An Explanation Of The Various Types Of Yoga

An Explanation Of The Various Types Of Yoga

An Explanation Of The Various Types Of Yoga

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Andrew Holtom

Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Holtom

Most people are under the misconception that there is only one style of yoga. This is, however, not true. There are many different types of Yoga that are commonly practiced around the world. The four largest types of Yoga are the following styles: Bikram, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini and Hatha. These will be the most common Yoga styles that you will be able to find in your local gyms or wellness centers. We're quickly going to cover the different aspects of each of these styles and their alternative benefits.

Bikram Yoga: Bikram is slightly more different than the other types of Yoga. The Yoga is practiced in a room that has been heated to 105 Degrees. This idea is practiced because people believe that the muscles will become loose and that the sweat will help cleanse the body. By cleansing the body it is getting rid of any symptoms of disease and even helping cure chronic pain. However, since you are straining your body under these conditions, it's critical that you speak to a physician before starting this type of Yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga: Ashtanga is also known in the Yoga circles as Power Yoga. This is the type of Yoga that is used to help you build endurance and strength. They are usually very aggressive workouts and you need to be able to move quickly from one pose to another pose. There is little to no emphasis on meditation with this particular style of Yoga. The only time you try out this sort of workout is when you want to challenge yourself with something physically demanding.

Hatha Yoga: Hatha Yoga has long been considered the most practiced type of Yoga performed in the United States. It is the style that is most recommended to beginners. It is generally a very gentle practice of smooth and calculated poses. These poses are also known as asanas. Hatha Yoga is recommended if you want to learn how to stretch and slowly work your muscles. It helps get your body into the right balance and alignment. Hatha also helps relieve stress and high! blood pressure.

Kundalini Yoga: Kundalini Yoga is the type of yoga that strongly uses rapid movements. This is done with an emphasize on poses and breathing, mediating and chanting. This type of Yoga definitely has a more spiritual feel to it. It focuses on balancing the inner energy of your body. Kundalini is much more challenging than Hatha Yoga and is not recommended for complete beginners.

If you're looking into getting into Yoga then consider these different types of Yoga before picking a specific class. If you're gym or local Yoga class doesn't say what style they ask - go and ask. It won't harm to know which specific style you are practicing. Make sure that you find the right class or DVD of the specific type Yoga Styles you want. All of these Yoga styles have the same benefits but they all focus on helping you achieve different goals.

About the Author

Andrew Holtom is an experienced practitioner of the pilates exercises. View his range of DVDs on Pilates and Yoga on his site. For further information visit where you can download a free eBook worth £9.95 and claim a massive discount on our range of DVD's.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Beginner Yoga Class 7 with Kristin Breheim at the Lodge & Spa at Breckenridge

Filmed at the beautiful Lodge & Spa in Breckenridge: Class guided by Kristin Breheim. Featuring Rhonda Profaizer, Lodge & Spa GM, fellow yoga instructor, Michelle Dorak, and a hotel guest. Camera and editing by Gene Fliman, Music by Dennis Hawk http This yoga session includes all the elements in 1 - 6. Additionally, this class focuses on opening up your shoulders. #7 of 10 beginner yoga videos. NEW classes uploaded every SUNDAY. Why? Because we believe *yoga should be free.*

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

More Quotes from the Movie the “The Secret”

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT

law of attraction

law of attraction

Nov 7/2006
I just came across 100 more quotes from the movie "The Secret"

  1. We all work with one infinite power
  2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA)
  3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting
  4. We are like magnets – like attract like. You become AND attract what you think
  5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy
  6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
  7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation
  8. You attract your dominant thoughts
  9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..
  10. It's not "wishful" thinking.
  11. You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it
  12. Choose your thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life
  13. It's OK that thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon)
  14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted .. accept that fact .. it's true.
  15. Your thoughts cause your feelings
  16. We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories .. good feelings, bad feelings.
  17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.
  18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming
  19. You get exactly what you are FEELING
  20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances
  21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there).. the universe will correspond to the nature of your song
  22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you
    attract into your experience
  23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match – no exception
  24. Shift your awareness
  25. "You create your own universe as you go along" ~Winston Churchill
  26. It's important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )
  27. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience
  28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator
  29. Life can and should be phenomenal .. and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction
  30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly
  31. Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: "I'm so happy
    and grateful now that…. "
  32. You don't need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself
  33. LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW
  34. You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster
  35. The universe likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't
  36. When the opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT
  37. You will attract everything you require – money, people, connections.. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you
  38. You can start with nothing .. and out of nothing or no way – a WAY will be provided.
  39. HOW LONG??? No rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen
  40. Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish) We make the rules on size and time
  41. No rules according to the universe .. you provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond
  42. Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing (bills in the mail, being late, having bad
  43. You have to find a different approach to what is through a different vantage point
  44. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought"  ~Buddha
  45. What can you do right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude
  46. Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately
  47. What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about
  48. What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for
  49. Play the picture in your mind – focus on the end result
  50. VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future
  51. VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins
  52. Feel the joy .. feel the happiness
  53. An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one
  54. "What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists." ~Alexander Graham Bell
  55. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what"
  56. The Hows are the domain of the universe. It always knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream
  57. If you turn it over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered .. this is where magic and miracles happen
  58. Turn it over to the universe daily.. but it should never be a chore.
  59. Feel exhilarated by the whole process .. high, happy, in tune
  60. The only difference between people who are really living this way is they have habituated ways of being.
  61. They remember to do it all the time
  62. Create a Vision Board .. pictures of what you want to attract .. every day look at it and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants
  63. "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." ~Albert Einstein
  64. Decide what you want .. believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you
  65. Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want – and the feeling of having it already.
  66. Focus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.
  67. "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" ~W. Clement Stone
  68. Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.
  69. When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it.
  70. How can you become more prosperous?? INTEND IT!!
  71. 'Checks are coming in the mail regularly'… or change your bank statement to whatever balance you want in there… and get behind the feeling of having it.
  72. Life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas…
  73. Go for the sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear
  74. We are the creators of our universe
  75. Relationships: Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others .. love yourself and you will be loved
  76. Healthy respect for yourself
  77. For those you work with or interact with regularly .. get a notebook and write down positive aspects of each of those people.
  78. Write down the things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if your frequencies don't match.
  79. When you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be different in order for you to feel good.
  80. You will free yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to control the world, your friends, your mate, your children….
  81. You are the only one that creates your reality
  82. No one else can think or feel for you .. its YOU .. ONLY YOU.
  83. Health: thank the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress
    free happiness will keep you healthy.
  84. 84. Immune system will heal itself
  85. Parts of our bodies are replace every day, every week..etc… Within a few years we have a brand new body
  86. See yourself living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the bod.
  87. Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself
  88. Learn to become still .. and take your attention away from what you don't want, and place your attention on what you wish to experience
  89. When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life
  90. You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.
  91. And allow the world as others choose to see it, exist as well
  92. People think that if everyone knows the power of the LOA there won't be enough to go around .. This is a lie that's been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy.
  93. The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around.
  94. All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it's own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. it will show up for you.
  95. So let the variety of your reality thrill you as you choose all the things you want.. get behind the good feelings of all your wants.
  96. Write your script. When you see things you don't want, don't think about them, write about them, talk about them, push against them, or join groups that focus on the don't wants… remove your attention from don't wants.. and place them on do wants
  97. We are mass energy. Everything is energy. EVERYTHING.
  98. Don't define yourself by your body .. it's the infinite being that's connected to everything in the universe.
  99. One energy field. Our bodies have distracted us from our energy. We are the infinite field of unfolding possibilities. The creative force.
  100. Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not – NOW is the time to change them. You can begin right were you are right now. Nothing
    matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.

Related Posts:

  • The Law of Attraction – the Secret
  • Healthy and Youthful Thoughts
  • 50 Quotes – Page 4
  • Why Am I Here?
  • Inspirational Tweets Sept 10-16/2009
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Credit Card Debt Reduction - Fighting Credit Card Debt in a Recession May Require Professional Help

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by matthiw coach

<img src="" />

Credit card debt reduction have been a major concern of the world giant, the United States as it has considerably pulled back the inland economy. And the current economic situation which the world undergoes stands as a main reason.

Many people have faced great difficulties in paying back their debts on time and are forced to take a decision which many do not make wisely. It is important to state that not only personals but also companies which are declared as 'steady' have taken drastic decisions which are not quite sound. They intend to declare themselves or institutes as bankrupted as a reason of not figuring out an answer for their debt settlements.

But the fact is that, the shadows of financial disadvantage too accompany it. So fighting credit card debt in a recession may require professional help in order to overcome the difficulties. A major practice towards credit card debt reduction is finding a responsible company which is willing to intervene between debtors and creditors. A debt relief company is perhaps the only way of getting out of debt instead of filing a statement of bankruptcy.

But you should always be on alert so that you don't get messed up with a fake company which would likely dash your hopes. The fact to be stressed mainly is that you will possibly result a great outcome by this practice where you are able to reduce your debt by up to 70% with a negotiation of a debt relief network.

But how exactly are you going to figure out one such company? That's what you refer next. You could or perhaps you should, refer the debt relief network to crave for your answer. By this practice you could avoid unnecessary involvements of fake effects which could result greatly in your financial background.

If you are deeply in debt and are looking for legitimate ways to control and eliminate your financial obligations then a debt settlement could be the answer. Consumers can expect to eliminat! e 60% of their unsecured debt on average with the help of a legitimate debt settlement company. To find established and proven debt relief companies in your state check out the following link:Free Debt Advicecontact us for free debt advice = 8886916918

About the Author is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Yoga Techniques For High Blood Pressure

How to reduce high blood pressure with simple yoga techniques. This video is very beneficial for those who find difficult to cope up with the day to day stress.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Yoga for 5 minutes

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Denis

Beating Stress, Fighting Illness and Improving Sleep With a Pen and Paper?

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Roland Poitevin

Is it really possible to write your way to better health? New research by Joshua Smyth a psychologist a Syracuse University is shedding light on an area of health and well being that has long been ignored. The results are both intriguing and empowering.Similar research conducted by Temple University, Ben Gurion University in Israel and Chicago Medical School is showing solid evidence for the powerful healing effect that writing can have on our bodies.How does writing affect the body? According to Joshua Smyth writing may result in changes to our immune system and to our hormonal responses to stressful situations which increase our capacity to cope with this stress.His research found that just by writing about a traumatic event in their lives patients who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis experienced a reduction in their pain levels. Astonishingly a similar effect was recorded in patients with asthma who experienced an increase in their overall lung function.The research conducted at Temple University focused on female trauma victims. By writing about experiences such as rape or serious motor vehicle accidents the women in the study reported fewer sleep disorders, less headaches and reduced symptoms of depression than those who didn't write about them.What may well be happening in this process is that by putting the events down in black and white the patients are activating a release of stress. When you hold onto a story in your mind then it produces a great deal of stress that is held in the body and results in illness. The act of writing this story down actually takes away the power it has to harm you on a very physical level. Recording it brings a clarity that allows the event to be processed and enables closure to be reached. This closure then stimulates the healing process.

About the Author

Roland Poitevin is a dedicated writer with a passion for business and environmental issues. You can check out his new website at href="">Island Range Hoods which includes reviews of href="">Zephyr Range Hoods and information they are looking for relating to this subject.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Benefits of Attending a Meditation Workshop in Perth?

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Liz McCaughey

According to the classical definition meditation is not one monolith; rather, it is a combination of practices within the person, in order to attain realization to train his or her mind. There may not be some visible achievements or attainments as this can only be felt and realized. Moreover as meditation is more an internal and personal practice which could be done without any external involvement. Its results are quite subjective and depend a lot upon the personal effort and guidance of the teacher or meditation trainer. One important aspect of doing or attending meditation workshops is that it should be done in coherence and regular manner.

A fundamental requirement for meditation is that the practitioner should invoke or cultivate a feeling or internal state i.e. compassion or a specific focal point. The term focal point has two connotations; the first one is that it can be used to show the state of mind itself; and, the second is that it can be employed as a technique to cultivate the state. There have not been any disadvantages of doing a meditation or attending meditation workshops. In fact there are several advantages of doing or attending a Meditation Workshop in Perth.

A major advantage is that doing meditation on the regular basis helps increasing the skin resistance i.e. it helps handling stress and anxiety levels. Meditation can help in reduction in cholesterol levels which otherwise can cause severe cardiovascular diseases. Nonetheless, meditation helps in strengthening up the heart. It lowers the levels of cortisol and lactate which cause stress and the practitioner remains stress free. Similarly, meditation reduces the high blood pressure and unstable oxygen molecules that can cause tissue damage to help develop vitality and vigor.

Besides some physiological advantages of doing meditation, several other psychological advantages such as enhanced creativity and brain wave coherence are some common benefits which can be considered crucial. Besides reducing the anxie! ty level and depression, meditation also helps in reduction in irritability and moodiness. Whereas meditation has long been used to improve learning ability and memory, it is also being used to enhance the self-actualization and vitality as well as rejuvenation. Thus, along with enhancing the overall happiness, meditation helps a practitioner increase his emotional stability.

About the Author

The Kumara Meditation & Wellness Center, is a leading meditation center in Perth, Australia which holds regular meditation workshops at Perth. Its Meditation Center at Perth which is located in the beautiful Northshore Tennis and Country Club is known for excellent meditation workshops, gifts, books and crystals, etc. In order to obtain more information readers can visit :

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/19/2012

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT

"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor."
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Ins and Out of Meditation for Beginners

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Justin Woods

The Importance of Yoga in Sex Life

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Dave Warner

Everybody's interested in sex. Whether it's to get pregnant, who's doing it and with whom, or how often is normal? We wonder what we should wear, or how much hair to remove to get more of it, or even how to market it? It's in our face in some way, often subliminally, and frequently in a distorted way every day. Men and women obviously have differing sexual needs, (not necessarily sex drives guys!), and this often leads to conflict. Conflict is the antithesis of yoga, yet within conflict there is always opportunity for unity. This is where yoga comes into play.

Sex and yoga is about harmony, about bringing balance into the equation so both sexes feel healthy, nourished and appreciated, free from all the usual repercussions or associated pressures. In my opinion the essence of sex is as a pathway to spiritual transformation and lasting physical well being. Basically yoga makes you feel good. It gets the blood pumping. It gets the hormones flushing through the body. It gives your skin a healthy youthful glow. It generates heat and stimulation from the inside out. It gives you energy, and that's sexy.

Sex and yoga are more intimately connected than we think. Sex feels good. Good sex with someone we love opens our hearts, makes us smile and relieves tension. Sex is about relationship, connection, intimacy, love and creative expression. At their best sex and yoga are about union, truth and love. To reveal those things in your life, your yoga practice, and your sex life takes a genuine commitment to creating a deeper sense of intimacy and overall wellbeing. In my journey as a yoga teacher I encourage all those things and created a yoga system as a way of putting it into a concise practice.

I use a unique system of corrective Japanese yoga postures, wholefood medicine and breath work, which has the potential to heal and enliven, stimulate and support both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. When this happens, optimal function of our hormonal, lymphatic, circulatory, res! piratory and digestive systems is restored. This makes us feel more vital, connected and present. We begin to engage more fully with life on all levels - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and sexually.

So many people have already discovered a better sex life and created a deeper emotional bond with their partner since reading through Better Sex Through Yoga. Not only have they discovered new ways to pleasure each other, they have also found out new ways to prolong that new pleasure, making their sex life all the more satisfying.

What's more, even if you're a complete beginner in the world of sexual yoga, or you're basically the master of all sexual yoga knowledge, Better Sex Through Yoga offers ideas and tips for you! You can learn new things about your sexual self, your partner's sexual needs, and the sexual needs of your relationship simply just by reading this book and trying out the recommended routines and exercises for your level of flexibility and knowledge, and you can further expand on the techniques that you already know. From the most basic exercises to limber up your muscles, to the most advanced routines that can allow you to further get in touch with your sexual self, Better Sex Through Yoga has it all!

Various sexual dysfunctions could be effectively cured by yoga. It even offers cure for male impotency. Because of yoga's efficacy in improving your sexual life, it is being practiced by a good number of folks with the sole purpose of enhancing sexual drive. But Yoga never advocates excess of sex. It sticks to the conventional concept of sex that the act of sex is primarily meant for procreation.

Among various types of Yoga, Tantra is said to be very much linked with sex. Tantra Yoga was a preferred practice in ancient India to better you sexually. Ancient Indian guide of sex Kamasutra have advocated usefulness of Tantra Yoga for enhanced level of sexual pleasure. This practice of Tantra Yoga has recently gone through a renaissance as more and more folks! prefer i! t over Viagra and other medications to gain desired level of erection.

Asanas of Tantra Yoga bring in required physiological changes to propel more secretion of sexual hormones. These hormones in turn help gain desired sexual potency. In addition to that Tantra Yoga also contributes to increased flexibility and freshness. These factors combine together to serve a unified purpose that is your better sexual life. Kamsutra offers around sixty yoga positions for ideal sex. These sexual positions have been proved effective in solving marital discord arising out of sexual dissatisfaction. Thus Yoga could be a very effective way of improving your conjugal relationship.

However, the yoga part has to do with the awareness and mindfulness that more advanced practices bring. Learning to do PC muscle exercises correctly is the first step to learning how to employ "bandhas" during regular yoga practice or even breathwork (pranayama) and meditation. By locking the pelvic muscles, and visualizing the upward movement of energy throughout the inner body, the topography of the interior organs can be felt and explored. This is called proprioception. Proprioception - from Latin proprius, meaning "one's own", and perception - one of the human senses. This term is often referred to only for outer limbs but it pertains to our inner topography as well. When we pay attention we can begin to feel our bladders, uteruses, prostate glands, cervixes, many of our organs and other soft tissues. This, in turn, aids visualization and potential healing.

About the Author

Yoga Sex could be the ultimate way for better sex life. visit to know more about Yoga for Sex.

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Ordinary beings and erring Zen Buddhism Spiritualitys

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Ordinary beings (prithagjana) have an uncritical belief in the infinite variety of sensory phenomena in which everything, from a pine tree to a huge galaxy, is believed to be unique and real.  It is a universe of real 'somethings'.  These same beings believe this is fundamentally all there is.  Naturally, they deny an unconditional real essence or ultimate substance (tathatรข) since it would transcend the world they value and believe is real.

On the other hand, Zen Buddhism Spiritualitys err who who reduce the infinite variety of things down to being impermanent, suffering, not the self (รขnatman) while, at the same time, implicitly denying an unconditioned reality which is permanent, blissful, the self, and pure.  Like ordinary beings, they are bound down to the illusory conditions of the world; ever its slave.  It is easy to infer from their literature that these Zen Buddhism Spiritualitys have never realized the true nature of reality which transcends their empty, conditioned world.  They are thoroughgoing pessimists. 

These same Zen Buddhism Spiritualitys go so far as to believe that nirvana occurs when the being composed of the Five Aggregates has gone out!  This, by the way, was the view of Walpola Rahula, a Theravada monk, who wrote the greatly popular book, What the Buddha Taught (the reader can find his strange theory on page 42).  Perish the thought that the Buddha, numberless times, claims that the Five Aggregates are "not my self" (na meso attรข).  We can surmise from the Buddha's words that nirvana is independence from the Five Aggregates, all of which are conditioned, impermanent, and suffering—and certainly not self.  In fact, it is the very self (paccatta) that realizes nirvana as I have proven in other blogs. 


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Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver, Certified Yoga Teachers Training Vancouver Divine Light

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by India Internets

74. yoga practice (advance)

"Like" "Like" "Like" thx thx thx ^^ yoga practice (advance)

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver,Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver,Yoga Studio Vancouver

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by India Internets

Divine Light provides much more than your regular Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver,Yoga Studio Vancouver,Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver,Yoga Teachers Training in Vancouver,Yoga Classes in Vancouver and teacher training program. You will learn about Yoga philosophy, asana, meditation and pranayama. You will also cover human anatomy and physiology even as it pertains to your own body.

Yoga has been gaining immense popularity due to the short-term as well as long-term benefits that it provides. Some studies have suggested that yoga may have a positive effect on learning and memory.

No other organization dives deeper into the scientific literature on it than we do. We are staffed by trained scholars who understand how to evaluate academic literature and determine validity. Unlike others, we devote considerable resources to examining the research literature on it.

It refers to traditional physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines, originating in ancient India,whose goal is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. It is much more than just exercise; it is a way to establish a healthy, vibrant and balanced approach to living.

Learning Yoga will show you that the body and breath are intimately connected with the mind, and how taking a holistic approach to your daily life can bring harmony to all that you do. Its styles vary from flowing, moving forms that demand certain strength levels, to long, slow processes of holding postures steady for periods of time. Through the practice of Yoga, you can develop internal defenses to protect the mind and body.

To be associated with the Divine Light, the right place to energize oneself where we provide Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver. Here, we provide an excellent learning environment. We provide yoga classes, classes to improve your overall level of fitness, and also it is part of a holistic healing program to treat a specific ailment.

You will improve your own level of fitness and build on ! your body of knowledge in the area of yoga through this Yoga Teacher Training inVancouver. You will also be able to help many people in many different situations to improve their own life through the use of it.

It is no longer just for New Age gurus. Practicing yoga offers so many positive benefits for the young and old, that it has become mainstream. We provide various Yoga Teacher Training Certification program through which one can discover the Divine that resides within you.

The Yoga Teacher Training Certifications will not only make you aware of the yoga but it is aspiring enough to go deeper in the practice. Our yoga teacher-training program is one of the most comprehensive in the world. It is also considered to be of the highest standards, with a scope that encompasses Asana and vinyasa, Pranayama, anatomy and physiology, Meditation, yoga philosophy, chanting and spiritual practices.

Also, it is the place where one can easily mould oneself with the environment. We have network with local Yoga teachers and Yoga teacher associations. This will keep you informed and educated about the changes within Yoga. You will also learn about workshops, seminars, retreats, and Yoga camps that are coming to your area.

For more information please visit our website:

About the Author

Nakul Kapur is a senior registered Yoga Teachers and provide Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver , Yoga Teachers Training North Vancouver, Yoga Studio North Vancouver,Yoga Teachers Training in Vancouver,Yoga Classes in Vancouver. For more information about Yoga Visit our website: Divine Light.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Friday Raja Yoga with Sadhu Om

Raja Yoga: Fridays 11am-1pm. The practicing all 8 limbs of yoga is an important part of ones practice. Every class will consist of spiritual talk, pranayama, asana and meditation. This class will also include chanting of Aum and other chants. We will explore ones own potential in their practice and will give the students freedom to take their practice to their own level with variations and modifications. This class will include numerous inversions and more of advanced postures like hanumanasana (splitpose). This Raja Group is a very supportive group where everyone will encourage another to take their practice further. They all believe in being kind to one another. Rule #1: Ahimsa (nonharm, non violence). Advanced beginners - Advanced Practitioners Photographed by Tom Martin at the Samadhi Center for Yoga, 639 E 19th Ave. Denver, CO. The music is by Alanna http

Video Rating: 0 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Meditation and Self Help

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by B. Price

When the days are crazy and hectic, some people find that meditation is one of the best ways to get centered and calm down, and reduce the noise of the day. There are so many advantages that meditating brings for people. First, meditating reduces the amounts of cortisol in the body which is one of the hormones that is produced during stress. Second, it helps boost the immune system and functions of the brain, as well as helping to balance the left and right brain functions because it helps create fresh neural pathways. Third, it helps reduce a variety of emotional issues including depression, fear, and anxiety.

What exactly is meditation? There are a variety of forms of meditation that allows the individual to empty the mind, relax, and concentrate on one specific thing, such as relaxation, or healing, or assorted forms of self help. The most practiced methods of meditation include settling into a comfortable position, generally sitting, and concentrating on something specific, such as a candle flame. Most people find it very difficult at first because the mind is so cluttered with the activities of the day, making it hard to give attention to just one thing and block all other thoughts. Another helpful area is repeating a mantra, such as Om, that also helps focus the mind on a solitary thought. The goal is to achieve a silent mind and be able to control the thoughts. This generally takes a significant amount of practice before the silence is achieved and the thoughts focused.

Once the individual has learned to meditate, there are many areas that meditation is useful for, including building self confidence or self esteem, improving health, solving a problem that has been difficult to resolve, or improving brain function. One of the main beliefs of meditation revolves around the law of attraction; a metaphysical belief that whatever is truly desired can be attained because when one meditates on a specific desire, that meditation helps manifest that desire. The law of attraction requires! positive thinking and one of the best aspects of meditating achieving a positive attitude.

There are also a variety of guided meditations that are geared for a multitude of reasons. These generally have soft music with a soft, calming voice guiding the individual through a variety of settings; such as walking along a quiet beach and hearing little more than the calming of the waves and the distant call of a solitary bird. Once the calm state of clarity of mind is reached, the guided meditation focuses the mind on suggestions such as enhancing self confidence, losing the anxiety or fears, or focusing the body on healing. When these guided meditations are practiced several times each week, they are very successful in altering a behavior, increasing self esteem, or helping increase the healing process.

Meditation is one of the oldest forms of calming the spirit, increasing creativity and problem solving, or simply relaxing the body in order to achieve rest and necessary healing.

About the Author

"A Positive Mind = A Powerful Mind"For more information and guided meditation products please visit my website at

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Meditation for an active lifestyle

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Glen Wood

Stress Relief Tips for Major Financial Issues

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by Billy Nafziger

All over the world today, there's so much pressure to spend and buy more things, we never have enough money. Many people spend just a little more than they earn each month. This creates financial stress in many people's lives, regardless of their economic status.

Your circumstances may require increasing your debt monthly. Perhaps, in this economic recession your working hours have been cut or the sales in your business are down. You get anxious and depressed from paying your bills. You may feel scared and helpless.

Even though you find your present situation dire, visualize thinking like a millionaire, anyway. Overwhelming data is emerging, supporting the fact that a person's thinking must change prior to changing the difficult situation.

Stress relief tips for which thousands of people can testify, will teach you all you need to know to overcome economic stress.

1 Tapping to overcome restrictive beliefs. 2 Brain Wave Technology for mental calmness.

It's our hidden beliefs about our finances that cause anxieties that repells the flow of abundance toward us. Perhaps when you were young you were told the money is evil and on a certain level you hold that belief to be true.

These self-limiting ideas need to be removed so that a new mindset can flower in your consciousness. Once these limiting beliefs are removed, you can begin reprogramming your mind with optimistic affirmations. You'll never be able to hold a new positive mindset as long as your mind is filled with false beliefs.

EFT or tapping changes your mindset, relaxes your body and releases restrictive beliefs that we hold due to past hurts and wounds.

My first experience was watching a video on the internet. It was a easy to follow along and "just do what I do" type of video. I noticed a marked reduction in distress after doing the first five-minute exercise.It seriously only took about five minutes.

When I did it again, new emotions emerged and were released. The result was an emotional! release and purification. I felt lighter and more willing to accept myself. This technique may be the best stress relief tip you'll ever receive.

No matter what stress you're experiencing, the answer lies in the realm of relaxation. However, that's usually much more difficult to actually do. Is it realistic to think that you can relax when you don't have enough cash to pay your bills? Yes, but you most likely need some sort of help.

Brain wave technology will automatically de-stress you by listening to distinctive music. Contained in this music is a secret, barely discernible rhythm that changes the brains anxiety producing state. Stress and anxiety come from a racing brain. As your brain relaxes, so also your body relaxes.

Together these strategies will transform your life to the degree that you use them. Don't go through life struggling and stress out. Help is very near!

About the Author

Billy helps people overcome stress due to financial issues. You can find his Stress Relief Tips and start building your confidence and your finances today.

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90 OCD, Diabetes, How We Have Problems — Faster EFT This video opens the door to understanding how OCD works. Once you discover this key it is easier to understand that you don't have OCD but rather you create OCD from within by your thinking and emotions. You are not broken and YOU CAN CHANGE.Robert is a fast-paced, mind-expanding, motivational person. He will show you how you can set and achieve goals that will enable you to live your dreams with personal and financial freedom. Learn the subconscious mind solutions for success Start your day right with a positive dose of EFT, Freedom at Your Fingertips. Robert teaches skills that facilitate faster • Goal setting • How to live your dreams • Total financial freedom • Personal freedom • Self-esteem • Subconscious mind solutions for success • Prosperity laws of the universe • Self-help motivation • Personal growth & development • Positive thinking • Life success coaching • Stress management • Hypnotherapy • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) • Debt-free no limit lifestyle millionaire Learn to tap away problems with one of Roberts user friendly videos. Robert offers training, courses, seminars & events for: • Weight loss • Stress Reduction • Pain Management • Sales • Business Management Skills • Marketing • Telesales • In-company training & courses Visit the website:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Best Yoga Retreat for You

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT

by wovox

Article by Galiana Retreat

Cool as a Cucumber Gentle Yoga

Cool down with gentle yoga in this weeks Meet me for a Movie Wednesday. Keeping Your Body Happy, Your Mind Clear & Your Heart Full Thank you to freeplaymusic . com and Stephen Akina for "Planetary Motion" and Jonathan Martin Gordon for "Etude Blanc."

Video Rating: 0 / 5

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The Challenge of Gentle Yoga

Posted: 19 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Marc Platters

You have a hectic work schedule and a busy lifestyle? You have opted for yoga that helps you relax and are doing well with it or you are a yoga instructor and enjoy teaching this exercise to a group of students. Gentle Yoga is a sort of challenge to the 'YOGAITES'. Challenge and yoga, two contradictory terms? Right? But yes Gentle yoga is a sort of challenge. Let me tell you what it is and why is it challenging.

Gentle Yoga is a modified version of Hatha Yoga. It aims at bringing back love in to one's mind and body. It brings about and overall awareness in oneself. The movements or poses in Gentle Yoga are such that it relaxes the mind and body and focuses on breath.

Did not get what is the challenge in it? Wait and read more. It sounds boring to many. Yes, this is the challenge. Many people also feel that it a sheer waste of time. The most sports loving and athletic person would also find Gentle yoga as a challenge to mind and body.

Mental challenge of Gentle Yoga:

Usually there is a myth about this form of yoga. The myth says that this yoga is for the weaker people. Those who cannot take up tough physical exercise or poses practice yoga. The oversized people as well who find it difficult to practice any moves will opt for this yoga. This myth is a mental challenge to the people. They think yoga is not for them and cannot accept this form of exercise.

Many feel that this form of exercise, will help the physically weak persons to gain mental and physical strength. It is believed that if you do not indulge in a poses that make you sweat hard like 'surya namaskars' you aren't doing yoga, you are just meditating.

Lanita Varshell, a pioneer of Gentle Yoga has put forth her thought to help clear these myths. It helps you add some moderate moves and restorative exercise to your yoga schedule. You also need to conserve and generate energy within yourself, gentle yoga helps your to do so. After all yoga does not mean just losing weight, it also means relaxing and ! restorin g your lost energies. Lying on the floor and breathing is also yoga.

Indulging into rigorous poses will help you now but if you slow down a little with gentle yoga you can work out even after your 50's. It helps you find happiness and peace within your inner self. It blends the meditation and movements and gives a slightly modified version of hatha practices. It helps you connect to your inner self and this is what yoga actually aims at. You love spending hours at the meditation retreat or yoga retreats and relax your mind? Well if this is what interests you, read about this concept of yoga named as Gentle yoga.

This is the major challenge of gentle yoga. It does not have any physically tough moves but accepting the fact that this form of yoga is for all and not for older, oversized or weaker people is the main challenge.

Think about incorporating this style as well in your daily yoga sessions.

About the Author

Marc Platters is expert in providing information related to Seva and would guide in getting professional yoga teacher training.

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A More Enjoyable Method of Meditation

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Glen Wood

Play Better Golf - Prepare Your Mind, Body, & Spirit

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Janet Strain

Mental Preparedness

If you tend to have a bad case of the Yips on short putts, or if you find yourself so tensed when you step on to the course that the game of golf is more of a torture than a release of tension, you have to do something about it.

The best you can do apart from maintaining a good fitness level and eating nutritious meals is focusing on your mental state. Mental skills once developed and honed can take your body and your game of golf a long way.

Without proper mental preparedness, golfers often find themselves losing concentration at key moments, having their emotions interfere with their performance, and having even the fittest of bodies fail them at crucial periods within the game.

If you take golf lessons, mental preparedness is usually focused on after you have mastered swing techniques.

There are various methods by which you can develop your mind so that it can in turn take your body's performance to new heights. Reducing stress is key. Practicing yoga, meditation, deep relaxation techniques, engaging in exercises such as Pilates, and even listening to and learning to play an instrument are some of them. Yoga

Practicing yoga has numerous benefits such as decreasing anxiety, relaxing the mind, improving alertness and concentration, increasing your ability to judge depth and distance, augmenting the mind/body connection, and overall heightening your sense of well-being. It has also been shown to increase memory capacity and learning.

Of course, it has its physiological benefits too--it increases your energy levels, muscular strength, flexibility, range of motion, posture, and balance. For golfers, the added benefits are that it increases grip strength, which is very important for that proper swing; reaction time--so that you have the added advantage of extra time to adjust your posture, position etc, before that key stroke; and depth perception--so you can masterfully vary the power of your swing.

Besides, yoga focuses also on pro! per breathing techniques, which results in proper oxygenation of the brain, improving your ability to think coherently. Pilates

Pilates is a technique that involves a series of controlled movements that engage both the mind and body. Designed to build your body's core muscle strength and flexibility without building bulk but instead streamlining your body, Pilates is now widely used for rehabilitation purposes as well. The key is that the mind plays an important part in the healing process. For that matter, the mind is all-important for any activity; golf being no exception. Meditation

Rob Nairns explains in his book, "What is Meditation?" that meditation is a highly alert and skillful state of mind.

Yoga practice goes hand in hand with meditation. You are psychologically present with whatever is happening--even though you are going through physical movements, you are concentrating on your breathing, your posture. The same is true of Pilates.

The whole concept of a "mental shift"' really makes sense because neuroscientists have long known that when we meditate, brain activity shifts to different regions of the cortex. The right frontal cortex is the stress-related region and meditation moves brain waves from there to the left frontal cortex, which is the calmer region. This negates the harmful effects of stress or anxiety, or even those down-in-the-dumps feelings. Meditation also reduces activity in the amygdala, which is the fear-processing region of the brain. Relaxation and Other Mind Techniques


Relaxation, which can be accomplished as easily as setting yourself in a calm environment and just letting your mind and body rest can be an effective stress reducer. Imagery

Imagery is the practice of imagining yourself in a situation or accomplishing a task before the event actually takes place. This method can be used as a rehearsal technique before any major event, even if you cannot actually physically rehearse or practice everything.

Top sports ! people in! variably use this technique to visualize their next move, strategies that they can employ in different situations, and as a method to control their actions, even if the actions may not be taken immediately following the visualization. When the events that they have mentally rehearsed actually take place, their response is effective and so natural that it is perceived as habitual.

Sometimes, people have difficulty even mastering the swing. And, most often, all it takes is a mental shift to free your body from the restrictions your mind is imposing on it.

It's always a good idea to also use imagery to pre-experience achievement--imagine yourself swinging the golf club to perfection and hitting every fairway or green. This helps to give you confidence each time to step out on to the golf course.

There are other mind development courses that you can do, which will help to increase your mental acuity, improve visualization, and even improve your eyesight.

Remember, let your mind rule your body!

About the Author

Visit for LPGA news, player profiles, upcoming events,and informative articles.

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Dr. John Vervaeke: Is a Secular Spirituality Possible? Part 1/9

The topic of this lecture will be whether a secular spirituality is possible, and how this spirituality relates to important trends in cognitive science and neuroscience. Dr. John Vervaeke has been teaching at the University of Toronto since 1994. He currently teaches in the cognitive science program, the psychology department, and the Buddhism, psychology and mental health programs. He has won and been nominated for several teaching awards. His research interests are relevance realization, the nature of general intelligence, consciousness, mindfulness, and wisdom. His most recent publication was in October entitled "Relevance Realization and the Emerging Framework in Cognitive Science. " He is currently finishing papers on consciousness, on the nature of general intelligence, and the nature of mindfulness which will all be under review very shortly. A more long term project is his work on wisdom. He is currently working on a book chapter entitled "Personal Wisdom: Enhanced Relevance Realization through rational self-transcendence."

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Your Mind is Your Source of Power

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT

by RubyJi

Article by Anthony Stai

Your mind has the fantastic ability to transform you most intimate desires and wants into their physical counterparts and create brand new realities of your current life. It is an amazing wonder what you mind can conceive of and then using your belief and will power to actually implement.

Are you skeptical? You should be because that also is an important part of your mind. It's the part that relates information to your current reality to determine what to believe and what not to believe. The problem with this mechanism is that it often gets in the way of itself and doesn't allow you to utilize your mind to its fullest.

For example, cancer patients who were given placebo pills (Placebos are often associated with sugar pills that have no medicine) as part of their treatment were able to get well without real medical treatment.

So how did these cancer patients get well?

The power to heal themselves came from their thoughts because they were told that the placebos contained the highest amounts of cancer-fighting medicine available which could cure them in a couple of days.

The cancer patients believed that their medicine would restore their health. Their minds turned their belief into a reality and cured them of their illnesses.

Isn't it amazing how powerful your mind is?

Of course, if your mind can cure cancer patients then all of your dreams should be achievable if you only "set your mind to it."

One of the most effective ways to use your mind for dream realization is to use the "as if" principle.

Using the "as if" principle, you act as if you are the person you want to be. Act as though the things that you want to possess are already in your possession. This isn't necessarily a literal possession that we are talking about but often a figurative possession.

What do you want to be? Do you want to be a doctor, lawyer, newscaster, Olympic athlete? Think, act, and feel like one. By "being" your goal, you'll be much closer to your goal because y! ou are c onstantly in touch with your final objective. Be obsessed with your dream! You can be everything that you want to be.

For this to be effective, you can't just act like you are what you want to be. You have to actually take ACTION. Don't get so lost in this new reality that you forget to take action, because without action your new reality will remain a fantasy. Do what needs to be done and do it today! Let your dreams motivate you to actualize your purpose in your existing reality not just in your head.

There was a weightlifter who was stuck on 300lbs. No matter what he did he couldn't figure out a way to lift more. So, one day his lifting coach decided to trick the lifter. He told the lifter that the bar only had 300 lbs on it. The weightlifter went to the bar and lifted the 300lbs as he had done every day prior. After the successful lift the coach told him that he had just lifted 350 lbs!

It's often true we can do what we think we can't, if we change what's in our heads. There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the prepared mind." It's all in the mind!

In today's world, we're far too preoccupied with our worries, anxieties, and negative emotions. All of that baggage has adversely affected the state of our health, creating stress-induced conditions and diseases.

A famous person once said, "Whenever you think you can or you can't, you're right."

If you think that you are not rich, then you are not. You must recondition your thoughts and beliefs to be positive rather than negative. Many times it is hard to think rich if everything around you truly is poor but that when visualization with a bit of imagination are required.

Visualize your house/apartment to be a mansion, your old car to be new fancy sports car (no speeding), and everything else around you to be exceptional. Use your mind to expand the possibilities of your life into a new reality.

There is no limit to what your mind can achieve by combining belief, will power, and action with positive thinking ! and a po sitive mindset in order to arrive at your dream destination.

About the Author

Anthony Stai is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several self-improvement related topics including positive thinking. You can see more of Anthony's articles on his Self-Improvement Resources informational web site located at

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Q&A - Thich Nhat Hanh - How do we find strength to love ourselve?

During the Q&A of the youth retreat 2010 in Plumvillage Thich Nhat Hanh answered the following question: How do we find strength to love ourselve? The answered covered: With enough curiousity and interest you look into your suffering to understand it, understanding is love, mindfulness concentration insight, 5 Mindfulness trainings path of love, to love oneselve is to love the world

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Unsecured Debt Solutions - How to Negotiate 60% Card Debt Reduction?

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by matt couch

One of the biggest disadvantages with unsecured debt is that lenders often tend to become panicky and jumpy when you talk of debt relief. There are innumerable instances where credit card issuers have simply misinterpreted a statement and have determined that the individual has become high risk candidate.

There have been instances where people have been dragged to the court only to discover that there was no reason to take any legal action against them. In my opinion, credit card issuers often resort to such tactics purposefully to ensure that individuals do not approach them again and again to negotiate debt relief.

However, the truth is that the credit card issuers are as friendly doing negotiations as any other lenders. You just have to know the right things to say and the right approach to make. 9/10 persons walk in to the credit card issuer's office and talk of their problems, their complications, their emergencies and their helplessness.

Trust me, nobody wants to hear a sob story. When you hear these ten times in a day, you will soon begin to feel as if everything is manufactured so that the credit card issuers can be conned to offer debt relief. Hence, sympathy goes out of the window. Credit card issuers are hardened and nothing seems to stop them or stun them into submission.

That is the reason why you should make use of the most profitable perspective when negotiating for debt relief-profit. That is right. You just have to convince the credit card issuer that offering relief to you is going to be a profitable affair for the company. Surprised? I am sure you never thought of this perspective.

This is possible if you indicate the fantastic benefits that the credit card issuer will enjoy if you are prevented from filing for bankruptcy. That is right. This is your second keyword. Focus on profits of the credit card company and the risk of bankruptcy. As on date, you can also make use of the stimulus package offered by the Federal government to secure better debt ! relief.

If you want to get debt relief with zero tension and stress, just employ a professional settlement company to take care of the technicalities. If you choose the right service provider by making use of the World Wide Web, you just have to sign on the dotted line and enjoy 50%-60% debt relief. Monthly repayment will bring your debt down to zero.

If you are over k in unsecured debt it would be financially prudent for you to consider a debt settlement. There are organizations that exist called "Free Debt Relief Networks" that are a great place to start in locating legitimate debt settlement companies in your region. They provide free debt help and know where to locate the top performing debt settlement firms. To get free debt help check out the link below:Free Debt Advicecontact us for free debt advice = 8884442820

About the Author is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal.

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Debt Reduction - Steps To Consolidate Debt

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Darcy Philipp

It is common sense to know that when you have more disbursements, you end up having more debt. today s generation is used to earning an limited income and spending more than that. Credit cards provide many aid but this too ends up as a debt when individuals are incapable to make on-clock payments for it. The more debts you have, the more weighted you will be with life s day to day problems. Why do you think individuals consolidate debt? The key cause is to reduce their monthly payments. People who consolidate debt get the aid of financial establishments such as esteemed banks and apply for a consolidated loan. This is actually a combination of all the loans they have to pay for.

people who consolidate debt prefer this method because a consolidated loan will come with a fixed, small interest rate. This is very diverse from how much an usual lend would need. When you consolidate debt in this style, you d be competent to pay for the debts you asked on your credit cards, student loans, autos, etc.

When you are done with the consolidated debt, your monthly bills will be reduced and you won't be charged for delay payments. Generally, when you consolidate debt over a debt relief company, they will ask you to pay a small set up fee or a monthly fee, which is quite small.

There are numerous benefits when you consolidate debt. These are fundamentally the decrease of monthly payments, convenience of sending a single payment rather of several, and of course the elimination of calls from creditors pressurizing you to pay. When you consolidate debt, you are sure to be free of stress, worry and anxiety leading to all kinds of ailments in the body.

Although there are numerous rewards when you consolidate debt, there are also the disfavours. If you are one of many who suffer from bad credit, opportunities are that you d be charged a higher interest rate. This can also take place when you do not have any collateral. Making delay payments can gamble the loss of your house if you had applied! through a place equity loan.

If you are planning to consolidate debt, you could apply for a consolidation loan online or by calling an esteemed bank or loaner. There can be benefits such as small interest rates if you decide to apply online. When you get consolidation lend to consolidate debt, you are eligible for instant approval of the lend.

About the Author

Being in debt can be difficult and stressful. Discover how to reduce your debts by visiting my website for freedebt reduction information.

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Thoughts on Elevating Your Regular Meditation and Quieting the Babbling Mind

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by John LightHolder

Meditation can have quite a few advantages. Relaxation is one of the most sought after benefits of meditations, on the other hand improved thinking, greater memory are a handful of the other advantages. It is just just recently that scientific studies like the UW-Madison study relating to brain changes induced by meditation, have acquired visibility. This has ushered many individuals who had previously not thought of meditation into being avid mediators. They're many types of meditation: chakra meditation, intentional meditation, breathing awareness, thought awareness etc... All these meditations have one point in common. They all demand a concerted undertaking to guide consciousness upon an item, it is usually an item a chakra, or possibly a thought. This intense concentration of consciousness is at first produced by focusing the mind and feelings on the target of meditation, as one advances they recognize they may be a lot more than the mind and thoughts. Bear in mind, meditation is usually quite difficult. Here are a handful of tips to stack things in your favor and boost your meditation.

The number one headache in all of the meditations is the necessity to silence the human brain. Nearly all individuals upon beginning meditating fully grasp they're the same as a chipmunk on adrenaline and steroids and find it is very troublesome to silence the brain. All of the the random thoughts which dominate the day to day cerebral activity become rather noticeable along with a understanding gradually over time develops. These types of haphazard day to day thoughts in most cases remain present regardless of whether a good deal of attention has been used to still the mind. This is almost similar to these thoughts are being introduced within the human brain. As one explores deeper in to the meditation routine it will become obvious the numerous varieties of temptations. They tend to be the common everyday thoughts, the emotional triggers that could be sensed as pure emotions or thoughts and ofcourse th! ere is t he distractions in the body. From time to time the distraction can be a bothersome fly that has discovered just at what time to get on your nerves.

It's possible to use breathing techniques to slow down the brain. Slow rythmic inhaling and exhaling as well as concentrating on the air flowing quiets the mind and brings in calmness. Avoiding caffeinated drinks is also always effective, should not feed the chipmunk. However, understanding that there exists a few energetic influences which have an impact on the brain and choosing the right resources to remove them can be quite helpful. During a typical meditation after a long days work, the thoughts typically change between instances of peace and thoughts about the regular worries. However, should you go into a large forest with old trees the emotions are more calm despite a long days work. Going to a big forest is a lot like going into an ocean of peace, here the inner storms are rapidly ushered to rest. Another approach may be to head over to the peak of a mountain, at increased elevations the thick thought forms of human beings are thinned like with our pollution. This is the reason quite a few people delight in hiking mountains or going across mountain ranges, most of these trips are overflowing with such an abundance of peace. People quite often embark upon these excursions and come back renewed men. They will generally talk about how there thoughts were so clear. An additional approach requires you to utilize energy healing techniques to enrich the energy inside the room. In the practice of meditation we try to attain the same clarity within the fog of our towns mental pollution.

About the Author

I am dedicated in my pursuit of spiritual knowledge and understanding. I have pursued many schools of knowledge. I am currently focused on the use of science to enhance spirituality. I am also interested in free energy and the relationship between many free energy devices and the aether.

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How Massage Therapy Can Reduce Stress

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Ronnie Tanner

In today's busy world, it is easy to become overly stressed about your career, finances, family, and any number of other concerns. The pressures of daily life can have adverse affects on a person's mood and stress level. This can result in them being short tempered and irritable, depressed, or anxious. It can induce a loss of appetite or cause them to overindulge in 'comfort foods'. Stress can even cause physical problems, ranging from skin rashes to serious head and back aches! There are several ways that a person can help to reduce their stress level, and one of the best ways is through massage therapy.

Massage therapy is an ancient form of relaxation that is still used in modern times. It involves the therapeutic manipulation of muscles, tendons, and joints, and a massage therapist will often use their hands, fingers, elbows, and forearms to apply pressure to various parts of the subjects' body.Therapeutic massage is commonly performed with the subject lying flat on a specially designed massage table, or sitting in a massage chair. A massage table is usually used in a private setting, while a chair is more portable, and is therefore more often seen in a 'public' setting, such as corporate offices and shopping malls. A massage patient will often remove some or all of their clothing prior to treatment on a massage table, and will often be covered with a towel or sheet for modesty.This type of treatment can have a lasting, positive effect on the body when used regularly, and can give immediate benefits after only one treatment. Immediate benefits include partial alleviation of headaches and backaches, reduction of high blood pressure, and a reduction of overall stress levels. More long term effects, such as promoting better sleep cycles, as well as a reduction of depression and anxiety, can be seen after repeated treatment sessions.

About the Author

Ronnie Tanner is a contributing writer at Blue Cliff Career College. He writes about Massage Therapy and other industry specific topics.

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Deep Field Relaxation - Clif Sanderson

Deep Field Relaxation - going beyond mind limitations, dealing with confusion and anxiety, relaxation technique. Welcome to Deep Field Relaxation® (DFR™), the natural healing process giving hope! It is not only the way to heal your body, but the mind and the heart. It works perfectly even on animals and plants, and is good for all sentient beings alike! DFR is a process of suspending the mind and going into the silence, a quiet Space where natural forces allow appropriate changes to take place. It is a ground-breaking healing approach which takes us beyond illness and limitations of the human mind. DFR is a synthesis of traditional wisdom from many cultures and scientific ideas about intention, energy, information and transformation of consciousness. But more than that -- it is a way of living life in accordance with the laws of Nature -- being calm, relaxed and always finding inner Joy. Deep Field Relaxation is also a set of mind tools which allows you in a quantum moment to access the amazing, proven state of deep relaxation. It was founded by Clif Sanderson more than thirty years ago and has been practiced in more than 20 countries. Clif has taught DFR in medical colleges, private clinics and to wider audiences.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Babbling about God like a baby: what else can we do?

Posted: 18 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Recently a comment conversation on one of this blog's posts brought up "babbling." Someone used the word to describe another commenter who was describing how God, spirituality, and such seemed to her.

She didn't like being called a babbler.

But I don't see this as an insult, at least not when what's being babbled about, such as God or the supernatural, is purely personal -- subjective, intuitive, emotional, experiential, non-symbolic. 

Babies babble.

Babbling is the first sign of human language. These vocalizations do not generally contain meaning or refer to anything specific.

People who have had an ineffable experience of something that seems spiritual also babble. There are many varieties of babbling, of course. The Buddha supposedly held up a flower. Did he have a point to get across? Nobody knows. Sounds like spiritual babbling to me.

Mystics often resort to poetry when they try to describe what can't be described. Poetry is a form of adult babbling that directs our attention to what can be felt, yet not tied down in words. 

Wow! Far out! Unbelievable! I'm speechless! Mind-blowing! 

Once we grow into word-using beings, forsaking concept-less baby babbling, we're less prone to express our wonderment at what the world offers with meaningless sounds. So we substitute words that don't really convey any meaning to others other than "I'm incapable of conveying any meaning."

This is how I feel when I read or hear descriptions of someone's spiritual experience.

I have little or no idea what they're talking about, because I'm not them. Likewise, if I tried to describe an experience that was deeply meaningful to me, yet was purely subjective (or at least didn't involve any objectively observable entities), other people would react as if I was speaking about a dream.

In this case "You had to be there (inside my head)" is the only response to "I don't understand what you're trying to say."

Dreams, though, are more describable than visions of God or any other supposed supernatural reality. If a dream is based on worldly people, objects, and events, we can find words which come close to validly conveying the essence of our subjective experience.

But most religious believers view God as other-worldly, beyond description, transcending reason.

OK. I'm fine with someone claiming to have had an experience of God which can't be put into words. If they want to simply ooh and ah as a babbling baby would, I'll view their meaningless vocalizations just as positively as I do an infant's coo'ing. 

So cute! Delightful! 

It's natural to express ourselves when an intense experience causes us to feel joy, love, pleasure, awe, or some other overflowing emotion (of course, the feeling also could also be despair, hate, pain, apathy).

Thus babbling away about God if you've experienced something that strikes you as Godly... go for it. Just realize that what seemed so real to you won't be perceived the same way by others. 

This is the nature of personal experiences. They're personal.

Babies don't worry if anyone else agrees with their babbling. They just babble away. Naturally, unself-consciously, uncontrollably. LIkewise, I love listening to spiritually-minded people who don't care at all whether anyone else agrees with them. They say what they say because they feel like saying it.

Take it or leave it; both are equally fine to a babbler.

Such is my advice to those who leave comments on this blog. Say how you feel. Just don't expect anyone else to agree with you or even understand what you're trying to convey. And if they call you a babbler, respond with thank you!

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