What are The Benefits of Using Music for Meditation?
What are The Benefits of Using Music for Meditation? |
- What are The Benefits of Using Music for Meditation?
- Fertility Treatment Puts Women at Risk of Stress Disorder
- The Calm Mind
- Summer Recipes for Health: Organic Tomatoes
- Adult Acne - Is Adult Acne Triggered By The Mind?
- New Cause of Rare 'Startle Disorder' Found
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What are The Benefits of Using Music for Meditation? Posted: 08 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Devang Kakkad The benefits of Music Therapy and Meditation Music are so vast that one page is not enough to list them all. Once you understand the benefits you will enjoy meditation music and the magic it makes possible. Every tone and sound of the music has a particular effect on the human energy system. Music inhibits the wandering mind, lifts up the spirit, soothes and relaxes the body. Music is used to express as well as induce different states of mind like moods, feelings, impressions and thoughts. Attaining true silence is a goal of meditation. This state can be difficult to grasp for someone who is just learning to meditate. Ironically, meditative music can be a great aid in learning to find silence and stillness. Relaxing, soothing sounds can be a means to an end -- a quiet mind. Focusing on the breath is a common and effective way to start meditating. At first, this can be difficult as everyday thoughts drift through the mind, overpowering an awareness of breath. With meditative music, one can focus on the sound of the music, while thoughts drift away without any conscious effort. The sound of instruments playing, or the sound of a waterfall, can act as a bridge from the mundane world, to a beautiful, relaxing state. The most important component for choosing most suitable meditation music is its "Binaural beats". These musical beats repeat throughout the song as the same, slightly off-key note, that doesn't seem in tune with the rest of the piece. By teaching your mind to pick out these beats, you will be able to find your way into the state of meditation with ease. The desired result from listening to meditation music would be to shift your brain waves from the beta state to the alpha state. When your brain is emitting alpha brain waves you will be relaxed, alert and clear. Meditation Music and Mantras tune the mind and soul and helps an individual to attain a spiritual insight and consciousness. These can invoke strong moods and influence the subtle energy fields! to dire ct the consciousness towards higher realms. Listening to music while meditating helps one to concentrate, withdrawing all attentions from other worldly thoughts. There are a variety of music types to choose from, and each teacher and student of meditation, will have their own personal preference. Meditation music should not only be specific to an individual's tastes, but also reflect what one is hoping to cultivate while meditating. Some people may feel more comfortable listing to sounds of nature, while others may love chanting, bells, or strings. There are many resources available, with deep meditation CD"s, guided imagery recordings, and even free meditation music available online from various sites. About the AuthorDevang Kakkad is an Author and leading expert on natural cures for anxiety. Checkout his new site http://devangkakkad.com; where he shares numerous techniques to cure panic attacks and anxiety naturally. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Fertility Treatment Puts Women at Risk of Stress Disorder Posted: 08 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Women who undergo fertility treatments may find the situation so distressing that they develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a new study says. In the study, close to 50 percent of participants met the official criteria for PTSD, meaning they could be diagnosed with the condition. That's about six times higher than the percentage of people in the general population who suffer from PTSD (8 percent.) The findings suggest the definition of PTSD may need to be changed so that its causes include potentially traumatic experiences such as infertility, said study researcher Allyson Bradow, director of psychological services at Home of the Innocents, a nonprofit organization that helps families in need in Louisville, Ky. Currently, the definition of PTSD says people must have experienced or witnessed a life-threatening event, or event that could cause serious injury. "The definition of trauma should be expanded to include expectations of life," said Bradow, who went through fertility treatments herself, and conducted the study as a doctoral student at Spalding University in Louisville. "Having children, expanding your family, carrying on your genetic code — that's an instinctual drive that we have as human beings. And when that is being threatened, it's not necessarily your life being threatened, but your expectation of what your life can be or should be like," she said. The finding also shows that a greater effort should be made to counsel those who go through fertility treatments, to help them cope with the emotional and psychological effects of the experience, Bradow said. Coping with infertility Bradow had her first child without any trouble at age 26. But when she and her husband tried to conceive a second child several years later, they were not able to. The couple was diagnosed with secondary infertility, which refers to infertility experienced after a couple has a child. "The general diagnosis of infertility, or not being able to have a baby, is kind of this giant earthquake that rocks your world. And then, there's all the aftershocks," of fertility testing and treatment, Bradow said. Bradow said the symptoms she experienced during fertility treatment went beyond those of depression and grief, conditions previously linked to fertility treatment. Others she spoke with felt the same. To find out how widespread these feelings were, Bradow and colleagues surveyed 142 people who had undergone fertility treatments, and who visited online support groups for infertility. Survey participants — 97 percent of whom were women — completed an online survey to assess their symptoms of PTSD. They were asked to consider their infertility diagnosis and fertility treatment as their traumatic event. About a third of participants had been trying to conceive for one to two years, and about 60 percent had undergone fertility treatments for more than a year. Overall, 46 percent met the criteria for PTSD. Among this group, 75 to 80 percent said they felt upset at reminders of their infertility, such as seeing commercials for baby diapers. Other common symptoms included feeling distant or cut off from people, or feeling irritable. Many also said they felt hopeless, and had changes in their personality. Need for counseling During her treatment, Bradow said no one mentioned anything about how it would affect her emotionally or psychologically. "They're focused on getting you pregnant…and that's their job," Bradow said. "But we also have to consider the psychological impact of what happens when you're getting medical interventions for this," Bradow said. She eventually became pregnant again, through artificial insemination, and had her second daughter at age 31. Ideally, Bradow said, mental health counseling should be a required part of fertility treatment. However, this may be a long way off, partly because fertility treatment is not usually covered by health insurance, and doctors may be reluctant to give their clients an extra cost, Bradow said. Bradow presented her findings last week at the American Psychological Association meeting in Orlando, Fla. Pass it on: Many women who go through fertility treatments experience symptoms of PTSD. Follow Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner,or MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Margaret Paul Meditation by a windmill (with Rumi poetry) | The Meditator Ep. 17This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Summer Recipes for Health: Organic Tomatoes Posted: 08 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT
Organic tomatoes aren't sprayed with chemical pesticides. For me, that's a major reason to buy organic, but it's not the only reason. Have you noticed that the tomatoes you find at the farmer's market look very different from the ones in the grocery store? I mean, it's not like apples-and-oranges different, but you can definitely tell the two apart. That's because most commercially grown tomatoes have an inactivated gene that gives them a more uniform appearance. As it turns out, that missing gene is also the reason why most commercially-grown tomatoes aren't as flavorful, according to a study published in June in the journal Science. The mutation stops the fruit from producing the sugars and aromas that are associated with natural tomatoes. So basically, we're sacrificing a sweet flavor and succulent aroma for… a little vanity? I don't know about you, but I'd rather eat an ugly tomato that tastes good, than a pretty yet bland fruit. With this gene finding in mind, I wasn't surprised to learn that a study published in March from University of Barcelona researchers found that organic tomatoes contain more antioxidants than the conventionally grown variety. The researchers said the antioxidant boost may be due to the difference between the fertilizers used in organic and conventional farming. Whether genetics or fertilizers are at work, both studies point to the fact that tomatoes are better for us when they're grown as nature intended. This may not seem like news, but these studies are among just a few that have compared nutritional value and genetic makeup of organic and conventionally grown produce. So, if you've always had the suspicion that organic food packs more of a nutritional punch, you may be right. So now that we have yet another reason to buy organic, let's start thinking about some juicy summer recipes for all those farmer's market tomatoes. Here are some of my favorites:
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Adult Acne - Is Adult Acne Triggered By The Mind? Posted: 08 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Lisa Janse Research at the New York University School of Medicine suggests that the causes of adult acne could be partly psychosomatic. It has long been understood that stress and fatigue can make adult acne worse, but the latest findings indicate that unpleasant feelings or emotions in the mind could actually be causing the condition. The symptoms of adult acne are in fact seen as the symptoms of an unhappy mind. - How does the mind cause adult acne ? Scientists believe that the mind and body are linked in such a way that negative thoughts or emotions in a person's unconscious mind can manifest themselves as physical symptoms or diseases such as adult acne. This is thought to be a natural defence mechanism used by the mind to suppress these unpleasant feelings and stop them entering the conscious mind. Other illnesses that are thought to be caused in this way include irritable bowel syndrome, hives, acid reflux and certain types of back pain. The increase of these diseases over the last fifty years, along with the increase in adult acne in women that haven't experienced acne as teenagers, can be attributed to increased stress levels and a faster pace of life. - Does this mean adult acne isn't real ? No, this research shows that adult acne is very real, with scientists able to measure actual pathological changes in the skin of people suffering from the condition. Adult acne is still seen as a real disease; just one that is triggered by the mind rather than physical factors. Until recently adult acne was seen as a genetic condition, and it is still believed that people can be more likely to develop the condition because of their genetic make up. However, this research indicates that while a person's genes may make them more prone to adult acne it is actually the mind that causes the symptoms to appear. - How can psychosomatic adult acne be treated ?Treating adult acne as a psychosomatic illness is in its early stages, but like all diseases triggered in this w! ay the focus is on treating the underlying psyche and not simply the physical symptoms. Giving a placebo such as a sugar pill can be an effective treatment for around thirty per cent of psychosomatic illnesses and it could trick the mind into believing that adult acne is being cured. Sometimes it could be enough simply to educate the patient about the link between their mind and their body, as this could break the pattern of negative thoughts that is causing adult acne. About the AuthorLisa Janse is a trusted author, whose speciality is health related topics. Please visit our site at adult acne and Zeno Acne Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Monk Radio: Religious ToleranceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
New Cause of Rare 'Startle Disorder' Found Posted: 08 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT
We all jump at an unexpected noise or touch, but in some people, this startle response is exaggerated, and can cause falls and even death. Now, researchers in the United Kingdom have found new genes for this rare disorder, known as startle disease, or more formally as hyperekplexia. People with startle disease have an exaggerated startle reflex in response to noise and touch, followed by muscle stiffness, which can cause breathing problems and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The condition is present at birth, and while symptoms usually diminish after the first year of life, they can persist into adulthood and lead to unprotected falls, the researchers said. The disease is caused by multiple genetic mutations, the end result of which is a failure of nerve cells to properly communicate. Specifically, the mutations affect how a molecule called glycine is moved between cells. Normally, glycine sends inhibitory signals, which dampen a person's responses to noise and sound. In people with startle disease, these inhibitory signals are not received, and the result is an amplified, harmful response. In the new study, researchers at the University College London and Swansea University in Wales analyzed information from 93 patients with startle disease across the globe, and identified 19 new genetic mutations. The mutations were all in the genes that encode a protein called GlyT2, which is responsible for transporting glycine into cells. The new findings firmly established mutations in the GlyT2 gene as a major cause of the disease, the researchers said. A second study found another mutation in GlyT2 that was the cause of eight cases of startle disease in the United Kingdom and Spain. If nerve cells don't take in enough glycine, they will also not release enough, and this hinders transmission of the inhibitory signal, said Beatriz Lรณpez-Corcuera, a researcher at the Universidad Autรณnoma de Madrid in Spain, who worked on the second study. Both studies were published online in June in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Pass it on: New genes for startle disease have been found. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Law Of Attraction Weight Reduction Posted: 08 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Annette Maybe you have heard of the Law of attraction? Weight-loss is one of the several aims you'll be able to accomplish by implementing its methods. In reality, numerous dieters have found success with Law of attraction loose weight programs, even when other strategies have been unsuccessful.The Law of attraction really boils down to belief, and belief is a powerful thing. For example, people applying the Law of attraction for personal accomplishment learns to picture their desires. If they would like to get a better job, they visualize being hired into a better position. They believe that it will occur. Realize dress and conduct themselves like a successful person. In theory, these steps will cause the goal to manifest in the person's life.Using the Loa, fat loss may be accomplished. If you're thinking about applying this method, here are some helpful tips to obtain started:Imagine Your GoalThere's a difference between imagination and visualization. Visualization means analyzing your goal and all the ways it would affect your life. How will you feel when you lose weight? Will you be more outgoing? How will you feel physically? How will weight-loss enrich your life and the lives of your family? Where will you go and what will you do once the weight is gone? What will your life look like?Sit down and take the time to actually think it through. As you take more time visualizing your goal per the Law of attraction, weight-loss will come within your achieve.Prepare Your PathOf course, it takes more than visualization to lose weight. What steps must you take in order to accomplish your goal? Make specific plans about when, where, and how often you will exercise. Prepare which foods you will eat, and how you're going to get adequate hydration and sleep. When you have a lot of personal stress, prepare ways to reduce it. The specific details are the big difference between planning and dreaming.After you've made strategies, just go purchase the necessary supplies. Do you really need comfortable clothing to sort! out in? Will you join a membership, or exercise outdoors or at home? Where will you shop for fresh produce and lean meat? How will you make room in your food budget for fresh, whole foods?Finally, prepare a reward for each weight-loss milestone. Your goals do not have to be measured in pounds and inches, although that's a fine approach if it really works. You might measure your accomplishment with regards to physical health, lower blood pressure, or joints that don't ache. For each milestone you achieve, reward yourself with something that makes you feel good.Live Like a Slim PersonWhen ever you sit down to eat, ask yourself how a skinny person would eat. Would they rush through a second helping of dinner, or would they not rush and thoroughly enjoy a single portion? Would they drink sugary soda, or would they sip water or tea throughout the meal to fill up faster? Would they watch television after dinner, or would they do something fun and active?If you use the Law of attraction, fat loss is easier than ever. If you visualize a thinner you, and you live like a thin person, you'll get thinner. Take heart, because a new you is in route!Don`t forget to get your self improvement report when visiting my self help techniques website Today! About the AuthorLearn more about how to {a href="http://www.selfhelptechniques.org/how-to-become-your-best-self/"}self help techniqueswhen you visit my website: how to lose weight fast today! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Secret of Sensing EnergyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Download Criminal Minds Episodes, it's so easy! Posted: 08 Aug 2012 09:01 AM PDT Article by Sushil Kumar Have you ever tried to download Criminal Minds or any other TV show? Generally, people do say that it's very simple to download TV shows in the present scenario when internet marketing is on its peak. But, actually reality is contrary to it and the process which is thought so simple becomes hard hitting one when you actually step in. Thousands of websites offer free TV shows so it's not so simple to download Criminal Minds. The unlimited number of websites offering the same services makes it hard to decide which one to go ahead with. The more the number of websites one comes across the more complex it becomes to choose a particular site as one tends to get trapped among the innumerous choices. Don't worry; I will help you to get out of the confusion with my article, please read it to the end and know what one should keep in mind while deciding to download Criminal Minds episodes. Let me throw a light on the plotline of 'Criminal Minds'. Criminal Minds, a crime based series as its name depicts, moves around an elite team of FBI profilers who put study the past crimes of a criminal in order to try and predict their next move or target to prevent those from happening. Among the major characters of the series are: Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Dr. Spencer Reid and Jennifer Jareau. Making it distinct among the crowd of the other criminal dramas is the fact that the series centers more on the criminal while paying less attention to the crime committed. The series is currently running with fourth season. Okay, what do you do whenever you miss any episodes of 'Criminal Minds'? Don't tell me that you wait for DVD releases and all. It's known to everybody that DVDs come out several months after the original airings. The simplest way to have the collection of Criminal Minds' episodes with you is by joining a website and downloading as many episodes as you want. When we search with Google or any other search engine, we get innumerous websites offering the serv! ices of our interest. Each one always claims to have more features than the rest and an innocent fan seeking downloads gets himself trapped in dilemma. He starts off by visiting the websites showing some words like 'free' & 'no payments' etc. Such kinda websites make use of these very lucrative words and induce the visitor to join them to download Criminal Minds. As he goes ahead, he gets nothing more than the fake links or is forced to pay per download. Ultimately, the frustrated visitor forgets the idea to download Criminal Minds! Don't let yourself get de-motivated and instead of wasting your efforts and time, simple go ahead with a website offering membership. Most of the websites offer two types of memberships- limited membership and lifetime membership. About the AuthorSushil kumar is sharing his favorite show which you can download, for that simply visit edogo.com and register yourself with site and download any tv show you want. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Monk Radio: The Mind and RebirthThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Early Morning Spiritual Consciousness Inspiration - 8/8/2012 Posted: 08 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT ![]() "All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else." ~The Buddha | ||
Relaxation Techniques, Anyone? The Top 3 Techniques to Calm the Mind Posted: 08 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Thomas B. Chuong Total Happiness - 4 of 5 - Self and Others ~ Shinzen YoungThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Huang Huahua: Resolutely Fight The "five" Battle Of Emission Reduction Posted: 08 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by hi joiney Guangdong province held Energy Emission Reduction TV Huang Huahua conference call stressed Resolutely fight the "five" and win the war emission reduction HC Heat Pump Network 5 May, the State Council held a teleconference meeting energy conservation and emission reduction. The State Council after the meeting, followed by Guangdong provincial government held a provincial teleconference on energy saving and emission reduction, energy conservation, study and implement the State Council teleconference on, especially Premier Wen Jiabao's important speech, the deployment of the next phase of our province's energy reduction arrangements work. Huang Huahua attended the meeting and delivered an important speech, the meeting by the Provincial Standing Committee, Vice Governor Zhu Xiaodan, chaired the meeting, Vice Governor of sound wood. Noted that the provincial government has always attached great importance to energy saving work in our province, while strengthening energy-saving emission reduction target responsibility system, saving energy and target annual duty evaluation and examination, and examination results to the public on unfinished task areas of accountability. On the other hand speed up the implementation of major energy conservation Project, Pay close attention to energy saving technical progress, vigorously develop the circular economy, and comprehensively promote clean production and environmental remediation. Particularly in the province last year by the international Financial Crisis, the impact on the extremely difficult circumstances, and unswervingly strengthen energy conservation efforts to take full advantage of the international financial crisis of the Forced mechanism, active elimination of backward production capacity, fostering the development of energy Environmental protection Based industries, accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure adjustment, promoting structural energy conservation, and made remarkable achievements. Meeting stressed to accelerate ! economic development in our province is in the way of change, and promote sound and fast economic and social development of the critical period is the full realization of the "Eleventh Five-Year" plan targets the decisive stage. The province of all regions and departments should strictly follow the State Council teleconference on energy saving and emission reduction requirements, adhere to energy conservation as the promotion of economic structural adjustments, changes to speed up economic development in an important way of handle, as enhance regional capacity for sustainable development, the establishment of resource-saving society and environment-friendly society an important part, focused, pay close attention to the key, to resolutely fight energy saving win the war, to ensure full completion of our province, "five" binding emissions reduction targets. To achieve "six pay close attention to": First, pay close attention to the implementation of energy conservation target responsibility system. To strengthen government responsibilities to do with supervision, with monitoring, there are assessment, there is punishment, there are rewards. All localities and departments should make great efforts to strengthen the organizational leadership and overall coordination, the real responsibility to ensure that measures are in place, put in place. Departments to strengthen the implementation of energy saving policies and measures, the actual effect of the supervision and inspection to strengthen the monthly or quarterly indicators of progress in energy saving monitoring and analysis, to detect the problem, efforts to solve outstanding problems, for the full completion of the "Eleventh Five-Year" goals and tasks to gain time, gain the initiative. Energy saving on the unfinished task of the city to implement the accountability system and the "one-vote veto" system, those who failed to complete the "five" emission reduction targets and tasks of the area, local regulatory authorities to investigate the major leadership respon! sibiliti es. Second, pay close attention to the structural energy saving. To speed up the construction of the modern industrial system, increase the degree of elimination of backward production capacity, determined to contain "two high and one capital" and the excessive growth of industries with excess capacity. Third, pay close attention to key energy saving projects. To further the implementation of ten key energy conservation projects, and actively promote energy saving technology products, vigorously implement the provincial plan of action for energy saving technologies, strengthen environmental protection infrastructure. Fourth, pay close attention to key areas of energy conservation. Energy should be placed on industrial emissions, great efforts spent building, transportation, public institutions, rural and other key areas of the energy saving work, fully promote energy saving and emission reduction units. Conduct commerce, catering industry energy-saving pilot and demonstration, vigorously develop the circular economy, vigorously promote clean production, urged the province's 800 enterprises to implement cleaner production auditing. Fifth, pay close attention to energy conservation market and the legal process. To deepen the reform of energy conservation-related prices, strengthen supervision and inspection of energy saving, try all the province in 2010 to run in and construction of sewage treatment plants have been built into all information systems under its jurisdiction. To improve energy conservation regulations and standards. All six are pay close attention to energy conservation. Saving energy and national action in depth and extensively mobilize the whole community to support the participation of energy-saving and emission reduction. Asian Games and Asian Games for the Disabled in Guangzhou and other major events, promote green culture, and advocate green consumption. Saving and emission reduction propaganda to promote awareness and conservation society set up the concept of ecological civilization! . To giv e full play to the role of the media monitoring of public opinion, exposure to waste Energy, Damage to the environment of negative examples. Hot topics: "Hailin Cup" 2010 China Top Ten Brands Award heating heating industry event registration page CIHE & HVAC2010 China (Beijing) International Exhibition topics HVAC Upcoming Events: 2010 5 28 Day? 29 May 2010 in Guangzhou, China heat pump, solar Fair About the AuthorI am an expert from Mp3 Player Manufacturers, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as modern fireplace mantle, modern fireplace mantles. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Diaphragmatic Breathing-The Crocodile Breathing ExerciseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Sanki Linkon Yoga for beginners originated in India. It is derived from the ancient Sanskrit word known as yoga or addition. It is like adding mental and spiritual discipline to your body and mind. Yoga is a state of attaining physical and mental power by which a person can earn immunity, tranquility and gain spiritual happiness. Bikram Yoga is a modern day yoga which has been patented by instructor Bikram Choudhury.Yoga for beginners is difficult and needs a lot of regular practice. One has to be mentally prepared to attend regular sessions of yoga. Perseverance and patience is the key factor to learn good yoga. But once you have learnt the lesson well, then there is no looking back. Yoga is a medium of practice which has proved wonders throughout the world. Yoga has healed and cured millions of people all over the world, provided it is done in the correct posture and with the help of a proper yogic instructor. It restores health and gives a lot of positive attitude towards life. Yoga itself means adding good things in your life. In Sanskrit it signifies yoga or attachment. Meditation is a prime factor of gaining patience and attaining spiritualism. Yoga for beginners aids in being happy and maturing into a wonderful person. Bikram yoga is pre-defined in many ways. It is the latest kind of yoga where it involves the latest theories for retaining youth by means of yoga and driving away the inner human illness. Every man wears down with age and loses the charming youthfulness. Bikram yoga helps in being lively and youthfulness. It helps in building attentiveness and patience through meditation. The yoga of action which is also known as Karma yoga means that a person can attain happiness only through work. Work can bring in peace and tranquility. There can never be an alternative to this kind of yoga. With work one can earn money and fulfill one's needs. Money can bring in temporary happiness, but regular work keeps a person fit and gives immense joy and mental pleasure. Second form of yoga is the Bhakti yoga wh! ich help s a person to attain devotional bliss. One who worships an idol or any person can achieve emotional and mental satisfaction by dedicating one's life totally in the name of that follower. Bhakti yoga is yoga in the form of devotion which aid in spiritual happiness. Last is the Jnana Yoga, also known as the yog for knowledge. Achieving knowledge, build in confidence and in return gives immense happiness. The Bikram Yoga, as it is popularly known as, was first initiated by Bikram himself. He has designed the structure of the asana and imparts their immense effect on day to day lives of the people. He has popularized the detailed strategy of techniques and made them easy for the beginners. Yoga for Beginners is a ninety minute practice in his classroom. It consists of 26 yogic postures and two easy breathing asanas. About the AuthorSanki Linkon is a renowned yoga expert who offers yoga lessons online. In this article he discussed the various postures of Yoga For Children, especially the benefits of Yoga For Meditation . To know more about his views on various yoga postures visit http://www.yogaexpertsonline.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.WAVERLEY YOGA STUDIOThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Do we find nirvana in the Five Aggregates (i.e., our psychophysical body) consisting of form, feeling, perception, volitional formation and consciousness, all of which are conditioned? There answer is no. So, should be conclude that nirvana is not real or, perhaps, a nice word for annihilation? Again, the answer is no. Nirvana is very real; it transcends the aggregates. But no one who clings to conditions and compositions, such as the Five Aggregates, can behold and partake of it, first entering the current (sotapanna). There are a number of things in Buddhism that are real but cannot be captured by the nets of the conditioned Five Aggregates. We can't overlook this fact. Some of these things are the self (รขtman), the Tathagata, the unconditioned, the uncomposed, the dharmakaya, suchness, and the liberated Mind. By comparison, things which can be captured by the nets of the Five Aggregates are various material forms and shapes, pleasant and painful feelings, mental images, habits, and sensory objects. Through the Five Aggregates, our whole material world comes into existence, not to mention our suffering and our eventual death.
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How to Steer Your Mind Power Perception to Your Benefit Posted: 08 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Joy Obihara Did you know that the Values and Beliefs we have in life adds up to shape who we are and how we perceive things in life? Well, experiences we have throughout our lives are filtered by us at different stages and stored in our memory according to what we believe as realities of those experiences. Infact, our Mind Filters are very important in holding just what we want, and discarding the others. This is good, because otherwise we'd be storing too much information and in reality, this cannot be healthy in any way. Now, how does all this relate to Mind Perception? Well, to simplify things here, I'll illustrate this with a couple of real life examples that show different Mind Perception, and the corresponding results that were directly related to the perception of the people involved from the very start. Ok, in this case, two fitness training instructors were once asked to take part in an assessment to evaluate a group of people and to report back on the results afterwards. The results would include information such as recorded weight loss by members of the group over a period of time, levels of motivation, levels of confidence, eagerness to participate, etc etc. The first trainer was briefed from the very start by the employer and told that these people were really difficult to get along with, and that as a group, everything had been done to motivate and encourage them but that the results were very poor and discouraging. So of course this Trainer went into this engagement with the perception that "well, I'll try my best but don't expect anything different". So, as he perceived, that was the result he achieved. In other words, the group performed no better than what was originally anticipated. Again, the next Trainer was briefed about the same group, and was told how fantastic this group of people were, and how they were the best at everything they tried, he was told that they came top and were just working their way to achieve the goals that were set fo! r them.< /p> Well, you can guess what happened in this instance because when the results came out in relation to their performance, they were fantastic and brilliant in everything that they were scheduled to do. Compare this to the previous case, the Trainer here was really fired up and motivated to work with this group towards achieving their success. From the very start, he personally perceived that this group were winners and so he wasn't going to let them down. As the saying goes, Henry Ford once said," if you think you can or if you think you can't either way you're always right". Indeed perception is one key factor that shapes the way we think and the way we act in relation to different circumstances in our lives.This includes any limiting beliefs, inhibitions, negative self-talk etc. Positive outlook on life leads to a motivated spirit, confidence in your abilities, happiness, resourcefulness and all this can shape the way you move to achieve results in your life. Now then, here are key points to bear in mind that will allow you to breakthrough negative perception and limiting beliefs, allowing you to create the life you deserve. 1) Positive Perception and Outlook in life Endeavour to be open-minded in your daily life, and before you discarded things, perhaps due to previous limiting beliefs, think them through carefully and consider how they affect you or your circumstances. Carefully meditate on issues before saying "I can't, and use your mind power to direct your actions in accordance with your inner desires. 2) Practice Affirmations. During the day at various intervals, repeat affirmations such as "I Can Do This, With My Will Power and Determination". 3) Persistence is the Fruit of Success. Be persistent in pursuing that which you genuinely believe and not limit yourself just for the sake of it, enquire from within and ensure that your Mind Power, that is your inner mind on a deeper level, is in harmony with your outward actions. Most of problems ! in life stem from the fact that the mind is thinking one thing and the body is directed to act or do another. When you master inner harmony and your mind works in tune with your body, that's when you truly grasp your Mind's Unlimited Wonderful Potential to lifestyle freedom. So, take it is a step at a time, and watch your companions. Surround yourself with people who motivate and lift you up, understanding that you are truly on your way to discovering and living your very own uniqueness. Success in your desires will come when you put your mind to it and genuinely action it with persistence and determination with your 'WILL'. About the AuthorJoy Obihara is a Personal Development Practitioner helping people and businesses discover their unique Untapped Potential to create the Lifestyle Freedom they desire. Join the Newsletter, and enhance your Life at =>http://www.joyobihara.comGet Your "Winning Your Life Purpose" FREE Range of Resources to Change Your Life at the above address. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Monk Radio: Stream EntererThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Doreen Line hello fellow readers ,my name is doreen of premier information and have resently become very interested in health and fitness issues,I thought I would like to start todays articles with the background work I found on yoga which is becoming very vast sought out information, this took my interest as I was always under the impression it was quite hard to learn,but I soon realised I was wrong after reading about it over the past few weeks I found that their are thousands of people who get a lot of satisfaction from yoga it takes aways the stresses of everyday life and gives you tranquillity during each session that you do thus giving you a very relaxed and stress free life as well as good health,so please take the time to read on we are going to start with the history of yoga so you alone can decide if it is what you want.The History of Yoga has a lot to do with the present times. The earliest Yoga started some 5000 years ago since human civilization has begun. The scholars have believed that Yoga was originated out of Stone Age Shamanism. This is because there were some cultural similarities between Mehrgarh which was a Neolithic settlement and the Modern Hinduism. The shamanistic culture of Mergarh was in fact influenced by Hindu ideals, symbols and rituals of the present. The ancient shamanism and early Yoga had so much similarity for the reason both wanted to go beyond the human condition. Shamanism's primary goal was to heal the members who were in their community and at the same time act as the religious mediators. Archaic Yoga also had the same objectives as they were community oriented and they aimed to determine the enormous order through senses and inner vision which then can be applied to our daily lives. As time went on, Yoga has progressed and has regarded the inmost experience. Yogis then have focused on how to improve the individual enlightenment, recovery and salvation. Yoga's evidences were first tracked in the archeological evidence which was found in! stone seals exhumed from the Indus valley. Yoga postures were traced and seen fro the figures which were illustrated in the stone seals. the artifacts were placed on History books circa 3000 B.C., which was linked to the great Indus-Sarasvati Civilization which was known to be the largest civilization that exist in the ancient world. The Indus-Sarasvati, being a maritime society, exported goods all over Africa and the Middle East. They build up sewage systems and put up geometrical brick roads and constructed multistory buildings. The Vedas are known as the oldest scripture in the world which were the ancient texts, was brought by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. It was a compilation of hymns that commends a high power which included the oldest recorded teachings in Yoga. They have considered this the divine revelation. The intelligence of the Vedas was known as the Pre-classical Yoga or the Vedic. This was described by the ritualistic ceremonies that the Yoga practitioners have been required in order to go beyond the limitations of the mind.The history of yoga would not have been completed in the classical stage of yoga. After the time and turn of the millennium, yoga and its spread in different forms have come up with the need for standardization. This is important so that the people will be aware with it and it can be applied by them. Due to this, during the second century, C.E., Patanjali has composed and collected seminal text which was the Yoga-Sutra which had defined the Classical Yoga. At the age of Postclassical Yoga in the enormous history of Yoga, it gave rise to some productive literature which has included the Tantra and the Hatha which is famously known nowadays. These were taught in schools for Yoga and practiced by many. Therefore, post classical Yoga is described to the adaptation of our present state. It is the time when yoga has evolved greatly and introduced to people. It has then been applied in the United States in the 1800's. Now in the recent decades, yoga h! as greatl! y and swiftly evolved. Swami Sivananda was one of the prominent gurus ever to master yoga. He has served as a doctor and he has generously opened up schools in Europe and America. Now as we move on with the yoga practices that we have today, it is much helpful and easier to understand if we looked back on the history of yoga. About the AuthorHi my fellow friends,I am doreen of Premier information and I surf the internet looking for the top answers to peoples queries, I do not do this lightly as I am a stickler for good solid and top results to queries,I search out the good and the bad on all my information until I get the results I am looking for, my goal in life is to help people just like myself who worked very hard through life and been stung many time so anything less than the best is no good for me to pass on to you all Have A Great Day keep watching this space!!!!!! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.★The sexiest girl of yoga Videos Youku video watch onlineThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Doreen Line Hello again friends, well I truly hope you found my previous article enlightning,I feel that if you can get the background on information of a subject that you may be interested in then you can enter that avenue with the knowledge of knowing what your up against,therefore I am now giving you the Benefits of Yoga,enjoy your reading and have a good day, Yoga through meditation works remarkably to achieve harmony and helps the mind and works in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind as it weighs down heavily upon us? Stress is the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal and emotional system. And with the help of yoga these things can be corrected. At the physical level, yoga and its cleansing practices have proven to be extremely effective for various disorders. Listed below are just some of the benefits of yoga that you can get. Benefits of Yoga 1: Yoga is known to increase flexibility; yoga has postures that trigger the different joints of the body. Including those joints that are not acted upon with regular exercises routines. Benefits of Yoga 2: Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and tendons. The well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body. It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga being a rigid one may experience a quite remarkable flexibility in the end on those parts of the body which have not been consciously worked upon. Benefits of Yoga 3: yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise that can work on through your internal organs in a thorough manner, including those that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. Benefits of Yoga 4: Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body parts. This stimulation and massage of! the org ans in turn benefits us by keeping away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of disease or disorder. One of the far-reaching benefits of yoga is the uncanny sense of awareness that it develops in the practitioner of an impending health disorder or infection. This in turn enables the person to take pre-emptive corrective action Benefits of Yoga 5: yoga offers a complete detoxification of the body. It gently stretches the muscles and joints as well as massaging the various organs, yoga ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body. This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny of your body as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life. Benefits of Yoga 6: yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess fats and flaccidity. But these enormous physical benefits are just a "side effect" of this powerful practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and these results in real quantum benefits. It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people to achieve extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond doubt the mind and body connection. In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit which can lead to an experience of eternal bliss that you can only feel through yoga. The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional balance through detachment. This in turn creates a remarkable calmness and a positive outlook, which also has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body. About the AuthorHi my fellow friends,I am doreen of Premier information and I surf the internet looking for the top answers to peoples queries, I do not do this lightly as I am a stickler for good solid and top results to queries,I search out the good and the bad on all my information until I get the results I am looking for, my goal in life is to help people just like myself who worked very hard through life and been stung many time so anything less than the best is no good for me to pass on to you all Have A Great Day keep watching this space!!!!!! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
How To Meditate: Some Tips and Tricks Which Can Have a Positive Effect on Your Meditation Posted: 08 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Dr. Robert Puff There are many ways to meditate. Because meditation has been around for so long, a wide variety of meditation systems are available. The first technique I will introduce is simple and easy to use. It's effective for both those who are new to meditation and those who have been meditating for years. This technique is popular all over the world. You will find it a very easy way to enter into meditation. The key to meditation and why it works so well is that it literally changes the wave patterns in our brains. It's based on a system of focus. All day long our minds are having thoughts and ideas. We are seldom attentive to one thought or idea at a time. We mentally bounce all over the place and rarely focus on one thing for very long. Some people refer to this mental jumping around as "monkey mind." What meditation does is to quiet the mind, still it, so it doesn't need to bounce all over the place. What we do is create a rhythm, a pattern the mind can follow. When we do that, the brain waves start to slow down. We become more peaceful and relaxed. In this first technique, we utilize a mantra that "follows the breath." Most forms of meditation are based on the following the breath. When we pay attention to the breath ("follow" it), both the mind and our breathing slow down. Some people find it hard to do this, though. Their mind bounces around so much that they forget to focus on their breathing. That's why the first technique I will teach you adds something to the breath-observing technique. I call this first technique the "I am peaceful" meditation. The "I am peaceful" meditation involves breathing in while mentally saying "I am," then mentally saying "peaceful" as you breathe out. Your mind may want to wander, but you'll find that if you direct your mind to go back to that phrase, you will begin to stay focused on your breath. Do not strain or force your attention on the words or on your breath. Just gently redirect your mind to the phrase and to your breathing an! y time y ou notice your attention has wandered off. As your mind slows down, you will begin to feel peaceful. If your mind wanders, don't be critical of yourself; simply go back to your mantra: "I am peaceful." With time, as you continue this practice, you will find it easier and easier to quiet the mind and to remain in the quietness. Even if your mind wanders, you will find that you still feel the effects of the meditation. It takes time and patience to meditate each day. With practice, it becomes easier and easier to stay focused on your mantra and to follow your breath. You will eventually find that you can enter the world of meditation quite easily. Find yourself a comfortable place to relax. Sit up and keep your spine straight (back support is fine if you need it). Don't worry about fidgeting, but if you can stay still, it's better. Meditation is about being present and relaxed. If you remain gentle with yourself and don't become harsh when your mind does not stay focused, you'll find that you progressively get better at easily and quickly falling into meditation About the AuthorDr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a meditation expert, international speaker and has a blog at http://www.Meditation-Enlightenment.com He is the creator of the weekly Meditation For Health Podcast, available at http://www.MeditationForHealthPodcast.com He has a weekly podcast that explores the world of Happiness at http://www.HappinessPodcast.org He also creates a weekly podcast that explores the world of Enlightenment available at http://www.EnlightenmentPodcast.com If you would like to contact Dr. Puff, his e-mail address is DrPuff@cox.net Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Crystal Bowls Chakra ChantsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Finding The Power Of Your Mind Posted: 08 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Graham Massey Everyone has incredible power available to them through their mind. You do not need to have extraordinary powers to truly utilise this awesome potential. Having control and power over yourself is the secret to finding the power of your mind. If someone makes the decision to change themselves from within, they can alter their own reality and circumstances. This is made possible due to the power of the mind. Your thoughts really can decide who you are and how you live. Great care needs to be taken that your thoughts are of the kind to produce positive results. The power of the mind can be harnessed to overcome whatever challenges you may face, but if not used correctly, could also produce negative results. A simple example would be that positive thinkers are generally more settled and happier than negative thinkers, who seem to be always sad and unsettled. Gaining control of your thoughts is a lengthy, steady process achieved over a period of time. However, mastering this challenge is well worth the effort needed to see results. To meet the challenges involved in finding your mind power will also need determination to think things through and find the correct answers for each situation. This will help to create a winning mind-set. As you develop this particular trait you will feel that you can indeed achieve anything. This is a vital step in finding and developing your mind power. In order to stay determined you will need to use the correct motivation for your situation. Find what really motivates you to change, then add determination, and everything will appear to be a lot easier. As mentioned previously, there is no quick fix in finding your mind power. It is a lengthy process using a mix of good practice, motivation and determination. To realise the awesome potential of mind power will also involve being open to any opportunities or changes that will benefit you on your journey to self-control. Recognising these changes and then acting upon them will enable you to find and devel! op your own mind power. Always bear in mind that the best person to help you is you. Ultimately, you are the only one qualified, and able, to decide who you really are.To find out more and how you can start finding your mind power go to my site. About the AuthorI am passionate about using my skills and experience to help as many as possible to be all that they want to be.Having used the healing energies with my own life and my friends I have a desire to share this experience with anyone seeking to change their own circumstances for the better. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.TEDxBlue - Daniel J. Siegel, MD - 10/18/09This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
BIKRAM YOGA – A STEP AHEAD OF CONVENTIONAL YOGA Posted: 08 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Taposh Mukherjee Bikram Yoga is one of the most popular yoga across the country and rapidly gaining popularity across the globe as well, it's been there since 1970s, they are even opening their studios in London. The main benefits of yoga are weight loss. Another chief advantage is mental well-being, since People will be required to disconnect from everything and focus on their breathing.Program will be intended to go exactly one and a half hour consisting of a series of 26 hatha Yoga postures along with two inhaling and exhaling Yoga is different from other form of yoga because of the fact that it's carried out inside a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit with humidity of 40%, but it is the most conventional type of hot yoga now adept. Bikram Yoga has gained rapid popularity among people and they declare the heated studio does help in cutting off stress and tension. There are many yoga retreats across the country but only few match the quality of bikram yoga. Hot yoga is one of those yoga forms which are in demand even in the foreign countries.There are so many characteristics of yoga and one of them is the twenty six Yoga postures in addition to two inhaling and exhaling yoga. These postures are designed to accumulate the proper functioning of each body part. Clean blood gets transported by the bloodstream to your muscle mass, organs and joints with the body using a course of extension and compression. Deprived blood circulation often the cause of increasing amounts of distress to overall body health.There are so many yoga benefits, and yoga is also meant to be an aid for the betterment of your mind along with your body. It's the age when every single person irrespective of their age suffering from some sort of either mental or physical stress. Every person works extremely hard, but because of the lack of time they do not intend to spend time on the betterment of their body. Bikram yoga has certainly helped them to cope up with daily stress and living a healthy life.The benefits of yoga can be measured if some! one notices the change in the life of people who take yoga classes of yoga, enhanced sleep, a mood that is definitely more relaxed, plus a more regulated appetite. They feel as if they have established improved power and flexibility, less aches and pain along with better stamina. Meditation becomes a necessary part of Yoga, which helps in mental relaxation. A lot of people have troubles in regards to high temperature and humidity to initiate with, but once the body becomes more adapted to the high temperatures it will be less of an issue. Nowadays online yoga classes have also gained popularity among the urbanites as they have less time to join yoga centre so they prefer online yoga classes to practice yoga at their home. Taposh Mukherjee can be reached at (416)250-0055 or by e-mail at info@bikramtoronto.com About the AuthorTaposh Mukherjee can be reached at (416)250-0055 or by e-mail at info@bikramtoronto.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Generic Cymbalta - Live a Stress Free life Posted: 07 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Mike Bordon Cymbalta, also known as Duloxetine is indicated in case depressive disorders. Duloxetine is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) which has proved its positive effects in treating depression and anxiety disorders. Duloxetine affects neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals released by the nerves cells of the brain. Studies reveal that an imbalance among neurotransmitters is the cause of depression as well as other psychiatric disorders. Duloxetine works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin and epinephrine by nerves once they have been released. Cymbalta is used to treat major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder. Cymbalta is also known to have its effect on pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and fibromyalgia. The severity of the pain experienced is such that patients cannot tolerate slightest touch. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread pain and tenderness in the muscles and soft tissue.. A person suffering from depression presents with loss of interest in routine activities, weight and appetite changes, insomnia or hypersomnia, fatigue and feeling of being worthless. In severe cases of depression, suicide thoughts and attempt is common. In generalized anxiety disorder, there is excessive and uncontrollable tendency to worry and being anxious about trivial matters. The normal recommended dose of Cymbalta is 30 mg for initial adjustment to 40mg (20mg twice a day) and 60 mg (30 mg twice a day). The drug should be swallowed as a whole and should not be chewed or crushed. Common practices like opening the capsule and sprinkling the contents in food and liquids is not advisable too. Irregularities in taking the medicine should be avoided. Cymbalta should be given at a fixed time irrespective of food intake. Patients in depression taking Cymbalta should be periodically accessed for adjusting the dosage. Gradual reduction of dose is strictly to be followed. Sudden ceasing of anti-depressant drugs c! an bring in unrest in the chemical activity of the brain. Gradual reduce in dosage is the best way to wean from any drug. The patient should be observed for at least 5 days after stopping Cymbalta, before starting any other therapy. Cymbalta is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at a reputed Canadian pharmacy, as you can save a lot of time and money. You can click here to buy Generic Cymbalta. About the AuthorThe author is a renowned SEO professional and author of many articles and e-books. Presently he is working as the editor of spotwriters. He is currently providing article writing service for many SEO firms. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Meizitang Slimming Soft Gels really help a lot in weight loss and getting stress out of your life Posted: 07 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Meghnath kumar Despite of other issues around the world, obesity is topping the list in medical point of view. People are being overweight because of unhealthy food. They don't know that by eating junk food they are risking their lives. By eating unhealthy food excessive fat is accumulating in your body which is creating adverse effects. Many of the individuals are having diabetics, cancer, heart disease and etc. because of gaining extra weight. It is important to exercise daily and to burn your calories in order to avoid weight gain. Irrespective of any class, people are gaining weight because of unhealthy eating habits. People are more relaxed now they prefer doing their work by using car rather than walking. Similarly, mostly people try to avoid supplements as they ruminate that it will cause damage to their health. The marketers are providing numerous solutions to people in order to diminish their health related issues. One of the companies from China has offered Frata planta one of the successful diet pills which have taken a huge market share from the market. This diet pill is different from the others which are prevailing in the market because it is 100% natural without having side effects. It is available in the market with different aromas so people can swallow it easily. All those people who have busy working hours and they cannot take out for fitness center can take this diet pill in order to reduce weight. It is endorsed to have lots of water while taking this pill so your blood can by purified and sustain the level of your metabolism. These dietary supplements are working like magic for those who are persistent in their plans of weight reduction. Mezitang Slimming soft gels are also aiding people in order to get slim and fit. These capsules are easy to digest and activate the bowel function properly. They are basically working on the excessive fat which is mainly present on the face, thighs and lover abdomen. All those pear shaped women should go for these capsules in order to get an ap! ple shap e by getting slim and fit. These tablets are having natural herbs ingredients which will not be creating any toxic in your body. To avoid any harm it is advisable to drink at least 12 glasses of water along with this capsule to cleanse your bod fully. Weight loss has never been so easy but through these effective dietary supplements along with exercise you will be able to achieve your physique back. Weight loss requires proper diet chart according to your BMI which is very important to figure out before going for any diet plan. The medical consultants are always willing to help you out in an accurate way to achieve maximum results. Weight loss requires optimistic behavior of individual and eating habits. With the intention of evading this bad habit of eating unhealthy food is to develop some good habits like exercising and working out daily so you can be able to live a stress free life. About the AuthorMeizitang Slimming Soft Gels really help a lot in weight loss and getting stress out of your life. Weight loss requires optimistic behavior of individual and eating habits. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga Conditioning For Weight LossThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Kids' Cholesterol Levels See Improvement Posted: 07 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT
The percentage of young Americans with high cholesterol has declined over the past two decades, leaving one in 12 kids or teens with a higher-than-recommended count, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers looked at total cholesterol, HDL and LDL counts and triglyceride levels in more than 16,000 kids and teens and found the percentage with high total cholesterol decreased from 11.3 percent to 8.1 percent between 1988 and 2010, according to the study. Additionally, the percentage of participants with at least one problematic measurement decreased from 27.2 percent to 22.2 percent. "Over the roughly 20-year study period, we found improvements, but almost one in 10 continued to have high totals," said study author Dr. Brian Kit of the CDC. The researchers used data gathered during the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. They looked during three time spans at cholesterol levels of those between ages 6 and 19: between 1988 and 1994, between 1999 and 2002, and from 2007 to 2010. Between 5,000 and 7,000 kids were surveyed for each period, and the sample was nationally representative. Researchers found that the average total cholesterol level dropped from 165 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) to 160 mg/dL, and the average child's HDL ("good") cholesterol levels increased from 50.5 mg/dL to 52.2 mg/dL. Among adolescents, there was also a decrease in the average level of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, from 95 mg/dL to 90 mg/dL. Total cholesterol levels of over 200 mg/dL are considered high in children. Children's HDL levels should be at least 40 mg/dL, whereas LDL levels should be under 130 mg/dL, the researchers said. Cholesterol levels are determined by a number of factors, including genes and lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise and exposure to secondhand smoke, Kit said. Over the 20 years of the study, there were decreases nationally in exposure to secondhand smoke and in consumption of trans fats. During this time, however, there has also been an increase in childhood and adolescent obesity, Kit said. "The important message is that while weight status is one factor that contributes to cholesterol levels, there are other things that contribute," Kit said. The new findings come as doctors debate recent recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which say that all children should undergo cholesterol screening between ages 9 and 11, and again between ages 17 and 21. Critics have argued that the cost of testing every U.S. child would be high, and that the main recommendations for children with high levels would be to eat better and exercise more, which most children with other risk factors are told anyway. The study appears Wednesday (Aug. 8) in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Pass it on: Though the cholesterol levels of kids and adolescents are improving, one in 10 still has high cholesterol. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook and Google+. | ||
Tips on How to Relieve Stress and Depression Posted: 07 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Belinda Daly The human body has a natural relaxation response which is an effective solution to all kinds of negative stress and depression. All methods of relaxation techniques - deep breathing, visualization, meditation, and yoga, etc. - aids your body to trigger the relaxation response. It is important to regularly practise these actions which will eventually lead to a big reduction in your everyday negative stress levels. These relaxation techniques will increase your feelings of bliss and tranquillity. They will also serve as a shielding experience by instructing you on how to stay serene when faced with the stresses of modern life. The fact is you cannot keep away from all negative stress, but it is possible to counterbalance its harmful effects by learning how to induce the automatic relaxation response. The relaxation response is when the mind, body and spirit are entwined and are in perfect harmony with each other. This deep state of relaxation is the reverse of the negative stress response which is detrimental to the mind, body and spirit. Please note though that the stress response is a vital factor of your autonomic nervous system - it's sub divided into the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system - because it creates chemicals in the body to prepare it for the fight or flight reaction. The stress response is helpful in life or death situations, but when it is constantly in action it causes detrimental effects on the mind, body and spirit. Frequently using relaxation techniques helps the relaxation response bring your mind, body and spirit into equilibrium. You can reduce stress hormones, slow down your heart rate and blood pressure by deep breathing and relaxing your muscles. The calming physical effects of the relaxation response will increase energy, fight ailments, relieves aches and pains, boosts motivation and productivity, etc. The great thing is with a little motivation to practise these techniques anyone can benefit from their harmonious effect! s. Below are some tips on how to relieve stress and depression:1. Set aside at least 10 to 30 minutes per day for relaxation practice. 2. Start including relaxation practice into your daily routine. It is advisable to do your relaxation exercises in the early morning before you begin your other tasks and obligations. 3. Practice relaxation techniques when you are fully awake and attentive. If you are tired you will not get the full mental and physical benefits of relaxation techniques. 4. It is important that you choose the right relaxation techniques that makes you feel good. 5. If you are an introvert you will probably choose relaxation techniques that you can do alone like meditation or progressive muscle relaxation. Though if you are more extroverted you will probably do yoga classes. Whatever you choose to do - solo relaxation techniques or take classes - with constant practise it will keep your mind, body and spirit in complete harmony with each other. When you follow these tips on how to start relaxation exercise you will immediately start to feel like a new person. So don't delay go ahead and start becoming a more relaxed and focused human being! About the Author Belinda Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. She also has a degree in metaphysics. To recieve free e-courses e-books, audios and videos on self improvement and spiritual development visit our free membeship site. Please click below now: http://www.mindbodyspiritdevelopment.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Paul Chek on Spot Reducing - cellulite weightloss fatloss cellular diet nutrition food meals gym fitnessThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Respect reality, not religion, if you love the Ultimate Posted: 07 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT I'm no longer religious. But I still embrace the notion of Ultimate Reality. I love those words, "ultimate reality." They point toward... something. Or perhaps... someone. (I think it's much more likely that something rather than someone resides at the root of reality, but since I wrote a book called Return to the One, and continue to believe in much of Plotinus' philosophy, I'm very much open to the possibility of some sort of universal impersonal consciousness that could be called One.) Ultimate doesn't mean far off, even though religions, spiritual teachings, and mystical practices often assume that Really Real Reality is over the horizon in some sort of supernatural realm, not right here, right now. Personally, I like to envision ultimate reality being close at hand. It may be hidden, disguised, imperfectly revealed. Yet the notion that reality is cleanly divided into "ultimate" and "non-ultimate" strikes me as absurd. I respect reality. Period. Which doesn't mean that I always like reality. I don't like wasps (we've got a bothersome nest in our eaves at the moment). I don't like disease, disability, and death. I don't like black beans and red peppers. However, I accept that these things exist. I accept the evident evidence of their presence. Likewise, I accept that many people don't respect reality. I wish they did. Yet wishes and beliefs unsupported by evidence aren't part of objective reality, by which I mean the aspect of reality which exists whether or not a particular human brain conceives of it. Browsing through my Twitter feed this morning I came across a Tweet that said: Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. Saint Augustine This strikes me as an incredibly stupid notion, notwithstanding St. Augustine's well-deserved reputation as a smart guy. There are so many things I can believe in, yet can't see, including countless objects which exist only in my own imagination. Sure, if I believe I can see a thousand-headed hippopotamus, really, really believe it, it's possible that the "reward of this faith" will be to actually see such a creature. However, "actually" will be a subjective, not objective, phenomenon. I might dream of my dearly believed thousand-headed hippopotamus. I might have a vision of it while under the influence of some psycho-active substance. (Or even in my normal state of consciousness.) I might transform my oft-repeated belief that this creature exists into a sense of Yes, it truly does! I don't find these "might's" worthy of being proud of, though. Especially if I'm the sort of person -- which I am -- who wants to see reality as clearly as possible, while accepting that every perception, observation, and experience is necessarily a blend of an individual's subjective consciousness and a universal objective presence. What strikes me as deeply disrespectful to objective reality is considering human belief to be more important than the nature of existence. Religious believers should feel this way also. And many did, back in the days when the Book of Nature was considered to reveal the Creator of nature. If God created the world, then seemingly it is blasphemous to believe in something that isn't true about physical reality. Since the big bang, evolution, global warming, quantum mechanics, and other solid scientific theories are almost certainly true, to deny them is to deny God's creation. Disrespectful! Assuming God exists. But even if God doesn't exist, I still feel that we should respect reality as it actually is, rather than as how we'd like it to be, or believe it to be. Religiosity, spirituality, mysticism -- I used to think these could be avenues to ultimate reality. Now, though, I'm struck by how abstract and conceptual they are. Believers in some hypothetical realm beyond the physical immerse themselves in ideas about reality, not reality itself. Yes, there is more than meets the eye. Science enables us to know about objects billions of light years away and events that happened billions of years ago. Science gives us knowledge about the subatomic world which otherwise would be hidden from usual human perceptions. But there is demonstrable evidence for the amazing phenomena scientific research reveals to be present beyond the bounds of everyday experience, whereas religiosity, spirituality, and mysticism only deal with beliefs, opinions, hopes, desires, and other concepts of human minds. At every moment, each of us is enjoying a great gift: reality. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches connect us with a world that exists independent of our subjective consciousness. The proof of this is that we can say to someone else, "Do you see that? Do you hear that? Doesn't this taste great?", and learn that what we consider to be real, actually is. For me, mindfulness of the present moment has become my religion (speaking loosely; mindfulness is far removed from traditional religiosity). I try to separate my senses from my stories. Reality is different from our beliefs. Believe that, religious believers. | ||
What you should know about yoga pants and clothing Posted: 07 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Mirra Meisler Wanting to lose weight, well today it isn't just regarding the equipment but in addition with regards to the yoga clothes for you to wear. You'll find so many yoga products out there today so that it may very well be hard to select precisely what is effective for you. From yoga mats to yoga wear for females and also a variety of yoga accessories available. Yoga props, cork blocks, cotton straps and non slip towels for hot yoga and a lot more just keeps being released in. Yoga clothing for female now is a thriving market, from organic cottons to stretchy bamboo cotton as well as a great many other fabric options. Styles have in addition evolved into an easy task to stylish and basic to protective clothing for exercise. In reality currently you learn about Obama selling yoga pants. The Obama website states that 'Whether you have yoga class or lazing around on your own favourite couch, these exercise pants help keep you comfy and chic,". Those which may be interested President Obama's yoga pants; you may be please to be aware of they're made out of 95 % cotton and five percent spandex. Yoga mats are essentially the most popular item in the yoga market and sell regularly. However yoga clothes are not far behind either for you a variety of suitable option available. Good yoga wear might be durable and definately will mean easy movement. It will keep you balanced and comfortable, the loose and protective nature of this clothing will always make the practise safer along with your postures additional enjoyable in your case. Hot Yoga is becoming seriously popular and the poses associated with hot Yoga can be hugely intense and tend to be held for extended intervals, whilst some are quick. Yoga equipment for hot yoga includes non slip towels, water coolers and water bottles. Yoga clothes add bamboo biker shorts and cropped bras to generate the class more pleasurable because they clothes allow freedom of movement and ease. Hot yoga participants were also advised to run clear of baggy ! articles of clothing or items produced from cotton, because have a tendency to trap sweat, which can lead to a feeling of discomfort. An excellent yoga towel may also be non slip and gives the six-inch marking for yoga postures. This can assist you to do your posture correctly as well as the non slip feature can keep you safer and still provide grip. This is certainly most significant particularly a hot yoga class where things will get quite slippery so you do need good yoga accessories as well as a durable yoga mat which offers strong grip. After you feel you happen to be safe you may enjoy the postures as an alternative to wobbling about and being unsteady with your mat. On the internet began on choosing the best yoga accessories yourself and do are the mat as well as the towel definitely. Finding your perfect yoga accessories simple, focus on the essentials and ensure you ultimately choose environment friendly and durable options along with fabrics. About the AuthorLooking for quality yoga pants? Check out our website or http://wikipedia.org Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga & Dance Infusion Dec 2011 WorkshopThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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