How to Prime Your Mind for a Successful Idea
How to Prime Your Mind for a Successful Idea |
- How to Prime Your Mind for a Successful Idea
- Credit Card Debts Have You Stressed? - Don't File Bankruptcy! - Consider Your Debt Relief Options
- How To Buy Yoga Blocks And Props
- Yoga for children makes them really strong
- Raising Minimalist Teenagers in an Age of Consumerism
- Meditation Has Benefits
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/17/2012
- How to Use Your Cell Phone to Empower Your Mind
- Lose Weight By Putting Your Mind To Work
- Hypnosis - A Case Of Mind Over Matter
- What the First Philosophers Say About Meditation?
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How to Prime Your Mind for a Successful Idea Posted: 17 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Tony Papajohn Do you realize that you are one idea away from success? Whatever "success" means to you, ideas are the basis of your personal success vision. Discover the ideas that make success possible and you have the prized coins of the success realm. Why? A creative idea is the centerpiece of all achievement. Every success that you can see, hear, and touch started with an idea. And every achievement is sustained by ideas that further your centerpiece idea along the path to completion. Discover the idea you need and the rest is follow-through. When I help someone generate a new idea, I teach these five empowering steps. They prime your mind to discover the ideas that put your vision of success within your grasp. These steps are recognize, expect, concentrate, distract, and seize. The first step is to recognize the importance of ideas. What happens when you recognize that every success started with an idea or that every obstacle is a need for a new idea? An insurmountable obstacle is one that (at least temporarily) stifles your creative mind. The obstacle is not nearly as limiting as the state of mind it generates within you. When you recognize that every success started with an idea and that every obstacle is an opportunity for a new idea, then you have the key to continuing success regardless of circumstances. The second step is to expect the arrival of your idea. This means prepare and build an attitude of expectation. This may be as simple as saying, "When I get the idea I need, I can take the next step and the step after that." This does not mean you "put the cart before the horse." It does mean that you keep your ultimate destination in mind while rearranging animal and vehicle. This generates a mental atmosphere of positive expectation and the expectant air of victory. The third step is to concentrate the mind. This means to brainstorm, explore options, study alternatives, and entertain possibilities without judgment or preconceptions. This is the "t! hinking" phase and primes the mind for the spark of creativity. The fourth step is to give your creative mind a chance to work. This means "Do something else while your mind discovers the idea you need." In short, take a break! Distract your conscious mind while your creative unconscious delivers a wonderful idea. This might mean dance, exercise, or take a brisk walk. It might mean go to a play, a movie, a museum, a concert, or a ball game. It might mean play solitaire, a computer game, or spend time with a favorite hobby. And when the idea strikes, seize it! Keep a pen and small notebook handy. Be ready to seize the idea and write it down. And act quickly! Even the most brilliant idea will lose its luster and sound ordinary if you fail to act on it with speed and urgency. Learn the art of generating successful ideas and you will generate success. Prime your mind for ideas and you prime you mind for success. About the AuthorTony Papajohn coaches excellence and specializes in money. If you are a real estate investor, financial trader, entrepreneur, or want money to treat you like its new best friend, check out Tony's free e-courses at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Pain, loss, amputation, SurvivalThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Credit Card Debts Have You Stressed? - Don't File Bankruptcy! - Consider Your Debt Relief Options Posted: 17 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by matt couch Credit card debts have you stressed? Quite natural because of the recession but it is not the time to sit back and repent but to do something that can pull you out of the situation and you can live a healthy debt free life. What are the options that you can look for? There are several options and the most common being the traditional method of filing bankruptcy. However, once you go for the traditional method, you will get immediate relief from the debt but there are certain negative impacts that you will have to face in the long run. Your credit score takes a hit and you will lose your credibility for a period of 7-10 years as the report of bankruptcy filing shows up in the credit history for that equivalent time frame. During that period, you will not be able to take any further loan. It is therefore better that you look for other debt relief options. The best thing that you can do if your debt is over ,000 is that you can go for debt settlement. You can hire a professional debt settlement company. A professional company has a complete understanding of the banking system and it also knows the loopholes in the system. The professional negotiator from the company will make use of those loopholes to bag a generous settlement deal for you. Once you hire a professional company, the negotiator from the company will advise you to go delinquent and stop paying the creditor. Once you do so, the creditor will wait for a period of 90 to 120 days and then sell off your debt to a collection agency for as little as 20-30 cents on the dollar. It is then that the professional negotiator will contact the creditor and offer 40 cents on the dollar. This is a much better deal from the perspective of the creditor as it would mean 100% ROI for the collection agency. This will also mean 60% savings for you. Thus if you are stressed with the credit card debts, it is better that you look for the alternate debt relief options instead of filing for bankruptcy. If you have over ,000 in unsecured debt it m! ay be a wise financial decision to consider a debt settlement. Due to the recession and overwhelming amount of people in debt, creditors are having no choice but to agree to debt settlement deals. To find legitimate debt reduction help in your state and get free debt advice then check out the following link. Free Debt Advicecontact us for free debt advice = 8886916918 About the is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.2 My Experience on the Farm at DesteniThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
How To Buy Yoga Blocks And Props Posted: 17 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Lexoremman Yoga combines a series of techniques and equipment to rip maximum benefits from the exercise routine. Some of this equipment is yoga blocks and props. The equipment is readily available in physical and online stores and has a number of benefits we can note on. When we go back in history, yoga was an exercise program that primarily didn't use any additional equipment. The Yoga blocks and props was an idea of B.K.S Lyengar when he brought the equipment as part of the yoga routine. This opened doors in making yoga a popular workout routine worldwide. Blocks and props are mainly used to achieve complex positions and poses when doing Yoga. While the yoga equipment comes in variety and is usable by anyone, it is good to determine which are the best Yoga blocks and props to begin with when doing the routine for the first time. The first prop for a yoga rookie is the strap. This is the cheapest and easiest equipment to use for yoga. It is a tool whose use is continued until the end of the yoga session. So in essence, it is the first equipment to introduce you to the series of Yoga equipment. Now when you shop the markets for suitable yoga blocks and props, you need to get the dimensions and specs of the equipment you want to use to avoid buying the wrong thing. If it's a strap, a suitable one will be somewhere between 6 to 9ft long. If possible make sure the strap is made of cotton or hemp for a more natural feel when working out. It is also good to measure the equipment whether they fit with your height and other aspects of exercising. If you want to be more thorough on the estimation, you can improvise a strap at home to help you determine the exact length of strap you need from the fitness store. Your suitcase strap is the best example to use; but always leave some allowance for clasp as you take the measurements. You would notice that you have to be careful with the measurements and dimensions when buying straps to add to your yoga blocks and props. The criterion is the s! ame when you are picking out blocks as well during your yoga equipment search. Just like the straps you need to be careful on the blocks measurements. Experts recommend a 9 inch by 6 inch wide blocks. The blocks should be 3 to 4 inches in height and can be used at different heights by both regulars and beginners. The blocks are stretched at different angles when working with them; each block coming in its own measurement dimensions will be great but always ensure that you have an identical pair of the blocks for the novices to practice with. As you would notice, the blocks are also made from different material; wood, cork, foam and even bamboo. The material used for making the blocks is not a primary decision to determine what kind of blocks to buy. They all work the same provided they can handle heavy weight as like that of adults. So buying here will solely depend on your tastes and preferences as a beginner or regular. You can also test drive the blocks and determine the exact kind made for you. If you own big chunks of timber, you can improvise blocks from this and use it as a benchmark when evaluating yoga blocks and props in the market. These are the considerations you make when buying yoga blocks and props in the fitness stores. This yoga equipment has proven to work perfectly especially if a blend of yoga and meditation music fills the air. Doing your yoga and meditation music plays in the background helps you calm your nerves and give the whole routine your full concentration. The good thing about this yoga equipment is its flexibility which makes it suitable to be used by just about anyone. You need to be careful thought when younger persons try in the equipment. Parental guidance helps in preventing nasty injuries on the kids. The blocks and props used for yoga have greatly increased the efficiency of the workout. According to folks who have used them, the equipment form the best instruments to give you enough support and body stability whenever you work out. The blocks and pro! ps are a lso usable in any yoga stage; they are quite timeless and both the rookie and the regular can try them anytime they want as they go through their yoga sessions. And you are at liberty to try any workout style you want with the equipment; from the Fish-pose to the Downward-Facing Dog. Use of the blocks and props also help you achieve different positions of exercise as you go through the Yoga routine. And you have no idea how stress relieving the whole yoga session is when you use this equipment. About the AuthorClick here to learn more about yoga blocks and props or yoga and meditation music. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Simple 1 Min. Yoga Pose for Beginners & Beyond: 4th Chakra: Position 4 "Venus Fly Trap""This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Yoga for children makes them really strong Posted: 17 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Nil Jonee People are actively vocal about the manifold benefits of yoga in the recent days. You may be acquainted that yoga schools are mushrooming all around rapidly. This is mainly because people are now more conscious about their health and they are taking help of yoga for a healthier life. Practicing yoga postures is significant these days as the present day life-style has added multi-faceted ailments and disorders. You would naturally feel amazed to know that yoga alone has the power to do away with all these ailments. However, you need to practice yoga on regular basis for gaining the fruit of the same. Being reluctant and irregular might not provide you with the same output as you have expected. Wonders of yoga are more prominent for the growing children. Practicing yoga at a tender age has assorted benefits. Yoga for children is absolute necessary for building up the muscles and for the overall bone health. Practicing yoga bestows a child with an enhanced immune system and accelerates overall development. Yoga is the remedy for various disorders like obesity, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, recklessness, lack of concentration and so on. Knowing so many wonders of yoga, you must feel interested where to put in your child for practicing yoga. In this connection, it is always recommendable to practice the same under expert supervision. Wrong techniques may harm your kid in different ways. The best effect of yoga for children depends on how perfectly they practice the same. Therefore, try to put your child into yoga school nearby. Different yoga schools have presently been popular for quite some time. You can browse internet if you are looking for some organizations. Further, these yoga schools have specialized in different yogic postures. Thus, you have liberty to choose upon the wide range yoga centers in the Americas. Yoga for children can be all benefiting. From speeding their growth process to improving concentration, yoga helps a child in many ways. Moreover, a child ! would le arn to cope up the stress of day to day life. Stress is obvious in different field of our lives. From profession to family, stress engulfs our lives everywhere. As far the children are concerned, they also sometimes suffer from acute stress and depression due to the mounting pressure of syllabus, and the sky-high expectations of their parents. Yoga is a miraculous way to bring in relief in their lives. Meditation especially is a useful medium for developing peace in life. If you are a parent, you must encourage your child to practice yoga poses regularly. Practicing yoga in the early morning is immensely benefitting for health. You can buy them interesting yoga for children DVD or CD, books for growing their interests on yoga. You need to make them understand how yoga is helpful for making them strong ion future. It is moreover not being strong physically. Yoga contributes an overall stamina to face the challenges of life with courage. About the AuthorNil Jonee is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in Exercises Online. For more details please visit us at: Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Bikram Yoga Celebrates 500 MembersThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Raising Minimalist Teenagers in an Age of Consumerism Posted: 17 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Editor's note: This is a guest post from Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist.
Four years ago, we sold, donated, or discarded most of our material possessions. It was a decision based on discontent with our current lives. We were tired of living paycheck to paycheck — never able to get ahead with our finances. And we were growing weary of all the time, energy, and effort that our possessions were draining from us. We realized we had far too few resources left over for the things most important to us. Since embarking on this life-giving journey, we have found this lifestyle resonates effectively with young adults, parents, and older generations. But one of our greatest passions is to also inspire teenagers to build a better life by owning less. For the last 14 years, I have given my life to teenagers through my full-time employment at nonprofit organizations around the country. I have developed relationships with hundred of teens. I have spoken at public schools and student conferences. I have written books for teenagers. In short, I love the opportunity to invest in their lives and introduce them to a better way to live. There are, of course, significant challenges in reaching teenagers with the message of simplicity:
The challenges are certainly formidable. But we find great motivation by also recognizing the benefits of reaching teenagers with this message:
We must recognize the challenges before us. But we also understand the importance of sparing our teenagers from decades of financial burden and empty promises of fulfillment. We recognize an important opportunity to inspire our teenagers to pursue lives of greater value. As parents, mentors, and community members, consider these 10 helpful tips for raising minimalist teenagers in an age of consumerism:
Our world has chased happiness, joy and fulfillment in the pursuit of riches and possessions for far too long. It is time we intentionally seek to raise a generation that values greater things. Read more from Joshua at his blog, Becoming Minimalist, or check out his new book, Living With Less: An Unexpected Key to Happiness. Read More @ Source | ||
Posted: 17 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Kat Drew Copyright (c) 2011 Kat Drew There is a much mystery around meditation and the benefits of meditation. It has supposedly an abundance of benefits but are they true ar just myths. Since the 1970's a good deal of research and studies on how meditation can effect the behaviour and physiology of humans. The research has shown that the benefits of meditation can be found on many levels; on the body, emotions, mental functions and relationships. The benefits of meditation are decreases in the amount of stress hormone found in the body, lowering of blood pressure, reversing the age process, cholesterol decreases, increased productivity and creativity, better health and even more positive health habits. But how is it possible for something so simple as meditation can be so beneficial. Meditation is an activity that our bodies can do already. The body has always known how to do and does so gladly if the conditions are favourable and it is allowed to meditate. All that is needed is for you to pay attention in a particular way. You will have to bare the intenseness of your feelings as you let the stress go. What yourself and watch the stress fall away. Meditation is really a way of giving in to the powerful mind/body healing dynamics that we all have within us, as part of our genetic make up, part of our healing knowledge sewn into our make up. When we don't meditate, we deprive ourselves of something we need. Not the other way around. Said with other words, it is not natural to go through life without a period every day where you get to relax and rest more deeply than when you sleep, so you let stresses, that keep you knotted up, go. Of all the self help activities available, meditation is the one, very inexpensive activity that will give you measurable changes in your life. Spending time meditating to give yourself the greatest relaxation possible, resting more deeply that sleep, letting you body, nervous system and brain have a chance to tune for action and healing. Said in! another way, meditation is full of benefits for people, and it is such a basic and natural thing to practice that it is strange that so few meditate at all. This amazing healing benefit of mediation should be important enough for many more people to want to meditate. Stop listening to the difficulties of it and try some simple methods to get you going so you too can enjoy the benefits. It does not have to be difficult like we are led to believe by the gurus and the monks. They meditate with a totally different aim than merely a healing and restoring the body to its highest potential. About the AuthorTry the Nine Minute Meditation Method and get Kat's FREE and popular 7 day e-course => Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Pachelbel - Canon in D MajorThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/17/2012 Posted: 17 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT ![]() "To understand everything is to forgive everything." ~The Buddha | ||
How to Use Your Cell Phone to Empower Your Mind Posted: 17 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Tony Papajohn Here's an imaginative way to use your cell phone to empower your mind for success. I thought of this as I was moving around a hotel meeting room trying to get a signal. I kept asking the most popular question of our time, "Can you hear me now?" Fortunately, the most essential signal for success does not rely on towers or an electronic network. The mind is its own amazing sending and receiving system. It's more powerful than anything with an earpiece and voice mail. Suppose that your mind can send and receive powerful success signals. Suppose this clear and strong signal activates all the thoughts that power success and puts you on the same wavelength with other successful achievers. If you've read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," you've heard this before. And he conceived these ideas in the 1930's. Empower your mind with a strong success signal and it will generate success. And discover how your cell phone will remind you of this every time you see "all the bars." You will be surprised at how simple and easy this is. Here's the technique I devised for people that tell me the want to "tune into success." Take a deep breath. Elevate your gaze as if looking at an imaginary point just above a distant horizon. Call to mind your cell phone display. Notice how it indicates the signal strength with the "bars." Imagine the all the bars are showing, denoting a strong signal. Let you imagination brighten the colors, sharpen the focus, bath the image in sunlight, and move the image closer in your mental field of vision as if you had moved several rows forward in a movie theater. As you see this image on your mental viewing screen, let your mind form positive, confident and empowering self-talk. Let this self-talk form in your mind and say the words (mentally in necessary and out loud if possible) with enthusiasm and conviction while nodding your head in the "yes" gesture. Now you know what your strong signal looks like and feels like. Be! come aware of the sense of confidence and empowerment that this image, self-talk, and gesture generate. Let this experience fade from your awareness. Call to mind the next time worry, doubt, or fear might interfere with your success signal. In your mind's eye, picture your cell phone display showing "all the bars." Let your mind compose some positive, confident and empowering self-talk and nod your head. Notice how the feelings of worry, doubt, or fear dissipate. Now see yourself facing this situation with poise, self-assurance, and confidence. Call this technique to mind as you make a call and notice all the bars on your display. This is your cell phone's way of reminding you to send a clear, strong success signal. So "hear" me on this and tune into success. Harmonize with success ideas and other successful achievers. You'll never have to say "Can you hear me now?" to success. About the AuthorTony Papajohn coaches excellence and specializes in money. If you are a real estate investor, financial trader, entrepreneur, or want money to treat you like its new best friend, check out Tony's free e-courses at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Fear of LifeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Lose Weight By Putting Your Mind To Work Posted: 17 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Liz Labrum We have a hefty problem with obesity in this part of the world. More and more people are trying to lose weight and more are finding it harder and harder to achieve lasting results. Too Many Diets There are so many diets or regimes to chose from and of course all of them promise fantastic results. The willing but hapless dieter, who switches from one to another looking for quick and easy results can soon feel a failure when all the weight invariably piles back on or never disappears in the first place. The plain truth is that many diets do little more than make money for the people who invented them. The real reason why most diets lead to failure is that they rely solely on restricting food intake. As anyone knows who's embarked on a diet or breaking a habit the moment that you know you can't have a certain food or something that becomes the only thing on your mind. Dieting Frustration Very soon a sense of panic or irritation ensues and your thoughts centre entirely on the very thing you want to avoid. Not much fun. Studies show that in fact around 95% of all people who lose weight through dieting alone subsequently put it all back on. Successful weight loss. So what is the right way to succeed? Well my clients all receive the same advice from me. That is to use their mind to create the ideal future version of their lighter self. That's the key to create lasting motivation to get what you want especially if you want to be slimmer and lighter. For example I worked with a client recently who was a professional in her mid-thirties. On the outside she had everything going for her. A loving relationship, a great career and social life. But on the inside her mind was focussed on her failure to lose weight permanently. She was in a trap of yo-yo dieting and trying every slimming fad or diet in the news, only to lose weight and then put it back on plus extra. She felt at her wits end.So when she came to me I asked her to tell me what was it going to be ! like for her to have lost weight and be exactly how she want to be. Well this threw her for a few moments and she sat in silence. Then rattled off all the things that she'd avoid; such as not having to go to out-sized clothes stores; not having to struggle with which food to eat or not, not having to eat secretly etc, etc. I explained to her that this thinking meant her mind had to focus on the negative scenario first and that meant that's where her mind would go whenever she launched on a new diet. I taught her how to train her mind to support her goal. First of all I showed her how to really let her imagination go and see and feel in her mind's eye just what she'd be like when she had succeeded with her dream. To make sure it was working for her I asked her to include all her senses so that she'd know what she'd be doing, with whom, what will others would be saying to her. This is a very useful NLP (neuro linguistic programming) strategy that I use and it really helps the mind create the right mental pathways and self-images that means clients begin to positively enjoy the task of losing weight. Then with hypnotherapy we further embed these images and new self beliefs so that new habits around food, eating and exercise can take root and become the norm. Using this approach means clients usually see me for an initial three sessions and then depending on how much weight they want to lose, only need to see me for monthly back up sessions. If you want to try this method start by writing out what you want positively as an outcome. By that I mean don't focus on what you don't want to happen. Use the above description to guide you. It's important that you get this bit right because you're giving your mind instructions to carry out. Keep this written outcome handy so that you can refer to it and build on it. It can become a symbol for your mind to use to help you get what you want. Using this method and some other strategies that we worked on together my client has lost over three s! tone. Se e what you can do when you put your mind to it. About the AuthorLiz Labrum, Master NLP and hypnosis practitioner, of Think-Right Now teaches clients how to use their thoughts to break habits, overcome fears, banish stress and love life. Visit Think-Right Now for free assessments and guides to help you change your life. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Hypnosis - A Case Of Mind Over Matter Posted: 17 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Barrie St John The expression mind over matter refers to our mind's ability to overcome a challenging situation. Giving up smoking, for example, is an ongoing mental battle between wanting a cigarette and equally wanting to resist the craving. The mind has the power to relieve those intense cravings by arming you with the message that you in fact don't really want a cigarette, and that you're so much happier without one. Your intense focus and concentration on those positive thoughts is in itself a degree of hypnosis. You're utilizing the power of your mind to overcome a challenging situation. Therein lays the basic principle of self-hypnosis: utilizing the most powerful tool at your disposal, your mind, to help you through challenging situations which you're unable to overcome through will alone. Whether it be emotional problems, or physical pain of some kind, the power of the unconscious mind can alleviate your conscious awareness of that emotion or pain. But for that to happen, you first need to get in touch with your unconscious mind. That is what self hypnosis can do. It can help you get in touch with your unconscious mind and benefit from its power. We do it daily. We all learn and benefit from our unconscious mind without being aware of it. We may spend hours so completely focused on a specific thing that we literally don't recall having a conscious thought throughout that period of time. All this while, our unconscious mind is working for us and we don't even realize it. We often step away from a mental debate, which we are unable to resolve no matter how hard we think about it. We choose to "sleep on it" and see how we feel about it in the morning. Usually we feel enlightened the next morning, with a new perspective on whatever was causing us such mental turmoil. What that powerful unconscious mind of ours has done is allowed us to connect with our deepest inner feelings about something, and to tap into our emotions on a conscious level, where we can act on it. So wouldn'! t it nice to be able to call upon that power at will, whenever we want to, and fully take advantage of this natural state of self-reliance? Self hypnosis is the way to do that. You're already doing it. Your unconscious mind is yours to learn from. Choosing to subscribe to self hypnosis is just taking an already powerful tool to the next level, and getting the most benefit you possibly can out if it. About the AuthorBarrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnosis. He is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis CDs and downloads at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
What the First Philosophers Say About Meditation? Posted: 17 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Christos Varsamis Rene Descartes is the author of the book "Meditations on First Philosophy: In Which the Existence of God and The Real Distinction of Mind and Body are Demonstrated." There are six meditations which were discussed in the book. First Meditation "Your senses can deceive you." This is the main point in the first meditation wherein it figures out how information with the use of senses can sometimes mislead you to achieving facts. During this stage of meditation, the author taught to himself that he is irate, dreaming, or even tricked by a demon. Hence, he contemplated in order to fight such way of thinking. Second Meditation The focus of the second meditation is representation. Theoretically, it is termed as "representationalism." There were five steps incorporated in the said theory wherein it conveys detachment of the world from one's mind. The said theory led to the idea that the awareness of a human being to his environment implies his own existence. Third Meditation On the third meditation, the author's focal point involves the three basic types of ideas (1) Volition or Desire; (2) Feelings or Affections; and (3) Judgment. Volition is defined as the ability for you to choose and decide mindfully. On the other hand, feeling is described as occurrence of sentimental and emotional state. Alternatively, judgment is a condition where an individual forms an opinion after contemplation. Fourth Meditation Knowing the truth and fallacy is the quest which the author undertook on the fourth meditation. He also cited that the common sources of fault are will and understanding. Understanding takes the definition of a state wherein an individual comprehends thoughts and actions around him. Descartes in his book explained that such attribute is sometimes presented by God in partial. Will, on the other hand, is a mental gift wherein an individual choose or decide towards an action or event. If understanding sometimes c! ome part ially as stated by the author, will can be presented wholly or none at all by the Supreme Being. Fifth Meditation The notion of material objects concerns the author on the fifth meditation. He also stated three arguments under this category such as: 1. God is the definition of a great perfect human being. 2. Faultlessness is an essential part of subsistence. 3. God exists. Sixth Meditation In the external environment of one's self and God, there is a possibility that materials exists. It is like saying that such elements are present and real for the reason that God is capable of creating them. During the last meditation, the author arrives at three realities. First, there is a God who is infinite. Secondly, there is a soul. Thirdly, there are material elements or things. The second and the third are obtainable, however with limits or restrictions. The author also identifies some irregularities in his meditation. He is still perplexed with why there is a sense in limbs which are surgically removed, or why there are senses in dreams and dropsy. To fully understand the writings of Descartes on the said book, it is recommended that you completely read Meditations on First Philosophy. About the AuthorMore Free information about Meditatation Techniques visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga part 1 with Anusara Yogi Bridget Woods Kramer 15 min daily practiceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Yoga 3000 B.C V/S Contemporary Yoga Posted: 17 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Krishnan Nallappa Although Yoga is said to be as old as civilization, there is no physical evidence to support this claim. Earliest archaeological evidence of Yoga's existence could be found in stone seals which depict figures of Yoga Poses. The stone seals place Yoga's existence around 3000 B.C. The goals of yoga are varied and range from improving health to achieving Moksha. The more technical sense of the term "yoga", describing a system of meditation or contemplation with the aim of the cessation of mental activity and the attaining of a "supreme state". While many people have heard about yoga only recently, it has been around for much longer then many people think. What many people use yoga for in the modern world is only the tip of the iceberg of what it is all about. At this point, we see a proliferation of literature as well as the practice of Yoga. When you are researching the history of yoga you may find that many of the beneficial properties of yoga that were true many years ago are also true today. Yoga has been used to increase strength and flexibility and this is what many people find happens to their body today. Yoga also has a distinct breathing pattern that can help you to feel relaxed and you may find that yoga can actually decrease the stress you are feeling in your present day life. The history of yoga has changed over the years and has become more modern. This has helped people adapt their lifestyle around this practice. Many people today use yoga as a means of exercise and this is a great way to keep your body in shape. If you have a limitation that prevents you from doing traditional exercise, yoga may be a great alternative and the moves are normally slow and this helps many people use yoga as exercise. Some people just hate the thought of a traditional cardio workout and yoga allows you to go slow and move at your own pace. If you are interested in learning more about the history of yoga, there are many resources on the internet that can help you learn how to practice a mu! ch older form of this art form. You may find that there are many things that you can learn about yoga and maybe even incorporate these new findings into your daily life. The history of yoga will include more information about the mind, body and spirit connection. This is something that is often not represented fully in a gym class setting. You may want to take a class and learn about the strength training part of yoga and use a home online resource to incorporate the other important aspects of it. The history of yoga is a very long one and many people do not know this. Yoga is much more then an exercise and you may want to explore this further if it interests you. Incorporating all of the aspects of yoga can help you to get more fulfillment's out of the entire yoga process. About the Author (Yoga Guide)- Has loads of free information on Yoga, and 3 Unique guides for people at different level's of Yoga. If you like this Article, you will surely be interested in visiting our site. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Why has yoga been gaining popularityï¼ Posted: 17 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Thomas Why has yoga been gaining popularityรฏ¼It not only is yoga culture's unique charm, but also becomes one of the most natural and most amiable of practice. It is suitable for any age and gender of people to practice. Let us reveal the yoga's "mystery" of the veil, to approaching yoga's, contact yoga, yoga's sentiment, enjoy yoga.What is the role of yoga?1. Condition physical, reach equilibriumYoga stressed that the body is a large system, and the system consists of several components, so keep each part in the good state in order to have healthy body. Yoga uses asana, pranayama and other methods to adjust the physiology of various organs, to achieve the purpose of the physical body.2. Eliminate stress, calm the heartYoga uses full breathing, meditation and a variety of asana, regulating the nervous system, to eliminate the tension.3. Spiritual cultivation, great virtueYoga advocates a healthy moral attitude to life, and let you naturally get rid of these bad habits, like smoking, drinking. By constant self-transcendence, make you full of confidence.4. Special exercises, special effectsYoga has very good effect for the symptoms of weight loss disorders, insomnia, anxiety and arthritis.5. Practice yoga for more than three years, because if it has been persistent, it will dissolve yoga into the bones. For example, most people are hunched sitting, people who practice yoga will often straight back, there is the temperament to be better than the common people. Benefits for woman practicing yoga:First: yoga optimized shape and cultivation. Yoga can be corrected spinal deformation caused by excessive fatigue or poor posture, can improve bad posture, enhance self - confidence, thrust muscular system, make the body beautiful lines, and anti-obesity, enhance self-healing power, prevent various diseases such as: migraine headaches, insomnia, constipation, gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, etc.Second: yoga can keep the heart decompression. Yoga can help to improve the ability to concentrate, relieve ! tension, alleviate depression, eliminate the psychological barriers, restore inner peace and tranquility, to make the mentality of people in good health.Third: yoga can Condition beauty. . yoga by pushing, pulling, twisting, squeezing, stretching, and other gestures to play a role of self-massage of internal organs, strengthen the physiological function, endocrine regulation, metabolism more favorable to the human body, anti-aging, remain forever beautiful face.Care skin for practicing yoga:When you are done upside down, tuck and other difficult yoga, do you pay attention whether the yuga's mat which is intimate contact with the skin is clean? According to Taiwan's Minsheng Daily News report, the majority of yoga mat of the gym public did not disinfect regularly, and is easy to filth and breeding of bacteria, make skin infection.Some might say that he used the public practice yoga mat, and did not feel unwell. It is actually quite simple, the bacteria in the unclean yoga mat infects the human body, and it will not immediately face the disease, and hidden in the skin surface for a long time, Once the body weakened immunity, it would be attacked, resulting in a variety of infectious skin diseases. No-cleaning yoga mats are likely in possession of bacteria, fungi and dust mites, etc. Bacteria can cause folliculitis, fungus prone to cause tinea, athlete's foot, and one of the greatest physical threat for dust mites to allergic is causing allergic dermatitis and asthma. About the AuthorThomas has been writingarticles online for nearly 1 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet,fitness and weight loss.Come visit my latest website over at which helps people find the best Gastritis symptom and information they are looking for when doing home remodeling. </ <a> Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga Part 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Yoga For Weight Loss – Yoga & Obesity Posted: 17 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Armie Blas Utilizing Yoga for Weight loss Yoga for weight loss can be a favorable approach to shed a little bit of such unwanted weight in addition concerning achieve a very few more many advantages. Stretching and knowing to target oneself utilizing yoga is something that you may utilize for the majority of ones lifestyle. It is a really essential business to learn and as you launch to get significantly more and even more involved with it, you'll notice your weight reducing at a quite balanced rate. How Yoga for Weight loss Works Yoga is superb for firming muscular tissues, bettering balance as well as toning up ones core. The condition is it won't necessarily raise your heart rate sufficiently to get started burning a lot of calorie intake. Therefore you might have to kick your yoga workout straight into high gear having a several different approaches. 1 such type of yoga is named ashtanga yoga. It is a superb yoga for weight loss that is definitely pretty hardy. This really is best for folks who are from your home as you will find not many studios that offer this style. An additional is referred to as energy yoga, something you will find pretty much anywhere simply because it really is in high demand mainly because of the cardio workout that you get aside from that towards the typical advantages of yoga. Several have furthermore learned yoga completed in a sauna and / or hot room to be pretty productive for the reason that you'll perspire profusely while striking ones typical poses. Obtaining Started out with Yoga for Weight loss You will get started off with yoga for weight loss in many distinctive ideas. Depending upon how very easily it is possible to motivate oneself and ways in which significantly cash you would want to invest on your yoga instruction, you may have quite a few choices. These comprise:- Self guidance- Yoga studio- Video game There are a lot of books and videos that you may buy to help you you will get started along with the yoga personal guid! e. Based upon which program you buy, there are many energetic procedures to combine calisthenics and yoga altogether. Anytime the heart rate grows and the entire body is moving throughout more, the far more calorie consumption are becoming burnt off and thereby the far more weight which will drop. Yoga studios can even be a very good method to start because there is an instructor which will help to build a program that is certainly custom-made just for you. Yoga for weight loss ought to be tailored structured upon ones human body sort and exactly how considerably weight you will need to lose. Instructors can maintain you motivated, on top of that. There are also numerous video games that supply yoga instruction. The edge to this is always that you can learn each of the various poses inside comfort of your own home. Wii, Playstation, and XBox all have different games that incorporate yoga guidance. A little from them are a tad complex, too, which can weigh you together with register your system movements to most suitable ones posture and pose to far better have the benefit of the yoga. Whichever technique you pick, the trick to yoga for weight loss is keeping at it. Which indicate that you have to do it for around 30 minutes each individual time, at the very least 5 days a week. Shed some pounds with yoga for weight loss and learn the basics of yoga for beginners at The Amazing Day Spa. About the Author I'm a skilled Author, Entrepreneur, Blogger, EBook Creator, Writer and Publisher. I love working online with my niche, affiliate, article, & ebay Marketing businesses. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Yoga For Weight Loss â What Should You Know Posted: 17 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Armie Blas Applying Yoga for Weight loss Yoga for weight loss may be a effective solution to shed a little bit of these unnecessary extra pounds in addition of get a several more advantages. Stretching and learning to focus all by yourself working with yoga is something that you may make use of for the rest of ones daily life. It's a quite crucial situation to determine and just like you start out to obtain significantly more and more concerned with it, you will notice ones weight reducing at a really healthy rate. How Yoga for Weight loss Works Yoga is wonderful for sculpting muscle tissues, increasing balance and even toning up your core. The challenge is it won't necessarily raise ones heart rate adequately to start out burning so much of calories. Which means that you have to kick your yoga workout straight into high gear using a few distinctive tactics. 1 such variety of yoga is identified as ashtanga yoga. It is a good yoga for weight loss that is definitely highly energetic. This really is top for folks who're at home as you will discover not many studios that present this style. One other is referred to as energy yoga, something which yow will discover literally wherever mainly because it really is in high demand because of the cardio workout that you get aside from that to the normal many benefits of yoga. Several have also found yoga completed in a sauna and / or hot room to be truly successful because you'll sweat amply whilst striking ones conventional poses. Receiving Commenced with Yoga for Weight loss You can receive started off with yoga for weight loss in numerous distinctive styles. Depending upon how easily it is possible to motivate your self and just how considerably bucks you would want to spend on ones yoga guide, you have a number of options. These include:- Personal instruction- Yoga studio- Video game There are several books and videos you can buy to you receive started off with the yoga self instruction. Depending upon which program you pu! rchase, there are various energetic fashions to integrate acrobatic exercise and yoga altogether. Anytime the very center rate elevates and the entire body is moving throughout significantly more, the way more calorie consumption are getting scorched and thereby the way more weight that should drop. Yoga studios can as well be an ideal method to get rolling because there is an instructor which may aid to make a program that is definitely tailored for you. Yoga for weight loss should be tailored based mostly upon ones human body kind and also how a lot weight you'll need to drop. Instructors can keep you motivated, in the process. In addition there are several video games that deliver yoga instruction. The advantages to this is always that you'll be able to master the entire different poses from the comfort of your own household. Wii, Playstation, and XBox all have diverse games that incorporate yoga guide. A little bit of them are a little advanced, too, that could weigh you and register your system movements to perfect ones posture and pose to better really benefit from the yoga. Whichever method you select, the key to yoga for weight loss is keeping at it. Which indicate that you should do it for in relation to half-hour every single moment, at the very least 5 days a seven days. Shed some pounds with yoga for weight loss and learn the basics of yoga for beginners at The Amazing Day Spa. About the Author I'm a skilled Author, Entrepreneur, Blogger, EBook Creator, Writer and Publisher. I love working online with my niche, affiliate, article, & ebay Marketing businesses. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.VEDA Day 4 Training, Beach Parties, Squats, Yoga and Green Stuff with Bianca Te RitoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Debt reduction - How To Get Rid Of Massive Debts Posted: 17 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Mike Emerson This is the time of recession and many people are suffering due to bad economy and financial crisis. The recession has made it impossible for the people to manage their monthly expenditures. The incomes are becoming low and the prices are high due to which many people are suffering a lot reason being these financial crisis. People used bank's money for different purposes like credit cards, home loan, equity loans, personal loans etc. At the start people pay regularly but as the time passes it becomes difficult for them to pay back their loans and they find themselves in massive debts. Debt reduction has become necessity these days to ease the lives. Many people used the traditional way of bankruptcy to eliminate their massive debts but this is not an appropriate way to eliminate your debts. The recovery agencies of financial institutions do not let a consumer to ease his life. They call again and again and use some unfair activities due to which a consumer gets stressed and this stress leads him to make wrong decisions. This wrong decision could be in shape of bankruptcy which is absolutely an inappropriate way of debt elimination. If you need debt reduction, it is advisable for you to manage your income expenditure accounts and spare some money for your debt reduction. Try to increase the monthly payment so you could reduce the debt as soon as possible. As the debt will be reduced, the markup rate will also be reduced and once you regularize your installment with extra money in it, very soon your debt will be reduced and you will be able to reduce your debt in few years.For debt reduction, many debt settlement programs were also introduced few years ago, the function of debt settlement programs is to prevent bankruptcy and to provide a relief to a consumer. Debt settlement is a process of negotiation through which consumer can get a legal reduction over outstanding amount of loan. Many debt settlement companies are also working in this regard and are helping people to get rid of their massive deb! ts as soon as possible. The function of debt settlement companies is to make the process of negotiation easy and affective. If a consumer has cash reserves and he wants to eliminate his loan in full; the debt settlement company will deal with the officials of financial institutions and will offer a certain amount to eliminate the whole loan. With the rise in bankruptcy the managements of financial institutions decided to promote debt reductions so that they could recover those amounts which are near to charge off. The debt settlement programs are favorable alternatives of bankruptcy and the best way of debt reduction. For more information please visit our website About the AuthorMike Emersom is a CPA, MBA with 30 years experience in business, accounting and as an entrepreneur Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
How can you Benefit from a Yoga Retreat in Mexico? Posted: 16 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Linus Xavier As a philosophy of ancient India, yoga offers numerous benefits including the ability to discipline the body and the mind better. The overall goal of yoga is to improve your life in a variety of different ways. While many people first think of improving their fitness level, there is actually much more to yoga than simply toning and strengthening the body. Through yoga, it is possible to gain complete balance in every area of your life. There is simply no other recreational activity or sport that can provide the many benefits, both physical and spiritual, that are offered by yoga. The goal of yoga is to provide mental benefits while also honing your physical body. Practising yoga can help to improve your overall physical condition. This can be accomplished by training the joints and muscles for improved toning, strength and flexibility. In addition, yoga can be extremely beneficial in reversing the aging process. Through strict discipline, it is possible to see a wide array of improvements in every area of your life. While it is entirely possible to practise yoga at home, an increasing number of people are choosing to attend a yoga retreat center as it allows them to get away to a relaxing location where they can admire the gorgeous local scenery, meditate and learn more about practising yoga. Attending a yoga retreat center will not only allow you to learn more about meditation, but will also present an opportunity for you to meet like-minded people. One of the tremendous benefits associated with attending a yoga retreat center is that you will be able to gain greater insight into your inner being. This is precisely why many people choose to practise yoga. When you elect to attend a yoga retreat or retiro in beautiful Oaxaca, Mexico , you will be able to benefit from greater levels of meditacion or meditation. Many people find they come away from their retreat with enhanced espiritual or spiritual understanding. Whether you are a seasoned or a novice yoga practitioner, att! ending y oga classes at a professional yoga center such as El Neem can provide you with the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the complete yoga lifestyle. Although the primary focus of attending a yoga retreat is the actual practice of yoga, you will find that most retreats also provide their attendees with the chance to examine their own spiritual well being, lifestyle and personal growth in a new light. Along with obtaining a chance for self-reflection, attending a yoga center is also an excellent opportunity for growth. Most yoga retreat centers offer a variety of different forms of yoga that can be learned and practised, including Chakras and Tantra. If you plan to attend a yoga retreat center as a beginner to yoga this can be a great opportunity to try out different types of yoga to find the style that will best work for you and meet your specific goals. The benefits to attending a yoga retreat are certainly numerous. Whether you plan to only go for a weekend or you have plans to stay for a week or perhaps even two, you will likely find that your time at a yoga retreat in Mexico will provide you with the once in a lifetime opportunity to completely change your outlook on life. In addition, you will be able to return home with the tools you need to continue that change so that you are able to be more productive at work, feel more relaxed and connect with your inner self in a completely more effective manner. About the AuthorAgama Yoga Mexico, located in the charming Pacific beach town of Mazunte,Oaxaca, offers comprehensive and affordable short Yoga courses, meditation retreats, special workshops and Agama One Month Yoga & Tantra Intensive along with drop-in classes at our beach view Yoga center, El Neem Yoga & Meditation Center. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Anahata Yoga RetreatThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
The Battle Between Mindfulness and Active Meditation. Posted: 16 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Christos Varsamis Optimistic or pessimistic thoughts and feelings, noises, the things you see everything around you, may it be distraction or not should be received as you do mindfulness meditation. You are not to exclude anything with this type of meditation; all you need to do is sit down in peace and perceive any past or present events and feel any emotions you might encounter in the course of meditating. Mindfulness meditation however is contradictory to active meditation. This type of meditation involves not pure sitting but letting your body move from slow to intense movements. It is a process where a practitioner can undo all suppression as well as negative emotions by letting the body move and easily go into stillness. Posture Talk Posture is important in mindfulness meditation so that energy will flow better. A comfortable seating position should be selected; it does not matter whether it is lotus, Burmese or Seiza positions. Let your hands rest on top of your thighs. The palms of your hand should be on a downward position. On the other hand, posture is not extremely important with active meditation. You can do any movements you wish to undertake such as walking, dancing, or stumping of feet. Shouting, laughing and crying can be incorporated as you move. The Meditation Process Once you have assumed a comfortable seating position, you are now ready to undertake the mindfulness meditation wherein you need to become aware of the current moment. You should experience what is happening right now at this very moment where you would welcome yet slowly dissolve the fear, rage, qualms, and reservations in life. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to be conscious of what is happening in your life as well as your environment. It lets you witness the good and the bad events. Most importantly, it lets you respond in a positive way to the matters you have become aware of. Release of tension and stress may be the comparable factor between mindfulness and active ! meditation. There are five processes a practitioner should undertake with active meditation. 1. Do frenzied and unsystematic breathing. This is done with the belief that it is through breathing which invites repression so it is also in breathing that it will be freed. 2. Act mad. This is done in order to free yourself from negative emotions you are keeping within. When you do this step, you need not be serious. You need to act mad and play with your body. Jump, dance or jog if you want to. Let shouting, laughter or wailing accompany your actions. 3. Release Hoo! You need to repeatedly say, scream or yell "Hoo!" By doing this, you are increasing your sex energy. 4. Stop. Whatever position you are in when the leader says stop, immediately put an end to everything that you are doing and be still with the position you have. Now is the time to discern.5. Celebrate. The type of meditation to undertake varies from one person to the other. There are instances that mindfulness meditation may work well for you but not for your partner. The most important aspect of meditation is the result you need to feel good and relieved. About the AuthorMore Free information about Meditation Techniques visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Spirit Science 1 - 15 FULL MOVIE SERIES 2012This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
How can you Benefit from a Yoga Retreat in Mexico? Posted: 16 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Linus Xavier As a philosophy of ancient India, yoga offers numerous benefits including the ability to discipline the body and the mind better. The overall goal of yoga is to improve your life in a variety of different ways. While many people first think of improving their fitness level, there is actually much more to yoga than simply toning and strengthening the body. Through yoga, it is possible to gain complete balance in every area of your life. There is simply no other recreational activity or sport that can provide the many benefits, both physical and spiritual, that are offered by yoga. The goal of yoga is to provide mental benefits while also honing your physical body. Practising yoga can help to improve your overall physical condition. This can be accomplished by training the joints and muscles for improved toning, strength and flexibility. In addition, yoga can be extremely beneficial in reversing the aging process. Through strict discipline, it is possible to see a wide array of improvements in every area of your life. While it is entirely possible to practise yoga at home, an increasing number of people are choosing to attend a yoga retreat center as it allows them to get away to a relaxing location where they can admire the gorgeous local scenery, meditate and learn more about practising yoga. Attending a yoga retreat center will not only allow you to learn more about meditation, but will also present an opportunity for you to meet like-minded people. One of the tremendous benefits associated with attending a yoga retreat center is that you will be able to gain greater insight into your inner being. This is precisely why many people choose to practise yoga. When you elect to attend a yoga retreat or retiro in beautiful Oaxaca, Mexico , you will be able to benefit from greater levels of meditacion or meditation. Many people find they come away from their retreat with enhanced espiritual or spiritual understanding. Whether you are a seasoned or a novice yoga practitioner, att! ending yoga classes at a professional yoga center such as El Neem can provide you with the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the complete yoga lifestyle. Although the primary focus of attending a yoga retreat is the actual practice of yoga, you will find that most retreats also provide their attendees with the chance to examine their own spiritual well being, lifestyle and personal growth in a new light. Along with obtaining a chance for self-reflection, attending a yoga center is also an excellent opportunity for growth. Most yoga retreat centers offer a variety of different forms of yoga that can be learned and practised, including Chakras and Tantra. If you plan to attend a yoga retreat center as a beginner to yoga this can be a great opportunity to try out different types of yoga to find the style that will best work for you and meet your specific goals. The benefits to attending a yoga retreat are certainly numerous. Whether you plan to only go for a weekend or you have plans to stay for a week or perhaps even two, you will likely find that your time at a yoga retreat in Mexico will provide you with the once in a lifetime opportunity to completely change your outlook on life. In addition, you will be able to return home with the tools you need to continue that change so that you are able to be more productive at work, feel more relaxed and connect with your inner self in a completely more effective manner. About the AuthorAgama Yoga Mexico, located in the charming Pacific beach town of Mazunte,Oaxaca, offers comprehensive and affordable short Yoga courses, meditation retreats, special workshops and Agama One Month Yoga & Tantra Intensive along with drop-in classes at our beach view Yoga center, El Neem Yoga & Meditation Center. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.What is the South Bay Yoga Conference?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 16 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Armie Blas Making use of Yoga for Weight loss Yoga for weight loss could be a effective method to shed few of these unfavorable weight in addition as to achieve a number of much more many benefits. Stretching and knowing to focus on your own working with yoga is one thing you can utilize for the rest of ones living. It is a highly important affair to find out and as you start off to obtain much more and more involved with it, you'll notice ones weight lowering at a truly wholesome rate. How Yoga for Weight loss Works Yoga is wonderful for sculpting muscle groups, enhancing balance and even toning up your core. The problem is that it won't necessarily raise ones heart rate sufficiently to get started burning lots of calorie consumption. Which indicate that you could have to kick ones yoga workout right into high gear employing a number of unique techniques. 1 such type of yoga is called ashtanga yoga. It's always a very good yoga for weight loss that is certainly highly hardy. This is best for people who're in your home as you'll find not numerous studios that supply this style. An additional is referred to as energy yoga, something which you can get pretty much wherever for the reason that it truly is on the go mainly because with the cardiovascular workout that you simply get plus towards the common many benefits of yoga. Many have furthermore learned yoga conducted in a sauna and / or hot room to be truly efficient simply because you will sweat richly whilst striking ones normal poses. Acquiring Started off with Yoga for Weight loss You may get started out with yoga for weight loss in various different ideas. Depending upon how straightforwardly you may motivate your self and how much cash you intend to invest on your yoga guidance, you might have many choices. These include:- Own guide- Yoga studio- Video game There are many books and videos you can purchase to help you you obtain started off with the yoga self guide. Depending upon which program you buy, there a! re vario us healthy remedies to combine body-building and yoga alltogether. Anytime the very center rate heightens and the body is moving throughout significantly more, the more caloric intake are becoming shed thereby the far more weight that could drop. Yoga studios can even be a very good technique to get rolling mainly because there happens to be an instructor that can aid to build a program that is individualized for you. Yoga for weight loss should certainly be customized dependent upon ones body sort and the way considerably weight you will need to drop. Instructors can keep you motivated, in the process. You can also get several video games that give yoga guide. The benefit to this is always that it is possible to discover lots of diverse poses with the comfort of ones own house. Wii, Playstation, and XBox all have diverse games that incorporate yoga guidance. A bit from them are a touch enhanced, in addition, which can weigh you and also register ones human body movements to acceptable your posture and pose to better benefit from the yoga. Whichever technique you decide on, the main element to yoga for weight loss is keeping at it. This means that you have to do it for on the subject of half an hour every single time, not less than five days a 7 days. Shed some pounds with yoga for weight loss and learn the basics of yoga for beginners at The Amazing Day Spa. About the Author I'm a skilled Author, Entrepreneur, Blogger, EBook Creator, Writer and Publisher. I love working online with my niche, affiliate, article, & ebay Marketing businesses. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Binaural Beats for Meditation Good for the beginners Posted: 16 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Jonsonmak The practice of meditation has become simple and easy with the arrival of binaural beats. It alters our brain waves to a different level for achieving the state of meditation. Therefore, it is great news for those who find it extremely difficult to relax their mind at the time of meditation. However, you would be surprised to know that this method was first discovered in the year 1839 by a man called Heinrich Wilhelm Dove.The concept works through two different frequencies, which are played with the help of a headset. It is an extremely interesting phenomenon that affects the pattern of our brain waves, and can cause different mental states within an individual. The researchers have experienced a significant reduction in the stress level and mental anxiety at the time of this process. And all these are good indicators for your successful journey in meditation.The practice of meditation is centuries old. However, it is relatively new in the Western civilization. But meditation techniques for beginners and those who have progressed considerably, is quickly spreading in all parts of Europe and America. The present generation is health conscious and they have realized the beneficial effects of meditation very well. Ideally, for meditation the brain requires to reach an alpha state. The good news is that such brainwave state can be reached easily through the binaural beats. During our daily chores, the brain operates at a beta state, but at the time of meditation it converts to a higher state or the alpha state. When the mind reaches that state, it automatically calms down and get relaxed. Usually, it takes years of practice to reach that state, but in the presence of binaural beat, an individual can attain that state within minutes. If the individual make further progress in the art of meditation, he reaches a heightened state of mind known as the theta level. In the theta frequency it becomes easier to attain the peaceful state. At this state, the issues of concentration and focusing the mind b! ecomes e xtremely simple. In fact, no effort is required on the part of the individual to attain a relaxed state of mind. Deep relaxation with binaural beats has yielded several health benefits. It has proved very effective for treating high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart diseases. Even a dreadful disease like diabetes can be kept under check through it. So, the benefits are unimaginable! If you want to get started, have no fear at all. Meditation techniques for beginners can be very simple and easy. You just need to find a quiet place for making rapid progress in this ancient art. A peaceful ambience is imperative for a successful session in meditation. So, make sure that you do not get distracted easily in the place which you have chosen for meditation. Try to keep the meditation room simple. If possible, fill the vacant space with a picture of a serene lake or a beautiful flower valley. You can even keep pictures of spiritual gurus who mastered the art of meditation. About the Authorjonsonmak is a Doctor who recommends meditation techniques for a stressful life or for a good physical and mental health. He also writes articles on binaural beats & Meditation techniques for beginners. For more information he always recommends to visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Why Some Older People Have Great Memory Abilities Posted: 16 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT
Elderly people with exceptional memory abilities have brains that look decades younger than their actual age, according to a new study. The study examined the brains of people the researchers call "super-agers," who despite being age 80 or older, have memory abilities similar to people in their 50s and 60s. Brain images taken with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed that the outer layer of the brain, known as the cortex, was about the same size in super-agers as it was in middle-age people. This finding was remarkable because the cortex — which is important for memory and attention — almost always shrinks with age, the researchers said. In fact, the cortexes of the super-agers were much thicker than the cortexes of a normal group of elderly people in good health, the researchers said. Figuring out why the brains of super-agers stay so youthful could lead to new therapies that protect against memory loss and Alzheimer's disease, said study researcher Emily Rogalski, an assistant research professor at the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Researchers tend to study what goes wrong in the brain to find therapies, but Rogalski said, "perhaps we could learn just as much by looking at what goes right with the brain." The study included 12 super-agers (whose average age was 83), 10 elderly people with normal cognition for their age, and 14 middle-age participants. To qualify as a super-ager, participants had to score about the same as or better than middle-age people on tests of memory. Only about 10 percent of people who expressed interest in being in the study because they thought they had excellent memories actually met the criteria, Rogalski said. One region of the brain, called the anterior cingulate cortex, was actually bigger in the super-agers than in the middle-aged participants. While this region is not directly involved in memory, it is important in paying attention, Rogalski said. "Attention is critical for having good memory," and it may be a keen sense of attention that's supporting the super-agers' exceptional memories, Rogalski said. The researchers will next collect blood samples from super-agers every 18 months to test whether genetics or other factors play a role in protecting their brains. In addition, many of the super-agers have agreed to donate their brains to the study upon death. Studying the brain post-mortem will allow researchers to examine the brain cells for features that may provide memory protection, Rogalski said. The study is published today (Aug. 16) in the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. Pass it on: The brains of super-agers look decades younger than their actual age. Follow Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner, or MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Mindfulness in Your Day, In Your Work Posted: 16 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Deb Kamsteeg I learned the long hard way, that in seeing, I mean REALLY seeing my surroundings or others, (especially our loved ones) takes our full consciousness, not just our eyes or ears. There is nothing we can change about the past and the future is elusive. By dwelling more often in the present moment, we become free to observe life without getting caught up in all the noise of our mind or surroundings.Wikipedia states that " Mindfulness is a technique in which a person becomes intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgmentally. As one more closely observes inner reality, one finds that happiness is not exclusively a quality brought about by a change in outer circumstances, but rather by realizing happiness often starts with loosening and releasing attachment to thoughts, predispositions and scripts; thereby releasing automatic reactions toward pleasant and unpleasant situations or feelings"It wasn't until I myself faced a serious illness that my hearts eyes truly opened. Learning to slow down enough to see the details, listen with my heart to hear, truly understand a child's reaction or to ask why someone feels a certain way or likes something. I feel privileged to be given the chance to be mindful and give my full attention to conversations, to activities, even eating! Any activity done mindfully is possible and it does take practice. We are all too often distracted by all the internal and external "chatter" or by trying to multi-task while on the phone, visiting or proceeding with daily tasks.Eckhart Tolle emphasizes "the importance of being present in the moment as a way of not being lost in thought. In his view the present is the gateway to a heightened sense of peace and aliveness. "Being in the now" also brings an awareness that is beyond the mind.Tolles'core teachings that appear to arise from his works are:You are not your thoughts. You are the awareness behind the thoughts. Thoughts are often negative and painful, yearning for or fearing something in ! the future, complaint about something in the present or fearing a matter from the past. However, the thoughts are not you; they are a construct of the ego. Awareness of your thought without being caught up in them is the first step to freedom. Only the present moment exists. That is where life is (indeed it is the only place life can truly be found). Becoming aware of the now has the added benefit that it will draw your attention away from your negative thoughts. Use mindfulness techniques to fully appreciate your surroundings and everything you are experiencing. Look and listen intently. Give full attention to the smallest details. Accept the present moment. It is resistance to the present moment that creates most of the difficulties in your life. However, acceptance does not mean that you cannot take action to rectify the situation you are in. What is important is to drop resistance so that you let the moment be, and that any action arises from deeper awareness rather than from resistance. The vast majority of pain in a person's life comes from resistance to what is." Take time to notice that the mind is continually making comments, whether or not these thoughts have worth. By practicing mindfulness, you can quietly assess these thoughts for truth, sometimes a thought is just a thought, not reality. Peace and harmony is often lacking in our lives often because of this inner conversation. When we are restless, irritated or anxious, we pass this on to those we come into contact with. Gaining awareness of why we are feeling that way is the first step to dealing with it. Often it stems from some negative thought in the mind, undesired action by someone else or a trigger from childhood "tapes". Peace then, arises out of acknowledging what is true rather than just reacting. Quiet your mind and heart before you continue on to your next call or your next activity. See in your minds eye what or whom you will be connecting with. Concentrate on your natural breath and if undesired comments come forth in yo! ur mind, ! just acknowledge them and continue on. Imagine yourself in that place, with that person and THEN, continue in peace, with your hearts eye wide open and ready to pick up the subtleties too often missed as an integral part of communication.Go now, into the day with mindfulness so that you can experience ALL that is good.You will be blessed. Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Deb Kamsteeg fills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Be a BraveHeart Woman About the AuthorBusinesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Deb Kamsteeg fills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Be a BraveHeart Woman Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Spiritual help for violence victims Posted: 16 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT
"The first batch of 35-40 managers attended a two-day workshop on July 30-31. ORC director BK Ashsa Didi also addressed the staff. Besides meditation, the workshop also stresses upon how workers should overcome fear and improve inter-personal relations," said BK Sanjay of ORC. "A total of four sessions have been organised till now, the most recent one being on August 13-14. More sessions will follow next week," he added. Situated at a distance of 35km from Gurgaon, ORC is located at Bhora Kalan, 1km off the Delhi-Jaipur highway. The participants stay at ORC during the workshop and get up as early as 4am. "The session addresses the issue of overcoming fear. The participants include those who were either attacked or witnessed the violence and want to overcome their fear through meditation and other techniques," said Ashok, a programme coordinator. He said the decision to conduct training sessions for the managers and supervisors was taken at a meeting held two days after the On July 18, irate workers had attacked managers, supervisors and engineers at the Manesar plant and burnt properties. The violence erupted after a worker Jiya Lal allegedly slapped a supervisor. A general manager was killed and 100 others, including two Japanese staff, were injured. Maruti had declared an indefinite lockout which in force till date. Read More @ Source | ||
Reducing Your Total Outstanding Balances With Rapid Debt Reduction Strategy Posted: 16 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT |
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