Sexy Movies Sway Teens to Have Earlier and Riskier Sex
Sexy Movies Sway Teens to Have Earlier and Riskier Sex |
- Sexy Movies Sway Teens to Have Earlier and Riskier Sex
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Sexy Movies Sway Teens to Have Earlier and Riskier Sex Posted: 25 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT
The amount of sex kids see in movies could influence their sexual behavior later in life, a new study says. In the study, young teens who watched movies with more sexual content tended to become sexually active at an earlier age, and engaged in riskier sexual behaviors, compared with those who watched movies with less sexual content. The study found an association, and not a cause-effect link. However, "sensation seeking, or the tendency to seek more novel and intense sexual stimulation, does seem to increase in young people who watched more movies with sexually explicit content," said study researcher Ross O'Hara, a researcher at the University of Missouri. O'Hara and colleagues analyzed information from 1,228 kids who were 12 and 14 years old at the study's start. Each participant reported which movies they had seen out of a list of the 50 top-grossing films from 1998 to 2004. These films had been evaluated to measure their sexual content. Six years later, the participants were surveyed to find out how old they were when they became sexually active, and how risky their sexual behavior was, including whether they used condoms consistently, or had multiple partners. Teens who reported watching movies with more sexual content started having sex at younger ages, had more sexual partners, and were less likely to use condoms with casual sex partners, the study found. The results held when the researchers took into account factors that could effect when a person becomes sexually active, including their socioeconomic status, family structure and TV use. "Few [films] showed contraceptive use or safe sexual practices," O'Hara said. "When safe sex is portrayed in films, it is often in comedies and is presented as an inconvenience or embarrassment. The motion picture industry could make an effort to show healthier, safer behaviors, just as they have reduced the amount of smoking shown in films," he said. To minimize risky sexual behavior later in life, parents can restrict the amount of sexual content children view and educate them about the consequences of sexual behavior that are often left out of films, O'Hara said. The study will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science. O'Hara conducted this research while at Dartmouth College. Pass it on: Young teens who watch movies with more sexual content tend to become sexually active at an earlier age. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Alex Lee For complete beginners, Meditation could be very confusing, boring and discouraging chore to do. To the western cultures, sitting quietly without a word for a long period of time is not something you learned from school or from your parents, unless your parents are Buddhist. More and more westerners are introduced to the great benefits of Meditation, but find it too difficult to do. Although there are a lot of scientific evidence of the benefit of Meditation published and made available now, most people know Meditation from movie or books picturing an Indian Yogi with long beard meditating naked under a big tree, spending most of his life time. Meditation is very difficult if done without a guidance from good and competent instructor. You could always buy the latest version of Introduction for Meditation book, but at the end of the day, you will become the dummy yourself. Learning how to sit in a very uncomfortable half-lotus or full lotus position itself will take about 3 weeks to get used to it. Lots of people just quit before they even start to learn Meditation. Is sitting position important at all? Do we need to sit like those Shaolin Master or Himalayan Yogis to get the full benefit of Meditation? The answer is Yes, but the most important thing is to sit in a very comfortable position, where you can sit with your spine straight. This will ensure the energy flows freely from your Kundalini up to your Crown Chakra. For those who are not sensitive enough and would like to "feel" the flow of energy, it is advisable not to lean on the chair. Beginners are advised to choose Meditation technique which is based on Energy, such as Reiki or other healing technique. Why? Using energy based technique will make it easier for beginners to follow and "feel" the process. This way, Meditation will not become boring and will keep the beginners from falling asleep during meditation. For those who learn Meditation without any energy initiation process, it is almost impossible to access Divine E! nergy, s imply because none of your Chakras are activated. It's almost like trying to make a call from your cellular phone from Amazon jungle, you simply could not get the access. Once you are attuned to the frequency of Divine Energy, you could access the energy just by will.What happen during the initiation is your 7 major Chakras and Divine Chakras are activated to enable you to access the Divine Energy. Meditating will never be the same again. You simply sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and Divine Energy will pour in through your Crown Chakra. This process will give you a wake up call and the sensation is very overwhelming. Most beginners, no matter how insensitive they are, will feel the bliss, the flow of Energy so overwhelming, from their Crown Chakra, filling up their heads. This energy then clean the Crown Chakras as well as the Third Eye Chakra in the middle of their eyes. After that, the energy will go down to the Throat Chakra, balancing and cleaning it. Well balanced, active and clean Throat Chakra will help you to communicate better. The energy then will go down to activate, clean and balance Heart Chakra. Heart Chakra is where compassion and unconditional love resides. The more active, cleaned and balanced the Heart Chakra, the more compassionate the person is. From Heart Chakra, the Divine Energy will go down through Sushumna and activate Solar Plexus, Sex Chakra and Root Chakra. These last three Chakras are closely related to your worldly success. The more active, clean and well balanced these three Chakras, the more success you are in materialistic world. After all, meditation is not all about spiritual. These are the "other" benefits of doing meditation with Divine Energy. You will get all the benefits of traditional Meditation practice with a lot more bonuses, cleaning and activating your Chakras, your Energy Centers. Those days of meditation with boring traditional exercise are long gone. About the AuthorAlex Lee is the founder of Divine Love & Light Meditation Technique, a very simple meditation technique, making it easy for Everybody to experience deepest state of meditation in just a matter of seconds. For more information on Divine Love&Lights Meditation go to Self Healing Meditation Techniques Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.EFT Emotional Freedom Technique - with Krista Jane from Empowering YouThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Having Kids After Age 30 May Lower Cancer Risk Posted: 25 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Women who have children in their 30s and 40s may have a decreased risk of endometrial cancer, which develops in the lining of the uterus, according to a new study. Women who give birth over age 40 were 44 percent less likely to have the cancer than women whose last birth occurred at or before age 25, the researchers found. For women whose last birth occurred between ages 35 to 39, the risk decreased by 32 percent, and for women who last gave birth between ages 30 and 34, their risk decreased by 17 percent, compared to those who delivered their last baby by age 25. The effect was seen even as the women aged, showing that the "protection persists for many years," said author Wendy Setiawan, a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. The researchers reviewed data from 17 studies involving 8,671 women with endometrial cancer and 16,562 women without the disease. They looked at how childbearing affected women's cancer risk, and accounted for other variables known to affect risk, such as contraception use and number of children. Researchers aren't sure exactly why the later childbearing may affect endometrial cancer risk. Setiawan said it may be that hormone levels during pregnancy are beneficial in preventing cancer at older ages. Giving birth may rid the uterus of cancer-causing cells, she said, or it could be that women who are able to become pregnant later in life have healthier uteruses to begin with. [Best Age to Raise Kids? Older Parents Say 30s] The research adds to studies looking at health effects of later childbearing. Late childbearing has been linked with a higher likelihood of delivering a smaller baby, and more complications during late pregnancy and childbirth. Studies have also shown that women who give birth to their first child at later ages have increased risks of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. About 47,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2012, and 8,000 will die of the disease this year, according to the National Cancer Institute. The study was published online July 23 in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Pass it on: Having a child at an older age lowers a women's chance of endometrial cancer. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook and Google+. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by issa Many people are curious about the art of yoga, but feels intimidated to even start learning the very basics. The very word brings images of contorted bodies that many expert yogist can achieve. To some, it can even imply a guru-lingo they just don't feel comfortable with. No matter what the reason is, yoga seems to be something that many people think they will struggle with, specially when they feel they're not spiritually prepared to go through with it.<!--more--> It is true that yoga needs a lot of patience and dedication. It is not only a practice of having your bones and muscles stretched and toned, but it is your very road to self-discovery. All those yoga poses doesn't only release all those tensed feelings you've been harboring from within, but it can lead to an awakening of your true potential as a human being. Yoga came from the Sanskrit word, meaning " union. " When done properly, it will not only give you that tone, flexible body you've always wanted, but also helping you reach enlightenment. Yoga is something you learn by doing to the point that it becomes an integral part of your life. What's great about yoga is that it can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, sex, or race. You don't have to over-exert while practicing yoga, where you are in total control of the way your body will adapt to changes. Why Should You Get Into the Yoga Habit? 1. Yoga will promise you not only flexibility, but helps you build muscle strength. Many people have attested to the physical health benefits that yoga had brought into their lives. The various yoga poses and breathing techniques help your body maximize oxygen and blood flow, making your cells healthier while making your mind clearer. This is why many have reported a sense of elation after a yoga session. It just feels so reviving. 2. Yoga is your safer alternative to heavy Cardio exercises that can do damage to your back. Just respect your body's limits and you're good to go. Unlike other e! xercises where you need to speed up, you can just slow down as long as you want.. until you feel you have perfected that pose. 3. Yoga doesn't require athletic skills on your part for you to practice it. In fact, yoga is a great stress-buster after a day's grueling work and you can just put on that DVD on your player and do some stretches at the comforts of your own bedroom. You may also try joining yoga classes under a professional instructor if you feel like doing yoga in a group is more inspiring. Which Yoga Style is Good for You? Hatha Yoga - this is commonly practiced by many, which is easiest to do. It involves a combination of movements, postures, and breathing techniques for you to achieve wellness. Raja Yoga - this involves breathing techniques and exercises, coupled with meditation. This is great for those who want to achieve spiritual wellness as well. Bikram Yoga - more often known as hot or fire yoga. This is practiced in a room heated at 105 degrees Fahrenheit, preparing the body for deep stretching, detoxification, and tension release. Speak with your physician if you suffer high blood pressure, migraines, or heart ailments before you walk in for a session. Jnana Yoga - considered the most difficult, practitioners consider it as a path to wisdom and enlightenment. Bhakti Yoga - this yoga focuses on the idea of God. Iyengar - this yoga focuses on body posture and alignment. Props like chairs, blocks, blankets, and belts are used for students to achieve progressive poses safely and effectively. Ashtanga - more challenging than Hatha yoga, it teaches students a unique movement or breathing technique that will force your body to sweat and cleanse out all those body toxins. Power Yoga - this is a vigorous style that is more fitness-based and is perfect for people who want to workout, as well as build flexibility and body strength. Remember that yoga is not a religion! , but a w! ay for you to achieve your own sense of inner peace and well-being from within. Coupled with a healthy diet, lifestyle, and natural choices, yoga can definitely give you the clearest mind and a stronger body than you can ever dream of. Namaste! About the AuthorPassion to live life to the max have made me want to spread the word on healthy living... besides, living life to the fullest is all about getting your dreams and sharing it with your loved ones, and making sure you have all that energy in keeping fit for that tough ride we call LIFE. Your Key to Natural Health: Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Milena YogaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How Do You Communicate Using Mind Power? Posted: 25 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Lloyd Masters Our minds are like magnets. What they think and envision, they eventually will attract. This is called the law of attraction and it is a powerful function of the mind. If you believe something strongly enough, according to the law of attraction, it will occur. It's where you let the mind believe that something is going to happen (whether positive or negative) and then it does. However, it's one of the best ways to get everything you want out of life. If you can think it, feel it and envision it first, then it will be so. Just keep in mind it takes a little practice, but your mind power is incredible! Everyone can use this to their advantage. The problem is most of us lack the ability to believe we can do it. Probably one of the funniest statistics about the mind out there is that humans only use about 10% of their brain power. So somewhere in there is 90% that just kind of hangs out for the next big wave. That could be why we seem to think life is nothing but trouble. That leads to negative thoughts because we do not think anything can happen. We think negative, so we draw negativity to ourselves. The truth is that by thinking this way we are just manifesting the negativity in our own life. Your life as it is today is a reflection of your thinking. What happens in your mind appears in your life because it is what you conceive and believe. What some people call psychic power or ESP actually refers to things that can be created using some of the unused brain power lying wasted. When you really want something in life, to get it, all you do is think it. If you expect negative things to happen then that is what you get. You can begin to increase your mind power to the positive. One of the ways you can do this is by using visualization. This is a very intense technique that will help you tap into your mind's current power. It may actually help you flip the switch in terms of gaining more power. Visualization is simply taking the time to think through what it wou! ld be li ke to have achieved your goal, to focus on it, to take it into your mental fortress and let it seep into your subconscious. Make mental images and explore them. It will help you recognize the opportunities to make those images into reality when you encounter them. Your subconscious mind is more powerful than anything else, in that it can really bring your visualizations to life like nothing else. The images in your mind have to be positive because that's the only way they can get to you. You need to think about how you want your life to be before you try to do this, though. One good way to start doing this is to write down everything you want on paper, as though you were telling a story (or if you can't write, doing it as a checklist can be fine, too). Write down the goals you want to achieve, so that you have something to shoot for. Then, create the visions you have around those goals. When you write things down, they're harder to simply dismiss later as so much fantasy and instead become more concrete. Do this several times a day until you begin to 'live' in the reality you are imagining. Affirmations are another technique that you can use to boost your mind power, by giving yourself a positive self image boost. President Obama got into office with the simple affirmation of Yes We Can, and that same attitude can help you accomplish other goals. Do things like affirming that you're going meet specific targets in a given month, whether they're goals for saving money or losing weight - something that's definite and measurable. As you state what you expect to be true, it will eventually become true. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first but if you do anything consistently for 28 days it becomes a habit. There's also another technique you can use to develop your mind's power, called 'entrainment.' Entrainment is simply synchronization of brain waves using different frequencies through audio technology. Our brains are naturally attuned to doing several different things, one o! f which is to heal themselves. You can tap into this power even more by using this kind of advanced audio-based technology. If you use brainwave entertainment, then it will open up that mind power. The only problem about this avenue is that it's an advanced procedure and should only be done after you perfect those beginning stages. Last but certainly not least we want to cover hypnosis. Probably the most common subject amongst individuals taking on hypnosis is people who want to quit smoking. When everything else fails they turn to something they sometimes don't believe in, but hope it works. However, the session will make them relax and listen to someone give them positive thoughts over and over again. Eventually they get the person to believe in themselves and convince them they can kick the habit. The mind is simply a wonderful thing if you know how to open it up. So you see, everyone has mind power, it is just a matter of belief in one's abilities. It may not happen overnight for everyone, but you can change your circumstances and turn your bad luck into good. You must learn to communicate your energies out into the universe and know that what you put out there will manifest itself back to you. Remember everything starts with the subconscious mind. The only thing holding you back is your conscious mind! About the AuthorDiscover the amazing experience of using your mind power from the popular site. Learn how to benefit from the power of your mind for yourself and find out the secrets of power mind when you visit here and get your FREE DVD Package. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to Clear Anxiety Clutter From Your Mind With Sensory Awareness Posted: 25 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Avril Allen Cultivating sensory awareness is a real opportunity to clear the mind. Here are some tips on how to achieve this. • Words. When the mind is racing with hundreds of thoughts, often all jumbled up, a good way to deal with them is to physically get them out. Of course you can talk of your anxieties to someone, but if there is no-one around, or you do not want to burden others with repetitive worries, say them out loud or write them down. Then they are out of your mind and out in the world instead of just dealing with them in your head. Consequently things can seem much calmer and easier to deal with. Writing involves the kinaesthetic senses (physical movement) of your hand writing and the feel of pen on paper, or fingers on keypad. It also involves your visual senses to read the words you write and if you read or say the words out loud you hear them, involving your auditory senses. • Sensory Awareness in Inspiring Places. Wandering hither and thither over the summer break I was aware that simply being in places which demand nothing of me but sensory attention is a real opportunity to clear the mind. Jaume Plensa's sculpture in Yorkshire Sculpture Park inspired me to forget myself and remember the peace that is mine when I can allow my mind to be spacious. I can tell you that I stood and stared a long time! You will find the sculpture that particularly inspired me on Anxiety Toolbox FB page. "What is life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows" William Henry Davies • Art in home or office. Use your visual senses. Even now as I gaze at the screensaver of Plensa's sculpture, I notice I instinctively take a lovely long breath and release my usual purposes and preoccupations. So make sure you have pictures around you which inspire you to pause and be spacious. In NLP we recognise that people vary in their favourite sensory channel, that is, the sense which is primary for their percept! ion and communication. This means that not everyone is inspired by the visual arts or what they see around them. For example some people are more inspired by the auditory channel. • Music and your auditory senses. Are you a person who is inspired by or can get lost in what you hear? Then you can influence your mind very powerfully with sound. The sound of music, leaves rustling in the wind or a passing plane in the distance. This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised how many clients do not consciously choose to listen to music resounding with the vibrations they wish to experience. For example if your mind is already cluttered up with anxiety, choose a piece of music which will inspire a nice clear space in your mind, not a soap opera full of thoughts of an emotionally demanding nature. • Kinaesthetic senses, some people focus most on what they feel. Either on their skin: a cool breeze, silky water of the sea, or feelings within the body as they relax or exercise. If you are one of these folk then ensure you immerse yourself in the sensory experiences which you know will take your mind off your worries such as a nice hot relaxing bath or running in the park to de-stress your body.There are so many ways to free yourself of worries by focussing on your sensory experience. Take a minute or two to make a difference to other people with questions for me to answer, or share what inspires you to let go of your anxieties on Anxiety Toolbox Facebook Page About the AuthorAvril Allen Coaching Psychologist ICF, BACP, NLP master practitioner T. + 44 (0) 1303 237393 Coaching Professionals to Overcome Anxiety!/pages/Anxiety-Toolbox-Coaching-with-Avril-Allen/107625352656503?sk=wall Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Hypnosis for Sleep 7This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Ajinkya Mate The human mind is one of the most highly regarded and misunderstood phenomena in the whole world. Every day we see thousands of people around us swear by the power that the human mind bestows upon them and the way it helps them shape their destiny, but rarely do they cognize the truth behind that simple word; rarely do people make an honest endeavor to realize the truth behind the human mind. What exactly is the human mind? Is it indeed so virtuous? The answers to those questions are hidden in the many intricate folds of human existence. Simply put the answers to those questions are hidden within the individual who asks them. The human mind is nothing but a dissipation of energy, which takes place inside the human body. This dissipation of energy is the result of the duality that ultimately reigns supreme within every single individual on the face of this earth. People symbolize the two poles of this duality as being the 'head' and the 'heart'. Through the ages, the head has been attributed the power of shrewd and calculating intellect, while the heart remains content with being attributed as emotive, caring and sacrificing. In the midst of these two metaphorical enigmas, the will of the discerning individual dies a slow death. What exactly is the human mind? The point of the question remains the same. As an individual lives through life, he realizes that he has a divided will pertaining to every single question that is asked of him. He realizes that the duality within himself endures beyond time and if he does not surpass it with the sheer force of his will, it will lead him to his doom. The duality which reigns supreme in every single human being is essentially a dissipation of energy that takes place owing to a person's will being diverted between the instinct and the intellect. The instinct which always relates itself to the baser and more primal facet of human existence constantly relishes at the prospect of gratification. On the other hand, the intellect is an entity that is solely dev! eloped through the lessons that man learns through the many different experiences that he undergoes in this world. The intellect in turn is directed towards an entirely different motive; that of self-preservation and self-enrichment. The differences between the motives that represent the two entities of instinct and intellect are subtle; but in the end they matter a lot. In the duality that is created within the human being owing to the difference of motive and the difference of purpose that always exists between his instinct and his intellect, he can never rise above his limitations. Consequently he always remains impaired by the many weaknesses that rise as a result of this dissipation of energy. In the turmoil that thus rages within him, man loses both the motivation and the will power to remain pro-active in this world. Thus the human mind remains the single greatest weakness of a human being that on its own accord, keeps him from achieving greatness. A simply example of the energy dissipation that takes place on account of unneeded thoughts can be demonstrated by simply observing oneself as one progresses through the day. In time an individual will realize that his breathing rate varies with the rate at which he thinks. The more an individual thinks, the faster he breathes. This is owing to the dissipation of energy that takes place in the thoughts that emit from the human mind. The breathing rate of an individual increases in order to produce the excess energy that is needed to create those thoughts. Thus, unneeded thoughts only end up making an individual more weak in his will as they seep away the motivational energy that is instrumental in remaining pro-active in this world. Thus the fact that any individual must always bear in mind is that he should always be a dispassionate observer of his thoughts. He should always be aware of the source from whence those thoughts spur. He should be always aware of the motivation that goes behind every single thought-thread. Through that aw! areness, ! the needless thoughts will gradually cease existing and the individual will then transgress to the stage where his mind won't be a deterrent to a productive and creative way of life... P.S. The human mind can be further disintegrated into various facets and entities that influence its creation; but that would be pointless in itself as it would lead you nowhere...:) That is the perpetual bane that is laid upon About the AuthorThe author is an ardent poet and a spiritual researcher based in Pune, India Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Fluid YogaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Michelle Perkins Yoga is digit of the best exercises that you can try. Yoga helps not only process your fitness level but also helps you to relax your mind. Yoga has been finished for centuries and is considered a tranquil type of exercise. There are many types of yoga but doing simple base yoga exercises is a fun and cushy way to get started. Yoga helps you to stabilize both your mind and your body. Yoga exercises provide you with plasticity and balance. Proper breathed techniques used during yoga support to relax you. Yoga helps to meliorate your posture. Yoga exercises are finished tardily and methodically rather than quickly. Yoga poses range from beginner to advanced. Start discover acquisition the base yoga poses and techniques. You can join a yoga class at a local gym, fitness club or recreation center. Be sure to opt the class that is correct for your fitness level. Yoga can be finished at your possess measure so you can start discover slowly. As your plasticity and stamina meliorate you will encounter that the poses embellish easier to do for longer periods of time. Another enthusiastic way to start exercising with yoga is to get a good yoga instructional dvd that you can ingest at home. To training yoga at bag you'll simply need a mat so you can do the story exercises. Some yoga exercises are performed standing patch others are finished on the floor. Learning the base yoga moves at bag will attain you feel more comfortable when you join a class. Basic yoga breathed is essential to yoga exercises and will support you in many situations in life. Breathing should come from deep in your diaphragm. Lay insipid on the story and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air coming in and feat out. Your breathed should embellish rhythmic. Deep breathed helps you to stay focused and will alter you to an nearly meditative state. Yoga involves stretching and will meliorate your coverall flexibility. Don't worry if you can't debase too far at first. Through regular training you'll soon ! be able to debase further and further. Start with a yoga turn of 20 minutes in length and gradually process the time. Try to training yoga every day. Many grouping encounter that yoga helps to relax them after a long day. A gentle yoga turn in the daytime will support to turn stress and prepare you for bed. A more rigorous yoga turn haw be part of the morning turn to support you wake up and prepare to pore on your day. You'll soon learn which instance of period you prefer. Once you begin a yoga turn you'll encounter that it is cushy to maintain. You can add yoga to any other training regime to support attain it more interesting. Yoga can be used on days when you don't training another type of exercise. Keep a log of your yoga activities. As you embellish more advanced opt an intermediate or advanced yoga class or turn to follow. About the AuthorLearn how to diets to lose weight fast for long-term with the Zero Friction Fat Loss review. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.besmart® yoga - Your Journey to a Healthy Body - Video IntroThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subliminal Learning and Mind Programming Posted: 25 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Gregory Frost When talking about things like subliminal learning and mental programming, what you need to know about is the nature of mind programming and how applications like subliminal learning actually came about. For one thing, we need to understand the concepts behind the nature of the brain and how you are going to know whether or not the methods that have been advertised online or in any place that you have seen actually work. How far have we come when considering the power of the mind, and how much do we need to go to truly unlock the power of the cortex? For one thing, you need to know that there is so much more for us to learn when it comes to the power of the brain, and for now, we will look at what mind programming is all about. Mind programming has really taken its roots from aspects of brain investigation, and this comes about when experts and mental doctors were all curious to know how the brain truly works. The urban legend that was going around was that more and more people were beginning to realise that there was really too much of the mind that was left unexplored, and many people believed, that next to the ocean, this was one of the final frontiers of the world that man had yet conquered. But of course through many urban legends and stories, people were really beginning to believe the power of the brain, and just how powerful it could be in stressful situations. Scientists were beginning to wonder just what changed in the mind when placed in stressful situations, and how they can actually use this, reverse engineer the whole process and perhaps unlock the secrets of the mind and give people the power over their own mind and body. The investigation actually revealed the very fact that people and their brain behaved very differently over the period of the day, and when this happened, the brain behaved another way. The surprising thing about this is that the activity of the brain was more than a little measurable, and there were instruments that were and still are able to pic! k up the pulses and data from the neurons in the mind. This meant that there were now vehicles for the scientists to manoeuvre around the mysteries of the mind to find new and innovative ways that they could capitalise on the brain and empower people all over the world. With the concept of subliminal learning, it taps from the same resources as well, and it allows for people to actually tune their mind to learn all the time, no matter how much of this information is present to you, because of the very fact that the memory banks within the mind are quite unlimited. And to be able to unlock this, you need to use technologies like biofeedback and even brainwave entrainment to be able to attune your mind to learn all the time, and this gives you the power to learn all you can. About the AuthorClick Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit and claim your Free Cd today! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), in cooperation with Peg Perego USA Inc., of Fort Wayne, Ind., is announcing a voluntary recall of about 223,000 strollers due to a risk of entrapment and strangulation. A 6-month-old baby boy from Tarzana, Calif. died of strangulation after his head was trapped between the seat and the tray of his Peg Perego stroller in 2004. Another baby, a 7-month-old girl from New York, N.Y., nearly strangled when her head became trapped between the seat and the tray of her stroller in 2006. Entrapment and strangulation can occur, especially to infants younger than 12 months of age, when a child is not harnessed. An infant can pass through the opening between the stroller tray and seat bottom, but his/her head and neck can become entrapped by the tray. Infants who become entrapped at the neck are at risk of strangulation. The recall involves two different older versions of the Peg Perego strollers, Venezia and Pliko-P3, manufactured between January 2004 and September 2007, in a variety of colors. They were manufactured prior to the existence of the January 2008 voluntary industry standard which addresses the height of the opening between the stroller's tray and the seat bottom. The voluntary standard requires larger stroller openings that prevent infant entrapment and strangulation hazards. Only strollers that have a child tray with one cup holder are part of this recall. Strollers with a bumper bar in front of the child or a tray with two cup holders are not included in this recall. The following Venezia and Pliko-P3 stroller model numbers that begin with the following numbers are included in this recall. The model number is printed on a white label on the back of the Pliko P-3's stroller seat and on the Venezia stroller's footboard.
"Peg Perego" and "Venezia" or "Pliko-P3" are printed on the side of the strollers. The strollers were sold at various retailers nationwide, including Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby from January 2004 through September 2010 for between $ 270 and $ 330 for the Pliko P-3 stroller and between $ 350 and $ 450 for the Venezia stroller. They were manufactured in Italy. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled strollers and contact the firm for a free Passive Containment Bib (repair kit). Do not return the stroller to the retailers as they will not be able to provide the repair kit. For additional information, call Peg Perego at (888) 734-6020 anytime or visit the firm's website at CPSC and Peg Perego warn consumers that these strollers may be available on the secondhand market, in thrift stores or at yard sales. Consumers should not buy or sell these recalled strollers until the repair kit is installed. NOTE: When using a stroller, parents and caregivers are encouraged to always secure children by using the safety harness and never leave them unattended. To learn more about the importance of stroller safety, see CPSC's safety alert: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Causes Of Female Libido Reduction Posted: 25 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Michelle Martinez When it comes to giving women the most amazing mind blowing orgasms the real secret is in discovering truly great sex positions that are practically guaranteed to give her the most amazing climax of her life; especially when you use a female stimulating gel like Vigorelle female libido enhancer. In this article you will discover some great sex positions that are guaranteed to give her mind blowing orgasms especially when you use a high quality female libido enhancer like Vigorelle. Boosting your libido has never been easier with female libido boosters. Find out what they are and how they work before you go waste your money on them. There are ones that work but you have to research.Female sexual dysfunction is used to describe low libido and arousal disorder in women. Not only this it also covers other sexual problems such as vaginal dryness etc. Millions of women suffer with such problems all over the world.Want Sex Again... And Actually Enjoy It! Imagine not just wanting sex again... but actually enjoying it.Increase your libido now >>Herbs used in treating the ED problem focus on improving the circulation of blood by clearing blockages in the blood vessels. This improves absorption capacity of tissues in the genitals and enhancing duration of holding the blood within those tissues.Low libido problem in women is increasingly becoming common due to changing living conditions. In this article let us find out the exact causes of lack of sexual desire and what can be done to overcome it without causing any harm to your body.Low sex drive in women is a common problem and it has a wide variety of causes. Herbal supplements like Fantasy or Kamni capsules made of valuable potent herbs are highly effective in treating low libido in women.Living in today's fast-paced stressful society women tend to forget about their sex life and this will cause a major drop in their sex drive otherwise known as decreased libido. Sex plays a huge part in a relationship and if intimacy is gone stale this will eventual! ly lead to relationship problems or may end some marriages. About the AuthorA lot of women aren't aware that low libido and female sexual arousal dysfunction are two of the most common female problems these days. Furthermore a lot of women experience vaginal dryness during po... Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Being Calm Amidst Stress, World Events & Commotion!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bobby the snowflake's big lesson about rebirth Posted: 25 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT
Although Bobby did not believe in rebirth the Buddha, from his exalted position, could see that Bobby's present snowflake form was just a configuration of water. Because of his ignorance or avidya, Bobby did not know that he had the Water-nature. His major mistake was to crave and over-identify with the many forms of water such as icicles, sleet and, of course, snowflakes—oops, there was a time when he became a snowman. In other words, Bobby took birth in these various water forms again and again. Because of Bobby's attachment to this present snowflake form, the Buddha knew that Bobby would undergo suffering when the form began to grow old and dissolve. It was a tough break for Bobby but one, unfortunately, that could only be changed by following the way of the Buddha. To make matters worse, our dumb Bobby had listened to a bunch of snowflakes who were secularists. Their basic message was: "When you dissolve, that's it—no rebirth." Because Bobby was almost a simple minded idiot—Bobby almost believe their shit. But then one night the Buddha came to Bobby to try and save him from his self-inflicted stupidity. The Buddha explained to Bobby the secret of punarbhava or rebirth which really meant the constant transfiguration of the absolute substance (tathatâ) into existential diversity. (In Sanskrit "punar" means 'again' while "bhava" means 'turning into'.) As we might expect, this was beyond poor Bobby's brain to comprehend. He was so attached to his snowflakeness he just couldn't see his Water-nature; and because he was attached to form, sadly for Bobby, he always identified with water forms—never the pure water itself. As Bobby's good merit (punya) would have it while resting on the branch of a pine tree in Japan, he suddenly awakened to his Water-nature. "Totally fucking amazing!" Bobby shouted out. "I am not this snowflake form. It is a dependent arising (pratityasamutpada) of pure water. Holy shit!" In his super body, the Buddha came to Bobby and anointed him. "Well done my son."
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The Advantages of a Meditation Chair Posted: 25 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Keira Adams Among the most difficult aspects of meditating is discovering the perfect seated posture, since your legs often fall asleep during an extended period of meditating. Although there are meditation cushions to be had, there are many people who choose to use a meditation chair instead. If you examine a meditation chair, the first thing you'll discover is that it doesn't seem that different from a kitchen chair. It has four legs and a back. But what it does better is help make you more comfy by molding to your body, which keeps cramps at bay and allows for total relaxation. The stuff that makes this happen is known as buckwheat hull. It adapts to your form, thereby offering a more solid seat due to the ergonomic design which stops the user from slumping throughout the most focused periods of meditation, because it's tilted somewhat forward. A good illustration of a meditation chair is the Seagrass. This product was conceived by a meditation practitioner who found that it was quite challenging to meditate when seated in a lotus pose. This chair permits you to cross your ankles or feet and draw them up if you're weary of laying them on the floor. As well, it allows for appropriate support of the backbone so you won't go through any back pain following the session. The Chinese meditation chair is possibly the most ancient model as it has been in existence for hundreds of years. It does not possess ergonomic characteristics such as the ones we use these days, however it boasts an especially wide base so that you have enough space to cross your legs. It doesn't come with any padding, however you'll be able to quickly take care of that. One more type of meditation chair is the Tilt Seat, also called the kneeling chair. The great thing about this meditation chair is that it doesn't place pressure on the knees and could also be utilized as a table. It's possible to comfortably read a book if you lay a pillow on the floor. There are more meditation chairs to be had and they a! re avail able in assorted sizes and shapes. An alternative for those who desire something larger is the meditation bench. With the greater surface area, those who favor the lotus position can sit without placing pressure on the legs. Something like it is known as the cane chair. While picking out the perfect meditation chair, you are advised to take into account your body size and height, as well as your need for comfort. Do not overlook back support because this will also help to enhance your posture. The beauty of meditation chairs is that they're lightweight and moveable. They could effortlessly be stashed away in a closet after you're finished, or it's possible to purchase styles that harmonize with your interior design. The meditation chair is configured to keep you relaxed and comfortable during the time that you're in session. If you're committed to enhancing your health and fighting stress, purchasing a meditation chair will certainly be a wise investment. About the AuthorKeira Adams writes about women's wellness and stress management. Want to learn more about meditation techniques? Visit Meditation Techniques: Relax Your Mind, Reduce Your Stress at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Dream A Little DreamThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kundalini Yoga for Stress Relief Posted: 25 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Karan Khalsa Kundalini Yoga is one of the spiritual types of yoga that goes beyond the physical performance of asanas. With its emphasis on breathing, meditation and chanting - Kundalini Yoga creates a conscious connection with the Divine by removing all the obstacles and fluctuations of the mind. It raises the energy of our inner self to a higher frequency and opens our awareness to realize the ultimate peace. Kundalini lies at the base of the spine and is represented as a coiled serpent. As the Kundalini energy is awakened, it moves up from the base of the spine from Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra located at the top of the head. The untapped energy or Prana within a human being can be awoken by awakening each of the seven chakras (Muladhara Chakra, Svadhishthana Chakra, Manipuraka Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Visuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra and Sahasrara Chakra) through postures, movement, specialized breathing, hand gestures, body locks, chanting and sound. Full enlightenment of an individual is attained when the Kundalini energy reaches the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra). Kundalini Yoga strengthens and tones the nerves, glands and organs of the body and finally draws the mind and senses to an inward experience of deeper state of consciousness. Kundalini Yoga helps an individual to attain a feeling of bliss and awakens his dormant spiritual force. The main purpose of awakening the Kundalini and moving the energy from the lower to the higher chakras is to give the practitioner an experience of the infinite. There are two phases of kundalini awakening - Purification and Awakening. In the Purification phase, several techniques of hatha yoga such as pranayama, asanas and kriyas are practiced. In the Awakening phase, the kundalini energy starts moving up from the base of the spine towards the top of the head (sahasrara chakra). Awakening phase is marked by more advanced pranayamas, mudras and bandhas. As Kundalini Yoga practices and meditation helps this untapped energy to rise above, the practiti! oner exp eriences a distinct transformation within himself. He feels much more relaxed and less stressed. Kundalini Yoga have many benefits. Kundalini Yoga is referred as successful and permanent antidote to stress. Practicing Kundalini yoga and meditation not only uplifts the spirit of the mind, body and the soul of the individual, but, strengthens and enhances the strength and flexibility of the nervous system. Kundalini yoga fosters the integration of the mind and the body and helps to control the thought processes of the individual. In the process, Kundalini Yoga calms the practitioner's mind, balances his emotions, thus, reduces the factors which lead to stress. While practicing Kundalini yoga and meditation, one requires an apt ambiance that will invoke strong mood of concentration. Music plays a pivotal role in this regard. Music can influence many mental processes within a human being and has the charisma to evoke many feelings and thoughts of mind. By creating a flow of soothing melody, music helps the listener to relax. Music is thus often regarded as the concentrator and the best healer of stress. In yoga and meditation, proper music creates sounds and tones that will help the listener to achieve higher levels of concentration. Spirit Voyage is the one stop for the yoga practitioners who are in search for the right kind of yoga and meditation music. Being one of the popular companies that offers spiritual CDs and DVDs, Spirit Voyage essentially aims to take all the music lovers to a journey of deep spiritual insight. The yoga music from Spirit Voyage will help the practitioners merge himself into a stage of harmonious awakening. The sacred chants and musical pieces by Spirit Voyage artistes like Wah, Hari Bhajan Kaur, Deva Premal, Deuter, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Snatam Kaur and many others will take the listener to an enlightened journey of spirituality. Spirit Voyage's Yoga DVDs and CDs can develop strong moods that influence the subtle energy fields of the listener. The Kundalini Yoga ! music or the New Age Celtic Music, Meditation Music for Relaxation or instrumental music of gongs, bells and bowls all have the power to influence the subtle energy fields of the listener and thus direct the listener towards a higher realms of spirituality. Spirit Voyage not only offers an innumerous yoga music Cds and Yoga DVDs but also guides you to the way of attaining healthy and blissful life with its collection of yoga books. The collection of yoga books include books on Kundalini Yoga, general yoga books, yoga books for children and health and wellness books. Different yoga accessories like yoga mats, yoga rugs, yoga cushions offered by Spirit Voyage serves the basic purposes of all yoga practitioners. Since, ancient ages, Music and Yoga practice goes hand in hand. When these two collaborates, they pave the way for an individual to realize the greatest truth of life. The mind reaches the pinnacle of spirituality and nullifies material value of things. The ultimate realization of eternal truth is acquired as the human body and mind discover the greatest potential. The mind, body and the soul are relaxed, free from grasps of thoughts that leads to anxiety and stress. Negative thoughts like lust, greed, anger, hatred are also effaced and the mind and soul is cleansed, thus illuminating the inner self with the divine glow. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga Shakti - Swan pose - ArdhdhanurasanThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 7/25/2012 Posted: 25 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT ![]() "Life is painful. It has thorns, like the stem of a rose. Culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem. The flower is yourself, your humanity. Art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself." ~Daisaku Ikeda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 25 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Caizechong Belly fat, especially, is a bane for all men and women. It simply makes you look out of shape and many a times becomes a cause for embarrassment. Let's face it folks, we all want to maintain an attractive figure right? The big problem is that most people think the only way to lose belly fat is to spend countless hours at the gym doing belly fat exercises. 1. You cannot lose belly fat without removing fat from all over your body. It is not impossible but is a little difficult. Thus, your aim should be to lose weight from all over your body and at the same time eliminate belly fat. This is possible through physical exercises. There is a large number of exercises meant to lose weight, but the ones that can give you definite results are cardiovascular exercises. 2. It is often said, that if you wish to succeed in life you must plan well in advance. It holds true for weight loss as well. If you truly want to change your life and lose weight, then make sure you are clear about your goals and what you wish to achieve. Weight loss plans fail when people just start randomly without having any target in mind. Breaking down your goal into small milestones would definitely help. Write them down and celebrate when you achieve them one by one. I will say again, WRITE them down! This will motivate you to work harder towards your final goal. Constant monitoring is must and in order to do that, you can subscribe to a reliable weight loss diary. This will help you to review your progress regularly and also make sure that you are on the right path. Don't cheat and write down everything you eat, good or bad. 3. Spices - Adding spices to your foods can do wonders for speeding up your metabolism. The great thing is that it is an easy thing to do and it's delicious! I recommend cayenne pepper, jalapenos, cinnamon, and hot peppers. 4. What are MUFAs and why are they so effective in this belly fat campaign? MUFAs are a group of healthy fats that are good for heart health and are fat-busters as well! . Accord ing to studies conducted by scientists at the Reina Sofia University Hospital in Spain, overweight people placed on a monounsaturated fats diet prevented accumulation of belly fat, even without additional exercise. This finding is the basis for the popular Flat Belly Diet, where MUFAs are included in every meal and the proponents stressed that's the secret to the diet success. 5. Only exercises cannot help you eliminate belly fat. It has to be accompanied with a healthy diet. The diet to eliminate belly fat should include more proteins than carbohydrates, with a little amount of fat. It should have higher fiber content. This is because both proteins and fiber need more calories for digestion. They stay in your stomach for longer periods of time. They keep your tummy full, and thus prevent you from overeating. 6. A regular workout regime should be an integral part of a good weight loss program. You don't have to be an expert in the weight room. Ask someone there to show you how to work the equipment. Allow yourself NO excuses. There are none when you really want to change your life by changing the way that you look! The aim should be to increase your body's metabolism(how fast your burn calories and fat) which can in turn help in the process of weight loss. 7. Eat More - Whatever you do, please avoid low calorie dieting. This type of dieting will slow your metabolic rate down. Instead, I recommend for you to eat lower calorie meals... BUT eat more of them. This will skyrocket your metabolism. I recommend 4-5 meals for best results. 8. CLA is a type of unsaturated fat found in meat and dairy products that help you lose abdominal fat. According to Mark Stengler of Natural Physician's Healing Therapies, "CLA helps glucose get into muscles cells more effectively, thus preventing glucose from being converted into fat." So go ahead and enjoy turkey, chicken, cream cheese, yogurt, coffee with cream---losing belly fat can be quite a food ride. About the Author Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, quick ways to lose belly fat. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your First Week After Breast Reduction Surgery Posted: 25 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by A Aaronson After your breast reduction surgery, it will take some time before you feel 100 per cent again. This article is all about the first week after the operation and what you can expect. The first week after your breast reduction surgery is a strange time. You're overjoyed that your body is now the way you want it, but you're not quite out of it yet. You'll experience some pain and discomfort, and there will be quite a few things you can't do yet. Here is a good idea of what to expect your first week after breast reduction surgery. If you feel great after your breast reduction surgery, that's good news. But be careful; some people who feel fine after the operation end up making the mistake of trying to get back on their feet too soon. For that first week, don't be a busybody. It's a good way to rupture the stitches and cause lots of trouble, which will find you back at the plastic surgery clinic getting revision surgery done. And that means more time and more money. Take it easy just like the doctor told you, even if you feel wonderful. Aside from following doctor's orders and taking your medications, make sure that you take good care of yourself. Eat a healthy, balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for your body's natural healing processes to do their thing. Drink lots of water and avoid alcohol or tobacco. These have the effect of drying out your body, and this will interfere with the healing process. Take it easy, get plenty of sleep and avoid stress. Your doctor will probably tell you to refrain from moving too much, but to get off the couch once in a while to get your blood flowing. After one week, you'll have your first follow-up appointment. At this check-up, your doctor will fill you in on what you should be doing from now and also what you should NOT be doing. You'll receive a whole new set of orders. If there is anything that you don't completely understand, ask for clarity. Also, if you have any questions that you'd like to ask, now's your chan! ce. They 'll want to know how you're feeling after your breast reduction surgery. The whole purpose of these follow-up appointments is for them to make sure that everything's going just the way it should be. The follow-up is a good time to ask about any strange things that you notice after your breast reduction. You may have some pain or discomfort. Your nipples may look funny or the size of your breasts may seem uneven. Some women experience a tingling sensation around the incisions. These are all things that are actually quite normal, but you should mention everything to the doctor just in case. If there is anything that is not normal, they can start doing something about it before it becomes a problem. Keep in mind that you're only one week out of your breast reduction surgery. You can't expect to feel too great or jump right back into your regular routine. It's a big adjustment to get used to your new body, but things will get back to normal soon. Remember that you can always contact your doctor if you have any concerns. About the Author Get a Breast Reduction St Louis professional who can successfully perform the procedure that will give you relief from the problems one has when having a large bust. Find out more about one surgeon here: Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Ways to Deal with Stress - Audio to relieve tensionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Benefits of incorporating music into your yoga practice Posted: 25 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Karan Khalsa Music - the best communicator that speaks for many human feelings and emotions. Music has an unmatched caliber of calming, healing and soothing ones mind and body. Literal terminology defines music as combination of various pleasing tones that soothes the ear of the listener. Music is a form of art which incorporates melody, rhythm and harmony. The subtle tones and tunes of the music can affect the human body and promote one's healthy self. Music, with its cross-cultural application, is an integral part of any and every culture. The human body, mind and soul are extremely sensitive to music. The tone and sound of the music have a pre-dominant effect on the human energy system. Since the pre-historic era, in the biblical periods or during the time renaissance, the role of music had been phenomenal. In contemporary times as well, music is considered to have a talismanic influence that charms the listener and evoke a mood of well being. The intimate touch of sound and music have the power to penetrate the whole being of the individual. Music, in the daily life of the person depends on the degree to which they engage with it. The omnipresence of music and its portability has made it a supreme stress buster. After a hectic day, one may sit or lie down peacefully and listen to the music of his own choice. After a few while, he will find his inner self rejuvenated and renewed and shall feel newly refreshed. The non verbal language of music played through various instruments is also a way of enticing one's feelings, thoughts and ideas. Like in any other activities, music plays a vital role in yoga practice and meditation. There are many forms of yoga like Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Viniyoga, Anusara Yoga, Ananda Yoga and many others. Each forms of yoga has their distinct respective utilities. In the spheres of yoga practice, the sound, when coupled with tone and rhythm, have a strong effect on mind and the body of the listener. The mantras, when chanted, create a rhythm that reaches a higher state ! of self consciousness. The mantra music is a strong non-verbal means of communication. It tunes the mind to non-ordinary levels of perception. The sounds and tones incorporated in a yoga music are not merely agglomeration of words. Rather, every chants and hymns contribute to create a calming ambiance, allowing one to relax. The different kinds of music has the ability to create different moods but the music which creates a greater harmony is apt for yoga and meditation. Meditation music seeks deeper into the hidden aspects of one's being and enables the practitioner to reach the pinnacle of concentration level. No wonder that music is considered as the means to soothe, relax and elevate the mind. Through the sounds of spiritual chants, hymns and rhythms, a powerful and inspiring mood is induced within the listener. In recent times, there are many record label companies offering yoga DVDs and CDs. Spirit Voyage is one of the renowned record label company which offers different kinds of CDs and DVDs containing yoga music, instrumental music for yoga sessions, Sanskrit mantras and many more. In addition, the company is also into offering different accessories like yoga pants and yoga clothing for men and women. Yoga accessories like yoga rugs, yoga cushions, yoga jeweleries are also available with Spirit Voyage. The company essentially tends to guide a yoga aspirant with different yoga books. These books contain detailed information and illustrations of different kinds of yoga like Hatha Yoga, Kundlaini Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Iyengar Yoga and many more. The melodious pieces, chants and different instrumental music soothes the inner self of the practitioner, leading him to a different high. The yoga and meditation music from Spirit Voyage induce altered state of consciousness and let the practitioner experience magical changes within. The spiritual music enfolded in Spirit Voyage's yoga DVDs and CDs can deeply touch the heart and soul of any human being. Let the peaceful voice of Snatam Kaur, Deuter, Nirin! jan Kaur Khalsa, Dev Suroop Kaur Khalsa, Bachan Kaur, Wah and others take you to an eternal divine voyage. Music is an effortless and effective means of touching the deepest core of the heart. Step into the divine will with different kinds of yoga music and let your innate energy channels get blissed. Music during the yoga sessions will connect you to higher spheres and enhance the meditative and religious moods within you. Lead yourself to a spiritual odyssey with yoga and meditation music from Spirit Voyage. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage which offers a collection of yoga music and meditation music CDs and DVDs. This company essentially tend to infuse a spirit of harmony and peace within the people with its collection of yoga DVDs, yoga clothing and books. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.beginner yoga posesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Experience the Healing Power of Divine Portals Posted: 25 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by John Beck "Seeds of Contemplation and Understanding" At the same time that I began studying fine art in New York and Florence, Italy, I began my yoga practice delving deeply into Jnana, Bhakti, and Kriya Yoga. I visited many intriguing places in the inner spiritual realms and traveled to interesting places in the outer physical world. Time spent in study and meditation revealed my great desire to bring into manifestation images that would express and reflect my experiences of the Infinite within each individual and all of creation while balancing and healing anyone who looks upon them. Meditation on divine portals of any origin can reveal powerful insights about our lives and our role in the greater picture. Each journey has blessed me with seeds of contemplation and understanding. It has been these seeds that have burst forth in the form of visual images that reflect the divine inner journey of every being, and finally, of the Kundalini Shakti. From the seat of my soul, I held the steadfast intention to bring them into sacred geometric expression, and with the assistance of Divine Creative Mother I have seen this dream fulfilled. "Revealing Images" The creative process for me is one of preparation and then listening to the divine inspiration that speaks to us all. It is simply tapping into the heart center and then living and acting from that space. When I feel the clarity of this realm come over me there is no mistaking it's power and beauty. It is pure bliss. I want to share this experience with all that want hear about it. Several years ago I had a dream, where in a subtle landscape, I visited an art studio and found myself in front of my first Divine creation. I was wonder struck at the beauty and organization of an image that was so captivating that I jumped out of bed and ran to my desk to sketch the image as fast as I could. The image was not lost. Soon, it was on canvas and I entitled it "Organic Cathedral." ! This pa inting is a spell binding look at how the Divine Mystery reveals itself to us in the natural world where color and form unite in divine harmony. As I was bringing this image into creation my friend Nathan Dove Bear, a native american of the Arapaho tribe, said to me, "This must be how animals and insects see the grandeur of their world." It struck me so profoundly that I had an epiphany about the great teachings of the divine beings that I had come to know. " Do you see the miracle?," the teacher asked his disciple, "Here the One has become a rock, a tree, and a human being." Each time now, when I look upon this painting, I am instantly reminded that everything we experience with the five senses is a revelation of the great Sea Of Love that encompasses and is within all things great and small. This experience marked the beginning of a great unfoldment of other beautiful images in a process of co-creation with Divine Mother. Many more images came to me in the subtle dream state or in meditation, and when the image "The Labyrinth of Human Existence" was revealed to me I was amazed at how the painting so perfectly reflects the complexity of our journey here in this world. I saw layer after layer of deeper meaning in the idea that we are wandering through a vast and intricate web of life. It boggles my mind to think about how we make hundreds, even thousands, of decisions that shape our journey each day. Months and years passed, yet I was still so excited about what I might receive that I found it hard to sleep. I was filled with gratitude and awe about being the messenger of powerful living geometric expressions of the Divine. It was glorious. I decided to make a detailed record of all the images that came to me, and as I was doing so, I realized that my paintings were meant to be experienced all over the world by millions of people who have chosen to take the same journey that I have chosen to embark upon. One night, I got the chance to ask ! a woman who speaks with spirit guides what I must do in order to flower the world with my paintings." In a very sweet and gentle look, the woman turned her glance upward and was silent for a moment. Then a smile began to curl up at the corners of her mouth. She said, "If you want to flower the world with your paintings you must show them to people." I laughed out loud with great amusement at the simple and powerful message. "It's so easy," I thought. I began exploring the many ways that I could share these images with the world. What steps would I take to reach all the people that these powerful images and portals are meant for? At first, I thought I should contact the art galleries that are considered to be on the cutting edge of new and creative art, but art galleries are primarily in the business of selling popularized images and rarely look for something profoundly transformative. It became obvious that the traditional art community was not the way to go because I knew that what I had painted was extraordinary and in a category all its own. I sought the assistance of a woman who is a seer. At her recommendation, I began showing the paintings at spiritual events and places where people are gathering to share their experiences.So far, there is much interest. "Merging is a Profound and Expanding Experience" "Merging" is the beautiful, ecstatic and powerful process of experiencing our unity with the Divine. It is the most profound and expanding experience this existence has to offer. It is a union on every level with the force that creates, sustains, and dissolves this world in each moment. It represents a fundamental shift in the perspective of the seeker. It is a foundational experience described in the philosophical texts of many traditions. An experience of the level of vibration that inspires the heart and motivates the mind to seek that unity consciousness unceasingly until oneness becomes a consistent way of perceiving All That Is. This! paintin g is a reflection of the experience of the two becoming The One. The seeker longs to be one with the Divine because the illusion of this realm creates a dimension of separateness. However, we must grow into the perspective that we have always been the One. Learning about the endless Sea of Love is an unending process of remembering and forgetting, so that the feeling of merging is ever a new and exhilarating experience. I invite you to explore the rush of 'Merging'. "The Color of Understanding Pierces the Veil of this World" The Color of Understanding is a map of the shifts in Consciousness a person must make in order to achieve enlightenment. It expresses the manifestation of all things that reverberate from the center of being, or the Nila Bindu. Meditation on this image opens the pathways to knowingness and understanding of the Great Sea of Love that we are immersed in. This painting reveals the similarities in specific eastern, as well as, Mayan, Incan and many Native American Tribes' reflections of the divine. The Color of Understanding unleashes the Bliss of the Universe from within. "The Geometry of Love is a Gift from Divine Mother" The Geometry of Love is an image of the Love of Divine Mother, Aboriginal visions of the land, the rainbow serpent power, and yogic symbols of the divine within each human being. The Geometry of Love represents a unity between previously separate ideologies in painting themes. It brings about deeper states of conscious awareness. The center of the painting acts as a vortex and draws the viewer into the realm of ethereal space described in the tantric texts of India and Kashmir. The triangle with a blue sphere at the center is recorded in these texts as the Seat of the Soul. The triangle, the circle, and the square are the basic building blocks of all things. The title of the painting is meant to express the idea that these basic shapes are a manifestation of the great infinitely nurtu! ring fie ld of energy that contains all space. The Divine intention that brought this painting into manifestation is one of shifting human consciousness to a more beneficial, loving, understanding, and healing wavelength. These are just three of the many images that have come. They are a manifestation of God's love and desire to assist those who want to shift from the uncomfortable state that they are living in to a place of love, understanding, peace, and bliss. They are representations in fine art of what is opening up on a universal scale. Yogic, Hopi, Mayan, Anasazi, Aboriginal, Christian, Moslem, and Polynesian symbology are but a few of the dimensions, or perspectives, revealed in these original works of art, which are combined in such a way, that they take the viewer on an inward journey that reminds us that we are all ONE! About the Authorby Metteyya White Wolf Osborne John Scarantino Beck also known as John "Golden Eagle" Beck is a shamanic healer in the Oklevueha Native American Church. He is a world class artist and has studied under acclaimed artists in New York and Florence, Italy. He has traveled all over the United States and Europe exploring painting genres with other great artists. Mr. Beck has worked in the atelier of Jacob Collins, he has worked with Nelson Shanks who is one of the worlds most recognized portrait artists, and he has studied under Daniel Graves at the highly acclaimed Florence Academy of Art in Florence, Italy. He has been dubbed "The Painter of True Beauty." Mr. Beck has exhibited inNew York, Houston, Washington D.C., Maui, and Salt Lake City. The latest paintings, which are being recognized in 30 different countries, include a series of abstract works that are spiritual healing images. These paintings are powerful tools for shifting individuals' lives and living spaces from lower inhibited vibrations to higher vibrational frequencies that promise to impact all areas of peoples' lives in a powerful and uplifting way. They also reflect the universal growth that is occurring, now that we have (according to the Mayan calendar) entered the age of Ethics and have left the age of Power and Control behind. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.11-11 Portal of LightThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Inner Circles Of Yoga And Its Benefits Posted: 25 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Yogainstructor Yoga is the process of unification of mind and body both. Contrary to what some people believe, the effects and benefits of Yoga are not guarded by religious beliefs. It is a scientifically proven combination of exercises, which maintains the level of the flow of energy in our body. Although it was created in ancient times in the southern part of India, it took a short amount of time in spreading throughout the world. Yoga in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide is making quite a fuss already.Yoga builds personality, relieves stress and improves connection between mind and body. According to health experts, one who exercises yoga always gets a broader perspective of life than others. Let us talk about a few different types of yoga and its benefits.Bhakti YogaThis type of yoga exercise brings a feeling of devotion to a person's mind. Self-surrender is the essence of this yoga. This particular type of exercise inspires people to believe in the positive effects of life and try to remain optimistic. Bhakti yoga does not tell you about exercise repetitions or diet charts; it concentrates on relieving stressful feelings out of the mind and compels you to relive the happiest moment of your life while exercising. This exercising method teaches you to feel the energy flow running in your veins. By that you get a more heightened sense and also an efficient nervous system.Karma YogaThis segment of yoga exercise takes care of what we feel and think. The health experts agree that what we feel, think or believe reflects on our personality and life. Therefore, to gain a healthy and stress free life, one must always feel or think about the positive aspects of life. These exercises calm our mind through meditation and take us to a world of hope. Yoga practitioners believe in rebirth of human life. They agreed upon the theory that every soul keeps coming back to life again and again until his/her deeds are absolutely cleared. They called it the circle of life. However, modern yoga experts believe that t! his exer cise method was created to fill up the human mind with positive thoughts, which provides them a happy and stress free long life. Kundalini YogaKundalini yoga was created to control the spiritual energy that determines our well-being and influences our understanding of the world. This exercise method is a highly evolved technique that opens the door of a higher level of consciousness in our mind. Yoga practitioners used to believe that there are particular spots inside our body that retains and distributes the flow of spiritual energy in our body. These spots exist in theory of course. Health experts and doctors agree to this fact that there are certain pressure points in our body that are responsible for distributing vital energy flow through our body. Kundalini yoga exercises boost these pressure points and improve our spiritual self.These styles of exercise are unique in every way. They provide not just good health but relieve stress, improve vitality, heighten senses and strengthen the bond between our mind and body. If you want to learn the different aspects of Yoga in Australia, you have to get proper training from yoga trainers in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other important cities. About the AuthorJohn Richards is an exercise aficionado, who loves to travel and eat correctly to stay healthy. After getting a taste of Yoga in Melbourne and few other locations where yoga has transformed people into health enthusiasts. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Megiddo II The New AgeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 24 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Tuitui There is no one strategy that will solve your problems online but there is a step by step process that I know that will fast track you making more money using the internet.Here's your next step-if you need it,keep reading. I know that when I was getting started I made some huge mistakes that slowed me down for years from making the money I wanted to. I used to put together products and then market them.That's backwards to building a sustainable business.Although I did OK it was the hard way to build a business. I'd like to show you now how to fast track yourself through many of the common mistakes business owners have,and put together a Step By Step plan that you can implement on the first day you listen to the training. Imagine,what this could be worth to not only you personally?But also,to your financial and spiritual future. Let me give you a sneak peak- It's the difference between feeling lost in technology,not knowing how to get paid every month for you product or services,and feeling REALLY good about your life.The good news is,I can show you how to have a website running flawlessly that someone else manages and it doesn't cost you very much at all. It's all about value and priorities-a big key in a conscious spiritually awake business. Here's your chance to bring into alignment all that you've been lacking: I'm going to teach you a crash course on Making Money Online âEUR" The ConsciousWay in this Audio Class. We're going to cover what YOU need now to have an alive and vibrant business that pays you BIG money. Spirit didn't make us to be poor or to struggle! You have what it takes- You just have to give up the mindset that says you don't. You'll need to be able to trust someone who's done it and is willing to show you- And it's easier than you may think. This is How it Works! What we are going to cover based on what you told me you need: ?Step-By-Step Processes To Follow To Make Mone! y Everyd ay?How To Find Free Marketing?Build A Tribe Of Repeat Customers?Build A Business Around Your Purpose?How To Write Blogging?The Authentic Way Design Your Entire Website For less Then 0?Inexpensive Technology HelpIncrease Membership Sales And Loyalty?Stop Trying To Do What You Are Not Good At?Release YOU Into The World Social Media For Everyday People?Network with other Conscious People Building Business?How To Find Your Ideal Client Bonus:I'm Going to give you my Plan that I followed to create a 0,000 a year Business.That's k a month in re-occurring business.However,not everyone will follow this plan.It is the plan that I use every day in my business.If you are tired of second guessing "HOW" to be Conscious and're in the right place. Follow me for 4 Hours in my MP3 recordings .....I'll show you how to make money doing what you LOVE. What this class includes:Mp3 Audio'sTranscripts of All AudiosStudy GuideAccess To A Private Facebook Group What To Do Now?JUST SAY YES! Shanda's "I'll stand behind my word"100% Money Back Guarantee Here's my promise to you.Join our live event,listen to the content,listen to the Mp3's.If for some reason you don't receive all that you need to become clear,build a vibrant and conscious business-we'll make it right by giving you 100% of your money back-no questions asked.There's nothing to lose whatsoever. Yes I'm In!I'm ready,Shanda to invest 4hours of my time with you to create a life changing shift so that I can be the owner of a conscious business.I understand that it will require a commitment of my time and am willing to attend this live event so that the life I've always dreamed of can now be mine.Let's go! You will have immediate access to the MP3 Recordings All for the low price of Questions?Email About the AuthorDownload Click here Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Eckhart Tolle on Drama vs. the NowThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Elements to Keep In Mind When Selecting the Ideal Stadium Seating Methods Posted: 24 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by gavin mark Most arenas and stadiums are filled with different types of seats and grandstands. There are many distinct types of games that one want to enter the arena and enjoy the games peacefully with no kind of destruction. Apart from the video games, most of the stadiums are now providing occasions like musical concerts and marathons. They are l favored considering that they are big and will fit a large capacity of people. Most of the people love them since they have lots of safety and have much better viewing specifically when there are reside matches. One thing to maintain in mind will be the stadium seating arrangement. This is where you will commit most of the time while the stated activity is going on. There are several various kinds of stadium seating kinds and most of them have been placed to meet the requirements of the customers. They require to be very cozy and fit for different sizes of people. They also require to have back support so that one will be cozy when they are watching the match or following the concert. It will be fairly unpleasant when you have no type of help and you will by no means enjoy to attend the matches once more. An additional issue to maintain in thoughts when looking for the best spot to seat will be the legroom capacity. Most of them have sufficient area for one to stretch well and relax their feet. Envision a situation where you are not ready to stretch the feet and you have to be actually squeezed all the time and have to stay like that all through the game. The other factor one wants to keep in mind in the stadium seating is the location of the set that you aim for. There are various kinds of seats, considering that there are these that are close to the center and others are near the exit doors where numerous people will be moving up and down therefore limiting the chance of you to view the match with ease. When getting into the stadium, one requirements to take the seat where they will view all the corners of the stadium and in a position to view the di! verse si gnificant screens well. The ideal idea for one to get the greatest seat will be to book for the event or match early in advance and report to the stadium amongst the first individuals so that they can decide on the seats. Another to retain in thoughts when choosing the seat will be the ease of movement, do not select a seat where you will discover it difficult to move out and in as you please. As soon as you keep these simple elements in thoughts, you will only require to concentrate on the game. About the AuthorClick here stadium seating and know about Arena Seating & Grandstand Seating Specialists. stadium seating system is specifically designed with construction and strike down in mind. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Function of sexual acts in melancholy - Human body and Intellect-Sexual acts and Stress Posted: 24 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Jeremiah Herline Whisper Hypnosis for Sleep ... Rob's Session Series 33 N.1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mystery of existence is near and far -- not in between Posted: 24 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT Why is there something rather than nothing? Or more positively (my preference): There is something rather than nothing! A great question. And a great exclamation. I hugely enjoy pondering both, especially the latter. But the mystery of existence is much more than a pondering to me. It's an immediate, um, existential experience that always is lurking not far from the surface of my consciousness. I'm easily drawn into the depths of WOW! by ducking my everyday conscious mind just a little ways below the surface of the perceptions, thoughts, sensations, emotions and what-not which normally are the focus of my attention. (I've blogged quite a bit about the mystery of existence. Google knows. Here's a fairly recent offering.) So when I learned about Jim Holt's book, "Why Does the World Exist? An Existential Detective Story," I raced into Amazon's always-eagerly-embracing arms as fast as my laptop-typing fingers would take me. I haven't been disappointed. Highly recommended, though I'm only a bit over halfway through the book. Holt is a terrific writer, a frequent contributor to the New Yorker, New York Times, and other esteemed publications. He describes an all-encompassing search for what Deep Thinkers about the mystery of existence have to say about it. Philosophers, scientists, religious types, novelists. Holt's interviews are fascinating. Even when highly technical theories or esoteric logic is being discussed, I remain engrossed in the conversation. The guy I agree with the most so far (no gals have been interviewed in the chapters I've read; maybe pondering the mystery of existence is a guy thing) is Adolf Grünbaum, a noted philosopher of science. His attitude is almost exactly the same as mine, though he can explain his viewpoint in a much more sophisticated way than I can. ...Grünbaum finds the existence of the world utterly unastonishing. And he is utterly convinced that it is rational for him to be unastonished. Consider again the basic mystery as originally stated by Leibniz: why is there something rather than nothing? Grünbaum dubs this, with appropriate grandeur (and perhaps a bit of irony), the Primordial Existential Question. But what makes it legitimate? Like any other why question, he observes, it rests on hidden presuppositions. Not only does it presuppose that there must be some explanation for the existence of the world. It also takes for granted that the world needs an explanation -- that, in the absence of some overriding cause or reason, nothingness would be expected to prevail. Now you might be wondering how I could agree so much with Grünbaum given that I feel WOW! when I grok the mystery of existence, while he finds the mystery utterly unastonishing. Well, Grünbaum's unastonishment is rooted in his dislike for the question, why is there something rather than nothing? I too am uninterested in the "why?," though I used to believe there could be an answer to it. As noted above, it's there is something rather than nothing which truly amazes me. I get a chill up my psyche's spine when I lie in bed at night and visualize something being something for infinity, ever and ever, something without beginning or end. This has no connection with God. There's no need for God in the mystery of existence. The cosmos is. For me (and Grünbaum) that's the end of the story. And the beginning of it. My mind gets boggled when I try to envision existence existing eternally, outside of time. This is the far side of the mystery of existence. Endlessness. Eternity. Being without becoming. Effect absent cause. Yet I'm equally boggled by the near side of the mystery of existence. This present moment. What's right here, right now. The fact that I'm experiencing what I am, given how much is'ness there is in the cosmos. Mystery doesn't only lie beyond the horizon of my consciousness. Mystery is immediately before me. In fact, is me. Because I exist, and no one knows why anything exists, nor if "why?" is even a valid question when asked of the entirety of existence. Inbetween the near and far sides of the mystery of existence, knowledge can be known. Science guides us. Explorations of causes and effects can steadily enlighten the darkness of what it is possible to know, yet presently isn't. This illuminating has no end. Except at the near side and far side of the mystery of existence. Here, I believe, all we can do is WOW! And that one word is, for me, all the religion, spirituality, and mysticism I need in my current churchlessness. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picking Out the Underlying Sources of Stress in Your Life Posted: 24 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Mark Vaccaro More often than not, stress has a way of creeping up on people and they don't even realize it's there until it's very severe. The problem with stress is that there are so many different symptoms and everyone reacts differently to stress. Yet the sooner we can recognize it, the easier it is to come up with a plan to manage it. Stress can cause you some serious medical issues if you aren't completely aware of the symptoms. Most of us take stress for granted doing nothing about it even though the modern world is quite stressful and we know it is. While there can be many reasons why you feel an overall lack of energy or frequent bouts of fatigue, stress is a common cause of this, especially if no obvious physical cause can be found. Being physically and mentally tired are results of stress. If we're worn out due to stress, sitting at your desk or even driving through traffic are very hard. Stress can cause us to feel the need to either eat too much resulting in weight gain or not eat enough resulting in unhealthy weight loss. You may find yourself skipping meals because you feel too stressed to eat, this is not a great way to lose weight because you are depriving your body of the necessary nutrition it needs to function. Unnatural reduction in weight can be caused from stress related eating disorders. Overeating is the most common cause of weight gain. This is sometimes known as emotional eating, where you use food as way to feel better emotionally. This can cause obesity. By managing your stress you should be able to take steps to manage your eating habits. You may see people who are stressed having a difficult time getting along with peers or perhaps you've seen a person withdraw from social scenes completely because of their own stress levels. This happens when you are so wrapped up with your own fears or problems that dealing with others just seems like too much. Isolation typically isn't a positive thing and often will cause even more stress since humans are typically soci! al being s who feed off of other positive energy. You need to think about the reasons why you are isolating yourself from those whom you would normally enjoy spending time with. Sometimes it's necessary to speak to a professional in order to get stress under control. The abuse of illegal substances is a symptom of stress with possibly fatal consequences. The habit of drinking alcoholic beverages and taking drugs to alleviate the symptoms of stress can quickly lead down the path of addiction. The temptation to drink alcohol and take illegal drugs is admittedly difficult to resist especially during times of unbearable stress but these are not the best solutions - temporary but not the best ones. If you find yourself engaging in these dangerous activities, we suggest immediately seeking help lest stress take control of your life. The stress symptoms outlined here are incomplete, to say the least, because there are many more symptoms not discussed here. With modern life being stressful as it is, nobody is immune. The good news is that we may not be able to control the environment and people around us but we have the capacity to successfully deal with our stress. The symptoms of stress, as we've seen, can vary quite a bit, and they'll be a little different in every case. This is why it's so important to identify the symptoms as soon as possible and find ways to manage and cope with them. About the AuthorMark Vaccaro researches and writes extensively on the best practices in online marketing. Some articles that I recommend reading can be found on the topics of leadership training and webmaster tools. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The World of Relaxation with Jon Kabat-Zinn Preview VideoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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