When it Comes to Stress Relief, Meditation is Unbeatable
When it Comes to Stress Relief, Meditation is Unbeatable |
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When it Comes to Stress Relief, Meditation is Unbeatable Posted: 18 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Christopher Boozell Regular readers know I typically disdain the idea of viewing meditation primarily through the lens of stress relief, but any discussion that doesn't include this topic is necessarily incomplete. When it comes to mitigating the pressure cooker symptoms of modern life, there is very little that compares to a contemplative practice. There are a number of goals one might pursue through meditation: making changes in your behavior set, analyzing the many assumptions which make up your world view, or generally advancing your ability to relate to your spiritual reality. Some of these can be pretty demanding, requiring the contemplative to grapple with weighty concerns. Using meditation as an antidote to stress is quite a bit less demanding. Instead of identifying, analyzing and re-writing your personal storylines, the goal of stress relief meditation is simple: you set all of your storylines down. You forget your script. For the ten minutes or twenty minutes of your session, all the many demands placed upon you are gone. Place the locus of your attention on one single object, and let everything else go. That sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? The specifics are even easier - here is how you can use meditation for relief from stress: Find a nice quiet spot. This spot doesn't have to be dead silent, but you should be confident that you won't be disturbed by a phone or someone looking for a chat. Sit upright - by the end of this session you will be very relaxed, so maintaining a good posture will keep you from falling asleep. Choose a word or phrase you find comforting. Frequent choices are 'love', 'one', or even 'calm'. Choosing a word with spiritual connotations is also helpful IF you are comfortable with the sentiment expressed. For instance, the very popular 'maranatha' means 'Come Lord' and will only be overtly helpful for Christians. Watch your breathing for a few moments. This begins the process of calming down and turning your attention inward. When ready, say your word to yourself o! n an out breath. This can be done silently or at a low volume. Whichever feels comfortable and makes it easiest to keep your attention on the word. As you are drawing in breath, simply sit quietly, listening to that silence. Continue this cycle - say word to yourself on outbreath, sit quietly on inbreath - for the length of your session. As stray thoughts come along (and in the beginning they will do so frequently), don't fret. Just note that the thought came to you, then go back to saying your word. At the end of your session, give yourself a few moments to enjoy the feeling of relaxed peace. Then take a nice, deep breath, open your eyes fully and let your senses spread to the world outside your body.That's it. Not too tough, is it? In most cases, this stress relief meditation will be the simplest thing you do on any given day - no need for special equipment, no expensive medicines, and just a few minutes to yourself required. In pretty short order you'll sleep easier, see a reduction in high BP, and find that your emotional stability is greatly improved. This single exercise is all that many people need. Eventually you might find you are interested in finding even more about meditation. Follow that inclination if it hits, but either way enjoy this extraordinary tool for health. Vigilate, Christopher Boozell About the Author For more information on Christian meditation check out Christopher Boozell's website: http://www.tantricchristianity.com/lesson_signup.html. You can even sign up for a free mini-course on meditation! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Coping With Stress - Biofeedback: Self-Mastery Beyond PillsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 18 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Saleem Rana Your life is always presenting you with a contrast where-ever you look. Everything has a positive and a negative side because we live in a world of dualism. To use an analogy: we look at a glass that is half-full and half-empty. Now this is where the psychology of mind power comes in. You get more of what you focus on. If you focus on the empty part, you get more empty experiences, where your desires go out and come back as void. If you focus on the full part, you also get more of that too. Your desires come back to you as fulfilled. This is a simple way of looking at the psychology of mind power, which is also the psychology of success, but it is a very powerful one. How your perception influences your reality is a complex process. However, basically what you see stimulates the creative elements of your mind to bring more of the same.When you see success, even in the midst of a complete loss, your mind will move you to what you envision. Similarly, when you see failure, even at the heights of success, your mind will work to sabotage your achievements. Thus, what you see, not outwardly, but in your inner vision, is what outcome you will experience. The great gift of life, then, is choice. And this choice is a choice of perception, which is an inner, not an outer experience. You get more of what you reinforce, even if it is not out there in the world yet. We all hear stories of how people, like Donald Trump, for example, arose to reclaim their lost fortunes. From being billions of dollars in debt, he went on to earn some billions of dollars in wealth. What he saw on the inner, regardless of what was happening outside him, is what finally turned the tide in his favor. Yes, he took positive action to change his situation, but that action and the creativity behind it arose because he could only see himself as successful, highly successful, and would not accept any other conclusion, no matter what the media was publicly proclaiming to the world. Yet getting things ! is not t he only use you can apply this principle of selection on. You can also apply it to getting less of the things that you don't want. For example, you may be tired of hurrying and feeling stressed to get the things important to you. You can work on meditating or some other way to create psycho-physiological change to be easy and relaxed, healthy and positive, and still get the same amount of things done, maybe even more. Some people work very, very hard to end up with nothing. Then, in frustration, they try even harder. These people are motivated by fear. They see the glass as half-empty and try desperately to fill it up. Since their subconscious mind has a fixed pattern of emptiness, it makes sure that should the glass get filled up, as a result of all the effort creating results, then it makes sure that it empties the "excess" so that the glass looks half-empty again. Why does it do that? It is because it cannot reason. It takes things literally. If the inner vision is showing it pictures of a half-empty glass, it makes sure to keep the glass that way. Meanwhile, the conscious mind is working hard to fill up the glass. The subconscious mind, however, always wins because it is many times more intelligent and powerful in creating reality. The only way to change the situation is to change the inner instructions by changing the vision to focusing on the full-part of the glass. You get more of what you reinforce. When you reinforce the idea of success, that is what your mind brings into your experience. What happens on the outside is not as important as what is happening on the inside. Your inner view is what the subconscious mind acts on and it is this that develops the eventual shape of the outer experience. Keyword: mind About the AuthorSaleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas His book Never Ever Give Up tells you how. It is offered at no cost as a way to help YOU succeed. The Empowered Soul Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Discover Your Amazing Subconscious Mind Posted: 18 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Steve Goldberg Stop! Just think for a minute about all the problems in your life. Have you ever wondered why these problems exist, or where they come from? Often we play the blame game when something goes wrong in our lives. It's HIS fault, it's YOUR fault, or it's ALL MY FAULT! Sound familiar? Now lets completely change topics and talk about how a computer works. You're probably wondering by now what a computer has to do with anything, but give me one minute and you'll be quite enlightened. Every computer runs on what we call an operating system. This runs automatically, and takes care of opening and closing programs, without any effort on your part. A normal desktop computer has roughly 50-100 gigabytes of files stored on the hard drive, depending on the model. Any part of these 50-100 gigs of information can be readily accessed with the use of the mouse. The mouse can simply be thought of as the control device. The mouse decides what files to open, from where, or what programs to run. With all of this information available at the click of a mouse, we usually run 2-4% of the total information on the computer. If we ran all of it at once, the computer would indefinitely freeze, and then crash. Lets say for instance we want our computer to play a song with a certain file extension called ".song." Now we know the.song file extension doesn't exist, so our computer won't be able to play it. However, we must update the software on the operating system for this.song file to play. Ok, good. Now this is where it gets exciting! You mind works nearly identical to a computer. We have our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. You're subconscious mind can be thought of as the operating system. It is a huge database that holds all of your past experiences and memories and brings them to conscious awareness when necessary. Lets use walking for example. Your subconscious has stored the program "walking", on its hard drive. When you decide to start walking, you're accessing the program "walking" from your hard d! rive database with your conscious mind, or, the mouse. (hehe). But your walking program contains a glitch; every fourth step with right foot, you roll your ankle. OUCH!! It's time to update the software.... Now this is the amazing part of the subconscious mind. It learns new programs, or patterns, through repetition. You could potentially walk with complete focus and pay attention every fourth step to NOT roll your ankle, but that may take awhile for your subconscious mind to store the new walking program on its hard drive. There is an easier way to update our supercomputer databases. When the body is relaxed the subconscious mind is more receptive. There are numerous technologies available to access the subconscious mind. Subliminal messages are very effective in updating the programs on your operating system. They work by speaking empowering messages of change to your subconscious mind. Consciously, you can barely hear them, but your subconscious mind hears everything. Remember our computer, just because you don't see all of the information contained on the computer, its still there. Same thing applies to the conscious mind. Our brain filters out information so we don't experience a system overload and crash! Subliminal messages are very effective in promoting change. After a few weeks of listening to a subliminal message track, numerous people report a new feeling emerging, and easily begin to break negative old habits. It's an amazing technology few people know about, and it's definitely my favorite for updating the software on my operating system! Come check out http://www.secret-of-lawofattraction.com We'll show you facinating simple techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve fantastic success. About the AuthorSteve Goldberg is entrepreneur and creator of secret-of-lawofattraction.com. The #1 Law of Attraction site on the planet, with tons of articles, videos, and free downloads. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Amituofo (Concentration)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Success is Not all in the Mind Posted: 18 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Brian Worley First you have to have wish, or a dream, then a desire and passion and then a target or goal (Success) But it all starts with that initial thought, what ever you want to call it. Also success comes in many flavors. Napoleon Hill's idea of success was not just the accomplishment of goals. He wanted his students to accomplish something wonderful with their lives. Regardless of how you measure success, it all starts in your mind.....your subconscious mind, to be exact. While most people are familiar with the concept of the subconscious mind, few truly understand how to use its power to create the success (and happiness) that they desire. Unfortunately, for many, everything stays just as a wish or dream. Fear of failure prevents them taking that thought any further, or just laziness, it's much easier to stay within their comfort zone and just say, "I can't do that", or "that will never work for me", But for the lucky few, their passion becomes a driving force that turns that dream into reality..Many successful entrepreneurs and business people who dared to dream, never took their eye off their goal. I doubt if any made it on their first try. But they never gave up, and they never stopped believing in their dream. Obstacles were there only to be overcome, as they reached out to their final goal. To take advantage of this incredibly powerful tool, you must first program your subconscious mind for the success you are seeking. Without a clear, consistent "picture" of the results you seek, your subconscious mind can actually sabotage even your best efforts. Any time there is confusion, your subconscious will struggle to help you achieve your goals. That's why the more detailed your goal and your mental image of its results, the better the chances you'll achieve it. By creating and focusing on this concise concept of what you want to achieve, you're helping your subconscious mind manifest that result in your reality. By tapping into the the universal law or attractio! n Your subconscious mind can only react to the thoughts that you give it. To bring yourself success, you have to keep feeding your subconscious mind with positive instructions about what you want it to do for you. This technique will put your success on autopilot! Wishing however, is not enough. There has been quite a lot of coverage on the recent video "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction. But the strongest will in the world will not achieve a thing without action Reading a book will not make you successful. It's what you do with what you learn that makes the difference. The Law of Success remains a valuable series of lessons to study and apply in accomplishing more with your life. To put this in its proper perspective, a positive mental attitude begins with the things that we tell ourselves on a subconscious level. In other words, how a man thinks is how he will become. And remember, your success may start in the mind as a thought, a dream, but without action it will remain just that. A dream!. Focus on your dream. See it. Feel it. Keep an open mind to be receptive to outside sources. Plan your journey and program your mind to show you the way. To your success Brian Worley :Editor/Publisher :wealthbulder Bulletinboard :Reporting on the Latest Internet MarketingStrategies and Wealthbuilding Opportunities :editor@wb-bulletinboard.com :http://www.wb-bulletinboard.com : (703) 596 0328 About the AuthorBrian Worley :Editor/Publisher :wealthbulder Bulletinboard :Reporting on the Latest Internet MarketingStrategies and Wealthbuilding Opportunities :editor@wb-bulletinboard.com :http://www.wb-bulletinboard.com : Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Jean Fain: The Self-Compassion DietThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Finding Effective Teeth Whitening Sensitivity Reduction Methods Posted: 18 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Chris Drake Tooth whitening is a necessity for anyone that smokes, drinks coffee and tea or participates in any activity that can stain their teeth. A bright smile can come at a price, not only for the cost of material but also for the physically stress put on the teeth during the procedure. Teeth whitening sensitivity is a by-product of the methods used today for getting those pearly whites even whiter. There are ways to reduce teeth whitening sensitivity such as special toothpastes or whitening agents with built in de-sensitizers. The use of these has been proven to reduce any discomfort a person feels during the whitening process. This should not be done by trial and error but by researching the correct ones for your use. Teeth whitening sensitivity can affect a good portion of an individual's life. This greatly cuts down on the ability to enjoy certain things like hot and cold beverages and especially, ice cream. While everyone wants a brighter smile, odds are good that giving up morning coffee or that late night bowl of pistachio ice cream simply is not going to happen. To reduce the pain associated with tooth whitening, a product should be chosen with the de-sensitizer built in. This makes it a one-step process rather than two and simplifies the procedure somewhat. The use of the pastes is a good idea when a little extra protection may be necessary, as they will augment the de-sensitizers in the whitening product. There are a few of these methods available and these can easily be researched online or by a consultation with a dental professional. Many websites recommend using a tooth paste along with the whitening process to help keep the pain and sensitivity down to a minimum. This way, a brighter smile can be had without discomfort or giving up any of life's little enjoyments. About the AuthorClick here for FREE INFORMATION on teeth whitening sensitivity. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.A Meditation "How To" - When Bad thoughts AriseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Mind Maps Make it Easier for You to Learn Posted: 18 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Luis Gustavo Bastos Pinho Mind Maps Make It For You to Learn What I want to talk about here is one exceptional tool that allows you to learn better and faster, and in such a way that you do not get bored or lazy while. This very same tool can be used for several other things. You can use it for learning, as I will explain, but you can use it for solving problems, brainstorming, schedule maintenance and so on. This marvelous tool is called: "Mind Map". What is a Mind Map? Take a look of what it looks like at this Mind Map sample. Among several other things, Mind Maps is a method of note taking, you use it to keep the key ideas or the key-words about a subject as well as the connection between those ideas or words. How to make one?You will need colored pencils or different colors pens. Here is what you must consider when making a Mind Map, follow them and consult the sample Mind Map for reference: Start by drawing a picture in the center of the space you are using, it may or may not have something to do with the subject.The words will be sitting on lines (not straight lines) that are connected to the central image. Use curved lines, as straight lines may appear "strict, hard, immutable", in your brain's concept. Remember to color each branch of your Mind Map in a different color.Words that are connected to other words must be in the same branch. For example: if you taking notes about plants, there would be a branch with the idea of photosynthesis, and it would be divided in sub-branches like glucose, water, sun, etc.Keep the lines thicker at the beginning of an idea, and thinner as the branch divides.Whenever you can use an image instead of a word, do it. Images have more shape and color. Also give emphasis to the words you want, write than in bigger case, bold, circle them, do as you wish.Use boxes, clouds, circles and whatever you want to put additional information. Also use arrows, lines, dotted lines, and whatever you want to create links between words from different branches.Rem! ember th at there is no right or wrong way to make a Mind Map, develop your own style.
Why is it better?Your brain is able to process information about words meaning, color, shape, rhythm, space distribution, and lots more. Mind Maps assure your brain is using more of its capability by introducing color, shape and image association to your notes. That increases the level that you absorb what you are studying. Our traditional way to take notes fails in activating the whole cortex, since we usually write in only one color and in that straight shape, that makes us tired and mistreat our brain, which will at some point be turned off and willing to sleep! This is it, I use this tool a lot, and I have learnt at nice levels for these last years. I will cover more about Mind Maps and about its others uses (including how to use it for learning languages!) as well as a little information about the Mind Map itself. Keep in touch, and that's all for today. See you next time. About the AuthorGustavo lives in Brazil, he is an Actuarial Science student, focused on time series analysis. Also has a great curiosity about languages. He has a go for learning things, which sometimes can be quite random. You can find his lessons on basic Statistics at his website http://www.luisgustavo.ws as well as some articles about learning, which include the use of Mind Maps and Law of Attraction for Acknowledgment. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
The benefits of yoga workouts and choosing the right equipment Posted: 18 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Shaily Brown Yoga has been popular for thousands of years now and millions of people are currently reaping the health and fitness benefits it offers including some celebrities like Meg Ryan, Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Madonna. You too can opt for this healthy practice, if you are looking for a viable weight loss solution or if you simply want to enhance your well being. Read on to know more about yoga and some tips that will help you practise it better. Yoga workout and exercise Yoga is much more than difficult 'asanas' – Most yoga teachers focus on teaching physical poses known as 'asanas.' Yoga also includes some breathing and meditation techniques that offer immediate as well as long term benefits. Some forms of yoga are designed for relaxing the body, while others train your body to become more flexible. You don't have to be a gymnast – Regular practise of yoga enables you to develop strength, flexibility and balance. Some people imagine that yoga involves having to stretch their body like a gymnast. They think they are too old or unfit to do so, but the truth is that yoga helps to improve your flexibility without straining your muscles.Yoga relieves muscle pain and stiffness – When you stretch your muscles during a yoga asana, you are actually releasing the lactic acid in your muscles that causes stiffness, pain, tension and fatigue. Yoga also increases the range of motions in your joints. This creates a sense of fluidity and ease in your body. If done correctly, almost all the 'asanas' help in building core strength of your abdominal muscles.Yoga is beneficial for joint pain – Yoga not only stretches your muscles but most of the soft tissues in your body too. This includes your tendons, ligaments, as well as, the fascia sheath around your muscles. Your shoulders and trunk are likely to benefit the most. You age better with yoga – Some forms of yoga require more vigour than the others. These forms help to improve your ! muscle t one and lend strength to your body. But even they require less vigour and instead focus on precise alignment and fewer movements. These yoga exercises impart endurance and strength to your body. This becomes particularly important as you age. Yoga good for mental as well as physical wellbeing – The goal of yoga exercise and workout is to help you develop a healthy, harmonious and holistic life. It can make your body stronger and has a calming effect on the mind. These exercises reduce muscle and joint pain, speed up your metabolism and improve posture. Yoga also detoxifies your body and alleviates tension and stress. A single one hour Yoga workout has the potential to burn up to 350 calories. This makes it the ideal weight loss treatment. Yoga productsYou can buy a complete range of yoga equipment to add to the comfort and convenience of your workout. Yoga mats, for instance, offer greater stability and allow you to define your individual space during a group session. It is also provides cushion to your body. Yoga belts help you get the right posture because it provides the ideal amount of pressure at the right places, without straining a muscle. Yoga blocks help you in achieving precise alignment in different postures and are necessary to complement your workout. About the AuthorShaily writes articles on health related issue and medication. Among her many written articles one is on yoga equipment. Know more about different yoga products like yoga mate, yoga block etc. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Tiniest Infants May Benefit from Baby Formula in Addition to Breast Milk Posted: 18 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
For the tiniest babies, adding baby formula to their diet of breast milk may help them grow faster, a new study says. Researchers followed 171 infants who generally weighed about 2 pounds at birth. These "very low birth weight" (VLBW) infants had been born during the 27th week of pregnancy on average (10 weeks before full term), and their weights were normal for babies born that early. For about half of the infants, at least 75 percent of their diet was breast milk. For the other half, breast milk made up lesser portions. The 75 percent-plus breast milk babies grew more slowly than the others, the researchers found. This effect was even greater for babies being fed breast milk from donor mothers rather than their own. The findings suggest that fortifying the diets of VLBW infants with formula can improve their growth rates without sacrificing the benefits associated with breast milk, the researchers wrote today (Aug. 16) in the journal BMC Pediatrics. While the reason for the slower growth rates of breast milk babies is not completely understood, it may be that breast milk does not provide enough protein, according to the study. The growth of pre-term infants is correlated with their protein intake. Previous research has suggested formula-fed infants grow more quickly during the first few months of life than breast-fed babies do. Still, the benefits of breast milk are well known. They help protect babies against infections; babies are less likely to have diarrhea or vomiting, and tend to have fewer chest and ear infections. "Human milk offers many benefits for VLBW infants, and should be the default diet for all such infants," the researchers wrote. Study researcher Dr. Tarah Colaizy, a neonatologist at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, said, "We recommend that special attention is given to ensure that the amount protein and calories consumed is necessary to provide the benefits of a human milk diet without sacrificing growth." Pass it on: Giving baby formula, along with breast milk, to babies of low birth weight may help them grow better. FollowMyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Lysacek Wins Gold in Vancouver Despite Added Stress Posted: 18 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Marco A Vargas This past week, U.S. figure skater Evan Lysacek skated to an Olympic figure skating gold medal, the first Olympic gold medal in over 20 years for a U.S. male figure skater. Aside from the usual physical and emotional stress associated with such an important event, Lysacek was also dealing with an entirely different kind of stress...a stress fracture of his foot. As you can imagine, any type of foot injury can be devastating to an ice skater, particularly on as severe as a fracture. However, despite the injury, Lysacek was able to work around it and skated to an almost flawless performance to capture the gold! Stress fractures are small fractures that appear as tiny "cracks" and are sometimes difficult to detect on x-ray. They are most frequently caused by poor biomechanics or foot function, but can also be caused by repetitive trauma such as that sustained in a typical figure skating jump. Left untreated, they can progress into fully blown fractures which, in some cases, can require surgery to repair. In Lysacek's case, he had been injured prior to the U.S. Championships and treated it conservatively with a walking boot and rest which allowed him to make a full recovery. In most cases, this is the only treatment that is necessary; however, it can be a difficult treatment to follow for athletes since they need to train, especially when preparing for the Olympics. Once healed, he was able to perform at full strength and executed a quadruple jump, one of the most difficult jumps in figure skating which only a few competitors in the world are able to execute with precision. However, following the competition, he began to experience the same type of foot pain that had originally led him to wear the walking boot. Recognizing the signs of a stress fracture, he wisely opted not to do the quadruple jump in the Olympics to reduce stress to his foot. This created added pressure on him since it forced him into a position where every other element in his routine had to be flawless to make up for the redu! ction in the degree of difficulty of his program. This decision was later criticized by the silver medalist following the competition who bitterly complained that Lysacek did not deserve to win the gold because he did not attempt a quadruple jump. However, had he decided not to limit his performance, he may have been injured to the point where he would have had to withdraw from the Olympics and possibly risk jeopardizing the rest of his career. Whether you are an Olympic athlete or just looking to stay fit through exercise, it is important to treat your foot pain as soon as it starts to prevent more serious injuries that can occur later if left untreated. In this case, it proved to be a smart move for Evan Lysacek as ignoring his foot injury could have cost him the gold, and more importantly, his career. About the AuthorDr. Marco A Vargas is a board certified podiatrist who specializes in foot and ankle surgery. His office is located in Sugar Land, TX. For more information on general foot health, get a free copy of his book, "Got Foot Pain?" by visiting his website: http://www.thefootpros.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 8/18/2012 Posted: 18 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT ![]() "To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him." ~The Buddha | ||
Yoga for Weight Loss. What is Yoga? Posted: 18 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT | ||
More Quotes from the Movie the “The Secret” Posted: 18 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT law of attraction Nov 7/2006
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Meditation and Happiness: A Perfect Combination Posted: 18 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Nicole Roberts Why meditate? This is a common question people on the outside looking in will ask when they examine a meditation session. From the outside, it looks rather boring. Looks can be inaccurate representations of what is truly occurring. There is much benefit derived from meditation process which is why the practice is such an important one to take part in. Among the most vital of all benefits would be the relaxed and calm state of mind that is developed. Such a state of mind is extremely helpful to those seeking inner peace because it is the pathway to true happiness. Yes, meditation and happiness go hand in hand. The relationship between meditation and happiness is not one that should be difficult to understand. The two go together quite well because one begets the other. This may seem like an obtuse notion on the surface but it really should not be. Let's return to out initial question of "Why meditate?" One common reason people like to meditate is because it can calm the mind. The human mind is often home to a lot of chaos and noise. This can undermine our ability to concentrate or even have lucid thoughts. Physical manifestations of a chaotic mind are usually not helpful to those seeking peace and tranquility. Meditation can help calm a distracted and "noisy" mind. Doing so help remove a great deal of the problems one can suffer from when the mind is the source of stress and distraction. To say removing such problems from the equation would enhance a person's levels of happiness would be an understatement. A complete change of personality could occur as the mind becomes calmer and less of a source of confusion. Meditation also can help uncover and defeat the negative components within the subconscious mind. This would certainly provide a boost to one's ability to improve happiness. Life is a collective of experiences and these experiences leave impressions on the human mind. In some instances, these impressions are not positive ones and they can cause depression and other li! miting states of mind. Mediation can get to the root of such subconscious issues and reverse the negativity they cause. Once you uncover what is in the subconscious mind, you can free yourself of its hold. That will put you on the pathway to a happier life with the right effort. Therefore, the concept of right effort and how it ties into meditation and happiness is worth exploring a little closer. In order to make meditation work for you in the most effective manner possible, you will need to be consistent and diligent with your meditation sessions. Those that are inconsistent or do not put the proper effort into the process will discover meditation and happiness are a fusion that proves elusive. Halfhearted approaches almost always lead to halfhearted results. Meditation and happiness work in concert with one another. Those willing to put the proper time into the practice of meditation will discover the unlimited potential that can be gained. Such gains include the improvement of the peace and tranquility of the mind. So, why meditate? It can improve your life for the better. About the AuthorWelcome to TipsOnHowToBeHappy, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality meditation and happiness. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Vitamin C May Lessen Air Pollution Effects Posted: 18 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT
There's another reason to eat fruits and veggies: A diet rich in them may lessen the harmful effects of air pollution for people suffering from chronic lung diseases. Researchers looked at London hospital patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and found that those with low levels of vitamin C had an increased risk of breathing problems on days when outdoor air pollution levels were high. "This study adds to a small but growing body of evidence that the effects of air pollution might be modified by antioxidants," said Michael Brauer, an environmental health scientist at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, may protect the body from harmful molecules called free radicals that damage cells. Free radicals can form when air pollution enters the lungs, and evidence suggests they play a role in heart disease, cancer and even respiratory ailments. Antioxidants can bind to free radicals, counteracting them before they damage cells. The study is published in the July issue of the journal Epidemiology. Healthy breathing In the new study, researchers at Imperial College in London looked at more than 200 patients admitted to the hospital for asthma or COPD, along with the levels of air pollution on the days before and after they entered the hospital. The majority of patients were between ages 54 and 74, though some were as young as 18. Many of them were former smokers. Specifically, the researchers looked at levels of "course particulate matter," which is produced largely through the combustion of fossil fuels. Results showed that with every increase in course particulate matter of 10 micrograms per cubic meter (mcg/m3), there was a 35 percent increased risk of hospital admission for people with asthma or COPD. However, the risk of admission was 1.2 times greater among people with low levels of vitamin C. Previous studies have linked high levels of outdoor air pollution with an increased risk of deaths from respiratory illnesses, as well as emergency room visits for these conditions. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets the current air pollution standard as 50 mcg/m3 for course particulate matter, the same as the European standard. London air was above that standard on 45 days during the three-year study, though the median level during the study period was about 25 mcg/m3. Particles made up of coarse particulate matter are about one-fifth the diameter of a human hair. Automobile exhaust and industrial sources, such as coal-burning power plants, are major contributors of particulate matter in the United States. Why vitamin C may help Citrus fruits and dark green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach are good sources of vitamin C. It is certainly biologically plausible that vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant, could protect against the effects of air pollution, said Patrick Ryan, an epidemiologist at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Study researcher Cristina Canova said, "the protective effect of vitamin C was still present after excluding smokers and elderly subjects, implying that the effect of this antioxidant was not explained by smoking or age." However, the study noted that smokers and older people tend to have lower levels of many nutrients than nonsmokers. Because the study participants had either asthma or COPD, it's not clear whether vitamin C would benefit people without these ailments. Most people get enough vitamin C in their daily diet, said Dr. Fernando Holguin, a pediatric pulmonologist at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, and taking high doses of the vitamin has never been shown to improve asthma. If a person has an airway disease, he or she should continue to take their medications regularly and avoid outdoor activity on days with poor air quality, Holguin said. | ||
Posted: 18 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Nil Jonee You might be familiar with the name of yoga poses if you are an ardent follower of yoga on the whole. It won't be an overstatement to maintain that hardly any other school of yoga has attained much acclaim and respect among the yoga followers throughout the world. Initiated as a regional form of practice, Guru Bikram Choudhury has taken his mantra to the remote parts of the world. Now people irrespective of generations throng to his yoga classes for attaining the miraculous benefits. Bikram yoga poses the brainchild of yog guru Bikram Choudhury who started his career in Kolkata, India in the late 20th century. His Yoga College at Kolkata in India still runs prosperously. His wife Rajashree has been a great accompany for him all through the path to his success. Now, you can get yourself admitted to Yoga in the US as well. One must admit that yoga is not that typical piece of yogic practice that you are acquainted with. It is rather a fitness program that maintains the yogic overtone for the psychic development. It is a complete different world with a modern outlook to the present day yoga. Performing Bikram yoga might be entertaining for you. These yoga postures are exactly befitting to the age. Hence, yoga might be the perfect choice when you are looking for balance between exercise and yoga. You would naturally feel keen to know what exactly you get to learn from Bikram yoga poses on the whole. In short, you can anticipate a complete revival therapy of your body and mind. yoga classes run up to 90 minutes at a stretch. You need to perform 26 asana or postures within this time. Within these 26 postures overall, the followers need to practice two pranayam. Did you know that yoga is also popular by the term hot yoga? Interestingly, Bikram yoga makes its disciple working out in a temperate condition, heated to 105 degree F with humidity of 40%. No wonder you sweat profusely while performing the yoga postures. This sweating works as a magical therapy for reducing the flab from ! your bod y. Bikram yoga in fact is now quite popular all around for preaching an effective and interesting technique of weight loss. One of the commonly asked questions on Bikram yoga is why the yoga poses are encouraged to perform in heated rooms. The leader of this thought is in the opinion that the heat opens and rejuvenates the energy channels of the body while making it flexible. You can easily realize that a flexible body is more capable of performing yoga appropriately. Besides, sweating while performing these yogic postures reduces the risk of injuries overall. Now with so many innovations and exceptions, anyone would of course feel eager to know the core benefits of Bikram yoga. This is a fantastic manner to stretch out muscles, limps and tendons. Bikram yoga has an inevitable detoxification effect on the practitioners. In addition to these, you can try the Bikram postures for curing ailments like arthritis, diabetes, thyroid, obesity and many more life-style disorders. About the AuthorNil Jonee is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in Exercises Online. For more details please visit us at: http://www.yogaexpertsonline.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
West Nile Outbreak Concerns Rise: Is Pesticide Spraying Safe? Posted: 18 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT
The use of pesticide spraying to combat mosquitoes and curb outbreaks of West Nile virus has sparked concern regarding the health effects of the chemicals used, but experts say, in these cases, the benefits of spraying far outweigh the risks. Aerial pesticide spraying began on Thursday in Dallas, where an outbreak of West Nile virus has infected 200 people and killed 10. Pesticide spraying also recently began in parts of New York City. There are several reasons why aerial pesticide spraying for West Nile is considered safe. For one, these sprayings use very small amounts of pesticides — much lower than the amounts used on agricultural crops, said Robert Peterson, a professor of entomology at Montana State University. Even if someone was outside during the spraying, "the amount of insecticides that they would be exposed to is below any amount known to cause any adverse effects," Peterson said. Because the exposure to these pesticides is negligible, the risks to people's health are negligible, Peterson said. During a spraying, a tiny cloud of aerosolized pesticide is released from a plane, Peterson said. The droplets are very small, and intended to fall on, and kill, mosquitoes. Even larger insects are typically not affected by the spraying, because the droplets bounce right off them, Peterson said. In addition, the modern pesticides used in these sprayings have a very short life in the environment, and are degraded by sunlight into non-toxic chemicals, said David Savitz, an environmental epidemiologist at Brown University. "It will kill the things you want it to, and disappear very quickly thereafter," Savitz said. When public health is threatened, authorities must balance the risks of an action — in this case, exposure to pesticides — with the benefits — reducing the spread of West Nile, Savitz said. In Dallas, where West Nile cases have reached a high level, authorities have made a sound judgment to use pesticide spraying, Savitz said. To avoid direct exposure to pesticides, the New York City Department of Health recommends people stay indoors during the spraying when possible, and remove children's toys and belongings from outside. While the chemicals used in these sprayings aren't known to be harmful to people "It's so easily avoided, it makes sense to try to avoid that possibility if you can," Savitz said. Generally, there have been concerns over pesticide exposure for pregnant women, because it's known that the fetus is especially sensitive to environmental chemicals, Savitz said. However, there's no evidence that the chemicals used in pesticide sprayings for West Nile pose a risk to the fetus, Savitz said. Exposure to a large amount of any substance, including pesticides, can be harmful. People exposed to large amounts of pesticides, can experience acute neurological problems, Savitz said. Pass it on: The risks of aerial pesticides spraying on people are negligible. Follow Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner, orMyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Own A Crooked Mind Today! - Spirituality Information Posted: 18 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Vishwriter When you throw a stone in a still lake ripples are formed. For a few minutes there is a slight disturbance in the surface of the water and then eventually everything settles down. The stone sinks and disappears into the bottom of the lake. The calmness of the lake is unaffected by the stone thrown at it. The lake does not turn ugly, it's face does not frown, it does not lose its rhythm and tranquility. Interesting isn't it... I became jealous of the calm lake. I used to get irritated and angry at the slightest provocation, at the smallest accusation someone made at me. I was a easy target for baseless arguments and eventually it dried up all my energy. I tried to remain calm on many occasions but it just did not work... One day my friend and spiritual mentor told me something very interesting. He told me " Vish, you have developed a crooked mind,the only thing you need to do now is to own it. Right now you are disowning it and that is giving you all the pain..." Own a crooked mind...... sounds strange but it did help me and i will show you how.... Why doesn't the lake get affected when you throw a stone at it? Very simple. The lake is so obsessed by the characteristics of calmness and tranquility that it cares a damn about the stones thrown at it. It does not catch the stone and throw it back,it allows the stone to fall down slowly by itself.... The stone by itself is powerless, it gains power when you give it undue attention... When someone tries to provoke or irritate us we want to throw it back at them, we want to get rid of them. We do not allow the provocation or irritation to pass by and die its own death. We give the subject matter undue attention and it causes us lot of pain and stress... We have a feeling that if we ignore it the problem would grow and we tend to participate in the problem and it gives us sleepless nights... If you are facing such problems and issues and i am sure majority of the people fall into this category then you dont need to worry... I! have a solution... The first thing we need to accept is the fact that a clear and crisp mind does not get affected by these issues. A transparent mind is like the calm lake... So if we are affected by all these things we are in possession of what i call a "Crooked mind". Now there is nothing to feel bad about it... Even great men and women possess it.... But here is the difference these great individuals own it while we disown it.... How can something external really affect us and cause disturbance within? How can someone get the authority to disturb my peace of mind without my permission? Which area is he or she targeting that it is causing me so much pain? These are certain questions you need to ask yourself. There are certain areas within you which have been bruised, which have been affected and wounded because of your past actions and life style. You did not take the time to heal it and left it unattended. You were more interested in getting rid of the person or problem and you were not so much concerned about the real source of the problems. You thought the problem required only an external fix and you went about your daily chores after the issue was resolved. However all the negative thoughts that sprang in your mind during this time did not disappear. It found a nice and cosy place within you and built a chamber for itself called a " Crooked Mind". The only objective of the Crooked mind was to collect negative thoughts and so bit by bit it increased his kingdom even while you were asleep. Five years passed by and one day when you got up you saw yourself completely hijacked by this chamber. You found it difficult to breathe within this chamber but you have no choice... You get provoked,irritated and disturbed by almost anything which did not go your way..... The lake was unruffled inside of you... The solution is simple.. A calm mind can never get irritated. So accept the fact that you own a crooked mind. The next step is even more simple. " Burn your crooked mind" said the guru to! his dis ciple... "Pick the areas within you where the Crooked mind has set up its chamber and set it on fire. Watch all your negative thoughts disappear as the Lord of Fire devours it. Life is simple. Own only the good things and develop the ability to recognise bad things within you and burn it... This is the only way to greatness and glory.... Peace and Love BE onto You Awaken the Giant Within... About the AuthorLecturer, entrepreneur and Fortune 500 business consultant, Vish Writer is the author of the Amazon No 1 bestseller, "The Joy of Becoming God". Visit him at Spiritual Simplicity The Real Secret Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Andy's Tips: When do I meditate?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
5 Things You Need to Know About West Nile Virus Posted: 18 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT
In the wake of 10 deaths due to West Nile virus, and hundreds of infections, authorities in Texas are spraying insecticide in the Dallas region, hoping to curb the spread of the disease, which can spread by mosquitoes. A total of 693 cases of West Nile virus infections, including 26 deaths, were reported as of Aug. 14 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The number of cases reported by this second week in August is the highest since 1999, when the disease was first seen in the U.S., according to the CDC. About 60 percent of this year's cases have involved the "neuroinvasive" form of West Nile infection, in which the nervous system is affected. Such cases can cause inflammation of neural tissues, such as meningitis and encephalitis. More than 80 percent of all reported cases were from six states (Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota and California), and almost half of all cases have been reported from Texas. Here are five things you need to know about West Nile virus: 1. What is West Nile virus? West Nile virus is a type of virus called a flavivirus. Other viruses in this group cause dengue, yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis. Flaviviruses are commonly transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes. West Nile virus was first identified in Uganda in 1937, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 2. How does West Nile Virus spread? It is likely that West Nile is spread from birds to people through mosquito bites, the NIH says. Early fall is the time of year that mosquitoes tend to have the highest levels of the virus, and human cases tend to peak around this time. The virus can also be spread through blood transfusions and organ transplants. Pregnant women can transmit the virus to their fetus, and mothers can transmit it to babies through breast milk, the CDC says. West Nile virus cannot be spread by casual contact, or touching or kissing an infected person, according to the CDC. 3. What are the symptoms of a West Nile infection? About 80 percent of people infected with West Nile show no symptoms at all, according to the CDC. The other 20 percent have symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting and sometimes swollen lymph glands. Some develop a rash on the chest, stomach and back. Symptoms may last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Severe forms of West Nile, which affect the nervous system, can be life-threatening. The NIH says that the following symptoms need prompt medical attention: muscle weakness, stiff neck, weakness in one arm or leg, confusion or a change in ability to think clearly and loss of consciousness or coma. 4. How can I prevent catching West Nile? The CDC recommends using an insect repellent that contains one of the following ingredients: DEET, picardin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (or a synthetic version of this oil, called PMD), or IR3535. These ingredients are suggested by the Environmental Protection Agency because they provide reasonably long-lasting protection against mosquito bites. The CDC also suggests wearing long sleeves and pants, or staying indoors, at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, and so removing standing water from flower pots, pet dishes, buckets and barrels can reduce the risk of transmission. Children's wading pools should be emptied and stored on their sides when not in use. 5. How is West Nile virus treated? There is no treatment for West Nile virus infections, according to the CDC. Mild symptoms can resolve on their own. People with severe symptoms may need to be hospitalized and receive intravenous fluids or help with breathing, the CDC says. Pass it on: Authorities in Dallas are spraying insecticide, hoping to curb the spread of the West Nile Virus, which has killed 10. FollowMyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
IRS debt relief, how to get irs debt reduction, irs debt help Posted: 18 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Keith Banger If you're looking for IRS debt relief, there are many levels of support and help. As with any debt problem, it is best to face it head on. Avoidance or a lack of communication only serve to worsen the problem, which could result in lost wages, bank account liquidation and tax return garnishment. Starting at the source, the IRS agents themselves can be very helpful. Even though they work for the IRS and their duty is to retrieve the funds owed, they can assist with IRS debt relief by arranging a suitable payment plan, often paid in monthly or quarterly payments, based on the financial situation of the taxpayer. Others might work out an arrangement whereby yearly tax returns are garnished so as to not affect their daily living situation. Another means of IRS debt relief can be obtained by working directly with a certified public accountant (CPA) or tax attorney. This is obviously a more expensive means of obtaining help, in that any professional will charge the standard fees associated with their service. These professionals will understand the intricacies of dealing with the IRS and the laws surrounding tax debt. They will also help to ease the stress and burden of working with the IRS to obtain debt relief, and will provide a means of support and/or representation should litigation occur. There are also IRS debt relief services out there, many of which can be very effective in easing the tax debt burden. Different services offer different things and levels of support. Some negotiate with the IRS on your behalf and determine the best course of action to obtain relief. Others are attorney based and have special rates for those that join. Many services are allowed only to give advice to those seeking IRS debt relief and it is of course the responsibility of the taxpayer to confirm the truthfulness and legality of the information given. About the Author Have you been struggling with tax debt or are you in serious need of IRS debt relief? There are answers and help for you at http://www.getirsdebtrelief.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Know More about Yoga Instructor Training Posted: 18 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Daveopton There are many choices when it comes to choosing a yoga teacher training. They can be quite costly of time and money, so choosing the right yoga instructor training is important. This article will help one choose the one that is best for you. So, you got yoga instructor training Certification recently and looking to become a yoga teacher. You need to do some preparation before to become an good yoga instructor trainer. You should need to read the books, need to do practice for the dialogue and do everything which adjust you in social circle. The most important think which you should remember every time is that where there is will there is a way. A full-time career in yoga is doable but requires a clear strategy and mix of opportunities including group classes, individual training, corporate wellness and workshops and continuing education services. If you are just beginning a yoga training program, you may be concerned about the level of knowledge that you should have before the training begins. However, there is no need to worry if you don't know your capitulum from your clavicle or your pranayama from plain old yama. Any respectable yoga teacher training course will cover yoga history, philosophy, You should not get side tracked by these during the Yoga certification process. Therefore, focus on your Yoga instructor written exam, the essay, and the practical exam first - and in that order. Any individual truly enthusiastic about yoga is most desired to register in these types of classes in order to improve their very own practice and know-how with or with no desire for certification. To become a teacher, you need to go through yoga teacher training courses that are designed to give you a full understanding of yoga as an art. You will learn various positions to teach your students along the way, In a good online Yoga teacher training course, you will also receive an in-depth education in the philosophical foundation of the practice of Yogic techniques. ! The cost of an online program is by far thousands of dollars less than a traditional studio-based program. A Yoga Instructor certification helps the teacher learn many things and improves their current knowledge on the subject. Besides that, yoga teacher training course also increase the chances of a better employment, as every yoga training institute would prefer a teacher with a certification in his field over an uncertified one. This is because you need a minimum of 200 hours to master the art of yoga so that you can teach it others. It is always better to choose a training course that is accredited. So look for accreditation in the yoga instructor training course or yoga workshop. When it comes to choosing a best yoga teacher training program or courses, there are many yoga instructor certification companies those offering various discount and packages. There many of them offering 200 and 500 Hours Yoga Certification courses. So find a best yoga teacher for yoga teacher training who taught all the major yoga forms in quick time. About the AuthorRead more about Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Certification. Also Read more about Yoga Instructor Training with Atma. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Posted: 18 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by John Young "Monsters from the Id, John." Dr. C.X. Ostrow clutched the arm of Commander John J. Adams in the 1955 science fiction movie "Forbidden Planet" and stared at him feverishly. "Morbius was too close to the problem. He didn't see that when the Krell machine gave the Conscious Mind a boost, it also boosted the Id that lies in the Unconscious. It is where the mass of formless, bestial impulses develop..." Anyone who saw "Forbidden Planet" would never forget it as the first movie to convey a postulate of Freudian psychoanalysis... the Unconscious Mind. For those too young to remember "Forbidden Planet", it's a tale of Morbius, a mad scientist who survives a disaster on a distant planet and discovers a super-scientific race known as the "Krell". The Krell had developed machines that boosted their intelligence and gave substance to their thoughts. Unfortunately, the Krell destroyed themselves by unleashing primeval monsters lurking in the Id. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND Shakespeare used the concept of the Unconscious Mind in many of his plays, and indeed, "Forbidden Planet", is a remake of "The Tempest". The concept predates him, however, and was explored in the Hindu Vedas between 2500 and 600 BC (Wykipedia, Unconscious Mind). In his development of Psychoanalysis, Freud proposed a model of the mind which consisted of the Conscious and Unconscious, the latter consisting of the Superego and Id. Later psychoanalysts elaborated on the concept of the Unconscious, or disputed its actual existence, but none denied the notion that there were buried, non verbalized impulses deep within the human psyche that resulted in unexplainable, and sometimes irrational, behavior. OUR UNCONSCIOUS TALKS TO US I rent rooms in my home. I once put an ad on the Internet advertising one of my rooms and forgot to mention that I had a cat. I received an inquiry and set up an appointment to show it. Everything was going well until the prospective renter saw ! the cat. He paled. "I...I uh, am afraid of cats." I stared at him in disbelief. "Cats? Oh, our cat is harmless. He's just a housecat and we've had him for years." When I saw the genuine fear in his eyes, I decided his reaction wasn't ridiculous. For some reason, he was afraid of housecats, and I sincerely doubt he knew the reason for it Something must have happened when he was very young. Fear of cats lurked in his Unconscious and was being communicated to him nonverbally in a way that was very difficult to deal with. ADDRESSING THE "ROOT CAUSE" Panic Attacks are acknowledged to be different from Panic Disorder, which can be treated with drugs that modulate the neurotransmitters in our nervous systems. Even though medications may treat the "symptom" of the Panic Attack, the root cause is not addressed and dealt with. In order to do that, you have to have a little conversation with your Unconscious Mind. DEALING WITH YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND Why should an incident like waiting in line in a grocery store suddenly cause bodily sweating, shaking, and unreasoned fear? The Unconscious Mind is responding to the stimuli, and the question is...what is it communicating that is causing this kind of reaction? Communication, however, is a "two way street". The Unconscious can "talk" to us, and vice versa. How can we find out what it is saying, and how can we talk to it? There are at least 9 ways we can attempt to communicate with our Unconscious Mind: 1) Hypnosis. This can be a way of talking to and reprogramming the subconscious. There have been amazing success rates in overcoming phobias by this means. 2) Dreams. The Unconscious communicates with us through dreams. In order to use them as therapeutic tools, you must immediately record the dream when you wake up and most likely get professional help in interpreting them. 3) Meditation. Take time to clear your mind...stop all Conscious thought...give the Unconscious the opportunity to co! mmunicat e with you. 4) "Freudian slips". Freud believed that when we involuntarily say things we don't mean, we are given clues to what is going on in the Unconscious. 5) Flashbacks. These can be vivid recollections stemming from the Unconscious, and can give us clues to problematic behavior. 6) Imagination. What we imagine when our minds are allowed to "drift" can give us clues as to what is going on in the Unconscious. 7) Regression techniques. These are done professionally in an attempt to take us back to our childhood to explore Unconscious programming. 8) Inner dialogue. Sometimes just "ordering" the Unconscious to come up with something works. It may take time, but the machinery starts operating, and may produce surprising results. 9) Intuition. When you have a "gut level feeling" that either agrees or disagrees with the rationale of your Conscious Mind, it is your Unconscious communicating with you. NO BRAIN BOOST FROM THE KRELL Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, we can't receive a "brain boost" from a super scientific race like the Krell in "Forbidden Planet". If we could, maybe we would be able to drag the monsters out in the light where we could talk to them. Meanwhile, however, we are stuck with the techniques of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy and meditation. But, come to think of it, that might be for the best. I didn't really want to talk to the monsters anyway. About the AuthorJohn Young is a writer and editor who lives in Santa Barbara with his wife and pet cat "Bear". Please check out his ezine "Heal Stress, Anxiety and Panic Attacks Now!" at http://www.healanxietynow.com Please visit his ezine dealing with natural health remedies found at: http://www.health-medicine-alternatives.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.How to access your hidden creativity... in 22 hoursThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Debt Reduction - How to Claim a Financial Hardship and Legally Eliminate 60% of Your Debt Posted: 17 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by matt couch Whenever there is a financial crunch the best way to get out of it is debt settlement. This economic overdue can rupture the reputation of the consumer as a result. This state of slump is the major reason in the increase of jobless people. This affected the whole life style of the Americans. Unsecured debt is troubling them in many ways. The use of plastic card is easy but it is much difficult to pay it off. It keeps on increasing due to its high interest rates and different taxes. A person feels stressed and is annoyed by the harassing calls made by creditors. Previously bankruptcy was used as a threatening tool but now people avoid it due to its some major drawbacks. To get rid of these arrears the most common process in practice is of debt settlement. You will embrace your tension free life when you choose this process for clearing your outstanding dues. This process has a great potential to make you free from your unsecured amounts. To claim financial hardship you have to appoint a settlement company. Such companies have highly qualified professionals. The processionals on your behalf negotiate with the lenders. They use different tactics and convince the company to have a reduction in your dues. A normal person cannot negotiate and defeat the firms. Arrears reduction always has a positive influence on your financial situation. When your unsecured amount is converted into secured your interest rate is automatically decreased or sometimes eliminated. There are many other options but the reduction and settlement of dues is the best one. This is a legal, logical and ethical process making your future tension free. You can get as much as 60% elimination. It is more like a process of debate between borrower and the lender. Customer's financial profile provides base for debt reduction that is his credit score and history. Finding a management company is easier task but finding the legitimate one is much harder. The best thing is to search through relief networks and con! tact onl y those companies who are enlisted. Creditors prefer this process over bankruptcy because they can get some percentage of their amount back. Payment of dues will always get you out of the economic dig and will allow you to lead a better life. It is sensible to eradicate your outstanding amounts as soon as possible because it is the right time to do so. Getting out of debt through a debt settlement process is currently very popular but you need to know where to locate the best performing programs in order to get the best deals. To compare debt settlement companies it would be wise to visit a free debt relief network which will locate the best performing companies in your area for free.Free Debt Advice contact us for free debt advice = 8884442820 About the AuthorCreditCardDebtSurgeons.com is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal. http://www.CreditCardDebtSurgeons.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Hypnosis for sleep Series 2 Part 3__ Meditation RelaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Are Stress and Heart Disease Linked Posted: 17 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by R.D. Hawkins Could stress and heart disease be linked? From a common sense point of view it certainly makes a lot of sense. After all stress is your body's natural fight or flight mechanism flooding the body with multiple stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones put pressure on the heart and arteries, causing the arteries to narrow and the heart to beat faster. The fight or flight mechanism also takes blood away from non essential areas of the body and forces it to the heart and brain in an attempt to survive whatever it has perceived as a threat. Put plain and simply stress puts pressure on the heart. It makes it work harder than it is would normally and exposes any weaknesses. Add this to the realization that the heart loses pumping power over time and you now have a dangerous, and potentially life threatening situation, for those over the age of 40. It is a lot like driving an old car way too fast, way too often. Eventually what will happen is the engine will stop working, and that is exactly what happens with stress and heart disease. Perhaps if our flight or flight stress mechanism kicked in just once in a while it would be fine but when you think about how many times a day you feel anxiety, and couple that with the fact that the heart beats 100.000 times a day, and pumps 1,800 gallons through your arteries and veins each day, all of the sudden it becomes increasingly clear how stress and heart disease could be linked. Stress basically just wears your heart out prematurely. There is also some evidence to suggest that stress increases blood cholesterol levels which over time has the potential to cause arteries to harden and arterial plaque deposits to form making the hearts job even more difficult. It is safe to say that consistently asking your heart to perform at such a high level will eventually result in irregular heart rhythms, heart attack, or a stroke. Is it stress that causes heart disease or heart disease that causes stress? At this point no one ! really know but from my point of view the answer probably lies somewhere in the middle. Nevertheless, one thing everyone agrees on is that finding ways to cope with stress is only smart preventative medicine. Coping with stress is not as complicated at one might first think but will require a healthy dose of willpower, along with the willingness to make changes. I will pass on a few I use in my daily life and hopefully you will find them useful. *Daily exercise: When you are stressed you don't feel like exercising. But if you can get up the willpower to take a 30 minute walk every day not only will you be reducing stress but will be lowering your blood cholesterol levels and secreting feel good endorphins that help you to relax. *Learn to breath: Deep breathing helps get oxygen into your bloodstream and eliminate toxins. When you feel stress coming on simply take ten deep breaths letting each one out slowly through your mouth. *Get enough sleep: Sleep is the body's way of resetting the deck chairs after a stressful day. For every hour of sleep lost your chances of arterial calcification increase by a third. So get your rest. *Talk, talk, talk: Next to exercise there is no better way to relieve nervous tension than through conversation, with women requiring about 2.5 times as many words a men to feel relaxed. *Medication: Stress and heart disease are both serious problems for which there are many prescription medications available. There are also herbal remedies for anxiety and natural cholesterol reduction supplemenst. Talk to your doctor to find the best solution for your unique set of circumstances. About the AuthorR.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of natural health products and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.Learn more about natural remedies and natural health at Purchase Remedies.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Life Vessel Medical DeviceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Top 10 Reasons How Facilities Management Cuts Costs and Stress, Increasing Productivity Posted: 17 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Al Heath Facilities management is a service offered by premiere Dallas delivery service companies in which highly experienced management service teams work on site to provide exceptional warehouse management, mail service, print and copy room management, maintenance services and other specialized needs. There are significant benefits available to companies who decide to automate some or all of their facilities management operations that directly impact productivity, cost, and stress. Depending on what services your company needs will determine the benefits you can obtain. By determining what benefits your company needs to focus on, you can determine what Dallas delivery service can best provide the facilities management services you need. Not every facilities management company is capable of providing all of the types of facilities management services offered, so it is critical to identify your needs prior to choosing a company. There are a number of reasons your company will benefit from facilities management services from a Dallas delivery service: 1. Improved efficiency. By outsourcing certain areas of facilities management to a Dallas delivery service company, you can take advantage of the facilities management service's expertise. 2. Lower costs. Often, a facilities management service can offer services at a lower price than you are capable of providing them, allowing you to save significantly on the services. 3. Reallocation of resources. By allowing a specialized facilities management company to take over some of the peripheral tasks of your operations, you can use your labor pool and resources for activities more directly related to building your business. 4. Several studies have shown that outsourcing facilities management services can save up to 18% over providing the service internally. Areas that provide some of the best savings are payroll outsourcing, maintenance outsourcing, and IT support. 5. Benefit cost reduction. Because the facilities management pers! onnel ar e not employees of your company, you do not have to pay for workman's compensation insurance, health insurance, or retirement benefits for them. Since these costs can be unpredictable and escalate over the long term, the savings can be significant. 6. Reduced stress. Because the facilities management company handles the staffing and oversight of the area, company managers are freed from the responsibility of interviewing, hiring, conducting performance reviews, and other managerial responsibilities, allowing them to focus their efforts on generating revenue and critical operations. 7. Streamlined operations. Because most Dallas delivery service facilities management companies offer 24/7 support, any crisis that occurs can be swiftly managed to prevent it from interrupting services or impacting clients or productivity, allowing the company to operate more smoothly than without the expert support. 8. Unique project support. If you have a special project involving infrastructure, maintenance, or service needs, using a Dallas delivery service's facilities management team to oversee the project can help prevent overtaxing your own resources and ensure that the project is implemented efficiently and expertly. 9. Reduced liability. In most cases, Dallas delivery service facilities management companies take on a portion of the liability with regards to the areas of operation that are being serviced, mitigating the risk the company faces. 10. Assurance of quality. By choosing to outsource certain facilities management services, you can be assured of obtaining high quality, professional services from experts who are specifically trained to provide the service. About the AuthorHotline Delivery Systems provides a variety of services, including on-demand delivery, warehouse/distribution, facilities management, scheduled delivery, and priority overnight delivery services. Based in Dallas, TX & founded in 1986, they have a reputation built around flexibility & quality of service with a focus on how to best fulfill the clients needs. For more information you can check out: www.hotlinedeliverysystems.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Financial Stress is the Main Cause of Problems in MarriageThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Connection between obesity, nutrition, stress and getting pregnant Posted: 17 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Annie There is an intimate connection between obesity, workouts, partaking of nutritious food, tension and getting pregnant. This link takes on significance when you are trying to get pregnant fast. Many do not know there is a direct connection between conception and obesity. If the body weight is more than the norm then extra deposits of fat lead to the production of excess estrogen. The latter controls the function of the ovaries. If the estrogen levels are in excess then the normal operations of the reproductive organs are hampered and this leads to problems - irregular menses and no ovulation. All this means infertility and you may have to go for infertility treatment. Obesity has to be got rid of with the help of exercises. This will cause reduction of fat cells and this in its turn will stop production of extra estrogen. Regular exercises will lead to a healthy body without any troubles in reproductive cycles. But only exercises are not sufficient to rid the body of excess weight and give a kick up to levels of fertility. Proper nutritious food is also required - in other words the diet has to be balanced containing generous doses of fibres, proteins, minerals as well as vitamins. The joint action of exercises and proper diet will down the excess fat and make the body perfect for conception. But there are some who have been following these rules but continue to be plagued with infertility. If that is the case then it is high time to do some introspection and critically analyze one's lifestyle. Is it leading to too much stress? If the answer is affirmative then stress levels have to be reduced as this leads to the excess production of hormones that crowd out the sex hormones, harming normal functions relating to reproduction; infertility is the result. Thus the connection between obesity, workouts, nutritious diet and stress is an unbroken link that leads to non-conception. About the AuthorAnnie is your guide to all your preconceiving-to-pregnancy related issues. Finds tons of first hand experience from this super cool mom at her website http://www.chancesofgettingpregnant.org/ and stop fretting and fuming over the pains of graduating into a "non harassed" parent! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Awareness of Your BreathThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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