Mind Freeze
Mind Freeze |
- Mind Freeze
- Back-to-School Vaccinations: A How-To Guide
- Mastering Your Mind Power: Internalize Success Principles
- GE Recalls 1.3 Million Dishwashers
- The Many Health Benefits of Yoga
- Six Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress Levels
- Health Benefits Of Yoga Programs
- Be Inspired
- Yoga Hamilton And The Various Forms Of Yoga
- When things get too much, change the channel
- Yoga For Healing
- The morning routines of high achievers
- The Symbiotic Relationship of Career and Mind Control
- Deep Meditation Music for Stressful Times
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/10/2012
- Super Mind Evolution is coming!
- Meditation for Beginners: Resolve the Setbacks Raised the Fast-Paced Life:
- Zmeditation- Symptoms of an Abnormally Normal Mind
- Gabatrol stress relief - Say goode to tension
- Biofeedback Effectively Alleviates Stress And Promotes Wellness
- Self-Esteem: Are Viruses of the Mind Making Your Self-Esteem Sick?
- Find Benefit Your Yoga Studio North Vancouver with Divine light
- What exactly are Yoga Retreats?
- Linking religious faith and Romney's tax returns
- Find Special Yoga Classes North Vancouver with Divine light
Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by L. Rob Werner Ever notice that the mention of certain topics, persons, subjects and words has an impact on people that precludes rational discussion? In the 1950s the media invented the word "McCarthyism" and all one had to do to end an inquiry into someone suspected of being a communist was to mention that new word. Almost like an Einstein equation, charge some topic or even a person such as McCarthy with an "indisputable" fact and keep on squaring or multiplying it and you create the intangible force of mind freeze. Other mind freezing labels were so repetitively given and interpreted by the media so that the public immediately placed people given that label in a pre-defined box. A geneticist even hinting that there may be some differences between the races would be hounded out of research by the mere suggestion of racism. Even writing this very though down today may subject me to name calling and mind freeze. One should realize that there is a great difference between suggesting there exists the possibility of some genetic differences among the races which should be studied and claiming that one race is superior to another. I feel it necessary to say this here as I don't want to be labeled "racist" and frozen out of rational discussion. I suspect to some extent we all have to fight off some of our own mind freeze. Remember DDT - that powerful insecticide that was universally banned? The media, politicians and armchair scientists screamed so much about its dangers and the "disaster" caused by its use that the conclusion that its use was an unmitigated disaster was immediately adopted as concrete, inarguable truth. Conclusions made were even printed as fact in text books. Tens of thousands of people died because there was no available alternative insecticide to eradicate disease causing mosquitos. Of course this is all old news and we have new causes to freeze our minds. DDT is now being legalized for use. Recent reports indicate that the study making the original negative claims was inaccur! ate and improperly conducted. My point here is not to present an opinion of the benefits or drawbacks of the use of DDT but to emphasize the damages we may suffer from mind freeze. If there had not been such an emotional and conclusive reaction to the first reports of the dangers of DDT people would have more seriously investigated and researched the issue. Lives may have been saved. Times change and new words and causes are evoked to generate mind freeze. We now have such things as "Global Warming," and "Stem Cell Research."The concept of "Global Warming" has been set in such terms that it is conclusively deemed to be true that we are polluting our atmosphere to such a degree that we are causing climate changes that will ultimately result in the destruction of our planet. Those who believe in these conclusions are environmentalists and conservationist and those opposed are without going into detail - evil and despicable. Can anyone be blamed for wanting to be on the side of protecting our planet? I for one think of my self not only as a conservative but as a conservationist and someone who wants to protect our planet from environmental disasters. "Global Warming" is a very profitable concept for the establishment left. It strikes fear and motivation in its followers resulting in garnering money and activists for the cause. Those who don't believe that it exists are usually politically conservative. This fosters the fiction of equating conservatives with greedy, uncaring exploiters. The thinking public have a hard time analyzing "Global Warming." There is such a band wagon supporting the theory that media advocates spin just about everything that happens with the weather or the oceans as proof of its existence. Claims that it does not exist, or are exaggerated or not man made are not refuted, they are ostracized, ignored and unpublished. This zealous advocacy may have disastrous repercussions. If "Global Warning" exists and is a serious threat to our well being then we need to take po! litics ou! t of the equation and study the matter rationally and scientifically. We can not afford to blur its investigation and possible cure with unfounded claims and superficial solutions. The concept of "Stem Cell Research" has also reached the level of mind freeze. It has been manipulated into a liberal versus conservative issue. It is accepted as fact without preamble that stem cell research will result in the discovery of miraculous cures and that stem cell research necessarily has to involve the unborn fetus. To its advocates, Stem Cell research is like discovering the Fountain of Youth. A parade of public figures with injuries and diseases is presented to us advocating that they need this research to cure their ills. Again, the opponents are painted as mean spirited conservatives. Such things win elections. No one bothers to look at the current allocation of monies into the study of cures for various injuries or diseases or alternative research. Fatal silent killers such as hepatitis C may go on without much attention until they hit the right political note. Medical research dollars expended in this country do not correlate with the seriousness and damage of a disease or injury but with what the press promotes. They that can lead the press win the day. Thinking conservatives have a real problem with making conclusions on "Global Warming," or Stem Cell research. There is an impulse to react with their own mind freeze. We have the word "liberal" and often use it as a term of war. If a "liberal" advocates something, we need to recognize that it is not necessarily wrong, imagined or evil - although it might be. Conservative and liberals can at times agree. The fact that liberals advocate a belief in "Global Warming" and Stem Cell research does not make either wrong. We need to separate the hype from the philosophy. If they are based on misguided notions and unsupportable claims we need to blow away the smoke screen so the public can find the truth. In a political setting, we need to establis! h that we! as conservatives are seekers of truth. We will not hesitate to express an opinion but first require a full presentation of the facts. To those who would place blockades to our thinking by charging words with mind freezing innuendos we need to cuff them back into a corner so that everyone knows what's really going on. Next time you are faced with the dilemma of wanting to seriously debate an issue that is so charged as to preclude a fair discussion, shout out "mind freeze" and repeat it so often that it gathers its own charge and counteracting force thawing out the intransigence of those with frozen minds. L. Rob Werner About the AuthorL. Rob Werner - Attorney at Law - http://www.1800rlawyer.com Creating the Law Offices of L. Rob Werner in 1975 to serve the Santa Clarita Valley, CA, L. Rob Werner has since successfully developed a network of full-service offices in the Valley and its surrounding areas. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Everything Becomes Your Friend ~ A Teaching by Yongey Mingyur RinpocheThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Back-to-School Vaccinations: A How-To Guide Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Back-to-school time means shopping for school or dorm room supplies, picking classes and savoring summer's waning days. But getting vaccinations is another item that should be on the to-do list. Though people may consider vaccinations to be something only young kids need, there are vaccines that are recommended for older kids and teens, as well as adults. Keeping up with vaccinations is a healthy choice, experts say. "Vaccinations are a victim of their own success," said Dr. Peter Wenger, an associate professor at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey–New Jersey Medical School. Because the shots have greatly reduced or eliminated so many cases of diseases, people assume they don't need them anymore. "Just because you don't see the disease, doesn't mean that the agent isn't out there," Wenger said. While the flu shot is the only vaccination that every person should get annually, other vaccinations are needed are on a less-often schedule. Primary care physicians can help out with monitoring, Wenger said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides complete lists of which vaccines kids and adults need, but here's a quick guide. Kids age 6 and under There's a reason vaccinations are thought to be a "kid thing," and that's because many shots are recommended for babies and young children. Young children should be vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella with the MMR vaccine. The IPV vaccine protects against polio, and the DTaP vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (also known as whooping cough). Additionally, young kids should be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, the chicken pox, rotavirus and pneumonia (the PCV vaccine). Young children should also receive the hib vaccine, which protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b. This vaccine is only for children, because the risk of the disease disappears after age 5, Wenger said. And children should get their flu shot on a yearly basis. Kids ages 7 to 17 If they haven't gotten all of the vaccinations listed above, children of this age should receive "catch-up" vaccinations, with the exception of hib. A booster shot of the DTap vaccine should be given at age 11 or 12, and children this age should also receive the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). Flu shots should continue every year. Additionally, in the prepubescent years, it is recommended that children be vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV), which the CDC recommends is done before young adults begin sexual activity, at age 11 or 12. Convincing parents of the need for this vaccine has proven tricky, however, as parents may have a difficult time understanding the need to vaccinate their children against a sexually transmitted disease before they hit sexual maturity, Wenger said. Adults The meningococcal conjugate vaccination, which protects against meningitis, is important for college students who may live in close quarters, and are therefore more susceptible to disease. Some colleges or universities demand proof of vaccination before allowing students to move in to dormitories. If a teen is moving into a dorm for private school or is going off to college earlier than age 18, the vaccine should be given earlier. In adulthood, people should still update their tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria vaccinations with a booster shot every 10 years. The CDC also recommends the HPV vaccine for young adults (ages 19 to 26) who were not previously vaccinated. Additionally, an updated vaccine against mumps, rubella and measles is beneficial for adults, along with a yearly flu shot. When adults reach their 60s, vaccines against shingles and pneumonia are important. Pass it on: Staying updated on vaccinations is important even into adulthood. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook and Google+. | |||
Mastering Your Mind Power: Internalize Success Principles Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Harold L Lowe Each year millions of people around the world purchase inspirational, self-help books, programs, CDs, and DVDs. Thousands of them pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend lectures, speeches, boot camps, and seminars. It has been estimated by some sources that personal development is a 2.5 billion dollar industry. This certainly indicates that a large segment of the population of the world, perhaps you included, recognize the need and even hunger to gain greater control of the mind in order to experience life outcomes that are more in line with what we desire. Yet only a relatively few people succeed in their quest. How can that be? I believe people really do want to improve. I believe you want to improve. Information and instructions on mastering your mind power from master teachers in the self-help field are readily available, much of it for free. For modern generations, the preeminent self-help book is Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Mr. Hill identified 13 principles of success. Many if not most succeeding authors present some form of those principles. I am sure that people who attend lectures and seminars absorb as much as they can from the lessons. The question I ask myself is just how much new information and instructions do the attendees allow to reach the subconscious levels of their minds? If the information that can help you re-direct your focus to consistent thoughts, ideas, and mental images that are aligned with your desires is not internalized, desirable outcomes will never materialize. I am reminded of a statement made by a person who was about to embark on an attempt to row a boat around the world some years ago. A news person asked him if he was fearful that his relatively small boat could easily be sunk by the vast stretches of water. His response was that all of the water in all of the oceans of the world can not sink even the smallest row boat...unless it somehow gets inside, and it was his intent to keep water from getting inside his boat.! I believe this analogy highlights why more people are not making significant improvements in their lives. It is because too few new success principles and too little positive information is getting inside. The self image stands as a barrier to the subconscious mind with the intent of not allowing new and different thoughts, ideas, and mental images to get in. Therefore, the information, including success principles, is not being sufficiently internalized to make much of a difference. Here is what you should know. You possess your mind. Even though you might not be in total control of it right now, it is still your mind; and it is in your sole possession. By consistently bringing the outcomes you wish to experience into your conscious mind, the self image must yield to you and gradually relinquish control of your mind to you. More and more of the things and circumstances you wish to have and experience must be consciously carried around in your mind each day and night to improve the probability that they will become targets on which you focus and will be accepted and internalized by your subconscious mind. This I know for sure. You can claim or re-claim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve. About the AuthorHarold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He now wishes to share some of what he has learned since then and some of his experiences as well through articles. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author, Ted Ciuba, a founding member of the World Internet Summit. To Claim A FREE Copy Of The Book That Inspired The Movie/DVD/Book, The Secret, Go To: http://www.MasteringYourMindPower.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | |||
GE Recalls 1.3 Million Dishwashers Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT
GE Appliances is recalling 1.3 million dishwashers in the U.S. The products belong to the lines GE, GE Adora, GE Eterna, GE Profile and Hotpoint. The voluntary recall is being made in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The reason for the recall is that an electrical failure in the dishwasher's heating element can pose a fire hazard, according to a statement from the CPSC. GE has received 15 reports of dishwasher heating element failures, including seven fires, three of which caused extensive property damage. No injuries have been reported. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled dishwashers, the CPSC said. They should disconnect the electric supply by shutting off the fuse or circuit breaker controlling it, and inform all users of the dishwasher about the risk of fire. For all dishwashers in the recall, consumers should contact GE for a free in-home repair, or to receive a GE rebate of $ 75 or $ 100 towards the purchase of a new GE dishwasher. Consumers should not return the recalled dishwashers to the retailer where they purchased them, because retailers are not prepared to take the units back. The recall involves dishwashers which were sold between March 2006 and August 2009 in black, white, bisque, stainless steel and CleanSteel exterior colors and finishes, according to the CPSC. The model numbers of products being recalled begin with: GLC4, GLD4, GLD5, GLD6, GSD61, GSD62, GSD63, GSD66, GSD67, GSD69, GLDL, PDW7, PDWF7, EDW4, EDW5, EDW6, GHD4, GHD5, GHD6, GHDA4 and GHDA6, and for Hotpoint, HLD4. Serial numbers beging with: FL, GL, HL, LL, ML, VL, ZL,AM, DM, FM, GM, HM, LM, MM, RM, SM, TM, VM, ZM, AR, DR, FR and GR. The model and serial numbers can be found on a metallic plate located on the left tub wall visible when the door is opened. The dishwashers were manufactured in the U.S., and sold for between $ 350 and $ 850. Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact GE toll-free at (866) 918-8760 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the company's website at www.geappliances.com/recall. | |||
The Many Health Benefits of Yoga Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Leanne Smith Yoga is not something new at all - in fact it's been part of human history for the last five thousand years or so. In the Western world, however, yoga is still in its early phase, and it's mostly the health conscious who have taken to the practice. Some people mistakenly think that yoga is just another get into shape and weight loss fad, similar to various exercise programs made popular by celebrity endorsements in the past. The truth, however, is that yoga cannot be simply categorised as exercise. It is a way of life, and it offers a more holistic take on the body's development and empowerment. It's not just another fad that will fade away in time. Yoga offers the strengthening of the body, the mind, and the spirit. It is quite unfortunate that in the West, most of the focus is on the "poses", wherein the body is stretched and contorted. Although the poses are authentic to yoga, they are not the end form of the practice. Yoga is the complete package, and it seeks to improve the body's physical form while also encouraging relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. Yoga enthusiasts already know that there are health benefits to be gained from the practice. This is especially true if you have the good fortune to meet a true teacher who will impart not only the physical poses to you, but also the meditative part of yoga. The following health benefits will be yours, through yoga: Improvement of the physical bodyThe easiest effect of yoga that practitioners can see and feel is the immediate improvement of the physical form. This is not in a weight loss sense alone, but in terms of becoming physically healthier. The poses in yoga can be quite demanding, and some are really difficult to perform. However, with constant practice, one's body will increase in flexibility.Being flexible is crucial to maintaining a healthy physical form. A flexible body is less likely to suffer internal injuries, and will not easily succumb to the pains of old age. Joint pains and muscle strain won't be your concerns as long! as you keep your body nimble, limber, and flexible with yoga.For the stressed out employees, yoga can loosen up your body. It releases the pent up tension, stress, and strain that your body suffers from. Your daily worries can contribute to physical problems, so yoga will help you release these problems and improve your health. Finally, constant yoga practice will undoubtedly help you achieve a slimmer and more toned body. Emotional and spiritual relaxation It's not just the body that needs help; the spirit needs to be rejuvenated, too. Practicing yoga is also a form of relaxation. There are certain resorts or vacation hotels that offer yoga retreats. Basically, a yoga retreat lets practitioners enjoy their daily routine while enjoying the beautiful scenery. In some cases, this change of pace doubles the impact of yoga, as it helps relieve the person of stress at well. Yoga retreats allow you to focus on meditation as well, which is just as important. True teachers of yoga know that meditation and the proper breathing techniques are necessary. These techniques help keep the body in balance and will help you improve your body and mind. For those who don't know, meditation has always been crucial to yoga, as early religious ascetics in India were the foremost practitioners. Stress hurts not just the body but also the spirit; yoga retreats can improve the health benefits delivered by yoga. Also, yoga retreats can bring you far away from your daily concerns. Even emotions and other baggage can harm the body, the mind, and the spirit. Yoga retreats help you leave everything behind. AlertnessIf you thought yoga was just all about the physical and the emotional, then you were wrong. Our minds are constantly bogged down by worries and problems so we can't focus enough and use our full mental capacities. It's impossible to solve a problem when you've got five other things on your mind to worry about. Basically, everyone knows that worries keep the brain on overdrive. This is inefficient, as y! ou might ! get too wrapped up in the problems that you won't have time to actually think things through. Practicing yoga helps de-clutter the mind, as the meditation helps you regain your focus. More importantly, the holistic approach to body, mind, and spirit helps you improve your mental alertness while still working on your physical requirements. About the AuthorYoga Retreat Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga for Weight Loss for Beginners Series: Part 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Six Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress Levels Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT ![]() Whether you're facing a demanding boss, a difficult colleague, a mountain of debt, a rebellious teen, or a computer that's crashed and taken all your files with it, stress often seems like an inevitable part of modern life. For most of us, it's not a realistic prospect to avoid stressful situations altogether. Instead, we need to find ways to reduce our stress levels on a day-by-day basis, so that we're better equipped to cope with the inevitable bumps along our path through life. Here are six simple things that you can do – today, or at least this week – to reduce your stress levels. #1: Take a Few Deep Breaths Don't ignore this because you think it's too simple. Sitting quietly and taking a few slow, deep breaths can help to reduce stress instantly. (Just try it next time you're feeling worried or annoyed, and you'll see how effective it is.) You might also like to deliberately set aside time in your day to concentrate on your breathing – this is a form of meditation that many people use, and find helpful in reducing stress. #2: Ask "Will This Matter in a Year?" If something stresses you out, it can be tough to see whether or not it's really important in your life. A mini-disaster like losing an important document, or locking yourself out of the house, or getting an angry phone call from a client can feel like a true crisis. Most things, though, will fade in importa! nce after just a few days or weeks. In a year's time, will these mini-disasters have any impact on your life? Almost certainly not. By reminding yourself that "this too will pass," you can avoid some of the anxiety associated with stressful events. #3: Accept Help from Other People If you're struggling under a mountain of work in the office, or battling against never-ending chores at home, it might be time to get some help. Often, other people will be all too willing to lend a hand – you just need to ask them, or even accept the offers they've already made. Some people worry that asking for help makes them look weak. The truth is that none of us can achieve great things alone: we all need some help along the way. By allowing others to help you, you give them the chance to grow too. #4: Reduce Sources of Stress This might seem so obvious it's not worth mentioning – but have you really made an effort to cut down the things that stress you out? If you find yourself stressed-out every time you go shopping at the crowded local mall, for instance, can you shop online instead? Next time something causes you stress, take a few minutes to brainstorm ways to remove it from your life – or to reduce the time you have to spend on it. You always have options: sometimes you just need to take a step back so you can see them. #5: Improve Your Time-Management Skills If you're often stressed because you're always racing to meet deadlines (or you're missing them altogether), or if you never have time to get through all your work, the problem might lie with your time management skills. There's a good chance that if you're poor at managing your time, you already know that. Maybe you have a problem w! ith procr! astination, or you struggle to prioritize different tasks. Whatever the exact issue, reading a good book on time management – or even taking a day-course – could make a world of difference. #6: Exercise on a Regular Basis I'm sure I don't need to tell you that exercise is good for your health … but did you know it's also a great way to reduce your stress levels? When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which make you feel naturally good. Regular exercise can even help lower symptoms of mild depression or anxiety. If you've ever been out for a jog or a brisk walk and felt much better about things afterwards, you'll know how beneficial exercise can be. Try being more active this week, and see whether you feel less stressed. Do you have any extra tips to add? If you've found a great way to beat stress, let us know about it in the comments!
Do you have a bucket list? Here are 101 things to do before you die. Includes a tutorial on how you can create your bucket list too! | |||
Health Benefits Of Yoga Programs Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Sanki Linkon How to spend such a long summer vacation? Would go out to my aunt's place, learn ballet dancing, complete my e-learning course and would start maintaining a diary where I can keep a track of all the things. Are you also thinking of spending the summer vacation in the same way? It's due to the tough schedule of schedule which doesn't allow taking care of the health and get involves in some physical or outdoor activities. Children nowadays don't go to outdoors to play or do any kind of exercises which will help them to stay fit and fine.Though your friends were forcing you to join the classes, you didn't find the whole idea of a very interesting as one needs a lot of time to learn the healthy poses. So, you decided to do a little bit of research on joining the learn classes. Which are programs would benefit you more? Yes, there are different yoga programs such as meditation, Bikram yoga, Kundalini yoga and many more. Before you decide on the yoga programs, it's advisable to determine the reason of joining program. What made you join yoga? Are you suffering from any kind of health problems? Do you want to get a size-zero yoga with the yoga exercises? Many people also practice yoga to get rid of stress problems which leads to more health issues in future.Yoga beginners find it a little difficult to concentrate on the exercises in the beginning but would soon find it easy after regular practice of yoga. It's important to practice the yoga exercises regularly to enjoy the benefits; yoga is a long process which only benefits when it gets completed. Many people also join the yoga classes in groups or with friends so that they don't miss out the classes, your friends will be a major reason to go to the yoga classes regularly. Where would you get the best yoga programs? There are many fit centers and yoga studios which arrange classes of Yoga For Beginners. Many yoga centers or studios also give a free trial class to the beginners so that the beginners get the idea of yoga. A good instructor not only helps ! the stud ent to learn the correct yoga postures but also inspires him to get involved in it.Have you heard of online yoga programs? It's mainly for people who are too busy in their life and has no time to take care of their health. After a hectic day at office, people usually find it difficult to go to the yoga class. Therefore, an online Yoga Programs helps people to learn yoga in their own pace and in a comfortable way. You would also get the online yoga DVD's in any of the retail stores in the market in cheap and affordable prices. If you have the budget to hire a yoga instructor, you can do it easily who will teach you in the comfort of your home. Enjoy this beautiful art! About the AuthorSanki Linkon is a renowned yoga expert who offers yoga lessons online. In this article he discussed the various postures of Yoga For Meditation , especially the benefits of Bikram yoga . To know more about his views on various yoga postures visit http://www.yogaexpertsonline.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Krishnamacharya in 1938 with Yoga Sutras, Part 1of 6This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Post written by Leo Babauta.You are overcome with laziness and procrastination, feeling unmotivated, stuck, can't get started. You are not alone. This is a commonality in the human condition, and the solution is elusive, never standing still and not wanting to be easily caught. You are not alone, but in this union with your brothers and sisters, there is hope. I'm among you, and I have found a few meager solutions. And if I can solve this problem, so can you. If others have beaten it, you can. I won't give you a list of tips today, but a list of ways I've found inspiration. I hope it helps. one: This morning as I sat down to write I had some ideas for posts but wasn't excited about any of them. So I asked on Twitter, "What are you having problems with that I can help with?" Several people responded with things like laziness, motivation, procrastination, getting started. Having something to help with inspired me to write. lesson: Inspiration can come from finding a way to help others. two: My eight-year-old son was looking bored, and I asked about a (short) novel he's been reading. He showed me the book and I challenged him to read four chapters today. His face lit up and he got to reading. lesson: Creating a challenge can be an inspiration. three: I have problems with procrastination, just like anyone else. I usually solve it when 1) I crystalize in my mind what I most want to be doing right now and what is most important; 2) I clear away all other distractions; and 3) I get started. As I began writing this post, I closed all other browser tabs (bookmarked ones I want to read later) and opened only the "new post" page in WordPress. Then I clicked on the "fullscreen" button so that everything but the writing box disappeared. Then I entered "Presentation Mode" in Google Chrome, so that everything else on my computer screen faded away. Now it's just me and these words. lesson: Clear away everything else and just create. four: In the morning I sometimes feel lazy when I've told myself I want to exercise, stretch, or meditate. I don't feel motivated. So instead of motivating myself to do something that might take 10, 20 or 30 minutes, I just focus on the smallest action: starting. To meditate or stretch, I just need to put my butt on the pillow (on the floor). To exercise, I just need to lace up my shoes and get out the door. Once I start, the rest is easy, and I'm always glad I did. lesson: Get your butt on the pillow. Don't wait for motivation, just start. Motivation will come. five: As I began to write this morning I heard what sounded like opera music streaming through the walls from my neighbor's house. What a lovely sound to write to! I immediately began playing some opera of my own, and the uplifting beauty infused my act of creation. lesson: Surround yourself by inspiration. Music, art, great books, fascinating people. six: I read blogs by fascinating people doing inspired things. Often they will write about something they're working on, and it sparks an idea in me, makes me want to do something really cool too. Yesterday this happened and I've spent hours now dreaming up something big. It might never happen, but that's not the important thing. Because I surround myself (virtually) with inspired people, I'm more likely to be hit by inspiration. lesson: Don't wait for inspiration to strike — you have to meet it halfway. If you want to be hit by lightning, go out in a thunderstorm with a metal rod. Scream at the thundering gods, daring them to strike you. Read More @ Source | |||
Yoga Hamilton And The Various Forms Of Yoga Posted: 10 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by India Jamisons Yoga Hamilton has many places for yoga work-outs. Its objective is anchored in being able to have the capacity to offer soothing exercises for their members through yoga or meditation. In yoga Hamilton, the classes are very inexpensive. Yoga exercises in Hamilton focus on breathing, versatility, relaxation, and poses. There are numerous types of yoga being conducted in yoga Hamilton. One of those is the Hatha Yoga. Iyengar or Ashtanga are still forms of Hatha yoga that may be used in either way around. Hatha yoga is stretching activity done in a slow manner accompanied by simple breathing exercises and several meditation. By means of this exercise, you will be able to learn the basic principles of yoga namely postures, relaxation methods, and a lot more. Yoga, the capacity to aim the mind on a particular point with virtually no distraction with the outer forces, is being enhanced and further coded in series of modern-day options. It poses important benefits on one's postures and breathing. Hatha yoga in Yoga Hamilton pays special attention on the cleaning of the body as triggering the cleansing of the mental aspect. It includes substantial tantric influence, and refers to the stage where chakras and kunalini were made known to the yogic canon. It also signifies the creation of asanas as full body postures in the contemporary aspect. Yoga Hamilton strongly stimulates all individuals to apply yoga in their lives considering the fact that this form of exercise stimulates a body to be in great condition all the time. Furthermore, it encourages a better, more relaxing and likewise more focused on the mental facet of the person. It includes an end to pressure and rejuvenate enthusiasm. It allows the person to direct one's energy to useful endeavors to prevent pessimism. Yoga is very adjustable especially in terms of demands whatever the age, sexuality, and physical state. It does not put a lot of pressure on the heart, joints and muscles and is very economical. It will not need the use of an! y devices. Yoga allows you to relax in a relaxing way thereby offering you a refreshing and energizing feeling upon getting up. Yoga Hamilton also offers Vinyasa yoga. The word Vinyasa usually means "breath-synchronized movement" or also known as Vinyasa flow. This type of yoga is simple and easy. It is combined with breathing in and exhalation and enables various movement methods. Also, it is made up of chanting. Vinyasa yoga is not merely about simple stretching. It is a series of three poses done included in a Sun Salutation arrangement. Proper attire must be worn when undertaking Vinyasa yoga. It needs to be something which can bring comfort during the entire yoga workout. Yoga Hamilton generally hopes to present convenience and peace to their members. In addition, it also aims to provide meditation techniques or strategies and exercises that won't only enhance a certain aspect of one's self, but would favor develop the complete being - physically, sentimentally, psychologically, and physiologically. About the Author India Jamison has just switched her yoga classes Hamilton location. You could check out their awesome website here Yoga Burlington Ontario Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Advanced yoga poseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
When things get too much, change the channel Posted: 10 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT
Sometimes the inner practices fail you – or at least aren't matched to the pickle you're in. You've let be, let go, and let in. You sat to meditate and it was like sitting on the stove. You tried to be here now and find the lessons – and wanted to whack the person who told you to do this. You still feel awful, overwhelmed, angry, afraid, inadequate, or depressed. Now what? Sometimes it helps to change the channel, to take some kind of action. Watch TV, eat a cupcake, ask for a hug, get out of the house, something (not harmful) to shake things up, distract yourself, tune out, burn off steam, etc. At some point you still have to engage the mind directly and do what you can with your situation. But there is certainly a place for respite or pleasure in its own right, plus these help refuel you for challenges. Plus, changing channels has the built-in benefit of taking initiative on your own behalf. This helps counter the natural but harmful sense of helplessness that comes from tough times, and it supports the feeling that you and your needs truly matter. How? For starters, give yourself permission to change the channel. Sometimes people get stuck in a situation, relationship, or feeling and think it's more noble, awake, open, mindful, accepting, or therapeutic to stay with it, even if it hurts like crazy and isn't getting any better. Sure, let's not err on the side of suppressing feelings or running from the first hint of discomfort. But let's also not err on the side of running laps around a track in hell. Then do something. It doesn't need to be ambitious. Usually the simpler, the better. Try physical pleasure – which helps calm down the stress machinery of your brain. Run water over your hands. Roll your head around your neck. Smell an orange. Look at a flower. Treat your body well. Eat some protein. Take a nap. Go for a walk. Do vigorous exercise if you can. Remember your vitamins. Broaden your perspective. Look out the window. Consider your situation from a bird's-eye view, a more impersonal angle. Consider how someone (real or imagined) who deeply loves you would look at it. Think about it amidst seven billion other humans, or in the sweep of history. (Of course, not to diminish, dismiss, or shame your own pain.) Entertain yourself. See a movie, listen to music, go watch a show. Look at Red Bull stunts, concert videos, amazing pong shots, or rock climbing on YouTube (alright, some of my faves) or whatever you like. Set something in order; exercise control somewhere. When I feel depressed, I make my bed. Keep it simple: fold one pair of dish towels, separate the big forks from the little ones, straighten one shelf of books. Connect with others (as long as you don't feel overwhelmed by it). Call a friend. Pet your pet. Sit in a coffee shop full of strangers and enjoy the bustle. Go somewhere that feeds your heart. Maybe sit under a tree, or by a stream, lake, or sea. Perhaps a church or temple. Or a park with children playing, a museum, or a garden. Every life is hard sometimes, and some lives are terribly hard all of the time. Do what you need to do. It's OK to change the channel. Read More @ Source | |||
Posted: 10 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Linus Xavier From ancient times, the purpose of yoga was to prepare the human body for enhanced spiritual enlightenment. Although today there is often still a strong spiritual element, the benefits of yoga for healing, for health and for general well being are more and more appreciated. Many people who may not necessarily be spiritual, are finding a sense of peace and tranquillity while they participate in the yoga exercises, and then, a feeling of vitality and 'aliveness' afterwards. An example of a merging of spiritual and healing exercises is to be found in the healing sun yoga. This yoga exercise is also known as Surya Namaskar or 'Sun Salutation'. The exercise consists of twelve smoothly integrated poses. It is performed in warm sunlight. The body is warmed up, while the muscles and spinal column are gently flexed and strengthened. These movements are among many healing yoga poses. Each pose in its own way works on muscle groups in such a way as to avoid strain yet stretch the body and greatly increase flexibility of both muscles and joints. As time progresses with regular time spent on yoga, these muscles and joints become increasingly strong and supple. It must become immediately clear to anyone who suffers from painful, stiff joints that the practise of yoga for people with arthritis can be of immense benefit. It is becoming increasingly well known and accepted that for most diseases and disabling conditions exercising is absolutely vital. The problem for arthritis sufferers is that most forms of exercise are jarring to the joints and very painful indeed. For this reason, therapeutic yoga stands alone as the gentlest and easiest way to exercise. No unnecessary stress is placed on the damaged joints, while the gradual and gentle easing encourages flexibility without pain or further harm. At the same time, the muscles are stretched and built up so that they begin to build a effective support system for the joints and helps relieve the strain on them. In order to enhance the flexibility of stiff joints and to decrease soreness, Hot yoga was developed. The exercises are performed in a room where the temperature is maintained at about 95-100 F [35-38 C]. This is extremely warm; it encourages perspiration and eases stiffness. Bikram yoga is the method of Bikram Choudhury. He uses Hot yoga. He created a set of 26 yoga poses that can be executed in about 90 minutes, each exercise being performed twice. So much for the physical benefits of yoga; hundreds of people throughout the ages can verify the spiritual aspects of yoga; very closely allied to this is the powerful emotional effect that yoga can have. Yoga for emotional healing is as important as yoga for physical healing. In fact the two are inseparable. There is abundant evidence that physical well-being is hugely influenced by emotional well-being. The reverse is equally true. With the importance of emotional and physical healing foremost in the minds of yoga masters, the significance of laughter yoga benefits has not been overlooked. The old adage 'laughter is the best medicine' has been proved over and over again to be so true. Anyone who has just enjoyed a hearty bout of laughter can vouch for the fact that they emerge from it relaxed, revitalised and in a very positive frame of mind. These days you will even find laughter yoga dvds available to help you explore the benefits and joy that laughter can give you. If you are thinking of trying yoga for yourself, there are types of yoga for beginners. These are simple and gently progressive. But from the word 'go' you should be able to feel the immediate relaxation benefits and renewed vitality from even the 'beginner' exercises. At the other end of the scale, Kundalini yoga is an advanced type of meditation and yoga. Kundalini yoga healing involves physical, mental and spiritual discipline that foster the growth of strength, awareness, character, and ultimately, consciousness. About the Author! 13;Best Source Of Yoga For Healing, healing sun yoga,healing yoga poses,yoga for emotional healing, bikram yoga healing, laughter yoga benefits, laughter yoga dvd,kundalini yoga healing, yoga for people with arthritis, types of yoga for beginners Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga & Meditation with Joey Soto- Ask the ExpertThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The morning routines of high achievers Posted: 10 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
In her new book, "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast," author Laura Vanderkam found that many high achievers begin the day with physical, intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Starting the day with a productive or fulfilling activity can increase your energy level and alertness for the rest of the day, she notes. Early mornings of the people Vanderkam profiles seem to be filled with activities like rising early, running, prayer, meditation, yoga, walking the dog and spending time with family, not … Read the original article » Read More @ Source | |||
The Symbiotic Relationship of Career and Mind Control Posted: 10 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Leon Edward Have you ever asked yourself why there are many mediocre career professionals out there and only a handful of highly successful ones? How about you, are you really happy with your job? Are you doing what you have always wanted to do? Or are you just one of those living in mediocrity? Take heed; you can gain control of your mind and ultimately use that to build yourself enjoyable career. Several things will need improvement to help you find success. The good thing is, you can change all that by using your mind to turn things around. How you do that is all up to you. To get control of your mind, allot some time for quiet meditation. This will help clear your mind of all kinds of worries. Focus on one major thing you would want to achieve in your chosen career that you havent been successful at yet. Create a mantra that you can repeat over and over during your meditation. This will help you focus. Just as an example, you might say, God create me. I achieve anything I set my mind to. Once you put your mind into the quiet sphere, visualize what you want. Determine what you really want. Did you really dream of becoming a writer, even though you ended up as an office clerk? Did you really want to become a musician, but your parents told you to get a business degree? It is scientifically proven that mental visualization actively speeds up recovery from diseases and controls pain. It also helps you realize goals in a shorter span of time than you would achieve without the visualization. Be ready to fulfill your goal by following up your visualization with action. Even the Bible states that, Faith without work is dead. The best way to start accomplishing what you want is by working towards it. Move out of your comfort zone. Take risks and stand by what you have chosen to do. You are the master of your destiny; remember that. When you have reached a level where you are at peace with yourself and know what you want, you will notice positive changes in these profes! sional a spects: 1. Decision-making processYou will notice that your mind is free of negative thoughts, so it quickly prioritizes tasks and sees those things you will need to do to achieve success. 2. Communication skillsYou will notice that you are learning to listen to what other people have to say and not just figuring out where you can jump into the conversation when someone else is talking. 3. Memory retentionConsistant meditation sharpens the mind and makes you remember information that is essential to your job easily. 4. Stress managementSince you are at peace with almost everything, stress will usually be a foreign concept to you; you will be able to manage it even if you cannot totally eradicate it. 5. Leadership skillsRemember that there is no such thing as a born leader. A true leader learns how to guide with patience, perseverance, and hard work. Mind control is not just about hypnotism or the prediction of events. Mind control is that, but it is much more. If you can control your mind and exhibit discipline in your chosen field, you can reach the fullest of your potential. About the AuthorLeon Edward helps people achieve goals and dreams through understanding and following the universal laws, subconscious programming, hypnosis, law of attraction and mind power. Get his free Subconscious Mind Power newsletter at http://www.justvisualizeit.net Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Guided Meditation with AdyashantiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Deep Meditation Music for Stressful Times Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Shelley Lincoln Many forms of meditation are applicable to many situations. If you're a music lover, then perhaps you might want to try meditation music. In fact, as a human being, you can be compared to musical instruments because you can hum, sing, whistle, and make other pleasing and expressive sounds. Every person's musical experience is often described with words like harmony, flow, stimulate, healing, in trance, in tune, uplift, and many others. When you express yourself through musical sounds, something unusual is happening inside your system. Numerous distractions bombard individuals as they go through their daily lives like noise pollution, social melodrama, stress of daily commute, tedium of work, and a lot more. Life today is considered fast-paced because of a lot of new technological advancements, and therefore, people suffer from continuing stress. You can't focus on your work effectively because your mind is already overloaded, uninspired, and burnt out. This results to a creativity block that can bring hopelessness to a person. But here's the good news, there is a way to combat and cope with this kind of situation and that is through deep meditation music. Where can you find such music? If you have no idea, then it would be better to ask the help of someone with knowledge about music meditation. On the net, you can find several sites that provide pre-recorded programs on music meditation. It was only after 1973 when music was used for meditation. Many of the programs make use of the binaural technology. Through this technology, the brainwave frequencies (right and left hemispheres) are synchronized. Through the deep meditation music, the brain can create fresh neural pathways. By doing so, the maximum potential of your mind is tapped at a shorter time. Usual meditation practices take longer periods but with music, you can find increased intelligence, inner peace, and reduction of stress. Different goals and needs can be met by the wide choices of programs available. T! he speci fic program should be used to address a certain need/goal since programs vary in their brainwaves; and this is necessary to get the preferred effects. Meditation music can benefit a lot of individuals. In fact, some specialists recommend deep meditation music as a form of therapy to address certain problems like that of stress-related illnesses. Many people are actually using this very effective tool and they are amazed and pleased with the results. They are able to achieve personal growth as they continue listening to meditation music. If you're suffering from extreme stress, or if you're always unfocused, burnt out, and uninspired, it wouldn't hurt to try meditation music. This is already accepted in our society today and many doctors are now recommending such therapy. This is a very good form of meditation. It relaxes your mind, as well as your soul. Online or offline, there are a lot of resources that you can use to help you in finding the perfect meditation music suited for your situation. Get family and friends to help, or even your office-mates. Better yet, consult your doctor or a specialist who knows a great deal about meditation music. You will soon realize that you're slowly recovering from your problems. About the Author Shelley Lincoln (Mountain Water Woman) is an experienced Reiki Master/Teacher and spiritual leader. Having spent over twenty five years studying and living her spiritual principles, Shelley freely shares her knowledge and experience with others. You'll find her very approachable and supportive. Contact at: http://www.crystalcandle-shop.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | |||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/10/2012 Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT ![]() "Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace." ~The Buddha | |||
Super Mind Evolution is coming! Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Stephen Ewing Super Mind Evolution is made to the demand of the human needed nowadays, even it is not really 'demand' by them but they surely need it. I'm feeling want to check Super Mind Evolution website. There is a video on Super Mind Evolution when i entered their website.. I feel WOW when coming to their proper and purposely site. They seems like they know what are they doing..What is mind power secret that include inside the Super Mind Evolution? What is their benefits to us? The video says that your human brain can be triggered to interact with other minds.. It talks about Carl Jung's idea of the universal consciousness, and Rupert Sheldrake's concept of the morphogenetic field. It promises that the mind power secrets revealed in the course can be used to ressurect a dying marriage or attract the partner of your dreams. We can have what ever we want. It will teach you the art of controlling our mind thus control our future.Do you mind of this value that can really change what you experiencing right now?Want to know more? Continue reading. I would love to tell you some information about Super Mind Evolution. Super Mind Evolution site is offering a special report. It's free.I should say, the report itself is worth like a gold to me. Fantastic is the best word that can describe the report. I used it just a couple of nights running and was able to increase sales to a product that I was promoting. The real thing is, it tells you how to attract customer to your business using the power of the grey thing between your ears. You can use it on whatever you like. You want to have a better relationship? Go ahead. Want some or a lot of extra cash? Yes, you can. Other suggested uses include positively influencing important people to be receptive to you at interviews or business meetings. Attracting people who can help you heal, or make money. And just generally making your life easier by positively influencing people at the level that our minds interract.You also will get Free Alpha mp3. This great music will c! hange yo ur brain wave to alpha state. More info on their site.I just want to share my excitement, so feel free to share mine here. About the AuthorStephen Ewing writes regularly about self help related topics. I hope you enjoy this article. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Monk Radio: Learning PaliThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Meditation for Beginners: Resolve the Setbacks Raised the Fast-Paced Life: Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Jonsonmak Vertical Road, Akram Khan Company, 3 min excerptThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Zmeditation- Symptoms of an Abnormally Normal Mind Posted: 10 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT | |||
Gabatrol stress relief - Say goode to tension Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Mont The superior way of coping up with stress is feasible through this dietary supplement, in contrast to the prescriptions like Prozac, paxil, effexor, wellbutrin and Zoloft. The pharmaceutical medicines work on the electrical impulses instituted inside the mind cells or even the neurons. The synthetic elements try to stabilize the neurons, but in the finale they cease the purpose of neurons and adjoin more tension. Gabatrol stress relief is definitely an natural supplement and eventually, it soothes your anxiety and apprehension in a smoother way, without impairing other components of one's body. Generally, the psychologists suggest their patients, who have abundant stress to take up sufficient sleep along with their specialized treatment. The manufacturer's website may be the correct location to purchase gabatrol, as they provide you manifold discounts and ensure period for the usage of the product. Whatsoever may be the motive for the stress, gabatrol optimizes the brain's purpose in a number of methods to settle down the fretfulness. It also harmonizes the chemicals that are discovered in the brain, especially the neurotransmitters. Although the purpose of Gabatrol stress relief is equivalent towards the chocolates in amplifying the neurotransmitters, gabatrol wins the race, since it is highly potent with varied natural herbs. Gabatrol stress relief fortifies the good spirit and can make the user to feel positive, using the help of kanna herb, which erodes away the negative feelings and thoughts. Tension and anxiousness have become purchase of the day, within the present fast paced life. If you are more concerned about the health being spoiled by the exhausting stress, definitely you cannot permit the health issues caused by the pills that's prescribed for stress release. But remember your inner thoughts seeks for other supports and may end up with alcohol, cigarettes or occasionally craving for foods. Actually, when you are as well worried more than basic problems, the brain chemicals lose their! balance and cause you to lookup for foods, alcohol, and smoking too as disturb the sleeping pattern, social interactions along with other great deeds. - Reduction in anxiety, minor depression and tension- Perked up ambition, motivation and libidoThe official website holds the precise details on the dosage. Then you are able to start using the real dosage, to obtain alleviation. The offer time period is for 60 days, that is sufficient to observe the outcomes. About the AuthorClick here to learn more about Gabatrol stress relief. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.How to Overcome Anxiety : How to Manage StressThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Biofeedback Effectively Alleviates Stress And Promotes Wellness Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Mary Dezfoli Biofeedback counseling is an innovative counseling technique used to teach awareness about the body's unconscious physiological processes. It is effective in teaching patients how to alleviate stress and to take control of their own health. A recent study by the American Academy of Family Physicians found that two-thirds of all visits to family doctors are linked to stress-related symptoms. Biofeedback is used to teach the unconscious mind to respond to stress and lessen its effects on the mind and body. It has proven useful in combating a variety of ailments including: addictions, anxiety, asthma, insomnia, chronic pain, depression, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome. Biofeedback treatment involves attaching sensors or electrodes to the body that provide a variety of readings - instant feedback - on things such as skin temperature, muscle tension and brainwave function. During a session, the patient is asked about a life event, such as a stressful situation at work. The patient's response to this event, which could involve a cooling of the hands, tensing of the muscles or sweating, is instantly recognized and "fed back" to the patient by a machine. This trains the patient to understand, and unconsciously respond to, the effects of stress through self-regulation techniques, such as taking deep breaths, relaxing tensed muscles or even slowing the heart rate. Recently, the technique has gained popularity as a way to help top athletes relax in high-stress situations. In fact, four members of the Italian national soccer team used biofeedback as part of their training for the 2006 World Cup, while India's lone gold medalist from the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, Abhinav Bindra, cited biofeedback as a key ingredient in his 10-meter air rifle victory. Research suggests that biofeedback is as good or better than any medication for controlling headache and jaw pain related to excess muscle tension. Benefits of biofeedback are not! limited to the office. Follow-up studies several months after ending formal biofeedback treatment show that people who continue practicing cognitive-behavioral techniques often experience symptom relief. Regarding high blood pressure treatment, research supports biofeedback as being consistently effective for blood pressure reduction and maintenance. In fact, the biofeedback device used by the Center for Psychological Services is the first non-pharmacological treatment approved by the FDA for controlling hypertension. Research on biofeedback to control psychological and behavioral conditions such as anxiety and ADHD suggests significant symptom reduction, particularly when used in combination with cognitive-behavioral techniques. For example, breathing techniques learned through biofeedback, combined with techniques to re-direct anxious thoughts, often reduce physiological and psychological symptoms associated with anxiety. About the AuthorHealthy lifestyle helps you live longer and better. Check out http://www.bewellbuzz.com for healthier and happy life. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | |||
Self-Esteem: Are Viruses of the Mind Making Your Self-Esteem Sick? Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Valencia Ray MD Self-esteem unhealthy? Here's an idea for you - viruses of the mind! No joke. The official term for a mind thought virus is 'meme' and it was made popular originally by Richard Dawkins from his book "The Selfish Gene" first published about 30 years ago. This is an interesting read. A more recent book, written by Richard Brodie, who is the original author of Microsoft Word software, entitled "Virus of the Mind" has a similar theme. This idea of mind virus is a concept whose time has come. Just as we think of the common cold being spread by viruses, thoughts are also spread from person to person through media and personal contact. I personally know very few people who get it YET that their thinking is running the show as it relates to their life experiences. Life is not just happening randomly, and yes, you can learn how to de-bug your thinking and cure your mind of its' "virus" infections. Now, the thoughts that bring you fulfillment and peace, you want to keep those of course. I find it interesting that a person who created such a widely used computer software program as Microsoft Word would write a book about mind viruses considering the issues of virus contamination that can harm computers. As a physician, I certainly have seen the potential effects of how viruses can spread physically. Now a meme is a THOUGHT. Not truly a bug. It is very effective though in making your mental processes sick if it is not in your best interest, and they often are not. Just take a look around at how much low self-esteem there is in the world. Low self-esteem is perpetuated from the passing around of thoughts. You were not born with low self-esteem. It happens for a variety of reasons, but the bottom line is that it is started from a thought. You believed something about yourself that was simply the opinion of another person. I have observed that those who do the most belittling of others tend to have a low level of self-esteem themselves. It was a thought that you believed as true and usual! ly this has the most damage when it happens in early childhood. Well, the good news is that just like a thought started the process, a new thought can begin to bring change into your life. It takes conscious choice to begin to de-bug your mind and begin to take your mind to the gym to build new mind muscles build up your self-esteem! It can be done. Heal your thoughts, change your mind and thus, change your self-esteem and life. Brain research is revealing that the thoughts we have actually wire our brain connections. The more we repeat the thoughts, especially with emotion, the stronger the connections. Likewise, if you take your attention away, these thought virus can begin to fall away. It is like "use it or lose it". You can begin the thought change process by learning to focus the mind on thoughts that are productive and removing your attention from the negative self-talk by this re-focusing. Healthy self-esteem begins with a new healthy thought! About the AuthorValencia Ray MD is a speaker, writer and coach with a focus on integrating Neuroscience with Personal Development. Her message is filled with the inspiration and wisdom you need to rediscover your passion and create a life you love. Visit her website athttp://www.ValenciaRay.com. Also visit her blog at http://www.TheConfidenceDoc.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valencia_Ray_MD Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | |||
Find Benefit Your Yoga Studio North Vancouver with Divine light Posted: 09 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by India Internets Divine Light you will find the true learning of yoga and its benefits. We have help our students to gain the knowledge of yoga by practicing with their own inner strength at our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver. Divine Light has been established to start with the yoga training course for all age groups. The main purpose of our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver is that everyone should be able to balance their life and must know how to keep it stable and peaceful. Our Yoga Classes North Vancouver have become popular for various types of yoga postures and breath work in order to prepare the body for spiritual pursuits. At our Yoga Studio in North Vancouver, every year lots of people at different age groups enroll for the yoga classes. At Divine Light we first make our students comfortable with the environment of Yoga Studio Vancouver, so that they can ease themselves and learn yoga without any stressful surroundings. Firstly, we start without basic Astana and breathing exercises and then as per the duration of the classes we step towards other difficult postures depending on the strength of the students and their desire to learn and pick it fast. At Divine Light we believe yoga are good for us in any form and we train the students with a proper guidance and following one proper way in order to make them understand a true from of doing yoga. At our Yoga Studio North Vancouver, the yogic sessions are the great experience of all our students and make them fit and healthy. It is also equally important to expose the body and mind to the other forms in order to acquire an individual patience, which we help them to understand. Through our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver, we try to help our students to gain a better understanding of the connection between mind, spirit and body which intern impact our daily routine and therefore bring in the peace and energy within them. Here, one will find the right form for learning yoga in the company of best yoga teachers. If one wants to experien! ce spiritual enlightenment one should practice yoga. We provide Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver, so as to improve ones personality and also to enhance the level of confidence. One can go for our Yoga Classes North Vancouver and feel the difference within oneself. Our yoga classes are extremely wonderful and have made the lives of people simple and smooth and change their way of leading the life ahead and keep themselves calm and stable. Our yoga sessions strengthen your body and mind and also try to bring in discipline in one's life. People who are looking for a better life must go for the yogic lifestyle. At divine light people have started realizing the true happiness within themselves by practicing rigorously at our Yoga Studio North Vancouver. Through our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver, we try to teach our student to move in life and shed any physical and mental tensions and help them to be strong at difficult circumstances. One can easily achieve his /her aim in life if they are focused at their goal and which can be attained by practicing yoga without any gap in it. Also, since early age people are being practicing yoga and get rid of many physical and mental diseases. Yoga has always been considered the best source to heal any tensions and be fit and healthy, in one's life. So go and join the yoga classes and bring in happiness within yourself and make your life beautiful and also change the way you think about life. We at divine Light always help you to achieve happiness and lead your life peacefully. Therefore, our yoga classes will help you to provide an overall level of fitness and help to improve your living standards. For more information please visit our website: http://www.divinelight.ca/yoga-studio-north-vancouver.html About the AuthorDivine Light yoga studio established by Nakul Kapur who's a grate yoga teacher provide Yoga Studio North Vancouver, Yoga Studio Vancouver, Yoga Studio in North Vancouver, Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver . Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | |||
What exactly are Yoga Retreats? Posted: 09 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Frank Creator For several years, people have been practicing and enjoying the unique benefits of Yoga Exercise. Anyone, no matter what how old they are, can practice Yoga regardless of what their physical capabilities are. As well as the physical benefits of Yoga there are lots of other advantages of practicing this old exercise. Yoga is made to focus on the mind along with the entire body, and Yoga will help those who practice manage tension, improve their focus and power and increase their overall well- being. Anyone can practice Yoga by themselves or in a tiny group environment, nonetheless a lot of people choose to take Yoga courses at a nearby Yoga centre. Despite the fact that Yoga Exercise centers are popular, a recently available development in the Yoga world has several pupils visiting Yoga retreats. Several Yoga centres offer unique programs for students to escape it all and travel to a brand new vacation destination to practice Yoga, eat right and apparent their marbles. These excursions could be held in several locations both in the usa and around the globe and may range over time from a day get away to some total end of the week get- away. Typically Yoga vacation retreats are held in a relaxing atmosphere that allows individuals to become much better in tune with dynamics. Many Yoga excursions are located in unique locations around the world allowing participants get in tune with nature. Nevertheless, for those who can't manage a trip around the globe for a saturday and sunday long Yoga holiday, there are numerous Yoga Exercises retreats offered in areas around the usa. Many individuals opt to participate in these Yoga Exercises vacation retreats because they area platform for people to pay attention to their particular physical and mental well being. This vacation retreats will mostly give attention to practicing Yoga. Along with refreshing your brain with various chants and positions, other wellness applications are also provided. Often these Yoga- centered escapes will also ha! ve activ ities such as biking, strolling, hiking and also pilates that can be coupled with Yoga treatments to get a more well rounded wellness experience. People do not only attend these retreats to the bodily benefits either. Many people realize that certain metabolic problems, stress and even mental issues and tendencies can in fact be reversed with Yoga. These excursions are the ideal place for people to focus on Yoga and experience the recovery results of this practice. The art of Yoga has been around for several years, and these excursions are designed to aid those who practice this historic kind of physical exercise to truly have the complete Yoga experience. The process entails not just holding various presents, it's a complete body and mind experience. This is the reason Yoga excursions have been established, to help people really grasp every facet of this practice and get themselves inside the right way of thinking to experience the numerous benefits of Yoga Exercise. About the AuthorIf you like yoga and you also need to find out more about yoga retreats europe you'll need to go to our web site. We have details about vacation retreats almost everywhere which includes yoga retreat michigan. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.TV9 LADIES CLUB - TV9 LADIES CLUB - HOW TO GAIN FLEXIBILITY WITH RHYTHMIC POWER YOGAThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Linking religious faith and Romney's tax returns Posted: 09 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Ever since I started following the controversy over Harry Reid's claim that Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for ten years, I've had a feeling that deep philosophical issues relating to the validity of religious faith are involved. Here's my attempt to explain why. It's fascinating, really. Reid and Romney are both Mormons, which is a weird variety of Christianity. Or to some, Mormonism is an independently weird religion. Regardless, Christians and Mormons believe in the Bible. The New Testament gospels were written by guys -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, John -- with no direct knowledge of Jesus. So what they said about Jesus' life and teachings is hearsay. Just like Reid's claim about Romney failing to pay federal income taxes for a decade. He won't reveal his source. Attention is being focused on moderate Republican Jon Huntsman (a fellow Mormon and Reid supporter). So Reid got information from somebody who supposedly knows what's in the tax returns. Thus Reid's knowledge has pretty much the same ontological validity as the Gospels. Anonymous sources reported they know Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected. Likewise, an anonymous source reports he/she knows Romney's tax returns show no income tax paid for ten years. Why, then, does PolitiFact give Reid's claim a Pants on Fire rating? To be consistent, shouldn't PolitiFact give every Christian politician who refers to Jesus and the New Testament a Pants on Fire rating? If faith in anonymous sources is an admirable trait in religious believers, what's wrong with Harry Reid having faith in whoever told him about Romney's tax returns? There's no independent demonstrable evidence that Jesus is the Son of God, other than what is written in the Gospels by people who claimed to know other people with direct knowledge of Jesus. There's also no independent demonstrable evidence that Romney failed to pay income taxes for ten years, other than Reid's statement that he talked with someone with direct knowledge of Romney's tax returns. PolitiFact shouldn't give a Pants on Fire rating, which amounts to "you lie!", when there isn't any demonstable evidence on either side of a claim. Reid says Romney didn't pay any taxes. Romney says he did. Why should either Reid or Romney be believed without evidence? What basis is there for calling Reid a liar, and not Romney? Neither has brought forward any firm facts to back up their claims. Ah, you might be thinking, but Romney does know what is in his tax returns, because he filed them. Yes, that's true. But this is analogous to someone knowing what happened in Jesus' last days. Why should what they say be believed without confirming evidence? There are good reasons for them to make up stories about Jesus' resurrection and other miracles. The big difference between Christianity's truth claims and Reid/Romney's truth claims is that evidence does exist for the latter: Romney's tax returns. Romney has said he doesn't want to release any more returns because the Obama campaign would use information in them against him. Which is more reason to be as skeptical about Romney's "I did pay taxes" as Reid's "He didn't pay taxes." Without demonstrable evidence, both statements have to be accepted on faith, just like religious claims are. This morning I saw that PolitiFact had put out a Twitter Tweet on this subject: We're hearing suggestions to create a new Truth-O-Meter rating for something like "unsubstantiated." Let us know what you think. l think it's an excellent idea. At the moment neither Reid nor Romney can substantiate their claims about Romney's tax returns. So it's a draw. Both should get an "unsubstantiated" on the issue of whether Romney paid income taxes for ten years. It's unfair to give Reid a Pants on Fire for saying he heard that he didn't, when all Romney has done is say that he did. I'd also like to see PolitiFact rate faith-based statements by politicians which bear on social policy. For example, if a politician says that an embryo or fetus has a soul, assess the evidence for this. Is that statement true or false? Most likely, it would be unsubstantiated. Usually religious claims rest on supernatural assumptions which can neither be proven, nor definitively rejected. The probability is just very high that those claims are false, based on the lack of evidence which seemingly should be evident but isn't (like miracles, which somehow stopped happening with the advent of scientific ways of studying them). Personally, what I find most probable about Romney's tax returns is that he did pay income taxes most years, but at an embarassingly low rate. For that reason -- and others like Swiss bank accounts, IRA gimmicks, high-priced dressage horse expenses, and such -- Romney doesn't want the truth about his finances to come out. Similarly, if religious believers knew everything that goes on behind the scenes of their favorite faith, my bet is that the truth also would shock them. | |||
Find Special Yoga Classes North Vancouver with Divine light Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by India Internets Divine Light, a place where you get the know yourself and the true inner conscience lying within oneself. We provide various Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver,Yoga Classes North Vancouver program. Divine Light try to bring in the inner light within our students. Every year many people come and get enrolled for our Yoga Classes North Vancouver. We use to conduct our Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver, where our students are being taught yoga under our trained teachers and help them to get the true meaning of life. Divine light we teach you yoga in such a form that one need not to exaggerate himself while practicing and learning yoga rather one feels very much enlightened after having our yoga classes. Therefore, our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver helps you to find the true happiness within yourself. Our yoga sessions strengthen your body and mind and bring in discipline in one's life. Following a yogic lifestyle is a great treasure for one's life which is beneficial for everyone for a longer term. We try to teach our student to move in life without taking any physical and mental tensions and prepare you to fight with all the circumstances in life. Thus, our Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver helps to make you strong enough to mold yourself according to the situations. By bringing into practice of doing yoga everyday one can find a great change within oneself and see a new person within themselves. At Divine Light we help you to get through all the Astana of yoga and helps to to get the divine power within you and experience a highest potential within oneself. Our Yoga Classes North Vancouver helps you to gain understanding of the connection between mind, spirit and body and the impact this has on daily living. One can easily achieve his /her aim in life by bringing in stability within self which can be attained by practicing yoga in one's life. To be associated with the Divine Light, the right place to energize oneself where we provide Yoga Teacher T! raining in Vancouver. Here, we provide an excellent learning environment along with experienced yoga teachers to improve your overall level of fitness, and also it is part of a holistic healing program to treat a specific ailment. Practicing yoga offers so many positive benefits for the young and old, that it has become mainstream. We provide various Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver program through which one can discover the Divine that resides within you. At Divine Light, we have different yoga prgrammes for every age group at affordable rates without hampering your budget. We teach our students gradually and help them to see life in different perspective and finally help them to achieve their inner happiness. Also, it is the place where one can easily mold oneself with the environment of Yoga Classes North Vancouver. We have network with local Yoga teachers and Yoga teacher associations. This will keep you informed and educated about the changes within Yoga. You will also learn about workshops, seminars, retreats, and Yoga camps that are coming to your area. All over the world people from different professions wants to learn and implement the benefits of yoga to their life so as to make it a perfect way of living it. Whosoever comes and joins our yoga classes they actually find a right place to learn yoga with all the basic steps where you can grasp and learn it fast. Our Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver will help you to provide an overall improvement within oneself and thus help you to lead a simple and peaceful life. So what you are waiting for, come and enroll yourself for this wonderful yoga classes. For more information please visit our website:- http://www.divinelight.ca/ About the AuthorNakul Kapur is registered senior yoga teacher of his yoga studio provide best Yoga Classes North Vancouver, Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver, Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver offers best 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
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