Why We're More Interested in Sex During the Summer
Why We're More Interested in Sex During the Summer |
- Why We're More Interested in Sex During the Summer
- Quieten the Endless Chatter of your Mind with Best Meditation Classes in Melbourne
- Lack of Sleep May Make Vaccines Less Effective
- A Bird in Hand
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Why We're More Interested in Sex During the Summer Posted: 01 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
People in the U.S. are most interested in sex during the early summer, as well as in December and January, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed the keywords that people in the U.S. used in Google searches over four years, and found that every year, searches for keywords related to finding dates, prostitutes and pornography showed distinct peaks during June and July, and again during the winter. "Wherever we looked within these three different areas — whether it was searches for 'eHarmony,' or for 'brothel' — there was this exact same pattern," said study researcher Patrick Markey, an associate professor of psychology at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. The timing of the peaks was remarkably consistent from year to year, he said. Exactly why these two peaks in sexual interest occur isn't completely clear, Markey said, but the findings suggest they are linked to a general increase in the amount of time that people spend being around other people. Previous studies of birth records have also suggested these peaks in sexual activity, especially in December, and researchers have speculated that one reason for this is a natural tendency toward giving birth in the late summer or early fall. "But if that was the only reason, there'd be no reason to watch porn or find a prostitute," Markey said. "It's more like, something about being around more people, or being around people more often, that makes us more interested in sexual activity," he said. The summer time tends to bring a flurry of social activities, and December can bring holiday gatherings and shopping crowds. Yearly variations in sperm quality and hormonal fluctuations have also been proposed as explanations, according to the study. Along with studies of birth records, research into STD diagnosis rates and abortion rates have suggested that sexual activity peaks during these two times of year. But most of these reports have looked at things that happen after people have sex. The new study added to what was known, the researchers said, by looking at behaviors that tend to occur in advance of sexual activity. The researchers analyzed the keywords used in Google searches in the U.S. between January 2006 and March 2011. They looked at searches that included certain keywords related to mate-seeking behaviors (such as "eHarmony" and "Match.com"), prostitution (such as "call girl" and "escort") and pornography (such as "porn" and "boobs"). As a control, they also looked at the number of searches for neutral keywords, such as "dog" and "windshield." For each keyword, they used an online tool that shows the percentage increase in searches relative to the normal amount. They found that searches for prostitution-related keywords increased by 2.78 percent, and mate-seeking searches increased by 5.67 percent above average during January and July. Searches for pornography increased 4.28 percent above average during December and June, according to the study. "Those somewhat small percentages represent a huge number of searches," Markey said, when you consider the millions of searches that are performed every day. The researchers noted that in analyzing their data, they had to throw out one particular outlier: searches related to prostitution showed "a dramatic 35 percent increase" in March 2008, they said. "Such an increase likely occurred because, on March 10, 2008, the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal began, which ultimately led to his resignation as governor of New York," they wrote. The study was published online July 19 in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. Pass it on: Interest in sex peaks in the U.S. in early summer and early winter, a new study shows. FollowMyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Quieten the Endless Chatter of your Mind with Best Meditation Classes in Melbourne Posted: 01 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by OmMeditation Meditation is a technique through which one relaxes the restlessness of the mind by freeing it from stress and anxiety. The higher form of meditation is known for offering complete peace of mind, inner silence and spiritual awakening. Meditation helps to achieve a state of concentrated attention on one thought, idea, awareness and helps in turning the attention inwards away from the external world. During the initial meditation practice the mind of the people might wanders away but the people need to continuously proceed with the meditation to bring the attention back again and again. Thus, people starting up with meditation will need to put more effort in the beginning but as one start gaining proficiency, less effort will be required. With more and more people realizing the significance of meditation in life the mediation centers are opening up in every part of the world. Mediation is practiced across the several countries and is quite popular in Melbourne too. The popularity of meditation in Melbourne can well be estimated with the fact that there are different meditation centers operating in Melbourne that offer perfect meditation tips and techniques for the people to obtain maximum benefits. People in Melbourne love to master this art of meditation that teaches them to attain serenity, bliss and clarity in life. This age old technique of attaining control on one mind and body was originally meant to understand the sacred and mystical forces of life but now-a-days it is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction. Meditation classes in Melbourne is known for producing deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind that further help the people to keep the mind calm and get themselves free from the distracting thoughts. Meditation centers in Melbourne provide people with a complete sense of calm, peace and balance that benefits the health as well as the emotional well-being. In Melbourne people are quite fascinated of the meditation classes that not only offers benefits only till! the med itation session but also help to stay calm and peaceful all through the day and improve certain medical conditions. Meditation classes conducted in Melbourne help people to gain a new perspective on stressful situation and help people to develop skills to manage stress. People can also learn to increase their inner strength and focus on the present by eliminating negative emotions and thoughts from their life. Therefore, great number of people in Melbourne are relying upon meditation classes to free themselves from the stress and tension surrounded in their everyday life. About the AuthorOmMeditation.com.au provides Mediation Techniques, meditation classes, courses and CBM methods. How to meditate and retreat of Meditation in Melbourne with Step by step method of chakra meditation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) - Enya (with lyrics)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Lack of Sleep May Make Vaccines Less Effective Posted: 01 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT
Some vaccines may not work as well in people who don't get a good night's sleep, a new study suggests. In the study, adults who slept fewer than six hours a night were less likely to be adequately protected against hepatitis B after getting a hepatitis B shot than people who slept more than seven hours a night. Lack of sleep may have detrimental effects on the immune system processes that are important for vaccine response, the researchers said. "While there is more work to be done in this area, in time, physicians and other health care professionals who administer vaccines may want to consider asking their patients about their sleep patterns, since lack of sleep may significantly affect the potency of the vaccination," said Aric Prather, a psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco. Research has shown that poor sleep can make people susceptible to illnesses such as upper respiratory infections. But it is unclear whether sleep affects the specific immune responses known to protect against infection. The new study involved 125 people who were between ages 40 and 60, and in good health. Each participant was given the standard, three-dose hepatitis B vaccine: the first and second doses were administered a month apart, followed by a booster shot at six months. Participants' antibody levels were measured six months after the final vaccination. (Antibodies are proteins that the immune system produces to fight foreign invaders, such as viruses.) All the participants completed sleep diaries detailing their bedtime and wake time, and 88 participants wore electronic sleep monitors known as actigraphs. Eighteen participants had antibody levels that were so low that it meant they did not receive adequate protection from the vaccine. People who slept fewer than six hours nightly on average were 11.5 times more likely to be unprotected by the vaccine than people who slept more than seven hours on average, the researcher said. "These findings should help raise awareness in the public health community about the clear connection between sleep and health," Prather said. The study was funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research and the National Institutes of Health. It will be published in the August issue of the journal SLEEP. Prather conducted the work while at the University of Pittsburgh. Pass it on: People who get a poor night's sleep may not respond as well to the hepatitis vaccine as those who get a good night's sleep. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Valerie Sheppard As I engage in spiritual transformation discussions with my clients, workshop participants, and members of my Heartful Awakening Circle online community (www.HeartfulAwakenings.com) who are making choices to have more of what they want in their lives, I am noticing a trend. It's one that feels prudent and wise on the surface, but detrimental when you get to the 'deepest intent' that underlies that. The troublesome aspects of life today are forcing many into total upheaval. Relationships, jobs, finances and lifestyles are all in a state of flux, and many weighing options to take their experiences to new levels of fulfillment and security. As they do so, an ages-old proverb appears to be coming into play, and it might be hurting all of us. A bird in the hand is worth (better than) two in the bush Sources like Wise Geek.com and Phrases.org agree this proverb is saying that you're likely to be better off by sticking with something you already have, rather than pursuing something you may never get. The warning is that if you pass up a sure-thing (the thing you already have/know) to go for something that might be better, you may end up without both. There are several accounts as to the origin of the proverb, some dating back to the 13th century, including that it comes from medieval falconry where the bird in your hand was the means to getting the two in the bush. In this case, without the larger and skilled predator skills of the falcon, one wouldn't be able to eat the smaller birds in the bush for dinner. Perhaps you gained this wisdom when you read Aesop's Fable of The Hawk and the Nightingale, in which a Hawk tells its nightingale prey as the latter begs to be released, "I'd be crazy to release a bird I've already caught in favor of birds I don't even yet see." There is even a Biblical reference from 1382: Ecclesiastes IX - A living dog is better than a dead lion. Regardless the proverb sounds like a lesson in the wise use of resources. However, it's putting a nice "useful" cover ! on a bas e emotion of fear, and on scarcity, lack, and limitation beliefs that prevent us from trusting ourselves and taking greater risks to experience our higher good. I'm recalling a particular apparatus on a ropes course at California's renowned Challenge U, one of my favorite experiential learning facilities. On this apparatus, you're walking a tight-rope some 40-feet in the sky. As you traverse the rope with your feet, you are using your arms to balance yourself on individual ropes hanging above your head. These upper ropes are spaced just far enough apart, that you have to let go of one to grab the next one! So each step along the way, you have to dangle out there in mid-air for a millisecond holding onto nothing before you can reach the next rope. [You are wearing top-notch safety gear of course, including helmet, safety harness, and gloves, and you're being guided by one of Challenge U's expert coaches.] While there are other apparatus in the ropes part of Challenge U's tools, this particular experience helps one feel what it's like to be in the void while going toward a goal. The idea is to help people learn to feel the fear, and keep going anyway. This is the heart of Courage, Faith and Trust. There are times when the bird in hand is practically killing us, and still we won't put it down until something better is right at hand. We probably all know at least one person who hates their job, but stays anyway, just for the money; a couple who stays married long after the relationship is over solely "for the kids" or the financial security; people who won't risk going for something they dream about because they're not sure they can make it. I certainly have been there. Before I left my last corporate job in 2006, I was "grinning and bearing it" long after I knew I was unhappy. When I stepped into my radical sabbatical, I felt fear of loss, lack and limitation at a deep level. It wasn't easy leaving my corporate salary and business comfort zones. This proverb came up many times. But in th! e end, I chose to step out anyway. We're in a time of massive shifts in the Universe. The New Age of Enlightenment is upon us, and the energies it's bringing are about destruction of the old, outdated, no-longer-serving-us aspects of our consciousness to make way for Truth. Now, perhaps more than ever before, each of us is being supported to step into the void in order to claim higher ground. But instead of stepping out in Faith, many are locked in fear and "hanging in there" with energetic vibrations that are holding them back. I believe the struggles we're seeing around the world are about coming out of this stasis. More of us have to be willing to step into and learn to thrive in the void if we are to truly shift the vibration of social consciousness. We must learn to be listen to the signs along the way screaming NO!, it's time to leave, exit, release, drop, or whatever form of not-doing- it-anymore fits. We must have the Courage, Faith and Trust to answer the call to leave before the something better comes along if we truly want to live our most vibrant lives. Perhaps our various forecasts of the future have numbed and misguided us. Humankind's ability to "predict" weather patterns, revenue, stock performance, life expectancies, prices, unemployment, purchasing, political races, etc. may be teaching us to look too long before we leap. When we wait for the exact right moment to make change happen in our lives we miss the greater gift that comes from the willingness to dance with the questions and experience the fear as we choose to move forward anyway. We must make peace with the unknown, and see our 'Bird in Hand' dilemmas as calls from the Soul to step into the void and feel safe! We're always in some form of the unknown. We can only know so much about how things are going to play out, and even in the midst of our sophisticated systems for projecting and predicting, we still get it wrong. It feels more important to be at peace without knowing. In the NOT knowing, we're act! ually at our most flexible point. In the NOT knowing, we're open to more possibilities and in the possibilities, there are more opportunities for triumph. Here's your call to action: Look at where you are "hanging in there," or "grinning and bearing it" through what is not serving you, believing it's yourproverbial Bird in Hand. Go into the fear that is keeping you from acting in your own best interest and make peace with whatever is causing it. As the fear subsides, instead of waiting to see what will happen if you let go, perhaps it's time to let go first, and then keep your heart open for the possibilities that you've just created! Blessings, Love and Light!Valerie About the AuthorSherpa of Happiness Valerie Renรฉ Sheppard is a recovering corporate executive on radical sabbatical, who is now devoted to guiding people to experience authentic happiness. Her diverse coaching background spans 20 years, including working with adolescent girls, homeless women, college students, and adult professionals. She is a certified Sacred Contracts coach through the Caroline Myss Education Institute. She has been praised for her coaching ability by students, mentees and peers. In addition to helping individuals free themselves from limitations to have more vibrant lives, Valerie also combines her leadership tools with proven marketing and branding techniques to help business leaders create high-performance teams and drive increased revenues and profit. She speaks to numerous audiences, including corporations, spiritual groups, and major universities. Valerie is a national best-selling author with Greg S. Reid of "Everything is Subject to Change," and is co-author with Marsh Engle of "Amazing Woman, What's Your Story?" Valerie has also been published in award-winning 11:11™ Magazine, and is a contributor to Divine Caroline™ and The Natural You™. She is based in San Clemente, California where in addition to her running her businesses, she walks the beach and is finishing her latest book, "The Happy to Be ME! Handbook due out in July 2012. For more information, you can visit her website at http://HeartofLivingVibrantly.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included."Hell or Heaven - It's Your Choice" - SadhguruThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
3 Simple Rules for Losing Weight (and Tips for Following Them) Posted: 01 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT
It seems like there's a new weight loss study released every day, so it's no wonder why we're all so confused. There are so many different schools of thought, how could you know which is right? The truth is, although we're learning new things every day, the basic tenants of healthy eating haven't changed in hundreds of years:
Sure, following the rules falls into the category of "easier said than done," but that's why I was so pleased to see the results of a recent study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Researchers took a close look at many dieting methods, and found three things that stood out. The best news is that while these things are simple and take very little effort, according to the study, they're also highly effective. The rules are:
Although these are simple tips, I know that a busy schedule can sometimes stand in the way of doing the right thing. So here are some tips for following these rules, regardless of what else is happening in your life.
Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight loss expert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a Hurry! | ||
How To Recognize Opportunities Posted: 01 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Irabor Mark To recognize simply means to see something you have known before. There are loads of opportunities flowing around us every day but we do not recognize them. They have not been part of our dreams. If you have problem-mentality, you will see problems every where. What some people call a problem is what some others call opportunity. Problems and opportunities are one and the same thing. What you see depends a whole lot on your mental training. You must deliberately cultivate success consciousness. The Holy Scripture tells us how to change our thinking. The more you change your thoughts, the more you change your life. "Be not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" The word 'transformed' in this Scripture is similar to the English word "metamorphosis' which is the process of transformation. The development, especially of a butterfly, best describes the experience. It starts as an egg, becomes larva, from larva to caterpillar, and caterpillar to butterfly. "Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" - The Holy Scripture. You must stop fighting spiritual problem with material weapon. You must stop trying to change situations that have an invisible root with visible weapon. "Though we talk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh." For the weapon of out warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. We need to destroy some thought-patterns. The thought of failure is not an ordinary strongholds; it is spiritual stronghold. Recognizing the source of problem, "you can cast down all negative imaginations or arguments, and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God" You can hold thoughts captive. They are so powerful and can demobilize your life if you do not stop them. The mind is the battle ground, and it is the place where the devil really tries to influence our lives. The mind is the place where we succeed or fail. There are general thinkin! g patter ns about money that you must pull out of your mind so you can move forward financially. One such stereotype is " You use money to get money." Get that out of your mind quickly. The root of all achievements is thoughts. Do not be stranded because you do not have money. If you act on the right ideas, you will get money. God did not use cash to create the world. Recognizing opportunities where others see problem is the key to success About the AuthorOpportunities abounds everywhere. For a start I will recommend this book which will take you by the hand and show you opportunities you never though existed. Click here to find out: http://madeforsuccess.blogspot.com and http://jobopenng.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.I'm Ruining My Life (2/2) ~ Satsang with Mooji (3 Feb 2010 India)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Explore The Many Benefits of Meditation Posted: 01 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Enlightenmentpodcast Increasingly these days, more and more people from all over the world want to learn the techniques of meditation, the benefits of which are endless. The techniques of meditation for beginners are very simple, but they produce many benefits. Meditation began as a spiritual practice for those striving to achieve enlightenment, inner peace and unity. It is a tremendously powerful form of self-discipline that results in absolute mastery of one's mental, emotional and physical aspects. Meditation helps an individual to attain a life of peace and stability in what often seems like an unstable world. Meditation gives a greater simplicity and increased meaning to life. Meditation and yoga are both ways by which anyone can attain spiritual awareness. The key factor in the search for spiritual enlightenment is learning how to calm the mind and be still. Meditation is a critical factor on the journey to spiritual enlightenment. Practicing regular meditation brings calmness. Meditation gives one the key to master his or her mind and the power to overcome any tendency to become a slave to his or her thoughts.Some of the benefits of meditation are:• Improves the immune system• Reduces stress and tension• Builds self-confidence• Enhances energy and strength• Lowers blood pressure• Improves emotional stability• Increases concentration and strengthens the mind• Sharpens the mind by gaining focus• Expands the mind through relaxation• Decreases any tension-related pain such as, tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems Other, perhaps even more striking benefits of meditation are those which take place in the mind. These can be at least equally important as the benefits to one's physical well-being. The psychological benefits of meditation include improved creativity, learning ability and memory. Studies also show meditation creates an increase in overall happiness and emotional stability, while feelings of depression, anxiety and irritability tend to decrea! se. Meditation can improve a person's mental and physical comfort. Contrary to popular belief, one need not take time apart from work or other activity for meditation; being aware and in the moment, whatever one is doing, is meditation in itself. Regularly practiced, the benefits of meditation will promote a sense of calm and control within you. You'll feel far more relaxed and happy. Your ability to concentrate will be greater. You'll feel more peaceful and relaxed about everything, and you won't become stressed about things. One of meditation's greatest benefits is that you learn to "go with the flow"; things that once irritated you become simply insignificant. About the AuthorDr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author, international speaker, and meditation expert who have been counseling individuals, families, nonprofits, and businesses for over twenty years. A contributing writer to Psychology Today, he has also authored numerous books, including "Reflections on Meditation: A Guide for Beginners", "Anger Work: How to Express Your Anger and Still Be Kind", and "Meditation for Health and Happiness". Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Relaxing Piano Rain Music - Nature Scenes 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Andrew Beene Discover the world of possibilities. If all your plans seem out of your reached and you feel like you're almost giving out everything just to achieve what you want and yet, it still turns out to be depressing, then think. There might be something that you need, something that would give you the ways to handle everything that seems so impossible. There is still this one that would probably give you the help that you've been looking for. Remember the saying "mind over matter"? In this way is where a hypnotherapy and hypnosis would help you. Indeed, achieving goals sometimes really give you hard, rough times and these make you feel very disappointed toward yourself. Achieving weight loss and an overall health improvement are sound so easy to achieve but there are some people that, though determined, still get failed to have it. In this sort of cases, one reliable thing that you could turn to is the Toronto hypnotherapy. The process of hypnotherapy could make you change the negative or unhealthy habit that you have now. Through the help of trustworthy processes like the improve confidence hypnosis Brampton which, as the word implies help you to gain much confidence through a particular kind of process and provides an in-depth solution to your self-confidence matter. Healthy self esteem hypnosis and stress relief hypnosis are also in the line of those effective and reliable processes that help you not just in taking away from all those mental stress but also help you to become more optimistic in life. Together with deep relaxation hypnosis, you could be able to achieve and could get the opportunity to change everything in you and be the Best YOU that you've dreamed of. Many have encounter difficulties in engaging in some aspects of their life and have been wishing for a dream or goal to achieve like in the aspect of health, finances, relationship, and life. With its known natural, safe and highly effective way of these processes, it could really help you to achieve any goal and gives you the powe! r to cha nge. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve and a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. The person's attention is so focused while in this state that anything going on around the person is temporarily blocked out or ignored. The hypnotic state allows a person to be more open to discussion and suggestion. It can improve the success of other treatments for many conditions including phobias, fears and anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, stress, post trauma anxiety, grief and loss. It can also use to hamper pain and to overcome habits such as smoking or overeating. It can also be helpful for people whose symptoms are severe or who need crisis management. With the help of an excellent service and well-trained hypnotherapies, it would motivate the clients to trust, communicate with, and to use that vast range of hidden resources stored within their own subconscious mind. Experiences can be created which encourage or demand a therapeutic response and communications can be offered which achieve alteration in the understanding and behavior. In hypnotherapy, the client can learn to look at things that are unpleasant- without fear, with a willingness to understand, and with a willingness to cope in new ways. If all things are mind-over-matter thought, therefore mind plays a key role in the healing of the body in all aspects of life. Don't overlook the power of your mind. About the AuthorFor more information, click these improve confidence hypnosis in Brampton, improve confidence hypnosis in Brampton and healthy self esteem hypnosis or visit http://www.powertochangehypnosis.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Valley of The Crystal Sand - Inner Thought Currents VOL 2 - Theta Brainwave Sound JourneyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Koh Samui - Host The Best Accommodation And Relaxation Services Posted: 01 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Ezekiel Ina Koh Samui in Thailand is between by far the most famed holiday destination the place many people from all around the planet take a look at on a yearly basis to devote some time employing their members of the family. Vacationers make your mind up to go to it to think about break employing their hectic schedule and conclude up forgetting their worries and challenges. So if you want to consider a relaxation, Koh Samui would be the excellent site arrive at. Koh Samui is really a famous tourist place and huge tropical island. Now we have an part of round 25 kms at its biggest duration, and 21 km at its maximum width. It's circled by a minimum of sixty other islands, such as the Ang Thong Countrywide Maritime Park. Koh Samui might be noticed within the Gulf of Thailand, and was at first observed by anglers and traders searching for protection towards storms and tough waters. It initially done its visual appeal in Chinese maps throughout the sixteenth century and was often known as as Pulo Cornam. The extremely first of all facet of Koh Samui which may arrived at any visitor's intellect would absolutely be its immaculate, neat and stress-free beach locations. Chaweng and Lamai are probably typically the most well-liked seashores generally because they are commercialized and thus are generally loaded with fun-filled routines for everyone. Youngsters would probable appreciate this individual a part of Koh Samui since the greater part on the fashionable nightclubs are located approximately Chaweng Seashore. It truly is also the place to uncover in all probability essentially the most luxurious inns offering the best of expert services to vacationers from around the globe. The surprising but welcoming portion of your Chaweng Beach stands out as the fact that, at the same time, it's space for hikers on a restricted spending budget excursion as a consequence of the quantity of accommodation rooms situated in vicinity. Among the list of top rated explanations why maui grew to be favorite is definite! ly the plethora of accommodation to choose from and pleasant character from your natives. You might identify accommodation alternatives attainable in most varieties and ranges from cost-effective to high priced lavish types. If you want to dwell luxuriously in Koh Samui, go for Koh Samui bungalows and villas and visual appeal their expert services on your own. You should come across some wonderful possible choices quickly around for outdoorsmen. They involve Bungy Jumping in Chaweng. Samui's night time everyday life is lively, there s a multitude of sizzling seashore bars, cabaret bars, rocking, and pubs. If you would like various things all through your holiday, go for Kick Boxing (Thai boxing) match or consider portion in a very Thai cooking lesson, carried out by some popular Thai cooks. You might also continue on an elephant trekking for an unforgettable encounter. With your vacations to Koh Samui you might observe that Thai meals is basically so spicy it really is tempting to gulp a glass of chilly drinking water to put the fireplace. A handful of mouthfuls of basic boiled grain will demonstrate an awful lot way more helpful. Seriously, chilli all kinds of peppers are just between the things that characterize Thai cuisine other individuals are as various and original as lemon grass, coconut milk, garlic clove, ginger root and mint. The cuisine in Ko Samui Island, frequently consists of the tasty regional sea foods. Some eating places present foreign cuisines - French, Italian, The spanish language or common around the world. Road stalls have ample mouthwatering surprises, and invigorating fruits, abnormal and common. About the AuthorAre you looking for much more on Koh Samui or Hotels Koh Samui? Take a look at Jamie U Kriton's web site now for more information instantly. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.528Hz (Mi) with 4.9hz delta Binaural and musicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/1/2012 Posted: 01 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT ![]() "The institutions of human society treat us as parts of a machine. They assign us ranks and place considerable pressure upon us to fulfill defined roles. We need something to help us restore our lost and distorted humanity. Each of us has feelings that have been suppressed and have built up inside. There is a voiceless cry resting in the depths of our souls, waiting for expression. Art gives the soul's feelings voice and form." ~Daisaku Ikeda | ||
Warts on the Face - Are They Affecting Your Self Esteem? Posted: 01 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Veronica Ayuste Warts on the face are much more popular in young children and teenagers, but other older people could also have them. Warts on the face are a viral contamination induced by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are normally two types, such as flat warts and common warts.Being extremely conscious regarding face warts can really impact your confidence. This is particularly for adolescents. Some individuals with facial warts might be much more inhibited than required as well as therefore this alters their sociable lifeIt is nonetheless real that having a great deal of them on your face could transform your looks. Some women are rather terrified as they look at the mirror as well as see those bumps on their face. Some might likewise refrain viewing the mirror because of them.Ladies are specially bothered relating to their appearances. But good sense should dominate even. Those warts on the appearance are really in fact a great deal less monstrous than one might just imagine.If you are very concerned, don't forget that there are several ways that could aid you to obtain free of them, protect against them to re-occur and if you do not have them, stop them as a lot as you could so which you will definitely not be infected by the HPV and acquire them.It is very necessary to build up your defense process considering that this matches contaminations this kind of as those of the HPV. This might be performed by consuming healthy food items, consume a great deal of water, rest properly, stop using tobacco or drinking alcoholic beverages in excess as well as attempt to avoid stress as a long way as possible.Possibly warts on the appearance are a lot more popular on children than on any type of other age team. Kids could additionally be aware concerning their facial warts and this might drop their self-esteem.It is extremely essential to educate your young children that the substantial larger part of them will definitely vanish after several calendar months or some several years. Further a lot more it is necessa! ry that our little ones discover concerning the importance of being stunning inside, the importance of assisting others and the requirement in order to create purposeful as well as healthy connections by having their peers.Bear in mind that we are both physical and also spiritual beings and also we need to maintain both within purchase to lead happy and satisfying lives.You are able to even support in young people particular habits. Youngsters have a propensity to scrape their warts. These routines can just transmit the HPV through the warts to other aspects of the body. Other important preventative measures consist of not going basic footed where the human papilloma virus prospers. These consist of damp as well as scorching sites such as swimming bath, bathroom grounds and also work out centers.Ultimately if the personal esteem of the individual is therefore adversely influenced from the warts on the face, there are several ways that you are able to perform to obtain purge from them. Whatever treatment you choose keep in mind that certain treatments may leave a scar. So be very well informed about this. Remember that you are treating warts on face and any left scar is visible. About the AuthorVeronica Ayuste has been doing a good deal of analysis about organic home remedies for skin . Find out even more about warts on face by visiting her page. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Great Awakening II - THE SHIFTThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT I have heard the Stress Reduction reformers arguments before that the Buddha taught his dharma in a very different Zeitgeist that ours which means we have different challenges as compared with his era. Hence, we need to change Buddhism to meet these new challenges. Changing or revising Buddhism to fit the needs of society is not a new idea. The Japanese forced the Stress Reduction clergy during WWII to support its militarism and before that, act as spies. Presently, secular Stress Reductions like Stephen Batchelor are trying to change Buddhism to fit the needs of a secular society which means essentially dumping tenets like karma and rebirth and even demoting nirvana into insignificance. Frankly, I think the arguments for why we should change Buddhism to fit with the demands of modern culture are bad arguments. They certainly don't reflect any knowledge of what Buddhism really is, especially what Gautama realized whereby he became Buddha. Personally, I think it takes a huge ego—or maybe it's hubris—to believe one is entitled to change what the Buddha taught. Devout Stress Reductions and Stress Reduction scholars who have struggled for many years to understand what the Buddha really taught are not going to sit back and let the reformers have their way. It won't happen. Congruent with this, what I have just said should not be construed to mean that Buddhism which comes to the West in various cultural forms such as Japanese robes and rituals, for example, should not be changed. This has nothing to do with the core of Buddhism. If a Stress Reduction teacher teaches the core of Buddhism wearing a sport coat with jeans, it doesn't change the heart of Buddhism. If he does away with rituals and Soto's zazen, he has not altered any of the Buddha's teachings. At what is the core? In a nutshell, it is to see ultimate reality which requires the purification of mind, which if not purified, is an insurmountable barrier to Buddhahood.
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Contract Employees and Temp Employees - Sexually Harassed, Stressed, and 2nd Class Citizens Posted: 01 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Angel Spears As of 2005, about 4.one % of the U.S. workforce-five.7 million American employees-held a short-term place, in accordance to the most current data obtainable from the Latest Population Survey. As budgets drop and workloads rise, this trend is soaring; there had been 250,000 temp employees on U.S. payrolls in January 2010 than September 2009.Not only are contingent staff on the rise, the "face" of temp workers has changed dramatically from the fast repair for the duration of occupied operate months or momentary protection during illness or maternity leave employers saw 20 a long time in the past. Today's temp assignments are longer (in excess of half final lengthier than 11 weeks) and just as likely to be behind a pc or in an executive suite as at the receptionist desk.Temp Employees Generally Really feel Like 2nd-Class CitizensRegardless of the benefits of temp perform for the two the employer (less dollars) and employee (flexible routine, varied do the job surroundings, probability for long term hire), new analysis suggests that employees hired for momentary, contract or fixed phrase positions report a lot more signs of depression and psychological strain than similarly employed total-time employees.A single purpose may well be the temp's work natural environment. For a single purpose or an additional, some workers resent contingent employees. Staff may well really feel that employees these kinds of as independent contractors and temps are robbing them of overtime opportunities or taking a complete-time occupation from someone who's much more deserving. Or they may well know former employees who were discharged throughout a reduction in force only to later have their jobs stuffed by contingent employees.Managers, as well, typically treat momentary workers like second-class citizens, excluding them from essential meetings, denying them entry to on-the-task trainings, and leaving them out of group meetings and social occasions.A lot more Most likely to Be Sexually HarassedIn addition, girls e! mployed in contract jobs are up to ten occasions far more very likely to expertise undesired sexual improvements than individuals in long term total time positions, a University of Melbourne research has discovered. These findings advise that employees in precarious employment arrangements will need significantly larger protections from undesired sexual advancements nevertheless, simply because of their temp standing, are unlikely to be incorporated in the quite education they most want.Obtaining the Bang for Your BuckThe very good information is that, when dealt with appropriately, temp employment can work for each sides. The critical is for managers to make all their employees aspect of the staff - retaining them "in the loop," giving them tough assignments, and such as them in instruction possibilities - and never ever, ever introducing them as "temp." About the AuthorFor additional info on outsourcing projects, please click freelancer website. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Being Healthy Through the Power of the Mind Posted: 01 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Ewin Chia The power of the mind is something that scientists and doctors have tried to explain for the past centuries. Sometimes, it can make such miracles that even science couldn't explain. Take for example some cases of self-healing without the intervention of drugs and modern medicine; some people simply go through a simple sickness or a serious disease without anything - and they are healed. How can this happen? While scientists sometimes cannot come up with a right answer, mind-body medicine seems to try to explain this phenomenon. What exactly is this mind-body medicine? From its name, we can derive the description that it's using the power of thoughts and imagery to heal your body. It's about using the power of the mind to connect to your body - to your cells, organs and systems - to make you healthy. Like what Dr. James S. Gordon, the founder of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, he firmly the mind is able to help people who are in stress, in depression or in trauma. More often than not, stress leads to more serious illnesses such as migraine, asthma and even some cases of cancer. This is the same with psychiatrist George Solomon, where he saw rheumatoid arthritis became worse when people got depressed. Another physician named Herbert Benson had studied about the effects of relaxation on blood pressure. Even the ancient Chinese medicine had always believed that the mind and body are connected. And this argument is actually possible, given the modern studies of scientists and doctors worldwide nowadays. This is the reason why there are a number of yoga and meditation centers even being used inside medical facilities nowadays. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, (www.umm.edu) stress hormones have been linked to unhealthy emotions. For example, when you feel depressed, stressed and down, you'd have a high chance of developing a simple migraine or maybe a high blood pressure. Likewise, when you feel relaxed and your mind is at peace, your organs and your systems are also worki! ng prope rly and peacefully - without any disturbances. There are a number of mind-body techniques, but the main goal is to guide the mind to focus on the body without much interference from the outside world - to make yourself and your body believe that you are able to alter your health. There are 5 techniques to use the power of the mind, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, namely: * Biofeedback - a method used to be able to control the involuntary activities in your body.* Cognitive behavorial therapy - a method used to know and alter abnormal thoughts, such as phobias* Relaxation techniqueso Autogenic - a method using visual imagery and focusing on different physical feelings o Progressive muscle relaxation - the method of tensing and relaxing each muscle groupo Meditation - a method either using a mantra, or focusing on your own thoughts & feelings* Hypnosis - a method used usually with a doctor while a person is in deep concentration; one usually accepts suggestions and advices easily under this state* Spirituality - faith, hope and forgiveness is known to strengthen one's health These things really are not much but they are proven to help you become healthier - and the best thing is that it's for free. Wouldn't it be nice to start changing the way we think and being healthy, at that? Sources: University of Maryland Medical Center (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/mind-body-000355.htm)The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (http://www.cmbm.org) About the AuthorReady to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at www.secretofmindpower.comm Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.TEDxPrague - Irena Swiecicki - Znรกte svลฏj kvฤtรกk?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT
Mindfulness means paying attention. Simply paying more attention to our surroundings brings many benefits, but something interesting also happens when we also pay attention to the thoughts in our heads and the feelings that go with them. Many people notice how hard we on ourselves we can be. There's a constant commentary on everything we do, often including self-criticism, harsh judgments, chivvying and berating. That has an effect and those thoughts turn out to be closely related to stress, anxiety and depression. It's hard to relax if you feel that what you do isn't good enough. That's where kindness comes in. Noticing our thoughts helps us let unhelpful ones go rather than dwelling on them and that's a way of being kind to ourselves. But feelings are important as well, and it's very helpful to find techniques that help us respond to our experience with a sense of kindness. The Kindly Breath One way to do this is through using the breath. As we breath in we can imagine that the breath expresses a sense of kindness that enters and fills the body. Words or phrases can encourage that, so we can quietly repeat to ourselves 'May I be well; may I be happy', letting the words express a heartfelt wish. In this way, kindness can be a part of a breathing meditation and it can help us to face whatever difficult situations, thoughts, feelings or sensations (like pain) may confront us. Compassion for Others Kindness for ourselves can open into kindness or compassion for others. Our own suffering can cut us off from others, and experiences like stress, pain or depression can make us preoccupied with our difficulties. Connecting with others can be a way out of that, and the kindness we develop for ourselves can grow into kindness or compassion for others. In fact, one of the most popular Zen Buddhism meditation, taught by the Buddha himself, practices is called 'development or loving-kindness' or mettabhavana. In this practice you develop feelings of kindness for yourself, a good friend, someone to whom you feel neutral, and someone you find difficult. Then you spread the kindly feelings to everyone in the world. if you are interested in learning more about this practice, you can use this guide. Read More @ Source | ||
Tips For Weight Reduction For Girls Posted: 01 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Jordan Pizarro Binaural Beats - ThetaPortation - Future Monk Meditation - Sound Track 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Interesting Paradox about Korean Buddhism Posted: 01 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT ![]() The Official Site of Jogye Korean Stress Reduction is Celebrating the fiftieth year of having celibate monks, vs. married monks. What I find so interesting about this is that no one else in the world cares about this but a handful of Koreans who wanted to pawn off the decline of Buddhism in Korea on the Japanese. The truth be told is that Buddhism suffered severe persecution under Korean rule for more than eight hundred years. It was illegal to be a monk for almost six hundred years and many of them started marrying before the Japanese invaded. It can be said that the Japanese, "Single-handedly" reinstated Buddhism as the "National Religion" I am not Korean, I really don't care about all this nonsense, all I know is that my teacher, Zen Master Seung Sahn taught me to understand the truth in this very moment. That is it. If you want to be married and be a monk, like T'aego or Japan, I do not care. If you want to be celibate, I also do no! t care. The point is why do you become a monastic and what do you do with that direction once you have accepted it. These cultural debates, and purity of ideas, might be fine for Korean Nationals, but we in the West could really give a rat's ass. The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism 50th Anniversary The Jogye Order is celebrating its 50th anniversary on April 11. In ending the Japanese Stress Reduction tradition of the marriage in monks, the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism began in its purification of the Stress Reduction temples. The instatement of the Supreme Patriarch and the Administration took place during the Order of Assembly at the Main Buddha Hall of the Jorge Order on April 11, 1962. The Jogye Order carries the responsibility of continuing the Korean Stress Reduction tradition in its 50 year history representing the 1,700 year lineage of Buddhism in Korea. The Jogye Order is holding various events in its 50th anniversary for the establishment of the firm foundation and the future of Korean Buddhism. The Museum of Korean Stress Reduction History and Culture has held the exhibition 'Conversing with the 50 years of the Jogye Order' between April 4-10. For the exhibit, the Central Archives of the Jogye Order has c! ollected various Stress Reduction historical records of handwritten correspondences, diaries, records of ascetic practices, awards, photography, and recorded tapes. On April 25th at 2 p.m., the commenorative seminar of 'Reflections and Contemporary Tasks in the 50 years of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism' was held at the Museum of Korean Stress Reduction History and Culture. The Jonghak Research Centre of the Dongguk University has held the seminar on 'Korean Buddhism and the Jogye Order' in the Dahyanggwan Hall on April 28th at 1 p.m. The Stress Reduction Council Conference to be held in October is to be a meeting of reconfirming the collective and collaborative efforts in working towards the future. In October to November, the installation of the Bodhisattava statue of the Sixth Patriarch of the Chinese Ch'an Buddhism, Most Ven. Huineng, has been planned. The statue is to be presented by the Guangxizosi Temple of China, the Tonsure Temple of Most Ven. Huineng, in its collaborative work for the Korean and Chinese Stress Reduction Relations with the agreement of the Jogye Order. The Jogye Order has maintained its traditon throughout the conflicts of the transformative purification period. The Korean Stress Reduction community, inclusive of all sects, prepares for the next fifty years in its hopes and trust of Korean Buddhism, opening and growing into the world. Read More @ Source | ||
Using Mind Hypnosis Techniques in Real Life Posted: 01 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Stephen Fredricks Many people know of the mind hypnosis techniques that are used by magicians and psychologists. This type of mind hypnosis is extreme and, if you think about it, very difficult to implement. It involves a willing participant that already is open to the power of suggestion to sit there and allow you to use these techniques on them for a long period of time. How often in your life do you come across a situation where you have an individual willing to let you control their behaviors? However, mind hypnosis is not limited to these techniques. There is also a form of hypnosis, known as conversational hypnosis, which allows you control people's minds without requiring that you first sit them down and make them listen to what you have to say. In fact, this type of hypnosis can be implemented completely against the will of the participant, allowing you to control the way that they think without them even realizing that the mind hypnosis is taking place. Benefits of Conversational Mind Hypnosis The reason to learn mind hypnosis is because it gives you more control of your life. With a few exceptions, the way your life is run is almost entirely in the hands of others - no matter how much of a leader you are, if people choose not to listen to you than you have no power. But with mind hypnosis, you are taking that power back, so that you are able to get the outcome you want from a situation. Selling to a new client? With mind hypnosis, you can convince them that they want to make the purchase, even if they really do not need it. Want to ask your Starbucks barista out on a date? With conversational mind hypnosis, you will have an easier time convincing them that they want to go on the date with you without having to change your style or appearance. Mind hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool, and one that can be utilized in a way that can significantly alter the way you live your life on a regular basis. It is a skill that can completely change your life for the better. ! p>About the Author Stephen Fredricks is author of several online guides and is working to promote the power of secret hypnosis at http://www.hypnosisclassesonline.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 01 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by John Scott There are many ways of interpreting the phrase, "Mind over matter" such as, "We don't mind and you don't matter." In science fiction, authors play with the idea of telekinesis, the ability of the mind to move objects at a distance. This captures the idea that the mind is the most powerful part of the body. In one sense, this is true. Intelligence usually prevails over brute force in the long run. But, for the best results, the mind and the body must be working well together. It's entirely possible that the mind may come up with brilliant ideas but the weakness of the body prevents their implementation. Equally, if the mind finds the body distasteful or unacceptable in some way, this is not going to end well. Classic examples of this are those who grow depressed about the way they look or their lack of physical success. In sexual terms, one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction is performance anxiety. In general, this applies to anyone due to appear before an audience for a performance of some kind. It can be stage fright, working in a restaurant or bar serving people, or standing in front of a camera and trying to smile. More intimately, the pressure to perform sexually for the pleasure of the one you love can steadily become terrifying. When you have had failures, the fears grow steadily worse. You try all the harder but the fear gets in the way. Most then start to avoid situations of intimacy. Unable to maintain confidence, they prefer to avoid further failures. This presents a problem when it comes to treatment because it affects the way in which men react to sexual stimulation. When lovers are relaxed, arousal comes naturally from the anticipation of success. When the fear of failure dominates, confidence dies and there is no emotional response to the sexual stimulation. Without the signal from the brain, there will be no erection even though one of the drugs has been taken. As a result, men who have serious anxiety problems need counseling and therapy to help them come to te! rms with their own fears. Only then can they build frail confidence to try again. With a willing partner and, possibly, a suitable drug, the slow process of turning sexual activity back into a pleasure can begin. For these purposes, the use of cialis or one of the other erectile dysfunction drugs will be appropriate. Everything that can possibly be done to make success more likely should be done. This is completely the reverse of the successful lovers who experiment with cialis as a recreational drug. They want to find out whether the use of chemistry can make their current enjoyment even more powerful. With such people, the mind gets behind the body and pushes for success. With those suffering from performance anxiety, the mind must be convinced success is at least possible. Only then can success be achieved. If the first attempt proves a success, everything should probably be kept the same including the use of cialis. It cannot but help to have chemistry on your side, encouraging the brain that everything is possible.
For these purposes, the use of cialis or one of the other erectile dysfunction drugs will be appropriate. Everything that can possibly be done to make success more likely should be done. This is completely the reverse of the successful lovers who experiment with cialis as a recreational drug. They want to find out whether the use of chemistry can make their current enjoyment even more powerful. With such people, the mind gets behind the body and pushes for success. With those suffering from performance anxiety, the mind must be convinced success is at least possible. Only then can success be achieved. If the first attempt proves a success, everything should probably be kept the same including the use of cialis. It cannot but help to have chemistry on your side, encouraging the brain that everything is possible. About the AuthorTo read more of John Scott's comprehensive investigations on different subjects visit http://www.levitraguidance.com/more-about-levitra/mind-over-matter.html, where he frequently writes form making people aware of more things in the world. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Matthieu Ricard 5 of 5 What Are These Techniques to Train the Mind?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Medium FAQ: Can You Believe in an Afterlife WITHOUT Being Religious? Posted: 01 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Danny Fredricks Q: Can belief in an afterlife be acceptable... even if you're not religious? Does one need to believe in a traditional god to believe in heaven or some sort of survival of physical death, or is there always some sort of god involved? A: The funny thing is, while we get this sort of question quite often, in my view... it's pretty common for folks who DON'T believe in organized religion to hold some of the most certain beliefs that something, be it a spiritual transition or otherwise, follows THIS incarnation into the next. As a matter of fact, these days, it's almost "cliche" to describe oneself as "spiritual but NOT religious" and when asked... at least 50% of respondents identify themselves as such. Here is the thing... I don't believe you've got to pray to a certain deity or god to believe that there is a higher power. For example, I personally grew up in a reasonably religious Jewish household, and while I'm not religious by traditional standards (and only very rarely go to Temple or services) I have a firm foundation of faith that there is MUCH more to "life" than meets the eye. I've had numerous "afterlife encounters" that have been FAR more evidential and persuasive that there is life after death, than anything I was taught growing up. As a writer and researcher and online publisher of several popular spiritual and psychic content and communities around the web, I can tell you from first hand experience that most of our readers say the exact same thing: They BELIEVED based on faith and practice, but it wasn't until they had their own extraordinary experiences did they KNOW for sure! My rule of thumb these days? What you actually experience, first hand... is much more powerful than things you are told, or taught, or even FORCED to believe. (as we know, in some cultures, what you are told to believe is often far more strict than those of us experience in the Western world) My own experiences with psychics, mediums and even exploring all sor! ts of al tered states of consciousness through mediation, and through the use of spiritual or psychic tools and techniques have taught me more about the unseen world, than any textbook could. Not to say I don't respect or understand people who use their religious faith to arrive at the same place! Some of my closest friends (including several successful psychic mediums) are amongst the most religious people I know, and integrate their afterlife belief system on both what they "see" during a reading, in conjunction with what they were taught as part of their culture or religious community. About the AuthorJoin our FREE Psychic & Spiritual Community and Discover Your True Life Purpose Today. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Binaural Beat Meditation - How to Eliminate Stress and Anxiety Using Binaural Beats Posted: 31 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Asa Stevenson Binaural Beat meditation is a highly effective way to quickly and easily experience extreme relaxation and greatly enhanced levels of awareness. If you are searching for a way to free yourself from stress and anxieties of daily life, binaural meditation is an exciting approach to meditation that can have a profoundly positive impact on your life. The binaural effect occurs when two sound frequencies played into ear each at the same time. When this happens, the brain tunes into the difference between the two frequencies. When the two frequencies have been "programed" to cause the brain to tune into a frequency associated with deep relaxation and heightened awareness, the user will indeed experience a noticeable change in his or her level of relaxation simply by listening to the beats. The reason this works is that different brain frequencies have different effects on our state of being. Certain combinations of beats tune the brain to frequencies that can intentionally stimulate heightened states of awareness and dee relaxation. Far from a baseless New Age trend, the effects of binaural tones were discovered and documented over a hundred years ago. In fact, researchers have performed many scientific studies over the years that have repeatedly shown that the binaural beat effect does indeed cause the brain to tune into specific frequencies that produce desirable psysiological changes. Some of the extremely positive benefits routinely experienced by practicioners of binaural beat meditation include: 1. Deep relaxation2. Greatly heightened awareness3. Improved concentration4. Boosts of creativity5. Accelerated learning6. Greatly improved sleep7. Lucid dreaming8. Out of body experiences9. Reduction of stress and anxiety How does binaural beat meditation differ from traditional styles of meditation? Well for one thing, it's a lot easier. All you really need is a comfortable place to sit or lie down, a set of headphones and an MP3 player. Unlike traditional meditation,! you don 't have to make an "effort" to meditate, and it doesn't take weeks, months, or years to learn or do effectively. Simply listen to a binaural audio track, and let the binaural beats take effect. Binaural beat meditation audios consist of two binaural beats of different frequencies embedded into a track of gentle, relaxing meditational music. Simply close your eyes and listen to the music, and often within minutes, the beats will tune your brain to a frequency that guides you into a state of extreme relaxation and heightened awareness. Binaural tones offer a simple yet effective approach to relieving the stresses and anxieties daily life, achieving deep relaxation, and experiencing heightened awareness. The best way to understand the positive impact that binaural beat meditation can have is simply to experience it for yourself! Follow this link to my favorite source where you can obtain sample binaural beats and give it a try! Visit http://www.binauralstimulation.info About the AuthorI am a holistic health practitioner whose interests include cycling, swimming, gardening, interior design, and writing about women's health issues. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga Buffalo Athletic Club/Rochester Athletic ClubThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Talking to Souls - How to Contact Deceased Friends and Relatives From Home Posted: 31 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Danny Fredricks Are you interested in spirit communication? Does the idea of opening a wild, wacky and wonderful window into the world of spiritual beings sound scary... or scintillating and sensational? In my many years of experience with psychic and paranormal research, I can tell you that there are 3 very specific camps that most people fall into. "True Blue" believers Hard core skeptics and cynics The CURIOUS but not convinced Which one are you? The truth is, you can get all of the personal proof and afterlife evidence you want, without having to believe anything I say is true, or to take the skeptics at their word, either. The afterlife IS available to be studied by anyone with a sincere interest, and who is willing to go out on a bit of a limb and be adventurous with respect to the unknown. I want to share with you 4 things you can do to begin to experience the afterlife NOW. These all have worked wonderfully well for me, and have opened me up to an amazing array of experiences over the years that I didn't believe possible. Remember though, just because something works for one person....doesn't mean that it will work well for the next. That's why it's important to use different channels, approaches and mediums (no pun intended!) for accessing the kind of evidence AND experiences that work for you. Ouija Boards and Spiritual Tools EVP (voice activated digital recording of electronic voice phenomena) Psychic Mediums Meditation Many of these things work really well together. For example, using a digital recording device while "working" with a ouija board can be a very cool experience, and can yield amazingly empowering results. One one hand... the ouija board planchette is moving around seemingly on it's own, and then later.....when you listen to the recording, EVP's are captured very clearly that you KNOW you didn't audibly hear while using the board. Spooky? It can be! But exciting? If you are genuinely interested in spirit communication... very! ! Again, m editating before speaking to a psychic medium can be very effective for me as well, as does practicing meditation in general, on a daily basis prove to be a great spiritual tool for opening yourself up to realities that are closed off during ordinary consciousnesses. And remember... one of the most important lessons I've learned from 20 years of exploration is this: it's often equally as difficult for your loved ones to come through on THEIR side, as it is for us, to access them... on ours. Using time tested tools and techniques like above may be controversial to some... but there is a reason they've been along for as long as they have and continue to be used. They WORK! (And if you don't believe me....I challenge you to see for yourself!) About the AuthorWant to see a REAL Ghost Video right now? Click Here to join our FREE psychic social community with all sorts of crazy cool paranormal experiences you have to SEE to believe! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Tips For Longer Sex Male Breast Reduction - Know The Basics Posted: 31 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by shanicehotek The causes of ed are multiple and can be age-related issues health-related issues or psychological problems such as stress and chronic tiredness. Specific steps take place to produce and sustain an erection. If something affects any of these factors or the delicate balance among them ed is the likely outcome. Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long. In this article we are going to discuss some foolproof methods for increasing your penis size from home. Are you unhappy with your male anatomy and finding yourself spending a lot of time looking for expensive solutions that simply don't work? If you said yes....that sounds a lot like I used to be when I first got started trying to overcome my own size issues a few years back. But after reading reviewing and writing literally over 600 articles on men's health and male enhancement we have learned some simple solutions that should increase your anatomy safely quickly and inexpensively to boot. This article offers tips on how to start making your penis bigger as soon as today using completely natural methods that do not involve pills pumps or potions. If you are tired of being average or below and have always wanted a thick long penis you can pull out with pride during foreplay you are in the right place! Believe it or not your penis can be worked out. That is the tissues and ligaments in the shaft of your penis can worked with the hand in ways that will cause the tissues to elongate. Let me explain how and why this works in this article. Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence. Enlarge your penis now >> If you have bought into ! the penis male enlargement industry before you will know that it is big business as there are so many men out there who are desperate to increase the size of their manhood. If you have tried some of the products that are currently available then you will know that most of them do not work. You can make your erect penis bigger very easily by using specific but simple techniques. I went from a paltry 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some common questions about increasing the size of your erect penis safely quickly and permanently. This question is being asked a lot nowadays-Do penis male enlargement pills really work? People are asking this mainly because of the great popularity that these pills have received. They are almost everywhere. And there are so many different opinions about them. So what's the truth? About the AuthorWhat Male Enhancements Really Work How To Make Your Penis Bigger - Exercise And Technique Revealed To Cause 3 - 4' Gains Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Prana Yoga College - Flow TwoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Convenient and Relaxing Jet Airways Flights to New Delhi Posted: 31 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Amit Thingal Jet Airways is the next prominent airline in India after Air India. With more than 400 flights in operation daily across 80 destinations across the world and within India, the Jet Airways have secured a position for themselves as a coveted airline of India. If you are traveling from some abroad destination directly to New Delhi the capital city of India, book New Delhi flights with Jet Airways. You will experience a different air travel with this hospitable and warm airline. The present airways operate under two airlines -Jet Airways Konnect and JetLite. The later was previously known as Air Sahara. Besides the international destinations the airways also connect New Delhi to other cities in India. Over the time when the low cost airlines have emerged in the domestic circuit, the giant airlines were compelled to reduce the price of air tickets. So it is possible for you to find economy class New Delhi flights for Jet Airways. The Jet airways flights to New Delhi are available seven days week from major cities in the country. Every capital of the states in the country has connectivity to New Delhi. In some statistics it is seen that Jet Airways lead the market when it comes to domestic sector operations. It is unbeatable when it comes to comfort and luxury on board. Located at the heartland of the country, New Delhi city represents every corner of the country as there are people from all states of India settled in this city. Tourists love Delhi for its diverse culture, mind taking site, old monuments, and places of historical importance, museums, popular attractions and night life. It is a mixture of modern and royal India! The city is well connected by domestic and international flights. At present the airport is operational through Terminal 3 which has been designed as one of the best terminals in the country. How to find cheap Jet Airways flights to New Delhi? For that you need to be little smart over the internet. You can always find Jet Airways flights at convenient schedules ! at the t ravel websites. The travel websites have been blessings for the common man who can enjoy the full service of airways at cheap rates for them. Through these websites one can book air tickets to any location at least 8 weeks ahead of the scheduled day. If you know your plan for visit to Delhi, book your ticket as early as possible to get the benefits of the travel websites. About the AuthorThe author is an eminent writer of airlines and a traveler who loves to travel different destinations. To learn more about Jet Airways Flight to New Delhi and New Delhi Flight Tickets visit the site http://www.makemytrip.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Cave of Dreams - Inner Thought Currents VOL 3 - Theta Brainwave Sound JourneyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Old Whooping Cough Vaccine Protected Better Than New Posted: 31 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT
An older version of the whooping cough vaccine offered better protection against the disease than the current version does, a new study from Australia suggests. Children who received the older version of the vaccine were less likely to catch the disease before age 12, compared with those who received the newer version of the vaccine, or a combination of the two vaccines, the study found. The study followed the children during a three-year whooping cough epidemic, which is still taking place in Australia, and nine years before the epidemic. The work agrees with previous studies showing the protection offered by the newer whooping cough vaccine, called the acellular pertussis vaccine, wanes after a few years. (Whooping cough is also known as pertussis.) The acellular pertussis vaccine was introduced in the United States in 1997, and Australia in 1999, after concerns that the previous vaccine, called the whole cell pertussis vaccine, caused unwanted side effects in some. These side effects included fever and swelling at the injection site. The older version was less purified, but its protection was thought to last for most of a person's life. The challenge will be to develop a whooping cough vaccine that offers long-lasting protection from the very first dose, without adverse effects, the researchers of the new study said. In the study, Sarah Sheridan, of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, and colleagues analyzed information from about 40,500 children born in Queensland in 1998 who had received the required three doses of the whooping cough vaccine during infancy. Because the new vaccine was introduced in 1999, children born in 1998 may have been vaccinated with the old version only, the new version only, or a combination of the two, throughout their three-shot series. About 270 whooping cough cases were reported during the 12-year study period. Between 1999 and 2008, the yearly rate of whooping cough infection was 5.2 cases per 100,000 kids who received only the old version of the vaccine, and 13.2 cases per 100,000 people among kids who received only the new version. During the current whooping cough epidemic — which began in 2009 and peaked in 2011 — the yearly rate of whooping cough infection was 113 cases per 100,000 people among kids who received the old version of the vaccine, and 373 cases per 100,000 people among kids who received the new version. Those who received mixed doses were better protected against whooping cough during the outbreak if their first vaccination dose was with the old vaccine as opposed to the new vaccine. The study will be published tomorrow (Aug. 1) in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Pass it on: The old version of the whooping cough vaccine may have been better at disease protection than the current version. Follow Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner,or MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. |
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