Tracing the History of Yoga
Tracing the History of Yoga |
- Tracing the History of Yoga
- French tourists guilty in Sri Lanka over Buddha photos
- How to find the Right Yoga Bolsters
- The Most Common Types of Yoga
- Antibiotic Use in Babies May Increase Obesity Risk in Childhood
- The Seven Major Types of Yoga
- Finding true refuge
- Credit Card Debt Reduction - Best Ways to Legally Eliminate Credit Card Debt in 2010
- Finding true refuge
- Debt Reduction - What Are the Best Methods to Eliminate Debt in This Market?
- The first western portrayal of the Buddha?
- 8 Points You Need to Know Regarding Yoga Classes Prior to Going
- Healing Permitted Through Yoga
- Koans: the west really doesn't understand them
- Yoga Methods for Pregnancy
- Early Morning Zen Buddhism Inspiration - 8/21/2012
- Yoga exercise Is certainly Proving To Turn Into A Good Workout Choice For Many Folks
- Natural Cholesterol Reduction
- A new way to attain benefits of yoga through Internet
- How to Use Mala in Meditation
- Meditation for Busy People
- What is Kundalini meditation
- Drinking Milk Not Linked to Early Puberty
- To enhance your life try meditation and relaxation
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Qdid123 Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - Mantra For Positive EnergyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
French tourists guilty in Sri Lanka over Buddha photos Posted: 21 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Two women and one man were detained in the southern town of Galle after a photographic laboratory alerted police. The pictures show the travellers posing with Buddha statues and pretending to kiss one of them. Most of Sri Lanka's majority ethnic Sinhalese are Theravada Stress Reduction. Mistreatment of Stress Reduction images and artefacts is strictly taboo in the country. The incident is alleged to have taken place at a temple in central Sri Lanka. Website posting Read the original article » Read More @ Source | ||
How to find the Right Yoga Bolsters Posted: 21 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Qdid123 Anaahat Yoga in English - Sithil DandasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Qdid123 There are so many different types of yoga today, with this a problematic situation forbeginners, it is best to choose a form of yoga that is appropriate for each individual'slevel of fitness, physical and spiritual goals and health condition. Some of the most common types of yoga are listed below and briefly explained toguide you in choosing the best type of yoga that you can start with.Iyengar Yoga: focused on the alignment and precisemovements. Yoga props such as blocks and straps are usually used as part of this type of yoga for those beginners who are not as flexible as the experts as to compensate for injuries.These Yoga props help assist all sorts of people to be able to do the poses comfortably.Because of its attention to details and the flexible modification of poses, these typesof yoga is often a good form of exercise for people with back pain or neck pain, asthey are likely to benefit from the random alteration to the poses. Practicing these types will give you a good knowledge on the classics in yogaposes so that whatever other style you practice, you will have the basic fundamentalson how to do each position. In Iyengar yoga the teacher focuses more on alignment and inner awareness. Thisawareness starts with the body and expands to other parts of the self as onecontinues with the regularity of practice. Ashtanga Yoga: commonly called "power yoga" because it isfocused on a powerful flowing movement.Such movements include pushups and lunges, which deals with strength andstamina. These types are best for people who have successfully overcomeback injuries and are looking for more challenging practice.People who are already athletic such as runners, gymnasts and cyclists who want to add more balance and concentration to their routines are also utilizing these types of yoga.Bikram Yoga: also known as the "hot yoga" for this isdone in a very warm room. These types of yoga are excellent tools for increasing flexibilitybecause the heat helps tissue to st! retch.Bu t keep in mind that it is not applicable to those that havedeveloped cardio vascular diseases due to the strain placed on the body whenvigorously exercising in the heat. Viniyoga: links breathe and movement in flowing exercises thatare adapted to each individual. These are often a good form of yoga for those withback problems or neck injuries because it can be easily adapted by anyone. Raja Yoga:aims for liberation through meditation. These typesof yoga are only for those people who are capable of intense concentration. Bhakti yoga: or commonly known as devotional yoga. These types of yoga focus onself surrender in the face of the divine. Mantra yoga: much more know as the "yoga of potent sound,". These types of yogaaims at liberation through the verbal or mental repetition of empowered sounds, such as "om," "hum," or "ram." There are so many yoga institutions to choose from. It is also a good idea thatbefore going into a class, discuss with the teacher first regarding hi or her philosophyand beliefs in order to find the most appropriate and personally appealing form ofyoga for you. article source: About the AuthorHi. I'm Didik Suprianto from Indonesia, archipelago of over 17.000 islands.I'm a half time internet marketer.I love Sports and travelling! I created this article as a guide to help you find all the best in yoga Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga - BharamamudraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Antibiotic Use in Babies May Increase Obesity Risk in Childhood Posted: 21 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT
Young infants given antibiotics may be at increased risk for obesity later in life, a new study suggests. The results show that children treated with antibiotics between birth and 5 months of age were 22 percent more likely to be overweight at age 3. However, exactly when children were given antibiotics mattered: children treated with the drugs between the time they were 6 months and 14 months old did not have significantly higher body mass at age 3 than children who did not receive antibiotics during that time, the researchers said. This indicates that the first 6 months of life may be "a window of special vulnerability to exposure," the researchers wrote in the Aug. 21 issue of the International Journal of Obesity. "We typically consider obesity an epidemic grounded in unhealthy diet and exercise, yet increasingly studies suggest it's more complicated," study researcher Dr. Leonardo Trasande, associate professor of pediatrics and environmental medicine at New York University School of Medicine, said in a statement. "Microbes in our intestines may play critical roles in how we absorb calories, and exposure to antibiotics, especially early in life, may kill off healthy bacteria that…would otherwise keep us lean," Trasande said. The researchers noted the study found an association, and not a cause-effect link, and that future studies are needed to determine whether taking antibiotics early in life plays a role in causing obesity. In recent years there has been a growing concern about the overuse of antibiotics, especially in children. Preliminary studies suggest that changes in the composition of gut bacteria are linked to obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma and other conditions. In the new study, Trasande and colleagues evaluated the use of antibiotics in 11,500 children born in the United Kingdom between 1991 and 1992. It's possible that the way antibiotics are administered may influence their effect on gut bacteria composition and development, the researchers said. Before age 6 months, antibiotics are given intravenously, often for infant sepsis. Pass it on: Use of antibiotics in infants younger than 5 months old may increase the risk of obesity later in life. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Donald Fountain With the Yoga tradition, there are many different strands of development. Each of these Yoga traditions has its own subdivisions. An easy way to think of this is to think about Yoga as a giant tree. This tree has eight branches. Each branch of the Yoga tree has its own unique character, but each of these branches is still part of the same tree. The great thing about the different branches of Yoga is that within this diverse discipline, you are certain to find the type of Yoga that's right for your lifestyle and your personality. In the discipline of Yoga, there are seven principle branches. Each of these branches is approached from a different physical and mental standpoint. Within these seven principal yoga branches, there are even smaller subdivisions, but these seven branches are what form the base of the discipline itself. Bhakti Yoga: Those who practice this discipline believe that The Divine (also known as the Supreme Being) transcends their lives. Due to this belief, they feel moved to connect or merge with that Supreme Being through various devotions. Bhakti Yoga includes practices such as meditation upon the Divine, producing flower offerings, singing songs of praise, and thought control. Hatha Yoga: The primary goal of all branches of Yoga is enlightenment. but all take a different approach. Hatha Yoga takes this approach via enlightenment through the body. The thought here is that the upper stages of meditation and thought are impossible to achieve without the purification and perfection of the body. Inana Yoga: Also called philosophical yoga, Inana Yoga focuses on the idea of nondualism. This particular idea is that reality is singular. Your perceptions are only real at your current level of consciousness, and these particular things are not eventually real as distinct items. Practitioners believe that once you realize this, you have achieved enlightenment, and you become one with the Divine. Karma Yoga: This branch of yoga focuses on a lifestyle. A lifest! yle of a cting without attachment, with unselfishness, and living a life of integrity. Practitioners of this branch of yoga believe that you must act responsibly at all times, since actions have far reaching consequences. Manta Yoga: A mantra is defined as a sound, a syllable, a word, or perhaps a group of words that is capable of producing "transformation". Thus, Mantra Yoga is focused around using sound to harmonize not only the body but the mind. Many practitioners will receive a word or phrase from their teacher, and they are asked to repeat it as often as possible, seeking enlightenment through it. Raja Yoga: Also known as royal, or classical yoga, is a multi-prong style of yoga that focuses on moral discipline (Yama), self-restraint (Niyama), posture (Asana), breathing (Pranayama), sensory control (pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana), and ecstasy (Samadhi). Tantra Yoga: One of the most complex, and therefore misunderstood branches of Yoga, this discipline is a strict spiritual discipline involving very complex rituals, and detailed visualizations of deities. This discipline is oftentimes confused with spiritualized sex. There are some sex rituals used in some schools of Tantric Yoga (called left-hand schools), but they are not a regular practice in the majority. The decision that you make to follow will be a personal one, and highly dependent on you as a person. Many times this will come down to whether you are using yoga as fitness training, yoga as a sport, as a body-oriented therapy, a comprehensive lifestyle, or as a spiritual discipline. However you choose, the different types of yoga offer something for everyone. About the AuthorAs a corporate trainer, Internet Marketer, Web Designer, Programmer, and Pastor, Don brings a wealth of experience to his article writing, and has a unique take on life. Currently, he works as a corporate trainer within one of the largest web hosting firms in the nation, and spends his time writing and maintaining several blogs, one of which is, a site devoted to ceramic cast iron cookware Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Help Students Get Their "Om" On: A Look at Yoga in Ophea's H&PE Curriculum ResourcesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 09:01 AM PDT
Then came the morning some years ago when two carloads of friends and family members took off for the beach without me. From the girl who had to be pulled from the water at suppertime, I'd become a woman who was no longer able to walk on sand or swim in the ocean. After two decades of mysteriously declining health, I'd finally gotten a diagnosis: I had a genetic disease with no cure, and the primary treatment was painkillers. As I sat on the deck of our summer house and watched the cars pull out of the driveway, I felt ripped apart by grief and loneliness. In the midst of my tears, I was aware of a single longing. "Please, please, may I find a way to peace, may I love life no matter what." Check out Emotional Healing and other titles by Tara Brach. In the Stress Reduction tradition, the Pali word dukkha is used to describe the emotional pain that runs through our lives. While it's often translated as "suffering," dukkha encompasses all our experiences of stress, dissatisfaction, anxiety, sorrow, frustration, and basic unease in living. But if we listen deeply, we will detect beneath the surface of all that troubles us an underlying sense that we are alone and unsafe, that something is wrong with our life. The Buddha taught that this experience of insecurity, isolation, and basic "wrongness" is unavoidable. We humans, he said, are conditioned to feel separate and at odds with our changing and out-of-control life. And from this core feeling unfolds the whole array of our disruptive emotions—fear, anger, shame, grief, jealousy—all of our limiting stories, and the reactive behaviors that add to our pain. Yet, the Buddha also offered a radical promise, one that Buddhism shares with many wisdom traditions: We can find true refuge within our own hearts and minds—right here, right now, in the midst of our moment-to-moment lives. We find true refuge whenever we recognize the silent, awake space of awareness behind all our busy doing and striving. We find refuge whenever our hearts open with tenderness and love. Presence, the immediacy and aliveness and warmth of our intrinsic awareness, creates a boundless sanctuary where there's room for everything in our life. That day on Cape Cod, I didn't know if I could ever be happy living with a future of pain and physical limitation. While I was crying, Cheylah, one of our standard poodles, sat down beside me and began nudging me with concern. Her presence was comforting; it reconnected me to the here and now, and to a deeply tender inner presence. After I'd stroked her for a while, we got up for a walk. She took the lead as we meandered along an easy path overlooking the bay. In the aftermath of grieving, I was silent and open. My heart held everything—the soreness of my knees, the expanse of sparkling water, Cheylah, my unknown future, the sound of gulls. Nothing was missing, nothing was wrong. These moments of true refuge foreshadowed one of the great gifts of the Stress Reduction path—that we can be "happy for no reason." We can love life just as it is, recognizing that no matter how challenging the situation there is always a way to take refuge in a healing and liberating presence. This understanding inspired me to write the book, True Refuge, and is a deepening blessing on my path. Read More @ Source | ||
Credit Card Debt Reduction - Best Ways to Legally Eliminate Credit Card Debt in 2010 Posted: 21 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by matthiw coach Credit card debt reduction is the best option in case of credit card overdue issues. Credit card debt is something that causes a lot of stress and strain to people in the jaws of debt. They madly want to get out of the maze only fall into the vicious circle again and again. The Recession has been bad on many people and has cost them their jobs and small businesses. The people who depended on paychecks to pay back their loans were suddenly left with nothing to pay back with and fell into huge plastic debt. The credit card debt reduction was not an easy matter for people who panicked and fretted. There were options and only those with common sense and a calm mind found the real way out of a plastic financial crisis. Credit card debt reduction would have happened if they spent less lavishly and had not paid everything they bought through credit cards. They fell into the fiscal pit very soon with their impulsive buying habits and realized much later that plastics were meant only for emergency cases. However, when the more intelligent ones sought help over the internet they managed to find some good options like plastic settlement firms who advised them the proper way to get rid of plastic debt. The debtors found the real and authentic firms looking into the websites, forums and learning from the testimonials of satisfied customer. These credit settlement companies were like Angels of Hope to them who hauled them out of the poor situation of loans. The credit settlement programs were obviously much better than applying for bankruptcy because in the latter you can not apply for any loan for a long time. The settlement plan set up by the negotiators would depend on an agreement between you and the plastic companies and both parties would depend on a certain amount to be paid back after warding off some of the interest. The payment would be made by you in small installments or in a lump sum amount. You would pay some fees to the credit settlement companies. Very soon you enjoy a loan fre! e life a nd gets rid of all tension in a short while. It would be wise to utilize a debt relief network if you are considering getting a debt settlement. The top debt relief networks are only affiliated with the best performing settlement companies that are established and proven. is one of the largest and most respected debt relief networks on the market. To locate a legitimate debt settlement company in your state check out the following link:Free Debt Advice About the is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.How to Overcome Anxiety : How to Combat Bad StressThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT
Then came the morning some years ago when two carloads of friends and family members took off for the beach without me. From the girl who had to be pulled from the water at suppertime, I'd become a woman who was no longer able to walk on sand or swim in the ocean. After two decades of mysteriously declining health, I'd finally gotten a diagnosis: I had a genetic disease with no cure, and the primary treatment was painkillers. As I sat on the deck of our summer house and watched the cars pull out of the driveway, I felt ripped apart by grief and loneliness. In the midst of my tears, I was aware of a single longing. "Please, please, may I find a way to peace, may I love life no matter what." Check out Emotional Healing and other titles by Tara Brach. In the Spiritual Consciousness tradition, the Pali word dukkha is used to describe the emotional pain that runs through our lives. While it's often translated as "suffering," dukkha encompasses all our experiences of stress, dissatisfaction, anxiety, sorrow, frustration, and basic unease in living. But if we listen deeply, we will detect beneath the surface of all that troubles us an underlying sense that we are alone and unsafe, that something is wrong with our life. The Buddha taught that this experience of insecurity, isolation, and basic "wrongness" is unavoidable. We humans, he said, are conditioned to feel separate and at odds with our changing and out-of-control life. And from this core feeling unfolds the whole array of our disruptive emotions—fear, anger, shame, grief, jealousy—all of our limiting stories, and the reactive behaviors that add to our pain. Yet, the Buddha also offered a radical promise, one that Buddhism shares with many wisdom traditions: We can find true refuge within our own hearts and minds—right here, right now, in the midst of our moment-to-moment lives. We find true refuge whenever we recognize the silent, awake space of awareness behind all our busy doing and striving. We find refuge whenever our hearts open with tenderness and love. Presence, the immediacy and aliveness and warmth of our intrinsic awareness, creates a boundless sanctuary where there's room for everything in our life. That day on Cape Cod, I didn't know if I could ever be happy living with a future of pain and physical limitation. While I was crying, Cheylah, one of our standard poodles, sat down beside me and began nudging me with concern. Her presence was comforting; it reconnected me to the here and now, and to a deeply tender inner presence. After I'd stroked her for a while, we got up for a walk. She took the lead as we meandered along an easy path overlooking the bay. In the aftermath of grieving, I was silent and open. My heart held everything—the soreness of my knees, the expanse of sparkling water, Cheylah, my unknown future, the sound of gulls. Nothing was missing, nothing was wrong. These moments of true refuge foreshadowed one of the great gifts of the Spiritual Consciousness path—that we can be "happy for no reason." We can love life just as it is, recognizing that no matter how challenging the situation there is always a way to take refuge in a healing and liberating presence. This understanding inspired me to write the book, True Refuge, and is a deepening blessing on my path. Read More @ Source | ||
Debt Reduction - What Are the Best Methods to Eliminate Debt in This Market? Posted: 21 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by matthiw coach It is all because of the economy. Yes, many Americans have been indebted to the credit card companies for years, but the bad economy has had a major impact on today's debt problem. Right now, American consumers who never missed a credit card payment and American consumers who never once worried about debt are way behind on their bills. If you are in a similar situation, you want to examine a process that is often referred to as debt reduction. What is that debt reduction? It is when your debt is reduced. It is really reduced? Yes! A percentage of your debt is forgiven, it is reduced, it is gone! I bet you like what you have heard so far don't you? Of course, after all it is much easier to get out of debt when you owe less. So how can you go about eliminating some of the total that you owe to the credit card companies? The best method of getting a favorable debt reduction is to use the services of a professional settlement company or program. Seeking professional assistance tends to produce the good results because these experts have learned what to do and what to say when speaking with your creditors. Moreover, they do more because they also setup an account for you that is similar to a trust account. You deposit money into that account by paying your settlement program money each month. This money will be saved until the total in that account of your matches the amount your creditors agreed to settle for. If you are tired of getting a large number of collection calls and collection letters each month, if you are tired of stressing over your current financial situation, if you are just plain tired of being in debt in general, you owe it to yourself to take action. I am not saying that you must opt for debt reduction, but at least visit a debt relief network's online website to examine your options. If you are over ,000 in unsecured debt you really should consider getting a debt settlement. Creditors of unsecured debt are fearful of collecting and they also have stimulus mon! ey to ma ke debt settlements financially feasible for them. Once the economy turns around it will be too late to eliminate your debt. Check out the link below to locate legitimate debt relief companies in your area.Free Debt Advice About the is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.TRE Introduction in ChinaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
The first western portrayal of the Buddha? Posted: 21 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Twitter still has its uses. While keeping an eye out for new Fake Buddha Quotes to document, I came across a link to a post at a rather eclectic blog called Obsidian Wings, written by someone who calls himself Doctor Science. I know little about Doctor Science except that he's from New Jersey and has an MA in theoretical population genetics. He's not an art historian or religious scholar, but he's spotted something interesting in Pieter Aertsen's Adoration of the Magi. Pieter Aertsen, in case (like me) you haven't heard of him, lived from 1508 to 1575, and was a Dutch historical painter. According to Wikipedia, "He was born and died in Amsterdam, and painted there and in Antwerp, though his genre scenes were influential in Italy."
Could this be an image of the Buddha, given the time? It's worth bearing in mind that in 1954, archaeologists excavating a Viking ruin in Helgö in Ekerö Island in Lake Mälaren in Sweden found a 10 cm (4″) Buddha statue that scholars have pinned to the Swat valley in North-western India. That wasn't the only exotic artifact found. Items from Byzantium and Egypt were also excavated. Although at the time Aertsen was active, Dutch trading with Asia had not yet begun — first Dutch expedition round the Cape to the far east took place in 1595, it's not inconceivable that artifacts could have made their way, through intermediate trading posts, to Europe. In fact we know from the Viking find that this was happening more than 700 years earlier.
The figure Aertsen paints is very androgynous, which is not uncommon in Buddha statues, especially from Thailand. Aertsen says that this figure is "an attendant to the old King who's greeting Jesus." Interestingly, he's the only person in the room who's being looked at, besides the infant Jesus; the younger attendant to the old King is gazing at him. Doctor Science says that the three Magi can to be seem as representing Europe, Africa, and Asia, with the oldest of the three being Asia. This connects the "Buddha" as an Asian figure.
As Doctor Science points out, Aertsen worked in Antwerp from about 1535 until 1556 or so, and from 1508 Antwerp was the site of a Portuguese "factory" which served as a northern European distribution center for Portuguese spices from Asia. It's certainly conceivable that Portuguese traders brought a Buddha statue back to Europe while returning from one of their spice runs. Doctor Science asks, "There's a great project here for someone who can find and read the primary sources: is there any direct evidence that images of the Buddha arrived in Europe before 1600, or even 1700?" Read More @ Source | ||
8 Points You Need to Know Regarding Yoga Classes Prior to Going Posted: 21 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT | ||
Healing Permitted Through Yoga Posted: 21 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Rudy Steven Yoga for Treating Common Ailments Yoga was observed throughout the ancient times due to the therapeutic benefits that offer natural means to healing. The identical reason might be pointed because of its continued widespread even just in the modern times. What made yoga fascinate its practitioners as well as for doctors is being able to provide holistic method of healing that targets physical body-mind. There's two techniques that your health can usually benefit from the concept of yoga. First, it promotes better health by massaging your organs for improved function and increasing flexibility in your muscles and joints for injury prevention. Second, technology-not only to relieve common ailments by targeting the region of dysfunction and making use of a program strategy of yoga asanas, breathing, and meditation for an effective healing. What Conditions Do Yoga Heal? The range of diseases that yoga can treat has become quite widespread. Yogi experts suggest the off the shelf practice of yoga to get more detailed effectiveness. There are several common ailments that yoga effectively treats and it provides one while using a look at lacking to waste countless money on synthetic drugs or medications that poses one liable to developing uncomfortable side effects. Find out about these conditions along with what aspect does yoga might be beneficial. Respiratory Diseases Anyone is a risk of contracting respiratory ailments particularly the first is subjected to extreme conditions that customize the function of your lungs. Among the common forms of respiratory conditions include bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and others. Common signs and symptoms of such conditions include breathlessness or wherewithal to breathe normally. A few of the conventional medicinal approach to these respiratory problems only provide temporary getting rid of the situation and none are already competent to supply a long-lasting cure. Taking care of of yoga practice will remedy such! conditions - breathing or pranayam. Yoga participants are going to be essential to perform breathing exercises which help one gain proper management of their breathing patterns. Other known benefits include improved stamina and power to relax. Including this in your yoga routine significantly transform your breathing patterns and helps boost your respiratory functions. Chronic Pain Pain management is just about the biggest benefits that yoga may bring physically. As outlined by yogi experts, pain is usually due to your body and mind as opposed to triggered by physical conditions. Therefore, you skill to deal with pain mentally is necessary to fight or controlling the volume of pain experienced. You simply eliminate the brain mechanism to liberate the body's natural painkillers and then limit the sensation of pain. Breathing is also valuable in pain management through yoga. Shallow and deep breathing really helps to relax muscle tissue your mind. Bankruptcy lawyer las vegas thoughts are in a relaxed state, the less likely you will focus on the pain and grow plagued by it. Meditation can be another helpful yoga practice that counters the sense of pain. Bring about High blood pressure levels is a kind of but potentially devastating health issue. It's seen as an extreme pressure on pumping your blood which is at risk to causing your arteries burst. There are various the reason why anyone develops hypertension, including other health factors, stress, or another unhealthy lifestyle choices. Buying of a yogi lifestyle, consisting of the era of the healthy mind and body activities, is known as an affordable way of preventing hypertension. The performance of various yoga exercises is critical in normalizing your blood pressure levels. However, this is certainly only effective when you have dedicated yourself in to a holistic yoga practice including your diet along with other lifestyle conditions. Diabetes Diabetes develops there's lack or improper creation of ! insulin i! n your body. This ailment can be potentially life-threatening, which requires proper management or cure. Yoga provides an alternative way of approach into curing diabetes, particularly which have been related to stress along with lifestyle conditions. There are some recommended yoga exercises if you have diabetes. First, Sun Salutation is an ideal kind of exercises for diabetic individuals due to its power to boost blood flow in your system. In practicing Sun Salutations, make sure to perform 4 rounds in one minute. Other yoga asanas may also be useful curing diabetes the way it helps relax the muscles. If you execute complex poses that need a version of a body twisting or stretching, it consequently works out your body organs and increase oxygen supply to prospects organs for better function. The cleansing way of yoga in the yoga philosophy named Shankha Prakshalana is appropriate people who diabetes. You should perform this once daily for just a 6-month period to get more detailed effective results. All you've got to try and do is drink several glasses of warm salty water together freshly squeezed lemon juice. Since you do that, make sure you perform 6 various exercises that increase peristaltic movements. Arthritis Contrary to public opinion, the demographic of people suffering from arthritis affect besides those people who are in their retirement years. Although its symptoms have been identified, your time and effort discovering just right against arthritis continues to baffle including the most expert medical practitioners. Since arthritis is due to the soreness from the joints, yoga offers an effective solution. There are lots of yoga poses that guide lubricate or give a lot of motion while in the joints or ligaments. Thus, is not only able to cure arthritis by practicing yoga, however you may also prevent it from happening. Chronic Sleeping Problems The short paced and stress-filled nature with the today's busy lifestyles has contributed to the incre! ase in nu! mber of individuals experiencing chronic sleep problems such as insomnia. This issue can affect you mentally and physically. Hence, finding a powerful solution can help enhance your overall quality lifestyle. There are various ways wherein a normal performance of yoga can help improve your sleeping habit. First, it normalizes your sleeping pattern by increasing blood supply into the brain. It also relaxes your thoughts and the entire body to induce sleep. Even experts would indicate the period you would spend on practicing yoga lessens the hours required for you to sleep simply because it improves your own body's vitality and overall psyche. About the AuthorGet more details on Yoga Blocks, visit us at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Koans: the west really doesn't understand them Posted: 21 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Maybe koans are losing their charm these days. Speaking for myself, I remember in the early 1960s when koans had me glued to that marvelous little book, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones which was put together by Paul Reps. Back in those days, what I enjoyed about the koans, as strange as it sounds, is that while I tried to make sense out of them, I just couldn't. Still, despite this setback, they served to whet my appetite for Zen. It was only much later after I had a profound awakening to Buddha Mind (I hope to share this with the reader someday) that I fully understood the source from which these little gems were coming from. Yes, it is Mind—Mind with a capital M as in Buddha Mind or One Mind (there are many other names for this Mind). There is not a koan that doesn't rest on Mind which, nevertheless, tries to hide this Mind in the ordinary. The great Zen masters of the past could see the Buddha Mind in the ordinary. When Zen master Joshu (C., Chao-chou ) stood up after a monk asked him, "What does the expression, 'Our founder came from the West' mean?" the nature of Mind was being directly shown to the monk, only he probably didn't get it. Most modern students of Zen can almost empathize with this monk, I am sure. To be sure, everything Joshu did came from his awakening to Buddha Mind. Likewise every great koan is born from this Mind which centralizes around the mysterious method of the hua-t'ou/hua tou which can mean 'word origination' or 'thought's origin', or pre-voice. Its main purpose is to get the Zen adept to turn their attention to the absolute source of their thoughts, including their internal dialogue. This source, of course, is Buddha Mind. The Blue Cliff Records (trans. Shaw) sums up the hua-t'ou this way:
When the Zen adept finally connects with the origin of their thoughts or the hua-t'ou they will fully understand just how sublime Mind is which enabled Joshu to stand up trying to show the monk Buddha Mind. As long as modern Western Zen is not serious about looking into Buddha Mind (which seems evident to me), wrongly believing it is something subjective like one's awareness, the koan will continue to be under valued and spiritually misused. Therefore, I am glad to see that modern Zennists are getting interested in the hua-t'ou like Stuart Lachs with his paper, Hua-t'ou: A Method of Zen Meditation, and Zen master Ama Samy with his recent paper, Koan, Hua-t'ou, and Kensho .
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Posted: 21 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT | ||
Early Morning Zen Buddhism Inspiration - 8/21/2012 Posted: 21 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT ![]() "Feelings, whether of compassion or irritation, should be welcomed, recognized, and treated on an absolutely equal basis; because both are ourselves. The tangerine I am eating is me. The mustard greens I am planting are me. I plant with all my heart and mind. I clean this teapot with the kind of attention I would have were I giving the baby Buddha or Jesus a bath. Nothing should be treated more carefully than anything else. In mindfulness, compassion, irritation, mustard green plant, and teapot are all sacred." ~Thich Nhat Hanh | ||
Yoga exercise Is certainly Proving To Turn Into A Good Workout Choice For Many Folks Posted: 21 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Jen Marshel Yoga originated in historical India. The word "yoga" is Sanskrit for "union," and yoga is seen being an union of body, thoughts and spirit. What we commonly think of as yoga can far more properly be termed "asana," or the practice of physical poses to attain some physical or inner goal. Yoga is definitely an essential factor if doing your exercise resulting in the advancement of the body strength and thoughts. Enough practice of yoga enables the vitality to be distributed in the head. It is been utilized for 5,000 years and more. In the western planet, it's been mainly recognized to be breathing workouts and physical postures, yoga entails various actions for example lifestyle guidelines, meditation practices, and ethical specs and aiding non secular improvement. Probably the most common component of yoga under western culture is referred to as Hatha yoga that's the middle of practice of Asana becoming a physical pose. It's created continuously turning into a common kind of physical physical exercise. However western kinds of yoga happen to be proven to disregard spiritual strategies simply because it emphasizes on physical fitness as an alternative to spiritual existence. The western coaching of yoga milton has grown acknowledgement and integrated its standard spiritual origins. The workout routines consist of a sequence of postures primarily about twelve of them called Salutation towards the sun that is popular in yoga. A variable series of positions could be used for warming up inside a more classical type of hatha yoga exercise involving Iyengar yoga, or developing the main component of 1 athletic type like power yoga. Within the past ten many years, educational institutions featuring yoga courses have considerably grown to taking an method that's steady with traditional yoga, integrated spiritual and psychological advancement too as bodily culture. The notion that constitutes yoga continues to be widening because the quantity of individuals taking it enhance with time. That is an! observa tion from the overview of notable men and women within the creation of yoga. Numerous scholars have views that commercializing gives debased a lot of holy places. Beth Shaw produced a popular YogaFit method which features a simple approach of yoga focusing on bodily fitness and integrating standard yoga strategies providing calmness and goal to obtain a deeper connection among yourself as well as the exterior world. Yoga also facilitates a connection with the Devine based on Shaw. Yoga as an exercise is continuing to develop to have a variety of variations and subdivisions. Numerous yoga establishments are established and hiring 75,000 skilled instructors which has been reinforced by Beth Shaw and John Friend, instructors in Anusara yoga which has the result in attaining recognition. Exercises of yoga support in enhancing amounts of energy and also to improve nerve function. Whenever you practice yoga milton, energy and power play different roles in attaining excellent balance in every single locations of your body also as the thoughts. Following such a stimulating exercise, rejuvenation must adhere to. Different workouts call for bodily energy, stamina resulting in a feeling of exhaustion following twenty to 30 minutes of working out activity. Yoga should not be done very strenuous or on a rough surface which could result in injuries. To reduce these risks, suitable gadgets and resources ought to be used when doing yoga methods. Yoga practice is definitely an physical exercise which offers an total great wellness and also manages to lose the fat along making sure psychological and spiritual being. About the AuthorShould you are a newbie to yoga start with these excellent resources Yoga Guide. In case you are nonetheless not convinced of the benefits of yoga consider a look at Best Yoga Apparel Reviews. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Yoga when studying for ExamsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Steve Geysbeek Numerous variables are associated with heart health. What we consume, how much stress is taking part in our lives, what kind of exercise we get or what our family history is are just only some of the variables. Certain things we can monitor and check such as eating right, getting sufficient exercise, limiting stress, lessening our alcohol conumption and not or quitting smoking. Most these things most of us grasp, but what happens, as the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association says, when half of all American adults exhibit high cholesterol levels; 200mg/dl or higher? Regardless of the somber side effects of statin drugs, over 34 million people in America utilize these cholesterol lowering drugs such as Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor and more to slash their cholesterol amount. What is it with reference to statin drugs that are dangerous? To begin with, they inhibit the production of the critical CoQ10 Benefits. Known as CoQ10, this enzyme is needed in the production of cellular energy in all the main organs, particularly the heart, in the midst of others. They have also been revealed to significantly impair memory and produce injury to nerves. The main complaint of patients with statin drugs is muscle agony; seems valid seeing as they slow production of enzymes needed for muscle energy. This ought to be extremely alarming though, since our hearts are the most significant muscle in the body. We all adore the holidays but did you realize that December is the deadliest month for heart attacks as well as New Year's Day? The cause is all the abundant, oily foods towering in cholesterol and the stress that goes along with this time of year. Researchers at the University of California at San Diego additionally, attributes the escalation of cardiac deaths to people delaying care during the holidays. What is the culprit to all this misery? Something that is truly initially useful for our bodies. But similar to everything else in life, too much of a good thing isn! 't so good. The body cannot be without cholesterol which is a fatty substance manufactured and distributed by the liver, and is necessary for the renovation of tissues and cells. Troubles transpire when cholesterol travels back to the liver for recycling. There is in reality just one "type" of cholesterol nevertheless the medical profession has divided it into 2 types. Just for orientation first, lipoproteins are fats combined including proteins and because our watered-down blood does not blend with fats, the cholesterol combines itself with additional fats and proteins to be carried by way of the bloodstream. The two forms of cholesterol declared by the medical profession are: -High Density Lipoprotein (HDL, which is established as the "beneficial" cholesterol since it takes the cholesterol away from arteries and tissues back to the liver. -Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) became known as "bad" cholesterol since it is able to ooze between the lining of the arteries and as soon as it oxidizes (resembling corrosion happening a vehicle or a banana becoming black) can produce harm and inflammation. Once damage occurs chemicals are set loose to begin the process of healing which causes the arteries contract and blood more likely to clot. White blood cells are at that time called into action to remove the injured fragments and cells beside the wound are told to multiply. Soon scars grow, as soon as this happens in the arteries it is known as plaque. If the scar tissue continues to build up it confines the flow of blood which additionally boosts high blood pressure. The key to keeping healthful and sound cholesterol numbers is by keeping a harmonious ratio of HDL and complete cholesterol. When cholesterol number is divided by your HDL quantity the number, to be best, should be below 5; any number beyond can increase the probability of heart disease. Why get statin drugs when natural food supplements have been revealed to lessen cholesterol the right way? These supplem! ents toge! ther with plenty of exercise, healthy eating practices and so on will help you live a healthier more productive life. It is in no way too early or late to begin. Selected supplements to take into account are those that are untreated and successful and that include essential omega3 fatty acids, vitamin E, fiber, coenzyme Q10, garlic, all B vitamins and soy protein. About the Author LearningHow to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally may be better than the alternative than using the drugs out there. If you are looking for more info on this andCoQ10 Benefits visit the highlighted links. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.EPXBody ProductsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
A new way to attain benefits of yoga through Internet Posted: 21 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by Patresia Adams Chair Yoga 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Shirin Joshi A mala is a string of beads, usually of 108 beads, used in meditation or prayer. It is also known as japa mala or meditation mala. Mala is used as a tool in different meditative practices to keep counting of chanting or reciting sacred mantras. In Hinduism, this practice of meditative repetition of a sacred mantra or the name of God silently or aloud is known as Japa. Japa mala helps the practitioner to focus on the soulful recitation rather than counting the numbers. Japa enhances the meditative practices. Using this string of beads for prayer can be dated back beyond the written history. Using mala is virtually common in all the major religions and other spiritual practices. In Kundalini yoga meditation, mala is considered as an important spiritual tool for its close connection with Nada yoga, the yogic practice of reciting sacred sounds and mantras. Generally tulsi wood, rudraksh, crystal, sandal wood are the materials used to make malas. Certain properties of each of these materials leave subtle effects on the human subconscious mind. Eachmala has an extra bead i.e. the 109th bead which is called by various names like Sumeru, Guru bead, stupa etc. A tassel hangs from this Guru bead, which symbolizes a thousand lotus petals. This helpful device holds the concentration of the practitioner even if there are disturbing and distracting noises in the surroundings. The traditional way of using a mala is holding it in the right hand between the thumb and the middle finger. Hang the mala between your fingers and rotate the beads one by one as you recite the mantras. Roll one bead after reciting the complete mantra once. in Kundalini yoga meditation, start from the next bead after the Guru Bead and move towards by rolling from one beads to another while repeating the mantra. Use the thumb to pull the next bead after reciting the complete mantra. Thus, you will reach the summit or the Guru bead after completing the full circle. Here one can start it again or make a special prayer with that Sumeru o! r Guru bead. Practicing mala meditation with mantras yields better result. Spirit Voyage offers Sanskrit mantras collection. This collection includes traditional mantras and instruments such as the harmonium, tablas, sitar, guitar, drums and more and are perfect musical choices to set the mood for yoga practice and meditation. Kundalini Mantra Instruction by Gurudass Kaur, The Essence, Moola Mantra & Mantras For Precarious Times by Deva Premal, Eternal Om by Robert Slap which will provide the pure sacred chants. The online music company, Spirit Voyage, offers a variety of meditation malas which will help you to attain the enlightenment. It ranges from Orange Agate Mala, Tiger's Eye Mala, Amethyst Mala, Rudraksha Mala to Rose Quartz Mala, Carnelian Mala etc. If you are completely new to this spiritual world then take help of a experienced yoga teacher or else a good yoga DVD which will guide you each and every poses, postures and mudras. Collect a good DVD with audio-visual illustrations from the extensive yoga DVD collection offered at Spirit Voyage. Meditation is a sadhana, a soulful practice. This soulful practice requires complete attention of the practitioner. This mindfulness is also required for other such practices, like yoga etc. If you are practicing yoga or meditation at home, then choose a quiet corner, play some tranquil meditation music and make yourself ready for the practice session. Wear some loose fit clean yoga clothes which are comfortable as well as suitable for such meditative practice. Your yoga clothes needs to be perfect so as to allow you full flexibility as you perform various poses. Spirit Voyage offers yoga wear which are comfortable as well as stylish. There are yoga tops and T-shirts for women and men. Always try to use a yoga mat or rug as yoga mats provide the support to the back, elbows and knees of the practitioner. One can also use meditation cushions or sheepskin instead of yoga mats. Browse through the yoga accessories section offered at Spirit Voyage! and pick! the best from their huge collection. You may also find some other useful yoga accessories like yoga bags, yoga bottles etc. Dive into the sea of spirituality by practicing mala meditation with the spiritual collection of this online record label music company and enjoy an eternal bliss. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage which is offering various CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Don't Resist -- Just ObserveThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 21 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Are you interested in meditation, but don't feel that you have the time to actually learn how to mediate? Maybe you feel like you could benefit from meditation but aren't sure how to work it into your hectic schedule? Luckily, meditation doesn't require that you dedicate hours to practice in order to receive fantastic benefits. Even the busiest person can learn to meditate and benefit from the calming effects of this ancient practice. Here are some easy ways to learn and incorporate meditation into your life, no matter how busy you are! 1.Take Mini-Breaks Throughout the Day You don't have to spend a lot of time meditating; in fact, you can get benefits in as little as five minutes a day. When you wake up in the morning, lie in bed for a few minutes and breathe deeply. Focus on your breathing and let all your other thoughts come and go. You can also take small breaks throughout the day to practice some meditative breathing. The next time you're stuck in traffic, waiting for an appointment or just sitting at your desk, close your eyes and focus on your breath. For just these few minutes, let the stress of the day go. 2.Learn to use Affirmations Affirmations are phrases that you use to help you handle stressful situations. These phrases don't need to be complicated, they just need to be reassuring to you. You might say something like, "I can handle this; everything will be okay." It doesn't matter what you say, just as long as you find it helpful and calming. You might feel silly doing this at first, but stick with it and you'll start to feel more comfortable. And, while it is helpful to say them out loud, you can also say them to yourself. The important thing is that you can hear your own voice as you talk. Over time, you'll find this is a helpful self-calming technique. 3.Practice Walking Meditation Most people connect meditation with sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. While this is certainly how many people medi! tate, it's not the only way to achieve inner peace. In fact, walking mediation is practiced by many people around the world. When done properly, it can be every bit as calming as traditional meditation. As with all meditation, when stray thoughts enter your mind, acknowledge then dismiss them. To do this you simply need to focus on the physical sensations of walking. Start by paying attention to how your feet and legs feel as you move. Notice the sensations of your arms swinging back and forth as you take a step. And, of course, focus on your breath as you walk. When practiced regularly, meditation can relieve muscle tension and mental exhaustion. And, you don't have to have a lot of time to benefit from meditation. Take small breaks in the day to breathe deeply or practice walking meditation. No matter how you do it, meditation will help you deal with the stress of life in a more positive way. About the is dedicated to helping you get the most out of life. Based on the belief that you can change yourself through knowledge, brings you tips, information and tools to help you live life to the fullest. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.YOGA FOR ABS AND CORE STRENGTHThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 20 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Ayaz Khan Yoga refers to a set of physical and mental exercises that tends to unite the body,mind and the soul. The five thousand years old science of yoga has lived through generations because of the immense benefits that mankind has derived from it. Any yoga forms, be it Kundalini Yoga, Hatha yoga or Ashthanga Yoga, it helps a person in re-inventing oneself, making the person healthy, happy and holy. Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word, "Yuj" meaning "to unite" or "unity". The unity here is the union of the body and the mind. Meditation, one of the important aspects of yoga, is a discipline through which a person becomes more aware of his inner self.Music has a profund effect on the psyche f the human being. Since time immemorial, music and yoga are intrinsically related to each other. Music has many therapeutic qualities aside from general relaxation and stress relief. And in the realms of yoga, music is known to create a quiet and inspiring atmosphere. Spirit Voyage, an online music company, has an extensive collection of yoga and meditation music CDs and DVDs in store. Kundalini meditation is a very integral part of Kundalini Yoga session and help a person to re-establish with one's rhythm and enables a person to talk to the higher self and appreciate the unique life. A daily round of Kundalini meditation cleanses the mind and helps us in avoiding the mistakes and focus all our energies while becoming happier and staying clear in our subconscious. The human mind witnesses around 50,000 different emotions and thoughts in a single day. Controlling all of them is simply impossible. Meditation lets a person be in tune with the thoughts and let the emotions be without interfering in the daily life. This enables the person to deal with stress and at the same time, interact with others. Spirit Voyage has a wide range of meditation music CDs which help a person to de-stress. Into Grace by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa and Gratitude by David and Steve Gordon are two such CDs which will surely make one find one! self aga in. The perfect place to practice Kundalini meditation is a comfortable location which is quiet and neither too hot nor too cold. Sitting on something supportive but soft is advisable. Most practitioners use sheep skin or good quality Yoga mats. People with rigid body are advised to use a yoga and meditation cushion to relieve pressure from their lower spine. Yoga mats enable a person to carry out different Yoga poses with utmost ease, subtracting the fear of loosing the balance while performing the different poses. They also aid the person in keeping the positive energies generated in the body during the yoga and meditation session and prevent it getting neutralized by coming to the contact of the earth. The positive energies are there in the body much after the session is over, all because of proper Yoga Mats. The perfect period of practicing Kundalini Meditation is anytime when a person is alert. Experienced meditators prefer morning 4-8am so that the energy stays with them throughout the day. Some also practice the meditation round just before going to sleep so as to un-clutter their minds for a deep sleep. Another vital component of the meditation routine is the use of proper Yoga clothes. The material used to create the clothes enable a person to perform the meditations in a perfect way. Many practitioners believe that meditation is a process to connect with higher self and they believe in clothes that honor this. The Yoga clothes on offer from Spirit Voyage are light, durable and are perfect for any Yoga routine. Understanding Kundalini yoga is a very important thing. Kundalini Yoga, the technology behind it can only be understood through proper guidance and under proper mentality. The Yoga DVD collection from our site will surely make understanding Kundalini Yoga, a much easier affair. Flow yoga for Beginners by Shiva Rea, Kundalini Yoga to Detox by Maya Fiennes, Add Grace and prosperity with Kundalini Yoga by Nirvair Singh Khalsa are those Yoga DVDs which will surely make you at on! e with y ourself. Kundalini meditation is all about getting to know oneself better and handling the day to day challenges in a much better way. The meditation routine will surely make you healthier, happier and holier. Rediscover yourself today. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats, Yoga Clothes and other yoga accessories. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Elisa - "Love is requited" (official video - 2011)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | ||
Posted: 20 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Simon Lee As we know, the main components of the environment include sound and image. The more pleasure the sound and image bring for the takers, the easier they will feel to loosen their parts to start doing the guided meditation. Nowadays, the high rate of patients suffering stress due to the pressure of the modern life in hospitals serves as a wake-up call for all the people living in the current society. Therefore, most citizens now tend to spend more time on doing activities for relaxation. Not strangely enough, the main effect of these methods is to help people to keep from the high pace of life in most of the modern cities. Of all the popular methods of relaxation, meditation, the traditional therapy for mental problems in the East, is catching on very rapidly all over the world. Not mention to the other forms of meditation, the very basic form for all the takers is guided meditation. Guided meditation is originally the elementary step to the higher level. With the help of the subjective factors, guided meditation becomes the inspiration for the taker to gradually get on well with the powerful nature. All these factors are in charge of creating the convenient and comfortable for the takers. To make a good connection with the nature, the takers need to be given the best conditions to prime their mind for the co-ordination with the nature around. However, it is not simple to choose what is the most convenient for guided meditation. As we know, the main components of the environment include sound and image. The more pleasure the sound and image bring for the takers, the easier they will feel to loosen their parts to start doing the guided meditation. To create an intriguing scenery, we can use the beautiful and delicate paintings or pictures. Meanwhile, it is not also easier to find what to make good sound. The popular current way of making sound now is the use of guided meditation cd and guided meditation mp3. It is suggested that you should buy guided medita! tion cds with tunable music without words. It is simpler that you can listen to a guided meditation mp3 with a series of volumes 2.0 or more. The sound system needs to be designed to leave the human minds absorbing in the smooth sound. On many websites are a lot of good guided meditation mp3 posted for downloading. In addition, the temperature must be taken into account. Fresh and cool air is a good condition for concentration. When the taker has succeeded getting in harmony with the nature, he can feel the power flow running through his body. At that time, he has made a holistic connection between the physical and the mental. Gradually, he can control and keep the balance of this power flow. It enables him to adjust his mentality in relation to the change of the parts of his body. At a more effective level, it turns into healing meditation. It has been proved that the people taking meditation has his injury healed more quickly than the ordinary. Even, the people having achieved the healing meditation can use their power to cure some diseases for the others. In conclusion, meditation brings a lot of benefits for the people taking it. It is emphasized that the good outside conditions are not just enough, the concentration and persistence is the most important factor. About the AuthorSimon Lee writes informative and unique articles about Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. One thing that separates Simon Lee from others is the passion he puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. | ||
Drinking Milk Not Linked to Early Puberty Posted: 20 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT
Despite popular belief, drinking cow's milk does not increase children's risk for early puberty, according to a new study from China. The study found no link between the amount of cow's milk children in Hong Kong drank between ages 6 months and 5 years, and the age at which they began puberty. Whether or not the children were breastfed also did not affect the age puberty began, the researchers said. "These findings suggest that breast-feeding or cow's milk consumption does not play a major role in pubertal timing," among children in non-Western countries, the researchers said. The new study addresses some potential misconceptions held by the public, said Dr. Andrew Bremer, a pediatric endocrinology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study. "To my knowledge, there's no definitive evidence that exposure to milk causes precious puberty," Bremer said. In the 1990s, when research first began to suggest that children were starting puberty earlier, some suspected that growth hormones in cow's milk were to blame. But the hormone given to cows — recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH — is degraded during digestion, and so would not be expected to have a biological effect. "From a pediatrician's standpoint, we don't want parents to be withholding milk or milk products for the unsubstantiated fear of it causing early puberty," Bremer said. Previous studies on the topic conducted in Western countries have found mixed results, with one study in the United States suggesting a link between the frequency of cow's milk consumption and early puberty, but a study conducted in Turkey found no such association. Unlike these earlier studies, the new study had a more rigorous design — it followed the same group of children over about 13 years. However, because the study was conducted in China, it's not clear whether the results apply to the United States, said Dr. Ruth Lawrence, professor of pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. This country's many ethnic groups have different breast-feeding and milk consumption habits, and different rates of development (for instance, African-American girls tend to mature earlier than Caucasian girls), Lawrence said. A careful study needs to be conducted to determine whether breast-feeding, milk consumption, or ethnic differences in culture or biology are linked with the age of puberty, Lawrence said. More recently, researchers have pointed to childhood obesity in the U.S. as a possible culprit in early puberty. In the new study, researchers analyzed information from about 7,500 boys and girls born in Hong Kong in 1997. Mothers were periodically asked whether their children were breastfed or formula-fed during the first 18 months of life. About 10 years later, mothers were ask to think back to how often their child consumed milk at ages 6 months, 3 years and 5 years. Children were periodically assessed for signs of puberty between ages 6 and 13. Puberty was considered to have begun when the girls' breasts or boys' genitalia reached a certain stage of development. During infancy, 57 percent of children were never breastfed, 36 percent were fed some breast milk and some baby formula, and 6.4 percent were exclusively breastfed for at least three months. At age 5, 33 percent drank cow's milk one time per week or less, 21.2 percent consumed it two to six times per week, and 45.2 percent consumed it daily. The average age of puberty onset was 9.6 years for girls, and 11.7 years for boys. One thing the study did not take into account is the weight of children, which is important, because weight is known to affect age at puberty, said Dr. Richard Schanler, a pediatrician at Cohen's Children's Medical Center of New York in New Hyde Park. Breast-feeding has been found to protect against childhood obesity, Schanler said. Thus, breast-feeding or formula feeding could affect the age of puberty because of these factors affect weight, he said. Breast-feeding is known to have a number of important benefits, and the findings do not change doctors' views about its benefits, Schanler said. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Hong Kong. It is published today (Aug. 20) in the journal Pediatrics. Pass it on: Cow's milk consumption does not appear to increase the risk of early puberty. Follow Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner, or MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. We're also on Facebook & Google+. | ||
To enhance your life try meditation and relaxation Posted: 20 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Angelina Gregory On average, we talk to ourselves 65,000 times a day. It is extremely difficult for most people to learn the traditional Eastern style of meditation as it involves learning to make the mind blank. 65,000 dialogues with ourselves each day means there is plenty of clearing to do! Meditation and relaxation go hand in hand to help you achieve the state of enhanced perception and mental functioning that are the outcomes of Active Meditation techniques. When you learn meditation methods you will be able to deliberately calm yourself down any time, any place. You will be able to release all negative thought patterns, achieve full relaxation, experience enhanced creativity and tranquillity and overcome unhealthy habits like smoking or overeating. It is now scientifically proven that meditation can boost self-esteem and develop better relationships with yourself, your family, friends and those you work with. The first physical step in learning to meditate is to get into a comfortable position, and make sure you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes or so. If you are able to learn the technique, meditation and relaxation will both happen which is healthy and positive. To help our understanding it is a good idea to know about brainwave states. Our state of mental consciousness is indicated by four different brainwave states. The Beta brainwave state is our day-to-day waking state of consciousness. We are doing multiple tasks in this state (eg tuning into the radio, operating a car, planning a work meeting). This is the state in which we take on stress. The Alpha brainwave state is the relaxed, focused state where we think of only one thing at a time and we also release stress. With the right meditation methods, you'll be able to attain the Theta brainwave state. This is the state of meditation where your mind is super alert but you may or may not be aware of your body. To get to Theta it usually takes from four to seven minutes. The deep sleep state! or the Delta Brainwave state is the fourth state, which is a dreamless condition. Every meditation you do releases stress and helps provide clear perspective to the challenges you experience in life. While in the meditation state your mind will be extremely acute even as your body relaxes to the point of feeling either extremely light, very heavy, or having no feeling at all. One or more of these conditions signifies that you have reached the Theta state of deep meditation. Just the practical benefit of such deep relaxation alone will prove invaluable by allowing you to more calmly face everyday challenges with relationships, work, family, self, money and many other areas. There are numerous benefits to meditation. Many people have even used meditation and relaxation to help with various life issues including asthma, weight release and much more. The ability to meditate is one of our most important skills to achieve full mind-body integration. It is important to learn this ability to relax and release stress quickly and easily, without special preparation. Meditation and relaxation is also the means by which we can consciously enhance our ability to heal and reprogram our subconscious mind to achieve what we want in life. About the AuthorAngelina Gregory is psychologist who specializes in teaching meditation and relaxation techinques. She teaches meditation techniques to assist in effectively relaxing and releasing stress. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.MANTRA-OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI-VYANAH- Full CD@Vyanah.comThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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