Choose Los Angeles Breast Reduction Clinics For Breast Reduction Procedure

Choose Los Angeles Breast Reduction Clinics For Breast Reduction Procedure

Choose Los Angeles Breast Reduction Clinics For Breast Reduction Procedure

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Lola Ballard

Los Angeles breast reduction centers are much sought-after, given the huge numbers of patients choosing breast reduction surgery every year.

The plastic surgeons working in these Los Angeles breast reduction clinics have improved the shapes and profiles of their clients. They have also supported them in dealing with the emotional stresses associated with a surgery.

Breast reduction surgery becomes essential for some women who suffer from back and neck pains due to extremely oversized breasts. These women usually have irritations developing in this part of their bodies.

Finding the correct kind of apparel to hide their heavy breasts can often be quite a challenge for them, making them highly self-conscious at all times.

In many clinics, very often this is deemed not as a cosmetic procedure, but rather a medical condition that is also entitled to insurance coverage. You need to verify first with your insurance provider and find out about the benefits you can enjoy under your coverage. The surgery is known to help relive the physical pain symptoms that women with large breasts suffer from. This surgery alters the size and positions of their breasts so that they become less heavy and look more proportionate with the rest of their body.

Los Angeles Breast Reduction Surgeons Are The Best In The Business And You Need To Follow These Tips To Make Sure You Choose The Right One:

* The surgeon you choose must necessarily have a board certification because this is the proof of his training and qualifications.

* Ensure that the Los Angeles breast reduction surgeon you select has many years of experience specifically in this field. This is because a surgeon who has successfully performed a tummy-tuck operation or a facelift may not qualify him as an excellent surgeon.

* Verify the surgeon's credentials and check for patients' feedbacks and testimonials online.

* A good way of finding out whether the Los Angeles breast reduction surgeon is adequately qualifie! d is by looking through the images of his patients before and after their surgery.

* A competent plastic surgeon typically examines the chest, taking down measurements, and even clicking photographs to begin his work. He should ideally analyze the quality of the patient's skin, her medical history, shape and size of breasts, the patient's drug allergies, and general health conditions.

* Find out from your insurance giver if your surgery can get insurance coverage.

Year after year thousands of women undergo breast reduction surgery and more often than not, they have been completely satisfied. Usually, there are no complications, but there is no doubt that risks of bleeding, asymmetry, infections, slow recovery, breastfeeding issues, and others exist. You should follow whatever your Los Angeles breast reduction surgeon has prescribed to lessen the incidence of such risks. Some surgeons prefer doing mammogram prior to this surgery, although breast cancer does not evolve as a result of these procedures. Therefore, it is by and large an extremely technically challenging surgery which means that nobody but the most qualified and competent in the field should be entrusted with the job.

About the Author

Visit to know more about breast reduction surgery that can help you feel better about yourself and spare you of the physical discomforts and pain of living with oversized breasts. This Los Angeles breast reduction center helps you deal with the surgery more confidently by giving you access to all necessary information and suggestions for recovery.

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Ba Gua Qigong Demonstration (1 of 3)

Get a taste of real Ba Gua Qigong with this Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts presentation featuring Shifu Raymond Ahles teaching a Ba Gua Qigong class and demonstrations that include rare stationary and straight line Ba Gua training forms, plus clips from the most famous "Original Form".

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Innovage Recalls Discovery Kids Lamps

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

recall, innovage

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Innovage LLC, of Foothill Ranch, Calif., announced a voluntary recall of about 300,000 Discovery Kids™ Animated Marine and Safari Lamps.

Hazard: The placement of internal wires near the circuit board can cause electrical short-circuiting and sparking, posing a fire and a burn hazard to consumers.

Incidents/Injuries: Innovage has received 11 reports of short circuiting. This includes three reports of lamps catching fire, which led to property damage. No injuries have been reported.

recall, innovage

Description: This recall involves Discovery Kids Animated Marine and Safari Lamps that feature rotating films with marine or safari scenes. The words "Discovery Kids" are printed on the front top-left corner of the product. The recalled products have both an 11-digit batch number that begins with either 584894 or 10128 and a model number of 1628626, 1642433, 1641522, 1641523, 1645729, or 1645853. Batch numbers can be found imprinted in the plastic underneath the lamps and on the bottom of the packaging. Model numbers can be found on stickers placed underneath the lamps and on the bottom of the packaging near the barcode.

Sold at: Bed Bath & Beyond, Bonton, JCPenney, Kohls, Office Max, Toys "R" Us stores nationwide as well as the online retailers Amazon, Ideeli, JCPenney, Kohls, Macy's and Overstock from June 2010 through March 2012 for between $ 10 and $ 20.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the lamps and contact Innovage for instructions on how to obtain a full refund.

recall, innovage

Consumer Contact: For additional information contact Innovage toll-free at (888) 232-1535 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday, visit the firm's website at, or e-mail

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Seven Reasons to Choose Yoga For a Better Body and a Calmer Mind

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Craig Perkins

Yoga has been around for centuries. Embraced equally by film stars, rock stars, high powered CEOs and New Age gurus, yoga's stress-relieving, strength-building, low impact poses appeal to a wide range of individuals and body shapes. Even beginners can see and feel a difference after just a few short weeks of practice. All arguments aside, yoga works. So why haven't you tried it? Here are seven really good reasons why you should:

7.) Symptom Relief - Several scientific studies have proven that yoga practice can greatly reduce the frequency and duration of asthma attacks, as well as the amount of medication needed to control or prevent attacks. Yogic breathing, pranayama, helps to strengthen the lungs and build breath control while back-bending poses open the chest and help increase air flow. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be alleviated with certain yoga poses. The lengthening and strengthening of the tendons offered in many yoga poses aids in relieving the pain, and in restoring the grip. The slow, low-impact nature of yoga exercise lends itself perfectly to arthritis sufferers. Joint pain and swelling can be reduced from the gentle exercise and from the stress relief granted tight, tensed muscles. The stress relieving nature of yoga has been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of headaches for migraine sufferers, as well.

6.) Disease Prevention – The stress relief offered through yoga practice can reduce the risk of heart disease, the number one killer of women in the US and Canada. Of further interest to women is yoga's ability to strengthen and build bone density, preventing osteoporosis. It's believed that yoga may reduce cortisol, and thereby aid in keeping calcium in your bones. The meditative nature of yoga can help raise levels of GABA in the brain, preventing the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Lastly, yoga has been known to stimulate the pancreas in its production of insulin, lowering blood sugar levels and helping in the treatment of Type II diabetes.

5.) Good Fo! rm of Ex ercise – Not all forms of exercise are good for all of you. Yoga is low impact, providing a safer way to stretch and strengthen. Yoga is non-competitive, allowing you a stress-free, introspective work-out. Yoga can be practiced indoors or out, so that it fits in with all climates and lifestyles. Beneficial yoga practice can be completed in as little as 10 minutes a day, making it the ideal exercise routine for today's busy, on-the-go world. Yoga builds balanced muscle tone, strengthens the body's core, and improves dexterity, hand-eye coordination and reaction time. It has also been clinically proven to increase joint range of motion and flexibility.

4.) Improved Body Chemistry – Yoga can have drastically good effects on your body's inner workings. The increase in movement and blood flow offered in yoga practice can lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood stream. It is believed that yoga actually increases the amount of red blood cells in your blood, providing better oxygenation of the body, as well as increasing energy and reducing the risks of anemia. The lymphatic and endocrine systems also get a boost from yoga. The lymphatic system boosts immunity and raises your body's disease fighting ability, while the endocrine system regulates hormones, and through yoga, both systems help increase the overall health and balance of your body.

3.) The Inner You – Much has been made of yoga's effects on the psychological and emotional health of its practitioners. Yoga reduces stress through its slow movements and controlled breathing. It elevates and regulates your mood with its mind-body consciousness, its ability to improve your health overall, and its introspective nature. The attention required in yoga causes one to focus inwardly, reducing stress and anxiety, building a sense of calmness, alertness and even improving your memory.

2.) The Overall Inner You – Let's recap a bit here. Yoga reduces stress, which lowers blood pressure. It stimulates your endocrine system, balanc! ing horm one levels and lowering blood sugar. It helps increase the overall functioning and health of your circulatory and respiratory system. It lowers your heart rate. It raises your tolerance to pain. It relives certain chronic problems. It improves brain chemistry. Your internal organs receive a "yoga massage," improving their functioning and disease fighting abilities. Your gastrointestinal health improves. Overall, there isn't a body system not impacted positively by regular yoga practice.

1.) The Outer You – After examining all the things that yoga can do for the inside of you, let's see what yoga can do for you that you can actually see. Yoga can reduce the signs of aging through its detoxification of the body. Increased blood flow and oxygenation can also improve skin tone and color. Yoga helps to induce better sleep, improving overall health, awareness and skin and muscle tone. Yoga poses build strength, lengthen muscles and get the body moving, all of which cause a reduction in weight, prevent cellulite from forming and improve posture. Lastly, yoga can boost your energy, and not just your everyday, running hither and thither and yon type energy. Yoga has been proven to improve your energy and performance in the bedroom, as well. You look better, you feel better, your body is more in tune with itself and you with it - all of which leads to an increased confidence that can't be kept all to yourself.

Yoga may not be the cure of all ills, but it certainly can improve many. Its an overall workout inside as well as outside that shows in your face, your eyes, the way you stand, the way you move, the way you live. What are you waiting for? Give yoga a try today!

About the Author offers yoga certification emphasizing yoga practice, teaching skills, organizing a class, creating confidence and making postural corrections. Visit us online to learn Hatha Yoga with Iyengar-based precision alignment, emphasizing heart-felt energy.

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iSi North America Recalls Twist'n Sparkle Beverage Carbonation System

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

recall, iSi North America

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with iSi North America Inc, of Fairfield N.J., announced a voluntary recall of about 162,700 Twist'n Sparkle Home Beverage Carbonation System plastic bottles.

Hazard: The plastic bottles can explode under pressure, expelling plastic parts, resulting in an injury hazard to anyone nearby.

Incidents/Injuries: The firm is aware of nine incidents involving exploding plastic bottles including three in which consumers received cuts to various parts of their upper body.

Description: The products are plastic bottles used as a part of the iSi Twist'n Sparkle Beverage Carbonation System. The recalled bottles were sold in the Starter Set model number 1005 with one reusable bottle and the Bottle Set model number 1006 with two reusable bottles. The model numbers are printed on the bottom of the box. The recalled plastic bottles are available in one size and two colors of caps/bottoms, white or gray.

Sold at: Williams-Sonoma, QVC and other national retailers and websites from June 2010 to March 2012 for approximately $ 50 for the Starter Set and $ 30 for the Bottle Set.

Manufactured in: Austria and Hungary

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled products and either contact iSi or the place of purchase for instructions on returning the product for a refund or store credit. For products purchased online, contact the online retailers for instructions on how to ship the returns and receive a refund or credit. Note that the US Postal Service does not accept CO2 gas chargers for shipment by mail.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact iSi at (800) 645-3595 anytime or visit the firm's website at

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Meditation Postures

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Jessica T

Meditation Postures

If you are new to meditation and need to be taught the fundamental stuff about meditation like the benefits with meditation and the various meditation postures you can select to work with while you meditate. So go ahead and begin your meditation practice.

Why meditate?There are numerous significant benefits with meditation that can improve your physical and mental health. Meditation helps you experience balance, calmness and peacefulness and help you perceive things from another perspective, which can help you see things more clearly in your life.

Meditation PosturesYou have to choose a meditation position for your meditation and one that you are happy with. If you pick one that if excessively complex, it may hurt your legs and you will not be able to concentrate on your meditation and so you will not get a great experience. But there are more undemanding meditation postures as well, where you do not have to be that stretchy in your legs to do.

The Lotus PostureThis famous posture is hard to do for a lot of people, as you will have to sit cross-legged with your right foot lying on your left thigh and left foot on your right thigh. This is certainly not for everybody and if you are all new to meditation, I recommend that you start with one a bit simpler.

The Half LotusThis posture is very familiar to the lotus posture apart from you only have to fold one of your legs instead of both of them. This means that it is asymmetrical but easier to perform.

The Burmese PostureThe Burmese posture is a good and painless posture, since you will not have to actually cross your legs, which makes it incredibly physically possible for most people. You will just fold your legs in front so that your feet are close to your body yet still on the ground.

The Seiza PostureThis is too an awfully easy posture to sit in as it is within the capabilities for almost everyone. You will fold your legs backwards, identical to when you sit on your feet. This will leav! e you in a kneeling position, which is simple and painless for many. You also have to put a soft pillow between your feet and bottom, which makes it extra comfortable, as you will not be hurting your legs.

So pick the position you believe you are able to perform and then work with that in the beginning. The most essential thing is the meditation itself, so do not worry about the posture but focus on your meditation and enjoy your practice.

About the Author

Jessica T.I am no meditation or yoga expert but I am simply interested in these things and I am just sharing the knowledge that I have about meditation in hopes of helping you with your meditation practice.At my website, Positive Affirmations, you can find different meditation techniques that you may want to try.Learn more at:Guided Imagery

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Unique and Special Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver at Divine Ligh

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Mark John

Divine Light , people by our Yoga Teachers Training in Vancouver have acquired spiritual happiness and also have increased the health of the body. One can improve his/her lifestyle by doing regular yoga by being the member of our Yoga Classes North Vancouver. We help you to give a different king of training to our students at every age and hence being beneficial for them to acquire the wellness. We through our Yoga teacher training Vancouver help you to get the better perception about oneself and towards life. Also, one can gain positivity in life which help them to lead their life with a new zeal. We, at divine light promise you to bring a smile on your face with our Yoga teacher training Vancouver . We teach different kinds of yoga for students with our supportive and good teaching approach. Yoga has always been considered as a healing exercise for many kinds of diseases. Since ages, people are following it and try to acquire it in the daily busy life. We try to bring in the practice of doing yoga among our students with our personal teaching approach helpful for their personal and spiritual growth. One can easily find out the benefits of yoga by doing different asanas thus refining your mind, body and soul. Our yoga sessions try to strengthen your body and mind and also try to bring in discipline in one's life. People who are looking for a better life must go for the yogic lifestyle wherein you will get the true essence of yoga which is beneficial for everyone for a longer term. At divine light people have started realizing the true happiness within themselves through our Yoga teacher training vancouver . Come and join our yoga sessions at our Yoga studio north Vancouver to experience an ever-expanding benefits of yoga develop your understanding and inner conscience. Here, at divine light you will learn different types of yoga for your wellness and growth in life. One can easily achieve his /her aim in life by bringing in stability within self which can be attained by practicing yoge in one's l! ife. By practicing types of yoga one can bring in physical strength and further on to spiritual consciousness. We try to teach our student to move in life and shed any physical and mental tensions and prepare your life insuch a way to fight and bear in every kind of circumstances. Thus, our yoga teacher training canada helps to make you strong enough to mould yourself according to the situations and also having the strength to overcome those situations. Thus bring in the inner strength which is beneficial for one's life. For more information please visit our website:

About the Author

Dealing with Canadian Prescription Drugs is always financially favorable. When you get to know in detail about your Canadian Pharmacy you will know that they are absolutely safe to Buy Lipitor from.

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Brain Massage Meditation

Brain Massage Meditation....

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Yoga for beginners - some do's and don'ts

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Jay Franco

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 7/7/2012

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Three Yoga Techniques to Suit your Exquisite Preference

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Cindy Heller

Many people practicing yoga techniques had reached to the point where they are seeking more advanced yoga exercises. Most yoga sessions focus on the meditation and breathing exercises. These basic yoga techniques give emphasis on providing relaxation and flexibility to the body in order to attain beneficial health effects. There are other yoga techniques which exceeds the norm of the commonly used yoga postures namely Ashtanga yoga, Bikram Yoga and Kundalini yoga. The asana poses involved in these yoga practices require proper concentration and dedication to achieve mastery of the involved yoga techniques.

Ashtanga Yoga - Muscle Building Yoga Technique

This yoga technique is much different from other forms of yoga exercises. The asana postures to be performed in this yoga exercise focuses on enhancing the strength and endurance of the practitioner's body. The Ashtanga yoga technique is often restricted to those with proficient body status, due to the intensity involved in performing the difficult poses on this exercise. The yoga sessions for this yoga technique are often subjected to a fast pace of exercise procedures which would perfectly suit those people who are into building up their body's strength and stamina.

The level of difficulty offered by the Ashtanga yoga asana postures gave it the name "athlete's yoga". The yoga techniques to be performed in this type of exercise require hard work, constant practice and great concentration. This is a good choice for people who are physically fit.

Bikram Yoga - Heating while Bending Yoga Technique

This 90-minute yoga session involves flexing your body while inside a sweltering room. The training room for this yoga technique is preheated to at most 105 degree Fahrenheit and 40 percent humidity. For those people who are interested on this extraordinary yoga experience, preparation is very crucial to survive this yoga technique. Students of Bikram yoga sessions should follow important reminders before starting the yoga exer! cises. D ue to the heated environment, this yoga technique regulates breathing and releases the body's fluids at faster rate compared to other yoga techniques. The extreme temperature applied with the constricting movements benefits the body's blood flow. This yoga technique is advisable to those who can endure heat while performing the asana postures.

Kundalini Yoga - Releasing Inner Body's Potential Yoga Technique

The postures involved in this yoga technique excite the endocrine and nervous system of the body. This is a very interesting type of yoga exercise since it gives serenity and ecstasy to the body if mastered. Kundalini yoga techniques compose of unique poses, meditation and chanting. The chanting is considered as the most crucial part of this yoga exercise. The chanting provides the practitioner to experience inner peace and at the same time enhancing the body's senses. Most Kundalini yoga sessions require the assistance of a professional guru. This yoga technique is an excellent choice for those who want to experience the soothing effect of concentrated meditation.

About the Author

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about yoga positions, please visit Free Yoga Exercises.

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Yoga Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Chapter 02

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Flight to Istanbul is an incentive to initiate remote holiday plan.

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Chinto7

Meditation Classes in Melbourne Leads to Peace and Enlightenment

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by OmMeditation

Meditation is not just a method practiced for relaxing the mind and body, but it is also a way through which the people gain freedom from incessant, worries and negative thoughts and it leads to attain the inner peace and happiness. Meditation is its higher levels leads to enlightenment and spiritual awakening. There are people all around the world who desire to go beyond their mind to discover who and what they are and look to attain a higher spiritual consciousness. It is this believe of people that has popularize mediation in almost every part of the world and as a result several meditation classes in Melbourne can also be seen.

Meditation has always been practiced in Melbourne but in the last few years it has become much more popular as people have realized the enormous benefits of the meditation. Life in Melbourne is quite hectic and full of tension, so mediation is erroneously recognized as a technique for relaxation. Meditation classes running in Melbourne help to relax the body, calms the mind and minimizes tension. With the period of time and continuous practice of meditation, the racing of thoughts in the mind slow down, not only during practicing meditation but also in daily life.

People attending meditation classes in Melbourne experience more happiness coming along their way and discover that their tolerance, understanding, inner power and fearlessness have considerably increased. It is the effects of meditation that the concentration ability of the individuals get sharpened and their mind become stronger and under control. The individuals learn to enjoy their present and negativity from the life disappears and strength, happiness and satisfaction increases considerably thereby providing more power to individuals.

Meditation classes in Melbourne practice different forms, techniques and traditions of meditation that are practiced for relaxation of health, mental mastery, inner peace, spiritual awakening and for discovering self. Several meditation classes operating in! Melbour ne enable people to learn meditation techniques that help them to empty their mind from thoughts and discover the inner self. Meditation technique and process adopted in every class might differ and different technique might appeal to different people.

Mediation is known for its enormous benefits that motivate people not only in Melbourne but all over the world to practice and follow it. It calms down the body and the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, normalizes blood pressure and has quite a relaxing effect on the body. If practiced in perfect and appropriate manner meditation can improve concentration, sharpens the mind and strengthens the intuition. Thus, meditation classes in Melbourne can greatly assist in reducing restlessness and anxiety and to attain inner peace and bliss.

About the Author provides Mediation Classes, courses, meditation techniques and CBM methods. How to meditate and retreat of Meditation in Melbourne with Step by step method of chakra meditation.

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Prambanan & Borobudur; 2 Different Religions, 2 Different Experiences, 1 Enlightening Experience

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Exotissimo Traveler

The island of Java, Indonesia's fifth largest, home to more than 130 million people, or in other words, 65 percent of the entire country's population. It is only fitting that the capital, Jakarta is here. It is also fitting that two of the country's most prized religious artifacts are here, thee Buddhist Borobudur and the Hindu temple of Prambanan. These are truly prized possessions and warrants individual visits if you are around and about in Java.

First, let's get to the Buddhist structure. This is both a shrine for Buddha and an important pilgrimage site for followers of the religion. It is only fitting that this structure's history is shrouded in mystery. There is no written record of who built this temple and what its intended purpose is. What we do know is that it was built sometime in the 800's AD and may have took 75 years to complete, judging from the reliefs.

The journey for pilgrims at this UNESCO temple begins at the base of the monument and follows circular path around the sacred monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formless meditation). The trip up takes you through 1460 relief panels and the iconic stupas containing Buddha images.

Not too far from the UNESCO Buddhist structure is another UNESCO temple, this one though is of the Hindu faith. In all, 224 temples decorate the complex almost all of which pointy (almost like rockets ready for takeoff), a common trait in Hindu temples. Built in the 9th century, this collection of jagged structure features three main inner shrines dedicated to the Hindu trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

These are fairly impressive structures. But the question remains, why were they abandoned? Perhaps it was because of the Merapi volcano eruption? Maybe the empires and dynasties at the time shifted their headquarters? Or could it be that people were converting to Islam and have me! rely 'f orgotten' about these relics? These are all very good reasons and may have all contributed to these temples' eventual abandonment.

Want to view these two awesome sites in one day? Look no further than Exotissimo's Piper Cheyenne to Borobodur day trip program. Just a short drive from Jogjakarta and you'll be taken to two fascinating worlds of intrigue, wonder and amazement. This day trip is the perfect complement to our Indonesia tours. Get ready for some rejuvenating travel.

About the Author

Established in 1993, Exotissimo Travel is a well known Tour Operator in Asia. We have the expertise and connections to create your perfect inspirational tours as well as customized programs in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia and Japan at the best possible price. Your experience guarantees stops to the main sites as well as the hidden spots, giving you a true sense of the culture and rewarding you with unforgettable memories.

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Five Secrets to Happiness

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Randy Siegel

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon when my work line rang. "You know I wouldn't call on Saturday unless it was an emergency," a business acquaintance began. "But a dear friend of mine is in crisis. He needs your help." A well-known physician with a thriving practice in a beautiful small Southern town, his friend appeared to have it all: money, prestige, and power. A beautiful wife and children. And a home, I am told, that seems to have leaped off the pages of Southern Accents magazine. Yet he was miserable. His work seemed devoid of all meaning, and life felt stripped of all joy.

Could I really help him? I wondered. Of course I could. I had felt the same way not too long ago. I will listen, and then I will tell him what I know. What is it that you know? I asked myself, and within minutes, I had composed a list: the five secrets of happiness. Here they are.

One: Live in gratitude. A banner hangs in my church that quotes spiritual leader Meister Eckhart: "If the only prayer you say in your whole life is 'thank you' that would suffice." Several years ago, I began the practice of beginning each day listing three people, things, or situations for which (or whom) I am grateful. When I remember to do it, I seem to have a brighter day.

When I dwell on what I don't have in my life, I attract unsettling feelings of need. The tapes in my head start to whine, "You are not enough. There is not enough." But when I shift my focus from what I don't have to what I do, I come from a place of abundance. The tapes stop, and beautiful music fills my ears.

Five Secrets to Happiness - Add One

I am learning to seek gratitude in every situation, even those that I once considered "bad." Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his book The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way, writes, "To connectors, everything that shows up in their life is there because the power of intention intended it there. So they're always in a state of gratitude. They feel thankful for everything, even things that ! seem to be obstacles... Through their thanks, they honor all possibilities...."

One of my favorite quotes on gratitude comes from Kevin Spacey's wonderful character Lester Burnham in the movie American Beauty.

But it's hard to stay mad when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I am seeing it all at once and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that is about to burst and then I remember to relax and stop trying to hold on to it and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.

Two: See life as a classroom. When I look at life as a classroom, life becomes an adventure. Rather than judging situations as "good" or "bad," I begin to see that "it's all good."

In fact, as much as I don't want to admit this, it's during the worst of circumstances that I learn the most. My divorce and subsequent midlife crisis rocked my world. I wasn't sure I would ever be happy again, but as awful as that period of my life seemed at the time, it offered an opportunity to realign my life with my core values, purpose, and true wants and needs. Now I can honestly say I have never been happier.

Three: Practice generosity. There's an old fable about the creation of the world. It said there's an angel who whispers a message to each soul who comes to earth, a

message of instruction about what each soul is supposed to do with his or her life. While

Five Secrets to Happiness - Add Two

most thought the angel's message was complicated, it was actually very simple. It consisted of one word--give.

Practicing generosity means sharing our resources: money, time, and talent. In my work, I meet many men and women who are unhappy with their lives because they feel their lives lack meaning. I tell them the solution is relatively simple--serve.

Four: Believe in the magic. My dear friend Beth told me a wonderful story about her soon-to-be-nine-year-old-son. His best friend had foun! d all th e presents from Santa in his mom's closet, and he wanted to know if Beth and his father were Santa. Beth took a deep breath and answered yes. When Beth asked if he was disappointed his eyes filled up with tears. "So the tooth fairy is you, too?" he asked. Beth nodded. More tears.

They were quiet for a moment.

"I feel like all the magic has just gone out," he said deflated.

"There will still be magic," Beth replied. "But it will be different."

"But it's not the same," he said.

"No, it's not, but don't give up on the magic," Beth whispered. "There's still magic, whether it's through spirit, angels, possibly fairies, or just the way things happen."

Yes, there is magic all around us. And how much richer our lives are when we pause from our overscheduled lives to recognize it.

Magic comes to us in symbols. Yesterday, I glanced out my bedroom window and saw a large black snake slither across the wet, green grass of my backyard into a thicket of hemlocks. I am deathly afraid of snakes, but I couldn't take my eyes off his graceful movement; it was as if he were floating above the grass. My snake had appeared for a

Five Secrets to Happiness - Add Three

reason. Snakes symbolize major transition, transmutation, and even resurrection, and I am in transition. My snake wanted me to stop and appreciate the beauty of this special time. I took in a deep breath and breathed out a prayer of gratitude for the changes taking place in my life.

Magic comes to us in our dreams. When I bought my last house in Atlanta, it was a beautiful yellow stucco bungalow in an in-town neighborhood where I had always wanted to live. It was also my first house as a newly-minted single man. My first night in it, I had a dream where I was sliding down the spiral staircase and out the front door. As much as I loved that house, I knew my time in it would be brief. In less than two years, I moved to Asheville, North Carolina.

Magic comes to us when we allow the beauty of nature! to satu rate us. Today on the way to the gym, I looked out the car window and saw the mountains as if for the first time. Chills went up my spine and once again I was overwhelmed with their beauty.

And magic comes to us when we believe in something bigger than ourselves. Whether you call it God, the Universe, Higher Power, or the Great Mystery matters not. Life is richer when you believe in something greater than yourself.

Magic comes to us in a myriad of ways. All we have to do is open our eyes, minds, and hearts to it.

Five: Love. A while ago a new friend and I were talking about the movies we wanted to see. "Queen with Helen Mirren and James Cromwell tops my list," I said.

Five Secrets to Happiness - Add Four

"I hear it's great," my friend replied, "but I don't want to see them being mean to Diana." I looked at my friend closely. She was serious. I wondered why many of us still feel such a strong connection to Princess Diana even now, years after her death.

Diana was a fairy tale character who that came to life. We delighted when the shy girl became the prince's bride and grew into a champion for the suffering. Later we saw our own humanity as she struggled with affairs, bulimia, and a failed marriage.

She was "the people's princess" because through her life we saw the brokenness of our own lives, and through her death we saw that nothing else matters but love.

Diana's death opened many of us to what author Daphne Rose Kingma calls "spiritual consciousness," where we strive to understand ourselves in order to get back to a pure state of love, or to love without limitation. "We do this either consciously as fully active participants or as emotionally unconscious sleepwalkers," the author explains.

I have found that it is much easier to read these words than to live them. While I may appear open to love, fear and judgment have barred the door to my heart. I am afraid of being abandoned, smothered, or misunderstood. And I constantly judge others, focusing! on what separates us instead of what connects us. As frightened and as judgmental as I am, I am clear that nothing is more important than love.

"Yes, I'll talk to your friend," I told my weekend caller. "I look forward to it."

About the Author

Randy Siegel gives high-potential employees the leadership and communications skills they need to be successful as they rise through the organization. Subscribe to his complimentary monthly e-Newsletter at and receive his free eBook, How to Become a Corporate Rock Star; Six Steps to Top the Charts.

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The Tao Te Ching

Spiritual philosophy of Taoism, by Lao Tzu "The Old Sage". Legend has it that Lao Tzu lived approximately 2500 years ago. He was the keeper of the archives of the imperial court of China at that time. Saddened and disillusioned at life and humanity, and that people were unable to follow the path of goodness, he left his position in the court. It was in that renunciation that he wrote down his spiritual teachings and thus the Tao Te Ching - "The Way and It's Power" was created. "At the center of your being you have the answer, You know who you are and you know what you want!" Lao Tzu

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Ashtanga Yoga

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Paul Wells

Art Of Meditation

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Rachel Saxon

Learning the art of meditation is a skill like any other. Before you start you should consider what you want to achieve from the meditation that you do. Traditionally there are three elements of meditation. These are approach, practice and integration.The approach element of meditation is concerned with what techniques and attitudes you will employ. There are many different states of mind which meditation can be undertaken. You will not get it right first time. Although you may enjoy your first meditation experience and gain a lot from it, you will find that you get better with practice. A key part of enabling you to get better is the preparation you put in. Soon this will become second nature and you will find yourself easily slipping into the right state of mind for a successful meditation. Important parts to consider in your approach include having realistic expectations. Meditation can change your life for the better, but this is ongoing and subtle experience. Do not expect any revelations from your first experience. Following on from this it is very important to be as relaxed as you can be. One of the key aspects of meditation is to focus on the moment and heightened awareness. Thinking about how the process is going to help you while you are doing can be counterproductive!It is important that you learn the right approach for you to personally get the most out of the practice. The practice of meditation is literally the part where you sit and meditate. There are many techniques that you might follow for a successful meditation experience. A multitude of books and websites can give you advice and guidance. You should settle on a particular system to follow that you feel comfortable with. Some of the essential elements will be:• Preparation• Breathing awareness• Body awareness• Mental awarenessThe integration element of meditation is perhaps the most important. This is where you begin to incorporate what you have gained in the practice phase into your everyday life. Your meditation shou! ld give you greater clarity and you should try to keep hold of this and use what you have learned to help you in the majority of the day when you are not actually meditating. When you are meditating you are focussing on the moment. The goal is to bring this focus and clarity into other parts of your life. Remember how it feels to be in the moment when you are meditating and try to replicate that feeling when you are doing everyday things such as eating a meal or attending a meeting. Try to integrate moments of awareness into your day by bringing what you learn from your meditation into your everyday world.

About the Author

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Big Om of Tibet - Monks chanting Om - Dalai Lama - Buddha

Tibetan Monks chanting the Big Om of Tibet

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Prambanan & Borobudur; 2 Different Religions, 2 Different Experiences, 1 Enlightening Experience

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

by apc33

Article by Exotissimo Traveler

The island of Java, Indonesia's fifth largest, home to more than 130 million people, or in other words, 65 percent of the entire country's population. It is only fitting that the capital, Jakarta is here. It is also fitting that two of the country's most prized religious artifacts are here, thee Buddhist Borobudur and the Hindu temple of Prambanan. These are truly prized possessions and warrants individual visits if you are around and about in Java.

First, let's get to the Buddhist structure. This is both a shrine for Buddha and an important pilgrimage site for followers of the religion. It is only fitting that this structure's history is shrouded in mystery. There is no written record of who built this temple and what its intended purpose is. What we do know is that it was built sometime in the 800's AD and may have took 75 years to complete, judging from the reliefs.

The journey for pilgrims at this UNESCO temple begins at the base of the monument and follows circular path around the sacred monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formless meditation). The trip up takes you through 1460 relief panels and the iconic stupas containing Buddha images.

Not too far from the UNESCO Buddhist structure is another UNESCO temple, this one though is of the Hindu faith. In all, 224 temples decorate the complex almost all of which pointy (almost like rockets ready for takeoff), a common trait in Hindu temples. Built in the 9th century, this collection of jagged structure features three main inner shrines dedicated to the Hindu trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

These are fairly impressive structures. But the question remains, why were they abandoned? Perhaps it was because of the Merapi volcano eruption? Maybe the empires and dynasties at the time shifted their headquarters? Or could it be that people were converting to Islam and have me! rely 'f orgotten' about these relics? These are all very good reasons and may have all contributed to these temples' eventual abandonment.

Want to view these two awesome sites in one day? Look no further than Exotissimo's Piper Cheyenne to Borobodur day trip program. Just a short drive from Jogjakarta and you'll be taken to two fascinating worlds of intrigue, wonder and amazement. This day trip is the perfect complement to our Indonesia tours. Get ready for some rejuvenating travel.

About the Author

Established in 1993, Exotissimo Travel is a well known Tour Operator in Asia. We have the expertise and connections to create your perfect inspirational tours as well as customized programs in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia and Japan at the best possible price. Your experience guarantees stops to the main sites as well as the hidden spots, giving you a true sense of the culture and rewarding you with unforgettable memories.

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Buying a Yoga Mat

Posted: 07 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Paul Wells

Tips on buying a yoga mat

Anybody who wants to develop a good posture, become fit and mentally relaxed should try to learn yoga. The principles of yoga are based on some Indian philosophies and beliefs mainly because the discipline started and developed in the ancient world of India.

Yoga is aptly called as such because the word refers to the union of the physical with the mental. Yoga is actually a unification of the body, the mind and the spiritual aspects of man. This is achieved through the execution of the asana or the yoga poses.

While people would be quick to look at yoga only in terms of the difficult poses, the asana is not really everything there is to yoga. The different poses only make up one of the eight types or yoga disciplines. And while the asana can be difficult to execute especially for people who are new to yoga, it can be learned and perfected in due time and with proper determination.

Yoga may be thought of as merely a series of postures guaranteed to stretch the limbs of a person but the discipline of yoga is more addressed to the mental capacity and power of the person. The asana helps in achieving relaxation but it is really mind power that wins in the end.

A person who practices yoga will have more power to achieve a peaceful existence through the unification of his body, soul and mind. He can achieve this not only through the poses but also through proper breathing methods.

People who witness yoga exercises have a good laugh especially when they hear yoga chants. However, this is also among the methods used by those who practice yoga to achieve a higher level of concentration. But since yoga basically makes use of the different poses to achieve union of the body, mind and spirit, the follower should always arm himself with a yoga mat.

A yoga mat is in fact one of the very basic and most important equipment that a person practicing yoga should invest in. Some poses can be very challenging to the physique that a person needs the m! at to se rve as cushion and protection against impact.

The poses can make a yoga followed sweat especially if he is into Bikram or hot yoga so it is very important to keep himself in check against slips occurring from too much sweating.

Having a yoga mat will also create a sense of space between the people doing the yoga poses. Yoga can be done anywhere and no matter if the poses are being done in the gym or elsewhere, a person has to have his own yoga mat for purposes of safety, hygiene and to mark his spot.

So how does one get a yoga mat? Will any mat do or doe sit have to be a specially-made mat for yoga? There are different types of yoga mats depending of course on the type of yoga the person is practicing.

The Ashtanga mat are very good not only for those doing Ashtanga yoga but also for those who are into hot yoga because these type of mats are made of cotton and are characterized by tractions that can control sweat and moisture.

People who do yoga anywhere they go should invest in a travel mat for yoga as these are very light and can easily fit inside their luggage. To those who want to buy only one mat for all purposes then try the universal mat which also comes in a deluxe quality.

Those who have been doing yoga poses for a long time however vouch for utopian mats which they say are every resilient and can carry the weight of any person no matter what yoga pose he is attempting to perfect.

Beginners can invest in a mat that is less expensive but can be already used for their yoga poses. Investing in a good yoga mat is advisable though because they can be used not only for the yoga poses but also for meditation.

Whatever type of yoga mat a person has, he should make sure these are regularly cleaned with water and soap. It must also be dried either by using towel or air to keep it odor-free.

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5 of the World's Most Stunning Pagodas

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Tamara Jacobs

There are gorgeous and religiously significant pagodas all over South and South East Asia. 5 execptional ones are:

Schwedagon pagoda- Yangon, Burma:

The Schwedagon pagoda is commonly referred to as the Golden Pagoda. The Pagoda is located on Singuttara Hill and dominates the skyline of the city. It is the most scared Buddhist pagoda as it holds the relics of the past four Buddhas. The design of the Golden Pagoda is nothing short of spectacular. The crown is tipped with 5,448 diamonds and 2,317 rubies.

Temple of Literature- Hanoi, Vietnam:

The Temple of Literature in Hanoi also functioned as Vietnam's first university. In 1076 Vietnam's first university or imperial academy was built within the temple to educate the country's bureaucrats, nobles, royalty and other elite members of society.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda- Shaanxi, China:

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a Buddhist pagoda built in 652 during the Tang Dynasty. It's original purpose was a place to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang. The pagoda was originally built over 5 stories but is now 7 stories high and 4.5 metres taller than it was in the beginning. There is of course a legend behind the pagoda's name and it goes as follows: There was originally a branch of the pagoda in which eating meat was acceptable. But one day the Buddhists were unable to find meat to buy. Just as one of them spoke aloud, wishing for meat a wild geese broke its wing and fell out of the sky. The monks believed it was a sign that they should be more moral. As a result they built a new pagoda and stopped eating meat.

Beisi Pagoda- Jiangsu Province, China:

The Beisi Pagoda, often referred to as North Temple Pagoda, is said to have been built in the period of the Three Kingdoms (220-280) by Sun Quan. It was redesigned to look as it does today during the Song Dynasty between 960-1279. The pagoda is nine stories and 76 metres tall. Its architectural structure is quite beautiful ! with fly ing corners, double eaves and balustrades made of stone. From the top visitors can enjoy the beautiful Suzhou scenery.

The Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival at Inle Lake, Myanmar:

The Inle Phung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival is 18 days long and one of the most famous pagoda festivals in the world. It is the most important occasion in the Shan state. Four Buddha images are taken around the lake in a barge pulled by hundreds of rowers as well as long canoes. Each village greets the four images with celebrations. It is a real spectacle and an occasion that shouldn't be missed if you happen to be in Myanmar between the 28th of September and the 15th of October.

Pagodas are a very important part of South and South East Asian history. A lot of money, time and religious significance goes into building each and every one of them.

About the Author

Fabric Architecture Limited has been specialising in the design, engineering, manufacture and installation of tensile fabric structures since 1982. For more on pagoda stars visit

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Why Do You Need Guided Meditations

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Jeet D Kun

Meditation is a very special way of working with the distracted mind. It is a practice of mindfulness and awareness that brings the mind home and slowly reveals compassion and wisdom. It brings out the true nature of who you really are. There are images to help relate to mediation; some use the sky and the clouds to focus on meditation but using guided meditation audio is one the most effective methods today.

You can practice with meditation audio in the comfort of your home or anywhere it pleases you. Meditation can unveil hardly known secrets to achieve deep and peaceful meditation to avoid doing mistakes that lead to failure and more undesirable circumstances. The purpose of meditation is to have a habit of creating actions that will make you deal with difficult situations with better understanding.

Meditation Helps You Achieve Good Physical Health

The important added benefits of using guided meditation audio include physical wellness. You can achieve improved blood pressure; you can develop mental alertness and healthy respiratory system. Meditation allows you to discover your own nature. Enlightenment and freedom from sufferings makes you happy that can be helpful because that produce a positive outlook in life with healthy mind and body.

Guided Meditation Helps Cure Emotions

Getting guided meditation download helps cures emotions by allowing you to give voice to your feelings that may come up during meditation. That is very helpful if you have been particularly in touch with your feelings. Meditating with the use of audio lets you spill out and not hold onto these emotions. Your guided meditation will get you to where your intellect takes you and that is true happiness and peace.

You Can Download Guided Meditation Audio

You can have a guided meditation download from that offers you an ideal opportunity to explore a deeper level of self-awareness. Learn about yourself and how you feel inside. But how you make use of what's av! ailable shall determine how you explore and uproot information. Using guided meditation products can help achieve relaxation, confidence and empowerment.

Using meditation audio lets your mind settle by means of regular practice. You will become more in touch and spacious with your fundamental values. Negativity slowly dissolves while you become whole and complete. You become more at peace with yourself therefore you become more at peace with people around you too. Therefore, your good heart and compassionate nature will be revealed.

About the Author

Spiritual Downloads is the perfect source of different kinds of guided meditations. Teachers, students and anyone will benefit by simply downloading the audio guides like the Foundation Meditation, Breathing Meditation, Higher Self Channeling and more. Find more about guided meditation audio by visiting

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The Finest Weight loss plan For High Blood Stress

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Nicole Lerman

In case your nurse or physician measures your blood stress at 140/ninety then you definately endure from hypertension. Many adults and even some children have excessive blood pressure. It is very essential to get correct remedy to manage your high blood pressure. Weight-reduction plan for high blood pressure sufferers must be wholesome since together with medicines and workouts a balanced eating regimen can equally help in preserving your blood pressure underneath control.

Following a weight loss plan for hypertension also reduces or prevents clogged arteries, increases in cholesterol, most cancers and in addition reduces weight. The ideal weight-reduction plan for hypertension patients ought to embrace low fat or fats free products and should definitely exclude animal fats, crimson meat, sugary merchandise, and sweets. Surveys present that prime potassium and low sodium content material in fruit and veggies assist in regulating the blood pressure level.

The diet for hypertension is greatest when it would not include high quantity of salt or sodium. Many individuals may suppose salt-much less food may be flavorless. So as to add flavor to the weight loss program for hypertension you can add spices to the meals as an alternative of salt.

There are certain suggestions for your eating regimen for hypertension that you could observe such as, rinse canned meals to be able to rinse off sodium. Instead, purchase frozen salt free vegetables, which do not include much salt or sodium and prohibit your consumption of cured meat, ham bacon, pickles, olives, mustard, ketchup, and Soy sauce in your food regimen for top blood pressure.

It is apparent that diet impacts blood strain level. Subsequently, it is very necessary that you simply preserve a correct, healthy, and balanced food plan for top blood pressure.

An important thing that it's best to avoid in your food regimen for hypertension is salt. Consumption of salt for hypertension sufferers could be harmful as it just accentua! tes the problem. You possibly can lower your blood stress to an awesome extent should you reduce down salt consumption in your weight loss plan for high blood pressure. You should not have greater than 6 grams of salt per day. It's essential to cut down on pizza, frozen diners, canned food, broths, canned soups and salad dressings since these have excessive sodium content material in them. In case you are non-vegetarian then be sure to are together with recent poultry, fish, and lean meat in your diet.

As a way to avoid salt in your eating regimen you have to keep away from junk food as well. If there is a mineral imbalance in your food regimen then it may need an antagonistic impact on your well being condition. Sustaining a nutritious diet can work wonders. It may well allow you to to scale back your blood strain inside an interval of weeks.

If you are affected by hypertension you need to seek the advice of your major care physician for recommendation prior to making any modifications to your diet.

About the Author

If you need further information about mobile phone deals or diet pills that work short sale drop by the author's web page without delay.

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Discovery of "God particle" has nothing to do with God

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Bravo, CERN scientists! It looks like you've found evidence of the Higgs boson, a particle produced by knocking a tiny chunk out of space-time with a high-energy particle accelerator.

This discovery could answer the question, "Where does mass come from?" That is, why is there something we can point to and say there!, rather than everything being formless pure energy?

According to the Standard Model, the Higgs boson is the only manifestation of an invisible force field, a cosmic molasses that permeates space and imbues elementary particles with mass. Particles wading through the field gain heft the way a bill going through Congress attracts riders and amendments, becoming ever more ponderous.

Without the Higgs field, as it is known, or something like it, all elementary forms of matter would zoom around at the speed of light, flowing through our hands like moonlight. There would be neither atoms nor life.

Apparently Peter Higgs, who theorized the particle/field existed, didn't like the nickname given to it. "God particle" is an attention-getter, for sure. However, now that the Higgs boson seems to have been found, we're no closer to understanding what God is, or isn't.

Scientists were the ones who extended our understanding of the universe, not God. The Higgs boson likely is the reason stuff with mass exists, but we don't know why/how the Higgs boson exists (assuming why/how has any meaning when we're getting down to the root of material existence itself). 

Perhaps most importantly, the meaning of it all has little or nothing to do with knowing that the Higgs boson is more than just a theory that sprang from the mind of Peter Higgs.

LIkely even the physicists who were so excited to learn that traces of the HIggs boson have been found consider that their personal view of the cosmos is much different post-discovery. Yes, knowing the nature of reality as understood by science provides a good foundation for a meaningful philosophy of life.

But as David Horsey says, "Higgs boson binds the universe, but humans give it meaning."

The news about the "God particle" is one of those challenging bits of information that can make everything else feel terrifyingly insignificant. It is a reminder that each of us is merely a tiny, carbon-based organism existing for a brief moment on a small planet that, by the scale of the universe, is no more singular than a grain of sand on a beach. We are dust in the wind, utterly inconsequential in the dark expanse of time and space.

At least that's one way to look at it. Another way to see it is that, in all that vastness, only we are aware of the awesome complexity. Only we strive to know and understand. All the rest is mere physical phenomena. What we do in our brief lives on this small planet may be the only thing that matters.

Thus, it behooves us to use our sliver of time well. We can waste it watching "Dancing With The Stars" or we can reach for the stars. We can squander it being petty, cruel, selfish or destructive, or we can be creative, compassionate, kind and just. The Higgs boson may glue this universe together, but we are the ones who give it meaning. 

The "God particle" has a big job to do in the infinity of the universe, but on Earth, as John F. Kennedy said, "God's work must truly be our own."

Nice thoughts.

I agree with them, except for the notion that watching "Dancing With the Stars" is a waste of time. I've spent quite a few hours watching this show. They don't seem wasted to me. Anyway, if meaning is made by each person, each of us has to decide for him- or herself what is meaningful, and what isn't.

And this likely will change. Growth, evolution, learning, wisdom, maturity -- these aren't things, but processes. They're works in progress, not finished pieces.

I liked how the New York Times story ends.

"This could be the first in a ring of discoveries," said Guido Tonelli of CERN.

In an e-mail, Maria Spiropulu, a professor at the California Institute of Technology who works with the CMS team of physicists, said: "I personally do not want it to be standard model anything — I don't want it to be simple or symmetric or as predicted. I want us all to have been dealt a complex hand that will send me (and all of us) in a (good) loop for a long time."

Nima Arkani-Hamed, a physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, said: "It's a triumphant day for fundamental physics. Now some fun begins."

This is a big difference between science and religion: open-mindedness versus know-it-all-ness. Truthfully feeling like you're on a never-ending voyage of discovery versus falsely believing that ultimate truth is within one's grasp.

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The Importance of Tarot Readings on Your Daily Life

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by jhoana cooper

Eternity Within

The Monroe Institute - Eternity Within.

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In Meditation, One Approach Doesn't Fit All

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

CREDIT: Dreamstime

If you've tried mediation and don't think it's your cup of tea, you might want to test out another technique before giving up on the practice entirely, advocates say.

That's because there are different meditation methods, and the one best suited for you might not be the most popular or the one you've tried, said Adam Burke, director of San Francisco State University's Institute for Holistic Health Studies.

"If someone is exposed to a particular technique through the media or a health care provider, they might assume because it's popular, it's the best for everyone," Burke said. "In truth, different people like different things. One size does not fit all."

Burke and colleagues recently conducted a study involving college students that examined people's preferences among several mediation techniques. Future research may reveal whether there is a way to predict which mediation method is best suited for a particular person, he said in a statement.

The results of the study appear in the July 7 issue of the journal EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing.

Mediation is practiced for many reasons, including to increase calmness and physical relaxation, but it is not known whether the practice can influence health, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Meditation and you

Participants in the study, many of whom had not practiced mediation before, learned four mediation techniques: Mantra, Mindfulness, Zen and Qigong Visualization. When they were asked to rate which one they liked best, Mantra and Mindfulness each received 31 percent of the vote. But 22 percent said Zen was their favorite, and 15 percent selected Qigong.

Mindfulness mediation attempts to make participants more aware of the present moment, and has them focus on their breathing. Mantra mediation involves the repetition of a word or sound; in the study, participants imagined a ball of light in the area of their heart.

Participants who voted for one of these two techniques said they were easier to practice, more enjoyable and more calming than either the Zen or Qigong visualization methods. Mindfulness and Mantra techniques are also, in general, less complex than the other two, and may be more suited for mediation novices, the researchers said.

Zen is similar to mindfulness in its focus on presence of mind, but it involves a more general awareness, rather than a focus on something specific, like breathing. Some participants said they were less able to maintain their meditative focus with Zen, the researchers said.

Qigong is similar to mantra meditation, but rather than chanting repeatedly, participants focus on a visualization, such as a beam of light running along the spine.

Age may make a difference

The researchers found that the preferred mediation technique often depended on age, with older participants preferring Zen and younger participants preferring Mindfulness. The researchers noted that Zen was one of the first mediation techniques to gain attention in the United States and therefore may have more cultural relevance for older individuals, while Mindfulness came in favor more recently.

"With the transitory popularity of any method … it is useful for researchers, teachers and practitioners to recognize that there may be differences in individual preference for meditation techniques," the researchers wrote in EXPLORE. "Proper fit between the individual and the method may help to increase comfort with the method, perceived self-efficacy and, consequently, maintenance of practice over time," the researchers said.

According to the CDC, research is now under way to learn more about mediation's effects and what conditions, if any, it may be helpful for.

Pass it on: The meditation technique that best suits a person may not be the most popular one.

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Independence Day and the Pursuit of Happiness

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

by Pet_r

Article by Sally Marks

Today is the 4th of July, or Independence Day in the USA. One of my favorite phrases in the Declaration of Independence is: "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." I am not alone in my admiration. Wikipedia states this line is considered by some as one of most well crafted, influential sentences in the history of the English language.

It is ironic that we Americans are one of the richest nations in the world, we enjoy freedoms that others can only dream about, we have boundless opportunities, yet most of us are unhappy. We may be in "pursuit" of happiness, but actually achieving it seems a frustrating and elusive endeavor.

My friend and co-author, Jackie and I believe that negativity is at the root of most folk's misery. We wanted to do something to reverse this pessimistic trend so we wrote a book entitled Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within. This self-improvement novel IS a good start toward embracing a happier life, but it doesn't have ALL the answers. In fact Jackie and I do not have all the answers either. However, I'm always open to learning more about creating a joyful life. That is why today's article focuses on a conversation I had with my friend, Karen.

Karen and I are both SGI Buddhists. Through the years we have encouraged one another. We were leaving a meeting and Karen shared some guidance that she read from our organization's International President, Daisaku Ikeda. It had to do with winning and losing. We all have goals we want to achieve, whether it is landing a job, overcoming health issues or finding the perfect mate. In my limited thinking I had previously believed I only "won" when I achieved my goals. Through the years I have won some and lost some. A valuable lesson that Karen shared with me is it is not the goal so much as defeating the elements in my life that are preventing my happiness that should be my true objective.

In Buddhist philosophy obstacles to our happiness are not the circumstances but the mindset and actions! we take . When we engage in defeatist thoughts, speech and actions we are letting our internal negativity (or innate darkness) take over. This negativity can take various forms. For some it may be laziness, guilt, greed, pride or anger. Others may choose a numbing experience and turn to a temporary fix such as alcohol or drugs. None of these tactics bring true, lasting results.

Another common way to circumvent joy and traipse down the road of misery is to place your happiness exclusively on attaining a specific outcome to a situation.. That is not to say that we should not have goals. I'm a firm believer in them. However, the real trick is finding out what is stopping you from becoming happy and working to eliminate that faulty thinking and behavior.

For instance, I have a goal to pray each day. Since I'm Buddhist, my prayer is chanting the words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I do chant each day, but the sincerity, length of time etc fluctuates. In my faulty thinking I previously believed that I was only a "good Buddhist" if I chanted a lot and what I' chanted for came true. We call this actual proof. When I'm unsuccessful (which is often because I have a lot of things I want to achieve) I feel like I finished last in the human race.

However, my friend Karen reminded me that a true victory is making the effort, not achieving the result. Every time I pray, write, exercise or do any of the things that infuses a little joy in my life, I have won. In essence, at that particular moment I am victorious over one of my weaknesses – laziness. Rather than focus on guilt about what I should be doing more often, I should celebrate that I have defeated my lazy nature (for the time being.) Unfortunately there are times when I'm making progress, but rather than rejoicing in my efforts at that successful moment in time, I let guilt about past transgressions enter my brain.

No one is perfect. No matter how hard we try at various things, we cannot always have the result we want every single time. However,! we can celebrate our positive efforts. The more we rejoice, the more we will WANT to do it again. It doesn't matter if these positive efforts are two minutes a day or 12 hours. Every good action is a start toward a happier existence.

In conclusion, I invite all of you to engage in a different type of independence. Take a holiday from guilt. Instead of self-punishing thoughts, make efforts toward your pursuit of happiness. But remember the message Karen reminded me about from President Ikeda. Real joy stems from defeating your inner darkness and letting your happiness shine through no matter what your circumstances bring.

About the Author

Sally Marks is the president of Marks Public Relations and the co-author of the self-improvement book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within. The book is available on Amazon and

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Future Male Birth Control Could Be Offered in Gel Form

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

CREDIT: Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime

Men might one day be able to slather a gel on their backs and shoulders that protects against getting their partners pregnant.

In a recent six-month trial involving 68 men, 89 percent of those who were treated with a gel containing the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone progestin experienced sperm counts so low that pregnancy would be highly unlikely, researchers said. The men reported no effects on their sex drive.

"This approach using hormones to suppress sperm production can work in a majority of men," said study researcher Dr. John Amory, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle. However, the gel is far from being ready for use in the general population, he said. It would have to work for at least 98 percent of men before it would be a viable male birth control option.

Researchers could possibly increase the gel's effectiveness by adding another component to it that suppresses sperm production. Or, it could help to figure out how to select which men will experience effective sperm suppression when using the gel, Amory said.

In any case, the findings will need to be replicated in larger groups of patients, and long-term data on the gel's safety and effectiveness are needed.

The findings were presented at a research conference in June. The work has not been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Sperm-suppressing slather

In the study, which was conducted jointly by researchers at Washington and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif., 99 men were randomly divided into three groups. One group was given a gel containing testosterone, and the other groups were given gels containing both testosterone and progestin, but contained different progestin concentrations.

The researchers used the benchmark of a sperm count of 1 million sperm per milliliter because that level means the chance of pregnancy is less than 1 percent per year, Amory said.

Results showed that 88 percent of men who used one of gels with testosterone and progestin, and 89 percent of men who used the other gel with both hormones (which had a slightly lower progestin concentration) experienced sufficiently lowered sperm counts. Among the men using the gel that contained only testosterone, 23 percent experienced sperm counts lower than the 1 million mark.

The gel has to be applied daily to be effective, Amory said. It takes two or three minutes to apply, but men need to wait about five minutes before getting dressed, to give it time to soak in.

About a third of the 99 men originally enrolled in the study stopped using the gel before reaching the 20-week mark, so they were not included in the researchers' analysis of the gel's effectiveness, Amory said.

All the men's sperm counts returned to normal after they stopped using the gel, the researchers said.

The most common side effect that the men reported was acne — 25 percent said they had the skin problem after using the gel. For some, this may have contributed to their stopping use of the gel, Amory said. Some of the men also noticed a bit of weight gain, he added.

How it works

Because testosterone is broken down easily by the liver if it's ingested orally, male birth control options are currently seen as limited to either injections or skin lotions.

"The good news from this study is, you can get away from injections," Amory said.

However, a transdermal approach has its drawbacks, he said. There are concerns that women and children who have physical contact with a man using the gel could be exposed to potentially damaging levels of hormones.

The hormones in the gel have their effect not directly on the testes (where sperm are produced), but instead on the pituitary gland, which is found near the brain, Amory explained. The hormones signal the pituitary gland to stop producing two hormones — called follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone — which normally signal the testes to produce sperm cells and testosterone. The net effect is that testes stop producing sperm cells, but the man's testosterone levels don't take a hit, because he receives the hormone in the gel.

Pass it on: A gel containing the hormones testosterone and progestin could one day be an option for reversible birth control for men.

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