Lower Stress Equals Lower Blood Pressure - Give Yourself A Break
Lower Stress Equals Lower Blood Pressure - Give Yourself A Break |
- Lower Stress Equals Lower Blood Pressure - Give Yourself A Break
- Yoga Body Fitness in a Stressful World
- Learn Various Yoga Positions to Improve Your Health
- Get to Learn Free Yoga for Children
- Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 8/23/2012
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Lower Stress Equals Lower Blood Pressure - Give Yourself A Break Posted: 23 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Rachel Willson You probably already know that stress is a major contributor to high blood pressure. But do you know how it impacts not just your blood pressure, but other body systems as well? Stress is a natural and necessary body response. When we perceive a threat, our hypothalamus located at the base of the brain, sends a signal to the adrenal glands to start kicking out adrenalin and cortisol. These hormones get the body ready for fight or flight by increasing blood pressure by constricting blood vessels, increasing heart and lung rates to get oxygen and nutrients to muscles and generally putting our body on high alert. Now this was a really necessary response when man first showed up on the scene and was as likely to be eaten as he was to eat. It's obviously still an important system to keep us ready for today's physical threats as well. But today, most of our threats are perceived threats. Maybe it's stress from the job, financial problems or just the commute home; in any case, the body has hormones working that are not needed as we are not facing a physical threat. Normally the body will self adjust after the threat passes. However, when stress becomes an all the time part of our life; then the threat never passes and the body will continue producing stress hormones. Aside from high blood pressure, stress will also cause a reduction in effectiveness of other body functions like digestion and immune system as they are not seen as essential to fight or flight. You can see how a prolonged perceived threat, or stress, can create other problems like digestive disorders and a higher susceptibility to illness. So how can we manage this stress? Exercise and sleep are the two most effective methods of reducing the stress hormones that linger in the body due to perceived threats. Unfortunately, many of us can't get sufficient sleep or find the time to exercise. Avoiding stress generating conditions is another stress management technique! but how do you avoid your job or the commute to it, or your kids or any of the other stressors in your life? The perceived threat is created in our minds and that's the first place you have to look to find the fix. If you can train your mind to view the threat for what it actually is rather that what is perceived, you can take the "fear" out of stress and stop the fight or flight response. This doesn't change the cause of the stress, if your commute is slow it's slow, it simply allows you to understand what it is and what can be done to deal with it ie leave sooner or take a different route. Now you view it as a challenge rather than a threat. Easier said than done. Particularly if you are already really stressed out. There is one school of thought that initially looks a little "new age" but is actually over 100 years old. When the brain perceives fear or anxiety or calm or alertness or any of a number of emotions, it gives off a specific electrical response or "wave" These waves can be measured via EEG and their wave length determined. The trick then is to understand what wave length is associated with relaxation or sleep or whatever condition you desire and get your brain to start humming that tune. One way of doing this is by introducing tones that are near the desired wave length into the brain via the ears. A system called binaural beats is used via stereo headphones to introduce tones into each ear. The idea is the brain will vibrate at the same desired wave length as the binaural tones. Consequently, if the binaural tones are the same as the brain would give off in a relaxed state, then the brain will be "entrained" to give off that wave length and relax the body. This certainly isn't a new concept. Some music can be relaxing as can some natural sounds like rain or waves on a beach. The difference here is that the tones are designed to a specific wave length to stimulate a specific response. So to recap; if you can find a way to remove or avoid ! stress do! it. Find some time to exercise each day even if it's only 30 minutes. This will burn off stress hormones and release feel good endorphins. Get some sleep. If you're having trouble sleeping or just being able to relax, try the binaural system and see how it works for you. Eliminating stress will do wonders for your high blood press About the AuthorStressed out right now? If you have 10 minutes and a set of stereo headphones go to http://brainwavesymphony.blogspot.com and watch a free binaural beat video that will leave you amazingly relaxed and fresh! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Yoga Body Fitness in a Stressful World Posted: 23 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Roberto Sedycias There is a continuing rise in disease and sickness in today`s fast paced, stressful world. Many are turning to alternative treatments to aid in healing and reduction of such conditions. One of the most effective of these is yoga body fitness. Stretching and breathing are two of the main components of this practice, and the resulting flexibility and calming effects are quite helpful in dropping the harmful effects of stress and environmental toxins. Yoga is great in achieving overall balance in mind, body and spirit. Yoga began in the ancient East 5000 years ago, and it was coined from the Sanskrit `yug`, which means to join. Harmony of body and mind systems is created by utilizing various poses. These include pranyamas, mudras, shatkarmas, meditation, asanas, and bandhas. One goal of yoga has always been to enable the user to gain access to the universal consciousness. The body must be balanced also in order for this to occur. Stress and worry can then be easily shaken off. Deep breathing takes on a whole new meaning when practicing yoga. More and more different types of people are turning to this practice as a means to achieve health that no other method has offered. Many illnesses and pain issues have been helped and even eliminated when using yoga body fitness. Of course, practitioners may not make this claim, but many studies have proven yoga`s effectiveness in this regard. This is also a welcome change to adding further medications to health issues. A lot of medications create conditions other than the one that needs treatment, and people on multiple medications can acquire completely new diseases from the reactions of all the drugs together. A list of other yoga benefits follows: 1. Increased energy and stamina. 2. Overall body fitness and health are maximized. 3. The bodily systems are helped (digestive, circulatory, immune, nervous). 4. Abdominal muscles are toned, and the stomach is flattened. 5. Sexual fitness and virility are enhanced. !6 Toning of many muscles occurs (shoulders, abs, arms, legs, chest, buttocks). 7. Achieving relief and sometimes cure of some illnesses (hypertension, heart disease, sexual issues, diabetes). Obesity is an ever-growing problem worldwide. Yoga results in weight loss and maintaining that loss. The body is also shaped and toned in ways that most other exercise regimens cannot accomplish. Yoga body fitness instructors make note of the increasing popularity of the practice; many say that it will only amplify. Another reason for this is because yoga causes people to feel better mentally and emotionally, as well as the previous mentioned benefits. Anxiety and nervousness can be reduced by using yoga. The necessary energy to accomplish mind and bodily tasks is improved when doing yoga. Aching muscles and joints feel relief from pain and soothing benefits as well. Finding a yoga body fitness class is easier than ever before. Most gyms have several yoga class options and times, and there are even businesses devoted solely to the practice of yoga. Most YMCAs and community recreation centers offer yoga classes as well. Also, due to the current economic situation, most YMCAs have reduced joining fees, offer financial assistance, and allow people to join for free in some cases. This is to encourage people to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle regimen, without worrying about the cost. All of these types of providers will only employ certified yoga instructors or yogis who have been personally practicing for years. Safety is a factor when beginning yoga; skill and flexibility must be increased gradually to prevent soreness or injury. Yoga body fitness can be explored and begun quite simply, and it can be the answer to many present day ailments. About the AuthorYou can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page Health Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Relaxation Meditation Sunset Over the Ocean HawaiiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Learn Various Yoga Positions to Improve Your Health Posted: 23 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Patresia Adams Yoga is inherited from the Indian sub continent and now spread all across the world. Today, more and more people are joining yoga classes in order to learn basic yoga positions that practice regularly. It has emerged as a natural way to achieve formal fitness and ward off stress. Another reason behind this move is the complexity of life that restricts people from doing any kind of physical exercise due to unavailability of time. In such cases, yoga is found to be more effective in treating various ailments naturally. Yoga positions include some breathing and sitting exercises that provide numerous health benefits in certain conditions. Although there are various yoga positions to start with, but I would suggest to consult a yoga practitioner in order to learn those yoga positions that are specific to your health condition. Some basic yoga positions include: Seated Yoga Position - Seated yoga positions often put their focus on learning disciplined breathing techniques. Under these positions, a person sit cross legged in an erect position and learn to control their diaphragm and let their breathing process work for them. Standing Yoga Position - Standing yoga positions concentrate on enhancing the flexibility and spinal alignment as well as making the use of breathing techniques. Supine Yoga Position - This yoga position lengthens and strengthens the spinal column thus energizing parts of the back. Belly Down Yoga Position - This yoga position focus on abs and upper body strength. In this position, people lift themselves from the ground and perform a series of stretch positions in a fluid motion. Twisting Yoga Position - This posture is focused primarily on stretching the body, especially the spinal column. Balancing Yoga Position - It improves the flexibility and strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Keep yourself in this position for a longer period of time results in improved flexibility. Divine Wellness is a leading name in online he! alth portals. Divine Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners can meet and discuss about various yoga positions online. To know more about their online yoga positions and natural remedies thyroid visit divinewellness.com Visit our website for more information on Yoga positions, Natural remedies thyroid and Health yoga. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Get to Learn Free Yoga for Children Posted: 23 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Patresia Adams Today, most of the parents pay close attention to their child's health. This is because of the increased load of competition on them. In order to make their children healthy and fit, parents get them learn various trainings about life and health. Yoga is found to be very helpful in making the children strong enough to handle any type of competition at educational level or sports level. Yoga is an ancient practice of bringing into harmony between your mind and body. It aims at establishing coordination among mind, body and soul. In today's cut throat competition, children need yoga the most. They come across different sets of issues that involve much complexity and yoga is a powerful medium to handle such issues comfortably. There are numerous yoga classes organizers that organize free yoga for children through various online and offline yoga classes. Yoga is also found to be very helpful in developing an insight into child's mind and instigate a new set of energies to make him or her capable in dealing with different levels of competition. While choosing free yoga class for your children, it is important to find out the level of experience the yoga instructor has in terms of teaching yoga to children. Ultimately it will help you children to establish a cordial relationship with the yoga instructor to get to know more about different yoga poses and postures. A good yoga instructor will always help your children to learn yoga poses that are specifically designed to make him or her more strong and intelligent. Many people feel that doing yoga exercises put more load on children but it is important to mention here that there are some set of exercises that can be easily performed by children. If you are looking for free yoga for children, Divine Wellness is a leading health portal provides resourceful information on various yoga poses and postures online yoga for kids. Visit our website for more information on Free yoga for children, Health yoga and Kriya yoga. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Invigorate Yourself - YogaLifeEtc Professional Online Yoga VideosThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 8/23/2012 Posted: 23 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT ![]() "Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that - thoughts." ~Allan Lokos | ||
Ashtanga Yoga Retreat is Fascinating and Worthy Posted: 23 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Yap Shirley If you uncover that getting employed in a decent work is proving to be a bit of a difficulty for you, why not contemplate visiting an Ashtanga yoga exercise retreat to acquire certified in yoga exercise guidelines since this is the kind of job that has vast potential. Very good yoga instructors are at a premium. Besides you may also get to enjoy your time at an yoga retreat learning the ropes and then get far more satisfaction in providing guidance to others who want to study about Ashtanga yoga exercise. All you may have to do is enter an Ashtanga yoga retreat and look to get simple certification in yoga, that is going to be adequate to build you going and ensure that you just grow to be competent enough to offer basic directions inside the simple techniques of yoga which are applied in various forms of yoga exercise which includes in Ashtanga yoga and Hatha yoga. It will assist you to acquire your foot inside the door and to also start to get a steady stream of clientele that may perhaps lead to your starting your own yoga studio. You'll find no doubts about the exciting possibilities awaiting an Ashtanga yoga instructor and with an opportunity to grow to be certified at the yoga exercise retreat you'll certainly locate that you can have a much better chance to explore and benefit from the many new opportunities coming your way. There are numerous Ashtanga yoga retreats located in all parts from the world which includes in Mexico and Thailand where you can go so as to discover to grow to be an Ashtanga teacher. Some of these Ashtanga yoga retreats are situated in idyllic surroundings that only add to the charm of studying to teach the yoga. Life at an Ashtanga yoga retreat will typically begin with performing Self-Practice after which you will be free of charge to explore the surroundings both within and without the yoga retreat. To be sure, once you enter an Ashtanga yoga retreat your focus will be centered only on this form of yoga exercise and by practicing it diligently you! might s oon get to understand the essentials of the yoga exercise. So you must do everything that is essential as a way to turn out to be a useful member with the yoga community. Energy yoga is an additional way by which Ashtanga yoga is known as and its main focus is on the core and middle part in the body, which is where it truly is believed that the body draws and gets its energy. Energy yoga exercise also has come to be quite well-known and it can be especially helpful for those who wish to strengthen the muscles in their abdomen and to also boast of an upright posture. About the AuthorChloe Walker has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in fleet maintenance softwarereview about fleet maintenance management software. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 23 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT This short video accompanied the article we featured on Tinicum Art and Science, which is a private Buddhist high school in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Read More @ Source | ||
Can Infertility Stress Be The Reason You Are Not Getting Pregnant? Posted: 23 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Joan William You keep trying and trying, but no success. You want a child so much, but now realize it's not that easy, at least for you two. Maybe you will never have children of your own you think. Why us? Why me? What are we going to do? Why are we infertile? Am I stressed because we can't get pregnant or are we not getting pregnant because we are so stressed? OK, let's address this to determine what is the cause and effect here and if infertility stress is the culprit. The fact is, there is a circuitous issue here, and the infertility and stress correlation is not well documented or really understood. It should be obvious, and several can attest to the fact, that the diagnosis of, or maybe even the idea of, infertility, will adversely affect a couple's stress level. Thinking, or learning, that you cannot have children will certainly generate all kinds of emotions. On the other hand, will stress actually inhibit your ability to get pregnant? Well, we know that stress directly affects both physical as well as psychological aspects of a normal person. It possibly results in changes in the body's chemical and neurological systems. Of course, this could directly impact all kinds of body functions, including egg production, sperm count, tube spasms, and erectile dysfunction. Also it may disrupt the normal menstrual cycle as well as affect the hypothalamus, which triggers certain sex hormone production. And how about this; stress may result in over production of prolactin from the pituitary, which can lead to ovulation problems. So, yes, some professionals proclaim that stress is indeed a factor in causing infertility. They believe that the body and mind are so interconnected, that it is normal for emotions, including stress, to negatively influence fertility. For example, it is known that some men experience a reduction in libido with an increase of stress, which may result in sexual disinterest. Likewise, some women relate overeating to increased stress, leading to hormone dysfunctions and in t! urn, ovu lation irregularities. An ongoing downward spiral can sometimes result just from the anxiety of all the issues surrounding infertility, leading to further stress for both involved, and possibly additional anxiety, and so it goes. Family pressures, financial issues, marital strains and sexuality concerns can all contribute to this cycle. There is no question in all this, however, that an infertility diagnosis can release extreme emotions for either partner and result in high stress levels. So infertility causing stress is easier to evaluate and is well documented. Almost half of the females diagnosed with infertility experience significant depression and anxiety, leading to further stress. This is similar to women facing heart problems or cancer, and can be debilitating. Once learning of pregnancy problems, stress levels rise further as treatment options, success rates and costs are disclosed. Many couples feel helpless and a loss of control in achieving their dream of parenthood. If you feel infertility stress is overwhelming your life, you may find solace in a support group locally, or possibly online. Your treatment clinic can directly assist and guide you in handling some of the psychological issues, or help you find a support group. If that doesn't seem to help, professional counseling for either or both partner is possible. If there is extreme distress, mental health experts can be of assistance. Understand that most couples that face infertility, overcome and have children. Approximately 2/3 of those under treatment eventually have a child. That potential alone should put you in a more positive realm, reduce your stress and give you renewed hope. About the AuthorJoan William has written extensively on a variety of health issues including infertility and pregnancy. For additional information and useful tips take a look at infertility stress, and for other helpful subjects, visit http://www.infertilityvictory.com . Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Meditation in the classroom, the new approach to ‘emotional learning’ Posted: 23 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
Richard Handler, CBC News: As kids head back to school in September, some will find their teachers focusing not just on developing their intellects but also their "mental brawn," to help adolescent brains cope better with today's digitalized world. It seems that as our modern-day culture grows more frenzied, some schools at least are trying to redesign education so kids can be better equipped to function amid the constant bombardment of media messages and gadgets with all their maddening stimuli. Already students from kindergarten to Grade 8 in Vancouver, and in nearly 175 schools in … Read the original article » Read More @ Source | ||
Best Nibbles For weight reduction Posted: 23 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Mabel Ivory There is a general idea that chewing is the main cause of the problem of weight gain. it's not the case. It all been noted that all the snacks may not necessarily lead to an increase in weight. For this it is vital to select only the appropriate nibbles. Let's have a look at some of the nibbles that are good to taste and also a healthy option in context of your weight reduction regime. Yogurt is another low calorie snack that you can count on if you are trying to shift kilos. make sure that you go in for low fat yogurt only. Sweetened yogurt should be evaded. Now chop some fruits and add to the yogurt. In addition, you can even add a dash of salt and salt. And a healthy yet delicious snack is prepared. If you are the ones who who like eating puddings as snacks then strawberries dipped in dark chocolate could be a great weight reduction break for you. Strawberries are low calorie-wise and a superb source of antioxidants, which make a contribution to weight loss. Besides, dark chocolate when eaten in moderation is good for your heart. Sprouts make up the dish du jour for people on a diet. They are healthy, low calorie and make you feel full. To make them a touch more interesting, you can try and mix 2 or more legumes together and then spice it up with seasoning and lemon juice. Otherwise, you could chop onions legumes together and add it up with seasoning Celery and peanut butter are also good snack foods for those willing to lose weight. Peanut butter particularly, is a brilliant source of monosaturated fats which can help weight reduction. Celery is even more fit when you select the more crunchy sticks rather than the creamy ones. What's more, a single serving of peanut butter and celery does not produce anything more then 150 calories. You will have all these healthy nibbles to your heart's desire to chill your taste buds. In the process you need not stress about gaining weight. It's essential to understand that these healthy snacks are of great help solely in puttin! g a stop on further weight gain. However, If you suspect that it will help you to get rid of the present weight of yours; you are mistaken. If you really need to shed weight, you should try and design a suitable weight loss plan with equal stress on diet and diet. You might also include weight loss pills within your diet as a means of losing pounds quicker. But, Make sure that you go in for only natural weight loss pills like Caralluma Burn Appetite suppressant. You can check Caralluma buyer testimonials to grasp the purchaser's opinion of the product. If you would like to keep the problem of weight gain miles away from you; it is advisable to consume these healthy snacks. More you incorporate healthy nibbling in to your routine; more is your probability of losing weight. About the AuthorTo know more about Caralluma Burn and Caralluma Burn Review visit: http://www.carallumaburn.us/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 23 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT
At Tinicum Art & Science [Ottsville, PA], high school students are learning to focus their minds, erase life's anxieties and tap into their creativity before classroom instruction can begin. All classes and activities at the private, religious school are centered around the dojo, a room for meditation and martial arts that contains a shrine to Buddha. Students begin each school day in silence as they sit in quiet reflection in the dojo, preparing themselves for … Read the original article » Read More @ Source | ||
Credit Card Help - How to Minimize Credit Card Debt With a Professional Debt Reduction Program Posted: 23 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Erik stump It has been a human tendency that we never realize the importance of things until they start slipping out of hand. The same applies to credit cards as well. We enjoy the freedom, use the extended boundaries and neglect the conditions of repayment until we land up with huge bills. If you have a similar story and find it hard to handle the repayment commitments, take the help of credit card debt relief programs. Though these programs have been quite successful, but statistics show that many people are not quite aware of these programs work and the facilities available in it. For those, here is a brief introduction and some facts about them: 1. These programs are a temporary relief you get off your debt. They not only help you eliminate your debt without much stress, you will also be able to rebuild your lost economic balance. 2. You don't have fear of losing credit ratings which serve as one of the most important facts of credit card debt help. Your credit rating will slip a little when you settle your debt but it is nowhere near as bad as bankruptcy. 3. These programs accumulate all your outstanding amounts and the offer you a revised repayment strategy where not only the principal amount is reduced, even the repayment period is stretched. This allows you to relax a bit and recover easily. 4. The interest rates are also quite low which further allows keeping the balance between regular expenses and bills repayment. 5. When you are considering debts of credit cards, the most important secret lies in choosing the best available and compatible relief program. There are a lot of programs available with different options, but the real challenge comes while selecting one among them. Make sure that you are aware of all conditions mentioned in them and all possible terms are addressed properly. 6. There are few hidden facts and conditions that you should dig out. You don't have anyone to blame, once you land up in hands of a fake company or fake relief program. Finally, you do have a goo! d chance to get out of credit card debt with a legitimate reduction program. However the selection of a proper relief program and proper planned execution of the program is more important if you want total elimination of your debt. It would be wise to not go directly to a debt settlement company but rather first visit a debt relief network. The top debt relief networks only allow debt settlement companies into their accredited organizations that prove a track record of successfully negotiating debts and have also been certified. They are free to use and offer helpful debt relief advice. Free Debt Advice About the Authorfreedebtsettlementsolutions.com is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal. http://www.freedebtsettlementsolutions.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Anger Management TechniquesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 23 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT If we imagine that the consciousness which interfaces with our human body is transparent like clear glass then this consciousness, unknowingly, automatically identifies itself with the human body and its passions. It has no idea that its own body is purely spiritual (this is the manomaya body, a subject found both in the Pali Nikayas and Mahayana Sutras). Making this blind interfacing more vexing is our addiction to the pleasures of the human body. The extreme addiction of this blindness leads to materialism. Such a spiritual body is vehemently denied. Switching gears, as we might expect there is a marked difference between those who pass away addicted to the human body and those who have connected with the spiritual body.
We can surmise from this that desire for the human body has, more or less, a blinding effect on consciousness, itself, which cannot detect an incorporeal body. Suffering, thus, arises as a result of such desire which has riveted consciousness to the human body, or the same, the nรขmarรปpa (the 4th link of the Twelve Fetters/dvรขdasha-nidรขna). As we might guess this leads to the enormous problem of rebirth.
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Is There a Correlation Between Hair Loss and Stress? You Should Learn to Control Both Posted: 23 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by John Farikani Many people will wonder do hair loss and stress have anything to do with each other. It has come up in many situations for people in the pass and will in the future. Men and women alike will suffer from hair loss and stress. Women who've just given child birth will at times notice hair reduction. As will men and women who are going such things as divorces, deaths in the family, or the loss of a job. Though they may have already been losing hair, it is first noticed at the high stress point in their life. But that's not always the case, because when you have a lot of stress it can produce chemicals. Those may send signals to hair follicles and the follicles may enter into a resting phase. As that happens you will still continue to lose the normal amount of hair that you do during the day. However, since no hair is being grown anew, you will notice you have less hair. Normally after you've gotten through that time in your life the hair will start to grow again. It will be a time period that you may be worrying about your thinning hair. But soon it will get better. When you are noticing hair loss and stress you should work on controlling the stress. Yes at times that is much easier said than done. But in order to stop those chemicals from sending those signals to the follicles you should try and relax more often. If you find yourself stressed out for a long amount of time, the hair may not grow for a while. The more stress you are under it is easy to see how the more hair loss you can experience. So fight hair loss and stress by trying to relax more often. About the AuthorAre you looking for the best Hair Loss and Stress cure? Visit http://www.baldness-prevention.com today for more information! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
'Brain-Eating Amoeba' Infections Prompts Warning About Neti Pots Posted: 23 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT
Two cases of people in Louisiana who died after contracting "brain-eating amoeba" infections from their own household water systems are prompting health officials to warn about a popular home remedy for treating sinus problems and allergies. People who use neti pots to irrigate their nasal passages and sinuses should use only water that has been boiled, filtered or distilled, said the researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who investigated the unrelated cases, which occurred months apart in 2011 in different parts of Louisiana. The cases are the first evidence reported in the U.S. of municipal, disinfected tap water used in nasal irrigation causing infections of Naegleria fowleri, as the amoebas are properly called. The infections which pass into the brain from the nose are almost always deadly, with only one report of a survivor ever documented in the U.S., according to the CDC. "It's a tragic infection," said researcher Jonathan Yoder, coordinator of waterborne diseases and outbreak surveillance at the CDC. However, infections with the organisms in general, and those stemming from household tap water in particular, are exceedingly rare. "We don't know that there's a big risk from this — most cases occur from swimming in warm, fresh water," Yoder said. In fact, of the 32 N. fowleri cases reported in the U.S. between 2002 and 2011, 28 people were infected by contaminated recreational water activities, such as swimming in lakes or rivers, and two were infected by water from a contaminated geothermal source. In the Louisiana cases, the researchers' investigation into the source of the infections could not solve the mystery of how the amoebas entered the water in the homes, Yoder said. "We tested the water mains outside the homes, the water treatment plants, water towers — the organisms were not anywhere," he said. The typical ways that municipal drinking water is treated, with filtration and chlorination, are very effective at killing disease-causing organisms, he said. However, it remains possible that some organisms survived, he said. "We just don't have any evidence of how they got in there." In the case of the 28-year-old man in southern Louisiana who died, the amoebas were found in a tankless water heater in the home. N. fowleri were also found in the bathroom sink faucet and tub faucet in the home of the 51-year-old woman in the northern part of the state who died, according to the report. Infections have only been known to occur in cases in where water is forced up the nose, Yoder said. There have not been any cases where people contracted the infections by bathing or showering, and "there is certainly not a risk with drinking water," he said. Both people who died had regularly used neti pots, according to the report. The pots come with packets of salt and instructions to dissolve the salt in water before using the pot to pour the solution into the nasal passages. During their investigation, the CDC researchers tested salt water prepared according to the neti pot instructions to see whether N. fowleri could survive in the salinity (the organisms are naturally found only in fresh water, not in salt water). The researchers found that the amoebas survived in the salt water longer than four hours — a far longer time than neti pot users would likely wait between dissolving the salt and using the pot, Yoder said. The finding shows that users should not rely on the salt packets as "a disinfection step," he told MyHealthNewsDaily. People should purchase water that is labeled as distilled or sterile, or boil water for at least one minute in order to kill any organisms, he said. The researchers report of their investigation of the cases is published today (Aug. 23) in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. Pass it on: Neti pot users should use only sterile water, which has been boiled, distilled or filtered, the CDC says. FollowMyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Stress Chest Pain - Benefits of Relaxation Posted: 23 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Michael Gerrard Stress chest pain is a very scary thing to experience. You may feel like you are having a heart attack. Almost always it is a result of a build up of stress. One of the main benefits of relaxation is the reduction of your stress levels and that will relieve you of that tightness in your chest. Interestingly enough, when stress and anxiety bring about the feeling of having a heart attack that creates more stress and everything spirals. Breathing properly is something I cannot emphasize enough. When you get stressed often it develops into anxiety or worse, a full blown panic attack. The main reason is because when we stress our breathing tends to become short. Focus on taking slow deep breaths and exhaling slowly over a couple of minutes. Consider this a stress relief exercise.Extreme anxiousness leading to severe stress chest pain can cause dizziness. Although dizziness is usually brought on by shock of some sort, this shock can easily lead to overwhelming stress bringing about that light headed sensation.Chronic or prolonged stress causes you to concentrate on only the part of your life that is causing you to have symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. You forget about everything else and throw all your energy into what is troubling you and this leads to more stress chest pain. A vicious circle to say the least.Achieving balance in your life is very important. It is another one of those benefits of relaxation. This balance between mind and body involves you making a conscious choice to add emotional value to your mind by using a stress relief exercise to bring calm to your thoughts. The expression What You Resist Persists is so true. Yes, you need to remove yourself from the stressful situation you find yourself in at that moment and find a calmness in your thoughts. That does not mean to focus on fighting against your fears and stress. Your just giving your energy to the negatives and draining yourself of positive energy. ">Here is more great information that will start you on your way to ! a anxiety free life.Michael Gerrard About the AuthorHaving been a life long sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks, I began a journey in 2001 to find a fix. I was looking for a permanent solution that did not involve drugs. I am happy to say I have found that "fix" in a multiple of areas and on a multitude of levels. I am now free of the debilitating situation that gripped me for over 30 years. Michael Gerrard Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Fast And Easy Weight Reduction Tips For You To Become Sexy Again Posted: 23 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Antony Lee In our life, there are a lot of events we will attend. For instance, you may need to attend a wedding soon. There is no doubt that we want to attend these event with full confidence. If you are overweight, you will need to lose weight in a short period of time. You will want to lose pounds easily. As a matter of fact, it is not hard to lose pounds. Yet, understanding the correct ways of losing pounds is a must. Considering some basic tips can already help you a lot. In most cases, you must consider both exercising and diet plans. Here are some tips for you. The first thing you need to understand is that you need to eat healthy foods. You may have heard of diet plans that require you to avoid solid foods. For some other diets, there are some pre-packed foods and you can only eat them. There dieting plans may not be good for your weight loss program. Some people may think that a healthy diet plan will be a boring plan. You will be bored only if you are only required to eat one kind of foods. And it is not easy for one to stick to such a diet plan. As a result, you should try to make sure that you will have different kinds of good foods so that your diet will not be a boring one. It is always important that you choose boiled foods. You have to remember that the choice of cooking method is related to your weight loss plan. You should never have fatty foods. And the method of frying will make the food fatty. As mentioned in the previous parts of this article, you must take a diet plan. You must also have an exercising plan. It is a must for you to perform some aerobic exercises. The intensity of the exercises is very important. Of course you will also consider the duration of it. In most cases, intensive exercises can help you to burn more fat. You will have to do it for 35 minutes each day so that you can really lose pounds. Most people will find it not easy to carry out the exercising routine. It is especially true for the first few weeks. The point here is that yo! u should not go for the most harsh exercising plan when you just start. You can make the exercises a bit more intensive once you have to used to the idea of doing exercises every day. You will feel lonely if you are losing weight on your own. The idea of peer support should always stressed when it comes to pound loss. The chance is that you will have some friends who will also want to get rid of a few pounds. You can ask your friends. You may also go on some online fitness forum to see if there are folks who can do it together with you. About the AuthorThe author writes articles about cheap weight loss pills, foods to speed up metabolism and lose fat in stomach. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Eliminate Your Debt - Find Debt Reduction Companies Posted: 23 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Jiles Masson <div> When you cannot seem to get yourself out of debt, the best option that is available to you is to hire reliable debt reduction companies. Their job is to negotiate with your creditors. In some instances, the settlement company manages to reduce 70 percent of your debt depending on your situation and financial standing. Many people have turned to debt settlement companies for help in getting them out of their financial situation. Being in debt can be a hassle and often result to stress. If you have unsettled bills, collection agencies or the provider itself will call you up to remind you of your unsettled bill. They may even call you up at the office which can cause embarrassment on your part. Sometimes people just consider declaring bankruptcy in order to free themselves from settling the unpaid bill. However, you need to be reminded that doing so might subject you to risks and additional burden on your part. At this point, only debt reduction companies may be the only viable solution to your problem. With debt reduction companies, you provide pertinent documents and information that would help them assess your financial status. They will then recommend a debt management plan and explain the advantages as well as disadvantages of your present situation. On your end, you need to make sure that you provide authentic documents with corresponding proof. Once they have obtained the necessary documents, they will then negotiate with your creditor and work out a suitable deal for you. Chances are, the settlement company may be able to reduce the principal amount and the creditor will close the account and free you from having a bad credit history. On the average, the percentage of reduction may range from 40 - 50 percent but if your case is exceptional, they might be able to reduce your debt by 70 - 80 percent. However, bear in mind that this does not happen always and only those debt reduction companies with a good track record and experience might be able ! to consi derably lower your debts. It is important to look at the integrity and feedback of the settlement company before agreeing to work with them. Likewise, you can only opt for settlement if your unpaid bills have reached more than ,000. Freeing yourself from credit can be achieved with the help of debt reduction companies as long as you know where to find reputable providers. The best way to search for debt reduction companies is through a debt relief network.</div> About the AuthorI have done a bit of research for you. These Government Grant Experts can help you get the grants you deserve by helping you get out of debt fast. You can find out if you qualify for a Government Grant for free! Click here to fill out a short form to save your finances and get out of debt as early as this week! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.MUSIC FOR RELAXING MEDITATION REIKI HEALING 11This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Debt Reduction Strategies For Stress Free Living Posted: 23 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Jiles Masson <div> Debt reduction strategies can provide you with an excellent way to free yourself from the hassle of unpaid bills. But before doing so, there are some things that you need to take care of first as they will give you yearly savings. Here are some tips that on how you can reduce your debt and free yourself from stress. Go For Lower Interest Rates One way to get yourself out of debt is to call your credit card provider and work out a lower interest rate. Do not settle for a negative answer. You can always go for a balance transfer which can be a good move as long as your debts will be reduced and you will no longer spend. Use Cash for Purchasing Credit cards should only be used for emergency purposes. For your daily expenses, make sure that you pay with cash. It is much convenient to use a credit card than pay green bucks. If your starting expense is and you run out of money to spend, that is your total expenses. However, if you spend about 4 times of that with your credit card, although you may have an idea of your total spending but you will not have knowledge of the exact amount you spent. Assess Your Monthly Expenditures Compare your monthly expenses, such as your cable subscription, cell phone bills, and gym memberships and find out where you can get some savings. For instance, you may be paying for gym membership but you may not actually be using it. There might be some cable channels that is part of your subscription but are not actually watching. You can try downgrading your cable or cell phone plan. This way you can save up on your expenses. Keep a journal of all your expenses Have a record of all your expenses. Include every penny that goes out monthly. This will help determine where your money is going. Likewise, it will tell you in what areas you can make reductions. Rather than going to Starbuck's coffee, you can consider brewing your coffee at home. Although it may not appeal to you, it will definitely generate some savin! gs on your part. These debt reduction strategies are simple and applicable to everyone. The best way to reduce your debt is to look at your financial situation and come up with a plan to start settling your debts. Implementing debt reduction strategies may take some time but you need to act now before it becomes too late. There are other helpful debt reduction strategies available that is also worth your consideration.</div> About the AuthorI have done a bit of research for you. These Government Grant Experts can help you get the grants you deserve by helping you get out of debt fast. You can find out if you qualify for a Government Grant for free! Click here to fill out a short form to save your finances and get out of debt as early as this week! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Yoga Teachers Training in North Vancouver, Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver Posted: 23 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Indiainternets Divine Light is Yoga Studio for Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver which gives you a solid foundation, enough knowledge of Yoga for a lifetime of practice and the skills necessary to pass these teachings on to others. Nakul Kapur is a Registered Senior Yoga Teacher for Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver.The Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver is a tool to transform your life and your world. Teaching yoga is icing on the cake. You want a meaningful life. To help many people feel good. You can support yourself financially teaching if you stick to it, develop yourself continually (never stop learning), evolve, become valuable.Yoga Teacher Training includes a proper grounding in asana, pranayama and meditation and special yogic techniques. A yoga teacher training program is for yoga learners who want to become Yoga Teachers. He did this not only with the vision to develop yoga professionals, but also to give sincere aspirants the skills of personal discipline and to develop messengers of peace. The Course is a profound, personal experience, based on the ancient teaching system, integrating the student's daily life into the yoga training. By the end of the course the student will possess a firm foundation for teaching others, in addition to strengthening his or her own yoga practice with self-discipline and awareness of the nature of body, mind and spirit. Upon graduation from the course, students receive a certificate of qualification.Each state has a different method for certification for Yoga Teacher Training. You will need to get a bachelor's degree, typically in either education or in the subject matter which you are planning to teach. Most states require advanced training of some sort and in most cases a passing grade on a certification exam. In some cases when the need is extreme, a state will institute alternative means of gaining certification.Meditation, Yoga Therapy, Sanskrit, Chanting, Anatomy, Physiology and Yoga Philosophy are part of Yoga Teacher Training program. A Certificate is granted upon ! satisfac tory completion of all courses and The Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver Certificate from Divine Light is a Certified Private Educational Institute.It is the yoga of fullness that intelligently integrates Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Nada Yoga to purify and harmonize all aspects of the human personality so that the light of the soul shines forth in its Divine splendour.Yoga Teacher Training program approach is deep, simple and practical and helps people from every background to live a richer, happier life based on lasting yogic values. The basic teaching is that health, peace and joy are already within you. They are your birthright. Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver helps you to uncover them.Yoga teacher training Vancouver incorporate the essence of all the different aspects of Yoga into your practice, to promote a well-balanced development. The course will give you a solid foundation, enough knowledge of Yoga for a lifetime of practice and the skills necessary to pass these teachings on to others.Yoga teacher training Vancouver is the step by step process whereby the individual comes to know his true nature as "Divine".For more information about Yoga, visit:- http://www.divinelight.ca/ About the AuthorYoga teacher training in Vancouver. For more information about Yoga, visit Divine Light. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga Class IntroductionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
What is white tantric yoga and how it works Posted: 22 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Shirin Joshi "Meditation is an art to break the habits, to purify the mind and to take care of the daily requirements." - Yogi Bhajan Yoga is an ancient tradition that has helped the humanity by providing key answers to the problems that have cropped time and again. This five thousand years old tradition has evolved with time and has helped many people lead their lives in a much better way. Yoga and its various forms such as Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga enable a person to seek spiritual heights lead them to deeper insights.Music and the practice of yoga is intrinsically related to one another. Music, invokes has a direct influence on the body and its physiology. Thus music when incorporated in a yoga session, create a flow of melody which helps the listening mind elevate to higher realms. Spirit Voyage is an online music store that is committed to making the lives of people, better. It offers various Yoga DVDs and other meditation music CDs which creates a serene ambiance and help a person in achieving a deep meditative state. White tantric Yoga was founded by Yogi Bhajan who wanted an individual to lead a happy life regardless of the many thoughts and emotions that occur to him/her throughout the day. Yogi Bhajan believed that an average human mind experiences zillions of thoughts, bilions of feelings, millions of emotions, thousands of desires, hundreds of fantasies, multi-realities and personalities. These unchecked thoughts are capable to eat us from within. White tantric Yoga aids a person to break through these blocks and lead a happy life. The person achieves a personal freedom and awareness and thus experiences success. Listening to meditation music CDs while practicing thsi yoga form makes the experience, much more blessed one. Some Cds such as Shakti by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa and The essential touch by James Asher shall surely guide one in the righteous path in this regard.A white tantric workshop typically consists of six to eight kriyas, each spanning 31 to 60 minutes.! Various asanas, hand-postures, mental focus and breathing techniques are carried out. The key to white tantra lies in the fact that meditations are done in pairs, sitting opposite a partner. Some of the meditations are done while maintaining eye-contact while some of them are done while keeping the eyes closed. Using the diagonal energy, the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan, connects his subtle body to the subtle bodies of the participants through the course facilitator. Yoga DVDs like Angular Body energy by Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini yoga : a complete course for beginners immensely help a person by totally aiding the experience.Apart from being a pioneer online music store, Spirit Voyage also offers a variety of yoga accessories such as yoga mats, yoga bags, meditation cushions, jeweleries and many more. The yoga mats help in maintaining a correct posture as well help in retaining the positive energies developed inside the body. Spirit Voyage also offers a wide range of yoga clothes. These yoga clothes are all white and off-white, stitched in natural fibers and are in line with Yogi Bhajan's teachings. It is recommended that Kundalini Yoga practitioners wear natural fibers because they are good for the psyche, for energy levels and for the nervous system.Yoga when it is practiced under proper guidance is a perfect affair. Spirit Voyage has a collection of music CDs and DVDs that shall help a yoga aspirant in many ways. These Cds and Dvds not only include devotional music but also incorporate various mantras and chants, intstrumental music, drum music and more. There are Yoga Audio Instructions Cds as well which includes spoken instruction in yoga, meditation and other health and wellness areas. Artists like Bhakti, Dya Singh and Snatam Kaur have lended their soulful voices. Expert practitioners recommend the use of proper Yoga clothes. Yoga clothes also honor the higher self which shows up after a session in Yoga. White Tantric Yoga will purify and uplift the a being. It is one of the most powerful methods f! or breaki! ng subconscious blocks. This yoga form clears up all elements of the subconscious mind so that the actions are based on a clear mind that understands itself. Thus the results of practicing White Tantric Yoga will be true happiness. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Focus and primary objectives of Kundalini Yoga Posted: 22 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Aman Roy Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that consists of a set of breathing exercises and other kriyas that help to reduce stress and enable a person to relax. This five thousand years old culture that originated in India has blessed the people all over the world, with its huge benefits. Yoga and its various forms does not only help one to be fit and healthy but also elevates his mind and soul to higher realms. There is also an immense importance of music in Yoga. Soothing melody of meditation music induce altered state of consciousness and induce a state of peace and harmony within the listening mind. Meditation is an important element in Yoga. Exercise routine in Yoga begin and end with meditation. Meditation helps a person to prepare for the Yoga routine by calming the mind from the outside world, enabling the mind to focus on a fixed point. Spirit Voyage is an online music store that has a wide collection of meditation music CDs and Yoga DVDs along yoga clothes and with other yoga accessories such as yoga mats, yoga rugs, meditation cushions, jeweleries and many more. Spirit Voyage Meditation music CDs such as Silent Moonlight meditation by Gurunam Singh and Seasons of the Soul by Prabhu Nam Kaur will help in healing and deep relaxation. There are other beautiful yoga DVD collection that will help one find inner peace and explore the spiritual sides of yoga. Mind and meditation is a Yoga DVD which will be of immense benefit for a practitioner. Kundalini Yoga, an ancient yoga form that helps one to expand his awareness. By practicing this yoga form, one can go beyond the perceived conscious limits and lead a blissful life. This ancient yoga form also helps to clear any inner duality and create the power to deeply listen. It cultivate inner stillness, prosper and deliver excellence in all that one do. The focus of Kundalini Yoga is on one's personal experience and awareness through the practice of kriya and naad. We awaken the kundalini in order to be able to call upon the full potential ! of the n ervous and glandular systems and to balance the subtle system of chakras and meridians within the body. "Kriya" is an orchestrated pattern of movements, sound, pranayam, mudras, concentration and meditation that automatically guide the energies of the body and the mind to a specific result or change of consciousness. Kundalini Yoga does not rely on any one of these techniques per se, although we use many. Instead, it is the unique and tested syntax, within the structure of each kriya, which provides steady, predictable progress and which leverages these basic functions of the body and the mind to create rapid, sustainable, personal growth and healing. In this tradition, meditation is not considered separate from asana or yoga; it is integral to the practice. The exercises in the kriya bring the body and mind to a state where deep meditation is easily achieved. There are certain pre-requisites to the Kundalini Yoga practice. A Kundalini Yoga session should be practiced in a place not too hot or too cold. Use of proper yoga accessories and wearing the right kind of yoga clothes is a must. Yoga mats not only provide proper cushioning and stability to the practitioner, but also helps the positive energy to retain within the body and prevent it from getting neutralized by reaching the floor. The Yoga clothes offered by Spirit Voyage are both comfortable and durable and are of soothing colors and textures. Furthermore, one can browse through Yoga books and can get meditation malas from this site to gain valuable insights into this centuries old traditions. So the focus and objective of Kundalini Yoga is ultimately to lead us o a better life, a life filled with happiness, and eternal bliss. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Belly Weight Reduction Solutions Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Leanne Laker Possibly one of the biggest problems that have people turning to diets is extra belly weight. Although it gets there effortlessly in the first place, it is a daunting task to eliminate it! So you might want to consider some ways to do that. Let's start with the beginning. You need to start by eliminating the possibility of being plagued by an illness which makes an attempt to losing weight pointless. It's a condition called 'hypothyroidism' where the body is not producing an adequate amount of the thyroid hormone. To find out all the details you need to know about eliminating than annoying fat around the belly area, be sure to check out: Blast that Stomach Fat Away. In other words, your metabolic rate decreases, which causes you to put on weight. It is then recommendable to have your physician test you to eliminate this possibility, since in case you suffer from this you will not benefit from solely exercise and healthy nutrition. Having done that, the following step concerns your nutrition. Since you won't likely lose weight eating the same foods you currently consume, diets that are high in fats should be reduced as much as you can as this is likely to be a big contributor to this annoying problem. Try to develop a meal plan so that you actually have to stop and think about what it is you are eating. Keeping conscious track of this will bring results that will surprise you as well. Try to ensure that you have more foods such as chicken, fish and eggs that are higher in protein. To consume all the nutrients your body needs you will require large servings of fruit and vegetables. You can even have some fats, but try and ensure it's the 'good fats'. For instance, fish and olive oils are great because they nurture your body. Eat nuts if you feel like snacking, which contain protein and 'good fats'. An essential step is learning to manage your stress. When you face pressure, cortisol is produced, and it makes you want to eat to get comfort. As research proves, bell! y fat accumulates at times of stress, which makes it even more difficult to eliminate. Therefore, wherever possible, try to reduce your stress levels. Perhaps try a relaxation routine or alternatively, exercise is great to lower stress levels which 'kills two birds with one stone', so to speak. Shifting your dinner time earlier is also effective. Usually after the evening meal, we tend to perform less activity and as a result, calories get stored and some converted to fat. Alcohol contains very little if any, nutritional benefit and therefore most of those calories consumed will turn to fat. That's the reason why there is such a thing as 'beer belly'. If you want a drink, try something like vodka with a low calories mixer. This contains a lot less calories. The other fundamental component of weight loss is working out. While a change in diet is a great beginning, you need to complement it with physical activity for the outcome to be rapidly visible. Although it won't be easy to restart if there's been a long break in working out, it's worth putting in the extra effort, as that's what is going to make a huge difference in eliminating the fat around the waist. As you make it a daily habit the effort involved in doing it will dramatically decrease. For your information, if you want more great tips and advice about blasting away the fat around the stomach area, be sure to check this free site: Reducing the Excess Weight Around The Stomach. What type of workouts will facilitate the fastest outcome? Cardio off course! As you can't spot reduce fat from your body, you need to reduce fat all over. It is possible to burn up to 400 calories an hour by running or even swimming. Three to five weekly sessions of 30-60 minutes will definitely help. Along with a food regime with less calories, this exercise will help with a reduction of about two pounds per week. So, there you have it. Healthier food choices complemented with an effective workout program will reduce the extra weight at you! r waist. ! Results will be seen in as little as a few weeks if you stick with this regime. You should also find yourself with increased energy levels and vitality. But for that belly fat reduction, there's really nothing to lose! I really hope you enjoyed this article. I also have a review of another great product that eliminates fat around the stomach area that you might want to check out here: Strip the Fat Review. About the AuthorLeanne Laker has a keen interest in weight loss concepts and products for her own healthy living and has conducted a lot of research into several facets to healthy living which she herself uses and wants to share her findings. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Iron Brides Season 2 Audition of Alexandra DarcyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
10-Year-Olds Show Sharp Health Differences Across Races Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT
Harmful health habits and dangerous experiences are more common among black and Latino children in the fifth grade in the U.S. than white children, according to a new study. While this finding is perhaps not surprising, the marked differences in children at about age 10 may explain some of the great health disparities between U.S. adults of these races, the researchers said. These disparities have been widely studied in teens but this study shows these health differences are already present among younger children. "The research community has already provided a lot of evidence that there are significant differences across the life course in health indicators among black, Latino and white people in general," said Dr. Mark Schuster, chief of general pediatrics at Boston Children's Hospital and lead author of the study. "But I was struck by the consistency of disparities across so many health indicators." The researchers found that a child's school, and parents' education and income strongly related to a child's health. Children who went to better schools and had parents with a higher income and more education were healthier, no matter what their race or ethnicity. But white children were more likely to have these advantages. The study of differences among fifth graders in three U.S. cities is the largest, most detailed research on these health disparities, experts said. "What I think makes this research stand out is the young age of the children examined," said Rebecca London, a senior researcher of youth health at Stanford University in California, who was not involved in the research. "The findings are important because they document the extent of the problem for children as young as 10 and 11 years old." The study involved 5,119 fifth graders in public school who were chosen at random from three metropolitan areas — Birmingham, Ala.; Houston; and Los Angeles. Researchers interviewed the children and their parents, and assessed factors ranging from seat-belt use, exercise and obesity, to substance abuse and witnessing of violence. "Some of the numbers in the paper are very striking," London said. "Especially where the children have witnessed violence." One in five black children and one in 10 Latino children had witnessed a threat or injury from a gun, compared with one in 20 white children in these cities. Black children were also more likely than either Latino or white children to smoke and drink alcohol. While one in six white children in the study were obese, one in three black or Latino children were obese. Black and Latino children were also less likely to report vigorous exercise, compared with their white counterparts. Overall, black and Latino children were more likely to say they had an overall poor state of health. While important, the results don't necessarily represent the U.S. as a whole, London said. "It would be important to document these same findings in other geographic areas," she said, especially to help researchers better understand why the gap in health disparities is reduced much more among Latino children than black children from households with higher incomes. While the findings suggest that interventions aimed at improving children's health should likely start earlier to prevent some of the disparities, many of the problems identified are due to complex social dynamics, Schuster said. "More work is needed to identify what is causing these disparities, so that we can find ways to improve all children's health," he said. London said that economic support, violence prevention, improved school nutrition, parent education on health, general promotion of education and health insurance are just a few of the support programs to boost health of children. One important avenue for positive influence appears to be schools. "The results point to the potential for schools to intervene to promote healthy behaviors and safe environments during and outside the school day," London said. Collaborative efforts between the health workers and educators could lead to a better understanding of the reasons for the disparities, and identify potential solutions, she said. The study is published tomorrow (Aug. 23) in the New England Journal of Medicine. Pass it on: Drastic differences in the health of urban black, Latino, and white children in the U.S. are mainly due to family education levels and household income. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Yoga - The Elderly Are Loving It Posted: 22 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Praveen Pandey The young are coming to yoga centers with the aim to lose flab. But the elderly are not far behind, they want their youth back as well. They feel fit and their ailments, many of which arise from lifestyle problems and neglect at home, are getting resolved. Yoga boosts their self-esteem they say. While some call it 'addiction', others say it has become a habit akin to having one's daily meals, which they cannot afford to skip. Yoga is the way to a happy, healthy and a long life for the elderly, say experts. "Several studies have shown that yoga has prevented several lifestyle diseases, which come with ageing - namely cardiac, respiratory and bone diseases," says Dr Subhash Manchanda, former head, cardiology, at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and vice chairman, World Academy of Spiritual Sciences. Confidence booster Most senior citizens bury themselves in their homes and gradually start losing confidence post retirement. Without a permanent circle of friends - the loss of the office circle is a big loss - they begin to suffer from low self-esteem. Some start feeling purposeless once their chilDr.en move out of the home for higher studies or jobs. Yoga gives such elders a new lease of life, a renewed sense of worth and a fresh spurt of confidence. Fifty-nine year-old Amita Kumar, for example, found it difficult to carry on alone. Amita was distraught and directionless when she lost her husband 18 months ago. Thanks to her regular yoga sessions at Bharat Thakur's artistic yoga classes, she is not just more confident but also healthier today. Yoga has enhanced her quality of life. She says, she's 'addicted' to it.Dressed in a white shirt dotted with blue flowers and body-hugging gray slacks, Amita says: "Yoga gets my day started. I not only feel younger but there is an added enthusiasm in everything I do." The daily dose of yoga gives her the required energy for voluntary social work. Amita works for the uplift of slum girls. !"Yoga works on the principle of psycho-neuro-immunology. There are a large number of hormones which are released when we are happy," says Dr SC Mahapatra, additional professor, department of physiology at AIIMS. "Psychological benefits cannot be ruled out although this can't be measured by science." All-round health Is yoga only about de-stressing or does it have health benefits? A few studies offer hope. In 2008, a study conducted over a two-month period on 65 year-olds in the US reveals that Iyengar Yoga showed significant improvement in their balance and stability. The 24 elderly women not only looked fitter, but were more confident when walking and were less likely to fall. Another US study conducted in 1990 of patients who had coronary heart disease, indicated that a regimen of aerobic exercise and stress reduction, including yoga, combined with a low-fat vegetarian diet, stabilized, and in some cases, reversed arterial blockage. Yoga indeed comes with a lot of health benefits. Anuj Kumar, yoga trainer at Bharat Thakur's artistic yoga institute says: "Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity that massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner, including those - such as the prostate - that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime." The stimulation and massage of the organs keeps away disease and provide a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of a disorder, he adds.Yoga is a sure-shot cure for asthma. For instance, 54-year old Roshni Menon, who could not imagine living without her inhaler, now gets along fine without it. "I have been doing yoga for the last four and half years and I have never had to use my inhaler," she says happily. Fifty-two year-old Darshan Kumar agrees with Menon. For him, yoga is a way of life. "I can't imagine life without it. Earlier I was unable to read or pick up things located at a distance of one meter. I got my eyesight back after I did sur! yanamask ar for about two years," he adds. Look younger Of Anuj Kumar's 400 students, about 25 per cent are above 50. "It is very difficult to determine their age, as all of them look young and gorgeous," he says."Yoga has changed me completely. It has pushed back my age by at least 15 years. I have not just shed weight but have also lost 4.5 inches on my waist," says Roshni. The story of VV Menon is similar. The tall, broad-built, white-haired gentleman does not reveal his age at first. "You can put my age as 60. Do I look any older?" he asks with a smile. Menon who is in his seventies, has been a yoga enthusiast for a very long time. "Most people in Delhi have to battle with a lot of health problems as soon as they hit 50, but I have never really had to face any," he adds. "I can do as many as 20-30 suryanamaskars at a go. My blood pressure, sugar levels and cholesterol levels are normal," he adds. "It is scientifically proven that yoga can delay the biomarkers - graying of hair, wrinkles etc. Yoga helps people slow down ageing. The elderly look young even at 60," says Dr. Manchanda. Yoga works in other subtle ways, say experts. "Even people with rigid bodies start experiencing a remarkable flexibility in even those parts which they have not consciously worked upon," says Anuj Kumar. This means that yoga helps loosen up the body and even acts upon areas that have not gone through the drill. When all the limbs are exercised, they work in harmony to create a situation where flexibility is a guarantee, he adds. About the AuthorRead articles on Diet Plan, Fitness and Yoga, Diabetes, Cancer, Skin Care, Weight Loss, and Health Care at Healthizen.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.A Supermodel Stole My Husband - YogaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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