important part of a plan to keep weight off is incorporating regular physical activity into your life," Hill said.

The new study is published today (July 13) in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Pass it onKeeping a food journal, not skipping meals and avoiding lunches out are likely to help you lose weight.

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Natural Weight Reduction Programs Reviewed

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Dia Meer

Anxiety Reduction Brainwave Entrainment The Anxiety Reduction Brainwave Entrainment session uses Alpha stimulation to help relax the listener and alleviate anxiety and stress issues. In some cases, severe Anxiety is also helped by Beta sessions, so the session also stimulates low beta at the end of the session. If you do not experience success with this session, try the Beta or SMR sessions.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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What's the Most Common Blood Type?

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

CREDIT: Blood bags via Shutterstock

"The Healthy Geezer" answers questions about health and aging in his weekly column.

Question: What is the most common blood type?

Answer: The approximate distribution of blood types in the U.S. population is as follows:

  • O-positive: 38 percent
  • O-negative: 7 percent
  • A-positive: 34 percent
  • A-negative: 6 percent
  • B-positive: 9 percent
  • B-negative: 2 percent
  • AB-positive: 3 percent
  • AB-negative: 1 percent

It's important to note that the blood type distribution may be different for specific racial and ethnic groups.

Type O-negative blood is called the universal donor type because it is compatible with any blood type. Type AB-positive blood is called the universal recipient type because a person who has it can receive blood of any type.

People over age 69 receive half of all transfusions of whole blood and red blood cells, according to the National Blood Data Resource Center (NBDRC).

With an aging population and advances in medical treatments requiring blood transfusions, the demand for blood is increasing. On any given day, an average of 38,000 units of red blood cells are needed.

If you would like to read more columns, you can get a copy of "How to be a Healthy Geezer" at

All rights reserved © 2012 by Fred Cicetti

More from the Healthy Geezer:

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Future of Wireless International Conference focuses on network stress relief

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Neondrum

June 30th 2011 - Over 300 leading experts from around the world converge on Cambridge to explore the growing issue of wireless 'networks under stress' with speakers from Qualcomm Incorporated, BBC, Microsoft, Nokia, Huawei, Reliance, Philips, Broadcom , Everyone Everywhere and more.

The third Future of Wireless International Conference kicked off on 27th June in Cambridge, England, focused on the theme of 'networks under stress'. With the growing popularity of data-rich mobile devices and the increasing trend toward cloud computing, the two-day conference organised by Cambridge Wireless, has attracted over 300 leading experts from around the world to discuss the pressures on already struggling wireless networks and to identify real-world technical solutions and new business models.

In his opening keynote address, Roberto di Pietro, VP of Product Marketing and Business Development, Qualcomm, looked at what is driving data usage so dramatically and how this growth can be managed. Roberto described how innovations that increase the capacity of existing networks reduce the signaling load between devices and networks and maximize the benefit of new spectrum, which can provide significant improvement to network operator infrastructures. Mr.BongGoonKwak, Senior Vice President, The head of Mobile Business Fast Incubation Business Department Mobile Business Group in Korea Telecom, then explored how the 'Big Bang' explosion in data usage has social, economic and business impacts, which in turn help us to understand how new value chains and network operator business models need to adapt to take advantage of the opportunities presented in this emerging 'Smart Era'.

"The high quality of speakers and delegates from around the world reflects the relevance and urgency of our theme for this year's Future of Wireless International Conference," said David Cleevely, Chairman of Cambridge Wireless, the leading international wireless forum. "With wireless networks under increasing stress ! there is a need for radical change; but the good news from the conference is that there is a clear commitment and from all parts of the wireless industry to meet these business and technology challenges."

The afternoon started with a session looking at the need to change regulations and technologies and how the allocation of 'new' spectrum such as TV white space will require new approaches if it is to be harnessed successfully. "White Space radio is in fact a very 'grey' area," said Tim Newton from Neul: "White space offers up to 150MHz of high quality spectrum, more than enough to build a wide area network, without incurring the huge cost of licensing spectrum. But operators and equipment makers need to address fundamental RF issues to harness its full potential. It is essential to avoid interference with sensitive TVs and wireless microphones, for example; and far from being empty, virtually every white space channel contains levels of co-channel interference that are disastrous for traditionally designed wireless systems."

Dr Sam Leinhardt, co-founder and CEO of Penthera focused on other strategies to handle the increasing demand for mobile data: "Established network data capacity solutions can only go so far. Time shifting heavy payloads to off peak times, bearer shifting to out-of-band networks and avoidance of heavily loaded cells are among the strategies that are now available and can provide a cost effective addition to traditional approaches."

Other speakers on day one at the Future of Wireless International Conference included Edward Zhou , of Huawei Technologies; KanwarChadha, Chief Marketing Officer and Board Member of Cambridge Silicon Radio; and Mr R Swaminathan, Vice-President of Reliance Communications, the largest wireless provider in India. "Mobile communication is a major driver of rapid economic growth and poverty reduction in India," said Mr Swaminathan. "There are over 1.2 billion mobile phones in the country and there will soon be more phones in rural area! s than t owns and cities. In urban areas the challenge is to design networks that can squeeze more traffic with limited spectrum; while in rural areas it is to develop low cost, low power, zero maintenance systems to develop e-health, e-learning and e-banking products for rural markets."

Most attending the conference agreed that the impact of new Google Chomebooks along with Apple's iCloud and other emergent cloud services such as Amazon's Cloud Player and Music Beta from Google will be one of the major challenges facing operators, content providers and device manufacturers. Peter Whale, a board member of Cambridge Wireless and director of Product Management for Qualcomm said, "It is clear that there needs to be a step change in how the industry responds to significant growth in data usage, but there is no silver bullet – the solution will be a combination of approaches including the roll-out of new technologies, such as multicarrier HSPA+, LTE and Femtocells; new spectrum allocation, off-load onto Wi-Fi; along with the more efficient design of mobile apps and scheduling bulk data downloads during off-peak periods."

Along with the keynotes, the 2011 Future of Wireless Conference included hands-on workshops, facilitated brainstorms, panels, business matching, exhibition zones and the innovation hothouse, which provided wireless start-ups with a pitching platform.For more information go to:

Cambridge Wireless is also grateful for the support of its conference partners, UKTI, Digital Communications KTN, and Discovering Start-Ups (a programme supported by EEDA), along with its sponsors; Qualcomm, Canadian High Commission, Rohde & Schwarz, The Technology Partnership (TTP), Broadcom, Cambridge Consultants, Aeroflex and EEDA.

About Cambridge WirelessCambridge Wireless is a leading industry forum and vibrant community with a rapidly expanding network of companies actively involved in the development and application of wireless technolo! gies. In addition to high level networking dinners and events, a strong educational programme and business development activities, Cambridge Wireless runs the annual Future of Wireless International Conference along with the prestigious Discovering Start-Ups programme and competition to support emerging, innovative wireless companies. Over 15 Special Interest Groups focused on specific technologies and market sectors, also provide opportunities for members to meet, form partnerships to exploit new commercial opportunities, and share knowledge and information about the latest industry trends and hot topics. Cambridge Wireless has partnerships with other leading industry clusters and organisations around the world to extend its international reach and to keep members up to date with the latest global developments and business opportunities. For more information, please visit

Qualcomm is a registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

For more press information, please contact:Peter Rennison or Allie AndrewsPRPRTel: + 44 (0)1442 245030Email: pr[at]prpr[dot] / allie[at]prpr[dot]

Distributed on behalf of Cambridge Wireless by NeonDrum news distribution service (

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1/17/2012 -- 12 girls at ONE school develop Tourettes symptoms = ONE COMMON FACTOR = Vaccines

blog post here: FDA and CDC have confirmed that it is NOT infectious, and NOT in the school/food/water supply. Therefore we can conclude that this abnormal rise in symptoms would be something ELSE that all 12 girls at ONE SCHOOL could be exposed to. Not food, not water -- GIRLS ONLY -- that reduces the possibilities even more . What have girls received that boys haven't? what do girls of a early teen age receive that other girls don't? Those two questions reduce the possible causes even more . Best guess based upon these above facts = a VACCINE of some kind ... a vaccine that only girls get... a vaccine that only younger girls have received recently.... Can we think of any recent vaccines that are given to girls at highschool? HPV vaccines! I sure hope I am wrong about this --- Its worthy to note this is just a GUESS on my part at this point . If they didn't get common vaccines then the whole premise is incorrect. SOMEONE SHOULD FIND OUT IF THESE GIRLS ALL SHARE A COMMON RECENT VACCINE ! check out the SIDE EFFECTS of the HPV and flu vaccines--- : Gardasil Ingredients: Proteins of HPV Types 6, 11, 16, and 18 amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (adjuvant) yeast protein sodium chloride L-histidine polysorbate 80 sodium borate[10][33] Biotechnology The HPV major capsid protein, L1, can spontaneously self-assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) that resemble authentic HPV virions. Gardasil contains ...

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