Yoga Types - Which One is Right for You?

Yoga Types - Which One is Right for You?

Yoga Types - Which One is Right for You?

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 03:49 AM PDT

Article by Sarah Russell

With all the different types of yoga in existence today, choosing the right one can be hard for a beginner. It's important to choose the variety of yoga that's right for you in terms of fitness level, your spiritual and physical goals, and you health. Here are a few of the most common types of yoga to help you pick the best one for you and your situation.

Iyengar Yoga: This type of yoga focuses on precise movement and the alignment of the body. It often uses straps, blocks, and other props to help less flexible beginners perform the same movements as experts. These items can also help people with injuries adapt movements to their individual bodies. This allows everyone to perform yoga poses with comfort.This type of yoga pays a lot of attention to detail, but poses are flexible and can be modified, making it a good choice for people who suffer from neck or back pain. Adjusting the poses can also help people with other injuries.

Iyengar Yoga is a good choice if you'd like to get a good basic knowledge of classic yoga poses, giving you the fundamental for other types of yoga later on. Teachers of Iyengar yoga are likely to focus on inner awareness and alignment. Inner awareness begins with the body, but then moves to other parts of ourselves as we continue with practice on a regular basis.

Ashtanga Yoga: This type of yoga has also been referred to as "power yoga". This is because flowing, powerful movements are a big focus of this discipline. Lunges, pushups, and other stamina- and strength-focused movements that aren't usually associated with yoga may be involved. People who are looking for a more challenging practice, or are looking to build strength after overcoming injuries, particularly to the back, may wish to practice this type of yoga.

If you're already fairly athletic, but want to add more balance to your routine than running, cycling, or working at the gym can provide, Ashtanga Yoga may help you. It can help you improve your concentration, and build muscles you don! 't normally use.

Bikram Yoga: This yoga type is also called hot yoga. This is because its chief feature is being performed in an extremely warm room. Heat can help tissues to stretch, making this kind of yoga a good tool for increasing your flexibility. However, if you have a heart problem or other cardiovascular disease, the warmth of the room in which Bikram Yoga is performed can be dangerous, because it places extra strain on this system.

Viniyoga: This type of yoga links breathing and flowing movements into individually adapted exercises. If you have a back problem or neck injury, this variety of yoga might be a good fit, as it's easily adapted to each person.

Raja Yoga: Designed to liberate the mind through meditation, this type of yoga works well for people who are interested in engaging in intense concentration.

Bhakti Yoga: A form of devotional yoga, this practice focuses on the surrender of the self in the face of the divine.

Mantra Yoga: Known also as the "yoga of potent sound", this practice focuses on the liberation of the mind via the repetition of sounds which have power. "Om" is the most familiar, but other mantras include "ram" and "hum".

There are plenty of different types of yoga to pick from. Before you join a class, talk to your teacher and find out his or her philosophy of yoga and beliefs on the subject. This will help you decide if the type of yoga is a good fit for you.

About the Author

Want to learn more about how yoga can change your life? Check out Sarah Russell's new book - The Beginner's Guide to Yoga and Meditation - at:

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The Power Of Yoga Israel Visual:Eyal Gamili

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Debt Consolidation: Can it assist in Debt reduction?

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 04:30 AM PDT

Article by Private Student Loans With No Credit Check Are Best Option For You

Stomach Fat Reduction

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 12:19 AM PDT

Article by Caizechong

Losing belly fat is one of the most challenging tasks a dieter has to face. Belly fat differs from the fat in the rest of the body. Belly fat is the common problem in men and women alike. Both men and women tend to start developing it after the age of 30, mainly due to lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in today's modern diets, and inability to absorb them from foods loaded with unhealthy additives.

1. Only working out your abs muscles will not help you burn your stomach fat. Instead, focus on strengthening all the core muscles of your body, which include muscles of hands, back and legs. Working out your entire body works far better for fat loss than concentrating all your efforts on the stomach fat. Whole body work out burns more calories than only working upon abs muscles for burning stomach fat. Go for aerobics or cardio exercises which ensure toning of entire body.

2. MUFAs, while healthy, should be eaten as part of a moderate fat diet, and portion control is important. Aim to keep all fats at around 20 percent to 35 percent of your total daily calorie intake. That's from 45 to 75 grams of fat, based on a 2,000 calorie intake. When used as the primary source of fats in a healthy diet, MUFAs will help you to lose belly fat and look and feel better.

3. Well-balanced, healthy meals give a variety of essential nutrients. Good nutrition helps support a healthy weight, properly absorb nutrients and for overall wellness.

4. Changing how you eat. Consume fresh, organic small meals that will be very easy to burn off, but at the same time, will nourish your body, keep you satisfied and give your metabolism a quick boost.

5. Starvation slows down your metabolism. It causes feeling of deprivation and it leaves you tired and listless. Besides it puts the body in a "starvation mode" and any food that you consume is immediately stored by the body in the form of fat. Another reason why you should'n starve yourself is called cortisol. Starvation is a stressful phenomenon f! or most people and it triggers the overproduction of cortisol in the body. This, in turn, leads to increased deposition of abdominal fat in the midsection of the body. In other words the more you starve yourself, the more cortisol is produced and the more belly fat is deposited. Yes, the body has its weird laws.

6. As mentioned before, the main cause of stomach flab is a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, make sure you find time for physical activities in your busy schedule. Simple things such as taking stairs instead of an elevator, wherever possible, will help you lose belly fat. Similarly, while at work, get out of your cubicle and walk a few paces around. Repeat this procedure at least 5-6 times a day.

7. Speed up your metabolism by eating 5 or 6 times a day. Now by 5-6 times a day I don't mean 5-6 healthy portions of your favorite pasta. I mean small healthy snacks including veggies, fruits, fish, chicken.

About the Author

Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips.

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1st West Nile Case Reported in NY as Virus Hits 17 States

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 03:02 PM PDT

Malaria is responsible for nearly 1 million deaths each year, mostly among children in sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by a parasite and transmitted by a mosquito.
CREDIT: Dreamstime

A 50-year-old Staten Island man is the first person in New York to be diagnosed with West Nile virus this year, according to a statement today (July 26) from the New York City Health Department.

That brings the total number of states reporting cases of West Nile in 2012 to 17. Most cases have occurred in southern states, including Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma, but the disease has been reported in Minnesota and South Dakota, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Not including the New York man, 182 people have been reported to have West Nile, and two have died from the disease, the CDC says. The deaths were reported in Texas and Arizona.

Cases of West Nile, which is transmitted by mosquitos, typically increase during the summer.

West Nile virus can cause mild flu-like symptoms, or more severe disease. The most common symptoms are headache, fever, muscle aches and extreme fatigue.

In some people, particularly those over age 50, the virus can cause a life-threatening infection of the brain and spinal cord, the NYC Health Department says. The New York man was hospitalized with this condition, called viral meningitis.

The best way to protect yourself from West Nile virus is to avoid mosquito bites, according to the CDC. The CDC advises people to use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants (especially at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active), use window screens, and get rid of standing water, such as buckets and barrels, as these can serve as mosquito breeding sites.

Pass it on:  The best way to protect against the West Nile virus is to avoid mosquito bites.

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Breast Reduction Surgery: Warning Signs You May Need It

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 08:48 PM PDT

Article by Abraham Avotina

If you've ever lived with an enlarged bosom you know what a hassle they can be. There are things you can do about the problem but figuring out what is best for you can be problematic. There is support bras and underwire to help alleviate some of the stress but there comes a point where that might not be enough. Breast reduction might be an option to consider but how can you know for sure?

The most popular reason that is cited for breast reduction surgery is pain. Most people don't realize how much pain an enlarged bosom can cause on a woman. The weight that is associated with each teat can be 30 pounds or more. If you assume that each one weighs about the same amount that's approximately 60 pounds or more sitting on her chest. The pull on the neck, shoulders, and back can cause her to be in excruciating pain all day long with little relief. Pain killers and muscle relaxers will only go so far and often are taken multiple times throughout the day. If you can associate how you feel with what has been described then this procedure may offer you a relief that you've only dreamed about.

While muscle fatigue is the most popular it isn't the only reason. Many women who suffer from this condition find that they frequently have rashes underneath their teats. The rashes have a number of different causes. Heat, weight, size, rubbing of the areas against each other, and ill-fitting bras or shirts are just some of the causes. This discomfort can lead to other problems, especially if you continually break the skin by scratching. Broken skin can get infected if you don't treat it correctly.

Women who seek breast reduction may also cite clothing as a possible reason. When you are disproportionally large you have the problem of finding shirts and bras that fit. Ill fitting bras can lead to problems such as rashes and pain from the straps being grooved into your shoulders.

You may also find that your large size prohibits you from exercising like you should. Because you can't find a br! a that adequately supports the excess weight doing exercises that require running, jumping, or jostling will be extremely painful. Not being able to exercise properly can lead to obesity which will make having a breast reduction more difficult than normal.

Breast reduction can help you get your body to its proportional size. It's not just about ridding yourself of the excess weight and pain associated with the overly large bosom; it's also about having a body that you're not ashamed to have. Pain may be your biggest motivator but before you make your first appointment, as with any type of cosmetic surgery, ask yourself if this is what you really want. Are you doing this because you are tired of the aching, the ill fitting clothes, and even the rude comments or are you doing this because someone has told you to?

About the Author

When it comes to breast reduction Columbus Ohio residents can count on the trained medical staff of area clinics. Don't live with discomfort and harassment any longer: read more at

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Types of Meditation - No Head Stands Or Crossed Legs For Me

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 12:27 AM PDT

Article by Suzanne Early

There are various types of meditation, from meditation for beginners, through to free guided meditation and self meditation. Ahhh, if only I could get the internal chattering to stop and both eyes to stay shut!Some types of meditation are silent, some are accompanied with a sound like OOOOMMMMM, to help focus your mind and breath, so it doesn't wonder off to compile your grocery list! I have tried learning meditation but didn't have much luck, for this very reason. It is very hard to quieten the mind and my mental grocery list ended up being quite long!

Learning meditation is a very healthy thing to do. Your mind eventually enjoys switching off and your body can relax, taking some time out to rest and heal. There are different types of meditation positions you can use. Some sit on the floor or use a meditation chair, with back straight and feet on the floor. Others lay down to do their meditation exercises...sometimes with a meditation timer, so they don't nod off for hours - now there is a tempting thought!Visualisation is also popular. Women visualise themselves as well and healthy. Whilst doing their meditation exercises, they see themselves in their mind as complete and with great health and happiness. So how does this relate to symptoms of breast cancer? By learning meditation, it allows your body and mind to slow down and feel the moment, tuning into your health. Mindful meditation allows you to meditate, yet be fully aware of what is around you. Deep and spiritual meditation or massage, is thought to help bring you into balance, boasting your immune system and helping with fatigue and emotional moods that may come with breast cancer.

My meditation tips would be to lock the door, turn off chattering radios and tv's, wear loose clothing, be in a place you feel relaxed to be in, put your meditation timer on, and whilst doing deep belly breaths, repeat a phrase or word to help prevent your brain from wondering off. Choose one of your favourite meditation positions, play some quiet ! gentle m usic if you prefer, and try very hard to not compile your mental grocery list!

About the Author

Suzanne Early likes to share down to earth, easy to understand information on breast cancer basics, with warmth and sensitivity. Having a friend with breast cancer and a career in Adult Education, Suzie wants to raise awareness so women will be encouraged and empower themselves, becoming proactive in their breast health. Early detection is key!

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Bawa on Alternatives for Boozing

A talk by Khurshed Batliwala, director of World Alliance for Youth Empowerment on alcohol and addiction and how to come out of it . With a post graduate in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Khurshed Batliwala, or Bawa as he is fondly known (a nick name that has stuck from his IIT days) is an extraordinary personality. In his own words, he decided it was better to teach people meditation and make them happy rather than teach them mathematics and make them miserable and thus chose the unconventional and challenging career path as a faculty member of the Art of Living, sharing the vision of its founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which is to see a smile on every face on the planet.

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