The benefits of yoga

The benefits of yoga

The benefits of yoga

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael Saville

Why Hypnosis Is Better For Stress Than Meditating

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Silvia Hartmann

***** Stress Is The Life Killer

Stress is the greatest problem for people in the modern world, and it's much worse than just health problems such as heart attacks that are brought on by too much stress for way too long.

Stress impacts EVERYTHING.

Stress kills our libido, our enjoyment of life; stress causes disturbed emotions of anger, rage, sadness and depression; stress makes us clumsy; stress causes us to make mistakes and worst of all, stress makes us think stupid thoughts (we become "stress stupid") and it cuts off the internal flow to our creative and innate talents and abilities.

It is clear that we ALL need to de-stress, whether we are teenagers who suffer from acne and migraines as a result of stress, men and women in "anger management", authors who suffer from writer's block, business people who burst a blood vessel, or parents at home who aren't enjoying their kids but end up screaming at them instead.

So how do we de-stress, and urgently, and FAST?

***** Why Stress & Meditation Are At Odds

Many hold that meditating and meditation is the answer to stress.Meditating and meditation is the act of entering into altered states of consciousness, to widen our conscious awareness and to re-connect with the superconsciousness of our energy mind (subconscious mind, subconsciousness).

This does not happen when we are stressed - a person under stress is like a TV that isn't tuning properly. Everything is disturbed, mad, doesn't fit together, there is no clarity.

Trying to meditate when you are stressed is like trying to be romantic with a pick axe embedded in your forehead - try as you might, it's not going to work very well if ever at all.

So we have the classic Catch 22 and another big stressor to add to all of that stress - a stressed person is TOLD to relax and go away and meditate, but they can't meditate because they're way too stressed!

***** Why Hypnosis Is The Best For Stress

Long before a person who is under a lot! of stre ss can even BEGIN to enjoy harp music to relax them even further, they need to be made to slow down into other states of being, and for that you need HELP.

"A good talking to" by a sympathetic other is the most NATURAL way of getting rid of stress invented by human kind, and it even exceeds physical touch approaches in high stress situations; it precedes them too. We "talk" a potential suicide victim DOWN from the top of a building, not massage them off; we "talk" an angry man with a gun down into lowering it, we don't pat him on the back.

That is exactly where hypnosis comes in to help with stress.

Hypnosis is DESIGNED to assist people to ENTER INTO AN ALTERED STATE of meditation - that is the first purpose of hypnosis, and its speciality.

Often people get confused by the "instructions" or the content of hypnosis - the post hypnotic suggestions for change that take all the attention, but it is the fact that hypnosis brings people into the restful meditative state where they even become RECEPTIVE to suggestions, ideas, visions and new thoughts is where the power of hypnosis to heal the mind actually lies.

***** From Hypnosis To Meditation - Breaking The Stress Loop

"Going into trance" is something that we learn and we are taught when a hypnotist talks to us, and talks us down from the stress of the thoughts that fly here, there and everywhere, into a relaxed state of clarity, and peace, where your body is at ease and mind healing can finally begin.


It is a learned skill that gets ever better with practice.

So my recommendation to combat stress, and to learn how to relax and EVENTUALLY to be able to meditate successfully, which then leads to being able to control one's own stress levels in the real world and to be able to relax and de-stress even in the middle of a stressful situation, is to DO HYPNOSIS - and LOTS OF IT.

Rather than to hopelessly try and "find inner peace" so necessary fo! r mind h ealing without guidance, do hypnosis inductions. This is as easy as sitting down in a chair, putting on the headphones and letting the hypnotist do their job.

Hypnosis CDs, mp3s and tapes are readily and freely available; there are MANY free downloads and trial downloads available.

Try many, and if you find a hypnotist that YOU GET ON WITH, someone you find relaxing to listen to and who can make you feel safe, relaxed and you can feel your stress begin to drain away as they speak with you, you have struck "Anti-Stress Gold".

Now you have a tool to help you break out of the stress loop.Use this hypnotist to de-stress you regularly and as often as you possibly can.

You will find after a few repetitions that you LEARN TO LEARN TO RELAX and HOW YOU DO THAT.

Now, you are ready to start meditating on your own.

***** Anti-Stress Meditation In The Moment

When you are out and about in your daily environment and you notice your stress levels rising, remember your hypnotist and what they said, just for a moment. Find out if you can feel your stress beginning to flow away. Even if your stress abates just a little bit, you can know that you are now on your way - you have started to learn to control your states of being, your states of mind.

This is the beginning of a new stress free life.

Life will ALWAYS be stressful.

We need to learn to be able to notice when we're stressed, and to step back from that into the clarity of altered states.

That is what hypnosis teaches you, teaches you easily, and just for the listening, no willpower required at all.

When you have learned the basics of relaxation, THEN and only THEN are you ready to begin to meditate on your own, or to use meditation devices that require these basic skills of knowing how to shift state in the first place.

***** Hypnosis, Stress & Meditation - In Conclusion

Using hypnosis for stress relief doesn't mean that you should only look at hypnosis programs designed for str! ess alon e. Remember that what you want to learn is the skill of altering your states of being, so that you can also then meditate and get all the health benefits from that; but more importantly even still, so that you can de-stress yourself in REAL LIFE.

You can choose ANY good hypnotist, and ANY good hypnosis program that excites you, in a double benefit, because it is not the CONTENT, but the hypnosis skills themselves you need to learn to put an end to being in stress states all the time.

You can choose intelligence enhancing hypnosis programs; mind healing programs; performance programs, health programs - the CONTENT is irrelevant and just the icing on the cake.

Hypnosis is a WONDERFUL and incredibly USEFUL tool for dealing with the human mind, for healing the mind, and for getting our thoughts and conscious mind under control.

Explore. Find a GOOD hypnotist who can teach you the life saving skill of going into trance, and you get control not just of your stress, but of your entire WORLD.

About the Author

Dr Silvia Hartmann is an international energy therapies trainer, hypnotist and author of "Project Sanctuary". For many free hypnosis mp3 downloads and other mind healing resources, please visit

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Beethoven Baroque- Relaxation music

Beethoven Baroque- JUST SIT AND RELAX!!

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August 2012 Numerology Forecast

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT



The universal August numerology forecast indicates that it is time to put our noses back to the grindstone and to stay centered ... Read the rest for the #4 below.

The number information in italics is for the current month's universal forecast. To find your own personal month: add your month and day of birth and the current month and year together like in the example below.

Example: Feb 3, August 2012
2+3+8+2+0+1+2=18=1+8= 9

#1 – Solutions to Old Problems

This month bring new solutions to old problems as change comes into effect. It is time to be more assertive. Be open to meeting someone new. You will see a different aspect of yourself.

#2 – Details

Begin to work on the details you created last month. The pace slows down now, so be patient. Spend more time with your mate and your friends. This is a time to be careful with everything you undertake, a time to listen and cooperate. Take steps to simplify your life. Pay attention to your encounters with others — what are they trying to tell you?

#3 – Be Creative

August is a month to be creative: take a short trip, entertain friends for dinner. This is a time for more optimism. Life favors you.

#4 – Back to Work with a Sigh

Changes in work schedules may bring more restrictions than feel comfortable to you as you are back to work with a sigh. You family puts demands on you and pets unexpectedly have to be taken to the vet. Stay centered and make a list of your goals.

#5 – Change or Conflict

You experience change or conflict on the home front. Be very flexible and adaptable right now. Timing is perfect for a trip this year. You want to serve the public. If you are single you may meet a possible mate. Follow your curiosity and explore new ideas.

#6 – Family Life is Highlighted

During the month of August your family life is highlighted as more and more people turn to you for help. You have a strong feeling of security. An old family issue may surface. You also must keep your promises now. Don't overbook yourself, set aside time just for you. Remain centered in a spiritual practice (this whole year is excellent for meditation and study). Take that class: art, sewing, cooking or what ever you are drawn to. Have good friends over for dinner.

#7 – Time for a Rest

It is time for a rest. Go on a retreat, meditate, pay attention to your health and your tendency to overwork. Make time an do something unique and special. People are drawn to you for your expertise. Be patient about money. If you are looking for work, you will get it next month.

#8 – Business Opportunities

Business opportunities are picking up: promotions, retirement or a bonus. Apply yourself to complete a project. You could find yourself working with: international agencies, large corporations, and charities. You are drawn to pursue cultural projects, publishing, research and teaching. The results will probably be seen next month. Large amounts of money could be coming your way through perhaps an inheritance. You will make a major life decision, use good judgment.

#9 – Discard the Unworkable

It is time to finish up old projects and tie up loose ends. If something turns out to be unworkable it is time to discard it. Make time to travel and broaden your contacts. Have faith and hope for the best. Revel in your accomplishments, but don't start anything new until next month.

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Careful Planning Required for Relaxed Move

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by John Michal

Relocation is one of the most painful and taxing experiences of human's life. While moving towards the new destination one should have to do each and every work carefully to make their resettlement work successful. People have to do the entire work of shifting from packing, loading to unloading, unpacking in a systematic manner. But doing all these work together is really a very tough work for the common people. So that's why they have to do the proper planning to make their resettlement work smoother. The perfect planning makes your resettlement work simpler and relaxed. Here are some points that you have to keep in mind while doing the planning for the resettlement process: First one should have to pack the entire household goods properly without any sort of mistake. While packing the goods always remember to use the finest quality packing materials. Pack the brittle goods with more concern and try to keep them separate from the other belongings. Packing is one of most important and annoying task that secures the goods from loss that's why one should have to do this work carefully and swiftly.After packing the entire goods one need a truck or lorry to move the goods safely towards the new destination. Hiring the truck is not at all hard work as several travel agencies are available in the market. They also provide driver with the truck. So before hiring the truck one should have to check out the truck condition and papers properly. Always try to appoint that driver who has good experience because experienced driver know how to handle each situation perfectly. After renting the truck load the entire belongings securely in the truck.People have to unload the goods with utmost care after truck reaches to the new destination. Put all the boxes in the house at the safe place. After unloading one must have to unpack the belongings and check out whether the goods reached safely or not. Then start rearranging the goods properly one by one without any blunder. At one time rearrange one room only it makes! your work simpler and less painful.If you are unable to do the above work yourself appropriately then you can take help of reliable companies of Packers and Movers in Gurgaon. They are working from years to make your resettlement hassle-free by doing the above work suitably on time. It is an assurance that movers and packers in Gurgaon make your above relocation work simpler and relaxed.

About the Author

John michal is an eminent analyst and writer in Business and Transportation related topics. For more information Movers Packers Gurgaon and Packers and Movers Gurgaon to visit

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Med Spa Treatment options for weight reduction

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by cliff log

Should you have tried all varieties of exercise and diet to eliminate these extra inches, yet with no success, you may use any club regarding help out with removing these. Med schools give a lot of different treatments and treatments that really help promote weight-loss. So if you're not too looking towards extensive lipo or perhaps starting decline medical procedures, the day spa treatment is easier to receive the number you've always looked for.

Some spas possess certified acupuncturists that really help reach the excellent bodyweight naturally. Acupuncture works well for stimulating our bodies metabolic process and inside activating the breakdown regarding fat and also within improving energy to be able to naturally and simply slim down.

Folks hunting for an alternative tactic in treating decline can do thus by working with a personal trainer along with a dietary counselor. These types of packages typically contain lifting weights, nutritional supplements, stretches workouts and also aerobic conditioning that assist together with reduction.

Liposculpture, mini-lipo or perhaps system figurine is often a medical approach that assists with all the long lasting removal of excess extra fat. All it takes is a little incision plus a tv for you to draw body fat through individuals tough damage locations. This procedure ought to be done simply by qualified along with skilled physicians inside a health spa placing under nearby pain-killer. You will then expertise immediate final results.

Med doctor offices also provide hormonal injections pertaining to loss to the extremely obese people. These types of HCG or perhaps Man Chorionic Gonadotropin injections are given throughout typical intervals in order to encourage loss. These types of injection therapy tend to be medications that could be attained merely immediately after appointment which has a medical professional in a day spa.

Mesothearpy can be a therapy including things like government regarding herbal needles to t! he greas y flesh. These kind of injections support stop working fatty tissue without having done any just about any injury to the nearby skin, and therefore are obviously flushed out of our bodies. Though there are a few challenges associated with lipodissolve, it can be accessible in most spas.

Mediterranean sea spas offer hook totally free lipodissolve and that is medically approved with regard to fatty tissue lowering and the activation associated with normal loss. Right here, temperature implanted strong cells massage uses intensive stress for you to smoothen your skin layer, and breakdown fatty tissue.

Considering the variety of spa treatments available to help with damage, it is important which you have conversations together with your doctor to look for the greatest therapy to utilize to assist you together with your reduction endeavors.

About the Author

For more information about <h2> Med Spa </h2> find out more here.

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Long Island's #1 Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer

Breakthroughs To Fitness is Long Island's #1 personal training company with elite personal trainers ready to assist your desires. We are trained to coach clients in a variety of areas such as nutrition, exercise, mind-body connection, goal setting, supplementation, and stress reduction

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Noise Reduction Window: Seal Your Room To Calmness

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Kevin Bates

Living beside the highway and the busy streets can give your nights of ruined and uneasy sleep. The worst thing about living in a busy town is that sleep is always out of reach. Stress and tension are usually brought by a chaotic environment. The constant demand for equipments that can eliminate disturbing sounds paved way for the creation of noise reduction window.By using double-pane vinyl casements, those distracting sounds are eliminated and peace is attained in a room. More people are growing fondness and interest over these latest innovation in home maintenance. Not only do they bring relaxation and comfort to a home, they also maintain its beauty and aesthetics. This is the reason why these latest innovations are become more popular everyday.If you are sick and tired of the barks produced by your neighbor's dogs, then these latest innovation is the perfect choice for you. Pay just a minimum amount and immediately receive years of peace and calmness. Get rid of those old and filthy panes that do not in any way help you have a relaxing rest in your own bedroom.A noise reduction window is backed up by a recent technology called Sound Transmission Class or STC. This system is used to analyze the capability of a certain material to stop sound. Materials are more efficient if they register higher STCs during tests. However, always remember that various STC levels must be taken into consideration before using a certain kind of pane.If you live in a house near the airport or beside an all-nighter bar, then it is highly advised for you to get a pane with a higher STC to sound proof your home better. If on the other hand, you live in a village where the only disturbing sound is your neighbor's barking dog, better yet choose a pane with a lower STC. It all depends upon your needs on what particular pane to buy.Waste no time and fill your home with noise reduction window today. Gone are the nights infested by disturbing sounds from different sources. Buy these amazing panes today. You might never know,! they co uld be the answer to all your sleep and resting problems.

About the Author

Noise reduction window is the considered as the latest innovation in home maintenance. Waste no time and give your home a peaceful and relaxing glow. Why spend the night bothered by those distracting sounds if you have the option to make everything else calm and silent?

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Beverly Neal-Clinton - Part 1 - Access Consciousness

Mitch Friedman interviews Beverly Neal-Clinton - Certified Bars Facilitator for Access Consciousness. Learn simple and pragmatic tools to "clear the slate" and become more of who you truly are. Mind Over Matter TV - As Host, Mitch and his guests, provide important insights and strategies to thousands of people each week on a variety of topics focusing on the power of the mind including stress reduction through relaxation techniques, pain management techniques and the use of positive self-talk to help overcome obstacles and barriers to success. The show, which airs on Monday nights in Albuquerque and has also attracted a strong international following via You Tube and live streaming web-casts, attracts thousands of viewers each week, and enables Mitch to reach a continuously expanding audience with their messages. Contact Mitch Friedman @: or

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Beginner's Yoga Guide: Take Asana Step By Step

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

by wovox

Article by Javier Fuller

Yoga is gaining popularity globally. If you are the one who is keen to take up yoga exercises you are going the right way. Yoga has been found helpful not only in keeping you in good shape but also in preventing various complications. It's not only you but thousand others who take refuge in yoga every day in America to attain physical as well as mental rejuvenation.

In order to practice yoga you may enroll yourself in Yoga classes being run in your locality. A beginner is first taught basics of yoga including basic postures and mudras. If you are willing to learn yoga by yourself, you better go for beginner's yoga videos. You can practice yoga while watching these videos. But while learning yoga on your own you must not take plunge into complex yoga practices at first. As your exercise tolerance increases gradually so you should first take up simpler forms of asana and other yoga exercises.

First thing that you probably learn as a beginner is yoga's way of saluting sun and moon. Then you are made to do relaxation exercises. In earlier phase of yoga lessons you are also imparted various breathing techniques.

Gradually in beginner's classes you learn asana that could be performed easily. For example you are made to practice Savashana and Padmasana that are easier to follow. After first few classes you might be directed to do yoga postures of crouching and stooping.

Beginner's yoga movements are aimed at enhancing body flexibility. Once you get the required flexibility and tolerance, you can go for complex or difficult yogic practices.

In beginner's yoga sessions you also get to know basic body balance postures. There could be various other basic positions ranging from standing poses to various bending and sitting positions.

Once you are through with the first week of yoga classes, you are accorded with a little higher level of exercise that is taking different yoga turns and twists.

Meditation of various kinds, happen to be an integral part of beginners pra! ctices.

Beginner's yoga is basically meant to make folks accustomed with yoga. Once desired level of comfortability and familiarity is achieved you can go ahead with elevated genres of yoga. If you face a little discomfort in doing yoga, don't give up the practice. A little perseverance would make you comfortable with it and all benefits are yours.

Lastly all beginners are most welcome to the world of yoga. By taking up yoga you are helping yourselves with holistic health improvement.

To read more articles on yoga, yoga postures and yoga tips visit

About the Author

The author writes articles on different topics. To get more yoga articles visit

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Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - Lion Yoga Posture

Watch Lion Yoga Posture - Anaahat Yoga For Acidity And Migraine. Strengthen your muscles with Lion Yoga Posture. Subscribe now to watch more great videos every week at . To watch more superhit bollywood videos dont forget to log onto

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Prostate Cancer Screening Test May Prevent 17,000 Advanced Cases Yearly

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

CREDIT: Doctor's visit via Shutterstock

Screening for prostate cancer using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is controversial, but stopping this screening could result in many more cases of advanced disease, a new study suggests.

Researchers analyzed information from the time before and after PSA testing became widespread, and found that screening using the PSA test prevents an estimated 17,000 cases of advanced prostate cancer in the United States each year. The average survival rate of men with advanced prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of their body at diagnosis is one to two and a half years, the researchers said. In contrast, nearly 100 percent of men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early stage, before it has spread to other areas, are alive five years later, according to the American Cancer Society.

The findings add to the recent debate over prostate cancer screening.

Last year, an influential organization called the U.S. Services Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against prostate cancer screening altogether, saying its harms outweigh its benefits.

Recent studies on the topic have also had conflicting results, with some suggesting prostate cancer screening saves lives, and others finding no benefit.

The researchers say their new findings should be taken into consideration when creating PSA screening recommendations.

"There are trade-offs associated with the PSA test, and many factors influence the disease outcome," said study researcher Dr. Edward Messing, chairman of urology at the University of Rochester Medical Center. "And yet our data are very clear: not doing the PSA test will result in many men presenting with far more advanced prostate cancer."

Preventing advanced prostate cancer

Messing and colleagues reviewed data from the largest cancer registry in the U.S. for the years 1983 to 2008. Prior to 1986, PSA screening in men was not routine.

Based on the incidence of advanced prostate cancer in the mid-1980s, the researchers estimated that there would have been about 25,000 cases of advanced prostate cancer in 2008, had PSA screening not been done. But the actual number was about 8,000 cases, or three times less than expected.

The biggest reduction was seen in cancer cases in older men, particularly in those ages 80 to 85.

The study found only an association, not a cause-effect link between screening and fewer prostate cancer cases. It's possible factors other than PSA testing were responsible for the decrease in cases of advanced disease, although the researchers took into account participants' ages and ethnicities, two of the strongest risk factors for prostate cancer.

The researchers also pointed out that finding cancer earlier does not always translate into better survival. But in general, they concluded, PSA testing reduced the incidence of advanced disease.

Window of opportunity

"The USPSTF will be criticized for not having done analysis such as this," Dr. Martin Sanda, director of the Prostate Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, said of the study findings.

The task force based their recommendations mainly on one large, yet flawed, study, Sanda said.

The new findings agree with earlier research that estimated there would be about 30,000 more deaths from prostate cancer each year without screening. "Studies like this provide us a window of opportunity to not let that happen," Sanda said.

Dr. Louis Kavoussi, chairman of urology at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, agreed the main reason for the reduction in advanced cases of prostate cancer is PSA testing.

While men who have been screened for prostate cancer can end up receiving treatment they don't need, Kavoussi said, the screening test itself can't be blamed for this.

"The problem isn't prostate cancer screening, it's what you do if you detect prostate cancer," Kavoussi said.

After undergoing screening, men may receive unnecessary biopsies and treatments, which come with a risk of erectile dysfunction and loss of urinary control.

Doctors need to get better at knowing when to wait, and when to being prostate cancer treatment, Kavoussi said. Men should speak with their doctor about whether they should receive PSA testing, Kavoussi said.

Pass it on:  Eliminating prostate cancer screening could result in thousands of more cases of advanced disease each year, researchers say.

Follow Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner,or MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+.

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Massage Which Refreshes Your Mind

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Graeme Dopheide

Genesis body work offers a best expertise by offering massage and package treatments in the condition of a wide couples area. You have to spend the very least amount of per person for bookings. This all services comes within Brisbane couples massage. Through Brisbane lymphatic drainage the person senses much more comfortable and also tranquil. The Brisbane couples massage is usually carried out in bigger rooms,which usually consist of two massage mattresses and enough region for at least two experts to move freely around them. The goods of sharing a massage with their loved ones could make all of them really feel much more comfortable when they're in each others presence. This can be the best method of presenting someone to the grand world of therapies.

Brisbane lymphatic drainage is also becoming well-known in today's scenario as the life of the person has become full of tensions and restlessness. For spa generally the basic circumstances which comes to our minds becomes a therapy. Benefits which we generally get from the massage are that it may significantly enable you to feel relax and provides the person a proper piece of mind and also helps in taking your brain off work even for a couple of hours. Second benefit of massage is that it helps in dealing with some discomfort in the body system. Like when the person is suffering from a rigid neck problem or in the case if the back of person is making a lot of trouble than massage can be a best way of relaxing your body and achieving the greatest feeling of full relaxation and satisfaction.

This time the individual does not have the shortage of money and wealth the thing that they lack is the pleasure and also the peace of their mind. With these tensions and instability of brain person's wellness begins down falling completely and this leads to the long term uneasiness of the human brain and the health. Brisbane couples massage come in various forms which incorporate optimum care and effect. The caviar myoxy spa eliminates all the blot! ches of your skin and also helps with creating your skin more attractive and wonderful as well as eliminate signs and symptoms of age progression. It hydrates the skin and increases the blood flow to all the parts of the body, cell actions and suppleness and provides a great looking skin. Other therapy for these Brisbane lymphatic drainage includes Luminous C facials that consists the paste of vitamin C and preserved seaweed to decrease fine age lines and also builds up elasticity of skin for the younger appearance for a long period of time.

Brisbane couples massage may be the method of revealing unique times together with a cherished one doesn't get any better than the usual massage and joining together within this calming - and healing - experience inspires closeness, thereby heightening the experience for its participants. A couple's massage allows people to strengthen relationships by taking pleasure in something together .

About the Author

Brisbane Lymphatic Drainage is now days becoming the popular therapy as it provides so many benefits. Brisbane Couples Massage is good for those couples who wants to be together and feels comfortable when they are together.

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Stress Relief - Guided Meditation Tension Reducer This audio guided meditation is a very soothing stress buster and deeply relaxing to. Enjoy a guided meditation that grounds your body, and relieves you of tension. The more you listen to it, the more your mind is conditioned to not only release stress in the moment, but also to be ready for stressful situations in the future. Try it out! We would love to help you become more at peace with yourself. Music By Kevin MacLeod

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Three forms of suffering, reinterpreted

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

From time to time one of the teachings from the Mindfulness tradition will niggle at me for one reason or another. Often it's because my mind, on some level, is dissatisfied with the traditional interpretation.

Even some of the most common teachings of Buddhism, like the four foundations of mindfulness or the twelve links of dependent origination have sometimes struck me as being a bit off, and I've ended up reinterpreting them in a way that makes more sense to me.

This recently happened with a teaching on "Three forms of suffering (dukkha)" The traditional interpretations struck me as being a bit random, and I could feel that niggle deep in the belly.

Here's one interpretation of this teaching (edited for length):

Suffering or Pain (dukkha-dukkhatā). Ordinary suffering, as defined by the English word, is one form of dukkha. This includes physical, emotional and mental pain.

Impermanence or Change (vipariṇāma-dukkhatā). Anything that is not permanent, that is subject to change, is dukkha. Thus, happiness is dukkha, because it is not permanent.

Conditioned States (sankhāra-dukkhatā). To be conditioned is to be dependent on or affected by something else. According to the teaching of dependent origination, all phenomena are conditioned. Everything affects everything else. This is the most difficult part of the teachings on dukkha to understand, but it is critical to understanding Buddhism.

I wasn't sure at first what was bothering me about this teaching, but eventually I realized that it was repetitive. The third category of suffering encompasses the other two. Impermanence or change (this isn't change as such but change in the sense of "reversal of fortune") is

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Everything You Want To Know About Magick

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Ryan Jackson

From time to time, individuals like to branch out and learn new things. "Everything you want to know about magick" is not just for beginners, but it is also for advanced users. Most of the magick of today's world comes from ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Hindus, Chinese and Tibetans have developed their own forms of magic. The magick in the western world was disclosed by the Egyptian priests for centuries. During medieval Europe, magick was rediscovered by Cabalists and alchemists. There is a lot of information to learn about magick. While this article is not going to cover everything, we are going to take a chunk out of it.

Why Magick?

Magick is made up of many things - philosophy, metaphysics, comparative religion, psychology, science and art. It is interesting and fun. It is also known to help individuals raise consciousness, without having to take drugs. Through the eyes of magic, your fantasy can come to life.

Regardless, it is beneficial. It can bring you good luck and keep you healthy. A magical life is going to run smoothly. Individuals also take advantage of the magical world for personality improvement and to help control the bad habits they have developed.

One should never underestimate the power of magick, because it is very powerful. This is not something you should take as a joke. Some can use magick in order to achieve their goals. Of course, the power it gives you should not be the one reason you use study it.

Self Hypnosis

Yes, it is true that where there is magick, there is usually self-hypnosis. However, it goes much deeper than just self-hypnosis. Some believer that one is capable of producing magic effects through hypnosis by itself.

Three Main Elements

There are three main elements needed. Those three main elements are belief, thought and consciousness. Each element has a role of it is possible for each combination of thought to have a magickal outcome. This could be visualizing the home of your dreams or visualizing lunch - if ! it becomes reality, then it is a connection of those two elements. If you add consciousness, there will be a new outcome.

Consciousness: The Level Magick is Performed

Think of consciousness as a spiritual connection between everything around you. You can heighten your consciousness by trance, meditating, isolation and even performing rituals.


As a beginner, you need to learn about the different elemental energies. The five elemental energies include Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. Fire is used for defense and purification. Water is used for cleaning, healing, regeneration and movement. Air is used for intellect. Earth is used for making things permanent, solidity and strength. Spirit is used for practically anything.

There is so much more you need to learn about magick. This is a very interesting art that has been around for thousands of years. While some people may criticize you, you should not let this bother you.

About the Author

Are you looking for more information regarding Magick? Visit today!

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Buddhist materialists are dead wrong

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Very seldom, if at all, do modern Buddhists spend a lot of time studying the Five Aggregates despite the fact that they are not infrequently mentioned in the Pali Nikayas, especially in the Samyutta-Nikaya.  

I have always found them to be fascinating to explore and worthy of study which leads me to say, somewhat offhandedly, that the Buddhism of the canon centers more on the problem the aggregates present to us, and our connection with them, than on whether or not there is a self or atman.  It is only by really knowing what the aggregates are, that we can begin to look at the self, and the self's relation to them which will lead us to conclude that the Buddha never denied the self.

Looking at the aggregates themselves, they are never more than something we should abandon.  As a matter of fact the Noble Eightfold Path is intended to help us abandon them.

"These are the five aggregates subject to clinging.  This Noble Eightfold Path is to be developed for direct knowledge of these five aggregates subject to clinging, for the full understanding of them, for their utter destruction (parikkhayâya), for their abandoning (pahânâya)" (S. v. 60-61).

To digress somewhat, isn't it somewhat odd that modern Buddhists use the Five Aggregates as a standard by which to determine if the self or atman is to be rejected?  From the above passage which comes from the Samyutta-Nikaya, the Five Aggregates are the bad boys; something to be destroyed and abandoned!

Just as odd, the Five Aggregates consisting of material shape, feeling, perception, habitual tendencies and consciousness, are treated by the Buddha as illusory—not real.

"Material shape is like a lump of foam, feeling like a water bubble; perception is like a mirage; habitual tendencies like a plantain trunk, and consciousness like an illusion, so explained the Kinsman of the Sun" (S .iii. 142).

Looking at the above, if we said that foam is not the self (anattâ) all the way to an illusion is not the self, it would be clear to any rational person that the Buddha is telling them that our self is not to be mistaken with illusory phenomena—they are not our self.  The rule being laid down by the Buddha is this:  we are not to identify our self with the Five Aggregates which constitute our psychophysical body.  The aggregates are to be destroyed and abandoned, they are illusory and they even belong to Mara the Evil One (cp. S. iii.189). By default what exists after their abandonment is the self and only the self. 

In light of this, I have to admit that modern Buddhists don't get it.  Are they imbeciles? No, I don't think so.  I think they are, for the most part, materialists who want a religion sympathetic with their views. So they picked Buddhism.  But they are dead wrong to believe that the Buddha denied the self. 


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How to Last Longer in Bed for Men By Minding The Mind

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Max Carlson

Between 20-40% of the men suffer from early ejaculation. That is why topics on how to last longer in bed for men have become increasingly popular. Just like any other skills such as walking, reading, writing, no man is born with the natural ability to have full control over his ejaculation. But such ability can be learned. Here are some tips to prevent premature ejaculation.

Tips #1: Mind Your "Mind"

When it comes to the question of how to last longer in bed for men, most people do not realize that their brain (or rather their mind) controls about 75% of early ejaculation. By controlling your mind, you will be able to delay premature ejaculation and last longer in bed.

The part of the brain which influences a man's ejaculation is called the cortex. If you can control your cortex, you will be able to last longer. So, whenever you think of something erotic that get you aroused and leading you to the point of no return, just switch your thoughts and think about something relaxing and calm yourself down. That is one of the very important answers on how to last longer in bed for men.

Tips #2 Switch Your Focus, Guys!

A lot of men were not able to delay premature ejaculation due to psychological and mental issues. They focus too much on intercourse and that makes them so aroused to a point that they can't control their ejaculation. So, how to last longer in bed? For men, it's very simple. Just stop focusing on intercourse! Instead, focus on the entire sexual experience. Focus on the sensuality enjoyment, not sexuality alone.

For example, you should focus on pleasing your woman. Prolong the foreplay and help her to reach climax. When you focus on your woman instead of your own pleasure, chances are you'll be able to hold on your ejaculation until she reaches climax. That is the time when you both will enjoy the whole sex process.

Tips #3 Adjust Your Perspective About Early Ejaculation

This is where you need to adjust your view and perspective about early e! jaculation. The more you look at early ejaculation as a problem, the more you will be affected by it and not able to overcome it easily. As mentioned earlier, your mind plays a very important role on how to last longer in bed for men. Your mind can determine the severity of your premature ejaculation problem. If you think of it as a problem, that will create a chain response and the problem will become more and more severe. So, instead of treating it as a problem, think of it as an opportunity for you and your partner. Think of it in a positive way. No doubt, that can be hard, but it is at all doable and will in the long run, help delaying premature ejaculation.

Tips #4 It's Not A Big Deal

No, though sex is important, you should not look at it as a big deal that it's the end of the world if you do not perform well in bed. This does not mean that you should take it lightly and not taking any action to prevent premature ejaculation. It simply means, you need to take it easy and learn how to last longer in bed for men at your pace. Too much stress and pressure you exert on yourself would not be a good cure for premature ejaculation. It will only make it worse.

There you go 4 tips on how to last longer in bed for men by minding your mind. How you think will affect your bed performance. If you want to prevent premature ejaculation, then you should mind your mind.

About the Author

Get more tips on how to last longer in bed for men working on your brain, muscle and breath here:

To get a FREE copy of "Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control" worth . Click Here:

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 7/30/2012

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

"Buddhism holds that everything is in constant flux. Thus the question is whether we are to accept change passively and be swept away by it or whether we are to take the lead and create positive changes on our own initiative. While conservatism and self-protection might be likened to winter, night, and death, the spirit of pioneering and attempting to realize ideals evokes images of spring, morning, and birth."
~Daisaku Ikeda

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Tips For Choosing Yoga Training Courses

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Rebecca Prescott

Yoga in Western countries may have started life as a something of a hippy niche, but over the last 20 years, it has entered the mainstream at a phenomenal rate. With this popularization of an ancient Indian tradition, there has been a huge growth in organizations offering yoga teacher training. Gone are the days when students had to travel to India to gain qualifications. But the plethora of courses has created its' own problems - not least in the question of quality and whether a course is recognized by the appropriate local and international associations. The prospective student must also ask themselves a number of important questions, the most fundamental of which is the type of yoga they wish to be trained in. But also, the wider question of what direction they wish to take their training in once completed. This article will address all of these points, and help provide a framework with which students may better choose amongst the many courses offered.

There are more styles of yoga available today than there has possibly been ever. Some represent a continuation of older traditions, that are relatively unchanged. This includes hatha yoga, and styles by Desikachar and Iyengar. Others represent a synthesis of different methods, even whilst being shrouded in mystical origins. For example, some have suggested that Ashtanga yoga is not derived from the yoga Korunta, but from a synthesis of traditions that may have included early acrobatics!

Some styles of yoga are very modern, and evolved more out of an adaptation to the West. Bikram yoga is a good example of this - and perhaps a very extreme one, given that Bikram copyrighted 'his' yoga poses and they way they were taught, despite yoga being essentially in the public domain.

Most people who train as teachers in yoga do so in a discipline that they have been practising already. This does make logical sense, as it's important to be passionate about what you do for a living. There is the additional experience that people will have wi! th a par ticular style of yoga that no doubt makes it easier than starting from scratch in a different style.

But other issues may come into play when choosing a yoga school. Is the style of yoga you like well supported in your area? Is there sufficient demand for that style? Understanding who these particular styles of yoga appeals to will help later on when you set up your own yoga business, as it will guide your marketing, choice of location, logo, and business identity. It's worth thinking a little bit about these things before you make a time and financial commitment to getting qualified.

Finding out whether your course is accredited nationally and internationally is an important step. There are various governing associations at different levels around the world. For example, in the UK there is the British Wheel Of Yoga. In Australia, the government keeps a list of accredited training courses through the Australian National Training Authority. For a yoga specific association, try the Yoga Teachers Association of Australia. Globally, there is the International Yoga Teachers Association, which is available in many countries. There is also the American Yoga Association, Yoga Scotland, and the European Union Of Yoga.

Each of these organizations may have different standards by which they measure courses. But they do provide a good guideline for selecting providers with a minimum level of professionalism, integrity, and quality. You could look at contacting teachers who have gone through their training to find out what they thought of the course, and perhaps go to a few of their classes to get a feel for what is being taught.

Before going into any course, it's a good idea to have some sense of the bigger picture. For example, are you looking at combining yoga with other healing modalities, such as massage, nutrition, meditation, or some combination of all of these. There are some teaching colleges that integrate yoga with other modalities, both locally and abroad in India. For the sake of c! ontinuit y, and ease of integration, it may be easier to look at this before any study is actually done. It may prove easier to study with an all-in-one provider who will provide a clearer way to integrate these different aspects of health.

In some ways, this broad integration of yoga with health is more closely aligned with the true nature of yoga, according to some teachers such as Desikachar. But Indian style yoga is not the only one that offers this approach, with the Japanese ki, or Ki yoga often integrated with macrobiotics and shiatsu.

If you're interested in going more deeply into yoga training for your own personal practice, as opposed to a prelude to teaching, studying abroad can be a truly rewarding experience. If you're looking for teaching qualifications, it may be wiser to choose an institution in your own country, at least initially. Because it should be adapted to Western learning styles, the structured environment it provides will be easier to learn in.

Yoga training can be intensely rewarding, and life changing in many ways. Provided you choose a course that is accredited, in a style of teaching you like, and that has good community support, it could be the start of a great new career.

About the Author

If you'd like to explore the option of studying yoga in an Indian school, click here. If you'd like to read more yoga articles, click here.

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How to relax your body completely?

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Ashish Pandey

In the modern days, everyone has actually immediately by themselves. We are all consequently demanding in their monotonous life span which it becomes very challenging to handle on top of the strain in everyday life. Now, there could be a certain so simple, typical and easy methods during which you are able to de-stress and loosen up or relax your whole body entirely. It gives everybody opt for your own self, your family and a chance to revitalise your whole body! Let us watch these two approaches to unwinding in life.Some first pages fact is to check out the game with the kids. If you decline domestic, maybe the only thing that you could do to loosen up is check out the game with family unit and luxuriate in certain still times. Refreshing Hit Ensemble Vacation is one of several series which might be enjoyed towards the core. Its infact a powerful way to loosen up and enjoy with the kids. The "four fellas" of a typical Novel Beat Group Island escapade allow you to understand that our life is about unwinding and not just pressuring and that along with hassle-free tattling and performances, it can also be made exciting. Within the tell the four little ones see answers to his or her challenges by tattling and performances, who itself makes you be not as massive. Can singing and moving actually resolve your issue? Well, probably no, probably of course! However it definitely permits you to de-stress and ignore your problem in quite a while. Fresh Hammer Ring Tour imbibes positive things in your life for you and could be enjoyed by mother and father as well as the junior little ones. As a result, remember this is a good thing for only a relations. You can are inactive jointly, enjoy the tell and be relieved about everything, and consequently gratifying your life and enjoyable in the best possible method.The following thing is usually to several extent "only for ladies." But the males might also enjoy it. Spa club gives your body an inclusive calmness. If Novel Hammer Group Island escapade gives you ment! al and personality leisure in your everyday living, Korean spas can help you in relaxing on the outside giving the body a complete massage therapy and a host that may renovate your selected frame of mind. The Fluent Day spas have got a different system of effective and providing your "treatment." Each of these day spas enhance your feeling by helping you to receive a scour cure whom grass your facial skin glowing and clear. The Korean day spas assist you in enjoying and relaxed in your everyday living having its total cure respect you are also left in soil space to firmly be novel, clean as well as rejuvenated. Within this Fluent Health and fitness, you will be also unfilled a special Natural dish, that will indeed shows you to be think comfortable and stress free about everything. It truly is altogether an incredibly different feeling.Now, both these ways- Fresh Beat Group Island tour and Fluent spas are fantastic options if you are to think about, especially if they wish to wind down as part of their life span. People will put a touch of positivity and energy along with feeling of freshness inside their life style through this pair of choices. If you happen to really have to take pleasure in life, de-stress by following any one of majority of these choices! You will be able to convey positive expectations to firmly yur life span and enjoy it along with some of both decisions.

About the Author

Fresh Beat Band Tour television program as well as Korean Spas can allow you to enjoy in life and get a facelift to your life by addition of positivity.

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Binaural Beats - Subliminal Journey (Best Ever, listen with headphone)

I made this video and delta waves, a must watch for mind exploration. Delta waves mixed with Indian flute takes us through the journey of cosmic vibrations, a slow deep sleep into divinity. Subliminal perception occurs whenever stimuli presented below the threshold or limen for awareness are found to influence thoughts, feelings, or actions. Some of you may feel as if you are meditating in the midst of the The Himalayas and some of you may float in the distant world of dreams. Whatever you feel leave the comment. I recommend you to close your eyes and try to imagine as if you are one with the world (which in fact you are), and in the moment try to realize you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you. Close your eyes and simply follow your vision. *Turn down your volume and use head phone. High volume will make you feel disturbed or fuzzy. Never listen to Delta waves in high volume. Facebook:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety Victims

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Russell Michenfelder

Have you ever been in a condition where you feel you're over stressed? This transpires when you don't even seem to understand that anger will burst outside your feelings, or maybe you will all of a sudden cry because you think that you can't deal with the problem that confronts you. This situation occurs several times, for several folks they will assume it's normal but the reality is, it's truly harmful. Extreme stress in life complicates many things.

There are different ways to stop or at least lessen an anxiety sickness and that is through relaxation. Anxiety will not bother you a lot if you only knew how to relax and calm down. Deep breathing exercise is seen as a very common and effective solution for anxiety because it provides the good penetration of oxygen within the brain and in the body, thus decreasing your anxiety rapidly. Music and aromatherapy can also be added while you're deeply breathing. Make way towards a soothing and spacious location where you can lounge and exercise deep breathing to thwart anxiety illness.

Meditation is a simple approach to calm anxiety and rest the body and mind. Since meditation requires very little more than a calm place to sit, it can be performed at almost any time. To meditate, first find a quiet location where you will not be worried by anyone until you're finished. It's necessary that you do not have any distractions so that you may concentrate on quieting your mind. Sit on a flat, comfortable surface like the ground or a straight-back chair. Keep away from meditating on a bed since you may be tempted to fall asleep. Breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Attempt to concentrate on nothing but your breathing and attempt to clear your mind of all thoughts. It may take some work to be able to clear your mind fully, thus be patient with yourself.

Truly, there are medications to scale back or stop anxiety attacks. However, you'll need to get prescriptions from a doctor before you can buy these medications. Some! times, t hese medications actually have quicker consequences than natural relief for anxiety. Most of these medicines have side outcomes that may be too risky for your health. Thus before you try any medication to stop anxiety attacks, ask your medical practitioner's advice first. There also are useful herbs to assist you end anxiety attacks. Some of the effective calming herbs are kava kava or valerian roots, ginseng, and lemon balm. However just like other medications, herbs may also have negative effects. And so, you must not overuse these herbs. You must tell your physician before trying any of these herbal drugs to stop your anxiety.

For other tips on Anxiety Relaxation Techniques and Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment, go to our website.

About the Author

Perhaps you have been in a situation where you feel you are over stressed? This transpires when you don't even seem to realize that anger will burst outside your emotions, or maybe you will all of a sudden cry because you think that you cannot handle the matter that confronts you.

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Meditation music, Lake Melva Meditation by Richard Brookens

Meditation music, Lake Melva Meditation by Richard Brookens. Make your mind calm with inner peace and you will see the real happiness! Liberate your mind from, greed, hatred and delusion and you will see the truth. Welcome to don't miss this treasure!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Ideal Hotel for Relaxing Spa - Centri benessere Umbria

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 08:02 PM PDT

Article by Walker Wild

There is nothing better in the world than a great hotel for relaxing spa in Italy while you are on your vacation. When you are on vacation you do a lot of things that you can even imagine in your routine life. On annual holidays people visit places and travel to Italy just for the relaxing luxury spas. I do not know the exact number of the visitors to holiday relaxing spa in a single year but the number of people from other countries is pretty good. In Foligno, Italy there are numerous good quality luxury hotels with relaxing spa. You can pamper yourself after spending a whole year of intense work load.

While selecting the ideal hotel with relaxing spa you should see the location of that hotel. The hotel location matters a lot to fully enjoy the travel to such beautiful places like Centri benessere Umbria. The most hotels provides the spa, fitness center and golf facilities and they are located at the ideal locations where you can enjoy with the real spirit of the holidays. The service provided by the relaxing spa hotels is unbeatable. My experience in a beautifully designed hotel with relaxing spa was very charming and I completely forgot about the work load and pressure of my routine life. This is why I highly recommend the travelers to give it a try and do not waste the spare time you have during your visit to Italy.

When I was working as a professional travel consultant I have dealt with numerous strange cases too. Once a young man comes to me and asks me to give him the best place where he should spend his vacations. I have no idea about his budget and the taste preference at this time so I asked him a few questions. He was looking very depressed and really wants to relax and spend some time to assess himself. Actually he needed a holiday location like Centri benessere Umbria in Italy to forget about every thing and rejuvenate. I picked the best hotel with a great relaxing spa facility and recommend him some other nice locations too. On his return from the Italy he personally co! ntacted me and thanked me for my great choice.

Now I would like to share some excellent tips to choose the right hotel for relaxing spa. Keep one thing in mind which is ultimate relaxation; when you are going to Italy and few things are coming into your mind like great Italian food and historic buildings like Pisa tower. If you want ultimate relaxation then you should not think about massive travelling from place to place; if you are getting what I am trying to say then your ultimate choice is Centri benessere Umbria, a complete relaxing spa at an ideally located hotel. There is amazing scenery in Foligno that will captivate your thoughts. You should also read the customer reviews about the hotel you are going to stay and pamper yourself in a relaxing spa.

About the Author

Centri benessere Umbria : Villa Fiorita Wellness Hotel is located in a privileged position at the center of the high Apennines, in Colfiorito, close to Foligno, near to the Natural Park of international importance.The ideal climate and lush natural surroundings make it an excellent hotel for your holiday relaxing spa, as well as a perfect starting point for excursions to the best cultural towns of Umbria, such as Foligno, Assisi, Perugia, Spello, Todi , Gubbio, Spoleto, Trevi, Nocera Umbra, Montefalco and Bevagna, Cascia, Norcia, Niagara Falls, Frasassi, the" Black" Madonna of Loreto, Camerino and its university.

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Mind Body Connection explained (part 2)

Part 2 of the mind body connection.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Mind Over Matter

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Paradetect

A mental discipline... Mind over matter or preferably will power is still new and vague to science,

though, it is part of eastern culture whether in Hindu yoga or Buddhist meditational techniques and training of self control which served many purposes starting with self improvement, spiritual development in addition to (alternative medicine) curative means to a multiple of ailments and ills…

The best and most effective methods of curative alternative healing are that which involves many practices of self control.

This self control is referred to by medical science as "Biofeedback" where patients attempted to heal themselves from ailments related to circulatory system, muscles, heart and brain, some of it may be totally cured other things may partially be cured based upon the measure of will power and self control of the patient.

There are currently several sensitive medical instruments available in the market to help patients monitor and control or rather manage several involuntary body functions previously considered unmanageable.

Biofeedback; by learning how to manage our brain waves we initiate our own Biofeedback. Brain waves range from 0.5 up to 45 HZ and known as beta, alpha, theta and delta waves and lately added to them the Gamma wave. Extensive research led to very valuable findings in this new Neuro/science, yet there is still a long way to go to enable us to have a clearer pictures of the full scope of this young science so that we may put it into a more practical health related usage…

When our minds are in normal state of consciousness we would be in the beta wave level (read my Trance article for further information related to brain waves) the frequency of beta waves is between 13 and 30 Hz.

Alpha waves are electrical waves from the parietal and occipital regions of the brain or in simpler words, the lymphatic system located below the cortex, its frequencies range between 8 and 12 or 13 Hz. As you notice; it is slower than the beta waves ! and are most usual when we are mentally alert, calm and relaxed, or when day-dreaming. Alpha waves are a sign of nervous system slow down indicating lack of sensory stimulation in a conscious person.

It was first discovered in 1935 and maybe stimulated when our eyes are closed or when we stare into distant object be it sky or ocean or similar target.

During alpha wave one may stop his heart beat without dying, walk on burning embers injury free and heal himself from all sorts of modern day illnesses…

Through appropriate training in self control Biofeedback may be applied to control our involuntary nervous system which functions without any conscious control similar to what controls our breathing which in turn affects our heartbeat and blood pressure. There are many scientific experiments succeeded in validating the possibility of control over our autonomic system, similar experiments were conducted to treat anxiety, depression, blood pressure as well as asthma, tension, insomnia and even epilepsy and paralysis. And we sometimes unwarily use it on our children to help them overcome fear, panic or pain.

I personally used similar methods to treat migraine headaches, depression and related to tension symptoms. The whole idea is to be able to open our neurotransmitters to help us heal and recover and achieve magnificent feats in our lives.

One essential factor in such treatment is the feedback where it requires a patient to tune into a certain body function and gain control over it. Some patients may need to use an electric meter, an electromyograph or any related instruments to help gaining control, this usually assists the patients by allowing them to self observe and self monitor their own bodily functions, I call this the Audio visual factor…

There is still much to learn but above all we need to learn to have more faith in our potentials trust our instincts and sharpen our senses so that we may enjoy a happier and more peaceful life.


Adam El Masri&! #13;

About the Author

Researcher & Anthropologist

Adam El Masri

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Insights On Plans Of Isochronic Tones

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 07:03 PM PDT

Article by Nestor Sierra

Self care is one of your most vital alternatives for treating mild depression. In fact almost all people prosper and reap the benefits on first use. It's the rhythm of beats inside the chants that the monks benefit from. For positive you're interested if the claims have adequate basis to bump off binaural beats at the top spot. Instead, it will only hear 2 extremely distinct beats.

Isochronic Tones are the most up-to-date & most useful kind of brainwave entrainment. The usage of these beats help extremely much with achieving an approved state of consciousness. The availability of the unexplainable store totally gratis brainwave recordings present that the retail outlet has full self confidence in its products. Typically, that which exists deep in the subconscious can be brought to the surface via quiet meditation sessions revolving around listening passively to Osho music.However mind waves & activity exist together, each being produced at the same time, unique states of mind and different attentions regularly rely on the mix of unique functions, including brain waves, to successfully be executed. As a result, it has developed into important to control and decrease all sorts of pressure & tension so as to live a relaxed and healthy life. If you are not familiar with the term, soaking music is developed to bring the listener into God's presence and encourage them with words (inspired from Scripture) that remind us of God's love, faithfulness, continuous presence and care. This is one of the reasons for its recognition as an efficient stress management tool.

This is because the muscles in the body of the affected child refuse to conform to any movement since they are just too loose. " They can create an incredibly spiritual experience. This "chocolate habit" began when Manuel was about 5 years old when he would sneak food into his bedroom & gobble it down. More & more patients are going to an alternative treatment as opposed to the traditional methods that have been u! sed for years.

Quite a few chairs use slow kneading in blend with firm pressure. Cerebral Palsy occurs because there is harm to particular parts of the brain, which control muscle movements in the body. The reason being that the movements do not have to be repeated loads of times so that you would reap all the full benefit, there wouldn't be any bulky muscles to be building up. Music Therapy - Music therapy contains numerous well being positive aspects for individuals suffering mild to severe circumstances of tension.

Correct-blue hypnosis isn't about brainwashing. The topics included in this certification course are history of hypnotherapy, demonstration of hypnotic approaches, applications of hypnotherapy, practice for becoming hypnotherapist, & learning the way on how to interview shoppers. Men and women usually have hidden causes that trigger these conditions and, with the help of a trained hypnotherapist, these may be brought out. Hypnosis works by putting you in a relaxed state to the point that your subconscious mind is more likely to take in new suggestions. For anybody who has fallen asleep or been in a daydream, they've entered into the same state of mind as a hypnotic trance. At occasions time can become hectic, we are incapable to distinguish what is useful & what's not. These meditation music send the practitioner to a state of oneness with God. The yoga marketplace is a . World Sacred Music, the particular section at Spirit Voyage, are meant for those yoga practitioners who want to make their Yoga sadhana fruitful by adding many soulful music into their workout.

Both knowledgeable & novice meditators are welcome. They're extensions of what we already do and they can be developed and experienced physically by anyone. Its essence suggests our union with the Divine. " If asked to define that feeling, the descriptive words used are primarily words of awe along with a feeling of unity and connection with something outside or beyond themselves of which they're a par! t. Join i! nternational ritual expert Barbara Biziou, and clairvoyant practitioner Tori Quisling, right here in New York City for their brand new adventure series, 'spirituality Plus the CITY' with Ancient Egypt at the Metropolitan Museum as your destination! Event consists of on-site readings from the instructors, Instruction in opening up your intuitive self, past life wisdom, themes and symbols that will allow you within your life today,info on spiritual practices and ancient rituals of other cultures and overall nurturing for your mind, body & soul. Religion is based around organised belief by an outside body. This group meets subsequent on Sunday, Might 27, at 10:30 a. The mind is like a cup of water from the pond. I think that manifesting (much like attraction) can be broken down into three straightforward & easy to follow steps.

About the Author

Such as delta frequencies & Sleep, & each only occurring at one time. What is more certain is that all or most music meeting the best criteria is capable of having a pronounced effect on blood pressure. Each hospital or birthing centre varies in what equipment it gives for your comfort throughout birthing. This is one of the factors for its recognition as an productive anxiety management tool.

alpha brainwave

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Interview with Dr. Mitchell Gibson by Colossale Part 1

Interview with Dr. Mitchell Gibson by Colossale Part 1

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Unlimited Capital Looking for Creative Partner

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 07:10 PM PDT

Article by Matheus Tonon

Do not know if it's urban legend or fact, but runs the news that the Woodstock Festival in the late 60s, the United States, and that stirred the conscience and consciousness of millions of young people in the world, and changed an entire generation-that happened because two young men earned a family plan and thought what to do with the money.

The options were: to save money, which was great, and able to hold each of them with their future families, whole life, spending money freely and lavishly, or invest in something that would change people.

Would then have taken the third route. As a consequence of this choice, have also placed an advertisement in some American newspapers, saying "Unlimited Capital looking for creative partner."

And it would have been just that!...

Hundreds of letters with designs began to appear. Good and profitable projects. However, among many, would have arisen from the project Woodstock Festival. Young people would be delighted and chose him. So, supposedly invested everything they had to pay for the project. And it happened for three days. And touched the bowels of the earth.

As a result of the event and its magnitude cultural and spiritual, entrepreneurs end up taking the festival, and all that it took much more money than they would have invested. Although this was not the initial motivation.

"Unlimited Capital looking for creative partner"-a phrase that is well expressed by the call of God to every human being.

Yes! Because the investor has unlimited capital. Capital of all sorts of blessings in heavenly places. And, moreover, has made us His heirs gave us the Cross Trust in leveraged the power of the Resurrection, gave us a vision of glory to come, we took the fear of death here, and provided us with the unlimited guarantee all things work together for our good, so only the love and creativity to deliver our being that is moved by love for God and neighbor, and not afraid to stop any path in order to engage in a dream of a bet! ter path .

The Gospel is the announcement that says "Unlimited Capital looking for creative partner."

Yes! The partner has to be creative, because only one partner or co-worker is having the creative courage to take the risk of faith.

Creativity and madness often overlap. And it is not possible, by the standards of "normality" and "medium", looking for men of faith who have preceded us according to Biblical accounts, and we do not see the crazy God's creative using the Unlimited Capital.

Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, David, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah, etc.. -Would not be approved in any psychometric test. Would be considered crazy dreamers. Unbalanced. Mystical beings in excess or too primitive.

And what about John the Baptist? Mary? Joseph, her husband? Of all the apostles who chose death because of the certainty of the Resurrection? Paul and his crazy understanding of grace? And John and his crazed Apocalypse?

Infinity Capital seeks cooperator full of faith, hope and love! -Is the announcement of God to you.

"All this will give thee if falling down and worship me"-is the other announcement.

God seeks free and creative collaborators, and who for love of Him to unite, and thus receive His Grace the capital to expand all their gifts and talents, without fear and without limitation, all the borders of what is good, because, in this case, the only prerequisites are faith, hope and love. And the only limit is one that does not limit: the love of neighbor.

The paradox is that serving in love, to worship God as he is his co-worker, partner, and friend.

But the one who proclaims "All this will give you if falling down and worship me"-not to shareholders. Whether just slaves of their worship. In fact, he gives nothing, but death as a reward of worship given to him because of our passion for the powers of this world.

What really hurts is to see that "members of God" do not know the Unlimited Capital and neither are creative in their! faith.< /p>

They, the supposed "members of God", they prefer a Capital Limited and a paralyzed usefulness. That when it comes to "God." Or, when they seek Unlimited Capital, seek it not in God, but in marketing schemes, manipulation and bargaining power, as the devil and its offerings (Matthew 4)

So the mad follies of the world and its ambitions, but are not the crazy love of God and co-creative partners with Grace, and fewer still are friends of God, in which case, servants or fearful, hiding capital and bury, or wicked servants, who surtam of megalomania and addiction to power, and begin to mistreat their servants, as the parables of Jesus.

We are facing a new and gloomy time on Earth. More than ever the divine announcement is heard: Unlimited Capital looking for creative collaborators in faith, hope and love!

In the last century Mahatma Gandhi proved that in a 'pessoainha' capable of faith, hope and love can bring down an empire!

Last week I, Adriana and Daniel went to lunch at the home of a people friendly and the Way. We were shocked to see that literally in caco caco of debris in debris, demolition, demolition of abandoned pieces of material down the street or in the trash... the building, they built a beautiful school, with his own hands; and they form the same faculty that place of grace, and that education is referential, with premiums earned.

The Ad is done!

Offer. Decide what you want. See if you want to use the Unlimited Capital is only driven by faith, hope and love, and that makes it a member of God's will in the world with the freedom to be as you love, and even more so, According to the gift of creativity that God's grace poured out on you, or if, on the contrary, you want to live four to hell, making bargains, and selling your soul.

Infinite Grace worshiper seeks creative and grateful!

"Whoever wants to come and see!", Says the Investor!

Him, in Whom we have unlimited resources, and creativity that invests donated by the same.

About the Author

We must base our lives on the passage in Mark 16:15 and I see this blog as a way to "Go and preach the gospel." Our desire is that through small messages we can show that God wants a personal relationship and hope that you consider the possibility of knowing God and his love for you. There is not another relationship that we may experience able to completely satisfy the yearnings of the human heart and mind.

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Tibetan Incantations - 25 min - Mantra of Avalokiteshvara

Tibetan incantations - Om Mani Padme Hum : Buddhist Mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hum' in Sanskrit or 'Om Mani Peme Hung' as in Tibetan Buddhism is known to contain the essence of all of Buddha's teachings in this magical six syllable mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Tibetan Chenrezig, Chinese Guanyin). OM MANI PADME HUM purifies us at 3 levels Mind, Body & Speech and in this way liberates us from all negative karma. This Mantra is popularly known as " The Jewel in the Lotus " or " The Diamond in the Lotus " ( "mani" means Diamond , a precious jewel and Padma means Lotus flower which is the spiritual symbol of consciousness ) The Jewel refers to the Mind or consciousness and the Lotus refers to the Heart that is the source of Love energy. The meaning of OM MANI PADME HUM is "Om , salutations to the Jewel of consciousness (the Mind) which has reached the Heart's lotus." Tibetische Gesänge - Om Mani Padme Hum: buddhistische Mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" in Sanskrit oder "Om Mani Peme Hung", wie im tibetischen Buddhismus ist bekannt, dass die Essenz aller Lehren Buddhas in dieser magischen sechssilbigen Mantra des Bodhisattva des Mitgefühls enthalten, Avalokiteshvara (tibetisch Chenrezig, Chinesisch Guanyin) . OM MANI PADME HUM reinigt uns auf 3 Ebenen Mind, Body & Speech und auf diese Weise befreit uns von allen negativen Karmas. Dieses Mantra ist im Volksmund als "The Jewel in the Lotus" oder "The Diamond in the Lotus" ("mani" bedeutet Diamond, ein kostbares ...

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Tiffany Bil Helps Others Obtain a Clean

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 06:53 PM PDT

Article by Sally Marks

Rev. Tiffany M. Bil, an international psychic/medium, animal communicator, ThetaHealing practitioner® and owner and host of Spiritual Ascension Radio is offering classes on ThetaHealing® techniques August 17, 18 and 19 at 38381 Lancaster, Livonia, MI 48154. Registration begins June 25. All payments are due August 15th. If payments are made by July 25th there will be a special discount of 5. The cost after this date is 5. The following class description is taken from the website of Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing® Basic DNA introduces ThetaHealing® techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. The chronos, or youth and vitality chromosome is activated, the telomeres are strengthened to reverse the aging process, and students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator. The heart of this class is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the class. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones. Issues of safety are emphasized, especially when making genetic changes in the body. Other topics and exercises include learning discernment when working with guides and guardian angels, an introduction to the laws of manifestation, doing future readings, balancing seretonin and noradrenaline levels, pulling heavy metals and radiation, soul mates, waywards and implants, Seven Planes of Existence, and the protocols for healing a great variety of conditions and diseases working with the Creator. By the end of the seminar, the student is prepared to become a practitioner of ThetaHealing® as a ThetaHealer®. Classes are ideal for those in the healing professions such as p! hysician s, nurses, naturopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, Reiki Masters, medical intuitive and psychics. The classes are also open to individuals interested in learning how to reduce the roadblocks they suffer that prevent them from enjoying better health and happiness.

ThetaHealing® has also been described as focused thought through prayer. Theta brain waves, like all brain waves, have a frequency that is measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz.) Theta waves operate on a lower frequency (6-7 Hz) than Beta waves (13-40 Hz) which are most associated with normal waking consciousness or Alpha (7-13 Hz) which are associated with relaxation, meditation, creativity and super learning. "I am amazed at how great this healing modality is," said Rev. Bil. "I have experienced healing and miracles daily and I can't believe how much my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I am happy to be a living testament to ThetaHealing®. If you are looking for a personal healing this class is great for you and also if you are looking to add it to your modalities it is perfect too. I couldn't image my life without ThetaHealing® and I can't wait to bring it to Michigan!" In addition to the classes, Rev. Bil will offer private ThetaHealing® sessions, as well as personal readings at 696 N. Mill St. #105 in Plymouth, MI 48170. Using ThetaHealing® techniques, as well as her expertise as a Reiki Master, Angel Reader and medium channeling divine energy, Rev. Bil guides her clients to help them connect with their divine energy and help change destructive belief systems that are not conducive to good health and relationships. Rev. Bil has offices in both Scottsdale, AZ and Plymouth, MI and offers workshops throughout the U.S. Private consultations are 0 for a 60-minutes and 0 for 90 minutes. Sessions can be conducted one-on-one, by phone, Skype or email. More information is available at

About the Author

Sally Marks is the president of Marks Public Relations and the co-author of the self-improvement book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within. The book is available on Amazon and

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Alan Watts - God Complex I do not own the rights to this content, I created this video merely to share the wisdom of Alan Watts, visit for the whole bit. If you're the formal owner of this content and you don't like this to be shared, contact me personally and I shall remove it. Special Thanks to BBC Motion Gallery! Tune into REFLECTIONS For More Visit

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The Power Of Your Mind Is Your Secret To Success

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 06:29 PM PDT

Article by Charlie R

We have all heard the adage that claims that the mind is a terrible thing to waste. However, despite how monotonous this adage may seem to some people it is true. Imagine what you could do if you knew how to use mind power to get the things that you stand in need of.

If you could find the secrets of unleashing mind power to work for you, where do you think you would presently be? You must think of your most positive thoughts. We all have dreams and desires that we believe that we may never get.

The power of mind is there for you to use for all positive things you may want or need? What if the power that lies inside of all of our minds can be tapped into? Experts say that a many do not realize the potential the human brain holds.

In fact, the most advanced computer could not compare to the mental powers that are locked inside the human brain. All aspects of your life will change when you have learned to use the power of the mind. Positive thinking will lead to healthier fuller life.

There are a few basic techniques that you can try that will allow you the ability to unlock the power of your mind in order to use it for the common good of everyone. For some people reaching out for a little direction may help.

Always continue to build your knowledge base on the subject. The human brain is said to only be using a portion of its capability.

Using the power of your mind will change your world as you know it. There are a few key things that you need to do in order to unleash the power of your mind.

You must first replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Those who keep an open mind will create a path for themselves. You also need to keep practicing utilizing your mind power.

Remember you're not going to unlock the secrets of your brain in one day. Doctor's don't even have the slightest clue how humans can use the full capacity of their brains, therefore don't expect to see a rash difference in a short period of time.Learn More Here

About the Author! 3;

Dedicated to helping others achieve their goals in life.

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Meditation Timer for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch - Lotus Bud - Demo

Highlights of some of the great features in Lotus Bud - Meditation Timer for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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How To Be A Mind Reader: 3 Mind Reading Tricks To Decode Anyone's Thoughts Or Feelings

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 06:04 PM PDT

Article by Michael Lee

Wouldn't it be great if you know how to be a mind reader? That would be a very handy skill indeed, and one that would really stand out in your resume. Think of all the complicated situations you could avoid. Think of all the opportunities you can grab just from knowing what the other person is thinking.

With all these benefits, who wouldn't want to learn how to be a mind reader? So what are you waiting for? Learn the tricks of the trade using these simple tactics!

Mind Reading Trick # 1: See Through Hesitation.

If you want to learn how to be a mind reader, you need to be 100% aware of your target's every move - be it a slight shift of the eyes or a two-second pause before answering. These quick nuances often reveal the most of what a person is really thinking.

Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to ignore these signals. For example, people who are not totally enthusiastic about an idea will generally show a moment's hesitation. A silent, awkward moment is a form of hesitation. So is the biting of the lip or the scratching of the head. When a person murmurs, "I don't know," that also means you need to come up with another idea.

Mind Reading Trick # 2: Watch Out For Close Contact.

On the other hand, a person who maintains close contact with you is very much in agreement with what you're saying.

Say you're pitching an idea for an anti-smoking campaign. If a person likes what you have to say, he will generally lean forward to show his interest. If you two are sitting or standing next to each other, his torso will likely be turned towards you. This also applies to the rest of his body, whether it's his legs or his knees.

If you want to learn how to be a mind reader, you have to be comfortable interpreting these signs of interest. You will also have to accept when a person's body language shows you otherwise.

Mind Reading Trick # 3: Observe Facial Expressions.

A person's face shows a lot of emotions. If you want to lea! rn how t o be a mind reader, you're going to have to understand what certain facial expressions mean.

One eyebrow raised usually means that a person is skeptical. Pursing of the mouth means that you are not doing okay so far. A nod or a series of nods means that the person agrees with you.

By keeping your eyes on a person's facial expressions, you'll have a more concrete idea of what they have in mind.

Learning how to be a mind reader comes with a lot of advantages. This skill helps you communicate better with your friends, family and co-workers.

About the Author

Now you can easily amaze anyone with 11 secret mind reading tricks you can easily perform. If you want to discover proven mind control techniques to easily make anyone do anything you want, go to

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Become Mindful - Become Happy

Posted: 29 Jul 2012 03:15 PM PDT

Article by David McCall

Thinking on the past and trying to discover what could have been done better on the road to success can be aproblem for some, they are not able to cope with the emotional pressures the mind can bring into play.Emotions - these all begin in the mind. Remember feeling sad, happy, angry, anxious, you didn't just thinkabout these emotions, they came with sensations, our bodies feel these emotions quite often intensely. Remainaware of how you are feeling and why, self awareness is important here, you would not want to make crucial decisions if you were not in control of yourself.

Lets discuss self awareness. Before making important decisions which require a certain level of selfawareness remember,once you feel in control of your own circumstances decision making is easier. if yourself awareness is felt to highly it can have an adverse effect and leave you feeling unable to commit to thoseimportant actions. The key is balance, some help is at hand.

Being mindful originated from the teachings of Zen Buddhism, put very simply it means living in the moment withan open mind that makes no judgement on that moment. A very simple concept but it will challenge your selfdiscipline. Just observe what is happening in your mind and around you.

The mind is viewed and described as a machine that judges by the people who teach mindfulness. Recall the almostnatural way we arrive at judgements on situatons and people. Way back in the time of our ancestors those judgementswhere a matter of life or death, eat or starve, whether to stay and fight or run away. Those hunter gatherer dayshave mellowed some what, we see things as either good or bad or neutral. Being mindful would encourage you to observe everything with the same attention level without judgement.

Try this out and allow yur mind to be refreshed with a calm state of mind that will only apply rational actions.Start now with this exercise; the very next person you encounter look at them through fresh eyes, put everythingyou know about them ! and their abilities to one side. Try this with anyone, family, friends, work associates in whatever situation you meet them.

The importance of mindfulness on a personal level,comes from understanding whether you are thinking somethingthat will help you realistically or hinder you. Learn to experience your thoughts without making a judgementon their validity. If you consider that most of the negative thoughts you have experienced,tend to distort yourmindset and did not help you at all... Let these thoughts go. Do this by identifying them as symptoms which youvisualise as being disgarded.

Learn to view your thoughts and emotions objectively this will improve your overall contentment. When you feellow and dispirited recognise the negative thoughts as just that thoughts, not actual facts. Face the darkerside of your mindset and emotions, and deal with them in reality.Just as with any new learning experience, practice mindfulness. enjoy such simple pleasures as eating, listening tomusic, relaxing in your garden, to name but a few.

About the Author

Searching for and finding self improvement answers that have made a huge difference to me, problems such as self confidence, self esteem and anxiety, if you suffer in a similar way go and visit this link:

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How To Know The Buddha - Pollanaruwa

Talk in front of the Reclining Buddha at Pollanaruwa on the Culahatthipadopama Sutta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ask questions at our live radio session every Sunday: or via our Question and Answer Forum: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subscribe for updates here: anddon't forget to click the 'like' button to help promote these videos! Thanks for your questions, comments and support for what I do. May all beings be happy. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Community Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google: Weblog: Schedule: Audio Talks: Book on How To Meditate: Sirimangalo International (Our non-profit organization): Supporting This Work:

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