How to develop a daily yoga practice and start a morning sadhana

How to develop a daily yoga practice and start a morning sadhana

How to develop a daily yoga practice and start a morning sadhana

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Karan Khalsa

Yoga, the thousand years old Hindu philosophy of maintaining physiological fitness, is getting much more popularity day by day for its scientific base and methods. This ancient philosophy with its root in Indian culture, is successfully spreading its wide branches in the global arena. A growing number of people are including yoga in their daily lives to get a balanced life with sound mind and body. Daily practicing of appropriate yoga poses lead an individual to acquire a good health for as long as he or she lives. Hatha yoga, Karma yoga, pranayama, meditation, Kundalini yoga are some of the various forms of Yoga which are generally practiced by common people in daily life. Practicing yoga incorporated with music, particularly Yoga music, ensures better result.

From ancient times yoga is considered as a Sadhana or soulful practice. For the aspirants who want to start yoga practice, it would be advisable to make a routine for daily practicing. Doctor's advice should be taken in special cases like during pregnancy, after major surgery or during any chronic medical severities. Yoga is beneficial only if it can be practiced regularly and timely. According to the ancient Yoga books the best time to perform yoga is early morning, just before the sunrise. There is no harm in practicing it in other timings but morning is just the perfect time. One can allot a particular time for doing Yoga exercises and follow it in a daily basis. Yoga exercises or asanas are best done on an empty stomach and in a quite place, free from any noise. One can also play some soothing meditation music to enliven the atmosphere as well as enhance the mood.

Plenty of Yoga DVDs and CDs available at Spirit Voyage, the online music company, can also be a great help for learning and doing yoga sadhana. These DVDs and CDs give proper instructions and required information on yoga and how to practice Yoga and other dos and don'ts. These guidelines also contain visuals for every poses or asanas. Thus, the seemingly tough tas! k become s much more easier and effortless. Yoga accessories also make the sadhana comfortable and perfect. Using various yoga accessories like yoga mat, yoga clothing, yoga cushions, yoga malas and jwewlleries etc. are very much helpful in getting the desired result. Yoga mat ensures less energy loss and thus higher level of concentration. Yoga cushions make the practitioners feel comfortable while doing tough yoga poses like Kundalini yoga poses etc.

One thing should be kept in mind that if someone is doing Yoga for the first time, there is a good chance of having muscle cramp while doing yoga or later on that day. So it is better to start with some easier poses, habituating the body with those poses for next few days and then go for the strenuous or tough ones. Within one month the body muscles will be much more flexible. Continuity of time and duration is also another prior thing of yoga practicing. But practicing yoga should be stopped if someone is suffering from illness or women during their menstruation. One can also find these informations on the Yoga DVDs and CDs offered by Spirit Voyage.

Spirit Voyage also has a rich collection of Yoga music and meditation music. The pure and divine music creates the perfect ambiance of doing yoga at home by relaxing the mind and thus increasing the level of concentration. Artists like Deva Premal, Wah!, Snatam Kaur, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh have lent their enchanting pure voices in these albums which make the mind flow like a river.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

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Project X Team Outdoor Yoga Series | Charity Class | Hike + Yoga

Hike to the peak followed by yoga at Victoria Peak Garden. Enjoy HK's great outdoors and save ancient Yogic Sanskit texts and support Changing Young Lives Foundation, a local charity, then picnic on the lawn. All proceeds support: Yoga Classics Input Project (YCIP) | Where does your Yoga come from? | and Changing Young Lives Foundation | Date: Sat March 24, 2011 Destination | Victoria Peak Garden : DONATION | Funds raised for this event will be donated to Yoga Classics Input Project (YCIP) and Changing Young Lives Foundation. About Yoga Classics Input Project (YCIP): YCIP's aims at urgently saving the Yoga Heritage. The projects saves the great books of Yoga which are mostly comprised of rare palm leaf manuscripts and subject to the ravages of time. YCIP-trained input operators make individual scans of each original palm leaf. These scans are then typed into a unique computer program. Using custom technology, the sacred Sanskrit text is then transliterated into recognizable Roman characters. Finally, the Roman texts are uploaded to a searchable digital database, open to all, making this invaluable material available - for free - to scholars, translators, students, and institutions. Many of today's most popular and instructive books on Yoga exist as a result of YCIP's efforts, where your Yoga comes from!

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Meditation techniques that you can use today

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Snookie hogward}

A visionary experience that allows you to access various plains of consciousness.8. Vipassana Meditation: Usually done in a 10-day silent retreat Vipassna is the true act of know thyself. With no books, TV or anyone to talk to, thus Buddhists state this as the fastest way to peace. To truly understand your own nature.9. Loving Kindness Meditation: Originally a Buddhist form of meditation, this focuses on seeing the world around you as a loving place. Benefits include peace of mind, and change of perception toward your everyday interaction between yourself and the world.10. Buddhist meditation: Focusing on breathing, most Buddhist meditations have various techniques. Scared they assure one on the path toward peace. Most are very visual.Meditation is about staying with the moment, being in touch with your surroundings and your inner world, much of which is more easily accessible when in the meditative state. Practicing meditation techniques on a regular basis (ideally daily or at least 3 or 4 times a week) can be a good way of just taking time out, and allowing yourself to tune into and appreciate the moment: whether you are walking along the seashore, or sitting by a stream, or just noticing the intensity of silence in a still room and enjoying it.Meditation is perhaps most closely linked with Buddhism, and indeed it was the main practice through which its founder, Gautama, finally gamed enlightenment. Buddhism has defined many stages of meditation that are practiced in order to achieve the ultimate level of purifying the mind and clearing away of all thoughts and mental images.However, one of the best-known meditation techniques is yoga, the yoking or harnessing of mental and physical powers, which is very much in the Hindu tradition. Most of us think in terms of "hatha" or royal yoga, which is a series of physical exercises and postures performed to gain physical, and therefore mental, control.Less well-known is "bhakti" yoga, which is focusing of the mind, and is akin to the style of meditation ! practice d in the Christian faith. According to this discipline, the practitioner sits and focuses his or her attention upon an aspect of their god. In so doing, they gain insights into their own responses to the knowledge they have of that god's powers and the lessons to be drawn from stories told of him or her.It has long been a tradition in Christian religious communities, such as convents and monasteries, for monks or nuns to spend a period of time each day in quiet contemplation, often focusing upon a crucifix and contemplating the passion of Christ and all that it means for the believer. This is, of course, one of many meditation techniques, and has all the benefits of helping the individual come to an understanding of his inner beliefs and response to his faith. The practice has also become increasingly popular among lay Christians in recent years.To start meditating, choose a time and a place where you won't be disturbed for the duration of your meditation session.When you are starting out, you may decide to set aside 10 or 15 minutes for your meditation session. This is plenty of time when you are beginning to meditate and in our hectic daily lives it may well be that this is the maximum amount of time that you feel you can devote to meditating.

About the Author

I like to master about nearly anything linked to our mind and brain.I have been studying meditation techniques for quite a few a long time and i still feel like a beginner!meditation techniques

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Bezeklik Ancient UFOs ? (best version) Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves are complex of Buddhist cave grottos, dating from the 5th to the 9th centuries, between the cities of Turpan and Shanshan . The caves at Bezeklik, situated in the Flaming Mountains, along the Silk Road; contained at one time, some of the best preserved Buddhist images and statuary in China. Many of the cave images, have what appear to be; depictions of ancient UFOs. Some of the pigments used in the frescos at Bezeklik were azurite & malachite. Then, in 1914, Sir Aurel Stein showed up and took most of it away . However; Bezeklil is still beautiful. Bezeklik means "Place Where There Are Paintings'........ This video contains images of the Bezeklik frescos from museum's, along with rear images taken inside the Bezeklik cave grottos themselves. Photography is not permitted inside the caves, so I had to to extensive searches to access images photographed in secret. Music by Jandy Rainbow AKA Jezebel Decibel Tibetan Bowl samples by William Bagley AKA Raku777 This music & video is dedicated to Emilie ♪♫♪ ♥ Although this music is in the conventional scale, I have of-set the tuning up, so it will be harmonious with the C of 528 Hz. If you want to see what I mean, open a second window and play my " 528 Hz " video, at the same time........... The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves (Bozikeli Qian Fo Dong) are on the north-western side of the Flaming Mountains facing a river valley about 15 kilometres north ...

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Spirit Voyage Provides In-depth Instruction and Information about Yoga with General Yoga Books

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Karan Khalsa

'Y' stands for Yoga, a Sanskrit word which means an ancient philosophy of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. 'O' reminds of 'Om', the most sacred Sanskrit word considered as the spoken quintessence of the universe. 'G' depicts the word Guru, the teacher who teaches and guides someone in the path of life by enlightening human soul with valuable knowledge. 'A' is the reminiscent of the word 'asanas', the physical poses and postures which help an individual to keep a balanced mind, body and soul. Yoga, the 5000 years old Indian practice, is acquiring increasing level of popularity worldwide for its scientific base and methodology. An impressive number of yoga books are written on every form of yoga like Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Sivananda Yoga etc. to help the practitioners in attaining the goal more easily and effortlessly.

The Spirit Voyage yoga books are meant for those who want to include yoga in their daily lifestyle to experience lifelong happiness and health. Ashtanga yoga for beginners, Gong yoga, Kripalu yoga, Jivamukti yoga and Kundalini yoga are some of the topics on which these books primarily give emphasize on. Books are men's best friend. Nothing can be best than a book which acts as a friend, philosopher and guide in any field. Books illuminate the soul with sound knowledge. And when it is Yoga, books are possibly the best source of knowledge. For the beginners, it would be too hard to learn or practice yoga all by himself without taking guidance from a proper instructor or yoga teacher. In that case, yoga books are of great help. Myriad of yoga DVDs are also available with audio and video instruction on how to practice yoga or the different yoga poses known as 'asanas'.

Yoga is an art and philosophy of ancient India. Like other arts, vast knowledge and study is required before implementing it in the practical life. If not vast knowledge, then atleast basic knowledge should be known by the practitioner. He should be aware of some general facts and! figure of yoga like what is the best timing to do yoga, how to prepare oneself before starting yoga practice, what to do and what not to do, what kind of yoga music can be played, what is the proper eating habits or diet and etc. These all necessary informations on yoga as well as on meditation are given in those books. Meditation is an integral part of yoga practicing. Meditation completes the whole process. It ensures best result while done with soothing and relaxing meditation music. By putting some soulful music into yoga practicing, one can easily achieve the highest potential and ultimate freedom from this material world.

Yoga books offered by Spirit Voyage, the online music company, contain in-depth instruction, information and images required in yoga practicing. Yoga, practiced with calm and serene yoga music, evokes and awakens the spiritual sense within which helps one to uncouple himself from this world and sets the voyage for the ethereal world of divine purity and infinity.

Start the journey to that world where only the Supreme power reigns with the help of yoga books, Yoga DVDs and CDs offered by Spirit Voyage. The pure spiritual tunes of meditation music transform the atmosphere and touches the right chord. Voices of the world renowned mystic singers like Deva Premal, Wah!, Snatam Kaur, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh enrich this collection and make it highly demanded all over the world.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

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Gaiam Yoga - Gentle Yoga for Beginners with Suzanne Deason

Gaiam presents Gentle Yoga for Beginners with Suzanne Deason. These low-impact yoga poses are perfect for those just beginning their yoga practice or for more experienced yoga students who are no longer able to keep up with public yoga classes due to health issues. Gentle yoga allows you to be comfortable and confident while improving the health of your mind and body from the comfort of your own home.

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Get Rid Of Concentration Problems Meditation

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Rockeysheen01

Are you suffering from concentration problem? Can't you do your wok whole heartedly and suffer from distractions? Most of the people under the sun are having this grave problem. You go to your work place every day and have a tremendous work pressure. You work like a machine. You get stressed too much and cannot sleep properly at the night. The next day it becomes very difficult for you to concentrate and you cannot do your scheduled work with great care. However you need not worry. There is a remedy to get out of the problem. Certain meditation techniques are discussed in this article.

Need for meditation

If you cannot give your full concentration in whatever work you do, no matter how petty it is, you must meditate. Secondly, meditation gives you relaxation and you can do away with extreme tension and stress. Excessive tension and stress stimulates disorders of the nerves and you cannot focus on your mind. If you meditate your mind gets focused on a particular point and your nervous system, especially your brain gets a lot of energy. Therefore meditation is necessary.

Thirdly and finally, our body will only function properly if you have a safe and sound sleep. A deep slumber is very essential in order to get rid of malfunctioning of hormones. For this reason you need concentration in your sleep too, and it is only possible if you can meditate. You should follow some meditation techniques for this reason.

Few guidelines for helping you in meditation

There are several meditation techniques for beginners. You cannot deny the fact that meditation is difficult. Isn't it? When you first try to meditate for sometime sitting in your bed room, you will find it difficult to focus on your mind. You will feel distressed as a lot of things will start coming to your mind and you will get distracted of unwanted thoughts.

Some meditation techniques for you are-

Breathing exercise - this is a very important technique. You should sit anywhere in your r! oom. It should be an enclosed area without any noise. Close your eyes and start counting. Focus on every breath you take. Count till 100. You should keep your mind absolutely blank during this exercise. At first you will have problem, but gradually you will get used to it.

Meditation CDs- these are also useful meditation techniques. Darken your room and put a meditation CD into your music system. Follow the instructions of the speaker of the CD and do it properly. This will help you a lot.

These meditation techniques are very useful and will help you in gaining concentration. Thus, you will be able to take a lot of work pressure.

About the Author

This Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

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Fitness Show - Yoga to Ease Stress : Surya Namaskar 1

Surya Namaskar : This aasana activates glands of the endocrine system. It also helps ease stress, increases peace of mind and increases your levels of concentration.

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How to Stop Letting Exhaustion Derail Your Diet

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

A tired woman eats a salad
CREDIT: Tired woman photo via Shutterstock
nutrition tips, deborah enos, certified nutritionist,

Over the years, I've spent a lot of time on the road. Aside from being away from my family, sleep is one of my biggest challenges. Unless I'm completely exhausted, I find it difficult to fall asleep in a bed that isn't my own. So, I have some experience with trudging through a day on just a few hours of sleep. I find it harder to focus, easier to become agitated, and more challenging to make healthy choices.

According to a recent study, I'm not alone. Well, at least not on the last part.

A study presented in June at a sleep research Boston showed that the reward centers of the brain were activated when sleep-deprived participants looked at pictures of junk foods. According to these results, we're naturally programmed to eat junk food when we're tired.

At a first glance, you might be wondering why your body is trying to sabotage your healthy efforts, but it kind of does make sense. In order to get through the day without enough sleep, the body craves calorie-dense foods for a quick burst of energy.

It's not a bad system as long as your calorie-dense foods are also nutrient dense  — that's where "junk" food falls short.

There are two ways to ensure you don't fall into this trap. First, do your best to get a good night's rest. Second, carry healthy snacks with you at all times.

Here are a few tips for getting better sleep:

  • Establish a routine. If you go to bed at the same time every night, your body will naturally start to wind down when that time is approaching.
  • Take some time to relax. About an hour before your bedtime, make a conscious effort to avoid anything that will overstimulate you. Turn off the news, shut down the computer and just relax.
  • Keep the pets off the bed. Just like people, animals can toss and turn during the night, which can keep you from getting a good night's rest.

Of course, even with the best efforts, sometimes you just won't get as much sleep as you should. Life happens. That's why it's a good idea to be prepared with healthy snacks, so you are less likely to make poor choices.

Here are some healthy snack ideas:

  • Celery sticks and peanut butter: Celery is a good source of vitamin A, very low in calories and completely fat free. Add a little peanut butter for flavor, fiber and protein.
  • Trail mix: Buy or make a trail mix with an assortment of nuts and dried fruit (for an antioxidant boost). The combination of salty and sweet should satisfy your cravings without derailing your diet.
  • Baby carrots and hummus: Hummus is loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals, but its taste is rather indulgent. Don't forget to bring some baby carrots or celery for dipping.

Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight loss expert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a Hurry!

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Redefining Achievement - Your Health and Enjoyment Rely On It

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Mam Minister007

For as far again as most of us can keep in mind, good results has been defined in performance terms, most notably financial. As guys we heard our mothers and fathers say, "So and so is quite successful, you must see the car he just acquired." To the gals these mother and father would say, "She married well and you should see the car or truck he bought her." When we were in university success was measured by our Quality Stage Regular. Most of our lives have been dominated by the idea that in buy to be successful we had to have the trappings of accomplishment. Our accomplishment was to be measured by some aim criteria: grades, income, electrical power (electricity is often funds), or belongings. I propose that this definition of accomplishment has outlived its usefulness and really should be changed. I additional recommend that to adhere to this kind of a slim definition of success is harmful to our mental wellbeing and can be damaging to a modern society.

When we appear back again to the 1980s we can see just how far men and women will go to be "successful." Donald Trump, Michael Milken, Charles Keating, Donald Spiegel, to point out a handful of, all needed to be effective. Our culture believed they had been geniuses. We revered these folks due to the fact they amassed large fortunes. We admired them since they could manipulate vast quantities of funds. We didn't issue ourselves with their values, their morals, their attitudes. We ended up only worried with their wealth. These individuals, and others like them, became the versions of success. These had been the individuals we wished to emulate, and we hoped that our youngsters would identify with them. In earlier generations we revealed with a variety of leaders, these as presidents, politicians, heads of organizations, and the like. And then came their collapse. A president was impeached, senators have been observed responsible of graft, the head of the FBI was corrupt and abused his strength, corporate heads were located responsible of frau! d and em bezzlement. I can not recall a time in heritage when so many icons of respect fell from grace. For adult men, this leaves a vacuum of idols. There are no types left. Even our divertissement heroes, in their quest for substance get or electricity, have been found guilty of unethical and illegal behavior. Pete Rose was guilty of violating the guidelines of baseball, and Mike Tyson was identified responsible of rape. Wherever are guys to turn for their designs? What values should these styles have? What are the proper requirements for a product of good results?

By distinction, up to date gals have a fantastic a lot of designs with whom to determine. However, on the other hand, many girls are using the very same criteria for good results that adult men have historically utilised: electrical power and income. By emulating adult males, women will conclude up in the similar place that adult men have ended up. We are currently viewing an raise in coronary heart disorder among girls, a lower in the discrepancy in mortality between men and girls, i.e., gals are not living as extended as they had been, and a common raise in the range of situations of what has frequently been considered of as "douleur sicknesses." These stress relevant sickness as ulcers, hypertension, coronary heart ailment, as effectively as addictions to booze, drugs, and cigarettes, all of which have been usually male problems, are getting progressively common in gals.

Pressure and Results

The human immune system is influenced by pressure as a result we are a lot more susceptible to illness beneath stress. The tension of striving to dwell up to exterior standards of results and accomplishment in an overly aggressive earth is a person of the main stresses of contemporary existence. Studying to refocus and redefine what constitutes achievement would go an extended way towards cutting down the quantity of tension we encounter.

Defining oneself by exterior specifications such as content goods, status, prosperity, cash flow, a! nd the d imensions of one's home leaves us vulnerable to stress, since we are always involved with shedding these attainments. And what is plenty of? How significantly of just about every can make for results? And if someone has more, is s/he additional productive? By placing our measure of good results on external variables, we are giving up command of our lives and our perception of self. We have no control about whether or not we will drop our job due to cutbacks, get rid of our prosperity due to stock industry crashes or economic downturn, or lose our consumers, patients, or buyers. What comes about in occasion of disability? Is it really "success" when one has minimum loved ones existence, number of friends, no hobbies, no interests other than perform, minimum social daily life, no leisure everyday living, limited local community involvement, and no non secular everyday living?

An Alternative Product

Possibly a far more appropriate definition of good results would involve an equilibrium of all of the higher than. We are all born with a certain set of genetically established, biological givens. From that position onward we have various degrees of handle over our sense of self or what we might phone our id or self principle. Image a sequence of concentric circles shifting from a little circle in the middle to increasingly much larger circles as you transfer outward, comparable to a bull's-eye. The center is your genetic composition, adopted in order by:

* (genetics & biology)

1. attitudes, values, & beliefs

two. consciousness, knowledge, & insight

3. bodily care, training, & overall look

4. diet & diet

5. spiritual consciousness

6. hobbies & recreation

7. loved ones associations

eight. friendships

9. neighborhood involvement

ten. vocation & work

eleven. monetary & economics

The nearer to the middle of the bull's-eye, e.g., one, two, 3, and so on., the far more rapid handle we have and the l! ess cont ingencies concerned. We have greater command of figures one - six than seven - eleven. As we move from the center outward we have much less control.

If your identity is primarily based on your finances or occupation, for illustration, you have significantly less handle than those who define themselves by their attitudes and beliefs. If you outline oneself by the funds you make as a law firm, for instance, and you drop consumers and the public's look at of legal professionals diminishes, then your self idea will just take a substantial drop. If, on the other hand, you define by yourself by the superior deeds you do or by your values, no one can just take these away and your self notion will remain continual. As I pointed out before, folks who outline by themselves by their careers are living a very precarious existence. The moment they retire, by decision or otherwise, or get rid of their task by means of financial improvements, these persons often truly feel at a reduction. They experience feelings of worthlessness, despair, rage, and a loss of self well worth.

Instead than the definition currently being defined by modern society, this choice stage of look at indicates that we must outline success in accordance to the diploma to which we realize our possess equilibrium of priorities. The far more elements that go into the formulation, the less vulnerable a person is to failure considering that no one ingredient on your own includes our self concept. If we outline accomplishment as exclusively based mostly on financial achievement, for instance, our self image will go up and down at the whim of the economic climate.

I am reminded of the two forms of balls I employed to engage in with as a youth. One was built out of reliable sponge rubber and it was almost indestructible. Cars and trucks could operate more than it and dogs could chew it, and although bruised or chipped, it would nonetheless bounce. The other ball was hollow, but an extremely higher bouncer, and for this reason the ball o! f decisi on. Nevertheless, if it received punctured it would swiftly go flat or even split in 50 %. The mortality fee for the hollow ball was very higher. By building our self concept based mostly on a reliable middle, we might not be as glamorous or flashy as the person who builds a self concept based on power or income, but we are probable to be additional tough.

Self principle and Accomplishment

There are two difficulties here: one has to do with possessing better command above our self concept, and the other relates to a new definition of success. By defining our self principle in conditions of values, self awareness, spirituality, hobbies, etcetera., we have much more handle since these are less influenced by contingency than finance and occupation. That is, we have greater handle around the values we will adhere to than we have over financial conditions in the entire world. We could think about this as having an "inner directedness" relatively than an "outer directedness." A self idea primarily based on interior directedness is similar to obtaining a reliable core that can stand up to adversity. On the other hand, a self principle centered on outer directedness leaves us with a hollow core and less capable to offer with adversity.

A beneficial self concept is the groundwork for good results on the work, not the other way around. We have handle about our self principle given that we can take action that straight impacts how we experience about ourselves. There are certain aspects of our lives that we are more capable to command than some others. We can manage theextent to which we reside up to our values, we can strive toward carrying out our goals, we can make a contribution to our group, we can just take care of our bodies and our minds, we can create a social and non secular consciousness that keeps us connected to the planet close to us, and we can develop hobbies and interests that enrich our lives. With these attributes as the basis of our self concept, we are additiona! l ready to functionality proficiently on our work. Our jobs do not define us.

Your self concept is how you think about by yourself, your ideas about who you are. If you define your self narrowly you will be far more susceptible to depression and nervousness. If your overall self notion is dependent on currently being a parent, you will experience at a reduction when your young children mature up and leave the house. If your self principle is centered on your occupation then retirement will be complicated due to the fact you will lose the foundation of your identification. It is typically hard to modify your self notion. It takes time and work. Usually we need assist. Our idea of self starts to produce for the duration of childhood and is resistant to adjust. We learn what is expected of us first from our mom and dad, then from pals, and in college. Modern society contributes to our self notion when it defines boys as likely fathers and personnel, and ladies as mothers and homemakers, and when it defines accomplishment in terms of wealth, electricity, and accomplishment. We internalize these values and start off to define ourselves in equivalent ways.

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Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 7/5/2012

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

"Ultimately, the decision to save the environment must come from the human heart. The key point is a call for a genuine sense of universal responsibility that is based on love, compassion and clear awareness."
~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Not All Stress Is Created Equal

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Keith Weaver

Stress effects each person in a different way, having everything to do with the cause and its effects. So, research has been able to uncover and distinguish various sorts of stress. In order for a person to know how to handle stress and to cut down stress levels, it is necessary for a person to identify the cause of the stress. In addition, there are a number of things you can do to handle every kind of stress.

Finally, stress can be divided into three kinds: acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress. From another perspective, a fourth kind - psychological stress - is thought of as a genuine kind of stress and becoming more widespread

Acute Stress: The most common form of stress, it is caused by life's daily challenges. In small amounts stress can actually be beneficial. Similar to an athlete who has an event coming up. Athletes will experience acute stress, which activates adrenaline production, which gives him a surge of energy, which he uses to deliver his best performance.

Stress like this is generally not long lasting and easy to pinpoint, as well. Typical symptoms might include sweaty palms, cold hands and feet, muscle tension, increased heart rate, headache.

Globally, one of the most common forms of stress, as previously mentioned, is 'Episodic Acute Stress'. Even so, this happens to some individuals on a fairly regular basis. These people are never able to make things happen the way they want even though they are obsessed with planning out every detail. Because of that, they develop a short fuse, either with themselves or with everything else in their environment. So the workplace makes them feel like they are under a lot of pressure.

Nonstop worry is also a sign of episodic stress. They assume something bad is going to happen because of their negative outlook. That's why they find themselves feeling completely tense and uptight without really understanding why.

Chronic Stress: This kind of stress weighs heavily on you and wears you down. T! his is a n accumulated type of stress that results in long lasting damage to you health both physically and emotionally. Some kind of trauma is usually the source of chronic stress.

People who suffer from chronic stress may think they were born that way and there is nothing they can do about it. So because the person usually doesn't acknowledge having this problem, the disorder goes untreated. However, changing your behavior is an effective treatment that reduces stress.

Psychological stress: this category of anxiety is associated with a reduction in the range of responses someone has to a certain set of circumstances; a highly psychologically stressed person may only be able to react in a very limited way. Your body creates the adrenaline hormones when you are threatened, as well as cortisol, both of which encourage you to react to what is going on.

It's quite similar to when a battery takes a charge thus creating a higher voltage which must be discharged. When people go through psychological stress, they have too much energy trapped in their bodies. Heart problems can be produced when you have constant raise in heart rate and the production of adrenaline

The reason for psychological stress could be any thing from trauma to any emotional anxiety. People with psychological stress actually invite more stress into their lives by what they expose themselves too and this is a problem.

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Read a funny guide to Guarantee That You'll Have a Divorce From Hell that will teach you what not to do. Learn how divorce can be different by reading about collaborative law in Austin and how it's changing the way that divorce is done.

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New Age Store

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by George Pettit

Even with a world population that is becoming more environmentally and spiritual conscious it can often be difficult to find that special piece that you are searching for. A New Age store has a great deal to offer in this area. These unique shops have a wide selection which includes a little of everything to suit the beliefs and needs of most individuals.

There is typically a selection of jewelry for those that are interested. Talismans and crystals for a variety of needs can be found in number of different settings. The designs are made to be worn religiously or as a beautiful accent to the attire of anyone.

Along the same lines, there can often be found a array of polished or unpolished stones. These can be used in practice or in display. Many times there are crystals or fine spun glass figurines that can be selected from as well.

Some locations will offer specialty clothing, such as hemp. These lines are produced in demand of individuals who have allergies or personal restrictions in regard to suitable clothing materials. A gift of one of these items can make a difference by opening a world that had previously been unknown, especially when given to a friend.

There are a number of other items that can be enjoyed as well.

Singing bowls, engraved boxes, fabrics, and other such pieces are common place. Smudging sticks, incense, Tarot cards, candles, and even music selections are also found here on a regular basis.

There may also be a selection of metaphysical books. The way that a New Age store is created, there often is a common area for sitting, relaxing, reading, and the exchange of ideas. It is not uncommon to have different classes covering a wide variety of practices being offered to the general public to raise spiritual awareness.

The New Age stores are made for everyone there is no discrimination of any kind. These locations are commonly a melting pot of multiple spiritual concepts and as a result there is a welcoming feel to the store.

Typica lly the stores are owned or operated by people that practice some form of spirituality or religion which also makes it an excellent resource if there are questions that patrons might have. This also makes it perfect location to go to if an individual has spiritual curiosity.

These types of places have a great deal to offer, whether it is personalized or unique gifts or a spiritual awakening.

About the Author

George Pettit is an journalist from Australia. He writes for several important newspapers about different topics such as shopping tips and a lot of other useful things which attracts many readers. This time he has wrote an article about New Age Store.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Mastery Is Relaxation

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Henrieta Tornyai

Everyone has reached a point in their playing when they just can't seem to clear the next hurdle, becoming bogged down with frustration. There might be one thing you just can't play or a whole new technique to master. Whatever it is, it can be very demoralizing and take the fun out of playing all together. That's only if you let it get to you.

Good practice habits aid in more than just developing muscle memory and strong technical skills. A major benefit is psychological. With regular and structured practice you should develop confidence in your current ability but also in your ability to make progress.

State of mind is a very powerful thing. If you think you can't do something, you're probably right. If you think something is difficult, you'll struggle with it. On the other hand if you think you can, you will. That is of course, easier said than done.

I discovered the double bass via the jazz musician route. I had been a bass guitarist before and a guitarist before that. I had no previous experience playing with a bow, only with plucking, so it was a totally new skill that I wanted to master. Controlling tone and sustaining sound was a frustrating struggle. It seemed like such a huge effort, I was getting nowhere and I just couldn't enjoy it. It wasn't until I had a lesson with Prof. Richard Davis that I started to realize the power of positive thinking.

I labored through an exercise I was dreading before I even played the first note though I had spent hours on it in practice. After I my performance, which was average at best Richard asked me to hold out my hand. I was so filled with frustration and nervousness I couldn't keep it steady. He asked me to take a few deep breaths then simply had me bow long notes on one string. He got me to exaggerate the movement and sway wildly from side to side until I couldn't help but smile. "Are you having fun?" he asked, and of course, I was. Not only that but my tone was more even and I felt totally relaxed.

Mastery is effortless! ness and effortlessness is relaxation. Relaxation comes from joy. Sometimes it's easy to get hung up on the technical side of music and forget it's purpose of enjoyment for both listener and player. Whatever you play, make it musical, especially if you are simply playing scales and arpeggios. It should never feel like a chore. Play with a smile on your face and your playing will radiate happiness (you can smile on the inside too). It will also make you feel good, relax and progress faster. Of course, you still have to put in the hard yards to really become a master but why not have a great time along the way?

About the Author

Henrieta TornyaiBassist, guitarist, performer, composer, teacherRead my blog at http://www.henrietatornyai.comOne on one Skype Lessons available.

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New Age Store

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by George Pettit

Even with a world population that is becoming more environmentally and spiritual conscious it can often be difficult to find that special piece that you are searching for. A New Age store has a great deal to offer in this area. These unique shops have a wide selection which includes a little of everything to suit the beliefs and needs of most individuals.

There is typically a selection of jewelry for those that are interested. Talismans and crystals for a variety of needs can be found in number of different settings. The designs are made to be worn religiously or as a beautiful accent to the attire of anyone.

Along the same lines, there can often be found a array of polished or unpolished stones. These can be used in practice or in display. Many times there are crystals or fine spun glass figurines that can be selected from as well.

Some locations will offer specialty clothing, such as hemp. These lines are produced in demand of individuals who have allergies or personal restrictions in regard to suitable clothing materials. A gift of one of these items can make a difference by opening a world that had previously been unknown, especially when given to a friend.

There are a number of other items that can be enjoyed as well.

Singing bowls, engraved boxes, fabrics, and other such pieces are common place. Smudging sticks, incense, Tarot cards, candles, and even music selections are also found here on a regular basis.

There may also be a selection of metaphysical books. The way that a New Age store is created, there often is a common area for sitting, relaxing, reading, and the exchange of ideas. It is not uncommon to have different classes covering a wide variety of practices being offered to the general public to raise spiritual awareness.

The New Age stores are made for everyone there is no discrimination of any kind. These locations are commonly a melting pot of multiple spiritual concepts and as a result there is a welcoming feel to the store.

Typica lly the stores are owned or operated by people that practice some form of spirituality or religion which also makes it an excellent resource if there are questions that patrons might have. This also makes it perfect location to go to if an individual has spiritual curiosity.

These types of places have a great deal to offer, whether it is personalized or unique gifts or a spiritual awakening.

About the Author

George Pettit is an journalist from Australia. He writes for several important newspapers about different topics such as shopping tips and a lot of other useful things which attracts many readers. This time he has wrote an article about New Age Store.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Why Orange County Residents Need To Choose Meditation?

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Robert Puff

Stress is at the root of many health and other problems. Orange County, California, residents have to cope with substantial stress on a daily basis. Many have turned to meditation as an effective means of dealing with stress and finding peace in their lives.

Pressures, responsibilities, expectations and even desires can all lead to stress. Every day, thousands of California residents feel like they are walking a tight rope just to survive life's daily pressures. High stress levels have led to people being sick, depressed and even verging on doing harm to themselves.

Many Orange County and neighborhood residents have found that the effects of the burdens of daily life can be effectively controlled by de-stressing the mind. They have realized they need to detoxify, to let go of all the stress and negativity, and free their minds of the things causing their pressures.

Meditation is an extremely effective way of attaining this peace of mind. Meditation brings calm and peace to the mind. A mind at peace is one free of tension and mental discomfort. Meditation brings a feeling of complete relaxation and lets the mind experience true happiness. Without this feeling of inner peace, one cannot feel truly happy and relaxed, even when surrounded by the best life has to offer.

Meditation restores one's inner peace. Those who understand and practice the art of meditation are not only be able to sort through life's daily problems and stresses, but they find themselves much more equipped to face difficulties in the future, and are able to deal with life's stresses more effectively. These people find they are happy all the time! They are no longer dependent on other people, other things, and other places to be happy, as they have found happiness within themselves.

Many people are hesitant about meditation, thinking it is a virtually impossible to control one's emotions and calm one's mind in the way that meditation promises. Most people find the concept of controlling the mind t! o be dif ficult. Like leaves on a breezy day in the park, the mind keeps blowing in the wind - wandering here and there, turning, rising, falling. Even if the uninitiated try to let their minds go blank and think of nothing, they find their minds wandering off to some present issue, a person, or an event in the past. The mind seems to be able to wander off in endless uncontrolled directions.

But the seemingly impossible task of controlling the mind is made possible by meditation. With proper training in meditation, one can create inner space and clarity, and help gain control over the mind. Meditation makes it possible to negate the effects of external circumstances, while slowly and steadily developing mental equilibrium. Meditation creates a balanced mind, where all the activities and emotions of life are organized and ordered. Those who have learned the art of meditation find this feeling quite unlike before, when any little occurrence could stress them out or make them feel uncontrollably angry or sad or nervous.

This feeling of being at peace with oneself is what people can achieve with a class in the art of meditation. Mastering the art of meditation under the expert guidance of a skilled teacher allows one to eradicate the thought processes which cause life's problems and suffering. The true meaning of nirvana or liberation is only possible once one achieves inner peace with meditation.

Think of yourself allowing your mind to feel free, relaxed and refreshed. Experience the ability to let all your worries go, and to open your mind and welcome peace and happiness. Almost every Orange County resident could benefit from the effects of meditation and experience these feelings. Fortunately, professional, skilled guidance in the art of meditation is available right in our own backyard. Dr. Robert Puff has been a practicing clinical psychologist in the Newport Beach area for twenty years. Take a minute for yourself and go to Dr. Puff's website at Lear! n for yo urself what others have found, that meditation helps you find peace and relieves you of mental turbulence. Enroll in one of Dr. Puff's sessions and see the difference yourself.

About the Author

The writer is associated with Dr. Robert Puff, a clinical psychologist, author, international speaker, and mental health expert located in Newport Beach. He facilitates an Orange County meditation class for people wanting to find peace and happiness in their daily lives.

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Knoxville Yoga Teacher Training

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by David E Morgan

Yoga is becoming more and more popular in Knoxville, TN. The need for trained yoga teachers who have completed a qualified yoga teacher training (YTT) or yoga teacher certification (YTC) program is also increasing. (Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Teacher Certification mean the same thing, the title of the program depends on the preference of the yoga school.)

To fill this gap to get more certified yoga teachers, there are now several yoga teacher training programs in the Knoxville area.

What to look for in a Knoxville Yoga Teacher Training program

1. The most important thing to look at when researching yoga teacher training programs in Knoxville is, who is the director of the teacher training? Have you studied with this person and do you like their style? Does their philosophy of yoga resonate with you? Are they easily accessible? Do they live by the words they speak, or at least try to?

2. Next, look at training dates for your Knoxville yoga teacher training. Do the dates fit your schedule? Some yoga certification programs offer the whole training at once, some offer it on weekends only, and others offer weekend trainings in combination with some yoga teacher training requirements through the week.

3. Can you afford the yoga teacher training, or are there payment plans or scholarships available to make your yoga training more manageable?

4. Is the yoga teacher training offered at a Registered Yoga School (RYS) through the Yoga Alliance? The Yoga Alliance is the most respected yoga organization in the country. If you're serious about learning and teaching yoga, then do yourself a favor and go for a 200-hour Yoga Alliance-recognized program at a Registered Yoga School.

Why Do Your Yoga Teacher Training in Knoxville, TN?

Unless you want to be part of a lineage of yoga like Ananda, Kundalini, Kripalu, Sivananda, Kriya, and so on - where you will need to go to a yoga center or ashram outside of the Knoxville area to study - it is a good id! ea to st udy hatha yoga in the area you intend to teach yoga. Iin this case, we're talking about studying and teaching yoga in Knoxville, TN.

Why? Because the local Knoxville yoga school will have insight into how to reach people in the area, how to market to them, and how to attract people to your classes once you graduate from your yoga training program. If the yoga teacher training has a service project as part of the requirements, some of the people you meet in your community classes may very well become your first clients. Not to mention, a director from the Knoxville area will have a list of connections for places you can contact and possibly teach once you graduate from the YTT. You'll also get support from the people you go through training with once the program is finished, because most of them will live in the area. You'll become lifelong friends with many of your fellow yoga teacher trainees.

In the case of Knoxville, where yoga is behind the growth curve of the East and West Coasts, the majority of students in yoga classes are beginners. That means the focus of your 200-hour basic yoga training should be at least in part on how to teach safe classes to beginners. Once you have completed a 200-hour training and built a base of students who have started yoga with you, it will be easier to target niche audiences as your interests and the interests of your students grow.

About the Author

David Morgan is director of the Knoxville yoga teacher training at New Moon Yoga LLC in West Knoxville.

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Visiting The Ajanta And Ellora Caves Of India

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Adiba Khan

India - the country of diverse religion and culture heritage is famous all over the world for its long-established monuments and historic architecture. Tourists from all over the world visit India to get a glimpse of some fine architectural grandeur, this country depicts. India is truly a galaxy of historical monuments. Ajanta, which is one of the most renowned monument of India, has rightly been recognized as world's greatest historical monument by UNESCO. Located at a distance of 40 kms from Jalgoan, a city in Maharashtra, Ajanta caves are 30 in number. Among all the 30 caves 9th, 10th, 19th, 26th, and 29th are chaitya- grihas and the rest are monasteries. Discovered in 1819, these caves were built in middle 2nd century BC-AD. All paintings of Ajanta, show profound religious influence, illustrating some important incidents from the life of Jakata and Lord Buddha. The paintings emerge on the land of mud-plaster in the tempera technique.

A group of Ajanta caves were discovered in 19th century. These Caves were scooped out into the heart of the hill. The paintings at the Ajanta caves demonstrate the major incidents in the life of Lord Gautama. They include the pictures of semi-mythological history, the royal court and the ancient times, as told in romantic plays. Some pictures recollect the Roman and Greek symphony and composition as well.

Ellora Caves

Ellore - the famous archeological site in India, is about 30kms away from the city of Aurangabad. Elora Caves were built by Kannada rulers. Very well known for its colossal caves, Ellore is a world heritage historical site and symbolizes an embodiment of stone -cut architecture. Carved out of the facet of Charanandri hills, theses caves are 34 in number. These caves were built between 5th century and 10th century. They represent the alliance of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain religions. Ellore caves are classified as the Buddhist caves, the Hindu Caves and the Jain caves.

The Buddhist caves

Cave 1 and the Vishvkar! ma are t he major Buddhist Caves of the Ellore caves. These are one of the earliest Indian architectures. These structures contain mostly of viharas or monasteries which are the huge, multi-storied buildings engraved into the mountain facade. These multi- storied buildings contain living quarters, kitchens, sleeping quarters and other rooms. 10th number cave is the most famous Buddha cave. It is popularly known as "the carpenter's cave". Adjacent to its entry is a Stupa hall, it is also known as Chaitya.

The Hindu Caves

The Kailasanathan and The Dashavatra are two major Hindu caves. These caves were constructed in the middle of sixth century. These caves were constructed by Kalchari rulers. The caves 28, 27 and 19 were constructed first. These were followed by two extremely astonishing cave constructions of 29th and 21st caves.

The Jain Caves

The Indra sabha is most famous Jain cave. These caves belong to the period between 9th and 10th century. These are located in the Digambara sect. These caves illustrate some important co-ordinates of Jain philosophy. They are relatively small in size as compared to other caves. The most important of these caves are Chhota Kailash, the jagannath sabha and the Indra sabha.

Ajanta and Ellora caves are the capital of Indian historical architecture and design.

About the Author

Adiba Khan is an expert author to writing informative articles on different parts of Indian Travel and tourism. Also write a portal for India Tours where one can find info on west India tours and get the best packages for Ajanta and Ellora caves tours. Explore: -

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Oils To Pamper Your Body And Mind

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Sanjay Kumar

Body and mind fatigue is very common now-a-days. It is due to our hectic daily life schedules. Gradually, it is becoming a difficult heath problem to combat. As such, many doctors today suggest oil massage for body. This natural treatment has astounding effects on our mind and body.

It helps to relax and rapid energy gain. In the other words, it lessens body ache and relaxes our mind to withstand our day to day businesses efficiently. We get a number of essential oils & pure essential oils in the market. These are easily available from any pharmacy & cosmetics' shop.

These natural oils are manufactured in bulk quantity using certified processing methods in several industries today. Raw materials used in them are procured from trusted and reputed vendors worldwide. All these natural essential oils or pure essential oils are checked for quality at each production level till their final dispatch. These are in huge demand for manufacturing pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetics and various other products in many industries all over the world.

Also, the entire range with high chemical and physical properties are best body toners and perfume ingredients ever developed in essential oils industry.

Quality AssuranceOptimum processing methods are used for formulating highly effective natural essential oils in the manufacturing units. Right kind of basic materials are utilized in the  preparation of the products. For this, manufacturers make certain that these materials are obtained only from the trusted vendors and are checked for quality before being forwarded to other processes.

Moreover, Research & Development department strive hard to provide innovative & competitive range of pure essential oils keeping the naturalness of products intact. Stringent quality control procedures are adopted to maintain overall efficacy of the products manufactured. These quality control procedures primarily are same in almost every industry of the same domain that include- Inspecti! ng farms & distilleries for cleanliness - Matching varied botanical plants before processing them- Checking the authenticity of various processes used in distillation- Verifying the aromatic compound visually for perfect distillation- Checking the characteristics of natural extracts through odor- Testing the purity of natural extracts through GC/MS or GC technologies

All these procedures help in delivering high efficacy natural essential oils for personal care and several industrial applications.

Product RangeA wide range of natural essential oils are provided for aromatherapy, fragrances & pharmaceutical products manufacturing companies worldwide. Most used or demanded products in this range consists of Floral Absolutes, Pure Floral Waters and Carrier Oils. While Attars, Spice & Spice Oleoresin, Peppermint products, Special Range Of Products, Natural Food Colors and many more are also available in this range.

The entire lot of products are provided in different suitable packaging options to meet the varied requirements of the clients in the best possible manner. These products are made cost effective to serve several industries that manufacture skin care, pharma or medical products and perfumes. These are considered highly effective aromatherapy oils. All of them are checked for quality throughout the production for optimum utility. So whenever you are out to buy such products then first check their labels for ingredients, packing & expiry dates to escape unwanted side effects.

For more details, please visit us at:

About the Author

The writer is famous for writing business articles. All his write up are informative and influential. This very article on essential oils or natural essential oils is very popular among the readers and young entrepreneurs.

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Can You Really Increase Faith With Meditation?

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Oliver Dodd

Mediation is spiritual practice that focuses your mind. There are no shortcuts in spiritual growth. Meditation can be a way to deepen a connection for someone wanting a more intimate and stronger faith. Meditation is a reflection and contemplation of truths, some very powerful and spiritual. The focusing of your mind will allow your conscience to speak to you. Any person of any faith can meditate. Many religions meditate, no matter what the higher spirit is referred to as. Meditation is not a practice of just blanking out your mind. It actually is a practice of thinking harder.

By focusing your mind and your spirit, your faith will have a much deeper connection. With this deep concentration, you may feel empowered and thus, have a more personal, intimate relationship with your higher spirit. This peace and strength may cause your faith to grow exceedingly. Meditation requires that you have a closer relationship with not only the higher spirit of your faith, but also with your own spirit. This will give you an increased awareness and many levels of your own being will be heightened. When meditating, the outside world is left behind, blocked out, if only for a short time, concentrating only on self awareness and your relationship with your higher power. You concentrate on your own feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Meditation increases your faith by allowing you to focus clearly on only your faith. Meditation is a time that is sometimes used for prayer, although they are not the same. The more intimate the prayer the closer one feels to having made a true connection to the higher spirit. If prayers seem to have been answered after a meditation session, the individual asking in the prayer will have the sense that the prayer was heard and answered, strengthening the faith of that individual. This would lead to even longer and deeper sessions guided by faith. Again, the more meditation and prayer, the more faithful in the prayers, the more the faith will multiply each time.

Meditation is and! can be a great form of stress relief. With less stress come less physical ailments and less mental stresses. Some of these mental disabilities include anxiety and depression. The reduction of these problems can lead also to an increased faith. The thought process would be that if you had a faith based conversation during your meditation session, if relief was received then the obvious connection would be that the Divine had intervened and provided relief and would be credited with the results. When the mind is deep in concentration the body is allowed to be afflicted with less stress. This lessening of stress will allow the mind to be more at ease. If the mind is more at ease the concentration will be deeper for the meditation. The deeper the meditation, the stronger the connection will be felt between one's self and this higher spirit that the relationship is held with. If the spiritual relationship is strong, then the stronger and deeper the intimate, personal relationship will be. Meditation is an intuitive power. Intuition is believed by many to be an intervention from a higher spirit. Increased meditation means more enlightenment, more intuition, powerful, spiritual truths, which all culminate into a stronger faith.

Meditation teaches you to just be accepting. To accept all things the way they are, and not focus on trying to change them. Faith to just be accepting of the way things are and faith that a higher power is stronger than you. All will be just as planned, and the ability to just accept and have the faith that the higher power is in control and the outcome will be justified. You become more accepting of yourself and of others. You become aware of your own faults, and shortcomings, asking in faith to be better. You become more accepting of the faults and shortcomings of others, asking again in faith to be able to do so. As you become more accepting, more relaxed, and more able to turn loose of the control and focusing on only breathing, relaxing, thinking, the more you will rely on faith. The! more yo u rely and the more you are rewarded, the more your faith will grow.

About the Author

Do you want to learn to meditate within 60 seconds so you can manifest faster? Click here to learn how to meditate within 60 seconds or less.

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Join a yoga class to stress out and relax

Posted: 05 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Ayaz Khan

Yoga has emancipated the lives of millions of individuals the world over by making them healthier, happier and stronger. Yoga and its benefits are not just limited to these three words. Its real effects go far deeper into the human conscience. A person, when he practices Yoga, not only becomes aware of his short-comings, both physical and mental, but also atains the knowledge to fight these faults and emerge as a better human being. The person will treat each and every problem as it comes and will find life a much more happier journey to travel. Yoga in any form, be it Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga or Asthanga Yoga relaxes an individual to prepare him for the day ahead and the challenges that lay before him. Yoga, thus has tremendous benefits.

Yoga and Yoga asanas are not as easy as they look but are really tough to master. Practicing incorrect Yoga poses can be a challenging task if done without proper guidance. The beginner runs the risk of injuring himself/herself and the injuries are really painful. Yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Asthanga Yoga is an ancient art that helps in creating a sense of union in body, mind and spirit. It brings us that much needed balance that we require in order to cope with the day-to-day challenges. An important part of Yoga is Meditation. Any Yoga routine begins and ends with meditation. Meditation Music brought to you by Spirit Voyage, a premier music company, will immensely help an individual to concentrate better during the meditation.

Starting Yoga by going to a yoga class is a perfect beginning anyone can imagine. A Yoga class is beneficial for many reasons. There are teachers who work one-on-one with his students and offers knowledge, both spiritual and physical which guide a person throughout the day. Yoga classes are bonding time where one can gain valuable insights in Yoga by fellow practitioners. Today, many Yoga classes play various Yoga music and meditation music sung by popular artists like Snatam Kaur, Guru Singh and Gurmukh,! which h elp in creating a perfect environment for practicing Yoga. Any person who is interested in emancipating his/her life can safely start with Yoga. The best part of practicing Yoga is that it can be done regardless of the age or body type. Ofcourse, there are some restrictions for the person who has just come out from some illness but anyhow, Yoga can be done if anyone believes in oneself. Size and fitness level do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose. Proper clothing is also a necessity when one thinks of starting Yoga. Clothes that do not slip, that can handle the pressure, the stress and strain of various Yogic procedures are preferable. Spirit Voyage offers the right clothings for men and perfect clothings for women who want to begin practicing Yoga.

Spirit Voyage offers a host of Yoga DVDs which play a significant role in preparing a positive environment in the Yoga classes. Mind and Meditation is a Yoga DVD collection which gives valuable insights into Yoga and its various facets. Another Yoga DVD that has a substantiative credibility is Yoga Shakti and it can benefit immensely when played along with the Yoga routine. Yoga music in a Yoga class makes the right conditions for the body to come at par with the mind and make the practitioner emerge happier, stronger and fitter.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

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Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) | How to Do Yoga

Subscribe to the Howcast Health Channel - Learn the bridge pose in this Howcast video about how to do yoga. The Howcast Health Channel offers easy-to-follow instructions on all forms of exercise, both new and traditional, including water aerobics, Pilates, yoga, strength training, how to use an exercise ball, and various forms of martial arts. The Channel also includes expert advice on health topics, such as chiropractic, cholesterol, massage therapy, meditation, sexual health, stress management, and vitamins. Plus, you'll find all the latest diet and nutrition information. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: Subscribe to Howcast's other YouTube Channels: Howcast Main Channel - Howcast Video Games Channel - Howcast Tech Channel - Howcast Food Channel - Howcast Arts & Recreation Channel - Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel - Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel - Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional video production, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more.

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Dependable Excess weight Reduction Strategies for Teens

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Gordon Erickson

If this is you then you might want to discover the key of how to get rid of love handles.Sorry, there is no technique way to reduce like handles but I can notify you about how I managed to get rid of my really like cope with body fat. It didn't transpire overnight and I did have to perform at it but bit by bit the weight all over my center and other components of my system started out to melt away and I've managed to keep moderately lean for numerous several years now.Diet and exercise is the important to shedding like handlesI didn't know a great deal about nutrition and work out at the time and I nonetheless do not know that substantially but I did know that you need to have to do some work out. Any exercising is superior than none correct? I also understood that the extra calories you try to eat the more fat accumulates on your system. I've no plan why it all would seem to go on about your middle very first but it feels to be very widespread.The initial factor I did was minimize down the dimensions of my meals to lessen my calorie consumption. This is really hard to do if you have a minimal metabolic rate like I do due to the fact you don't have to consume significantly just before you start off placing on weight. This indicates that you in all probability don't eat significantly to commence with. You can also make adjustments to the issues you try to eat to help you reduce extra fat. For much more about nutrition see this guide: Food To Aid You Eliminate Fat.The subsequent phase is to introduce some frequent exercise. This will melt away off some of the calories that you take in letting you to at least try to eat one thing. When you make your mind up what kind of training you are going to do you need to choose anything that you will delight in carrying out and can see on your own engaging in routinely and routinely. That way you will be ready to retain it up for a very long time to arrive.Jogging to drop excess weightI selected to get started jogging. I wished to eliminate body b! ody fat all through but I was most worried about my enjoy handles. ?? Reduce your sugar intake. It is proposed that you consume foods that presents much less than five milligrams of sugar for each serving. Consuming substantially sugar is not beneficial because you will only want much more.?? Acquire more drinks to strengthen your metabolic process. Drink about Eight glass of h2o a day is great to boost your metabolism.?? Lessen the worry. Some teens may perhaps get stressed since they have to abide by the tight eating habits program. To help you decrease the anxiety, you can have entertaining by carrying out work out or taking a walk with your pals.?? Feel by yourself that you can change. This sensation provides you optimistic energy when you are attempting to eliminate pounds. Hence, you will be much more enthusiastic during your effort in losing excess weight.Shedding weight is actually an straightforward chore to do if you know the suitable methods.

About the Author

Losing weight with as small inconvience as probable is and was the purpose that started this homework by this writer. His study has made some excellent final results and incouraged additional research.Gains of Normal Bodyweight Red, How to Drop Weight With o

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Back to materialism

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 10:01 PM PDT

Materialism, as most of us understand it, has to do with the importance we give to material possessions.  This includes the desire for material objects and their consumption; even to where our happiness, for the most part, depends upon conspicuous consumption (Thorstein Veblen).  The danger with this kind of materialism is the degree to which we are obsessed with desiring material objects.

Giving a practical example, let's say I really want a Shun chef's knife.  Do I really need such a knife, after all, I am not a chef?  My present knife works fine.  But right now, I am temporarily obsessed with having a Shun chef's knife even though I really can't afford this knife.  When I reflect on my desire to have this knife, I have to admit, I can't really see how it is going to make me happy or happier.  It even reminds me a little of my brother's G.I. Joe collection when he was a little boy.  It certainly hasn't brought him happiness. He is now getting close to fifty having to go through the pains of growing older.

This kind of materialism really closes us off to finding an adequate spiritual path that will help us to cope with life's more negative side: in the words of Porphyry, "The bitter waves of this blood-drenched life." Although it seems that materialism can work for a little while, our decision to go in that direction in order to cope with life never seems to pan out has hoped.  We are, in fact, deluded which, incidentally, is one of the three poisons.

We really need to take a profound fast from materialism.  It might be better for us to take a walk in the woods, alone, so that we might commune with nature for several hours instead of spending almost two hundred dollars on a Shun chef's knife.  Maybe it would be better to go backpacking for a day or do some rock climbing. There are some really good one-day backpacks like the Marmot Ascent 40 which sells for around one hundred and thirty dollars.  Oops!  Back to materialism.


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Basic Rules for Practicing Yoga

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Aman Roy

Yoga is the art of living a sound and healthy life. By enhancing the present status of mind, body and soul and by uniting these three prior elements in a single chord one can lead a perfect righteous life. Different forms of yoga like Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga or Kundalini yoga are practiced for ages to help in synchronizing mind, body and soul. Originated in India thousands of years ago, this art and philosophy of yoga implies teaching all people, the steps towards a stress-free life. Regular practicing of various yoga exercises like yoga postures or asanas, breathing exercises or Pranayama, ensure a calm and relaxed state of mind. A healthy mind indicates a healthy body. And yoga when practiced with meditation promises double benefit as meditation wards off all the unwanted thoughts and worries from human mind, thus making it pure like a crystal. Both yoga and meditation yield best result if a little bit of yoga music or meditation music can be incorporated in the practicing.

The main aim of yoga is to achieve the ultimate physical, mental and spiritual well-being of a human being. There are some basic rules which should be kept in mind while practicing yoga. It is advisable for those who learn and practice yoga all by himself, to know these basic yoga norms, or else it may turn harmful. The Yoga DVD offered at the online music company, Spirit Voyage, contains these valuable tips on yoga along with the details illustration of every yoga postures. These DVDs are suitable for all, be it beginners or practitioners. People from allover the world who are day by day showing interest on yoga, find these Spirit Voyage yoga CDs and DVDs truly beneficial. Yoga In Motion by Shakta Kaur Khalsa or Refining the Spirit DVD by Yogi Bhajan are just appropriate for all the yoga aspirants.

The best time to practice yoga is morning as it makes a person free for the whole day from the tension of taking time out for doing yoga. If doing yoga in morning is not possible for someone then he must choose a pa! rticular time and stick to that time everyday. It is advisable to practice yoga on a regular basis because irregularity will not bring the proper result. There is no need to practice yoga twice in a day but at least 15 to 20 minutes in a day should be alloted for doing this at the beginning and then gradually increase it to 1 hour. Try and find a clean, airy, calm and noiseless corner at home, play some soothing yoga music and make the atmosphere perfect for doing the sadhana. A mindful work like doing yoga must be done silently. So, talking or conversing with other person at that time is better to avoid. Though there is no restriction on normal food habit but the meal-timing is an important factor in yoga practicing. Doing yoga with full stomach is strictly disapproved by the yoga gurus. One can take a light meal an hour before doing yoga. It is always advisable to maintain a proper diet and stay away from any kind of spicy food, fast food, coffee, alcohol or drugs. Try to keep the mind fresh and tension-free at the time of doing yoga otherwise it may hamper the concentration level. Generally during illness one should stop yoga practicing and for women, it should be stopped during their menstruation periods. Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson or Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff, Sharon Ellis can help the practitioner by enlightening him with vast knowledge on yoga.

Apart from Yoga books, Spirit Voyage also offers a collection of Yoga DVD, CD on every form of yoga be it Kundalini yoga or Ashtanga yoga. The soulful music of these CDs and DVDs paired with the heart-touching soulful voices of Snatam Kaur, Wah!, Donna De Lorry, Gurmukh, Deva Premal and other legendary singers enrich the collection and make the sadhana more blissful. Another collection of soothing meditation music promises to fill up the heart and reunite the human mind, body and soul with the divine power.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga DVDs and soulful meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.


lmfao, BITCH!

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Back to materialism

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Materialism, as most of us understand it, has to do with the importance we give to material possessions.  This includes the desire for material objects and their consumption; even to where our happiness, for the most part, depends upon conspicuous consumption (Thorstein Veblen).  The danger with this kind of materialism is the degree to which we are obsessed with desiring material objects.

Giving a practical example, let's say I really want a Shun chef's knife.  Do I really need such a knife, after all, I am not a chef?  My present knife works fine.  But right now, I am temporarily obsessed with having a Shun chef's knife even though I really can't afford this knife.  When I reflect on my desire to have this knife, I have to admit, I can't really see how it is going to make me happy or happier.  It even reminds me a little of my brother's G.I. Joe collection when he was a little boy.  It certainly hasn't brought him happiness. He is now getting close to fifty having to go through the pains of growing older.

This kind of materialism really closes us off to finding an adequate spiritual path that will help us to cope with life's more negative side: in the words of Porphyry, "The bitter waves of this blood-drenched life." Although it seems that materialism can work for a little while, our decision to go in that direction in order to cope with life never seems to pan out has hoped.  We are, in fact, deluded which, incidentally, is one of the three poisons.

We really need to take a profound fast from materialism.  It might be better for us to take a walk in the woods, alone, so that we might commune with nature for several hours instead of spending almost two hundred dollars on a Shun chef's knife.  Maybe it would be better to go backpacking for a day or do some rock climbing. There are some really good one-day backpacks like the Marmot Ascent 40 which sells for around one hundred and thirty dollars.  Oops!  Back to materialism.


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The Laughing Buddha

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by John Cannon

Many people believe that the figure in Buddhism known as the "Laughing Buddha" is actually a depiction of the true Buddha. The Laughing Buddha is usually depicted as a fat, happy man that gives out treats and candies to children as he passes along in his travels. The truth, though, is different.

The Laughing Buddha began as a Chinese folkloric deity whose true name was Budai, pronounced Hotei in Japanese. His name means "Cloth Sack," and comes from the bag of clothing, candies and sweets that he is conventionally depicted as carrying. He is usually identified with (or as an incarnation of) Maitreya Buddha, so much so that the Budai image is one of the main forms in which Maitreya Buddha is depicted in East Asia. He is almost always shown smiling or laughing, hence his nickname in Chinese, the Laughing Buddha.

He is not, however, to be confused with the historical Buddha, known as the Shakyamuni Buddha (Shakyamuni means "Lion of the Shakya Clan' with Shakya being the clan name). The historical Buddha was born Prince Siddhartha, raised and lived in wealth and power, and left it all behind so as to discover the meaning of suffering and ultimate liberation. When gaining this knowledge, he was called a Buddha by his followers, since that means "an enlightened one."

Budai is traditionally a fat bald man wearing a robe and wearing or otherwise carrying prayer beads. He carries his few possessions in a cloth sack, being poor but content. He is often depicted entertaining or being followed by adoring children. His figure appears throughout Chinese culture as a representation of contentment. His image graces many temples, restaurants, amulets, and businesses throughout the world as well as in many homes.

According to Chinese history, Budai was an eccentric Chán monk who lived in China during the Later Liang Dynasty (907-923 CE). He was a native of Fenghua, and his Buddhist name was Qieci (literally "Promise this"). He was considered a man of good and loving character and especially ! beloved by children.

The term Buddha means "one who is awake", meaning one who has awakened into "enlightenment". Many believe that there have been others who have attained the level of enlightenment of Buddha and later followers of the Chan school would come to teach that all beings possess Buddha nature within them, and are already enlightened, but have yet to realize this. This teaching would become Zen Buddhism.

For many just learning about Buddhism, Budai is often confused with (or simply replaces) the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, in spite of the distinct visual differences in how each has been depicted. In India, Nepal, and throughout southeast Asia, Gautama (who lived during the 6th c. BCE) is commonly depicted as being tall and slender in appearance.

In contrast, in China and those areas to which Chinese cultural influence spread, the depiction of Budai (who lived during the 10th c. CE) is consistently short and rotund. Both depictions are the idealized results of the religious, cultural and folkloric traditions which evolved in the centuries after their respective deaths.

Another theory has it that he was originally a God of fertility, or a God of Prosperity, and his round belly was a symbol for a bountiful harvest. As Buddhism spread into China from India, the local population accepted him as a saint, or a manifestation of the Future Buddha (Maitreya Buddha). In Japan he is known as Hotei and is considered one of the Seven Gods of Fortune.

It is not uncommon for shopkeepers and other people in general to rub the belly of Ho Tai in order to bring good luck. Ho Tai is also considered to be the patron saint of children as well.

Truly, though, it is the teachings and thoughts that comprise Buddhism that are more important than the shape of the Buddha itself. Buddhism is a set of thoughtful, loving directions for a life spent in seeking enlightenment both for one's self as well as assisting those in your life to find the contentment and peace that Buddha can bri! ng.

< p>For those who enjoy Buddhist imagery and quotes, Buddha's Gifts provides shirts for Buddhists and many wonderful gifts for Buddhists and for those who simply wish to share our hopes for a life full of happiness and sharing. So from Budai I wish you a life full of laughter.

Peace. Namaste.

About the Author

A 60's homeless hippie, decorated Vietnam Marine vet with PTSD and Agent Orange exposure, 32 year IBEW union member and owner of various web shops with my favorite Buddha's Gifts which will expand again upon my return from the Philippines in the next month or so.

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Pema Chodron: Smile at Fear - A Reservoir of Trust

This is an excerpt from Pema Chodron's "Smile at Fear" from Richmond, CA, October 2010. Talk 2: The Path of Fearlessness. Ani Pema teaches from Chogyam Trungpa's book "Smile at Fear". This clip is on the "reservoir of trust", a trust that the universe will never stop communicating with us. Pema Chodron's archivists, Great Path. Item 152 available on DVD, audio CD and MP3. Video by Stu Sweetow,

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Yoga for novices

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Sue Jonson

Yoga uses many aspects of a healthy attitude and various techniques of breathing. It's roots are in India about 7,000 years ago. According to classical understanding yoga is a spiritual way to approach mental, spiritual or religious objectives. Today yoga workout routines are particularly used to for recreation, to obtain to know one's body much better and also to experience an additional way of living. In medicine in particular the muscle exercises (asanas) and also the breathing workouts (Pranayama) play an important role,together using the cleaning workout routines (Chikitsa Yoga). Yoga has it roots in india. The Indian sage Patanjali wrote down particular principles on yoga workout routines.on the birth of Jesus.. The so-called "Eightfold Path" forms the basis of yoga. This includes five easy and five difficult rules of conduct, numerous actual workout routines, breathing workout routines, the turning away of attention from sensory perceptions, concentration workouts that focused meditation and mystical union while using spiritual center of all existence. From the 12th century, numerous types of yoga developed with various emphases. For instance you are able to find two developments which have completely different goals. Ashtanga yoga is a variation of hatha yoga, with more challenging workouts that are carried out synchronously with respiration. A actually famous variation of the western yoga is known as the "power yoga". These excercises are far away from the original yoga practiced a long time ago. These days practicing yoga is not to compare to thr previous way of practicing it. Finding the classic objective of yoga, a spiritual path to actual and psychological balance, is in a lot of yoga therapies still in first place.Yoga can be utilized to increase coordination and agility, as a relaxation approach for concentration and sleep disturbances, and as a cure for different diseases and conditions for example asthma and back pain.Yoga may be teached or learned in various methods depending on ! one's de light of learning things.. Generally yoga for beginners starts with some basic yoga excercises to get relaxed and to prepare for the posture methods, which then stick to. A well-known physical exercise for instance is the so-called lotus position. Each physical exercise addresses various areas from the physique and could be combined with breathing workouts (pranayama).Every excercise ought to be made conscientious to obtain the best results out of yoga. Everything is intended to have a feeling of his entire body. The very best point about these exercises is that right after your yoga instruction you will end the session having a phase of deep chill. Yoga can not be utilized within the same way for everybody simply because each body is different and needs a specific kind of yoga excercise. To get the very best outcomes out of yoga you ought to stick to the workouts and follow the instructions given to you by the trainer or what is written in the book. Typically you need to repeat your workouts two or three times a days depending on your yoga skills. Making a general statement concerning the effectiveness of yoga is hard, because there are numerous application areas, and as many different forms of yoga. Classical Yoga is scientifically recognized and encouraged by numerous health insurance businesses.There are already studies about the positive effects of Yoga like a supportive measure within the remedy of hypertension, multiple sclerosis, back pain, and tuberculosis. Yoga itself provides a very powerful method to heal the body and soul, but it ought to not be employed as single treatment technique.The use of Yoga in complaints, for example, with the aim of lowering blood pressure ought to be discussed with a doctor.Additional RessourcesNever ever heared of yoga?How to begin with yogaYoga for freshmen

About the Author

Do you want to start with yoga and dont know how ?Or do you just want to inform yourself about this extraordinary method of relaxation ?Then visit my blog now :)

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10 Practical Steps to Learn Yoga

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Kevin Pederson

Even though the discipline of yoga is thousands of years old, it has not lost its relevance in this day and age. Thousands of people practice yoga all over the world today. This in itself is a testament to the popularity of this discipline. The basic aim behind the practice of yoga is to reconnect all the different parts of the body to the mind and soul.Practicing yoga can help improve your overall health and well being. If you learn how to do yoga, you can create a healthy balance in your life and will be able to lead a healthier and happier life.

Here's what you need to do to learn yoga:1.Yoga requires you to focus your energies into certain constructive channels so that you are able to gain maximum benefit out of your situation. There are several different types of yoga disciplines and the first step to learning yoga is to get a basic understanding about all these disciplines and choose one that you would follow. For beginners, hatha yoga is considered most suitable, since it is one of the gentlest forms of yoga. As you progress and become more confident about yourself, you can progress to Vinyasa yoga or Power yoga.

2.It is important to realize that yoga is not for everybody. If you begin practicing yoga and feel that it's not doing much for you, or you get bored and think that it is not worth your time and money, you should back out. The entire system of yoga is spiritual and a belief in the discipline is a prerequisite in order to reap the most benefits. If you are not able to create that belief, it is better that you withdraw.

3.Give a consideration to your lifestyle, health, and budget before you commit to yoga lessons. Certain medical conditions may become aggravated through the practice of yoga.

4.There are two ways to approach a yoga lesson. Many people join yoga studios and get trained under the watchful eye of a trainer. However, there are also those who prefer doing yoga at their own pace and in the privacy of their home using books and videos. Choose what ! suits yo u the best.

5.If you are signingup for a class, you will be able to learn many of the positions by watching your instructor perform it. One of the advantages of taking a class is that your instructor can correct you if you are going wrong.

6.Once you have begun practicing some of the basic poses, the next thing is to incorporate meditative techniques of Kundalini yoga and pranayama into your routine. This will help you gain a higher spiritual consciousness.

7.Even when you have begun practicing, it pays to read about yoga. The more you read, the more you will know about the philosophies and the principles on which yoga has been founded.

8.Once you are confident about practicing some of the poses on your own, buy yourself some DVDs so that you can practice alone at home too.

9.You can plan a yoga retreat for yourself and your friends.

10.Keep practicing yoga even when you stop taking classes. This will help you to continue on the path to good health and spiritual consciousness.

About the Author

Kevin Pederson writes content for various yoga poses, positions, and techniques which focuses on a positive state of mind in us.

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Compare Investments - Things to Keep in Mind

Posted: 04 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Jan Kaas

Investing especially for those who are inexperienced can be very challenging indeed. It is very easy for one to get caught up in a fad in a market where investors are often told and advised what to do. Many actions taken by an investor are based on third party opinion. The advent of online investments makes for an even more frightening challenge. It is easier to mess things up and lose hard earned money than it is to turn over big profits when investing online. Never take a whole lot of money all at once and blast it into an investment opportunity just because it looks good on paper. This is the worst mistake you can ever make. Many people risk their life savings on an investment only to reap the regrets later. Always do your research and if you are perhaps attracted to an investment opportunity, start out by investing a little at a time. Sometimes the best approach is to grow an investment little by little rather than shooting in with a lump sum and expecting long term returns.Here are a few practical tips you can employ in your investment strategy that will enable you to compare investments and make informed decisions before leaping in:• Try to assess the security offered in a given investment opportunity. This is crucial. Sometimes when investing as in the case of a company you need to be able to measure the financial position of that company. It is for this reason you wouldn't consider investing in an unknown company. Remember that should a company give in to liquidation then your chances of getting anything back of your investment will be secondary to the company settling its proper debts first.• The basic formula for investment success is being able to measure your apparent risks over potential returns. Do your homework properly on this one. It will allow you to establish whether or not it is worth your while and your money to be involved in any investment opportunity. • Liquidity is always a concern for investors and it is obvious why. You need the flexibility to be able to get out wh! en you n eed to. So you should always look into the market you intend investing in before your actual buying. Things to consider are whether or not you will be able to quickly transfer your investment to an existing demand. Compare investments and see which ones offer you this flexibility.• Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Modern trends in investing suggest that the best approach is always to diversify your investments. Having a wider basket allows you to benefit from a variety of stronger investments as against those that do badly especially in difficult economic times.Alternative InvestmentsAlternative investments can provide you with a superb avenue to diversify your growing investment portfolio. They are also becoming increasingly popular due to the more relaxed regulations associated with them. Alternative investments inherently do not exhibit the higher risks in correlation to traditional investments. They also tend to perform better in more challenging economic times. Gold, wine and art among others are absolutely useful investments to consider going forward.

About the Author

If you are looking for best alternative investments or how to easily compare investments, experts at Compare the Financial Markets will help provide valuable assistance.

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