“A little bit pregnant”

“A little bit pregnant”

“A little bit pregnant”

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT

In the Buddha's day, many people got enlightened quickly. Some people would say this is because the Buddha was such a great teacher, and to some extent that's got to be true. What better than to have an expert around? But most of the monks and nuns and householders would have had very little contact with the Buddha. After all, he couldn't be everywhere!

What they did have, that was every bit as helpful as the presence of the Buddha, was the belief that enlightenment was possible. Having the Buddha around was helpful, perhaps, not so much because he was a "personal trainer" who was around to say just the right thing. It was more that he was a living example of what was possible. And as a result of the confidence this brought about, people awakened.

Even when people at the time of the Buddha talked about getting awakened in future lives, they didn't talk in terms of the "countless lifetimes" that the Mahayana later came to regard as being necessary. They usually expected to get enlightened very soon, perhaps in the very next life. But the focus was very much on awakening here and now.

Nor did people at the time of the Buddha talk about deferring their own awakening until all others were awakened. This is another peculiar Mahayana idea that I believe makes enlightenment seem further away. It in fact makes enlightenment impossible. You just have to look at the Buddha's own life to see how hollow this concept is; after all, the Buddha didn't defer his own awakening! It might sound very noble and compassionate to say that we won't get enlightened before others do, but surely the most compassionate thing we can do is to wake up right now, so that we can help others free themselves from suffering.

Now the first stage of enlightenment is traditionally held to be not far away from where we are. This use of "stages" of enlightenment can be confusing for people. We don't always know there are stages to awakening. We think it's all or nothing. Once I was teaching a class and I mentioned the traditional stages of awakening, and someone said, "Can you be a bit awakened? Isn't being a bit awakened like being a little bit pregnant?" Actually, pregnancy's a good metaphor. There is a big difference between having just conceived and being nine months pregnant, and between that and giving birth, and between that and having a toddler or a teenager. In other words, just as having a child is a process, so too awakening is a process. We're all involved in this process of conceiving Buddhas, in giving birth to Buddhas, in giving birth to our own awakened selves.

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So there are these stages in the process of awakening, of which the first stage is called "stream entry." Like getting pregnant, this first stage, stream entry, is not that difficult. Well, stream entry is a bit more difficult than getting pregnant, at least for most people. My own teacher, Sangharakshita, encourages us to take stream entry as a "doable" goal for this life. It's a significant goal because it's irreversible. Up until stream entry our movement in the direction of awakening is reversible. We make progress, and then we fall back. We begin to wake up, and then we fall back into a sleep. Perhaps the dreams are interesting! But at stream entry there's an unstoppable momentum behind the change, because you've really seen the truth of the marks for yourself. You've seen something, and you can never unsee it.

We're all, I'd say, half way to that point of no return. Stream entry is a doable goal. It's quite concrete, and quite achievable. Even non-Buddhists seem to be able to attain this.

Now people still try to see stream entry as being more distant than it is! It's quite extraordinary how we try so hard to make goals unattainable. Some people take the idea of stream entry and raise it up to a kind of perfection. They imagine the stream entrant as being close to perfect: not capable of being unethical, never getting into bad moods, never getting anxious, never annoying anybody, never having cravings. But that description is more like full Buddhahood (with the exception of annoying people — the Buddha really annoyed a lot of people). To get to full awakening, we have to break ten fetters, and these include ill will and craving, and those are going to be there for two out of the four stages of awakening. To get to stream entry we only have to break three fetters, so we still have greed, hatred, and a lot of delusion to overcome.

At a guess I'd say a reasonably diligent practitioner — not a monk, but someone with a job and family, for example — could go all the way to stream entry in 15 to 20 years. Some people think that's a long time and get demoralized. But what are you going to do with your life anyway? And it might take much less time. Insight can come out of the blue. It involves a slight shift of consciousness. It could happen right now, right this very moment!

Although meditating is important, awakening probably won't happen for you when you're meditating. It's more likely to happen when your mind is wandering, or when you drop something, or when you hear something and suddenly you see things in a different way. In the scriptures it's recorded that some people awoke when they were depressed, or even on the point of suicide. For me it happened when I was putting my daughter to bed.

I think it's supremely important to believe that enlightenment is possible for us, and that it's not too far away. If you believe something's impossible for you, it effectively becomes impossible. Once awakening happens, the thing that strikes you most about it is how easy it all was. Once it's happened — once you've seen the truth that your "self" is not a "thing," but a beautifully unfolding process — you wonder why it took you so long. The truth was sitting there in plain view the whole time, but for some reason you never looked.

So I'd urge you to open to the idea that awakening could happen anytime. That it's just around the corner. That it's a slight shift in perspective away. Once you accept that, anything can happen.

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Going For The Sweet Alternative Against Stress And Impotency

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by catya

Living in stress-filled world can really rob you of the simple joys of life. Instead of looking on the brighter side of all aspect, all that would register in your periphery are misery and melancholy. You may have tried all possible stress relief methods - from costly therapies to addicting medications and nothing seems to be effective? Don't despair, there is always the sweet alternative - chocolate.

The delectable sensation of chocolate and its delicious sweetness have been a part of human diet. Outdoor camping wouldn't be considered as satisfying without a sip on a handy mug filled with hot chocolate. Isn't a box of chocolate enough to appease a person? Everybody is sure to enjoy it even once in a while. What better way to celebrate an important occasion but with chocolates in different forms - desserts, cakes and confectioneries. Regardless of color, race or belief, chocolate has long been a part of our lives.

Chocolate, which is produced from tropical cacao seed have originated from South American countries. Mayan and Aztecs people use the harvested cacao seeds to make a beverage known as "xocalati," or bitter water - the earliest primordial documented use of chocolate which dated 1100 BC. Cacao seeds must first be roasted, grounded and fermented to produce cocoa powder removing the intense acrid taste.

Aside from its early ingredients, most chocolate being consumed these days are being added with fats like cocoa butter, sugar, and cocoa solids.

Chocolates also have significant physiological effects to the human body which promote relaxation and serenity - acting as stress relief. Dark chocolates can cause a significant reduction to blood pressure which is considered to be lethal body ailment.

Studies also prove that chocolate have organic compounds that excites the body and senses. Chocolates are said to trigger the release of serotonin, which helps combat sexual impotence - a concurrent issue to male sexuality. Chocolates are said to have aphrodisiac q! ualities which increases sexual libido and urge that lowers down the possibility of sexual impotence. Chocolates are also said to have Phenylethylamine, which, like serotonin, mood enhancing agents which, after it is released through the nervous system, would induce pleasure feeling to the body. A study also cited eating chocolate increases vigor and passion, which was seen to a number of people who kissed longer after eating chocolate.

However, recent medical studies have revealed that some of these bodily activities, like the secretion of serotonin, are not necessarily an aftermath of eating chocolates or other aphrodisiacs. And medical experts pointed out that the direct effects of chocolate to sexual impotence needs to be further established.

Aphrodisiac or not, everybody could attest to the invigorating effect of eating chocolate. Its mouth watering effect and enticing feeling induce in the body is irrefutable. As of its stress relief capability, people can see the effect it can do to the emotions - bringing an incomparable state of tranquility.

Various relief and therapies come in variety of forms and some of them need not to be a burden. Lest be misconstrued, nothing can surpass what modern medicine can do. However there are always alternatives we can dip our hands into. Not just any alternative, but such a sweet one.

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The studies are in: Four reasons to try meditation

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Lizzie Fuhr, Fitsugar: Meditation may sound like a far-out concept for a woman who considers herself straightlaced, but there's nothing strange about relieving daily pressures and moving forward with a healthier outlook. If you're a little skeptical of sitting down to meditate, know that it doesn't have to be all about aligning your chakras and chanting a mantra! A few minutes of deep contemplation and breathing in your own style can shift your relationship with the day and keep you in better shape.

It lowers stress levels: You may think that meditation isn't real science, but studies have shown a correlation between meditation …

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Find stillness

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Things keep changing. The clock ticks, the day unfolds, trees grow, leaves turn brown, hair turns gray, children grow up and leave home, attention skitters from this to that, the cookie is delicious but then it's all gone, you're mad about something for awhile and then get over it, consciousness streams on and on and on.

Many changes are certainly good. Most people are glad to put middle school behind them. I'm still happy about shifting thirty years ago from single to married. Painkillers, flush toilets, and the internet seem like pretty good ideas. It's lovely to watch grass waving in the wind or a river passing. Fundamentally, if there were no change, nothing could happen, reality would be frozen forever. I once asked my friend Tom what he thought God was and he said "possibility."

On the other hand, many changes are uncomfortable, even awful. The body gets creaky, and worse. We lose those we love and eventually lose life itself. Families drift apart, companies fail, dictators tighten their grip, nations go to war. The planet warms at human hands, as each day we pour nearly a billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere. Countless species go extinct. As William Yeats wrote: "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold."

And change itself is often – maybe innately – stressful. When you really open to the fact always in front of our noses that each moment of now decays and disappears in the instant it arises – it can feel rather alarming. Life and time sweep us along. As soon as something pleasant occurs in the mind's flow we reach for it but whoosh it passes away right through our fingers leaving disappointment behind. Inherently, anything that changes is not a reliable basis for enduring contentment and fulfillment.

Yet it is also true that some things remain always the same. In their stillness you can find a refuge, an island in the stream of changes, a place to stand for perspective and wisdom about events and your reactions to them, a respite from the race, quiet amidst the noise. Perhaps even find a sense of something transcendental, outside the frame of passing phenomena.


Check out Meditations to Change Your Brain, and other titles by Rick Hanson.

Stillness, a sense of the unchanging, is all around, and at different levels. Look for it, explore its effects on you, and let it sink in.

For example, it's not the ultimate stillness, but there is that lovely feeling when the house is quiet and you're sitting in peace, the dishes are done and the kids are fine (or the equivalent), and you can really let down and let go. In your character, you have enduring strengths and virtues and values; situations change, but your good intentions persist. In relationships, love abides – even for people who drive you crazy!

More subtly, there is the moment at the very top of a tossed ball's trajectory when it's neither rising nor falling, the pause before the first stroke of the brush, that space between exhalation and inhalation, the silence in which sounds occur, or the discernible gap between thoughts when your mind is quiet.

In your mind there is always an underlying calm and well-being that contains emotional reactions, like a riverbed that is still even as the flood rushes over it (if you're not aware of this, truly, with practice you can find and stabilize a sense of it). There is also the unchanging field of awareness, itself never altered by the thoughts passing through it.

More abstractly, 2+2=4 forever; the area of a circle will always be pi times the radius squared; etc. The fact that something has occurred will never change. The people who have loved you will always have loved you; they will always have found you lovable. Whatever is fundamentally true – including, ironically, the truth of impermanence – has an unchanging stillness at its heart. Things change, but the nature of things – emergent, interdependent, transient – does not.

Moving toward ultimate matters, and where language fails, you may have a sense of something unchangingly transcendental, divine. Or, perhaps related, an intuition of that which is unconditioned always just prior to the emergence of conditioned phenomena.

Wherever you find it, enjoy stillness and let it feed you. It's a relief from the noise and bustle, a source of clarity and peace. Give yourself the space, the permission, to be still – at least in your mind – amidst those who are busy. To use a traditional saying:

May that which is still
be that in which your mind delights.

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Photic with Improving your Health Thriving on Stress

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Li Ming Wong

Photic is the latest stimulation tools that incorporate, working with some of the groundbreaking brain adornment programs. These PS tools combine unique features that exploit a series of strategies that guide you to relax. Photic stimulators employ tools that attach to the eyes. Once these tools are attached, it enables you to visualize the flashes that appear across your monitor screen. The flashes fascinate your medulla oblongata, i.e. your brain. Silvery electric rhythmic impulses transmit frequencies of light bolts that epistolize to your brainwaves, which is where you get your hunches. That is you have the ability to think when these brainwaves are properly working.

These flashing lights choreography across your monitor screen. The strobe runway lights approach other lights sending it to LED lights. Glasses or goggles are needed with some of these programs to protect your eyes from the dramatic impacts. You can put forth the lights as standalones to finish relaxation, or else concord the lights with stereo to submit pulses to the intellect.

With these newest programs and machines, rhythmic impulses has confirmed for centuries to transmit to the human mind, causing an altered state to occur. By using a color scheme of lights, including strobe runway-approach lights, it has proven to affect the mind, causing a relaxing feeling upon viewing the frequencies of lights.

Using similar tactics, brain-trimming scheme employ Photic stimulations, using lone blow-off to get the mind to apply. Input coming from the lights sends intense visuals that affect the bark and areas around the intellect that set alight memory. In some instances, you must customize the light stimulators, so that it is not blinding.

Using square waves of Photic stimulations, brain enhancer programs stimulate brainwaves to relax the mind, yet some people have discerning seizures by employing harmonic procedures into a single session. LED goggles and light effects should be avoided if you endure seizures.

How do I use the features? To exhaust the features, you will need to keep the eyes shut. The eyelids are the main target, which light passes beyond the lids to give a relaxing effect.

Photic stimulators compose colors to reach an effect that relieves you to relax. Some of the popular colors are official forms, brown, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violent and white. Bureaucratic paperwork has showed results in intensifying power. Brown has proven to reduce condition from stress or abasement, such as irritability. Orange has proved to ignite the creative mind, while yellow enkindles insight. Green gives you a peaceful feeling that soothes the mind, similar to blue. Blue sooths also, which is great for relaxation. Indigo reduces throb, violet ignites spirituality together with white ignites visualization.

More about colors: Color compatibility, such as red will spur the adrenaline, which increases energy. The color also unfolds 'flight or fight" responses, which can heighten anxiety. This is why Photic does not work bureaucratic paperwork as a standalone color, rather uses the color in conjunction with other color pattern.

Color pattern, such as brown reduces diagnostics from depressive states, such as irritability. People with proved fatigue or migraines can benefit from the colors red also. Red will also increase the immune system's ability to function while regulating moods.

Orange will increase your appetite. The colors will also belated blood flow rates, which is another primitive color not addicted as a standalone. Yellow enkindles insight and creativity, yet has been notorious recognized to ignite anger also, so it should not be used alone as well.

Green has attested to give a peaceful has an effect on, similar to the color blue. Green can break alleges from allergies, or MSG, also allergies to food.

Blue sooths the soul and is distinguished for relaxing the mind and body. Blue boosts metabolism, which boosts get-up-and-go. In addition, blue promote! s the gro! wth stage, and causes reactions, such as the brain releasing neurotransmitters. The heart rate is affected by blue also, which it will remiss, thus displaying regular breathing.

The action causes the endorphins to release, which is great for pain reduction. Violet promotes sanctification. The color will also reduce food craving and irritations. White prompts visualization in a way that Photic reverse discrimination can combine a series of colors to attain a specific mission. Conquer your problems by thriving on stress.

About the Author

If you are suffering from stress, it's time to take charge of your life and get your life back and enjoy a brighter, happier future. Check out Thriving on Stress!

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Learning about nirvana

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Pop Buddhism seems, more than often, confused about nirvana.  It's a subject hardly taken up in a Dharma center.  One gets the impression that modern Buddhists are more interested in meditation than learning about nirvana.  

Not atypical for pop Buddhism, in Stephen Batchelor's book, Buddhism Without Beliefs, nirvana is all but ignored except two minor references.  Ironically, this particular book is heralded as a primer; as a work that has captured the essence of Buddhism.  This is rather odd since a general understanding of nirvana is pivotal, even for the curious, otherwise Buddhism makes no sense.  

Lacking a general understanding of nirvana, what pop Buddhism gives the general public is a procrustean treatment of Buddhism which serves the interests of Western materialism; not Buddhism.  What is chopped off in the modern Procrustean bed is nirvana and with it the transcendent which Buddhism aims at.

It is not an oversimplification to assert that 'nirvana' is all about the unconditioned.  This implies that nirvana is beyond the conditioned–it is transcendent.  In other words, nirvana is not something phenomenal that we can point to.  Nor is it something we can think about or make a mental image of.  In the commentarial works of the Pali canon it is said that "nirvana's own nature is that of being unconditioned.  For therein no trace, even, of conditioned dharmas is witnessed" (Udanatthakatha).

The unconditioned is the true substance and basis of all that is conditioned, i.e., the phenomenal world.  Yet it is free from the effects of conditioning.  When our conditioned body perishes, the unconditioned is not affected.  As an example, a clay pot is conditioned from clay, the unconditioned.  If the pot should break, the clay is not made less although the pot is no more. 

Thus, to realize nirvana is to see the unconditioned which is free of all conditionality and suffering. When our mind becomes, itself, pure and unconditioned, only then do we realize nirvana.  This is from The Questions of King Milinda which confirms what I have said.

Just so it is possible to point out the way to the realization of Nirvana, but impossible to show a cause for its production.  Could a man, who with his natural strength has crossed in a boat over the great ocean, get to the farther shore? – 'Yes, he could.' – But could that man with his natural strength bring the farther shore here? – 'No, he could not' – Just so one can point out the way to the realization of Nirvana, but one cannot show a cause for its production. And what is the reason for that?  Because that dharma, Nirvana, is unconditioned. – 'Is then, Nagesena, Nirvana unconditioned?' – So it is, O king, unconditioned is Nirvana, not made by anything.  Of Nirvana one cannot say that it is produced, or unproduced, or that should be produced; that it is past, or future, or present; or that one can become aware of it by the eye, or the ear, or the nose, or the tongue, or the body. – 'In that case, Nagasena, you indicate Nirvana as a dharma which is not, and Nirvana does not exist' – Nirvana is something which is.  It is cognizable by the mind.  A holy disciple, who has followed the right road, sees Nirvana with a mind which is pure, sublime, straight, unimpeded and disinterested" (Edward Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 158-59). (Emphasis added.)

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Debt reduction is the way to go.

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by By John B Galt

Debt reduction is not only easier now than ever before it has become the most important aspect of our lives. Debt reduction is part of personal finance -- no doubt about that. Debt reduction is an admirable goal and worthy of our energy and attention if we want a secure financial future. Debt reduction is about making a choice to get out of debt as quickly as possible. Debt Reduction is really big now because of the over spending that many Americans have done in the past.


Debt reduction services are a booming business, and as with any booming business sector, many of the people promising help are merely out to make a quick buck. Debt reduction agencies can help reduce the amount a person owes, or allow the indebted more time to pay the money they owe. Debt reduction is not the end of the world, it is merely an obstacle to be overcome. Debt affects your ability to save and invest for the future. Debt can be a crippling, stressful problem.


Credit card debt reduction helps you to take control of your finances. Credit card debt reduction starts by reducing your credit card expenditures. Credit cards do not work for you, they work against you by luring you into a false sense of security and by allowing you to assume you have more money than you actually do. Credit card debt reduction or consolidation makes it possible to lower your payments, decrease interest rates, get rid of late fee and put an end to the annoying calls of creditors. Credit card debt consolidation helps people to reconstruct their credit rating and escape from the consequences of bankruptcy, simply by way of making low monthly payments.


Even though debt reduction can save you tremendous amounts of money, it is possible that you'll end up paying more in subsequent interest because debt settlement affects your credit score negatively and hence, the interest rate of your next loan. After all, anyone interested in debt reduction is almost certainly interested in getting illegitimat! e debts wiped from their records. Here's a scary thought: interest rates are on the rise, and those credit card payments of yours are only going to keep getting larger.

The first step to debt reduction is to realize you are in debt, and you may have poor spending habits. The best way to approach debt reduction is to pay down your debt. A key to debt reduction is not acquiring new debt, especially when you don't have to. Debt reduction is quickly becoming the biggest thing in the financial world.

About the Author

Who is John B Galt? John B Galt is an avid writer and frequent contributor to thefreshest.info. thefreshest.info for more info about debt reduction.

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Breast Reduction Herbal Pills

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Charlene J. Nuble

There is a surprisingly rising number of different breast reduction herbal pills that are being distributed across the market. The trend is an effective and clear indicator that there is an increasing number of women with such a problem. That is not, however, typical especially during these times that women are more conscious about vanity and improving sex appeal.

Patronage of breast reduction herbal pills is rising because many women realize that it is not always advantageous to own extremely sized breasts. As you can observe, hugely clinging breast parts could almost always cause pain and stress in the neck and in the back. Women with big pairs of breasts also complain about greater incidences of harassment and indecent stares and advances when they are out in the public.

Many companies and herbal brands roll out breast reduction herbal pills. In the market today, there are numerous names to choose from, each claiming to be the best and the most effective. Many women can attest that such breast reduction herbal pills are not hoax, because they really work. However, regulators like the US Food and Drug Administration would always advise the public that such pills lack approved therapeutic claims.

It is up to you whether you would move to use or try such breast reduction herbal pills. Because they are herbal, the pills can pose minimal side effects if ever there would be. However, it would be your sole responsibility if side effects and other complications arise. If you do not want to undergo knife surgical operations, trying out those pills would never hurt for sure.

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About the Author

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. To learn more about Breast Reduction Herbal Pills... Click Here!

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"Pain Relief Hypnosis for you" (Hypnosis with Jason Newland)

www.jasonnewland.com This is a free Hypnosis Video service. I have been producing hypnois videos for online use since 2006. All Hypnosis sessions are produce by Jason Newland. I hope you benefit from this hypnosis video. Please remember to get your doctors permission before using hypnosis videos. Also only use this hypnosis video when you can safely close your eyes.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

ACUTE STRESS - What Causes Stress

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Darlene Siddons

STRESS ERASER - What Causes Stress

Listing the causes of stress is tricky to say the least. A stress condition can be real or perceived, and it is solely dependant on the individual. Some of the basic common reasons are:

Life's Situations


Could by your genes





Low self esteem

Regardless of the cause, stress starts certain changes in the body that are designed to give it a quick burst of energy, the body goes through the following changes when faced with a stressful situation:

-The adrenal glands release adrenaline and stress hormones that trigger certain organs to go into action.

-Your breathing becomes faster and more shallow which creates the body to take in more oxygen.

-The liver releases more blood sugar to provide more energy.

-The heart beats faster and blood pressure rises to increase the oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

-Blood flow to the brain and muscles is increased and reduced to the digestive organs.

So each time there is a stress situation this is what our bodies go thru, then if there is chronic stress the body stays in high alert and that is when we get high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, damaged blood vessels, decreased mental skills, weakened immune system, heart disease, inflammation in the body, drinking, over eating, depression and headaches.

What we need to do is identify our individual cause of stress, and be specific, make a list; don't just say it is my job or it is my relationship or it is my kids. Get really specific because the next step is to list ways of reducing that stress, so the more specific you can be on your identifying list the easier it will be to list ways of reducing it.

The list for reduction of stress could go a little like this:

Meditate daily

Take a walk on lunch hour

Take a walk in the evenings

Do deep breathing exercises during the day

Go to bed earlier a! nd make it your sanctuary

Take at least 30 minutes a day just for you

Listen to motivation tapes or music on your commute

Eat healthy organic foods

Go on an anti-inflammatory dietYogaProgressive Muscle Relaxation

Guided imagery


Making love

Long relaxing bath with candles and music

I am sure you can make your own list, it is fun to think of the ways you can make your self happy and joyful and lead you into a less stressful life...go play and find your own ways....

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone." -Lin Yutang-

About the Author

My life is a work in progress; my current passion is health and wellness in the arena of organic food, holistic health, natural wellness and sharing information with the physically challenged. I reside in my own personal wellness center retreat and sanctuary in California and this affords me to bring to you my wisdom, knowledge and spiritual self in my writings Darlene Siddons http://www.spiritedboutique.com

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Mind Twisting: Stress, Depression, And Intelligence

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by aseya

Stress and depression are two of the things in modern life that you have to deal with at one point or another. The former is an everyday thing, one that can stem from something as difficult as social anxiety to something as mundane as tripping over your own shoelaces. The latter, depression, is not quite as easy to develop in the clinical sense, but most people will end up experiencing a point in their lives that comes dangerously close to being depressed. For the most part, these two problems are considered to be threats to one's physical and mental health. However, recent studies show that these two conditions also have nasty side effects on one's intelligence.

According to recent findings, it is untrue that the human brain ceases production of neurons and other critical brain cells later on in life. In fact, there are some things that imply that the brain regenerates the aforementioned cells on an as-needed basis, generating more to suit the needs of the individual. This is in direct opposition to long-held medical doctrine that human brain cells do not regenerate after a certain point and instead begin to enter a state of slow decay. However, as recent studies have shown, the more primitive areas of the brain are capable of regenerating lost cells. This has subsequent effects on a wide range of mental functions, including memory, reaction time, and comprehension. Now, what does this have to do with stress and depression, you ask?

A whole lot, apparently. The two conditions states above put the more primitive parts of the brain into "survival mode." Upon entering that state, the brain naturally attempts to minimize anything that could be seen as frivolous or unnecessary, instead focusing all energies on the basics. This not only accounts for the apparent reduction of brain activity during periods where an individual experiences the aforementioned problems, but it also starts to kill the currently existing cells. Basically, the brain cells are slowly dying when subjected to excessive! stress and depression, burning out neurons at a faster rate than normal. This would explain why some normally intelligent people seem to be mentally slower and less adept when put under emotional and psychological pressure.

Another consequence would be the fact that the two aforementioned disorders can actually prevent the brain from regenerating new cells to replace the old ones. Trophic factors, chemicals that are known to stimulate the brain, are not produced properly when a person undergoes prolonged periods of the above conditions. Studies show that trophic factors are actually the chemicals responsible for telling the brain to regenerate new cells. If the chemicals are cut off or if the flow is disrupted, it can result in a rapid decline in the human brain's ability to repair itself over time.

While these findings are still controversial and questionable, it does provide an interesting look into just how the brain works on a physical level. The long-held belief that the brain is incapable of fixing itself once a person reaches adulthood may just be put into question. These findings are still subject to further research, but there are already several avenues being opened by the concept. For example, there are studies now being conducted devoted to finding out whether or not serotonin, a chemical used to combat a variety of mental disorders, has an effect on neuron regeneration.

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Stress And Anxiety Reduction

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Adrian Hardy

If stress and anxiety has a significant influence on your life that you constantly feel anxious, unhappy, depressed or sick then it is time to do something about it. The good news is that recognizing that you have to do something about it is one of the most important battles that you have to win. Most people ignore stress, thinking that it is an acceptable part of life and something that must be endured. Whilst this is true to some extent, there comes a time when too much stress is bad for you. This will be apparent when your mind and body start to tell you these things by getting depressed, anxious or sick. There are various different methods that you can use to reduce stress from your life, but before you rush into anything it makes sense to determine how serious your stress is and how damaging it is to your life.

Good or Bad Stress

A degree of stress and anxiety in one's life is considered as being normal and even healthy. Stress motivates us to strive for things. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention, so stress can be equated to necessity. If you need to pay off the mortgage then you work harder at your job. You aim to get a promotion so that you will get more pay. You spend your weekends renovating your home to increase the value. All this has the potential to be stressful but it gets you ahead and helps you to grow as a person.

However there is a point at which this stress becomes too much and begins affecting your life and the way you live. It is at this point that intervention is required, as quickly as possible, and treatment should be sort.

Stress And Anxiety Treatment

The best way to reduce stress from your life is to determine what it is that is actually causing you the stress. By determining this, you can then attempt to remove this source of stress and anxiety from your life. This will have a great affect on treating your stress and anxiety and ease any symptoms. If your job is too stressful get a new job.

However if you can'! t remove the stress then you need an alternative strategy. You need a release for the stress that is being caused by the other stressful activity. Many people turn to a physical activity, like sport or gym to work out their stress levels. This is a great way to release stress without removing the original cause. It's a way to manage stress.

Others turn to ways to relax the body. This includes things like yoga, deep breathing and meditation. This helps to bring the body down from an anxious state and refocus energy onto other things.

Others take on a hobby or a pet. Stressful and anxious situations are often situations that you can't control. This brings on depression and anxiety if it is experienced for too long. A hobby or caring for a pet gives you control over a situation that can never become too stressful. For instance, if you like to paint then you paint. It doesn't matter how good or bad you are at it because it will not be judged in any way.

Stress and Anxiety reduction comes down to taking control of the situation that is causing you concern. If this is not possible you need a release for this stress and anxiety or an alternative situation where you can have control and the spiritual fulfillment that comes from such a situation.

About the Author

If you would like to learn how your health is affected by stress or how to recognize anxiety and panic disorder symptoms then visit http://www.stressmanagementreview.com. Adrian writes on issues related to stress reduction.

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De-Stress and Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind At A Spokane Spa

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Richard Rspad

Can't get to sleep at night? Rolling around in the sheets? Wake up in the morning feeling like you need to go back to sleep? Your stressed and Spokane spas are your answer.

Mention the relaxation and rejuvenation aspects of Spokane spas and it can sound like a bunch of hippie mumbo jumbo. It isn't. Your body gets out of whack over time like a car slowly going out of tune. If you don't tune it back up, the body can eventually break down just like a car. To take care of it, time at a spa is well spent. Treatments are designed to release the stress in your body. Back hurt? Tight hamstrings are often the cause and spas know how to get things fixed. Trust me. Try just one session and you will notice an immediate difference.

One of the top Spokane spas is the Spa Paradiso, located in the lower level of the historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane. Some of the main services include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hydrotherapy treatment bath, prenatal massage, cranial massage, foot massage, reflexology, La Stone massage, Ayurveda Shirodhara, Shirodhara Abhyanga, raindrop therapy, Reiki massage therapy, butter scrub, mineral salt glow, body bronzing, seaweed wrap, herbal reduction wrap, mud wrap, express facial, deluxe facial, skin purifying facial, European facial, glycolic facial, La Stone facial, customized cell renewal, firming eye facial, multi-vitamin power exfoliant facial, micro-current rejuvenation, spa manicure, spa pedicure, and waxing. Moxie Salon and Spa, located at 10 South Post Street, Spokane, WA. For more info about the spa or for an appointment, dial 509-747-3529.

Next on the list of popular Spokane spas is the Moxie Salon & Spa, located at 1507 W 5th Avenue, Spokane. The spa services include Basic facial, Multi-vitamin facial, Classic European facial, Deluxe European facial, deep cleansing, microdermabrasion, makeup application, waxing, chair massage, table massage, stone massage, hand and foot massage, sculptured acrylic nails, manicure, deluxe pedicure,! mainten ance pedicure, hair straightening, and haircuts. Moxie Salon & Spa offers several packages, which are priced between and 5. To make an appointment, call 509-747-1554 or 866-882-3420 (Toll Free).

Another one among the fabulous Spokane spas is the Highlights Salon & Spa. The spa offers several services which include pregnancy massage, sports massage, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, eastern massage, Cranial-sacral massage, relaxation massage, injury rehabilitation massage, waxing, makeup application, microdermabrasion, back treatment, and clinical facial. Highlights Salon & Spa is located at 1812 N Washington, Spokane WA. For more info about the spa and it schedules, dial and 509-325-4278.

No list of Spokane spas is complete without a mention of the Strata SalonSpa, located at 902 North Monroe, Spokane. This premier salon and spa stands out from the rest for its professional services and excellent customer care. Its service list includes relaxing massage, deep tissue massage, cranial-sacral massage, hot stone massage, reflexology, non surgical face lift, deep pore cleansing, tissue desensitizing, problem skin healing and cleansing, cellular anti-aging, manual dermabrasion, multi-vitamin c antioxidant, chocolate fix, body contouring treatment, post sun hydration, aromatherapy, back facial, capillary calm, moisture boost, and tissue toning. For appointments and more spa details, dial 509-327-1125.

About the Author

Richard Rspad writes about day spas for ResortSpaDestinations.com.

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How to Reduce & Relieve Headaches : How to Use Massage for Headache Relief

Learn how to use shoulder and neck massage to relieve headaches with expert medical tips in this free online headache relief video clip. Expert: Dr. Susan Jewell Bio: Dr. Susan Jewell is a British born educated bilingual Asian with a British accent and can speak Cantonese. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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High Blood Pressure Diagnosis and Reduction - The Role of Beta Blocking Drugs such as Lopressor

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Malcolm Waters


In my first article I looked at the terminology associated with High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease. I also examined the risk factors, and the dangerous consequences of unchecked high blood pressure (hypertension). This article explores how to find out if you may be prone to suffering from high blood pressure, and what you can do if you think you are likely to suffer from it in the future.

Is High Blood Pressure Hereditary ?

An important question to ask yourself if you think you may be suffering, or are likely to suffer from high blood pressure is 'Could I have been born with this condition plugged into my genes?' The answer to this Russian roulette question is unfortunately 'yes'. You may be completely innocent of any non hereditary factors, but you may be destined through birth to suffer from this condition. Amongst the many root causes of high blood pressure, the hereditary factor is a possibility which cannot be discounted by anyone. However most people have only one or two antecedent generations from which to gather historical information, so this makes it a difficult factor to predict.

What are the non hereditary factors ?

The non hereditary factors contributing to high blood pressure are usually caused primarily by the lifestyle of the individual, which can usually be controlled or altered once a diagnosis of hypertension has been made. Some of these so called 'lifestyle factors' include :-


Lack of physical exercise

High levels of sodium (salt) in the diet

Excessive alcohol consumption

Tobacco and cigarette use

High blood cholesterol due to diet


There are also some medical conditions which can also contribute to the condition including :-

Kidney Disease

Diabetes Meletis

What should I do if I am worried that I may have high blood pressure?

Without doubt, you should find out more. Because hypertension frequently does not produce observable symp! toms, yo u should take urgent steps to have some diagnostic testing done to determine what the state of your blood pressure really is. Many people make the unfortunate mistake of putting off the small amount of effort required to check out their coronary health. This compounds itself over many years, until suddenly the individual finds themself with a medical condition or emergency which could have been flagged up years earlier, and painless preventive treatment undertaken.

There are two ways to quickly and easily determine whether you have a problem with your blood pressure :-

Make an appointment with a physician (recommended)Purchase a self testing blood pressure monitor (either mechanical, or more likely electronic device)

It is always good practice to visit your Doctor if you have any questions about your general health or for specific information about blood pressure risk factors. However, there are many excellent affordable electronic blood pressure monitor devices which can be used in the first instance to give an early warning of potential problems.

Typically, these involve the use of an electronic device attached by a tube to a 'cuff' which attaches around the upper arm using a velcro strap. The user presses a button on the control unit, which in turn automatically inflates the cuff using air pressure to apply pressure to the arm. The resulting pulses produced by the heartbeat can be detected by the control unit to produce an accurate digital display of the user's blood pressure reading. The most recent units may also contain sophisticated memory functions to track and monitor the user's readings over many months or even years.

High Blood Pressure Treatment

Should you be unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with high blood pressure your Doctor may prescribe some form of heart medication. There are a plethora of potentially beneficial drugs available, many of which perform an excellent job in helping to reduce blood pressure. One very popular example of these is Lopres! sor.

Lopressor - How to Reduce your Heart related problems With Lopressor

Lopressor is a type of medication known as a beta-blocker. Typically beta blocking drugs are used to treat chest pain (angina) and high blood pressure. They can also help patients who have suffered from an acute heart attack, and have been shown to improve survival rates if taken for this condition. A program of high blood pressure reduction may reduce the chances of patients developing strokes, further heart attacks and kidney problems.

Malcolm Waters is a keen researcher of all aspects of heart health, care and treatment including Lopressor and runs a successful website dedicated to the prevention and improvement of the condition for the benefit of the visitor. For great free heart health tips, discount offers and more, see Malcolm's site at


About the Author

Malcolm is an electronics engineer by trade, with over 31 years of experience in the computer and telecommunications industry. Currently working as an engineering manager for a UK telecommunications company, Malcolm has developed a keen interest in all aspects of health and well-being since his father died in 2002 from heart failure.

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Surgery for urinary stress incontinence may make incontinence worse

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Abigail O'Donovan

Women who submit to surgery for urinary stress incontinence should be aware that they may be taking part in what may be nothing more than a large scale clinical trial. Countless women's lives have been devastated by needless and ineffective surgery for urinary stress incontinence.

During both a TVT surgery (tension-free vaginal tape), and the newer TOT (transobturator tape), a tape is drawn under the urethra. The theory is that the tape will support the urethra so that under the 'stress' of sneezing, coughing, etc., it will eliminate the leaking of urine that women who suffer from stress incontinence are familiar with. These procedures are most definitely not risk-free and leave some women suffering more after the surgery than before.

"In most continence surgery the benefit of restoring continence is often at the expense of developing new symptoms, or exacerbating existing lower urinary tract symptoms". This is from a study undertaken by the Department of Urology, Mid-Western Regional Hospital, Limerick, Ireland, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the Regional Maternity Hospital, Limerick, Ireland, and documented in the National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin, June 2004.

The first TVT was performed in Sweden in 1995. The TOT was introduced from France in 2001. The long term results of these surgeries may be catastrophic for women. Follow up studies are generally carried out within three years of the operation. Three years is not long enough to qualify as a long term study considering the life-span of women today.

Health services around the world are investing billions in solutions for urinary stress incontinence that may make the problem worse or create new problems. One recent hospital report states that 57% of women presenting for urodynamic evaluation over the course of the year had already had some form of pelvic surgery.

Urinary stress incontinence occurs due to a weakness in the pelvic floor muscles. "There is a better way than surgery to! correct most cases of pubococcygeal weakness" Dr Arnold Kegel, TIME magazine, 3 Dec 1956.

The better way Dr Kegel, an American gynaecologist, and Associate Professor of gynaecology at the University of Southern California was referring to over 50 years ago is that of properly exercising the pelvic floor muscle against resistance. He was alarmed at the amount of pelvic surgery being carried out back in the 1940's. Resistance exercise was a method he developed which reduced the amount of unnecessary pelvic surgery, and often greatly improved the sex lives of the women who practised it - a welcome side-effect for once! Resistance exercise was found to be so much more effective than surgery in eliminating urinary stress incontinence in women that by 1950, routine surgery for urinary stress incontinence was no longer carried out in Dr Kegel's hospital. The success rate of 93% that Dr Kegel achieved with resistance exercise in alleviating urinary stress incontinence far surpasses the success rate acheived with today's 'minimally invasive' surgeries.

"On the strength of these favorable results urinary stress incontinence in women is no longer routinely treated by surgical intervention at...LA County General Hospital." Dr Kegel (A progress in Gynecology 1950, p768).

Resistance exercise must not be confused with the nonsensical instruction to squeeze your pelvic floor muscles against nothing. This cannot prevent or alleviate urinary stress incontinence in the same way that working the pelvic floor muscles against resistance can. Just look at any fitness gym - any muscle toning is ALWAYS done against some form of resistance. Pelvic floor exercises were never meant to be done the way they are taught today. They were ALWAYS meant to be performed against resistance. It could be argued that anyone who instructs women to squeeze against nothing may contribute to the problem, as women conclude that pelvic floor exercises don't work for them and opt for surgery as a result.

A 'repair job' can ne! ver be be! tter than a woman strengthening her body to the degree that a 'repair' is unnecessary. A 'repair job' to alleviate urinary stress incontinence may cause more problems in the long term than it resolves. Both the TVT and TOT involve the formation of scar tissue to fix the mesh in place. It is often only a matter of time before the repair becomes ineffective as the weakness in the pelvic structure increases, and then the incontinence will eventually reappear. There may come a point after successive surgeries where no further surgery may be carried out. The woman may then be left permanently incontinent. Dr Kegel observed that scar tissue from previous surgery contributed to the failure rate of the few women who did not succeed with resistance exercise.

More doctors today are becoming aware that resistance exercise, not surgery, is the answer to the problem of urinary stress incontinence. As resistance exercise becomes more widely practised we can expect to see a significant reduction in the numbers of women suffering from urinary stress incontinence and from the after-effects of a surgery they may have been easily able to avoid.

A basic understanding of the value of resistance exercise would allow a woman to make a more informed choice about consenting to a surgery that may not be in her best long term interest.

© Abigail O'Donovan 2007

About the Author

Abigail O'Donovan is a mum of two and the founder of Kegelmaster Europe. She completely alleviated urinary stress incontinence suffered for 17 years within just 3 weeks with resistance exercise.She has seen other women cancel their appointment with the surgeon and is committed to raising awareness of this option for women. Discover how you can stop urinary stress incontinence without surgery athttp://www.kegelmaster.co.uk

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English Pronunciation: Reductions and Intonation Practice for Better Listening Skills

More NATURAL "reductions" and some English intonation practice from realnaturalenglish.com. Taken from the the "Pronunciation Keys" video (100 minutes) which teaches students to improve their English listening comprehension skills and pronunciation through better, NATURAL pronunciation of difficult English letter sounds (eg "TH" "R" "F" "B" V" etc.) and "reduced" phrases (eg want to = wanna; might have = might'a). This unique ESL learning system is available as part of the Real Natural English Video-Book-Workbook (includes common SLANG and IDIOMS) package found only at http Remember: Don't give up--you can do it!!

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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How to Deal with Stress at Any Time of the Year

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Rob Parker

We live in one of the most stressful times in history. Today's focus on getting by and providing for a family as much as possible means that people are busier than ever before, with jobs, families, and a constant pressure to fit in with everyone else. Throw in the usual stresses caused by worry over things like global warming, terrorism, and so on, and you can see why today's population is stressed (many child therapists believe that today's millennial generation is the most stressed out group of adolescents ever to walk the planet, regardless of where they live!).

In such a culture, it is important to find ways in which you can deal with stress at any time. Vacation, of course, is the best way to downgrade the stress in your life, but that is not possible very often for most people. And really, in many cases a vacation may actually add to your stress level! Let's take a look at some ways that you can deal with your daily stresses regardless of the season or the proximity of your holidays.

Talk to someone about it regularly! There still seems to be a notion in today's society that people going to counsellors are somehow weak or deficient. Nothing could be further from the truth. What a counsellor or therapist offers to someone is a listening ear. Any person with stress can deal with it effectively by having someone who will listen to them, even without proposing a "solution". And it's always nice to hear other opinions on things!

Take advantage of proven relaxation measures. Going to a local spa or even a health club is a proven way to overcome stress in one's life. Massages, saunas, and exercise all help to relax the muscles, and this seems to alleviate pressure all through the central nervous system, leading to a general reduction of stress levels. You just have to make sure to partake in these activities regularly!

Eat correctly! Notice that we didn't say eat well. A good diet can greatly contribute to your body and mind's ability to deal with stresses in your life. Almo! st as important as what you eat is when you eat; you need to have a regular eating schedule, and remember that eating before you go to bed may affect your sleep, another critical factor in making sure you are stressed as little as possible!

We all have stresses in our daily lives, but there are ways of dealing with them no matter what time of year it is. Don't wait until your vacation is here to de-stress!

About the Author

New to the area and need a Psychologist? Kitchener residents rely on professionals and ask the right questions, that way they receive the treatment that's best suited to them.

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Genotoxic Stress Meets Mitochondria: Integrating Aging Mechanisms

Air date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 3:00:00 PM Timedisplayed is Eastern Time, Washington DC Local Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures Description: The study of human genetic disorders and mutant mouse models has provided evidence that genome maintenance mechanisms, DNA damage signaling and metabolic regulation cooperate to drive the ageing process. In particular, age-associated telomere damage, diminution of telomere 'capping' function and associated p53 activation have emerged as prime instigators of a functional decline of tissue stem cells and of mitochondrial dysfunction that adversely affect renewal and bioenergetic support in diverse tissues. Constructing a model of how telomeres, stem cells and mitochondria interact with key molecules governing genome integrity, 'stemness' and metabolism provides a framework for how diverse factors contribute to ageing and age-related disorders. Exploiting the experimental merits of the mouse, we have shown that telomere dysfunction activates p53-mediated cellular growth arrest, senescence and apoptosis to drive progressive atrophy and functional decline in high-turnover tissues. The broader adverse impact of telomere dysfunction across many tissues including more quiescent systems prompted transcriptomic network analyses to identify common mechanisms operative in haematopoietic stem cells, heart and liver. These unbiased studies revealed profound repression of PGC-1α and PGC-1β and the downstream network in mice null for ...

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Avoid Debt-Avoid Stress

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Dan Delgado

Debt and stress in these modern times go hand in hand, two ways to avoid the stress of debt are to live within our means and budget properly.

Most if not all family affairs are directly linked to our finances, school, health, mortgage, and so on; our lives revolve around the money we earn. Proper budgeting and not living beyond our means are two simple but very effective ways to avoid falling into the debt trap, unfortunately most Americans do not live by this advise. The average debt for an American family is approximately ,000.00. This figure may not sound like much or scare many people, but the simple fact is an adverse situation may change the way we look at this debt.

Job loss, illness, divorce, etc.. are some of the main reasons many people cannot keep up with their debt. It only takes a small calamity to send our financial future into turmoil, but if we have budgeted correctly and lived within our means maybe we can weather the storm.

Again, there is the other face of the coin, not many of us are prepared to face the adversity of debt, in this case it may be necessary to contact the creditors and seek a reduction on interest rates or maybe even ask for a reduced payout. A reduced pay out is also known as a settlement, or a discount on the amount owed to a particular creditor. When we follow this route we are reducing debt and therefore reducing stress.

Some accounts may be easier to negotiate settlements on than others, different credit companies have different criteria regarding when and whom to settle with. We must be prepared to provide financial statements such as pay stubs, a legitimate hardship, etc.. A hardship is simply putting on paper the reason or reasons why the regular monthly payments cannot be kept up with.

Besides providing such information some of these creditors may suggest their clients seek help in the form of debt relief. There are many types of debt relief, but the two most conventional are consolidation or negotiation of debt. The best an! d fastes t way to save larger amounts of money on debt is to negotiate settlements.

Debt negotiation has become an extremely popular alternative for those in financial trouble, for those people that have an absolute hardship it is an even more reliable way to climb out of debt. In short, debt negotiation satisfies both the creditor and the debtor, bringing them together to mediate a way out of the debt. Special arbitrators or mediators are available to help out in this endeavor, which will help reduce stress and debt at the same time.

About the Author

Dan Delgado is an active unsecured debt negotiator, he has experience negotiating personal as well as business debt. For more information please visit http://www.pemperandgartle.com

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Deep Sea Cosmetics - Black Diamond Presentation

Moran Atias Black Diamonds Presentation The Black Diamond Magnetism Mud Mask goes deeper (It's going deep beneath the skin's surface to unclog pores embedded with dirt and oils) with the magical power -- the mud from the depths of the Dead Sea infused with Peptide Complex used as an anti-wrinkle and anti-expression lines treatment. Deep Sea Cosmetics Laboratories have created an exclusive formula abounding in pure earth elements synergistically blended with minerals from the Dead Sea, Peptide complex, Herbal extracts and Magnet healing effect to bring you the zenith of health and beauty. This cutting-edge product, available exclusively by Deep Sea Cosmetics, is essential for proper skin care and for your spiritual well being. The scientific theory is that Magnetic fields perturb the body's own magnetic energy, which, in turn, triggers more conventional biochemical and physiological mechanisms such as: Increase blood flow, bringing in more oxygen and nutrients, and flushing away waste products. It also modulates calcium flow through the body, which is essential to many physiological processes. Altering the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids, which are often out of balance with illness and altering enzyme activity and other biochemical processes, such as the production of ATP (a molecule that provides cellular fuel for the entire body, stimulating electromagnetic energy flow through acupuncture meridians). General uses include relief of pain and discomfort, reduction of ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Ensuring a Free Fast Cash Flow to Boost Your Debt Reduction Process

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Poly Muthumbi

Free fast cash inflow as an addition to your monthly income is very important. Many people suffer from very many debts and to make matters worse they are out of using borrowed money to buy things that depreciate with time. Such that when you decide to sell them to repay back the loans, they can not pay in full. It is very important that whatever makes us be in debt should be important things like investments e.g. a house, or education, something that will add value to your life.

It is not easy to get the free fast cash flow and some even think it is not possible when one is already in debt. But I believe it is something one can train on and live a debt free life within the shortest time possible. If you think about it there are so many ways one can ensure that money does not go where it is not expected. Supposing you go for a walk and take your wallet with you, bearing in mind that your credit card is in one of the compartments of your wallet. Then you see an item you have been looking for, for years at your display. The next thing you find yourself doing is taking out your wallet and handing over that credit card for processing to get that item. This is an item you had not planned for yet it finds itself on its way to your home. That debt you have just added to the already existing was unnecessary and should be avoided. Purchase only something you budget for and those items that are not necessarily important for day to day living then use cash to purchase them. This means when you do not have cash then you will not purchase them.

What you budget for everyday should be done with a lot of concentration just to ensure that you leave extra free fast cash that you can use later where need be. This is the money you use for daily requirements while you sort the income out to pay off the existing debts monthly.

Apart from that income you get daily you need to ensure that you look for ways that you can get extra cash. Engage yourself in businesses that can bring in free fast cash to add! to your income. Your income should not be used for paying back debt for all your life. It should be involved in investments and important businesses that enlighten your life. If it is used to settle debts then you are living a very complicated life and a solution is needed.

If you already have big debts, and have a mortgage, you may consider re-mortgaging your house so that you can pay one figure monthly having ensured that re-mortgaging took away other debts like credit card debts. This way and amazingly the interests are brought down low and actually there is free fast cash left to add to your savings. You also get off the stress of having to explain to your creditors why you are not paying your debts.

Poly Muthumbi is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Debt for Years. For More Information on FREE FAST CASH, Visit Her Site at FREE FAST CASH

About the Author

Poly Muthumbi is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Debt for Years. For More Information on DEBT, Visit Her Site at ONLINE FINANCIAL PORTICO

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B Complex to Restore the Adrenal Glands from Stress

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Darrell Miller

The B vitamins comprise a range of water soluble vitamins that frequently work together to impart a number of general benefits to your body's health. In general they support and maintain the metabolic rate, maintain the function of the nervous system, support the immune system, maintain healthy skin and muscles and help to promote cell growth and division. They work together to suppress the causes and symptoms of cardiovascular disease and stress and they are dispersed throughout the whole of the body by means of the circulation system of the blood.

In very general terms they collectively ensure that the body is provided with energy from the metabolism of carbohydrates and glucose. They are also needed for the metabolism of fats and proteins, and also the maintenance and health of the nervous system in general.

There are many natural sources, including lentils, potatoes, liver, turkey, brewer's yeast, and also, of course, dietary supplements.

Vitamin B Complex can help to restore the adrenal glands from stress, but to understand how it does so, it is first necessary to understand what these glands are, and the part that they can play in stress.

The adrenal glands are situated just above each kidney, and take the form of two small pieces of tissue in the shape of a pyramid that generate specific hormones and chemical messengers. You have likely heard of adrenaline, the hormone that make you respond to certain types of stress either through flight or by fighting: what is known as the fight or flight reaction. Well, in fact there are two of them, noredrenaline being the other. They are also known as epinephrine and norepinephrine respectively.

Both the adrenal glands are controlled by what is known as the HPA axis, short for the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis which is the stress center of the body. The adrenals are the main steroid-producing plants in the body, responsible not only for the adrenaline hormones, but also for cortisone and hydrocortisone, testoster! one, estrogen, cholesterol, progesterone and a number of others. These are produced in the outer cortex of the adrenal glands, whereas adrenaline and noradrenaline are produced and secreted by the medulla.

Adrenaline and cortisol are responsible along with others for the balance of your body fluids, blood sugar and blood pressure and many of the other main metabolic functions of the body, and if the adrenaline is not working properly, it can disrupt the metabolism of your blood glucose into energy, giving you a weak run-down and listless feeling. This is not surprising since your energy is failing at the cellular level.

The main reason for adrenal fatigue is stress. Either emotional or physical stress or even poor nutrition can be responsible for reducing the functioning of the glands to such an extent that they no longer provide the steroid hormones in the proper balanced quantities needed to maintain the proper functioning of your metabolic processes. Unlike Addison's disease, which a complete stoppage of the functioning of the adrenal glands, in Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome the glands still function, but at a reduced capacity and the various products they are responsible for generating are secreted in reduced and imbalanced quantities.

However, fatigue is not normally the first reaction of the body to stress. As normal stress levels increase the bodies response is generally to secrete higher levels of adrenaline, and the cortex produces extra cortisol and other hormones. As stress continues beyond the intermittent stage and becomes more constant, the adrenals produce a more sustained high level of hormones, that generally raise blood pressure and also increase the level of sugar in the blood in order allow a sustained increase in energy levels. Corticosteroids are produced to maintain this higher level reaction to stress.

Finally, when the adrenals can sustain this high level of activity no longer, adrenal fatigue sets in which is when the worst symptoms of the stress are evid! ent: exha! ustion, both physically and mentally, excessive fear, guilt and worry, and under-activity of the HPA axis leads to depression, hopelessness and severe illness, often due to a weakened immune system.

So where does the B vitamin complex come into this? Vitamin B complex includes niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and vitamins B6 and B12. As already stated, the complex is useful in supporting many of the critical functions of the body from healthy bones to healthy blood cells, and nervous systems. It also helps to maintain your reproductive system and can be used in cases of nerve-related conditions such as sciatica and neurological conditions.

Pantothenic acid, vitamin B5, is particularly useful in dealing with stress in that it enhances the activity of the adrenal glands. It also increases your energy levels due to its effect on the Krebs Cycle through its action as a precursor of acetyl Coenzyme A and acetylcholine which is a primary neurotransmitter. This helps to reduce fatigue and the pain of headaches caused by excessive stress and consequent reduction in adrenal output. Pantothenic acid is also essential during the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and is important in the maintenance of healthy nerves, skin and glands.

In fact the whole of the vitamin B family work together to make sure that your whole nervous system and metabolism remain healthy. People with high stress jobs often take the vitamin B complex to help reduce that stress and also anger. Excessive stress and anger can lead to anxiety and overwork the adrenal glands, and B complex can help to restore these to their normal function.

If you are concerned about your adrenal health, you can have a simple test carried out on your saliva, blood or urine by a trained medical practitioner. Many doctors do not know to carry out this test since it is not a normal test as would be used to detect Addison's Disease, or complete adrenal failure, but only adrenal fatigue, so ask specifically for an ! adrenal f! atigue check.

A quick self-test is to shine a light into an eye using a flashlight while looking in a mirror. They pupil should contract and return to normal after about 30 seconds. If it fails to do so, or even dilates, then that is a sign of adrenal fatigue. However, you must have it confirmed by a proper test.

All in all, a B complex supplement is a good way to restore adrenal glands from stress, and it also helps your nervous system in general, in addition to aiding the metabolic processes of your body. However, make sure that your symptoms are what you think they are by seeking professional medical advice.

About the Author

More information on Adrenal fatigue and B Complex Vitamin Supplements is available at VitaNet &reg, LLC Health Food Store. http://vitanetonline.com/

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Natural Breast Reduction Treatment

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Gerry Restrivera

Natural breast reduction treatment is gaining popularity now due to the fact that surgeries have irreversible side effects that can put your life at risk. The size of a woman's breast can give the feeling of insecurity and creates other problems. These are the reasons why women consider treatments to change breast size through surgery without realizing that there are natural ways to do it.

Excessive breast size can reduce the quality of your life. The unwanted size of woman's breast may result to too much self-consciousness and depression. Unwanted and nasty comments about your over-sized breasts is hard to accept and can affect your self-esteem. You will also find it hard to find comfortable and attractive clothes to wear. Your physical appearance and grooming are greatly affected. You also suffer from neck, shoulder and back pains carrying large breasts. Breast reduction surgery may relieve some of the symptoms mentioned above but there are always risks in surgeries and it is a good option to try natural breast reduction treatment first which is safer and no side effects.

Aside from the health risks; surgery may leave permanent scars on your breasts. If you are a mother or wish to have a baby, it may also affect your ability to breast feed your baby. Natural breast reduction treatment is the best option to avoid surgery.

Natural breast reduction treatment includes natural ingredients to reduce breasts size safely without any side effects. You will get rid of all the physical discomfort and emotional stress brought by your large breasts. You will gain self-confidence and will feel good about yourself and your appearance.

You can change the look and size of your breasts naturally and enjoy a firmer and smaller breast free from all the physical discomfort and emotional stress. To start your natural breast reduction treatment visit Alexia Natural Breast Reduction

To know more on how to reduce breast size naturally visit Natural Breast Reduction Treatment !

T o know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

About the Author

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Natural Breast Reduction Treatment. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Vossa Grounding Guided Imagery Meditation Part 1 of 2

Vossa invites you to a personal guided meditation to help ground you to your Gaia energy and center your vibration throughout these chaotic times of uncertainty at the surface. look for part 2! I recorded this amazing sunset at Moonlight Beach, Encinitas, CA

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Weight Reduction Miracle - Hypnotherapy Plus The Atkins Diet

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Alan Densky

Despite the popularity of the Atkins Diet, it is often greatly misrepresented! Popular, but slightly exaggerated depictions of the program portray dieters wolfing down nothing but vast amounts of meat and fat. Although the diet is not quite this simple, many dieters have used it to successfully lose weight and improve their health.

On this program, dieters follow a very specific program based on restricted carbohydrate intake. Emphasis is placed on the nutritional aspects of the diet over exercise and other factors, although exercise is recommended. There are 4 phases in the Atkins plan:

Induction: During this two-week phase at the start of the diet program, dieters can only consume up to 20 grams of carbohydrates each day. Dieters can ingest high protein foods such as meat and eggs, fats such as oils and butter, and other foods with little to no carbs. Many foods containing carbohydrates are not permitted at all, including alcoholic beverages.

This initial phase is intended to help the body go from burning carbohydrates for energy, as it usually does, into burning stored up fat (a process known as ketosis). Most dieters begin to see natural weight loss during this phase.

Ongoing Weight Loss: During this period, dieters gradually increase their carbohydrate consumption by adding 5 grams of carbohydrates into their diet every week. Dieters fine-tune their diet, continuing their weight loss to put themselves within 5-10 pounds of their goal weight, before transitioning into the Pre-maintenance stage.

Pre-maintenance: Dieters use the Pre-maintenance phase to find out the maximum amount of carbohydrates they can ingest without gaining weight. During this stage, dieters add 10 grams of carbohydrates to their diet each week. Once dieters reach their target weight and can maintain it for one month, they move into the Lifetime Maintenance phase.

Lifetime Maintenance: For lasting results, the Atkins program is supposed to be maintained throughout the dieter's lifetime.! Using t he techniques that helped the dieter reach their goal weight, the dieter keeps up an eating and exercise program to stay at their goal weight. Individuals can revert to previous stages if they ever begin to regain weight.

Dieters who can commit to the Atkins diet are typically successful in losing weight; however, many people are unable to follow through with the program and end up quitting early on in the difficult induction phase. In general, most diet plans fail simply because dieters cannot stay on the plan.

Many people struggle to stay on diets because they experience strong food cravings, have problems with compulsive overeating, cannot control their appetites, or simply lack the motivation to lose weight. Getting over these mental obstacles is the hardest part of losing weight.

One reason why many people cannot seem to control their eating is because they are emotional eaters. Such people eat in response to their feelings, such as when they are bored or upset. However, this eating style programs a "conditioned response" into the unconscious mind. This means that when people experience the same feelings that made them overeat initially, they will feel compelled to overeat once again.

Hypnosis works by helping our unconscious minds disassociate our eating habits from our emotions. To extinguish the conditioned response to overeat, a hypnotherapy weight loss program is used to break the association in the unconscious mind between overeating and certain "trigger" behaviors.

For instance, if you tend to overeat when you get bored, hypnosis can disassociate boredom from eating in your unconscious mind. Hypnotherapy techniques can then be used to replace the overeating response with another activity, such as exercising. That way, the next time you become bored, instead of going to eat, you will feel motivated to exercise, resulting in natural weight loss.

Hypnosis is an excellent stress relieving tool as well, helping us cope with our stressful emotions and relie! ve tensi on without eating. As a relaxation tool, it calms the mind, helps you develop positive strategies to manage stress, and boosts your self confidence to motivate you to lose weight.

Hypnotherapy can also be used to end the emotional stresses that keep you from losing weight. Many overweight people use their weight for emotional protection. For instance, after a painful end to a relationship, people often find themselves becoming overweight so they can avoid relationships and avoid having to endure emotional pain again. Through hypnosis, we can turn our negative thoughts into positive ones and focus on improving our health instead of becoming overwhelmed by our worries.

Not only is hypnosis an ideal motivation tool, it relieves stress, extinguishes the conditioned responses that trigger overeating, and can help you overcome many mental obstacles that prevent weight loss. Hypnosis techniques are exceptionally effective at helping people stick to a diet program, such as the Atkins diet, and lose weight.

About the Author

Alan B. Densky, CH.. Visit the hypnotism website for Free hypnotherapy downloads, videos, and newsletters. He offers several ways to lose weight, including hypnotism for weight loss DVDs and weight loss hypnosis CDs.

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Aromatherapy For Stress

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by George Key

Over the years, specific essential oils have been celebrated for their ability to help individuals fight anxiety and relieve stress. The most well known oils which fall under this particular category, include clary sage, lavender, rose, mandarin, lemon balm and ylang ylang. The fastest ways to feel the effects and to get the stress busting benefits of these essential oils is to inhale them. This allows the body to absorb the essential oils through the respiratory system where it travels to the brain and helps to positively affect mood.

If an individual finds themselves in an anxiety inducing situation or is feeling especially stressful, aromatherapy is a very fast, easy and effective way to alleviate those feelings. Simply inhaling lavender, rose, mandarin, lemon balm or clary sage can almost instantly increase an individuals their sense of calm and decrease their sense of stress. Another effective way to use aromatherapy to lessen stress is to essential oils while getting a massage. Burning an aromatherapy candle provides even more punch. Both are an excellent way to relieve stress by using aromatherapy. Being massaged with essential oils works especially well because one is combining the power of massage therapy with aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is such an effective and powerful way to relieve stress because you don't have to go to a gym, lie down or pop a pill. There are no side effects, (unless you are allergic, perform a spot test so that you are sure) you can take it with you and instantly make yourself feel better. You can carry around a little lavender in your purse, if you are at work, you can use a diffuser. So you can experience the benefits of aromatherapy from anywhere. It can become your traveling stress buster. Aromatherapy works especially well in helping to cheer us up, feel balanced, become more energized and even to calm us.

And while there are certain aromatherapy scents and oils that are known to promote the reduction of stress, it is really best to go with t! he scent that calms you. If peppermint does it for you, use peppermint, if geranium does it for you, use geranium. In many cases it comes down to a personal preference, and that is just fine. You do not have to use a certain scent just because others tout its properties. Instead you may want to do a little experimentation and see what reacts best with your body to give you the feelings or state of being that you are looking for. To really multiply the power of aromatherapy to relieve stress, you may want to common essential oils or candles with other relaxing activities. For example, taking a hot bath that has drops of essential oils and while burning an aromatherapy candle will exponentially increase the effectiveness of aromatherapy to relieve stress. Remember to play around with various scents. You may even want to combine some scents to get a particular scent that you enjoy or you increase the power of its' properties. If you are unfamiliar with creating essential oil blends, you could take a course or find some good information at your library or over the internet.

About the Author

George Key is a Greek fan of Holistic Medicine and Natural Healing. He owns a site dedicated to Aromatherapy with useful tips that can help you reach inner peace. Visit his, learn effective Aromatherapy Blends for your mental health and read how Essential Oil Diffusers and

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Agasthya Bharathy-stress management in tamil

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0 Interest Credit Cards Are The Solution To Financial Stress

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by Gordon Goodfellow

Transferring your credit card balances to 0 interest credit cards with decent introductory periods can be the easiest way to immediately free up income for important expenditure and/or debt reduction. Far too many people struggle unnecessarily with high monthly credit card payments, the bulk of which is interest. While most people are aware that they could apply to consolidate their credit card debts into one lower rate personal loan, very few consider the option of using an introductory zero or low rate credit card for this purpose. This is unfortunate because it is by far the best option available to them if they continue to transfer their balances before the end of each introductory period to another zero rate card.

The quickest and easiest way to find the best 0 interest credit cards is to use an online service that provides a range of good introductory offers from reputable companies. Without the benefit of one-stop shopping for credit card deals, you could well find yourself wading through pages of internet search results and associated information trying to discover the best deals.

You have a vast choice of many different types of category, from cards with very long introductory 0 interest periods to rewards cards of all types, and accounts for students, business people or people with a bad credit history.

These all-in-one online credit card facilitators usually offer online applications as well and a few of the better ones even provide a reminder service to inform clients when their introductory period is about to run out. A reminder service is highly valuable because it enables you to transfer the balance of your credit cards to other 0 interest credit cards so you never actually have to pay interest.

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars every month on credit card interest, you will have more disposable income for other things. If your family budget has been stressed because of high interest payments, the decision to take advantage of these special credit card d! eals can immediately alleviate the situation. 0 interest credit cards can also offer a painless way to consolidate and reduce debts. If the balances of a few different credit cards are transferred to one single introductory offer card, not only will you not have to pay interest for the introductory period, you will only have to find one minimum payment instead of many.

No matter how you look at it, transferring credit card balances to 0 interest credit cards is a good thing. Not only will you not be paying excessive interest to financial institutions, you will have placed yourself in a strong financial position to get rid of debt, save and invest, and be able to afford to pay important expenses. Debt stress will quickly be relegated to the past if you take full advantage of the introductory period and transfer the balance to another zero rate card before interest payments kick in. It makes great sense and it is easy to organize. You just have to make a decision.

About the Author

Gordon Goodfellow's site shows you how to get 0 interest credit cards in addition to offering 0 APR cards which remain interest-free for years. His associate site offers credit card transfers in the UK.

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